(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY DEC. 30, 2020) — It is fitting that THE PLANET‘s final post for this miserable year should wear the capstone of honor. We say that because in life, we must learn to honor all experience, up or down, good or bad. And today, we present:
- The Coveted Orbit Award (COA) — For achievements in the Year 2020.
- The PLANET Hall of Fame Award (PHOF) — For lifetime contributions to Pittsfield’s health and goodness.
- The Black Hole-White Dwarf Award (BHWADA) — To the person or persons who did their worst to make Pittsfield a more depressing place in which to live than it has to be.
THE PLANET shall deal with them in reverse order. First up …
This award, keeping with the interstellar theme of this site, honors a negative “contribution.” They made the city a worse place because of what they did. We had many candidates for this inaugural presentation. As worthy as some of them may have been for the first BHWADA, none took the “honors” of Ward 1 city councilor and former director of special projects for the District Attorney’s office.
C’mon down, Helen Moon.
She held two positions of public trust. The first she lost by getting fired under circumstances that still are not clear. Then, according to her non-participation at council meetings, her lackluster “contributions” at committee meetings, and her inability to either recognize or fulfill her duties as a representative, have made her one of the worst councilors in memory.
She is lax in addressing constituent concerns and has yet to return one of THE PLANET‘s calls — another example of her ducking her responsibilities. Finally, Moon got caught in a bunch of lies when she claimed to be arrested at gunpoint by Boston Police because she’s female and a minority. Though called upon many times to produce the evidence, she hid from that as well.
Loves playing the victim card. This is NOT the kind of person you want in public office.
The Hall has been 10 years in the making. The temptation with this inaugural class was to open the floodgates and allow a stampede of members. Pittsfield has a great history as a town then a city. Also eligible are figures from Berkshire County. That universe is well populated. THE PLANET, however, wanted to start off with a worthy six. They are:
Peter Arlos — Wrote the book with constituent service. THE PLANET‘s stories are endless. Suffice it to say that as long as Peter was going to bat for We The People, Boston knew who were were and organized crime tread lightly.
- Mary Flynn — The “Peter Arlos” of South County, a legendary figure in public education and local politics. One of THE PLANET‘s teachers, confidantes, and confessors.
Chuck Garivaltis — Not only the greatest hitter ever to come from Berkshire County and grace a professional diamond, Chuck gave up a rising executive career with cosmetics giant Revlon to return to Pittsfield and manage the family’s real estate holdings when circumstance called for that kind of loyalty and sacrifice. Chuck then took his enormous gifts of diligence and creativity and put them to work in local politics. We hail our friend and mentor.
- Larry Bossidy — Along with Garivaltis, Larry was a baseball star at PHS. They both went on to academic and sports achievement with the Colgate Red Raiders. As most know, Bossidy became one of America’s most important corporate executives, the kind of man who knew how to lead and how to give back. And who can forget Bossidy Shoes?
- Sam Landa — City solicitor under mayor Don Butler, Landa helped direct policies that led to much of the prosperity of the city during Butler’s administration from 1968-1973. Known throughout the state for his legal acumen, Landa was a formidable foe, practicing what THE PLANET calls the Colombo Effect. He’d come into the courtroom, looking unprepared and overmatched. The other side would get overconfident, and Landa would clean their clocks. No one knew where more skeletons were buried, except maybe Peter Arlos.
- Don Butler — More than anything else, what made Don Butler great was his large heart. Stories abound about Butler helping out those in need but not wanting credit. Worked as a banker in the Dreaded Private Sector, which helped keep his eyes on We The People as opposed to The Special Interests. For Butler, it was always The Little Guy not The Suits.
Finally, we get to …
Many received nominations, both from internal meetings here at the Fortress and from readers. All were worthy. THE PLANET limits this to one award. Of all the names mentioned, none were more worth than Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. They are the members of a vanishing Pittsfield demographic: Good, decent, law-abiding citizens. They pay their taxes on time, don’t look to the government for handouts, and always vote. They keep their properties safe and well maintained. They are there for a good cause. They just want to be left alone and, at time, given a fair shake.
Unfortunately, the Kapanskis have borne the brunt of a generation full of bad policy and corrupt government, using a wide and latitudinal definition. They bear mostly in silence, left to their own resources, still acting for good, still wishing that their representatives, their government, would miraculously begin to attract the sort of people mentioned above in the PHOA.
In honoring the Kapanskis, THE PLANET honors everyone who ever posted a comment on this board, every citizen of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. They are the last bastion of goodness and, in truth, the only hope this city has.
“It’s always a buyer’s market when it comes to souls” — Writer Jo Nesbo.
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All of selections into the Hall have flaws. Didn’t know Landa and agree with Butler.
Sam handled a few things for us and was good at it. Connie his assistant was a pleasure to deal with.
Arlos was a nice guy in appearance to constituents. But Pete was for Pete. Ask the Springfield Mob who were ready to read him the riot act (being subtle on that). And I’m not degrading these inductees intentions and contributions, but this is the Damn Hall. You have to be Flawless to Enter…. Any Hall.
Any Mayor would have prospered in the late sixties with the booming economy. Come on Man.
Not so. Bad leadership could even wreck a booming economy.
Sam Landa would get my vote. He was a customer of mine for years and he was never afraid to provide me with a free education when it came to politics. I learned a lot about Pittsfield from him. His wife was sweet as pie and his son is a great guy. Sam was as honest as the day is long.
He’s dead you dummy. Bide is reading from a prompter and the first two years of this nonsense will be blaming the Trump Administration.
Grow up, I know he is dead, henceforth the word “was” in my last sentence. My suggestion to you would be to try and improve your reading comprehension.
Low old energy Joe.
Apology Pat Sams alive,sorry Sam! Glad your alive! But he’s not remembered by many here?
I only met Sam a few times. He was a character and a great guy.
Yes. He was both of those.
Evidentially you didn’t learn anything. The biggie is tommorrow. Will Mitch end up a bich?
Well at least Pakistan will get some of our taxpayers dollars for Gender Studies.
Excellent Achioce with Moon. Imagine someone sarcastically saying the Ice Cream Give out wasn’t that important. An aberration like that comment always brings you down. Derby’s a Cool Guy for doing that,why would anyone be that obstinate.
Thanks, WARDONE.
That was an awful display from an elected official who claims to care for the those who have the least and are over looked. Officer Darby didn’t deserve it for his outreach to make things better in the community.
Officer Derby is a good cop and a good man. We need more like him. When we get an Officer Derby, we need to support and encourage him, not put him down and ridicule him in public, especially if you’re a public official. Yet that’s exactly what Ward 1 councilor Helen Moon did — belittle his contributions to making the community just that little tiny bit more human and humane.
If that was what got Moon fired why not just say so? I agree with the award but the missing link as to why she was fired is still missing. Anyone taking bets on who will finally break this story?
I Know the reason. As do many people. The thing is her counter part knows also. That’s why she is Lapeelousy.
Spill it, DL!
I really believe it was something else that happened for her to be forced to leave. Somebody knows why, but isn’t saying.
I agree with you today, blogger Dan Valenti. Pittsfield had some good guys in their corner back in the old days. But now, everything fell apart. The most valuable resource any community has is its people, but Pittsfield politics shakes them down, while Matt Kerwood grows his +$10 million slush fund. Pittsfield politics is toxic!
Happy New Year of 2021 everyone.
I agree with you on having some good guys in the past along with people being most important to a thriving community. Kerwood doesn’t set the tax rates and set the rates for water fees etc..for the citizens.The mayor is responsible and has the final say on what Kerwood does with and puts in the book’s, that effects the citizens.
Jonathon, the first 3 sentences are brilliant. They were more than good guys. They helped make Pittsfield into one of America’s great small cities.
Then what happened? Chuck.
Good choice for the COA Dan since it honors, as you said, most of the people on this board. Helen Moon was my second choice for BHWADA. My first choice was Tricia Farley-Bouvier. Andrea Harrington was also in the running for the BHWADA reward. So many of us really want to improve and bring this area back to life, but it’s an uphill battle. I look forward to 2021 so we can keep fighting for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.
Lol, your all Trump talk for four years. You and Stooge oughta get a room.
Amen to everyone wanting to bring this area back to life, as it will benefit all.
We need to get as many people onboard as possible to take back not only Berkshire County, but also the country.
The hold up is there’s not much middle of the road conversation to come up with agreement on many issues. Most want everything their way or no way at all. Compromise is mostly gone, as are the adults in the room.
True, but there has to be issues we can agree on and, if not, then we need to get the message out about just how devastating the far left agenda will be for everyone in this country. People need to take a stand against the tyranny of the left. If we don’t do it now, it will be impossible to do it later.
Mr Tyranny will be leaving Jan 20th. We are all counting the days just like you Pat. Things will get better unless troublemakers start a civil war. If so we all lose and our children lose.
Hopefully some damn fool does not start a war with Iran next week either.
It will be a war. A race War. Cops are still murdering and thugs will murder cops.
You’ve been my golden best friend
Now with post – demise at hand
Can’t go to you for consolation
‘Cause we’re off limits during this transition
This grief overwhelms me
It burns in my stomach
And I can’t stop bumping into things
I thought we’d be simple together
I thought we’d be happy together
Thought we’d be limitless together
I thought we’d be precious together
But I was sadly mistaken
You’ve been my soulmate and mentor
I remembered you the moment I met you
With you I knew god’s face was handsome
With you I suffered an expansion
This loss is numbing me
It pierces my chest
And I can’t stop dropping everything
I thought we’d be sexy together
Thought we’d be evolving together
I thought we’d have children together
I thought we’d be family together
But I was sadly mistaken
If I had a bill for all the philosophies I shared
If I had a penny for all the possibilities I presented
If I had a dime for every hand thrown up in the air
My wealth would render this no less severe
I thought we’d be genius together
I thought we’d be healing together
I thought we’d be growing together
Thought we’d be adventurous together
But I was sadly mistaken
Thought we’d be exploring together
Thought we’d be inspired together
I thought we’d be flying together
Thought we’d be on fire together
But I was sadly mistaken
Well of course I am disappointed having lost out on the ORBIT. I do have feelings for Christ sake.
The saddest part is that in order to make room for the award on the mantle over the fireplace I tossed two of my great grandfathers bowling trophies. They are gone forever. I really hope you people are happy now.
Me too,my first encased in glass propo (which was scorched anyway) went into the fire pit as well to make room for my Award. There’s always next year.
Sidney Powell:
“The very night of the election many people saw something that they had never seen before in the history of our elections. They saw votes being changed on the screen in front of them, going from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden. On top of that, the morning after the election, even that night, the voting stopped. They stopped counting in multiple districts at the same time before the vote got to 270 electors for President Trump. That’s never happened before. The only time votes have ever stopped being counted in this country on election night was when the Broward County problem developed over Hanging Chad’s in one county in FL.
So for FIVE states to stop counting on election night is absolutely UNPRECEDENTED. And they did it because the vote count for the electoral college was about to hit [+ go over] 270 for President Donald Trump, because of the massive outpouring of votes for him that night. By the next morning, multiple mathematicians had contacted me and told me they knew the algorithm that had been run to change the votes. It was that obvious to people with mathematical expertise. It is a mathematical impossibility for 100’s of thousands of votes to show up for VP Biden alone and to have been injected into the system the way that they were.
We have eye-witness testimony of countless people who saw votes coming in, in unsecured containers and improper means and looking different the night of the election. These people have come forward at great personal risk to themselves & their families to provide thousands of affidavits of voting abnormalities and actual crimes that they witnessed happen on election night. The very fact that the other side is working so hard to hide all of this. Federal law requires transparency in our electoral process and our elections.”
Q conspiracy owns your life.You believe in the underground resistance…..get a grip on how you got there
Sidney Powell, continued:
“There is a federal statute that requires all the documents pertaining to the election to be maintained for 22 months following an election, for the very reason that it has to be completely auditable. A Federal Judge in October [in ATL] found all kinds of problems w/ the Dominion system that GA bought and crammed down for everybody across the state to use. That’s where the most problems have been, is in GA. Witnesses have come forward, there was supposedly a water leak that they shut down voting for. That was an abject lie.
We have video of witnesses pulling suspect ballots out from under a table after they ran off all the observers. Somebody told me that one of the people that did that has told gov’t officials how it happened and what happened. But has that information been provided to the public? No. There is rampant voter fraud of all kinds. Federal violations of 5 years + more across the country by virtue of all the misconduct on election night.
The flipping of votes by Dominion is even advertised, on their ability to do that, to run a fraction, to make a Biden vote count 1.26% and a Trump vote to only count 0.74%. They’ve done it before. They’ve done it in Venezuela. They done it in other foreign countries. They’ve done it in THIS country. We have evidence even that it was done in 2016 in CA to benefit Hillary over Bernie Sanders, and it’s been done in other local elections and smaller elections in different places.
This is the only time it’s been this widespread, and the reason it didn’t work this time, they’ve been able to shave these votes for a long time, but the reason it didn’t work completely this time and they had to shut down in so many places was because so many Trump supporters poured out on the day of the election to vote for President Donald Trump in what was a LANDSLIDE victory, a historic victory, is because it BROKE the algorithm.
That’s why they had to stop counting that night. That’s why they had to bring in ballots and try to back-fill. And it still doesn’t work, because there are still 100’s of thousands of more votes than there were voters to vote them. The math simply doesn’t add up. And if they had nothing to hide, why aren’t they providing transparency into the voting systems of the United States of America, the country that is founded upon the Rule of Law and is supposed to be above all this? It is absolutely the most appalling criminal operation in the history of our country.”
Weak brain allows these thoughts to take over your life.This stuff of lies is evil
Berkshire Health Systems now has the monoclonal antibodies to fight COVID-19 according to todays Berkshire Eagle. Too late for Hillcrest Commons patients even though many of us asked for it for our relatives. 25 patients at Williamstown Commons were given the antibody and all are doing well. Horrible timing again for Hillcrest Commons patients, many of whom didn’t need to die. First, they just missed out on vaccines and now on the antibodies. Apparently it has to be given to patients who are not in the hospital. It is done in the emergency room. My relative was taken to the hospital from the nursing home with relatively mild symptoms at first, but would have been an excellent candidate at that time if the antibody had been available. They would have had to discharge her from this hospital, but that would have been fine.
and yet knowledgable virologists are saying that despite our efforts daily deaths (which was 3700 yesterday) may climb to 5-7000 per day a month from now. It seems like everything that could possible go wrong is going wrong (in America)
The only thing going wrong in America are these Democrat monsters who need to keep the death numbers high using our beloved elderly and other vulnerable people to do it and who need to stoke the fear in order to keep control over everyone. There is something that works against this virus and our medical establishment knows it. Dr. Fauci knows it. They have hidden it and made it unavailable until just recently when they could hide it no longer since we have seen elderly people surviving who have taken these lifesaving antibodies. Our elderly and so many others have died painful tragic deaths due to their cruelty and political game playing.
Pat ,Trump is incompetent or he intentionally failed.F him.
Use the brain God gave you Pat
Because if you read the article in the Berkshire Eagle, the lifesaving ability of these antibodies is intentionally not being spread across the country especially in Democrat states. They don’t want people to have hope. Especially during the presidential election, it would have been devastating for Biden if people knew these antibodies could save so many people from the virus.
Why didn’t Berkshire Health Systems have the monoclonal antibodies sooner? If you read the Berkshire Eagle article, it makes it sound like well this is such an experimental treatment and gosh the need for it just wasn’t there, but did these Democratic states go out of their way to find effective treatments since March? The answer is no. Did the Democrat government controlled hospitals look for a way to help their patients? No again is the answer. Read the article further and you find that BHS is acting so wide-eyed and innocent about the effectiveness of the antibodies, but the results speak for themselves. Lots of elderly at Williamstown Commons died in March from COVID, but now with the antibody treatment, most are surviving. Do they really think that Mary Jane and Joe Karpanski are this stupid?
Pat, unfortunately they do think we are stupid, but more so they just don’t care because it is all about money and their surviving business. I also heard from a reliable source that BMC “accidentally” placed a COVID patient on the wrong floor and because of their so called “blooper”, they have now infected supposedly 20 plus new patients that were already being treated for other ailments on that floor. Noticed yesterday BMC is now treating 49 patients, big climb all of a sudden, most likely explains why. Of course Mary Jane and Joe will never hear a word from BHS or the City’s Health Department. Mary Jane and Joe are suppose to just be quiet, stay home, don’t dance in the streets unless you are a high paid politician or in the Administration clique, basically behave but they better make sure they pay their taxes.
Terrible things also happened to my relative at BMC when she was supposedly being treated for COVID, but she received very little help in actually fighting the virus, except at the end when they hopefully helped her to die peacefully because it was too late to save her. Up until that point, she was definitely suffering. COVID was bad enough, but they did so many other stupid things.
Sorry for your loss. My condolences. Thank you for your participation on THE PLANET.
Thank you Dan.
So sorry to hear of your loss.
Thank you Lenny
Loved Sam Landa.
Thanks, MERGUEZ. He was one of a kind, a great man.
What were they giving this congressman to try to save him from COVID? The same useless combination of steroids and Remdesimir being given to our elderly and others at BMC until they supposedly recently discovered the life saving ability of antibodies to save people from this deadly virus. People are dying when they do not have to. We need to ramp up the production of these antibodies and should have been doing this for months.
The FDA issued emergency use for these antibodies on November 9th of this year. Very late and how long did they sit on this information? Oh, conveniently until after the elections and then it took time to get this lifesaving treatment to hospitals supposedly, but who can trust anything these Democrats say or do? Maybe these antibodies were in the hospitals all along and just not being used for political reasons.
It is beyond hilarious that you are blaming democrats for the bad roll out of Covid remedies. It is not hard to find recordings of Trump saying he is not going to go out of his way to help democratic states. If you are being honest with yourself and your loved one you point your finger where it belongs. At Donald Trump, who to this day is ignoring the deth all around him. Pence is on vacation in Vail and Trump is golfing and taking inthe sun.
Infanticide is now the rule of law in MA.
The House voted 107-46 to override the Guv’s veto of the ROE bill.
Sick people!
British Biased Company and National Propaganda Radio both all excited about the pro-abortion vote in the Argentine senate.
But are we an infanticaide state or just an abortion state at this point? pre-birth or post-birth death.
Yeah, yeah, I know you guys–if we don’t abort the babies, they’ll have to grow up in this horrible world, and some will even end up in Obama’s cages at the border.
I know, I know.
Can you name which local reps. voted to override this bill?
I attempted to download the roll call for this vote, but so far unable to do so. This vote is unbelievable and shows how little these Democrats value human life. Is this why it’s so easy for them to just let our elderly die instead of getting them lifesaving treatments? We need to see the roll call, but I imagine it’s the usual local suspects who just care about the Progressive agenda who voted for this disgusting bill.
What do you consider a great country Pat? Is this what you think is great.Herd immunity is greatness.Record cases day after .Your brainwash is numbing.
I attempted to find the roll call, but seems they are hiding it for now.
All of them, the fat one that likes buffets tried to vote twice
I have the names of the local Democrat monsters who voted for the abortion override bill so that young teens can now get abortions without parental consent and babies alive outside of the mother can be killed if the mother rejects the baby. John Barrett III, Tricia Farley-Bouvier, Paul Mark, and Smitty Pignatelli. All bought off and paid for by the Progressives since these people have no minds of their own.
Get a abortion without parents consent ok, but call parents to get permission to give an aspirin.
The excuse, or one of them, they are using to push young teen abortion without parental consent is that religious families will force teens to keep the baby. Is this really a problem in this country? Are we that religious now? No, the real reason is to break down the family unit. Teens keeping secrets from their parents is fine, teens having secret relationships is great because they want young people to answer to the state not their parents just like in Nazi Germany. Getting rid of parental authority is the first step and then breaking down trust between parents and their children.
Men thinking for women is hilarious.
Thank you, Pat. Shame on all of them.
Really sick!!
Bikepath Barry was robbed.
I know I know!!!! Who looks cuter in heels at three am I do at cumbies!
I just want to also congratulate Johnny “wandering eye” Krol for becoming facebook official with his paramour of years past. It’s about time!
I can’t believe it! Wrong Way Squeaky didn’t get the BHWADA?!? My god man are you senile?
Top law enforcement official in Berkshire County
who doesn’t know where the courthouse is.
Hellen Moon would be a footnote is councilor incompetence except she got a payola job from squeaky. Moon was hired, competent people were fired, what an idiot. It was a Joe Kennedy thing dontcha know.
Rape cases? What rape cases? Williams what?
Didn’t prosecute the racial fraud in GB.
Let criminals out for Covid compassionate release, they ended up committing more crimes.
Didn’t one of those upstanding citizens get shot dealing drugs?
She also,
Didn’t pay her taxes
Didn’t pay her credit card
Didn’t pay her speeding ticket
Didn’t know which way the road went
Didn’t know which hand to raise when being sworn in
Best of all she blamed, and still blames, everyone for her woes.
It would be a comedy if it weren’t so tragic. Just think we could have had a real and competent progressive like Judy Knight! We got stuck with a bony, entitled, screechy, whiny, squeaky, that admitted in open court she was incompetent.
Mary Jane and Joe are a perfect choice.
I would have included George Whaling for the PHOF.
Three cheers to the Kapanski’s, a well deserved winner!! These people are the true spirit of what makes America the best place to be! I feel there are many who deserve the hall nomination, seeing how this is the first class, but I believe the ones chosen deserve the honor. I must be more in the know than I thought because I have had multiple conversations with most of them! Even the least envious award was spot on. I know there were many vying rightfully so for it but the winner does deserve it! Hopefully this finds everyone well and I pray for all the souls lost and the ones left behind
Thanks SHIRL.
One of the advantages, and there aren’t many, of living to a ripe old age is one knows and interacts with many good people. It certainly is my good fortune to have experienced relationships with each of Dan’s Hall of Fame choices. They were not only nice people, they were leaders. I knew and admired them all. But there is one that stands above the rest. It has to be Larry Bossidy. Why? Well, when Larry was Executive VP of GE the company remained in Pittsfield. When he became Chief Executive of Allied Signal his interest in Pittsfield was paramount.When he became Chief Executive and President of Honeywell, Inc. he wanted to invest in Pittsfield by buying a professional baseball team that would be headquartered in Pittsfield.
Larry was born and brought up in Pittsfield and married a Pittsfield girl, Nancy Jo Rodhouse, who attended and graduated from St. Joseph High School. Larry and Nancy Jo have 9 children and 31 grand-children.
Now this is just part of it. Larry’s father owned a business on Noth Street. His sister Ann grew up in Pittsfield and his twin brother,Tom, attended Colgate University and became a Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity member, as did Larry and this author.
Larry always remembered his roots. Nancy Jo’s, too. If it had worked out Larry would have purchased a Pittsfield-based professional baseball team. All home games at Wahconah Park. Shortly after there was a million-dollar, that $1,000,000.00., donation to Pittsfield city. At this time I won’t get into how Pittsfifeld’s leaders squandered this money, but the play station at Clapp Park is a reminder of how some of this money was put to good use for the benefit of Pittsfield’s children.
Unfortunately I am not a fan of Larry’s buddy Jack Welch who systematically buried Pittsfield. Larry had no influence? I was at that meeting with the local Bigwig Union Official who sold out and help broker a deal in secrecy. Where and when a deal was brokered on how to leave town. Let’s say it was my Watergate moment.
Thanks for this tribute to Larry. A great man. But let me personally thank you for your entire life and actions on behalf of the city we both love. As I’ve told you many times in private, I say in public: You have been and still are one of the select few that I call “My Heroes.”
Thank you, and Happy New Year to everyone.
Chuck, you didn’t mention that Larry was also going to pay for the construction of a new baseball stadium like the one in Troy. The professional baseball team you mentioned would have played there. The big leagues wanted no part of Wahconah. Yourself and Jack Brennan worked very hard to get that stadium built but it was for some reason thwarted. Never-the-less, we did end up with a super CVS and a world class merry-go-round that is now for sale. Maybe Bos would like to buy that.
I still can’t and couldn’t back then wrap my head around why the powers to be fought this tooth and nail to thwart the project and offer.
Please J2. It wasn’t the powers that be who torpedoed it. It was none other than ‘The Kapanskis’. It was put on the ballot and the folks in their wisdom felt the price tag was too high. Why take something for nothing when we can put a couple of hundred thousand more into Wahconah Park and raise that field another foot.
Thomas, great memory. There were many good things that could have happened to our downtown if the ball team happened as Larry wished,
and the mall was on North/West Street as Mayor Paul Brindle wanted it to be. Oh, what could have been! Yes, Jack Brennan and I did push for the stadium to support Larry, our friend and teammate. But this is Pittsfield and as so often happens the donkeys prevailed and we now have a dead North Street. Go figure! Jack Brennan was one of our great athletes. A good football and basketball player and a great baseball player. If an all-time Pittsfield High School baseball team was named Jack would deserve to be the third baseman. He was that good.
Jack also lettered in hockey. I think he was the only four sport all star. Wonder if Dan is going to weigh in on you post, Chuck?
How did I forget that? He was a terrific hockey player. For sure, an outstanding four sport all-star.
The Hilton was going to add 100 rooms when the ballpark was built.A huge mistake.Pittsfield was offered the downtown mall with the largest UDAG grant ever g ive eith an 8 million dollar grant funded parking garage.New Yorkers got smith to build it at Kellys Lumber Yard but shot down.
It the stadium initiative had been simply about a new ballpark, we might have that new field today. However, as most know, it was the Trojan horse inside of which hid the Civic Authority coup. Fortunately, the Kapanskis sniffed out the plot. It was the last time Mary Jane and Joe won.
I didn’t know Jack but wished I had. I didn’t know he was that good. You have to tell me about him next time we have breakfast.
I, too, supported a ballpark but not the Civic Authority. At the time, I told everyone who would listen not to package the stadium as part of a Civic Authority, whose powers extended far beyond the new facility — citywide, in fact. A Stadium Authority would have been simpler, cleaner, and a more direct vehicle with which to secure the funding. Larry agreed with that. So did Tony Ferdyn and Joe Zavvy — guys who knew baseball. Also you’re spot-on with your mention of the downtown mall. Even before that initiative, which Paul Brindle supported, wasn’t there a developer (a Mr. Nutman?) who proposed something similar for the Central Block and England Bros., only to be shot down?
I would like to congratulate Helen on officially becoming a victim. This award will do nothing but give her more reason to complain. Dan is after all a cisgendered, white male oppressor
She’s married to a cisgendered, white male oppressor, soy boy.
Hey boys and girls I just wanted to say an early happy new year to all of you. You’re complaining and thinking you matter is pretty entertaining to me and the Mrs.
I probably won’t be able to post over the next few days, we have so many house parties to go to and plan on traveling a little. Just remember, stay home, wash your hands, pay your taxes.
We won’t be doing any of that but you should!
I think the new year will bring all kinds of vibrant and dynamic graft and grifts. In the words of BTO, you ain’t seen nothing yet!!!
Just wait until you see the new programs for people of color, single moms who are swingers, immigrants who break the rules (wink wink Yuki), rich white developers, and campaign contributors.
The mayor and the DA are coming up with a new program to pay drug dealers and addicts to deal and use responsibly! It’s going to be so vibrant your money will fly out of your wallet.
Criminals will get paid each day they don’t commit crimes. It’s an amazing program the DA came up with in a hot yoga session.
Don’t forget the $50 million grant for local not for profits, if you have to ask for an application, you need not apply. If your gender confused, you’ll get money for each gender you claim! It could be a windfall for the otherwise perpetually unemployed. If your a diversity coach you’ll get bonuses for every claim of victimization you can fake.
If you’re gender confused just look in your under ware.
The Fake DA has also come up with the brilliant idea of a “hotline” for victims. It’s called, wait for it…a telephone. You can call it and a victim advocate will give you information and support. As always we have to wonder, how does this differ from the past.
Wondering if the line is someone dedicated exclusively for that purpose. Do you know if the office had such a line before this?
Yes there was an advocate hotline, the difference was before it was populated by trained advocates, not friends looking for a job.
Gosh Dan, if you can get any information out of that office you should win an award. Any victim witness program in any DA’s office has a person assigned to each case who is available by phone. Why would someone call the “hotline?” Most victims don’t want to talk to the DA or the police BTW. It makes no sense to me. Here you go: 1-(855)-ASKVWAS. If you get through, ask how many calls they have gotten.
Yes. Good response. Actually, I do get information out of that office. That said, our sources there have been more cautious lately. I think there’s a kind of within going on, along with various litmus tests of political loyalty. The sense I’m getting is this: As the D.A.’s four-year term keeps ticking off, the more the thrust of that office will be political rather than on criminal justice. If that’s true, as I believe it is, it doesn’t bode well for public safety in the county. Without giving away the store, we’re developing a story along these lines. Stay tuned.
To the Editor of the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle):
Your most recent and predictable editorial today (29-December-2020) endorsing the permit by the corrupt EPA and the heavily indebted GE to “cleanup” the polluted Housatonic River and put a toxic waste (leaky) landfill in Lee (Mass.) overlooks many facts and issues. In short, the permit and planned 15-year-long, billion dollar project is downright horrible.
GE has tens of billions of dollars in corporate debts. GE recently settled a case with the SEC over GE’s accounting fraud where GE stated to investors and creditors that they had over $6 billion in cash that never existed. GE’s market capitalization is between $3 billion to $4 billion. Most importantly, GE has NOT made a financial commitment to pay for the so-called cleanup of the Housatonic River. What could go wrong? What is wrong with this picture? The answer is EVERYTHING!
GE’s so-called cleanup of Pittsfield’s PCBs cost GE was over $500 million. The Housatonic River from Pittsfield through Sheffield is much larger than Pittsfield’s so-called cleanup area. After GE’s so-called cleanup of Pittsfield’s polluted sites, Pittsfield now has two toxic waste (leaky) landfills and most of the polluted areas in Pittsfield were capped instead of cleaned up. It is a fact that caps are finite in their effectiveness to contain PCBs, which are industrial chemicals that cause cancer and other serious health issues in human beings and other forms of life. Once the caps become ineffective, they need to be cleaned up again and then recapped. Pittsfield’s so-called cleanup is a band aid on a major wound, which will cost future generations their life and treasure.
During this difficult year of 2020, I have read countless news articles and editorials about Trump’s corrupt EPA suspending many of its environmental protection laws that raised health alarms across our nation. The corrupt EPA approved the permit at the end of the Trump administration. I do NOT believe that this happened by coincidence. On January 21st, 2021 and there after, I hope that the Biden administration’s EPA will reevaluate the Trump administration’s corrupt EPA’s permit for the so-called cleanup of the polluted Housatonic River.
Lastly, all of the corrupt EPA’s negotiations were done behind closed doors and in secret. The people of Berkshire County were shut out of the decision making process. That means that it was bureaucratic in nature and by design. I believe that the corrupt EPA’s public hearings were a farce because the corrupt EPA did not affirm any of the private citizens’ respective concerns. The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) for decades has always sided with the government and corporate polluters over the people who will be impacted by the so-called cleanup.
In Truth!
Jonathan A. Melle
I was listening to the tail end of the pctv show and your mayor was talking about a formal graduation this summer. She stated that Lenox only has sixty students and far more easier to do that. So my question is, did Lenox actually do a formal graduation last year or was your mayor just comparing the two in numbers? In my opinion sixty is two many. No.
Be vigilant? Why even throw that Graduation out there?
So 58 is ok?
I agree. It’s not like anyone really learned much did they? Wait till these poor kids show up to college and find out, oopsie, we did a fake year in high school and we don’t know jack shit. The further dumbing of America as everyone gets a trophy or diploma as long as they have a pulse.
They don’t do that in China which is why they will own us lock stock and barrel in two years or less.
As we get older I see a common thread in the thinking that is true of every generation. The only good we see was our past because we are in denial of the trauma in those memories.The news out of the sixties and early 70s was the struggle on two front with one being a war that had 500,000 in Vietnam in a war fought mostly by the poor.If your next door neighbor or club had a doctor then flat feet diagnosis was you deferment.At some point the innocent uneducated poor figured out that they risked their lives for people that would never respect that misuse of their privilege.We are 50 years into the future and have not moved the needle.
We also had a race war in the 60s when blacks reared their humanity to demand some human decency in dealing with their skin color.Ignorance is hate.So our history is America saw MLK JFK RFK as something that needed to be destroyed.Fast forward 2016 and America is still fighting a race war.MAGA is that war on Americas minorities.Whites must deal with their history of racism.This war on blacks requires ignorance and propaganda.I watch this nonsense everyday.The people of ignorance must educate themselves.Turn off MAGA news and propaganda and learn .
TSC get past your TDS. Trump got more black and Latino votes because he treated them on their abilities. Their unemployment rate was the lowest ever, meaning they could take care of themselves and their families. Unfortunately Soros sponsored Antifa/BLM took that all away through violence. I agree with the war on blacks continues through ignorance unfortunately I see it portrayed from people that sound like they are on your bandwagon
Perhaps 2021 will bring a TDS cure to this soul.
Senator Markey, alias Mr. Frosty, a guy who could never hold a job in the public sector……throwing stones at Senator Hawley for using his constitutional right to object to certifying Senile Joe’s electoral college “win.” The only fraud that is being committed here is the attempted coup by the Democrat Socialist party and spineless globalist RINOS. Hoorah for Josh Hawley!
Markey is a believer in the Green New Deal which will destroy this country. Trump has made us energy independent yet Mr. Frosty wants to change all that. Markey is a disgrace to the people of MA!
Congrats to Helen also. You earned every inch of that Award. And don’t drop it. Ice Cream is a Good Thing. Heh Heh.
Senator Markey does not speak for the majority of Massachusetts residents. He is just the puppet for the radical Progressives.
These lifesaving monoclonal antibodies are sitting on hospital shelves across the country while our elderly are dying because the in bed with the Democrats media refused to tout their lifesaving benefits in order to get Biden elected. Even when COVID-19 patients and their families request these antibodies, many hospitals are not listening because there is so much ignorance about the ability of these antibodies to save lives. The lack of information has been intentional.
Valid points. If I were Donald Trump I would ask China to loan us some of their virus experts to help us with this utter unimaginable boondoggle we have in this country. Obviously our own governement is helpless when it comes to real problems.
Interesting story developing. A number of distillers in the area have received bills from the FDA for making over the counter drug manufacturers.
The fee is $14,060 and is a yearly fee. The request for payment due by February 1, 2021 covers the entire year of 2020, it is not pro rated.
Distilleries that manufacture hand sanitizer as of January 1, 2021 will be assessed a separate fee, it too will be $14,060.
It doesn’t matter if the sanitizer was made and sold, sold for a loss, or donated. It’s a manufacturers license fee.
More to come.
Can you redo that second sentence please.
I don’t know why that ended up like that. Distilleries that switched to manufacturing hand sanitizer are getting billed by the FDA $14,060. The license fee is for over-the-counter drug monograph facilities.
Hospital spokesperson’s name is Vrabel. Surprise surprise.