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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MAY 4, 2020) — Hypocrisy has no party. It belongs to “unenrolled.” Witness the right’s treatment of Joe Biden with respect to long-past-expiration-date accusations of sexual harassment from a former aide. The right’s doing what the left did to Brett Kavanaugh.

Reade, who worked for then-Sen. Biden in 1993, made her accusations last month, 27 years after she claims Biden “bothered” her. Biden heard the nervous clamor from the self-righteous in his own party that he address the situation. “I think he should respond,” said the President. Women’s rights groups? Not so much, though some. “Address the accusation,” they implored, with the right implying the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s “silence” indicated guilt.

Last week, Biden did confront the charges and did so in a forthright, “look-me-in-the-eye” manner.

“It never happened,” Biden said. “I’m saying, unequivocally, that it never, ever happened.” He encouraged an investigation as far-reaching as it wants to go. This is the behavior of an innocent man. Of course, that wasn’t enough for the limb-end neocons.

THE PLANET sides with Biden. Allow us to make the case:

  • Critics scoured the papers of the former senator and Vice President then complained they “mysteriously” contained no information on Reade. That’s true, but it’s no mystery. Such private collections do not contain personnel files. Reade wasn’t in the files, and neither were any of Biden’s other Senate aides. Those records belong to the National Archives.
  • Those out gunning for Biden searched the Archives. They came up short.
  • There is a lack of third-party corroboration.
  • Reade can’t remember the dates of the alleged incident.
  • She can’t remember the time. Day or night? She says she doesn’t know.
  • What month? She can’t recall.
  • She can’t even identify the location. In the Senate? In Biden’s private office? On Funk and Wagnell’s porch?
  • Reade has praised Biden countless times over the years, gushing over how well he treated staff, his effectiveness in the Senate, great family man, yada-yada/yuckety yuck.
  • Reade claimed she told three Biden staffers about the alleged incident shortly after it happened: Marianne Baker, Biden’s executive assistant; Dennis Toner, advisor; and Jed Kaufman, top aide. All three denied Reade ever spoke to them about it.
  • Her story keeps changing. In April 2019, Reade went to a California newspaper saying Biden “made me uncomfortable,” but the paper dropped the story. “I just really got shot down,” she said. Right. A newspaper gets a bombshell story placed in its lap, one with national implications, and it … walks away? Nope. Never. Most likely, the paper did its due diligence and concluded that Reade made the whole thing up.
  • Reade initially described the alleged assault as Biden touching her on her neck and shoulders. Then, a few weeks ago, it progressed to Biden reaching under her skirt and forcibly penetrating her with his fingers. That’s not believable.
  • She delayed reporting for 27 years.
  • Reade said she filed “a formal complaint” at the time. With what office? She doesn’t say. No such record has ever been found.
  • In the early primary season, Reade jumped on Bernie Sanders’ bandwagon. Sanders, as you’ll recall, started out fast but then fizzled. It was only later, when Biden took control of the race, that Reade made her claim. Motive: Hoping to derail the Biden Express.

Neither THE PLANET nor anyone else knows the Truth. Only Biden and Reade know with certainty what did or did not happen. Failing the omniscient narrator, it remains for reasonable people to get as much information as they can from both sides, then begin with due process. Add it all up, and, despite the right’s desire to put Biden on the rack, the case features plenty of reasonable doubt in Reade’s story. She has zero credibility.

Biden should not have to face this sideshow. As the campaign continues, let him rise or fall on the merits.


“For some mysterious reason, an excess of wealth is destructive” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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Be The Change
Be The Change
3 years ago

Was she 14 ? Was she wearing stockings ? Did she cross her legs ! Did she knock his ass out ? GTFOH !

Jerry Packard
Jerry Packard
3 years ago

Thanks for the words, Dan.

3 years ago

Dan, the right is definitely not doing to Biden what those despicable dems did to Kavenaugh. No way. Dems were much worse. And Biden did 16 interviews and was never asked about it, and MSN provided sparse coverage and NYT altered story after publication to take out the numerous other complaints of Biden getting touchy freely with the women, and most important of all, when he was questioned, the most Important question wasn’t asked – What exactly do you remember about Tara Reid and did she ever bring you a gym bag, and I’d so what do you recall about the hand off?

Further, there are at least two “fresh complaint” witnesses and 4 people that say she told them years ago some version of this. I think Creepy Sleepy Joe got handsy with her like he did with dozens of others, and that she did complain and was moved away from Joe after, but when she added the digital rape claim after all this time, that didn’t happen probably, on eve of election, she lost any credibility she had. There is a reason for statue of limitations.

In summary, It’s just a distraction at this point and this me too non sense has to stop and the dems can dish it out but can’t take it, but Joe probably got handsy with her but I agree no sex assault, but I think there was an incident of unwanted touching. Nothing to see here other than the usual outta Creepy Joe.

P.S. Dan, you left out his third denial, and guilty people often deny in threes –

3 years ago


Biden’s camp was in his papers fishing around couple months back, not the opposition. Who knows what was removed?

Joe refuses to allow his papers search for any records of Tara, by anyone, let alone critics.

Any complaint would not be in the archives.

Joe may seem credible because he is so out of it he doesn’t remember it, and manhandled so many women, he doesn’t recall this episode.

But I agree – complainant is a day late and a dollar short, as they say.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago


Biden don’t even know what year it is. Is that the best the D-RATS got?

He deserves a ” C. Thomas/Kavanavaugh” like the left has done. Remember Mz Ford? It’s only one year ago.

That will show his true stupor, and what will the LEFT do then?

Looken Atluckee
Looken Atluckee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Simply the best Jerry! Pete White is hungry and thirsty again. This time it’s a tif for the North St beer joint. A bad investment for taxpayers to begin with. Nonsense has to stop.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Looken Atluckee
3 years ago

I wonder if during the pandemic shut down, Pete White has actually ate a meal or had a drink at home, Now that would be breaking news, much to the dismay of the city’s restaurant industry,

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Looken Atluckee
3 years ago

Seems like the mayor feels like she can give away the store while the taxpayers are focused on staying alive. Too bad senior citizens are not in her special interest grouping. She has decided to fleece them and get them into the elderly housing units. Just imagine what all that money could do for a potholed road or picking up some of her garbage.
By the way, do you know what likes garbage dumps like the one the mayor is building in Pittsfield?? RATS. Rats love garbage dumps and Pittsfield seems to be beckoning them to us. PCBs, Rats and exorbitant taxes to accent the arts and culture. And rats are not good for the restaurant business. Once they get to breeding they can multiply fast and they like the smell of restaurant food. Somebody really should start picking up the garbage after they give away all the taxpayers hard earned money.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
3 years ago

History is mostly written by the victor. I have witnessed people in power write the narrative against me and those who I love when my dad was a politician two decades ago. It is painful to experience manipulation of the truth and half-truths. Also, I was indicted for two felonies for nearly 3 years of my life that I was acquitted of in NH Superior Court in Nashua nearly one decade ago. I read all about what my native hometown of Pittsfield (Mass.) did to the now late Bernard Baran in the 1980’s. The old saying is that the color of “Justice” is green (money). I think that any man who runs for U.S. President is going to have women accuse him of sexual harassment, which is both wrong and illegal. It also happened to Clarence Thomas and then Brett Kavanaugh when they were nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court. Women are hypocritical when they target men they oppose with sexual harassment. Bill Clinton won the largest percent of the women’s vote in U.S. history because he and Hillary Clinton played to their suburban agenda. Hillary Clinton stood by her man after he cheated on her with Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office in the mid-1990’s. She was more interested in power than a healthy marriage. It backfired! I support Human Rights, including Women’s Rights, but I also know that it always comes down to who gets to write the narrative against their opposition. In closing, Joe Biden is a better person than Donald Trump when it comes to representing the issues facing women.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
3 years ago

Johnny, Hiterly Beast Rodham is a repulsive and vile criminal. Whom should be in prison, years ago, with Slick Wiille

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Explain Hillary Clintons crime.Fox brain and and regressives and dopey don want her in prison.What crime?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Biiden has Tedwards other piece of “bread” , the “waitress sandwich”, selecting his running mate.

Tedward and Dodd

“When she put in an appearance in their private retreat – ‘The Teddy Kennedy Fun Room’ – the Massachusetts senator picked her up and heaved her onto a table. The crystal candlesticks and champagne glasses shattered as he grabbed her again and flung her on top of Dodd.

“Then Kennedy threw himself on top of the woman. The waitress implored Mr. Kennedy to ‘Get off me!’

“Another waitress entered to find ‘things all tipped over and Kennedy was on top, [the waitress] was in the middle and Dodd was on the bottom.’ At that point the sandwich was disassembled.”

.Neither Dead Ted nor Dodd denied it happened. Dodd, 41 at the time, cited a “youthful” indiscretion.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Arkancide. Vincent Foster………..

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I know that the Fox brain listeners and Rush Limbaugh Beck Hannity accused Senator Clint of murder but almost no one with disernment believed it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Clintons are more deadly than Covid-19

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

The string of bodies have piled up from Arkansas, to DC, and NY.

Who does a double tap, in the BACK of the head TSC?

There was a guy with dirt on her, shot “himself” in the back of the head, 1 or 2 summers ago.

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Fox Brain would have ran that story 247

Mad trapper
Mad trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Explain, TSC what is “Fox Brain”?

Some sort of “lefty” derangement ?

Get help ASAP! China might have drugs for You.

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Mad trapper
3 years ago

Its when you go and sit down after dinner and you turn on Fox and you get your thinking orders.Or Fox Brain.Its your talking point for the next day.Its helps you make sense of your anger.It justifies all hate.

Horace Hasenfeffer
Horace Hasenfeffer
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

The left always demonstrates an amazing level of extra sensory perception when it comes to knowing how the rest of us think and believe…”No one with discernment believed it” as one example. They also have an uncanny aptitude of being able so say anything and Voila !it becomes truth. Their linquitic con artistry rises beyond ludicrous. The greatest travesty of all of this is the number of “useful Idiots” or Alinskyites that buy into this lock, stock and barrel.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

The State Department identified 91 security violations by 38 individuals in its review of classified information on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinon

Horace Hasenfeffer
Horace Hasenfeffer
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Hillary”Judged by another standard” Clinton’s Criminal Activity(the abridged edition):
Chinagate, Travelgate, Whitewater Scandal, Vince Foster incident, Filegate, Cattle-Futures Miracle, Looter gate(Stole items from White House for her personal home), Benghazi, Donor gate(the history of taking big money from corrupt donors), Erasing over 30,000 emails while under investigation along with using a personal computer with classified documents, The Clinton Foundation etc.. If any person was truly interested in obtaining the truth about the nefarious/corrupt/criminal activity of Hillary Clinton, it could easily be found. Its one thing to accuse others who disagree with your narrative, but when you make those accusations and do not back it up with real facts/truth, there is a real problem. Expressing “form without substance” , how you feel rather than what fact’s indicate, is a dangerous place to live, unless the ideal world you hope to create would be likened to Utopian places like Venezuela, North Korea or China. That’s where your progressive prevarications will eventually bring you. What concerns me about the progressive mindset, is that it seems progressives never consider the end results of the Shangra-la/Utopian World they will eventually end up living in. Kind of reminds me of Pinnochio and the boys heading to Pleasure Island, with Honest John, happily eating drinking and full of merriment along the way. But in the end they become jack-asses working in salt mines. Unfortunately, as Sophocles once said, “What people believe prevails over truth”

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  Horace Hasenfeffer
3 years ago

Couldn’t agree more Interesting read here on ” Progressive”

Not Soluvly
Not Soluvly
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
3 years ago

And Bill Cosby…America’s Dad?a hard on is a universal feeling,just like the Carona Virus,anyone can get it.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

I agree with you Dan. We could jail the whole male population if her claims and evidence were the criteria.

3 years ago

Where’s Teddy Kennedy now when Dems need him the most?
Reade’s mom phoned ‘Larry King Live’ in 1993 and complained on-air.
It’s on CNN’s own video.
Biden is toast.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  GMHeller
3 years ago

Tedward has a pitchfork up his bottom roasting forever in a nice hot place.

I am disappointed that The Planet has come to creepy Joe’s defense, unless trying to make up for the Kavanaugh farce the Democrats fabricated?

Joe is demented, thinks he’s running against Donald Reagen……..

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I say if he did this lets move on from Biden right now.Maybe if he cries like Trump and breaksdown sobbing like Bret he stays.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Which other Stooge would you prefer TSC?

The group the DNC had debating before Covid-19 hit were all losers who hated America and would give away Americans rights, freedoms, and liberty. They ALL thought criminal aliens were just fine.

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Any stooge will be more competent than the birther president

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

TSC, you have DEMentia Joe. He is a pervert, besides lacking mental facilities. Joe don’t know what month/year it is.

And You want him for POTUS?

I’m very sorry Dan/Planet came to his defense. WTF, Dan????? Tell us why? Really why?

Joe and Hunter should both be in prison, now! Treason and sedition.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Spot on Trapper!

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

The internet is full of video clips of Trump talking like a senile old fool or an idiot. Take your pick. He also outnumbers Biden by about 100 to 1 in terms of women lodging charges against him. Oh, and as for prison, don’t forget Trump helping Russian Oligarchs Launder money through overpriced real estate deals in Russia and God knows what else. I wish the Democrats had a stronger candidate, but seriously, you might want to examine your own candidate before casting stones.

Reply to  jon doe
3 years ago

Fake news! They are about equal in number of complaints, and Trump had consent. Trump has it all together, and is firing on all cylinders. Biden can string two sentences together without a teleprompter.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

That is Barry Sotero!

He can’t prove where he was born.

His Dad was a gennicidale Commie, his Mommy a White trash Liberal!

Worst of both races. Move them all to Pittsfield TSC!!! !

Reply to  GMHeller
3 years ago

Ee gads, GM – you’re posting a video from Fox News! Let’s hope Tommy More isn’t reading the blog today – he’ll go bat crazy and try to have you thrown out of here as well! He hates the conservative websites!!

3 years ago

I disagree, Dan. Your title, “Rabid Right Shows Hypocrisy” is way off! Rabid right??? This claim was brought forth by Democrat Tara Reade. The mainstream media has largely ignored it. Reade worked for Joe, we have the Larry King tape, friends and a brother of Tara have corroborated her story. If you recall, Blasey-Ford couldn’t remember any details in her claim against Kavanaugh, no one could corroborate her story, and there was no pattern. In the Reade allegations, any paper trail that exists is locked up in Delaware per the Mika interview. In Joe’s case, there is a pattern of touchy/feely behavior – much of it caught on tape. Pelosi is quoted as saying “it’s just Joe being Joe.” Your comment that Biden “should not have to face this sideshow” is laughable – he’s running for President! It goes with the territory!! Even the New York Times has called on the Democrats to investigate, as Joe falsely claimed that the Times “cleared him.”

My theory is that the Dems are now going to throw Biden under the bus due to his dementia, and the Tara Reade accusation provides a convenient excuse to do so. Joe is unable to complete sentences, remember times, people & places correctly. He gets easily confused. He’s tired. The pandemic has mercifully kept Biden locked in his basement to minimize damage. Cuomo cancelled the NY primary (under the guise of corona) to undermine Biden and get the nomination at a brokered convention. I believe the Dems/Globalists will also crash the market & economy, and nationalize a mail-in voting scheme to steal the election, as mail-in votes can be easily tampered with.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

Mitch McConnell has a whole list of senators and congressman who have been sued by sexual assault victims but will not release it. Why is that? By the way, the taxpayers had to pay the lawsuits. He should release the whole list and see if Biden is on it? Or are we just after Biden cuz he is a treat to Trump?

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

The Biden sex assault charge has been wall to wall media for the last week.Fox brain is 24/7Media talk radio is 24/7.It is everywhere.Let’s do the investigation today.Let’s also investigate why there are no test and why Trump is dividing our country in his War on keeping us safe and healthy.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Kinda looks like the desperation is showing over there at Fox. If you can’t say anything good about your own guy ya gotta say something real bad about the other guy. Grasping at straws and look for it to backfire once the Trump cases get brought back into the limelight again. They should left this one alone.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

TSC , read that post of yours. Get help.

Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

Even our local yokel politicians are pushing for these mail-in ballots. They will try to steal this election anyway they can after this virus is helping the far left Dems/Globalists to crash economies worldwide. The push for one world government is on. They weren’t too successful at using climate change to do it, but the virus has proved more useful to bring down economies to usher in one world government.

I believe in innocent until proven guilty and last I checked that was the law of the land here in the United States, but the far left media refusing to even cover the story until they were forced to is the slap in the face for fairness. When BIden did come forward to deny the allegations, he didn’t go on national TV, but instead chose the Mika and Joe show? Mika and Joe may be popular with the far left crowd, but not with a good section of the country.

Send Itinn
Send Itinn
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Trumpy Bear received incorrect information but still went with it.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

When I was in the second grade at Stearns school a kid stole my no. 2 pencil. Turns out, sure enough, his grand father was a democrat. Never trust that kid again.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

Looks like ya hit a nerve Mr. Absurd.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

Sure did!! 17 negs is personal best. I am glowing with pride here right now.

Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

The fact that Reade has changed her story 3 times, has said that what claimed she said isn’t what she said, her “lost” paperwork, or that this was investigated and no truth to her claim was found all mean nothing I guess. After all, she IS a woman, so it MUST be true. I call baloney!

Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

An interesting theory. I can’t see a brokered convention, although I think the Dems will go into somewhat “broken” by their inability to find better candidates. The nomination process illustrated a lack of talent.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

“lack of talent” is an understatement Dan.

Each and every candidate pandered to criminal aliens and didn’t give a rat’s a$$ about US citizens. Open borders, anti-constitutional, big government nanny state hands in your wallets, ………… Americans should be treated like subjects rather than citizens.

The jackass party has moved left of Stalin and Mao. They have a criminal alien member in Congress, who falsified her entrance to the country (Omar), then had false marriages (to her brother no less) to defraud the government of our tax dollars. She should be deported. Where is the left media on her story? AWOL!!!

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Trump is the worst Republican candidate in 250 Year’s.Hes pro Russia Syria North Korea anti Ukraine NATO Canada pro wealthy anti SS Medicare Public Ed Womens rights on and on and on.His defenders support this to

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Don’t get choked up TSC.

You Drunken/drugged?

Read what you posted, take a nape, then come back.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

TSC you are a buffoon. The GOP is not 250.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Take another shot TSC.

When You get sober, read your post.

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

The New republican party is afraid to tell Trump he will lose by 10 million votes.Trump and Puttin are both failing their countrys.American grocery stores are looking like 1980s Russia with nothing on the shelves.Meat shortages and no bread.I know Trump is a great President for Fox brain watchers……He is America’s worst president so you guys must ask yourself what do you like about him.

Be The Change
Be The Change
3 years ago

It s a disease. Sex offenders need a safe place where they can safely……… violate others’ privacy for self gratification ? [SARCASM]
Sex offenders are trades-men, fathers, teachers, coaches, athletes, clergyman, scout leaders – the potus !
Lock your windows Aunt Minnie. The world is going, going…. gone!

Con Sisstint
Con Sisstint
Reply to  Be The Change
3 years ago

I believe this started in the sixties in the peg board room downstairs at the Boyz Klubb.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Con Sisstint
3 years ago

Yikes !

Reply to  Be The Change
3 years ago

Pctv really dropped the ball giving that guy the Stooge Show. I’d rather be watching paint dry. And I don’t,but sometimes I can’t change the channel on the radio fast enough. Let’s put it mildly,he’s unwatchable and very hard to look at.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  Didiot
3 years ago

Nelson Mandela is his bestie.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Be The Change
3 years ago

This is a play on the proposal for safe injection sites for addicts. Not meant to be taken seriously.

3 years ago

I agree 100% with Dan on this. If you’re on the right, you love dirt on the left and vice versa. Frankly, I’m fed up with the BS of the #MeToo movement. In this case, one Reade says this, then the paperwork is missing, then she says I never said this, I said that. And always, the inevitable “march of the girlfriends” that she talked with comes out of the woodwork. A mass of teary eyed attention seekers. A bunch of Facebook phonies looking for their minute of fame.

When I was 18 and in college, I worked at a local manufacturer for the summer. One morning at the time clock, I bent over at the water fountain for a drink. A second later a thumb was shoved up my rear and a hand latched onto the boys from behind. Naturally, I jumped and watched a pair of women in their fifties walking away and one said, “We goosed that one good, didn’t we?” Should I file a complaint 50 years later? Complain that I felt “uncomfortable?” I’d say not. If an incident like this was reported today against a woman candidate, the #MeToo movement would rise up and defend her right because “men have been doing it to women for years, so why not?” That’s the problem. They want to play Cinderella and make the shoe fit their narrative, even when it’s a lie squeezed around the big toe of a wicked stepsister.

Of course there are true cases out there like Bill Cosby, but there are many more that are just lies. But for legislatures to rewrite laws to make incidents retroactively a crime, to cave in to the agenda of MeToo even when knowingly helping to propagate and try to give veracity to false ever-changing narratives is just wrong. No matter whether your politics are left or right.

Maggie May
Maggie May
Reply to  truthsayer
3 years ago

Ahh the threatened white male

3 years ago

It’s just like the flu!!!!!

Dr. Jonathan Bannard-Smith, a critical care specialist at the Manchester Royal Infirmary in the UK, told the Guardian that some patients are unaware that their oxygen saturations are so low.

“We wouldn’t usually see this phenomenon in influenza or community-acquired pneumonia,” he said. “It’s very much more profound and an example of very abnormal physiology going on before our eyes.”

He added: “It’s intriguing to see so many people coming in, quite how hypoxic they are due to COVID-19.”

Reply to  RN
3 years ago

I mean when you look at the symptoms for both put out by the CDC, I don’t think it is an unfair comparison. Apparently 2 months after this shit show started, our state government decided now was the time to put out an executive order on masks. The same government that told us a couple months back, that masks would not be beneficial. I hope everyone here is enjoying having their civil liberties completely stripped away, although for the authoritarians and politicians this is exactly what they want. I can’t wait to see how the first fine is handed out in the Berkshires.

Reply to  Hendrix
3 years ago

The reason they said no masks in the beginning was because they needed any stock available for medical professionals. The lack of PPE in hospitals made toilet paper look easy to find.

Then they went to “stay inside” stay home/stay safe.
If you aren’t going anywhere, you don’t need a mask. Not a real brain teaser there.
They then recommended masks if going out, the six foot rule.
Know that many of the rules the states slowly decided to implimentbwere things on a long list from the CDC.
Even at BHS they changed from the cdc info dozens of times as things ran out or staff was non-existent.

Reply to  RN
3 years ago

The problem is, that is not the reasoning the CDC gave for not wearing masks. They encouraged us to #STOPBUYINGMASKS because they were not effective in preventing the spread of Coronavirus.

You see where I am going with this? People don’t like to be treated like fools. These are the same people that encouraged us to take cruises, not take it seriously, and don’t wear masks. Now we are supposed to believe them when they tell us to stay locked down indefinitely. The #staythefuckhome crowd is about to get overrun come Memorial Day. The IFR and CFR rates are going to continue to sink and people will realize that this virus is a non threat to the overwhelming majority of people.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Too bad the covid-19 stopped the election process.

The D-rat debates were almost as funny as watching The 3 Stooges.

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
3 years ago

You missed one. When Reade’s mother called Larry King she complained about her daughter not filing a complaint immediately “out of respect” for the senator. The discussion on Larry King was how do you handle the situation when a good person steps out of line.
The “Larry King Live” segment that aired on August 11, 1993, on CNN (which has suspiciously pulled the segement), an unnamed woman calls in to the show with her location identified on the screen as San Luis Obispo, California. The show was about the cutthroat nature of Washington, DC, politics and media.
“Yes, hello. I’m wondering what a staffer would do besides go to the press in Washington?” she asks. “My daughter has just left there after working for a prominent senator, and could not get through with her problems at all, and the only thing she could have done was go to the press, and she chose not to do it out of respect for him.”
Larry King responds: “In other words, she had a story to tell but out of respect for the person she worked for, she didn’t tell it?”
“That’s true,” the caller says.
The woman does not mention sexual assault or harassment, nor does she describe in any detail what “problems” she might be referring to. Her daughter’s name and Biden are also not mentioned.

Now that I think of it, you missed another. Reade has admitted that when she finally filed a complaint, she never used the phrase “sexual harassment”, she used the phrase “uncomfortable”

Notice that nobody on the right is talking about the long list of accusers of Trump.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

The Democrats have recently adjusted their #metoo rallying slogan. It now reads “ all women should be believed except for Tara Reade!”

the school committee
the school committee
3 years ago

70,OOO DEAD and Trump is mad at Bush….the forever battle to divide America by the right wing

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Trump will never be able to top Barry Sotero on dividing America, even in Trump’s 2nd term

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

White House is predicting 3000 dead PER DAY by June first. And I agree that this will be the result of opening up the country way too soon. And if anyone thinks that is going to spur the economy they need a refresher course in how chaos blows up a stock market. It almost seems like someone is purposely trying to destroy the country. And while Putin is enjoying it, it ain’t him.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
3 years ago

Rapist 2020: you’re all gonna get it either way

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Actually there are about seven women who have accused Biden of inappropriately touching them. Story on Breitbart.

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Eleven more and Trump and Biden are in a dead heat.Biden was not best friends with Epstein.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Hey TSC – go troll someone else.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

You can literally ask TSC to solve a math equation like 1+1 =? and their answer would be something along the vein of “Orange man bad, you all love Fox news. My eyes are crossed and my head is too small for my body”

I’m no Trump fan, but you are just ridiculous at this point.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

well said, Dan. I agree wholeheartedly. Keep up the good fight for the truth

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

And seven is not even half the number accusing your boy in the Whitehouse. Is it?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

The Democrats are eating their own!!!

NYT Sunday Op/Ed:

“In the op-ed, titled “Democrats, It’s Time to Consider a Plan B,” Elizabeth Bruenig argues:

I have my own impressions regarding Ms. Reade’s allegations, but no one — save Ms. Reade and Mr. Biden — knows with certainty whether her claims are true. What I can assert with firm conviction is that Democrats ought to start considering a backup plan for 2020.

Ms. Reade’s account is not nearly as incredible as some have argued. In the course of my reporting, I have worked closely with many survivors of sexual assault. It isn’t unusual, in my experience, for survivors to exhibit behavior that seems unstable or erratic to others. They may initially disclose to investigators or journalists only a fragment of what happened, and then reveal more over time — some even falsely recant, either because they sense the police don’t believe them, or because they fear the consequences of pressing their claims. And victims often maintain relationships with their attackers or harbor mixed feelings about them.


So what crooked scheme will the democrats come up with, lacking a complete primary, or a convention?

H-Beast again? Cuomo? Chu Ki Hsummer?

3 years ago

Reminds me of Flip Wilson, “ The devil made me do it”.

While walking down the street one day a senator is tragically hit by a truck and dies. The soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance. “Welcome to Heaven,” says St. Peter. “Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we’re not sure what to do with you.”
“No problem, just let me in,” says the senator . “Well, I’d like to but I have orders from higher up. What we’ll do is have you spend one day in Hell and one in Heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity.”
“Really, I’ve made up my mind. I want to be in Heaven,” says the senator.
“I’m sorry but we have our rules..” And with that, St. Peter escorts her to the elevator and she goes down, down, down to Hell. The doors open and senator finds he is in the middle of a green golf course.. In the distance is a club and standing in front of it are all the senators friends and other politicians who had worked with the senator everyone is very happy and in evening dress.
They run to greet the senator hug and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster and caviar. Also present is the Devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes.
They are having such a good time that, before the senator realizes it, it is time to go. Everyone gives the senator a big hug and waves while the elevator rises.
The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on Heaven where St. Peter is waiting for the senator
“Now it’s time to visit Heaven.” So 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before senator realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns.
“Well then, you’ve spent a day in Hell and another in Heaven. Now choose your eternity.” The senator reflects for a minute, then the senator answers: “Well, I would never have said it, I mean Heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in Hell.”
So Saint Peter escorts the senator to the elevator and the senator goes down, down, down to Hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and the senator is in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. The senator sees all her friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags. The Devil comes over to the senator and lays his arm on the senators neck. “I don’t understand,” stammers the senator. “Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and club and we ate lobster and caviar and danced and had a great time. Now all there is a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable.
The Devil looks at the senator smiles and says, “Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted for us!”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

While we’re on the Biden subject, let’s talk Quid Pro Joe!

He admitted to extorting the Ukraine, on film, to benefit his Son Hunter. Much the same went on with the Chi-Coms, Joe and Hunter. Where is the investigations/outrage? 4 years and no dirt on Trump, but Ole Joe was doing much worse.

There is also dirt on Ukraine concerning Kerry, Pelousey and other current/ex members of the Washington Crime Cartel. Media has no interest, WHY?

Hunter claims he is “broke”, after getting MANY millions from the Ukranine and Chi-Coms.

And Joe’s family has great “family values”. Hunter married his brother’s widow, cheated on her with a stripper, and knocked her up. Hunter refuses to pay the child/stripper child support, so you and me taxpayers, are buying formula and diapers for Joe’s grandchildren. You’d think Joe would step up as a Grandaddy? NOPE!!! Biden “family values”….

Reminds me of Sotero, and Auntie Zetuni, the criminal alien who bilked Massachusetts for decades.

Barry had same “family values” as Joe, let the taxpayers support her……

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

But, but Trump said you could grab em by the pu$$y if you were a star. Is there a double standard or are the brainwashed Jimmy Jones crowd blinded by the star power? Duhhhh

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

You didn’t take enough of Jim Jones cool aid, Johnny..

How is Hunter’s/Joe’s progeny doing on welfare?

I don’t want to pay for their basturd kids. Hunter’s basturd stripper conception.

Ask Quo Quid Joe

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

So if Trumps new estimate of 3000 people dying each day by June 1st it might be a good idea for cities to stock up on body bags now.. the supply and demand factor will triple the price. by the way, how many can the local crematories do in a day. They have like three week back logs in some places.

Not sure why they are opening everything up if they know this is what will happen but I guess that is why I am not president.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny Absurds Doctor
3 years ago

Thank God.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

So the working white house theory seems to be that every elderly virus death is one less person soaking up Medicare and social security. And the savings can be used to pay for the wall since the Mexican government has been late on its payments.
It may also help offset some of the billions of dollars given as stimulus money to oil companies and airlines both of which have been making enormous profits for years.

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Don Trump is a great American leader.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
3 years ago
Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

The only good thing about this medically, socially, politically, induced shutdown is lots of time to do useless home issues. For us its emptying drawers that don’t need cleaning. One interesting item was found in a long-discarded bureau. It’s a sports story by the much-missed Brian Sullivan dated December 25, 2005. The story is about Berkshire County Hall of Fame Inductees and one name (you don’t know) caught my eye. The name is Stan Zeleski, a halfback from Dalton. He was tall and lean, fast and shifty, hard-hitting, tough as they come. One of the best. You don’t hear about him or know who he is because he broke his leg in a baseball game. I think it was his junior year in high school. It was a bad break. College football scouts disappeared. This was a crying shame. Stan had it all. I thought he rivaled Ray Woitkowski, the all-time PHS great who matriculated to Maryland University and went on to professional baseball. Stam Zaleski’s broken leg pretty much ended his sports career. What a sad ending. This kid could have been great. I still think he was great.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Dan, I remember it, too. A crying shame these young talented athletes were injured and cut short of potential greatness. Tony C. may have been another Ted Williams or Joe DiMaggio. He was that good and had the ability. An errant fastball to his head ended the potential for greatness. How about Herb Score? A left-handed fastball pitcher with much potential for greatness. A line drive to his head ended those dreams. Another crying shame. How good a football player could Stan Zaleski have been? We’ll never know because of the injury he received playing high school baseball. In my opinion this kid had it all and would have been a college football star. Yes, another crying shame.

Dass Terdleedeed
Dass Terdleedeed
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

Chuck,Stan had bad-breaks all around. He was a machinist in G E and had almost forty years and wasn’t retired. He was only Fifty Nine when he died.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Dass Terdleedeed
3 years ago

Dass, I’ve often wondered what happened to Stan. Thanks for the info.

Dass Terdleedeed
Dass Terdleedeed
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

Pretty sure he went to Connecticut. He was a load.

A Fowcheese
A Fowcheese
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

Why isn’t Ty Cobb in any all time greats when comparing? Twenty two hundred runs and four thousand plus hits.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  A Fowcheese
3 years ago

Al Stump a dirty GD liar.

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

Mario Coumo took a fastball to the head when he was in the minors. Hit him so hard that it messed up his son’s brains too.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Sox would have won seres, 1967 with Tony C

Curtiss G
Curtiss G
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Probably M T Yaz had ten hits. Jerry Adair could buy a hit. Brock,Javier and Maris plus Gibson,to much without Tony C. Everyone wanted to see Gibson vs Tony. Sad story,Hamilton threw at him,bastard.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

True enough, Dan. For that year and a decade to come. He had a brother, Billy, who made the majors and played in Pittsfield during minor league climb. Billy was not even a shadow of older brother, Tony C.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Curtiss G
3 years ago

Yaz was at his best .
Longborg too.

Bunco Squad
Bunco Squad
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Sounds like Linda’s weekly update

Scion Kinkandee
Scion Kinkandee
3 years ago

Albany n y dispatchers-Police low moral……..

3 years ago

Moochelle Obama throws her hat into the ring for VP!
A committee to draft Moochelle as Creepy Joe’s running mate has registered with the FEC.

Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

That is terrifying!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Terrifying? What scares you about her Pat? What has she done to you personally or did you hear bad things about her on the radio? I notice for once you did not go into detail. Are you trying to think of something?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

She’s a raciss anti-American, u qualified biter broad

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

Moochelle told H- Beast “you smell like a corpse”

Hitlerly told Moocchelee “I can feel your wiener”

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

Awesome. Soon they are going to be holding his rallies outside of hospital ICUs in the parking lot next to the refrigerated trailers.

3 years ago

During the Kavanaugh hearings, Democrats demanded an FBI investigation into Kavanaugh based on Blasey Ford’s unverified charge. Ford could not verify she knew or had even met Kav, she told no one of the alleged assault attempt at the time or even near the time, she was caught telling numerous lies, and her own witnesses rebutted her charge.

The Reade matter should be turned over to the FBI, as Reade’s story has remained consistent, it’s been verified that she worked for Biden, Reade has five witnesses who verify that she told them about the assault, a video exists of CNN’s Larry King Live show where Reade’s mother called in to ask for advice for her daughter’s problem with a prominent senator, there is a pattern with Biden (she is the eighth accuser), Biden refuses to release his Senate archives from U of Delaware, and Biden is sending prominent women out to the media to lie for him.

Info from John Nolte article, 5-4-20.

the school committee
the school committee
3 years ago

Another day and Trump cant get testing for his WAR on the Virus.We are losing this war after 7 weeks.

The 5th Dentist
The 5th Dentist
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

TSC can you tell us what Winning this war at week 7 looks like? Dont simply say testing, testing for who? On demand? What type of testing? Who runs this testing? The Federal government should over see it? Or do they execute it as well? From which facility? Throwing bombs and barbs is easy. As part of a large Health Care concern I am literally working 14-18 hours a day almost daily. Full admission and disclosure I am a biased opinion being involved in the greater Health Care industry. We have made huge strides in almost every manner possible in this “war” in both the diagnostic and therapeutic disciplines. Keep in mind this disease did not exist in this format (not going into detail regarding Corona viruses) and took the world by storm.
Tell me what would you do differently? What have you done?

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  The 5th Dentist
3 years ago

This is about what the President should be doing..America is divided in his War on the virus.We needed a leader that united people with one message….we got a moron yell at the press for asking questions.

Bunco Squad
Bunco Squad
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Are you for real or have you escaped from a locked ward?

Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

The CDC is the one in charge of testing NOT President Trump. Do you think President Trump is in the labs making these tests and processing these tests?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

So he gets all the credit when something goes right but none of the blame when things go ass backwards?
That is not how leadership works in the real world but you keep marching straight ahead and don’t look sideways or you might stumble onto some facts.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Nothing but hatred.

the school committee
the school committee
3 years ago

There will be 90 ,000 dead in May alone in America. Who on this board are convinced this is the way to fight a War.

Zippy Probelcopio
Zippy Probelcopio
Reply to  the school committee
3 years ago

Best all time Serena,Federer tennis. Baseball, Mays. Jordan,hoops, Orr,Gretzky hockey, Brown, Taylor football, chess Spassky, horse Secretariat, jockey Arcaro. Local bullshit. Belanger baseball,basketball, and without a doubt football Ray Woitkowski.

My favorites athletes to watch were locally,Frankie Scago, Tommy Grieve, Tommy Gentile,Lee…N A had a bunch I watched as a kid and later on,Boisvert,Katley,Reeves, Paul Dubois,Big Doug Shepherd Mt. Greylock. Dick Falkenbush and Matthews St Joe, with all that said the best athlete never played, and believe me,he was damn good. I never saw Chuck play but knew he was really good

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Dan, Nice to know I’m still remembered. My Colgate days are of fond memories. Colgate football was top notch then. Played against Syracuse’s Jim Brown from freshman to senior year. Then in my senior year played against Army’s Pete Dawkins who went on to win the Heisman Trophy his senior year. He was a sophomore then. On Army’s team that year was Don Hollander who made an all-American end position. They beat us in a memorable shootout 55 to 48. Hollander was killed in Vietnam and West Point has honored him naming their field house “The Don Hollander Field House”. Continuing my Colgate thoughts our 1955 baseball team beat Penn State to earn a spot to the college world series at Omaha, Nebraska. We lost our first game to Wake Forest 1 – 0. Wake won the championship that year. We did have a victory beating So. California. Yes, little Colgate knocked So. Cal out of the tournament. Colgate’s star pitcher on this team, none other than Pittsfield’s Larry Bossidy.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Larry Bossidy did pitch that game. It was a fabulous 9 inning performance. Score was 0-0 in the 6th and the rains came. Almost an hour passed before play was resumed. In the 7th Wake Forest scored a run, and that was it. We did have a couple of scoring opportunities with men and second or third with one out. We didn’t get the clutch hit. Two days later we beat So. Cal 6 – 4. Larry came in for relief and saved the game for us. The following day we lost to Oklahoma A&M and 2 losses were on our way home. It certainly was a consolation that thanks to us So. Cal. went home before we did. The year was 1955 and it was Colgate’s best year in its baseball history. Two Pittsfield guys were there. Isn’t that something?

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Zippy Probelcopio
3 years ago

The most memorable PHS baseball home run in my memory was hit by the unheralded Paul Pierce, circa 1964. He hit it in Clapp Park, easily clearing the tree line and over the rail road tracks to the West. Never found the ball.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Sojourner Truth
3 years ago

Hi SJ, I have to chip in on this one. Paul Pierce was a terrific hitter. If memory serves me correctly he was a lefty who nicely complimented Tom Grieve. I always thought Paul was as good a hitter as Tom. Wasn’t this their state championship team? I do have to question your mentioning Paul’s home run hit going over the railroad tracks. I know he could hit but, over the right-field trees and continuing over the tracks? Babe Ruth could not have hit that far. It would have to be about 800 feet. Paul could hit but there are limits. I enjoyed reading your piece.

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
3 years ago

CG. Thanks for the retort. Never made a taped measurement, but regardless vividly recall the ball at least going into the tree line. I’m a PHS letterman but not a respected sports writer like you and Roger O’Gara was., therefore I acquiesce to your expertise. Thanks again.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Sojourner Truth
3 years ago

SJ. Thank you for the nice note. We have much in common. Both of us are PHS lettermen. I’m no Roger O’Gara though. Roger was one of the best.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Zippy Probelcopio
3 years ago

Zippy, Good names, all of them terrific athletes. You mentioned St. Joe players. I have to add one more. Fred Broaderick was a 3 sport star from the early 50’s. He’s an old neighborhood buddy from the Crescent Creamery parking lot sandlot days. A foul ball went over a banking onto the railroad tracks. Imagine kids nowadays playing on a field like that. It would be beneath them. No uniforms either. In my opinion, if one mentions great ones from St. Joseph High School Fred Broaderick has to be among them.

3 years ago

Russian doctors are falling out of windows a lot.

NYC is just now realizing that dozens of children had COVID and they didn’t know. estimstes are in the hundreds. A side effect of COVID in kids, Kawasaki syndrome from Japan where it was discovered.

Connie Koronahpark
Connie Koronahpark
Reply to  RN
3 years ago

Just curious Chuck.Do you remember what your batting average was senior year of high school. Where did you play your games back then? Thanks.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Connie Koronahpark
3 years ago

I remember, Connie. It was 399, my lowest batting average in 4 years of varsity ball. Our games were played at Wahconah, Clapp occasionally, and Deming Park. Deming was much used by St. Joe and PHS for baseball and football. That was before it was ruined by clowns posing as knowledgeable sportsmen.

3 years ago

Two child rapists among 830 inmates freed in MA. This is what happens when progressive DAs get elected. Where is the outrage?
This story was one of the headlines on Breitbart!

Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

I agree. Why is the public not making a lot of phone calls complaining about this? Do they feel beaten down by their own government already and it’s not even at it’s full power yet? That will happen if these far left progressives even get in office again. Do they think that since they live in gated communities that their children will be safe? That their children are safe from these released child rapists because something like that could never happen to their family?

Maggie May
Maggie May
Reply to  Gigi
3 years ago

I will say this real slow just try to follow along ok? The DA’s the sheriffs and the Police Chiefs are under one big lawsuit( so to speak) just to make it so a child could understand With me so far? The big court called the Supreme court made this petition and decision still with me? Now this is your homework go and look that up the groups who I mentioned before are respondents (big word I know) so follow along The outrage is with people who have not even the smallest clue what they are talking about.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Maggie May
3 years ago

I’m picking up what you’re putting down.


Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Maggie May
3 years ago

Thank you for speaking s l o w l y & realizing some of us have the comprehension level of a child. I did my homework.

in the position of defendant in a lawsuit.
“the respondent defendant”

This maybe influences the GBPD’s most recent heroin seizure. That ‘respondent’ never should’ve been released to begin with, his track record is extreme. (But apparently track records are only on paper)

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
3 years ago

This is Dementia Joe and I forgot this message. You know, the thing.

Louie Cz
Louie Cz
Reply to  Dementia Joe
3 years ago

I saw a kid hit a home run at the North Jr. field, it was against my friend Pat Bassi’s babe Ruth team. The ball was hit on a line straight shot center field ended up in the brook,the kid was literally sitting on the bench before it came back to the infield. I remember it because a friend of mine at the time took me to the game to see his kid play and I didn’t know Pat was the coach of the other team. That ball had to travel over five hundred feet .

Also,I saw Tommy Grieve hit one out straight center field at Wahconah Park from the backstop during practice. Another home run that comes to mind was Paul Pierce again hitting one over the light tower at Wahconah in high school.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Didn’t George Scott have a few memorable home runs with the Pittsfield Red Sox? I once got one of his broken bats from the beloved Fat Pat’ McKernan, it took me a wagon to haul it home…lol….I used that bat in pick up games at the Common and hit it 400 ft several times.Chochi Beuth used it one time and the ball rolled up eagle street….now that dude had power.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago


Loaded Fersure
Loaded Fersure
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I believe Pierce had injuries also in high school. I know in Basketball PHS Grieve had calcium deposits and played,tough kid back then. Pierce I’m certain,had some kind of an injury,he should’ve have gone pro. I remember the drunk who used to sleep it off in back of Wahconah Park outfield fences. The story is,the guy fell asleep and Reggie Smith hit a home run that landed in the guys lap,right between his legs. Rumor also had it the-guys zipper was down,he was asleep, and some youngster took the ball from his lap. Rumor also has it that Pat Mac gave the kid a Reggie Smith used bat,not broken because the home run had some significance. Anyway, Pat went to the outfield area after the at bat with two hot dogs in a tray and an ice cold beer. Legend has it the scoreboard worker was handed the food and beverage and it was given to the man.True Story. I was the assister that handed it off.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I’ll tell ya a player who I thought was vastly underrated as an all time great….Frank Robiinson,he was as good as any.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I have to weigh in here, even if I age myself. I saw Dale Long and Al Rosen at Wahconah Park hit memorable homers over the lights. Dale over the right-field fence and Al over the left-field field fence. Both went on to glorious major league careers. Let’s remember a local high school kid who made history as the first non-pro to hit one out of Wahconah. It was Bobby Hays from St. Joe’s. He did it playing for St. Joe’s (may have been 1948) and hit a homer during a regularly scheduled game.
His brother Bus was an outstanding PHS basketball player.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Dementia Joe
3 years ago

and I sympathize wit ya. That is why I video tape myself walking from my car into the super market and then I just play it back to find my car. But they screwed me up yesterday by making me go in one door and out the other and my video did not help me. So I had to call a cab to get back to the shelter.

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

I did see someone hit a ball in the common from the old bcc field to eagle street on a roll,and thats poke either way you look at it because of the trijectory . Hitting it down the left side was not quite as far as right center.

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

Charlie Beuth and Mark Reynolds used to have epic distance hitting at the common.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  M B
3 years ago

Did they break church windows?

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Dementia Joe
3 years ago


3 years ago

Local Berkshire County politicians like Pignatelli want to reopen Berkshire County soon ahead of the Boston area, but Charlie Baker said he does not agree saying that in a state as small as ours, infected people from the Middle and Eastern part of the state could infect the Berkshires. I agree since our local politicians are most concerned about getting the tourism season started here. Is that a good idea though? To pour in possibly infected tourists to get locals sick? If the Berkshires economy didn’t rely so heavily on tourism, this wouldn’t be an issue, but poor planning local politicians have made this an issue and now want locals to live with the uncertainty of allowing lots of tourists here during a pandemic?

3 years ago

Your genes could determine whether coronavirus puts you in the hospital — and we’re starting to unravel which ones matter
Published: May 5, 2020 at 1:56 p.m. ET
By Austin Nguyen, Abhinav Nellore and Reid Thompson

Differences in HLA genes may be a significant reason for huge differences in infections

When I tell you something know it’s the truth.

Told you BHS and local govt was slow rolling COVID counts to open sooner, i was and am right.

Told you that your genes will dictate how sick you get and if you will be a carrier for forever.

Delsorrahdough Sam
Delsorrahdough Sam
Reply to  RN
3 years ago

Ruth, Cobb, Gehrig,Williams,Mays….Cobb gets an asterisk drunk 24-7. Imagine if he played with Billy Martin. Yeah yeah I know it’s off topic,but the Planet had a hand in it to…lol

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  Delsorrahdough Sam
3 years ago

You must have read Al Stump’s lies.

Reply to  RN
3 years ago

I agree that local politicians are trying to get the Berkshires open for tourism and I think that is a huge mistake. Charlie Baker agrees and said he will not open some parts of the state before others since Berkshires politicians were pushing for that since they turned the Berkshires into a tourist destination rather than trying to get real jobs here. Charlie Baker said infected people from the middle and Eastern part of the state could raise infection rates in the Western part if he did that. We have a lot fewer hospitals here than in Boston. Our local politicians need to listen to Charlie Baker.

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Pat a sensible comment, once again BHS can count zero cases its not material. The venues Tanglewood, Jacobs, the theater companies etc. are all well aware of who their clientele are. The age demographic and most importantly the zip code from which they will be travelling. They know many might not travel period for fear ( those that might have inquired about refunds/cancellation policies) they are aware many will be traveling in from NYC and Boston as an example and just wont go to a larger gathering either out of intelligence or fear. The local count weighs little in the equation Does anyone really think it would not look as if they were tone deaf to their clientele? What would that do to donations to these places? What does the “Covid-cash” look like if they don’t open? do they still qualify for it if they open? I haven’t looked into the legalities and regulations I am certain they have. Not to mention the openings will be by region or state not by a county. We are now in a 6 state compact for PPE and medical equipment. look to Maine as an example. To think that Berkshire county is somehow going to get opened due to the count from these zip codes is crazy. The only tourists we are going to get are the “transitional” counts. (homeless, pre releasers etc.) the state is pumping them in do you think the state wants to also put them on display?
I just don’t see it happening and it has very little to do with the local count or miscount

Reply to  RN
3 years ago

NOTHING in that article supports anything you have said. You keep using the phrase “carrier forever.” Please post ANYTHING to explain/support whatever you are trying to say.

Everybody has known for a long time that COVID affects individuals very differently from one person to the next. That article tries to explains some of the science behind it. The coming weeks will be interesting, as we get a better sense of the correct denominator in the COVID mortality equation. I myself recently had a COVID antibodies test and will get the results in a few days. I chatted with my doc and he said the test has been in high demand among his patients. He said about 25% of antibodies tests were coming back positive. I asked, if my test comes back positive, does that mean my immediate family members should also get tested? He said no point, if I come back positive then they definitely had it as well.

Whether my results comes back positive or not, it is becoming clear that BECAUSE the impact of COVID varies so wildly, the real number of infections to date is likely in the 10’s of millions. It was also circulating much earlier than we thought.

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  Blare
3 years ago

Spot on Blare thanks for saving me the key strokes. Be well stay well

Reply to  the 5th Dentist
3 years ago

Thanks, 5th. Stay well too.

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  RN
3 years ago

It was said type O blood people had some protection and A not much. Haven’t heard anything on this lately.

Delsorrahdough Sam
Delsorrahdough Sam
3 years ago

Don’t forget the Trump economy was tanking before Corona. I would not be surprised if the pandemic is a smoke screen due to the fact his policies were a disaster anyway. Now we have high unemployment,companies never Put there capital back to he
P job growth and the deficit like he planned. Instead we’re gave.he gave, huge tax breaks. Sometime soon something will be discussed on what his Presidency was really all about. He is an utter failure,plain and simple

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Serious Dan?

Joe Biden? He is DEMented, senile, a crook with his Son Hunter, don’t know what day it is….

And You say , touchy feely Joe is O. K.?

Why not a column on Joe, Hunter and Ukraine? Throw in the CHI-COMS and Hunter too! That is news worthy. Quid Pro Joe!

Kerry Pelousey Sotero and rest of Washington slime had their hands in Ukraine too.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Creep Joe is not electable.

What manure will D-rats push on America until then?

Expect riots/mayhem November.

Lee J
Lee J
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

What is Dina doing on the License Board. Clearly a conflict of interest. If not, tell us why? She works for the d a and is on the City Council?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I am afraid you may be correct about the riots. Lots of guys with the ballsacks hanging from their pickups looking for a reason to get their guns out and parade around with them. There will be no winners just like in 1865. Another sad an unnecessary bloodshed with family against family but also not always knowing who is friend or foe. Just shooting for shooting sake.

Spec Truttlmire
Spec Truttlmire
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

More news on a new strain on nbc . Worse than the current one.

Little Old Lade E
Little Old Lade E
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

Wendy’s is running out of beef. Soooooo…..where’s the beef? Had to say that!

Chinuh Made
Chinuh Made
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

China did us good.

Chinuh Made
Chinuh Made
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

Dan I heard a local worker here is going to be on Imside Edition tonight at seven thirty Channel 13. Don’t know what about.