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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, NOV. 8, 2019) — Prepare yourself for this one. Be forewarned. Read it with the dispassion of intellect, not the spur of overreaction.

THE PLANET calls your attention to a bizarre happening at a public school in Utah. It provides an important lesson in constitutional liberty. The incident puts into focus the ever-narrowing vision that has dangerously squeezed the once-panoramic field of acceptable public expression into a space that would make a phone booth look roomy — if we still had phone booths. Free speech and the “marketplace of ideas” must be open to all views and expressions. The Founders believed truth would win out. Hateful and damaging views would be scorned and rejected.

Case in point, the Kid Who Masqueraded as Hitler. The following is taken from an Aol wire dispatch:

A Utah teacher and principal were placed on paid administrative leave after a Facebook post revealed that a student at their school had dressed up as Adolf Hitler to celebrate Halloween, Deseret News reports. 

He did Halloween as Hitler. Does free speech allow this? Are you “offended?”

Last week, the mother of a student at Creekside Elementary School in Davis County posted a photo of the child in question in a Facebook group for mothers in Weber and Davis County. The image’s caption claimed that the student had been “Hailing Hitler” and made the Nazi salute … during an event. The mother added that the costume itself was “ridiculous and distasteful as one could get.”

The post, which immediately gained traction on Facebook, was also allegedly shared with Utah members of Black Lives Matter, sparking outrage. 

“It just flew me into a rage because I get so many complaints about Davis School District,” Lex Scott, who heads the organization’s state chapter, told the newspaper. 

Scott purportedly emailed Superintendent Reid Newey, who told her that the situation would be investigated. On Friday, the district announced that it had put both the principal and teacher on administrative leave although it did not specify whether the costumed student or the employees were members of Creekside. It also did not say why the principal and teacher were suspended. 

First point. The mere mention of “Hitler” sends people into apoplectic purples. This irrationality suggests loss of a healthy perspective when we weren’t afraid of  nasties, where we could confront them with the most devastating condemnation: satire and humor, whose sharp barbs flatten  Blue Meanies. That point, however, has been lost on today’s PC snowflakes, who get “offended” over hangnails and sand castles. Among this cadre, if it’s not a unicorn or Elizabeth Warren, it “offends.”

Second point: In the not-too-distant past, we needled the darkness. THE PLANET need only recall the songs of Spike Jones, Mel Brooks’ “Springtime for Hitler,” the skits of Monty Python, and even the “comb-Hitler” impression that every schoolboy had in his arsenal. One of the funniest cartoons we ever saw pictured a grim, pajamaed Adolph tobogganing down a rainbow, unable to enjoy the fun.

Third point: It’s easy to ignore how this once-destitute man of modest background and heroic service in WWI singlehandedly brought Germany from ruin to a military, economic, social, and political powerhouse. At Versailles, the Allies all-but-guaranteed his emergence (and WWII) by stripping Germany of national honor and destroying its economy. Recall the pictures of people pushing wheelbarrows of money to buy bread.

Fourth point: An intelligent approach to the boy’s stunt would have been to use it as a teaching moment for the kids. Instead, the adults taught them to be “offended” and expect the world to care about their feelings once they step outside their protective bubbles.

THE PLANET doesn’t endorse the kid’s action. It was stupid. How the boy’s parents could have allowed it we cannot imagine. We do support, however, their right to do it. It’s distasteful, but who could actually be hurt? It boils down to this: Do you believe in freedom or don’t you? The overreaction of one mother and the fanning by social media only gives “Hitler” undeserved power and influence, the same as using “the N-word” as a euphemism.

Adolph Hitler with a young child. He had the same capacities for good and bad as we all do.

Hitler was a man, nothing more and nothing less. He had capacity for good and bad, same as we all do. Who are we to judge? We need to turn to Jesus for wisdom here. He told us nothing that tries to enter from the outside can hurt us unless we allow it. It’s what emerges from INSIDE that does the damage.

He said love your enemies. In doing so, you pour hot coals on their head. This oxymoronic profundity disarms the hateful and makes a person strong because with love, one is invulnerable.

Switching gears, Pittsfield will stage its Veterans’ Day Parade Monday at 10 a.m. Participants will assemble at Fenn, Pearl, and Allen streets, march up Fenn, left on North, and gather at the monument on South Street. Curtis Janey, USMC will be guest speaker. George Winters, USMC, is veteran of the year. City director of veterans services, John Herrera, USMC, will serve as master of ceremonies.

We now open The Comment Line. Have a great weekend, everybody.


“Seig Heil, Seig Heil, right in the Fuehrer’s Face” — Spike Jones.



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4 years ago

On November 13, former Second ADA Robert Kinzer will be lecturing kids at Mt. Greylock High about cyber bullying and such. He has no business being anywhere near our children. He is one of the former disgraces in the DA’s office who celebrated ruining kids’ lives. Look into this fool if you care about your kids.

Dan, should I make a comment about his weight next?

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

Why don’t you spell out how ADA Kinzer celebrated ruining kids’ lives? He was a very competent prosecutor who actually won cases in Superior Court unlike your current DA’s office.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  canem bonum
4 years ago

Still bitter about the election? or should I say elections. The Mayor and two current members of the DA’s office being elected that has to really sting! you want something else to chew on. Harrington had 8,407 in the general election in Pittsfield. I know you were trying to say Tyer was going to loose because she endorsed AH. All three won so I would say your hated DA brought out the base.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Anderson williams
4 years ago

Mayor Linda M. Tyer is the best person for the job. And Bob Kinser was a brilliant second ADA to Capeless and Caccaviello.

Your comment is still offensive, Blare!!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
4 years ago

Linda Tyer is the best Mayor for 50% of this City and 100 % of the out of town Elite.The cocktails are flowing.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
4 years ago


Kinser was just another hack in the corrupt previous administration. In one of his last prosecutions, murder of Wirtes, the dr falsified autopsy findings and edited Berkshire Medical Center records.

Only to be embarrassed by Berkshire Medical Center records and a separate pathologist. Boring broadsheet July 20 2018

Paul was looking for headlines to bolster his failing campaign,even after governor Baker gave him an impressive head start as incumbent. Kinser was only too happy to attempt framing the alleged assailant.
Much like Lachs lounge murder.
And upcoming round of dismissals, due to perjury, of detectives assigned to Berkshire District Attorneys office.

Pretty encouraging da Harrington is now getting convictions in Williams college sexual assaults, which occurred 4 years before she freed the office of criminal Caccaviello.

Now if Ms Harrington would clear out rest of previous administration, who are covering up their own criminal activity- yes Paul Caccaviello will be prosecuted , no if and or but about it.
Probably for racketeering, imagine he will last about as long as Epstein in prison.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Tom Betit
4 years ago

Welcome to yet another twisted version of The Twilight Zone.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
4 years ago

Facts matter
You’re endearment to Caccaviello is touching, but sadly misplaced!

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
4 years ago

Are you the guy they call pancake?

Cold Cuttz
Cold Cuttz
Reply to  Hoyt Clagwell
4 years ago


canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  Anderson williams
4 years ago

As does Trump.

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  Anderson williams
4 years ago

Yo, Anderson. No mandate for Tyer and Moon squeaked by against an opponent who really did not have a machine. BTW, why don’t you share with the public what it is exactly that Moon does in the DA’s office?

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  canem bonum
4 years ago

Maybe pancake knows.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  canem bonum
4 years ago

Oh and yeah, My friend who works in the office is finally happy after all these years. Happy winter.

Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

Blare, why do you take every opportunity to blame the prior DA’s office for grievances only you can see? Could it be you blame them for the problems you have brought upon yourself?

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

It must s**k being you.

Say what you please about me, but I’ve never addressed anyone’s physical characteristics; and I certainly don’t sound off with unfounded nonsense like you, Blare.

Mr. Kinzer was well regarded and respected as to his legal prowess, high ethical standards, and dedication to helping youthful offenders overcome obstacles of coping with peer pressure, throughout Berkshire County’s many school districts. His many decades with the DA’s office helped steer many away from careers of crime and into productive lifelong careers.

Your comment offends me!!

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
4 years ago

Ethics in capeless/Caccaviello administration? Brian you are joking hopefully. Have you seen the amount of cases dismissed due to perjury?
Falsified evidence?
Even local judges know the former administration is guilty of false arrests and worse, resulting in zero credibility.
Mazzeo lost because she supported Caccaviello and Bowler.
2 down 1 to go.

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  Tom Betit
4 years ago

Tom Betit, Weren’t you prosecuted by the former DA?

Reply to  canem bonum
4 years ago

Also true of Blare. Amazing that the only thing he can find wrong with Kinzer is he carries on using his own time and money to teach kids about bullying after Harrington neglects our community by killing a great program. Dan, what about another award for people who do nothing but crap on our community? You can call it he Civic Doody prize.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Aerin
4 years ago

Kinser like Bowler is reading the tea leaves, Bowler won’t be Sheriff for very much longer. Kinser is looking for and getting free publicity from the boring broadsheet, in an attempt to start a run for district Attorney.

4 years ago

Not unless he’s still on the taxpayer tit. Why don’t you give us some facts instead on innuendo?

4 years ago

Dan, spot on. No one can hurt your feelings without your consent, just as a person can’t honestly claim they were used by another, if they consented. Speaking of consent, surprised Janey is allowed to be speaker in this era of me too. Perhaps one of your Z agents like police report can elaborate.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

A poor decision to dress up as Hitler and a public display of ignorance. If not ignorance then someone is making a statement.Was there acknowledgement of stupid with contrition or is this to test peoples patients with those who promote the extinction of percieved enemies of a country’s leader.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

There doesn’t need to be contrition or acknowledgement of stupid. That’s exactly the problem and sounds like you’re going down the restorative justice road. It’s called FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. And just so you know, it’s “patience”.

Reply to  SallySays
4 years ago

So I can wear a shirt that says F*ck the Police next time I go to a school event? That’s my kind of expression.

Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

As an adult in public all day long. By the way I know plenty of women that love to fuck the police. They know how to use a pair of handcuffs, and they are buff and tough.

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  SallySays
4 years ago

Dan this kind of post should be deleted.

Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
4 years ago

Fair enough if shakes is deleted too.

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
4 years ago

Yep. Agree!

Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

Hey buddy, don’t call the cops next time some druggie Harrington let out without bail rolls you on North St, looking for his next fix.

4 years ago

This is ridiculous. Unless school employees chose the kids outfit, dressed him up, and sent him out trick or treating. Here’s something else that really frosts my pumpkin – county administrator Maryland makes police take down BlueLivesMatter flag because black lies matter folks are offended. And that progressive POS AOC is backing these racist protesters who should be thankful anyone wants to be a cop anymore thanks to the war Obama started.

Reply to  Law&Order
4 years ago

It’s not like US police officers hide behind their badges to implement systemic racism.

Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

No it’s not. Cops put their life on the line everyday they wear the badge, for you and all other raciss and race baiters, and ignorant folk. No such thing as systemic racism, unless your referring to the system that favors people of color in hiring and college admissions.

Reply to  Law&Order
4 years ago

It must suck being white and irrelevant.

Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

I wouldn’t know

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Law&Order
4 years ago

Letting people speak freely and they are quickly identified as to who they are.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Roger that!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

I was going to dress up as Putin but I was afraid I would be mobbed by Trump supporters trying to get my autograph. And I hate when that happens.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Sure they didn’t want you to pee on them?

Dynamic Vibrator
Dynamic Vibrator
Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

I’ll bet you peed yourself when Trump won. But that’s one of your fantasies .

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
4 years ago

Hitler and Walt Disney – One in the same actress.
“A mind is a terrible thing to waste”
– United Negro College Fund

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

During the 1920’s, Hitler admired the U.S.A.’s racism, especially against the Jewish people who were discriminated against, along with the Italian people, by the U.S.’ racist immigration laws. The U.S.A. had eugenics, which was the inspiration for the Holocaust. The U.S.A. had racist Jim Crow segregation, too. Lastly, the U.S.A. defeated Germany in WWI. Hitler wanted to build Germany’s economy to rival the U.S.’ economy to build his war machine that nearly conquered most of Europe. Please, let us not forget the U.S.’ role in inspiring Hitler, who was the World’s most evil Antichrist, ever!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Well stated, JM. And yes, your historical account carries more weight than Dan’s which is culled from Nazi propaganda.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

How ironic that former failed PHS principal Benson, now an Asst. Prof at UNC-Charlotte, was yesterday’s keynote speaker for “Day of Dialogue” at MCLA. The purpose of the Day of Dialogue, according to the organizers, was to “create an increasingly equitable campus.” Those of you who knew Benson will understand the irony.

Once politics invades the schools, educational quality drops like a lead balloon!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Pittsfield politics ruins many things, the schools amoung them for sure. Power and money corrupt and the Pittsfield schools system is the poster child for that. A smart lawyer could probably get some parents together and make a class action lawsuit. Where is Giuliani?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

The school choice law ruined public schools creating Elite public schools the very thing it was not supposed to do

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

And yet at the voting booth School Committee candidates for reelection were put back in. Imagine that? It is the dumbest thing I have seen.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

This was my entire college experience. Everyone wants an equitable, diverse campus as long as you agree with what they are saying.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Its not about everyone finishing the race the same, its about making sure the starting line is fair.

Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

So how is preference in college admissions and civil service hiring for people of color at the expense of white folk making sure the starting line is fair?

Reply to  Johnny99
4 years ago

Because we haven’t provided reparations yet?

Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

Yet? So until the government gives an entire class of people money for a unconscionable wrong, committed many years ago, against that class, even though all the people who did the wrong, and who were wronged, are long since dead and buried, people of color get to skip the line basically? What about the native americans reparations, what about the irish who were shit on when they came to America? Where does it stop? You sir, are an ignoramus in the proper use of the word, versu me calling you an ignoramus per se.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Yes it is Dan. My dad was a democrat and WWII vet, back in the day when the democrat party actually cared about equal opportunity and workers rights – a hand up not a handout, so to speak. They just wanted a fair shake. Now the party is too far gone, and my dad would be ashamed to be associated with the lefttie loons. Glad I left that party under Reagan.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Another? What are some of the others Dan?

4 years ago
Reply to  gigi
4 years ago

So true Gigi. So much corruption that will soon be exposed between the DNC and Ukraine too. Glen Beck will have a very important show on this next Wednesday night on UTUBE.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat I wonder if 3 Hours of Beck Limbaugh Hannity then dinner with 4 more hours of Fox 70 hours a week has affected your thinking?Probably not. Becks show is only important in a Fake reality.You will love it.Im all for any investigation about Clinton Biden so lets do one at a time please.Trumps will be public on Monday and use your discernment on that.Beck is worth 140 million dollars.The rights wealth and power control drive time radio.Look up brainwashing as you are a victim.Just so you know the Clintons are the most investigated people on the Planet.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

There is a reason why the Clintons are the most investigated people on the planet and also a reason why they are never convicted for anything…they are Democrats. Everything that Glen Beck has said in his last 2 shows on Ukraine have been proven true. Our State Department is the key to everything and you guessed it, not only Hillary, but also Obama is involved. This is why President Trump was looking into the corruption going on over there because it is in the best interests of our country to do so.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
4 years ago

Kid looks more like Oliver Hardy than Hitler.

Dynamic Vibrator
Dynamic Vibrator
4 years ago
Drumin Dann
Drumin Dann
4 years ago

There was a property tax increase in a Missouri town which increases deputy’s pay,, and a subsequent baby boom in the sheriffs department where seventeen babies were born in one year.

Reply to  Drumin Dann
4 years ago

And you point is?????

mephoney is hot
mephoney is hot
4 years ago

Yes, Ward five peeps please stop calling J Lo,he has enuff votes.

4 years ago

Hitler’s Train that transported him throughout Europe was named ” America “…at least he got something right.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
4 years ago

How many dead people voted in Pittsfield Tuesday? Was anyone paid to vote?

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

As I asked in previous Planet columns, are poll sitters legal? There was one in ward 4 checking off voters’ names as people checked in at the main check-in table to vote. She had a duplicate voter roll of her own. Seems to me that it leaves a huge door open for voter fraud, as the poll sitter can alert others as to who has not voted.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

The idea is to have a list of the ward and precinct voters. If toward the end of the day voters who said they are committed to you but haven’t voted get a call and are offered a ride. Very common and very legal.

Reply to  Acute Angina
4 years ago

And I would argue that the legality of it should be challenged as it easily leads to voter fraud. Can anyone become a poll sitter and request a duplicate voter roll?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago


Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago

Yes it is legal so long as they don’t interfere with the workers.

Dynamic Vibrator
Dynamic Vibrator
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Wow, Barry has powers of resurrection .

Jarod Judy
Jarod Judy
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

The Grateful Dead.

Reply to  Ham Anex
4 years ago

Very easy to vote multiple times. Here’s two quick ways – you know your layabout brother doesn’t vote so you go to his polling place give his address and bingo, extra vote. Here’s another – you know a friend who doesn’t bother to vote, same gender as you, do it again. Even a neighbor on your street who you know is away it can be done with, or you know doesn’t vote. Even in the same polling place, the old folks working the polls, who don’t work the full 12 hours, would never know. You need an ID for everything important in life expect to vote. How do you spell R I G G E D.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Ham Anex
4 years ago

I think Tyer’s campaign did a much better job at spurring her voters to vote. They were offering rides, phones numbers, who knows what else…

Meanwhile I hear Mazzeo supporters weren’t as visible
because they feared that their public support could cost them down the line in retribution if Tyer won…They voted for her, but didn’t make it public knowledge…

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Ham Anex
4 years ago

Zero dead people voted and zero people were paid to vote.

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
4 years ago

I’m inclined to agree. Are we the only reasonable people out here?

4 years ago


If you were there back in 1938, it is clear which side that you would have been on.

To quote Mixhail Bulgakov, “The gravest human sin is cowardice,” that is, the cowardice to confront evil.

Nice knowing you. Wouldn’t want to be you.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

My good Friend, you have crawled beneath the table now, but your ass is sticking out.

Sorry to have offended you, but actually, no, I am not really.

By the way, regarding doors, The Cave (Socrates) has no exit, but one does not have to believe the show. To be here, or not here, it makes no difference.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Ha! Plato was Socrates’ student. But for extra credit, you can redeem yourself and identify who proposed the allegory of the cave.

You get one chance only. There are no second ones in my class.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago


Plato’s Republic is considered by Aristotle to be the authentic words of Socrates. It is not considered by scholars to be the subject of creative license, which is your assumption. Later works of Plato drop the narrative format, presumably (my assumption based on Socrates’ thoughts on the presentation of voice) because Plato does not want the reader to confuse the ‘actor’ ( Plato) for the ‘character’ (Socrates).

I encourage you to read the Republic of Plato. Take your time. Take two or three years if you need it. We can then debate what Socrates would have thought of the work of journalists should they have been present in his days. Courtesy of Plato, we do know what he thought about the works of actors, play writes, and politicians, afterall.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Bad taste, I guess. Didn’t Meghan Mariel’s husband get in trouble for dressing as a Nazi once? That was probably worse as his great great uncle was a Nazi.
The powers that be should cancel Halloween for forever. There is no fun allowed and lapses in taste are responded to hysterically. The kids are meant to dress as a scary person or someone they admire or something cute and it’s maybe alarming when the public can’t tell the difference?

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Why not cancel since we are in the cancel culture? Megyn Kelly gets axed for
even mentioning blackface but the Virginia governor, Joy Baher , and trudeau get a free pass for actually wearing it.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  SallySays
4 years ago

I’d fire anyone insensitive/dumb enough to wear or support wearing blackface in 2019. I can’t recall in my lifetime that being anything but vulgar. You can’t control private citizen but as face of a company, absolutely.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Stupid is everywhere .Trump has made hate acceptable.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Mick Jager used to dress as a Nazi on stage.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago


‘ it’s maybe alarming when the public can’t tell the difference?”

Can you tell the difference?

4 years ago

President Trump has been investigating the corruption in Ukraine and Joe Biden and his son are important in this, but they are only the tip of the iceberg. This corruption involves so much more and will shock this country when the entire truth comes out which it will very soon. Many are investigating it not just Glen Beck, a sweet extremely intelligent man, who many people on the far left do not like because he is seeking the truth unlike our far left liberal media. Our Attorney General has been looking into this and the Horowitz report will be coming out supposedly before Thanksgiving.

President Trump is well within his rights to be looking into corruption in Ukraine because it involves so much more than Biden and his son. It is within the best interests of this country for President Trump to find out exactly what has been going on over there and why.

4 years ago

One of the victims of our trip down the politically correct road is our sense of humor.

Reply to  Truthsayer
4 years ago


No such a thing as a funny Holocaust joke. It’s been tried, there are no good punch lines.

Actually, a casualty of PC is respect for the murdered victims.

Reply to  Levitan
4 years ago

Clearly, not a Mel Brooks fan!

Van Noztaumb
Van Noztaumb
4 years ago

Congratulations to Ward Five City Councilor to be, Patrick Kavey on his smashing almost five hundred vote victory over Low. And thanks to Dan Valenti for endorsing Pat which helped immensely toward his victory.

I guess you could say Low’s political career has come to an end,other than volunteer on Boards or Commissions. Maybe as a sign of good will, the Planet could conversate about getting this great orator (Low) a new app. Someone said it was burned to a crisp, being so hot from the calls Low was receiving asking him to run for Council before the prelims.

Candi Larvah
Candi Larvah
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Your endorsement didn’t hurt,right Brian?

Retired FF
Retired FF
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Just curious what does Mr. Kavey do for a living?

Winnie Cheerchull
Winnie Cheerchull
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Dan,I believe he’s a Dragonslayer. Po Low.

Reply to  Retired FF
4 years ago

Unempolyed but now he has a $12,000 a year easy gig and great health insurance. Supposedly, he is studying for grad school. He had been manager at Ben & Jerrys before he moved to Colorado but returned. He’s young and naive, and has lots to learn, and will be readily manipulated by the GOBSIGs. Even if he stays an independent voice, expect the majority of the councilors to push for free home improvements, and other giveaways. After all, its’ Christmas next month. And just wait for the new assessments, new tax rates, high school tax, and water and sewer increase. You won’t even be able to afford Friendly’s, which is on life support by the way, so go there to enjoy it once more. If you can stand the slovenly employees and the dirty floor, and being ignored for 5 minutes before someone acknowledges your existence after you walk in, the burger and shake ain’t bad, neither is the happy ending sundae, not to be confused with the happy endings sold outside Cumby’s at o dark thirty.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  JohnnyComeLately
4 years ago

Let’s let Barry be the judge of that.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Retired FF
4 years ago

City Council Elect Ward 5 at City of Pittsfield – Personnel Office
Bartender at Methuselah Bar and Lounge
Former Assistant General Manager at Park Burger
Worked at Avanti F&B, a collective eatery
Former Store manager at Ben & Jerry’s
Former Bartender Server at Mission Restaurant
Former Model at Hollister Co.
Studied Business management at Westfield State University
Lives in Pittsfield, Massachusetts
From Pittsfield, Massachusetts

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

If people are going to offended every time some bozo uses a word that offends them they are in for a long and miserable life. Words are words people. If you are offended by them then most of the problem is you. They are not rocks or bullets or falling trees.
For me, I generally assess the source of the words, perhaps make a judgement that the person is an asshole, and decide the he or she probably has enough problems in their life without me kicking the living shit out of them. Then I move on because life is just too short.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago


Some put more weight on ‘words’, that is, ideas, than stones. Who cares about a stone other than an idolator?

You would likely regret the words from a judge that would follow beating up someone over a handful of words. That’s why you don’t act on that impulse.

Daisy Limental
Daisy Limental
4 years ago

Dead people vote in Pittsfield. Live people don’t.

4 years ago

Meanwhile scammers like Dennis Powell get away with their Nazi terror threats at Simon’s Rock

Reply to  Wilson
4 years ago

Yup. Do a hate based crime hoax, which is still a crime by the way, and get away with it, and get your demands met. Makes me sick. Cops should charge the hoaxers and let Harrington dump it.,589709

Reply to  SallySays
4 years ago

Great Barrington has always thought the laws don’t apply to them. Why should this be any different?

Reply to  James
4 years ago

Yeah the eagle wants letters from students articulating their issues. Their problem is they have a bunch of liars and criminals among them and a DA who won’t apply the law. Is she just hoping it will go away?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Wilson
4 years ago

NAACP co-founder W. E. B. DuBois viewed the Nazi rise positively, saying that Hitler’s dictatorship had been “absolutely necessary to get the state in order.” In 1937, DuBois stated: “there is today, in some respects, more democracy in Germany than there has been in years past.”

popular Cadee
popular Cadee
4 years ago

Dan,was going to e mail you this,got it first hand. A former pols kid was up for a prestigious Mass. singing ensemble only to be cut because this pol had it in for the poor talented kid dad,because of a civic authority vote ions ago.

Dick Wahad
Dick Wahad
Reply to  popular Cadee
4 years ago

I heard that also,politics goes to a new low.

Reply to  popular Cadee
4 years ago

Thank God for The 3 Amigos who were the top of the spear that stopped the Civic Authority scam. I will be forever thankful. They were all very good ward councilmen as well.

add thensubb
add thensubb
Reply to  SallySays
4 years ago

Ah, yes,the amigos,Guzzo,Sdapin and Bianchi. Civilians David Potts and I believe the once great” Jonathan Lothrop we’re also instrumental in that decision. Lothrop originally was quite impressive speaking many times at Council meetings concerning this issue. Lothrop could have been a Congressman for krist sakes,somewhere along the way became one of the biggest flops in he History of Pittsfield politics. I think Clairmont would have lost had he run for re-election also,a couple years ago.

Reply to  add thensubb
4 years ago

Yes Pottsy was the primary non-elected impetus I believe,and he went on to try and save baseball at Whaconah. Lothrop was a good councilor I thought but eventually fell in bed with Ruberto and his bs, and ended up becoming a GOBSIG, and a dynamic and vibrant young fella gave him a whoopin. Lothro got too pompous. In the end, his heart was in the right place, even if his votes weren’t.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  SallySays
4 years ago

A proffession class A baseball team would be downtown under the Hilton Hotel.We got a Rite Aid.

N Jeaneous
N Jeaneous
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Why couldn’t we retry,put it on the peda site.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Hey it’s a CVS. And we have an empty carousel!

Reply to  Auto Phil
4 years ago

And major flooding when it rains.

Reply to  Auto Phil
4 years ago

And the CVS is the number one distributor of opioids in the city and county. That’s an economic engine right there. Why do ya think the line is always so long at the pharmacy? All the poor people with substance abuse disorder, because we can’t call em drug addicts anymore, because Harrington says that stigmatizes them, are getting their meds.

Sal Immandre
Sal Immandre
Reply to  Law&Order
4 years ago

There are a ton of new jerk plates at cvs, unusual

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Thanks not a given, it’s a supposition, because a baseball team could have gone belly up by now. Furthermore, urban renewal in the 60’s wiped out that whole area and city could have had many other things over the years, like a mall people voted for twice, versus a GOBSIG controlled civic authority people voted against.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Mr. Raceway and the shop that sold swapets

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

The Busy Bee!

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Thank you very much Dan for pointing this out. I vaguely recall the train station, The Bust Bee, and The Robin Hood, and let us remember the city took the federal money, tore everything down, with no plan for after.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Yes sirree. Pittsfield has been in a perpetual state of decline since then.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Just finished reading about Sheriff Bowler and Wayne Soares venture to stop bullying in the schools. This is most certainly needed and I wish them success. In reading the article on line from the Berkshire Beagle I was taken back because there is a picture of Sheriff Bowler with Lovely Linda standing next to him, an old picture. I actually re-read the article to see if I missed reading her name, it was not there. Is the Berkshire Beagle that devoted to kissing Lovely Linda’s butt that they put her picture on anything and everything? Wayne Soares is well known throughout the country, they could not find a picture of him to put in their paper? Or is this another proud moment that Lovely Linda can steal and take the credit for. All her flyers were filled with “that a boy’s” that she really had nothing to do, like Wayfair coming to Pittsfield. Between Sheriff Bowler providing a warm place to stay for the homeless and now this program he is acting more like the Mayor of Pittsfield than I have ever seen from Lovely Linda. At least he cares about all the citizens of Pittsfield, not just the elite.

add thensubb
add thensubb
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Are you saying this is an older photo? And nothing to do with the story? Not in real time? Incredible if it is.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  add thensubb
4 years ago

Yes, it was the photo from the press conference when Harry Chandler was on the run and finally arrested.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Bowler should have never been in position to have anything to do with old jail, though his intentions towards homeless are admirable. Let him give them a free night in the crow bar hotel on Cheshire Road. Remember how a new jail was needed because Second St was so old and unsafe, blah, blah blah???? State should sell it to highest bidder and move on. Why are us Kapanskis now paying for two hot dam facilities???? Bowler should have nuttin to do with it.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Law&Order
4 years ago

Law and Order, first hope you never find yourself homeless. Bowler is helping many many people, much better than Lovely Linda giving out millions of dollars to already wealthy people. Monies which were suppose to aid all the Kapinski’s in the City. Maybe Lovely Linda could have used all free money to renovate the old jail for a police station.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Bowler is a great guy doing a lotta good etc, I acknowledge that. The old jail ain’t fit for a new station and wasn’t fit for a renovated jail. Point is it’s a classic example of government waste. After the new jail was occupied, it was time for the state to dump the old building.

4 years ago,589474
U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling may be on a fishing expedition with his convening of a grand jury to investigate contracts between Massachusetts communities and the marijuana retailers within their borders. Still, the pursuit of extra payments from retail applicants beyond that outlined in state law by many municipalities invites corruption and the situation in Fall River has provided evidence that it can happen.

This is by no means a “fishing expedition”, this is RICO coming to a Town near you.

Every Town that exceeded what is allowed by law in MA will end up in court. Exceeding the state allowed fees makes the towns party to the profit model and subject to Federal Law under RICO as well as a number of money laundering statues and oversight by FinCen.

This is not a fishing expedition for bribes, this will be a series of cases that prosecute select boards and town managers and city mayors.

Anyone buying from out of state, know that your information is passed onto law enforcement in your home state. The CCC actively mines the purchase data in the purchase databases and correlates that data in search of criminal patterns.

Already a number of locations in Berkshire county are under investigation for “mixing”; Selling illegally imported marijuana from other states like California or selling cartel marijuana as locally grown.
The cartels are here and deeply involved in the weed business in Berkshire County. You don’t have to be a south street psychic to figure it out.

Doc Venzallerio
Doc Venzallerio
Reply to  PoliceReport
4 years ago

What’s next speak easy’s,Elliot Ness, and marijuana prohibition. They should release Escobar and have him overseer the contracts.

Reply to  Doc Venzallerio
4 years ago

Hey Doc, Escobar was killed in a shoot out years ago.

Reply to  PoliceReport
4 years ago

The above post violates the Berkshire Eagle website’s terms of service.

4 years ago

Like I said – Harrington has come outta the woodwork. Why was Tyer so scart of being associated with her during election? Because she wants to give the mentally ill, drug addicts, and the poor a free pass, and claims she wants to focus on domestic violence and dangerous criminals, even though most crime is committed by people with substance abuse disorder or mental illness, especially domestic violence. Why doesn’t she demand police file charges in fake hate crime in the land of the loons – Great Barrington college. Let’s hope Kennedy gets in and takes Harrington with him. And why weren’t the other GOBSIGs endorsing him?,589814

canem bonum
canem bonum
Reply to  Johnny99
4 years ago

Johnny99, You and others nailed it when you said now that Tyer has won Harrington will come out of the woodwork and poof, on cue, Squeaky emerges. I don’t recall a DA stumping so publicly for a candidate for senator. She has completely politicized that office instead of quietly going about the work of prosecution. Oops, I forgot that she has none of those skills. Agree wholeheartedly about Simon’s Rock fiasco. Will be interesting to see if Chief Walsh can get her to charge these hoaxers.

Reply to  canem bonum
4 years ago

Walsh doesn’t need her to bring charge he can do it himself. She can choose to dump it though.

4 years ago


You asked whether or not we wanted you to go back to posting 5 days per week instead of 3, after your daily teaser treat in the run up to the election. Tellingly, hardly any responses, which tells me you should do what you damn well please regardless. Personally, I am more concerned about longevity versus quantity of posts. I was addicted to your blog and suffered significant withdrawal when you went down to 3 days per week from 5, and I was really out of sorts when you went black for a while there a ways back. It took me a long time to adjust to 3 days per week, and I did it without a 12 step program, Spectrum Health, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Brien Center, etc. I hope if you go back to 5 days per week you push out an app so you I can feed my addiction easier, that way I can quickly check in on my smart phone in the can, in my cubicle, at redlights like half the other distracted drivers’s etc. Lastly, I hope you have a succession plan so when your time on Earth is done, your fine experiment in free speech as The Voice of The Little Guy lives on. After all, you wouldn’t want to let us Kapanskis’ down now would you?

Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
4 years ago

You should have tried the Mayors Fitness Challenge,where you Gain Weight?

Reply to  Summbifh
4 years ago

Led by her and Marcheti! Great examples in that department

4 years ago

Did Soros fund Harrington? When will the Dump Harrington bumper stickers be available? When is a crime not a crime? When the DA won’t prosecute! Who will be stepping up to the plate to rescue us Kapansis’ from a Harrington re-election?

Reply to  JoePesci
4 years ago

All these “progressive” prosecutors were funded thru bundling of donations thru the ACLU. If you look at Harrington’s contributors, there are many from Boston and across the country. That’s the network she’s capitalized on.The real prosecutor in that article has the best quote: “Our discretion operates within a . . . narrow set of circumstances having to do with the individual facts of an individual case,” he said. “We don’t have the discretion to eliminate an entire category of crime.” If you’re thinking like a politician and not a person charged with law enforcement and public safety, there are an awful lot of voters who are criminals and support them.Wow, right?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  JoePesci
4 years ago

Of course Soros helped fund Harrington’s campaign, same as Rachel Rollins’.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Our Mayor and CC feel Crosby school is good enough for SPED kids.Has the mold been removed from under the fasia boards.You cant attract businesses with a dump like this in your school system.You also cant attract businesses with GEs toxic swamp dump under your foundation of Allendale School.Where is Marchetti and Caccamo. I gave up on Tyer andYon

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Its time to close schools. Tear it down. Give land to cops. Perfect location for a new station funded with Marijuana Money for a New Station (MMNS)

Cali Montanez Rio
Cali Montanez Rio
Reply to  MMNS
4 years ago

Maybe they could start writing citations. More money in that than pot.

Reply to  MMNS
4 years ago

They said Mercer was a dump thirty plus years ago,still standing.

4 years ago

Here is the identity of the whistleblower. No far left media news stations will reveal the name because of his known political bias against the president.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Whistleblower was reported here two or theee days ago people

Reply to  SallySays
4 years ago


4 years ago

DA Andrea Harrington has yet to issue a final report on the murders in Sheffield. It is well known that it was not a murder suicide and this delay of the reporting is just a way to allow put distance and time between the event and report (which has been complete for dome time) so people forget the event.

She has yet to issue a final report on the hoax that was the “racial bias attack” at Simon’s Rock. Law enforcement knew within three hours that the “attack” was staged. Doctor’s and attending nurses notified law enforcement immediately that the wounds were extremely superficial and that there was no way the woman was unconscious for 45 minutes as claimed.
Why no criminal charges against a clearly racist woman of color for staging a hate crime?

To date there has been only one trial, one that was already on the docket or under investigation by the prior administration. There are, by DA Andrea Harrington’s claim over 70 sexual assaults that are being ignored.
Where is Pucci’s case? Where are all the other cases that were “day one” injustices that must be remedied?
No word, no word on Pucci’s case, not press release on any of it, although you can join a book club and talk about sexual assault.

No word yet on how she’s over spent her budget and is now over spent deep into her budget.

Also no word on the ethics complaints and election finance law violation complaints against her campaign and office. Come on DA Andrea Harrington, you issue positive press releases, why not fess up yo your campaign being under investigation.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  PoliceReport
4 years ago

I would like to know more about the Sheffield murders.

Zane Notgray
Zane Notgray
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Can we get the Morningside little girl also that was killed.

Pay he Attorney
Pay he Attorney
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

This falls under restorative justice. Speaking of restorative Justice the intent is to help everyone maaayyyybeee. Especially the connected which R S will help immensely. Sometimes the rich and connected lawyers can’t beat the sentence,this will help.Remember many many years ago those punks pushed that car into the lake and tragedy resulted. An incident like that would probably be a slap on the wrist with R S ….example. Nothing is going to happen to the hate crime at Rock,she didn’t kill anyone.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  PoliceReport
4 years ago

“it’s well known” I get it you watch Law and order.A conspiracy theory is an explanation of an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful actors, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable. The term has a pejorative connotation, implying that the appeal to a conspiracy is based on prejudice or insufficient evidence. Conspiracy theories resist falsification and are reinforced by circular reasoning: both evidence against the conspiracy and an absence of evidence for it, are re-interpreted as. Sound familiar all talk no facts.

Wes C Addle
Wes C Addle
4 years ago

On topic- Dan, Agreed, not tasteful but “freedom speech/ expression is for one and all”. Did anyone ask the kid, “Why” he wanted to be Hitler? His answer should tell you whether or not there need to be a concern. My 2 cents.