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Part Two of Two

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 6, 2021) — Today THE PLANET concludes our series on the Mazzeo’s/Methuselah COVID Controversy with the response from Pittsfield’s director of public health, Gina Armstrong, followed by a redirect from for city council president and mayoral candidate Melissa Mazzeo.

As you may recall from Part 1, Melissa shared exclusive to THE PLANET what she called “Mazzeo’s Christmas Miracle” — the faint admission by the city and the Berkshire Eagle that the restaurant she owns with husband Tony was not a causal factor in the scary outbreak of the virus in the weeks following Halloween.

We present the material as received, editing only for mechanics and continuity. Think of it as a “virtual debate.” Our role as moderator precludes editorial comment … for now.

———- ooo ———-


It’s hard to be brief in response to what’s being called a “Christmas Miracle.”  We are very busy here at the health department managing months of widespread and cluster transmission leading to over 1400 cases in Pittsfield alone, providing guidance and enforcement on the Commonwealth’s safety standards and now planning for COVID-19 vaccination clinics, in addition to other core functions of the department. We work with Mayor Tyer’s Coronavirus Task Force consisting of 17 officials to determine the most effective strategies to manage the pandemic given the circumstances and resources we have available. It’s very fast paced and we quickly move on to the next priority.

Gina Armstrong speaks at city hall. Mayor Tyer is to her right. “The usual suspects” can be seen in the background (PHOTO: MASSLIVE)

Following the reported COVID cases associated with customers at Methuselah’s, the Health Department public health nurse team conducted contact investigation with the initial and subsequent cases.  A family member of the initial confirmed case had already contacted everyone in their group as well as the owner of Methuselah’s to notify them of their potential exposure to an infectious person.  During the contact tracing process, it was reported that members of this group had dinner at Mazzeo’s prior to going to Methuselah’s.  Because no one outside of the Birthday dinner group of 10 people at Mazzeo’s was identified during the contact investigation as a ‘close contact’ (within 6 feet for 15 minutes) that would require quarantine, the public health nurse was probably prioritizing the urgent work load and did not contact the management of Mazzeo’s.  Normally, the nurse would call to inform them and servers on that shift of a possible exposure. Fortunately, there is no indication of transmission that occurred (outside of the dinner group) at Mazzeo’s as a result of or following this dinner.

In my (and Kayla Donnelly-Winters’) interviews with the BE in late November, these findings as well as names of other associated restaurants were shared for a comprehensive story Amanda was doing on this outbreak but the story didn’t run until last week.  Out of my control. Melissa’s idea that we “finally came clean” and “caved” may get attention on social media but the reality is, I gave substantial time to address Melissa’s concern and inform the public on the outcomes of late October social activities and I moved on weeks ago.

Between 10/28 – 11/11, following a large Halloween house party and the birthday group at Methuselah’s where there was transmission to other contacts and several employees from various restaurants, we had 104 new cases in Pittsfield.  There was also another cluster event originating from Port Smit’s in that period. Contact tracing on each positive case was done and the impacted restaurants were notified by the nurse team; a health inspector also reviewed safety guidelines with the managers; some voluntarily closed all operations for an extended period until all employees could be tested and return to work safely. The facts to transmission are often not immediately at hand and in this case it took time to investigate contributing factors and potential violations of safety standards.

The ripple of these cases impacted day cares, schools, our police department, etc in that short period of time. Because there were known cases at several restaurants and indoor dining is a high risk activity due to close proximity for extended periods without a mask and uncertain ventilation, a temporary suspension of indoor table service was a logical intervention to stamp down the surge in cases we had in the city. It was the Pittsfield Board of Health that exercised their authority to impose necessary restrictions to protect public health and the Board issued the Emergency Order to temporarily suspend indoor dining until the city’s case data improved (anticipating 2-3 weeks).

We’ve repeated the message many times to make it very clear to the public that a cluster of cases can start from one asymptomatic person being in close proximity to others without a mask.   That is why the BOH, followed by the Governor’s order on Dec 8th, decided to restrict the group size at restaurants to a maximum of 6 people and encourages to avoid dining with people outside of one’s household.

My final comment is that we all need to work together to get through this pandemic. Policy decisions are very difficult and there is a need for balance.  Let’s support one another in the challenging but very hopeful weeks ahead.

Wishing you a Happy New Year Dan.
Be Well,

Gina Armstrong
Director of Public Health
Pittsfield Health Department
70 Allen Street
Pittsfield MA 01201

———- ooo ———-

Here’s the rebuttal:


I am attaching some links for you to look at, most I am sure you have read. They point out the hypocrisy in the shut down/reopening of Pittsfield Restaurants.  The Board of Health (BOH) shut down all indoor dining on Nov. 13 when Pittsfield was still hanging on to the yellow/orange state designation for COVID-19 risk. After push back on the Health Department (HD), BOH, and mayor to show us the data they used to do such a singular action (no other city or town in MA closed indoor dining), they allowed us all to reopen on Dec. 3, the same day we went into Red on the city’s COVID dashboard (Berkshire Eagle article Dec. 2). So you can see why it seems so insane to shut down the whole industry when it was clear that only two restaurants were the culprits of the massive outbreak. Now back to why Mazzeo’s Restaurant said we finally got a “Miracle.” Below is a timeline of sorts:

MELISSA MAZZEO:  (Photo, iBerkshires)

1. The HD and mayor knew of a positive case from Methuselah’s on Oct. 19 from a gathering that occurred on Oct. 24. The offending party had been at Mazzeo’s first, but we received no notice of Mazzeo’s of potential exposure, which is contract tracing’s #1 protocol.
2. On Oct. 31, Port Smit’s hosted a large closing party. A huge COVID outbreak followed.
3. Also on Oct. 31, Kathy Amuso’s son’s held a large party for staff from various restaurants, teachers, and health care workers, who were linked to these events. A large outbreak of COVID followed.
4  On Nov. 2 the mayor reported that Pittsfield had 24 positive cases from Oct. 25 to Nov. 2. Mazzeo’s Restaurant still had not been contacted about the Oct. 21 infected party.
5. Nov. 3 Andy Canby from HD called Mazzeo’s to say they received a complaint about a large gathering in the restaurant.  After a conversation with Anthony Mazzeo [husband], who offered to show a video to prove this information as inaccurate, the inspector gave Mazzeos a clean bill of health.
6. Nov. 4 Gina Armstrong e-mailed the mayor to say no violations occurred at Mazzeo’s. The email was given to us. It is attached below (remember, Mazzeo’s was still  never contacted through COVID tracing protocol about this original event on Oct. 21 — THE BIRTHDAY PARTY!!).
7. Nov. 6 the mayor tells WAMC and the Berkshire Eagle that Mazzeo’s was linked to the party that was infected. Almost every article and news story ( Nov. 7 in iBerkshires) from here on out until the Dec. 24 story, mentions Mazzeo’s as the place where this all started. The Mayor and the HD clearly know that we were not involved but continued to link our name to this outbreak.
8. I sent three e-mails (Dec. 3, 11, and 21) and made two phone calls to Gina Armstrong asking to have our name cleared. As you know, this clearance was slightly mentioned, buried actually, in the Dec. 24 Berkshire Eagle article [The link to this article is below].
To put this all into context: Any person who can read between the lines will realize this whole thing was a sham. And then there are people who may say — move on, and we have — but it’s a slap in the face to have our restaurant’s name dragged on like this when our staff has worked so hard to keep our customers and themselves safe.
As for Kathy Amuso, the Health Department linked 20 cases to her son’s “private Halloween House Party.” Private house parties, per Gov. Baker, are advised to be no more than 10 people. This party and its infected guests were not named in public, only referred to as a private house party, until the Dec. 24 Eagle article that names everyone, and barely states that Mazzeo’s had no hand in the outbreak. So who is targeting whom? For two months her son’s party was not named, only referred to as a house party. Twenty people were infected at that party. Yet Mazzeo’s name was mentioned in every article as a restaurant involved in this horrific outbreak. Schools were shut down, nursing homes attacked, and restaurants shut down and she’s saying she was targeted? Maybe if the “private party” was named earlier, some of this could have been avoided. Kathy sits on the licensing board and has voted to fine and reprimand establishments who violate the COVID orders, yet she gets indignant when the tables turn to her family.
So DAN, that is my statement to the ridiculous answers from the mayor and Kathy Amuso. As for Gina, in my opinion, she is working very hard and she can only do what her boss tells her to do.

———- ooo ———-

It does leave us all with this question: Was Mazzeo’s Restaurant unfairly “indicted” by the city as part of a political vendetta or not? If not, why was the restaurant left in the dark for so long?

Armstrong admits the city “did not contact the management of Mazzeo’s,” guessing that “prioritization” was the reason the public health nurse did not call Melissa or Tony Mazzeo? This begs two additional questions: How long would a phone call have taken? Not long. Also, wouldn’t it be better not to guess at this information but to interview the public health nurse as to the reasons for no call or notice to Mazzeo’s Restaurant?

THE PLANET thanks all who helped us with this series — the interviewees and various “field informants.”

“The worst thing that can happen to a good cause is not to be skillfully attacked but to be ineptly defended”  — Economist Frederic Bastiat.



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4 years ago

The administration’s response sounds like a late night “Sham Wow” infomercial.

Chulk Skhummer
Chulk Skhummer
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

You mean scam now.

Descant Count
Descant Count
4 years ago

Secretary of State made a mistake. There were not 130g votes in Dekalb, it is now 170 g. Honest mistake Sir. Increase the vote, but increase it in a democratic stronghold.

Chulk Skhummer
Chulk Skhummer
4 years ago

Was Gina to ease up? And if so,by whom? Now you know why you have a friendly D A and Atoorney General who Lampiasi used to work for at one time. You can’t make it up.

Chulk Skhummer
Chulk Skhummer
4 years ago

Planet Bulletin dems take Senate. Bichis out. Should have done what the President told you Mitch. Stimulus first.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Pittsfield politics under the failed leadership of the lovely Linda Tyer = DEBACLE!

Whornock Asoff
Whornock Asoff
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

The swept under the rug Administration.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Marxist Melle,
Changing your tune again? No longer supporting Tyer, “the best mayor ever?” Your words, not mine!

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

good ole fritzie, always ready to pounce – he uses his name, why don’t you?

Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

Maybe JM doesn’t need to fear repercussions from using his name? Work, etc.. some do. Cancel Culture is real.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

What could the repercussions be? Jonathan’s not going to hurt him. That’s the person he attacking.

the banished one
the banished one
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Fritz – I think more than a few might be having buyers remorse. I know I’m questioning my own support (not to say I think Melissa would be doing well or better).

Robbi Dillinsjo
Robbi Dillinsjo
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You blow’ like the wind.

Del Gravcarter
Del Gravcarter
4 years ago

Four thousand votes found in Chatham County Georgia.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
4 years ago

About half of Pittsfield’s voters saw through Tyer. Maybe some of the other half will wake up and vote for someone with a brain next time

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
4 years ago

I do beleive that there was an effort by the mayor to try to make Mazzeos complicit which reflects rather poorly on her character. No one is surprised.

I also believe that things are very bad out there in Pittsfield right now and if I were in charge I would shut down almost everything. Because it is coming whether we do it voluntarily or because the whole city becomes too sick to function. The damn has burst and we need to act acordingly and stop pretending it is not happening.

Mr. Worldwide
Mr. Worldwide
4 years ago

Mazzeo states…”1. The HD and mayor knew of a positive case from Methuselah’s on Oct. 19 from a gathering that occurred on Oct. 24. states ”

How does one know of something happening 5 days before it happened?

As usual she makes no sense.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

So it’s confirmed – the restaurant closures were politically motivated.

Amuso should be kicked off the licensing board. While Amuso closed up eating establishments – her son was ignoring the Guv’s orders and hosting a super spreader event. Start a petition and have her kicked to the curb!

Yuki & Lampiasi need to be replaced as well!

And if WalMart can be fully open – why not City Hall?!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

True. City Hall has been on one super long vacation. So ridiculous.

Johnny Absurds Doctor
Johnny Absurds Doctor
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Does Walmart have an employee outbreak? Heard that

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Great question. They at least should hold their council meetings there, can’t tell me they can’t wear mask, stay 6 feet apart and wash their hands

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Mitt Romney heckled by Patriots chanting “traitor” on commercial flight from Utah to DC.
His own constituents despise him! RINO!

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

and in other breaking news, I saw a big grey squirrel in my yard this morning

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

What’s your point?

Name Withheld
Name Withheld
4 years ago

I’d like to clarify a couple things as one of the members who was at that fateful dinner at Mazzeo’s and the party at Yuki’s.

Neither I nor my plus one was contacted ever by the public health nurse, a contact tracer, or anyone else in the city. We were contacted by BMC to tell us our tests were negative, when the email from quest diagnostics that we received the hours before said we were positive. When I mentioned this to the person at BMC, the would not give their name or position, they suggested I schedule another test. Myself and my friend stuck with the positive test and quarantined.

Methuselah was a different vibe and story. I’m friends with Yuki but it was clear from the second we walked in she either doesn’t think Covid is real or doesn’t care. Then again it’s a bar so what do you expect. Very few people were wearing masks, people were shoulder to shoulder at the bar, and she was going table to table without a mask. She came over to our group with no mask, spent easily 45 minutes hanging out, then would go to another table snd talk. It was a lot of fun but obviously dangerous.

As a business owner and a longtime resident of Pittsfield, I think the mayor and the health department did a horrible job on managing Covid snd keeping the city and business owners in the loop as to regulations snd changes.
There were many amateurish and clumsy attempts at notification but they all failed. It lost businesses money, people jobs, created needless confusion, risked and ultimately cost people their lives.

One thing I’d like to clear up and maybe in favor of the public health nurse. I was told no one in the party had Covid at first, that the Covid originated at Methuselah. My friend who was more involved with the planning of this get together said he got a call from Yuki and she told him to get tested. He spent the most time with her and he then contacted us to get tested.
I think the reason that they didn’t contact Mazzeo’s, was that it was assumed no one had Covid while at Mazzeo’s. Yuki told him that someone in her staff tested positive either the day after the party or the day of the party but she needed the help so he came in to work anyway. What I was told was while waiting for a test you quarantine, I don’t think her staff member quarantined. I’d really like to know who that was because he or she is an idiot.

We were lucky, no big symptoms, no hospitalization, it felt like a mild flu. I hope everyone stays safe and gets the vaccine when they can.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Name Withheld
4 years ago

Do you blame the staff or the manager who pressured them to come in? I felt sorry for Yuki (and I have complained about her conduct a lot) after reading one of the descriptions of that night. It really seems like she tried hard to show people a good time and be a good host – but seriously what the heck. (I am trying to swear less so I don’t offend Merry) I don’t know why she just didn’t refuse being on the health swat team or whatever the mayor is calling her band of fools who were at the helm of battling/not covid. I mean, if Yuki won’t follow or enforce because she thinks it’s dumb then maybe she should have refused the job? It’s the same with underage drinkers and the rest. She genuinely doesn’t care.

4 years ago

Let’s see…get caught doing something, instead of owning up you blame your political opponent, investigation ensues against opponents, where did we see this before, hmmm

4 years ago

Speaking as an outsider looking in, I noticed that Mazzeo’s was always mentioned in most news stories about the virus. Not much, simply “The party started at Mazzeo’s”. But just enough to cast doubt.

I honestly do not have adequate words to express my disgust with the way this has been handled by the Mayor’s office and in the media.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

I would’ve never thought the Eagle would take one side of a story, not do any research and run with it!! Who would’ve thought that could happen with that rag.

The Downtown Umbrella Guy
The Downtown Umbrella Guy
4 years ago

MILL TOWN is at it again. The corner of Curtis and Winter has seen one demo after another. They sure love buying multi-family homes and just knocking them down. Dont worry this is definitely improving the housing stock and will be ‘market rate’ new construction in 2-3 years. 😉

Johnny Absurds Accountant
Johnny Absurds Accountant
Reply to  The Downtown Umbrella Guy
4 years ago

and the awesome part is that the rest of the citizens will have to make up for the tax breaks they will be getting. Hard to tell if there are more people getting tax breaks than those who are not but the ones paying full boat are paying for the connected folk.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Johnny Absurds Accountant
4 years ago

The tax beaks are generally granted on the increased value of the property, not the whole property itself. So the city doesn’t necessarily lose money, but it does delay gaining new revenue on the increased value of the property.

I for one am thrilled with what Mill House is doing. This city is full of crappy old houses that should be torn down or rehabbed, and I don’t mean with taxpayer dollars.

Last edited 4 years ago by jon doe
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

My feeling on it is, at least you can see progress unlike chairs for a movie theater and others that never produced the required outcomes tied to tax breaks ,like mainly jobs, etc…

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

I am happy to hear that MillTown is rehabbing Bousquet, Berkshire West and Lakeside Christian Camp – rescuing 3 businesses which provide recreation for Berkshire County and tourists. A win-win. Looking forward to checking out the new Bousquet as soon as they open.

The Downtown Umbrella Guy
The Downtown Umbrella Guy
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

comment image

Brute Licor
Brute Licor
Reply to  The Downtown Umbrella Guy
4 years ago

This should be the p c t v Morning Dive (Stooge) logo.

Robbi Dillinsjo
Robbi Dillinsjo
Reply to  The Downtown Umbrella Guy
4 years ago

Pic of the Day! Thanks for this. Yep,Morning Dive Bootlicker. Pray for our Trumpers tonight in D C And Don’t Back Down!

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  The Downtown Umbrella Guy
4 years ago

Wow, that’s impressive, you should be so proud of your work. Very mature. Perhaps you could tell me the downside of a company pumping millions of dollars into this city, doing more for economic development than anything I can think of in twenty years, all at basically no cost to the taxpayers, except for some tax breaks on incremental value. And they haven’t asked for one cent from the city’s economic development fund. It really doesn’t get much better than this. Only a complete moron would think this is a bad thing.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

Someone elses money? Any money coming from taxes whether fed or state come from tax payers’ money. Anyone can register any property in different entities just to apply for tax credits, etc., therefore appearing different peoples receiving such a grant, tax break, etc….people don’t be fooled.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  Guess what
4 years ago

I’m referring to the city not handing out money like they have out of the GE economic fund for some very wasteful projects. I’m also referring to handing out money to a handful of residents to make home repairs.

On the other hand, I’m all for giving tax breaks on incremental value of property to be improved, and yes, theoretically you have given up tax dollars, but it is tax dollars you wouldn’t have otherwise and is a smart way to encourage investment. Also, I am not aware of Milltown getting tax breaks on Pontoosuc Country Club, Bousquet, Berkshire West, and the Christian Camp. I wouldn’t fault the city if they were, but it would be news to me so, so I would be interested in hearing it if that was the case.

I would also be interested in hearing naysayers properly articulate why Milltown investing in these projects is a bad thing for the city,

Reply to  jon doe
4 years ago

Your exactly right on how this is working.

Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

One part that’s wrong is the new growth can be realized immediately which allows for the immediate -next tax year increase in the levy limit. So the city can immediately increase the levy limit based on new growth but won’t collect that new tax from the people generating the new growth. They will be able to tax existing business and homeowners more because of the new levy limit.
It’s like chapter land, the value doesn’t go away, it just gets shifted to the rest of the community. Levy limits are calculated on full and fair market, not chapter adjusted value.

jon doe
jon doe
Reply to  TaxMan
4 years ago

That sounds rational. I’m not aware of the intricacies. Though I don’t think we’re at the levy limit currently, so that wouldn’t necessarily come into play. I could certainly be wrong though. I only have a cursory knowledge of it. What I do know is, if that was indeed the case, the impact to a tax payer would be marginal, while the benefits to the city would be great.

Hanging Out
Hanging Out
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Trumps having a lawn party on fox.

4 years ago

My final comment is that we all need to work together to get through this pandemic. Policy decisions are very difficult and there is a need for balance.  Let’s support one another in the challenging but very hopeful weeks ahead.

Easy to say policy decisions are “very difficult” when those decisions have 0 impact on your livelihood. Gina, TFB, Tyer, and other government officials are able to earn a living while their constituents lose businesses and jobs, most of which will never return. Some officials are even getting raises soon!

After looking at the data, the policy decisions actually don’t seem that too difficult to make. The spread is not occurring in restaurants, gyms, your hair dresser, or elementary schools, they are happening in large private gatherings. We shuttered so many businesses that had no role or large risk in transmission. Schools have been closed since March while teachers/administrators travel and take vacations and the kids sit home and rot in front of a screen that their parents are responsible for managing. I can only imagine what that will do to an already wide achievement gap in our public schools, particularly for minority and low income students.

Just remember it has been 9 months since we were told to stay home for a couple weeks to flatten the curve.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Hendrix
4 years ago

We will never know if moderate restrictions like mask wearing and reservation group/size restrictions would work because so many just refused to follow them. And everything has been so convoluted to begin with their was bound to be backlash. Proprietors, Yuki, all the other places known to be breaking the rules and having gatherings … and the poor hairdressers – we are all going to look like Yeti. It doesn’t help that government is flying by the seat of its pants and locally is made up of the dumbest assortment of characters. It’s no surprise this all went up in smoke. Teachers unions care about the public as much as police unions. And that means we about 10th in priority.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

I was wondering when the NSDAP was going to burn down the Reichstag and then find a scapegoat in order to justify their fraudulent takeover.

4 years ago

OFF TOPIC. Are we witnessing the opening salvos of civil war?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Merguez
4 years ago

Just folks delivering lunch to Congress . What’s for lunch? Food for thought.

Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

Trump should be removed now. He is a danger to the country.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Merguez
4 years ago

China Joe AKA the BIG GUY will have it under control.

Robbi Dillinsjo
Robbi Dillinsjo
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago


Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Robbi Dillinsjo
4 years ago

Eat your lunch and be quiet.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Not surprised at this at all. I’ve been expecting violence like this for a while. Shades of the late Roman Republic, when different factions had their own goons prowling the streets.

This is what happens when you allow violence to go unchecked by the Left across the country–for 6+ months–unpunished, with a pot of bail money raised by people like Kommie to get the scum out of jail. Funded by whom?

Then, you bully your way into winning a fraudulent election, censor the opposition, threaten the opposition, show up at the houses of the opposition and threaten their families . . . censor information you don’t like, call everyone a “racist” that disagrees with you . . . piss on the Constitution, go full Marxist–as long you as you got your cash . . .

The New Stalinism.

Well, Dr. Franklin, what do we have?

A banana republic–if you can eat it.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

The White House is the people’s house. That is where we go to protest and let the powers that be know that the people are in charge. The left is just as responsible and probably even welcomes the violence since they can use it for their own nefarious purposes. Communism thrives on chaos and they want communism for this country.

Dee Ceeguv
Dee Ceeguv
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Yeah,right on Pat. Let’s see the balls tonight.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

No, Pat. What you are seeing is WHITE Domestic Terrorists aka ANARCHISTS. You decried this behavior in other locations. You think it’s OK at the People’s House? And no- it’s on TRUMP and his goon posse.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Nooooo, Pat. The Left is not responsible for the storming of the People’s House. Trump and his goons are responsible. These people were not protesters – they are white domestic terrorists aka anarchists. Own it.

Reply to  Merguez
4 years ago

Like you owned the BLM violence and the Antifa violence. Right.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Actually, I did condemn it. I do not agree with it at all. Scroll through the archives, Pat. It’s there.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

I think I may have misoverestimated the violence by the invaders–they had no weapons. I don’t see where they destroyed anything, certainly not statues. Maybe a door?? They harassed no one–just forced their way through and into the chambers–spat in no policeman’s face, accosted no peaceful citizen.

More than I can say for BLMPOSANTIFAPOS.

They did, however, stop the fraudulent certification.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

They freakin’ broke windows and went into offices of senators. Get a grip.

Reply to  Merguez
4 years ago

Burning, looting, and shooting innocent people in their own stores and on the streets was not put down by the media or Democrat lawmakers. People needed to release their anger according to the far left media in this country. They had psychological reasons for doing what they were doing and we needed to understand them. They were the oppressed and we were the ones oppressing them.

4 years ago

It has begun

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Patriot
4 years ago

Pence is part of the coup, along with Trump cabinet members, the Squad, Dem lawmakers & RINOS.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Show me one single time when a Dimorat leader did this with the BLMPOSANTIFAPOS violence over the last six months:

President Trump Calls for Peace, Tells Supporters to Go Home

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

The left never put down their goon squad. Just let them get the violence out of their systems was the message from the left. As long as it’s not in Lizzie Warren’s or Hillary Clinton’s neighborhood, it’s all good. Burn down those retail stores, burn and loot, shoot innocent people. You just have to allow them to work it out was the message from all the leftists. Now it’s horrible and disgusting because it happened at the White House and it was Trump supporters, but the White House has looked like a war zone with all the fortifications they have put around it for the past 3 years from all the violence from the left.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat, you need to admit that the white supremacists attacking OUR HOUSE is shameful. There is no excusing it. It is wrong.

Reply to  Merguez
4 years ago

Of course it’s wrong and these people should be arrested and not bailed out by some George Soros type character like they were doing on the left for all their wrongdoers. The anger is coming from having no faith in our government institutions. Lack of jobs and money thanks to Pelosi holding off on any aid until after the presidential election to score political points and making so many people feel hopeless and powerless.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Trump incites more violence by saying he won in a landslide and the election has been stolen. He then says go home peacefully. Yeah, right.

Two Cents
Two Cents
4 years ago

Boy, suddenly the media has no problem using the words “Violent Protest”, when burning down entire blocks just a few months ago was called “peaceful protest”

Maxxee Bottomsup
Maxxee Bottomsup
Reply to  Two Cents
4 years ago

Max Frost character in the movie ‘Wild in the Streets.1968,That’s our President. Max Frost who gets crazy with power.

Reply to  Two Cents
4 years ago

Also a policeman shot a white woman Trump supporter. The media dislikes white people and Trump supporters so they will blame the murder on the victim.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Why don’t you wait until the facts come out on that one, Pat. Woman was inside the building illegally and rushing at someone, is what I heard. Let’s wait.

Reply to  Merguez
4 years ago


Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

How do you know that? Qanon?

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Some pipe bombs were found Pat. Most of them had backpacks. and how do YOU know they were all unarmed? Do you get the same Proud Boy literature/marching orders that they get?

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

You’re getting confused with the rioting back in March when Antifa was receiving their intel from the sons and daughters of Democratic lawmakers. They were telling them where to go to burn, loot, and riot in order to avoid police presence. These young Marxists, trained in our own school system, were also making sure Antifa had the proper supplies to carry out their dirty deeds.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

I am NOT confused one bit. You, on the other hand, are an idiot and probably quite dangerous yourself.

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

Here we go. A put down of all Trump supporters now. All Trump supporters are violent extremists. Are you really going to go down that road to become the only political party in the country? We will be rounded up next in concentration camps? Will there be no speaking out against our government now that the Dems are in charge?

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

No name calling. That is so not done now. It’s a putdown of women.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Could I do it if my name was Trump?

Dynamic Vibrator
Dynamic Vibrator
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago
Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Merguez
4 years ago

Ashli Babbit was shot through a window on a closed door by an officer.

Babbit appeared to be standing behind a group of people who were attempting to gain entry into the chamber.
Police had barricaded the doors and were attempting to keep the patriot protesters out — and then drew their weapons.
They opened fired and shot Ashli in the neck.
She was wheeled out of the Capital in a stretcher covered in blood and later pronounced dead.
The Metropolitan Police Department said there is an investigation into her death.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

I guess she thought after breaking into a governement building with a mob she would have been handed an ice cream sundae. What if she had entered the white house with her mob? Would it have been Ok to shoot her then?

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

If she was black D.C. Would have burned to the ground

Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

Not Patriots! Thugs, goons, misguided uneducated people. Not in my name, not carrying my flag. We have family members killed in war – one lost life at a young age fighting WWII -that’s patriotism. Ashli died on a fool’s mission.

Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

Not Patriot Protesters. White Anarchists.

Reply to  Merguez
4 years ago

I’ll be like the liberal media and go for sensationalism. Why should I wait until all the facts come out?

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

You said she was unarmed. Was that a known fact?
About one percent of all your posts deal with facts. Mulvanney has resigned Pat. There is an immediate opening for you to fill. Get on a bus and support your president. He needs people like you because his other people like you are abandoning him right and left.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Oh. I see. So you have no integrity.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

What do you think this mob would have done had they gotten access to congressman and senators? The police are there to protect them. That is their job. The stupid girl was told to back off. In any other country there would have been hudnreds dead.
Trump told the police ahead of time to let the mob in. And they did. Did you see the cop with the gun run upstairs being chased by the mob? I would have emptied my gun on the stairs.

If you think this is good for America you will soon learn otherwise as civil wars disrupt everyones lives and can last for many years. The country can become a shambles in the process. Is this what we want for the children of this generation?

Reply to  Johnny Absurdo
4 years ago

More nonsense. All the people at the rally said that President Trump made no mention of any violence. No civil wars since people love their country and want everybody to be happy with it and not just half of the country at any given time. This is what we must all strive for…that the majority of people love and respect and TRUST their country.

Maxxee Bottomsup
Maxxee Bottomsup
Reply to  Two Cents
4 years ago

Trump Twitter shut down. Come on man!

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

I ain’t the one

Agent 86
Agent 86
4 years ago

Trump supporters say that antifa members disguised as one of them infiltrated the protesters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
A retired military officer told The Washington Times that the firm XRVision used its software to do facial recognition of protesters and matched two Philadelphia antifa members to two men inside the Senate.
The source provided the photo match to The Times.

One has a tattoo that indicates he is a Stalinist sympathizer. antifa promotes anarchy through violence and wants the end of America in favor of a Stalinist-state. “No more USA at all” is a protest chant.
XRVision also has identified another man who, while not known to have antifa links, is someone who shows up at climate and Black Lives Matter protests in the West.

Born in Portland, Ore., antifa has mounted a year of violence in that city. The mayor said this week that antifa is trying to destroy the town and called for tougher police measures.
Antifa, which is loosely organized nationwide, exports warriors to other towns.
Before the Nov. 4 election, an antifa chapter sent out on social media a reminder for members to disguise themselves as Trump supporters by wearing the distinctive red Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat.
“On Nov. 4 don’t forget to disguise yourselves as patriots/Trump supporters. Wear MAGA hats. USA flags. A convincing police uniform is even better. This way police and patriots responding to US won’t know who their enemies are and onlookers and the media will think there are Trump supporters rioting so it’s harder to turn popular opinion against us.”

Maxxee Bottomsup
Maxxee Bottomsup
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

Lot of acid in the sixties maybe.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

More bullshit easily debunked..good God man

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Democrats have won the U.S. Senate: Jon Ossoff beat David Perdue in Georgia, assuring a Democratic majority for President-elect Biden’s agenda. – New York Times on January 6th, 2021

Now that the Democratic Party controls the White House (as of 12-noon on January 20th, 2021), the U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House of Representatives, they will have to prove themselves as national leaders who will deliver positive outcomes for the American People. U.S. Congress is nearly equally divided in both chambers, which means that the Democrats will have to work on bipartisan legislation and public policies.

The Biden “crime” family, who are all worth tens of millions of dollars without reasonable explanation, does not have to worry about Senate Republicans investigating them, especially the very questionable Hunter Biden, for the next two years.

The U.S. Supreme Court has a conservative majority, which will be a check on the Biden/Harris administration.

On today’s alt-right (neo Nazi) protests on and in Capitol Hill, Donald Trump is to blame for his racist and violent rhetoric. I wish Donald Trump was never a U.S. President. He is dangerous, and after he leaves the White House, he will still be dangerous. Down with Trump!

– Jonathan A. Melle

Post Script: Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to Biden because of cities in swing states that had large numbers of black and minority voters: Atlanta Georgia, Milwaukee Wisconsin, Detroit Michigan, and Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Trump spent over 4 years of his political life insulting black and minorities, while Biden chose a black and Indian American woman named Kamala Harris as his Vice President. What did you think was going to happen? The black and minority voters voted against Donald Trump and for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. That is why Trump lost the 2020 presidential election!

The Pretendoors
The Pretendoors
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Ive predicted just about everything Trump on here for four years and yesterday’s incident of terror isn’t surprising is it? And D C police didn’t see this coming? Very poor job. National Guard were the real heroes and red neck Trumpers,bewar,The Gua d will and do shoot to kill. This is why local positions want to defund police and courthouse guards,they are ineffective. Trump being removed,no. That’s what he wants so Pence can be President and pardon him? Censor him,that’s it. Innauguarate Biden by Zoom.

So,here is my latest prediction in these trying times. War. That’s when we are at our best mending and healing political and moral-social strife. We always redirect the here and now problem…ready. With a War. Stay Tuned…

Reply to  The Pretendoors
4 years ago

Never saw you post before

Dynamic Vibrator
Dynamic Vibrator
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Melle is very well misinformed. He’s addicted to fake news.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Our violence is justified, yours is not. Our election fraud is OK, yours is not. Our censorship is fine, yours is not. Our stupidity is intelligence, your intelligence is stupidity.

Hypocrites of the world unite!

Who broke windows?

Video: Trump Supporters Stop ‘Antifa’ From Breaking Windows at Capitol

And MAGA scampered off with how many pairs of Nikes? How many TV sets? Spit in how many faces? Disturbed how many diners? Burned how many businesses? Threatened how many families?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

To wit:

‘Just F**ing Shoot Them All’: Verified Twitter Accounts Call for Retribution
“Please just fucking shoot them all. Please,” said Rod Blackhurst, a director who has worked on a number of titles for Netflix.

Please just fucking shoot them all. Please.

— Rod Blackhurst (@rodblackhurst) January 6, 2021

“Hopefully they shoot them,” said Andrew Therriault, the former director of data science for the Democratic National Committee, who also worked as data science manager for Facebook.

hopefully they shoot them?

— Andrew Therriault (@therriaultphd) January 6, 2021

“Shoot em like yall shoot us,” said rapper Snow Tha Product, stage name of Claudia Alexandra Madriz Meza.

shoot em like yall shoot us

— SNOW THA PRODUCT (@SnowThaProduct) January 6, 2021

Erick Erickson, a conservative blogger and radio host who called Donald Trump a “racist” and “fascist” in 2016, also said that those involved in the discord at the capitol should be shot.

“Shoot the protesters. Waive the rules. Impeach. Waive the rules, convict. Waive the rules, deny the ability to run for election again,” said Erickson. He later deleted the tweet.

“Shoot. Them. All,” said Vincent Frank, a sports contributor for Forbes.

They are now taking down the American flag in the capital and replacing it with a MAGA flag.

Shoot. Them. All.

— Vincent Frank (@VincentFrankNFL) January 6, 2021

“Shoot them,” said Walter Salcido, host of a sports podcast on Spotify.

Shoot them.

— Walter Salcido (@Salcido314) January 6, 2021

“Shoot them! Shoot they ass police what are y’all waiting on,” said Charlies James II, a former NFL player.

Shoot them! Shoot they ass police what are y’all waiting on! Get these thugs off the streets

— Charles James II (@CJDeuce_) January 6, 2021

“Arrest them, pepper spray them, shoot them. Do whatever you need to do,” said Dan Buchholz, formerly a football player at Duquesne University.

Arrest them, pepper spray them, shoot them. Do whatever you need to do. Hold everyone accountable to the same standard

— Dan Buchholz (@_DanBuchholz_) January 6, 2021

“Just shoot them all! Use those guns. That’s what they are there for, not to kill innocent black people sleeping in their homes,” said Bryan Yambao, a fashion blogger and socialite.

Just shoot them all!! Use those guns. That’s what they are there for, not to kill innocent black people sleeping in their homes

— bryanboy (@bryanboy) January 6, 2021

“These white supremacist terrorists, and lets be clear, that is what they are, have faced zero consequences at any point…Shoot them,” said B.J. Mendelson, an author and activist.

Yup. The central problem is that these white supremacist terrorists, and lets be clear, that is what they are, have faced zero consequences at any point. That needs to end.

Shoot them.

— B.J. Mendelson (@BJMendelson) January 6, 2021

“Idk maybe they should shoot them,” said Ultima Lee, a musician with over 170,000 followers on Spotify.

Idk maybe they should shoot them

— ULTIMA LEE (@MUSTDIEmusic) January 6, 2021

Allow this stuff, but block Trump and others.

The New Stalinism

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Not to mention murdering people in cold blood who were trying to defend their stores.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Looks as if Ashli was rushing the hallway where the Speaker’s Office is and where people were sheltering. She was with a group trying to forcefully breach a barricade. The officer who shot her was protecting the lives of those sheltering in place in that hallway, in those offices. A legitimate use of deadly force.

McDonald Trump
McDonald Trump
Reply to  Merguez
4 years ago

It was murder.

4 years ago

Maffuccio isn’t holding back his feelings on some issues that should be brought up. Isn’t this how it is supposed to work?

Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

When is next license bored meeting?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

“Marchetti said he doesn’t generally put repeat petitions on the agenda.”

Sometimes he does? How does he decide?

Twenti Phith
Twenti Phith
Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

God Bless President Trump. And Rudy.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Nazis would be proud. Cleansing . . .

“Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part. Cleansing the movement he commands is going to be something else.

And AOC scrambling to censor–herself:

Dec 2, 2020
The thing that critics of activists don’t get is that they tried playing the “polite language” policy game and all it did was make them easier to ignore. It wasn’t until they made folks uncomfortable that there was traction to do ANYTHING even if it wasn’t their full demands.

The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable. Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows. To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable… that’s the point.

Last edited 4 years ago by Edward R. Murrow
Garoop Hugg
Garoop Hugg
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Well, you an your group here are the problem,no? Four years running.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Protesting should make people uncomfortable according to Chris Cuomo when he was defending Antifa and BLM violence. It shouldn’t be peaceful according to him, but 99.9 percent of the people yesterday were peaceful.

The Democrats do not care about the 74 million who voted for Trump and are peaceful citizens. They want to twist the knife by getting rid of President Trump in his final weeks. That’s disrespectful to the hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters who were peaceful yesterday and still respect President Trump. That action by Pelosi and Schumer will not bring the country together. It will make things much worse.

Geoust Saeyin
Geoust Saeyin
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trumps made his own bed on this one…Pat..just sayin…

4 years ago

And now Berkshire School sent a letter to familes decrying the racist attack on Capital Hill. It had nothing to do with racism, despite Biden and Kamala “BidenTime” Harris” claiming that the capitol police let the capitol be overrun because the intruders were white. More south county non-sense.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

These people are crazed. They have all the Republicans willing to do anything they ask for now. The Republicans are no longer looking out for or defending Americans (were they ever?) because these far leftists want to go after all Trump supporters as terrorists. All of Washington is so incensed that they want to create a black list of Trump supporters. They are socially, morally, and financially superior to us in every way and they will not let us forget it. This really is the Washington swamp vs. half of the country.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
4 years ago

Just checking the facts
1) infected person had dinner at Mazzeo’s?
2) then went to methuselah?
3) then attended port smith closing?
4) Mazzeos wasn’t warned about possible contact, to quarantine servers ,and cleanse area of dinner party. Allowing them to perhaps warn other guests as to possible exposure- to help protect the vulnerable among their friends & families?
5) Mazzeo’s has had no attributable outbreaks ?

If so it seems Tyer was attempting to encourage an outbreak via Mazzeo’s, which it seems was prevented only by Mazzeo’s obviously following protocols to protect their patrons.
As Missy has Somewhat of a healthcare background it’s logical, perhaps the boh and licensing board should seek her input, on how to avoid transmission in the restaurant industry, instead of closing businesses.

As for Kathy Amuso’s son , whom it seems is an adult- why is she responsible for the normal usual carefree attitude of youth?

Nobody busted on Harrington knowingly driving without a license for how long?

Seems perhaps Kathy is also being targeted? Future mayoral candidate?
Being smeared in advance?

Banished Tim K
Banished Tim K
4 years ago

Contact tracing shows that more than a few of the people infected did come from Mazzeo’s first that night, however.