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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 17-9, 2019) — Here and there, the bits become bytes. Some make their way to THE PLANET‘s screen, to wit:

DEM DIMS — Watching the Democrats Monday night debate opened our eyes — Sanders, Warren, Biden, Steyer, Buttigieg, Klobuchar. Pondering why, we traced it back to the number six. It’s the fewest since the Dems began the process (what, with 20?). It left more time for each, allowing for more substance (granted, not something to look for in any debate). THE PLANET gave the night to Sanders, who flatly put to rest the convenient allegation by Warren that he told her a woman could not be elected president. Warren made the charge just days before the debate to a friendly media outlet, counting on social media frenzy to take over lucidity. Imagine — Lying Lizzie caught in another whopper. Biden held his own. The others, if you didn’t ignore them, were ignorable. Iowa will come down to Bernie and Joe, with Bernie winning. Biden, though, wins the nomination.

QUIET RIOT — Now that the coverup is in place regarding Tuesday’s riot at PHS, the public won’t hear a peep from JIV, the school administration, school committee, or any other Suit. A PHS source said a student cursed a teacher, punched him, and started tearing up a classroom. When he was sent to the principal’s office, he threw desk items, screaming “You can’t touch me.” Police initiated a shut down, which set off another student, who also went out-of-control. One of the students bolted out the doors, where police intercepted him. It was chaos all around. Classes were suspended. A teacher told THE PLANET a secretary said these incidents will not be reported. Short of ax murder, the Pittsfield School Department buries such “incidents” for the negative effect on ratings. JIV and school committee chairwoman Lady Boots Yon should be fired for their lack of leadership. How is education possible under these conditions, and why do the politicians tolerate this?

MLB’s WHIFFS — The slimy self-righteousness of Major League Baseball rivals that of politicians. Sign-stealing and many other forms of cheating have long been a part of the game. Now suddenly MLB, that once-legit sport, decides stealing signs equates with using poison gas on an orphanage. When a runner gets to second base, the battery changes signs. Crack the code, and the runner on second can tip off the batter on what’s coming next. Do you know what happens to the batter? Not much. There is no statistically significant affect on run production. In fact, most batters say knowing what’s coming messes them up more than helps. The Astros and Red Sox won World Series in 2017 and 2018 not because of stolen signs. They won because they were the two best teams.

IMPEACHY KEEN — Now that the Senate has the articles of impeachment, the nonsense will begin again. Most worrisome to THE PLANET are the press restrictions imposed for the trial. Media access to senators will be minimal. Press will be confined to a pen (“holding cell”) and not allowed to venture out. They will be escorted in and out. There will be no video, still photography, or audio. These impositions are unprecedented. There have been a few token howls of resistance, but largely, the Capitol press corps has taken it lying down. Make of that what you will.

JIV TALKING — “I am honored you have the faith in my leadership as we work together for the Pittsfield Public Schools,” Yon said.  These were the words Lady Boots stuttered when given the gavel by JIV. THE PLANET would have been pleased to give Lady the gavel. We would have chosen a different method of delivering it. JIV to new members: “To me you join the ranks of one of the most thoughtful and powerful committees that exists in the commonwealth,” he said. “Who comes to meetings with the lone agenda let’s do great things for kids and let’s talk about both good and bad things through honest ways and let’s make our community better through education.” Yes, he makes no sense. That’s why he gets $250,000 compensation.

POP QUIZTHE PLANET closes with this quiz. Examine these two photos carefully and tell us which one depicts JIV swearing in the new SC. Be careful. Even experts have been fooled.

… or is THIS JIV swearing them in?

Is THIS Spot. JIV swearing in the Pittsfield School Committee …

Send in your submission to FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, P.O. Box 655321, Lome, Togo.

  • Grand Prize includes an all -expense paid stay in The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich for an unspecified time.
  • A series of Second Prizes will include gift certificates for Spice Restaurant, music lessons from WorkshopLive!, an electric car from EV Worldwide, and health screening by Nuclea.
  • Third prize is a firing squad. The lucky winner must be a city taxpayer. He or she will choose between getting shot in Park Square of City Hall steps.

There are clues that might help you in your selection. In the authentic photo, you will see a line of mesmerized, enthralled, and devoted set of Kool-Aid drinkers ready to go over the top for their master and leader.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


Friendship is a sheltering tree”Ralph Waldo Emerson



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CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
Oh, you know I will
I will“

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

Swan Song

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Pittsfield politics = Fall in line with Tyer/Marchetti or face retribution. Outsiders and opposing voices are not allowed in City Hall. Democracy is dead in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. It is a prime example of the “Iron Rule of Oligarchy”! The word of the top-down rulers becomes the law. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski can pound sand.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

It’s also coming to a neighborhood near you if people continue to allow this far left craziness to spread across the country.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Regressive behavior

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Glen Beck and Bill O’Reilly along with Rudh Limbaugh and Sean Hannity agree with you Pat

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Hey Jon, have you turned on Linda, formerly called the “best mayor in Pittsfield history” by you?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. G
5 years ago

I am very disappointed with Mayor Linda Tyer for not denouncing City Council Prez Peter Marchetti’s act of retribution against Connell and Morandi. To be clear, I believe she should say that all voices are and will always be heard by her second mayoral administration from 2020 – 2023.

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

Send in the clowns on the left, Walt Disney on the right.

“Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I Am
Stuck in the middle with you”
– Stealers Wheel

Stooge G Oniun
Stooge G Oniun
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

Reservoir Dogs theme.

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
Reply to  Stooge G Oniun
5 years ago

Reserved for Dogs? Egg-zactly.
Or, in my Sylvester Stallone impression: Absolutely

5 years ago

They tolerate the situation in the schools because they are all part of it. They created it. Their arrogance doesn’t allow them to admit it. Their major concerns are these social experiments they have going on in the school system. One social experiment is being promoted by far left district attorneys and we see how this is not working out and the other is created by far left politicians who are only interested in indoctrinating the young in far left politics which will destroy the freedoms of our country while giving power and money to the far left. Nobody is interested in actual education and in creating a stable and safe learning environment for these young people.

5 years ago

I’m not sure about the press restrictions for the impeachment hearings. If the press had full access, we all know that we still wouldn’t get the truth from most of the media. They would spin it to make President Trump look bad and themselves look good. When there is no longer truth being told in the media, sadly the access becomes less important.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Pat, when you refer to “we all know” who are you referring to?

Reply to  Harrison
5 years ago

Does the far left even care about the lies of this media since the media just wants to make the far left look good? Do they think the media will go back to telling the truth when President Trump is no longer president because right now they justify their lies by saying President Trump should not be president. Does anyone remember how the Berkshire Eagle began only writing articles that made the Progressives look good and ignoring the truth for many years before President Trump? No, the media will continue to lie to promote the far left agenda unless more and more people call them out.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Still didn’t answer my question.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

You need to watch more Hannity PatYour not getting enough of that Media

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Rachel Maddow is the guru of the far left and spreads consistently fake news. She tries to make herself out to be so intellectual, but she fails miserably.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Lock her up!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

She does not lie.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

The presidents bozo behavior is self evident

5 years ago

Restorative Justice!

5 years ago

JIV sure sounds like an idiot Dan, in the quote you attribute to him. And why would he be swearing in the school committee. He reports to them, not the other way around?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

And let me guess – the PHS perps have already been returned to the classroom? Anyone know? Or transferred back to Taconic? And the assaulted staff members, blamed for setting off the students? That’s the normal method of operation.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

As the overseer of a department that gobbles up ever increasing amounts of taxpayer money I would think the superintendent of schools would welcome a forensic audit of finances. This would be the first thing done if a new CEO took over a business that was hemorrhaging money. I am looking forward to the superintendent initiating such an audit as soon as possible in his effort to control spending. He either cares or he does not care. Same goes for the mayor and city council.

5 years ago

Lizzy Warren took an ax, gave ole Bernie 40 whacks, when she saw what she had done, she gave uncle Joe 41. Joe won’t be the nominee.

5 years ago

I see DA Squeaky’s public records officer quit because Harrington was refusing to release public records. It would seem Harrington is more interested in running an office mired in promoting her political future than doing the public good. No surprise there. However, I am impressed in that Harrington’s conduct could land her a job at the Trump White House despite the fact that she’s a Progressive. We have certainly gotten this county stuck with a real loser.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

This will be her Wille Horton when she runs for another office. This current position she has is just a stepping stone.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
5 years ago

Seriously? For what?

Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

When Healey runs for Governor, Harrington must have been thinking she would go for AG. This is what Healey said when she endorsed her:
“Berkshire County deserves to have the kind of office that I know will be well run, will be smartly run, and it will be about looking out for and protecting the needs and the well being of families here in the region.”
Harrington had no experience as a prosecutor and just a few years as a part time defense attorney who tried her first case in 2011. How did this EVER qualify her to run the Berkshire County DA’s office? The failure to perform due diligence by Healey, Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Richard Neal. Linda Tyer, John Barrett and Adam Hinds must be addressed by voters in the next elections.

Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

Do not forget Liz Warren and Jimmy Ruberto in your list of supporters. What do they care? They don’t live here. Shame on all the self-righteous progressives who refused to closely examine the candidate’s qualifications and who, in the end, elected a corrupt and incompetent person to the office of District Attorney. Yep, that’s you Great Barrington, Lenox, Williamstown and John Barrett’s followers in N.A..For Jeanne Kempthorne to blow the whistle on her is significant as Jeanne embraces the feminist, progressive movement and would think twice before turning AH in. Thank you Berkshire Eagle for doing your job and making the FOIA requests.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

An infamous quote from Andrea Harrington as she watched Healey give a speech.
“I could do that” she said. When asked what by a supporter, Andrea Harrington said “Be the AG”.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

These incidents are almost never reported in a official capacity. They only use the press for PR.Tyer Marchetti Yon Mccandless and Curtis believe you have no right to know what goes on with teacher abuse verbal or physical. The above will not back prosecuting student assaults.Teachers understand it might cause their removal as Mccandless would sweet talk them and Curtis will call their professionalism into question.Sheran will stay quiet and get them raises to offset the verbal assaults…..Herberg school is where kids learn they can verbally assault staff.Mccandless will now hire 40 more people this year again to add another program to stop these behaviors.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

The far left district attorneys are the ones who are conducting this social experiment in the schools which is why the student felt so confident to say “You can’t touch me” as he created chaos. The students know they are test subjects for this experiment that allows certain types of misbehavior and crime. Why else would he say that?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

You are spot on, Pat! “Ending the school to prison pipeline” is what people like Harrington, all the way to the Obama administration have been chanting. Until the juvenile delinquents are punished for their behavior, the out-of-control incidents will continue.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Selling pot would put you in prison if you were black

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Bull shit buddy. Blacks are imprisoned and a higher rate than whites because they commit crime at a higher rate. You can look it up.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

You’ll go to jail if you sell homemade white lightin’.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Pat…you dont seem to know that rational thinking people and courtrooms stopped schools from physical punishment becaused they were abusing kids by slapping punching hitting young kids into submission.I know you dont believe this happened but it did on a regular basis.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

That’s not what I took away from his statement. Not physically touch me, but do anything about my bad behavior was the message I think he was sending because that is what the far left agenda is about. Certain types of misbehavior are allowed under the new rules of the far left who are now involved in putting far left district attorneys across the country. Also touching someone who is assaulting somebody else, quite sure (unless they changed that) that it is still allowed for the safety of all of us.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Right wing conservatives created public ed reform.This is what you have now.You Regressives created school scoring.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

very fake news

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Fake News
5 years ago

Today’s forecast, light with increasing darkness toward evening……. true dat

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Harrington in deep guano, thanks to an honest & ethical whistleblower in her office! So much for “transparency!”

Stooges Noshows
Stooges Noshows
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Where’s P R on this?

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

The kapinskis would love an elaboration!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

And the Berkshire Eagle, of all media, actually reporting on a story involving high profile people. That is curious in of itself. Did they endorse the other guy? Peeps need to read this story in todays local cuz it is coming down the tracks.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Correct, Johnny, it is a complete train wreck.

DA’s office whistleblower resigns over public records issues, ‘campaign culture’
Posted Thursday, January 16, 2020 10:00 pm
By Heather Bellow, The Berkshire Eagle
PITTSFIELD — The Berkshire district attorney’s general counsel and public records officer has resigned after she said Andrea Harrington attempted to block the release of public records in a politically fraught case.

Jeanne Kempthorne, who advised the district attorney on legal matters and served as the office’s public records officer, also said Harrington routinely ignored her legal advice and ran a “campaign culture” in the office — an atmosphere that places political concerns above the public’s right to information.

On Dec. 16, The Eagle filed a formal request for the public records, seeking emails about an inactive investigation into the now-debunked claim by a Bard College at Simon’s Rock student that she was racially attacked. A process that should take 10 workdays to release, the District Attorney’s Office had repeatedly denied The Eagle access to these public records.

“It was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Kempthorne told The Eagle in an interview Thursday.

“My concern is that what she did was not in the public’s interest; it was in her interest,” Kempthorne said. “This isn’t a private company, and it’s not her campaign. There are bigger considerations — are we actually going to fulfill our public duties?”

The costly investigation into the racially charged issue was a thorny one for Harrington, and she ultimately decided not to press charges against the student for the hoax.

Harrington, through her spokesman, denied wrongdoing.

Kempthorne said she submitted her resignation Monday with one month’s notice.

“Recent events have cast into stark relief the differences in our views of my roles as general counsel and records access officer,” she wrote to Harrington.

Initially, Harrington said she was concerned that she might not be able to replace her that quickly, according to Kempthorne. But by Wednesday, Harrington asked her to clean out her office — while supervised — and Kempthorne was escorted out of the building.

Kempthorne said she learned Deputy District Attorney Richard Dohoney, a Berkshire lawyer who served as Pittsfield’s city solicitor, would replace her.

In a Jan. 8 email exchange provided to The Eagle, Harrington instructed Kempthorne not to release the public records to The Eagle. Ordinarily, Kempthorne, as the public records officer and general counsel, handles all public records requests.

“We are not responding to this request,” Harrington wrote to Kempthorne.

“How do we not respond?” Kempthorne wrote back.

The public’s interest

Kempthorne said she could find no legal reason to justify holding back the emails between the District Attorney’s Office and Simon’s Rock officials.

Kempthorne ultimately decided on her own to provide redacted copies to the Eagle on Jan. 10 — after Andrew McKeever, the spokesman for the District Attorney’s Office, told a reporter that the office could not release the requested information.

Kempthorne said that had she not produced the records, she would have committed not only an ethical violation, but also possibly have broken Massachusetts Public Record Law.

“I’ve never done anything in the job that I never felt wasn’t right,” she said. “There’s nothing that I would not do to get it right.”

The District Attorney’s Office said that attempting to circumvent the records access officer in this case does not breach the law.

But Jeffrey Pyle, a lawyer at Prince Lobel Tye LLC and an expert in public records law, called Kempthorne’s allegations “remarkable.”

Pyle said that in his 19 years of practice on First Amendment litigation, he never has seen a case like this.

“This is a very serious allegation of improper withholding of public records, and I’ve never seen a whistleblower within an agency come forward with such an allegation,” Pyle said Thursday in a phone interview. “This is a highly unusual case.”

Harrington would not comment directly Thursday. But McKeever, in an email responding to Eagle questions, said the District Attorney’s Office is committed to transparency. There had been a disagreement over whether releasing the emails would cross lanes with the jurisdiction of the state police, which had worked the case. State police assigned to the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office conducted the investigation.

McKeever said the press office is “always part of public records requests.”

There is an exemption to the public records law that allows agencies to withhold information that would be detrimental to the work of law enforcement, but not every pending investigation is subject to that exemption, Pyle said.

The Eagle had sought the emails between the college and the District Attorney’s Office to gain some insight into the reported assault and conclusion that it was false — a series of events that rattled the student body and community. The office has said it is essentially dropping the active investigation for lack of evidence because the student refused to cooperate, but the investigation technically remains open, making the final report exempt under the records law.

But McKeever said that even closing an investigation doesn’t necessarily render its reports public record.

“Under the public records law, investigatory materials may remain confidential indefinitely if they contain confidential investigative techniques or information that would identify private witnesses,” he wrote.

Justin Silverman, executive director of the New England First Amendment Coalition, said it would be “simply inexcusable” for public officials to attempt to abuse the public records law and its exemptions.

“Falsely claiming an investigation is ongoing as a way to keep records secret violates the law and our trust in public officials,” he said. “When officials abuse the investigatory exemption of the public records law, they prevent us from learning if justice is being served in our communities. They also weaken the credibility of those who will use the exemption to protect actual investigations in the future.”

Pyle noted that in cases where there is no whistleblower, like Kempthorne, the requester wouldn’t know that the investigatory exemption is being misused.

“This is a classic circumstance where an individual requester, who doesn’t have a whistleblower, would be frustrated,” he said.

Experienced attorney

After her 2018 election, Harrington tapped Kempthorne, 63, for the key role in her office, citing her 36 years of experience that include 11 years a federal prosecutor in Boston, where she was part of the Major Crimes Unit, the Economic Crimes Unit, and chief of the Public Corruption and Special Prosecutions Unit. With her permanent home still in Salem, Kempthorne moved to Pittsfield to take the job.

As chief of appeals, Kempthorne said, Harrington supported her initiatives, including reforms for young offenders.

“She let me do some great things,” she said. “We did the first ever expungements. We acquiesced to DNA testing in two cases — I was very proud of that. I really felt like I was doing great work, work that the public wanted and expected her to do, and it really took courage. I do compliment her for her grit and her courage.”

But Kempthorne, a former commissioner on the State Ethics Commission, also said she grew frustrated by Harrington’s attempt to place her into a silo, where her role as general counsel was marginalized around certain issues. She said Harrington told her it is important to cultivate relationships in the public realm, especially with news media.

Kempthorne said she told Harrington that the work was about legal precision.

“You can’t run the office like a campaign,” Kempthorne said she told Harrington. “It’s not about relationships — it’s about the letter of the law.”

Kempthorne said coming forward in the public’s interest could be a career-ending move for her. She said she “has nothing to lose.”

“I actually do think this is the people’s business and there might be some repercussions for me,” she said. “It’s my obligation to get [this work] done right, and the political function is interfering with me doing my job.”

Haven Orecchio-Egresitz contributed to this story.

Heather Bellow can be reached at or on Twitter @BE_hbellow and 413-329-6871.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Local radio station 1420 had a long interview with DIstrict Attorney Harrington today and I didn’t hear one question asked about this whistleblower who said Harrington is refusing to release materials from her office that might make her look bad politically and that she is playing politics with the office. I did miss the first few minutes of the interview, but with the easy questions being asked of her, I would not be shocked if no mention was made of it.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Harrington is our Trump .This is what Trumps influence does

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Can we assume Dahoney wont follow State Laws and hid the information.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Rhymes with baloney.

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Gobsig
5 years ago


Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Best advice to the DA’s staff. Look for a lifeboat before Captain Ahab Andrea sinks the ship with you on it. Swimming in the sea of lost ethics won’t be easy.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

Does anyone know what the repercussions of illegally or unethically violating public records laws are? Is this something that will be investigated and if so, by who?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

There are a number of issues, there’s ethics law, there’s public records law, there are potential federal law violations with regards to public corruption.
Most likely the two offices that would investigate this would be Galvin’s office and the AG office.
There can also be civil suits.
The real concern for DA Andrea Harrington is that she has a VERY VERY seasoned litigator who’s meticulous in EVERYTHING she does saying that DA Andrea Harrington purposefully and knowingly violated the law. The fact that Jeanne resigned and claimed whistleblower protections just goes to hint at the depth of the problems of that office.
Jeanne is no political hack, she’s got a sterling reputation, she has been above reproach her entire career. She was a State Ethics Commissioner and was the head of the Federal Public Corruption and Special Prosecutions Unit. She’s the person who would bring cases against corrupt politicians and DAs. She would sit in judgement on the ethics commission.
Can you imagine a worse person to have to defend yourself against in a case like this?
A small warning to law enforcement at State Police and in GB, you will want to choose very carefully who you back in this because it is alleged there is a special federal prosecutor keying up to take a long hard into this and a couple other cases more because of the allegations of withholding evidence than blindly following a DA’s improper request.
If you kept the case open at the request of a DA who said she wasn’t going to bring charges (ps it is alleged those emails are out there and people have seen them) you better get your ducks in a row, somebody is going to lose their job and pension.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

As has capeless &caccaviello covering up hundreds of sexual, spousal and child abuse felonies along with hit-and-runs I’m taking campaign donations as bribes to let off heroin dealers

We know it's you Tom
We know it's you Tom
Reply to  Magoo
5 years ago

You need to be honest, Tom. We all know that you were prosecuted by that office, so admit that is why you make these outrageous claims.
And regarding the allegations you make in this post–prove it. Oh, that’s right, you can’t. Sit behind your wretched little keyboard and keep spewing your poisonous chyme. Damaged goods from a damaged mind.
Keep it up–you’ll have your ass sued to high heaven and back to hell, where you belong.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Slap on the wrist. Minor admonishment by secretary Galvin. No real investigation. Just an advisory opinion. And that’s only if the Eagle appeals denial.

Jumpin Joe Curtis.
Jumpin Joe Curtis.
Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

Big shocker here. Harrington is a true politician and McKeever is her media henchman. I lost any respect I had for that boy.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

I have not seen any coverage of this story from iBerkshires.

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

You could call them Satellites……

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Berkshire Eagle is published from the Clock Tower right ?

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  Be The Change CDC
5 years ago

Most days it’s published from the tower of london.

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Benigno Numine
5 years ago


Muncied Ferdussonofabich
Muncied Ferdussonofabich
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

What do you expect when a D A is a regular guest on pctv ridiculous show?

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

If you compiled all the time teachers were assaulted at PHS and the admins covered it up, you’d have a novel longer than War and Peace

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

How much is Eberwien being paid to lead the group that will consolidate and save money.He is a joke at consolidating and saving money.Pittsfield could do it today and wont.Who is on Eberwiens staff.This should be interesting to follow.Why is the Berkshire Eagle not reporting this story as consolidation is the only way for survival in public education

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

I hear Harry is shopping for extra file cabinets to house all the incident reports.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Calling Warren a liar in the face of a 3 year Presidential history regarding Trump lying is of course comical.

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Warren is 1/1024th honest Injun.

5 years ago

I agree with you on MLB. Trying to crack the others teams code was always part of the “gamesmanship”. You still have to hit the pitch. ( maybe when bunting it would be a slight advantage) Mariano Rivera only threw one pitch. You knew what was coming, but not where it would end up and he was pretty much unhittable. The only thing that might come out of this is a slightly faster game. Batters won’t be stepping out as much between pitches so someone can watch the replay in the dugout.
I also find it interesting the way Red Sox fans react to scandal and how Patriots fans react. Red Fans and media immediately condemned Alex Cora and called for his dismissal. Pick any Patriot-Gate scandals in the past and the fans and media have rounded up the wagons and strongly defended the Patriots personnel.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  acheshirecat
5 years ago

maybe they should teach it in little league. All those kids have the electronics in their pockets, phones that can do real time videos, cameras, texting, voice recording. Hell maybe they already do it. It is all about the W.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Let’s not cast baseball as an institution above reproach. This attention is nothing more than a headline -grabbing sham in the off-season with declining sales and massive negative impact from contraction. America’s pastime is a joke.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

MLB actually has something in common with Pittsfield politics in that its head office spends most of its time trying to figure out ways to drain more money from its supporters.

5 years ago

And pensive and prayerful Pelosi handout out pens as souvenirs after signing impeachment and shciffmamd crew marched the impeachment papers to the senate in a solemn and shameful procession. These democrats are a joke.

Pawl Muni
Pawl Muni
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Right on Sally! There’s a new name for these progressives. HonestCheaters

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Im beginning to believe most people really believe Trump does not lie.Honestly, just thought the Trump support was more about white power saving America from its obvious future of South America becoming a larger part of our country but now I really think we may be dealing in a thought process more in line with Jonestown Koolaide.You guys really believe in Trump the Savior.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Mayor Tyer will be happy to know you feel that way Dan.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Reporter standing in the rain..President Trump wiping water from his brow.Mr President is it raining?Thats a stupid question.It is not raining.Reporter knows hes lying and Trump supporters standing the rain with him believe its not raining.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, when we accept and ignore lies, we have lost our way. It isn’t okay. We need to wipe out the political future of every single one of them.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Democrat Jimmy Carter was a big Jones supporter.

The Dream Team
The Dream Team
5 years ago

Anyone notice who was missing from the subcommittee meeting last night? That’s right folks, yours truly , Christoper J Connell. He wanted this job because he enjoys helping people as he told Bill Sturgeon earlier in the week on WTBR. So I guess we know he is a phony. Thanks for nothing Chris, stick to renting out slums in the morningside and west side! Can the people in ward 4 or the city impeach a councilor and have him removed from office?

Pawl Muni
Pawl Muni
Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

Moon was absent from her next meeting at C C after the November election,so what. Shows what you are for even tuning into the Sturgeon show,says a lot.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

Knock it off Barry. How’s the pot business going?

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

Off Topic: The expose in the Berkshire Eagle is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to DA Andrea Harrington’s abuse of her office. There is MUCH MUCH more to come.
People must understand, and it will come out eventually, either in litigation or a criminal investigation that the DA’s office has been run as a campaign office from the day DA Andrea Harrington stepped foot in that office, and even before. There are alleged campaign finance law violations during DA Andrea Harrington’s campaign.
She pooled funds and spent funds without keeping receipts and for personal items and travel and dinners not in anyway related to the campaign.
She made promises to certain members of the press for “favorable access” to her office if they printed favorable pieces about her and maximized the “bad press” for her opponents. There was even a promise of a job, made while sitting DA for favorable press coverage that has come to fruition.
There are a number of local politicians and city employees that routinely use the DA’s office as a political campaign headquarters for both their recent campaigns. It is also visited by city employees and employees of BCC to strategize about future political goals. The resources of the DA’s office have been used to make copies, construct fliers and websites, and to further the political ambitions of DA Andrea Harrington and a number of people under her employ. These have been purposeful and methodically planned out moves with politics over public interest at their heart.
The rule of law is of little or no concern to DA Andrea Harrington when those rules conflict with her political ambition and those in her cabal of sycophants.
Putting Dohoney in charge of public records is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. His alleged routine interference in the public records process has only exacerbated the problems of the DA’s Office.
If the Eagle is reading this, do a public records request for his personal emails and email account as an enjoinment to his official duties. The DA and many of the staff use private email accounts to purposefully circumvent public records law. ADA Dohoney’s approach to ethics law is that he is not subject to any of it
Do a public records request on the office ethics training compliance.
There are so many things wrong in the office, and they have not gotten better they have only gotten worse.
Also people need to understand that this is NOT limited to just public records requests. The attitude of “we can do what we want” allegedly extends to criminal cases and evidence. If you are a defense attorney and your client has had any interaction with DA Andrea Harrington’s office, I’d suggest you Ask for an outside investigation and records audit. Your client may have been denied access to exculpatory evidence and hence due process. DA Andrea Harrington is incapable of running her office and she is not fit for public office. She has violated her oath of office with casual disregard for professional and ethical standards required of a DA.
Her behavior has brought substantial disrepute on her office, her staff, her profession, and to what extent she has any, her personal reputation.
She should be removed from office (without pay), pending the outcome of an ethics and criminal investigation of her office.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Given our county’s population decline, I think it is time for the Governor to dissolve the Berkshire DA position and roll it back into the Hampden County DA’s office as it was up until the 80’s.

Reply to  Mark Tully
5 years ago

It’s not a bad plan, Mark. Some of the best employees from the Berkshire DA’s office are working in Hampden anyway after Harrington fired them.

Reply to  Mark Tully
5 years ago

Mark, you are right on and it certainly would clear up some of the deep seeded corruption that currently exists in the city and “curry favor” to the members of the political cult.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Is she the one all the Tyer people were supporting?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Yes. Tyer immediately endorsed her, Moon ran her campaign.
This is also Andrea Harrington who threatened Melissa Mazzeo, said that unless Melissa endorsed her, Andrea was going to make her life difficult.
Andrea formed a woman’s PAC that then donated to Tyer in a quid pro quo endorsement for cash scheme.

Dan, I’d suggest you look at the PAC Andrea founded with Moon. See who got money in the last election.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

So why haven’t you filed a complaint against Harrington’s law license?

Could be your conspiracy theories have more holes than Swiss cheese?

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Your knees must be raw and your nose quite brown

Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

What makes you think the Board of Bar Overseers has not been alerted?

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

I hope Dina isn’t Guielty of any wrong doing.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago


Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Let’s not forget Farley-Bouvier used her political left of left base to prop up Harrington and notoriously tried to muscle Harrington’s opponent Judy Knight out of the race. Knight is supreme court material compared to Harrington. What a sh%* show and so predictable and preventable.

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Right, right, & Good luck finding a lawyer who does not lease an office space from [yes. that guy]. Clock Tower. LLC.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Note that iBerkshires has not reported this news story!

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

If the chief law enforcement officer of Berkshire County intentionally broke the law, advising her staff to do, used private emails, etc., I would expect the state BAR should reprimand her at a minimum. Further, it’s my understanding that a DA that intentionally breaks the law can be removed from office by complaint.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

Nope. Ain’t nothing gonna happen. In fact violatin the public records law happens all the time all over the state

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
5 years ago

Sign steeling started right here in pittsfield in 1791 five minutes after baseball was invented .

Carm Freculah
Carm Freculah
Reply to  Hell Toupee
5 years ago

And all the while pocket pool went unnoticed.

Carm Freculah
Carm Freculah
Reply to  Hell Toupee
5 years ago

It’s stealing,not steeling. All I care about is pocket pool’s advent.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Carm Freculah
5 years ago

you are correct

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  Carm Freculah
5 years ago

what about the Steelers and Pirates ?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Hell Toupee
5 years ago

That is accurate and the upshot of it was that the Pittsfield squad was playing a team of Stockbridge Indians on the common when it happened. The Indians were quite offended having been accused of stealing and logged a complaint of stereotyping with the Boston anti-discrimination league. But the case never made it to court and the Indians left for Michigan where they invented basketball.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Get the popcorn; with Harrington up to her eyeballs in guano, and the mayor facing an election violations lawsuit – maybe we’ll see 2 progressive hacks dismissed from their positions! Who are the runners up?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

You will want to take a drink every time you spot the half truth in Harrington’s statements here. Is this the way she handles prosecutions? God help us.

Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

Loved Harrington’s BS line of the “Disgruntled Employee “ . Sounds like you can’t find someone who isn’t disgruntled in the current DA’s office with a few exceptions like Moon and co.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Recently Mark Tully had two excellent and informative writeups on taxes. Mark did a great job on a complicated issue. I enjoyed them a lot They were informative. Today’s column I had a tough time deciding how to respond to just one today’s excellent issues. I’m going to go with MLB’s Whiffs because I’ve been there and know something about baseball. Stealing a baseball sign is an integral part of the game. It’s like throwing a fast ball or completing a double play. It’s part of the game and has been for 120 years. Maybe since 1791.From Redfield fifth grade where I was a catcher for Larry Bossidy’s usual no-hitters to Jr. high school thru high school to Colgate where at the college world series in Omaha we beat So. California. Stealing sign’s was always part of what we did, or hoped to do. In pro ball playing for the Springfield Giants “A’ team stealing opponents signs was always, daily, of what we did, or hoped to do. If you found out it was a steal or a squeeze play it was helpful. If you were at bat, as Dan said, it wasn’t helpful. A fast ball could be high, low, inside corner or outside low corner. Point being it could be anyplace in strike zone and even if you knew pitch you did not know where it was going. It is staggering to me these writers who are complaining about this and find it illegal baseball actually make a living at this and someone pays them to write about it when all they know is how to con the listening audience. How I miss the “Scooter”. Now he knew the game. Some of this also applies to football announcers who never played touch football. How do these guys get these jobs?

Co Neclearow
Co Neclearow
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

It’s not just knowing the pitch to hit. It could also be a gift to a runner to steal a base or knowing the hitter is going to get a pitch to drive and move base runners over. I agree that most good pitchers wouldn’t care what the hitter knows,a lot of pitchers are either fast ball and straight anyways.

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Abner Arlos stole the first sign.

Sunday Alyyomamara
Sunday Alyyomamara
Reply to  Gary Wood
5 years ago

I thought it was a couple- few from the pocket pool gathering. They knew were the signs were.

Gaye Brewar
Gaye Brewar
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Off topic. Two pitchers who l love watching were Cat Hunter and Tommy John. Masters at their craft. Wonder why John isn’t in the Hall of Fame?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

You wrote the book so well you forgot the title!!!!!

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

The shot heard around the world started with a stolen sign.

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  Milt Plum
5 years ago

Maybe the Patriots should become a baseball team.

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  Milt Plum
5 years ago

What about Barry and the Pot heard around the world?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

The pitch count will dictated the zone of the fastball you know is coming.3-0 Count means focus right down the middle.0-2 the fastball will not be in the strike zone

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Very well said sir.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

And is this really different than a football team spying on another team filming and stealing play signals? Spygate? Are they one and the same or somehow different? Both part of the game?

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Johnny is 100% correct here. Stealing signals is part of the game. Always has been. Watching major league baseball is boring enough now played by a bunch of overpaid guys fueled by owners who charge us $5.00 for a soda and $6.00 for a hot dog. You can’t even run into the catcher trying to score a run. Now they want to make sign stealing illegal. As if this hurts anyone.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Thank you Chuck.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Mark Tully
5 years ago

Your welcome, Mark. It really was that good.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

“Overall I would say the DA is not experienced in prosecution, she’s not experienced in government, and she’s not experienced in management,” said Kempthorne.

-WAMC article

Glad somebody said it!

Harrington said it herself, in her own words on a radio interview (Live 95.9). – “This is why I got into politics….”
I hope her political aspirations go POOF amid on-going scandal!

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Yea, your average Joe knew all this and yet somehow she won. The question is, who is going to run against her?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  AverageJoe
5 years ago

Judith Knight she’s a perfect replacement.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

No. I must disagree PR. We need someone who knows what they are doing. Knight prosecuted a few cases 20+ years ago, no management experience, and no understanding of government. We need to move forward.

Reply to  AverageJoe
5 years ago

Because the average Jane voted for her.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Repeat: not experienced in prosecution, not experienced in government, and she’s not experienced in management
All of this was said so many times and ways during the election. Why did no one hear it?

Reply to  James
5 years ago

She is a part of the political cult. Remember The Bible Speaks.

5 years ago

So when is the Eagle writing the big story on the investigative deliberations? Did the Eagle request every single Great Barrington police report and Massachusetts State Police report? And why don’t the Great Barrington police charge the perpetrator of this hoax, like Chicago Police did to Smollet, and let the chips fall were they may? Regardless of whether Harrington Smollets the case, the perp should be charged and were I the Great Barrington chief I’d throw the book at her. Then when Harrington Smolleted the case, I’d hold a press conference just as Chicago chief did, Locally and nationally, the cops need to start playing hardball with these progressive NAMBYPAMBY district attorneys, and enforcing the law even if the da’s Smollett the cases.

5 years ago

Twawana Brawley, Jessie Smollet, and Simon Rock Person of Color Hoax. What do they all have in common? Simon Rock is about to become nationally renowned for all the wrong reasons, again. This story is going nationwide big time I hear, like the other two. I hear a major national news organization is sniffing around for the inside story. Will the Eagle beat them to the scoop? Will Harrington sit for an interview with 60 minutes and defend her failure to prosecute, or throw the cops under the bus for not bringing a charge to her on a silver platter. Cops better grow some balls and bring charges.

Reply to  JoePesci
5 years ago

No word of that ‘national’ story here. Maybe the Washington Times and Breitbart will pick it Up.

Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

This is where we show you the door, The Chuck Todd blog called and he has Midol and a Vagina hat for you.

Mr. X
Mr. X
5 years ago

Dumpster Persip has been stealing signs for years and nobody banned him

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

Another stunning loss for DA Andrea Harrington’s office.
She didn’t actually lose because she is too inept to try a case, but a predicted slam dunk case turns into a loss. Costing the taxpayers $10s of thousands of dollars to return a guilty verdict on simple possession, which isn’t even a crime under the DAs new guidelines.,594999

PITTSFIELD — A jury has acquitted Derrick King of most of the charges connected to a January 2017 raid that yielded thousands of dollars worth of drugs and a small cache of weapons.

King, 42, of Pittsfield, was found not guilty of all charges Friday afternoon, except for one count each of simple possession of heroin and cocaine, related to drugs he had on him at the time police executed their search warrant of a Students Lane apartment.

Here’s hoping DA Andrea Harrington acts as her own defense attorney at her ethics hearing and criminal trial.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Wow. Amen to your last statement!

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

She’s a joke and Linda Tyer. Both girls are no threat to the boys.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago,595018
DA Andrea Harrington has not ethical center, she doesn’t care about the job she was elected to do, she only cares about her political ambition.
She has routinely tried to trade favorable press for access. Andy McKeever fell prey to this and he secured his job by trading favorable press for access and a future job. I suggest that those running iBerkshires look deep back into their archive to comb through emails between Andrea and Andy. I think you will find they shared an extremely cozy relationship as he was covering her and it substantially influenced his reporting on her and her opponents.
Yesterday I mentioned the favors for access, it is only get worse. I again ask that news organizations with the legal might to petition the courts to enjoin the private email accounts of DA Andrea Harrington, Dohoney, Moon, and McKeever. They routinely used private email accounts to conduct official business purposefully to hide their planning from records requests.
They routinely use the office as a campaign headquarters for the women’s PAC candidates, using government resources for political ends.
DA Andrea Harrington has allegedly turned the Berkshire County DA’s Office into a RICO susceptible organized crime ring.
She has no regards for the public need, just her political ambitions.
To those that believe her progressive message justifies the means, she doesn’t even believe most of what she’s selling. I’ve been told that as PVA v Conley finishes and is affirmed recordings made by staff in her office will be released and they will shine an even brighter light on the ends DA Andrea Harrington will go to circumvent the law

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

I agree with everything except the line, “we still believe in Harrington’s Progressive approach to criminal justice”. Well, I don’t and think that it is also a disaster and that history will show that the Progressive approach to crime is extremely dangerous for the public and just like sanctuary cities, should be abolished. The news media will NEVER publish just what a disaster these policies will be. They will hide the facts, but we will see the devastation to communities with our own eyes.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

The news media WILL publish, here you go, Pat.

Wall Street Journal
Philadelphia’s Top Prosecutor Pursues ‘Social,’ Not Actual, Justice
Larry Krasner said he wouldn’t prosecute certain offenses and the bad guys got the message.
By Jennifer Stefano
Jan. 10, 2020 6:06 pm ET
Michael White didn’t deny killing Sean Schellenger. He admitted to police and at his trial that he plunged a knife several times into Schellenger’s back during a July 2018 scuffle in Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Square. Numerous witnesses and a cellphone video confirmed what happened. Yet in October 2019 a jury acquitted Mr. White, a 22-year-old college student, of voluntary manslaughter. Many, including the victim’s family, blame Larry Krasner, Philadelphia’s soft-on-crime district attorney.

Mr. Krasner is one of a new crop of “progressive prosecutors” who have won election in liberal cities. They include San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin, who was raised by Weather Underground radicals Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn because his own parents were in prison for participating in the murder of police officers. Mr. Krasner was a virulent critic of law enforcement before running to become the city’s top prosecutor. During a 30-year career as a defense lawyer, Mr. Krasner gained notoriety for filing 75 lawsuits against Philadelphia police. In a 2017 campaign video he said “policing and prosecution are both systematically racist,” and he called poverty and crime consequences of “mass incarceration.”

Mr. Krasner’s candidacy was laughed off until George Soros dumped $1.7 million into the campaign. At his primary election night victory party, Mr. Krasner smiled while his supporters chanted, “No good cops in a racist system!” and “f— the FOP!” (the Fraternal Order of Police). He has refused to prosecute certain gun and drug crimes and ordered the 300 prosecutors in his office to seek lighter sentences. These moves have confirmed the suspicions of many Philadelphians that Mr. Krasner is more interested in coddling the city’s criminals than he is in providing justice to the victims of crimes.

Mr. Krasner’s office initially charged Mr. White with first-degree murder and denied his request for bail. But under pressure from leaders in Philadelphia’s African-American community, Mr. Krasner downgraded the charge to third-degree murder. (Mr. White is black; Schellenger was white.) Then, days before the trial, Mr. Krasner dropped the murder charge entirely.

Instead, Mr. White was charged with voluntary manslaughter, weapons possession, evidence tampering and obstruction of justice. After stabbing Schellenger, Mr. White fled the scene and hid the knife on the roof of a nearby apartment building.

When Mr. White was acquitted, his victim’s mother told a local radio program that she wanted to see Mr. Krasner in handcuffs. The prosecutor “really utilized the legal system to make sure [Mr. White] didn’t get the punishment that was intended,” Linda Schellenger said. Her son’s killer, she said, “was going to be convicted of third-degree murder, and [Mr. Krasner] knew that. That’s why he dropped the charge.”

Mr. Krasner considers himself a reformer, but social justice is no substitute for criminal justice. Violent crime in Philadelphia is on the rise. U.S. Attorney William McSwain has convincingly argued that Mr. Krasner has created a dangerous “culture of disrespect for law enforcement.” U.S. Attorney General William Barr has warned “there won’t be enough police officers to protect us” if “social justice” district attorneys like Messrs. Boudin and Krasner continue to promote lawlessness.

Philadelphia now ranks among the least safe big cities in the U.S., according to WalletHub. The city’s most dangerous neighborhoods are patrolled by a police department that feels under siege. Six Philadelphia cops were wounded during an eight-hour standoff in August when a suspect they were trying to serve with a warrant opened fire. The city’s criminal mayhem has become a statewide punch line.

There’s a better way to reform criminal justice. Start with first principles: public safety, due process and humane treatment of the incarcerated. These ideals are compatible.

One national program that shows promise is the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, a public-private partnership between the Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Assistance and the Pew Charitable Trusts to reduce crime, recidivism and spending in state corrections systems. These reforms are built on the premise that society is better off if people aren’t trapped in a cycle of crime, and that those who’ve paid their debts deserve a second chance.

At the state level, Pennsylvania recently enacted two reforms that improve the parole process for nonviolent offenses and reduce recidivism. State lawmakers are also considering a bill to make the probation system more efficient and effective, but Mr. Krasner dismisses this legislation as “harmful and unconstitutional.” Necessary reforms are coming in spite of Mr. Krasner, not because of him.

Radical prosecutors like Mr. Krasner make a mockery of justice. There’s nothing progressive about public servants who shirk their duties, and nothing just about allowing violent criminals to roam free.

Ms. Stefano is vice president and chief innovation officer at the Commonwealth Foundation.

Reply to  James
5 years ago

That’s good news. I hope it continues, but don’t expect the Berkshire Eagle to put down the far left District Attorneys. As they mention in their editorial, they don’t like Andrea Harrington and her policies of refusing to release public records, but they do like the far left approach to criminal justice. Remember that the Berkshire Eagle fell down the far left rabbit hold long before the rest of the country so they are very locked in to the Progressive ideology. As crime continues to get worse here, they will ignore it and blame in on anything but the far left approach to crime.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Now that there is an investigation from the Federal level, and if Harrington is found in violation of these charges, what will happen? Will she be forced to resign? And if so, what happens to Moon and Dina and the rest of her staff?

AND….If all of the above happens, how does this affect the two gals mentioned above who sit on our CC?

Reply to  Spider
5 years ago

Confirm who at Federal level is investigating ?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Spider
5 years ago


Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Wondering if the State Ethics Board sees a pattern of “up yours to the laws” in Pittsfield. City of Pittsfield had issues during the election with the City Clerks office and rules being broken at the polling stations. Then early last week we had the “up yours” game being played by Marchetti/Tyer toward Connell and Morandi, and now the latest huge debacle with Andrea Harrington. I believe it is time for the State Ethics Board to spend some time investigating the goings on in the City Administration and the District Attorneys office. It is time for the “up yours” attitude to be stopped so that the hardworking taxpayers can receive a honest way of living in Pittsfield and Berkshire County. Enough is enough!

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Let’s not forget the Up Yours to the regulations enforced by Pittsfield’s Board of Health that prohibits smoking tobacco in all public and private spaces. Granted, a cigar for profit has yet to be smoked indoors on North Street, but the mere audacity of the approval for such a venue is a huge up yours to the BOH regulations.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Thanks Auto Phil, forgot that one and I am sure there are many more that I did not mention.

5 years ago

Nancy Pelosi gloating on television about how President Trump will be impeached forever is really pathetic. I thought this was supposed to be a somber and dignified impeachment by the Democrats? This just shows how phony this whole impeachment nonsense has become. How about this Nancy? You will be forever be associated with abusing your power to put a shadow over this presidency. History will NOT treat you kindly Nancy Pelosi.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

President Trump was impeached by the peoples house.That is now a historical fact.If Trump allows his people to give eyewitness testimony to his version of that fact he will be found innocent at the Senate trial.As you know in your heart he can’t do that because his removal is guaranteed if they are to witness.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Pelosi is the only leader in Washington right now.I hope the Republicans do the cover up and dismiss it leading us to a democratic senate and house then returning Trump to the Democrat that he is thus saving his legacy by passing our legislation.Im good either way they paint this.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Very incoherent fake news

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
5 years ago

Put that in the Planet Valenti file….

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

An oldie but a goodie

Democratic state Senate candidate Andrea Harrington on Thursday called on opponent Adam Hinds to return campaign contributions from “Boston and out-of-state lobbyists representing large energy companies and big oil.”

Both candidates are vying for the Berkshire, Hampshire, Franklin and Hampden state Senate seat as part of a three-way race to be decided in Thursday’s Democratic primary election. Rinaldo Del Gallo of Pittsfield is also running to succeed Sen. Benjamin B. Downing, D-Pittsfield, who is not seeking re-election.

Harrington, an attorney from Richmond, issued a statement Thursday criticizing Hinds, a Pittsfield resident who heads the North Berkshire Community Coalition, for donations he received from lobbyists and top officials representing companies including Exxon Mobil, the New England Power Generators Association and Berkshire Gas.

“I am deeply troubled that Adam Hinds has been raising money from Boston and out of state lobbyists representing big fossil fuel conglomerates. Our next State senator needs to be prepared to stand up to these special interests and protect our environment and the natural beauty of our region.”

DA Andrea Harrington took contributions from oil company owners, out of state contributors, and anyone that would fund her campaign… for DA.
She also hired Boston firms and and former lobbyists to run her campaign. Moon brought the snacks and passed out water and pencils.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Andrea Harrington must resign as district attorney.
The voters were warned about her ineptitude and corrupt political hackery. But, they persisted, with the help of Farley-Bouvier, Barrett, and Hinds, pushed her into a position she is unprepared for in every regard. What did the cocktail swells think was going to happen? As stated by one of her vapid supporters, “vision is more important than experience”. Vision uninformed by experience is a rudderless vessel. For all the bitching and moaning her supporters did over cops appearing in uniforms at her opponent’s kickoff event, (including one woman screeching at the former DA in a public forum “Why did you break the law?”) Harrington’s use of her public office’s resources for political campaigns is a breath-taking, tone-deaf f-ck you to public ethics law. This is not a rookie mistake. This is evidence of Harrington’s black corrupted heart; Kempthorne’s sage legal advice was wasted on a political hack whose approach has been and will always be her own best interest.
Andrea Harrington must resign as district attorney.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

My feeling is that these types “typical political lies” and flip-flopping take away from a much more serious issue. The DA must be held to a higher standard. When the DA refuses to let the public have access to information they have a right to or fails to prosecute a case that she herself has said clearly indicates a hoax…Where does that leave the Kapanskis? The use of the office for political activity alone if true violates the conflict of interest law. My real question is, what is being done? Is anyone (you?) contacting the State Ethics Commission, Galvin’s office? the AG? What exactly happens after a whistle is blow?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

January 18, 2020

Re: Massachusetts Legislators part of state pension crisis

Nearly three years ago, the Massachusetts Legislature overrode Gov. Baker’s veto to pass a “leadership” pay raise bill for their top down so-called legislative “leaders”, as well as statewide elected state government officials, and state Judges. It was the first piece of major legislation passed in 2017.

Speaker (for life) Bob DeLeo and then state Senate President Stan Rosenberg received a 46% pay raise! The pay raise package cost state taxpayers $18 million. Of course, there were no public hearings, nor was there any other form of public input. The only justification was that the Legislative “leaders” have not received a pay raise on their “leadership” stipends since 1982 – or for 35 years. There was no other reason given to soak state taxpayers out of $18 million. Under state law, the people were not even allowed to repeal the pay raise by referendum.

The 2017 pay raise package increased the state pension’s fiscal liabilities. State workers’ respective pensions are based on the three highest-salaried years of public service. The 2017 pay raise bill changed the way state Legislators’ pay is factored in their state pensions. Since 2017, state Legislators included their base pay, one or more “leadership” stipends, and their travel/office stipend all to be factored in their respective lucrative state pensions when they retire. Moreover, like all other state pensioners, they are exempt from paying state taxes on their state pension. Also, let us not forget that some state Legislators have second jobs where some of them make more money in the private sector than from the many hard hit state taxpayers. State Legislators can also double dip because they are allowed to serve in the State House while collecting a prior public pension.

In January 17, 2020, The Boston Herald’s Joe Dwinell wrote a news article explaining that Massachusetts has the highest per capita state government debt in the nation, and it is only getting worse because of the huge state pensions and $43 billion in liabilities in the state pension system. He quotes Paul Craney, who is the spokesman for the Mass Fiscal Alliance, who states: “The pensions are unbelievable. The current crop of leaders on Beacon Hill are just burying their heads in the sand”

The reason why State House “leaders” are neglecting the state pension crisis is because just three years ago they increased their own legislative “leadership” pay and future state pensions when they selfishly passed the $18 million pay raise bill.

– Jonathan Melle

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski dutifully pay their taxes, while Beacon Hill politicians personally profit with big salaries, pensions, and other great taxpayer funded benefits.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

So where does Helen Moon wind up in this whole mess? Did she tie her asperations to the wrong moonbeam? Can she be taken serious in anything she says or does anymore?
And just how deep will the local paper dig if it finds evidence that politicians they support and cover for are mixed up in this current whistle blower issue?

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

From a few posts back by Milt Plum:

Milt, Your “shot heard round the world”. Was this Bobby Thompson’s home run against the Dodgers in the 9th with 2 outs. The hit won the national league championship for the NY Giants. How’s my memory?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Not bad Chuck. Ralph Branca threw the ball. You were in 10th grade then and I in 11 and Dan wasn’t born but I’m sure he remembers it.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Thomas, Your memory is better than mine. I forgot about Ralph Branca throwing the famous pitch. He was a good pitcher. Shame all he’s remembered for is that one infamous pitch. PHS, 10th &11th grades. At the time a wonderful school. Indeed, that makes Dan a young fella today.

Guess Hoo
Guess Hoo
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

I haven’t read that one Dan. Ill get it.

Thomas Moere
Thomas Moere
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

My memory is that it was Carl Erskine warming up with Branca, not Clem Labine.

Thomas Moere
Thomas Moere
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Not to belabor it but Chuck & I were there when Ralph Wald Emerson first used the term “fired the shot heard etc.”

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Thomas Moere
5 years ago

Folks, just to clarify, we may not be spring chickens but Thomas does not mean the war between the states.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

So is Marchetti really going to stick the taxpayers with his dumbed down version of a finance committee? It is such a dick move to punish the whole city to please his Mom, I mean the mayor.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Tyer/Marchetti practice retribution! It is the same old Pittsfield politics at its worst! I wish all voices of the hard hit taxpayers and citizens were heard in City Hall. But democracy doesn’t matter to Mayor Linda Tyer and City Council Prez Peter Marchetti.

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
5 years ago

Some of those who hold office
Are the same that burn crosses….

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Don Trump has taught America to just say FU to law enforcement and ethics.Deny and say fake this and fake that.He is a very sick man.Lets see just how far down that hole we are Republican Senators.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

January 19, 2020

Re: Open letter to Clarence Fanto

Dear Clarence Fanto,

I read your most recent news article concerning the proposed future PCB dump in Berkshire County. The biggest problem with the 2001 Consent Decree with GE is that a majority of the PCBs (cancer causing industrial chemicals called “polychlorinated biphenyls”) in the so-called cleanup is that caps do not last forever. After a period of time, the cap sites become ineffective. The PCBs will eventually continue to spread and pollute the land, water, and air in Pittsfield and downstream south through Connecticut into the Long Island Sound.

In your news article, you explain: “The EPA’s proposed cleanup plan included disposal of excavated, toxic material at an out-of-state, federally licensed facility….” “Eight of the 21 operating commercial hazardous waste landfills in the U.S. hold a permit for disposal of PCB-contaminated materials under the Toxic Substances Control Act. None are in New England.”

GE’s existing capped PCB dumps in Pittsfield and proposed future PCB dump in Berkshire County are inadequate. GE’s capped sites in Pittsfield are only effective for a finite or limited period of time. The caps will eventually become useless, and the PCBs will continue to spread through the area. The proposed future PCB dump in Berkshire County does not meet the requirements under the Toxic Substances Control Act.

While I enjoy reading your news articles and commentary, I do not understand why you do not explain that the 2001 Consent Decree with GE was wrong for capping a majority of the PCBs in Pittsfield because the caps only work for a limited time and then they become ineffective. To be clear, it is akin to putting a Band-Aid on a major wound.

– Jonathan Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gigi
5 years ago

I hope they put BOTH, BLOW HARD dementia Joe and his crack head dead beat dad Son, Hunter on the stand.

Then get the H-beast and horse mouth Kerry there too!!! They are all dirty money POSs!!!