(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 14, 2020) — THE PLANET opens with a call for nominations. Who should win our coveted Orbit Award? This annual prize acknowledges a person for no other reason than acknowledging the person. It is the ultimate Kantian ding an sich, PLANET style, our tribute to the glory and the gory of humanity and metaphysics.
Now let us move on to this photo and caption:
What do you make of this, folks? It was presented to us as Methuselah’s, 9:18 p.m., Saturday night, two nights ago. The picture provides an apt prelude for THE PLANET‘s comments on the most recent city council meeting, aka, Hollywood Squares, with Peter Marchetti in the role of Peter Marshall.

THE PLANET received this picture. The claim: This is a picture of Yuki Cohen behind the bar at Methuselah, taken at 9:18 p.m. Saturday night, 12/12/20. Note she has no mask on while she is serving. She is serving fellow city councilor and member of the Licensing Board, Dina Lampiasi and Dina’s wife. THE PLANET’s spies tell us Craig Benoit from the Hot Dog Ranch called Yuki and said the picture is circulating and that he wanted her to know. Yuki allegedly told Benoit the picture was taken after hours in her “private space, so it’s not a problem.” Time stamp clearly says 9:18 p.m. Methuselah’s closes at 10 p.m. If she is closed, she can’t serve the public. And as an FYI, our spies report, Lampiasi and her wife had dinner and dessert at Mazzeo’s earlier the same evening. A reasonable conclusions is that they didn’t go to Methuselah’s to eat. What were they doing there, if that indeed is them? Drinking wine at the bar. Our spies report: “There is so much going on, and the cover up at Methuselah’s is insane.” Until we hear from the interested parties otherwise, THE PLANET has every reason this picture depicts what the captions describes.
If we gave an Orbit for MVP of the week, who else but Ward 7 councilor Tony Maffuccio?
Our Right Honorable Good Friend had the performance of his political career. Maffuccio questioned why Methuselah’s, the North Street tavern serving local lah-de-dahs (straight up or on the rocks), has not faced greater sanctions in light of multiple violations that would have shuttered others eateries and gin joints. Could it be, Maffuccio wondered, that Meth has what our friends in Boston’s North End call “protection?”
During his interrogatories, council president Marchetti pulled the plug on Maffuccio’s audio. How convenient. Right in the middle of interrogatories that were approaching the heart of the matter. What is really going on at Meth?
If it was up to a supermajority of our Right Honorable Good Friends on the council, the Zoom format would win the Orbit Award for (a) shutting out the public from the public’s business (b) replacing the live, look-you-in-the-eye human contact necessary to government of any kind, good or bad, and (c) allowing this esteemed board to slither more than it usually does.
The mayor declares restaurants are safe to open, but the city council still won’t meet in person?
———- ooo ———-
PLANET correspondent Auto Phil summed up the Methuselah’s situation this way:
- A bar called Methuselah has been accused of multiple, serious COVID and alcohol license violations.
- Somewhere along the way, this bar has been accused of being a super spreader location that made its way (allegedly, in part) to Hillcrest Commons, resulting in 29 recent COVID deaths.
- Methuselah is owned by councilor-at-large Yuki Cohen, who is the mayor’s friend. At one debate before her election, when asked why she chose to run for city council, Yuki smiled sweetly, looked at someone in the audience (presumably the mayor), and told the crowd “a friend asked me to run.”
- Interestingly, Yuki also caught the COVID at her bar but appears to have recovered quickly and well from the disease in short time. Good for her.
- So Yuki is the mayor’s friend, on the city council, and only received a written warning about the violations. Other city establishments that were in violation of COVID restrictions had been brought before the licensing board.
- Another councilor, Anthony Maffuccio, was adamant about bringing Yuki before the licensing board because of the violations.
- Meanwhile, a member of the licensing board, Ward 6’s Dina Lampiasi, also sits on the city council. This lady was able to stay and listen to discussions on this matter while Yuki, the accused, was asked to leave due to conflicts of interest.
- Meanwhile, another sitting member of the council, Ward 5’s Patrick Kavey, also happens to be former employee of Yuki.
- And if it wasn’t already sketchy enough, half of the remaining board members are frequent flyers of their friend and colleague Yuki’s bar.
Did I miss any more extreme conflicts of interest?
———- ooo ———-
Phil, THE PLANET can’t say if you’ve missed other conflicts of interest, except to say: “This is Pittsfield. What do you think?” Which reminds us of the time we climbed to the roof of the Crowne Plaza, put on a blindfold, and randomly threw six darts to winds.
Each one landed on a conflict of interest.
In Pittsfield, the definition of “conflict of interest” is “n., an intimate relationship that describes a questionable, often illegal interaction between and among local big shots, what in most other communities would be actionable offenses.”
MAFFUCCIO: “Due to COVID-19 policy violations, [Cohen] got a written warning from the Health Department. It hasn’t been sent to the Licensing Board and I’m referring this to the Licensing Board because she was [offering] bar service without food and [with] overcapacity. That is a direct violation and a health issue that the Licensing Board has taken up two times, I know, from myself and Ward 7.
Councilor at Large Earl Persip III then made an interesting comment. He said he would vote for the referral not because it was the right thing to do but for cosmetic purposes, for appearances only. Persip said it would make it look like the council wasn’t doing Yuki any favors. How’s that for instilling confidence in We The People?
THE PLANET reads this as the most revealing comment of the night. Earl might just well have said, “Yes, we’ll send it to Licensing because it will look good for us and because we know our good friends on Licensing there won’t do a thing about it.” At this point, re-read the conflicts of interest pointed out by Phil.
In other words, folks, THE FIX IS IN.
Earl didn’t stop there, though. He said councilor Cohen was being treated unfairly. It wasn’t right, he said, to question Yuki’s “ethics and ability.” He actually said the council should apologize to her for wasting her time. All well and good, but how about someone apologizing to the general public and to citizens for the way the city’s leadership has abandoned the city’s shrinking core of good, honest, decent people — they one’s who get punished for paying their taxes on time, keeping their homes and yards clean and in good repair, and suck up few public dollars? Anyone want to apologize to Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski?
Didn’t think so.
THE PLANET‘s Right Honorable Good Friend from Ward 2, Kevin Morandi, asked public health director Gina Armstrong why Cohen wasn’t written up for serving alcohol without food, as it is illegal during the pandemic, as the photo taken by Allen Funt seems to show with services to a councilor and Licensing Board member and wife, no less. Armstrong, the all-American girl, acted as if she was playing dodgeball. She said the health department is using “a progressive enforcement strategy that begins with education” and avoids action. In other words, if you’re not one of the Chosen Ones, you’re screwed.
The council voted 9-0 to refer the matter to the Licensing Board (Cohen and Lampiasi recused). Maffuccio at least won that part for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. You know, we know, the man in the moon knows, and Judge Crater knows what’s going to happen there.
“There are lots of ways to be miserable, but there’s only one way of being comfortable, and that is to stop running round after happiness” — Writer Edith Wharton.
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Send that as a Christmas Card to Dick and Dina.
Told you she didn’t give a crap.
Covid Camera. Maybe another written warning will straighten her out.
The hypocrisy of the elites–rules for thee, no for me–has been laid bare all across the country. I view this NOT about people like Cohen taking reckless risks, but about people like Cohen deciding the risks are either 1. overstated or 2. worth taking, without publicly saying others should be given the same choice. I read today that 110k family restaurants in the U.S. that were shuttered because if Covid will never reopen. Apparently Methuselah won’t be among them. Lucky for Ms. Cohen.
You’ve been the voice of reason on the issue of covid, and I agree with your posts.
Trump-hating RINOS, along with the Dems, are destroying our country.
Good old gateway. No matter how bad things get, they will always tell you what you want to hear. By the way, do you still smell that landslide?
It was a landslide for Trump the night of the election, until counting was stopped and fake ballots were shipped in & pulled out of suitcases – which was caught on videotape. Statistically proven manipulation by Dominion also occurred. But you wouldn’t know that, since you are a devotee to lamestream news!
That’s a lot of suitcases for 8 million votes. If you actually watched mainstream news instead of state TV you would have heard for weeks in advance of the election that the forecast was for Trump to be in the lead since he encouraged in person voting, and then for his lead to diminish greatly as the mail in votes were counted. I laugh watching these die hard Trumpers be interviewed and they are convinced it was rigged because he had a big lead to start. If they had taken their head out of their right wing media bubble for five minutes they would have known that’s the way it was going to go.
The steal was planned all along. Of course you believed the lamestream news’ buildup to the steal!
Trump planned this from day 1.
Apparently the Supreme Court did too. Sorry to disappoint. Just be glad the Kool aid didn’t kill you. Now turn off Fox news and your crazy websites and come back to reality.
The Thomas More Society’s Amistad Project on Tuesday filed an emergency petition with the Wisconsin Supreme Court over the swing state’s unofficial election results. The conservative group claims to have identified more than 150,000 ballots that have the potential for fraud, something they believe could have an impact on the state’s declared winner.
“We have identified over 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots in Wisconsin, more than enough to call into question the validity of the state’s reported election results, ” Phill Kline, director of the project, said in a statement.“Moreover, these discrepancies were a direct result of Wisconsin election officials’ willful violation of state law.”
Hi Dan,
As you know, I submitted a petition to have Dina Lampiasi removed from the licensing board. If this is true that Councilor Lampiasi as a member of the Licensing Board is in violation of the current COVID rules, I am writing a letter to the editor. She needs to be removed off the Licensing Board.
Her being on the licensing board is just one more example of this adminstrations power grab. They want to control every aspect of everything the might go on in this city. And it is disgusting for anyone to be a party to it, especially Lampiasi and the mayor as well as fool tool, Marchetti.
Run Mark Run!
Re: Petition to end the tenure of Speaker for life Bob DeLeo
Please sign the petition calling for the over one-decade-long tenure of Speaker for life Bob DeLeo. Enough is enough. I support all of the calls for Beacon Hill to change from its corrupt and secretive top down leadership to open and democratic collegial leadership.
Lastly, let us not forget that Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli is on the public record opposing Sunshine laws to reform Beacon Hill’s behind closed doors or unaccountable legislative business. Smitty Pignatelli will be entering his 10th term (or 20 years) as a career politician in Boston’s Statehouse next month (January 2021). Smitty Pignatelli writes op-eds stating that Berkshire County has lost thousands in population and living wage jobs over the decades without looking at himself in the proverbial mirror after nearly 2 decades in elected state governent office. Smitty Pignatelli writes op-eds supporting GE putting a toxic waste leaky landfill in the Town of Lee (Mass.), while a majority of the people he represents oppose the EPA and GE settlement that was signed without any public input. I wonder if Smitty Pignatelli will join Pittsfield State Senator Adam Hinds and State Representative Tricia Farley Bouvier in supporting state tax hikes next month (January 2021)? Smitty Pignatelli voted for his own 40 percent legislative pay raise in early-2017, which cost state taxpayers over $18 million. I wish Smitty Pignatelli will retire in 2022, but he won’t because all Smitty Pignatelli cares about is himself.
In Truth!
Jonathan A. Melle
DAN, a new award needs to be created. I propose that Yuki and the Lampasis receive the first “Seventh Planet From The Sun” award.
Or even, A Planet of their Own
Space Shot Awards at the Hess Forest. Going on six years,blight still stands.
More like an unexplainable UFO on a crash course to annihilate human rights & destroy the sanctity of life.
Just breathe Mayor – no need to suck it in we know it’s there, let it all hang out, eat cake !
Here’s what the Licensing Board will do.
Wow-talk about a smoking gun. I hope whoever took this photo submits it to the MA Alcohol Beverages Control Commission (ABCC), Enforcement Division.
The article in the paper were Yuki talks about moving Meth out of Pittsfield was rich. If you think those Southern Berkshire towns would allow you to break the law without repercussions, your dumber than the picture above shows.
How long before Yuki takes a page out of Handgun Moon’s book and inserts racial discrimination?
The city isn’t going to do anything, it’s time the state stepped in. Milk-Jug Hinds and Tricia Country-Buffet, are light weights….well, in the MA political arena. They have zero pull. How many meaningful bills have either of them authored and gotten through the legislature? So, they wouldn’t be able to pull strings and stop it. Especially with visual evidence.
Let me guess Handgun Moon, the white man made a women of color and two gay women, take off their masks and sit at the bar with no food, in violation of current State and Local Laws?
MA Alcohol Beverages Control Commission
c/o Enforcement Division
95 Fourth Street, Suite 3
Boston, MA 02150-2358
The elite slant is true also in South County. Mayors Craig Barnum is in violation of Lead laws, lead paint & lead in the water. No enforcement of any codes. Board of Health & MASSDEP, MCAD – the problem is far reaching, much worse than just Pittsfield. The DA is currently not taking action on a wrongful conviction of a disabled mother. Mayor’s DEVELOPMENT people are in non-compliance from North Adams to Sheffield & beyond.
The Eagle’s PR piece for Yuki was outrageous. It shows their true shit merchant colors.
i don’t understand why businesses think the public exist to support them. If you can’t make a good living at it it, pack it up. If you have to break the law to make the money you think you are entitled to then pack it up.
Yuki has shown her true colors as an entitled brat and the Eagle has reiterated is constant approach that the connected don’t need to follow the laws and anything is allowable to others provided as long that those connected people get to make bigger profits.
Maybe it’s time we stop supporting all these arrogant hobby business part time politicians.
Many already do not support the Eagle as they have recognized what is benath the cloak.
Isn’t Lampasi a MD.? She must be in practice with Dr. Pepper and Dr. Scholl.
M D? Major Dissapointment.
What about Dr. Suess and Dr. Vinny Boom Batts?
Yes. Also Dr. Who, Dr. No, and Dr. Frankenstein.
But not Dr. Zhivago.
And no to Dr. Scholl.
Can’t beat the sound of Dr. John. Doc Sevrenson was good as well.
And Doc Watson, not to mention Dr. Watson of 221B Baker Street, London.
Doc Doolittle?
Almost a dirty dozen

More like an inept 11
Or the poster children for do nothing except for yourself politics
Former Councilor Krol looks great in this photo with his skinny jeans.
I don’t think it’s Kroll
Who’s the creepy looking guy with the green “Berkshire Pride” shirt? I think i saw him on an old episode of To Catch A Predator.
What a bunch of cowards. I’m sure you all look like Sean Connery.
Sean Connery? He’s a corpse. I’m more like Daniel Craig but wither nicer eyes.
I’m 75 and not a fan of Craig.
He’ll no. That’s Dan.
Only in America can an elected Democrat can dodge the rules that the created rebel against those rules and threaten to take their business out of the community they have imposed a death sentence upon and be hailed as a matter.
Pittsfield representation is a Cesspool.
There is a long overdue discussion to be had regarding citizen and taxpayer abuse at the hands of special interests in Pittsfield, Ma. This may be a very good time to bullet point some of the issues.
And maybe in the process we can separate out which councilors have any real intention of adhering to the oath they took when sworn in and which ones are there to carry water for the mayor. They should feel free to chime in as to their own concerns.
Juliette Haas won an award at Pittsfield Country Club – she is Director of the Board of Health in Egremont. Encouraging non-compliance with Craig Barnum. This issue is widespread throughout Berkshire County not limited to Pittsfield.
Well we know where Caccamo stands, he basically ran for the insurance…
Two media types, one a former city councilor and the other a Stooge promotes all these clowns.
An insult to all cesspools!
Damn, Ward 6 just cant win. Almost a decade of Krol only to get his hand picked and groomed Dina who is an even bigger do-nothing photo op councilor. Not sure she will appreciate this photo though.
That’s why she is Lampilousy.
What an absolute slap in the face to every small business owner that has either shuttered or is on the brink. 2 city councilors, one being on the licensing board, clearly violating COVID regulations and CDC guidelines. Yet I GUARANTEE that Tricia Buffet Bouvier, Tyer, or others in government will have a social media post up about how deaths or a surge in cases is because of all indoor dining.
You want to know why people don’t take this as seriously as they should? Because of idiots like this and other Democrats who encourage us to “stay vigilant” “renew our efforts” and all of the other hot key words while traveling across the country, having large dance parties in public parks, and having their bars open when everyone else cannot.
People should be outraged over this and I would encourage everyone to reach out to state government, media, and state alcohol control commission.
It’s the democrats fault. Of course. What an absolutely astute observation. You must be on Trumps medical team with the Pillow guy.
The majority of my comments on this forum are rarely partisan. Many of the republicans are a joke, and no I am not a big Trump supporter. However, the democrats have been the overwhelming majority of hypocrites when it comes to violating their own rules. They advocate for lockdowns, shuttering of businesses, and broad restrictions unless it applies to them of course. Newsom having a private dinner party at a restaurant, Pelosi getting her hair done, Cuomo having an extended family Thanksgiving dinner, locally TFB and Tyer dancing out in a public park, and most recently every bar having to be closed in Pittsfield unless you are a city councilor and buddy buddy with the mayor and licensing board. If you need more examples, you don’t have to look far.
The republicans have their fair share of blame for this mess, but at least they aren’t hypocrites.
And if anyone of them post on social media about indoor dining, I have screenshot this picture and will respond with it agreeing with them and will point to the photo as proof.
i agree. If the restrictions are bankrupting people maybe they need to look at it but it has to be fair. And it’s never fair. It is hard for the democrats to take the moral high road with this. It’s also an ethics violation for Dina – she shouldn’t be mingling at Meth while this is before her board. DAs office should ask her to resign, but they won’t.
Good work from Tony Maffuccio. the non stop virtue signaling from the rest of the city council seems to be the norm from all levels of our elected officials.
The deep dive forensic exam of Dominion Voting System machines and software conducted on-site December 6, 2020 in Antrim County, Michigan and still continuing today, has resulted in damning accusations of hard evidence and several smoking guns of intentional vote manipulation- and fraud!
The 22-page preliminary report compiled by the 7-member team from Allied Security Operations Group can be read here in it’s entirety.
Top Bombshell takeaways from the report—
1.) ASOG’s bottom line is found on page 1: We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.
2.) Item 6: The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.
3.) Item 15: Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years, but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing.
4.) Item 16: Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03pm on November 4, 2020 are missing. Other server logs before November 4, 2020 are present, therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for the security logs to be missing.
5.) Item 19: This is clear evidence of software generated movement of votes. The claims made on the Office of the Secretary of State website are false.
6.) Item 22: we conclude that the errors are so significant that they call into question the integrity and legitimacy of the results in the Antrim County 2020 election to the point that the results are not certifiable. Because the same machines are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.
ASOG also recommends an independent group be empaneled to further evaluate the findings and determine the extent of adjudication errors.
Antrim Michigan Forensics R… by MTN
Furthermore, the report questions where the adjudication may have taken place as Dominion has servers not only in The United States but also in Serbia, Canada, Spain and Germany.
The totality of the report, if accurate, would encompass numerous crimes involving both state and federal election laws. Who might ultimately be held responsible for such violations remains very uncertain as of this writing.
Just a coincidence Dominion uses Solar winds, nothing to see here…….
Dominion Voting Systems Uses SolarWinds — Same Company CISA in Rare Warning Reported Was Breached, Compromised and Should Be Disconnected!!
CISA Emergency Directive Calls on ALL Federal Civilian Agencies to Review Compromise and Disconnect or Power Down SolarWinds Orion Products Immediately
SolarWinds Director Sold $45.7 MILLION in Stock Options Last Week Before CISA Announcement Sunday
There are probably 3 council members who have a clue. The others must go. Are there any good citizens who are willing to run?
Nothing to see here, “it’s all been debunked………”
Antrim Michigan Forensics Report [121320] v2 [REDACTED]
Coup d’État in America: A Limey ViewpointPosted on November 11, 2020 by Baron Bodissey
…….”Yet here we are, toward the end of 2020 looking at the very real possibility of the breakdown of democracy in America itself. What would have been unthinkable for so long, over so many generations of Americans, can no longer be considered unthinkable. If this gross subversion of democracy is not dealt with in a satisfactory manner by the lawyers then I see no reason, no reason at all why America should not descend into violence and potential civil war in the worst case scenario, or simply lose all confidence in any future elections as a best case scenario — which can only and inexorably lead to the worse case scenario again…………..Destroying the democratic foundations of America will certainly have real world consequences. When Donald Trump won the Presidency in 2016 the far-left cried Russian collusion and displayed their visceral hatred across the entire left-wing spectrum, but their anger wasn’t based on the undermining of democracy; their anger was merely that of the petulant, spoiled child denied a shiny bauble. Their anger was lukewarm, false, unjustifiable. Their anger was mere political posturing and they now think the anger of Trump supporters is the same — mere political posturing……….
But how wrong they are. How dangerously wrong they are. The anger of Trump’s supporters is white hot, it is incendiary, it is real and it is entirely, eminently justifiable, and it is not the anger of the loser, it is the anger of the wronged and is about so much more than Trump, this is about the democratic future of the United States of America. When a country reaches the point of such legal corruption and such moral degeneracy that democracy can be overturned in full view of a complicit and unquestioning media and liberal establishment there is very little guarantee that democracy will ever recover. This is why the anger is at boiling point, and even now, the left cannot understand what they have done………..”
Excellent article Trapper!
FOX entertainment is desert for daytime talk radio that is brainwashing you for corporate power.
Fox went MSM commie this fall TSC, it’s safe for you to watch now.
You can still bitch and moan about Newsmax and One America Network
Yesterday saw Licensing Board Head Campoli walking on Pomeroy Avenue talking like crazy on his cell phone. After reading this article I bet we all can figure what he was babbling about. Most likely he was chatting with the “clique” of Tyerville trying to cover up this latest Yuki/Dina debacle. Also, when I was driving down North Street I noticed all the little birdie decorations in the Meth’s window and my first thought was Yuki was trying to block the view into her restaurant, guess it didn’t work Yuki. Can’t wait to see how they all lie their way out of this one. I do feel sorry for the rest of the restaurants in Pittsfield as the Meth was behind the closing of the indoor dining the first time, hope Yuki’s defiance does not hurt these other hard working Corid 19 abiding restaurants again. Even though there is a picture of this broken law, wonder if Tricia Farley Bouvier Buffet will do her best to blame Mazzeo’s again. Can’t believe she is still posting the blame on them! If I were the Mazzeo’s I would sue her for defamation.
Licensing board may determine that Yuki should get another round of Covid money from the taxpayers. By the way does she get tax breaks anyway? she must if she is the mayor pal.
Here is my take on the photo. Yuki is breaking the laws whether the photo was taken at 9:18 or after hours. If at 9:18 she is serving customers without a mask on. If after hours it is even worse. She can’t have patrons in there afterhours or holding her own private party.
As for Lampiasi, I don’t know if that is her or not. Lets assume it is, what is she doing wrong? Looks like a customer seated at either a table or the bar. She probable has some food or drink in front of her and not required to have a mask on. I don’t see her wife in the photo, so we have no idea whether she is breaking any rule or not, or if she was even there for that matter.
If she was there she should report Yuki to the licensing Board as a witness to the infraction. Since it is only Monday I think we should give her the benefit of the doubt before we crucify her. Maybe she will do the right thing and report Yuki.
According to Pittsfield’s new dining rules – masks are to be worn at all times, even when seated, unless eating or drinking. The person in this photo is not doing either – wearing a mask or eat/drinking.
Yuki clearly is not wearing a mask, which she is supposed to be doing at all times.
It will be interesting to see who has what to say…
Trumpers dont mask
Trump leading Biden in electoral-count.
No break,she knew what she was doing when she accepted both positions.
Shouldn’t she not be there if the bar has business before her board? Seriously?
Does that mean she has to buy her cars out of town since all the auto dealers have business before her board. Wouldn’t that mean she cant go to ANY restaurants or bars in Pittsfield.
If an establishment is in front of the licensing board it is usually a short item period — maybe a month or so before it’s resolved, no? It should not be a problem to avoid frequenting a place that is before your board. It’s called Conflict of Interest. I know this is a concept hard for most of BC’s elected people to understand.
Also, if an the establishment is always in front of the licensing board for infractions than that would be another issue and maybe the person on the board should think twice about frequenting a business that doesn’t respect the rules?
Do car dealerships go before Dina’s board?
This. Is. Infuriating.
In reality, that picture was the scene all summer – patrons sitting at the bar, in clear view through the giant window…even prior to the re-instatement of bar service with food purchase.
Meanwhile our community went from a safe green zone to a high alert red zone. We went from 41 active cases on 11/1/20 to 802 today, 12/14/20.
44 days. From 41 cases to 802.
Now I don’t necessarily buy into the high alert aspect of such a large increase. I agree with the opinions of Blare and Mr. Fritz and others who question the significance of so many positive tests versus actual illness.
That’s neither here nor there though, because decisions (like schools reopening) are based on this data, not the boots-on-the-ground reality.
So thanks Yuki. This really sucks for everyone except apparently you, Dina Lampiasi, and the likes of your rule-breaking friends and colleagues. Thanks a lot.
I understand the frustration with seeing cases rise, but I think it’s important that we stop attributing the rise to human behavior. The data just doesn’t support it in any way. Look at CA right now, as they are all but strapped to their beds under Gov’t order.
A wave is here in MA that has not yet peaked. It will in a few weeks. We should be 100% focused on protecting the vulnerable. Not those who are at little or no risk.
The patterns are clear all across the U.S. Mother nature decides the path of Covid. Remember how Thanksgiving was going to be the mother of all super-spreader Holidays? Well in places where Covid was rising, like here the NE, it kept rising. Shocker! Damn those reckless Turkey-Day revelers! But in the midwest, where Covid had peaked and was receding before T’giving, where they DIDN’T put in place limits on gatherings, guess what! Covid kept right on falling. And it continues to do so.
Funny how those Thanksgiving “super spreader” results are so different from state to state. Almost like there’s no rhyme or reason to it, beyond sustaining a narrative.
Anyway, I think you sense this AP, but there is a lot of misinformation afoot.
I’ve never been one to say I told you so and I won’t start now; however, about 2 months ago on this website, I mentioned the Patriots with Cam Newton would be a failure. I received a few calls criticizing me. I believe I mentioned when we look at the January standings the Patriots would be a flop. I was wrong here. The Patriots are a flop in December. It’s not all Newton’s fault. He’s over the hill anyway. Why they hired this guy is a mystery to me. Not to him though – $$$. He’s not a team guy and never has been. The Pat’s should have known better. Now they are paying the price.
You are right about Newton but you were wrong about George Wallace. He was never a republican. He was a DEMOCRAT who also ran on a third party ticket.
Mr. Garivaltis needs to check his facts.
In fact, most, if not all, of the segregationists were DEMOCRATS–including Joke Biden. Sheets Byrd.
Jackie Robinson was a Republican; James Brown, too.
Reminds me of those exit poll videos of Obama voters in 2008–totally clueless. Just lap up whatever the lamestreamers feed ’em. No thought required.
Why does Cam Newton remind me of a character from the old Fat Albert cartoon show? Hey, hey, hey.
Fat Albert had a better release than 2020 Cam.
Can’t quite fig Newton Out?
For a 6’5″ guy, he has far too many passes blocked. Compared to his MVP year, it looks like he is almost going sidearm. I wonder if there are shoulder issues? As for me, I’d play Stid the Kid the rest of the year and really see what you’ve got. Of course, I’m still 8 Super Bowl rings trailing “In Bill We Trust” Belichick.
Belichick should call Tom and Eli and get their advice.
Rumor has it that the Pats are working Babe Parelli out.
The Pats could in back Babe Laughenberg; unfortunately, same result.
But, in defense of Cam Newton, his receiving corp is pathetic. Cam learned the hard way. Even at 6’5″, running QB’s have a short shelf life in the NFL.
No. Babe Parilli, backed up by John Huarte.
Has he been on ice?
Who? Tom Thunm and Eli Whitney?
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin…..Eli Manning made Bill drink Gin.
It’s the same in every league, every season, every game: Just win, baby! Nobody dun done it more than In Bill We Trust! Love ya, MILT. Can’t wait to visit Pittsfield, Mass. and visit your museum on Fourth Street. Long ways from Palm Springs, but we’ll get there someday.
Shoulda kept Jimmy G
I stopped watching pro sports and nASScar when they all got political, disrespecting our nation, and “taking a knee”.
If the overpaid babies want to take a knee, go to church, if the Covid police will let them….
Check you also said Zeke was a putz. Good call on that one also.
Isn’t this councilwoman/board member also a political appointee of Harrington’s? Andrea has the most important job to have utmost integrity in, yet she seems to surround herself with people of questionable integrity! Still looking for the real Helen Moon to stand up!
Surrounding? She herself has integrity issues. She comfortable with these lakies
Do you think that Hunter Biden’s legal woes will negatively impact his father’s presidential administration? I predict that Hunter Biden’s “bad boy behavior” and federal investigations into his overseas business dealings and alleged tax fraud will do damage to the Joe Biden White House in the years to come. Lastly, I would like to know how the Biden alleged crime family are all worth tens of millions of dollars each without rational explanation?
Yet you voted for Dementia Joe!
You do realize all the Trump children are being deposed in a investigation.We will soon find out how the Trumps earned 4 billion in wealth being bankrupt 7 times
They are going to need a whole new TV channel to cover all the Trump trials that will take place over the next 8 years. Maybe Netflix will take it on but it should be better than the OJ Simpson saga. They are all dumb as a rock so no lawyer would ever let them testify. But still, watching Donald sitting there daydreaming about Stormy Daniels will be worth the money.
They might find during the investigation (s) that Trump used the same tax laws already in place. Written by and for the R’s & D’s for the wealthy politicians, family, friends and rich corporations that fill their election coffers. You know the tax laws that most working citizens receive very little benefit from.
Donald owns your mind. You can’t think of anything but him.
When you try & go through proper channels they will waste your time like it’s nothing
Wow. Her Facebook post. She’s playing the victim and race card at the same time. She must not have an actual defense.
You haven’t seen anything yet,race card? Cops will have to bring diapers and warm milk with audio- video and a case worker before each arrest or disturbance that occurs. And can anyone tell Seere and Tucker over at pct that it’s a waste of technology and time to continue the Stooge show. The biggest propaganda hour on air anywhere.
BHS now has a commercial on the radio telling everyone how to avoid Covid. Stooge said the Mayor is doing a great job with it (Covid) Seriously?
Someone actually said this earlier in a post and I thought to myself “no way, she can’t be that dumb to actually bring race/ethnicity into this.” Wow was I wrong, rather then just owning up to it and admitting she screwed up (which I think for many people would be acceptable) she actually is defending herself as a minority victim. This gets more ridiculous by the day.
Lost in all of this will be any effective work done on behalf of the city for months.
Can someone post this, I can’t find it.
Yuki Cohen
I continue to receive hate mail as the “source” of the outbreak due to not following orders. It’s even in a petition, in a very public forum. Now that enough time has passed since the surge in Pittsfield (and all over the world) began. I believe the proof is in the pudding and I am hoping that the numbers will speak for themselves. I have requested reports of contact tracing and the number of cases that can be traced to their sources so I can analyze them and see if I’m living in denial. I am ready to see the truth in the numbers. I hope you will too. I await to hear back from my request.
As to the violations, I give full disclosure of the sources of images that led to the written warnings. They are all images of an instant in time. Open to whatever interpretation the enforcer wants to make. The first one was taken on 8/28 (see both pics in comments section). I received one picture today at 10:45AM via email requesting a response by 2PM. All 3 complaints stemming from the same councilor. Out of all the residents and people in Pittsfield, only one councilor has 3 complaints against my establishment? Who had never been to Methuselah? Not one complaint from someone who actually stepped foot at Methuselah. Call me paranoid, but this feels like discrimination. Just a blurry picture was sent. No description of complaint, time picture was taken, or when. I responded with a request, at 11 am or so, for what was the nature of complaint and by whom was it made? (do we not have the right, to question our accusers before guilt is determined? Do we not all have the right to have both sides heard, with the burden of proof on the “prosecution”?) and an objective “judge” decide if the burden of proof was met? The answer is yes. I believe mgl c 40 section 21d states that citations must include specific violations. There was no date or time of my violation. At 4:20 or so, I was slapped with two violations. Guilty without due process. I have 24 hours to pay the $1,000 total in fines. No instructions on how to respond. Just pay by this date or cease and desist. My only source of income to be taken away in 24 hours. No mention of my right to ask for a hearing within 21 days from date of notice (this is MGL c 40 section 21d).
I am not sure what is going on, but this is a dangerous precedent. Whether you are cheering this violation, If it can happen to me (with the special treatment some of you think I’m getting), you too can be slapped with a fine you can’t afford after you have been ravaged by the coronavirus’ impact on your business. You too can be found guilty from a picture that could have been taken anywhere at anytime and completely taken out of context. Or if you have a beef with anyone, no problem, just forward a picture anonymously and no questions asked, they will be found guilty. Look around when you’re out eating at restaurants, or at a gathering, or anywhere, how many possible permutations of violations can you see if you really tried to find one? We are better than this. Please ask questions like I did: Were the establishments/people where the large clusters came from investigated? Why or why not? Are the investigations done uniformly? Fairly across all violators? Small businesses, private homes gatherings, large companies alike? The orders and penalties are the same for all violators according to Governor Baker’s order # 57, it’s not specific to just small businesses, so why are we under a microscope? Where is the equity in that? Can we follow the law where there should be proof of a crime with due process before we are Castigated?
All this gaslighting for what? Does it help solve the problem? The curve has a better chance to be flattened together, as a community. Not by pointing fingers, but with science. It has been horrid. The losses, heartbreaking. It has taken a toll on all of us, emotionally, financially, mentally. I ask that we dig deep and look within, look for our best, who do we want to be? And before you want to attack me, push me down, or burn me at the stake, please try and remember I am human, just like you. With deep feelings. And I am a single mom to two daughters. Aged 13 and 11. I not only have to keep them alive, but teach them how to live with joy and integrity. To persevere. My only source of income is in deep jeopardy. My staff is down to 1 and he relies solely on this income to survive. I know I am not alone in this devastation. But I am persevering, working every shift and trying to innovate to see if I can offer something valuable to my customers. I’ve shifted from a social watering hole to 90% takeout. Sales are down 80 % but improving thanks to the big hearts of this community. I try not to whine about the virus although I want to scream. I keep working hard until I can. Feeling grateful everyday that I can still work and offer something good to my community. I hope I make it to normal, for now the only road there is with elbow grease and good products. I ask that we all think of a solution, together. Kindness and compassion is so much lighter than anger and fear.
In the meantime, if you agree/disagree with how I was treated and am being targeted, I ask you to please raise your voice. For the single moms, the immigrants. for the minorities, for the ones who can’t defend themselves, for all of us. Call during open mic during city council, write to the editors of local newspapers, call/email your city councilor, all elected officials, write a comment below as I know they’re all reading this post. Let all our voices be heard. Let us all know where you stand.
oh christ. maybe she can sell a horse? ffs what a bunch of bs.
The mob has set upon you because we are in the middle of a hysteria. I’m sure there are a few bigots and misogynists among them, but that’s not what’s driving this.
You are not alone in being pushed to the brink economically. Then being subjected to accusations of selfishness, even evil for trying to stay afloat.
But maybe you can turn your current misfortune into an opportunity to do good for the community. For your girls more than anyone. Our Covid response has harmed kids, the poor and small businesses the worst. You check two out of three boxes. I’m sure these past 8 months have not been fun.
Here is one concrete place you could start: PCR tests. Every time somebody in Berkshire County tests positive via PCR, they should be informed of the cycle count of their positive test as a matter of policy. This should actually be a national policy, but it’s being ignored by design. How crazy would it be if little old Berkshire County took the lead in questioning this and planted the seeds for real, positive change!
The fact that cycle thresholds are not voluntarily reported to those who test positive (you need to ask for them, which most don’t have the wherewithal to do) will go down was one of the great scandals of our time. In layman’s terms, cycle threshold reflects viral load and can tell if a person is heavily infected (potentially leading to severe sickness and infectiousness), borderline infected (more testing required), or not infected or infectious at all. Yet all cases are treated the same–as “positives”–and that’s all the patient is told. Think of the implications of that on an individual case level.
No, this is about statistics and keeping the numbers high, not finding the optimal treatment for individuals. That’s twisted. Maybe you could help change that.
Please watch the video below if this is new to you. The most interesting part is the last 30 seconds, when a participant asks Dr. Fauci directly: “So, reporting the threshold cycle, there’s a standard practice in doing that?” and Fauci stumbles as he says “they’ve (the labs) got it” but “they don’t give that until you go back and ask for it.”
A stunning admission that pertinent information is withheld from patients. Again, the implications are enormous–from individuals and everyone they’ve been in contact with quarantining unnecessarily, to heavily infected people not beginning therapeutics at once because they don’t know how infected they are.
P.S. PCR testing is now a nearly $300 million/day enterprise. As ever, following the money brings clarity if nothing else.
Gesus Yuki after reading this I Need A Drink! No one hates you,that’s in your mind. But when allegations which may be true and sent away because of connections and those who pay the price for the same violations do tend to get a little angry.
Denis Guyer
This is what happens when Pittsfield votes for slimy individuals who can’t hold a job and have nothing better to do all day than creep around immigrant/ woman owned/ minority businesses or go around collecting the slum lord rent money from their run down, code violating tenements.
Make no mistake, this is all about racism, misogyny and jealousy. Plain and simple.
Jonathan Winters
Ms. Cohen, oh poor, poor Yuki. You are an elected official in Pittsfield. You are in a position of power and should act like a leader. You say there is no date and time of the incident. The photo on Planet Valenti has a time stamp of 9:18 PM. Why are you behind the bar without a mask with customers in the bar during normal business hours? You close at 10:00PM. You should be leading by example to show the other restaurants how to do it right. While I agree that there is a witch hunt against you, what were you thinking????? You just got dragged thru the mud by your fellow city councilors and what is the first thing you do, you break the rules and get caught. That is not an example of leadership. It is an example of self entitlement. Because you are a city councilor you should be held to a higher standard, not less of one. Now you come on Facebook and say poor, poor me. I want a pity party. I’m a single mom, I’m broke, play the race card to top it off. You ask if being reprimanded helps solve the problem? In your case I doubt it, you don’t seem smart enough. It may help other who see what is happening to you. You mention the photo is an instant in time. Are you saying it is okay to be behind the bar for an “instant” in time without a mask on. Are you saying it was only off for an instant the photographer just happened to catch the “instant”. Do you believe we are that gullible? You broke the rules, period. Take your medicine like a leader should. Stop being a whiner. Is this the best the residents can expect from one of their so called “leaders”?
· Reply · 1h
Isn’t that how her last super spreader event ended? After hours with a friend?
Didn’t she learn anything?!?
Then she plays every race card, gender card, single mom card (she got divorced because her husband wanted to be with one of their swinging partners who worked at her old bar Moe’s Tavern in Lee)
Wow did Squeaky Wrongway write that post for her?!?
from facebook
Jonathan Winters
Yuki Cohen Say what you feel in this town as you and you sign your own death warrant, especially against a politician. You claim to have been closed. It’s against the law to serve your friends afterhours. Either way you are wrong and broke some rules. You should have your license suspended. I think Zucchini’s lost their license for a week for an afterhours party. The same should happen to you. Otherwise everyone is right, the protected get an advantage. Show me in the laws where it says you get to drink afterhours in your establishment. Oh, you can’t, because it is against the law. You were better off with the mask infraction. Like I said earlier, you aren’t that bright.
You have to feel for these restaurant and bar owners, but you have to play by the rules especially if you’re one of the rule makers.
In my post, I stated, How long will it be before Yuki takes a page out of Handgun Moon, and place the race card.
I saw this coming a mile away.
It’s the same narrative as white police officers hunting black males….or Helen Moon.
Her restaurant website is Are devastating drugs a joke to this city councilor?
Maybe I just missed it but did she elaborate on where the racism entered the picture? Is there a person or persons she is pointing the finger at for the racism charge?
In her twisted hollow brained imagination
Dennis Geyser spelled it out in a comment on Yuki’s post. Democrats are pathetic.
I was told she invested $150k and she don’t own it.
I believe Milltown owns the building.Not sure on the business ownership being Yuki or not.
Oh, OK, OK, I guess we can call him Fraudulent-elect Biden now.
“Democracy prevailed”–funny, very funny, or it would be if it wasn’t so full of fraud.
Note that seven states have alternate electors for Trump: GA, MI, PA, WI, AZ, NV, and NM.
Never knew this until yesterday, but I guess this happened in Hawaii in 1960–and the alternate electors were counted!
Totally demented!
Corporate radio and TV continue to support the failed coup attemp of the new Republican fringe coalition of fantasy ,hate and wealth.
He’s in you head.
Reverse psychology on the discrimination angle – she is the favored one.
How does a newspaper run a headline like this without talking to a single medical expert about the well known link between marijuana and anxiety? Oh, right, they must be advertisers.
Seems scary strange that I have yet to see either Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris or any other high flying/lying politician receive the vaccine. Many are claiming they don’t want to take away from their constituents. What a crock of poop.
I think the health care workers, senior home residents and over 80s will be the first to be vaccinated. For the very elderly and those with conditions the statistics are better if they take it. If I my loved ones were at Hillcrest or another nursing home I would want them to have it. Trump and most of his a white House staff don’t need the vaccine as they all got covid from not wearing masks.
Trump does even wear a mask. No way he takes the vaccine. But at the same time he does want credit for it even being available. His religious right diciples are not going to take it either.
Dija see the pastor of a mega church in Florida tell all his flock that God does not wnat them contaminating their bodies with the vaccine? True story and he is a Trump ass lapper.
That’s very scary.
Get the shot
Never pick your nose
We can put a man on the moon but can’t take a clear picture? Reminds me of a Loch ness monster or a blurry Sasquatch photo. Ridiculous!
I was waiting for Rudy to mention the RICO statute:
Hey boys and girls, hope you had a fabulous Tuesday. Boy what a week, am I right?
Yuki is a good friend but she can’t get out of her own way sometimes. The big craft paper signs in the front window sort of help, Imitate, innovate” it’s catchy but she forgot to cover the other windows. Whoopsies!
I’m proud that she’s playing all her cards, I’m sure she got all those passes on violations because she’s a city councilor, a minority, best friends with my girl, a supporter of Andrea.
Wait, don’t read that, forget you read that.
She was TARGETED! Because she’s an Asian single mom who has a lazy eye and is “defenseless”. Sorry I was reading off the wrong script earlier.
I wanted to update you on the bike lane and parklets. It’s so vibrant and dynamic!
We had four people use the bike lanes so far in December. It doesn’t sound like much but it’s a 300% increase from November.
One biker was riding in the street and got pushed into a bike lane by a confused driver.
One guy accidentally used the bike lane while he did curb jumps. One pedestrian used it to get out of the way of the people biking on the sidewalk and one person used it to park their hoveround scooter.
The homeless and junkies have stopped using the parklets for toilets, I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie A Christmas Story and that part where the kid gets his tongue frozen to the pole? Well it’s like that for your genitals. That put a quick stop to those shenanigans.
The other nice part is Yuki got to use her parklet as a bottle service for cars. She made quite a bit of Covid cash selling full bottles at her parklet!
That’s vibrant and dynamic innovation!
For those worried she’ll leave, she won’t. No other Town would treat her as favorably, as she’s treated in Pittsfield.
If anyone is interested I have a cute little Santa’s helper outfit, I’ll be at Cumbois at 3AM.
Let’s be honest here, these are VERY sensitive times. People are mad at the Covid, people are mad at the shut downs, they’re mad at the media, they’re mad at the politicians, they’re mad at people who have the audacity to pump their gas without wrapping the handle in a plastic bag… it’s ridiculous. Everyone is on edge.
I’m sure Yuki generally a lovely person. But it’s pretty disingenuous to write a sob post about due process and fair treatment under the law regarding violations of breaking the actual law (or mandates).
Anyway you slice it, serving friends in the manner depicted in the photo in your bar at 9:18pm was a violation.
If the bar is open, where are the masks?
If the bar is closed, why are patrons being served? TJMAXX can’t lock their doors and invite their friends in to try on clothes after hours.
Methuselah is a public place, however she feels about her rights as an owner. The mandates in place to protect the public apply at all times.
Well the question has to be asked? She has previous multiple violations,add two more at least here. What do you tell the bars that have lost their licenses? Sorry you are not connected? You also have the fact that two sitting City Councilors,literally.Serving and being served in violations.
You have high tax from assessment increases,you have outrageous water rates and going forward we need to see if The water guru can squash that, you have dignitaries violating covid protocol with dancing in Parks and drinking get togethers, or illegal have millions in forgiveness to a millionaire who even bought his own seats from his own company???? You have a promised edict on curbing blight during a mayoral campaign,Hess still Stands,one example. Crime is higher than its ever been. People are getting Covid and dying innursing facility’s and B H S is coming out with info on how to avoid Covid? Are they serious?
Let’s be honest. Doesn’t matter about race creed color or sexuality. You violate the rumples you need to be held accountable. Otherwise don’t serve booze or run for public office.
Well said, Auto Phil.
You raise a really important issue about everyone being on edge. Before Covid, the WHO, CDC and other institutions developed guidelines for how to best respond in epidemic/pandemic scenarios. Central to all of their guidance was the goal of keeping society functioning as normally as possible and not allowing fear and panic to take over.
We have disregarded this and nearly every other established precept concerning how to best handle an event like Covid from a public health perceptive. The question is, why?
People have been reluctant to ask because doing so has been equated with wearing a MAGA hat, but that’s ridiculous and will fade with time. It’s already happening. More and more people are asking questions that should have been asked one ago.
This is Suzanne Bump. She is a Patrick administration era State Auditor.
She is talking about the state not paying it’s fair share of taxes. She is a lawyer.
She purposefully claimed two different homes as primary homes in MA. She actively avoided paying thousands of dollars in taxes. After getting caught she said she would pay them. She lied. To date she still hasn’t paid, she is still the state auditor. She was elected to the position after getting caught and lying about it.
Yuki and Andrea aspire to be her.
State auditor candidate Suzanne Bump says she’ll pay her Boston property taxes in full – at least until the city says she doesn’t owe them. A Boston Globe investigation has raised questions whether the state auditor candidate and Whitman native is getting a double break on property taxes, which isn’t allowed by municipal law. But the Democratic candidate said this morning she’s “in full compliance” and entitled to both.
Check this out
A go fund me to save Methuselah’s… she seriously has no class. First she spreads covid.. then she asks for money.