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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 18, 2021) — We precede our Monday column with information THE PLANET just learned from reliable sources. Ward 2 city councilor Kevin Morandi and Ward 4’s Chris Connell will not be seeking re-election when all council seats open for the municipal elections in September and November.

Since we just learned of this development, we haven’t had time to comment at length other than these quick thoughts:

The news will come as a deep disappointment to taxpayers and average citizens, who feel Morandi and Connell not only well-represent their particular ward constituents but also, more than any other councilors, provide proper and reasonable pushback on the corner office. Time and again, both men, often alone, dared to question the mayor, department heads, and city officials on projects that raised eyebrows or at least needed further explanation. Time and time again, both men faced pressure and harassment from officials, most of it as payback unseen by light of day. Those quarters will likely take the news as if they won the lottery.

Connell and Morandi well understood their roles and responsibilities. A councilor’s job is twofold: 1.) Represent citizens, not the Special Interests, and 2.) keep a close eye on the doings of the executive branch and municipal departments. Too often in Pittsfield, neither job is done by Our Right Honorable Good Friends on the dais. They represent their own grabbing self-interests, kowtowing to the big shots, and, outside of rubber stamping administration proposals, rolling over and playing dead.

On the surface of it, the double whammy on citizens of losing Morandi and Connell could obliterate the last, remaining shreds of representative government, but the election season is upcoming. Given the crazy state of politics and pandemics, it could be different this year by drawing more outsiders to consider a serious run for office.

One last thing. In breaking this news, THE PLANET gives the Berkshire Eagle, iBerkshires, and the other local media a chance to earn some self-respect. When they report this news, as they invariably will, you know and we know they HAD to get it from us by nature of our exclusive. Let’s see if they do the right thing and give us credit, as journalistic protocol demands. Typically, they steal our material without citation. Will plagiarism rule this time?

———- ooo ———-

Now back to our regularly planned column:

Today THE PLANET presents a tale of two groups. One group scored the Trifecta with a big payday. The other group got sucker-punched with the Triple Whammy.


The Trifecta went to our local “Profiles in Courage” on Beacon Hill —

Sen. Ben Hinds

Reps. John Barrett

Rep. Paul Mark

Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, and

Rep. William Smitty Pignatelli.


  • Voted themselves a 6.5% pay raise.
  • Voted themselves a hefty increase in office allowances.
  • Voted themselves an equally generous hike in the per diem.

No member of the Massachusetts Legislature, the General Court, will make less than $87,581; some will collect as much as $178,457.

Not a bad heist for these Berkshire back-benchers whose only job is to (a) vote as the leadership orders (b) look the other way on everything else. For that arduous work, especially during a pandemic when they are rarely in session, they get to slurp up more hush money and bennies than any other similar group in Commonwealth history.

———- ooo ———-

From Jess Jacoby, columnist for The Boston Globe.

If you are a Massachusetts resident who works a minimum-wage job, your pay goes up this week to $13.50 per hour, an increase of 75 cents.

If you are one of the state’s 1.2 million Social Security recipients, your benefits check will be boosted by 1.3 percent this month. For the average retiree, that will mean a monthly hike of about $20.

If you are a private sector worker in Greater Boston who gets an annual cost-of-living adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index, your wages may inch up by a slight 0.4 percent — the change in prices locally over the past year, as determined by the US Labor Department.

And if you are among the 6.7 percent of the state workforce that is currently unemployed — you won’t get any paycheck at all, though you may be eligible for temporary unemployment benefits.

But if you are a member of the Massachusetts Legislature, you won’t have to settle for such trifling (or nonexistent) gains in pay. The salaries of Bay State legislators are going up by thousands of dollars as a new session of the Legislature commences and not one, not two, but three separate pay raises kick in. Again.

For most taxpayers, getting that kind of money for a job as undemanding as state legislator is sheer fantasy. But when it comes to their own pockets, Massachusetts lawmakers make fantasies come true. No member will make less than $87,581; some will collect as much as $178,457.

———- ooo ———-


Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, i.e., THE PLANET‘s archetypal “ordinary taxpayers,” once more got the red-hot poker of the Triple Whammy shoved up their dikes.

Courtesy of the city of Pittsfield, they  received:

  • Yet another tax hike of nearly 5%.
  • Increased taxation via assessment revaluation and manipulations of the levy limit.
  • The compounding of these raises from last year’s increases, and those of the year before, and the year before that, and the year prior, going back at least 40 years.

We might also add that small businesses (SBs) got killed as well by the city.

Keep in mind that all this has happened during a pandemic that crippled various aspects of the world, national, regional, and local economies.

THE PLANET doesn’t have to spell out how much and in what areas the suffering trickles down to the Kapanskis and the SBs, tops among them the restaurants and taverns. Ordinary folks know the damage all too well.

———- ooo ———-

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Massachusetts is one of only 10 states with full-time legislatures.  Put it this way: 80% of the 50 states have part-time legislatures.

In six states — Arkansas, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon and Texas — Legislatures convene in regular session only every other year. Remaining states operate with part-time setups offering low pay and small staffs, or a “hybrid” setup with legislators who typically say they spend no more than two-thirds of a full-time job being lawmakers.

New Hampshire lawmakers are the lowest paid at $100 a year. Here are the 10 states with full-time legislatures:

Massachusetts is among the highest in compensation, if not THEEE highest.

It’s the sad point, a tipping point, for local, state, and federal government: officials who have lost touch with constituents and are only in it for the easy money.


“One never notices what has been done.  One can only see what remains to be done”Marie Curie.



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Crooked Yuki
Crooked Yuki
4 years ago

You can’t fight stupid

Reply to  Crooked Yuki
4 years ago

Especially the industrial kind.

Reply to  Crooked Yuki
4 years ago

Yukie is cool. She just needs to get out of politics. Unless she starts warming up.

4 years ago

You people don’t understand. They deserve it. Just like all the city workers and state workers deserve another paid holiday today. And Dan, while it may be a full time job on paper, none of your elected reps work full time and that goes for Tyer too.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Beacon Hill and Capitol Hill’s career politicians only do many disservices to the taxpayers and people they in theory represent. Adam Hinds, Tricia Farley Bouvier, Smitty Pignatelli, Paul Mark, and John Barrett III will all someday retire with taxpayer-funded state government pensions worth around 6-figures per year. PAC-Man Richie Neal, who has been on Capitol Hill for over 3 decades, only represents K Street corporate lobbyist firms that fill his campaign coffers with millions of special interest dollars each and every year. U.S. Senator Ed Markey really lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren ran a failed grassroots campaign for president, but then she backed the Democratic Party’s most corporate-friendly candidate Joe Biden, who has the same economic and financial team as the corporate Clintons. The Biden (alleged) “crime” family members are all worth tens of millions of dollars each without reasonable explanation. Hunter Biden is under federal investigation for his lucrative foreign business dealings and alleged money laundering. Joe Biden’s first bill will increase the U.S. national debt by around $2 trillion and give most Americans $1,400 stimulus checks. The U.S. national debt will soon be well over $30 trillion and counting higher. In closing, I believe that it is wrong for Beacon Hill lawmakers to collect up to 3 pensions during the K-shaped (record highs on Wall Street, record lows on Main Street) recovery/recession during the COVID-19 pandemic!

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

John Barrett received $68,282.00 teachers pension in 2020. He hasn’t been a teacher since 1984.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

If an Official “resigns” they keep their pension. Regardless if they are forced to resign for misconduct. (Unrelated to Barrett). If a cop “resigns” and is never Brady Listed, keeps pension, re-applies in a few years to be a cop again – no sanction for misconduct other than a fabricated resignation.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Be The change
Much like the fake resignation of now disgraced Dalton police chief Jeffery Coe? . Who’s internal affairs investigations of bomself in Dalton. With Harringtons offices approval,while keeping himself off the Brady list of law enforcement who have zero credibility.
Seems you’ve been paying attention

Last edited 4 years ago by Thomas Betit
Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Thomas Betit
4 years ago

Paying dearly.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

As the algorithms only send some of my comments to moderation, perhaps you could make users aware of what keywords or subjects get posts flagged?

We are the chosen location for obese felines.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You get what you, or the machines, vote for

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

This week we will see what white supremacist come out in public to support their racism straight up and stand by the insurrection truthfully or which white supremacist support their racism by pointing at fear of Marxism to hide their racism…..Fox news settle another lawsuit on lying about election fraud.This is your go to source for truth.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You are part of the problem of having made the meaning of real racism a thing of ho hum. It is sad because those who have and are experiencing the effects of it suffer the most.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Your comment sounds racist.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Yu rite und thunk gut. Bit me no unnerstan wat yu sid.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

75% of Trump voters believe the democrats stole the rlection.100% of Trump voters watch Fox and throw in some Rush Limbaugh

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

That’s like saying 110% of Biden voters watch nothing but MSNBC, CNN,ABC,NBC and CBS sprinkled with some NPR, wait that’s true

Something's Amiss
Something's Amiss
4 years ago

Pays to lie.

4 years ago

Anybody who runs for any elected office where they’re paid a stipend or serve on a volunteer board where they can be verbally abused and threatened under the guise of Freedom of Speech, is out of their mind. Sanity eventually sets in.

Unfortunately, our bevy of elected officials – Harrington trolling for a virtual 46th birthday party and donations, the scurvy crew of Beacon representatives from this county, are just in it for themselves. My Lab could represent us better.

Reply to  truthsayer
4 years ago

Harrington is shockingly inexperienced for someone who is 46 years old. On the other hand, having another birthday may be her most important achievement last year.

Reply to  James
4 years ago

Read the room! It’s a tone deaf time to have a public political fundraiser or celebrate anything. Please donate to the food depot or other community programs here:

Joan Jett
Joan Jett
Reply to  James
4 years ago

Well 33,000 people didn’t think so when she won in a landslide and you lost your job. But hey they are all the stupid and you are the bright one..Gee let’s have another spaghetti supper to raise some money.

Reply to  Joan Jett
4 years ago

I did not lose my job. Harrington did not win in a landslide. She won by a narrow margin and lost in Pittsfield. It’s the only place that matters because it is where all the crime victims she doesn’t care about live. Why doesn’t she just call her list of dwindling supporters?

Reply to  James
4 years ago

Ah, so in your mind 62 % of the vote is not a landslide? ok i will give you that and you need to do a little research because Harrington won Pittsfield as well you might want to check that out. Really facts still matter i think. Sorry but all people that run for office have to raise money anyway possible campaigns are expensive anyone that is involved will tell you that.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Joan Jett
4 years ago

She was the best of two poor choices, in primary everyone understood judice knight only ran as a spoiler to hinder Harringtons efforts. Fortunately she will be easily defeated in 2022.

Reply to  Thomas Betit
4 years ago

Sorry but that ain’t gonna happen this place is to liberal and they county loves the libs. Shh!

Tim K
Tim K
Reply to  Thomas Betit
4 years ago

If Judith Knight runs Squeaky wrong way McNips is done

Only Fans
Only Fans
Reply to  truthsayer
4 years ago

Wrong Way Squeaky is doing an only fans page?
comment image

Reply to  Only Fans
4 years ago

All the talk about justice being done is a lie. Andrea directly told me her assistant was pulling my file to review for error…. that was a lie. She blocked me instead of fixing my flawed conviction. Also, victim witness services are a lie. If you see something, don’t say something.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  BlackListed
4 years ago

Did she serve you with her typical no trespass? For asking for an explanation in writing?

Reply to  Thomas Betit
4 years ago

Wait you are asking that you? really

Penny lane
Penny lane
Reply to  Only Fans
4 years ago

This is exactly the problem with people running for office. Absolute turds like yourself who act like 12 year old immature boys. However you live in your moms basement and have a platform to do so problem is your trying to be an adult. Why the hell would anyone want to run for office anymore. Grow up! really this is pathetic.

Nipsy DA
Nipsy DA
Reply to  Penny lane
4 years ago

I think she ran because she needed a job, to pay her taxes, her credit cards, her tickets. To me this illustrates how incompetent she is in a picture. Who would wear that? He unprofessionalism extends to not being adult enough to pick out appropriate clothes.

Simon Ives
Simon Ives
Reply to  Nipsy DA
4 years ago

They are 100% fake.

Reply to  Nipsy DA
4 years ago

Back to the basement kid! your nintendo is waiting

Nipsy DA
Nipsy DA
Reply to  Only Fans
4 years ago

Must ave been cold!

All My Love To You Child
All My Love To You Child
Reply to  truthsayer
4 years ago

Officials who do not follow protocol are in violation of the law – not being allowed to express distain without someone calling it a threat – disdain is not aimed to cause someone personal harm – being held to the oath you swear under is how it needs to work. The officials causing more chaos than order – broad & general. The legal language – threat of imminent harm, raising a topic in a forum on a public forum is not a threat. Who needs to be educated on how to deescalate simple issues this is all ridiculous you want to be popular but your vagus nerve is telling you to do what’s right & you ain’t tryin hear dat. Being shown in the light hurts when you come out looking like hypocrites. Some people are evolved beyond jealousy & causing harm – some people are ACTUALLY STANDING UP FOR THEMSELVES, its not about harming someone. It’s not about you, or him – it’s about Love. Someday, when/if you grow, expand your mental dimension you will understand. When you Love. Things Change. Be The Change Be It,

Attorn Me
Attorn Me
Reply to  truthsayer
4 years ago

There are ways of arguing which do not attack the personal character of a person. E.g., I do not hate you, I hate what you did.

Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

There’s a conspiracy that destroyed my life & future, go fund me.

4 years ago

Sucks for both the city and the wards in which they represent. When I used to live in 4, Chris was always incredibly quick to get back with any issues or questions and if he didn’t know the answer he found a way to get it quick. He didn’t care about the optics, posting everyday on FB about national issues, mingling with the political hacks, etc. He was just a solid ward counselor who was always working for his constituents.

I can’t say that I blame either. I mean he was accused of being racist from Persip (I mean isn’t everyone?) having speech issues from Barry, no longer living in the ward by other counsel members, etc. How these counselors were treated over the past year is why I don’t think we will see many outside the box candidates. It is too risky for their family and jobs. So much for a dynamic and vibrant culture for anyone to run in.

As far as the raises, I have been ringing the bell on this for a couple of months. It is unconscionable how our reps can accept a raise in our current situation. Our elderly have died under state run care, small businesses are shuttering at an unsustainable rate, and the vaccine rollout in MA is one of the worst in the country. I don’t think the general public is aware that these reps just got a fat raise.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Hendrix
4 years ago

Imagine declining a raise for the greater good, that would be a righteous level of integrity.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Or if they would donate the entire raise to charity(s) that truly helps those who actually need it.There are some organizations out there making a difference for those struggling to make ends meet. I’m sick of those politicians claiming they feel your pain in these times and yet, voted themselves raises.

4 years ago

The Biden administration will be encouraging millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country soon. Will they insure they are tested for COVID and other disease when they enter the country? Thousands are now on their way from Honduras for all the freebies, but Biden said we are not quite ready for you yet. Go back home for now. Such stupidity is already coming from this Biden/Harris administration.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

They are trying to get in during first 100 days because Stupid Joe said he would give them all a free pass within first 100 days. The guy belongs in an old folks home.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

How many do yiu guys want dead from the virus.After tomorrow you will all get smarter just because your dopey guy moved out.You all still thing stupid got elected

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

As all Trumper know the lawsuits againstFox news for lying made them issue a statement to on air personalities to stop lying about the election.Thry quickly pivoted to the border.Your fellow republicans at the Q conspiracy network. You are not aware of anything if you turn that nonsense on.The 5 at 5

4 years ago

“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.” — Mark Twain

Our government from local,state and federal obviously believe they are deserving of voting for their own pay raises and perks.

Yooki Fan
Yooki Fan
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

If Yuke is selling her business or moving slap her ass with another hefty fine and take the license. If she’s staying let her run it,no fine as she’s already been fined and start over, Call it Covid predicament. Free Yukie! Like Chuck said,she is awfully cute also.

Reply to  Yooki Fan
4 years ago

You and Chuck need your eyes examined

Slendoor in One
Slendoor in One
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

I think shes very attractive. And Chuck calls it as he sees it!

Reply to  Slendoor in One
4 years ago

Chuck always calls it like he sees it, and that’s my concern. She’s a little thick if you ask me, but then again, most women in American are fat nowadays.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

Tell-itis – and men are not, right? missogeny 101.

Reply to  kltpzyxm
4 years ago

Men are too, but as a percentage, more women than men are fat. I only mate with women though so I don’t really care if men are fat. And if you want some stats just ask.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

DA Harrington is not fat and she is cute. Can make you and Chuck happy man.

Reply to  Yooki Fan
4 years ago

I imagine if all businesses were treated the same from the beginning with the COVID regulations required we wouldn’t have some complaining they are being treated unfairly now.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Not enough anymore to call us “racists.”

We’re “white supremacists” now.

Fun with leftist language.

Slendoor in One
Slendoor in One
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

No. Extremists!

4 years ago

…And this is why it’s called “sweater weather”.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

What happens when you confront another progressive DA that pushes an agenda of holding everyone accountable but themselves! According to their own policies, whenever being investigated they are on a Brady list. AG’s investigating Rachel, why was Andrea’s criminal acts in a state car not looked into? Was it because of political support? Great video if you’ve got the time to watch.

Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle did and wrote a story before having all the facts it was dropped try to keep up.

Last edited 4 years ago by Dana
Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  Dana
4 years ago

Did you catch Helen Moon asking for transparency and accountability; what’s the skeleton in her closet for leaving Andrea’s office? How about her dig at Andrea and saying she had a gun pulled on her for a license violation that was never backed up.

Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

This just goes to show Moon’s complete lack of understanding how grants work. How can someone who’s so stupid be a city councilor, never mind just look at her former boss.

When they receive the grant, if the funds are restricted, not hard to understand.

“ “I’m a little offended at this whole ‘they can transfer within their own departments and that’s fine’ because it’s hundreds of thousands of dollars,” she said. “So I think we can dig a little bit deeper and ask those questions and I believe it’s an honest conversation and worth having.”

I guess she’s never even seen a budget before? The school budget would fracture her tiny mind.
Also she doesn’t understand that if they get a grant, they can spend that money first, which then offsets the budget OR advances upgrades.

Maybe Moonface will just tell them to stop applying for the grant entirely

Wha Konuh
Wha Konuh
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Absolutely vote no on LOW

Simon Says Huh
Simon Says Huh
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

We need to vote out these DA’s who advocate for law breakers. Goodbye!

Biden His Time
Biden His Time
4 years ago

So the left is planting the seeds for Biden’s removal from office. This is how the Burisma top donor prior to non-disclosure. The number of Russian and Ukrainian names, amazing.

Groups with Biden ties pose ethics quandary for his administration
While the Beau Biden Foundation says it will make its donors public once Biden is sworn in, the Biden Institute hasn’t made the same pledge.

Meredith McGehee, the executive director of Issue One, a Washington group that promotes political reform, said she’d like to see the groups disclose all donors going back five years.

“Clearly when you’re president you need to sever all ties,” she said.

Painter also urged Hunter Biden to step down from his role as a co-chair of the Beau Biden Foundation, pointing out that he’d encouraged Chelsea Clinton in 2016 to sever ties to the Clinton Foundation if her mother was elected president. (Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden, recently stepped down from the board.)

4 years ago

Another day and more hate speech in the Eagle, no answers to what voting machines we use nor voting roll audit, another raise that the Kapanski’s have to pay for and politicians lying or cover ups by the media

4 years ago

Happy Martin Luther King Day to all who actually believe in equal rights, and non discrimination, but to all you fools who voted for Biden, enjoy his racist administration, his racist distribution of Covid Cash, his blatantly racist appointee of the civil rights division of the justice department. As to the 25,000 plus soliders guarding D.C. because a couple loosers marched into the captiol because Pelosi failed to secure it, where was the outrage all summer long while cops were killed and injured, dozens of inoccents were killed, hundreds of buildings destroyed and looted, all in the name of BLM lies???. Martin Luther King wanted equal rights, not reverse discrimination, which has been going on in America for years now. Biden will make it worse. And oh yea, I hear there are thousands streaming towards our border now that Biden is going to let everyvody in. Why do we need walls and securtity and fencing and 25,000 cops in DC, but not border security? Grow a brain you demented democratic idiots.

Hoboken Kidd
Hoboken Kidd
Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
4 years ago

In thirty six hours you’ll have four years to be as critical. At the end of that period we should be upwards of thirty trillion in debt and gasoline will be four dollars a gallon.

Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
4 years ago

Watch out, because they are coming after you, to re-program your brain, and the 75 million others with brains enough not to vote for Joe. In addition, they want to eliminate Fox News, remove conservatives from social media, and they want to form a truth commission, to cover up their own lies.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

Tell-itis, noone is coming after you folks, and noone wants to get rid of Fox news, just Carlson and Hanity. Social media need there conservatives, and the only truth commision is the White House press corpse, and the 1776 revisonist history commision. Shades of 1984.

Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
4 years ago

Hey BLM, systimatic racism needs to be reduced; reverse descrimination is the tool for social engineerinng. The republic party is the demented party, not the democratic party. Which party needs fixed? The republic party, which is now cleeved right down the middle.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Pittsfield politics is totally predictable. Each and every fiscal year, Pittsfield politics raises municipal taxes by around 5 percent, hikes municipal fees, and adds at least ten million or more to its huge public debt/liability load that is the hundreds of millions of dollars. Assessment revaluations and manipulations of its levy limit and ceiling is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Matt Kerwood employs creative accounting to cook the books to raise municipal taxes, fees, and public debts/liabilities to the highest levels in the history of Pittsfield city government. Matt Kerwood shuffles around Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski’s hard-earned tax dollars to build upon his +$10 million slush fund, which represents the lovely Linda’s over-taxation of Pittsfield’s shrinking tax base while working families have to choose between food and paying their local tax invoices. Pittsfield has the 2nd highest business municipal tax rate in Massachusetts, while the polluted PEDA “business” park sits vacant after over 22 years. Mayor Linda Tyer and her millionaire accountant husband Barry Clairmont live in a wealthy gated community in an upper class house near the border of Hancock. The ruling elites who ran or now run Pittsfield politics do not live in or near the ring of poverty called inner-city Pittsfield. Jimmy Ruberto, who resides in Naples, Florida, has a second home, which is a $490,000 condo, in upscale Lenox. Ruberto said that his spending of tens of millions of public dollar “investments” in downtown Pittsfield would be a renaissance of arts and culture that would rejuvenate Pittsfield from its post industrial loss of GE jobs for the blue collar and engineering working and professional class. Ruberto spent Kapanski Ka$h like a drunken Sailor on leave. Pittsfield’s arts and culture venue did not live up the hype, while locals sarcastically joked that downtown Pittsfield’s renaissance was a tourist destination that competed with Paris, London, NYC, and L.A. Tricia Farley Bouvier lives in a beautiful home near the Lenox border, while she sent her children to Lenox schools because they are too good for Pittsfield schools. In closing, Pittsfield politicians do not believe their own propaganda about Pittsfield, while they tax the working class folk for all of the money they can squeeze out of them. I do NOT understand how these phony state and local politicians keep getting reelected!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Just keep voting D

The Downtown Umbrella guy
The Downtown Umbrella guy
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Every time John types out ‘slush fund” take a shot, a deadly drinking game.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Joe Biden is doing away with the elitist school choice.

Earl of Persnickety
Earl of Persnickety
4 years ago

Persip is garbage and always has been since his days as a bouncer for The Tavern at the A where all his friends allowed underage drinking. At least he downplayed the attack.

Moon is basically on the moon half the time

With Chris and Kevin gone I don’t know what’s worse, Mike Merriam or whoever Barry and the rest of the fat cats put in their place. Get ready for huge tax increases and priorities like which gender is in the charter. Hell maybe Krol moved into one of those districts

4 years ago

During MLK day I got to thinking, where have all the riots gone that BLM and Antifa were providing. Seems after the election racism or BLM don’t exist

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

They are still causing big problems in Portland. The media is hiding it to focus all the attention on Trump voters and to brainwash the public that all Trump voters are domestic terrorists. Our country is entering some very dark times during the Biden/Harris administration.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Trump voters are not all domestic terrorists, and the media is not trying to make the public think that they are. Stop exagerating – spooving over the top dielog doesn’t help anything.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat ,you just adore Don Trump the billionaire playboy of NYC and Florida and its OK ,he’s so cool

The Downtown Umbrella guy
The Downtown Umbrella guy
4 years ago

Persip and Moon want police funding oversight after 200k from the state for police budget. Meanwhile we piss away 1mil in grant money to screw up north street and tyler this upcoming spring.

Reply to  The Downtown Umbrella guy
4 years ago

What you got a problem with bike lanes on north street instead of two travel lanes? It’s a recipe for disaster.

Hoboken Kidd
Hoboken Kidd
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
4 years ago

Didn’t berhire county have one of the first domestic terrorism in the trump administration. That hay fire. in Dalton?

Not Proud
Not Proud
Reply to  Hoboken Kidd
4 years ago

The downtown fool is obviously a couple jacks short in the deck.

Reply to  The Downtown Umbrella guy
4 years ago

Astute observation, Umbrella Guy. What has the police advisory board done since issuing its first report in July after one year? Do they have any recommendations? Meanwhile the main problem persists: they need more people and more budget.

Hoboken Kidd
Hoboken Kidd
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

G E Stock 12. Thank you mayhem. Jumped on it at 666

Thee Gard
Thee Gard
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Excellent observations by both. This is the problem. Had you not given Stanley a free pass, gone with the less costly idea at the sewer water debacle,thanks Donna? both costing ten of millions combined, we wouldn’t have to defund anything. You can do the same on the water project and save tens of millions. Please listen to the water builders proposals going forward.

Thanks for trying Chris and Kevin. A huge loss to the taxpayers.

Reply to  Thee Gard
4 years ago

It’s time to see if Gaetani can get us the lower rates. It can’t go forward the same as the sewer cost?

Not Proud
Not Proud
Reply to  EWendt
4 years ago

Biden is crying? I guess. I cry when I see pctv in the morning. Then can’t eat my breakfast.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Have to admit that I am disappointed that Chris and Kevin have decided not to run for election again. I have always looked upon the two of them to fight for the taxpayers and also bring the lies of this terrible pathetic Administration out to the public. On the other hand I can certainly understand their thoughts on not seeking re-election. Their attempts to do the best for City have been futile due to hand picked unintelligent puppets. Both men have been scraped through the mud needlessly this past year by their co-council members. These councilors-Tyer puppets that caused this pathetic witch hunt have done absolutely NOTHING to help the City. Find it very upsetting that Pee Pee Petie allowed this witch hunt on the agenda against Chris & Kevin yet he does not feel that blatant stupid behavior by Yuki and Dina are not fit for the agenda. This verifies that Pee Pee Petie does not have a set of hoo hoo’s to stand up to the Mayor and he is the biggest puppet of all. Sad and pathetic on his part. It is a sad state of affairs in this City when it glorifies bad behavior of elected officials and harasses hard working elected officials. Can only hope some honest intelligent folks run against these do nothing puppets and that the taxpayers see through the lies and deception of these puppets. The City is on it’s last leg, something has to change.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

I don’t know what the hell the FBI is thinking, but some of those crows and other birds in DC are pure MAGA white supremacists, and they plan on dropping you-know-what all over the inauguration.

Studies show that 90% of birds voted for Trump . . .

Best to get a few thousand more troops in there and some of those anti-avian drones in the air ASAP.

4 years ago

I hope everyone goes out and celebrates the last day of being a free American!! Starting tomorrow China Jo and the San Fran Ho are in charge?

Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

The leftists are now accusing all Trump voters of being part of a cult and we need deprogramming by the far left identity politics/climate change fanatics. The far left does nothing but preach identity politics, calls everybody except themselves a racist, and believes we will all die from climate change unless we allow a complete government takeover, but we are the ones who need deprogramming. These people really need to look into a mirror, but they are so arrogant and fanatical they they really can’t see themselves clearly. So many have been brainwashed by the phoniness of the far left agenda.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat the only thing you can do is hype and exagerate over the top hyperboley. You are not helping at all by your rheteric. Take it down a noch!

4 years ago

The two crazy ladies, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi, floating conspiracy theory that Putin and President Trump planned the events at the capitol. Playing Americans as being complete dummies and fools to believe their nonsense, these two ladies are suffering from some serious mental health issues.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

They may not have planed it, but they are both pleesed it hapenned. If you don’t admit that then you are the person sufering from mental health issues. Of course Pence will attend Biden’s and not Trump’s celabration.

Reply to  kltpzyxm
4 years ago

President Trump wants to run for President again, so he is not pleased it happened. Where is the critical thinking of Americans?

Reply to  kltpzyxm
4 years ago

The Biden theme tommorrow will be unity? Eggs?

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Mayor Tyer is someone I thought was so efficient at her job that she could do tight budgets.I am extremely disappointed in her lack of compassion for the elderly property tax payer.She takes their money for her political gain and wastes it…..You have Joe Curtis who will spend every penny buying new useless wasteful programs that dont work.Stop wasting money Joe.You were taught how to spend by Eberwien.