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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY DEC. 12, 2018) — There’s much going on about water these days in Pittsfield, as the readers of this board know. Whilst THE PLANET has been traveling, as it were, reports from our spies, gumshoes, Secret Squadron, and elite Z-Agents have been streaming in to provide an overall picture. We are still gathering intelligence and will have something to say about it forthwith. Today, though, we switch to another situation just as fluid an no less vital: the stock market.

Some on this board love to point out the stock market when it’s tanking, saying that it’s somehow the fault of the President. Funny, when the same market rockets into the stratosphere, they say nothing. Fact is, the President has little to do with the performance of world markets. Some, but little. Alas, though, he’s the head coach. When the team wins, the players get the credit. When it loses, it’s his fault. It is, or should be, a Big Boy game.

It reminds THE PLANET of a favorite story concerning the late John D. Rockefeller. The Rock, returning from Europe, faced the press dockside. A young reporter asked him “What will the stock market do?” Rocky gave a wizened smile and answered, “My boy, the stock market will [PAUSE] fluctuate.” He delivered the line with timing worthy of Johnny Carson in his monolog.

The U.S. stock market, the world’s most watched and influential, reacts to internal business pressures, domestic events, politics, and foreign affairs, the latter more so than ever given the global nature of the world economy. Transactions move at an insane pace, 24/7, thanks to the internet. Tiny fractions of price flux result in huge numbers of shares being bought and sold globally in fractions of a second. It’s a crazy scene.

How investors react can be seen as a financial ink-blot test. The recent market losses provide a great example. Chicken Littles, including those who play the Russian Roulette game of “timing the market,” panic. If they’re in the market, they sell at the worst time. If they’re Monday Morning Quarterbacking without skin in the game, they provide gloom-and-doom pronouncements tied to their partisan political prejudices. Those with cooler heads play for the long term. They include Warren Buffett, whose philosophy never loses: “When everyone’s selling, I’m buying. When everyone’s buying, I’m selling.” Investors like this see falling prices as an opportunity. They buy low. They keep, keep, keep, then take their profits. They don’t try to time the market summit. They remain content with modest but consistent profits. Over time, the strategy does not lose.

When the smart investor hears reports of a falling market, he either does nothing or buys. Unless you believe the United States and all the companies in it — still the world’s leading economy — will literally disappear, the market will press on. In short, it will “fluctuate.” This means an eventual rebound that over time will wipe out current losses and generate new profits. That’s how the stock market has worked for its entire history, and there’s no reason to expect this time around to be any different.

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Playing the market is gambling. Investing in the market is an educated bet, an expression of faith based on traditional measures of value. The market has its own “grammar,” a term not to be confined to language. In its most general sense, grammar consists of the established forms and protocols that govern a particular field, action, or endeavor. To be a good “grammarian” with stocks means that one knows and adheres to those established forms. Again, it’s no secret how to win: Buy low, hold long term, and sell when you’ve made a profit.

If it’s so simple, why do so many people lose?

Greed, that Imp of the Perverse (thank you, Edgar) who spoils everything touched by human hands.

The concept behind the stock market is simple. Let’s say Company A goes public with a worth of $1 million. It issues 100 shares, each valued at $10,000. If the company does well, value increases and the price of the stock goes up. Ina bad year, the price goes down.* (*EDITOR’S NOTE: This does not include the dreaded “public-private partnership” of the Richard Stanley-Beacon type. There, when the enterprise soils the bed, investors and politicians use public money to artificially prop up performance, profits guaranteed). When Company A’s value drops to $750,00, each share now costs $7,500. Shareholders, if they think more losses are on the way, offer shares for sale. Buyers, who believe Company A will rebound, buy low and hold long term. “Winning” or “losing” depends on the company’s future performance.

The moral of all this is to ignore those instant pronouncements of gloom regarding day-to-day stock prices. America has its share of problems, but it’s not going anywhere anytime too soon. There’s reason to be bullish long term. THE PLANET‘s recommendation:



“Every day on Earth’s another chance to get it right” — Steven Earle.



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Art Seller
Art Seller
6 years ago

Any one who was watching the city council meetings the last two nights knows the Gman and his business partner Justin lis did an exemplary job speaking for the taxpayers. The Gman predicted that the vote by the council would be 8 to three against him. Does this phase him?? Not in the least . you will see him at the city council on Jan 8 th petitioning the council to allow him to introduce the senior management of the major corporations he is associated with. The piloting facilities incorporating the ozonator technology will arrive in pittsfield in a few days. In his petition he will ask for permission to pilot the unit at the sewer plant and to produce a full scale documentation of what the ozonator can do to neutralize all pollutants that come into the plant. He will provide these services free of cost to the city of pittsfield to show tat the ozonator technology can remove practically every thing in the sewage stream. The Gman feels more strongly than ever that something is seriously wrong in. City Hall. I was at the CC meeting and I must admit I never asw a more ignorant individual than earl persip. He was extremely criticical of the Gman and Mr Li’s.. For an individual of his ignorance trying to criticise these two geniuses was down right appealing. Over all he did nothing but make a fool of himself for everyone to see. At one point tyer was trying to impugn Li’s,’s credentials and when Melissa Mazzeo askedthe mayor whether she had received requests from the Gman and Li’s to get into the plants she replied that she only received a request from lies but she didn’t reply to him she said she received no requests from gaetani and that set the wiz off. He said he had made two requests to her and tutocy and he received no replies. He outwardly called her a liar as he has copies of the requests that he sent thru the city clerks office and he will bring them to the next CC meeting to prove she was a liar. Tyer knew he had her and he stated it needs to be known to the public that the mayor is a liar. Defending Li’s,’s credentials that tyer mocked the Gman tore into the mayor and stated what her credentials were to be the mayor. Tyer seemed highly rattled and the Gman again stated she was the worst mayor the city ever had. If anyone missed this meeting you must stream it as the Gman made it clear that he was there to speak for the taxpayer. The Gman is a city treasure and he made it abundantly clear that he city is run by a pack of brainless buffoons. I asked him do you think you will be able to save the city the 28 million dollars you promised. He smiled that he will die trying. Just picture how different pittsfield would be if he won the mayors race in 2015. The Gman has made city politics very interesting. Take him out of the picture and all you have is a huge bore. Long live the wiz . He already won the respect of the city’s citizens. He is the tax payers greatest asset

6 years ago

Anyone know how the BHS Partnership 403b Pension fund is doing?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Great column, Dan – thanks for addressing this issue!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fact: You & your group missed all of the info gathering & bid deadlines

Fact: Two of your consultants were no-shows at the Monday meeting

Fact: This technology is not currently being used in any U.S. municipal water treatment facility

Fact: Limited info presented at Monday meeting

Fact: Unclear business relationship between yourself, Mr. Lis & no- show consultants

While the technology presented is very interesting & ecologically sound, the bidding deadlines have come & gone. The big question is how the EPA requirements have been downgraded, & how does it affect the water treatment project. Connell & Mazzeo did a great job pulling for your group & brought up some great points. Rivers was like a squirrel in the middle of the road, darting left & right. Mr. Lis did a great job keeping his composure & respectfully fielding all questions. Awesome job Justin!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

These comments are directed to “Art.”

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Ditto to Mr. Fritz’s comments above.

Also, Justin’s presentation Monday about ozone treatments makes technical sense. Unfortunately he is linked to the G-man. G-man proved his poor sales skills on Monday. Old technique…once presentation is finished, SHUT UP and LISTEN. G-man has to keep talking, couldn’t stop talking. Sales rule…first party to talk after the presentation..loses.

This combined with G-mans derision of councilors, and missing deadlines, not working with engineering company that has the contract, etc.,I will be very surprised if is anything but a no go.

Justin should dump G-man, Justin was articulate and credible. I can see why he focuses on oil and gas industry, since he doesn’t have to deal with petty politicians who cannot understand technology concepts. In my opinion, the G-man just a boat anchor on some potentially good technology.

It shows me that Krofta Water could have been HUGE if they had better sales rep in the past.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Fritz and ed check you are arm chair individuals. Why weren’t you at the two meetings? The Gman knows exactly what he is doing and what has occurred was expected by him. Why dont you talk about the Gman catching the mayor in a bald face lie? The Gman made it clear that they could only go so far in their presentation because there was no cooperation from tyer and tutocy in letting him into the sewage plant to garner data for the presentation. Tyer outright lied that she received no request from the Gman and he let her have it. He said he will bring the requests to the next CC meeting to prove she is a bald faced liar. The Gman is a very likeable good natured individual and can get along with anyone but he knows he is dealing with a stacked deck who do not value expertise and he has been dealing with this stacked deck long enough. All he is trying to do is vet the facts out and he has and presently is doing a great job. Now that the clean water act has been suspended the Gman will go into high gear and look to him to save us a fortune. After all dont you two dummies realize that the amount he may save you is 28 million dollars or 64 million dollars? How many dollars are you two nuts trying to save the taxpayer. You are just two big mouth buffoons who have nothing of any value to say ever. Watch the Gman he is the master salesman and the king of p TV and oh yes his skills have made him a gazzilion air Dont throw stones at a doer. There are many others who deserve your wrath but not the Gman. He is trying his best to help you.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The G-man clearly doesn’t understand the municipal sales process . The ship has sailed and he thinks he can still get on the boat.

Also, a real class act calling the mayor a liar. And you expect these people to help your case. The G-man is a lost cause. I hope Justin is smart enough to disassociate from him. It is his only hope. The G-man has fouled the water so badly that even Justin’s ozone machine cannot clean it up.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


Unlike you, I work for a living and I was meeting with clients Tuesday evening. In addition, I have been involved in municipal projects for almost a decade.

I knew the G-man had no hope since he missed the bid process and has probably burned his bridges at engineering firms that could assist getting this ozone equipment in their projects.

So why waste my time. My wife told me it was great theater. Maybe the downtown beacon could replay it when they reopen.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Ed check as I stated before you bring nothing to the table. The Gman is someone you wish you were but that will never be because no one compares to the Gman. He knows the municipal market inside out when you have built 5 municipal water treatment plants as the Gman has in the united states then come back here and tell us all about it. Until then keep your mouth shut.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Thats why the homely cad is called flip flop. And what was Gerry doing there Monday Night,the bar is on Newell Street.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Mazzeo and Connell did their homework. When Connell mention Dalton’s contract I was blown away. They have to pay 19% of the project.

6 years ago

Thanks Dan. So sick of reading about the condition of the stock market on this site. Especially since it’s just used as an attempt to put down President Trump. I don’t own stocks so I have little interest in this subject. You are right that if they really cared about the condition of the stock market, they would have been gushing about the record highs throughout the Trump presidency.

6 years ago

The far left liberal media also using the condition of the stock market as a political weapon against President Trump. Barely a mention of it by them when it was flying sky high, but now that it’s lower, the end is near and it’s all the fault of President Trump. The media is so phony.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

My retirement plan is doing pretty crappy right now BUT I sure am happy that it was doing well in the past. Also thrilled that the Mets won the world series in 1986.

6 years ago

It was Lis who didn’t deliver the consultants, not Gaetani, doubt that would have made much of a difference. Gaetani has been pitching for us for over three years.

And Dan,I don’t ever think i’ve Stated it is Trump’s fault the market was up or down,it was fritz and Pat ( same individual by the way) that kept saying how great the economy is,and then add, look at the stock market. Well the stock market hasn’t been doing that great lately with significant losses, so, quid pro quo Fritz, Pat,(same person) you can’t have it both ways. Trump even came out as to be so bold and stated if he were impeached the market would crash. You guys are humorous to a fault.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

I think Trump climbed right out of a cartoon and into our lives. Weird stuff happens ya know.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Thanx Dan!

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Good piece Dan according to Rahm Emanuel Pot and Casino can cover the pensions

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

What he didn’t mention is that he and his liberal politico friends will spend it first instead of using it for the pension funds

Mr. X
Mr. X
6 years ago

Fritzie…Art IS the Gman…Mr. Lis’ plan would most likely work but unfortunately the horse is long gone and took the cart with it

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. X
6 years ago

Mr. X,
No sh*t, Sherlock Holmes. Did you just wake up out of a coma?!

6 years ago

Hold onto your stocks dusty,tell someone with a 401 k back ten years ago that? It will never be privatized,ever

6 years ago

X or fritz or Pat (same person) thank you for clearing your own comment up. Let’s hope none of you get the Orbit,you’ll have to split it ten ways.

Trump Train
Trump Train
6 years ago


You are wrong about Pat & Fritz being the same person. I knowthis for a fact.

Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

Thanks train, I’ll add you to that list….dummy

Mark Pallos
Mark Pallos
6 years ago

Fritzie…thanks and please go see my new movie starring myself and John C. Reilly!

Mr. X
Mr. X
6 years ago

Fritzie…baby…thanks and go see my new movie starring myself and John C. Reilly!!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. X
6 years ago

The Wiz just reciieved the gift from the lord that he has been telling everyone was coming on page two of the Berk eagle. The EPA has officially rescinded the c!ran water act. He says that the city is not under any direction to do anything at the sewer plant at this time. Secondly there is no established standard for phosphorous or aluminum at present and the city need do nothing at all at this time . Gaetani says that the city is on the drivers seat and can not be fined for anything. The city can continue to operate under the guidelines of the past consent decree which they are presently meeting. The city’s three options are to do nothing wait to see the new standards and also take the time to research thoroughly new technology. Gaetanis says the first option is best as it is possible that no more than the 9.7 million dollars spent on the dinosaur technology will be needed as he expects the new standards for phosphorous will be such that the existing plant alrefy will meet it. The Gman has filed petitions to ask the council to allow an FYI demonstration of his technology so that if the city will need further phosphorous clarification the results of the ozonator will be known and save the city the 28 million dollars he says can be realized. All the regular but cases on this board have thrown their stones at the Gman but you are very pre mature.. The wiz never gives up and I think what he has suggested should be followed.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You are correct, and not only do citizens won’t have to pay high,high, rates, the City CANNOT be fined. Your move City Clowncil,nice vote Simonelli.

Mark Pallos
Mark Pallos
6 years ago

I coached Justin Lis at St. Joe high school lacrosse some 20 years ago—he was a hard working determined kid back then so when he turned out to be a sharp, articulate smart young man it was no surprise to me—his technology does work—fracked gas water is probably the filthiest stuff out there—he is a homegrown son of Pittsfield and will be back to help us—I just hope that the Mayor, the Commish and the CC listen to him with a open mind—check your egos and political crap at the door—and do what’s right and best for—as Mary Ellen D. would say—this beautiful community called Pittsfield

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
6 years ago

While your points about the stock market are generally correct, you ignore some of the current threats to our wealth. The first is interest rates which the Federal Reserve Bank only influences but doesn’t control. The second is our trade policies where Trump’s views and actions are definitely hurting the stock market. Congress has allowed him to impose tariffs which are a tax on Americans. The dramatic increase in tariffs have resulted in less investment, employment and wage growth. The “trade war” with China is foolish. We would have been far better off with the Transpacific Partnership that Hilary negotiated which would have isolated China and reduced their ability to steal intellectual property.

6 years ago

Finally, some common sense of what I have been spewing for over two and half years,thanks Chuck….good luck with your Orbit nomination, don’t think you have contributed enough volume,other wise,but still should be in the top five,

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Short memory of 2009 October as stocks tumbled for 1 year and were stabilized by Obama.Then a return to a long slow growth with People like Size Or man screaming for everyone to dissolve the 401k.It was so freaken awlful but when Obama left a great steady growing economy it was handed over to stupid Don and in less than a year the markets are retreating…..Autos use steel as it will stall our economy.Agriculture farm will go under,25 billion on a wall Mexico was going to build and now I have to.SS is going under food prices way up,med cost skyrocketing….local taxes sky high……America blue collar is handing everything over to corporations……ignorance is flourishing

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Something very good happened at last nights city council meeting. The councilors were communicating directly with the Gman and Justin. Credit goes to Mr Marchetti for allowing good dialog. This is how things were at CcMeetings in the 60s and 70s. And I hope that all Cc meetings in the future are conducted this way. Many of the council!ors who weren’t even competent enough to ask an intelligent question of the Gman or Justin kept on harping on the fact that two of the owners of the companies weren’t there. The Gman made it clear that it was he who told the two owners not to come to the meeting as it was a regular city council meeting and be expected they would only be able to speak for ,3 minutes and he suggested they come on jan8 as they will. The Gman said if he knew that the meeting would be conducted as it was last night he would have had them there. The Gman and Justin met with the owners in Sturbridge yesterday. One of them came in from London the night before but got stuck at the airport and could not make it Monday night. Anticipating that the CC meeting will be run the same way on Jan 8 he will have everyone present at that meeting. The Gman truly hopes and thinks that the phosphorous standards will be significantly reduced by the EPA so that the city will not need to do anything and. Continue to run the way they are today according to the parameters set by the EPA in the most current consent decree. The city has spent 9.7 million already which the Gman calls criminal but by suspending the project now the city can save over 65 million dollars which need not be spent for facilities that may not be needed. Mr. Gaetani’s suggestion also takes his proposal off the table and his companies wouldn’t make a dime but this goes to show you who is number one to the Gman. It is you today it was you yesterday and it will be you in the future. This is who the Gman is. For more see his show tonight at 6 on CH 1301

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The other good thing that must have been seen at the city council meeting (since I only heard about it)…

The G-man displayed to everyone his poor people skills and crude behavior. He complains about President Trump as being a bully and a crude person.

The G-man is the low IQ version of President Trump. Only the G-man doesn’t get anything accomplished. President Trump is a strategy genius. G-man is just a blow hard boor. He should at least thank President Trump for the EPA rules being changed.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Good point, Ed, about Trump’s EPA changes – a big help to cities across the country!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Ed check and fritz. The Gman owns your brain but doesn’t want it. He will pay anyone one Penney to get rid of you. Any takers. I will state what I have said many times. The Gman is the most important person in pittsfield in his life time. And will be long after he is gone and the most important thing about him is that he works for the taxpayers for free. The taxpayer couldn’t have a better friend. You two crackpots do not contribute to the conversation ever and are looked at as buffoons by many on this site including me. Take it from me. You are not in the Gman’s league but do not feel bad. Very few are. Again the Gman is trying to help you two idiots.

6 years ago

Yes, sc, my friend had about 490 g worth of stocks that went to peanuts.the stock name began with an L..just sayin G E however as been down since 2000. V.

6 years ago

Do you people really think the G Man lost last night? Be patient, Stay tuned. Taxpayers.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The mayor and council are helpless as they believe it takes inteligence to spend money.The well to do Pittsfield decision makers are a ignorant bunch.So many Pittsfield names now are seen playing ball for surrounding high schools.Consolidate school buildings to save millions

6 years ago

The Mayor and Council took an illegal vote last night, they just don’t know it yet. Moon very quiet last night.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

The Gman’s show tonight was dynamite. He says that the suspension of the clean water rule has changed everything. On his TV show he mentioned that moon on Monday kept on saying that she couldn’t find anything about the clean water act being suspended and kept on the wizard regarding seeing nothing. The G man mentioned on his show that the reason moon said nothing Tuesday was because she Knew the clean water act had been suspended and she should have brought that to the attention of the council but she didn’t. She is the same kind of snake as tyer. The Gman has them both on his radar and that is a very perilous position to be in especially when dealing with the Gman. He stated on his TV show that he is thru being a nice guy and is going back to being a consultant slayer as he is known by in the water industry. If he adds the term politician slayer to his repertoire its open season in pittsfield. The show is a must see for everyone. The taxpayer need not worry about the wrath of the Gman but all buffoons take note you are on the Gman’s radar.

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

that pretty much sums of my feelings toward Pittsfield city govt. If they do anything that truly benefits the taxpayers it was probably accidental.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

I think we need one of those sculptures in front of City Hall, since taxes are going up!

6 years ago

It was very informative show G Man. Over at PEDA Cory(Frazier) Thirsty is still there? I thought they got rid of that do nothing two years ago.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Scump and kin seem to be in very serious jeporady with AMI. Cohen was involved and has been sentenced. Scump and kin said to be as complicit as Cohen. AMI says they will spill all. This couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch than the scumps. Let’s start a relief funds for the scumps. Count me in. Where do I send my penny?

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Leavenworth ks

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I have to ammend my above post. Scump and kin in very very very very very very very very serious jeopardy. I want my Penney back.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I’l bet scump wishes he were Hillary Clinton now. She will be enjoying life while he will be sitting in a jail cell in Leavenworth. Not to worry though his family will be there and they can speak in the chow hall for ten minutes daily or see each other briefly at yard.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

They don’t care if your man or woman in Leavenworth Art. Ask fritz? Or Pat? Or…..

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art the retard.

Like Scump
Like Scump
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, don’t be crazy. Yes

6 years ago

fritz and Pat same person-() can send him ies.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Acute Angina. To use a word like that shows how truly ignorant you are. However we have seen worse from you. Do you ever try to contribute to the conservation?? If you have nothing of any value to say. Say nothing that way no one will know how ignorant you are . By posting drivel you tell us how ignorant you are. Jest seein

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Speaking of ignorant, Art, the word that represents $0.01 USD is penny, not Penney. That was the name of an old retail store.

Typical uneducated fool, you result to threats and offers to kill me for a penny when you lose an argument . What a piece of work you are.

Justin, run, don’t walk from this guy. Art=G-man.

6 years ago

fritz and Pat same person-() can send him ies.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  U
6 years ago

h & U are the same person

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

That is so funny! I wonder what other names h and U uses?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Try “Art.”

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz. I have told you many times but let me repeat. You offer nothing to the conversation. You should stop embarrassing yourself. We know you are an idiot stop telling us we get it

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Michael Cohen is an American Patriot.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Will the Trumps be allowed to run their business s from prison?

Will Putin be allowed to visit Donald in his 6 x 8 on Sundays?

Will Ivanka’s make up artist be out of a job and have bad references?

Will Donald Jr. be allowed to hang the mounted head of a sheep on the bars of his cubicle?

Will Giuliani be able to sit at the same lunch table with them?

Will Bill and Hillary send Donald a chocolate cake laced with laxatives the day before his first court appearance? And would Donald even notice?

Will there be a whole prison wing devoted to Trump family and friends who all wear shirts that say NO COLLUSION?

Will thousands of Trump supporters move to the town where the Trumps are incarcerated just to be near them?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

JA you missed something..the scump money will mean nothing in the can. The thing that will sink the scumps is not being able to use those gold plated toilet seats. The scump women will be unidentifiable with out their pancake make up big hair and implants. Scump will need to learn how to pour water in a glass and his lies will get him to solitaire confinement.He will be screaming Maga but no one will be listening.A new day in america is coming.perhaps scump could have a new reality show. How much we hate prison. Pat and fritz will be weekly visitors butbscump won’t give them the time of day. Poor fritz and pat. Two of the most brainwashed individuals on the planet. Sad. So Very Very sad

Luke Scump
Luke Scump
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You sound like Donny Douche on MSLSD.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art a/k/a G-Man

Are you speaking about prison from your personal experience after being arrested for threatening city employees.

Now we can add your threatening a private citizen. Is this a violation of your probation?

6 years ago

Does anyone else worry that our city solicitor is now basically running the prosecution for local courts?

Try insulting and suing Tyer or anyone in City Government now.

As Krol would say COLLUSION!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  LoneGunMan
6 years ago

The Gman will be the guest on city talk tomorrow at 10:30 am on wbec am and FM. Should be good show as the show is widely heard in Berk county.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  LoneGunMan
6 years ago

Yup Lonegunnan! I think with the Beacon deal they all put their pinky in a tasted. There will be no investigation. Who is struggling for oil and heat money? Mothers need childcare? Crap schools?
AH will leave the DA’s office a steaming pile like she has left most things – before she moves off to the next promotion for knowing nothing. Yay Politics.

6 years ago

its Fun though right fritz,er Pat?

6 years ago

A H is now known as Actor Bruce Dern! So it is said and shall be written,can we geta photo of Der n. here please. Also Doug the cartoon kid is Krol. So it is said and shall be written.

Art seller
Art seller
Reply to  Nota
6 years ago

All kidding aside it looks like scump is in very serious trouble. There are many many reasons he is in huge trouble but in my opinion his penchant to be a serial and pathological liar tops the list for me. I wish anyone who posts on this site and is a scump supporter would please tell us how you justify scumps over 6500 confirmed lies. This is something none of you have ever done and it is high time we hear from you. This is a simple request and puts you on the spot to reply. Any one who doesn’t support scump you respond in gutteral language. Here is your opportunity to give us your thought process in detail so we can understand how you feel the way you do. I hope to hear from pat fritz acute angina ed checkspider like scump and all other like minded individuals. Here is your chance. We non supporters of scump are awaiting your replies

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art seller
6 years ago

Art a/k/a G-Man,

The only thing in trouble is your sewage proposal.

As for President Trump’s “lies”, probably tabulated by the leftist propaganda machine owned by various globalist billionaires. Very questionable indeed…

At least President Trump has America’s long term interests at heart. He has also been around both political parties prior to running and being elected president. He is brilliant, and he learned from the Democrats that the end justifies the means. Their playbook is do whatever it takes to get your agenda. While I don’t personally agree with that, it is a strategy.

What the left (like you) is really upset about is that he is actually doing what he committed to do during the campaign. Unlike previous elected presidents that either ignored their campaign promises, or did a one-eighty in the opposite direction, like President Obama.

That’s what really frosts the liberals (like you). How dare he honor his campaign promises.

Go Trump Go !!!