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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION DEC. 14-16, 2018) — The perfect Christmas and holiday activity for you, the family, festivity seekers, music lovers, and Beatlemaniacs will take place Saturday (tomorrow, if you’re reading this on Friday) Dec. 15, at the First United Methodist Church at 7 p.m. as BERKSHIRE BEATLESQUE brings its show home. The church is located on upper Fenn Street, opposite city hall, at the Renne Avenue intersection.

BERKSHIRE BEATLESQUE, featuring local guitar and music legends Mick Valenti (of QUARRY, QUICK FOX fame) and Jay Fruet, perform Beatle songs with spectacular, note-for-note reproductions of the Fab Four’s best songs, as heard on their albums. The six-piece, critically acclaimed group will be backed by a chorus on Beatle-related Christmas songs. It promises to be a fabulous, fun show the entire family will enjoy.

THE PLANET simply had to share that plug because, you know, Mick’s our bruv. And if you attend, don’t be surprised if you run into THE PLANET. He may be dressed as Santa, as Brian Epstein … or he may be disguised as … himself!

With that, allow us to open The Comment Line to any and all takers, any and all subjects. YOU will direct the discussion. YOU will dictate the column. You will set the agenda.

And yes, it may be a futile request, but once again, please — KEEP THE COMMENTS ON TOPIC AND RESPECTFUL. Have your say, have a go, but remember that you can duke it out but still do so in adult fashion. That’s what makes THE PLANET unique — YOUR VOICE. The Boring Broadsheet doesn’t allow your comments. Other local news-and-information websites will run their main stories and often receive , as in ZERO, comments. No one’s reading and if they do, they aren’t moved to comment. Here, it’s different.

When THE PLANET publishes, the discussion begins, and we often see comments by the hundreds. That’s because we are the most read board in town, and read by all the key Players, Power Brokers, Politicians, and Political Potentates. You want to tell ’em what for? That’s why you come here.

We have refused many offers to “go commercial” so that we could preserve this open forum — for YOU, our beloved readers.

Go at it … enjoy BERKSHIRE BEATLESQUE tomorrow at 7 p.m. … and have a great weekend, everybody.


“I don’t always follow my own advice” — Edith Wharton.



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6 years ago


Thank you for providing us Kapanskis’ the opportunity to post. Let’s hope it’s a shooting free weekend for da Pitts and let’s hope Guitani doesn’t hog the blog with more than 2 dozen posts.

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

It’s Gaetani you fool, no wonder he doesn’t abide,who’s Guitani? The gal on the license board? I’m in serious contention for the Orbit and wanted to be first post,thanks for nuthin Johnny,suck up.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

Johnny 99 Are you some kind of a jerk? GAETANI is working to keep you here in pittsfield. If I were him I would tell this city to go to hell. But. I am not him. You are typical of the goons that live in this city. Can you name another person in this city who is sticking his neck out for your benefit?? Do you have any idea how much money and effort he has put into this sewer project trying to protect you? You know that the Gman is the most important man in this city and if he is not successful you will see how much it is going to cost you in the future with your w/s bills in the future. Remember the Gman doesn’t need you or any one else but you need him. He has been operating all by himself for three years with no help from you or any one else on this board except Dan. He is a one man dynamo and he will be successful. He has enough jerks to deal with in city hall and doesn’t need you or anyone else on this board throwing stones. For everyone. The Gman is breaking his balls for you. Are you even paying attention. He will educate you tomorrow at 10:30 on wbec. Do you have any idea the preparationt time he has to put in to represent you all. He does it because he thinks the taxpayers are behind BIM but there are many on this site who chastise for no good reason. If he does decide to throw in the to well many in this city will be in real trouble. Throw stones at someone who deserves to be stoned but not the Gman. He is trying to help you.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art a/k/a G-Man a/k/a Cosbie Ladies a/k/a h a/k/a ?

You keep telling us your the greatest, so I was thinking of sending you a link to the Kenny Rodgers song about “I am the Greatest”. However, while searching for that song, I came across the following song…

I think it fits even better. I hope you enjoy it, maybe you could even use it as your intro before you speak. Kind of like “Hail to the Chief” for the G-Man.

Enjoy…Merry Christmas!

Your frienemy,

Ed Check

Art seller
Art seller
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Ed check. Was that you in the video? Very funny but pathetic. The video shows what you are interested in. The Gman owns your brain or what is left of it. But humor is good .we need it occassionaly. Good job.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art seller
6 years ago

The cartoon, the lyrics (words), etc.just fit the G-Man and all his aliases (or imaginary friends) to a tee.
Also, the title…”The King of Poo”

Maybe the G-Man could use it as his intro to his PCTV show. It could become his theme song. “If the poo fits”, use it.

Luke Scump
Luke Scump
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I know e’s bustin’ his balls. I saw him at Big Y and he was walking funny.

Art seller
Art seller
Reply to  Luke Scump
6 years ago

Vic o. You are correct. He has the biggest set of balls in the. City. You are new and we haven’t seen an intelligent post from you yet. We have enough nuts here we certainly dont need any others. Try to add to the conversation so we can analyze your intelligence level. So far all I see is about a first grade dunce. Jest seeing.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art seller
6 years ago

Art, I think they call that elephantiasis, G-man should probably see a urologist.

Luke, enlarged testicles could be the cause of his funny walking.

Remember, the larger the testicles, the smaller the brain power.

Luke Scump
Luke Scump
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago
Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Luke Scump
6 years ago

Great choice of song as well. This could be a winner after the whole feces plant is come and gone.

The song I chose will only be valid as long as feces plant discussion is current.

Well done.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I tune in to WBEC at 10:30 and G man no home

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Wong
6 years ago

Wong Gman go wadio staychion at tennturdity Make tape and go home. Wadio stanchion play Gman voice over wadio at eleven turdy. Can be stweemed.

6 years ago

Yes, Mick and Jay Fruett are two of my all time Local. Musicians,add Dave Carron in there also, actually seen the Mickster at the Texas Stae Fair ions ago, I was stationed in the S W right near the Alamo. I must say heading into the weekend my prediction that the little head always tells the big head what to do…that goes to Trump.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

The lovely Linda Tyer’s 2 cents per day savings on your property tax bill will help you pay for and enjoy downtown Pittsfield’s fun activities!
Also, Nuciforo wants you to buy his pot products!

6 years ago

I was thinking of buying a joint with the two cents savings until I seen Barry enjoying Burger King,and bought three whoppers,gave one to Carl who was sitting on the side of the building, he muttered something after I handed it to him, think he said I want booze,mofo.

Two Cents
Two Cents
6 years ago

Knowing Carl…I’m surprised he didn’t attack you!

6 years ago

Lmao…..just sayin

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Wondrous
6 years ago

I spent just about every minute with the Gman this week including two CC meetings. I am exhausted just watching him work. Him and his group have pretty much engineered a comprehensive engineering analysis what ever that means and they continue to pour over it day and night. I never knew what it was that the Gman did but I can tell you it is Greek to me. I have a great respect for scientists and engineers now that I never had in the past. They truly are the people who build everything. The drawings they have generated are in the hundreds and hundreds of pages. And revisions are non stop. If anyone is interested in seeing the water plants the wiz built he is trying to establish a protocol so that anyone who wants the Gman’s to give you a tour he would be pleased to show you. In the 80s there was no need to jump thru hoops like it is today and anyone who wanted to see the plant they could. The Gman says that if you are a taxpayer you have the right to go see the facilities that your taxes built. He is runing into resistance from the city but he is working on letting you see your water and sewer plants. It should be no problem but with the poor administration we have here in pittsfield everything is a problem . He is working on it for you and I will keep you posted

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I would be interested in seeing the 100’s of pages of drawings generated by the water wizard, not the pages generated by the contracted engineering firm. Who paid for the King of Poo’s work?

I think this is all bull feces, if they had done a design the would not have waivered when asked by Simonelli what the cost would be. They would have said the drawings were complete.

You are probably looking at drawings generated by the contracted engineering firm. Claiming it as your own, I think that would be called plagiarism. The King of Poo lie count is now up to 7,420 confirmed lies.

6 years ago

Mick WAS Big Time,Led Zeppelin,The Dead,unless he was Ringo himself,he still had a great career. Anyone ever see Fruet play guitar,who better,Mick was as good as they come. Carron,nuff said,one of the best also.

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Ton of local music history here Cos. Anyone remember Mort over at England’s,now he should have got a T I F…just sayin

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Gigi didn’t know of Gary sinese. I am a war veteran and he is now one of my hero’s. Wonderful person. I am a member of several veterans groups in Berk county and I am going to bring this to the attention of all the vets. Thanks for the link.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


You didn’t know of Gary Sinese, he has been cohosting the Washington DC 4th of July spectacular for several years now…usually broadcast on PBS.

What, you actually read a Breitbart article! Honey, get my angina pills…I think this is the big one. No, no, not the little blue pills, the other ones!

Ps. I thought you previously stated you would not read anything from Breitbart.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Ed check. Now that you mention the fourth. I do know who he is. Yes I do also look at right wing media sometimes and that is why I am so certain that those who only get there info there are not really up to date as to what is really going on. Again thanks for the fourth reminder. I feel like a jerk stating I dont know him .He is a giant in his field

6 years ago

Art,Sinese is famous for his role as Lt Dan in the Movie-Forest Gump.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

CL yes yes yes. Of course I know him. I’m worn out from following the Gman. I do feel terrible saying I didn’t know him.

6 years ago

Ed spelled his name wrong, us Democrats sometimes have to correct spelling. It’s sinise with an I not an E ….checkmate…..just sayin,

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Art a/k/a G-Man a/k/a Cosbie Ladies a/K/a h,

Just copied the spelling from Art Seller’s post, should have copied the spelling from Gigi’s post, she is the correct one.

Have a group meeting and get your stories straight.


Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

We can all agree SinIse is great, right? That’s what counts.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Ed Check. Get a life dude. What is your point Pathetic??? Yes you are pathetic. I am art seller. I have been called by at least ten or twelve handles but I post under one name art seller and only art seller. Call me this or call me that but I am and always be art seller. Where do some of you jerks come from. We have big problems in pittsfield and you want to post about this garbage.again what kind of a jerk are you?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Ed Check. I have determined you are a moron who has nothing more to say but drivel. Where have you been for the past three years while the Gman has been trying to save your hide. You offer nothing to the conversation but one thing is certain. You are very jealous of the Gman . Failures like you throw stones at successful people like the Gman. You post to be heard but really there is. Nothing of any substance. If the Gman does nothing more for pittsfield he will go down in history as the biggest benefactor to the city of pittsfield and no one in the future will ever equal the savings the Gman delivered of 116: million dollars. I will not reply to you ever again as I do not care to deal with morons like you. Please tell us what you have done for the city of pittsfield. You have not attended one city council meeting. Stop pretending you are somebody. You are just a moron who wants to be heard and heard and heard but no one wants to listen to you other than the the other 3 names you pot under on this board. I am art seller. The Gman doesn’t post as he is too busy but when he wants me to put out a post I identify that it is him posting. Go back to your hole moron and please stay there.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Where have I been for the past three years?

1) Working…to provide a living for myself and my family. To pay my bills and my taxes to make America & Pittsfield great.

2) Not getting arrested or berating city officials in public meetings.

3) Not needing the G-Man to save my “hide”. I work a full time position and do consulting work. I

4) Not attending city council meetings because I am working, however, I communicate with my elected representatives by email and sometimes in person to communicate my concerns & ideas in a professional manner.

5) Please do not tell me what you did was “for Pittsfield”. Water plants were built for profit. If it was for Pittsfield you would have built them at cost, and you should have waived any salary or commission, like President Trump is doing now.

6) If you never respond to me again…that is fine. I understand that in the battle of wits, you are unarmed. I accept your backhanded surrender. I do not wish to dump on a defeated adversary.

So just turn over your flag, sword, and pistols in an act of surrender. Then all will be fine.

6 years ago

Maybe he should spell his name Siniece, that way everyone’s correct. Anyone remember that comedian who used to say, you can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you can just say hey, but ya doesn’t have to call me Johnson.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Was that possibly the late Flip Wilson?

6 years ago

I got a name for him, Gary Lancaster. Sounds good!

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Non Essere Uno Stronzo
6 years ago

Non Essere Uno Stronzo
Thanks for the links to the down loads. All the hype spewed forth and that unprepared unmoving unprofessional presentation.
Would be interested in hearing what others thought
Art please spare us your extremely biased thoughts we know it was the best thing ever got your opinion firmly engrained

Just sayin

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

No comprende? Pour favor.

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Thank you President Trump!!

Non Essere Uno Stronzo
Non Essere Uno Stronzo
6 years ago
Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Non Essere Uno Stronzo
6 years ago

Dan the Gman knows your brother and his band. He had a band himself in that era. The unitones. Tom back tom Cawley roger Reid aka snowball and Ernie tagliafero. Gman played drums. He also played drums in the cavaliers and interstztesmen drum corps. He played with the two brubeks at the old stock bridge in and with Marshall tucker at Brodie. Mike fury who played with your brother was a good friend of the Gman. They grew up in the hood on the west side.When you mentioned your brother the Gman said it brought back many good memories. Dan the Gman wonders if you ever went to the stock bridge inn? He said that was his favorite place to play in. Many big name stars would come their after they played at tanglewood. Thanks for the memories.

6 years ago

I remember in that era a band called the one man gang….jazz and rock genre band, it’s members were pat,fritz, et al…they switched to trumpets and bassoon, and blew hard every night, it was a sight to see,later they added members like pecker, Cohen and manafort and had a dancing tambourine girl, stormy something. .

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

All you Trump deniers need to cut the man some slack. According to breitbart the Donald is going to dress up as Santa on Christmas eve and visit the kids he put in cages. Hopefully this will put an end to the rumors that he does not have a heart.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Yes, all those criminal 18-30 “kids” and MS-13 gang bangers that would just as soon kill you as look at you. And all those that are demanding $50,000 each to return home. They should be in cages, called jail cells.

As opposed to the children that President Obama actually did put in “cages”.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump has ads in the Berkshire Eagle looking for qualified people to work in the Oval Office to help with the transition to president Mike Pence.
Pence will not be alone with Trump in his office.His Chief of Staff told Trump he will be Chief of Staff very shortly as Trump moves through the legal system.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Should we pay $50,000 for each illegal immigrant and give in to their demands? Far leftists care more for the needs of the illegals than actual working and struggling Americans so I have no doubt they would insist that illegals deserve the $50,000 each just for being illegals. If they did enter the country, the far left would give them free college, free medical and all other sorts of freebies just for being illegals.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, non sequitirs now with the word leftists in front of it? You’re better than that. C’mon now. Stop just spouting nonsense and put up something cogent.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

I guess if they received no government benefits or subsidies (like the immigrants who came in from Europe through Ellis Island), they would stop trying to come here.

President Trump should offer the Democrats…grant green cards to all current illegals in the USA if ALL benefits and subsidies are stopped. They would probably self-deport, saving the cost of shipping them back home.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

Excellent idea, TT. I hope Trump takes that approach.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat,are you related to Trump.Even the Planet can see the reality of this disgraced President

6 years ago

Great article in the Eagle today concerning the 1985 Bernard Baran case. These are the kind of open honest stories they need to do if they want to increase readership.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

What was done to that young man by the legal system in Pittsfield should shake everyone in their boots. A pure hatred toward a gay man by the DA, police, probation dept, and judge. May everyone of them meet their judgement day!!

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

and as bad as it was (and still is) I am not aware of ANYONE who has owned up to it or apologized. But that is Pittsfield and the way they roll in the justice system

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

But did you see the editorial saying that the real lesson of the Baran case is that illegal migrants should be brought into the US? Paying a subscription is just enabling people who should be focused on getting the right psychiatric medication

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Mayfair bringing 300 jobs and I hope they are in the downtown.Consolidate PHS and Taconic to save millions.Doulbling Sewar taxes is ridiculous as all the people who got meters just got screwed.This tax essentially sent taxes up 10%…..How many matters have overall raised taxes 10% and survive.Of course in the end its Rivers,Kroll,White and Moon who are responsible.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Thank you President Trump for improving the economy. I hope it’s just the beginning of LOTS of jobs in this area. This area has been the LAST in the country to see any improvement thanks to being controlled by Progressives for so long. 300 good paying jobs is a start, but we need so many more good jobs here in Berkshire County.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat,it was Massachusetts tax breaks and the owner grew up here and Trump had nothing to do with it.Trump has spent 2 years along with all Republican Attorney General keep America from Affordable HealthCare….thanks to conservatives who all have stateMuni,or Federal, healthcare paid by the government people like Pat have supported the movement to let let everyone get on your healthcare…..Note to Trump supporters who have taxpayer paid healthcare Trump promised cheaper better healthcare by July….he lies to Americans so he can make millions

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago


After converting to a water meter, I always wondered why the city was pushing people to go metered.
I did it about 7-8 years ago, my water bill dropped to about 50% of what was when charged by the fixture. The cost of the meter install was recovered in about 16 months. However, it cut revenue drastically to the water department.

Who am I to argue with the wisdom of city officials.

I guess with the new water rates, they just want to get their lost revenue back.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Let’s put Mayfair in the PHS building.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump has nothing to lose so he is doubling down on real lies as he tweets to all the fake news organizations that he knows are real

Ed Check
Ed Check
6 years ago


Just heard on a Springfield radio station that the Massachusetts Weed Commission approved recreational weed licenses in Great Barrington and Pittsfield.

Pittsfield economic problems are over!!!. Our ship has come in. Build the feces plant, pay off the new Taconic HS, stabilize the pension funds.

Sorry Dan, no more need for the Planet Valenti blog, everyone will be chill now. Yeah man…

Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Hooray!! Everybody can get stoned and lose the ability to think which will make it easier for big government to take over. Yippee!!!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat didja know Bill Clinton was a pot smoker and a Rhodes scholar as well? Lots of very successful people smoke pot and have great jobs that Donald Trump did not give them.
To date you are the only one I know that got a great job because of Donald Trump.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Clinton didn’t inhale but Monica did.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Here’s the thing. They aren’t lifelong pot smokers. They give it up and don’t make it a lifestyle like our modern stoned users are doing by using it way beyond their teenage years. Teenage year are bad too since this is when pot use effects brain development.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Willie Nelson is 85, still smokes pot, and still performs across the country. He has been smoking pot for 50 years and is articulate as they come. You ae probably a fan of his.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Speak to Alcohol Pat,do it with inteligence. Your far better off getting high by weed than drunk by booze.Most problem drinkers drive drunk.Stop any car after 10pm on any weekend and you got yourself a DWI

Jae Hogan
Jae Hogan
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago
6 years ago

The far left will NOT get rid of President Trump just because they don’t like him. Their fishing expedition to pin something on him will be seen by most Americans as a big power play on their part and they will most definitely lose in 2020. Just as we are seeing now in France, the Progressives and their big government and high tax philosophy is a complete FAILURE.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Absolutely! And I will bet you not one of Trumps family does more than 5 years in prison. The progressives are blowing the whole thing out of proportion to the actual crimes, which, while serious, are not going to get life sentences like the one Manafort is serving for helping Donald Trump run a mafia like operation.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

If only Progressives put this much effort into Hillary and Bill’s numerous crimes.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

You can laugh Johnny Absurd, but Americans will not tolerate turning our country into Russia by using the media to put people in jail. Bad!!!!!

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

By Tony Dobrowolski, The Berkshire Eagle
PITTSFIELD — He started out in Pittsfield, the son of a GE engineer, and later built an online giant that made him a billionaire. And now, Niraj Shah is investing some of those riches back in his hometown.

Wayfair, the rapidly growing Boston-based online seller of home furnishings, announced Thursday that it plans to establish a sales and service center in Pittsfield. The facility, which will open in mid- to late 2019, will bring 300 jobs to Berkshire County.

The company was co-founded by Shah, who grew up in Pittsfield and is now CEO of the online giant. His father was a mechanical engineer for General Electric, which during its heyday provided thousands of blue-collar jobs for Western Massachusetts workers. Those jobs are long gone, but now Shah is providing an economic boost to the city the likes of which hasn’t been seen in years.

“We could not be more excited to expand our operations to the western part of the state with the opening of a sales and service center in Pittsfield — my hometown,” Shah said in a statement.

The center is expected to house 265 customer service representatives and 35 managers, according to the Boston Business Journal. Hiring is expected to begin next year.

Those positions are expected to include sales and customer service jobs, human resource and sales managers, parcel support managers and data analysts, according to Heather Boulger, executive director of the MassHire Berkshire Workforce Board in Pittsfield.

Full-time jobs at Wayfair start at $14 an hour. The positions represent good entry level opportunities with some career advancement for motivated people, Boulger said. “It’s a great opportunity. Fifty jobs would be exciting, but 300, it’s awesome. We have the workers here to be able to do those jobs.”

Jonathan Greene, Wayfair’s director of real estate, told the Massachusetts Economic Assistance Council on Thursday that the company is negotiating with a Pittsfield developer to construct a building that would house the new facility, the Boston Business Journal reported.

But city officials declined to identify the developer or any of the potential city sites. “There are a number of locations that are under consideration,” said Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer. With the negotiations ongoing, she declined to elaborate.

“Within the next month or so that aspect of this will be settled,” Tyer said.

Establishing the sales and service center in Pittsfield is part of a larger initiative that Wayfair has undertaken that is also expected to bring 3,000 additional jobs to Boston. The company is adding 300,000 square feet of office space to an existing company location at 10 St. James Ave. in the city’s Back Bay neighborhood.

Wayfair, which generated $5.7 billion in net revenue for the 12-month period ending June 30, received a $31.4 million tax break from the Massachusetts Economic Coordinating Council to execute the entire initiative.

It is one of the largest tax breaks ever awarded by the council, which is the state’s primary corporate tax program, according to the Boston Business Journal. The company’s sales are expected to hit $6.6 billion this year. One of the state’s largest publicly traded companies, Wayfair’s stock rose 48 percent during the first six months of 2018.

‘A great opportunity’

Tyer said she was “ecstatic” that the city was included in Wayfair’s overall expansion plans.

“What it means is that the city of Pittsfield is a place where global companies that have been successful in the economic sector believe that they can succeed,” she said. “It also means there will be 300 jobs created as well as a great opportunity for this company to be a real estate partner by leasing space or building a new building. It will bring all of the benefits that come along with having a successful company locating in our community.”

Shah, 44, graduated from Pittsfield High School in 1991 and now lives in the Boston area. He founded Wayfair with college buddy Steve Conine in 2002. The two men met while attending Cornell University.

“We are proud to continue to build our business in the commonwealth of Massachusetts,” Shah said in his statement. “Steve Conine and I founded the company here in 2002 and with incredible talent located in Massachusetts built a team that has transformed our small start-up business into a $6 billion global e-commerce leader with tremendous growth opportunities ahead.”

The Pittsfield sales and service facility will be Wayfair’s ninth in the United States. Regionally, Wayfair operates similar facilities in Elmira, N.Y., and the Portland, Maine, area.

‘Strong relationship’ pays off

According to city and local economic development officials, the negotiations to bring Wayfair to Pittsfield began in March. Wayfair approached the city about the possibility of opening a facility here on the recommendation of state Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash, Tyer said.

Locally, Ash played a key role in the coalition of state, local and private sector officials who provided the additional funding that allowed the construction of the long-delayed Berkshire Innovation Center project to finally proceed.

“It really was because we had built such a strong relationship with Jay Ash,” Tyer said. “When Wayfair started conversations with the state about expansion, he said we need to see economic prosperity around the state.”

Tyer was among several local and state officials who lauded Thursday’s announcement. “Massachusetts is home to a dynamic and entrepreneurial economy,” Gov. Charlie Baker said in a release, “and we are pleased to welcome Wayfair’s expansion in its home state, with new jobs in Pittsfield and Boston.”

Sen. Adams Hinds, D-Pittsfield, called the news a “coup for Mayor Linda Tyer.”

“(It) is directly linked to our comprehensive strategic and coordinated effort to create an environment that attracts new businesses here,” Hinds said in a statement. “The collaborative efforts of this partnership, between her administration, the city’s legislative delegation, 1Berkshire and the Baker Administration, have been greatly rewarded today.”

Pittsfield’s Economic Development Council, consisting of Business Development Manager Michael Coakley, Tyer and representatives of two city-based economic development commissions, was involved in the negotiations, along with 1Berkshire, the county’s leading economic development agency.

“It’s a huge victory for the city of Pittsfield and for the Berkshire economy to bring 300 quality new jobs to the region,” said 1Berkshire President and CEO Jonathan Butler.

1Berkshire also became involved in the negotiations last spring through a referral from the Massachusetts Economic Development Council, Butler said. “We were one of many communities that were given an opportunity to meet with Wayfair officials. Throughout the last two months, we’ve met as a group with the city, us and other stakeholders. It was just in the last couple of weeks that we thought this was something that would really happen.

“We’re thrilled.”

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

The devil as always is in the details. I can hardly wait to find out what Tyer gave them.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Roberto Del Halitoso
6 years ago

At least it is a legitimate company, not a start up without a track record.

My guess is they are looking at the office building on South Street that was the old IT building for GE Plastics, and later spun off as a separate IT company/contractor to GE Plastics(and others).

Beautiful, Class A office building. Back in the day, it was referred to as the Tierney Building, since I think David Tierney was who built it for GE originally. He may have owned it, and leased it back, but I am not sure.

Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

The Tierney Building is 44 West St.. GE Occupied 2 floors and KB toys had space there too. Berkshire Bank occupies a good portion of that building now. The building you are referencing was the Geary Building. Mr. Geary had offices across the street where Hillcrest Dental is now and G.E. leased the whole building for office space and some IT. There were plans to erect a twin building there but Mr. Geary passed away before the second building was started. Elder Service and Hospice Care occupy the building now. Not sure who owns it now.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  acheshirecat
6 years ago

Thank you for the correction / clarification. I totally forgot about Mr. Geary. It has been decades from my time at GE.

I went to Tierney by default.

Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

Fake news.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

What kind of customer service? Any telemarketing?

Will they be getting the logging property out on W. Housy saving his ass from paying the taxes? And will the city clean it up for them? Too bad they tore down Taconic as it would have been perfect. (No it was not falling down by any means) Ask the people who tore it down.

Does Pittsfield have enough people who can read and write and work computers to fill these 300 jobs? And how many jobs is it really because none of the other forecasts came near the self serving political pre-game blather. Seriously…how many? Really?

Here I am looking a gift horse in the mouth. Or am I just musing on everything else I have seen in Pittsfield for the last 30 years and wondering why this would be any different?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

With telephone customer service jobs, they want people who have had previous customer service jobs with telephone experience. Reading and writing skills are basic requirements. I have no doubt there are many unemployed people in this city with basic reading and writing skills. The customer service part could be a challenge.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

We have low unemployment but at Republican low wages and republican no bebes.Conervatives who are not wealthy want union wages with healthcare benies but dont want to pay union dues.Conservatives also want cheaper state colleges with access to cheaper junior college….sound like you live like a liberal but talk like a Wealthy conservative

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

I was wondering how long it was going to take.

Best news to hit Pittsfield in a long time, not one positive comment.

Now in the news, lets beat up Barry for the above comments. LOL


Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Barry It is very good news. It has been too long since we have seen any good news in this city as relates to employment opportunities. Can you tell us what role your wife played if any in enticing wayfair to come to pittsfield. The eagle article said it was a coup for your wife. Can you help us with that statement? I was under the impression that the owners were hell bent to return to their roots in pittsfield. As it is impossible to to ever get the truth from eagle reporting I hope you can shed some light how this all came about.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


It is not my role to spell out the specifics. Let me just say this…there were numerous locations under consideration in Western MA. I’m sure it helped that Pittsfield was his hometown. The Mayor’s Business Development Manager and her Red Carpet Team met several times with the company to convince them that Pittsfield was the right place to be.

Her and her team deserve credit for closing the deal, in my opinion.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

I’m hoping she didn’t give the store away again.

Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

I am very excited about the 300 jobs. Didn’t you hear me thanking President Trump for creating this positive economic environment we are in now?!?

Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

I am very excited about the 300 jobs. Didn’t you hear me thanking President Trump for creating this positive economic environment we are in now?!? Hooray!!

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Barry could it be because we have had good news come so many times and it then went sour? Pittsfield residents have every right to be skeptical and you would know that as well as anyone.

How many times were we buffaloed on the PEDA site? What happened to Walmart? We just got the Beacon theater shitpile shoved up our asses and you want us to dance merrily over to city hall and shake the mayors hand? I for one will not believe it until I see it….all 300 real jobs.

Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

Melissa Mazzeo and her fellow Progressive got rid of a Super Walmart for Pittsfield. They hate malls too though they all head to Holyoke Mall and shop online all the time. Just more hypocrisy.

Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

Pat, so if Trump is responsible for employment, then I am sure he won’t mind taking the heat for 14,000 GM workers laid off. Go ahead and spin.

Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

President Trump is upset about the GM jobs and he is doing all he can to save them, but the problem happened during the Obama administration when GM received a massive bailout. GM should not have received the bailout and the company would have reorganized under people who actually knew what they were doing and had some business smarts. President Trump can’t undo EVERY bad decision from Obama.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan, your 4:45 post totally captures my mindset and I am sure that of many others. City hall believes that they are entitled to a fresh start after every debacle and that we should all just drink the new batch of tea and forget what happened yesterday.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

All he wanted to do was place a professional baseball team where the drug store is.Bianchi said the site had PCBs so they put a drug store there.

Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Clairmont’s just aren’t likeable.

6 years ago

Probably the kitchen sink

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  u
6 years ago

I said I wouldn’t respond to you Ed Moroncheck. This is what the Gman asked me to tell you: You are welcome on my TV show next Wednesday and all I ask of you is to wear a doubled up diaper because I am certain you will need it. When I have something to say I use my name as I am now. When I dislike someone ,I tell them right to their face. Remember all you are is a coward spewing under a pen name . I have been working hard to help everyone in this city but I know there are cowards like you who despise someone who is successful. Never the less I forgive you because you appear to be very confused. I hire and fire scientists and engineers all the time. I give everyone a fair chance but I am very demanding and want only the best people.Do you think you are the kind of person who could cut the mustard?? You can call me any time at 413 281 1089. Have a merry Xmas. We all make mistakes but I never hold anything against anyone and that includes the mayor and council. But when I see them getting ready to make the giant mistake the 1983′ council almost made I have to do what ever it takes to stop them because their mistake will impact you and all others in this city.I dont want you or anyone else in this city to have to pay the costs for the administrations errors. The Clean water act. Has been suspended as I said it would at last Tuesdays CC meeting . This changes every thing. You will see me at the CC meeting on Jan 8 with my entire team.

May Hemn
May Hemn
6 years ago

Pecker isn’t a stiff Mr President

6 years ago

Why wpuld they come here if they weren’t getting a work force to begin with?

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
6 years ago

Now what the hell is pickleball? Please don’t tell me city monies were used for a consultant to find open space for adults to play pickleball. According to the Dec. 13 edition of The Pittsfield Gazette that is exactly what happened. Care to guess what they found after what must have been an extensive study? They recommended Lebanon Park and Springside Park. Wow! Our parks commissioners must be thrilled. You paid for this, and for pickleball, our newest sport, At least that is what our bench warmers are saying. I pay real estate taxes, a lot more than some, so I have a right to complain. Here’s a suggestion.I want to recommend a game that won’t cost tax payers a penny. I don’t think they can play it though. It’s called pocket pool. Maybe they can’t play, but do your best chaps. C’mon guys, pickleball – really.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
6 years ago

Pittsfield should have a pocket pool hall of fame.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

How does one run for cover? Is there anyplace to hide? A city official said that pickleball in Pittsfield is exploding, and is a burgeoning sport. And for this we need a consultant to find space for them to play for this largely adult game(?). I think I know what Larry would say. Are you nuts? Who can ever forget responses Larry got when he gave Pittsfield $1,000,000.00 for “improvement and preservation of playing fields”. After 3 years he received letters from city officials asking, “What do you mean by improvement and preservation of playing fields”. This was more than 10 years ago. Squandering that million is number 1. Pickleball now ranks up there as number 2 as my favorite bonehead waste of money. Pickleball-can you believe it?

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Pickle ball will be a passing fad like Frisbee golf. I have not seen anybody use the course at Kirvin Park. Is Pickle ball for Millennials? Years ago I heard people refer to the rest area on rt. 20 in Hancock as pickle park. Any connection?

Art Seller
Art Seller
6 years ago

Thank you for the reply. I agree they deserve a lot of credit. Our pittsfield is a treasure and perhaps some of the people who will work in Boston will come to pittsfield and see for themselves what we have to offer in life style here. Its a good start.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

By Larry Parnass, The Berkshire Eagle
PITTSFIELD — The online home furnishings retailer setting up shop in Pittsfield may pick a landmark building that once made clocks and paper.

Wayfair LLC said Thursday it will open a sales and service center that will eventually employ 300 people in Pittsfield. While the location was not disclosed, the Clock Tower Business Center, at 75 South Church St., is a leading contender.

“That’s what I was told,” said state Rep. William “Smitty” Pignatelli, D-Lenox, on Friday.

Michael Coakley, Pittsfield’s business development manager, said Wayfair representatives toured a half-dozen prospective locations earlier this year. As of Friday, a few remained in the running, as negotiations continued.

“We have to be a little careful yet on the location because it hasn’t been finalized,” Coakley said.

David G. Carver, a member of the Clock Tower ownership group, told a representative of The Eagle that he has been asked not to speak about Wayfair’s move.

Jane Carpenter, a Wayfair communications representative in Boston, could not be reached for comment on the status of the company’s location decision.

In its successful application for $31.3 million in state tax benefits, Wayfair says it plans to invest $2.8 million to build out space in a location in Pittsfield “to be determined.”

The state incentive was granted based on Wayfair’s plan to expand its Boston area workforce by 3,000, as well as add 300 jobs in Pittsfield. The company did not seek local tax incentives from the city of Pittsfield, according to the application it filed with the state Economic Assistance Coordinating Council.

In its application, Wayfair said it planned to make a private investment of $33.9 million in Boston and Pittsfield. Based on that, it was awarded tax incentives by the council. That body authorized investment tax credits for which Wayfair will be able to apply as it pursues its expansion in those cities.

Coakley said that when a group of Wayfair representatives visited in June, they stayed at the Hotel on North in Pittsfield and said they wanted to get a sense of what it’s like to live in the city.

“They really wanted to find out what the quality of life is,” he said.

Several other locations in Western Massachusetts were in contention for the call center, before Pittsfield was selected.

In its application for state tax incentives, Wayfair said it planned to invest $2,870,000 in its Pittsfield expansion. It listed the bulk of that as “new building construction,” though it is reportedly considering leasehold renovations.

Coakley said Wayfair has also considered having a new building erected for its operations in Berkshire County. The company was told that new structure could be put up inside the 2019 calendar year.

In terms of wages, the company says it plans to start hourly workers at $16. (A lower figure appeared in Friday’s story in The Eagle.)

According to the application Wayfair submitted in pursuit of tax incentives, it would hire 188 people in Pittsfield in 2019, then add 70 employees in 2020 and 42 in 2021.

Of those jobs, 30 would be listed as management positions paying an average annual salary of $55,000. Another five management posts would pay an average of $90,000 a year.

But the bulk of the jobs would be hourly, with most new hires (225) earning an average of $16 an hour. Another 30 would be eligible for rates of $18.50 an hour and another 10 at $19 an hour.

All of the positions would include health care benefits and access to a retirement plan, the company says.

In its new Pittsfield quarters, Wayfair said it expects to lease 40,000 square feet of space.

The company’s estimate of a $2.8 million investment in Pittsfield refers to “improvements/build out of the space” (estimated at $2.4 million) as well as $470,000 spent on furniture and fixtures, according to papers filed with the state.

Clock Tower site

The 165,203-square-foot Clock Tower Business Center is home to several dozen companies, including The Berkshire Eagle.

Clock Tower Partners LLC of North Adams bought the building for $1 million in 2016 from MediaNews Group, the former owner of The Eagle. The LLC’s parent company is Scarafoni Associates of North Adams.

At the time of the sale, Berkshire Bank, which provided financing, said the Clock Tower would be run by CT Management Group, led by Carver and Peter Ticconi.

The building complex once housed the Terry Clock Co., in the late 19th century, as well as the Eaton Paper Co. The complex was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1990.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

The Gman in an interview at wbec radio station outlined what he thought the city should do at the sewer plant now that the clean water act has been placed on the back burner. He stated that more than likely any municipality or private sector businesses who discharge into an american water way such as the huosatonic river where the city sewer plat discharges to will only have to maintain their discharge standards in thecompliance with their last consent decrees from the EPA. The city does meet all standards as required by the EPA in their most current consent decree. Additionally what is not known at this time is what the EPA means that they will actually roll back standards as far back to 1972. If one interprets to the letter it means that the standards established in 1972 may well turn out to be the standards we will have to meet today. The plant was built in 1961 and it may turn out that we would only have to treat to the standards established then. The Gman made clear that even if the city has to treat according to the most recent consent decree the city will not have to build anything. He stated that the city should scrap spending any more money on the 74 million dollar monster. He will pilot his ozonator at no cost to the city as an FYI project. This way if and when the EPA does require further treatment for phosphorous the city will have his data to prove his technology can meet any phosphorous standards. The Gman also made clear that these new standards will affect his proposal. He is the first to admit that if info be was given by the EPA turns out to be true his technology will not be needed either. He is fine with this because his first goal is to rescue the rate payer. He would be happy to walk away and not make a dime if the taxpayer could reap this windfall by not having to do a thing. Time will tell.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I always said that state charges that Cohen was found guilty of and is going to prison for will be the case that will sink scump. Cohen states scump directed payment of hush money and that federal prosecutors have much corroboration of what he has stated. It looks like the wagons are circling scump and it almost seems certain he will be going down soon. Pelosi has promised that she will get scumps income tax returns and Richie Neal who will head up the committe to demand those returns says the same. For all scumpsters I’m afraid your boat has come and gone and you will all be stating I to space soon wondering where my scump went. Dont worry you will be able to send him a letter addressed to Leavenworth Kansas both male and female detention centers

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

Is the Clock Tower owner David Carver the same guy renovating St. Mary’s and looking for a handout?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Mr. Fritz, He is the same developer. He also owns a bunch of Properties in the county including 100 North St. where the city has offices.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  acheshirecat
6 years ago

Achechirecat – thanks for the response. Tight knit group, isn’t it?

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
6 years ago

Trump broke no laws by paying off women to keep quiet.
Cohen is going to jail for his own misdeeds not for anything to do with Trump.

Essex Hogan
Essex Hogan
Reply to  Trump 2020
6 years ago

Congress has a fund to use taxpayer money to pay of victims of congressional harassment. Trump used his own money.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Trump 2020
6 years ago

Trump is not charges with any crimes yet.

6 years ago

I play radio like you say but G man no on at 1030 on a WBEC. What happen?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Wong
6 years ago

Wong wake up. I told you what happened in your last post today. Back up and see.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I listen to radio and G man no on.

6 years ago

Nobody listens to the radio anymore anyway.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  h
6 years ago

It is becoming more and more plausible every day that we just may be saying President Pelosi this time next year. What a refreshing change that would be after this idiot. Down with this present moron. Next stop for all these scumps: Leavenworth Kansas.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You are joking?!? If Nancy ran for President she would be 84 years old at the end of her presidency. She is only now coming around to the fact that the left has gone WAY too far to the left. Good for her yesterday though for telling the far left media to rein in going after President Trump every second of the day and start worrying about the problems of the people in this country.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The statement “President Pelosi” – “your brain on Botox Nancy” – a corrupt woman whose husband has also profited in a major way from shady government deals – this is who a Pittsfield potential mayoral candidate would like to see in the White House – what poor judgement. Remember his statement, when he runs for mayor.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Pat and fritz try to at least appear to be intelligent. Let me spell it out for you. When scump and dense are impeached who do you think that is next in line to be president? You two become more ridiculous every day. Let me give you a tip SCU!p and dense will not be around this time next year. It will be president pelosi to you and there will be no more lies. Coming from the white house. Get used to saying president pelosi. Will she be a better president than scump? ABSOLUTELY.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

U R delusional

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Wayfair = a bunch of subsistence salary jobs, barely above minimum wage with no benefits and probably lots of rent money to the landlord. Maybe 4-5 almost decent jobs that go to some connected goon. Is it hard to find a minimum wage no benefit job around here? GB is full of unfilled retail jobs.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Strange how much the city officials were resisting Walmart, which wasn’t begging for money, while they are enthusiastic about an eCommerce call center built with taxpayer welfare. Only explanation is they are able to skim money off this project

Reply to  Wilson
6 years ago

That is funny bunch of slick operators.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Wilson
6 years ago

Wal-Mart has stopped expanding brick and mortar to go more Amazon

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Not shocking that well connected persons will be benefitting from the Clock Tower element of this project.

What are service jobs?

Is there enough parking?

Did the mayor say the taxpayers would NOT be contributing in the form of tax relief? Or was that conveniently omitted from the discussion for now?

Also, a very long time ago I worked a midnight to 7am shift in that building and at the time there were ghosts on the upper floors. If these ghosts are still there will there be a pay differential for employees who may have to deal with them? I believe 10% is the going rate for old mill buildings.

6 years ago

Extremely unprofessional and reality challenged Mika of the Good Morning Joe Show calls Mike Pompeo a “butt boy” for President Trump and only apologizes because she offended gay people. People like Mika have taken politics to such a terrible place. Disgusting!! She is no better than the so-called comedienne who called Ivanka the “c” word.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Uh Pat, have you been listening to your president lately? Trump is the poster child for unprofessional and disgusting. He set the bar low and now you get upset when other people do it? Double standard.

(plus, Pompeo IS Trumps butt-boy) and he is proud of it. He is working that angle in hopes to run for president himself in 2020 cuz he know Trump ain’t gonna be available except by phone from jail.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Sorry, but that excuse for bad behavior isn’t working. President Trump made me do it is getting old. People need to take responsibility for their own actions.

Was Eric Holder that same disgusting name (I will not say it) for President Obama? No, you wouldn’t dare say that about ANYBODY on the left.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

What I will say pat is that Trump has many butt boys. (some of them related) eeeewwww

but he keeps firing them for “poor performance” eeeewwww

Never said Trump made them do it…Pay attention now…I said he set the standard and he set it very low. Now that may be a result of bad parenting or he may just be his own jackass…ask Ivanka about that

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

President Trump is a great dad according to his kids.

The President does not set a standard. Most people want to act better than somebody if they think that he or she is disgusting otherwise they have sunk to the same level as the person they think is terrible. Sorry, your logic doesn’t hold.

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

That’s what I expect from low IQ Mika.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Trump 2020
6 years ago

Dad is worth 4 billion and his kids think getting a 300k education is good and prep school for the wealthy is good and having the best of everything is good so dad buys loyalty. These kids like Trump understand that you struggle and need help like a tax break for the wealthy

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Trump does not apologize, and Mija did.Thats the difference.But you know that

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
6 years ago

Wayfair is already accepting applications for the leadership positions. If you don’t apply, you won’t get the job. Don’t complain later that only the connected had a shot. Apply today!

These are great jobs with great pay and benefits.


Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  B. clairmont
6 years ago

I was looking for needed skills and qualiffications. Is that in there?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Yeah – like a job description that professional jobs usually provide. But then they would probably be expected to hire someone with skills instead of whatever relative of whomever they end up with. Apart from the shitty jobs – I’m sure they are free flowing.

6 years ago

What is the Cheery Picker Job at Wayfair. You can’t make it up. Is that equivalent of Pats old job,greeter at W M……just sayin

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
6 years ago


Your comments of a few posts back are well received, by me anyway. I recall some about an oncoming gang problem in Pittsfield our “leaders” decided to do nothing about. I always thought the deal was don’t rock the boat because we, meaning our leaders, are close to getting out and eligible for a big pension – at your expense. Not that it makes a difference but the pension goes on forever. Now do you care?

Now here’s the other deal. Wayfair is coming. That is wonderful news. If we have bad news Pittsfield’s mayor takes a hit. Well this is good news – 300 jobs to start is fantastic. Congratulations, Linda. Keep up the good work.


Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
6 years ago

Wong Mista gee Mon on wadio Sunday at 10 am on 1420 am and 95.5 FM. If up early listininv on 101.1 FM wupe at 8 oclok shap . you listen good.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Why don’t you say dat in first place?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Wong
6 years ago

Wong did u hair gee Mon on wadio? Do you like?

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
6 years ago
Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Elmira NY – is that a BuffaloBillions project? Sounds about right.
16 an hr is about 35 a year, which is about 2k a month after taxes. Probably a good job in Bangalore. An apartment in Pittsfield is 800 a month – food, electric, gas, insurance …. Don’t worry about retirement as you’ll be dead from cancer at 60. (Those PEDA suits should have really sorted the no under 18 deed before they spent how many millions. You think? )
Berkshire jobs has loads of low paying unfilled and low skilled jobs. Is this better? Seriously, do you believe yourself with this clap on the back? I think you do and I hope you are right because people here work their asses off for nothing and get nothing in return but higher taxes, crime and bad schools. Move to Texas – good education, jobs and low taxes.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Another, you give a jail bird a primo job with the city and a college degree 35 g. But a secretary can make 90 with bennies and City Councilor flip flop,the lawyer,and administrators 60g,bass akwards. That and the two cents,500g to Covanta,Tif debt forgiveness,water rates rising,and seats defrocking at the BeaCon of taxpayer money, your well on your way to oblivion,.Pittsfield. Not to mention ever increasing propert tax from high assessments.

6 years ago

Mr. Art. You ask G man if mayor can work a wayfair when she get ass booted from mayorjob.

6 years ago

Chuck and Dan reponding to this pickle ball and the consultant and courses,yes courts they want. One thing also, if I heard it right,this proposal would be created with the funding from the CPA. I’ve heard it all now. That’s Community Preservation Act. Jim McGrath said we need to accomodate them a site? Have they totally lost it.