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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 21, 2020) — As the last day of fall becomes the first day of winter, THE PLANET muses about a story that will have as much impact on Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, and America as the calamities of the city council, the doings of the DA, or the perils of the pandemic.

We speak of China, that rising dragon whose exercise of “soft power” has brought about the most rapid resurgence from the cellar to the penthouse in world history.

The latest example: China’s mission to the moon, not the Helen kind but the green-cheese kind. Here’s how the wire services reported it:

———- ooo ———-

China has landed a robotic spacecraft on the moon, Xinhua, the official statenews agency reported on Tuesday. The probe will spend two days gathering rocks and dirt from the lunar surface, with the goal of returning the first cache of moon samples to Earth since 1976.

a large crowd of people in a dark room: The Long March 5 rocket carrying the Chang’e-5 lunar probe launching from the Wenchang Space Center in Hainan Province on Nov. 24.© Agence France-Presse — Getty Images The Long March 5 rocket carrying the Chang’e-5 lunar probe launching from the Wenchang Space Center in Hainan Province on Nov. 24.

The spacecraft, Chang’e-5, was the third successful uncrewed moon landing by China since 2013, when Chang’e-3 and its Yutu rover became China’s first visitor to make a lunar soft landing. In 2019, Chang’e-4 landed on the moon’s far side, the first spacecraft from Earth to ever do that. At least three more Chang’e moon landers are planned for the coming decade, ahead of China’s aspiration of building a moon base for astronauts in the 2030s.

———- ooo ———-

In and of itself, China’s moon mission doesn’t mean much for your life, but as the exemplification of the larger ascendancy, it indicates the most profound changes in the years ahead.

Bloomberg Businessweek this week published a lengthy analysis of China’s rise. Some key points:

  • In 3rdQ of 2020, China’s GDP rose 4.9%, “an astounding rebound in a world still mostly mired in a pandemic-induced paralysis.”
  • China represents the No. 1 foreign policy issue facing America. THE PLANET agrees. Unfortunately, President Donald Trump accelerated America’s hostility to its only rival for World Superpower status, a troubling trend begun under Barack Obama to be continued with Joe Biden. The U.S. chose confrontation over diplomacy. We are now paying the price. Like the mounting interest in a loanshark’s generosity, that price will sharply rise.
  • The West’s big mistake has historical roots. We view China in terms of U.S. history. This xenophobic view ignores China’s history with respect to itself. In fact, the case can be made and won that for the past 2,000 years, China has been the world’s largest economy. In America we only look at the 18th, 19th and 20th century, but in the centuries prior, China ruled. Read the accounts of Marco Polo (13th center) and Vasco Da Gama (15th-16th), who were dazzled by the wealth of China versus Europe’s  standard of living.
  • China’s “Four Pillars” philosophy has not changed under communism: economic, political, military, and culture (society). These frameworks, not ideological communism, support China’s activities both domestic and foreign.

America got on the right track with China under Richard Nixon, whose visit in 1972 ranks as the 20th century’s boldest and most brilliant political move. President Nixon realized the epic changes that were under way, and he pounced upon an aging Mao, a figurehead by then, and with Henry Kissinger got down to business with Chou En Lai, China’s secretary of state. Sadly, the 21st century brought a series of weak presidents for us and adept premiers for them, a case for “politics matter” if ever there was one. One example: China’s status as the world’s major manufacturing center, “capable of producing valuable goods at a mind-boggling rate” (Bloomberg).

How will this affect you?

  • The yuan will supplant the U.S. dollar as the world’s favored business currency.
  • Once that happens, the U.S. will slip to No. 2 and a profound economic slump.
  • As the world’s unchallenged superpower, China will discontinue America’s addiction for world policing. An example of China’s “soft power” can be seen in Africa, where it has a “hands-off” policy. America wants to covert the world to democracy. China will allow the world its regional preferences.
  • If America doesn’t change its China policy, it will pick yet another war it cannot win (Korea, Vietnam, the war on drugs, the war on terrorism). THE PLANET predicts a Cold War and not world war because China is too smart for that, although if the U.S. tries to prevent China’s inevitable takeover of Taiwan, all bets are off the table.

THE PLANET doesn’t see much good coming out of the Biden-Harris foreign desk. Our advice to the country: Prepare for the worst.

That said, we are more than willing to be pleasantly surprised.


“There is only one kind of shock worse than the totally unexpected: the expected for which one has refused to prepare” — Writer Mary Renault.



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Jerry Packard
Jerry Packard
4 years ago

We are still the best game in town. Of all our industries and products, the one that hasn’t yet been duplicated and improved upon is our system of higher education and the intellectual products it outputs. Ours is intrinsically superior because it is rooted in our system of democracy — free society and speech. Other economic powers have attempted to duplicate it but have not succeeded; the reason is that our education system — while replete with problems — has diversity as its base and meritocracy as its goal. To continue this trend we must invest in our education system. We don’t succeed by rewarding only the rich and giving short shrift to the less fortunate but excellent. Don’t count us out — we are still the best game in town unless we blow it by giving up on our basic principles. 

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Most of those foreign students end up staying in the U.S. when they see the opportunity here. That’s a win for us if you value new Americans.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

“…85% of foreign students graduating from New York-area schools stayed in the metro region to work under OPT between 2004 and 2016.”

Jerry Packard
Jerry Packard
Reply to  Van
4 years ago

15-20 years ago it was rare for Chinese PhDs to return to China. Going back to China is more common now but still comes nowhere near the numbers that stay here. They stay here — despite their ability now to make more $$ returning home — for two reasons. The first is that they want to live in a free society. The second is that their kids become acclimated to US culture and they don’t want their kids being brought up in China and their kids don’t want that either. If you spend some time in China you come to realize the remarkable good fortune we here in the US have as citizens in a free society. There is no reason to overestimate China’s strength and their ability to succeed in the years to come. As Merguez says below, China has a host of severe internal problems that will tend to keep us competitive — so long as we get ourselves back on track.

Reply to  Van
4 years ago

Or were they under the direction of the mother land to spy while being here

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

And today we have a Republican President conspiring to evoke Marshall law in the United States of America a man supported by skinheads racist KKK and white militia who planned a kidnapping and murder of the Govenors of two states and murder of police.Not one word from Republican Senators.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You the last person watching CNN?

D-Rat Wretched Gretchen is being called up for impeachment TSC.

The potential “Kidnappers”, YOU mentioned, were actually BLM supporters TSC

“NEW: Whitmer Kidnapping Plotter Was a BLM Supporter, Media Narrative Crumbles”

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Some of his folowers think Marshall law is a good thing

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Democrats and RINOs think nationwide election fraud is a good thing

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Jerry Packard
4 years ago

China is a train coming down the tracks. If we are lucky they will allow us to ride on that train. If we decide to be piss ants they may use that train to flatten our asses.
Go to you tube and type in China high speed trains, or China damns, or China bridges or China robots to see just how far ahead of us they really are. They need us as consumers of their products but are preparing to live without us if need be.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Trumps wont acknowledged Russia terrorism. Trumpers wont acknowledged Trump lies.What is in your Fox news feed people?Turn off the station and come back to reality.

Reply to  Jerry Packard
4 years ago

Jerry, I agree. Dan does not address the increasingly well-educated populace of China, many of whom have been educated in the west and who have experienced freedoms not available to them in China. The govt. still wants to censor and repress ( disavowing Covid, for instance) and I don’t think this policy will hold in the next 25 years or so. People will rebel and there will be a push towards democracy. Additionally, China’s lack of environmental protections will result in large scale poisonings of people which will cause upheaval and disrupt the manufacturing of goods in China. China has “invaded” Africa by setting up commerce in that continent and having a large number of Chinese nationals running small businesses there. We have been “invaded” by China via Amazon and the desire for cheaply made goods. I think Biden and Harris foreign policy will be moderate while protecting US interests.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jerry Packard
4 years ago

And Reagans NAFTA allowed Americas corporations to flee unions and high standard we once held for slave labor and no standards in pursuit of every dam penny of profit double crossing the American dream.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

NAFTA was passed under Bill Clinton. But keep throwing darts–and missing the barn.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Slick Willie gave China most favored trading status TSC. You gobble up lots of Chi-Com crap at Wally World!

When Barry Sotero bailed out Gooberment Motors (aka GM), they promptly took the ill gotten loot, and built a brand new factory. The factory is in Brazil. How did that help the American worker or Americans, TSC?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jerry Packard
4 years ago

USA education system has been in decline for decades.

Early education has strayed from basic learning, competency in ENGLISH and math, and a solid base for further studies. Revisionist history and indoctrination has replaced free thought. Grade inflation is the norm. Can’t give Johnny or Mary a D or F, that they deserved/earned, as it will butt hurt their self esteem. They are O.K. with teaching deviant sex acts to children though……… No need for math or grammar, as a calculator/computer and word programs, will do the thinking/corrections for students now.

The feral beasts (aka “children”) roaming classrooms are free to do as they wilt, play on cell phones, swear, disrupt classrooms, intimidate teachers, etc…….all with tacit approval of school administrators, who are there just to collect loot and benefits. The Administrators other roles are to create new essentially do nothing positions (vice-administraitors, assistant administrators, …..), that are filled, by the unqualified, through nepotism and cronyism . The Pittsfield School System is a prime example.

Higher education has become hostile to free exchange of ideas, that is ideas which buck “the main stream” , as defined by Administration. Grade inflation is rampant there also.

Diversity, equality, inclusiveness are the new buzz words. Buck the trend/mantras, and you are labeled, racist or a bigot. It is hard to present Math or Science education in a “racist or bigoted” manner, yet the Professors are labeled such.

Last edited 4 years ago by Mad Trapper
Jerry Packard
Jerry Packard
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Many of Trapper’s stated problems are true, but the US higher education system remains the envy of the world. It is true we are losing market share to the European higher ed system, but by-and-large — well, before the present administration made it more difficult to enter the US to study anyway — the US higher ed system…both undergrad and graduate…remains the gold standard and remains the goal of foreigners wanting a post-secondary education.

Reply to  Jerry Packard
4 years ago

Truth. I have lived in Europe, spent a year in University in Europe and it does not compare to a decent college education here in U.S. Mad Trapper is correct when he says USA public school education has declined. This can be attributed to the loss of middle class and the ethos of hard work, marriage before children, two parent households. Sorry folks, but those are the building blocks of stability and achievement.

Agent 86
Agent 86
4 years ago

The Biden crime family will grow richer.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

How many patents do the Bidens have in China?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Who need’s patents when you have Hunter and Brother Jimmy!!!

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

What a nitwit question.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

You must deal with Trump advisor Ivankas business deals in China as those are facts.This is where things gets uncomfortable for Trumps

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Please tell us what those deals are.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

December 20, 2020

The 4 Berkshire delegation legislative members to the Massachusetts State House of Representatives are all sell outs! Smitty Pignatelli is the worst of the 4 political hacks! Smitty Pignatelli has been a career politician in Boston for 18 years in a row and counting. Smitty Pignatelli openly supports secretive “public” business under Boston’s Golden Dome. Smitty Pignatelli voted for Felon Finneran, Felon DiMasi, and Bob DeLeo for Speaker, who all block open and democratic governance to further their own hold on power. Now, Smitty Pignatelli, along with Tricia Farley Bouvier, Paul Mark, and John Barrett III are all committed to back Ron Mariano as Speaker so he can continue business as usual on Beacon Hill.

Do you know why Bob DeLeo is ready to cash in on a $135,000 taxpayer-funded state pension on top of a 6-figure sinecure at Northeastern University in Boston? It is because Northeastern University wants to shakedown Beacon Hill for millions of additional state funds. What about the fact that millions of people in Massachusetts have lost their jobs and health insurance in 2020? Shouldn’t the people be first in line instead of Bob DeLeo, who already has more than enough money to retire as a man in his early-70’s?

Do you know why Smitty Pignatelli is such a brown nose to powerbrokers such as PAC-Man Richie Neal, Speaker Bob DeLeo, and the anointed future speaker Ron Mariano? It is because Smitty Pignatelli wants to stay in power and receive as much taxpayer-funded pay and public perks as he can get his greedy hands on.

Smitty Pignatelli only cares about himself. The number one example of this is Smitty Pignatelli backing a phony cleanup of the Housatonic River without a financial commitment from GE for a billion-dollar project that will take 13 years to complete, while his constituents in Lee (Mass.) and surrounding communities are all protesting it. Smitty Pignatelli voted himself a 40 percent pay raise in early-2017 that cost state taxpayers over $18 million. Smitty Pignatelli gives career politicians a very bad name because he only provides disservice after disservice to the people and taxpayers who pay for it all.

In closing, I say with total certainty that Smitty Pignatelli, Tricia Farley Bouvier, Paul Mark, and John Barrett III do NOT represent the people of Western Massachusetts. Neither does PAC-Man Richie Neal, who is K Street Lobbyists’ number one client on Capitol Hill.

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

The most self gratification job there is. A politician!! This occupation has fallen to the lowest level of respect. Screw the people!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
4 years ago

Feed off the people!

Sum Dhey
Sum Dhey
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
4 years ago

And that Stooge on pct can’t wait to glamorize these posers. All because of the five people that watch it. Can someone tell pct management that show is a waste of time and money. Beware of the duck in the road near Big Y.

Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
4 years ago

The great divide between them and the people.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Spagirlfrommass
4 years ago

Liberal reporters are in the running!

Jeffery Toobin, a reporter from the New Yorker, was cuffing his carrot, er “self gratifying ” himself during a conference call. Toobin didn’t know the camera shot went that low.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

One is the common denominator of the politicians you listed? Give up? They are all Democrats and yet that is how you claim you vote. Do you think change will happen if you continue to allow the perps stay in office?

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Exactly. If everyone was a Republican there would be no problems.

Reply to  Van
4 years ago

Personally I want at least two viable political parties with open minded independents that have to be courted

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Van
4 years ago

If we re-elected nobody there would be no problems.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

I like this one Dan. I hope people will educate themselves about China because I agree they will be a major influence going forward. And it does not have to be bad.
Not sure why you are predisposed that Biden will make it worse. He is not even in office yet. He is not stupid. He is surrrounding himself with intelligent world aware advisers. He does not want confrontation.
I wish the Trump followers would give the new adminstration a chance. Things are very messed up right now and we need to pull together. If one side spends the next four years trying to pull the other down it will make China (and Russia) even stronger. If Biden fails the country will not recover. Please give him and yourselves a chance.

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

You mean just like all the nonsense from the far left made China and Russia stronger the last 4 years and then they complain about it, especially Russia, whereas they think China is harmless.

If China becomes the superpower of the world, it will be bad. No better than if Russia became the superpower of the world. All of our so-called leaders like John Kerry and Obama have just appeased China which only makes them stronger in my opinion. We should deal with them as equals not as one superior country over the other which is what President Trump was trying to do by making things more fair between us, but potential superpowers do not want things to be fair. They want to be number one.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat, keep your mind closed to what is going on around you. Be the ostrich with your head in the sand. Don’t worry about being blindsided by reality. Stay tuned to Fox news and Fox news only. They have your best interests at heart.
hee hee

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

“Hunter is the smartest person I know” is not a statement from a “not stupid” clear thinking adult whom may become the most powerful man in the world.
China through comprising swallwell, and numerous other politicians – has already turned America against itself. Beginning the divide and conquer method. BLM and occupy movements followed by the Russian hoax which weakened and delayed America’s forward momentum.
Joe has failed for 48 years to accomplish anything but self enrichment, what makes you think it will change. Lying joe Biden created the mess, why would he clean it up?

Reply to  Thomas Betit
4 years ago

Very well said and true.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

China owns Sleepy Joe and the entire Biden crime family.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Bidens nose is so far up the Chi-Coms butt, he farts fortune cookies!

4 years ago

Dan, don’t be fooled by China. They are making garbage dump islands so they can increase their reach into the oceans natural resources. They are buying up other countries properties so they can control the local governments and they are using espionage in businesses and military. So they are not as benign as your comments suggest.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

OFF TOPIC Thought the city did a pretty good job with the initial plowing considring the size of the storm. But I hope they plan to do a plow back and oncover the storm drains cuz when the Christmas eve rains come there could be one hell of a mess. And then it is going to freeze.
Would not want to be the one who missed this easy layup.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Nope, the city did a lousy job.

Four hours after the snow stopped falling, a driver was still wary of any kind of incline; turning right off Dalton Ave. onto Benedict, for just one example, was a shin-deep snow adventure; Park St. a total mess (BHS employee garage on one side, busy healthcare facility on the other, duh); plenty of other harrowing spots, and not just on minor side streets.

Oh, I but I did hear the plows scraping the asphalt last evening.


Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Ed, totally agree with you. The neighborhoods around Benedict Road and also the Allendale area are terrible. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for this mess. The plows are still coming by today, five days after the storm and the streets are getting worse instead of better. Had to laugh at the City “survey” for plowing. How many times do us taxpayers have to fill this friggin survey out before they correct the issues with plowing. Many neighbors have contacted City Councilors and Highway Department, no results, just a bunch of babble bullshit. Really tired of wasting my energies on the deaf ears of this City Council, Highway Department and City Administration. Just keep paying your taxes folks!

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

With these taxe rates, you’d think the city could prevent snow falling on the streets at all.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

With all the focus on China the threat is Russia.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Please compare and contrast the threat from those two countries.

Sum Dhey
Sum Dhey
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

The only plow job you need be concerned about is junking any mega deal water plant to raise water rates to zenith. Let the builder take over.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Ha ha ha went to Dalton and their streets were pavement not slush

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

I drove though Pittsfield Sunday, 3 days after storm was over.

There was a person in a FWD car, stuck in the middle of Clinton street, blocking the street to traffic. There was > 6″ of snow still on the roadway.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

I missed it Thursday. But how did snow removal work out on North Street with the new “bike path”, blocked off portions of parking lane, and new parallel parking designed by city asshats?

The dimwited people, who designed and approved the parallel parking, should do penance, by shoveling out the mess they created each and every snowfall.

Last edited 4 years ago by Mad Trapper
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Come On Man
4 years ago

Biden….a man of little brain. The ChiComs control him and most of our high-ranking congressmen.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Yes, Chuki Hsummer D-rat NY, is hoping to be leading the Senate, if the Georgia voter fraud continues in the Senate runoffs next month.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

You think Trump is smart?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Trump owns your little brain.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Mr. Fritz – a man of no brain.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

As far as I can tell, you get less with More.

Simon Says Huh
Simon Says Huh
4 years ago

Every time Dan addresses a global or national topic the blog digresses into lowest common denominator intelligence: “Trump sucks!” “No Biden sucks! “You suck.” Can we just not?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Simon Says Huh
4 years ago

You are so right.

Reply to  Simon Says Huh
4 years ago

We can’t just discuss gossip and the weather. Our country is facing serious issues that will determine our future. Keeping us so divided so we can’t have a normal conversation is the goal of those trying to tear our country apart. They don’t want us to discuss the issues. We might come to some logical conclusion. They can’t have that. They need us to be hateful toward each other.

Jerry Packard
Jerry Packard
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Right on the money, Pat!

Simon Says Huh
Simon Says Huh
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

I’ve read your commentary and rest my case.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Are the feds giving Yuki and Dotties even more money? Money for the business? Money for the owner? MOney for the kids? It must be raining money up there on North street. Is LInda going to raise the stakes and give em more taxpyer money too? Stay tuned.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

So, you support restaurants being forced to close because you are afraid of Covid, but you object to them receiving any assistance?

Wow, what guy.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

So you support twisting someones words to fit your narrative? That is a far right thing ain’t it?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Californification, has let strip clubs open, but won’t let Christians attend church on Christmas day.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Most of the phony “Christians” I know would be going to the strip clubs anyway.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

You’ll be following them to go see your close relatives “dance”.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

How do you know I am not dancing myself? Save up your one dollar bills big fella.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

People would pay, not to see that!

Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

Covid is being used to destroy the middle class and force government control over citizens. The so-called experts, Dr. Birx and Fauci – should be fired.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

Celebrate Christmas in a big way this year, and don’t listen to the moron known as Dr. Fauci!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago


Mark my words. Within a few years, people will have a choice between two possible verdicts for Dr. Fauci the rockstar:

  1. He was evil incarnate, a smooth talking narcissist who endeared himself to millions as he became one of the major villains in history, or…
  2. A hapless old guy who meant well, held on to power past his prime and got swept up in something that was beyond him.

Either way, this is for certain: History is not going to be kind to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago


Spot on. A very bad flu that is particularly nasty for the elderly has been co-opted and exploited as a tool to control the masses.

The bad news is that if we don’t quell this hysteria, the actual data may never see the light of day.

The good news is that IF the data sees the light of day, within a decade we will be seeing human rights tribunals the likes of which we haven’t seen since Nuremberg.

That is not hyperbole.

P.S. You probably saw that Birx resigned. Good riddance. Hysterical that her resignation cited the suffering her parents and family have suffered from Covid isolation, which was made so much worse by the scrutiny of her situation.

Exactly the kind of double-speak one expects from a life-long bureaucrat.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

From an instgram post;

A dog had his chain reduced one link at a time, every few days, until his chain was so short he could barely move. He never resisted because he was conditioned to the loss of his freedom, slowly, over time.
It’s happening to Americans.

And I would add that it’s currently happening in Demonrat-run states, and also in RINO-run states like our own MA!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Even Pat Robertson is telling Trump it is time to give it up. And he represents one third of Trumps base.

4 years ago

Skimming through the Covid stimulus bill. Only 5,600 pages. Every bit of it produced by people who have never missed a paycheck during all this. But rest easy. They’ve got your backs and Covid help is on the way. Can’t you tell?

Findings so far include:

  • $700 million earmarked for health initiatives in the Sudan.
  • $20 million to establish the Museum of the American Latino
  • A “Statement of Policy Regarding the Succession or Reincarnation of the Dalai Lama”
  • Retro-active reimbursement of the Senate Employee Childcare Center for Covid costs and expenses.
  • $12.5 million to the Commission on Civil Rights, including $500,000 to fund the “Commission on the Social Status of Black Men and Boys”
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

And our delegation voted for it, makes you wonder what would have been in the $3 trillion stimulus bill they were pushing

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Every nitwit mASSachusetts sent to Congress voted for it. Blame the voters for this hoodwink!

Thanks Ritchie, Lieawatha, and Malarkey

Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

It’s outrageous, Blare. $600 for “covid relief” to individual Americans but billions sent overseas. What a pork-laden bill! And it passed the Senate 91-7. 5,600 page bill which few had time to read. McConnell is a swamp creature and traitor! Other aid;

  • $250 Palestinian aid!
  • $25 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan!
  • $1.4 billion for “Asia Reassurance Initiative Act!”
  • $85.5 million to Cambodia
  • limits where border wall can be built
  • restores Pell Grants to prisoners
  • includes tax break for racehorse owners
  • allows feds to import more foreign workers
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

The GOP heroes who voted against this pork-laden bill were;

  • Marsha Blackburn, TN
  • Rand Paul, KY
  • Rick Scott, FL
  • Ron Johnson, WI
  • Mike Lee, UT
  • Ted Cruz, TX
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

I want to know who voted to suspend the 72 hour rule so they could vote on this bill. Some of the politicians are saying there wasn’t enough time to read the bill first, but voted to suspend the rule and voted anyway.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

They don’t need to read it. Mitch reads it then tells everyone else how they better vote.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

and everyone of them has tied themselves tightly to Trump. Which may mean he is not going to sign the bill.

Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

From Techno Frog:
The Stimulus Bill:

The gov’t closes the economy. You lose your job. You face eviction.

$600 for all your troubles.

Meanwhile they send:

$135 million to Burma
$85.5 million to Cambodia
$1.4 billion for “Asia Reassurance Initiative Act”
$130 million to Nepal

They hate you.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

The Covid relief bill lays the groundwork for a “Climate Security Advisory Council”

Apparently Congress is worried about “water resources on the Tibetan Plateau.

Creating a US-India Gandhi-King Development Foundation with an annual budget of $30,000,000+

And there’s assistance for Tibetan refugees. $8,000,00 per year for the next 4 fiscal years. And $4,000,000 per year for the Tibetan government.

The Covid relief bill also includes $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan

The Covid relief bill includes a lengthy subsection titled “the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act of 2020”

The Covid relief bill includes funds for a museum that will offer “programming, education, exhibitions” on … “the life, art, history, and culture of women”

The Covid relief bill includes $193 million for federal HIV/AIDS workers stationed abroad to buy new cars

The Covid relief bill creates a commission tasked with educating “consumers about the dangers associated with using or storing portable fuel containers for flammable liquids near an open flame.”

The Covid relief bill provides $40 million for the Kennedy Center

The Covid relief bill includes $1.5 million for the Appropriations Committee’s “Office of Diversity and Inclusion” as well as lots of money for receptions

The Covid relief bill mandates new hiring measures to ensure diversity in the intelligence community

It keeps getting better. Funding for Voice of America and Radio Free Asia.

Last edited 4 years ago by Mad Trapper
4 years ago

China is looking to control everything and I mean everything! Mother Nature is one of them.

Dertee Pool
Dertee Pool
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Mother Nature. Let’s get on with this water project savings by The Water Guy before the City underhands a mega project to the sewer guys and needless more in water rates. to the Kaspakskies.

Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Great. China now thinks they are God and can control the weather.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

The first experiments with cloud seeding were conducted in 1946 by American chemist and meteorologist Vincent J. Schaefer, and since then seeding has been performed from aircraft, rockets, cannons, and ground generators. Many substances have been used, but solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) and silver iodide have been the most effective; when used in supercooled clouds (composed of water droplets at temperatures below freezing), they form nuclei around which the water droplets evaporate. 

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

We do it.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

The state and local governments got nothing from the new stimulus bill. Hopefully, the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration will change that after January 20th, 2021. Then Matt Kerwood can add more millions to his huge slush fund. The lovely Linda Tyer can provide more Covid-19 grants to her politically-connected businesses. I feel bad for Pittsfield politics getting stiffed by U.S. Congress a couple of days before Christmas 2020.

4 years ago

Still trying to figure out the need for another stimulus bill. Unemployment is 6.7 percent and heading down. As soon as the powers to be feel safe the restaurants and other social businesses will open driving that number even further down. As they say payback is a b

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

They found out they could get away with printing money, Biden says it’s just the start

4 years ago

The Chinese space program is military oriented and they made giant strides ahead of us during the Obama administration.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

And uh, what is the purpose of Trumps SPACE FORCE? Please go into detail pat.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Johnny – China is our enemy. Obama destroyed NASA, Trump has developed the Space Force. Do you not agree that the US needs a military presence in space? What kind of fool are you?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

My reply was to Par who seemed to suggest that China was the only country will a military space program.

and China does not have to be our enemy. Some people want them to be our enemy though and are working hard to make our relations with them more antagonistic. (it diverts attention from Russia ya know)

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

They are communists, Johnny.
Are you a communist sympathizer?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

Is Putin communist? Is Trump Putins best friend?
Next question.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

The H-Beast spent about a month there as Sec of State under Sotero, with no accounting of what devious schemes she was concocting.

4 years ago

Andrew Latham writing for the Federalist has an interesting take on China and proposes a three-pronged approach;

Fossil Toast
Fossil Toast
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

Dan. This is the first annual trivia question before the Coveted Orbit Award. In honor of the handing out of the Award.

Pittsfield has one thing no other City or Town in the World has? What is it?

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Fossil Toast
4 years ago

Bike lanes, car lanes and parking lanes all in the same spot which confuse, agitate, aggravate and alienate people from going to the area.

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Good post Johnny. It’s called Mayoral Confusion. Blame Squiggy. Pittsfield has turned into a…..You fill out the rest?

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

Sounds like Pittsfield gangs are celebrating Xmas early. kapow, kapowee. Don’t tell the mayor though. (or the Eagle)

De Dunx
De Dunx
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

Ya think. They’d like us not to know to much. Might upset the covert apple cart.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago
Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Howie Carr is a very talented name caller. He never proposes a thing nor is he at all truthful. He just makes fun of people and the ignorant readers gobble it up. It’s surprising that a very intelligent person like Mr. Fritz can’t see through him.