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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY SEPT. 23, 2019) — So the lil’ high school snowflakes got their free day off. Bully for them.

They disguised it as a “protest,” as if they would know the first thing about actual remonstrance. Of course, intimidated public school administrators, having lost control of their wards, feigned encouragement by spouting B.S. about the value of the chitluns “participating in wider conversations about important social issues.” What else could they do? Translation: “We have lost control of the little monsters, and we are too scared to take it back.” Vaping kids rule the classrooms, corridors, and cafeterias.

THE PLANET does not argue the science of climatization here. That’s an entirely different story. Besides, the pupils’ protest had as much to do with climate change as Neil Armstrong had to do with green cheese. This was about the “adults” playing politics with the kids as game pieces and the kids playing hooky.

And it came to pass in Pittsfield that the high schoolers joined in the Global Climate Change Strike. The little spits have this down to a science. Up next, Earth Strike, Friday Sept. 27. Another day off. Another lost day in the school calendar. Notice how these “principled,” or is it “principaled,” protests never happen on the weekend. It’s always Friday.

———- ooo ———-

It’s been over long ago for the Pittsfield public schools, but just in case you still think nearly 75% of the city budget is worth a school system producing fresh crops of dumb-dumbs — babying punks and punishing good kids who want to learn something — JIV McCandless, the district’s Barney Fide of a super, has produced the new 63-page “unification policy” governing student behavior. The booklet emphasizes pupils’ prerogatives, informing kids of their options if they feel their “rights” have been violated. This “JIVes” with the leftist reinterpretation of “restorative justice,” taking away responsibility for one’s behavior and blaming everything on others. The kids are being taught to be professional victims.

If Johnny is found in the girls room taking pictures with his smart phone, you’re discriminating against his “right” to choose his gender. If Miss Landers catches the Beav and Larry Mondello surfing the net on smart phones while she’s explaining why 2+2 = 4, you are jumping on their “rights” to free speech. The booklet says little on the expectations the district has of students. The little dweebs know that if they stop short of ax murder and rape in the corridors, they’re untouchable.

How perfectly this insane policy embodies the embarrassment known as the Pittsfield School Committee!

C’mon down, Kathy Yon!

How do you tell a woman pushing 70 that dressing 20 doesn’t fool anyone? How do you take this train wreck of a chairwoman seriously when she has abandoned her responsibilities? She along with JIV must be held personally responsible for the ruin of countless young boys and girls. Reminds us of the John Lennon song, “How Do You Sleep?

The actions of JIV and Yon are criminal but not in any legal sense. They’re guilt is a moral and ethical one. It lies in the reckless pursuit of money and power at the expense of young lives. It lies in ignoring their duty to work tirelessly to establish and enforce proper controls so teachers can do what they were hired to do: not babysit, not have to endure vile language and physical assault.

———- ooo ———-

This is your Pittsfield Public Schools in action.

  • It costs you nearly 75 cents of every tax dollar.
  • It cost you millions more this year.
  • It will cost you millions more next year.
  • It will cost you millions more the year after that. And that. And that.
  • The school committee won’t stop this reckless situation, neither will the mayor, council, or any other special interest. The only ones who can stop it are Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.

JIV and Yon must think it all a big joke. We’re sure they are perfectly good people in their private lives; this is all about their performance on the job.

Then again, Hitler was a great painter, loved children, and babied his dogs.


“To be good is to be in harmony with oneself”Oscar Wilde, from “The Picture of Dorian Gray.”



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CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“And though she feels as if she’s in a play, She is anyway.”

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Not so long ago someone posted the rankings of Pittsfield schools. Does anyone have those handy? Perhaps the mayor can post them as part of her campaign to show the taxpayers how well spent all the millions of school dollars is. ??/ What? She would rather not?? OH..

Perhaps she could tell us how much the public works spent last year and how well that went? NO?? OH..

How about justifying all the extra millions for the police department and how crime is dropping and people feel so much safer? NO? Aw shucks, I guess she has her reasons.

Could we at least see a list of all the business s getting tax breaks and how many jobs that has created and how the tax payers making up for these shortages are benefitting? NO??? Darn it, there seems to be a pattern here mayor.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

There is education in the experience of protest.Its how America was born and it’s how we roll. Republicans no not support clean air and water as policy and kids want clean air and water.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

The whole climate change movement in this country is not about clean air and water. It’s about promoting the Green New Deal which involves killing cows, eliminating cars and planes and giving big government total control over our lives all in the name of saving us from total destruction in 10 years. It is being pushed by the far left to completely transform this country using climate change as the excuse.

Walter Webster
Walter Webster
5 years ago

I was at the Rusty Anchor this weekend tipping some back with a few buddies. Scott Graves is friends with two of them. He told us that he made a deal with Mazzeo for his endorsement. When Mazzeo gets elected she agreed to make him the Community Development director.

I’m happy to see Ruffer go. But what are his qualifications? I guess a Mazzeo administration means back room shady deals. Why should I be surprised.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Walter Webster
5 years ago

That never happened.Linda is desperate.

Reply to  Walter Webster
5 years ago

This is the start of full-on rabid campaign season.

Reply to  Walter Webster
5 years ago

Would love to hear from both Scott and Melissa as to the accuracy of this statement. If we don’t hear I guess it might be true.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

Crazy Joe Biden was right ‘We Choose Truth over Facts’

5 years ago

Just being out and about this weekend I heard many people lamenting the state of education today. That children are not being taught what matters but instead are being fed (indoctrinated) with politically correct nonsense. I heard many say that it will be too late by the time we figure out that we are heading in the wrong direction with the education of our young people. So many people already know we are in trouble with educating the young, but it’s the people making the decisions like those that Dan mentioned, but also the politicized environment of the school system that is the problem.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Education today is all about what republicans wanted.The right wing in the late eighties brought this to you. MCAS you own it pat

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Education with no child left behind was Sen Ted Kennedy ‘s landmark legislation legacy. I don’t think he was a republican from Massachusetts.

5 years ago

Just the fact Yon let’s Sturgeon on school airwaves should tell us something. Tuning the radio on today you couldn’t hear him, his microphone wasn’t on? Quickly turned the channel. Who wants to listen to commercials the first five ten minutes of a morning show anyway?

Reply to  Bubbie
5 years ago

Sturgeon went to Nam, his Buddy Ruberto didn’t. Sturgeon is stuck in Pittsfield,he’s insignificant at worse. I do not know anyone that tunes into that show or listens to it. Find another station Bubbie. And your right, if anyone tunes into the dumb show why would you listen to commercials? You’d be at your job already.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  kdbk
5 years ago

I think that PCTV has done some good things with WTBR but as long as Sturgeon remains on the air, they loose all credibility. The man is a narcissistic buffoon with the IQ of a nat. He’s spent his entire career searching for validation and cant accept that there is none for him. Sorry, just so sick of the man…Get ’em off!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I think public schools should teach two subjects from K – 12:

* Sexual development education

* Financial Management skills education

Those two subjects impact a person’s entire life, but children have no clue about them.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

How about financial management of a whore house? OMG, that might work on the PEDA site! The solution to the PEDA site has been right in front of our eyes the whole time. All we gotta do is move the girls from Cumbys down the road and around the corner. Geekers maybe Melissa should make ME the Community Development director.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Education today is all about what republicans wanted.The right wing in the late eighties brought this to you. MCAS you own it pat

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Name one Republican teacher in Pittsfield, how many rep on the school committee of in the Mercer building.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Why is sexuality so intimidating for you? How did you discuss it with your kids? Oh that’s right, some of the big keyboard warriors in this forum are not parents.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Shakey, You are a pervert, fascinated by all sexual perversions.

Sex Ed for pre-pubesent children gets you excited.

Why is that?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

I’m not the one posting links and researching sexual education techniques for the homoerotic. I appreciate your virginity as much as the next, but don’t take you hate out on the rest of us, we don’t want you in our bedrooms.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Fine with me Shakey,

Don’t let the Liberal/LBGT pereverts teach children.

JIV and such loves them. As does mASSacusetts education on the State level.

When you pull your head out, get back to us.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

I have no idea why fisting was brought into a discussion on education.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Because it IS what Liberals and LBGT tried to do, and has been done. In “EDUCATION”. YOU PAID FOR IT!!!

Do you TSC, involve Your rectum with things larger than a constipation? Liberal Educators seem bodily orifices are two-way, and arms/heads are not too big inserted backwards.

You agree/concur? Tell us!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

TSC, that is what the Liberals are teaching in sex ed, FISTING

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

And my rectum has been , one way.

Does yours fit a fist or head?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Wow that’s some sick stuff, Trapper.
Lots of pervs influencing the kids in the schools. Parents be on guard.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago


Current Pittsfield Public School System, can’t handle teaching: reading, writing and arithmetic. Fix that first. Then they can move on to sciences and higher math.

The financial skills management should be remedial required courses for JIV and Pittsfield school administrators.

K-6 children don’t need sex Ed. They need to learn basic skills and to be moral and responsible. That is not happening in Pittsfield either.

The “sex ed” crap older students have been exposed to is just disgusting and NOT education. I’m fine with learning about human biology, STDs.

Sticking an arm up someones rectum/vagina should not be part of the course content. But mASSachusetts Administrators/Educators are pushing such.

See for yourself.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Problem is they have their heads up their asses.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gobsig
5 years ago

Can the Liberals/LBGT fit a head up there too? Shakey will get excited with this!!!!

My rectum is a one way orifice, like it was meant to be.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

The only thing coming out of your rectum orifice is your uneducated hatred.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Don’t get so excited Skakey.

Your Head won’t get there!!!

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Shakes likes to discuss his fantasies here.

5 years ago

So last night around 6:30 I was driving around Park Square.
My truck was hit with a BB pellet. Made a good dent in the right side A pillar, just missing the windshield.
I reported it and the PPD has it “on file”.
But Barry said the downtown is safe.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  EddieP
5 years ago

If the perp was caught that could result in serious charges.

(in another town)

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago


It’s just “markmanship” practice for when they get older, over on the West side/Tyler.

Remember when there were no “tough gun laws” in mASSachusetts?

And target practice was at the old NG range up in Pittsfield State Forest, instead of, Park Square

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

EddieP, as Barry has told me many times, you made this all up along with other citizens that have had this happen. You don’t have a dent in your truck. These things do not happen in Lovely Linda’s Vibrant Dynamic City. Barry has basically come right out and called me a liar because I stated that North Street/Pittsfield is not safe. Maybe you can call Lovely Linda and she will throw a picnic for you. Also, has anyone else noticed on the Pittsfied Police Log that taxpaying citizens have reported different suspicious crimes in their neighborhoods, but by the time our PPD gets there it is “unfounded”. My neighborhood experienced this about a month ago when there was a woman pleading for help and lying on the neighborhood lawns on a very hot day. Another neighbor called PPD, it took them 15 minutes to show and the officer’s response to the neighborhood was “Oh, don’t worry about her, she is a frequent flyer”. The police were called back three more times that day for the same woman. With all the empty buildings in this City it seems to me that they could create a shelter for these unfortunate people. Do we ever need change!!!

Reply to  EddieP
5 years ago

And we are to believe downtown is safe at night
I work downtown and I don’t feel safe during the day

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Magic
5 years ago

My mother used to say “it is all fun and games until somebody gets their eye poked out”. And then somebody did. And it turned out she was right after all. Not fun at all.

Keep your fingers crossed that you are not the one to prove Barry wrong.

5 years ago

And how am I going to feel safe downtown in the evening

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
5 years ago

And Cue Police Report: with an exclusive drawn out “I know it all” 10 Paragraph dribble from his secret basement bunker as to why This is the fault of the Mayor DA and the police chief. All Ears

Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

The “progressive” DAs are misguided if not cognitively challenged. They’ve marched in Alabama where people of color peacefully protested for their RIGHTS to symbolize how prosecutors should not prosecute crimes. CRIMES. If prosecutors would not prosecute crimes all will be well. It simply defies logic. Please, will these DAs reveal the names of those people in jail in Massachusetts who should not be there?

Reform-minded prosecutors expected to battle entrenched local powers but the blowback has been harsher than anticipated
By Michael Levenson Globe Staff,September 23, 2019

Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins marched last week with prosecutors from around the country across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Ala., where civil rights protesters were brutally beaten by law enforcement officers in 1965.

The march highlighted the prosecutors’ conviction that they now stand symbolically on the other side of that historic span, as the vanguard of a new movement to make law enforcement fairer and less punitive for people of color and the poor.

“This is the new civil rights movement in terms of dignity and respect for everyone in the system,” said Kimberly Gardner, the first African-American chief prosecutor in St. Louis.

Rollins can often seem a singular figure in Boston, the one elected official openly challenging the political establishment in her drive to reverse decades of tough-on-crime policies and break a cycle of incarceration that falls heavily on minorities.

But as the march underscored, she is part of a wave of about 40 like-minded prosecutors recently elected across the country, many of whom are pushing similar agendas and encountering the same blowback in their communities.

They were elected as the result of activism that has drawn attention to the role charging decisions can play in driving incarceration rates, as well as anger over the police killings of unarmed black men.

Several are the first women or people of color to hold their offices. Although the group represents just a fraction of the 2,400 elected prosecutors nationwide, many have drawn outsized attention for pledging not to prosecute offenses like shoplifting and marijuana possession and to increase scrutiny of police shootings.

“I can’t tell you what all 2,400 elected prosecutors are facing,” said Kimberly Foxx, the first black woman to lead the prosecutor’s office in Cook County, Ill., which includes Chicago. “I do know for this small subset with whom I am in contact that there are eerily similar patterns and attacks that can’t be ignored.”

Most of the criticism has come from police unions and their supporters.

In a speech last month to the Fraternal Order of Police, Attorney General William Barr blasted “district attorneys that style themselves as ‘social justice’ reformers who spend their time undercutting the police, letting criminals off the hook, and refusing to enforce the law.”

“The results will be predictable,” Barr told the group. “More crime; more victims.”

Critics on the left, meanwhile, have questioned how progressive these prosecutors really are, given that they must work within the confines of the criminal system.

“The paradox of ‘progressive prosecution’ is that the criminal legal system is an oppressive institution,” an article in the Harvard Law Review, which publishes unsigned student work, argued in December. The article contended that prosecutors’ budget requests would be better spent on addressing educational inequities and other root causes of crime.

Nancy Gertner, a former federal judge, said research shows prosecutors have played a significant role in mass incarceration and the disproportionate imprisonment of minorities because they can decide whether to charge a person with a crime that carries a mandatory minimum sentence or request cash bail.

“Progressive prosecutors are trying to say, ‘How should we exercise our discretion in a way that can give people another chance, in a way that can maximize our resources on violent crime?’” Gertner said, adding that prosecutors can be “the engine of criminal justice reform.”

“We, in the past 30 years in this country, have gone so far off the rails in terms of imprisoning people that any change is a good one,” she said, “and prosecutors are in the best position to affect that.”

Miriam Krinsky — a former federal prosecutor in Los Angeles who leads a group called Fair and Just Prosecution that supports reform-minded prosecutors — cautioned that the movement is just beginning and that many who embrace the agenda have just been elected.

“Time will tell how far it goes and where we come out on the other side,” said Krinsky, whose group sponsored the march across the Pettus Bridge and also has taken Rollins and other prosecutors to view the criminal system in Germany and the decriminalization of drug use in Portugal. “Hopefully, where we come out is that [prosecutors] get out of the way and the justice system is no longer filling this space and public health and mental health is the default response.”

Many of the prosecutors say they expected to battle entrenched local powers when they came into office, but have found the opposition much harsher than they anticipated.

The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police has taken a no-confidence vote in Foxx, and 40 area police officials called on her to resign in April. They accused her of not prosecuting assaults on officers and blasted her decision to drop charges against Jussie Smollett, the “Empire” actor accused of paying acquaintances to stage a racist and homophobic attack against him.

Foxx said she suspects many of the attacks on her have nothing to do with her policy agenda, which includes treating retail thefts under $1,000 as misdemeanors and declining to prosecute drivers whose licenses have been suspended for failing to pay fines.

She pointed out that all 40 officers who called on her to resign are white and that a rally outside her office organized by the Fraternal Order of Police drew protesters linked to white nationalist groups, according to the Chicago Sun-Times.

“I can’t tell you what their motivations are, but I can tell you myself, and Rachael Rollins, and the less than 1 percent of prosecutors who are women of color, have seen a difference in the way we are treated,” Foxx said.

Earlier this month, a Boston judge refused to grant a request by one of Rollins’ prosecutors to drop disorderly conduct charges against protesters arrested at a Straight Pride parade. Rollins appealed to a justice on the state’s highest court, who ruled the local judge had “no authority” to overrule her prosecutorial discretion.

“I’m often asked, is this an evolution, or a revolution?” Rollins said. “It’s both.”

She pointed out that while her predecessor, Dan Conley, routinely dismissed 55 percent of the offenses on Rollins’ “decline to prosecute” list, according to an ACLU study, “it’s revolutionary because I put it in writing because I want to be held accountable.”

Foxx, the Chicago prosecutor, said she finds it strange that President Trump and many Democratic presidential candidates are embracing criminal justice reform at the same time it remains so polarizing on the local level.

“I have cognitive dissonance with that,” she said. “I cannot reconcile how this is a conversation nationally but on the ground the pushback is ferocious.”

As the prosecutors have come under siege, many have turned to each other for support.

St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell said the network of progressives “has become a fraternity.”
St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell said the network of progressives “has become a fraternity.” JEFF ROBERSON/ASSOCIATED PRESS
“It has become a fraternity,” said Wesley Bell, St. Louis County’s first black prosecutor, who was elected to the Ferguson, Mo., City Council after the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by a white police officer in 2014. “We are working with organizations to come up with best policies. We bounce ideas off one another.”

Foxx said that network has become a source of comfort.

“The headlines in your paper and the noise in your area can feel particularly isolating,” she said. “And when you talk, it’s less isolating. You see someone who is contending with this. There’s a level of encouragement with that.”

Krinsky said she believes the progressive prosecution movement will grow and noted that some have recently been elected in rural areas and red states.

“I think they’re pushing the envelope in ways we just have seen before,” she said. “It’s a completely new moment that is a result of communities that want something different, and that will bring about a sea change.”

Michael Levenson can be reached at .

Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

Perhaps, sir, as Jack Nicholas said to Tom Cruise “you can’t handle the truth”

5 years ago

Perhaps, sir, as Jack Nicholas said to Tom Cruise “you can’t handle the truth”

Seve Tez
Seve Tez
Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

Jack Nicholas has a putter. Buffoon!

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Is ssd’s led 6 ladies if they feel safe downtown during the day all said they do.I remember older kids at boys club would hold you up and demand all your money and that was 50 years ago.Then out on Melville street they would beat your ass.Didnt anyone grow up here.High school fights every weekrnd. Drunkenness was mandatory in the 60s and 70s

Cashmere Bouuette
Cashmere Bouuette
5 years ago

Vote Kavey in Ward Six…..send the buffoon into retirement. Maybe Low can tell us what really’ happened on Plunkett St.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Everybody in my day assaulted vehicles all over Pittsfield with snowballs.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Really? I am still looking for the little turd that hit my windshield with a snowball on Fort Hill Avenue in January 1964. Almost went off the road and hit a telephone pole. Son of a bitch!

Ant Telope
Ant Telope
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

It was me J A …
I was aiming at Rotti’s Cow, sorry.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Except in my hometown where an errant snowball sent a trucker into oncoming traffic. Ahh, the good old days. Only a family of 3 killed.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago


Before winter set in, we used rotten veg/fruits, tomato/apple. Never hurt anybody

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Then there was Halloween…….

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Before safety glass,Very dangerous behavior

Da Riphul
Da Riphul
5 years ago

I remember riding the bumpers in the winter.Second St. and Lincoln was a great stop light spot. Until the North Carolina plate-driver chased one of us down and beat the snot out of my friend, Tony. I was the best snow ball thrower,let them pass about fifty feet and let it fly….hit em every time, and I was long gone. Those were the days. I became a Lawyer by the way….

Delvin Instro
Delvin Instro
5 years ago

Shit happens shakes. Misdemeanor at the d a office.

El Guoppo
El Guoppo
5 years ago

Rumor has it El Chapo is interested in coming clean and investing in legal marijuana growing right here in Massachusetts. He will purchase a multi million dollar estate but no where near the marijuana stench.

Geeruld Fitz
Geeruld Fitz
5 years ago

Shakes,check out Buddyy Hacket in WardSeven,get back to us.

Brakin Bad
Brakin Bad
5 years ago

I was watching Zoning Board and the fact the City has basically left residents stranded-concerning location and the smell of these buildings containing The Majuana.

One Council candidate representing the neighborhood do in Ward 7 ( Buddy Hacket ) was adamant about smell as well as robbery of these facilities and the danger that goes along with it.

I would be concerned about vandalism including destroying properties that contain these Pot Plants. This could be a Revolution of sorts where normal everyday taxpayers take matters into their own hands,

Dave L
Dave L
5 years ago

Eggs were way worse trapper because of vision,put your wipers on made it worse. I remember stupid wheat getting hit in the face with an egg, he was crying.

5 years ago

The fallacy that is the “youth protest movement”

It’s staged, it’s not led by youths, it’s led by adults who use youths as props. From Greta Thunberg and her plastic boat trip that expended hundreds of thousands of tons of greenhouse gasses in chase planes, chase boats, and flying crew to the US to bring the boat back to Sweden. Maybe next time she can just fly coach like everybody else.
To the “student strike” from students who consume more prepackaged food, who ride in huge SUVs, who consume digital content that requires recharging of phones, massively powered servers, game consoles and large screen TVs, computers with 1000 watt power supplies. Kids that buy the next version of iPhone or Nike sneaker at the drop of a hat, that consume and waste more that 4 generations prior combined.
Please continue to tell us how we must start conserving energy and stop using fossil fuels from the third town of that SUV with an infotainment system, 6 usb charging ports, and 11 cup holders.
You tell everyone to stop using plastic water bottles. I never did, I drank from a hose outside or went into the house and got a glass of water.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

When I was 15, I was cutting cordwood to have some spending money.

I also worked on a farm, with cows that farted. Their whole herd of gas, was not what comes out of AOC ‘s mouth.

5 years ago

Just listened to Greta Thunberg’s speech about climate change and I am truly worried not about climate change, but about her. She is obviously a fanatic, unstable, and is being used not only by politicians, but even by her own parents. They are terrifying her that we all will be extinct in 10 years. This is a cult. It is causing serious depression and mental illness in young people.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Nothing unstable about this kid

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

She’s an unstable young nutbag.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

“The left has gone ballistic over criticism that teen climate-change activist Greta Thunberg resembles some of the Nazi propaganda that was used to turn the world against Jews more than half a century ago.”

“Author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza noted her resemblance to children exploited by the Nazis to convey their messages.

On Twitter, he said: “Children – notably Nordic white girls with braids and red cheeks – were often used in Nazi propaganda. An old Goebbels technique! Looks like today’s progressive Left is still learning its game from an earlier Left in the 1930s.”

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

So true Mad Trapper. The far left takes so many of their actions and ideas right out of the Nazi playbook. I found it very chilling that she says adults will pay for their lack of action now on climate change. “We will make sure they pay” she threatens. This doesn’t bode well for adults in the future and sounds like a combination of Children of the Corn and Hitler Youth who actually turned in their own parents if they didn’t agree with Hitler. They had been that brainwashed by the Nazis.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

The children are being used like human shields. You cannot argue with them or offer another side.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

How about Trump deep state .Those odd crazy delusional ramblings you believe but Global warming is fantasy of Evil.

5 years ago

So disgusting what is being done to young people all in the name of climate change.

5 years ago

Merry…I still have that dent. Cannot wish it away.
While I was at PPD this morning, a young mother came in with her 7 year old on a school bullying complaint. Said the school did not do anything about it. A cop then went to “check it out”.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

EddieP, I really do feel bad about the damage to your vehicle. You are handling it much better than I would, I would be livid. Just wondering before the cop left to “check it out”, did he/she know what school to go to?

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Yes. He interviewed them while I was there. He had all the info.
I wasn’t happy about the dent. It was at eye level and if it hit the windshield and went through, it would have hit my wife.

Gusts Broku
Gusts Broku
5 years ago

There is no worse sound than a good hard snowball hitting your car. I threw em,and also was hit with a couple. It would piss me off.

Big Mickfan
Big Mickfan
5 years ago

So,the estate of dead rocker Randy California is suing band Led Zeppelin, saying Led Zeppelin stole part of the lyrics to their mega hit…. Stairway to Heaven. If I were the judge I would have dismissed the case years ago. My reason would be California was high when he wrote the lyrics, and Led Zep even higher when they stole it and played it.

5 years ago

The young are being turned into activists to support a system of government that would truly take away Greta Thunberg’s childhood and replace it with government intervention supposedly to fight climate change.

“And Greta Thunberg’s dream for the future means technocratic regimes will have to displace capitalistic societies. We can see the future in the radical environmentalist plans of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s New Green Deal, one supported by leading Democratic Party candidates. It’s authoritarianism. There is no other way to describe a regulatory regime that dictates exactly what Americans can consume, sell, drive, eat, and work on.

One imagines that most voters, through their actions, will continue to reject this idea. One reason they should reject it is so Greta Thunberg’s generation will not have to needlessly suffer.”

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Looks like little Greta has really gotten under your skin Pat. Science can be scary if you can’t follow it. But why bother to read about climate change when you can get all your science from Hannity and Fox news?

As Trump would say, “sad”.

Reply to  doomiedodger
5 years ago

The hoax of climate change and the fix that the far left wants is what has gotten under my skin, but using kids to promote their lunacy should annoy and disturb everyone. Destroying the mental health of young people to push a political agenda says a lot about the ambitions of the far left socialists.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

and you know it is a hoax because????

Pats answer…….”Because it is a liberal, far left democrat invention. If the republicans came up with it it would be a different thing but Hannity says I should be against it
, so I am”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  doomiedodger
5 years ago

Hannity the all knowing who talks crazy talk like Beck and Limbaugh is your go to scientist.

5 years ago

just another typical day on the planet. Old white folks with no kids whining about the glory days and are blatantly stupid.

And I had the event wrong, only one person killed…. but still.

Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Old white folks, as you call us, used to be respected in society until the far leftists came on the scene and have been teaching young people to disrespect the wisdom of older people. It’s your own far left District Attorneys who are telling us that young people under 21 are incapable of mature thought which is why they should not be held accountable for their actions. Yes, they are calling young people stupid and incapable of making rational decisions.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

that’s your DA you’re talking about

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Pat, Greta is a young person making rational decisions but you and your cult following are calling her stupid and mentally ill. So what is your point again?

Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

The young whipper-snappers should be in class practicing their cursive, dagnabbit.

5 years ago

So much for the 300 jobs this autumn Tyer bragged about. Maybe the year after next.,585551

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

The jobs are coming!!!

The second, Tuesday of next week………..

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

and just before the election we will probably be told GE is coming back. If you have nothing to run on you have no choice but to make shit up.

Also, for the curious. There was a picture in the local paper a couple of weeks ago just before the primary. It showed people holding signs at the polls and there was a group holding Tyer signs and a group holding Mazzeo signs. The group holding Tyer signs were obviously told to turn and face the camera with their signs and the Mazzeo group pic was taken from an angle with her name barely readable. Draw your own conclusions.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

I have no doubt that Wayfair is finding it difficult to recruit the people they need/want at the wage they are paying.

The ad requests a bachelor’s degree, although I’ve determined this isn’t an absolute requirement. Still, they are looking for more than your average Dunkin Donuts cashier.

$16 an hour plus bonuses and possible OT. Apparently, bonuses are hard to achieve with the metrics they have set and I don’t see any OT happening in a Center that’s only open M-F, 8-5.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Will they be doing drug testing? Like for marihuana? Cuz there are only 14 people left in Berkshire county that do not do some kind of drugs.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I enjoyed reading: Tony Dobrowolski | “Mayoral race shows how far Pittsfield politics’ gender inclusivity has come”

The lovely Linda Tyer represents the Remo Del Gallo and Jimmy Ruberto faction. The lovely Melissa Mazzeo represents the Anne Everest Wojtowski and Dan Bianchi faction. Both women candidates are Democrats and feminists who answer to the same Democrat bosses in Boston’s Beacon Hill State House.

Prior to the lovely Linda and lovely Melissa, there was:
* The Bianchi bust
* The Hathaway hack
* The Ruberto regime
* The Doyle debacle

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

One common denominator is that they all bilked the taxpayer and funneled that money to special interests. Is there any reason to believe Mazzeo will be different? Any at all?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Sally Says,

No. But can she be any worse?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Bottom line is that we have to vote for change. The trajectory we are on now is depressing. Tyer seems to be trying to run seniors out of town.

5 years ago

Should be interesting discussion tonight at the CC meeting about Tyer’s proposed cash giveaway to EMA. If any of our elected officials vote to give a “GE Cash” handout to this company – don’t vote them back into office!

Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

There are simple questions that can be asked to establish the viability of this company. It’s a level of due diligence that should always take place.
First a “look at their books” and tax filings in the other states they’ve existed in.
What’s their employment history in those states, how many full time salaried employees there now, (consultant scientists and engineers should not be counted),
Sales and revenue actual
Unemployment filings
List of the last three years of government contracts.

Then ask simple questions like, “Why Pittsfield?”
It’s not a space hub, there are no colleges locally that graduate or are known for engineers.
It seems like he wants to start a company here, one of the new principals (Principal Scientist Level I) of the company that’s been a consultant at GD for six years, because it’s convenient.
Is he planning on hiring rocket scientists locally? Are the six jobs just jobs for employees already hired by the company? Will those six jobs come from existing employees locally?

We all already know what this is, it’s a scam to get relocation pay for a company that hasn’t done anything of significance in the last thirty years. Their “new hire” of just under 6 months is now spearheading a “space empire” in Pittsfield. Funny the owners of the company couldn’t fly out to make the pitch?

So we have a company of no real note, having done business for 30 plus years, with a new hire, who’s been a contractor and associate consultant for 6 plus years, now in charge of “space empire building”. Mayor Linda Tyer plans to go hat in hand and ask for over $2 million in cash and TIFF money for this.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

Let me guess……Persip, White, Moon & Cacc will all vote in favor of giving away city money to a fledgling business which apparently has no investors. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Rivers will ask questions and dance around, then also vote in favor. I hope I am wrong.
This is a tiny company with nothing of importance happening….and if in five years all they will hire is six people – not exactly an empire!! They will take the money and run, just like Nuclea.
The mayor seems to think the Economic Development Fund is her personal checkbook, with the money sitting around in a bank, just burning a hole in her pocket. Please councilors, wake up and vote this giveaway down!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

Tyers rubber stampers will not let her down. Lest they be shat upon by her shadow team

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

I think if this company and its plans “became a thing” it would be amazing.

But from what I read, this is a company looking to build/start something that exists no where else in the country, for an “emerging” industry that also doesn’t seem to yet exist….

I feel like the city is desperate to utilize the BIC…realizing now after the fact that we built a very expensive lab with no actual need for it…

5 years ago

I found it very chilling that Greta Thunberg says adults will pay for their lack of action now on climate change. “We will make sure they pay” she threatens. This doesn’t bode well for adults in the future and sounds like a combination of Children of the Corn and Hitler Youth who actually turned in their own parents if they didn’t agree with Hitler. They had been that brainwashed by the Nazis.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Great letter to the editor today by Ed Dartford of Stockbridge regarding climate change.

Greta needs mental health counseling.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

All of these kids need an intervention before their mental health is completely destroyed by this cult-like obsession with climate change. We know who is pushing this extremism on them. We all want a healthy climate but NOT the fanatical extremes of the Green New Deal promoters and the far left in other countries.
They are the ones pushing this worldwide fanaticism.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Since you don’t have kids to take care of you I hope you won’t depend on government handouts to care for your elderly years.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Pat, Hannity not only has you terrified of anything not in his gospel but you are now almost totally paranoid. And it is becoming a bit scary. Now a young girl with Asperger’s Syndrome has gotten in your head and you are comparing her to Children of the Corn? That is advanced paranoia, is scary and needs immediate treatment.

Reply to  doomiedodger
5 years ago

Funny, but many others are saying the same thing that these children and this young girl is far from being the only one, are being terrorized by the far left to believe a bleak future of only having 10 years left. They are also being told not to have children because why bother with such a dark future. These children are being used for political purposes. Climate change is not stealing their present and future, the far left extremists are doing that.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago
Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

How Dare you.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

I agree Dan. This young girl needs to go back to school and live a normal life. Her anxiety level would go down tremendously. If she really does have some mental illness then the leftists pushing her over the edge are only making it worse.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Biden’s done. Looks like his past sins are finally catching up with him.

What new nutjob will the Dems roll out to rush in & save the party from total embarassment? Kerry? Clinton? Moochelle? Surely they don’t want Pocahontas, the liar & fraud, as the party’s nominee?!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Meanwhile Trump continues to take his daily bowel movements all over the constitution. But nothing to see there.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

It sure did.And that is still sitting dormant waiting for the Trump takeover who after 3 years of his leading the swamp to great power has planted the seed of his 3rd term at Trump rallies and you guys are eating it up.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Bernie and Lizzie are now taking over now that Biden is fading. Bernie needs to work on getting his message out to get in the winners circle.

comment image

It’s safe ran it through security.

Bull Lunt
Bull Lunt
5 years ago

I have to laugh with these state clinics opening up to detox junkie when you had D A R E And it won’t be long when every block n the City will have pot selling or growing. Crazy.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Pertaining to Lovely Linda requesting $140,000 from the GE Fund tonight for this “space capsule”, I hope it does not get approved. There are many other issues in the City that this money would benefit all the taxpayers. I wish this business well and I hope he can build his “empire”, but what I don’t understand is why the original company out in Colorado is not funding this? If they wanted to open a “branch” in the Northeast why are they not supplying the funds to do so? Also, I am wondering what kind of other breaks Lovely Linda is giving this company? Also, why is she not providing the taxpayer with a list of all these “gifts” she has given? How much money is left in the GE fund? Why is everything so secretive? We as taxpayers have a right to know these answers. Need an audit of the books!

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

This is an interesting quote:,585293

“Michael Coakley, the city’s business development director, said the announcement came this week, two days after the preliminary election, because this is when the funding and paperwork fell into place.”

“These things take a little while to put together,” he said

So they knew about this for how long and exactly what “funding” is he talking about?
Did he volunteer this information himself or was he asked a question as to the timing

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Just read the online proposal for EMA – get this – they only have to produce 4 jobs in five years, as two of the promised six position belong to two current employees!!
What a joke!
This has to be the biggest scam yet!
Let’s see who falls for it on the CC!

Johnny absurd
Johnny absurd
Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

Is Stanley in on it?

Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

The other four jobs are not “new employees” either they are either existing employees moving here or employees from GD who are also consultants. The other problem is they use this term “ EMA Associate Consultants”, they are not real employees.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Sure Mike…Sure Linda

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Do tax payers get a vote on how this fund is spent – NO

baron von brack
baron von brack
5 years ago

Can you say Nuclea.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

This Trump-Ukraine thing will turn out to be another nothing burger–unless they investigate the Bidens thoroughly, which won’t happen.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

True they would need to convict both Hillary and Biden since the media ignored their collusion with a foreign power and President Trump has no evidence against him of doing that except for the far leftist media saying “sources say” which means their spies in the Trump administration are spreading lies.

Stone Hedgekutoure
Stone Hedgekutoure
5 years ago

We must all reflect on Patrick’s great victory in Ward Five. Let’s get Pat on that Council, he’s smart,and a real good guy. And has business experience.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Correction, Mr. President.

We don’t “pay” money to all these other countries, we GIVE it to them.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Why are you all saying a $2 million giveaway to build the space empire? I thought the request was for $140,000?

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

It’s $140k cash for relocation money for existing employees and a TIF that will be very close if not over $1.8-$2 mil
If it’s under two mil it’s a lie. There’s financing involved that clearly puts this at like $2 million.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Also, you should know you are all invited to a Community Conversation next week.

Email Warren Dews (Husband of the Executive Assistant to Mayor Linda Tyer) with your questions beforehand!


Presented by DMI in conjunction with Price Memorial AME Zion Church.
Community Conversation
The Past, Present & Our Future

This event is for those people that feel that their voice in never heard at the table. This is your chance to hear from key people in positions that affect your community.

Send questions in advance to

This will be a panel discussion:

Senator Adam Hinds

Coach & Mentor Jarmal Sistrunk

District Attorney Andrea Harrington’

Mayor of Pittsfield Linda Tyer

Community Leader & Cultural Proficiency Coach
Dr.Shirley Edgerton

Program Director at Boys & Girls of the Berkshires
Dan Joslyn,

Pittsfield School Superintendent
Dr. Jason (Jake) McCandless

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

It is election season where the Mayor will pretend to care about your property taxes.

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

A joke.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Or just dial 1-800-YABADABADEWS

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

A panel discussion of hand-picked questions. That’s edgy.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

4 pm impeachment meeting–Chuckie on fire behind the fireplace grill, again.

Why do the Dems have only 168 votes if Trump is soooooooooooo bad?

Dave the Plague
Dave the Plague
5 years ago

I guess EM’s Miller was an engineer at Boeing at one time.

This Just In
This Just In
5 years ago

Smitty just filed a bill to outlaw plastic straws. Now if we could only pick up all the junkie needles.

Good old Smitty. Saving the Berkshires on step at a time.

johnny Absurd
johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Bidens done. It was just on the news. Awww shucks.

Salmon Eggs
Salmon Eggs
5 years ago

Tyers done. Holding press conference for the hirngof Tom Sammon and what she thinks was the reason thereof? The reason is he’s qualified period.