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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 30, 2019) — THE PLANET closes the year by announcing the winner of our annual Orbit Award. There were many contenders and a few pretenders. After long and drafty deliberation, THE PLANET‘s Committee of the Whole and Hole has chosen POLICE REPORT.

Throughout the year, POLICE REPORT kept our readership supplied with the latest inside information on many relevant topics of concern to the body public.

These reports kept the discussion moving and the debate more open and honest than they would otherwise have been.
It was clear from the reports that PR enjoys an inside view, so “inside” that it became a side game with many readers to try and guess his identity. The point is, he (or she) used their perspective to help Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski obtain a mite clear view of what is going on in government, in their name. Please join us in congratulating POLICE REPORT.

With that and with another year’s close, we welcome any and all to comment on the topics of your choice. THE PLANET is proud to (a) bring you the information about your government that you can’t get anywhere else and (b) to provide a forum for open feedback. While other media worked to limit your say, we increased it. We amplified your voice, investing in the hardware and software required for that to happen. We do it as a public service, our small contribution to a better life for all. YOU are what’s made THE PLANET into region’s most read online site for news and commentary.

The Comment Line is now open.

Congratulations once again to POLICE REPORT.


“Always force change. Otherwise, you calcify”Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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5 years ago

Congrats Police Report on a job well done!

Sammuuel Cunninninngham
Sammuuel Cunninninngham
Reply to  Paul
5 years ago

Pat got robbed.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Sammuuel Cunninninngham
5 years ago

You can’t just keep repeating was right wing zealots say and expect to win THIS award. Hannity may have already mailed one out though.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I hope Donald Trump is convicted of the 2 articles of impeachment and removed from the Oval Office in 2020!
Happy New Year of 2020!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

And I hope you get a Jon and quit yer bitchin. Happy New Year.

Reign Moorane
Reign Moorane
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Stooge is asking for money,now two more minutes and my music comes on. Please be to ice tommorow so Stooge guests don’t risk their cars from crashing on ice. Don’t go in,and no repeats this tommorow Stooge. Congrats to P R on the Orbit,well deserved.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Looks like he will be getting a second term unless the democrats can get a better candidate to run on. The current candidates are trying to out left one another. A candidate with a more moderate outlook might just pull it off. Identity politics have worn off with the majority of voters and taxpayers don’t want to fund these big giveaways they are currently proposing. The Democratic Party has gone far left and I feel have lost what was most important voting bloc, the working middle class.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
5 years ago

I’m hoping they find Trump stroked out on his toilet some morning, drooling more than normal, a Big Mac in one hand, his cellphone with an unfinished Tweet in the other.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Gigi
5 years ago

Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign strategy is to get uneducated rural white nationalist (so-called) religious bigots to vote for him, and also have his billionaire friends put big dollars into his coffers so he can give them more federal tax breaks while we will continue to have years of trillion dollar federal budget deficits.

The Democrat’s 2020 campaign strategy is to denounce Trump’s alt-right racism, and increase federal taxes on the rich to pay for “Medicare for All”, as well as fund other social programs that the Republicans want to cut if Trump is re-elected.

I hope the Democrat’s message will win out because Trump is a demagogue similar to Hitler, but not as overt. Also, I believe we should have universal and affordable healthcare insurance for all American citizens because it is a human right. I am voting for Elizabeth Warren on February 11th, 2020!

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

And no doubt you are against Trump cutting food stamp exemptions for able bodied working adults. I think it’s great. Why should hard working people subsidize people too lazy to work by paying for their groceries? And Warren is the worse possible candidate running. And a Happy New Yesr to you too!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gigi
5 years ago

Yes…Trump voters are trying to paint Vice President as a child molester.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Which is odd if you have ever seen the pic of sixteen year old Ivanka on her daddies lap.

5 years ago

Good choice Police Report brought it all year

Sammuuel Cunninninngham
Sammuuel Cunninninngham
Reply to  Sonny
5 years ago

S c got jobbed

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

Here’s some other Clues for you all:

We are pure light energy orbs/spheres/Balls. Stars if you will. Also called Diamonds.
We are not really here in this place but rather have sent our minds in here to play this Game. In that we are divided into a dual nature. As Stars we are sleeping, dreaming, and our minds are here playing this Game in an avatar.
These bodies we walk around in are not who truly are. They are beast/monkey/primate avatars. Same as if you are playing a character in a video game. You are controlling your character but are not truly your character.

Ok let’s consider:
What is one of the first toys you give to a child? A Ball.
We are very Game oriented. Most sports are played with a Ball.
Baseball, Basketball, Football (the ball is shaped like an eye), Soccer, Volleyball, Tennis, Golf, Roulette (a ball landing on numbers and colors – a spinning wheel), Ping Pong and so many other “Games” – all played with a “Ball”.
Beach Ball
“Have a Ball” = Have some fun
“You don’t have the Balls”
“On the Ball” = Alert/Brilliant
Balling = Having Sex
Wrecking Ball
Crystal Ball
“Drop the Ball” = Give up. Discontinue.
New Year’s Eve in Time Square. They drop The Ball.
Ball Jars = Mason Jars (Maze Sun)
Fireman’s “Ball” – Ballroom Dancing – Dance, Party.
Here is the biggest Clue of all:
Check this out: Global = Glow Ball (Light Orb)
Lucille Ball = Light Orb (Desilu Productions = Destination Light)
Roy Orbison = Orb-I-Son. Son of I Orb
What they show us about “Space” is not correct. There are no such things as “Planets” as in the way they have led us to beLIEve. The word Planet originally meant “Roving Star”. They do show them as Orbs or Spheres which does provide us with a Clue. When you look at these roving Stars through a lens with your own eyes, without the mind bending bullshit of NASA, you can clearly see they are lights, orbs with ripples as through water.
Orbit = Orb It. It as in Make It, Just Do It, Screw It, I’m lovin It.
Ringo Star = Ring-O Star. Ring-The Sun O-Exit Star-Home.
Howard Stern = Stern is “Star” in German. Howard = HomeWard
Rock “Stars” = Ones who give clues in the lyrics and album covers. Profiting from them as this is a beast commerce system.
Hollywood “Stars” = Ones who give Clues in the Movies they act in. Profiting from them as this is a beast commerce system. They even use Stars in the Hollywood Cement. Give themselves Golden(Sun) Globe Awards.
Window 7 had an Orb as the “Start” button. It lighted up when you hovered the mouse over it. There was a big issue over removing the start button in subsequent Windows 8 and Windows 10 drawing attention to the start button and people demanding it be brought back.
Our very heads, which in many ways are a mirror image of us, are shaped like an Orb or Sphere. The pineal gland in the center of our brains are like an antenna. Receiving the signals which animate us.
“Heads UP” = Be Alert/Pay Attention
“Heads are gonna roll”
The Talking Heads = A band who included many Clues in their lyrics.
In the TV series “The Walking Dead”, the only way to kill the “Walkers” “Animated Corpses” was to inflict the injury to their head. (We who play this Game from the side of not knowing and figuring it out are the Walkers. They inflict the head wounds by misleading us with deception, love and fear, to keep us in the Game).
The Movie 2001 A Space Odyssey – a quick decoding: Kubrick shows us Monkeys/Beast System, then the black monolith appears encoding the Game. In the book Dave and Hal travel to Saturn but the movie changed it Jupiter but it was actually the Moon where Dave went. The End – He sees himself grow old and be reborn as a baby. A baby in an ORB!
The AMA symbol. Shows an Orb shooting its signal/mind downward. Into what looks like two serpents forming what looks like DNA. To me rather it looks like frequencies as is seen on an oscilloscope.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Congratulations to Police Report! I couldn’t agree more that the contributions from this person have been invaluable to the conversations here on The Planet.

Nice job PR. Looking forward to more input and info in the year to come.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

As I promised Merry & Bright in the previous post, I’d like to share some more info on the newest Upstreet Scandal. This tale is pure Pittsfield, rife with political favoritism, legal anomalies, and questionable business practices.

Let’s start with election 2019. Re-elected Mayor Tyer received staunch support from Warren Dews, husband of the mayor’s Director of Administrative Services, Roberta Dews. Warren’s support was strong and visible across many social media posts, even getting into several tiffs with supporters of the opposition. He was part of a group of Tyer supporters who offered rides to
residents, and gave out his personal phone number, just to help Tyer supporters get to the polls.

In November, with the election being just 11 days old Dews teased a Facebook Live video showing off the location of his new venture, The Country Club – Barbershop and Cigar Lounge.

About a month later, another announcement – “It’s Here!” The flyer advertised the new cigar lounge, linked its website and gave info on how to sign up, or donate. Yes, this new business is counting on donations from friends, family, and the general public to actually start up. Similar to many Kickstarter campaigns, it calls itself a positive addition to the community, asking for money to get this new asset to the community off the ground. The tentative opening date is March 2020.

But what is it? It’s a barbershop and a cigar lounge. There are two Pittsfield barbers listed on the website. The venue is open until midnight and people can smoke cigars, bring a date, watch the big game, have a business meeting, and rub elbows with the “movers and shakers” of Pittsfield. It is also BYOB. Members are allowed to bring alcohol and consume on the premises while enjoying their fine cigars.

Cigars are not sold there. Free cigars will be given out while supplies last. There are two monthly membership tiers and then a “walk-in” one day membership option. It is actually probably the most ridiculous business model imagined seeing how anyone who wants an appointment with the barbers has to either be a member – at $45 or $25 per month – or pay $20 for one-day access to visit their barber (whose service they pay for in addition, directly to the barber).

Aside from the horrible business model, there’s one large problem with the entire thing. Pittsfield is a smoke-free community. Smoking is prohibited in mostly all places, other than homes, nursing homes and hotel rooms. Smoking is even banned outdoors in public parks. And yet here we have the mayor’s good friend opening a Cigar Lounge.

When some of these questions were raised to the Board of Health, the response from Gina Armstrong, Director of Public Health was this:

The lounge is member only and will not have employees nor be open to the public. It will not sell tobacco or cigar products and therefore or does not require a BOH Tobacco Sales Permit.

The explanation is a real head-scratcher. Surely an independent contracted barber would still consider the barbershop in which he provides services his “workplace.” (Smoking in workplaces is prohibited in Pittsfield).

Surely if anyone can purchase a One Day access pass, it is in fact open to the public.

Surely a member-only Cigar Lounge that has been granted permission to consume alcohol on the premises must have at some staff present to ensure all patrons are 21 and older. Is Warren Dews, CEO and owner, going to be onsite every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 2pm-12am and Sundays 2pm-10pm to monitor the happenings?

Other questions that come to mind – is this a sneaky cover to opening up a 4/20 friendly smoking lounge? Is marijuana smoking allowed? Who will be monitoring activities outside the “permitted uses”?

Who’s monitoring the alcohol consumption? Platinum members are allowed to bring guests. Will these guests be carded prior to access? If there are no employees, who enforces proper identification? Who is providing security? Who is ensuring that the free tobacco being handed out to members and guests are indeed being given to people over the age of 21.

This cigar lounge has to be the most un-sanctionable sanctioned business Pittsfield has brought forth in decades.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Come on Phil! Sounds like an economic engine to me. I say give em a million dollars Kapanski cash.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Thanks for the detailed information. Can think of better ways to spend my money. Just wondering, does Lovely Linda smoke cigars?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

This is a perfect analysis of this business model.
It’s like saying “we aren’t selling beer, we are selling cups at a frat party”.
Can restaurants now sell food unfettered by the BOH if they are giving the food away but renting the plates to “daily members”?
To get a C of O for a business, don’t you need insurance? I’d be curious to see how his insurance works out.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Precisely Dan. Establishments in Pittsfield have been smoke free for years. Decades perhaps? Technically, people are not even allowed to smoke outdoors in a public park in Pittsfield. How do we think this new business received approval? Approval for both a BYOB on premises as well as smoking permitted.

The BOH also said:
“The lounge must not violate the Board of Health Environmental Tobacco Smoke Regulations by impacting public spaces surrounding the lounge with smoke.”

So the only condition of this alcohol-on-premises-21 and older-smoking-bar is that smoke does not escape the enclosed private space at which there is not any staff?

I don’t disagree with the creation of the club itself. But I do think that it is an enormous stretch of legitimate operation under the laws as established.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

You sound like a jealous 10 year old girl.

5 years ago

Congrats Police Report. And thank you Dan for being The Voice of The Little Guy and giving us Kapanskis our say.

I looked forward to your New Years Nostradamus Damus predictions.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

President Trump has been impeached .

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Hopefully he will be the only president impeached in one calendar year, acquitted in the next, and sworn in to a second term the one after that. All other candidates are wing nuts or whackadoos or lefty commie pigs

Reign Moorane
Reign Moorane
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

C N N and FOX reporting murder shooting at a Hannacuh Celebration in N Y . Meanwhile Stooge here is playing music because he has no guest on pct. if we haven’t already pulled the funding plug at the ridiculous show for politicians and more important workers on the public dole. Ask yourself? Why would you want to here politicians and arts everyday on the radio going or coming from work?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I fully agree with your choice of PR for the Orbit award as it applies to his reporting on Pittsfield matters. Pittsfield politics seems to have hit a moral low and that is quite an achievement. I believe that the voters and taxpayers of Pittsfield have no idea what goes on in the shadows of their government and the more of that that is revealed the better for everyone. Hope to hear much more from PR and others about the abuse of power at city hall

5 years ago

Wel, the boarding broadsheet has an editorial predicting the future over the next decade, but they forgot to predict a few things – 1. Their own demise. 2. The pissing away of the rest of the Kapanski cash. 3. Tyer not finishing her next term.

5 years ago

Congratulations Police Report! Well deserved! Thank you for your insider info!

5 years ago

Great to hear Police Report takes home the trophy! I hope s/he will continue this public service in 2020!

5 years ago

Congrats PR, on receiving this coveted and prestigious award. Your contribution to the Planet and readers was amazing this past year. Knowledge is power and the politicians only want us to know bits and pieces of what is happening . Thanks to you, we were better informed.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
5 years ago

I would add Chartock has earned back his cajones this year. The Edge is actually doing some reporting! Dan with you leading the way maybe the BB will bite the dust sooner than later. And the cardboard cascade of Downtown Pittsfield Inc can sink into demise of a RICO indictment too. Ahh 2020, the joy.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

In what way does Chartock deserve even a mention next to Police Report? All he seems to write about are those small town gripes that impact only himself and his next door neighbors – a bridge, a pond, a restaurant that he frequents. He’s obsessed with Cuomo and adds nothing to advance any topic on the state or national stage. Sorry but he gets a zero for effort and a F for fail in my book.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

Maybe you are correct. I thought the reporting on the horse racing scam set up was pretty good and the town bs in GB too. I want more of an eye on the crooks.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Chartock! Get a life Froggy boy! Chartock, a left wing loser lib – his columns are chickenpoop.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

I hit a nerve. Still, even if I agree with what you say – the reporting was very good. And left wing people calling out the local crap is more notable than us doing it. So, sorry Fritz even if I get your point.
I forgot to say congrats to Police Report. Well earned.

5 years ago

Coming soon to an area near you. I love the name description of the bill passed. How in the heck is this safe for any neighborhood?

5 years ago

Congrats to Police Report! So, Dan. Where should he/she swing by to pick up his “major award?”

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

Is it a leg lamp like in Christmas Story?

Duraink Endance
Duraink Endance
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

Hang around the-voters office.

5 years ago

Congratulations to Police Report! Always a detailed truth inside the the dirty little thing called Pittsfield Government. Thankyou, and Happy New Year!!

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Police Report – great choice! Happy New Year to all.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Really! This is fantastic. If it happens I’m amazed. If it doesn’t thanks to all for considering me for this honor.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
5 years ago

Melle and school committee tie for the lost in space award,

Donte Sebastiobjuancalolosonoabich
Donte Sebastiobjuancalolosonoabich
Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

Femmele and Stooge are up for the Donut Award. For continually bringing a zero every time they open their mouths.

Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

I nominate Joe Biden and Granny Warren on the national level

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

If that is for being a Democrat I thank you.

5 years ago

What if anything is happening with Mazzeos election funny business efforts?

Is she taking her ball and bat and going home or is she taking her case to the courts?

5 years ago

Another varied hoax, another college feeding into the white privledge nonsense and diversity bs, another perp getting away with it.,593568

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

She had already filed a police report and a report with the campus. An investigation ensued, resources and money were commuted to an investigation.
There is no reason NOT TO CHARGE HER. She should be charged, and made, at a minimum, to pay restitution and publish an apology letter in various local and national papers.
In failing to do this, DA Andrea Harrington ends the year as a DA who is soft on crime and who supports racism.
Consider the impact of the racial slurs on students not in the “know”, they felt the fear not knowing a small group of students perpetrated this hoax. Yes that’s right, the detail they left out was although one “woman of color” claimed to be attacked, at least two more students who help in this. Much of this information is based on work not done by the police but by an outside private investigator, hired by the school to protect its interests. Video and photographic evidence, along with the timing and location of certain evidence point to multiple parties working in concert to perpetrate the hoax.

Consider the impact of the fake report and fake slurs on the community at large and reputation of the school, that’s potentially millions of dollars of damage in lost goodwill.
If you google Simon’s Rock attack, there are many many more stories that frame the attack as real, than stories telling of the hoax.

A dialogue can not be started by fear, coercion, or lies it would just be a monologue based on lies. It’s a starting point with a false premise. By not punishing it, DA Andrea Harrington is saying the truth doesn’t matter and the ends justify the means. It’s something one should come to expect from her as she’s lied her way into office, so one could say the “woman of color” took a page from the “woman of no colors playbook”.
How can DA Andrea Harrington punish lies when she’s based her whole career on lies about her experience as a litigator?

Mark my words, this will only get worse. The lessons have been learned, don’t fake medically disprovable events, keep the story very simple, don’t be the one who “finds” the graffiti slurs. The next racial bias hoax will be done much better.

Some additional info:
Both the medical team at Fairview and the Great Barrington police knew IMMEDIATELY this was a hoax.
You can’t be knocked unconscious for 30-45 minutes without showing signs of substantial physical trauma.
Understand that for a “woman of color” to claim it was racially motivated, and to point law enforcement to a white male subject (she wasn’t “sure” but she “thought it was a white male based on how he talked” ) in and of itself is a racially motivated crime.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

And with multiple attacks on Jews perpetrated by blacks there really isn’t any excuse for the swastika vandalism, just like a white person isn’t allowed “the n-word” in any context. The criminal–whose identity is still being protected–is not reported to have any good intentions towards Jews

Reply to  Wilson
5 years ago

There are black Jews FYI.

Congrats PR for the right wing nut job snowflake of the year, The Orbit! I hear the trophy is an aluminum lined white pillowcase with eyeholes!

I’d rather the DA put resources to reducing violent crimes but hey, that’s just the liberal in me. Hundreds of white male sex offenders in the Berkshires are a bigger public safety concern than one attention seeking high school student.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Damn straight and well said. Tell us PR, what would happen if the crime was perpetrated by a white male?

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Join the discussion…

You’re DAMN right!

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

It’s worse than Do-Nothing DA Does Nothing.” It’s also more insidious than having lied her way into office and her lack of experience. The only value Harrington appears to have is empathy for the accused. It appears clear from this case that she has no real sense of right or wrong,no indication of balanced judgement or ethical guidance that would lead her to pursue or dismiss such a charge. There is a hate crime problem in this country, both very real and made up. She has taken this opportunity to do the wrong thing for our community and is now hiding behind her spokesperson. There should be outrage.

Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

Listen, she’s really busy thinking about safe places for citizens to shoot up to worry about personal responsibility and accountability.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

The crime needs to be reported TO THE PUBLIC. The Eagle needs to stop letting the DA and school try to put this story to bed and demand answers as to why no one was charged. Do some investigation and actual journalism. The only reason this story is happening today is because an alumnus sent a copy of the letter. Let’s start with a few basic questions: Can the DA confirm or deny existence of video evidence of the acts and identities of the perpetrators of graffiti? Why weren’t they made public? If it is a hoax and she is not a victim, why is she not being identified? Can the school confirm any discipline against the students – what did you do? Are they still there or are they just being foisted off on some other school? Shouldn’t these students names be publicly known? Can the DA point to any other case in which the failure to charge someone was based on a lack of cooperation by the defendant? Stop running press releases and do your job.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Still bitter in 2019? The tin foil hat award as well. It’s good you have a small flock of sheep. “Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.”-. François de la Rochefoucauld.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

PR, Please show us the Data on the “soft on crime” dribble you keep spewing and not the pulpit sermon BS you normally cough up.

Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

You must work in the DA’s office, you’re clearly not too swift. He’s showing you the “data.” Why weren’t these people charged?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

The stupidity of Simon’s Rock students summed up nicely
Two excerpts
9/28/2019 0 Comments

Someone on our campus is seeking to spread fear and violence against students of color, and we have to stand up to them in any way we can. The survivor of Friday’s attack is safe and defiant, and we stand in solidarity with her as we go forward in trying to promote greater safety for students of color. We urge everyone to be aware of any indication of who could have done this, and come forward with any information you think you have. White students in particular, you must use your privilege to be a force against white supremacy and racism, and be an active ally for students of color. Seek out opportunities to listen, learn, and use your privilege to be a force for good.

A note: This was written very quickly, and by a white student. Please send feedback if any of this seems incorrect, mishandled, or lacking. Thank you.

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Their statement and why they didn’t charge due to lack of cooperation from the victim really means: “We didn’t get a confession from the perpetrator, therefore we don’t have an ironclad case that even we could win.” There’s something that ought to keep us all up at night.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

I would like to thank all of those here, I do not consider the orbit an individual award but an award for the planet community as a whole.
It is the free access to debate, information, and discussion that allows this place and its participants to get to the heart of matters most pressing to Berkshire county. This award is really our award, not my award.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Pittsfield discouraged Wal-Mart from moving onto the contaminated PEDA site so that they could build their very own Space Center. My sources tell me that the city has hired consultants who will be negotiating with Trumps brand new SPACE FORCE to make space weapons to fight off invading Martians or Neptuntonians, which have been spotted in the night sky for the last year now.
I expect to be in deep shit for leaking this but I wanted to scoop the local paper.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Sounds like this information came from Uranus.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Hoyt Clagwell
5 years ago

It did and your ability to recognize it shows you have familiarity with the location.

5 years ago

Anyone know why the Allendale Underground is still not open? They had a water main break awhile ago which flooded out all their tenants, but it doesn’t look like repairs are being made.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

That whole complex was built in a flood Zone. Insurance should have been mandatory. Maybe the mayor could give them some CPA money. Unless of course they are not friends of hers.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Johnny I believe that was a water main break. Allendale Shopping Center is not in a flood zone, though not far off. You can see flood zone maps online on the city website.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Thanks Dan for responding. Sorry to hear that news.

Nat Indepbusm
Nat Indepbusm
Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

Millions in western mass SNAP benefits will be lost. They ( Democrat’s) are blaming it on Trump.

Reply to  Nat Indepbusm
5 years ago

Good. I’m sick and tired of paying for groceries for layabouts. It’s always the kids that suffer – their dead beat parent/s get all kinds of government handouts, which they are not using for the kids, rather cardboard crack and booze and smokes, and the kids already are getting free breakfast and lunch at school, even in summer. Trump is reducing exemptions for ABWAWA – Abled Bodied Adults of Working Age – there should be no exemptions for them, period. Get a job.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

Just another reason to love Trump – hard-working taxpayers are sick of supporting freeloaders. Observe the EBT card holders at Price Rite and you’ll see that 75% of them are driving brand new vehicles. I don’t begrudge help to the truly needy & disabled, but a large percentage of those receiving SNAP are able-bodied and can certainly find jobs in Trump’s roaring economy.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Wasn’t the owner insured?