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ADD 1, NOV. 14, 2019, mid-afternoon: THE PLANET has learned that after virtually non-stop consultations with  multiple lawyers and the legal department of the Secretary of State’s office in Boston, Melissa Mazzeo and her Team have been advised that if she eventually wishes to file charges of ballot tampering, she first has to ask for a recount. She has to clearly state why she is asking for this and file the petition before 5 p.m. today.

THE PLANET has confirmed that Mazzeo is in the process of getting the signatures in each ward right and that as soon as it’s complete, she will take it to the clerk’s office. The reason for doing the recount has to do with exhausting all possible avenues before going to court. The cost of a recount exacts a price, but Team Mazzeo has no choice. If they don’t ask for a recount, they can’t be sure of getting a court hearing. The last we heard, she was on her way to city hall and presumably the clerk’s office at 2:55 p.m.

This is a developing story, and THE PLANET has been the first, and only, media outlet to have it. That’s why so many go here first.

———- ooo ———-

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION NOV. 15-17, 2019) — There’s much we could be talking about. Take two ripe stories, please. The Democrats continue their Star Chamber ghost hunt for the “high crimes and misdemeanors” that just aren’t there. Then there’s the special ed teacher at Taconic High School who collapsed in a classroom and later died.

A stuck elevator robbed the teacher of precious moments, and already school and fire officials were breaking their backs to imply the jammed machine did not “seem” to be a factor in the death. One of the med responders disagreed, saying even a few extra seconds could have made all the difference. Blind, deaf, and dumb city leaders don’t seem to care, but there’s a lot of anger in the community over this $121 million lemon, The School Where Nothing Works.

“Seem,” by the way, came from a fire department spokesperson talking to The Boring Broadsheet. He also said elevators get stuck on a regular basis. Yeah, sure. THE PLANET has hopped more elevators than there are hair lips on Bear Creek, and we have never been stuck. Of course, the intrepid reporter for The BB printed every word of officialese, verbatim — no digging, no follow up on  story weeping for it.

At Mercer, meanwhile, our special agent imbedded there told THE PLANET that “the brass” was “mapping out a response should there be an inquiry.” If that’s true, why would they be doing this if all was as the official public claims? Is this the first time the elevator exhibited problems? We wonder: Does the building have a valid certificate of occupancy? When was the last time the elevator was inspected? Were problems reported to the administration and ignored? Was there no portable defibrillator available?

A man may have paid with his life.

Sleep well, Supt. JIV and Lady Boots Yon.

Our focus this weekend, however, is on the mayoral vote on Nov. 5. THE PLANET has confirmed that (a) Melissa Mazzeo and her team have been going through the voter rolls, (b) they have been in contact with state officials, (c) they have been consulting with an attorney, and (d) they believe the outcome was rigged.

None of this means Team Mazzeo will take action. While they decide whether to challenge the outcome in which she lost to incumbent mayor Linda Tyer by 500+ votes out of nearly 12,000 cast, THE PLANET keeps hearing of alleged irregularities in the polls that day and in the week leading up to it.

Should Mazzeo dispute the results, it would not be via a recount. That deadline expired Friday 11/5. She would presumably file in Superior Court alleging voting fraud.

Here is what various sources have told THE PLANET regarding voting on Nov. 5 and activity in the Registrar of Voters in the week before the election. None of this has been officially confirmed.

  • At least one precinct cut off voting at 8 p.m. sharp, not allowing people into the booth who were in line prior to 8. The law requires that poll workers allow everyone in line by 8 p.m. to cast a ballot. If anyone was prevented a vote under these circumstances, you should notify the state attorney general’s office and THE PLANET.
  • Was the mayor riding around with city clerk Michele Benjamin on Election Day? We had several reports saying that. It would be problematic in perception and if not in law. Benjamin serves on the board of the Registrar of Voters. The city clerk also certifies the tally. Shouldn’t candidates stay away from a person who has the ability to monkey with the numbers?
  • A key area of concern appears to be absentee ballots. There were 745 absentee ballots received by the city, a surprising increase of 47% over 510 such ballots in 2015. [ED. NOTE: Initially, the city said 749 absentee slips were received]. One source told THE PLANET that when the ballots were opened on Election Day, “a number of them” were taped. In filling out an absentee ballot, a voter marks her ballot and places it in an envelope that she seals. She then places this envelope in a larger one to mail to the city. When city receives the package, it remains in possession of the registrar of voters, where it is supposed to be secured from tampering. The only envelope the registrar should open is the outer one. The inside one should be sealed, pristine, until opened with witnesses and police guard on Election Day. If that envelope is taped, it indicates someone may have tampered with the contents.
  • One of our operatives said he spoke with Heather Gregory-Brazeau, assistant clerk for registration and elections in the Registrar of Voters Office. She said, “By state law, we received the sealed envelopes with ballots by mail from whatever state/address they live. Voters had the option to send it 27 days in advance. We did not open those envelopes. We kept them sealed until Nov 5. On that day, we brought them into all 14 polling stations and in presence of police officers. Those envelopes were opened and ballots brought through casting machines.” It puts those 27 days in play. Where were the envelopes stored? Who had access? What is the process of keeping them secured and free from tampering?
  • This would make reports of unauthorized people in the Registrar’s office all the more troubling. One story we heard was that Gregory-Brazeau was working after hours one night before the election when two people came into the office. Gregory-Brazeau identified the pair as the mayor and her husband, Barry Clairmont. Our source says Gregory-Brazeau expressed surprise that they would be there after regular city hours but said nothing to either Tyer or Clairmont other than the usual social pleasantries. We asked both the mayor and her husband about this. Clairmont told THE PLANET, “That NEVER happened. I’ll take a lie detector test on this matter.” As of press time, we had not heard from the mayor.
  • One city official told THE PLANET that results from the voting machines had Mazzeo winning. That person said the challenger lost with the absentee count.
  • In one ward, voters were against to see unfilled ballots spilled over the floor, unattended.
  • There were concerns about the qualifications of several poll workers. The city was in fact desperate for workers in the days leading up to the election. We heard reports of poll workers being loud, obnoxious, not staying at their desks, socializing, being to near the booths during voting, and one report of a worker with double sets of books. Workers only get one book. Two books would allow them to text to candidates names of registered voters who did not yet vote, opening the way for any person to claim a name and illegally vote. As you know, Pittsfield does not require photo I.D. at the polls.
  • Focus is also on Ward 2. Morningside, typically the lowest turnout ward, showed the highest gain in new voters in the city. City sources noted some “suspicious new voters — substance abuse types” who miraculously developed a civic conscience and decided to participate. Related to this were rumors of cash being offered to people on the street to vote.
  • Why did the schools decide to hold a teachers’ professional day on Election Day? The countywide day couldn’t have been timed better if the goal was to interfere with voting. At Reid Middle School, teachers were allowed to park in front near the entrance, taking up almost all the spots that should be been there for voters.
  • Also highly irregular was The Boring Broadsheet repeating their endorsement of Tyer on Election Day. We can think of no other instance of that happening.
  • Part of due diligence in a process like this would be for Team Mazzeo to scroll through the list of voters. THE PLANET heard from two different sources about the dead coming to life. We call them “Lazarus votes.” We were told that “multiple people listed as dead voted.”
  • We also heard that more than 300 “suspicious names” were found when comparing the electorate rolls with the names of those who actually voted.

Finally, we present this report from one of operatives, Z-9. Here’s the relevant part of Z-9’s information:

“I used a list of registered voters from early 2017 and pulled out all the voters who cast votes in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016. 2016 was a very big year because of the presidential race, with 20,478 votes cast, 71%. I didn’t have the list from 2017 but didn’t need it as it was a low turnout of 6,387 voters, 23%. 2017 was a local election without a mayoral race.

As I mentioned earlier, I thought something was up with the 2018 general election and there may have been. My data showed that 439 voters came out to vote in 2018 and 2019 who hadn’t voted in 4 years. In addition to these last week there were an additional 120 voters that came out to vote who hadn’t since before 2013. I called a couple that I knew and confirmed that they did vote, however. Concerning absentee ballots, I counted 683 returned ballots, 5.7% of the ballots cast. This is a historically high percentage, but maybe voters liked the early voting in the State elections and have begun using absentee ballots for more convenience. I called one friend who confirmed she voted via absentee because she didn’t want to deal with the crowds. The highest percentages of absentee ballots were in Wards 5B at 8.6% and 1B & 6B both at 7.4% of the votes cast.

It was interesting to note that of the 716 of new voters that registered before the 2018 general election only 134 voters returned to cast a vote in 2019. It appears that almost 600 registered in October 2018 to vote in November and then disappeared.

To investigate if there were systemic voter discrepancies, I would have to start with calling the 120 voters who came out to vote for the first time since at least 2013 and see how many confirm that they voted. If there are no discrepancies found in this data set of voters, then I wouldn’t look any further.

Does all this add up to a swing of 213 or more votes? That would be the number to flip the official results.

It would take solid evidence for Team Mazzeo to get the result overturned in court. Should they decide to challenge the result this way, it’s a sign they think they have hard evidence, as in The Goods. We don’t know if or when they will take action, but we do know it is under serious consideration.

Your thought, please?

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“I’m willing to let justice decide if I’m innocent … or guilty”Vincent Price as Frederick Loren in House on Haunted Hill.



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5 years ago

I think unless Mazzeo tells you she’s looking into this, she isn’t. And I believe Barry – sounds like sour grapes.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

A week after the municipal election, Pittsfield politics is raising taxes again. That didn’t take long. Wealthy Ward 4 doesn’t mind yearly tax increases. The poor don’t care either because they don’t pay taxes. Instead of focusing on taxes, Melissa Mazzeo should have campaigned against the Good Old Boys club that has run Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch. The lovely Linda Tyer gets it! Mayor Linda Tyer knows high municipal taxes feed the special and vested interests big appetite, while the Good Old Boys still run the show in Pittsfield politics. The lovely Linda won wealthy Ward 4 and the backing of Jimmy Ruberto’s political base. I believe the lovely Linda ran a winning campaign in 2019. The lovely Linda Tyer is the best Mayor of Pittsfield, EVER. The lovely Melissa Mazzeo would have done a good job, too, as Mayor.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Why does everyone think 4 is just loaded with all wealthy residents? Tons of middle class families in the ward that are either 1st or 2nd time home owners that DO notice the tax situation. Based on signs/Connell winning I am shocked 4 went as heavily as it did for Tyer.

Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Everyone doesn’t. Just Melle, who does not live here.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Harrison
5 years ago

Let us see if my theory about wealthy Ward 4 determining the 2019 Pittsfield Mayoral election is based on cold hard FACTS?

The lovely Linda Tyer won by a margin of 234 votes in wealthy Ward 4 where 2,456 voters voted.

The lovely Linda Tyer won by a margin of 151 votes in Ward 3 where 2,223 voters voted.

The lovely Linda Tyer won wealthy Ward 4 + Ward 3 by a cumulative margin of 385 votes.

Those are the cold hard FACTS!

Set Teas Conflict
Set Teas Conflict
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

A virtual tie J in Ward Seven separated by four votes in a and four in b tie?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Where are the facts that it’s wealthy?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Harrison
5 years ago

Higher income households vote in larger numbers than middle and lower income ones. Ward 4 always votes in the highest numbers than the other 6 Wards. Therefore, Ward 4 is the wealthiest Ward in Pittsfield politics. Furthermore, Ward 4 always decides the winner of the Mayoral elections. The high taxes from City Hall do not impact wealthy Ward 4 as much as the other 6 Wards. The lovely Linda Tyer won Ward 4 and the election.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Missy is a member of “ The good old boys club “ she couldn’t very well criticize herself.

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
5 years ago

I pray to GOD MM takes it to the supreme court so that she can 100% guarantee herself a loss in her inevitable run for election back on the council in 2021 and add another tiny doll into the Matryoshka of unelectables (Bianchi, Malumphy, Nuciforo, etc etc).

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

Tim ,Tyer is the Pickleball Mayor and the only mayor in the country elected to build pickleball courts.Remove the merry go round and replace it with courts.

Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

If MM runs for council again, Yuki is long gone. Only time will tell if that is a good thing or not.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Do not understand the support for Marchetti and Yon who wont acknowledge that Herberg School and School Departments behavior policy is disrupting residents children education and its costing Pittsfield Ma. Millions…..The CC wont acknowledge problems.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

What’s an art insider?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Absolutely it should be looked into. And while they are at it check the last one as well. But the really sad part of it is that not one person in the city would be surprised if there were tampering because the Tyer campaign put out all sorts of bogus information and mistruths, showing considerable desperation.

And you can look for Team Tyer to be heavily monitoring this site and carpet bombing posts like mine with negatives.

5 years ago

I will say this again today. In Pittsfield, in the DA’s election a year ago, I was approached by a Harrington petition/signature taker and told he was being paid $5 per signature to get her on the ballot. There were “substance abuse types” and other never vote types alleging they were being paid $20 a vote. There were strange happenings with the absentee ballots at City Hall in that the ongoing reports of the quantity coming in varied from the final count. Tyer was a big cheerleader and member of the “Get an Unqualified Progressive Named Harrington as DA” team. Tyer also cruised in and out of the Registrar’s office. Finally, the number of Cacc lawn signs far exceeded the number of Harrington’s. Cacc simply didn’t have the funds to pursue any type of action.

Sound familiar? Because it sounds like it just happened again. If Tyer and hubby popped into the Registrar’s office after hours, absentee ballots decided the race, and many of these ballots had tape on them, there’s a problem and it’s a big one! Has the mayor election proved that lightning can strike twice in the same place?

You’ll never hear about this stuff in The Berkshire Birdcage Liner. Interesting that today’s editorial endorses Tyer’s plan to raise taxes in the city. I guess it’s proof that there’s no fanny too big or too small that The Eagle won’t plant a big wet one on!

At least Dan you have the guts to spell out what’s going on!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

Funny you should mention the Eagle and tax endorsements. Because in the October 27 issue (Our Opinion) they were taking another interesting slant on taxes. And in the Nov 8 edition (Our Opinion) they were endorsing an addition to our gasoline tax. The Eagle has pretty much endorsed (or rubber stamped) everything Tyer and her people have ever done. You would think that just once they would endorse something that might be good for their overall customer base. And the fact that they almost never do is why I do not patronize their products. They pretend to be your friend but stab you in the back when the special interest come a calling.

By the way. I know city hall drives them a ton of business but do they pay taxes? And is it discounted like so many other friends of city hall?

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

They should do a write in! oh wait. Mazzeo was beat because of the people behind her The Tully’s and the rest of the miserable bitter people just a bad group to have behind you. The being paid for a signature? give it up stop spewing this crap really grow up! Ahh the sign war? not even close what you need to get out just a wee bit more. AH outwitted out smarted and out played and and FAR out worked the Cacc people TWICE!!!!!!

Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

You’re absolutely right, anderson. That is because she is a politician, not a district attorney. Take a look at her mentor Larry Krasner in Philadelphia to see the disastrous consequences of her brand of law enforcement. Gun related violence, victims betrayed and outraged, police demoralized. She’s pandering to the progressives who elected her and don’t understand her job and better than she does.

Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

Perhaps AH and Tyer simply outsmarted by out-cheating? And the Liberal Lemmings just go along down the La-La path to perdition.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

I’ve only gotten stuck in an elevator once. It was in an old building, in an old elevator on a hot day during which the AC in the building wasn’t working either. Before and after that I’ve ridden in a million elevators that have never gotten stuck. That one time though, was very scary.

I hope the family of the victim files a lawsuit. I hope the first responders who were trapped in the elevator with the victim join suit. I cannot begin to imagine to trauma they experienced suddenly getting stuck with a critically dying man, his life hanging on the balance and not knowing when they’d be rescued. Yes, the rescuers had to be rescued themselves. One minute seems like an eternity. Ten minutes is unfathomable.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

They were stuck in the elevator for 10 minutes? Wtf. I was shocked that the Beagle bent over backwards to get quotes saying the elevator didn’t impact the outcome. That poor family, I am so sorry for their loss. What a tragedy.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

In October 2019, the mayor bragged on the radio during the election that Taconic had just received its Certificate of Occupancy. This would have been over a year later after the school opened for classes in 2018.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

I heard Tyer say the same thing.They opened way to early and allowed companies off the hook.Is there a final public accounting of the full cost of Taconics 121 million budget.

5 years ago

Ok, my bad. I should have known not to doubt you. You did write that you confirmed it. I wasn’t sure you had it from the horses mouth. Great piece. The fact that Mazzeo hired an attorney to review this is mainstream news, and Brian M was right after all. As you wrote before perception is reality in politics and this is just more kindling for the Kapanskis to feel they are getting torched by the GOBSIGS.

5 years ago

As city clerk Tyer was an expert on running elections and that could explain her riding with Benjamin – showing her the ropes.

flogging molly
flogging molly
5 years ago

This sounds like the website The Onion. Come on and move on, Mayor Tyer was reelected. One idiot reporting 3rd hand on Facebook of a voter saying they were told they already voted has created this urban legend that now has stirred up all the whacks. Paying for votes, that’s an even funnier one.
The real story this week is small Deval thinking he in anyway qualifies to be in the race for president.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  flogging molly
5 years ago

Can we get the Mayor down to Herberg school

5 years ago

What happens to a ballot after it is sucked into the machine? How are write in votes tabulated to know who received them? Why are write ins never reported by name, only raw number. Is that a two person process? Is all handling of absent tee ballots a two person process to provide checks and balances? Just my two cents worth.

Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

Now we need a new plant manager at PHS too.

Who is charge of our schools? Anyone?

Coakly Rommero
Coakly Rommero
Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

I believe it could be F N 2817, or Carl the Janitor from the Breakfast Club.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

Wonder what the real story is. Did pipes freeze because someone forgot something? Maybe another political appointee? Are there any insurance companies even willing to insure the city of Pittsfield anymore? Pittsfield must be in a incredibly high risk pool with its shutting off fire hydrants, police taking down geriatric folk, losing tons of salt to the atmosphere, people getting run over during 3rd Thursday events and all the other issues that never hit the paper. Is anyone in charge? Seriously, is anyone in charge?? Asking for a friend.

Mr. X
Mr. X
5 years ago

The fact that Doyle and Ruberto are running the Tyer camp should be proof alone that things were done on the up and up.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

Good one! I really liked it.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

Doyle is very sick. Hope that cheers you up a bit.

Bass Weagins
Bass Weagins
5 years ago

So, I’m listening to tar coming home from the late shift, lost track of time and wanted to hear some tunes, anyway Sturgeon is on with a music d j I have heard before and he was quite interesting. So, I arrive home, took my jacket off flicked on the channel and I hear them talking, no pictures? A logo,whatever,so I’m listening and this Sturgeon host asks the D J Sean,what he wants to do in his life going forward? So, the guest says I want to get out of here.I was laughing maoff. The host was like,say what? You can’t make it up. I thought that was video, just a logo. Why have it on pct if you can’t watch the guest?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Wow. After reading your column, I’m glad to hear Mazzeo

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Oops, sorry about that… realized Dad’s name (Fritz) was still in the PV comment box, as we share a computer. Tried to edit it w/o success.

5 years ago

Wow. After reading your column, I’m glad to hear Mazzeo is closely looking at the results. You’ve given plenty of reasons why we should all be concerned about this election!

5 years ago

Today’s conjecture and supposition blog post is so absurd I assume it’s parody. There is very little if any liability for a broken elevator. There is even less probability that some vast conspiracy to rig a local election in Podunk Pittsfield.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Whomever signed certificate of occupancy, is probably liable.
As is inspector of elevator.
A year old and it’s already broken?

Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

How many news stories start with a rumor?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

No verified sources or evidence = little or no value. No pictures, no video, no proof.

If Trump has nothing to worry about, play the tapes.

Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

You cannot waive negligence; liability maybe.

Clearly some negligence here with the elevator.

5 years ago

Clairmont certainly comes off as a numbers guy and the absentee ballots would be an obvious place to focus to make a difference. I hope someone gets to the bottom of this. At the very least, the fact that so many people seem to distrust and dislike these people is cause for concern.

5 years ago

The Impeachment – no crime required, no rules of criminal procedure required. A political lynching of a man who the deep state is trying to dethrone. If he wins re-election after failed impeachment attempt, he better get more bodyguards, or deep state may pull a JFK type of thing.
The elevator – very sad the young man died. Why didn’t they use stairs?
The Election – Move along now, nothing to see here.

Ichabod Crane
Ichabod Crane
Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

What is this about stairs? They’re going to take a man on a stretcher/gurney down stairs?!
I think the idea is that they were IN the elevator when it failed.

Amanda Crane will probably be fired now for even mentioning it in her piece. I have to give her some credit for doing so.

But I’m sure the Eagle and Mercer are at DefCon 1 on this.

Reply to  Ichabod Crane
5 years ago

The poorly written story never says anybody was actually stuck in the elevator. It says the elevator got stuck, delaying the transport.,590102

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
5 years ago

Like Caccaviello whom mazzeo supported, missy won’t accept the people’s choice.
More sour grapes?
No means no!

Reply to  Tom Betit
5 years ago

What would you mean by that? “Won’t accept the peoples’ choice.”

What action rejects the peoples’ choice?

(Sour grapes is a misuse of the allegory, btw. There are no sour grapes here.)

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  levitan
5 years ago

Short on memory?
Caccaviello’s doomed from the start write in campaign? Did that slip your mind, or are you attempting to offer support for another candidate the people obviously did not elect.
Missy will fail miserably like Caccaviello, whom with the help of his wife attempted to intimidate voters, with Betsy capeless assistance.

Reply to  Tom Betit
5 years ago

Still don’t get it. If a candidate loses a primary, she must abandon the election? Doesn’t that contradicts the ‘peoples’ choice?” Harrington gained 40% primary vote (hardly a majority, Caccaviello got 37% (statistically the same?). There was no GOP alternative. So the general election would have offered no race. You imply that choice must be respected, so don’t you need to provide one for the General Election?

Lieberman beat a hotshot Democrat in his primary, so he ran as an independent and kept his seat against both a GOP and a Dem opponent. Did J. Lieberman violate the ‘peoples’ choice?’ Does a third party candidate violate choice by running against the two mainstream parties?

Let’s move onto the next question that you raise. Regarding the Mayor’s race, does a recount constitute contradicting the ‘peoples’ choice’ or does it serve to validate the choice?

Tom, let’s think this through, I’m trying to get a read on your position.

Reply to  Tom Betit
5 years ago

Is your response an anonymous ‘thumbs down’?

If you hate a rejoinder, why not simply write a letter to the editor. #METOO is your friend.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Pittsfield infastructure even if brand new is not maintained for the future.The city must consolidate and take care of what we can afford.Lets consolidate schools because we must. Lets have more resources under one roof .Business does consolidations to run efficiently. The Mayor Marchetti along with Yon and Mccandless have no efficiency plan.

The Proktor
The Proktor
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Yon and McCandless do have a plan, continue to suck taxpayers down the drain,albeit the political and state workers who get mega pensions don’t care. Former employees directly tied to the schools in their former lives are getting pension far and above the actual working tax payers that built tiphis city who currently get peanuts compared to the special interests. Here are a few, Massimiano 90g Simonelli, 60g,Stooges wife 50g,Travis 80 plus, Cameron 80 g many many others. John Barrett 68 g

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

But they sure gots lots of new vehicles.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Cumberland Farms just got robbed today.

Maybe it was Barry? Was he casing the place at 3AM on the 5th?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Dan, what are the requirements to file for a recount? What does she need from each ward?

5 years ago

I voted for Mazzeo but don’t buy any of this. Mazzeo backers should realize that not everyone thinks the same way they do. Shocker I know.

5 years ago

Were the recount petitions filed successfully?

Bailee Bixtrimosant
Bailee Bixtrimosant
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago


5 years ago

DA Andrea Harrington fails are her job yet again.
She won’t prosecute the racist woman of color who wrote hate speech, lied to police, wasted tens of thousands of dollars of city and college money, brought bad press to the college and the Berkshires.

DA drops investigation into alleged assault at Bard College at Simon’s Rock
Posted Friday, November 15, 2019 4:54 pm
By Heather Bellow, The Berkshire Eagle
GREAT BARRINGTON — Despite inconsistencies in a student’s account of an attack at Bard College at Simon’s Rock in late September, police and prosecutors say there isn’t enough evidence to press charges against the female student for making a false report.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

What city wasted 10’s of thousands of dollars? Pittsfield? North Adams? Boston?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Great Barrington

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Pretty sure Great Barrington is not a city.

Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

It comes out of the state budget. It’s not about the money. The real problem is we have a DA who is more concerned about political correctedness and pandering to her friends at the NAACP than she is about seeking justice.

Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

No it doesn’t. The local police department and college spent easily over $10,000 on additional patrols, closing the school, the initial investigation.
That’s not paid for by the state.
The additional security since, not paid for by the state.
The private investigator, not paid for by the state.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Pittsfield wastes that much every week. Drain the swamp!

Gabuls Gall
Gabuls Gall
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Well,if that’s the case we should all collectively give this fine example of a citizen a full-tuition scholarship immediately. We don’t want to lose this fine young student.

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Notice that she uses her spokesperson to deliver the news. No fluffy hair photo-op for her in delivering that message.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

So the alleged victim is the perp and she gets a free pass because why exactly??? And the black student unions demands were met even though the whole kit and koonoodle was a hoax. If I was the chief I’d charger her ass if she And let Harrington dump it.

Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

I’m actually shocked Walsh isn’t charging her anyway. It’s not like him. Maybe he will.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Join the discussion…
Sadly, the question is “If the victim was not a woman of color, would she be charged with a crime?” And I think we all know the answer to that!

5 years ago

Questions about absentee ballots – does the city clerk maintain a separate register for them? If they are sent in the mail w/o a return address to identify who they are from – are they still considered legit? If so, how would they know if the sender was actually a registered voter? Once received, are they kept in a locked, secure area? I was shocked to see the poll sitter in ward 4 with a duplicate voter roll, so I hope Mazzeo can sort this mess out. Glad to hear that she is pursuing a recount.

Set Teas Conflict
Set Teas Conflict
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Again, the Planet delivers fact base driven accountable sources, this time concerning Melissa’s recount request.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

And the obvious question, since Mazzeo has filed for a recount, who’s guarding the ballots??

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

They’re stored in Mason jars on Gerry Doyle’s back porch.

J Botumalally
J Botumalally
Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

Those ballots are already counted,count on that.

5 years ago

On this page today, I posed the question, how many news stories started off with just a rumor? Even the Berkshire Birdcage Liner has the story.

Now, does anyone believe that Mazzeo and her lawyers would have been involved with the Secretary of State or she wouldn’t spend what’s going to be a good chunk of her money if there wasn’t something fishy? Can’t wait to see how this turns out. Mazzeo certainly has guts!

Wow! Dan scooped all the folks at Rutberg’s rag and thumbed his nose at a lot of Tyer supporters posting herein. I’d have to say that Dan has certainly earned some bragging rights today!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Regarding the elevator issue at Taconic. Was this is one time failure or had people already been complaining about it not working properly?

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Will the Eagle report the whole story in full step by step.I would assign somebody full time to this. Linda and Barry were desperate on election day as Barry did the 3am Cuberland Farms safety report from the hood.If we dont have a crime problem how is it he knew where crime headquarters was located…..if there was a voting crime who would have the motivation?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

You are joking about the Eagle reporting the full story, right? I imagine everyone in their newsroom laughed when they read that. Keep em coming. Laughter is the best medicine.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Oh, I see, this is the ol’ “I’m offended” game.

So now the new variation is “I’m intimidated.”

“Everywhere Marie Yovanovitch went turned bad. She started off in Somalia, how did that go? Then fast forward to Ukraine, where the new Ukrainian President spoke unfavorably about her in my second phone call with him. It is a U.S. President’s absolute right to appoint ambassadors.”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2019

This is intimidating how? If you want to intimidate a witness (and by the way, what exactly have these “witnesses” witnessed? Answer: ZERO), you don’t do it in front of 1 billion people.

“Trump” is hollowing out the State Dept.”

Well, it is about damn time! This has been needed for decades, and I personally have been waiting 35 years for it.

Same old idea still in effect here: we don’t like Trump, he doesn’t play by our rules, doesn’t suck up to us, and so he has to go.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

When you boil it down, this was about Trump getting someone out of the way so he could essentially bribe the President of Ukraine to get dirt on his potential opponent in an election, plain and simple. This is what tinpot dictators do and it is worthy of impeachment.

5 years ago

Would rather see a recall vote. Tyer’s trick of slightly lowering the tax rate before the election and raising it immediately after has got to be one the worst displays of contempt for voters here or anywhere.

5 years ago

What a laugh this is: “POLICE and prosecutors say there isn’t enough evidence to press charges against the female student for making a false report.” I bet you to a man and woman every officer involved is bs at this.

Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

The alleged victim reported a serious crime that was shown not to have happened – that’s probable cause to charge her with filing a false report, which is a crime local cops can bring not withstanding DAs wishes, as I’m sure Police Report can attest to.

If she also wrote the N word or whatever on school property, that’s potentially a hate crime regardless of motive and her own race, and she should be charged accordingly.

Only crime DA controls by law is homicide. Cops need to charge regardless of her wishes.

And potential hate crimes are not reportable to the US attorneys office.

As I said all along, this smelled like a Smollet.

This was a chance for Harrington to take a stand for racial justice and instead she’s taking g the easy way out because the victim is the perp.

This was a chance for The Berkshire Birdcage to do some real reporting. They too failed.

Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

Harrington’s incapacity to do the right thing will be her downfall just as Trump’s incapacity to control himself will be his. Get popcorn.

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  James
5 years ago

Remember, we’re talking Great Barrington here. Land of white guilt and uber political correctness. Harrington’s ONLY concern is her political aspirations.

Reply to  James
5 years ago

Accept the election results of 2016. Lots of people are very happy with President Trump. I’m not happy about Linda Tyer being elected, but IF she won fairly, we need to give her a chance. Harrington is a far left District Attorney. This is the inevitable result of the far left taking over every institution in society from our schools to social culture. It was only a matter of time before it infected our justice system. The far left agenda is the problem.

5 years ago
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  gigi
5 years ago

Trump is a circus of clowns

Reply to  gigi
5 years ago

I agree Gigi. This whole thing is a circus going nowhere. It’s just intended to fool gullible people into voting against Trump in 2020. I feel bad that the woman was fired, but who hasn’t been fired from a job. Is every American who gets fired now an “American hero” as CNN has called the Ambassador from the hearing on Friday. Obama fired all of the Ambassadors when he became president. Should he have been impeached for that?!? What a soap opera these hearings are and we have to suffer through at least another week.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

It was not about her removal.Trump and Rudy needed her out of the way because of Puttin needed Ukraine to stay crooked. These foriegn service state department employees were not aligned with Rudy Puttin and Trump.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

The far left are the ones in bed with Putin. They go around calling each other comrade and yet they are afraid of Russian influence? I don’t like Putin either and the whole 2 1/2 year investigation PROVED that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia. Hillary WAS colluding with Russia to get dirt on Trump using Christopher Steele as an intermediary. You folks on the left will just not accept facts if they go against your hatred of Trump. This is very sad and dangerous for this country.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Voter Fraud? Rigged Election? Why not Russian and Ukraine interference as add-ons?

People should know when they’re conquered.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Russia interference is the number 1 threat to Democratic elections again in 2020.They are backing Trump for a 2nd term.He will serve them well again.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

golova klyushki

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Barack Obama said today that Democrats will lose the average voter in the country if they keep talking about burning down the system and starting from scratch. Stupid commentators and even some on FOX are saying this proves that Obama is a moderate. No, sorry, because Obama knows they need to get a Democrat elected as president first. Any Democrat will do because then they can gradually complete the transformation of American that Obama started. He absolutely wants to get rid of our constitution, turn us socialist/communist and implement the Green New Deal just like the crazies on the far left. He is just saying to not scare off people with your radical ideas until the time is right and then he and the far left can complete the transformation (Destruction) of America.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Brian, my hat’s off to you, you were the first to claim Mazzeo hired a lawyer.

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“Power corrupts
Absolute Power Corrupts
– Act-On

Saul Z Media
Saul Z Media
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

Racist Graffiti and vandalism running rampant at Syracuse. Pot is ready to blow. Mabe time for a pep talk by the Planet.

Michele Henderson
Michele Henderson
5 years ago

I’m a bit naive, Does Pittsfield mayor position have term limits?

Reply to  Michele Henderson
5 years ago


Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Just finished reading all of the Tyer trolls bashing Melissa on many different websites. If these trolls had just taken a few minutes to read the articles as to why Melissa is requesting the recount they would find the reason. Melissa is listening to the taxpayers and voters of Pittsfield that had major issues trying to vote in the election. I believe she is addressing the complaints for all the voters, not just those who would have voted for her. She has always listened to the taxpayers of Pittsfield something the present Mayor never has and will never do. With most of the complaints and issues one name seems to keep popping up, Barry Clairmont. If these Tyer trolls are so angry, makes me wonder what they are afraid of. Maybe if Barry had acted like a spouse of a candidate instead of being the Mayor, some of this mess would not exist. Tyer has never had control of her departments whether it be Police, Economic development, Public Works, City Solicitor and now just add one more department. Too many wards had complaints, this needs to be investigated and changed for the better. Change is not always bad.

Formerly Halloween
Formerly Halloween
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

I remember the infamous night when our Dan was over at W B R K,that was the night that clown Larrkin was a guest on election night,somwetime in the 1990’s. Wasn’t there some kind of mistake with the Councilor vote or Council at Large, where they had to d it over? I believe shot-glass told everyone to shut it down or else. I bekieve shot -glasses boss made us do another election. Can you say eery Dan?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Are the Tyer trolls angry or are they just doing what Tyer memos tell them to do? Swarm and protect.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

They were professionally taught to be a wasps nest. Attack as if their life depended on it.Trump philosophy

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Incidentally, Merry & Bright is none other than Mazzeo, Bianchi, and Bowler hack, Dave Brubriski.

People should know when they’re conquered.

5 years ago

Another failure for DA Andrea Harrington.

The sooner she moves onto her next job, where hopefully she isn’t in charge of anything important, the better the Berkshires will be.,590405

“We felt very strongly that the case that was presented at the grand jury is what happened in this case, and we felt very strongly in Johnson’s guilt here,” she said. “The trial team in this case went to great lengths, and they did everything that they could to be able to fairly present their case to the jury.”

Well Andrea what legal expertise did you add to the case, yes it is heartbreaking that you are incompetent

Nota Judge
Nota Judge
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

This is a new one or am I not seeing the picture. A witness states he witnessed the murder,sentenced to manslaughter and refuses to testify against the real killer? Why don’t they give them all the same sentence if they don’t want o testify.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Comical, Kinz. You and all of your cast-off cronies are pathetic. You landed in the Hampden County DA’s Office and take out your bitterness by commenting/leaking here are the worst.

Seeing you try to pin the Loquan Johnson case on AH is especially pathetic. The case was hopeless because of the behavior committed by former DA David Capeless,

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

@Blare, Why don’t you come clean and admit you were prosecuted by the previous DA’s office. There are some jurisdictions where the DA is appointed by the governor, in part because a long serving DA will have racked up many guilty pleas or guilty verdicts which, in turn, pisses off those who are prosecuted and their families.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Blare, Caccaviello handled that case. Your fixation is starting to border on obsession.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Obviously she has no idea that a very strong feeling of guilt in no way translates to proof beyond a reasonable doubt. How little she actually knows about the criminal judicial process is extremely frightening.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

She’s not even bright enough to take the advice of the legal staff she’s hired or the consultants she’s had to hire because she can’t litigate.
Imagine an office where the Chief litigator, the DA, needs three hours of coaching to gets ask for no bail at a bail hearing. That’s the world of DA Andrea Harrington.
She ruined this case by not offering a deal to anyone of the participants. She was told a number of times, and it was clear by rulings, that any testimony would potentially violate the protections of the 5th amendment. All she had to do is give one person a deal and this would have been solved, she was told that by no less than 3 people in her office. She ignored it.
Edit: She’s wasted taxpayer money due to her incompetence, now she’s going after contempt charges. Please waste more money on your incompetent handling of this trial.

What an absolute disgrace. What was she worried about on Saturday? The unflattering picture in the paper. “They could have used a better picture”

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

comment image

All you need to know about DA Andrea Harrington in one picture.

Seems like something stinks in the DA’s office.

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Dang, she had to miss her yoga session.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

This case was ruined by the incompetent morons who worked for our previous DA David Capeless. Capeless hired and promoted based upon loyalty first and foremost, which is why he led a team that consisted almost entirely of Western New England Law grads, one of the weakest law schools you will find. He was a disgrace who led a team of corrupt imbeciles. Good riddance.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

What’s your issue with WNEC buddy?

Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

The case was fine until Harrington let it drag long enough for intimidation to take over. Her solution is written agreements with witnesses? What is she going to do, sue them? She knows nothing about the law. Blare needs to own up to his running up against the law due to his abuse of pretty much everyone he ever lived with.

Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

What’s my issue with WNEC? Mostly the fact that my dog could gain admission and obtain with a law degree from there. Let’s just say it ain’t exactly competitive. Let’s just say WNEC ain’t know for churning out brilliant legal minds. The number one employer of unimpressive, bottom of the barrel WNEC grads is local law enforcement. That was one of Capeless’s known tactics to maintain his control and domination of criminal justice in the Berkshires. Hire barely competent morons to do his evil bidding. Which is why his office consisted of 90% WNEC grads.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago


See my response above. You sound very emotional and strange here. You’re talking about ‘evil biddings’?

What’s odd about hiring graduates of a Massachusetts Law School to handle cases in Massachusetts? I’d think it weird to hire a lawyer from NYS or CT needing secondary training in Mass law.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Yet the very judges who sit on the federal bench in Springfield have taught at WNEC. I guess they’re imbeciles as well. Now, let’s go and look at Squeaky Harrington’s entire legal career up to an through today. She’s a little league player that thinks she can play in the World Series. She just wants to either get to the Statehouse or hitch her wagon to Joe Kennedy hoping he’ll win and take her with him. What a spectacular DA she is, provided DA means Dumb Ass.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago


There is no such a thing as a ‘weak’ Law School. All law schools are accredited to the same standard, and gaining entry to any is difficult. New England LS is a fine choice for gaining practical legal training, in contrast to Yale or Harvard which leans towards theory and appellate law.

You surprise me sometimes.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Amazed how so many dont see Trumps impeachment investigation as how did Puttin get control of a American President and a political party .

Josh Fallon
Josh Fallon
5 years ago

You have got to be kidding, if I could take back my vote I would. If it were a couple votes I’d understand. Does she feel that entitled she can’t accept defeat? Who pays for this recount? Reminds me of Hillary Clinton.

5 years ago

In legal circles, cases such as these are known as shit sandwiches, plain and simple. Their ugly. Perhaps it’s not Harrington’s fault, or the other DA’s office, or the cops. Perhaps it’s the victims fault. Perhaps if he sought medical treatment at BMC, instead of driving far away, he would be alive today, and if his compadres gave the truth to the cops the first time, perhaps the two shit bags that robbed him and shot him would have been convicted. As it is,one was. Perhaps if the case was that weak on the other one, without Campbell’s testimony, the case should have been dropped by the DA, and take up again down the road when Campbell was ready to tell the truth. These guys always step on their dicks again, sooner or later, if they are not murdered first.

Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

Bad case to start with but it all hinges on testimony. If the testimony ends up being self incriminating, then there are vehicles to negate that, specifically immunity.
Would that guarantee a win? No but would it go a long way to getting testimony on the record and in front of a jury.
You offer a plea or even immunity for testimony.
You are right, these guys are not geniuses but they are presently a lot smarter that DA Andrea Harrington and her entire staff.
The lesson is clear to each future criminal, just point a finger at someone else, then at trial, point the finger at a different person. It’s called the Harrington Defense, because it will beat her every time.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

We need to discuss why republicans have allowed the Russians to takeover.

J Botumalally
J Botumalally
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

It’s their turn.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

golova klyushki

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

The people elected AH to prosecute what is now at least 6 homicides. So far, she is 0 for 6. As many complaints people may have had with Capeless, he did successfully prosecute his murder cases. Those victims and their families got justice.

We are at such a bizarre juxtaposition now. In AH’s mind, it is the criminals who are the victims. They need more compassionate dispositions.

With the trio of Harrington, Wynn and Tyer at the helm of criminal justice, crime in the Berkshires is just a walk in the beautiful woods.

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

@Dan, Well said. At the end of the day, there must be accountability if you want to live in a civil society.

Thee Detoxicator
Thee Detoxicator
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Exactly,another example is giving druggies methadone treatment or whatever it’s called now, and after treatment shoot up again, because they know it’s there (treatment) I say throw them in jail to detox! Cold Turkey. If they want to die fron overdosing,that their problem. Life is hard enough.You can’t fix stupid.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Harrington has done a horrendous job. She doesn’t know what she’s doing and she’s impervious to good advice unless it serves her personal political aims. Mazzeo should run against Bouvier, who is responsible for this along with Tyer and Hinds.

Romeaux Deslesgatos
Romeaux Deslesgatos
Reply to  James
5 years ago

The day the Sheffield murders I believe she was on the Stooge Show.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Harrington has put out a statement on her office fb page stating she supports Pressley’s list of reforms. This includes theft of “necessity goods.” Feel free to walk into the price shopper, Walmart and anywhere else in the Berkshires, and take food, formula and diapers, etc. Keep it to under $100 per incident. Unless we hear otherwise, Harrington will not prosecute anymore than she will hate crime fakers.

Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

Harrington and her husband own a food store in West Stockbridge. Take what you need

Olathe Padderson
Olathe Padderson
Reply to  James
5 years ago

Her hubbys a big dufus.

Reply to  Olathe Padderson
5 years ago

Her husband is a great guy. And so is tony Mazzeo. Let’s leave the spouses outta politics unless they put themselves in it.

Coffee Splatt
Coffee Splatt
Reply to  James
5 years ago

Has anyone seen J Low since the beating he took in the Ward Five Election? Talk about a Political Career in ruins. Good job Patrick. FI’ve hundrEd vote victory.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Coffee Splatt
5 years ago

He’s still cooling down his phone.

Romeaux Deslesgatos
Romeaux Deslesgatos
Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

Great feedback Aerin! What happens is Wal Mart for instance, has to catch and release day after day and this breeds contagious they day after day. Police calls for nothing,police. The police could be doing something more important. Given it the criminal carte bland to steal, there Will be an uptick,with everything.

Catch and release is for fishing. Our cops don’t need to be fishing. Cops need to start writing citations. Druggies given the opportunity to be clean need to be incarcerated,the revolving door just prolongs the inevitable
Also. Motor Vehicular Verbal and Written ain’t working. Fine these crazy bastards on the roads and you wont have the repetitive nonsense that has gone on for years. And that includes big shots and little ones.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

November 17, 2019

At the Massachusetts State House, Speaker for Life Bob DeLeo’s and his band of “bureaucrats” (aka House Legislators) are ready to go on a long winter vacation from November 20th 2019 – after January 1st, 2020 without voting on many important pieces of legislation, including funding for education, children’s health, a ban on driving with a handheld cellphone, and funding for transportation infrastructure.

When these important pieces of legislation come to a vote sometime next year (2020), Speaker DeLeo always gets near unanimous votes for his bills. I believe Speaker for Life Bob DeLeo’s absolute power is really undemocratic and it parallels past and current dictators of Communist countries where everyone agrees with their feared dictator. If a “bureaucrat” (aka a Legislator) stood up to Speaker for Life Bob DeLeo’s absolute power, he or she would be blacklisted.

On top of it all, everthing done on Beacon Hill is decided behind close doors with no transparency. When “bureaucrats” like William “Smitty” Pignatelli go to the State House, they always fall in line with no real representation for their legislative district. But, the “bureaucrats” (aka Legislators) do get great taxpayer-funded benefits, including a big salary and other forms of pay, healthcare insurance, and a nice pension. It is all for doing almost NOTHING at all with many months of long vacations.

In closing, many Soldiers have died in combat for our great country so we can have Democracy and Liberty. It is very sad that Massachusetts state government is corruptly and secretly ran by a feared “dictator” also known as Speaker for Life Bob DeLeo who got nothing done all year long.

– Jonathan Melle

The Moovi Guy
The Moovi Guy
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Shane is on channel 58 great movie.