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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY NOV. 7, 2019) — Today THE PLANET shares some random observations that entered our domain as fleeting thoughts. Here goes:

Rip It — Some 41 people have died in ocean rip currents this year. Elizabeth Warren says if she become President, she will drain the oceans to keep snowflakes safe. Moral: Confine your swimming to Silver Lake.

Stand At Ease, Private — The one good aspect of the House Impeachment Hearings will “public.” Thus far, hearings have been held in a Cone of Silence resembling the Star Chamber that caused Charles I to lose his head. Isn’t it odd, that of the many witnesses grilled in secret, the most important one hasn’t been heard from or even confirmed of existence? THE PLANET refers, of course, to the whistleblower. This is America. The accused has a right to confront the accuser.

Trick or Trick — Halloween participation was noticeably down across the city. Hard to say why, but the consensus was the needless postponement when the city panicked last week over a few rain drops and winds no stronger than a mouse’s exhale. Next year, we predict Peter Marchetti goes as The Invisible Woman.

Let’s Make a Deal? — Spies tell us that earlier this year Marchetti made a deal with Melissa Mazzeo. He would stay neutral in the mayor’s race in exchange for the votes for council president. Z-15 says that was one of the reasons Chris Connell held out until pulling papers in Ward 4. Some believe ward councilors should not be council President. Without the deal with Marchetti, Connell would have run at-large and Melissa would then have ensured Connell had the votes for president. When Marchetti pulled the old “Chief Knife in the Back” routine on Mazzeo and waddled for Tyer, all bets were off.

Parade Floater — Speaking of Marchetti, there was a great picture taken from the Tyer victory party. You can see Pee Pee Peter in side profile, ala Alfred Hitchcock. We’re not saying Pee Pee has put on a few, but he might want to hire himself out to the Pittsfield Parade Committee as one of the hot-air balloons. When Pee Pee goes skinny dipping at the beach, the whales break out in song, “We are family.” We’re not saying he’s rotund, but people have been wondering, “When is he due?” Hey, Pee Pee. Have another beer. Better yet, try standing for something for once in your life. You got the position. Now you ned to grow a pair.

Black Listed — Why were Asci Drive, Kittredge Road, Rose Terrace, Michael Drive, and Howe Road from the reconstruction list this year? Could it have anything to do with the residents of that area vehemently opposing last year’s chip sealing plan? Just another “Pittsfield Coincidence?” Something for Ward 1 winner and re-elected Helen Moon.

Turn, Turn, Turn — The 42% turnout proves more than any other tally the apathy among the general public. The real “winner” in the election, None of the Above, who got 58% of the 27,556 in the electorate. Are you taking notes, Tim Kushi?

Come Together — Both Tyer and Mazzeo said it. All candidate say it when the results get tallied: Time now for the city to come together, heal, and blah-blah-blah. The loser says it to be magnanimous. The winner says it because she realizes how many people didn’t vote for her, opposed her, and will prune over the outcome, wanting retaliation. Noble sentiments vanish as quickly as dew diamonds of lawn on a hot summer morning.

Home Dome — The place to be Wednesday night was the largest domed stadium in the Northeast, the Carrier Dome, Syracuse, also known as “The Loud House.” In the late game, the Orange hosted the Virginia Cavaliers, last year’s NCAA Division I basketball champions. The Cavs won, but a packed Dome, with energy levels off-the-charts, is an experience that should be on anyone’s bucket list. Especially if you have seats at half court a few rows up from the Orange bench!

The DailiesTHE PLANET‘s experiment of returning to a five-day-a-week format has been a smashing success. Do you want it to continue. Vote here, early, and often!

So what’s on your mind today? You can share it here. And now you can follow us on Twitter!


There’s something the dead are keeping back” — Robert Frost, from “The Witches of Coos.”



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Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

So the whistle blower should come forward but Trump can tell his own people not to answer legal subpoenas? Having a little trouble understanding why one is OK and not the other as whistle blower protection is a bipartisan law as well as is showing up for congressional subpoenas? These people are trying to shred the constitution before our very eyes.
So if we are not going to be a democracy any longer Donald needs to tell us just what we are going to be.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

There isn’t a formal impeachment yet so the rules of having to do something do not apply. The Dems are just milking this so that their low information followers will say “it’s so terrible that Trump’s people are not answering their subpoenas”. This is all for show. Just wait for the hearings which will be a total circus. I thought the Kavanaugh hearings were a disgrace with all the wailing and screaming from far left supporters in the background. This will more than likely top that display of craziness.

It’s the far left that wants to destroy our constitution. They like to accuse others of the thing they are trying to do.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

I think the House vote the other day means that it is an official/formal impeachment process. Now, for example, the minority on committees can issue their own subpoenas. But I think I heard those can be vetoed by the majority, at its own political risk, however.

But if we can get this thing into the House Judiciary Committee where it belongs, that would be a start. Had quite enough of Chairman Shifty, so bring on Nasty Nadler.

Again, nothing wrong with any real impeachment process at any time, for any reason–it is in the Constitution.

It is, of course, a political process, so you can essentially make up the charges in the articles of impeachment.

I much prefer that the House take on its constitution duty of checks and balances instead of these special prosecutors/special counsels/independent prosecutors.

I’ve said many times in here–you can’t expect the executive branch to check itself.

But there are risks on both sides, maybe more so for the impeachers.

Bobby Bowden had a somewhat risky offensive goal line play.

His tagline for it: “Hang loose, someone’s fixin’ to score.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

13 different professional diplomats that went to work everyday like everyone on this board who cant skip the investigation are all telling the same bizzar Bribe syory aboug we hat Trump wanted in return

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Ambassadorships of the Obama days were payoffs to donors. No, that was not an unusual practice, but these ‘diplomats’ are corrupted beyond redemption.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Johnny, whistleblower law protects them from firing and retaliation, not anonymity in perpetuity, which if you think about it, if they were allowed to be anonymous, they wouldn’t need protection to begin with.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

Oh. So are we in perpetuity already Joe?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

No. Whistleblower name is out as it should be. Trump is in political purgetory though – dems need to hsit or get off the pot – they are dragging country down. Trump is an idiot etc but he is also duly elected POTUS. Remedy is ballot box not impeachment for a phone call that doesn’t rise to high crime.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Yes. The coup began prior to the election with FISA abuses.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago


No subpoena without due process.

Schiff ought to be tarred and feathered.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Whistleblower is not technically qualified to be whistleblower so has no protection. All part of the deep state coming after Trump, like I’ve posted before. After this fails, he better be real careful or they may pull a Kennedy or a King on him.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Senator Paul should be charged with intimidating a witness by making whistleblower name public. Nothing will change even if 49% of voters wanted change. Teachers have great schools to teach in with great leadership. We have a stable crime rate as most criminals in the city have positive attitudes.Barry proved that our criminals like a good nights sleep.The 2.1 million over budget is normal business for snow removal. Tyer thinks 49% just have bad attitudes.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

This is a political whistleblower so it is not illegal and in fact very necessary that we know his identity. Most people already know who he is, but the mainstream media refuses to say. They leak everything else, but this they keep quiet. Why? Because he is a political enemy of President Trump. He and his lawyer have been out to get Trump from the first few minutes of his being elected as President.

Did everyone see the emails from his lawyer yesterday that were all about “getting Trump”. These emails were from years ago. Yeah, we can really trust these people. Add Shifty Schiff to the mix and this coup becomes a joke, but a very dangerous joke that all Americans should see for what it is.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

He wants Putin Russia to succeed more than he want you to succeed. Putin controls Trump.Russia wants the Ukraine. Use discernment.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

I suspect that you have Putin stuck in your brain. That’s not good for mental hygiene.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Everybody knows who the whistleblower is and he is someone along with his current lawyer who is out to get Trump since 2017. This doesn’t give any credibility to this investigation.

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

If everyone knows who the whistleblower is, please tell us?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

The whistle blower actually has NOTHING to do with the process any longer. He is simply one more distraction by the panicked white house. Puullleeeze cross check your right wing news sources.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

No, the far left and far left media (one and the same) say the whistle blower has nothing to do withe the process any longer because they do not want him to testify. The Whistle blower has a treasure trove of information about Democrat corruption and our state department corruption in the Ukraine all led by Hillary and Obama. Glen Beck will be exposing the entire thing next Wednesday.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan please put yourself in the place of the man and his family

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

Interesting POV on Let’s Make a Deal – can think of lots of clownsil Prezs that were ward through the years that went on to higher offices Frazier, Smith, Brindle, Hickey, Scelsi. Getting tired of the say nothing, do nothing, be nothing crowd myself. Lets get back to a government for the Karpanski’s instead of the GOB’s

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

Frazier (John), if I remember correctly represented ward 7 and served as council president at one time. Had a package store on Hancock rd. near the lake years ago.

5 years ago

I voted for Tyer in her first election so I am willing to hope for the best in the next four year. She has to know that her policies are not working for half of the public who voted against her this time. She needs to really focus on our crumbling roads and even our sidewalks with so many cracks in them that people are risking broken bones to walk on them. Throwing more money at the schools isn’t solving the worsening problems of kids not getting a good education, droves of teachers leaving, violence, and political brainwashing. Leniency on crimes is not helping anything in the city. Hire more police officers for real this time. Jobs continue to be an urgent need for Pittsfield.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Mayor Tyer’s policies are working for everyone in Pittsfield. What you and others missed or you’re just ignoring are the many similarities juxtaposed from past elections, like Bianchi’s failed bid for re-election and Caccaviello’s loss to Andrea Harrington last year, as nothing shy of pure, unadulterated politics between two competing factions. That’s it.

Tyer, rightfully so, touted her accomplishments and achievements since assuming office in 2016, while Mazzeo went on a fearmongering anticrime spree, spearheaded by none other than Bianchi and Bowler. Two of Pittsfield’s power-hungry figures willing to do or say anything to voters in hope of re-assuming the corner office. She had nothing else to put in front of voters. Nothing!

It’s sad when accomplishment and achievements take a backseat to power politics and petty bickering.

What Mazzeo did bring about was a base of voters willing to look the other way in spite of her close connection to Bianchi and Bowler; high taxes which she voted in favor routinely, and a shrinking employment base because she couldn’t afford to give Tyer any pluses in her win column; and that’s just the shortlist.

Adopting a “fault-finding” mentality is no way to further the best interest of Pittsfield. Just ask residents on the West Side after Mazzeo and her anti-Tyer faction (Connell, Morandi, and Simonelli) nixed the home improvement proposal offered by the mayor. What Mazzeo failed to understand (and probably still does) is your government’s main function is to protect persons and property; not further the self-serving interest of Bianchi and Bowler. The mayor’s West Side initiative was (and still is) worthy of serious consideration.

Bianchi, a former mayor trounced from office by voters in 2015. Why? because he s**ked as mayor; Bianchi brought Mazzeo down in 2015, and again on November 6th. Next, it’s Bowler’s turn to find life elsewhere!

And that’s the bottom-line!!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Let us know when you’ve sucked all the chrome off the door knobs and get awarded a tax payer funded position, Brian. We look forward to it

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  PorkyPig
5 years ago

Oink. Oink. Oink. PorkyPig.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

“Protecting persons and property” has nothing to do with handing out tax dollars for home improvements. Mazzeo was right to vote against that particular proposal. That’s not a reasonable function of gov’t.

Yes I voted for Mayor Tyer, but not for nothing Brian, I am having trouble understanding the depth of your enthusiasm. You recently sold a home that was assessed at $225k for tax purposes. If online info is correct, you listed the home at $160k and ended up selling for $90k. That doesn’t piss you off just a little?

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Not at all. You weren’t privy to all its intimate underlinings.

Just so we’re crystal clear, Blare: the Pecks Road property’s loss or gain, depending on your spin or perspective, had absolutely no connection to the City of Pittsfield or the Tyer administration. I jumped in bed with a few less than desirable individuals who tried relentlessly to wreak havoc over the sale and our abilities to sell that property. Time, unfortunately, was of the essence!!

The problem with people around here Is they tend to “misunderestimate” my resolve. Not a good mindset when dealing with me. Just sayin’.

In the end, I pulled off a feat most local lawyers and Boston court officials found to be a first in their profession.

And, Pittsfield, as I’m sure you’re aware by now, is infested with unscrupulous professionals who should not even be licensed to practice law or real estate; after this, I convinced that a few belong in jail, but that’s an argument for another day.

Quoting from the famous Gordon Gekko: Dump it!!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

The Huska’s were nice people. I remember the parents well. Nice property also.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
5 years ago

Walter sat as a Ward 7 Councilor back in his heyday. I never met the gentleman, but I’m told he definitely was one of the good guys.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

You missed my point. I’m not talking about your gain or loss. I’m saying that the property was assessed at a value of $225k and taxed accordingly. That figure is way above market value, meaning the tax was not fair.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

The tax is an estimate only. A city assessor never accurately assessed its true property value since the owner refused to permit an assessor into her main house. Keep in mind the 5 + acres also included three other structures (barn, storage shed, and detached garage).

Whatever the issue, the 225 is a good marketing gimmick. It helps raise surrounding property values and can be (and was) used as a baseline when realtors begin their market analysis. One realtor appraised it at $195,000, another at $160,000. That indicates that their market analyses are unscientific and purely subjected depending on which variables a particular realtor decided to include in an analysis. Take the former: the fallacy there is she went across town to Crofut Street. Including Crofut Street is more of an outlier than a useful sample. You figure it out from there!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

I am not a base voter and relatively new to Pittsfield. How anyone could look at what is happening in Pittsfield and feel great about it is beyond me. Walk up and down North St and tell me what we are doing is working, it’s like Zombieland up there. Just the other day I had to stop and grab something at one of the clothing stores and this guy flying down the sidewalk on a bike was yelling at someone to go “F his brother and he was going to F his daughter again.” I am assuming he wasn’t running late from work. Go walk up and down any other street in Berkshire County and you won’t find 1/4 of the crap that is happening on North. It really is sad that it has become a free for all, I feel bad for many of those businesses.

Do I think Mazzeo would have changed everything over night? Absolutely not. However, I have no doubt she would have worked to improve the alarming rate of crime and shenanigans in this city.

Dale Johnson
Dale Johnson
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, downtown got better the day you stopped walking around as Generalisimo, in your stupid military costume that you got at an online haloween store.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Ironically some downtown business s get tax breaks to make up for the lost business due to people not wanting to get mugged up there. Kind of a quid pro quo thingy I guess.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I would be curious to who the businesses are. I would be much more inclined to support businesses that weren’t being propped up on the taxpayers dime.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

And that is exactly why this mayor (and the business s themselves) are keeping a vacuum tight lid on their identity’s. Haddad for some strange reason is one. Moons boyfriends business is another. Possibly a church renovation on Tyler? Don’t ask the mayor who she is giving tax breaks to because she protects her special interest friends even though it seems like the taxpayers should be able to know who they are subsidizing.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Pittsfield is headquarters for Lenox Stockbridge Great Barrington addictions.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

True. Philanthropists from Stockbrigde even buy property to dry out their laundry.

Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

I totally agree Hendrix. I had to walk home this past summer due to not having access to my vehicle for about a week and I had to go down North Street. This was during the middle of the day and it didn’t feel safe. Many scary people around and drugs everywhere. I was so glad to get home. The people who say there isn’t a problem live far from the inner city in their fancy upscale neighborhoods. The same thing applies to the school situation in Pittsfield. They have been allowed to get so bad because it’s mainly poor people who send their kids to the Pittsfield schools. They figure poor people will not complain. The poor people are so burdened by their problems that they will not challenge anything that is happening in the schools.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

If 8 or 9 people per precinct voted the other way the result would have been different. Your theory is full of crap. You just like to bloviate.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Hell Toupee
5 years ago

Actually the number is closer to 18. Not a big number.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Brian, Tom Bowler has more integrity in his pinky than you have in your entire body. He is a kind and compassionate person and one of the smartest law enforcement officers in Berkshire County. He will be the Sheriff for as long as he wants to, and that’s the bottom line!

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Don’t be fooled by Bowler’s public persona. Lying beneath that “Kind and compassionate” exterior is an insatiable (internal) thirst for power and position. If you don’t believe me just ask the guy he paraded out in front of PPD, accusing Massimiano of sexual assault. Once Massimiano bowed out of his re-election bid for sheriff, did the accuser disappear? You betchya.

Keeping your response in a real-time perspective, Dan, you have something he needs: Planet Valenti. That’s what motivates him to come across as someone you’d like to sit and drink a beer with. But I’ve seen him operate behind closed doors; he’s as sneaky and underhanded as a Bianchi and a Mazzeo. They hate the Tyer network so much that at times they can’t see what’s right in front of them; they’re blinded by it; sadly, it what motivates them.

The more Bowler’s power erodes, the more forceful toward others outside his circle of pathocracy he becomes. He’s losing power at a rate he can’t control; although the next political event will most likely be him losing his office.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Phaedrus’ wolf?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Can you list her accomplishments?

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Much too simple, Brian. This screed is not political analysis, it’s rationalizing.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Bowler could shoot someone on 5th Ave and get re-elected, just like Trump. By the way buddy, who’s gonna run, Harringtons’ pal Barbulunga?

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago


Boris LaGrant
Boris LaGrant
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Mayor Linda Tyer ‘s all “achievements” were done by people around her.
Without Matt Kerwood and Barri Clairmonth she would be lost completely.

Wayfair –300 Spartans job($10-11 an hour) coming –credit should be given to the owner–Mr.Niraj Shah. Back Bay, Boston, U.S. Pittsfield, Massachusetts, U.S. Niraj S. Shah (born 1973/74) is an American billionaire businessman, and co-founder, co-chairman, and CEO of online retailer Wayfair.

Mrs.Linda Tyer has never run any private business of her own.
She got ZERO business experience; NONE of corporate experience.
She was a secretary in School department, then was appointed as a city clerk.
She indeed was good at paperwork–perfect clerk
The city is a $167 Million corporation –therefore must be run by experienced Corporate CEO!!!
Not a secretary/clerk (even good one).
She despises poor residents OPENLY. She retaliated against all residents for failing her garbage ordinance by signing a new garbage contract one year in advance with the same Republican co.
Take away all her advisers and consultants–who will be left?
Just a secretary with all modern Dem/Liberal Progressive skills.

Reply to  Boris LaGrant
5 years ago

Wayfair’s decision to locate in Pittsfield was sparked by Gov. Baker’s requirement they open an office in West. Ma in order to receive State credits.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Boris LaGrant
5 years ago

A corporation is just that of a corporation, not a government entity (like the City of Pittsfield). Two totally distinct creatures of habit, formation, and oversight.

I’m guessing a PCA and dental hygenist would have been more qualified? Mazzeo never ran a business. Please don’t mistake her for the many successes of her husband, Tony, and brother-in-law, Michael. And I don’t recall ever seeing Melissa’s name on any state or local corporate charters or certificates of organization.

Don’t insult my intelligence with such mindnumbing idiocies.

Boris LaGrant
Boris LaGrant
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Home improvement program was set for about 8 lucky applicants, while there are hundreds of poor residents who need repairs! Still, Melissa was correct –home improvement should not use money intended for Economic Development—but what can you ask from secretary Tyer?
She run it to show her kindness. Where was Mayor Tyer before election year for home improvement?

flogging molly
flogging molly
5 years ago

I am very upset with your fat shaming and gay bashing of Peter Marchetti. There is absolutely no reason for that. Like him or not he obviously has the community support evidenced by the election. Stop showing your ignorance. It’s no longer 1950 so stop with antiquated bias.
On unrelated note someone please shut off Bill Sturgeon’s microphone on WTBR. It is sad he interviews people that can’t wedge a word in during interviews.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  flogging molly
5 years ago

Sturgeon should use cardboard cutouts.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

He needs to stock up on Chapstick.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Hey, yeah, Dan, don’t you know that only card-carrying leftists can sling the snark and make fun of their opponents’ personal appearance?

SNL wouldn’t have much to do if they couldn’t do this.

No need for the Planet to lower its high standards.

From now on, only Republicans are fair game, the more conservative the better.

Catch these woke libs off-mic and listen to the remarks they make about people . . . They confine their virtual signaling to their public, scripted appearances. Off stage all manner of colors, creeds, ethnicities, orientations, and body types are fair game too.

I’ve often witnessed this in private with them.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Roger that Dan, so why is Shake’s opposing view gone?

Reply to  Harrison
5 years ago


Shakes’ view vanished weeks ago.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  flogging molly
5 years ago

Grow a pair snow flake.

Reply to  flogging molly
5 years ago

If he’s on city health insurance, he should loose some weight, and by “some” I’m being generous. Dan’s right.

Reply to  flogging molly
5 years ago

“fat shaming” is a ridiculous phrase. Most Americans are overwweight, and by the way Molly, more women than men. Tremendous amout of obsese women. Like 3/4ths of women weigh too much. Can’t even find one to date that ain’t overweight. Huge health costs to the government that us Kapanskis fund. Move it and loose it.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Interesting suggestion that some voter fraud may have taken place in the past election…hmmm

From “411 of Berkshire County” Facebook group:

“A good friend of mine goes to exercise his right to vote at the Sommerset fire station last night at 5:30…only to find someone already exercised it for him.
We need to check ID to vote.“

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

There was no voter fraud. Gerry Doyle’s boss overseers the ballots I believe so you can be assured it was on the up and up. I will say there was an abundance of Warren suppport. One other thing? Do the machines lock up at the 8 p m deadline if there is a line still waiting to register? A neighbor told me there was a line in her area and decided not to vote.

Dale Johnson
Dale Johnson
Reply to  Censyt
5 years ago

If you are in line to receive your ballot you are allowed to vote. Once 8pm hits the doors to the polling site are closed. But they allow those in love to vote.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

That’s racist

I too wondered if someone could walk in and vote for my parents who reside in Florida part time

Dinah Lead
Dinah Lead
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Interesting. Very interesting. How is that possible? And why don’t they ask for I d?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Auto Phil – I also voted at Somerset and it was a mess especially the first check point, There was a tax worker with loads of makeup and crazy grey hair that was standing by the voting machine and was not doing her job. She was spending her time socializing, hugging people and was very loud and obnoxious. I think because of her behavior she was confusing the people that were trying to check voters in. When I was feeding my ballot into the machine she and another woman would not move and I did feel uncomfortable because of a lack of privacy. A neighbor of mine told me that when they were voting this same woman was neglecting to tell voters to check out. When another worker spoke to her about it , her response very loudly was “it doesn’t matter”. I feel Michelle Benjamin needs to check this out and I suggest that in the future poll workers should have name tags so something like this behavior could be reported to City Hall. In the past I have never had an issue there. Sorry about your friend, hope they were able to vote.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Word has it that Private Benjamin spent the day ridding around with Tyer.

Believe Innit
Believe Innit
Reply to  Ham Anex
5 years ago

Didn’t Tyer set up these new machine nes as city clerk?

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

more likely, an error by a poll worker. Tully will get to the bottom of it.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

That’s pretty funny. What did I do to piss you off?

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  Mark Tully
5 years ago

Shakes is unstable.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Yes absolutely ridiculous that people can vote without ID. I could easily have voted twice.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

I heard this happened in Pittsfield as well. To do this you need a list of those who are registered but rarely vote and you have your gang go vote for those people.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

I would like info on the poll sitters – they were provided with duplicate voter rolls on which they checked off voters’ names as the voters checked in at the official desk. So what do they do with that info – round up some close political allies to come in and vote for those who didn’t show up? How is this legal? I would like to see a voter I.D. program in this state!

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Watching Mccandless explain Herberg schools under
performing . He will do this again next year. The Mayor and 51% believe he has the answers.Please spend more money.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

The kids do not want to go to Pittsfield schools and the city cannot find enough qualified teachers with the intestinal fortitude to put their lives on the line. But no one wants out more than the superintendent who probably has an application in every system across the country. And we are stuck with questionable politicians but you do have the option to get your kid into a decent school outside the city so that they may get a decent education and do what you could not do. Get the hell out of Pittsfield.

Can I get an Amen on that?

5 years ago

Congrats Tyer. She now has 2 branches of the government under her control. Can she parlay it into anything ? We need more police – I read that another City filed a “home rule petition” to opt out of civil service to get more police – should be investigated…

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  UAlbany
5 years ago

Is it true that Tyers people have formed a committee to monitor this site and bomb critical posts with negative thumbs? Yah they did.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

They meet every morning at 3 am at Cumbies.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

The Hour of Divine Mercy.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Barry likes to go home and sleep after the meeting so the time got moved up.

Clearly Daloon
Clearly Daloon
5 years ago

The site of Pete White makes me puke. Looking at his campaign donations going back a few years,check out his pledge receipts. Clairmont,Saksaug. You can bank on the mayor won’t get one nay from him.

Landon Televerderdi
Landon Televerderdi
5 years ago

Graft, as understood in American English,is a form of political corruption,being the unscrupulous use of a politicians authority for personal gain. Similarly, political graft occurs when funds intended for public projects are intentionally misdirected in order to maximize the benefits for private interests. Sound familiar.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Landon Televerderdi
5 years ago

You must be referring to the unwritten, but assumed, clause in the city charter.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Tyer organization got great advice to have attack teams in place on every problem voters called Tyer out on.They also had their finger on the button to block pro Mazzeo voter comments.It was a 24/7 effort to stop criticism.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

True dat! They had a whole herd of Kellyanne Conways working the 411s making up alternative facts and skewing reality. None of them believe what they say but as long as bread crumbs are being tossed in their direction they will toe the line.

5 years ago

I’m very glad that DA Andrea Harrington wants to go easy on juveniles. When they murder, they don’t really mean it and deserve a second chance.–abc-news-topstories.html

Authorities have taken a 13-year-old double murder suspect back into custody a day after he escaped from police following a court appearance in North Carolina, officials said late Wednesday.

The boy was turned in to U.S. Marshals by his mother at around 10 p.m. and taken back to Cumberland Regional Juvenile Detention Center in Fayetteville, the Robeson County Sheriff’s Office said.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Yes, yes, we get it. Going after kids – almost exclusively poor kids who can’t afford quality legal representation – was a “sweet spot” for you and all the other incompetents from the last DA regime. So now you pluck extreme examples from all over the globe and present them as the norm to justify your horrendous record. That’s really clever. And adds a lot to the debate.

Cleveland Richie
Cleveland Richie
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Call Martin hardup and Mozotti there the head trauma experts.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

How’s that crow Taste?

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

Better than taste you get from kissing Tyer butt.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Isn’t most violent crime done by males up to age 25? I think the lack of consideration of repercussion and propensity for violence is why that is the ideal soldier age. It’s impossible to ignore violent crime in that age group or therapy it all out.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Who said anything about “ignoring violent crime in that age group” or anything close to that? You are a simpleton. A simpleton who celebrates early incarceration and the lifetime of consequences that go along with it. Unless it’s your kid of course.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Nice sentiment, Blare. But pardon the doubts pertaining to stripping logical consequences from the DA’s productivity.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
5 years ago

Marchetti puts on a pretty good parade but that’s about it. Otherwise like White and Persip, he’s pretty useless.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Ham Anex
5 years ago

The Tyer trolls kept stating during the campaign that Melissa was on the Council for 10 years and did nothing. Could these trolls name one thing that Marchetti, Persip and White have done for the citizens and tax payers of Pittsfield except spend our money?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Would someone please explain what power(s) the City Council and the Council president have? Does it really matter who is on the council? Doesn’t the mayor have all the power, and even more now under the new charter?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Actually, when the council rubber stamps a mayors (or special interest) project it is to give it an appearance of legitimacy. When a mayor has a super majority of council members in his or her pocket, and they endorse what seems like an otherwise totally asinine maneuver, he or she looks less shady. In some countries they call it a cabal.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

change the light bulbs…seriously, seems to be all they have since it was repeated even in their fake letters to editor, though of course the lifetime cost of those streetlights will be more than the electricity saved so it was really just going shopping with taxpayer money, have to check Barry’s records if a little gift was included

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“And in the middle of negotiations you break down
I never give you my number
I only give my situation
And in the middle of investigation I break down
Out of college, money spent
See no future, pay no rent
All the money’s gone, nowhere to go

But oh that magic feeling
Nowhere to go
Oh that magic feeling
Nowhere to go, Nowhere to go”

5 years ago

DV love the format, you asked about posting every day. Yeah I love it but whether its three, four or five a week its the best read around. Even three a week the output is staggering. Five? Almost incomprehensible. You gave us the best most exciting election coverage anywhere. Planet rules.

5 years ago

.Interesting topivs. I voted for Linda in the end. It wasn’t an easy choice. Disappointed in the low turnout. As for Peter Marchetti he’s fair game. He is probably the most do nothing councilor in my time here in the city. I think he is the kind of guy who just wants everyone to love him. Interesting combo: tries too hard to be like but doesn’t try hard to the point of lazy in his public role in my opinion.

Reply to  Barbados
5 years ago

Pete Marchetti is far from lazy he’s one of the hardest working selfless people I know try getting to know him sometime See for yourself

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Friend
5 years ago

Maybe you can list what he’s done?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Barbados
5 years ago

If he wants everyone to like him he should do his Goddamn job instead of steering the mayors projects around obstacles. When he took his oath did he realize the council is suppose to be a check on the mayor and not a vehicle to aid and abet wasting tax payer money? Does not look like it at all Pete. Not at all.

canem bonum
canem bonum
5 years ago

Pittsfield should go to Town Manager form of government.

Dans Funnymuny
Dans Funnymuny
Reply to  canem bonum
5 years ago

We need to converse about that. Gotta go, my phone is scorching my ear from the calls to run again for City Council.

Darius Lead
Darius Lead
Reply to  canem bonum
5 years ago

Well it ,or some of it starts when Then former finance director covered a little mistep of I believe it was tires extractions, for personal use to a former city official,Old man Doyle,then it was on…woitkowski became mayor, then Reilly the historian,of course when Doyle was Mayor, Bianchi quickly became Doyle’s nemesis,they hated each other. So they (Woitkowski machine) ran the infamous Sarah against him, she was an out of towner from Michigan I believe, a protige of Lady W ( Woitkowski machetes brings)of sorts.Anyway Princess Sarah dug a hole with the infamous abhorition comment followed by the Register of Deeds gate,where Andy told her to go fish,he needed he gig at the Deeds,she relented and became a Teacher.By is the way, the abhorition comment was stated on,you guessed it… The Dan Valenti Show over at B R K!

Then as we went on we had the Bianchi Ruberto fiasco, they couldn’t stand each other and subsequently the Clairmont Krol revenge,against TEs, through I think was a Ruberto led revenge leading to the Tyer vs Bianchi-Mazzeo tiff. And of course,lost in the shuffle was the poor award Five Councilor,who appears from all intents and purposes, to be lost on an Island,somewhere on his no pedestrian through – traffic street. Karmas a birch J Lo.

Reply to  Darius Lead
5 years ago

Please rewrite this. It sounds like you are from a different planet.

Danah Lead
Danah Lead
5 years ago

It was Tyer who overseered a Bianchi recount as City Clerk into the Jimmy skinny legs mayor election,in 2009. Believe the votes we’re hand counted? Why would Benjamin be riding around with a mayor?…

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Danah Lead
5 years ago

Woulda loved to be up there in the Loud House to see the Orange toss in 34 points. They must have gone to the two handed set. It worked well in my day. Wonder what Hank Luisetti would have suggested?

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
5 years ago

Can you say/understand apathy? The Voter turnout was pitiful! The Karpinskis are so inundated with GOBSIG, gobsig, gobsig that they have rolled over and played dead: either by not voting or feebly trying to change the status quo BY voting to no avail.
The voting stats show it!
It is what “they” (the GOBSIGS) want and that’s the end of it. No way the working person can change it; not here; not now!!
More people voted “back in the day” when they walked to work ( GE, WMECO, Rice Mills, Eaton, Crane & Pike) and stopped by the polling place to/from work. Today voting turnout is Who Holds the Power, weather and parking related.
Today, nobody wants to go out of their way to cast a vote that doesn’t matter!
The average Joe is forgotten; hence, the debacle that has evolved!
God Save the Commonwealth? Please don’t overlook Pittsfield!!!

Sullimi Pickinshah
Sullimi Pickinshah
Reply to  Ghost Rider
5 years ago

This is no joke. While on my way to vote, I said to my neighbor I’m going to vote. He retorted,who’s running?

Swear to God.

Reply to  Sullimi Pickinshah
5 years ago

A neighbor asked me Wednesday morning, “How did your election go?”

(I was not a candidate.)