(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY. NOV. 9, 2020) — THE PLANET was going to a local story — the comeback of COVID-19 in Pittsfield due to what appears to be a “super spreader” event at Methuselah’s gin joint on North Street, but two things intervened. First, we wait for Meth owner (and Ward 1 city councilor) Yuki Cohen to respond to our inquiries. THE PLANET contacted her Saturday. Second, of course, is the Orange victory and defeat.
THE PLANET speaks of the Syracuse Orange’s loss to Boston College, 16-13, at the Carrier Dome on Saturday. Don’t tell anyone we witnessed the game in one of the suites. Why is it a “victory?” Just perhaps the Orange have their QB problems settled for next year. Remember the name: JaCobian Morgan.
We also speak of another Orange loss (or was it?): Syracuse Joe Biden’s projected win over Orange Man Donald Trump for an insignificant office called the presidency.
Of the United States, Dmitri.
THE PLANET, by fortuitous circumstance, has a contact deep inside Team Biden. She says the team coordinated closely with the AP for the wire service’s call that Syracuse Joe “won” the election. She says Biden advisers had a fierce debate” on if they should declare victory. Several advised against it as premature. The other side prevailed, though, and Joe went on TV. The team made the right call. This isn’t about fairness or the sugary sentiments Joe expressed in his “we won but let’s all come together” speech. This is about winning, and the announcement places more pressure on Trump to concede.
Trump, of course, won’t do that yet. It’s not in his blood, and it may not be in the numbers. People seem to have forgotten that the vote tally continues in at least half dozen states. No results have been certified. A flurry of lawsuits — some merely rear-guard actions but others legit — want the courts to intervene. Over the weekend, Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito ordered all ballots received after Nov. 3 in Pennsylvania sequestered after reports of post-dating, dead people voting, and other irregularities. Alito’s order segregated all ballots received after Nov. 3 in the Keystone State’s 67 elections to make sure the votes were in compliance.
If Pennsylvania flips back to Trump (as was initially called), Biden is back under the 270-electoral-vote threshold and Trump gains new life with 20 additional electoral tallies. It’s a long shot, but every so often a long shot pays. When they do, they pay big.
In not conceding, Trump also has made the right call. A chess analogy. In our playing days, when we had visions of international grandmaster status while learning to play at a serious level, we tried to play those who were stronger than us. Victory meant more than defeating another “Bum of the Month.” When we lost, we replayed the game to learn why. Every now and then, our opponent would have us in a losing position and ask for a draw. We never agreed.
Ignoring chess etiquette, we would play furiously to the end, because every so often we would come up with an audacious move, rattle the opponent into a mistake, and recover enough for a draw and, occasionally, a win. Never concede as long as you have a chance. It’s a winner’s motto. That said, when it is over, take your loss, your lumps, congratulate your opponent, and move on.
“The courtroom is a place where Donald Trump is very, very comfortable adjudicating issues,” said a Trump adviser. “He has the best legal team in America” and will pursue recounts in multiple states to ensure an honest outcome, up or down.
As Yogi said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”
The 2020 presidential race isn’t over.
In his “victory” speech, Biden called the election “an inflection point.”
We’re still trying to figure out what that means.
Code breakers call it “hedging his bets.”
“They loom large in his legend” — George Harrison, in A Hard Day’s Night, speaking of Ringo’s drums.
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Off topic but this needs to be said. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed that Fred Rutberg and Fred Rutherford have never appeared in the same photograph? Sounds pretty fishy if you ask me. And don’t they both have a son called Lumpy? Why won’t Larry Parnass look into this? I don’t know. Maybe Clarence Fanto or Dick Lindsay can do something. Maybe Melle can write an open letter to Pat Funell.
‘Big Boob’
I wonder what Violet Rutherford has to say about it? Or June Cleaver?
The Eagle has just hired Edie Haskel as an independent fact checker’
Does Aunt Bea approve of any of this?
President Biden.The new republicans got beat by 5 million votes in spite of all the lies and help from Rusia.Wall street will love it.
Does anyone know if sleepy Joe was ever a councilor at Camp Russel?
No, he was the “green hand”
He’s now dancing maskless in Georgia. RECOUNT! Vaccinator be is here!
The election is over. There isn’t anything to fight in court. The super spreader event started at Mazzeo’s and ended at Yuki’s bar. A second even was the closing of Portsmitts.
Potent potables, 500 please Alex. This IS Jeopardy !
G E check them out today as predicted on here a month ago.
Anyone else troubled by wrong way Harrington publicly celebrating a presidential win, isn’t her position supposed to be impartial. Seems as though she has turned it into more of a political office than anything. And, do we know where she was driving on the infamous primary stop heard round the county.
The APP crowd.
The Position is elected by the people. The years Capeless was running the show nobody cared. Every DA in the country is Political Dem or Rep in one way or the other. I would love to have Dan do a conviction rate study to date you will find the current administration is doing superior work contrary to what you will read here. Sorry but true..We should all celebrate the demise of trump
It just boggles my mind that young people are cheering and whooping it up for a 47 year career politician who has enriched his own family with money from many foreign countries in exchange for influence, spied on a presidential campaign, and wants to take away our freedoms to implement big government. Young people of the 60’s were at least calling for freedom from so many government restrictions. The young people of today, obviously brainwashed by the far left schools, want authoritarian government.
Pat,the richest country in the world and a 850 billion dollar military has a huge goverment.This cant be news to you.That small government crap was the old republican party.This party is for pure billionaires at your expense.They need your vote to survive.You still sending team trump money.It goes right in his royal families pocket where everything went for 4years.You guys believed in his dream.I still cant believe this ahole from NY City pulled off this for 4 years.
Biden calling for unity after the 4 years of endless investigations and refusal to accept President Trump as our president is really unbelievable. The Biden/Obama administration did everything they could do, including spying before Trump was even elected, to call President Trump illegitimate and attempt a coup.
Not a word of truth here Pat.
Nay, all true. Sorry.
They started the war on cops G. Remember the beer summit?
There is no war on cops.
Trump was guilty of blackmail. Republicans allowed him to go forward.
The numbers as of 7:20 am, Monday, November 9, 2020:
Biden by 17K in AZ,
by 10K in GA,
by 46K in PA,
by 35K in NV,
by 146K in MI,
by 20K in WI
Total = 274K
128K if you leave off MI.
Trump by 75K in NC
No one is “president-elect” until after all legal challenges have been exhausted, states have certified their vote counts, and the electoral college votes.
Algore fought for five weeks over one state. Trump can have five weeks for five states.
December 14.
Pretty clear that Trump wins if only LEGAL votes are counted.
Some Dim apparatchiks shit a brick Tuesday night–oh, no, Trump way up. Stop counting now. At 4 am, Wednesday, huge tranches of votes show up. Thousands with no other marks except for Biden, no down-ballot races marked.
That is more than a little suspicious, but it’s why they wanted mail-in ballots in the first place. They had them nearby and could easily mark up what they needed. You can’t do that with in person voting. The Dems now love mail-in ballots and want to use them a lot in the future. Why wouldn’t they since it worked so well for them this time.
So is the new republican plan to whine and make excuses for four more years like they did when Obama got elected? It will be if the Pats of the world are in charge. To hell with the country because their feelings are hurt. Don’t you ever get sick of all the cry baby politics Pat? Exactly how is that helpful?
Please don’t answer. It gets nauseating after four years.
What is a fixed election? Answer. When you get 70 million votes and lose.
What a fixed election if you get 75 votes million and lose
Once again, Dim, nothing like the four-year whine we’re still experiencing, right?
And with zero evidence, a two-year, multimillion-dollar investigation by Hilary lawyers under Mueller, an farcical impeachment, censorship, nasty, nasty, nasty, snarky, snarky, snarky.
Unity? Ask the disgusting Left.
So,here we go. C N N and MSNBC blathering about Georgia Repulican Senator Perdue insider trading allegations. Old News….I’m going to watch cartoons in the morning? Is the Stooge show still on p c t?
Sure it is not GA Sen. Loeffler?
But don’t worry about Don Giuseppe Bidenaroni, Capo di Tutti Capi.
Hes a crooked republican.Pat Robertson loves him.
The far left wants to persecute anyone who speaks out against the far left plans, so you tell me who are the sick ones? The arrogance of the far left is dangerous and shows their agenda is all that matters.
I had a post in here a little while ago about Chairman Shifty summoning Joe McCarthy with a Ouiji board.
Problem is, Joe’s here to stay, can’t get back through to the beyond.
The New McCarthyism is the New Stalinism. Or, if you prefer, soft totalitarianism
Come on Pat? New Vaccine news. Game changer. Remember the President talking about rounding the turn!
Biden already taking credit for the vaccine that he was warning people not to take a month ago. Such phonies.
Trump is taking credit for the vaccine and nobody cares who takes credit.
Remember the phony comment losers and suckers on one persons word? And who played who with Russia,China. The D O W today will be the biggest rise in the History. While Biden assembles a lame duck Covid team. The Vaccine news was predicted by Trump while the media was just interested in getting Biden elected.
The Dow has been going up ever since Biden was elected. What does that tell you?
Trump has said he will increase the stimulus. Pelosi undermined it to get Biden elected. Do we really want Biden as President. Come on people?
Dan,Murrow,Fritz and Pat especially have been right all along on the Trump regime. Sad,because the President predicted all this. Why hasn’t C N N choir boy Berman and morning idiots given any kudos of Trumps comments on ‘turn the bend’ ?Bergman,Tapper,Cuomo,et al,what do you think President Trump was talking about?.
Trump spent 8 months saying if he lost somebody stole it.He never ever had a approval rating higher than 46 %…figure it out as he got all his votes plus a few
It’s going to be a 70 million voter shitstorm if Biden stays President,sorry.
Do you mean bitchandmoan storm? Let’s make America great again by whining about losing an election every day for four years. Every team I have ever been on got rid of the whiners first thing out of the gate. They knew they could not win with the bitch and moan baggage.
The baseball game ended and team a beat team b 1-0…..but it was close
US House
As of Monday morning:
Dims 215 GOP 200
I see GOP up in 10 races, two or three ties, one to a runoff.
GOP will mostly like get to at least 210!
Lying polls had GOP losing 10 to 15 or more.
US Senate
GOP 50 Dims 48
Two runoff races in GA.
Can we at least make sure all votes in the GA runoff are legal?
I hear that GOP made gains in control of state legislatures, but have seen no numbers, except governors: GOP 27 Dims 23
Eagle website seems to be not working this AM. Gone? Hmmmm…now back up. It real,y would be sad to see another local paper bite it and leave us with nothing.
We already have nothing, except the comics and obits.
The Left Winged Parrot isn’t fit even to line a kitty box.
I stopped buying The Berkshire Eagle when the Millers left town.
I stopped reading The Parrot > 15 years ago.
For weeks there were comments all over Facebook pertaining to over crowded gatherings at Yuki’s bar. No masks, no social distancing. Where was our Health Department? Where was the Licensing Board? Now our defiant Mayor holds a gathering in Park Square so her mugshot can be all over the media. This photo-op after her telling taxpayers to be vigilant, stay home and follow a curfew. Evidently the Pittsfield political ladies club of Linda, Yuki, Dina and Gina don’t have to follow rules, and are blatantly two faced, Although, what else is new, if your in the clique you are untouchable. Meanwhile, stores, banks, schools and many businesses are having to close thanks to selfish stupid actions like the above. Thanks Ladies!
Planet Bulletin! Trump comes through with Vaccine which will produced by Pfizer. Tests show 90 effective.Dow skyrocketing with post a Covid Economy. Because of TRUMP!
Redact Yuki.
WCMH: Would that it were true. It would save us from what is shaping up to be a very deadly winter in our US of A.
Brilliant Jerry.
Well, it looks like it is true. That is very good news. Trump deserves credit for predicting it.
He also predicted the virus would be gone by April and then did every thing he could to shut down the experts. Bailed on the World Health Org. and muzzled the CDC. Called Dr. Fauci an idiot because he was getting more attention than he was.
People are not all stupid and so how many votes do you think that all cost him? A shit ton, that is how many. He lost this election all by himself because he never knows when to shut the hell up.
He didn’t want us to panic.
When you are in charge of the elite snooty folk crowd you just do what you want. They are pretending to be part of the Kardashian crowd. (in their minds)
Yuki has been on the Carpet twice before. Shut her down.
Yup. It’s not like an underage drinker wasn’t SHOT outside her bar and now she ignores COVID laws and her staff get sick. There should be serious repercussions. Linda is a farce. Sherwood Guernsey can’t really think much about Trump and his Covid spreaders when the local Dems are doing the same too? Maybe the local fraudsters will just get Covid and spread it around. Like a scarlet C.
Booze is the covid game changer.
Will Dina vote on any Yukiies Bar concerning another violation where Covid rules and overcrowding issues which she has violated before. Speaking of Covid the picture of the Mayor and Representatives and D A dancing dolls was another problem.
The beautiful people answer to no one. How do you think Dina and Dick will vote against a Meth shutdown.
They will vote as they are told to vote. Like they do every time. (and just like Yuki does)
Yukis in mute mode.
No. We heard from her. Those comments and our story Wednesday. Coverage that no one else will have.
These bars took the Covid money and seems they had there own private little parties. Thanks to the mayor. Does Yuki have Covid? Where is the Health Department is right. And the License Board.
Exactly, where IS the Health Dept.? Is this a “cover up” of some kind?
Does the health dept. in Pittsfield go where they think they should go or do they also go where the mayor tells them to go and stay away from where the mayor tells them to stay away?
You decide based on this administrations previous behavior of being a strong arm regime.
“Stay home, stay vigilant”
Just remember, these are the people that told you you cannot have gatherings in excess of 10 people indoors or 25 outdoors. These are the people that have sat back and watched restaurant after restaurant close in Pittsfield. These are the people that said skip Thanksgiving and Christmas. These are the people that have decided not to police the out of control violent crime in our city, rather make sure taxpayers are tucked in bed past their 9:30PM curfew.
So my question now becomes, what would happen if I wanted to throw this kind of party in a public space or at my private residence to protest the lockdowns and on going closings of thousands of businesses? Oh wait, we already know the answer to that- those people were vilified as anti-science, dangerous, selfish, and super spreaders.
What a joke this state and city has become.
Priceless picture.
COVID-19 can be transmitted between people who are standing more than four feet apart, even if they are wearing a mask, a new study has found.
The research, published in Physics of Fluids, notes that face coverings alone do not prevent droplets of fluid that are projected by a cough, a discovery the researchers called “alarming.”
Wait Dr Dave it is Doctor correct? your Guy Trump told everyone it was ok not to wear a mask and now you say its not hmm. Or is it Attorney Dave today
It’s I used my name Dave. Why won’t you?
It’s Berrie. That’s why.
Good lad.
Where’s WHEN?
And how
Women Helping Embalm Neighborhoods? Look no further than the council and mayor’s office.
Yes, they should’ve practiced what they preached.
I um….am speechless. My go to phrase….You can’t make it up. Right Governor?
I agree 100%. Hypocrisy at it’s finest.
Is Harrington wearing PJ’s…..probably coming from Wa;-Mart.
The best.
Did they have a permit and insurance like they require of everyone else?.
Our leaders.
I feel safer now.
If you see how corrupt our Dim-run city is, just multiply that by Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, etc. etc. etc.
If only there were a republican city or state you could move to. But where?
Alabama is your new home.You guys will love it.
New Hampshire or Maine where you find all the eastern massholes go for shopping and vacation
I read that Joe Biden will end the Muslim (or is it Mooslum, according to Hillary), relocation ban that Trump installed. I know, Trump was racist because he stopped many people from coming to this country who absolute HATE it and want to bring death to Americans. Not to mention we can’t vet them-know who they truly are for the slower readers.
But hey, good news, Mayor Tyer can soon welcome Pittsfield’s newest residents, soon to be “displaced” Muslim’s (or is it Mooslum’s, according to Hillary), to this vibrant, dynamic, COVID safe (unless it’s a Democratic Party celebration or the Country Buffet manager shutters the restaurant, before Tricia Country-Buffet can redeem her complementary gift cards), beautiful city.
Allah Akbar
Whats wrong with the photo.Trump is thinking of doing more super spreader events.
What is wrong with the photo? Has Trump advocated or mandated people not celebrate the holidays, curfews, or locking everything down? No.
These idiots have, which is why it is the ultimate slap in the face to businesses, taxpayers, and anyone who values freedom to see them out dancing in a large group in a public space.
Buncha fat broads having a mask party,
led by Tyer. Priceless!
Big Bettie and Bertha of the Berkshires monthly meeting.
Big Berthas for Biden.
Where’s Jack Lalane when you need him?
Kiki would never wear that ensemb, okerrrrr
Déjà vu all over again.
I remember a kid going ballistic in my North Junior High art class when the teacher mentioned that Carter won the election. 13 years old!
I had earlier stated that SCOTUS might could order a revote.
Oh, my prophetic soul!
I think this applied to a district court, however, in Donohue v. Board of Elections of State of New York, 435 F. Supp. 957 (E.D.N.Y. 1976).
Question 4: If the plaintiff does prove its case, can the Court actually order a new Presidential election? The Donohue court says – surprise – YES. This is incredibly important:
This Dim voter fraud thing has been going on for a long time . . .
Romney was reportedly shocked when he lost in 2012, too.
Trump was shocked when he won. And now he is in a “state of shock” that he lost.
Yes Ed of course,if you lose you can always turn to the banana republicans to make your lose a win.
Don’t hold your breath on Yuki getting back to you, she won’t. She’s got everything to lose.
At least three people might sue because staff at the party came into work while knowing they were sick, allegedly . The city and licensing board know what’s going on but aren’t going to do anything because they haven’t, remember the Kennedy fundraiser? After the press left it was no masks and too many people, even the Wrong Way DA was there is a summer dress.
She’s also hypocritical that she posts Covid safety reminders on the day of one of her super spreader parties.
No Yuki is not going to say anything or maybe she’ll ask Andy to write a press release.
As we say, when the phone doesn’t ring, I’ll know it’s Yuki not getting back to me.
Pretend you are giving out Covid relief fudning Dan. That will make the phone ring off the hook.
First of all this was a Governors edict. Did she break it? W lol see. Hi someone stated before she been on here he License Board Carpet twice,and this is the most serious offense if true? Was there any Dentists buying drinks?
Teri the great, she has actually had 4 offenses. 3 for overcrowding 3 years in a row. Her bar has a capacity of 49 and had close to a hundred patrons packed in according to police reports. And the other offense was for serving a 17 year-old who was shot leaving the bar.
Wow. But you now how those N Y Kerr’s operate? She’ll either sell at a profit and let a family member take it. The RIGHT thing to do DICK is to pull the license. DINA? Fourth violation and a mandate by the Governor. Not good for the Yuke. Don’t even think Jesse can get her out of this onr.
Planeteers Breaking News
Deval Patrick has been asked to assist in the transition team for Biden.
He’s also being considered for the following positions, in no particular order.
Attorney General
Ambassador to the UN
Ambassador to the UK
Secretary of Commerce
Ambassador to Somalia
I Heard Russia
Richmond town manager.
Shhhh. City hall employee waiting covid test results
Are they open?
Probably caught it from the Mayor since Covid rules don’t seem to apply to her and her girlfriends.
There’s a school nurse and two employees in the DA’s office waiting for tests
The Super Spreader Dancers.
I did see someone with green hair behind a window? Is that a symptom?
As it stands at this moment, according to Propaganda Minister Goebbels:
Biden 306 Trump 232
PA 20
MI 16
WI 10
GA 16
NV 6
AZ 11
Trump needs 38. E.g., PA + GA + WI = 52; PA + GA + AZ = 47
After Hitler became chancellor in Germany on January 30, 1933, he said, “Hey, we need an election.” Just made sure he outlawed the entire German Communist Party first, about 2 million votes.
Fanatical Chuck Schumer says after they flip Georgia in the Senate race, they will take total control of the country and start their revolution. This fanatical behavior should have been reined in long ago before it gets dangerously out of hand. BLM saying people must bow down to show them respect or you are ignorant and part of the problem. Far left government officials saying nobody can speak out against big government.
I believe the correct form is BLM POS.
Yes, that’s implied.
Maggie May: Biden 279 Trump 259 almost nailed it!
Good work.
Congratulations. For now.
I like the 300 plus prediction
Baker says outdoor gatherings are limited to 50 people. According to today’s Eagle super spreader Linda Tyer gathered 80 of her friends at a park on Pittsfield’s west side. What a FLIKCING hypocrite.
And speaking of our hypocrite mayor, her planned giveaway of half a million dollars from the GE Economic Development Fund comes up for vote Tuesday nite at the zoom City Council meeting. How are “home improvement loans” (which can be forgivable) to a few connected city residents who make less than $106,000 annually considered “economic development?” And you would think that a homeowner pulling six figures a year could afford to make their own improvements. This plan stinks, people. How long will it be before she hits up the GE Fund again for another round of giveaways? Call the city councilors and put some pressure on them to vote against this program!
Was there any mention of wether or not you had to have one of the mayor contractor friends do the work? Or do her buddies on Tyler street already approved already know that and agreeable.
Will there be any public accountability? Like will there be a list of the lucky chosen few so that Joe Smuck can see who he lost out to? So he can see why he was not good enough to get the mayoral handout?
Don’t try to get a loan, they already have the list even though currently they don’t have a program. How did these “poor” homeowners already sign up for a program that doesn’t exist?
That is probably correct. If only there was a city council president that could address this concern. Someone who could detail to everyone how they can apply. In all the Eagle coverage was there any suggestion that ANY citizen under the $100,000 cap may be eligble and how to apply? The Eagle seemed to skim over this so as not to draw to much attention to it. That is the way I read it.
Maybe now that Yuki is talking to Dan she can elaborate on the subject. Find out if Milltown or their associates will be benefitting.
Well,they are the beautiful people. And Democrats.
B L M mayor
In other news 7-8 shots fired last night around 7 pm on Hall ave….also what ever happened with the young woman who was murdered? Are killers still on the lamb?
It will only get worse once police are defunded under a Joe Biden presidency.
Exactly! Who’s going to arrest a Trump movement.
TSC will go if you bring pot and beer.
Melle will go if he can write an open letter.
Pat you come across as someone suffering from severe depression. Can we start a gofundme account for you so you can get some help?
Hey,Trump was right the third quarter was to be fantastic. All this ends with Biden. Sorry.
Yuki should resign as City Councilor. She’s not fit for the job. Just seems self interested.
Was she recruited to be one of the mayors rubber stampers? What does the edvidence show?
One bourbon one shot one beer.
Huh? How do you drink without the mask off? That’s where distancing comes In
Yes she should resign if the booze party allowed masks to come off.It is all a tgreat to our kids in school.Parents need to sacrafice for students.
Pat doesn’t need funding thanks to Donald J Trump. Don’t you read this blog.
I do thank President Trump for my job. Let’s hope Biden doesn’t destroy the economy and I lose the job. I was out of work throughout nearly the entire 8 years of Obama/Biden. While Joe was making his very lucrative deals with China and Russia, I was unsuccessfully job hunting as were so many other people. Obama/Biden only cared about teacher jobs and high tech jobs. Teacher jobs were critical for the youth indoctrination so they made sure there were lots of well paid teacher jobs.
If you were out of work for eight years there might just be another reason other than Obama. Do a little self reflection pat. Cuz even for you that seems kind of a stretch of an excuse.
Sorry Pat, but if you were out of work for eight years you weren’t looking very hard. BTW the last three years of the Obama presidency grew more jobs than the first three years of Trump’s so don’t blame Obama because you couldn’t get a job. There were jobs all over the place, and I know, because I run a business and had a hard time finding quality people. Either people didn’t want you or you made no real effort. It’s that simple.
Oh, I worked, but no permanent job. Most people were working on and off temp jobs in those horrible years. You can try putting down my character if it makes you feel good, but facts are facts. Terrible job prospects in those years for so many. Biden will do the same again. Teachers will thrive as will other union workers. Let’s see what he does for the rest of America if he is president.
Interesting how you attack my character, but say nothing about the character of Joe Biden. People worked during those years, myself included, at sporadic temp jobs. That is how they survived. Government assistance would inevitably run out even with extensions, but permanent jobs were impossible to find especially in Berkshire County and especially for women.
Not attacking your character, but as another poster said, it’s time for self reflection. I would love to know the job you got as a result of the Trump Administration that didn’t exist before. And say what you want-myself and all the business owners I know couldn’t find QUALITY people for years. Hell, it was so hard to find people that Dunkin’ Donuts was paying $15 an hour to start. You’re staring to sound like the guys holding a sign at the intersections. There’s almost always work if you’re A.) Willing to work hard B.) Show up on time and do as your told C.) Have a good attitude. It ain’t rocket science.
Dumbest thing I ever read.Pat did you know that education is indoctrination.White history of America and the black history of America. Why are you against the long term education of blacks( real ) history not the one that white people wrote and cleaned up for you to believe.
Apparently you can’t read what you yourself write?
And you come across as someone suffering from severe brainwashing by the far left.
Pat,the police have to much to do.Taking mental health issues off their plate is worth trying.
Pittsfield police always get their man.Always
Shut up blow you are upsetting the vibrant and dynamic bs narrative!
Limbaugh today saying that the investigation must be solid, reasonable, such as with Ken Starr on Levin on FOX last night, or Sidney Powell with the Money Honey yesterday.
Assign a fraud investigation Tsar to update the public on a daily basis.
As I said, the Jason Bourne stuff flying around right-wing sites and forums ain’t gonna do it. Anecdote here, anecdote there.
Should be plenty of fraud to find, but do it right.
Starr explained that Alito stepped in in PA because the governor and PA state supreme court were acting unconstitutionally.
US Const. art. II, sec. 1: state legislatures determine who their electors are, not the governor or state courts.
Thus Alito ordered that PA segregate all ballots that came in after Nov. 3. And this means that SCOTUS will most likely take the case.
Well,the end game is to take it past January while the Courts make or recorrect the election results. Got G E Ed?
December 14.
Water Bill is up forty percent one toilet? This is just the beginning.
Your water and sewer rates will go up a combined 760% when all said and done.
Kufflinks knows but isn’t saying.
Annnnnd haven’t heard if it treats cryptosporidium Covid,horeshit and more horeshit….I agree shut Yukey Down
Limbaugh saying: Sidney Powell (smart chick lawyer for Flynn): “We have identified 450,000 ballots in PA with a mark for Joke Biden only. . . . Algorithm used to determine how many votes needed” to steal it for Biden.
“All of this might not amount to anything at all. But it HAS to be investigated.”
If not, millions of people will never vote again
When will you guys stop listening to Limbaugh.They pay him 50million to make you angry and now hate is your addiction.
Thanks for letting us know you’re still an idiot.
Was there ever a doubt?
Now a drive-by shooting on Grove St. broad daylight kids everywhere…’!!!
Watching the health and safety meeting looks like chairman Moon is zooming from a-room at Barton’s Crossing.
Finally… come the big guns!
Trump told cities to rot
No need to tell them. Can’t you smell the rot?
Oh oh….Biden now at 259 – no longer prez-elect! Stripped of PA by Real Clear Politics!
Biden acts like he’s at 420.
420 was at…..
Beacon Hill’s State House of Representatives will debate their over 4 month late state budget proposal tomorrow, Tuesday, November 10, 2020. I have suggestions for Smitty Pignatelli and the rest of his Massachusetts legislative colleagues in Boston. Please rescind the 40% legislative pay raise they voted for themselves in early-2017. Lead by example and cut your own legislative pay, benefits, and all other forms of compensation. Vote for term limits, too. Stop career politicians from making their money off of hard hit taxpayers. Pass a law that says after State Representatives such as Dan Bosley and Peter Larkin retire, they have to give up their state pension when they register as Beacon Hill lobbyists. In closing, it is wrong for career politicians such as Smitty Pignatelli to serve nearly 2 decades and counting in Boston’s State House and debate raising state spending by 5.3% during the 2020 economic recession caused by the Covid 19 pandemic without making any personal sacrifices to his own pay, benefits, and compensation.
The markets are at a record breaking optimistic outlook with Bidens election feeling that Wall Street will be up 10% to 25% next 12 months.
They might not do so well today as the republicans are vowing to turn the country upside down for Mr. Putin. And he has lots of money to toss around ya know. Everyone has their price.
The Democrats would be doing an impeachment if the situation were reversed and you know if President Trump did keep the presidency, the Dems would make his next 4 years a nightmare with one investigation after another just like the last 4 years.
Trump and his party seem to be executing a coup as we speak Pat. Are you OK with that?
Really? I hope so.
OK, I see what you’re talking about now.
Yes, the plan is to get the illegal votes disqualified–because their illegal.
More like preventing a coup than conducting one.
But apparently in the Libtard Lexicon, a coup is when the other side tries to do things legally, while you’re doing them illegally.
The nerve.
Wall Street is made up of mostly Democrats so of course they are happy.
Pat. Stay Vigilant. But when your a dancing democrat you don’t have to stay back.
Because of the Trump vaccine and the anticipation of the GOP holding onto the Senate and thereby handcuffing sleepy dementia Joe.
You hit that nail on the head.
Hey kiddos it’s free money Tuesday!!!! In case you didn’t know, the Mayor plans to give away $300k to a “minority and woman owned” business from Troy.
It’s another one of those “hey we are new” we just milked our old city and “investors” for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now we need to move to another city because the money has run out. It’s ok though it’s only $300k, way more than the company is worth. They have a bunch of “team members” and “collaborators” none of which are actual employees. The “inventor” of the clamps “retired” after 10 years due to carpel tunnel syndrome so he knows his way around free money govt paperwork. It’s “owned” by a Latinx so that they can get all the free money they can, and best of all the biggest endorsement comes from Hellen Moon! It’s a scam, I mean opportunity for the ages. $300k in loans to create 8 jobs over 10 years, with a one “paid internship”. And it seems you can be fully invested in an area like Pittsfield, having never lived here, and after taking hundreds of thousands ($529k) in grants and prizes to stay in the NY Mohawk Valley.
Weird how a company that works out of free incubator space in Troy, has used the resources of RPI is now so invested in the Pittsfield area.
Granted they don’t make their products, they are made in Dalton, so maybe that’s it.
Just remember if you are a minority owned or female owned business, we don’t care if you’ve never made a profit, we don’t care if you don’t have a patent, we don’t care, if you don’t have real employees, we don’t care if your fasteners have not made it past full testing, it’s ok! It doesn’t matter that airplanes use metal fasteners because the are not fire hazards, melt slower, and don’t act as ignition points.
We are ready to throw taxpayer money down the drain!!! We’ve got money to burn!!!!
Come on down!
Ohhh yeah and if you do business with David Allen, well kick in a few more tax payer $$$$.
There is a long list of Democrats vowing retaliation against Trump voters. This fascism needs to stop.
Melle – the Nazis are in your own Democrat party! Read the post by Pat!
Will that picture with the Dancing Dolls go regional,along with a sitting City Councilor who’s Bar was infested with possible Covid violations?This is a big deal especially when you have your D A watching it all. This is what the President of the United States is talking about. Hypocracy..
Republicans need to vote their Ossoff.
Not bad. Ossoff is the pajama boy?
For the Dimorat Party, Republicans are the new blacks.
To answer the Planet’s question about unity: the Left is quite obviously declaring civil war.
Only question is where they’ll set up the internment camps for political reeducation.
And you wonder why some in here don’t use their real names.
I hope and pray that Dan is safe and secure in his finances/job/position, and that this blog can stay alive.
Tucker is the last man standing at FAUX News. He’ll be gone before the weekend.
wah bout Hannity?
Maybe. But is Hannity calling out FOX itself, though? Like Tucker is doing?
Don’t forget Dan is also everything local here. And he’s the only voice we have here. I mean that picture of a Tyers and the Dancing Entourage is for the ages. Where is the Board of Health? License Board? Dina was at the event? Conflict of interest at its best. What’s wrong with these people?
Seems like a lot of “switching glitches” out there:
Slightly updated to 7:00 am, Tuesday:
Trump by 75K in NC
Biden by 15K in AZ,
by 12K in GA,
by 45K in PA,
by 35K in NV,
by 146K in MI,
by 20K in WI
Total = 273K
127K if you leave off MI.
Fix the glitches, disqualify the dead voters, the multiple voters, the 4 am voters.
Slight correction: Algore fought for five weeks over THREE counties in ONE state.
But if you want Trump to fight, you’re a racist.
Well, just send me to Dachau now, then.
The evidence of widespread fraud is mounting. Will you cover it, Brett Baier and FAUX News?
Detroit Poll watcher: At 4:30 a.m. on Nov. 4 “tens of thousands of ballots” delivered from out-of-state
“Unlike the other ballots, these boxes were brought in from the rear of the room”
“I specifically noticed every ballot I observed was cast for Joe Biden”
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizRNC) November 10, 2020
A list:
Fellow residents of the Pitt,
Tonight your Democrat Socialist Progressive Mayor plans on seeking city council approval for her plan to transfer $500,000 out of the GE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT fund into the hands of a select few homeowners for home repairs. And this is not a one-time withdrawal. As someone else on the Planet stated, “the mayor wants to use the fund as her personal piggy bank.”
This is NOT economic development.
Call or write your city councilors (all listed on City of Pittsfield website) – or, even better, get involved in tonight’s city council meeting via zoom.
If Biden is actually certified the winner officially, or even before, the first thing he’ll do is ask Trump to reverse the ban on taxpayer-funded abortions for overseas US government personnel.
That’s what Obama did with W., who said no. The FIRST thing he wanted.
These people can’t wait a few weeks to re-start the murder, I guess.
Where’s the PBS Frontline doc on Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the abortion industry and their control of the Dimorat Party over the last 50 years?
To the point of infanticide . . .
Hail Mary the kitchen sink see what’s sticks for thee.Blessed Our Troops and Blessed that President Trump is with thee.
that’s awesome man. Also great news from Trump…he says that if you vigorously agitate a nest of murder hornets and can get them to sting you at least six times you will be immune to the Corona virus. I got this from your own news outlet Ed so we know it is true.
Do you think any of the City Council will speak out against the g e tax supporting the housing fix? How about the License Board and Health Department non action of Covid policy and overcrowding. The mayor says to be Vigilant? After seeing the photo on here I’m appalled.Our City leaders (including) the city council,have dropped the ball. The tower being built in the southeast section is another example of a fumbled situation.
The bike lanes which Mr. Valenti has reported on here are silly as well. What is wrong with these people. I think they have social media disease.
This adminstration has gone totally rogue. Without a forensic audit to rein them in, they will, in parasitic fashion, eat what is left of the city. Have you ever watched a school of piranha feed? Picture Pittsfield as the food source.
Thanks, Dim.
Absolutely against and PEDA G E funds for home improve,entss. It’s not an Economic Engine in any way shape or form. Take it out of either the general fund and how about the pickpocket tax funds. Private contractors are just that,private. Had they made Stanley pay his owed money we could have took it from that.
Mitch and Lindsey realize without Trump support the Senate run off races will be difficult. Partisan politics,on both sides.
Why does the term Money Laundering keep flashing in my head every time I read about this type of stuff?
Dan,I nminate Hendrix for the ORBIT Award. Just for that PICTURE alone.
Good choice. Yes, we will now be open to nominees forThE PLANET’s coveted Orbit Award.
Someone in here asked where to go if not the Dim-run cities:
Mark Steyn in for Limbaugh today: “This is a stolen election.”
Whatever it takes.
Buh Bye now Donald. Buh Bye Thanks for flying with us but you need to get off the plane. Every circus has an ending
Pompeo: ‘There Will Be a Smooth Transition to a Second Trump Administration’
And then there’s Governor Guido, tough guy. How many old folks did he kill?
Cuomo killed thousands in the NY nursing homes.
And get this – he doesn’t want the Pfizer vaccine distributed under the Trump admin. – what an arrogant s.o.b.
Tucker and Tammy Bruce talking about the Stalinists. Where you been?
At least give me credit.
The New Stalinism.
Covid cases running though the schools, Conte, Reid, PHS, Drury, suspected cases in WEDB in GB.
Expect the few to turn into dozens in a week.
Dance Fever.
Crosby has a great bunch of teachers and are the model concerning covid. And it might be the most vulnerable school in the city. Good job Crosby!
God Bless Chris on the City Council. In my opinion, the neighborhood home improvement is nothing but urban development not economic development, from the g e e d fund? Dumb dumb Council.
Tyer was a mess tonight with no answers concerning Kevin Morandi questions.Great Job Kevin.
Dumb Dumb Council. Save Connell,Morandi.
Yuki spoke tonight. Gawd? Dan,you have to see the Council Meeting two hours forty five minutes into it. Can’t explain.
The City Attorney doesn’t know the City Charter.