(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE WEST, MONDAY FEB. 15, 2021) — THE PLANET enters week two of our vacation, whistling down the road of life.
We shall make this quick-hit then turn to you for comments.
Something happened this week.
It’ll come to us in a moment.
Oh yeah, the Senate failed to convict a former POTUS — a guy who longer occupies the office!! What did the maneuver accomplish?
It has
- All-but-prevented future Congresses from impeaching and convicting future POTUSes.
- Widened the chasmic gulf separating Dems and GOP.
- Poisoned the waters for the healing pushed by Syracuse Joe.
- Turned the Beltway’s sulphuric atmosphere to something resembling the surface of Venus.
What else?
Syracuse Joe’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan.
From the Foundation for Economic Education:
———- ooo ———-
“It’s a massive proposal, and any final legislative text based upon it would no doubt be hundreds of pages (if not thousands). But here are some of the package’s main provisions:
- An additional $1,400 in “stimulus” checks to most Americans, upping the recently-passed $600 payouts to $2,000
- Renewal and increase of the expanded unemployment benefits that extend payouts to many new classes of workers through September 2021. Biden’s proposal would add $400 a week in federal payouts on top of existing state-level benefits
- Expansion of the child tax credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit
- Increase in food stamp benefits
- A nation-wide $15 minimum wage
- Extension of the federal government’s eviction moratorium
- $350 billion for local, state, and tribal governments
- $160 billion for vaccine distribution and other COVID health measures
- Paid leave for millions of workers, much of which would be paid for by taxpayers
Biden’s proposed spending splurge comes in the context of the federal government already having spent an astounding $3 trillion and counting on COVID-19 relief and stimulus efforts. Many of the government’s various economic initiatives have proven ineffective and rife with fraud, but Biden’s plan would simply double-down on this approach and pour more money into it.”
To say nothing of the current $27 trillion debt already draining the budget. Taxpayers pay $386 billion a year to finance the national debt.
This plan is almost as dizzy as Pittsfield’s recent bond refinancing scheme.
What, you missed that? Here it is, straight:
———- ooo ———-
Matthew Kerwood
Finance Director/Treasurer 413-499-9376
City of Pittsfield sells multimillion dollar bond for long-term savings, municipal projects
PITTSFIELD, Mass. (Feb. 12, 2021) – As part of the City of Pittsfield’s ongoing commitment to fiscal stewardship, the city has sold a $28,420,000 bond. The transaction, which took place earlier this week, includes the refinancing of $10 million of older bonds that will generate a gross budgetary savings of $1,049,382 for the city over 10 years and also support various municipal projects.
Matthew Kerwood, the city’s Finance Director and Treasurer, says this type of refinancing is a common practice that supports the city’s debt management [sic, compound adjective requires a hyphen for clarity] strategy. Bond proceeds will refinance city bonds originally issued March 1, 2008; July 1, 2010; October 1, 2010; and January 15, 2011.
“Taking advantage of these refinancing opportunities are key components [sic, subject-verb agreement] in controlling the city’s debt,” Kerwood says.
Prior to the sale, S&P Global Ratings, a municipal bond credit rating agency, affirmed the city’s ‘A+’ underlying bond rating and assigned the ‘SP-1+’ rating to the notes, the highest short-term rating attainable. The rating agency cited the city’s strong budgetary flexibility, very strong liquidity, and strong institutional framework as positive credit factors. Furthermore, S&P Global Ratings assigned the ‘AA’ enhanced rating to the bonds as debt service is secured by the State Qualified Bond Act local state aid intercept program.
These indicators, Kerwood notes, reflects [sic, subject-verb agreement] the strength of the city’s finances.
“The crediting agency [sic, appositive requires offsetting comma] through its report, affirms that the city is on sound fiscal ground [sic, comma required] which is why the city is able to attract quality buyers to our bond issuances,” he says.
The bids for the bonds and notes were accepted at the offices of the city’s Financial Advisor, Hilltop Securities Inc. at 54 Canal St. in Boston.
———- ooo ———-
“Peace = War” …
“Freedom = Slavery” …
“Love = Hate” … and
“will generate a gross budgetary savings of $1,049,382″ = “will generate a gross budgetary loss of ___________________ (fill in the blank).”
Old Scratch can be found in the details.
OK, that’s it. We’re back into the wild.
Comments, please.
“As gravity bends light, so power bends time” — Christopher Clark.
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All of these basically means is we have good credit. Which is not a good thing when you borrow.
Over and over.
You forgot one little thing. At some point all of this Kuffkinks garble has some sort of misinformation.
57% voted him guilty.The trial showed the country his leading role in the overthrow of the most secure election in history.The defense attorney said the house proved their case.Senator McConnell said he was guilty.The public said he was guilty and 43 Qanon Senators supported his violent attack on American democracy that Putin funded and directed.
The most secure election in history with all of these mail-in ballots? You must be joking. Senator McConnell’s wife is deep into the Washington swamp even though she is a Republican so she put pressure on her husband to make his unproven comments. Kamala Harris is guilty of everything that President Trump was accused of doing. VP Kamala Harris was inciting violence by insisting that the violence would continue during the summer and assisting in the bailing out of violent rioters. Rioters who attacked federal buildings during the summer were encouraged to continue and were also being assisted in being bailed out.
Pat,you are saying that VP Harris tried to violently overthrow the United States Goverment. You are a straight up liar.
Hey Q numb, are you saying 200 people going into the capitol building can overthrow the government? Are you that stupid?
I watched it.
So the government was overthrown?.Why don’t you march into city hall with a buffalo hat and take Pittsfield over and straighten it out?
It was a desperate Trump failure.
Only moron Trumpers that are white supremist would do that.
Fox wont cover the Trump Coup but have Cuomo fatal virus Data assignments every 20 mins
You seem to watch and know more about what is being reported on at Fox than those who you accuse of watching only Fox.
Federal buildings were attacked. That is not something that should get rioters bailed out. The far left was planning a coup against President Trump from before the beginning of his presidency.
The Democrats also held back much needed medication from our suffering elderly that would have saved them from COVID. They only released it AFTER they won the election. So many of our elderly suffered and died due to politics. The Democrats only care about power and money.
What people are forgetting is there were people from the right, left and center in the riot that raided the Capital
Sure,they were Biden supporters.LOL
The BLM boy who is a Biden boy filmed himself riling people up and storming into the capital so first right thing you said tds
Am I the only one that finds it odd that not only were there a few police officers protecting congress at that time (despite knowing full well there would be a protest) and that a handful of the handful of officers up and committed suicide before the impeachment trial and therefore could not testify.
Cops see much worse things than whiny politicians being threatened by a fake Minotaur. Yet, this caused them to off themselves.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, and I know school committee will obviously despite me not voting for or supporting Trump
But something doesn’t add up. And since checking math work is now a sin of white supremacy… deal with it
You just nailed it.The investigation will get to the bottom of the attack and who conspired to make it happen besides the Presidents criminals
Harris just supported all the “peaceful protests”, last spring through summer and fall .
Arson, looting, and destruction of private and public/governmental properties. Along with some incidental murders mixed in. This would include attacks on courthouses and police stations.
Thats what Trump programming will make you say
That would be reality, something You’ve been unable to grasp for years now.
Back to the Goverment overthrow. He did it and the American people know who he is.
Didn’t know Pelosi was a he, but it has been a strange year
TDS Qanumbnutz. How are your pedo pals at the Lincoln project doing?
Qanon follower
How are your Lincoln project pedos these days?
They are all former Republicans against fascist.
Most secure election in history? A Nigerian prince that gets your social security number and bank account number from an e mail would have been more secure with him, than the mail in ballots sent out.
Could say the same thing about any jury trial in America. If 57% of a 12 person jury votes you guilty you are acquitted.
It is not a jury trial.
In other words the Democrats voted like sheep so Nancy mob boss crazy bat Pelosi doesn’t take them out to the tuna factory
Tax exempt bonds,right?
Keep hearing of medical calls to the Hilton Garden on South Street for possible COVID related issues and security guards will be waiting for the emergency responders. Yet, their site states that the Hilton Garden is closed until April 15, 2021. Does anyone know who is staying there, have there been more sick homeless folks being brought in from around the State again? If so, why has the Administration not announced this or is this just another way for Kerwood to get more free State money to add to his stash? Is that why there are additional pan-handlers at the Pittsfield intersections? Also, still waiting to hear where he and the Mayor are hiding the pot money from the selling of pot in Pittsfield?
Links wouldn’t do that?
This is one of the causes of deaths at nursing homes in the area.
The Covid Hilton and the program that funds it pays a per diem rate of over $500 a shift.
It’s easy work, blood O2, temp, supportive care.
So assisted living CNAs and RNs are going in and making big bucks before a shift at Fairview commons. Then when they call out sick due to Covid symptoms, the nursing administrator tells them to show up or be fired. Since they get their health benefits via BHS, they go in.
You reference Kerwood’s stash and slush fund often. Is there a certain amount that you feel would be appropriate to have in that account? Do you have any evidence or hunches that he is using the funds in an inappropriate manner? It seems your constant reference to this leas one to believe that you think he is doing something crooked here. All those dollars are public information and Mr Kerwood was hired by the elected mayor. If you have something to say that is helpful or eye opening, why don’t you just come out with it? Otherwise, this rhetoric is really getting old.
For one our taxes are being held in free cash? One other item, links never appropriates without shuffling accounts that they’re intended for? How many projects are not started or even finished during this woefully Tyred reign? And dont Dance around and don’t blame Covid
Annnd. So he’s selling bonds,and reducing deficit? Yet he’s hoarding millions, our money, and theyre raising assessments on homes and taxing higher? Kufflinks,you aren’t saving anything for anything worthwhile when your administration raises the anti four plus percent every year.
This is right out of the Krol/Yon playbook Barf!
It was old long ago.
I have found in my travels that hotels are paid by their states to house the homeless, all the while remaining open to business travelers. That disturbs me, as I’ve witnessed many sick homeless people loitering around the hotels where I’m staying, and I have no idea if they have covid or other transmittable illnesses. How well are the rooms sanitized? Is anyone monitoring the health of the homeless? If hotels are going to house the homeless – then they should be closed to the general public.
Not sure what the deal is at the Hilton Garden in the Pitt, though others on this site have mentioned that the Hilton is providing housing for out-of-town covid patients.
And you raise a good question about pot proceeds……you may want to contact your ward councilor for an answer to that one!
There’s 14 Covid homeless starting there at last count, three meals and free room and board.
The security guards can’t make them stay so the pan handle at market 32 and Dan Fox drive, also they try and hit people up for money in the guidos parking lot.
Thanks for the info.
run em over
There is nothing at all odd about the two impeachment’s and there outcome’s. Everything happened just as it should in our representative democracy, which remanes alive and working well. The house voted to impeach twice, both times with ratio’s that reflected there constituent’s views, and the senates vote’s also reflected the view’s of there constituent’s as well.
Kinda a like a democratic teeter taughter. Pelousy should retire anyway. We have to retire at 70 in most cases. She and Feinstein are pushing mid eighties.
Wonder how 70; mil plus Trumps like paying for this old bags salary.
Imagine the owner of the beagle has sunk so low that he waits for this Stooge to finish his infomercials on the p c t morning accident show. Stooge then states that we owe him ( the Judge) and his fellow news guy a lot? Where do I send my check?
The eagle is a great paper. They publish all the fake news fit to print.
Similar to The NY Times. Fighting to see how low can they go
His tropical island adress.
Kufflinks slush fund is basically a rainy day account. And with that I have a problem as it is my money. Build your slush fund but don’t do it with our leftovers. The other item. This is a freedom of speech site not a democratic nimby outfit.
We can say what ever we feel concerning tax dollars that….’We Pay’.
They are so old, there is paintings in caves of them, with Fred Flintstone.
I mean come on? These power hungry dried up prunes need the glory that much. Aside….Yesterday Was Valentines
And you can’t spell Valentine without spelling V A L E N T I First!!!!!
Hope your sojourn is going well Dan. Please come back!
and like the stooge himself, they’re found all over the world!
I wish to explain Matt Kerwood’s creative accounting schemes where he cooks the books for the lovey Mayor Linda Tyer. Matt Kerwood is refinancing part of Pittsfield politics’ huge public load that totals in the hundreds of millions of dollars when one also factors in OPEB and other hidden liabilities. What Matt Kerwood has been doing and is now doing with Pittsfield politics’ debts is placing the principal part of the debt payments out in the far out financial future decades from now. Matt Kerwood is using today’s low interest rates to primarily pay lower interest payments on Pittsfield’s debts. The problem with Matt Kerwood’s debt plan is that Pittsfield politics is paying mostly interests on the debt, while the principal part of the debt won’t be payed down until well after Matt Kerwood is long retired from Pittsfield City Hall. It is called Amortization, which is similar to depreciation in accounting and financial management. Matt Kerwood is only moving money around, which saves the city government now, but defers the added costs down the road. Matt Kerwood is building a +$10 million reserve fund, which critics deride as a slush fund or his stash, while he is passing on record high municipal budgets, and public debts on the hard hit taxpaying public in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Why is Matt Kerwood shuffling money around like this? The answer is so that he can make the lovely Mayor Linda Tyer look good so she can say that she has stabilized Pittsfield politics public finances. The reality of the matter is that Pittsfield politics municipal finances are very costly and debt-ridden. Matt Kerwood is really playing accounting games that are not financially sustainable in the long-term.
JM, I would have given you a bunch of thumbs up if I was allowed. Oh, your right there is a ton of hidden liabilities that city government keeps in a place Fort Knox couldn’t compare too. Kerwood is giving the mayor a financial makeover and it won’t be pretty when it comes time to pay the Bill.
You are both right,lipstick stick on a pig. But eventually even a makeover won’t work. O p e B? They can’t pay that down in a million years? So the next best thing Is pay the interest. That’s a great way to do business. Just like our soon to be biggest National Debt. Just Ignore it Joe.
Jon – Good post, wondering do you this Mr, Mayor Barry is the true manipulator of the City’s budget and the accounting games? Just a thought.
Meant to say think.
I do not know the answer to your question if Barry Clairmont is the true creative accountant at City Hall, meaning Matt Kerwood would be his front man. I will say that Barry Clairmont has praised Matt Kerwood’s financial management, which means that Barry Clairmont is NOT helping matters for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski!
Well let’s go back to a comment getting old? The bond deal will save a million,one million. Yet the homeless were shit out of luck with the St. Joe deal,too bad for homeless.
The-sewer deal was another lack of effort to save tens of millions. Yet that philosophy was that it was to late in the game, or to lazy? or just plain tired.
So you make a million on bonds but your worried about ‘Maybe’ being fined for not complying with phosphorus edict by the state,which by the way there are problems currently at the plant with the system and that would be contingency fees,which means more of your tax dollars. So,we don’t save anything or do anything for rate payers other than increases rates.
Bottom line is we are paying for it all. Including The Mayors pension.
Let me put it this way. I have well over one hundred million dollars in debts, plus over one hundred million in opeb liabilities and other hidden/unknown liabilities. I refinance nearly $30 million of my debts with a new bond and then I tell people I will save over one million dollars over a number of years with today’s low interest rates. My Amortization debt payment schedules are decades long, which means that over the next decade, I am paying mostly interest on most of my debts. By the time I assume most of the principal is paid off, I will be long retired (or in the afterlife if such a thing really exists) and I won’t have to worry about how I will have to payoff my debts because I will be living on a guaranteed fixed income (or a memory from the past), while leaving it to others to payoff all of my debts in the far-off future. If people cannot pay off my debts, then they can either refinance part or all of it and/or they can declare fiscal insolvency and/or bankruptcy. To be clear, I am currently only making mostly interest payments on my debts right now, while leaving it to someone else in future decades to payoff most of the principal on my debts, if possible. I can tell people I am saving over $1 million over a number of years, but I am also deferring the bulk of my debts decades out into the future. In reality, I am leaving most of my debts for future generations to payoff, if possible. In closing, I am a creative Accountant named “Matt Kerwood”, who also sits on a +10 million slush fund/stash/reserve account(s) that should belong to Pittsfield politics’ hard hit taxpayers.
Kinda sounds like a reverse mortgage. Lol
All this reminds me of the Bus debacle years ago.That was when the wheels were coming off our school buses then and they got new when the old ones weren’t paid for.
I agree they should have paid off at least one of the loans, let’s start shrinking our debt exposure
Snowing in Texas. 12 degrees overnight and no power in many cities. Ugh. Aside Oregon also a disaster.
Wind turbines are freezing in Texas causing rolling blackouts and the state is telling people with power to keep their heat very low even if they are freezing. Biden wants the country to rely on wind and solar. This is the future of the country as these wind turbines prove to be unreliable.
There is no heat because there is no power.
So the stooge is all in an uproar over the charter objection at the last City Council meeting. For some reason he was impressed with a presentation from some businessman’s idea and has been in ear of the City Councilor of ward six who seems to agree even more. Is this even legal?
What’s ironic about the disdain of this clown,is that the first two charter objections were from non other than The mayors current husband when he was a council member and I think another back then was Kathy Amuso. Both Clown favorites.
Does anyone have the decoder ring for this comment?
Not a good argument Pat
Marchetti himself said that the process will take several meetings and plenty of opportunity for community input….So what the F*** difference does the objection make. It simply means: let’s take a break, regroup and continue discussion at a later date. That stooge is such a moron. Sorry, for the name calling but he pulls it out of you.
And pulling it out is uncommon as it comes natural to anyone who listens to his show. And nobody cares about South Africa or it’s prison system. I want to know why he’s in a basement on a weekly basis wearing a shirt and tie. Does he have a job still? And who does he work for?
Joe Biden wants to make the country totally independent of any fossil fuels. That is unbelievably stupid. Windmills and solar cannot provide all of the energy needs for this country. Just ask Germany. They are realizing the limitations of this green energy nonsense.
You do know fossil fuel companies are investing huge in technology.Autos do not need gasoline to turn a wheel.
Oh Pat… Despite what Fox may say, everything is not the Dems fault. TX doesn’t run capacity markets like many other states/regions. Their energy independence backfired. I’ll bet Cruz wishes he didn’t blast CA on Twitter last year during the devastating fires where the state had rolling blackouts.
China is using coal like mad in their country while encouraging our country to turn to all solar and windmills. China is also manufacturing the majority of the parts for solar and windmills and selling them to our country. So China becomes more efficient using coal while we are thrown back into the dark ages like California and now Texas with rolling blackouts. Biden wants the entire country to go one hundred percent solar and windmills. When it gets really hot in Texas, the windmills often do not work to provide energy because the winds die down in the heat.
Sigh. Maybe if CA were to “rake the forest floor” they’d be in better shape…
Pat,China is choking t o death.They are number 1 in solar out of desperation.Biden is going to make us the number 1 solar manufacturer. Why do you want us to burn coal?
The clock is ticking when are you going to start ranting about potholes?
This is the same sort of finance deal Matt got on his hair plugs. Plug now, pay later! Pay interest upfront and the tax payers take it in the rear.
This is the same structured pay system Matt did that got us into this mess. You could “save” a lot more if you paid down some of that principal quicker.
But hey he’ll be retired and dead before Pittsfield sees any real of that money back.
Just finished reading the hate rag called the Eagle, they stayed true to form. Still haven’t figured out how they haven’t been charged with incitement! Also I see the city is going after the poor young families with this trash proposal, just screwing the Kapanski’s again. Isn’t it interesting how people change once they enter politics. I could swear I remember the councilors during election time saying they were for the poor regular citizens of the city. They get elected and then BAM they change. Someone should dig up their promises and see if they accomplished what they said or the complete opposite…the mayor is low hanging fruit with the Hess station
I can save you a lot of trouble and research. Just go to Sweet Pete White’s Facebook page. If you scroll back to late summer 2020, you will read about Sweet Pete’s desire to help the “houseless,”according to Sweet. He mentions helping the “houseless,” but offers nothing he will do to help. *Remember, talk is cheap.
Now, scroll ahead to present day. Sweet Pete mentions again, how he’s going to help the “houseless.” Sweet has had over a year to figure out how to help the “houseless.” Of course he’s done nothing but talk about how he is going to start helping the “houseless.”
So, Sweet, what’s your plan? You’ve had a year to ponder it.
What is your solution? curious or is this just another you bring the problem and rant on but never present a valid solution all ears?
Just curious, what is the cause of your illiteracy?
Great comeback! what i expected just whine and complain about everything from Ma’s basement
First off, may I suggest you take an English class for adult learning? It will help you structure a basic sentence: capitalization, punctuation, and basic sentence structure. Plus, you’ll learn a valuable lesson, reading comprehension. That will help you understand what people are saying in their message. What you wrote, I’d expect from a junior high student texting his/her friend.
Now to answer your question. I am not a politician; therefore, I have no solution to offer. Why? Because I’ve never thought about it. What I don’t do is post about what I will do, over and over again. I would post results.
Instead of worrying about what my solution is, you should save your focus on Sweet Pete. Sweet’s the one who for almost a year has been talking about what he’s going to do for the “houseless.” Not me.
So, what Sweet’s message? What’s he going to do? Or does he need a few more dinners to wrap his head around the solution?
All talk! Just look in the mirror and ask yourself the question.
Yeah, Sweet, I agree. Time to push away from the dinner table, put your food reviews on hold, and look in the mirror.
People voted you in Sweet Pete to help them. Not just talk about helping them.
So, I ask. After almost a year of you talking and posting about what your going to do for the “houseless,” what is your solution?
Just recycle.Thats the easy answer.
Obviously that is not the answer because we are already recycling. The answer is throw everything away so he can save the quarter of a million we sent to Springfield
Cuomo & company need to be held accountable for 1) deaths of nursing home residents and 2) manipulating & covering up stats related to covid deaths. They should be fired and prosecuted to the full extent of the law!
Always said Cuomo was a terrible Governor and his brother is a hippocrit of the first order.
Cuomo needs to be held accountable for far more than that. As do Baker and all of the other power-hungry imbeciles who have caused so much needless damage and received no benefit in return.
Just spent a few great weeks in Florida and have decided to leave the NE permanently. Bars and restaurants are open and packed and life is virtually normal. People generally use common sense and wear masks at places like grocery stores, but life is not completely turned upside down. Not even close.
And yet by every measure, Florida has achieved better Covid results than MA and NY, the two states east of the Mississippi with the most mandates and restrictions and rules in place. And decimated economies, children and small businesses to show for it.
Even if you exclude the first wave last spring that crushed the northeast and look only at the recent past, Florida has performed better. Not perfect–because Mother Nature is in charge of this show–but better. Since Thanksgiving, both NY and MA have seen significantly more per-capita cases and Covid deaths.
Screw this place.
Texas is in a state of emergency blaming the democrats
He thought it was a hoax
Brendan Sheran is a political hack and always was, Edgerton needs a real job. Neither have any business working in a school setting.
This is nothing more than a failing district trying to cater to special interests and indoctrinate the youth. I hope to God my kids don’t have any of these educators. The whole thing stinks to high heaven
Spot on! Just another high school class to indoctrinate the kids on white privilege, bias and other supposed social “issues” under the guise of education.
If you have kids in the PPSD, get them the hell out! Find a school that focuses on math, science, reading & english!
And what are these filters that Kavey and Lampiasi want to put into schools? Aside…Some outfit out of Colorado recently says they’re 90 percent efficient ? That’s not good enough! And very costly for an experiment. Is this company the same that brought us the shot sputter.
Excellent read
This is part of the new and improved PPS racial bias training for teachers and staff.
Anyone have the video of Edergton saying whites are “mischief makers” as in repeating Malcom X’s hate speech and affirming its truth?
Whites make up over 85% of the population so we must not live in a very nice place, what did Tyer do, it used to be so nice
School choice cost Pittsfield taxpayers 5,000,000….Republicans want us divided and that will make Ameica fail Russia has always delighted in Americas hate of minorities.Russia is fully involved in electing racist.
What is so wrong with giving people an option for a better education ad future
Make no mistake they will stand on your neck too. No life matters. Except that of the one standing on your liberty, that life matters.
Channel thirteen is talking about your contingency fees concerning your dollars.
When would have the original bonds been paid in full
The answer to that is anything through this finance guru is subject to change. Well get back to you Councilor.
Why does every person in the photos inside the new warming shelter have their coat on??
Is there a toilet in there?
Read an article last night on states finances across America and it seems Massachusetts is at the bottom with a budget deficit. When are our legislators going to trim the budget and balance it? Isn’t it their job to be fiscally responsible and only spend what you have? Let us get back to only the basics of government and get rid of the bloat and leaches
Kamala Harris telling so many lies. At first she lied about the COVID vaccine not being safe, but she and Biden made sure they got one. Now she is lying about the Trump administration having had no plan to distribute the vaccine. She and Biden are in charge of the vaccine rollout now, but she takes no responsibility for that job while continuing to play politics while Americans suffer. This is the same dirty politics that killed so many of our elderly who would have been saved by the monoclonal antibodies had the CDC approved them in October of last year when they knew a second dangerous wave of the virus was coming.
How do you know she got the vaccine?
She said so and there were videos and pictures
She and President Biden got their shot at the end of December.
‘That was easy’: Kamala Harris receives Covid-19 vaccine – video | US news | The Guardian
Willie Brown gave it to her.
Trump had no plan.Trump put it on the backs of each state.Trump was President of the red states.You had to kiss his ring t o get funding
Please look at this document, pay close attention to the numbers. Pay close attention to the players.
PeePee is on the board, signs off on the tax filing. The city give them over $700k a year, Barry is the accountant and collects fees and oversees the graft.
They pay $428k in salaries and benefits. To a public access TV station!
People should really look at this
Wow,great item. Someone better take a look at this quick. Sounds like a Chartoc Inquisition. This is an eye opener.
You know the details are all off the record, we will never get the proof.
Prior to the current administration did they receive monies? If so,is the fact that there is collusion between the principal parties being related and getting stipends from the city, for political and personal gain?
I’m curious as to the average total viewership over the time leading up to this filing ? It does seem the guests are retreads over and over along with the same topics. Not saying that it is all bad to inform the community to the local going’s on. Does the cost justify keeping it going? Could the money be spent better elsewhere?
Two or three people maybe watch. The show is a self gratifying to the guests and hosts conscience. And he either needs To go back to the studio or do it live.
What’s the problem ?
PCTV is Burisma
PeePee is Hunter Biden
Barry is Joe Biden
The Mayor is the Mykola Zlochevsky
The mayor and city council give money to PCTV. PCTV is “run” by a city council member.
The mayor’s husband is a paid consultant for PCTV.
Maybe he got the gig because his wife is the mayor, maybe PeePee made sure PCTV hired him because the mayor helps funnel money to PCTV?
Does the help have Dental?
With zoom being the rage do we really need PCTV
Barry probably does NOT get paid.
oz,says paid preparer on the form.
What’s your point sir?
Barry doesn’t do anything for free. Amongst those that know him there is the story of him offering to “help” a “friend” with a small business do their first business tax filing.
Oh it’s no problem at all, I’ll do it.” The implied was it was a favor and would be free.
Skinflint Barry sent a bill for $350.
This after knowing that the person said they couldn’t afford the $200 another accountant was going to charge.
Neighbors helping out another without asking made the help even more appreciated at onetime. Politics has even descend into it because of affiliation.
Rush Limbaugh dead. Rest In Peace.
He did draw a big audience and drove others to seek his destruction because of where he stood on his politics. Instead of tuning him out and listening to someone that is in tune with what they thought on politics they tried to stifle him.
Was a very hateful article, why are the Democrats so extreme and hateful
I’d suggest search other destinations to discover what investments these officials hold in alternate locales. They’re investing in something and what that is, is clearly, not clear.
Planet Bulletin. N Y Dem Assembly, Ron Kim stated Andrew Duomo threaten him to lie about the Covid Scandal he is currently under investigation. Oh boy,here we go!
Aside……..great Charter objection by Councilor Maffucio and comments by Chris co Corning the reopening debate for the pay as you throw- recycle debacle. Chris said delay is good because it will give the taxpayer time to weigh in on it. Absolutely not for anything new at this time,AGAIN
Bitchen Biden Big Bogus Bonanza is about to come to America. Money for all, pay off student loans and don’t worry no evictions so don’t pay What a very healthy plan.
Joe Biden praising China for keeping tight control over their people. China is also building concentration camps. Will Biden give them praise for that too? The progressive Democrats want to keep Americans under tight control also and want China to be our role model.
China is using coal like crazy and becoming the most powerful country in the world while Biden wants America to stop using coal and oil and become a third world country with rolling blackouts and people dying from the cold becoming normal. Joe isn’t even hiding the fact that he would like to see China as the most powerful country in the world with America dependent on China.
Guess our DA wants more hand picked cronies on the Council.

This woman is running in Springfield, MA.
Why is the DA endorsing any candidates? Last time she did she sunk that Kennedy.
Squeaky needs to focus on trying to try a case or learning how to drive.
Most people don’t have any idea how a DA does their job, including this DA. People also don’t know what a boob she is and they won’t unless someone runs against her.
This Post shows exactly why being in a basement all the time is bad for you. Wow! this one takes the cake SPRINGFIELD!!!!!!! try to keep up please. Jimmy sorry my friend but DA’s endorse people all over the country. You can’t win by just handing off the office to your bro right? this is an elected position after all. Still bitter i get it.
No really, are you mentally handicapped or just 12? Could please explain why our DA has time to be making political endorsements for a city councilor outside the county?
Okay I will bite. What is DA Harrington trying to win in Springfield? Is this an announcement?
Ahh gee hmm let’s for a moment think maybe they are friends? hard to believe eh?
Ohhhh! Friendship and favors, yes of course.
Nice to know our DA is focused on doing political favors for politicians outside the county. Please enlighten us. What is the benefit for The Kapanski’s and the job she was elected to do? Then again, I realize she is incompetent so maybe that’s a plus for us?
What the actual F?
Get out much? wow wow wow
JOE CURTIS and the school committee are afraid to meet in person. Pittsfield city council afraid to meet in person.Mayor is afraid to tell both to be leaders.They need to show leadership……What school personal went on vacation and will be in class with your kids after beibg out of town.
Mayor needs to open up city hall
Totally agree, but she won’t because she won’t be able to hide from or possibly listen to the taxpayers of Pittsfield, Look how she handle herself when all the City restaurant owners tried to meet with her. She sent out her “body guards” to face them. It is amazing though she can come out of hiding for photo ops. The same goes for the City Councilors. They have taxpayers inundating their Facebook and blogs stating their objections to City issues, for example the bike lanes, yet the Councillors still vote against taxpayers wishes. If they had to face taxpayers in person they may have a bit of fear voting against what the taxpayers have asked of them. Glad to hear so many folks interested in running for their seats this fall. Hope we can clean house and get folks that work for the people, we especially need to get rid of the 4 Councilors At Large, not one of them has done a thing to help out the taxpayers of Pittsfield. Yuki has not spoken for her whole term except just once to put a plug in for her restaurant, Pee Pee Petie has served too long and has not accomplished anything his long term, “Houseless White”‘s heart seems to be in reviewing restaurants, and Persip looks miserable and never comes alive unless he is out to defund the police. Need folks in there that want to work for the people, not the Mayor.
The Mayor works for someone too.
During Fox News honoring Rush Limbaugh yesterday, they replayed when he received a Medal of Honor from Pres. Trump.
I had forgotten how disgusting, rude and disrespectful Pelosi acted during that ceremony to a man dying of cancer.
Any of you Democrats out there who would like to defend her? Please go ahead. I’m all ears.
The views and opinions of the clown host reflected are only used by said clown and any bootlicking should not be construed as pay for play.
Medal of Freedom
Thank you for the correction!
Confounded why anyone related to a politician could have any type of involvement whether legal or not? It just doesn’t look good, Isn’t the Council Presidents job in real life that of a compliance officer or was?
She was disgusted that America would honor a racist.
How was he racist?
You lost ten pounds but you gained fifteen. Or,I’ll give you twenty thousand dollars if you parachute off of the Eiffel Tower. And I’ll give you another twenty if you do it without the parachute. Ozzie Ozzie,Ozzie? Was the signature on a federal document saying paid, mean pro Bono, free of charge, a gratuitous act,something for nothing,something for something,political exposure,nepotistic behavior. It doesn’t matter if there was payment or not,does it? The bottom line is it says paid preparer.
We know what he was and now we know what he is…..ready? dead.
Do you have a 3rd grade education or do you just try hard to be a moron?
Rush Limbaugh, RIP.
The man was absolutely indispensable for understanding the political scene.
We shan’t see his like again.
Loved Rush. No one did it better,listened to him everyday since he’d been on. Was he perfect,no,but he dished it out his way. Kufflinks says he’s not concerned about certain accounts going forward exceeding their threshold. Of course not,no one is holding you accountable. The City Councilors try to nickel and dime with questions that can’t save peanuts for the taxpayer. But when it comes to tens of millions like warmer-sewer they’re nowhere to be found. We really need to get another pitch on the water-water going forward. They are out there.
To discuss politics you have to have an element of hate. I call it distrust. Rush exemplified both.
Children are committing suicide at an unbelievable rate since the start of the school closings and other lockdowns. China is destroying our country from within. While they want us to use windmills to supply all of our electricity, China is using coal like there is no tomorrow to make themselves the #1 power. They are spreading critical race theory starting in pre-school that tells our children that race is more important than character. Our military is being taught to worry about white supremacy while our enemies are laughing at our weakness.
Matt Kerwood is a creative Accountant who pays mostly interest on Pittsfield politics’ costly expensive debts and other liabilities that total in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Matt Kerwood will be long retired (or a memory) when Pittsfield politics’ principal on most of its current debts and other liabilities are paid down decades from now, if possible. Matt Kerwood’s creative accounting schemes are “penny-wise, pound-foolish”. Matt Kerwood should return his +$10 million slush fund to the hard hit Pittsfield taxpayers!
So the Democrats over in Albany are refusing to impeach Governor Killer Coumadin! Way to protect your most vulnerable. Democrat leader said there are federal investigations. Didn’t anyone pay attention the last 4 years where it was brought to daylight how corrupt the FBI is.
? I can save a lot of time and money by letting you know the investigation will not turn up anything on killer!!
Just filled my gas tank again and you guessed it The Biden effect had the price higher again, Ho,Ho!
Only an idiot regime would put an end to the XL pipeline.
Plow the Stooge in. And get back to the studio they built for you and do the show live. You can’t continue this zoom at pctv when Covid is over. Theree are licensure laws. And I would like to see a full report on these salaries over at pctv.
Or somebody who is bought and paid for by China. Just like China Joe is.
Why don’t you start bycling in downtown?
No matter how much these clowns preach about how they intend to help those most vulnerable because of being left behind economically, they cost them more all the time. We need to get them $15 an hour! By the time politicians are done with the increases across the board for everything, those same people are still at where they started to begin with.
The Democrats want to tank the economy so they can then say that capitalism isn’t working and we need a new form of government in this country that China approves of and that will not threaten China. China will be the successful capitalist society while we are weakened into some form of authoritarian Marxist type of government run by the oligarchy. Biden and his family are beholden to China so they will do all they can to weaken our country and strengthen China. Every decision Biden has made so far does just that.
Politicians at onetime had a problem for the most part, being the answer for everything in life of the people.Now there isn’t a part of life they don’t want to be involved with. The more government expanded the more we lost of making decisions that were singular to each and everyone’s choices.
The most frightening thing of all is that so many Americans think that giving China all this power and weakening our country is a good thing. Where does this insane thinking come from? China is building concentration camps for its people who do not obey their government. Many Americans admire China for being a dictatorship.
Myth 1: Gas prices are going up because Joe Biden was elected president
Prices are not going up because “X” was elected, they are going up because US and global oil demand is rising and because OPEC and other oil producers cut oil production last year. Now, as countries are seeing COVID improvements, demand is rising faster than supply is rising. OPEC has not yet agreed to pump more oil, so oil prices are up and that’s pushing gas prices higher. This is exactly why gas prices last spring went down (lower demand as COVID hit) then rebounded from $1.74 per gallon nationally in May to $2.12 per gallon during the summer. Biden’s policy and decision to cancel Keystone XL is something that may affect prices years from now, but not now since existing pipelines aren’t even filled due to still lower demand vs pre-pandemic, and oil companies, which lost over $50 billion in 2020, aren’t looking to even drill- not on federal land or on private land at this time- if they raise production it would be from existing wells.
Why stop the pipeline? Seems that’s when they started to rise, once we loss our independence
This past Tuesday evidently was another great Vibrant and Dynamic Day in the City of Pittsfield due to a shooting. Just read that a little boy was shot in the arm in the Fourth Street area while outside playing in the early afternoon. Car windows were also hit. This is not good. Sad enough that Pittsfield’s children are stuck at home trying to learn, now they can’t even play outside safely. Have noticed in the past when issues like this occur, there seems to be a hush hush attitude by the leaders of Pittsfield. Yet, if something like this happened in Springfield or Albany the Mayors would be right out in the news stating this behavior will not be tolerated in their Cities. This is not the first time an unfortunate event like this has happened in Pittsfield and it has been hushed. Why is this being done by this Administration? Evidently they think the only news comes from the one sided Berkshire Eagle. Prayers for this little boy and his family. So sad this has happened to him.
Many prayers to this innocent young person and family. Until these clowns shooting up the place are made to pay dearly for this kind of crap and punishment is not excused because of income, drugs ,color etc.. this crap will continue.
Very sad. Where did you read this? I wasn’t able to find it online.
That’s what I thought
Sorry, I just saw your question. You act like I made it up!! It is on Pittsfield Sentinel if you need proof. Picture of the child’s arm and all. Hope that makes you feel better.
Has the local paper been instructed not to mention violent crime any more? Very much looks that way.
Agree it does look that way. Have also noticed the past few years if the City has a “Dynamic and Vibrant” occurrence take place, the Pittsfield Police Daily Log is not posted for that day, or it take a few days to finally post it. Seems like someone is “analyzing” what to print on the log. Evidently, whomever is deciding what should be printed does not realize that social media outsmarts them. They must think City residents are stupid especially the Eagle who is barely hanging by a thread.
As I was reading the I Berkshire’s article on the trash issue this statement stood out on what the supposed savings could be used for.
Lisauskas said the money saved with this system can be freed for public safety, public education, public works, reduced taxes, or any applicable avenue the city finds fitting.
Reducing taxes? Most likely it would be used for another give away to some entity that is connected.
These people always throw out what it should be used for, but never do. Just sounds good so the people buy into it.
Bycling in the summer is dangerous because of the traffic design mainly,but winter? Now the Mayor is blaming the death count numbers on the Springside NH because of lack of info from the caretakers, Bane? Really,people dying left and right and can’t get that info?
How cute looking for data and transparency from others, she herself should look in the mirror.
The irony is that the mayor who is always hiding information is upset when someone withholds information from her. Too freakin funny.
Website crash for Covid vaccinations? Why not tell the truth,there isn’t enough doses to go around?
Just read herd immunity will be here by May
Persip said that unlimited trash is not fair for seniors…as if paying for bags on top of tax increases is doing seniors a favor. All these public officials should have their finances audited, something fishy going on with basically every proposal
Yeah,they are one bag is a big deal.
I think Trumps swamp has invaded Pissfield. Talk about loaded media and Boards. Aside” Can a successful Dentist let’s say,get Covid money help before a Ma and Pop business.
You mean anti trump swamp
Allegedly the NYAG is launching an investigation into the BHS handling of the Covid pandemic and nursing home deaths at Hillcrest and Fairview.
The state sent some patients to MA for treatments for other issues and those patients died of Covid contracted at BHS facilities.
Heads will roll, expect a bunch of immediate resignations and people “seeking other opportunities”.
Not sure if it will be just fines or if they are looking to put people in jail.
A BHS staff member who is also a NY resident has asked for whistleblower protections.
Why isn’t our own Massachusetts AG launching an investigation also? Our Massachusetts AG who encourages violent rioters to “get it out of their system” should show some concern for our elderly in these nursing homes and why so many died who didn’t have to die from this virus.
Letitia James, the NY AG is highlighting the botched covid decisions by Cuomo because she wants to run for Guv. If our own AG Healey decides to run for Guv of MA, perhaps she will pursue charges against Baker for his disastrous handling of covid – the lockdowns which have destroyed businesses, the deaths at the Veterans Home, and the botched vaccine rollouts. Not to mention the scandals involving his son “Gropey” Baker, and the corruption within the State Police. Healey could have a field day with all the crap going on in our MA state government!
But would things actually get better or worse with Healey? I think much worse.
I agree. Healey is so far left just like Leticia James. As bad as Cuomo is, and he is really bad, James might be even worse. There are no good answers with these progressive politicians.
Who said these far left AGs would be able to muster the vote to get into office? There ARE other candidates for Guv out there!
It’s all in the machines hee hee
GE Funds almost gone but will be replaced? Hopefully that’s true.
How can they even have a C of O and operate with a failed septic system and a water system that is rampant with e. Coli and Coliform?
The spent $1.2 million to buy it, now they’ll get that money back in tax breaks and infrastructure updates.
Great question and I don’t know how. Maybe because people are willing to overlook a few things because they are told too? Politicians love to be around big money and maybe even get some for themselves.
These people are taking the taxpyers to the cleaners. How many sewer line connections did they get on tyler street? How many for all their other operations even those under other company names?
I’m curious as to what, if any personal relationships exist with all involved? I get the business aspect of things needing a business relationship for having to move on projects. Not saying you can’t have both type of relationships and I’m not saying everything is not on the up and up. Just seems like everything they want and need is gotten for the projects. The city wants positive growth for their investment of taxpayers money and I would hope there is requirements to be met in any agreement .
In a normal city all this NEW GROWTH would result in an large increase of money into the taxpayer coffers but in Pittsfield NEW GROWTH actually raises the taxes for everybody else. FORENSIC AUDIT NOW
Public private horse manure.
Finally a good use of GE Fund money by using it for infrastructure. Mill Town Capital is doing a great job reworking & rebuilding Bousquet and they deserve some help from the city. Went skiing over there yesterday, the new chairlift is great, the place was busy, tubing hill was running full steam ahead as was the new beginners’ area. Great improvements have been made and I’m looking forward to the brand new lodge which will be built this summer. Wonder what they have planned for Berkshire West and the former Lakeside Christian Camp? Well done Mill Town Capital! Thanks for investing in the city of Pittsfield.
How is it that they have unlimited money to buy up all these large swaths of property but then they need help with their taxes? And all these places they are effectively taking OFF the tax rolls are causing taxes to rise considerably for everyone else including the elderly on fixed incomes who just do not deserve to be shit upon like this by the mayor over and over again. She is so much likethat guy that just got kicked out of the white house. Gotta be the same gene pool.
Andrea “wrong way squeaky not my fault suspended license” Harrington has been in office 780 days.
How many cases has she tried? How many of the 70+ rape cases at William’s College has she prosecuted?
How many people have quit or been fired because they won’t do the illegal and unethical stuff Andrea tells them to do?
How many political careers has she sunk?
Maybe the stooge can ask her these tough questions next time on his ridiculous morning dive show.
And Mr. Stooge. Repetitive b s er. Your guests ARE in the arena,but you keep leaving one thing out. They are NOT, doing the job. And that’s the bottom line.
Why was Moon fired? Did I miss something or is the answer common knowledge? Why has no news organization discovered the answer? Is it not relevant that a city councilor was fired from a government job? Huh?
Maybe she wasn’t that great of an official.
Is There Anything on the Planet Politics Can’t Ruin?
Politics is one of the most polarizing things causing division amongst the citizens of this country .It has reached a tipping point where there is no common ground that can reasonably reached without death matches in the political arena on issues that effect all. Disagreeing to just disagree is the new norm.
Where were all the disagrees locally concerning the sewer project? You know,the one that raised you’re water rates? Really raised them.Democrats in place including local and the state gave you a humongous water sewer rate increase.
Why, because of a phony edict and a lazy mayor and her administration along council puppets.
Hopefully sanity will prevail and let someone other than the latest consultant take this next WATER project over or at least listen to them? They are out there.That’s if you want to raise my water rate another 12 fold. By the way, don’t have kids,they’ll be picking up the tab also.
Agree on that one. Have you ever noticed whenever there’s a handout like free sewer connection or beaCon giveaway there’s always an increase or expensive project to the taxpayer. Like you say, we had the new school,new,sewer mega project,what’s next?
Responding to yourself again?
Only when it’s important Sir.
Obiden announces America Last program.
And on top of that, another pork filled Covid bill to come. Very little for actual relief for those most in need. You would think those who thought voting for Biden would help them out more economically aren’t in an uproar over not getting much relief while others will get millions that doesn’t have jack to do with Covid. Played again.
Did illegitimate Joe actually say a racist comment? Stating black students are at a disadvantage with remote learning because they don’t have computer skills? My experience has been all races are equal with computer abilities
This guy is really turning into a pumpkin.