(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 15, 2021) — To paraphrase Andy Griffith, “What it was was baseball.”
What it is is something unrecognizable.
Major League Baseball continues to destroy the game that became The National Pastime and has now become the National Passgas. Not content with dumb changes such as beginning extra innings with a man on second base, the game is previewing bigger bases (18″ versus 15″), robotized strike zones, and a requirement that all infielders field their position with both feet on the infield dirt.
Don’t think the base size makes a difference? With bigger bases, the distance between bags shrinks six inches. That means if the Red Sox and Yankees are in the 2004 playoffs, and the Sox are in a win-or-go-home position in the bottom of the ninth trailing by a run, pinch runner Dave Roberts gets thrown out at second by Jorge Posada. The Red Sox don’t go on to win four straight from the Yanks and four straight in the World Series against the Cards. Baseball history changes.
Meanwhile, the idiots who run the game ignore the three most damaging factors.
Since 1950:
- Home runs/game have doubled.
- Strikeouts have tripled.
- The two-hour game has become the there-hour-and-15-minute game.
Death to the game THE PLANET once knew and loved.
Death also to any semblance of representative government. THE PLANET loved that too.
Democrats and Republicans are now in a political fight to obliteration, comprise and good policy be damned. Democrats, who control both Houses and the White House, snuck in a last-minute provision in the $1.9 trillion COVID relief package that would prevent states from using the money to lower taxes. It does allow states to use the money to pay off debt, a bailout and reward for bad management.
The disallowance of tax relief represents a huge overreach of the federal government into states’ rights. There is no constitutional provision for the feds to control the tax policies of individual states.
Here’s an excerpt from The New York Times:
WASHINGTON — A last-minute change in the $1.9 trillion economic relief package that President Biden signed into law this week includes a provision that could temporarily prevent states that receive government aid from turning around and cutting taxes.
© Doug Mills/The New York Times President Biden signing the $1.9 trillion economic relief plan into law on Thursday at the White House.
The restriction, which was added by Senate Democrats, is intended to ensure that states use federal funds to keep their local economies humming and avoid drastic budget cuts and not simply use the money to subsidize tax cuts. But the provision is causing alarm among some local officials … who see the move as federal overreach and fear conditions attached to the money will impede upon their ability to manage their budgets as they see fit.
Officials are scrambling to understand what strings are attached to the $220 billion that is expected to be parceled out among states, territories and tribes and are already pressing the Treasury Department for guidance about the restrictions they will face if they take federal money.
“Democrats are trying to ban states from cutting taxes with a sneaky amendment to the $1.9 trillion so-called Covid relief package,” [Sen. Mike] Braun [R-IN] said. “Not only did this blue-state bailout bill penalize states for reopening by calculating state funds based on unemployment, now they are trying to use it as a back door to ban states from cutting taxes.”
The restrictions have created a conundrum for states because, while many cities are facing budget crunches, state finances have turned out to be relatively healthy.
———- ooo ———-
The other problem is the inclusion of billions of dollars that have nothing to do with COVID relief. Some examples:
- $100 million for an underground railroad in Silicone Valley.
- Billions to pay off loans for “socially disadvantaged” farmers (not defined, a blank check for the “gimme groups”).
- $50 million for something called “environmental justice grants” (again, not defined, an open grab for entitled groups to the exclusion of others)
It would be nice for the President to go before the American people and take questions about this and the other actions in his first two months. Syracuse Joe, however, has yet to conduct a solo news conference. He ranks 16th when you include his 15 predecessors (going back 100 years), in the longest a prez has gone without making a live, unscripted appearance.
As each day passes without a chance to see Syracuse Joe on his feet and fielding hardballs, the pressure mounts for him to do so.
And if he doesn’t break out of hiding?
President Harris will take care of that.
“We are going to do a terrible thing to you. We are going to deprive you of an enemy” — Soviet commentator Georgi Arbatov to a U.S. audience in 1988.
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The American people deserve to know if their president is capable of handling the job. A president needs to be able to think quickly and decisively. This game of hiding President Biden from direct questioning needs to end. The safety of our country is at stake with so many pressing issues from an out of control border that Biden doesn’t seem to care about to worries about how this cognitively challenged president might be taken advantage of by so many people in this country and by our enemies throughout the world.
All of the extras added to the COVID relief bill is a disgrace. The sneaky last minute change of not allowing states to use the money to lower taxes is unconstitutional, but we shouldn’t be shocked since the Democrats have turned into an unrecognizable political party no longer for the people, but for themselves.
I agree. They kept Syracuse Joe in the basement for most of the campaign. Since the election, every appearance has been carefully stage-managed. As each day goes by without the President engaging in an on-your-feet, impromptu exchange with the press, the pressure builds for him to do so and the evidence accumulates for those who will make the case that he is not the President as much as a figurehead, a front man. If that is the case, and I’m not yet convinced it is, who then is calling the shots? With President George W. Bush, it was VP Cheney and his cohorts. And an aside: What Sept. 11, 2001 was to W, COVID-19 was to Syracuse Joe.
Who then is calling the shots? Not who, but what. It’s extremely difficult to imagine that anybody with any common sense does not understand that there are NO countries! No countries no countries no countries no countries no countries! There are rich and powerful men from all over who conspire together to push along their agenda. Biden is a front man and every so called country has one. WTH!
Tell us what is, instead of what isn’t?
Dan,are you really watching FOX?That statement is straight out of the FOX propaganda news loop.
I do not watch any network or cable TV shows. Our TV watching is confined to series such as MAD MEN, BREAKING BAD, BETTER CALL SAUL, THE CROWN, and PEAKY BLINDERS. I also dig PERRY MASON, the TWILIGHT ZONE, and the flicks on Turner Classic Movies.
May I suggest ZeroZeroZero on Amazon Prime – based on the series you mentioned, I’m confident you’ll enjoy. You nailed it on baseball, 100%, well said. We’ll agree to disagree on the $1.9 and press conferences, but that’s what’s so great, we can respectfully disagree and keep moving.
Exactly. Well done, pjmh.
Barack Obama is running the country, his third term.
When you say that you’re not yet convinced that Biden is just a front man, do you say it in an attempt to instill that notion into those who read and post on the forum?
I think that it might be the case
We know that Trump could not lead.His lack of leadership has cost this country trillions of dollars.He just surrounded himself with family and criminals.Thank God its over.
Right on grutha.
The states could refuse the stimulus money? And then they’ll reduce taxes??? Ha ha ha ! And we need to come up with a different name for Free Cash. It ISNT FREE !!!
FOX watcher
CNN & cannabis addict.
Cuomo hippocrite . Say goodbye Andee.
Cuomo has got to go. America must get rid of the dummies.He and Trump can play goverment in the morning
Hello Patrick Fennell,
Thank you for sharing your email letter to the editor with me. The U.S.A. and China account for nearly one-half of the World’s global warming emissions. It will take more than President Joe Biden’s job killing environmental policies to stop global warming emissions from causing climate change. On the other hand, Trump’s corrupt EPA was horrible and did nothing but disservices to the environment! Trump’s corrupt EPA made a mockery of protecting people from industrial chemicals and the World from U.S.A.’s number two ranking in global warming emissions. The World is being polluted with plastic, too.
I am almost 46 years old this coming Summer of 2021, and when I was a child, there were unisex locker rooms back in the 1980s and 1990s. We did not shower together, of course, and we had individual changing rooms. I do not believe that males and females sharing spaces and being on sports teams is new.
As for closing public schools during the Covid-19 pandemic, I believe that faculty and staff should be vaccinated as soon as possible so that public schools may open safely.
As for women’s rights, I believe everyone is going nuts about every cultural issue in the book. The Democratic Party used women’s rights, including sexual harassment, to get Bill Clinton elected back in 1992. Oh, the irony! Oh, the hypocrisy by Hillary “Stand by your Man” Clinton! Every time a white man criticizes a women and/or minority on a political issue, white men are scared off by cries of racism, sexism, and sexual harassment. I believe it has all gone way too far. I also believe that every accuser and every accused person deserves to be heard under the law.
I agree with you that the 3rd stimulus checks should not go to convicted terrorists, murderers, rapists, and the like. Also, I agree with you that the worst criminals in our society should not be given the right to vote. I believe the $1,400 stimulus checks and other forms of assistance are needed because we are in a “K-shaped” economic recovery/recession. Some people call the Covid-19 recession the “She”-cession because working women have lost a lot of ground in the workforce over the past year.
The record setting federal government budget deficits are concerning. We live in a time of “Guns & Butter”, but at the expense of our country’s future generations who will mostly only inherit unsustainable government debts. Biden is 78, so he can run up the nation’s proverbial credit card without worry because he has around one decade of life left on Earth.
As for illegal aliens getting government benefits, it means that the rest of us are paying for foreign immigrants to live in their new country: the U.S.A. I have a good heart, and I believe in Human Rights for All Peoples and people, but I also believe that our country’s nursing home debacle, Senior Citizens choosing between food and medicine, children going to “Level 5” public schools, Veterans waiting in long lines for healthcare, and the like, should be also be addressed by our corrupt ruling elites and greedy lobbyists.
I hope the Biden administration will walk the walk after all of the Democratic Party’s justifiable outrage about Trump’s cruel immigration policies that I have called “Crimes against Humanity”, including ICE agents ripping infants from their mothers’ arms. Trump made the point that from 2009 – 2010, the Democratic Party held majorities in both chambers on Capitol Hill with Obama in the White House, but that nothing was done on immigration. Now, from 2021 -2022, the same thing is true with Biden in the White House. Will Congress and Biden finally address immigration over the next nearly two years?
Joe Biden is a corporate Democrat like PAC Man Richie Neal, who fills his campaign coffers with millions of dollars from K Street’s corporate lobbyist firms. Some critics say that the real Capitol Hill and Biden White House in on K Street. The Biden alleged crime family is closely connected to China, which has paid Hunter Biden’s business around $224 billion. Hunter Biden is being investigated by federal authorities for his foreign business dealings, especially with China, and his alleged money laundering scheme. The Biden alleged crime family are all worth tens of millions of dollars each without reasonable explanation. Some critics believe that the Biden administration is doing China’s agenda instead of representing the American people.
Best wishes,
Jonathan Melle
Jonathan, would you please describe what todays new republican party is?You can not use their old description of conservative.What are the top 5 goals of republicans?
What a bunch of nonsense
“How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx & Lenin.
And how do you tell an anti-communist? It’s someone who UNDERSTANDS Marx & Lenin.”
President Ronald Reagan
Reagan thought all the commies were in the labor unions and he set out to destroy them.Reagan dismantled pensions.Now Qanon and racism.FOX elite billionaires and Russian cash own that party of Lincoln.
How many DA’s does it take to get to the tootsieroll center of a corruption pop ? <3. The world may never know.
Personally I think all sports are in danger of losing their audiences after becoming political. I know I am not watching, I would rather spend my time doing something constructive. I hope our own city takes the payoff from the government and pays down the debt it has created. Although it won’t lower the tax rate it will at least help the future generations be solvent.
It seems like Moons questioning was coming through her ear piece during the zoom council meeting. About ( two hours thirty minutes) into the meeting she pauses to absorb’ info that was given to her from the mayor during grant debate and seems to be listening to something
Somewhere in Pittsfield in a dimly lit room the city handlers are fighting over who gets the biggest chunk of 33 million dollars. And it sure as hell is not going to be Johnny paycheck I guarantee you that much.
Same dark hole as the museum money I imagine.
Same City Handlers that refuse to tell taxpayers how much tax revenue has been taken in by the Pot shops in Pittsfield. Bordering towns are able to tell their taxpayers, but Kufflinks says or is directed to say he does not know. Wonder if he can answer how much has been spent on Pittsfield’s new vibrant and dynamic decor, orange cones and barrels that now decorate almost every street in Pittsfield. They most certainly aren’t spending any monies on potholes. Some of these craters on main streets have existed for over 5 years now. Is there some hidden reason these roads can’t be repaired properly? What is the excuse going to be this year? Also, just saw a picture of Pittsfield students sitting in classroom with their winter hats on because the City is leaving windows open for air filtration. Are they going to spend any of this 33 mil to repair the schools? Meanwhile, City Hall workers sit home in their warm homes most of the working week.
You raise many fair point, M&B. Thanks for your participation here.
Right. And do you think there will be a full, transparent accounting of how the money is spent.
When they divide the money up between the special interests none of them will knows how much the guy next to him got. Only The Kuff and Mrs Tyer will have the true breakdown.
But one thing is for sure. They are all grinning ear to ear right now, picking out new boats and cars.
Tyer wont tell anyone anything
Typical Democrat, then she as mob boss will send the goons like Nancy
Trump sent people like the waco republican from Pittsfield who is in your party to DC to kill Pence and Pelosi and overturn Americas democracy….1/6 2021 We will never forget what you Republicans did on that date.THAT is where your thinking is at.You will figure out that American labor is not evil.
You watch FOX
You have not told me what channel it’s on but you have time because I have to many plans for my evening. No time for the boob tube…maybe that’s your issue TDS
Hannity coined TDS and if you watch FOX you use the propaganda WORDS…You guys cant think unless Fox has if in their repeat loop.Your learning about Cuomo and the border along with Biden must face the press.You guys do know your thinking destiny is FOX/PUTIN/Oligarchys are great goverment….Get out of the cult.
Learned about TDS here on planet valenti when someone called you it and it fits you perfectly
The NBA Covid has been fabulous.NFL Covid was faboulous.Tiger Woods made Golf watchable and now they all play like tiger.
Leave your niblick alone for a while
When Groundhog Joe comes out of hiding, will he see his shadow?
No. He’s too blind to see his shadow, too deaf to hear, and too senile to care about us Kapanskis. He is like the wizard of oz, and somebody like Obama is pulling his strings.
Yes ,and he will see the country he saved.
You mean by failing to uphold his oath to defend America, and opening our borders terrorists, gangbangers, rapists and murderers, and drug dealers, and bankrupting us too ?
He ought to be impeached
Will he know he has seen anything
You people are never gonna get it
Cuomo/Border….FOX….nothing for 7 weeks about 1/6/2021 takeover by Trump that left 5 people dead. NEVER FORGET
Ignorant buffoon with a one track feeble mind.
Trump owns your mind
TSC ,you sound like the town drunk from Babel straggling into
town the morning after a bender.
Man, “the town drunk from Babel?” Priceless. So good THE PLANET may steal it. Appreciate the laugh!!
It is up for grabs! I got it from the wife. She has been saying and using that for the last 44 years we have been married. Especially when family, friends etc…around her aren’t making any sense.
According to Biblical records the town of Babel was in a dry county and the possession of any kind of booze was punishable by scrotal disfigurement. It is unlikely therefore, that there were any drunks or benders. An early morning straggler coming back from a whore house is however a possiblity.
They had Cambyses back then
Baseball exemplifies everything which has brought this society to it’s knees. The pacification of the masses which has led to a lack of awareness of our situation can be traced back to pass time activities such as baseball. This society has been lulled to sleep as it’s been ravaged from behind the scenes by big money, greed, and power. Waking up at the last minute and attempting to understand the problems using the political tools and language which they have given to us is not going to work. When many of the people still don’t understand that figures like Biden are just absolutely nothing, it seems hopeless.
Vatican says Priests cannot Bless same sex marriage.
Who cares?
True. While people weren’t paying attention, teachers unions and the Radical far left Democrats were in bed together, indoctrinating the children with radical values, and promising more and more money for teachers with a light workload. Teachers unions in California now bragging that their teachers will be taking trips to Hawaii with all the money coming to that state supposedly for COVID relief. The money will be mainly going to salaries and perks for the teachers. Very little for the children they are teaching. This is corruption.
Yeah, teachers unions, along with police unions, it’s a one two knockout. Why do they have to be radical far left democrats though? Corrupt people are motivated by money and power, and of course, the least amount of work they have to do to get it, the better. Introducing the labels however suggests that some other label might be the answer but it’s a false premise.
There’s no political solution, and since this assumption appears to be very certain, there’s no need to demonize with labels as it causes infighting amongst those who buy into that sort of rhetoric, but on the other hand, all reasonable people can agree that corrupt people along with the practices which lend nicely to that corruption need to go away, immediately.
Just wondering if its radical to overthrow America 1/6/2021….Your the radical republican party of thieves racist elite money grabbers who do not like the people of America.You have been exposed.Its not on FOX….BECK is worth 125 million selling fear to the men on this board.They sell this crap from their secure forts…LOL
Big bonuses and/or trips to Hawaii with COVID money for teachers who have received a salary all year long without working. What about the students? The COVID relief money is supposed to be for the education of the students.
Oh man, nobody likes the idea of actually taking the country back from transnational oligarchs lol
The main concern here is, robotized strike callers, sacrilege lol
And we must not forget that Biden has not officially been labeled a stooge by Planet Valenti yet, so, baseball is still definitely on the table
They are taking about giving bonuses to teachers in CA..For what? Zoom Teaching?
You might like this article. Has some good points on what the far left want for the country.
Thanks for the article. It’s unbelievable how evil these people are in the government who want to enslave us. I would add abortion to what government has been pushing on the people of this country trying to weaken us in every way. Telling us that life has no value. We are just consumers. So disgusting.
I thought these lines were very descriptive of this type of tyrannical government that the far left wants to create in this country and across the world:
“You can be sure that guaranteed annual income will simply create a subservient lower class, eager to vote for their paymasters each November as long as they keep dripping narcotic dollars into their wallets, not enough to climb the economic ladder but enough to keep them satisfied.
The productive ones, pulling on the economic oars, will eventually tire from their efforts and take their guaranteed stipend and let someone else row the boat. Those in charge will live lavishly as they did in the capitol city of the Hunger Games.” This is what is happening now. People are working so hard at jobs while teachers are collecting paychecks for staying at home and working very few hours. That may change for them in the future once totalitarian government takes over completely, but for now they enjoy more benefits than most people for being good foot soldiers for the far left. Once the far left starts taking their private property though, they too will be enslaved to big government.
If you are a senior still searching blindly for a Covid shot in Pittsfield, Ma. do not waste your time calling the Council on Aging. They know nothing and have no interest in steering you in any particular direction.
Apparently the local rag nor the mayor have any advice either. Too busy figuring out what to do with the 33 million bucks I guess.
Exactly! Prioritie$ first for this administration and the media won’t ask the tough questions about any of it.
What about the biggest money issue that was dropped by the council like a lead fart? Sewer water rates? The current drinking water facility updates is dying on the vine?I thought Councilor Persip didn’t like kicking the can down the road? And that creep former councilor Diva? Is she still on the cape? Stay there if you are.
Why did you, yo, get your shot at b cc? You’re from Cambridge,ma?
He lives in Tyringham.
Oh. Thought he lived in Cambridge. Tyringham,got ya.
Yo yo said he couldn’t leave his cello in the car at bcc while cutting in-line of residents to get there Covid Shot, not far from where the Mayor lives? What does that say about crime here? Ha.
Tyer and the public health nurse are the new Cuomo when it come to Covid deaths in nursing homes.
I just got to see dozens, if not hundreds, of emails sent to the mayor, the public health nurse, and the Pittsfield Health Department looking for guidance for mental health patients as well as nursing home patients that had tested positive for Covid.
I can’t go deep into the details yet but tyer, the public health nurse, and the health department/Covid task force are going to be in for a world of hurt as the wrongful death lawsuits get filed. So far three families are lining up to see justice done.
Ignored emails, incorrect information, medically wrong information, ignored phone calls. Did you know at many nursing homes they keep a 15 minute log of every administrative phone call and they often record all the calls? I did not.
The number of LMOM (left message on machine) with no return call for days and weeks from Dept of health and the public health nurse is mind blowing!
Talk about institutional and governmental negligence.
One series of recordings has members of the Covid task force giving three sets of instructions over three phone calls that are completely contrary to any state guidance. When asked, the response was “The Governor came here to talk to the Mayor about how she’s handling Covid, she knows what she’s doing!”
Personally I wondered why there was such a big push to close restaurants, do shutdowns, and why the mayor was so absent for a couple weeks. It all had to do with covering up the failures of her administration. It was just smoke and mirrors, point the blame someplace else and if you screw over Mazzeo in the process, so much the better.