(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY DEC. 23, 2020) — Question of the Day: “Why does the local chapter of the NAACP have a place on the search committee charged with finding the new person to head the Pittsfield Public School System?”
THE PLANET wishes it could provide a believable answer to Mr. Sardonicus, a public unofficial who submitted the query to this address. Mr. S says he doesn’t dare ask this question publicly, because you know what will come next — charges that he sang “Mammy” in blackface from the Colonial Theater stage. We live in a time where racism is alive and well, only it’s not just your grandfather’s form.
Today’s “woke” racist loves everything that is against so-called “white privilege.” That means if you’re white, male, and more than 30, you’re an oppressor. You’ve had it all handed to you.
Why do you think white males have disappeared from TV commercials? We’re all monsters.
America’s schools and universities have taken it upon themselves to address America’s racist and sexist past by installing a racist sexist present based on an assumption of moral and existential superiority with respect to blacks, people of color, females, and anyone who belongs to a category in the alphabet soup of LBGTQA etcetera, etcetera. No academic department, no subject matter has been spared from the assault on common sense. In English classes, personal pronouns are sexist; language must be scrubbed clean of its male favoritism. History must be rewritten to the point where America’s past might just as soon be the latest installment in the Harry Potter series. Even 2+2 is on doubt.
THE PLANET‘s point is that our institutions cannot address the wrongs of the past by perpetuating them in the present through the creating new “victims” and “oppressors.” The NAACP, however noble in its intentions, sits on the superintendent finding committee solely because of skin color. This guarantees a distorted search process before the real work begins.
Reverse racism is a form of social engineering that ironically ends up hurting blacks more than any other group. Intelligent people realize the insult involved in being given the inside track. Affirmative action, for example, discriminates on the basis of skin color. It tells qualified blacks that they don’t have the “necessities” — an Al Campanis word — to compete fairly for positions, advancements, admissions, and honors. It plops them in the “booster seat” so they can sit at the adult table.
Issuing a priori reward on the basis of skin color or gender, precisely the social sin committed for too long in America to repress blacks and women, assures a greater preponderance of the unqualified. Who does that help? It also tends to attract the very individuals one would not want in positions of power and influence, much the same way that politics repels those you would want in public office and lures people with serious character flaws trying to ameliorate inner insecurities through power and public dollars.
To make race a factor of qualification draws the Gimme Groups, who play the race and victim cards and believe society owes them a living. Clever people will know how to leverage such a system into public dollars. For example, how else to explain the PPS position of “cultural proficiency coach,” with hefty salary and big bennies.
Can we get real for a moment? Can we talk honestly, like adults?

MOVIN’ WIT DA GROOVIN’ –Community “professionals” celebrate Joe Biden’s win led by Shirley Edgerton, left, and Andrea Harrington, right. Also left. (Photo by iBerkshires)
You know, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski know, THE PLANET knows, Judge Crater knows, and the Nicolas Brothers know that “cultural proficiency coach” is a fake position created by city officials as window dressing, a form of tokenism to make it look like they are serious about social and racial inequity.
We all also know that this is a political position meant to enforce a correct attitude — thought control — concerning anything to do with the schools.
These are the same schools whose quality of graduates has plummeted, the same schools that think self-esteem and sex ed are a more important academic skill than reading, writing, and math.
This being Pittsfield, of course, the Pittsfield School Committee doesn’t trust itself to find the new Supt. Bobo. It has hired a consultant to oversee the process.
Hail the consultants!
The committee meets next month, gathers applicants in February, and wants Supt. Bobo on the job in July 1. Lame-duck super Jake “JIV” McCandless, who just gave away 5,000 computer notebooks paid for the by the Kapanskis, was hired by the Mt. Greylock system.
Good riddance.
“Progress would be wonderful if only it would stop” — Writer Robert Musil.
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Yet Another Pittsfield DEBACLE!
Pittsfield, Lenox Nursing Homes Reporting 56 COVID DeathsBy Josh Landes, WAMC, December 21, 2020
Two nursing homes managed by Berkshire Healthcare are reporting 56 deaths related to COVID-19. Hillcrest Commons in Pittsfield, Massachusetts has had 41 residents die of coronavirus, while Kimball Farms in Lenox has had 15 die.
Pittsfield, Lenox Nursing Homes Reporting 56 COVID Deaths | WAMC
If we can even believe those numbers. How many will die in a short period time even if they do survive the COVID because they have been so weakened by this virus and their other health problems made worse? It all seems to come down to staff at these BHS facilities running back and forth between other BHS facilities instead of being limited to working in one facility. Also staff being called in even if they knew they had tested positive for the virus because they were so desperate for workers. They want to blame it on “community spread”, but that explanation doesn’t given them any responsibility for this disaster. Where is our Attorney General to look into this and make sure all the protocols for infection control were followed.
Dan, you’re forgetting the one product that white males are being exclusively portrayed in Tv commercials. Home security systems. The burglar, home invader, rapist is ALLWAYS a 30something white man/men.
If one could interview the outgoing superintendant as to why he bailed out of the Pittsfield system, burning rubber all the way up route 8, AND he gave an honest answer, it might include that it was almost impossible to control the chaos within the schools.
And that chaos might include the inability to provide a decent learning environment due to gang bangers and gang banger wannabees.
And if one could interview the parents who have either moved from the area or opted out of the Pittsfield system to find a better school system, and they were HONEST about their reason, it might include the whole disrutive gang banger environment.
So hopefully, whomever the new superintendant is, he comes with the knowhow to deal with this problem because, if not, nothing else he or she does will make things better.
Most likely Joe Curtis will be handed the baton.
He will need a baton.
He’ll need a lasso. Is he political? If he does get it it will be because of me. I haven’t raked him through the coals on here. Anyway,good luck Joe!
Joe can end gang violence with oodles of data
Most people like the Pittsfield schools.
Not the ones that actually went there, taught there or send their kids there
Then again, I’m sure that’s Trumps fault. Right SC?
Republicans do not support public education
Gobsigs love PPS.
They like them in their rear view mirrors as they drive there kids to Lenox.
And you believe the high income elite subburban schools are best and you are 125% correct.
Imagine that the liberals who live in Lenox, Williamstown and Great Barrington have the best schools and the highest incomes! But shoot down school choice and charter schools where the poor disadvantage children of all colors could also attend.
It allowed for white flight.Poor people are not involved in school choice.
How wrong you are, check the enrollment at BART to see where the Pittsfield children live
Some choice out of crosby, conte and Morningside and into egermont and williams.
I am almost giving up on the schools. This very political school system is intentionally dumbing down the kids by not teaching them truthful history particularly how dictators and systems of dictatorship are really created. They all truly believe that President Trump is a dictator. They have no idea. They can’t think straight thanks to a school system that teaches sensationalism and not facts and truth. Socialism/communism demands this kind of dumbing down and making big government the savior of all of us. The youth are being taught to completely trust big government at all times as long as big government keeps spouting the appropriate “isms” and promises to right racism, sexism and all the other “isms”. They are being manipulated so easily.
You just voted for Trump.
As someone who has taught in various PPS buildings and then moved out to public schools on the 91 corridor I can assure you that not every school is politically motivated. Most teachers are able to remain neutral when discussing politics
NOT Pittsfield. Those union hacks are democrat all the way and have NO SHAME indoctrinating those kids. I almost laughed when one high school student told me I shouldn’t vote for trump *I didnt* because he is going to start a war with North Korea and hates POC (I assumed this meant Pieces of Crap as the original acronym meant)
Pittsfield teachers are proud of the fact that they shame kids into thinking like them. They have no professionalism and are the reason the city is a democratic shithole going right down that rabbit hole.. Why teach kids resilience and that they can achieve anything when you can fear monger and blame poverty?
Who needs freedom of thought when you can claim racism and discrimination, Right Helen?
Sad but true, H. The local teachers union is the No. 1 reason why the PPS is broke and busted. Average compensation: $80K+/yr. And for what?
They support the cabal and the cabal supports them. The taxpayers on the other hand get it in the ass. Reason 1041 for a forensic audit in Pittsfield, Ma.
We grew up in a union country Dan and we never had so much growth as we did with union wages.
What unions have become is never what they once were.
To have a successful Union you have to have a very successful company. No one ever got a job from a poor person.
The unions taught those GE bastards a good lesson and booted them out of town. Know the GE knows who’s boss around here.
Unions used to represent the workers when they started out and slowly started representing the politicians because of favorable policies which the politicians had no problem with as long as they got the votes. The politicians offered more than the taxpayers could ever pay for.
Pittsfield teachers are not the top paid teachers in the county. I have a daughter that teaches first grade. You should try it some time Dan. Rather than sit out on the street and tell us what a terrible job these people in West Side and Morningside are doing go in the building and volunteer for a week. Then come out and write a column on how terrible these teachers are and what they could do better. You might have a better insight as to what goes on than agreeing the Hell’n whose taught up and down the I 91 corridor.
Thanks. According to the state Dept. of Education website, average salary for teachers in the Pittsfield district is $67,937. The compensation package is worth 27.8% of salary ($18,886). This equals a yearly compensation of $86,821. When you factor in the poverty rate in Pittsfield as well as such measures as discretionary cash, the Pittsfield district is at or near the top statewide. I would also add that I never said the teachers were terrible. The teachers union, on the other hand …
It is funny when I went to school teachers had used vehicles and worked a second job, today they drive new European cars and don’t have second jobs
They have swimming pools, take long vacations, have fancy homes. They do as well as many who work for BHS who also are constantly taking vacations, have swimming pools, fancy vehicles, and huge homes. These are the same people pushing socialism on the country and who want the lower and middle class to live in communal housing and take public transportation. Yes, you will all be equal under socialism…equally miserable.
Also, how many other 65k a year jobs are there in Berkshire Co for 9 months of work?
Probably none. Nor are there any in the other 13 counties of MA.
And are required to have a minimum of a master’s degree!
A master’s in education is a joke.
Then: Yup. You taught because you loved it and were an idealist. Now: Total compensation — average — pushing $90K a year, 181 days of work the rest of the time VAY-CAY. You teach because of the $$ and you hate it.
Thank you. I’m looking at a 1975 Pittsfield teachers contract. A starting teacher’s salary was $8,200.00. Masters max was $14,105. In todays dollars that converts to $40,600 to start and &69,838. Just about the same as their getting today. As for insurance, the city is not paying $19,000 per teacher for insurance. They pay a group rate which is perhaps 1/2 of that. You base your numbers on what it would cost if each teacher had to go individually and broker their own policy. The poverty rate could be factored in and the teacher salaries could be cut. Should that be the case you would see a mass exodus of teachers to the places where the pay the going rate. Those that would leave would not be the the ones that you would want to see go either. As for Nuts’s post, take a ride through the school’s lots some time and count the European cars.
You’re welcome THOM. Good points. The benny package includes not only health insurance but also the OPEBs.
I answered this with a long posting. It has disappeared. I’ll just post this.
I have 1975 teachers contract. Starting pay – $8200.00
Masters max – $14,105. That amount today is $40,600 to start and roughly $69,000 max. Just about the same now as then when it comes to buying power. Also, the city does not pay $19,000 per teacher for insurance.
I found your pearlier, longer post. My robot army sometimes gets too possessive — the price we have to pay to keep the online nut jobs outta here. Merry Christmas to you, my good friend.
And to you as well as a prosperous and Happy New Yea.
Politics is never taught in the public schools in a way the Pat expresses Marxism is the driver of schools.This is so uninformed but if you listen to Limbaugh and Fox what else would you be open to.
If I’m the new Super, I add three things to the PPS curriculum: (1) Finances and money … (2) Home economics … (3) Religion
Ever hear of Herbert Marcuse genius mind?
No public school is.
No they just have political rallies for the Democrats
BBC = Brit Biased Canard Company
Just your run-of-the-mill lamestream outfit.
Totally biased reporting all night on the monstrous bill passed by Congress that Trump says he won’t sign–good for him!–and still subtlely pushing the Russia hoax lie.
“Trump pardoning 15 people . . . Russia, which brought him to power” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No word at all on all the total crap in the bill–$33 mil to Venezuela, and millions to Pakistan, Oman, and all sort of other places.
Bill is not $900 bil but $2.3 tril altogether.
Apparently Seinfeld pushed Shumer for money to save comedy clubs!!!???
Can’t wait for Joke and Kommie to take over . . .
The ignorance is everywhere.
Especially in a mirror.
This is not the stimulus ,it is the Trump McConnell budget next year which raises your taxes
I’ve been watching shows on Hitler on AHC (American Hitler Channel). Scary the parallels to our situation of a thug takeover by the Dims.
Who are BLMPOSANTIFAPOS but modern Brown Shirts?
“Never give in, never, never, never–never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty–never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.”
Only you could watch a show on Hitler and not see the ugly similarities between Trump and Hitler and how they both stoked right wing nationalism for their own self serving goals.
Only an idiot could miss the parallels with the Dims and idiotically point to Trump, right Timothy Snyder? No knowledge of history, of politics, of ideas–nothing.
I understand the NY Times ran a cartoon depicting Republicans talking about the stolen election as rats.
Smacks of Nazi caricatures of the Jews.
Dehumanize your enemies.
Libtards have literally spoken of “reeducation” and targeting of Republicans, threats, intimidation, complete with their own Brown Shirts, the Sturmabteilung.
The Nazis were socialists
Big government socialists at that.
Just the fact of using mail-in ballots in the first place is enough to show just how this election was stolen. It’s so easy to cheat with these mail-in ballots and that is what they did. The swing state ballot counting was a joke and they conveniently came up with enough ballots to win after knowing how many ballots they needed and they could say that here comes all those mail-in ballots now, but only after they knew how many they needed to beat President Trump which is why they closed down many of the polling places and dragged out suitcases full of supposedly filled out ballots.
Why did all the Trumps vote using mail in ballots?
The ballots not observed by GOP watchers ALONE could account for “outcome-determinative” fraud. That was the whole point of the Obamalinski tactics in driving them out.
Or the the dead voters ALONE in some states, or the out-of-state voters ALONE in others, or the lack of signatures ALONE, of the exact same signature ALONE, or the pristine ballots ALONE, or the a.m. ballot dumps ALONE, or the vote spikes, glitches, switches ALONE, or the Dominion algorithms ALONE, or the no chain of custody for anything–USB drives, hard drives, ballots–ALONE.
Just put couple of these together.
And have Dr. Goebbels censor all this stuff, send out the goons to attack people, such as this POS:
From Joe Concha at The Hill:
. . . 5,593 pages long . . .
. . .
Exhibit A: “Of the funds appropriated under title III of the Act that are made available for assistance for Pakistan, not less than $15,000,000 shall be made available for democracy programs and not less than $10,000,000 shall be made available for gender programs.” Yep. $10 million. For gender programs. In Pakistan.
Exhibit B: Funds for “Resource Study of Springfield (Illinois) Race Riot.” That riot occurred in (checks notes) 1908.
. . .
Exhibit E: Another $40 million will be allocated “for the necessary expenses for the operation, maintenance and security” of The Kennedy Center, which received $25 million in another COVID relief bill earlier this year. Also in a related story, the Kennedy Center has been closed.
Exhibits F, G, H, I, J: $86 million for assistance to Cambodia; $130 million to Nepal, $135 million to Burma, $453 million to Ukraine, $700 million to Sudan.
Exhibit K: The bill creates a Women’s History Museum and an American Latino Museum as part of the Smithsonian. Overall, the Smithsonian gets (checks notes again) $1 billion.
And you get $600 . . .
I cannot begin to tell you how despicable your characterizations above are. The unfortunate thing is, I think you truly believe this stuff. “Gimme people” is just wrong. You may not mean it, but this appellation is a broad brush with which you paint every person of color. At least that is the way the majority of your readers will perceive it. You and your political ilk lay all the ills of American society at the feet of the “gimme people” when any look at any federal budget pie chart shows clearly that the poor, as they are better-characterized, are desperately fighting over scraps while the defense contractors, megachurches and other wealthy pocket trillions. Second, affirmative action was the only way to address a terribly broken system in hiring, education and elsewhere. From the end of slavery to the 1960s, if you were black you need not apply regardless of your qualifications. Why the Hell do you think the Negro leagues existed Dan?!? There were clearly more talented ball players there that never got a chance with major league clubs. Affirmative action is certainly not perfect, but it’s better than nothing, otherwise the white privilege you decry and poke fun at would be perpetuated at the expense of our brethren of color forever. Finally, the NAACP deserves a seat at the table to help choose the new superintendent. Otherwise the same thing you and you readers bitch about constantly, when not belittling “gimme people”, would happen; the job would be awarded to another politically connected white guy who would continue to perpetuate an already toxically crappy system. Every voice deserves to be heard on this hire.
You’re a one horse pony.
This blog is interesting. As soon as someone disagrees the name calling starts. No rebuttal, no alternate view, just name calling. As President Trump would say, ‘Sad’.
I called no one names…I respect Dan. I can argue with Dan, but I believe this take is despicable.
I agree. I wasn’t posting about you, it was intended for dementia and he claims it was satire that he posted.
More continues to offer us less, close to nothing, in fact.
I’ve noticed that Berkshire County people have very little intellectual curiosity. It’s a big part of why nothing ever changes in this area. Most of them don’t even want to discuss current issues. They also vote based on politics of 50 years ago and many truly believe that the Democratic party is the same as it was 50 years ago.
Could not have said it better myself.
The satire is lost on you.
100% correct.
Well, for not knowing how to begin, you got off to a fast start, one that would make Rafer Johnson proud. Thanks for the pushback. You make valid points.
Thanks to teachers unions and politics the person hired will be an incompetent book licker. I would gather many voices would help and while I support diversity — most of this is just window treatment. There are other societies that manage to give a great education to kids who don’t even speak English at home. Until somebody breaks the school unions like Bloomberg did in NYC there will be no quality education in Berkshire Co.
The fact that bars and theaters were open but not classrooms just shows how much ‘white privilege’ and ‘out of touch-itis’ our officials perpetuate. TFB and Mayor the CC and the school committee are all incompetent and nothing will change. Better off BC districts have better outcomes (bit mo. enter growth) but only because the kids have upper middle class educated parents with kids who can auto pilot. almost no effective teaching is happening in berkshire co – turn off the lights when you leave.
That is why you read so much stupidity here. It’s a stupid society. Maybe some second generations raised up with restaurant or construction money and soon to be pot money but dumb as dirt.
Then I guess I can’t ask why blacks are 93% of TV commercial actors when blacks are only about 13.5% of the population.
Chalk it up to the Justice Brothers, including the Reverend Al Shakedown.
It started in the summer of 2008. Hint, hint.
The rhymin revs
Add to that pro basketball players
After 4 years of Trump even you have not opened your mind to expand on Americans total history and the addition of facts should be embraced by whites who if honest might just say upon learning new historical facts about America say I did not know that.There is no doubt slavery and those that fought to keep it have trouble accepting it.In the end people want to keep their secret hate to themselves and want the victims of their secret disgust to shutup and go away.Not one angry white frustrated man on this board believes that the white police in Stocbridge might target and shoot him when he gets in his car to enjoy a ride.That feeling should not be a privilege.
Obviously you have not grown up as a teenager in Berkshire County. I personally have been pulled over numerous times and asked to step out of my car so the police could inspect it from head to to even as I was rushing home to something my family needed. It is not one race that endures this but many. To create a fair society everything should be based on abilities not race. You seem to mistake the GOB Democrats with white people. Maybe that is where your anger should be vented towards. I believe you should explore the narrative of American History and see how immigrants from all countries and color have come here and succeeded beyond what their homelands would allow them
Thank you. We are more fair than any other society with all our faults.
Wa? I got pulled over once as a teenager in the Pitts–I went the wrong way on Dalton Ave. for a bit!!!! Had been drinking but was luckily sucking on a milkshake when the kind and understanding ossifer walked up.
Trump only likes white europeans like you.
Very funny that your racists views would pin me as a white European
He likes the free space you give him in your head.
I have no doubt in my mind that the PPD would shoot you regardless of color. They have an affinity for SWAT responses and beating old ladies when responding to the wrong houses.
Yah, so waht actually happened with that shooting yesterday?
please tell us who fought to keep slavery? and who wanted to end it?
Are “Stocbridge” police known for shooting Black folks?
No. But what happened to the Indians?
They went to Cleveland .
They will no longer be called Indians though. Bad Bad. Do not call baseball players Indians anymore. Hurts peoples feelings.
And please people, no more moms jokes OK? Moms are people too.
Stop the nonsense, PLEASE.
Blah, blah.
Let’s hope that if our new school superintendent is chosen by color or race that it works out better than our current Commissioner of Public Works. Not saying this person is a bad guy, just that someone needs to open his eyes and tell him that Pittsfield may start with the letter P, but we are not Puerto Rico. This person is more invested in bike paths than correctly plowing the roads, painting lines and filling pot holes. Time for him to realize where he lives and that he chose to settle in a four season climate. Then again he does fit in with the rest of the Administration. Just reading about the up and coming vibrant and dynamic new roundabout for Valentine Road and Lakeway Drive. At least there will be a new entertainment area in Pittsfield since we lost the bowling alley to another smelly pot farm. Taxpayers can gather on the lawn of the vibrant and dynamic high school that is basically closed and watch boaters try to negotiate around the roundabout to get to Onota Lake boat docks. If they are creating this to slow traffic down, didn’t the Mayor tell us taxpayers that we have a Traffic Division? Car 54 Where are You? You are certainly not controlling traffic. Another lie of the Administration?
But were gittin a doggie park! Movin on up I tell ya. Betcha the police will never be called there to break up fights.
JA, yes the doggie park will be so enjoyable. While the dogs play and hopefully don’t step on any drug needles that currently exist at Burbank park, dog owners can also enjoy or puke watching the blatant “Pittsfield Men’s Pickle Balling events” that this Administration also seems to turn a blind eye on. Oh wait a minute there is no drug or crime problems in Pittsfield, I apologize for my blooper.
Let’s see what Cardo is made of when the Water Guy takes him apart. Better bring your a
A game commissioner.
Great point about the ridiculous bike lanes. How many bikes will be using them between November and March? A dangerous waste of money.
They really need to tape and make public the meetings where they come up with this shit.
You never know. Mikey might like the slick going. He bikes everywhere.
I must have missed this. Why is there a need for a round-about for Valentine Road and Lakeway Drive?
Because engineers and designers and consultants and all other contractor types will be called in at great costs and some of dat moolah may cirlcle around find its way into political gosib pockets?
I hope this answers your question sir.
Thank you for confirming that is exactly what ithought
I see that the Eagle is running a story tomorrow, that they once again show their laziness is missing the real story! If they wonder why they are failing, they need to look at their lack of investigative ability in their so called “investigative reporters”. It’s right in front of them and they still deny that this story exists.
Get Craig Swinson on it after he is done with his fourth Big Mac.
Just hire the one that says they will close and consolidate, trim and become more efficient and listen to the people that employ them( pays their salary). Doesn’t matter age, race, creed or anything else. Bringing accountability into the system and a forensic audit would be the cherry on top!!
Yes.That is what PPS needs, but that is not what it will get. Damn the children and hire someone who will keep the money scam going: That is the major criteria for the new Supt. Bobo.
Seriously. I honestly believe the candidate that adopts that polciy has himself a job. Does not matter if he can read or write or even like kids. If he can play the shell game with taxpayer dollars he can stay as long as he likes.
Ed reform is the late 1980s republican bs.
Mike Bloomberg allows the middle class to stay in NYC by making the schools better and he did that by fighting the unions.
Nice photo of the Berkshire Brigades, are they affiliated with the Four Freedoms ? Seems a little counter productive, since the 1st amendment guarantees us 5 (speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government.) Asking for a friend.
That picture screams professionalism doesn’t it. Especially during covid. But, the part that bothers me is our District Attorney, isn’t she supposed to be the most neutral, unbiased non-political office of all? Yet wrong way tax day seems to be involved in the most political stunts. She simply follows Rachel Rollins, but at least Rollins is a real attorney who believes in what she’s acting on and not what she believes is the most politically popular choice!
She is ignorant and has a malfunctioning moral compass. Great choice, Berkshire County. I’m surprised Trump didn’t win.
They’re not affiliated with Fred Astaire dance Studios.
Trump should received an Honory And Covided Orbit. The Space Shot Award. Did bad should get the Orbit poser Award. When appearing on pctv during a t v break was dolling up her hair unbeknownst she was still on camera taking a picture of herself.
Mr. X is a poor minority in America. Joe Biden cannot/will not help Mr. X. Mr. X thinks Joe will help. The elite Dems won’t help Mr. X, but Mr. X thinks they will. Obama didn’t help Mr. X in his 8 years of being the President. Michele Obama didn’t help Mr. X. There is ONLY 1 person that can and will help Mr. X. That person is Mr. X. Biden and Obama have become millionaires pretending to help Mr. X and Mr. X has voted for and helped Biden and Obama become millionaires, but Mr. X is still a poor minority. When will Mr. X see that reality.
President Donald Trump has regularly faced criticism for his treatment of the Central Park 5, beginning with an $85,000 ad campaign to bring back the death penalty in 1989.
(all five were black and found innocent by the way)
They did it
With the start of a possible Presidency of a 78 year old suffering from dementia and cackling low intelligent side kick there is zero doubt of the doom ahead for this Country. As we pass around trillion dollar bailouts like foreign countries pass around millions of dollars to the Biden Crime Family the future of the USA is Bleak. An example of the Liberal-Marxist policies coming down the road, so called Republican Charlie Baker decides to enter Massachusetts into the Lame Brained TCI agreement. Only the Sheep can be Happy with this. Imagine failed States Ma-Conn-Ri and Washington DC are going to save the Planet. They are all deeply in debt but they figured out a new money grab. This will hit every hard working + poor person as they grab at least 25 cents on a gallon of gas all day everyday. Nice time for this Baker as you shut down more small businesses. Wonder why 900 people move into Florida every day.
Eventually there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide once this insanity spreads across the country. They want to spread their failed policies across the country so that the entire country fails. Hasn’t that always been the goal from these Liberal-Marxists so they can turn our country into a China like country and make China the new world leader. The brain washing of so many is this country is nearly complete. Massachusetts is the same as California now because this far left ideas took root in this states much earlier than the rest of the country. Same as New York which is in freefall and now needs serious bailing out if they hope to survive due to their failed policies which they also still insist on spreading to everyone.
Great post Sonny. Baker/Polito need to go. Notice how this TCI agreement was announced right before Christmas, when few are paying attention to state news.
Using the TCI is a way to raise millions to put into the coffers.Very little if any will go to what it is intended for, like saving the planet. These weasels will weasel a new tax anyway they can.
BHS used the vaccine they had been provided to vaccinate all their staff and save themselves from getting sued. Way to go BUS. What a continued disgrace. Were any nursing home residents vaccinated or are they all dead?
BHS isn’t worried about killing off the elderly cash cows, they have warehoused in long term care facilities. There’s more people getting old and feeble every day to take their places.
The elderly in these BHS run nursing homes are dead or dying. I agree it’s a total disgrace. Where is the concern for the elderly, many of whom suffered terribly in the hospital not only from the virus, but from the incompetence of the medical personnel. Treating the elderly with the same medical treatments used on younger patients is ridiculous and BHS does not have any of the truly life saving therapeutics like antibodies.
U.S. Congress just passed a $2.3 trillion spending and stimulus bill. The U.S. national debt will soon reach $30 trillion and counting higher. The ruling elites in the Swamp and Beacon Hill are still receiving all of their pay and public perks, while millions of people are without jobs and health insurance. I do not believe the extra $600 (or even $2,000) will truly help most people who are facing poverty or near poverty.
Here is my proposal. All ruling elites must live on the average Social Security monthly check of around $1,400 per month with one stimulus check of $1,200 and a second stimulus check of $600 (or $2,000), while their health insurance is Medicare and/or Medicaid. Let us see how fast U.S. Congress and Beacon Hill change their tune on Social Insurance programs and stimulus checks.
How many months did U.S. Congress and Beacon Hill take off this year of 2020? Our country and our states and localities are facing crises, while PAC-Man Richie Neal, and career political hack Smitty Pignatelli have been on months-long vacations all year long.
In closing, our career politicians in the Swamp and Beacon Hill have sold us all out, while they have only taken care of themselves with their lengthy taxpayer-funded vacations, pay and public perks.
I love ya a lot & I’m proud of ya.
For Christmas this year I would like the city to publish and mail to all taxpayers the cities budget. I would also like to have them inform us what voting machines they use as well as who they used from the republican and democrat parties to oversea the counting in each precinct. A bonus would be how the names of people who have moved or died get taken off the voter roll.
Dan. It is only fitting that I nominate three men that has been instrumental in calling out everyone at City Council and even a relative on the council. Anthony Maffuccio. Tony would call out his own Family if they were in the wrong. So my nomination is Mr M and Chris Connell,Kevin Morandi. A trifecta of sorts.
Thank you for the nominations. They are in the running. And thanks also for the nod to “The Oxygen Man.” He was one of the stalwarts of my radio show back in the day. Good fellow, well met.
If you want to educate yourself about the issue of covid, check out and click on the “Indoctornation” video. It’s about 75 minutes long. Well worth watching.
President Trump is right about the COVID relief bill. Get rid of the unbelievably expensive pork in the bill and give it to suffering Americans. $600.00 will not make much of a difference in the lives of people, but $4,000 per couple would be lifesaving for many. Putting all this other junk in the bills is something that should be stopped right away.
The Obamas can travel for Christmas, but not you!
Big Mike doing all the paddling……
Is Trump trying no to make McConnell look bad or Pelosi,or both. Trump card? The President did say he would push after election for bigger stimulus,didn’t he?
If McConnell doesnt vote for it,he’s done. If Republicans led Senate do vote for it the President still owns him. Either way Trump is not Trumped.
Does anyone or is anyone really surprised with the pardons. Although it does look Swampy though?
Current and former leaders leading by example. No wonder people are confused on what they can do and not do during this pandemic.
Not everyone can afford their own private paradise in Hawaii. I thought they wanted everybody to live simply…oops that’s right, that just applies to the lower and middle classes.
Pat this is thee oxygen man. I’m still breathing,even through Covid. My point to you is my eyesight is still in tact also. Unfortunately after reading you’re posts, I am Mesmerized as to thinking who nominated you for the Orbit? No way. Maybe you could receive The Danny?
The bottom line is, there is only one person to receive the award otherwise is is tainted. My Choice is Chris Connell. Hands Down.
Agree, don’t Water this Award Down. Chris’s Connell and only Chris. Maffuch close second, with Morandi.
Lifetime Achievement to the G Man.
I believe because of the actions of our local officials dancing,opening bars and violating the rules,our guard was and has let down,and a lot of people aren’t distancing and masking. All because of the do as I say not as I do, administration and others have been soliciting. Attention! ’ The pandemic is going to be worse,Than Ever!
Had you listened before and shut down schools and restaurants until the vaccine had arrived,we’d be on our way to recovery. Example.
Chris Cuomo continues to give his Covid Contact speech and blames the President at every turn. And still does? While they have photos of him (Cuomo) not following his own distancing and mask protocols?
Last week, he (Cuomo) was complaining about Trumps inaction on Covid relief, saying Trump didn’t have a stance,? Bullshit. Trump stated during pre-election that AFTER the election, he would propose a BIGGER stimulus package. Mr. Cuomo? jerk. People are hurting.
Agree. If Connell doesn’t get it. Dandidnt get it. And Dan gets it! Agree with the water down theory.
Please,please. To PCTV. No Reruns of the Stooge Show till end of year. I’m begging you. Please?
Pat.Dont you think you deserve a Orbit? He’ll know. Five people can’t recieve it.
Does anyone say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year anymore? Well, I will. To you and yours, have a wonderful year.
You to Chuck. Love You Man!
Thanks, May, Nice way to start my day.
Most religion is a falicy today Chuck. Although we have all sinned and Our All Loving Lord Forgives. In the modern era with all the horn dog priests being outed kids today just aren’t involved with the Church or the Meaning of Christmas.
Open letter to Patrick Fennel:
Thank you for your letter to the Eagle on 12/24 exposing the swamp creatures here in Massachusetts. I agree with everything you said.
Pardon me. But how can any trump supporter get the Orbit?