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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 27, 2020) — We’ve heard a lot of talk lately about the need for a forensic audit in Pittsfield. THE PLANET agrees and would back such an effort. But what, exactly, is a forensic audit (FA)? How does it differ from a regular audit (RA) and a management audit (MA)? THE PLANET investigated, and here’s what we found.

A regular audit checks the math. Department A’s books show it spent $500 on barnacles. The RA checks the math. If there’s a match, then the auditors declare everything right. That’s the type of cozy audit Scanlon and Associates have performed for Pittsfield since Noah got off the ark.

A management audit goes a further than a RA. A management audit will take that $500 barnacle expense and ask a series of important questions: Did Department A need $500 worth of barnacles? Did it need barnacles at all? Why? To whom did it award the barnacle contract? Was the company legit or was it owned by “Matt’s brother-in-law?” The MA tries to get underneath the simple numbers.

A forensic audit is like a MA on steroids. It practices a specialized form of accounting. A forensic accountant has the skills of an auditor, investigator, and lawyer (with an understanding of financial law to that expertise level). The FA checks the math, asks the questions, and then pours over the books to determine if the financial records are on the up-and-up. It looks for signs of wrongdoing and harvests evidence for the courts to be used in filing charges and pursuing prosecution.

The forensic auditor will discover financial irregularities, should they be present, ranging from the obvious to the sophisticated. These include padding expense accounts, misappropriation of funds, extortion, bribery, kickbacks, fraudulent records (the proverbial “second set of books”), and embezzlement. While the typical use of a FA is to check for wrongdoing, these audits can also resolve financial disputes that occur in non-criminal cases such as business dissolutions, divorce, and bankruptcy.

If fraud has occurred, the FA will:

  • Identify the nature of the wrongdoing
  • Determine when it happened
  • Reveal what methods were used
  • Show how the perpetrators hid it
  • Name the perpetrators
  • Gather, preserve, and present evidence to be used by the courts.

The FA will then produce a public record of the investigation, consisting of:

  • An executive summary
  • A clear exposition of the findings
  • An explanation of how the fraud worked
  • Recommendations on how to prevent future cases.

So, does the City of Pittsfield need a forensic audit? THE PLANET argues “yes.” The time has come.

Such a procedure could be the best expense ever made on behalf of citizens, residents, taxpayers, and those in government, because one of two things will happen:

  • Possibility 1: The FA will find no wrongdoing, restoring the broken trust between and among the governors and the governed. If everything is above board, city leaders will want and authorize one.
  • Possibility 2: The FA will find the scam and produce the evidence needed to prosecute and convict, assuring the city of a real chance at a better future. If there are things leaders want to remain hidden, they will oppose a FA.

Three parties could authorize a forensic audit:

  • The executive — This would be the mayor. It would be in her best interest..
  • The legislative — The city council. The council has enormous powers. Sadly, particularly under the “leadership” of council president Peter Marchetti, the council has become declawed and defanged. By authorizing a FA, councilors could reclaim their place as co-governors and finally return to doing their job of representing not the Administration but We the People.
  • Citizens — Via petition, forcing a special election.

A forensic audit could lead the way to a true Pittsfield renaissance — not the fake kind The Suits ridiculously claim but an actual revival and rebirth of decency in a city whose heritage and future deserve nothing less.


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so” — Douglas Adams in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe.



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Being Kounter
Being Kounter
5 years ago

So an audit to provide information on the state of the citiy’s finances or an audit to look into wrong doings? It’ll be political again as far as wants one.

Buff Tantersailo
Buff Tantersailo
5 years ago

The thought I
Of a f a will make kuffkinks lose more hair and L L and Ruffles mores wrinkles .

5 years ago

And for all damn good reasons you mentioned, and more, that is exactly why the GOBSIGS wont ever let it happen. And Dan, nice to see you acknowledge Rubertos Renaissance was nothing more than a Mirage, a taxpayer funded mirage I may add.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Listen ,that is the sound of Stockbridge stopping Pittsfield business and the economy from growing. Stockbridge does not want a road through the berkshires.They are also shrinking.Down 200 people.or 10%.Stockbridge is not attracting anyone to live there.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Yes Dan, he tried. I will give him an A for effort. I would suggest it was incumbent upon him to be a peoples’ mayor, and not a mayor beholden to the special interests and the gimme groups. He also campaigned on tax relief and said he was going to have meetings every quarter in different parts of the city. No tax relief given, 1 meeting, and 3 jobs created, besides the snow and con jobs your write about – One for Farley and one for Barrett.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

All facts:

Pittsfield Mayor Jimmy Ruberto (2004 –2011) raised municipal taxes by high rates, borrowed tens of millions of taxpayer dollars on North Street’s makeover, focused on tourist and cultural projects, and he spent over $2 million on the downtown arts venues from GE’s settlement fund. During Jimmy Ruberto’s 8 years as Mayor of Pittsfield, thousands of people moved out of Pittsfield due to the loss of many hundreds of living wage jobs. The tax base shrank, while the city government spent tens of millions of dollars on Ruberto’s so-called “renaissance”. During Ruberto’s 8 year tenure, PEDA went from 6 years old to 13 years old, and it always sat vacant and polluted with GE’s industrial waste toxic cancer causing chemicals called PCBs. The public school system saw hundreds of students choice out of the overpriced and underperforming Pittsfield public school system. Downtown Pittsfield’s status of “Social Services Alley” by day, and a place most people avoided for their personal safety at night, only got worse with growing rates of poverty and violent crime. Pittsfield is one of the most economically unequal communities in the state and the nation because there are no living wage jobs for the average worker. The 8 year Ruberto tenure saw the special and vested interests do well, while the common family household and small business owner got screwed financially. Also, Jimmy Ruberto was cited for state ethics violations. After Jimmy Ruberto stepped down as Mayor of Pittsfield, he led the terrible propaganda campaign in support of the Berkshire Museum’s controversial selling its historic and most valuable pieces of artwork for tens of millions of dollars. Lastly, last Fall of 2019, Jimmy Ruberto purchased a $490,000 condo in Lenox instead of Pittsfield.

How can any reasonable person defend Jimmy Ruberto by saying, “At least he tried”, when he was a yet another failed so-called “leader” of Pittsfield politics sad legacy?

– Jonathan Melle

Wench of Geruslum
Wench of Geruslum
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Exactly,Arts are for so ho flats and Brooklyn.

Plead the Fifth
Plead the Fifth
5 years ago

Sadly, those currently (and even formerly) in power would do everything to block a forensic audit. Too many of the Democratic power bloc that have run Pittsfield have received extracurricular funds that would show them for the thieving politicians that they really have been for years. Pigs at the trough.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Plead the Fifth
5 years ago

Republicans are honest and moral.

Rocks 4 Jocks
Rocks 4 Jocks
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

No they should be audited as well, but unfortunately we don’t seem to have any in leadership positions in Pittsfield

Yea not going to happen
Yea not going to happen
5 years ago

Good job with the explanation. One thing left out is the approximate cost.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

I agree with Dan, the time has come for a forensic audit. What is needed is a concerned group of Pittsfield residents to mount a petition drive. It would take a lot of time & effort but it can be done.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

“News” from MSNBC. Seems they are running with the Kobe story as a diversion, since the failed Trump impeachment draws to a close……

Whoops!! The Los Angeles Nxxxxxs?

MSNBC reporter Alison Morris responded to overwhelming criticism on Twitter after saying what many heard to be a racial slur while reporting on the death of NBA legend Kobe Bryant on Sunday.

The MSNBC reporter described Bryant as “the kind of star that was perfectly cast on the Los Angeles N****** — Los Angeles Lakers.” MSNBC reportedly has a 15-second delay in which the left-wing news outlet was able to prevent the racial slur from being heard in some markets.

5 years ago

Well, we know that neither #1 nor #2 will make it happen. Only the #3 would work. Who wants to start such a campaign when the powers that be act like such mobsters? In any case, I will applaud anyone who takes up the challenge. Since you seem so keen on the idea, Dan, perhaps you should write the petition and start getting signatures.

Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
5 years ago


A regular audit is more than described above. One of the things auditors are required to do is look for fraud and related party transactions, and disclose such if they exist.

The City’s audit is way more extensive than what is described. It is more like a forensic audit. The City’s audit is performed under Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS), which are way more extensive than for profit audit standards.

Under GAGAS, the auditor looks at funding sources, the rules for things like eligibility, cash management, and compliance with terms of grants, as well as many more tests. Google GAGAS and you can find all the requirements the auditors need to perform on this type of audit. It is quite extensive and way closer to a “forensic audit” than people realize.

To be clear, no audit looks at every transaction. They all look at internal controls, test whether internal controls are working and perform other substantive procedures to make sure that there are no material misstatements in the financial statements. The GAGAS audit also reports on compliance with laws and regulations and internal controls.

My summary is a watered down version of what really goes on. Like I said, look it up and see for yourself how extensive a GAGAS audit is. When you are done, I think you would agree that there is no need for a “forensic audit”.


Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Thank you for the information. Could you please advise the difference then between a GAGAS audit and a forensic one? And why wouldn’t we want a management audit? If you don’t think there is fraud, waste, and abuse, in this city, and this state, and our federal government, then you’re out to lunch. The bigger the governemnt, the bigger the fraud, waste, and abuse.

Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

In out professional standards, there is no such thing as a forensic audit. There is something called an agreed upon procedures engagement. This is where the client and the auditor agree what the auditor is going to for procedures. Then the auditor reports what they found.

I never said there isn’t waste in government. All I did was explain the different kinds of audits.

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, I agree that it is a commonly used term. What people don’t understand is that the industry doesn’t define what it means. You cannot hire an accountant to perform a ‘forensic audit’.. the best you can do is have an agreed upping procedures engagement. Please forgive any typos, I’m typing without my glasses.

Nota Accountenant
Nota Accountenant
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

The point of a forensic audit is not always looking for wrongdoing which I believe has happened more than a few times. But a F A also gives us an idea of where we stand financially.

Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Thank you sir. I know you didn’t say there was not any waste but you did suggest there was no need for an audit other than city already does, henceforth my comments on waste. Sincerely appreciate your advice. Unlike lots of Kapanskis here I do appreciate your expertise.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Bernie Madoff has expertise as well.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Well the taxpayers should be able to set the “agreed upon procedures engagement”. If persons in charge of finances set the procedures they would have no incentive to ask for a deep dive audit would they? They would ask for as much of a skim over as they could get. the administration should have no say in this audit. Period.

Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

That is what the City Council is for. They are the oversight body. The checks and balance so to speak. Talk to your Councilor’s if you are unhappy.


Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

That would work because the city council is totally independent of the special interests? Is that what you are suggesting Barry? I do not trust most of this city council to do the right thing. I do wholeheartedly believe the majority of them are in the mayors back pocket and would develop hives at the thought of going against her wishes.

Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

We have 2 honest counselors, Morandi and Connell. The rest are puppets to the mayor. Have no trust in the council. They have proven they are not trustworthy.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

We need an audit that would be done by one large company buying another.You want to know if the last 100 vehicles were bought from the same dealer after a bid.The school departm egg nt needs full exposure.You want to know why no money is ever retu rgb ned to taxpayers.As Barry knows it would be enlightening to know why Mrs Behnke doss crazy school spending at the end of every year.If the school department budgeted for 35 new employees from July 1st till June 30th this year and did not hire all 35 or hired most after beginning the year like say 10 salaries budgeted for 50k that were not spent there should be650k with health insurance not spent…..that will be considered crooked by me the taxpayer.Barry how did the mayor pay for the 2.2 over run.Secrets will be found.

Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

They appropriated free cash for the majority of the over run, if memory serves me.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Nobody misses a departments need at funding the budget by 2.2 million.That department should be over funded by 100k.Two different snow budgets took 3.3 million in free cash.Playing with that budget allowed the mayor to artificially lower taxes knowing full well the cash was off the budget.Pure politics.She got many hundreds of people to vote for her on that premise of cutting taxes.I believe she underfunded it again this year.The school department will have alot of money left over as they did not fill 35 new positions .They cant get teacher subs.This is why Behnke should address the city council .Everybody is hiding their budget secrets.Keep an eye on Behnke and snow removal…….Councilor White when asked said he did not know how snowplow overruns were paid for……Lots of misinformation on budgets

Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Barry: Explains that ‘forensic audit’ is a mythical term not based in technical reality.

PLANET: The city definitely needs one then.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

There is “no need” for many of the things that go on in this city that drain the taxpayers. But you are pretty much saying Dan is wrong in his explanation so I hope he does not com back and back up his version and make you look like you are just trying to run cover for the city and its money handlers. Cuz I think that is exactly what you are trying to do. Outside of the money what is the downside?

Retired FF
Retired FF
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Barry Why do you even try educating these Trumpets?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

What is the statute of limitations, for such fraud?

Will we see three generations of Pittsfield Democrats in prison?

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

This is what happens when you indoctrinate kids on fear; coddle the offenders and vote democrat

Bring out the coloring books:,595642

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

The last thing this district needs is more social workers and counselors.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

Several decades ago when I lived as a young child in Richmond, I was on my back stoop one July evening when a bunch of June bugs came upon the light above and flew hither and yither occasionally near my wee head. Scared the shit out of me and obviously I still remember that unholy experience even today.
Does anyone know where I can go today for free therapy and possible financial compensation? I would be willing to settle out of court and sign a nondisclosure statement.

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

Take a stroll down Social Services Alley. If you don’t get mugged or accosted by a panhandler, or lost in the mirage, you may very well find a free service to meet your needs, and if you don’t, just go hang out at the intermodal,transportation center for awhile, and you’ll feel better about yourself after commiserating with others in the same boat as you. And while you’re on your stroll cousin Johnny, find out for me why the juvenile court took the sign off it’s building. Perhaps it’s all part of The Mirage!

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

Brein Center & a mediator from MCAJBHY – Massachusetts Commission Against June Bug Hither Yither.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, you should have seen the size of those things. They was ginormous and had really big teeth.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, perhaps you should post “trigger warnings”, for sensitive topics, so some Planeteers won’t be “traumatized” by your opinions.

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

An ad-hoc subcommittee- future social workers and counselors assessment commission. Doubling down on special funding…..

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

Why can’t the troubled students be referred to the Brien Center or other community resources? Outbursts can’t & shouldn’t be tolerated within the school walls, as other students & staff shouldn’t be put on harms way. Schools are designed to educate, not to treat mental disorders.

5 years ago

Theft of funds is a non violent crime so if there is any theft Harrington won’t prosecute.

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

Pro’s & Con’s, the Auditor gets sanctioned for being a rat.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

I think Debra Ball of Great Barrington might disagree with you.

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

Debra Ball must be the scapegoat for someone higher on the ladder…. she couldn’t have done this without a blind eye from someone else !

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

Well, not sure about that, unless they were stealing to support drug habit. Then, they would definetely not be prosecuted, or if they were, they would get “rehab” instead of jail.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

It will put the schools on notice. The future of spending will change forever.Try to figure out why anyone would be against it.We will have a more responsible goverment in the future.Consolidation needs to be dramatic so we can move on to the city of 30 thousand we are going to be.No more stalling.Its exciting just to know somebody is going to get into their books.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Also Im learning how Trump think works.A committed Trumper said all negatives weather incriminating photos or eyewitness testimony is faked.I thought he was just kidding.He said they “Trumpers” know this and other Americans dont.That is so messed up.They believe Trump was sent by God.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Coherent translation TSC?

Your house of cards is tumbling down. See what happens today!

I Hope SHiff-head et al go up on treason charges. And brings Bidens, Kerrys, Clintons, and Soteros with him. They are all crooked treasonous slime.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Its all Fake.Your a believer.Christians believe in Trump and white nationalism.Strange bedfellows? Not really.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

TSC, the other side is one floor above you.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Jeeze Dan,

2 early posts have been robotized/censored so far.

Can I say ONE again?

Statue of limitations on Pittsfield crooks.

Will 3 generations of Pittsfield Democrats, be going to prison ?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

update 4 times censored.

Dan , do you like Adam Shiff?

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Since when does Al Gore qualify as a human being? Asking for a friend

mad tapper
mad tapper
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Thanks Dan,

Might be now or two days now.

I understand, sort of, When it is not relevant it gets posted.

Is that a censor

Who censors me?

Is that , 1st amenment?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

The comments are moderated out of existence.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Not nearly enough

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  mad tapper
5 years ago

More than likely there is a logarithm that was created to recognize certain words or groupings. Similar to a snowflake millennial, when they get triggered by something they delete it from existence

5 years ago

Mr. Valenti:
Cost-wise, how much more expensive is a Forensic Audit than a Regular Audit or Management Audit? And what would the total cost be to do the type of audit you are suggesting? Also, how much time would it take to complete a Forensic Audit in a City Hall operation the size of Pittsfield’s?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  GMHeller
5 years ago

If they did it right every 5 years or so, cost would be MUCH less than THE CARNAGE on taxpayers.

There is so much shit sent under the table in $#!tsField, that they would open a new state prison, just for them.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Very informative article, thanks Dan. Yesterday it was mentioned that SIMS was closed by the City of Pits because of back taxes from 2007. Why has SIMS been allowed by the City to “skate” for 13 years? Wondering how many other businesses in Pits are behind in their taxes some 13 years. Would a forensic audit find this information?

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

There is a large defunct building on outer W. Housatonic that started out as a car dealership, morphed to a restaurant and then a logging operation. (out past Pittsfield lawn and Tractor) Not sure where they stand now but they did out quite a bit for a long time and nobody in city hall seemed to worried about them. as the story goes the individual is VERY WELL connected and has a basketful of mulligans.

Nice looking gateway dump to the city. Guarantee if Joey Blue Collar owned it they would have had to pay up or the city would have taken it and demolished it.
This very kind of special dealing would be exposed with a forensic audit along with a laundry list of similar back door dealings. And yes you can bet your pear shaped ass that there are people in power as we speak taking measures to make sure no such audit ever, ever, ever happens in Pittsfield. I can'[t even remember how many sets of books they keep but I imagine there is some shredding and redacting going on under a very dim light somewhere.

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

No, a forensic audit would have nothing to do with property taxes.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

JA – totally agree with your comment on the West Housatonic gateway into Pittsfield. Yet the Mazzeos wanted to open a nice diner on the gateway from Lenox into Pittsfield but the City Administration would not allow it as it would disrupt the view. As usual nothing makes sense in Pittsfield. Also, has anyone noticed that they only time Bare Bare comments on this site lately is when he is running scared.

Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!!!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Ha!Ha! – but then again you do resemble the scarecrow.

Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

Call City hall and ask. I did. I found out the status of the property. You should too.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

The old Datson car dealership?Pittsfi ed ld needs to demolish it.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

I have also wondered why the City of Pittsfield allows back taxes to go on so long. Would someone in the know come forward and answer this question?

Pitcal M
Pitcal M
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Simple,phony free cash for bond rating. Blame Scanlon for that fear factor. If the City managed the tax revenue the right way, we wouldn’t have any problems. And way to many unnecessary giveaways. Is Hess still standing?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

My last two posts never made it – cancelled out by your censorbot?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Happened to me as well.

Jon Blondwell Washington
Jon Blondwell Washington
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Sometimes you have to experience humility,fritz. And I might add to three head Stockeell of the Li since bored. What is a potty? Do you mean Party?.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

12:18 PM

Sanitized here Dan

Waiting for Senate?

Pencil Nippre
Pencil Nippre
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Would a-forensic audit for overtime, the amount of salt used and maintenance? How much was used and where? Would it undertake a Beacon Finances concerning loan forgiveness, the operator purchasing seats from his own company? A monthly detailed audit of how much is collected from kiosks, and who counts its? An audit would also include business trips by administration and who pays what for whom,like food,lodging,gas? Overtime in all departments?

I. P. Freely
I. P. Freely
5 years ago

Want something juicy for the first bite of the audit. Look into the mayor’s now defunct fitness website. That PAID project never went to bid and was built by a parks department employee’s husband. Ethics and nepotism violations in one!

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

”Little darling, it’s been a long Cold LONELY winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been here

Sun (1) Sun (2) Sun (3) here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been clear

Golden Slumbers fill your eyes, Smiles Await you when you Rise!“

– sgt peppers LONELY HEARTS club band

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

NBC well they ran most of the D-Rats senate farcse.

Now there is NOTHING? Why is that?

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

One more reason city hall will make it hard for us to generate a forensic audit is because it would expose the list of millionaire businessmen that are getting juicy tax breaks. And none of them want their names on the front pages because they know that when their customers find out they are subsidizing the taxes of some of the wealthiest people in the city, they might take their business elsewhere. So a very tight huddle is forming and Barry seems to have been sent to the front lines to blow smoke.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I will do the “Forensic Accounting Audit” for you!

Matt Kerwood’s creative accounting = hundreds of millions of dollars in growing municipal debts and other liabilities on top of a decades long shrinking tax base on top of 70% of Pittsfield residents living in or near poverty, which puts a big strain on the city government’s limited public financial resources. It means that Pittsfield politics’s municipal finances are so constrained that its public debts and other liabilities will grow exponentially larger as time progresses into Pittsfield politics’ dim financial future.

Matt Kerwood isn’t doing Pittsfield taxpayers any favors! He is continuing the predictable 5% annual tax hikes, adding well over ten million dollars per fiscal year in municipal debts, and using creative accounting to pull the wool over the eyes of the hard hit Pittsfield taxpayers. It has been, is, and always will be a shakedown of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, which means the special and vested interests always win at the proverbial Kapanski family’s expense.

Barry Clairmont and Mayor Linda Tyer’s poor financial management is mostly deferring Pittsfield’s municipal costs into the future. But to be fair, they inherited a decades long mess from the prior city government’s administrations. To be honest, they haven’t changed things for the better!

Pencil Nippre
Pencil Nippre
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

No on the last sentence,but Tyer was elected with the intentions of not changing that premodern philosophy,otherwise they would have dumped Kuffkinks. One bad thing Kuffkinks does perennially, is add needed interest on borrowing by not being prudent at spending,period.

Sowaff Bawls
Sowaff Bawls
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

So,Councilor Guiel- Lampiasi upis still on theLicense Board?

F Lee Dickowits
F Lee Dickowits
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

So now beer will be sold at he theatre? Incredible

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Matt may still be working behind the scenes to get the Civic Authority enacted. He was a major player in that effort to take power away from the people of the city. And that may be why he was brought back in as he was a trusted soldier of the machine.

Critical Entourtanement
Critical Entourtanement
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

The biggest Bullshit Board is the License Board.

The theyorthereguru
The theyorthereguru
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

Dan, as I was watching the License Board one of the members didn’t say a peep during any of the actors that came forward, at least not to be noticed or interested. Does this person even know why they’re there?

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

Hand Sanitizer.

Rocks 4 Jocks
Rocks 4 Jocks
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I remember when the state had to come in and take over Pittsfield’s finances. Maybe we need to implement that again. How do we start that process?

Pitcal M
Pitcal M
5 years ago

Dan,I used to live full time about a half hour from where Kobe was killed..Callabasis, Ca. I also was acquainted with him quite a few times as I went to at least five or six of the games his daughter was involved in before he became coach,who wouldn’t? Kobe to me,was the greatest that played because,I’m a biased Laker Fan, no. I know he was. Dan,Ted Williams hit a home run in his last at bat…Kobe put up Sixty, his last game. R I P Kobe and his daughter and the others who succumbed,very sad day today for many. Love to the Planet

F Lee Dickowits
F Lee Dickowits
5 years ago

There is no conflict of interest with Councilor Guiel appointed by the mayor? He’ll yeah there is! Where’s the Beef MayorA.

Barver Daveed
Barver Daveed
5 years ago

Word has it,the renovations now going on at the Wahconah Bar are almost complete, I think.This place should look like the Taj Mahal by now? Don’t ya think?This oughta be good Dan. Think they kept the Dinosaur on the roof. How esthetic .

The man fromnotmensa
The man fromnotmensa
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Now that is funny..cheeseball?

Are you serious?
Are you serious?
5 years ago

Dan, I was watching the licensing board today and I couldn’t believe what I saw! Dina Guiel Lampiasi serving as a member of that board. Didn’t she specifically say she was going to resign once she was elected to the city clowncil? Isn’t it a conflict of interest to be on both? What the hell is wrong with these politicians?

I’m done. And they wonder why people won’t vote in this town!

Reply to  Are you serious?
5 years ago

Exactly. She is on a body separate don City Council duty hired by the Mayor?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Are you serious?
5 years ago

Are licensing board members paid for their work in that position? If so, being on both the board and the city council is a violation of Mass conflict of interest law. A person cannot hold two paid municipal positions. If the board is a state gig, I don’t think it’s a violation, legally.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

I think they get $500.00 a year for expenses. That’s why folks are beating down the doors to get on these committees.

M Sergical Precision
M Sergical Precision
5 years ago

Dan,I know the area well where the helicopter crashed. I’m assuming the craft split the mountain,ravine and smashed into the ground because of the dense fog. The only other explanation would be engine failure. NBC is stating the pilot was all weather certified.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

The Houston Astros have apologized for sign stealing that supposedly helped them win the 2017 World Series against the Dodgers. . The apology was words only. Not a player will return his share of money because of the victory. The sign stealing involved the Astros using a TV camera in the outfield to steal a catcher’s signs, relay info to the clubhouse and from there to batters by banging trash cans in the dugout. And now the relaxed batter was going to hit the ball because he knew what was coming.This is almost beyond belief, The pitcher is throwing a fast ball from 95 to 100 miles, or a curve that drops from armpits to knees, and a bang on a can in the dugout is supposed to give the batter an advantage.Do these guys really make millions to play.this game and complain because of a new way of stealing signs? This has gone on since the Babe was pitching for the Red Sox. Does anyone really think weaknesses and advantages aren’t looked for in all sporting contests? Spit balls are still being thrown. If an owner or a manager can’t keep up with generational changes they should get out of the game. Moaning and crying won’t help because they were outsmarted.

That dog be lazy
That dog be lazy
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Why would a professional want to cheat to win?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Agreed.Pitchers cheat every pitch.

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

So if it’s like statistically impossible to hit a fastball, does sign stealing make a difference? Or is the edge the winners needed. I’m with Chuck on this one.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Impeachment : What the MSM didn’t cover today, while fawning over the rapist, Kobe

This the summation of the Senate proceedings, they don’t want America to hear

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Dan, will this see the light of day?

mad trapper
mad trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago


Thanks for being real news Dan!!

mad trapper
mad trapper
Reply to  mad trapper
5 years ago

But will D-Rats understand/ comprehend?

Galude Miear
Galude Miear
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Rapist,naw,adulterer ,yes. Kobe admitted he had consensual sex with the woman and she refused to testify. Rapist?

Reply to  Galude Miear
5 years ago

Kobe admitted she did not consent.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Hero’s know when to die

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Mad Trapper
Impeachment : What the MSM didn’t cover today, while fawning over the rapist, Kobe

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Washington Post has placed a political reporter on administrative leave after she tweeted a link to a story about rape allegations against NBA superstar Kobe Bryant, who was killed Sunday. Dozens of journalists at the newspaper criticized the decision.
Reporter Felicia Sonmez’s tweet Sunday,
The Post reported that Somnez received threats of death and rape and had to move to a hotel after her home address was published online.

This is what happens trapper when you have guts enough to use your own name.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

You have to understand that the school system does not under perform ,they just test lower than the lenox school system.It is so obvious why.Lenox test well.Apples and oranges. Elitest school choice laws allows Lenox to grab millions.Elitest school choice allows Pittsfield to lose money.The state should never have allowed urban districts to lose funding over choice.Bouvier Smitty need to sell Pittsfield.Remember GE has excused your failures but not anymore.You dont seem motivated.I will take a Hotel Casino at PEDA.It fits into the vacation resort we are.Resort entertainment gambling.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Using clips of testimony from Democrats’ own witnesses, and reports from the mainstream media — including an ABC News interview with Hunter Biden — Bondi argued that Hunter Biden was paid handsomely for little reason other than that he was the vice president’s son. The company was under investigation at the time — and Vice President Biden later famously insisted the prosecutor be fired.

She also noted that Hunter Biden was involved in business with Chris Heinz, the stepson of then-Secretary of State John Kerry. Both were involved in Ukraine — and elsewhere — at a time when ending corruption was said to be the top priority of the United States and other western governments in dealing with Ukraine.

Using clips of testimony from Democrats’ own witnesses, and reports from the mainstream media — including an ABC News interview with Hunter Biden — Bondi argued that Hunter Biden was paid handsomely for little reason other than that he was the vice president’s son. The company was under investigation at the time — and Vice President Biden later famously insisted the prosecutor be fired.

She also noted that Hunter Biden was involved in business with Chris Heinz, the stepson of then-Secretary of State John Kerry. Both were involved in Ukraine — and elsewhere — at a time when ending corruption was said to be the top priority of the United States and other western governments in dealing with Ukraine.

read on it concerns Barry Sotero…….

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Trump loves corruption.

Rocks 4 Jocks
Rocks 4 Jocks
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Pathetic in Pittsfield, that should be your new “handle” on the planet.

Mr. X
Mr. X
5 years ago

Robert Kraft loves the way the Astros operate and is seriously considering buying them because he always wanted to own a clean professional sports team that never cheats or breaks the rules…and gets caught. It’s called a competitive edge.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

Actually he did get caught on tape in Florida but he was not stealing signals.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

Good one Absurdo!

Rocks 4 Jocks
Rocks 4 Jocks
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

Everyone reduces stress in their own way, he just used the wrong hand signals.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Pittsfield needs to always be reminded that Mccandless Cameron Yon Elias Marchetti Tyer Moon Caccamo send 350 children to a Toxic dump to be educated.

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Marchetti, Tyer, Moon, Caccamo, aren’t concerned parents with parental experience; So there never was or is any self concern. Don’t don’t know the parenting experience of the rest of the cult.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

In case of a school shooting, you parents of PPSD students will be happy to know that each school will now have a first aid kit. Not necessarily an armed resource officer – but a first aid kit.
Where are the two out-of-control PHS students who caused a lockdown at that school? Back in the classroom or sent back to Taconic??
Students like that pose a danger to everyone and should be educated elsewhere.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Wow! Pittsfield schools are really modernizing. I sure hope the kids don’t start going around with their heads in the air feeling all special and stuff. What is next? Soap in the gym showers?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

or threaten to tell the DA.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Now that the mayoral election is over, the city is finally looking at consolidation of school facilities – FINALLY – now that it’s public knowledge that enrollment is HALF of what it has been in the district’s heyday. And there’s still no budget $$ left over for an armed resource officer at Reid??

Galude Miear
Galude Miear
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Why does pctv Stooge need a show on tv when the camera is on him while the guests are speaking? Bad enough we have to shut tar off while driving.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Galude Miear
5 years ago

Turn the damn show off! Stop yer whining! No one is forcing you to watch it!

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Seriously dude? If half the students left town, and they closed half the schools and laid off a hundred teachers that school budget would not go down. They would just reallocate it for new stuff for the schools and personnel. forgetaboutthatpart.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

We could always use a few more cultural competency coaches. “That wall is too white, it needs diversification.”

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
5 years ago

Maybe the budget is so high due to the cost of sending 711 choiced-out K-12 students to other school districts.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Perhaps we could choice out all the students. The district loses $5000.00 for each choice student. Pittsfield would lose about 32 million dollars but would have 40 million left in its budget with no kids. We could pay off the new Taconic in two years. Allendale and Crosby would be empty so TSC would have to find a new song.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Auto, they are not “sending” them anywhere. They are leaving of their own accord so that they do not have to deal with the classroom bangers. They see it as a matter of survival. Ask any Pittsfield teacher or police officer where their child goes to school and most of them will you, “not Pittsfield”.

Knot Knormul
Knot Knormul
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

No, the money will be shifted towards mental health,troubled kids and kids that are safeguarded because of disabilities. The future budget will grow even more. Dum dums

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Unlike D-rat Buuttilike, my ass is one way sorry for YOU

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Pam Bondi, today’s star for exposing the corrupt Bidens using the mainstream media’s own reports!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Yup the Trump impeachment is really about vice President Biden…
The cult will buy anything.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Liz Warren couldn’t even figure out what Alan Dershowitz was talking about in his speech yesterday and yet they graduated from the same school. Liz also doesn’t know basic math since she thinks the country can afford trillions in healthcare while pouring in illegal immigrants. This is a woman who thinks she has the ability to be president. She also wants to get rid of the Electoral voting system so that Dems will win all the elections. She thinks she can fool the country into believing that’s a good thing. Only her supporters who think one party rule is a good thing, as long as it’s their party in charge, are all for it. These are the same voters who turned Pittsfield into the mess that it is today. They love Lizzie Warren here in Pittsfield and is anyone shocked since Pittsfield voters have been making bad decisions for a long time.

Rocks 4 Jocks
Rocks 4 Jocks
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

TSC, they are trying to claim what he allegedly did is impeachable. Unfortunately VPBiden actually did it with President Obama’s approval. Biden later bragged about it in a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations.

If you cannot see the irony and hypocrisy, you are too far gone.
Get to the Brien center ASAP.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

i am in agreement with using Community Preservation funds for our forensic audit. It will be great to use tax money that was set up as a scam itself to do an audit that will expose any scams. Great idea councilor. Let’s keep this ball rolling. i am also OK with paying a person to collect the signatures for a petition using a GoFundMe account. Whatever it costs will come back to us ten times over once the waste is exposed.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

“Use the funds that were set up as a scam to fund an audit that will ultimately expose all the scams.”

This is so Pittsfield. BRAVO!

5 years ago

Adam Schiff leaves the impeachment hearings today and immediately starts in with the lies. “Oh they are really shook up about Bolton”, he says referring to the Republican senators except that Schiff is the only one who thought so. The Republican senators seemed very calm and logical to me and the people I spoke with. Schiff is playing to low intelligence voters in the general public who believe every lie he tells them. They also believe that Liz or Bernie would be great for the country. Bernie just said he will undo everything President Trump has done which means we will be heading back to the bleak economic picture of the Obama years with everyone on food stamps and maybe even worse this time. Bernie will allow AOC to kill all the cows in some strange pagan belief that it will save us all from climate change. Everyone will be on public transportation except the elites who are just so special that they deserve to be able to continue driving their vehicle(s) and private jets. Certainly they will be able to afford it since the government will be full of money at first until they turn us into Venezuela in just a few years with all the government corruption that will be full approved of by the far left media since the media will be getting their share of government goodies too for their undying support of the far left.