(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY NOV. 18, 2020) — One of the more interesting wrinkles to emerge from THE PLANET‘s exclusive coverage of Pittsfield’s COVID-19 situation is the mention of a long-standing wife-swapping practice. The “switcheroo” gatherings have been forced into more “creative” methods for hooking up now that the mayor has shut down city restaurants, bars, and other outposts. We’re not sure which of the venues have “ring-a-ding-ding” on the menu, but we did hear from a person who from personal experience identifies a rather healthy ring operating in the Ridge Avenue-Highland Avenue-Hancock Road area. Our source calls this section of town “one of the hotbeds for this Pittsfield sport.”
Wife swapping?
THE PLANET longs for the more innocent days of pocket pool in Park Square and the 1791 Ordinance.
———- ooo ———-
Now that Mayor Tyer clamped the lock, we no longer have to figure out the score. Prior to the decree, PLANET readers had this summation. We can’t vow for verse and chapter, but it did as good a job with crossing the “i”s and dotting the “t”s as one might expect in a pandemic. In case you missed it:
So the Soldato’s are lying because the timeline and their post about closing don’t make sense when you look at their actions? Right? They closed on the 7th but took two rounds of tests which would have meant they should have been closed the last week of October if they cared about the public’s safety. They kept their N.Y. restaurant open the whole time, is it open now? The city plans to pull their licenses?
Yuki knows exactly the day she got covid but waited at least a week or more to close. She operates a bar in violation of her license and covid rules meaning she’s supposed to serve liquor only if she serves food it’s always over crowded, few wear masks, it’s a breeding ground for covid and STIs. Methuselah seems to be some sort of club for wife swappers. The Velastros are some how involved in that? The city doesn’t plan on doing anything?
Port Smits had a Halloween party because they were closing for good so there’s not going to be any punishment but maybe there were infections from that?
The place is closed for good, the city can’t do anything?
Somebody in Richmond had a party for Brooke Velastro, then they went to Mazzeo’s. Was that a wife swap party? [Just a question]. Is this the PLT connection? People in that party were sick but went out anyway. Mazzeo’s at least limited the party to 10 and kept them in a private area. Somebody complained that the party was 30 people after COVID started spreading, but that was a lie. Video and reservations prove otherwise. Was that Yuki trying to distract from her COVID and STI party? There’s nothing for the city to do because Mazzeo’s did everything right.
Proprietor’s Lodge has racked up a bunch of violations from parking, underage drinking, noise, conservation, and big parties during COVID. They’ve been punished for some but skated on others. They’ve been exposed because the owner and manager claim one thing but every picture out there shows that their claims of safely operating during COVID are a lie. They recently moved banquet tables further apart and claim that was a big investment. Will they look for some free money? Does the city plan to pull their licenses?
A lot of other restaurants have suffered because of a few bad apples. Yuki and Methuselah seem to get the biggest passes because she’s connected. Proprietor’s gets the least passes because they’ve angered an entire neighborhood and the neighborhood complains, and rightly so.
Kathy Amuso is on the licensing board yet her son had a huge Halloween party at a private residence. Was it at her house? Is he an adult or a kid? She’ll keep her job and nothing will happen to her or her son.
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Here’s a copy of the city’s latest press release related to COVID. Seems there’s another round of “free” cash about to be given away. Where did the money come from?
Gotta mirror?
City of Pittsfield Restaurant Rapid Response Grant Program
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Finally, THE PLANET had an additional conversation with Methuselah owner and councilor-at-large Yuki Cohan. Here’s what she said:
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET thanks the Yookster for keeping us in the loop.
The irony about the COVID situation is that, in this era of sophisticated, instantaneous communications systems, reliable information still extracts a premium. How serious is it? Is it in the “Biblical Plague” category or an overreaction to a bug that should have been allowed herd-immunity job on unrestricted America? Somewhere in between?
Who has the answer?
Is there even “an answer?”
“Man is not a rational animal. He is a rationalizing animal” — Robert Heinlein.
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information, hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of and contained in this notice. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer. Copyright (c) 2020 by Dan Valenti.
(Sarcasm): Here is my plan. I am going to go big this time. I am going to present my new plan to the lovely Linda Tyer and Matt Kerwood to open up a Covid19 vaccine business in the over 22-year-old polluted PEDA business park. I am going to ask the Mayor and Kufflinks for $5 million in grants, forgivable loans, and tax breaks. Do you think my plan to shakedown the Kapanski family will work? I love Pittsfield politics because if you can sell a fantasy to City Hall, you can walk away with a lot of Kapanski Ka$h! Just don’t get drunk off the PCBs-laced the Kool Aid.
Are the wife swappers required to wear masks at all times?
And how does the 6ft social distancing work with that?
only on S&M night
Take my wife, PLEASE!
Mardi Gras
Dirty bitches – ima eat @ home.
Looks like the park commission is telling the troops to leave the parks? Is it because of the cold winter ahead? I can’t believe the Board of Helath hasn’t done anything about this situation? And I like Gina. I think her hands are tied.
You nailed it,post o day! Demartino quoted cold weather,and edict is by the City. A holes.
Nothing better than a home cooked meal !
I went to a wife swapping party the other night. Came back with a great stereo.
Nice trade eh?
If people want to screw each other, married or not, in the privacy of their own home, it’s their got damn business, and the same goes for having more than 10 people over for Thanksgiving. Stop the Corona non-sense. You are now operating in the outer orbit of reasonableness Dan, with this column. I thought you’d be on the side of We The People and not Big Government. If people catch VD whoring around, or Corona, so be it. This government is the problem, not the people. Open Everything!
Shut up.
Hey, what are you jealous because you can’t get any action. If you want to hide in your own home and wear a mask at the same time, more power to ya. I’m going out and getting laid.
Reminds me of this old story:
The old bull and the young bull were standing at the top of the hill overlooking a paddock of many gorgeous young heifers. The young bull said, “Let’s charge down the hill, knock over that fence and service one of those heifers each”. The old bull
wisely replied, “Why don’t we saunter down the hill, open the gate, take a sip at the water trough and then service ALL of those heifers?”
What a gentleman that old bull is
the hell with the democrats and republicans. I’m gonna join the sex party.
You can’t handle the truth. And the truth is, the government is infringing on our constitutional rights in a big way. The constitution can never be suspended, in good time, or in bad. Perhaps if you move to Pennsylvania where the governor has ordered everyone to wear a mask in their own home, you will feel better. Wake up, before America as we know it, is gone forever.
Don’t let them make you or your kids wear that damn seat belt either. And I run up and down my cellar stair with sissors whenever I feel like it. Not gonna be telling this macho guy what ta do.
you’re right, you ARE absurd! and uninformed as well. Now KNEEL DOWN AND LICK THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU Slave!
Living in fear of health advice
I’d like to have 10 ladies over for Thanksgiving, in violation of Tyer’s orders, and have myself a 10some. Perhaps Dan can give me some names and number from his secret sources, for the invites.
I think if you sit at the bar, they come to you.
How stupid can you be?
It’s you damn fools who are okay with the government telling you what kind of toilet paper to use and how much, that are stupid enough to sit home and wear a mask, or wear one driving alone, and let your fellow citizens go out of business and let your neighbors children suffer while the country is shut down over this. Open Everything!
My plumber told m to use only 1ply tp…who the hell does he think he is…..My rights are going away….everyone be very afraid…buy 2 ply
use plywood Stu
Where do you get your information?Your not even aware of whats happening out there.
Exactly! You can tell the lack of oxygen going to their brain is already effecting them in a big way, can’t you? Very unhealthy and affords no benefit health wise. Ask Fauci. He knows and stated as much before it was to his advantage in the billions of dollars to say otherwise. Its like trying to stop a mosquito with chain link fence, figure it out. Theyre all laughing at you, and justifying your imminent demise because youre such dumb sheep too. See their own plan in the white papers if you doubt it for a minute, they don’t hide it. They put it out and then, when no one fights back, they move forward feeling very justified from your silent consent. They COUNT on a certain level of ignorance and refusal to assert your rights out of lack of awareness of them. And hurrah, you’ve exceeded even their most hopeful expectations! Good, slaves!
you are SO RIGHT! WTF is WRONG with you people? its the FREAKING FLU. Hello? Apparently youre oblivious to the hundreds of thousands of actual experts (not government f’ing SHILLS like fauci and gates who have motivation in the BILLIONS to lie and lie BIG, who both have criminal histories and records of malfeasance galore) who have stated in the the great BARRINGTON DELCLARATION and similar declarations worldwide by immunologist, virologists, etc. stating THERE IS NO COVID 19 DANGER. Can you not put this very simple puzzle together for yourselves and see its a huge PLOY to destroy what remains of the middle class and to make everyone completely dependent on government and soon there will be a huge move to depopulate this country and most others especially developed countries (see the Deagle report) I never thought in a million years AMERICANS could be so easily and completely manipulated by MSM and others who have clearly stated their evil goals and the means by which they plan to implement them in advance. Snap out of it! Whats worse is they don’t even need to worry about strong arming people into submission they have YOU TO DO IT FOR THEM!! You are some sorry excuses for citizens of this once great country. Your ignorance and desire to OUT-KAREN each other is shameful and a sorry end for this, the most free and successful, wealthiest healthiest most innovative and generous country in the history of the world. You should open your minds, educate yourselves and figure it out!
You can only have swinging parties of 10 or less sex partners. More than 10, and Tyer will send the gestapo for you. So when the eager beaver cops arrive to apply the cuffs , better hide in the attic like Anne Frank. Wake Up America.
Will Barry be doing 3 a.m. surveillance?
Who buys coffee at 3 @ M. Truckers?
Are you a swinger if you screw all the taxpayers in Pittsfield?
On the nosey! (almost)
I’m telling you that Joke is trying get Trump to reverse the ban on funding for abortions for overseas US government personnel, but it it goes deeper than that:
But as long as Don Giuseppe funnels enough money to the Church, like the Kennedys, he’s a fine Catholic.
Trump seems to have everything under control. Never seen so many happy satisfied people in America. Can we keep this guy or what? He may even start a war to help the economy. MAGA
He is the one jeopardizing his life to END wars that were started by your buddies in blue, and the bushs. Same thing. Swamp creatures, all. The same military industrial complex warned of and secret societies spoken of by Eisenhower and Kennedy, (and for which JFK was killed) haven’t you heard? He’s ending Afghanistan finally. Didn’t Obummer promise to do that? His first move was to remove the sunsets (which would end) the patriot act. He was a huge huge help to the black community too, wasn’t he? WRONG. He went around talking this country down, showing just how vulnerable we are to the world. The CCP let him sit on Air Force One and refused to roll out a carpet. They cussed him and laughed at him openly. Yet you gaffers just LOVE Obummer. Hes a traitor like BUSH/CLINTON and the other teflon criminals which is why he is so hated. Get a grip.
Tell Governor Gretchen in Mi. Trumps coming with a vaccine just like he promised. Hold on to your ass Governor or do you want to shut down the damn state?
Dont get me started on Catholics. Organized 501(C)3 churchs in general. Please!
For those of you actually allowed to work, hope you all had a safe drive in. Seems like they thought it would be a good idea for everyone to drive on a sheet of ice today.
Maybe it would be safer to get Covid and stay home 2 weeks, then risk driving on these roads all winter.
Almost everyone is working.
Will the local newspaper have results from the Sport F’ing going on around here in the, Local Sports section listing who as the most swaps, schedules etc..?
Oh, real important, they need to report who might be on the DL because of STD’s .
Trump is 1 for 25 at the plate.Hes getting a legal beatdown all over the country.Linda Graham will be charged for his tampering in Georgia voting.
Fake news pal. There is tremendous evidence of voting irregularities, and thousands of found ballots in Georgia, never counted. Biden may be the victor but this election was anything but fair, from the MSM reporting fake news, and ignoring real news on Hunter Biden, to dead people voting, and balloting harvesting, the whole thing was an orchestrated theft.
So ,Councilor Moon wants to make sure that more people of Color are hired un the Pittsfield School System, then states that if there is a down turn that they might be laid off first,and mighty the first to go because of tenure? She hinted hat we need to change that?
Doesn’t she know there are contracts in place? That the Schools have Unions? Why do they need to ask the Schools to do that?
Many of us think we could use less councilors, especially the kind that are there for their own self fullfillment. So if we got rid of the ones there for their own personal benefit would Moon still be there?
Would Yuki or Large Pete?
She a progress left wing nut shot, and a moon bat to boot.
He heh, heh he,heh heh. Phony all day long. Helen weren’t you in a Union? Earth to a Moon? Earth h to Moon?
another unrepentant moron
How many ballots did they find?
Tell us more.
Boo Hoo Hoo. You’re just a sucker and a loser!
Please point to the evidence
Where?This info is stupid.You lost.Trump cant win.Maybe he can oull off a coup if the stupids support overthrowing America fo Putin.Trump will try because he is crazy.Trump brought CRYBABY to the tough republican snowflakes
School committee? You people have shown how much you value your jobs and the welfare of the kids, too. Just keep collecting checks and demand to stay home so you don’t have to work anymore. Youre sealing your own fate kids will be educated by ONE PERSON online in the future while you are likely going to be landfill with the rest of us USELESS EATERS. Trump is tampering? talk about alternate reality!! Even YOU don’t believe that trash talk! Evidence shows the exact opposite. They admit it in their own texts, their own speeches, their own emails, on audio recordings on video recordings, in white papers where they lay out their plans, and there is black box type record of the fraud so keep yourself talked into whatever fantasy youre trying to cling to there is nothing to support your ridiculous claim.
Mayor is giving more money to her clique. Bravo. Meanwhile, Police no longer enforce traffic laws. Mentally ill folks wandering the streets disrupting taxpayers lives, and the Police find it funny, that is if they even show-up. Their famous response to taxpayers, “oh, they are a frequent flyer”. DPW states that there is no one available to enforce garbage laws such as residents piling mounds of garbage on the street, 4 days before collection for the whole neighborhood to look at. Thought the City had garbage rules, another law not enforced. All those new white City trucks that drive around all day but no one to monitor the garbage in the streets. Guess the taxpayers bought these new trucks so they could install empty parkletts and white large tooth picks on North Street. The Pittsfield Pissin priest gets arrested on Elm Street but folks can take a dump on North Street. The Health Department neglects to monitor filthy dirty stores and neglects to trace Covid. It has been over 3 years since the White Terrace apartment building fire and the City allows this dilapidated building to serve as a drug haven. The Licensing Board goes into hiding when CERTAIN establishments break rules. One of the really bitchy members allows her son to have a huge party, spreading the virus. The Parks Commission is more worried about evicting 12 homeless folks living at Springside Park, but they allow huge unmasked soccer, skate park and baseball games to go on with no social distancing and better yet allows the Mayor’s Star Dance-A-Thon. So miss the Pittsfield I grew up in. The past 5 years Pittsfield has rapidly declined, wonder why? I am a very Tired Tyer Taxpayer.
She’s the worst mayor since Hideaway, who said the shootings were “an abberation”
Yeah, I heard that. On the Planets radio show. No less.
I remember it well. I grilled Hathaway on rising crime. No, she proclaimed. There is no rise. It’s an “aberration.” That was the moment she became a one-term wonder.
Yea. A one term wonder. I wonder how she ever got elected.
But I thought Tyer wasn’t going to stand for crime??? Did she make that central to her campaign? And isn’t it worse now than ever???
She is not going to stand for it in enclosed communities. But she is happy to sit down and put her feet up for the rest of the city.
She wants a new police station as well as a hot needed mega bucks new water plant,that will will solve the problems. Wrong on both.
Where is all this crime?
Key word! Campaign.
One more item happening in Pittsfield Dysfunctional Junction. Why with all the new City vehicles taxpayers have purchased are they utilizing empty school buses to deliver lunches? Real cost efficient, huh Mayor?
If this is your only place to bash the mayor at any given time you’ve probably made your point and the only thing that you accomplish is your cheerleaders who happen to agree with this style of complaining but not doing anything will give you another virtual pat on the back. Do something if you are so smart! Maybe run for office? Or maybe you have ? the latter is my guess.
Running for office isn’t a requirement to expect better from those who choose to run.
AI went to the grocery store.All masked but the morons who dont know its one way traffic. They need to learn what arrows mean.Dumb really really dumb.
You prove that.
Do you know what the arrows mean at the storeToup ?
Hey TSC,
Apply for the arrow police post at your local supermarket. Oh, the markets have better lane markings than the city does.
The wrong way people seem nice enough but do not seem like they are aware.There was only 1 dope going up and down the isle without a mask
The approach of BHS is to send you home with COVID unless you are at deaths door. It keeps the numbers down, it keeps the hospital open, keeps elective surgery happening, keeps the money rolling in.
They had one of, if not the youngest COVID patient in MA in their care and they sent her home, only to have her have to come back.
Would BHS have any liability sending someone home who really should be admitted? I would think admitting sick patients would be good for business, but I guess it doesn’t seem that way?
Elective surgeries are the money maker. Covid patients just burn up PPE and staff. They also risk every other patient in the hospital MERSa, SARS, Staph, Covid all spread though hospitals. Our first big cluster was the BMC cluster.
Admitting contagious sick people drives down revenue.
At some point too many covid in the hospital and all but emergency services close. If the admit and discharge Covid patients it looks good in the stats, like the are cured so idiots like fritz can have covid conspiracy wet dreams
Not sure how long you have been there, but cold Ethel was the body the doctors practiced on while I was there.
You are not talking about necrophilia I hope.
RN, alias Nurse Cratchit, you are such a fraud.
Stop the fear-mongering.
The Feds’ own data shows 99.9% of children fully recover from covid.
Masks are useless. Try to keep up with the facts RN.
Fritz just say you wont wear a mask in the store.That means your a republican in one of their fringe groups.Does not matter which group as they are all crazy…..A mask is very effective.
Gee, Gov. Newsom & CA medical officials don’t seem to be at all concerned about covid!
The thing is that people and business s and govt. entities who lie or mislead people usually get outed. And then as word gets around less and less people want to avail themselves of your product or services. They just don’t trust ya anymore cuz they don’t feel safe if ya lied to em ya see. And it does not matter if you run a newspaper or hospital or you are a mayor or used car salesman. People be sensitive to being disrespected. Ya see.
Trump lies then misleads to sardine rally
What’s a “sardine rally”, TSC?
Sounds fishy to me.
Its when they pack them in like sardines at a rally.You know sardine rally
Not as packed as the commie riots all spring and summer long
If you really are a registered nurse, which based on your ridiculous comments I now seriously doubt, you would know that the vast majority of ALL covid positive patients who present in ANY Emergency Department at ANY hospital are sent home and not admitted. And if you had really read the story about the 2-year-old, it clearly said they went back because she had developed a fever, which is also common and does not necessarily require admitting to a patient unit. We get it, you hate BHS, but at least do your due diligence and look at the statewide numbers – are ALL hospitals now lying about their admissions? Is the State DPH in cahoots with all of them? BMC had virtually no inpatients with COVID for months when the curve was being flattened, and now have 10 in the hospital. Those 10 were admitted within the last few weeks. Only 1 is in the ICU, which means the other 9 are not ‘at death’s door,’ but do require inpatient care. Sorry to see that your college course on infectious disease were so limiting.
Thanks, BULL.
Here you go Dan.
That wasn’t followed for that little girl and the admission of standard of care failure is BMC then decided to change the admission and observation on children to three days.
No, that’s Bull!
I’m calling you out on your Bull$hit
The standard of care for pediatric Covid patients under 5 is to keep them in the hospital for observation for at least two days. For a child as young as 2 it would be longer. Why is that because their viral load can triple and quadruple in that time, their fever can spike, they can go into realities failure. If you were a nurse or any medical professional you’d know that
She was sent home with Tylenol and Motrin because she came in WITH A FEVER.
As to being in ICU, we have very few ICU beds for the population, the others are step down CCU. The other 9 require supportive care beyond just observation so yes they are not close to being out of the woods, and will vacillate greatly between the type of care.
If the hospital was doing its job, there’d be easily double the number of patients, we have a high readmission rate due to Covid because they send patients home too fast. Why because you hit that number of inpatient Covid patients and the hospital moves away from the money maker, elective surgeries and procedures.
If you think any “not for profit” hospital cares more about your health then they do their bonus packages you’d be wrong
If BHS cared, they would have followed the protocols in March and not put us on the map as a Covid cluster.
RN = disgruntled union leader.
Angry white male, late 40’s to early 60’s in age, no kids, or kids flew the coup. Likely married once and unhappily, or divorced. Chronic case of Knowitallitis. Probably not a medical professional, but perhaps gets his info from one. Suffers from grandios thoughts but low self esteem, henceforth the constant put downs of other posters.
Any now comes the part where RN replies and calls you names with $ $ signs in them, instead of letters, to get past Dan’s filters, just like he does to Fritz and Phil, two of the few people left on this blog that haven’t drunk the kook aid.
‘Being Blamed’ is unfounded according to Yuki. Dear Yuki – yea it is true anyone can walk into your establishment with Covid THAT IS WHY THE STATE REGS THAT YOU IGNORED were put in place. There is a logician connection to your actions and the outcome of more Covid spreading.
Also, that is why you were supposed to check IDs and not let drugs be sold at your bar because then bad things happen. Again, there is a logical connection to actions or omissions that make you connected to the negative outcome.
I know you are good at WHAH WHAH and boo hoos but take some freaking responsibility. Oh right you refuse to and won’t be expected to.
I can’t wait for Yadumb’s post today.
Ya dumb if you do.
My favorite post of the weeks is Melle’s about the ‘Innovation’ Center making their own Covid vaccine. It might just be dirty water from Silver Lake but it will cost the taxpayers a mint!
And if it goes to City Council it’s a given.
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Speaking of local eateries, what’s up with this iBerkshires article.
It’s something you OTTO check out 😉
Who’s Lukas? You’d be surprised how many teens and young adults check out those sights. It’s unavoidable.
This “article” is absolutely horrifying. This is beyond anti-business and after this I truly fear for this cities local business who have carried our city and county for years. To slander so many local businesses during a global pandemic, a time that has closed the doors of thousands of businesses around the world is truly more of a shame than anything that has been stated in these articles.
I am not sure of what mr Valentis goal is, but if he is interested in making a change in our city, I pray he takes a more professional approach. These articles have done absolutely nothing but shame small businesses and individuals who are simply trying to survive. While I believe some are more at fault than others, and there is definitely a level of corruption behind the scenes of our city in favoring certain businesses over others. I truly can’t think of a worse way to have gone about this.
I have always been so proud of growing up in a city known for supporting small local businesses and not letting chains and franchises overtake us. But now after reading these articles and regretfully reading the comments, I am truly ashamed.
Berkshire county is not the place for such an anti-businesses mindset. I pray that it will survive these horrific times, especially after this negativity.
For all those in these comments spewing nothing but hate and slander, these businesses are the reason you’re city has thrived in the past, it would be no where close to where it is today without them. While we should all continue to social distance as much as possible and be careful, let’s not forget, businesses don’t spread a virus, people do.
My goal is what it has always been since I started in the news business: to present honest information, act as a conduit for same, and do my best to present the “truth” of a story (including accuracy in tone to reflect a story’s context and environment). A story such as COVID involves many different “takes” with multiple points of view. Add a lot of frustration and anger on the part of the public, one that feels ripped off and “used,” and you get the current climate. THE PLANET has shamed no one, and you have no reason to be ashamed. The “anti-business climate” of which you speak has nothing to do with THE PLANET but everything to do with a full generation of dysfunctional, disinterested city politics stemming from the time GE pulled up stakes. You comment about “survival” is well taken. Pittsfield has reached a tipping point. Thanks for the push-back, which helps present a more complete picture. As I’ve said before, should you wish to comment at length, write a column for us and submit it.
With all do respect, you are contradicting yourself. you are posting illegitimate and non factual information to the general public who are unaware of the truth of a lot of these stories, so how is that “truth” This is why this is irresponsible. I understand you are providing information, but just by dropping a name or business in such a damning article can be damaging, as we can clearly see. So please make sure things are factual and proven before planting an idea into the public’s head. Things are tough enough right now as it is. The planet may not have poor intentions and I chose to believe that, but when you use your platform to post slanderous commentary, you are ultimately responsible for the spread of misinformation.
No contradiction whatsoever. Notice how I’m going with what inside sources say. You sound like an inside source yourself. You are free to contact me with any factual information. We’re open 24/7 for business. We stand by what we present — yes, taking responsibility. Thanks, again.
What’s anti business is a mayor who coddles her clique and hands out money to only a select group of friends.
What’s anti business is a mayor and city inspectors who target only certain businesses and let other ones off Scott free.
What’s anti business are places like Meth, proprietors lodge, zucchini’s, and roasted garlic who put profits over public safety.
They ruined the restaurant industry in Pittsfield again.
People at greedy businesses spread the virus.
And if the mayor ignores bad behavior because she is buddies with certain business folk she is part of the problem. A large part of the problem.
Also, I find it fascinating that the Tyer and Moon crowd howl to the heavens about diversity and how everyone needs to be included. But at the same time they are playing favorites by coddling special interest people. So that whole “inclusive” mantra is bullshit as far as I am concerned.
Wait, what? These businesses are the reason the city thrived in the past? Funny, I don’t recall Methuselah and Proprietors being around during the glory days of Pittsfield. These are relatively new businesses that screwed up and because of that will impact many of the businesses that have been in Pittsfield for a long time. Methuselah for example has gotten break after break along with collecting a shit ton of public money in the process. That isn’t a business that helps the community thrive, it is a leach.
You will find ample support on this forum for businesses that do it the right way without sucking up tons of public money in the process. Look at your long standing Pittsfield businesses that did things the right way, worked harder when the Pandemic started, and didn’t stand in line for a handout. Those are the businesses that you should be flocking to right now.
Bersteins set the bar for leeches but then along came Stannley and it was off to the races. Now the leeches prefund the campaigns of the people they feel will help them fleece the public. Then the politicians raise the taxes exhorbitantly with the sole purpose of funding handouts to the leeches in a one hand washes the other policy. Follow the money and trace it back.
A forensic audit would peel this rotten onion and expose much of this but no current politio is going to help this happen but rather fight like holy hell to prevent it. And no newspaper or other media downstream of this largess is going to help either.
Speaking of wife swapping, wasn’t this a city hall thing not so long ago? Somewhere in some other city that lacks the kind of collaboration we have in Pittsfield?
So was there a murder in Pittfield last week or not? Did not read anything in any paper but crime map suggests the possibility. Do we just not mention stuff like that anymore or what?
The mayor has a lockdown on that info. JA. Thanks for bringing that up as I forgot about that. Maybe that’s the goal ?
Not a murder, somebody fell on a bullet
Was it intentional? Cuz that might make it suicide?
The bullets have been fully examined,shot spotter,ten cops and detectives at the scenes. Of course the perps are always s long gone when they get there.
Limbaugh today, 2 pm hour.
Lin Wood and Sidney Powell out there quite far on this election fraud and saying they have abundant evidence.
Gotta be something to this.
“They don’t want Geraldo’s vault,” referring to Geraldo’s big buildup for Capone’s vault that supposedly held all sorts of money and swag.
Big bomb.
Wood and Powell wouldn’t set themselves up for that kind of thing.
Wood a “no joker guy. Integrity impeccable.”
Wood says Trump won a 70% landslide and 400+ electoral votes.
Where was the support for Biden? In the basement. Zero.
Trump draws 57K, Biden 57 cars. A Biden win makes no sense, certainly not 77+ million votes??!?!?!
“More reasonable to think Trump won a huge landslide than” Biden winning at all.
People ginned up by lamestreamers to think Trump would lose by 8, 10, or more points.
“All commonsense evidence points to a big Trump win.”
What candidate ever drew Trump’s crowds?
They stopped counting the vote! when Trump up by 800K in PA. Then, shazam! all these votes for Biden.
More votes than people alive in some places, i.e., Detroit.
“No way GOP wins everywhere else down the ballot . . . pro-life women going to the House, not establishment types . . . that’s Trump’s agenda . . . How in the world does the guy at the top of the ticket lose? It’s not possible.”
“Dims resent elections. They think they’re beneath them. . . . It’s an insult to them.” So just fix them.
“The Constitution and the integrity of elections is what matters here, not who wins. . . . If this system is not fixed, it is over.”
“Has to be investigated. Someone authoritative must rule on this. SCOTUS?”
“They’re intimidating Republicans to change their votes out of fear in Detroit . . . Giving up the GOP win in MI.”
Called two GOP Wayne County “racists.” That did it.
Media montage: “Disenfranchising . . . black voters.”
Some Dim: “Stain of racism will follow you throughout history. Like Bull Conner, George Wallace.”
Charlie Cook–wrong as hell. 27 House races listed at toss-ups. GOP won all 27!!
But pollsters did their job!
Sidney on Newsmax last night: CIA involved in the election fraud.
Powell: Trump “had at least 80 million votes.”
Those two Wayne County Republicans grow their balls back:
Glad to see someone stand up to the New Stalinism.
Hey all you boys and dirty girls happy hump day!
I’m not sure about this wife swapping thing, it all seems so seemly!
Who had any idea this was all going on, certainly not me and the Mrs. hashtag winkyface
Look Yuki’s a good girl, she’d never do anything wrong, at least in her mind. You guys should get off her back. I’m serious. You can hurt your back.
Covid is really bearing down, now little kids are getting it. Kids two years old, god bless that little girl and I wish for her speedy and full recovery.
It does put a damper on all those mask haters and DESE and DEEC folks who say no masks for the little ones. Little kids are gross and they eat boogers.
The homeless in the park all scattered when they heard the city was gonna clamp down. They went deeper in the woods and are squatting in some abandoned buildings off of Tyler and in the Morningside area.
We have lots of room in our house but we only like the homeless that are rich and clean and into a little kink. If you have a “peg leg” give me a jingle, I’m up for it.
To those complaining about speed bumps in town, not us. We had two junkies die and one dealer get shot. Drive around the bodies until their frozen. Also just pretend they aren’t there.
Who knows how to read the Pittsfield Covid Dashboard? Does is suggest that 170 Pittsfield households are in quarantine?
There are two numbers, both are wrong for Pittsfield.
Household under quarantine shows 170 it’s more like 260
Active cases should be closer to 400, they keep coding out of state people living in their second homes as “unknown”.
Planet is simply the best blog in the Country!
Thank you Mayor for the Vigilant advice,hippocrite.
Thank you foer the clarification. By low balling the numbers they give people a false sense of security and they get more careless which feeds right into the virus wheelhouse. But that is America today.
R N good job! But ask yourself? If the Mayor is-parading her dance moves at a public event, ,democratic Huki lau with a lot of people,isn’t it ones nature to do as she is doing? Even the D A was there. Come on Chris Cuomo!
If a Pittsfield resident gets covid on cape cod they will assign it to a Pittsfield positive.If you get it in Pittsfield and live in Boston it will be a Boston resident positive.
Any covid at the Pokey as in the staff? or that’s off limits and just keep the conversation on the lurid details of new show wives of Pittsfield
Hey,Helen thanks for walking the picket line with us. We know you didn’t do it for political purposes.
By the way the Union and collective bargaining agreement got us a nice raise and better benefit package.
We have a little bad news fo you though. One of our lower tenured workers is going to bump you because her color, even though you have five times the tenure. Sorry Helen,you’re being laid off.
November 18, 2020
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
The entire Berkshire delegation to Beacon Hill’s State House (Tricia Farley Bouvier, Smitty Pignatelli, John Barrett III, and Paul Mark) and State Senate (Adam Hinds) voted for abortion as state law via a budget rider. Their vote is veto-proof if Governor Charlie Baker vetoes the budget rider making abortion state law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I support a woman’s right to choose an abortion free of government criminal penalties within existing limited-abortion-rights policies, but I also believe that to make such a major law via a budget rider is wrong. Beacon Hill should not make laws via budget riders, especially big women’s health issues like abortion. Instead, the Boston-based lawmakers should have to hear public input and hold public hearings. Laws impact people’s lives. It is important for state Legislators to communicate with their constituents and the news media about the laws they pass. I dissent against the process of passing major laws via budget riders!
Best wishes,
Jonathan Melle
Here are the links I used to find out how Adam Hinds, Tricia Farley Bouvier, Smitty Pignatelli, John Barrett III, and Paul Mark voted on making abortion state law in Massachusetts via a budget rider.
State House of Representative vote:
I hope every single person who voted to authorize the murder of unborn children rots in hell and dies prematurely.
Obama is going on his own personal apology tour before the larger worldwide apology tour of the Biden administration. Obama apologizing for calling half of the country “bitter people who cling to their guns and God”. That really bothered him apparently, but what really bothered him even more is losing votes for his far left globalist ambitions. Globalists want to change our monetary systems to one form of currency. This will mean people with savings in this country will lose money because our dollar will need to decrease in value for whatever form of currency they choose to be on an even playing field with the rest of the world.
And you can bet your honky white ass he be tellin Kamala how to run da country yo. Ya feel what I’m sayin bro?
Will Trump be apologizing for the pandemic genocide he fomented? Remember when he said he could kill someone on the street and get away with it? Well, now he is intent on wiping out granparents in America. He calls it WOGPIA and it is his 2024 campaign slogan, according to Hannity.
Republicans all bought in
We can rest easy because Biden, if he wins, will complete the sellout to China and complete the management of the decline started by Obummer.
The two will team up on an around-the-world tour bashing the United States.
This virus is chewing up America today and will do so for some time. On the other hand life is almost normal in China as schools are open, children play outside, business s operate normally, hospitals are doing normal surgerys, colleges are teaching and sports venues are full of fans. They are building new roads and bridges and dams.
I wonder what they did differently.
They lie very well. State run media in China is where our country will be in 10 years if we continue down this Marxist path. Europe is having a terrible time from the virus, but our own state run media hides that fact. China is NOT to be trusted except by the Marxists in this country who trust them totally.
10 years? We’re there now!
I agree Edward Murrow. Also China uses brutal tactics of limiting freedoms to bring this virus under control. In true Communist style they have been boarding up people in their houses and dead bodies were removed weeks later. You can stop a virus really quickly with such brutal tactics, but so far we haven’t gone that insane in this country, but give it time if the far left is in charge.
Old old Fox view
Where is the great President Trump on helping states fight the pandemic.Where is Mike Pence on the pandemic ?Where are those scared republican Senators on helping their states fight the pandemic.
Why would Trump prevent Biden from getting pandemic plans to help America.Why are republicans letting Rudy embarras Americans. There must be SOMETHING ELSE going on.
Picture this. A guy is running for president and in an effort to drum up votes he packs his followers and potentil voters into tight venues during a pandemic and discourages mask wearing or social distancing. His opposition decides to be more cautious because to them wearing a mask seems like the sensible thing to do.
Many of the jammed in no masks voters get sick and die or cannot make it to the polls. The healtheir mask wearers make it to the polls in droves and are sucessful electing their candidate.
Then the guy who shit in the face of the people he wanted to support him is schocked that he did not get more votes. The good news is that he will be running again in four years which gives him plenty of time to hustle them out of their hard earned money just like most big time preachers do. The bad news is that many of his potential voters will be dead having died of the virus he told them not to be afraid of.
Put on a mask,distance,wash and get to baseball season with our vaccine so we can enjoy The 4th of July.Its up to the fringe republicans weather we make it the next 6 months.Republicans dont believe in America and choose to split it in two and tear it down Putin has a great successful plan.
Putin has a hand in this chaotic dismantling of America. But, he never thought it would be so freaking easy.
Jacobs Pillow will leverage this “electrical fire” into an insurance and go fund me meal ticket.
Yuki, a board member, will offer to hold a gala of at her bar for 200 of her closest personal friends and lovers.
Water pumps now working, down season with no revenue, have an old venue that’s worth more on paper than in real life. It’s a fire sale
I was disgusted with the Parks Commission when I read in iBerkshires that they had the Blue Lives Matter flag removed from Park Square.
Contrary to what the commissioners would have us believe, the “intent” of these flags has NOT changed. I consider “police” and “military” in the same category PROTECTING OUR LIVES!
Correction: I mean the Blue LINE flag representing our POLICE. Sorry, really big mistake.
Gutless cowards
School Administrators went to Halloween parties.How was this OK.The children have sacrificed but school professionals partied.One was head of health and safety.Just ask Joe Curtis to confirm.He will or he will deny it.
Joe a great job. Krist he can’t be everywhere? Why is Pete Whites Facebook glorifying the Mayor? Let’s see who funded his campaign in the past? Oh the nepotism !
Off topic. Noticed a bunch of fires lately and many unknown reason? Buildings,businesses and such,and homes also. Many years ago there was a year or summer of fires in this city almost weekly. I believe this was in the Seventies- early Eightys,I could be wrong on the date. Are there any older fire fighters out there or anyone on this blog that remembers that particular year? If so,let it fly. Here.Thanks!
Times are tough for businesses. Arson’s are one of the hardest crimes to prove, for obvious reasons. Do the math.
The savings-you could make from the water plant will-pay for a new Police station. That’s if defund police is still on the table.
It was all about the kids. That’s what they say no matter what happens.
Presser today at noon:
Go Trump Go!
Opening arguments in United States v. Dimorat POS Stalinists et al.
I heard only a bit on Limbaugh. Not sure who else covered it. Fox, I think.
Will report when I watch it all.
Sidney Powell: Una mujer en fuego.
“During the press conference on Thursday Attorney Sidney Powell weighed in on the Dominion-Smartmatic servers that were reportedly confiscated in Germany.
Good call on this. My report of the presser is in the meat grinder, but I didn’t note this.
District Attorney Harrington has committed multiple campaign violations and has been notified by the Mass. office of campaign finance. This followed notices on three occasions. After review, she has been notified future such violations will be referred to the Office of the Attorney General. I bring this up as a matter of public record here since there appears to be nowhere else to do so. Link to letter:
The Eagle was probably going to print that but you beat them to it.
Or maybe not.
I hope Heather Bellow does the investigation
They should put “mistakenly” in quotes.
She made that “mistake” like she “mistakenly” hasn’t tried a case yet.
Like she “mistakenly” didn’t pay her taxes for three years.
Like she “mistakenly” didn’t pay her speeding ticket.
Like she “mistakenly” was driving on a suspended license.
This looks more like “mistakenly” laundering money.
Will she claim she “mistakenly” used her State office, computers, phones, copiers, and staff to run her campaign when Moonshot drops a dime?
No DA Harrington, I “mistakenly” had those drugs on me.
This woman is an embarrassment to the county, her profession, and to any sensible person out there. Get her out of office.
Watch Andy or Andrea will be incredulous that they have to address this, they will concoct a story how it was Moonchild’s fault, “mistakes were made”, “I’m a low rate lawyer not an accountant”, “I left finance issues in the hands of my campaign staff”, “I was not personally involved in day to day financial decisions”
“I’m not a crook”.
Take your pick.
Harrington is apparently going to try her first murder case. What would be the upside of that? The least qualified worst lawyer in the office is risking having a killer go free. It baffles.
She was going to practice in traffic court but they thought that might be the “wrong way” for Harrington to start learning the court system.
Many thanks EW. Once again, through the miracle of timely communication that only THE PLANET allows among all local media, this site, through one its astute readership, breaks a significant story. Prediction: This story will now be covered by The Boring Broadsheet, which must once again play catch-up and “me too” with THE PLANET!
Squeaky Harrington
Wrong Way Harrington
Campaign Finance Fraud Harrington
Let’s add
Former DA Harrington to that so she can go back to yoga class.
To all you Lefty Loonies who voted for this Pop Tart Harrington Shame on You. The position of District Attorney is for honorable and qualified people. She is neither. Her case experience would fit on a post-it note. During the short time she has been in the position she has driven without a valid license, owes on taxes, and now has broken campaign finance laws. Probably somebody from her high school or college days would say she was as sharp as a butter knife back in the day. This George Soros funded plan of reimagining our Judicial System is certainly headed for failure. Talk to any frustrated Law Officer. I doubt very much the husband of the DA even lets her attempt to balance the checkbook. As I have said before if You Lefty Elitists could somehow put Country first our American way of life will extend for future Generations,
That’ll go the way of Red Sox Ruberto’s slap on the wrist for getting free tickets.
Think of all the money they could get if they put the homeless people up in the jail. Those people could be used as slave laborers for the cotton fields, no the cannabis industry. Lettuce all be friends. Seeing how the Constitution doesn’t apply to us here in the Berkshire.
How much do the taxpayers pay for rent for the building all those Park Square flags are stored in? And ya know, I might not have gotten into the Verterans day spirit if there were any less than 200 flags.
L O B ….Low Energy Biden. He’s depressing.
Low Low Energy Joe. He looks like he wants to take a nap.
And while he does,
President Harris will be looking for a way to make BLM a government agency.
Giuliani et al. press conference, November 19, 2020:
Rudy, Sidney, Jenna Ellis, Joseph DiGenova, Boris Epstein, and one more chick lawyer.
Rudy starts:
Trump up 800K in PA election night–almost statistically impossible to reverse this by the next morning.
Not just one state–many states “almost exactly the same pattern.” A plan from a centralized place, easy for a prosecutor to see.
Cities with a long history of corruption
Philly–corrupt for last 60 years. Cheated in just about every single election.
All these cities controlled by Dims–can do whatever they want, control police, judges, etc.
PA: now Biden up 69,140 votes. Up to 682,770 ballots with affidavits that they were not observed.
Everyone, even the NY Times, knows that mail-in ballots are bad news. Fraud-city.
Joke Biden: “I have the best voter fraud team in the world.”
Pushed out GOP inspectors. Even Third World countries have inspectors, for Christ’s sake!
GOP and Dim inspectors are allowed to watch. Once outer envelope is trashed, no way to trace the ballot. Could have been Mickey Mouse or same person thirty times.
GA recount will tell us nothing because of mail-in ballot fraud–no signatures.
PA 682,770 ballots cannot be counted. Different methods of counting in different places in PA–gin up Dim votes, trash GOP votes. Clear violation of the equal protection clause.
Pittsburgh and Philly–allowed Dims to “cure” their ballots, but not GOP voters.
Hundreds if not thousands of witnesses.
In Pittsburgh, 15,000 provisional ballots–show up to vote, “You already voted.” {Someone in said in here that they encountered this in the Pitts.}
If no one registered, just assign it to someone. If they show up, provisional ballot.
60 people are lying about this?
Biden a criminal–no one asks him any questions.
Michigan–found an honest Dim who said she cheated. Jesse Jacob. Detroit. Affidavit.
The lamesteam coverage of this whole thing as dishonest as the fraud.
Can’t name many people because they will be threatened and harassed and fired.
Lamestream censorship makes it worse.
Ms. Jacobs was trained to cheat–predate mail-in ballots. “I was told to adjust the date. I witnessed workers going over to voting booth and coaching them for whom to vote.”
“You’re lying if you say there is no evidence.”
Instructed not to ask for ID. Illegals would be allowed to vote.
(For example, people come over from Camden, NJ, to vote in Philly; happens all the time.)
She observed people voting twice. She was instructed not to look at any signatures on absentee ballots.
(Alito instructed PA to put aside any ballot that came in after November 3.)
She was instructed to disregard that.
We can’t subject witnesses to the goons.
This thuggery is tolerated because “you condone it in the press.” [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Media: YOUR JOB IS TO READ THESE THINGS AND REPORT IT. [Rudy stealing my repeated posts on “journalists.”]
60K to 100K ballots marked only for Biden came into Detroit counting place at 4:30 am Wednesday. Many were TRIPLE COUNTED–put into the machine multiple times. Three people say they witnessed this.
{Rudy, it is the New Stalinism}
300,000 illegitimate ballots in MI. Biden up by 150K or so.
WI: 20K margin
Very similar plan, in Milwaukee and Madison. GOP shut out, couldn’t inspect.
Stricter procedures in WI. Must request a mail-in ballot.
60K ballots in Milwaukee County, 40K ballots in Madison–don’t have applications.
This happened in Dim areas, not in GOP areas, not in neutral areas. No other areas but Dim areas.
Overvote: clear evidence of massive fraud. 200% of the registered voters in a district voted.
In MI and WI all kinds of overvotes–150% etc.
Two-thirds of the precincts in Detroit–overvotes.
GA. Atlanta–GOP not allowed to watch. Numerous overvoters, numerous out-of-state voters. Cases of intimidation to change votes.
AZ–most likely bring a suit there.
New Mexico–significant allegations of fraud. And also in Virginia.
We’ve found more than double the number of votes in the swing states to overturn the election.
Look at the lawsuits, you lamestream scum.
Did every Dim leader in all these places had the same idea by chance on election day? Philly, Pittsburgh, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee.
Someone had this plan. Clear criminal intent, which comes directly from Biden, and why Hilary said don’t concede, even if you’re losing.
That’s why he didn’t campaign.
See you in court.
Sidney Powell up next:
Massive influence of Communist money from China through Venezuela, Cuba.
Dominion/Smartmatic and other software, created by Chavez to fix the vote.
Witness who was there at the creation of this thing with Chavez. Recognized what was going on with our election.
Able to flip votes with algorithm, set to flip votes from Trump to Biden. Trump votes so many that they broke the algorithm, and states had to stop counting.
Had to pile on the paper ballots–all fixed for Biden, which corresponds to spikes in the vote at particular times, which corresponds to eye-witness testimony–ballots came in the backdoor.
Dominion execs nowhere to be found–shutting down offices. Soros people. Clinton Crime Foundation ties.
Foreign-owned voter machine companies!!! A Venezuelan has controlling interest in Smartmatic. Sequoia is another outfit.
Venezuela? really? national security concerns.
Go back to 2006 letter from US Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) to Hank Paulson. Sen. Lizzy and Klobuchar have raised this same concern.
People can go into the system and change whatever they want. Program it.
E.g., 341,542 for Biden, 112,000 for Trump–same numbers injected into the systems in different states. Same exact numbers!
A kid with a cell phone can hack one of these voting machines.
Cut and paste, drag and drop any number of votes you want.
Founder quoted as saying they can change a million votes with no problem.
DOJ, every state AG must investigate this.
Texas rejected Dominion, but still has problems with software.
Venezuela exported the system to Argentina, for example.
About as unpatriotic an act as you can imagine.
We will not be intimidated, you Stalinist POS! We will reclaim the United States for the American people.
Jenna Ellis:
You lamestreamer POS will lie about all this tomorrow. This is just an opening statement. These things take time. Not a TV crime show. A real live legal process.
It is about maintaining free and fair elections in this country.
You, fake news network, what’s you’re problem?
You media people suck, liars. No clue about court matters.
[Another one stealing my stuff]
You really, really suck, lamestreamers–if you’re not willing to talk about the evidence.
Election fraud = election OFFICIAL fraud.
Dims cheat. [duh]
Founders foresaw all this. Read Alexander Hamilton, Federalist 68, on the electoral college.
We will not be intimidated by you POS Stalinists.
Sidney again:
Received emails from people in other countries who have seen this same election fraud.
Top Dominion officer went to Detroit himself to man the operation–watch the votes coming in, and fix them.
Many Dominion employees have already reached out to tell us the truth.
These are serious federal offenses.
Look at the evidence, you lamestream POS. Look at the affidavits–witnessed 100K ballots come in–all for Biden.
They cheated in 2 ways: (1) machines–our votes are counted in Spain and Germany by a Chavez-created company!!!!! A freakin’ national security issue.
How stupid is sending our votes out of the country! Venezuelans with ties to Soros, the biggest donor to BLMPOSANTIFAPOS.
You POS lamestreamers could have easily looked up Dominion. [Rudy stealing form me again.]
“I prosecuted the mob, yo.”
All these states turned for Biden overnight? Every single one of them?
There was a concerted plan to turn them around.
This is how you win cases
“Our goal is to go around the outrageous iron curtain of censorship and get facts to the American people, that if you were a fair network [CNN], you would have been reporting for the last two weeks. These are facts. These things actually happened. These people really wrote these affidavits. These affidavits are really part of the public record. You’re concealing them. You’re covering them up. And our role here is to do YOUR job because you won’t do it.”
Where’s the FBI? asks a lamestreamer.
“I have no idea where the FBI has been for the last three years, four years
“FBI withheld a memo written by Brennan to Obama saying that Hilary made up the Russia collusion hoax.”
Maybe we need a new agency to protect us.
We have no idea how many GOP or Dim candidates PAID to fix their elections.
Up to 350% overvotes in some places.
We have three overvote analyses for PA, GA, and MI. Others in process.
This info came into you lamestream POS right away. Statistical impossibilities.
This is massive, worldwide corruption–dictators.
We’ve already had an electoral breakdown. The Constitution has provisions to correct this.
We need an American company.
Mayor Daley stole it for JFK. Dims have been doing this for years on a small scale. James Earl Carter and James Baker warned us about this–get a hold of the voting apparatus and you can do whatever you want.
One of the worse crimes I’ve ever seen. Trashed the right to vote . . . in their greed for power and money.
Not just 10 or 12 Dim bosses–a concerted plan. Check the jail sentences of big-city Dims over the last 40, 50 years. Judges are hacks. Sheriffs are hacks.
Started as a national conspiracy. Can’t be an accident. The dimension of it.
Who knows what Biden knows? Can’t say right now.
You want me to take seriously the secretary of state of Michigan??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Sending our votes to Germany??!?!?!? Incompetent? Or they didn’t want to know? You think she has credibility? You think anyone in Michigan government has any credibility?
Plenty of probable cause.
What fake news network do you come from? You are lying. Those aren’t our cases. Look at the plaintiffs–for the lawsuits that have been dropped. Those were brought by private individuals, mostly filed before the election.
We’ve withdrawn ONE lawsuit because we got what we wanted.
ONE lawyer left because he and his family were threatened.
We’re not dragging it out. Algore had five weeks. We can’t give you names of our witnesses, you POS, you liars. Hysterical hyenas.
Censorship by big tech and big media is just as dangerous as this election fraud, if not more.
Great reporting on this voting scandal. The knew that mail-in ballots would make it so easy for them to get as many ballots as they needed to win and it would be difficult to prove they were cheating, but not impossible. Even Democrats are coming forward and saying they witnessed fraud.
You’re probably thinking, meh, campaign law violations, they probably happen all the time, right. Nope, only by Andrea Harrington. The last one in Berkshire County was by…wait for it…Andrea Harrington. “The irony is, I can now give good advice about avoiding campaign finance pitfalls,” she said. You can’t make it up, folks,
CPF-20-96: District Attorney Andrea Harrington, Richmond. Did not comply (reporting, disclosure); 11/10/2020. The Harrington Committee, and the Harrington for District Attorney Inauguration Fund, commingled funds, which is prohibited by the campaign finance law. To resolve the issue, the Harrington Committee must amend or file correct campaign finance reports, and dissolve the inaugural fund.
Hi Dan, I’m very concerned about your mental health. There was no wife swap party. Why is a wife swap party on your mind? If you need help please feel free to seek out to a professional psychiatrist or psychologist. If you need some suggestions let me know. Hope you stay safe and healthy.
We appreciate your concern. Glad to say all is well. Hope you stay safe and healthy also!
Over a hundred people at the amount light Show.
Mount was outdoors
And why is it always the wives getting the bad rap? Aren’t the husbands swapping too. Personally, I have no issue with it. Other than the titillation factor, it’s a sleeper of a story. I am more concerned about our constitutional rights.
So by the numbers…Number of campaign violations for Harrington’s career: 5. Number of campaign violations in the district attorneys office prior to Harrington: 0. What a winner.
Wow what a week so far and it’s only Thursday!
Covid has really put a damper on the swinger parties and Thanksgiving. Did you know the first Thanksgiving was actually a swinger party?
Those Puritans weren’t that pure and s was hen they said they wanted to stuff “Tom Turkey” that was actually a guy named Tom Turkey.
Poor sweet Andrea can’t those campaign finance people leave you alone? They are soooo mean! They expect you to actually keep track of all that stuff? What for? It’s not like you are spending that money on property taxes, lululemons, lattes, and lunch, right #winkyface.
Imagine them auditing you two elections in a row? How is that possible? Maybe you should claim covid rules?
I’m happy to report that other parts of Berkshire county are having problems with covid! By comparison we don’t look too bad, right?
Wait maybe we do, we were the only ones that shut down the entire restaurant industry to dine-in. Those meals tax dollars are really helping Lenox I’m sure!
Those bike paths are really working out well now that the temp is down in the 20’s and 30’s. Parking is a breeze now that everything is closed.
Did anybody hear about a covid cluster in the dorms at Williams College? Happy Thanksgiving, maybe those kids can make a ramen turkey. Do they have to quarantine in their dorms? Anybody know how that works?
Well toodles for now. I’ll be at cumbies tonight, 2am to 6am shift swing by and say hi!
Which murder case is Harrington cutting her teeth on? I pity anyone who puts their eggs in that basket.
Whoever said all those things was right it was every buzzword she could come up with.
“It’s the banks fault they put it into the wrong account”.
“I really think that it’s unfair that this is what you’re choosing to highlight.”
In an interview Thursday, Harrington called the mistakes an accounting error.
The review was launched after Harrington’s campaign committee itself notified OCPF late last year and this year that money had been deposited in the incorrect account, OCPF Director Pro Tem Michael Sullivan wrote in a Nov. 10 public resolution letter. It also found missteps with the handling of both funds. Also, the inauguration fund itself should have been dissolved within a year of her January 2019 inauguration, but was not.
Unlike campaign accounts, inauguration funds are not subject to strict political finance regulations, and can accept unlimited donations from people and entities.
“Therefore,” read OCPF’s Nov. 10 public resolution letter to Harrington, “inauguration funds must be kept separate from the candidate’s or committee’s campaign account, and any donations received by the inauguration fund may not be deposited into the campaign account.”
In one instance, Sullivan wrote the Berkshire DA “apparently intended” to loan her campaign $5,000 on July 3 of this year, but the OPCF review found the money was mistakenly deposited into her inauguration fund. The $5,000 and what was left over in her inauguration fund, about $1,000, was transferred into Harrington’s campaign account Sept. 4.
Money left over in such an inauguration fund can be donated to scholarship, charity or a municipality, but cannot be transferred to a candidate’s campaign committee, according to the letter.
Harrington told The Eagle that Berkshire Bank put the money into her inauguration account by mistake, adding that both accounts went by the same name. “It was my intention to put the funds in the campaign account but the bank put the funds into the inaugural account,” said Harrington, adding that she was not looking to lay blame.
“It was an accounting error. They [OCPF] closed the matter. It wasn’t reported as a violation. This is a pretty standard thing,” she said. “It’s just a mistake; that happens. There’s no malice on anybody’s part.”
Harrington confirmed she spent the $5,000 on consulting work for the current year by Adam Webster, who had served as a campaign spokesman during her successful 2018 bid for top county prosecutor.
The September transfer of funds was made after it came to Harrington’s attention that the money had been deposited in the wrong account, she said.
Harrington said she has gone above and beyond to “be above board and not take advantage of state funds,” and set up her inauguration fund to avoid using public money for her swearing-in.
She objected to The Eagle reporting on the campaign finance missteps that the agency identified, which the OCPF included in its fall 2020 newsletter out Wednesday.
“I’m really disappointed that this is something you’re choosing to highlight given all the important things that are going on in Berkshire County,” she told a reporter. “I really think that it’s unfair that this is what you’re choosing to highlight.”
Public resolution letters may be issued when a subject “did not comply” with the law but OCPF believes the “case is able to be settled in an informal fashion with an educational letter or a requirement,” according to the agency’s newsletter.
The agency has closed Harrington’s matter, saying its guidance will ensure Harrington’s future compliance with campaign finance law.
In another set of compliance issues cited by OCPF, Harrington’s campaign committee transferred $1,700 into her inauguration fund, which in turn failed to report the donations. The inauguration fund was tapped for expenses that Sullivan said should have been paid by her campaign committee, like $1,098 for web design this past March.
Harrington was instructed to amend her campaign finance reports and to dissolve the inauguration fund.