(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY NOV. 4, 2020) — THE PLANET doesn’t know who won it.
CNN doesn’t know who won it.
Fox News doesn’t know who won it.
The New York Times doesn’t know who won it.
USA Today doesn’t know who won it.
The Washington Post doesn’t know who won it.
The Boston Globe doesn’t know who won it.
The Berkshire Eagle doesn’t know who won it.
The Wall Street Journal doesn’t know who won it.
Town Hall doesn’t know who won it.
Brietbart doesn’t know who won it.
CBS doesn’t know who won it.
NBC doesn’t know who won it.
ABC doesn’t know who won it.
PBS doesn’t know who won it.
EWTN doesn’t know who won it.
MeTV doesn’t know who won it.
Spectrum doesn’t know who won it.
Drudge doesn’t know who won it.
Donald Trump doesn’t know who won it.
Joe Biden doesn’t know who won it.
Mitch McConnell doesn’t know who won it.
Nancy Pelosi doesn’t know who won it.
Lindsay Graham doesn’t know who won it.
Chuck Schumer doesn’t know who won it.
Clint Eastwood doesn’t know who won it.
Lady Gaga doesn’t know who won it.
Lord Goo Goo doesn’t know who won it.
Lil’ Wayne doesn’t know who won it.
Queen Latifah doesn’t know who won it.
Linda Tyer doesn’t know who won it.
Mellissa Mazzeo doesn’t know who won it.
Jimmy Ruberto doesn’t know who won it.
Sherwood Guernsey doesn’t know who won it.
Barry Clairmont doesn’t know who won it.
Tony Mazzeo doesn’t know who won it.
Andrea Harrington doesn’t know who won it.
Yuki Cohen doesn’t know who won it.
Chris Connell doesn’t know who won it.
John Krol doesn’t know who won it.
Larry Parnass doesn’t know who won it.
Heather Bellow doesn’t know who won it.
Fred Rutberg doesn’t know who won it.
Jim McElroy doesn’t know who won it.
Kaz Chwalek doesn’t know who won it.
Chris Alar doesn’t know who won it.
Michael Gaitley doesn’t know who won it.
Felix Carroll doesn’t know who won it.
Dave Came doesn’t know who won it.
Dave Bubriski doesn’t know who won it.
Terry Kinnas doesn’t know who won it.
Ken Ramsdell doesn’t know who won it.
Anthony Lagroterria doesn’t know who won it.
Chuck Trzcinka doesn’t know who won it.
Jerry Packard doesn’t know who won it.
Howard Herman doesn’t know who won it.
Ben Garver doesn’t know who won it.
Scott Stafford doesn’t know who won it.
Len Bean doesn’t know who won it.
“Bullet” Bob Shade doesn’t know who won it.
Chip Hodgkins doesn’t know who won it.
Nate Zuckerman doesn’t know who won it.
Steven Valenti doesn’t know who won it.
Michael Valenti doesn’t know who won it.
John Clifford Foster Jr. doesn’t know who won it.
Joe Grande doesn’t know who won it.
Paul Kocak doesn’t know who won it.
Mark Murphy doesn’t know who won it.
Dan Valenti does… uh, no comment. He might know something.
Lisa Valenti doesn’t know who won it.
Junebug Clark doesn’t know who won it.
Rick and Norm at Stohr Jewelers doesn’t know who won it.
No one at Dotties knows who won it. Or at Methuselah’s. Or at the Crowne Plaza, Costanzo’s, Angelina’s, Palmer’s Variety, Museum Facsimiles, Kelly’s Package Store, Carr Hardware, George’s Package Store, Michael’s Restaurant, Purple Plume, the Highland, Pittsfield Rye, the Red Lion Inn, Barrington Stage, Berkshire Theater Festival, Bartlett’s Orchard, Guidos, Haddad Motors, Williams & Kingsley Auto Repair (best in town, by the bye!), Blue Q Design, Annie Selke, Mad Max, Abbey Cutters, The Clip Shop, The Hair Studio, Joseph’s on the Mall, Berkshire Graphics, Crazy Chameleon, Sim’s Barbershop, Wahconah Country Club, Pittsfield Country Club, Hollywood Nails, Blantype, Cranwell, the American Legion, the Women’s Club of Pittsfield, the Dalton Restaurant, J&J Locks, West Side Clock Shop, Ordinary Cycles, Cim’s, Pittsfield Furniture, Hotel on North, General Dynamics, or Papa Joe’s. They don’t know either.
———- 000 ———-
So, THE PLANET asks, who in blazes does know?
Gerry Doyle, Remo DelGallo, Peter Arlos, Mary Flynn, Ed Reilly, O.B. Joyful, Robert Capeless, Robert Dillon, Anne Wojtkowski, P.J. Moore, Moses England, Ray Haughey, Paul Dowd, Camillo Santini, Tony Ruberto, and Peter Marchetti.
Correction: Peter Marchetti is not dead. He doesn’t know.
Who knows?
John Lennon, Keith Moon, Ludwig von Beethoven, J.S. Bach, Wolfgang Mozart, Richard Wagner, Johann Strauss, Richard Strauss, George Harrison, Brian Jones, Davy Jones, Nat Cole, Louis Armstrong, John Philip Sousa, Ricky Nelson, John Coltrane, Dave Brubeck, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix.
Who knows?
Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, William Henry Pratt, Colin Clive, Dwight Frye, David Manners, James Whale, Ernest Thesiger, Peter Lorre, Charles Laughton, Elsa Lancaster, Henry Daniell, Robert Wise, Julie Harris, Richard Johnson, Bela Lugosi, Peter Cushing, Forrest J. Ackerman, Lon Chaney, and Lon Chaney Jr.
Who else knows?
Stanley Kubrick, Kirk Douglas, Sterling Haywood, Vince Edwards, Marlon Brando, James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor, Jimmy Stewart, Olivia de Haviland, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Jack Lemon, Shirley Booth, Rita Hayworth, Orson Welles, Oscar Lavant, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Sterling Holloway, Charles Lane, Sean Connery, George Reeves, John Hamilton, Edgar Buchanan, John Wayne, John Ford, John Forsythe, Gabby Hayes, Roy Rogers, Henry Youngman, Ken Coleman, Robert Young, Loretta Young, William Castle, and John Payne, Barbara Stanwyck, Barbra Streisand, Amelia Earhart, Moe Howard, Shemp Howard, Larry Fine, Curley Howard, Joe Besser, Joe DeRita, Bub Abbott, Lou Costello, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Mary Tyler Moore, Bennet Cerf, John Charles Daily, Hugh Downs, and Paul Newman. They all know.
Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, William Cullen Bryant, Henry James, Edith Wharton, Saul Bellow, John Masefield, Edward Estlin Cummings, Walt Whitman, Alfred Tennyson, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Matthew Arnold, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Amy Dickenson, Thomas Hardy, Charles Dickens, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Ambrose Bierce, Eddie Poe, H.L. Mencken, Theodore Dreiser, Gore Vidal, Norman Mailer, Truman Capote, Dorothy Parker, or Sherwood Anderson know.
So does the Man in the Moon, plus the Dish, the Spoon, Pinocchio, Mickey Mouse, Santa Claus, Tinkerbell, Captain Hook, Gunther Toody, Frances Muldoon, Sgt. Ernie Bilco, Jed Clampett, Granny Clampett, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, Mother Goose, Father Time, Adam, Eve, Little Miss Muffet, Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, Yosemite Sam, Pixie and Dixie, Jinx, Huckleberry Hound, Quick Draw McGraw, Yogi Bear, Homer Simpson, Little Red Riding Hood, Sam the Sham, the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper, Andromeda, Odin, the Great JuJu that lives at the bottom of the lake, and Peter Cottontail.
Many more people know who don’t know … Rollie Allen, Gary Van Dusen, Lou Rappaport, Ollie Shermetta, Dan Carey, Steve McKeel, Ramona Baxter Bowden, J. Leonard Gorman, Joey Paoli, Mike Baccoli, Mary Contenta Baccoli, Esther Contenta, Joe Contenta, “Merc” Contenta, Brian Sullivan, Sr. Rosa, Derek Gentile, Lois Vosburgh, Arnie Burdick, Sam Newhouse, Linda Mary Rigoletti, Uncle Nino, Uncle Freddy, Uncle Henry, Gelindo Dasatti, Fabian Eccher, Nonna, Nonoo, John Cavanaugh, Aunt Millie, Aunt Dolores, Aunt Purina, Richard Mottarella, so many more, they all know …
… but they’re not telling.
This is a story with legs, as we say in the business. Stay tuned. Wednesday. Thursday. The claims. The courts. The fissure widens. Do we dare look into the chasm? Bridge builders, the call goes out. S.O.S. And the band played “Waltzing Matilda … Send in the Clowns. Ain’t that a Shame. Nowhere Man. I’m Looking Through You. The Shadow. Modern Man, Don’t Ever Feel Sad and I Know Everyone.
And then the once unsinkable ship hit the iceberg and sank.
“The only person who can have his cake and eat it too is the one who has mastered bilocation” — Donald Turpentine.
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information, hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer. Copyright (c) 2020 by Dan Valenti.
Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio
Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television
North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe
Rosenbergs, H-bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom
Brando, “The King and I” and “The Catcher in the Rye”
Eisenhower, vaccine, England’s got a new queen
Marciano, Liberace, Santayana goodbye
We didn’t start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world’s been turning
We didn’t start the fire
No we didn’t light it
But we tried to fight it
Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser and Prokofiev
Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Bloc
Roy Cohn, Juan Peron, Toscanini, Dacron
Dien Bien Phu falls, “Rock Around the Clock”
Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn’s got a winning team
Davy Crockett, Peter Pan…
Dan. Can I add Paul Muni and of course the late Great Carm…… how could you forget him?
Pittsfield politics picked Joe Biden for President.
Lamestreamers shocked that Biden hasn’t won in a landslide already.
“Der, duh, duh. The polls were off again.”
Looks like enough lamebrains to give this to Biden in the end. Or not.
I won.
No, I won.
No, you didn’t.
Yes, I did.
I know you are, but what am I?
Wow! And I thought the experts and the lying Lame Stream Media said Biden had a double digit lead. Now it looks like Trump will be re-elected! God Bless American!
They don’t call it Lie Witness News for nothing.
1:43 am
Biden 244 Trump 217
[with Biden up in NV (6). Trump up in AK (3) and Maine CD (1)]
Down to five: GA (16), NC (15), PA (20), MI (16), WI (10).
Trump up in all five, which would give him 294. He must have four of the five. Any four, Trump wins.
And that would make you the winner and I sure hope you win Ed.
It all comes down to Michigan, and that is assuming Trump wins Penn, which is a stretch. Arizona absolutely killed him, I wonder how much the McCain stuff played into that.
Biden is going to win, but Trump laid the groundwork for future Republicans to be successful. I have got to imagine anyone the Republicans throw at Kamala in 2024 is a lock.
Not a stretch in PA; it’s a steal.
Trump’s McCain comments no doubt killed him in Arizona. You don’t trash a hometown hero or a national one. I consider it one of Trump’s most disrespectful moments, and there have been many.
Trump brings a lot shit on himself by his own words and actions.
Not so fast doe boy. Trump may be wounded but not fatally, in AZ, at least not yet. He is gaining in the count. Fox called it too quick.
Excellent analysis. Succinct. Clear.
Trump decared himself the winner…saying he wanted the voting to stop….voting stopped hours earlier. He meant to say that the counting of Americans who voted should stop because it unfair to count them…..Trump is amazingly anti democratic
Juan Williams saying last night, Yeah, but what about all the mail-in ballots?”. The Democrats intend to discover mail-in ballots to make up the difference in any states they are losing.
The Cuban-American voters coming out in droves for President Trump. They know the horrors of socialism.
They know the horror of a Russian supported Castro.We know the horror of a Russian backed Trump royal family .
6:38 am Wednesday
Biden/Harris 242 Trump/Pence 216
Same five in play. Trump up in four of the five, which is all he needs.
This would be Trump 283 Biden 252 (I or RCP missing 3 somewhere??!)
Wisconsin (10)
Biden 49.4 Trump 49.1(99%)
Michigan (16)
B 48.5 T 49.9 (80%)
Pennsylvania (20)
B 43.1 T 55.7(75%)
Mayor Daley, all Cook County election mob . . . er officials, and Landslide Lyndon called in to find lost boxes.
Georgia (16)
B 48.3 T50.5 (99%)
North Carolina (15)
B 48.7 T 50.1(100%)
AZ and NV not dead yet, but probably Biden. AK Trump, no doubt
Arizona (11)
Biden 51.0 Trump 47.6 (77%)
Nevada (6)
Biden 49.2Trump 48.6 (75%)
Alaska (3)
Biden 33.0 Trump 62.9(50%)
Car-vile had predicted Biden blowout that would be called by 10 pm.
Senate on pace to hit my numbers of Rep 51 Dim 49
Who’s going to report on the money spend? Probably no one because the Dims are the party of the rich now. Another leftist canard.
Hilary outspend Trump 3 to 1 in 2016. THREE TO ONE!!!!
Something like her $1.2 billion to Trump’s $400 million.
Gotta be close to FOUR to One this cycle.
Suprised about Wisconsin. Vegas has Biden at six to five? You put up two to make one.
Better let it play out Ed. All hell will break loose either way.
8:23 am
At this point, looks like NV, AR, and now WI go to Biden.
Nevada (6)
Biden 49.2Trump 48.6 (75%) (Trump still in play here?)
Arizona (11)
Biden 51.0Trump 47.6 (84%)
Wisconsin (10)
Biden 49.6 Trump 48.9 (100%)
GA and NC for Trump.
Georgia (16)
Biden 48.3 Trump 50.5(99%)
North Carolina (15)
Biden 48.7 Trump 50.1(100%)
So down to MI and PA.
Trump needs both Michigan and Pennsylvania to win, I think. He’s up in both.
Michigan (16)
Biden 49.1Trump 49.4 (91%)
State says their counting will be done by the end of today.
Pennsylvania (20)
Biden 43.1 Trump 55.7 (75%) (Banana republics of Pittsburgh and Philly still to cheat, er, count)
9:11 am
Biden 49.3 Trump 49.1(91%) (10,000 votes separate them)
But Jacobs (R) up by 25K (87% reporting) in Senate race in MI would bode well for Trump?
Dan, I know who knows. The obvious winner is “The Oracle of Delphi”. Before a haze of joy juice and funny smoke she saw the future. It would be wonderful to have her around today. An obvious benefit would be we wouldn’t have to worry about funny counts and voter thievery.
Chuck you’re to little to late. We need you here!
9:38 am
Nevada (6) has announced no more updates until 9 am Thursday.
Biden up by 8K with 75% reporting.
PA (20) AG says 1 million votes still to count.
Trump up by 562,736 with 79% reporting.
Biden 44.4%/2,460,669 Trump 54.5%/3,022,405
Which means the million has to break 800K for Biden, 200K for Trump?
Does Box 13 contain that many votes for Biden?
MI (16) leaning Biden by 18K with 91% reporting.
Biden 49.4%/2,518,923 Trump 49.1%/2,500,843
Not looking great for the Orange Man. He needs both PA and MI.
More Division will be the theme next four years. Not good.
Question for the Planet:
Where can I find that red wine laced with caffeine you were so obviously enjoying while writing today’s post?
Would you agree Michigan is key Ed? Just give me that? I don’t care who wins President.
Yes, absolutely. I believe I’ve been saying that, no?
I don’t know why, but I find just the compilation of that list truly amazing!
A new Billy Joel song.
12:21 pm
Biden by 30K in MI with 91% reporting.
Biden 49.5%/2,581,740 Trump 48.9%/ 2,551,426
You can lawyer up to find/disqualify 300, maybe 3,000, but not 30,000.
Biden by 21K in WI with 100% reporting.
Biden 49.6%/1,630,396 Trump 48.9%/1,609,879
Orange Man not going to find 21K either.
Trump by 500K+ in PA with 80% reporting
Biden 45.3%/2,585,255 Trump 53.5%/3,056,879
Probably doesn’t matter how many Team Biden can find, cause the Capo i Tutti Capi d
Trump must replace MI with BOTH NV and AZ, which most likely not happening.
But is there a 269 to 269 scenario if Trump wins NV?
Time for that glass of wine now.
I congratulate President Harris, if it is indeed over.
A 269 vote tie would certainly be bizarre, but this is a strange year. That would invoke the 12th Amendment in which case the House would pick the president and the Senate would pick the VP.
Note that a vote in the House is by STATE, one vote per state. Right now, GOP has majorities in 24(?) delegations, Dems 22, and 4 equal.
Which would produce more fun.
Unless there was a mad rush of voter registrations, and published figures are out of date, something fishy is going on
111,000 more votes in Wisconsin than registered voters.
Michigan 319,834 more votes than registered.
Pennsylvania looks legit , 826,866 more registered than votes.
Coincidence Biden is ahead in MI and WI?
“In addition, Wisconsin found 138k absentee ballots at 4am that were 95% for Biden.
On Wednesday morning, the Trump campaign indicated Wisconsin may require a recount.”
“111,000 more votes in Wisconsin than registered voters.
Michigan 319,834 more votes than registered”
Obviously significant, if true. And answers my questions about where to find the difference in vote totals.
I hear that ABC just took AZ off the board for Biden . . .
Are you onboard with Antifa members (clerks) checking votes ie Trump lawyers request or does Donald not want that entity anywhere near the ballots?
Never onboard with Antifa Stalinists on anything.
Now look at Michigan.
President Trump had a significant lead in Michigan late last night.
Then all of the sudden Joe Biden jumped up 200,000 votes and has the lead over President Trump.

200,000 VOTES!
Here is the evidence–
I believe Team Trump has filed suits in WI, PA, and MI.
Great graphic, Maddy.
And the Tweet you cite is from a “suspended account.” Can’t see it.
Big Tech Brother . . .
How can anyone trust these same people who have done nothing but complain and whine and scheme to take down the winner of the 2016 presidential election? They have attempted every trick in the book to try to take down President Trump. This massive spike in votes suddenly appearing for Biden and none for Trump when most people were sleeping is highly suspicious.
Limbaugh bringing us down softly . . . Keep away from sharp objects . . .
Yes, yes, Rush, we know all the chit, mang.
Life will go on. I think.
3:20 pm
Word is that Biden will speak at 4 pm and declare himself the winner.
Hey, I thought you weren’t supposed to do that?
But not over for a while, I ‘spect.
Biden up by 94K in AZ with 84% reporting. But 600K votes still outstanding?
Trump 47.6%/1,317,568 Biden 51%/1,411,086
Biden by 21K in WI, with 100% reporting. But Trump within .7% and can and has filed for a recount (by law must be less than 1%)
Biden 49.6%/1,630,396 Trump 48.9%/1,609,879
And we’ve seen the funny registration numbers.
Biden by 38K in MI, with 91% reporting. Biden up again by.7%. I’d assume a recount will be filed when all votes in if within the state margin, but I don’t know what that law says..
Biden 49.6%/ 2,638,279 Trump 48.9% 2,600,314
And again we’ve seen the registered to voter numbers.
Narrowed now in PA.
Trump by 370K with 84% reporting. First PA AG said 1 million votes still out there, then 3 million??
Biden 46.2%/2,714,439 Trump 52.7%/3,097,922
DJT 2023
He’s too bombastic he will never run again because he knows he won’t get the nomination. Sad to stay, but put a fork in em. He’s done. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go vomit, just thinking of Harris as president .
your excused
You might as well call it now Dan. It’s all over but the cryin’. And it’s Trumps’ own damn fault. All he had to do was either A. Act like a grown up for past 4 years. B. Stay off Twitter. C. Taken Corona seriously earlier. Take your pick. He would have coasted to re-election.
The Bloghas spindles. Le5 the Civil War begin. The Clinton era is back.
Remember the quote of the manager in the movie the Hustler. You’re a loser Eddie. A born a Loser.
Reality Check. 48% of the country thinks that we have been doing very well in trying to contain corona virus. President Trump’s ratings were much higher on the virus than the lies reported by the corrupt media.
I’ve gotta agree. I’m surprised how close the election is, and it shows that Trump could have actually won easily if he had done one of the three things listed above.
Holy wow.
My call had Trump at 295. He had 25 to give. But as it stands now, he’s given away 27.
As it stands, I was wrong on AZ (11) and MI (16). Wrong on the NB CD and ME CD, but those just switched sides, so a wash.
Makes it !!
Biden 270 Trump 268
Comes down to NV? Biden up by 8K with 75% reporting. Start counting again at 9 am Thursday.
Joe to speak soon.
On your comments with your math.Votes in the states you mention are close but what’s left is the counties are largely democrat. That is 101 basic trading in an election.
I have not seen or heard that. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong.
Cite a source, an article, at least.
Within two minutes I found info that contradicts what you say for Arizona.
Nate Silver even!!!!!!!!
101 basic voter training is also that once the election is over the Democrats shouldn’t still be urging people to fill out mail-in ballots to try to win in states where they are losing.
Apparently some NV results to come at 6 pm EST. From Washoe County/Reno.
Nope. Back to tomorrow morning again.
Anyone hear that the Berkshire Eagle is getting ready to file for bankruptcy protection?
Any inside sources? A banker friend noted they are desperately trying to restructure debt as they are falling behind and can’t seem to get a lifeline.
Quite a campaign, quite a race. Who won? I compare it to a horse race. Probably horses at the Gt. Barrington fair. Whoever wins , we get a horses ass.
I was watching local Massachusetts poll reporting last night and they called Massachusetts for Biden after only 1% of the vote was in, but the corrupt media will not call Pennsylvania for President Trump with 86% of the vote in and President Trump ahead by over 600,000 votes. They called Arkansas for Joe real early last night even though they had to change that later when Trump did a rebound. So much unfairness and potential election fraud is happening. Supposedly tons of mail-in ballots were discovered for Biden sometime between 2 and 4 am and nobody was allowed to watch the counting of the mail-in ballots except from a long distance away.
I could have safely called Massachusetts for Biden two weeks ago!
That may be true, but do they have to be so arrogant about it. They just expect everyone will vote in lockstep in this state. People should shake them out of their expectations once in a while.
Pennsylvania AG called PA for Biden on Nov 2nd
The corrupt media has been telling lies for months about a blue wave and Biden winning in a landslide. They told us President Trump is so unpopular, but he did better than the last election in many states. Biden supposedly got 70% of the mail-in ballots. These mail-in ballots have never been done in many states and have shown either lack of ability to count them properly or lack of proper identification in states where they have been used. Even the New York Times called mail-in ballots very questionable until they realized they could use them to falsely win against President Trump. How can we trust these Democrat states to count correctly when they have done nothing but try to get rid of President Trump for the last 4 years and even before he was elected?
Exactly. I,axing how all of these close races have two things in common. All have dem strongholds in place, and all have options because of that favoring Biden? Only dem strongholds in four states? Why were dem votes stronghold last to cast?????
Some folks are calling MI for Biden, who leads by 70K with 99% reporting.
Phoney baloney to be investigated, of course.
Biden 49.9%/2,688,604 Trump 48.6%/2,618,093
Well Trump called it. Bring in Rudy. Now!
By the time it’s said and done a Sleepy will have Pennsylvania also. Crooks all.
In a role reversal:
Kaitlan Collins
“The White House just called a lid, meaning we do not expect to see President Trump for the rest of the day’
History, damn it, you libs.
Joe: “Only three campaigns in history have defeated an incumbent president.”
Yeah, libs are so effing smart. Fancy, expensive colleges.
Ignorant and arrogant bastards.
Try this. Ten, not three times.
1992: Clinton beat Bush 41
1980: Reagan beat Pres. Carter
1976 Carter beat Pres. Ford
1932 FDR beat Pres. Hoover
1912 Wilson beat Pres. Taft
1892 Cleveland beat Pres. Harrison
1888 Harrison beat Pres. Cleveland
1840 Harrison beat Pres. Van Buren
1824 Jackson beat Pres. JQ Adams
1800 Jefferson beat Pres. Adams
Ed, President Biden has a history of lying going back to when he actually knew what office he was running for.
Covid cluster in Lenox
11 people positive in the Berkshires.
Heritage Tavern closed for deep clean Thursday and Friday and their staff is quarantining.
It has been a very long pathetic 24 hours! As an American I am totally embarrassed and angry that the USA’s election system is so frucked up. We must be the laughing stocks of the world. As I channel surfed all day trying to get updates, it amazed me that every channel is showing different numbers. How come 30 to 40 years ago, American’s would vote and know that night or wake up in the morning and know who our new President would be. Has the USA allowed themselves to get that screwed up? After looking at different media accounts showing ballots yet to be counted, still in Post Offices, this election is a complete farce. Don’t care if it takes months to count these ballots, neither Biden or Trump should be named President until ALL votes are counted. Both political parties have screwed up this Country with their greed and selfishness. Think of the billions of dollars wasted on this election and they still can’t figure out who won. Feel the USA citizens deserve better then this.
Trump is getting screwed over just like he said. Michigan not in Penn not in Georgia not in Arizona not in Nevada not in. Amazing how the Democratic strongholds are last to come in?????? Wake up America!
“………[TRAVERSE CITY, MICH.—Nov. 4, 2020] An U.S. Postal Service Insider told Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe his supervisor instructed mail carriers at his work site here that all new ballot envelopes should be segregated in bins, so that postal clerks could fraudulently hand-postmark them as received Nov. 3………..”
has to be true if project veritas says so
A secret agent. Possibly the reincarnation of Sean Connery. Every one of your posts seems to be dumber than the one before. ROFL
It was just as messed up then. Now the nonsense isn’t so easy to hide from a gullible public.
Now onto 48 pathetic hours and it is only getting worse. Thousands of so called lost then found ballots, new rules about counting being created every hour, overworked and tired poll workers working 24 hours shifts, deadlines being pushed farther and farther out, postal workers pointing out fraud due to being told to backdate ballots. People stating they were given more than one ballot. What an embarrassment to our Country. Very sad time for the USA no matter who wins. How much more crooked can this election get? How are Americans suppose to believe in and trust their Country?
Noticed that the Coronavirus is no longer a major topic in the media or out of the mouths of our elected officials. Gee, where did it go? Goes to prove politicians only care about themselves. Keep safe folks.
I’ve said at least twice in here that COVID will go away if Joke wins.
It was ginned up to take down Trump.
But I always wear a mask, avoid large gatherings, wash my hands frequently, etc.
All Trump has to find is one problem and he has every right to send his lawyers in. But he has predicted this would happen so why is everyone suprized?
Sixty eight millions votes for Trump and less than a few thousand differential in four states,where the count remaining big democrat county strongholds.
Trump said this to the Fox entertainment parrots a dozen times.
Yes, the election has moved covid off the front page, but covid is still a major concern because of the record number of covid cases over the past few days.
What the heck is happening at the old second street jail tonight? The parking lot was filled with with an excess of law enforcement from all over – detectives, staties, feds, atf…
Maybe Dillinger is back in town.
Biden will be overwhelmed because of age and cognitive skills. He’ll end up in Bellevue two months into his Presidency. He’s not super-human,not at that age.
Why the hell does the government still own the property?
The answer lies written on a matchbook in a hermetically sealed mason jar in a field behind the Milt Plum hall of fame located on 4th street. Fred Rutberg’s Toupee is also in the jar .
Bill Bellychick just found two mailed in TDs. So the Pats actually won last Sunday.
The media is still spreading the lie that white men voters have given President Trump so many votes. The media still spreading the lie that President Trump is a racist, but Latino and Cuban American voters have really ramped up the votes for him especially in Texas and Florida. Far fewer white people voted for President Trump especially in urban areas. Rural America came out strong for President Trump by all races.
Trump called it. A Royal American screwing. Every County left in the states that are waiting on are Democrat.
These mail-in ballots are being abused. They have tons of them on hand and can easily figure out what they need to win and have people keep filling them out. No ballots should be allowed after election day. Supreme Court made an outrageous decision. This is fraud on a grand scale and I knew these mail-in ballots would be abused. Biden shot up in Pennsylvania due to them still filling out ballots and dating them, If they are even doing that, for within the required time frame.
Pat,this is how its done.Blame Trump if you want to blame.The virus should have given trump the greatest victory of all time but he decided to again lie.He just cant help himself and it might cost him his Presidency
Pat. Can you answer me this? The latest numbers are changing and Biden is getting more votes. But why does the percentage of votes cast so slow to change? Am I missing something? One has been stuck on the same percentage for three days yet the vote total increased?
They are trying to make it look legitimate, but no ballots should be allowed to be filled out after election day. All the rules have been changed to favor the Democrats.
It’s right in front of our faces. Biden keeps gaining but that percent number of votes left hardly moves?….Am I stupid? Trump ain’t.
show me a policy that suppressed republican voting
Republicans have finished voting. Where are Democrats coming up with all of these new people to vote?
This is a internet fantasy conspiracy.Wake up.
I guess I wasn’t kidding about Mayor Daley, Cook County officials, and Landslide Lyndon in on the fix.
Have Republicans ever found extra votes? Ever?
And you think a President Joke will be seen as legit?
Props to those three who foresaw the theft:
* Jerry Packard: Biden 272 Trump 266.
* Callime Thulatta: Biden 350 Trump 188
* Maggie May: Biden 279 Trump 259
You got that right. Theft. It ain’t over many discrepancies and President is looking into all of it just like he promised. He had almost 70 million votes himself.
Waiting for Dekalb,Cobb, Philadelphia, Maracopa In Az ….all democratic counties with big d numbers. Bullshit!
Maricopa stupid
It isn’t the counters that are to be scrutinized it’s the lost millions or illegal voting that got Biden elected. The President got the highest total of all time excluding Biden. It’s rigged.
You got to give it to C T closest to Trump total as of today. Since you posted it and it isn’t complete. Kinda of hypocritical isn’t it E ? You wouldn’t want the election winner posted would you? Especially when the votes are still undecided?
Is there still a Covid problem? CNN??????????
Yes,over 100k per day.
Basically Covid cost Trump the election. I mean Trump took Maricopa County in Az in 2016 and just about same numbers voted. Why would Trumpers vote against him this time? Trump has sixty Eight million votes and climbing. Could this be John McCains ghost? Where the hell is Goldwater?
Short answer: Leftist lies.
The Left throws a perpetual toddler tantrum until people just vote for Dims to shut the brats up.
Or just steal it.
9:48 am Thursday.
Here’s where we’re at with the Real Clear Politics states that have not been called:
If the these number hold:
Biden wins AZ, NV, and WI; Trump wins NC, GA, and PA, then we get
Biden 270 Trump 268
Biden Trump
Arizona (11)
50.5 48.1 (86%)
North Carolina (15)
48.7 50.1 (100%)
Wisconsin (10)
49.6 48.9 (100%)
Georgia (16)
49.2 49.6 (100%)
Pennsylvania (20)
48.3 50.5 (91%)
Nevada (6)
49.3 48.7(86%)
But I have a feeling this is fraud from over.
Could Las Vegas win Trump this Election?
Not so fast Biden.
So if everything stays the same and Trump can turn eras to vote for him he can still win. Because it doesn’t look like Arizona is reachable. And this is why Trump has his lawyers ready. Go. Eggs for Trump. Biden will shut you downVegas!
Oh, OK. I see. Dirty Hairy Reid’s machine in action in Nevada.
“Splains it.
Clark Cointy Nevada voted Clinton last election. Trump swamped her in every other county. again that we’re waiting for a democratic stronghold.
Your email account might have been compromised. I just got weird message from it.
Maybe change your password?
Latest on Nevada:
Biden up by 12K with 86% Reporting
Biden 49.4%/604,251 Trump 48.5%/592,813
Limbaugh saying the FOX News head of the election desk(?) is a Hilary donor?
Gotta be Paul Ryan’s doing.
Murrow or whomever you are,you refuse any back and forth and I’m a Trumper. And if your trying to find out anything personable which I hope your not,there’s an old saying from the movie Goodfellas. You may know who we are? But we know who you are..
I think your upset because of my fabulous scenarios concerning this election. This is my last statement on this. Trump predicted this nonsense with ballots and mail and everything else. One state two states,why so long to count ballots in states that are so closed. Because of mail issues? Because they’re waiting on what they need.
Remember the movie Casino. What state did they haul,skim off money in the briefcases? Indiana maybe? Pence. And what state hated Donald Trump the most when he was trying to build his Casino Empire? Nevada. Trumps whole political playbook has come from his life experiences. W W F McMahon,old movies,don’t laugh,dealings with New York and Wall Street Corporations, where his own Empire was bailed out ie like Goldman Sucks,Deusche Bank and who knows who else.
Did you know the only reason Trump was saved by the Banks from financial ruin was one thing and one thing only? Trump,the brand name. Tru p win or lose will tie this up,he has the money, and the Lawyers.best that money can buy. One last thing before I become a free agent. Trump always to.d the truth about working the system when he was a private citizen and even stated that during debates. But never was I once ever believe he Love this Country and that’s where the media and Democrats have it wrong. Trump Loves this County.
Yuki Cohen’s bar hosted a couple super spreader events.
She’s saying it was a staff exposure, allegedly it was a party and an after hours get together that exceeded the limits of people allowed in the establishment and people were not wearing masks.
The birthday party include people from Lenox, Pittsfield, Richmond, and Lee some who work in schools (a school nurse) and a number of people who work in retail.
So much for it being safer for people to spend time with Yuki.
She’s been on the carpet a couple times already (License Board)
Yuki has not said more than one complete sentence at a Council Meeting since last January.
Still think Georgia will go to. trump.its on Las Vegas Clark County.
Apparently the plan in GA, NC, and PA is to keeping counting ballots until Biden wins.
Then they’ll stop.
This is outrageous. We need somebody to step in and stop this. Republicans have stopped voting. Democrats are just trying to make up the difference in what they are behind. Nevada is accepting ballots until November 10th? This is insanity.
States’ rights, baby
No such thing as states’ rights. People have rights, individuals.
States’ rights is Confederate talk, John Calhoun-type stuff.
And you’re not more of a conservative than I am.
Besides, the South blew it by treating people like shit–for a really long time.
I don’t remember Nevada allowing voting until November 10th in 2016. No, just like the mail-in ballots, this is all new territory that the Democrats have cooked up.
Listen Pat ,do you happen to know what country you live in.Trump has you getting use to the Russian system of dont count them if they arent for me.
Just listened to the Pennsylvania Secretary of State and she is clueless to give any answers including numbers except to say that all in person votes have been counted, but they are waiting on literally hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots to be counted. Wow! This mail-in ballot gig is really working for the Democrats. They can delay the final result. They know how many votes they need to win ahead of time. They will not allow people to watch the vote counting except for more than 6 feet away. No wonder there is a lawsuit in the works.
What’s outrageous? They have to be postmarked by November 3rd. Is it the mail in voter’s fault that Trump conspired with his Postmaster General to slow down the mail and screw up mail in voting?
JON makes a fair point, but I would also add that anyone voting by mail should have the common sense to allow PLENTY of time and not rely on a postmark.
Question: Could we see SCOTUS order a re-vote in WI, MI, PA, GA, NC, NV, AZ?
First Tuesday in December. I’ll pencil it in.
Listening to the Pennsylvania Secretary of State who says there are still hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots to count. All of the in person votes have been counted. Gosh, that voting in person set-up really works doesn’t it? Hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots? Why doesn’t she just say that, “We will make sure that Joe Biden wins”. She is smiling constantly and the extremely polite media is asking questions like, “Do you and your workers feel safe?” and no questions about the preventing of vote count watchers from the Trump side. It was so phony and seemed set up.
Hey Pat, sorry that Democrats decided it was safer to stay home and do mail in voting. And that’s you’re problem. You know that because Trump downplayed mail in voting, almost all of those mail in votes are Democrats voting for Biden. Sorry, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t count.
Just saw on the news that they are now sending”volunteers” to voters homes that forgot to sign their ballots so that the voter can sign it!? Come on, what is the country going to do next, go out and wipe people butts? This election is beyond fraud, it is outrageously pathetic.
I agree that would be outrageous and I’m sure illegal if true, though I find it hard to believe. Care to share the source?
Covid at Methuselah? Yuki Cohen is libel for allowing people entry without masks.
liable Apple phone! Libel might be any of us …