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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 26, 2020) — Donald Trump and Joe Biden both did what they wanted to do in the final debate. Trump came off as measured, and Biden held serve. Was it enough?

Was it enough for the President to reclaim the presidential high ground? Was it enough for Biden’s strategy of playing not to lose?

THE PLANET saw (a) Trump righting the ship as the candidates head into the campaign’s final days and (b) Biden committing two major gaffes.

Biden Gaffe 1, Immigration — Moderator Kristen Welker noted that in the eight years of the Obama-Biden Administration, immigration “had been a key promise” but that the Administration “presided over record deportations, as well as family detentions at the border before changing course.” What would be different this time around, she asked the former Vice President, if he should win. Biden answered by throwing Obama in front of a speeding subway train.

“Because we made a mistake made,” Biden said. “It took too long to get it right. Took too long to get it right. I’ll be President of the United States, not Vice President of the United States.” Biden gave Obama the Moe Howard treatment.

This angered Democrat shot-callers, confused his base, P’d-off Obama, and delighted Republicans.

Biden Gaffe 2, Oil — Uncle Joe said that if he is elected president, he will destroy the oil industry. You can imagine how that’s playing in Pennsylvania, Texas, Oklahoma, and other oil states. This was Biden’s bone-toss to Green New Deal zealots. Replace oil, great. With what? Biden didn’t say.

“One of the most stunning moments last night was when Joe Biden admitted that he wants to abolish the oil industry,” Trump said after their final face-to-face clash in Tennessee.

“I said, ‘Whoa this is the big point of the evening!’ Remember, I said, ‘Well, you want to get rid of oil and gas?” Trump said, recounting the debate stage exchange.

“‘Yeah, well, we wanna phase it out,’” he went on, imitating Biden. “I said, ‘Thank you! Texas, are you watching? Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Ohio, are you watching?'”

Biden claimed during debate one in Ohio that he doesn’t support the Green New Deal, although his website calls it a “crucial framework” for fighting climate change. Go figure.

The former veep has appointed New York socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a key sponsor of the bill, to be co-chair of his climate change panel.

Speaking of energy, what’s Biden’s position on fracking. Trump’s clear: Keep it. Biden? He’s for it then he’s against it then he’s for it then he’s against it.

It generally wasn’t a good night for Uncle Joe. He lied on his characterization of Trump’s position on the payroll tax, and, ignoring the own record, denied past opposition to fracking. Trump was his usual off-the-cuff self, while Biden, who had obviously rehearsed with practice debates, had an ample supply of precast zingers. None hit their mark, save for, “We’ve learned to die” not live with COVID.” The ex-VP also drew criticism for checking his watch, one of theeeeee things you don’t do in a debate. George Bush I did it against Bill Clinton and paid a price. Watch checking conveys that you’re not taking the event seriously, you’re distracted, or, in Joe’s case, maybe you’re losing steam and wanting it to be over.

The final statements did well in summing up the two candidates. Trump stressed the importance of the economy and protecting America’s 401Ks. Biden talked about saving “America’s soul” and “treating people with dignity.”

The words sooth, but what do they mean? They are vague and safe. How can the President of the United States — or any one person — change people’s hearts, especially in this time of total demarcation?

O that it were.

Hang on, America. Only eight shopping days left to Election Day.


“Saying atheism is a belief system is like saying not going skiing is a hobby”Ricky Gervais.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
3 years ago

Re: Love & Vote

This YouTube video shows why I voted for Joe Biden for U.S. President in 2020.

Love & Vote,

Jonathan A. Melle

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
3 years ago

Marxist Melle,
So after ripping Biden apart yesterday on this blog – you voted for him?
Biden is a dyed-in-the-wool racist and is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.
If all it takes is a youtube video to sway your vote…….sad!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

You just quoted Trump.Thats cool.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Only thing is – the Chinese communist party is pretty capitalistic. I honestly don’t know what the Fox viewers are talking about when they talk of China and communism or Marxism – they should be saying Norway and communism. Or Germany and socialism. I rather like the Russians I know but their society worships money. And it’s a survival of the fittest society. The weak already died out in some purge 50 years ago.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
3 years ago

Here’s your man, Melle, Dementia Joe at his finest!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

October 26, 2020

Hello Glenn M. Heller,

I watched the entire 38 minutes and 12 seconds of Rudy Giuliani’s YouTube hit piece video on the Biden Crime Family, which is worth tens of millions of dollars. Hunter Biden is a crack cocaine addict. He made tens of millions of dollars overseas. He spent his money on young women who were sex workers and on alcohol and drugs. Hunter Biden is a scumbag. His laptop hard drive only proves what we already know. The news about Hunter Biden and the Biden Crime Family has been out there for a long time now. Rudy Giuliani is exploiting it all as a Trump campaign operative. Rudy Giuliani has sat on this information for a long time, and his timing is called Trump’s “October Surprise”.

You know full well that Trump refuses to release his tax returns to the public. What is Trump hiding? Why has so many of Trump’s associates been indicted and jailed? Are they all fall guys for Donald Trump? Trump had love affairs with sex workers, too. Trump paid a porn star and a Playboy model to stay silent about their love affairs with him while he was married to Melania. Trump openly cheated on all three of his wives, and his daughter Tiffany Trump was conceived out of wedlock with Marla Maples.

In closing, Rudy Giuliani should give one of his advertisers cigar boxes to Bill Clinton, who put a cigar in Monica Lewinsky’s vagina and then smoked his cigar while Monica Lewinsky was giving him a blow job in the Oral Orifice (Oval Office). My final point is that most politicians are sleazy wheeler dealers who enjoy profiting off of making a career in high political office and having sex with young women who fall for their dirt-bag ways.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
3 years ago

Marxist Melle,
No one cares about Trump’s tax returns being released, except for you & rabid followers of CNN. Even if Trump could release them, they would be too complex for you & me to understand, as Trump has multiple properties & businesses. He is under audit by the IRS – let them do their job.

Your man Biden is up to his eyeballs in guano. Chronic lying, money laundering, adultery, bribery, alleged pedophilia etc etc…’s all being revealed. And wait till his daughter’s diary entries hit the fan!

My advice is to turn off the Clinton News Network and do your own research. National File is releasing a lot of info. Seek the truth!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

They care more about what someone might have done before taking office instead of what they did while in office.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

or what their son Hunter may have done yeas ago…I hear you and you make a good point

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

Putin is hoping that this election and its repercussions, combined with a devastating coronavirus surge will knock America to its knees once and for all. And if Americans turn on each other instead of coming together he will get his wish.

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

You’re right except you have the wrong country. China is hoping that all the chaos put on our country by the Marxists with the phony Russian collusion hoax and the impeachment and finally their sending over the virus, will weaken America so China becomes the #1 power. Biden is their man who will help them do this because Biden’s family was paid off by China to influence our policies in this country. Biden has said repeatedly he doesn’t take seriously the threat posed by China and that China wants to “eat our lunch” as he calls it. “C’mon man” is his response.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Mr Putin thanks you for sticking up for him. You are a good friend to the KGB folk.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

When Obama/Biden were running for the Oval Office the second time around they and media laughed Mittens off the debate stage when he claimed Russia is the biggest geopolitical threat. What’s changed that they push the Russia crap now?

Dan Valenti
Dan Valenti
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

Great point, JD. America MUST come together soon, or else. Thing is, I can’t think of either of the two candidates winning and having that happen. I fear for the post-election atmosphere.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Dan Valenti
3 years ago

Dan, the big “division” started with Sotero and his AG Holder. Willie Clinton started the fermentation.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” –
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

so I take it you are not in favor of us all working together for a while? You would rather just blather and point fingers? That’ll work

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Great analysis Dan.
What I would add is that Joe Biden warned of a “dark winter” (speaking of covid) while Trump had a positive encouraging message of defeating the virus. Biden sees the future of America in a negative light while Trump looks forward to making America great yet again.
Two completely opposite viewpoints about our country.

3 years ago

There is so little interest in the issues of this election that it’s shocking. All I hear is about personality. So if the country turns Marxist by somebody who you think has a good personality, that’s ok? The Green New Deal would be the most expensive program in the history of the country, but after AOC announcing it, it’s become shrouded in secrecy since many people thought it was very extreme. Biden will not be pinned down on specifics although getting rid of oil is very telling and right in line with AOC’s Green New Deal. This deal would have unbelievable effects on the country, but nobody will discuss it in any detail.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

So little interest? Jeekers Pat, I heard there were lines so long people were waiting for hours to vote. But that was probably not on channels you watch so may not be accurate.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

Pat said “so little interest in the issues.” Or can’t you read?

Trump hasn’t talked enough about policy, or at least I haven’t heard it. He’s allowed this thing to devolve into a referendum on him and his personality.

Once again I state: I can’t see either candidate winning.

Trump for the incessant attacks on him for five years, the leftist lies, “journalist” lies, and the penchant of many to swallow this stuff whole.

Biden for having absolutely nothing to offer, being 98 years old (or looking, acting, and talking like it), and the leftist horror that will ensure if he wins.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
3 years ago

I did not see any “issues” listed on my voting ballot so I voted for the candidate who I thought best represented the issues
Trump can not talk about policy because all his policies have failed miserably. Starting with the Mexicans paying for the wall.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

I did finally hear a clip of Trump stating his policies and accomplishments in a campaign rally yesterday, possibly only because Limbaugh JIPed it. Lamestream media wouldn’t do that.

And, of course, Don Giuseppe can’t talk about anything. “What flavor did you get?”

I’m waiting for the media minions to ask the really hard questions, such as “Boxers or briefs?”

I won’t belabor the point of reading comprehension.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Biden will not be pinned down on specifics. But it was Donald Trump who walked out on the 60 minute interview. Biden stayed. Trump, who is president of the USA, started off by saying he did not like hardball questions. Not a good look for the guy in charge of the most powerful contry in the world.

Maybe Shure
Maybe Shure
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

He gets tired of unfair questions compared to softballs thrown at Sleepy Joe.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Maybe Shure
3 years ago

Aww gee. Poor guy. Guess he did not know being president of the United States might involve some responsibility huh? The poor thing probably needs a puppy for support.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

Johnny, what did ole Joe DEMentia have to say about his Son, Hunter during his 60 minutes interview?

A lot of unsavory things have come to light in the past week about the WHOLE Biden family, and a bunch of their friends.

For some reason FBI director Wright knew about all this since last year, right before Pelousey started the impeachment witch hunt. But Wright chose to ignore the whole sordid mess and associated crimes, why is that?

The MSM is doing the same, Facebook and Twitter have censored any mention of the materials found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. They went so far as to censor the New York Post.

What do Biden, Pelousey, Kerry and Romney, son’s, all have in common? All are on board of directors for energy companies doing business in Ukraine.

” I said ‘ You’re not getting the 1.5 billion’, I’m going to be leaving here, I think it was in about 6 hours. I looked at them and said: ‘ I’m leaving here in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money’ ”

-Joe Biden on video tape 2018

“The Loan Agreement signed by Hunter Biden to get finance for the 10% equity interest in Bohai Harvest RST…………”

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Donald Trump’s tax cuts to the wealthy are the most expensive program in the history of the country.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Mr. G
3 years ago

Those tax cuts saved him and his family at least a billion dollars. But he did it to make America great, not for himself or family. Just so you know.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

Oh…I TOTALLY know that. Trump is nothing if not magnanimous. He gives

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Mr. G
3 years ago

JFK cut taxes. Was that OK? Did the Kennedys save millions on that deal?

Funny how you never hear libs talk about JFK’s tax cuts.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
3 years ago

That was almost 60 years ago!

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Mr. G
3 years ago

How about it? It is not often that I discuss whether or not there was a cellar under the Roman Colosseum either. But Eddie probably does.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Mr. G
3 years ago

Not really a logical response. Perhaps study it and see what the JFK tax cuts did for the economy.

You and all libs are always opposed to tax cuts on principle–or is it just those by Republicans?

Bitch about the Reagan tax cuts. Bitch about the Bush taxes. Bitch about the Trump tax cuts.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Pat ,you and Trump backed by Fox entertainment media dont believe science but do you believe in math? You have been sold marxism which is so dumb its hard to respond to how brainwashed Fox has made you.Get a grip.Trump is not leaving office even if he loses and thats my opinion.You have pumped up and backed the end of American ddmocracy.Not one person here believes in counting votes anymore because Trump took over your life and hes a madman backed by Putin.Democracy cant be trusted if the people vote.And if they vote they cant be counted .Democracy died when Trump got elected 2016.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

President Trump will leave office if he loses in a fair election. The ones who won’t be leaving are the radical left who, if given the chance, will do everything to ensure that a Republican NEVER wins an election in this country again by adding states, getting rid of the electoral college, and packing the courts. The radical left wants one party rule. They want total control.

Bikepath Barry
Bikepath Barry
3 years ago

Somebody has the case of the Mondays! But not me I got to wear a cute dress while working the 3am corner shift at Cumbies!

Hey if you need some free money, come on down, it’s let’s make a deal week in Pittsfield!
Need some cash to “repair” your section 8 rentals? Come on down! What to be a slumlord millionaire? Come on down? Need $45k for your one “they” DJ business? Come on down!
Eddie Munster is ready to make you a $30k millionaire just like him!

In other more serious news the Berkshires Eagle is planning another series of layoffs (shhhhh it’s a secret) they are looking for unpaid volunteer content contributors. Also a bunch of cars were broken into but since that’s not on the list of vibrant and dynamic, we don’t talk about it.
We really aren’t following up at all on the homeless, there’s been no real progress. That legal help from the DA’s office turned out to be a hollow promise because it was illegal to do.
They tried blowing out the sprinkler pipes at the baseball field, broke some of the pipes.
We built a parklet in front of Flavors but it’s closing, a bad idea a little too late.
There were a number of ballots and some mail found in a dumpster, I’m sure someone will figure it out someday.

And remember, if you don’t like what someone says, sue them! It makes you look smarter and cooler to your clients!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
3 years ago

Great post, so much cover-up most likely demanded by the Mayor. Ever notice as soon as there is one comment on the BB against the Mayor, comments are immediately shut down. Does she pay them to do that? Large cities around the Pitts (Albany & Springfield) and towns all around us are doing everything in their power to cut budgets due to the pandemic but our Mayor and Eddie Munster feel they can give out a half a million to fix a few homes? Meanwhile, local restaurants, stores and small businesses are closing for good on a daily basis. This half a million could have helped these businesses, or draw new business in. Where does someone in Pittsfield buy shoes or clothes, especially folks that can’t afford the likes of Steve Valenti, that is if you dare to venture onto the new vibrant North Street puzzle? If Eddie Munster is so darn adept a budgeting, why have none of these large cities offered him a job? I sincerely hope this latest request gets voted down, but unfortunately as the Mayor stated, she has a CC that will do what ever she asks. This request for monies should be put out to a vote of the taxpayers as we can’t rely on our elected city councilors voting for what the taxpayers want, they just do what the Mayor says. Very reason the whole city is such a mess. How many times do the City Councilors have to be reminded they work for the taxpayers NOT the Mayor. Are they all that ignorant and stupid that they can’t comprehend that still? Believe they are and that is why they continue to hide behind ZOOM.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Eddie Munster would be out in the street fighting the homeless for aluminum cans for there nickel deposit if he ever even considered crossing this mayor. And he is well aware of that. She owns his silver haired ass.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Bikepath Barry
3 years ago

and there were sprinklers watering the golf course off Crane ave the other day Benedict side. (in October mind you) (when everyone else was told to conserve water)

Is ten million dollars close to the amount put into Pittsfield parks this past year? Cuz holy schidt there is always something being added, repaired or modified. If we had a forensic audit we might know. Or maybe not

3 years ago

And while Biden is still cleaning up in aisle 4 over his oil remarks, when not licking his wounds in basement, remember that he also came out in the debate against jailing drug traffickers in the midst of the opioid epidemic, and Harris was on 60 minutes last night laughing like an idiot and making a fill of herself. And she ain’t any more black than me. And by the way Kamala, you were in Cleveland.

Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

Harris is a fool and so is Biden. They both said over 200 million died from corona and Biden called Trump Abraham Lincoln

Maybe Shure
Maybe Shure
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

No,he said in jest,Abraham Lincoln over there. Fake news.

Reply to  Maybe Shure
3 years ago

Yes and then he said to Trump “you said you’re Abraham Lincoln”, which was another of Biden’s lies – Trump never said that. So I am totally correct and it is not fake news, but rather a fact and facts are hard to come by these days in liberal land but you can look it up. Here’s a link for ya pal

Maybe Shure
Maybe Shure
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

He did however call the Proud Boys…the Poor Boys, which was a sixties acid rock band from the fifties.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Maybe Shure
3 years ago

I see you like to focus on the really important issues at election time

Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

Oil spill, aisle 4! Gotta love it.

Mr. G
Mr. G
3 years ago

First, saying Biden lied as a Trump backer is more than a little disingenuous, isn’t it? The news story in This case would be if Trump told the truth…about anything. Second, the oil industry today is like the coal industry 100 or so years ago. It’s dirty, polluting and ultimately NEEDS to be phased out, just as Biden said. 100 years from now there will still be a fossil fuel Industy, just as there is still a coal industry today, just much smaller and with much less dependence on it. Phasing it our is simply logical and to maintain otherwise is foolish. Third, I didn’t realize until now that Pat is a Commie Russian active, trying to push all the blame onto China!

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Mr. G
3 years ago

and the oil industry will still be making billions and getting huge tax cuts. But they will be doing it by owning most of the renewable energy companies which they are buying up as we speak.

Maybe Shure
Maybe Shure
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

No stimulus d o w down next few months,spend wisely. No stimulus no Trump.

Maybe Shure
Maybe Shure
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

G E over seven today. They’re baaaaaaaack.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
3 years ago

No the Chinese already own all the renewable energy companies. Besides the American jobs, the Clintons, Obama, Bushes and the Bidens gave them the technology too.

Check the back of your solar panels Johnny, it says , “Made in China”

Maybe Shure
Maybe Shure
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Everything is made in China.

Johnny Absurds Accountant
Johnny Absurds Accountant
Reply to  Maybe Shure
3 years ago

Even Ivanka s line of clothes is made in China. She believes in providing jobs for kids all over Asia for that matter.

Maybe Shure
Maybe Shure
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Mad,you’re meds and vitamins are made in China.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Maybe Shure
3 years ago

Ask Clinton, Sotero, and Biden about those products.

Slick Willie got the ball rolling with most favored trading status for the Chi-Coms. The Communists donated heavy to the Hildebeast’s failed 2008 election bid. Remember a “boi named Hsu?”. H-Beast skated on that election donation fraud, then got to be Barry’s Sec of State.

She spent about a month visiting the Chi-Coms as Secretary, but no one seems to know what she was doing there? Maybe Barry did.

Anyway eat good, you’ll be healthy, you won’t need to buy vitamins, and less likely to get sick.

Reply to  Mr. G
3 years ago

Pat and China itself will prove all you naysayers on China being the bigger threat compared to Russia all wrong in time.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

and would that be because Trump keeps provoking them? Not smart to poke the bear especially when your own country is in a weakened condition

Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

True, but so many of these voters are just looking for what big government can do for them in the short term. They are NOT looking at the big picture when serious problems will arise from these radicals on the far left and it won’t take long for the negative consequences to be revealed when you give your power over to big government, expect serious negative consequences. China wants to bring down our country using these Marxist ideas.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Mr. G
3 years ago

Agreed. Oil is not the future. Recognizing that and moving with the times is not stupid, it’s smart. It will happen over decades not months. No need for oil workers to panic anytime soon, but like coal, it will diminish over time. And if we were to ignore that fact while the rest of the world moves on and creates other renewable forms of energy, we will be left behind. Sticking one’s head in the sand and ignoring reality is not a wise strategy. Something anyone can learn from looking at how the Trump administration has handle the Corona virus.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. G
3 years ago

The oil industry “needs to be phased out?” Are you out of your mind, Mr. G? Want your gas prices to quadruple? Want to pay a small fortune for heating oil each winter season? Want more Middle East wars over oil? Eliminate 600,000 jobs in PA alone? Thanks to Trump we just became energy independent. Drill baby drill! Only Bonehead Biden would state that “oil needs to be phased out” in a presidential debate!

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Yeah, we need to reimagine the police too.

Hypocrite Dims will talk about the evils of fossil fuels and then get on a plane that uses more fuel taking off than I use in a year.

3 years ago

Happy Birthday Hillary!

How fitting that today ACB will become justice ACB. Elections have consequences.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Maybe all the Clintons will finally be prosecuted. Little Cheesy too!

Cheesy was in on her Mother’s shady deals as Sec. of State under Barry. She did insider trading with her hubby on tips from the H-beast about the Greece economy. The Sotero DOJ/Holder didn’t care.

Like John Kerry’s spawn. Nancy Pelousey, and Twit Romney son’s, are on a corrupt Ukraine energy company boards, just like Hunter Biden

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

This is so fitting that I saw this and had to post it. Our government and those in it are the people’s worst threat than any other.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” –
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Perhaps even more relevant here is the old Latin saying, “Omnia venalia Romae,” “Everything is for sale in Rome.”

Which seems to describe Don Giuseppe Bidenaroni and the rest of the crime family very well.

You think that $3.5 mill and $1.5 bill might buy something in DC if Biden wins?

And the king of Morocco gave the Clinton Crime Foundation $13 mill just because.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Great post. Trump said he would get the best people but as you point out he did no such thing.

The Breezeisblowin
The Breezeisblowin
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Trump can win this but won’t with no stimulus deal. Mr. President,don’t let Nancy play-you like a fiddle. Tell Mitch to Give in. It’s not to late.

3 years ago

Berkshire county, 26 new Covid cases in two days, over 10 in Pittsfield alone, cases and testing are backed up.
There are cases in the schools a f the district isn’t saying a word.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  RN
3 years ago

How many hospitalized, RN?

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  RN
3 years ago

It is coming and at a time when many people feel Pittsfield is somehow immune. It is coming like a speeding train out of a dark tunnel and will catch many with a blindside they were not prepared for. Make sure you legal paperwork is in order.

Awlf Loade
Awlf Loade
Reply to  Johnny Absurds Doctor
3 years ago

Eighty percent of the kids I see wear no masks. W T h mayor?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  RN
3 years ago

How many are asymptomatic, RN?

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Do you even know what asymptomatic means?

3 years ago

If we don’t come to the realization that we have to all give up something, meet in the middle, and tackle this virus once and for all, we’re all screwed.

There’s no guarantee that a vaccine will arrive or be successful. There are plenty of viruses out there that don’t have vaccines yet.

We all need to be on the same page.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Truthsayer
3 years ago

Some people do not want to be on the same page. They, like Trump, thrive on chaos. Not great for a country but sure is fun.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
3 years ago

Jokey B apparently thinks he’s running against “George Ah.”

Limbaugh’s best show in a while today, as I can tell from the transcripts.

He lays it all out there about the election–much of which I’ve been saying in here for a while.

This segment a good place to start:

“I mean, there’s been one lie after the other. In fact, in four years, there hasn’t been a single good thing reported about Donald Trump, not a single positive thing. Stop and think of that. Those of you who are on the fence out there, if there are any of you, if you can’t make up your mind, if something’s odd, remind yourself of this. There hasn’t been one positive thing reported about President Donald Trump in a four-year span of time. It is incredible. There’s never been anything like it.”

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
3 years ago

So true Edward. Great show.

Closeup Diick
Closeup Diick
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Doom and gloom depression and despair. That’s what the president says will happen if Biden is elected. Wait a minute? Isn’t that what’s happening right now?

Reply to  Closeup Diick
3 years ago

No. Get your head outta your back nine.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Is it true that Rush has terminal cancer and if so what is the timeline? Asking for a friend.

Red Senatts
Red Senatts
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

Grandpa Munster from Alabamee is talking about transgender male parts and it’s decision to affirm Amy? Hat Senator is a goof.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
3 years ago

He didn’t come and say that in so many words, I don’t think.

“The days when I thought I did not have a death sentence are over.”

Which means he does now think he has a death sentence.

Limbaugh’s been through a few rounds of chemo treatments for lung cancer (keep smoking out there, y’all). First one or two treatments didn’t go well, then one or two worked, and then now another setback.

He describes it that he was rounding second on his way to third, but had to get back to second real quick. (Home being full recovery.) So he’s still alive, with a (slim?) chance to get home.

But I also thinks he’s been there before

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Aren’t you two the same person?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

8:06 EST

Amy Barret confirmed for SCOTUS 52-48

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Collins is done in Maine.

Murkowski don’t want to face Palin in 2 years

Salinas Stimu
Salinas Stimu
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

For a smart judge like Amy not wearing a mask tonight…ready? Does not show very good judgement. Seventy two percent of Americans would receive a stimulus of some kind, the President must think this wouldn’t get him votes?

Salinas Stimu
Salinas Stimu
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

As stated here in March. This is a pandemic. Soon to be a plague. Wear you’re Maski,wash your hands. This a Mayor here has made terrible a terrible mistake opening schools. Kids in neighborhoods walk together and play together. ,no masks. Trick or Treat is another event that should be cancelled everywhere. Restaurants is a tough one also.

Reply to  Salinas Stimu
3 years ago

Yet adults over 55 are going to work everyday throughout Berkshire County. They are the most vulnerable group for this virus, but we are protecting young teachers and students who have a very high rate of success in fighting this virus.

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

So what is missing in your understanding of this virus Pat? Younger people who have a high rate of success in fighting the virus, also have a high rate of transmitting it to others. Many times they are asymptomatic and no one suspects them of being carriers and they let their guard down. They are the trojan horse.
Until this country gets very strict (like China) this virus will be with us. Americans are too spoiled, bratty and ignorant to accept the hardships that come with a wholesale shutdown. So we will all pay a heavy long term price because there is no other way unless a super vaccine comes about. And that is a really iffy scenario.

Reply to  Johnny Absurds Doctor
3 years ago

The idea of kids being super spreaders has not been verified. That was considered back in March, but the disease wasn’t spreading in the schools. It would make more sense for older adults to be allowed to work from home if that is possible than for younger people to stay home. Herd immunity can work with younger people as more and more doctors are now saying.

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

and they have learned more about the virus since then. (well everybody except the Trump administration)

Does this Pittsfield outbreak coincide with the incubation period for local schools opening? You decide

Reply to  Johnny Absurds Doctor
3 years ago

Yes it does. School back in session, spikes in COVID. What they aren’t telling you is that 8 of the cases are directly linked to schools either students or employees.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Pat stay in you brain damaged lane. It’s been verified by two studies, the largest two studies to date that children carry huge viral loads and generally are asymptomatic.
So please STFU you complete kook.

Children are the ones bringing it hove from school and more so from on the bus.

Reply to  RN
3 years ago

How many people under the age of 19 have died in MA from Covid?

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  Hendrix
3 years ago

Better question:

How many under the age of 19 have transmitted to an older person who has died?

Reply to  Johnny Absurds Doctor
3 years ago

So we should create policy on something that we can’t obtain any data on?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  RN
3 years ago

Since you haven’t answered my questions, here’s the most recent data I asked you for;
1 person out of total Pittsfield population of 40,000 hospitalized with covid at BMC. 0 covid patients at Fairview.

So I’ll ask again Nurse Cratchit – how many recently tested positive covid cases are asymptomatic?

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Exactly what is the local criteria for testing right now? Are they only testing symptomatic people or are they testing some random folk? Because if they are only testing symptomatic people things could be much worse than we know.

Reply to  RN
3 years ago

First off, I don’t ever want you as my nurse. You are not open minded at all nor do you want to listen to the opinions of others. Secondly, we must protect the most vulnerable and that is 55 and over. Kids can be kept away from older relatives. Most parents of young children are under 55 so households with young people will be safe even if a young child does get the virus. People under 55 will be able to effectively fight it off. Flu kills people every year, but we don’t shut down our society. China is learning from our responses and if they see how effectively they can shut down a society and spread fear, they and other countries will try using these bio-weapons again.

Reply to  Salinas Stimu
3 years ago

Go hide in your basement like Biden and if you don’t starve to death, in a year or two you can return above ground. Most of us have to work to survive. It’s not just about physical health but financial, emotional and social health too, especially for the children.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

What are you talking about? The kids seem to be doing great learning on Zoom! Parents can’t work because they are teaching, students, particularly minority and low income are falling even further behind, and many of the parents businesses or those that they work for are closing.

The cost/benefit of this COVID response has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

It was great. I watched the entire event.

3 years ago

Bi-George, Biden thinks he’s running against George Bush. And Harris is a laughingstock idiot, literally. God help us if Democrats steal this election.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

I don’t know whose cackling and laughing is worse, Hillary’s or Kamala‘s.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  J2S
3 years ago

Kamala does need to control it. Not everything is funny.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Biden thinks Jamaica’s husband is her wife.

3 years ago

Giuliani unpacks the evidence against Joe Biden. YOU DECIDE!

Reply to  GMHeller
3 years ago

Those who already cast their votes for Benedict Bribem and Heels Up Harris prior to Joe’s and Hunter’s excellent adventures exposure have been asking to change their
votes to Trump.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  GMHeller
3 years ago

I HAVE DECIDED that Giuliani is a misfit tool working for Putin.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Man armed with knife, attacks police officers in Philadelphia, gets shot dead. Incident caught on body cams. BLM uses it as an excuse to riot and loot.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Open fire on all looters.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Shoot me in the leg says Biden

Corn Pop’s Shotgun
Corn Pop’s Shotgun
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Black Looters Matter

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

The word Marxism is thrown arround on this board because Fox entertainment knows you wont look up the definition.It applies to no known party.Pure capitalism does not apply to any party.Hand picked applied socialism in our capitalism is what works.Build us a aircraft carrier to defend us and we will collectively pay for it as Americans. Build us a highway and we will pay for it.Build a school and we will pay for it.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

You have to be kidding.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

A rare moment of lucidity from TSC.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
3 years ago

C’mon, man, give TSC some credit. The post was actually passably written and coherent, even with the crack about Marxism and Fox viewers.

But “Marxist” is often correct as to the granddaddy of these leftist ideas.

The key term and concept for all things Marx is “oppression.” If you ain’t rich, basically bourgeois, then you’re oppressed, unless you’re a white straight male.

Historically and currently oppressed are blacks, latinx, women, Third-Worlders, LGBTQXYZ, Native Americans, Aleuts, all indigenous peoples, non-white children, Muslims, Jews, Cubs fans. I might have missed a couple.

“Multiculturalism” I like to call “Marxiculturalism”–it covers all the oppressed.

Now, used to be in this country that everyone agreed on the essentially Lockean founding of the United States–individuals are primary and have certain inalienable rights; you know this drill, I hope.

The political differences were mainly one of degree–more individual freedom vs. a little less, or maybe more towards the community/state, or however you want to express that, a little more taxation vs. a little less, more money for defense or a little less.

Everyone agreed that the US Constitution and the founding of our country were pretty good things, things worth fighting and dying for. Everyone agreed on the ends, but argued over the means to get the best society, more just, more equal, freer.

Once you say no, the founding is unjust, fundamentally flawed, based on slavery, oppression of women and Jets fans, etc., then what do you replace it with?

Enter Herr Marx in prime position.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

And while Lenin read a book on Marx
A quartet practiced in the park (the Common)
And we sang dirges in the dark (3am at Cumby’s)
The day the music died (When Ruberto got elected)

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

What we’re dealing with these days is cultural marxism which came out of the Frankfurt school. But TSC doesn’t know the difference between cultural marxism and Harpo Marxism.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
3 years ago

Historic day yesterday for Amy Coney Barrett and the country. A fine, highly accomplished woman, mother of seven, top of her class law student, law professor, federal judge, and now SCOTUS justice.

What a great day for women and equal rights. Can attain any status they want. Break the glass ceiling. Gain positions of authority in our society. Girl power. Feminism on steroids.

And the Lamestream media spends less than a minute on the vote and swearing in, if they even mentioned it.

Wrong kind of woman, I guess. Just as Justice Thomas is the wrong kind of black guy.

So what is it really about, lefties? Equal rights and all that mess?


All about leftist ideology.

I link again to an interesting article on ACB:

Clem Kididalittlehoppin
Clem Kididalittlehoppin
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
3 years ago

The matter at hand. Someone on here close to the Trump campaign needs to tell them,that if there is no stimulus before election the President can’t win. Nancy is playing this like a fiddle,call her bluff Mitch.

Dann Diman
Dann Diman
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
3 years ago

Dan. So I called this City Councilor Yukie Cohen and wanted to ask her a question as she is supposedly an at Large C C and figured I’d throw her a bone. Because as of the last many months she’s literally done nothing,other than advance her own political asperations and self indulginence.

The message was on her machine and stated the hours of of her bar? You can’t make it up

Corn Pop’s Shotgun
Corn Pop’s Shotgun
3 years ago

Over two thousand absentee ballots that were filled out were found in the dump. A large majority 1,700 were for trump.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Corn Pop’s Shotgun
3 years ago

Well there ya go. If Trump loses then this election is not valid and he gets to stay president forever and ever. That is the only fair way to decide it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Another great one from the man who thinks/confused if: 1) he’s running for the Senate or POTUS, and 2) Trump or George Bush President:

“But my wife Jill, as you know, and Doug Emhoff, uh, Kamala’s wife, are there,” Biden continued.

Maybe in a liberal world Doug identifies himself as a “wife”?

At least this time, Joe remembered is Sister is not his Wife.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
The Carack Panthors
The Carack Panthors
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Evidentially b l m doesn’t matter in philly.

The Carack Panthors
The Carack Panthors
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Big time Philly riots tonight. And still no stimulus. Bad move Mitch.

The Carack Panthors
The Carack Panthors
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Been war
Ruching Pittsfield politics foe decades. Top three City Councilors in this order (1) Chris Connell (2) Peter Arlos (3) Tony Simonelli.

Spoaken Fuyou
Spoaken Fuyou
Reply to  The Carack Panthors
3 years ago

Dan. Has there ever been a City Councilor who has never muttered more than one sentence during their tenure as a City Councilor in your memory? Because we are currently working on it.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Spoaken Fuyou
3 years ago

“It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool.” “than to speak and remove all doubts.”

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago
Be The Change
Be The Change
3 years ago

I want my Country back.

Phil E Ryuttz
Phil E Ryuttz
Reply to  Be The Change
3 years ago

Dan. There is a scenario that I would like your opinion on? What if neither candidate reaches 270?

Whichitaw Lynemin
Whichitaw Lynemin
Reply to  Be The Change
3 years ago

I’m moving to the south sea. Me and my friend Andy Dufrane. I got this boat…….

Tenza Millyuns
Tenza Millyuns
Reply to  Be The Change
3 years ago

Why can’t the police approach these so called threats by staying in their vehicle or some kind of equipment,where they stay safe? where they could shoot them with a taser or something, to paralyze them,other than twenty rounds fired at a time. The technology has to be here by now? It would also make our officers safe from these threats.

Tenza Millyuns
Tenza Millyuns
Reply to  Be The Change
3 years ago

Maybe we can build a suit of armor out of the tired tyler garbage cans. They have to be good for something.

Hour Clagwell
Hour Clagwell
Reply to  Be The Change
3 years ago

That’s why I got Sirius xm and listen to Willie’s Place.

Last edited 3 years ago by Hour Clagwell
Reply to  Be The Change
3 years ago

You’ll loose America as we know if if dems hold the house, take the senate, and steal the white house. God help us all