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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 10, 2021) — Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington’s flack says Helen Moon, the office’s former director of special projects, demanded $150,000 in hush money to keep quiet about what she knows of the inner workings of the county’s top criminal-justice office. Moon says an offer of D&D cash (deaf and dumb) came from Harrington, $4,200 or $4,300, to zip it.

In other words, both sides have publicly admitted cash was on the table. What does that say about Pittsfield politics?

Where was the money to have come from?  Did Moon make her $150K advance on the advice of a lawyer? No public word from either Moon or Harrington on either tea-leaf claim.

This information ought to make you feel more safe and restore your faith in Pittsfield’s public institutions, eh?

———- ooo ———-

The revelations and rumors continue daily from the current heavyweight battle going on between once bosom buddies who are now cobra and mongoose.

The jackboots keep stomping.

They have stiletto heels.

And you thought Tyer-Mazzeo was the fight of the century.

Harrington’s initial public statement following Moon’s firing late June 2020 compared Moon to a combination of Mother Teresa, Joan of Arc, and Florence Nightingale. It was an obvious attempt to keep the blowup quiet.  Moon kept her powder dry until she let go a barrage last week. It came as no surprise to readers of this board. THE PLANET had the story over eight months in installments, like a Dickens novel, with our Comments section carrying a running dialogue from key members of both sides.

For the record, our invitation to comment extends particularly to Harrington and Moon. We have but one aim: the Truth.

———- ooo ———-

The Berkshire Eagle published information that moved the story along. Kudos to investigatory scribe Heather Bellow. In her piece, Bellow made several key assertions:

  • Going, Going, Gone — Since Harrington took office, seven Assistant D.A.’s have quit, resigned, or been fired. As you know, Harrington is a tyro in court, having about as much actual experience as Raymond Burr. The ADAs are the ones who actually prosecute cases in this regime. The constant turnover has made the prosecutorial function a joke, according to courthouse personnel and the local criminal justice system, to say nothing of a scared, tired, and disgusted general public.
  • Two Less Chiefs — Two Chiefs of Appeal have also resigned. They are retired federal prosecutor (and State Ethics Commissioner) Jeanne Kempthorne, and, 10 months after her hiring, Tara Ganguly, Kempthorne’s replacement. Both have echoed a consistent narrative regarding the atmosphere at 7 North St. — an office, they say, that essentially serves as Harrington secret campaign headquarters. This is a charge repeated by Moon.
  • Where’s the Money — Moon claims Harrington offered her $4,200 or $4,300 in hush money. The D.A. called it a severance package. Bellow got Andy McKeever, the D.A.’s mouthpiece, to make his own startling claim. McKeever says Moon demanded $150,000, dubbed as a “mutual non-disparagement agreement.” This indicates that both sides are extremely wary of one another and the respective hands each is holding in this odd version of Pittsfield Fold ‘Em.
  • Laundromat? — Where was the money to come from?  Would it come from Harrington’s campaign war chest, according to one speculative line of thought currently floating about like a globe from a bubble wand?

Wise guys and observers, particularly from the legal community, say it was only a matter of time before this story exploded.

The night has a thousand eyes, and this story has as many legs.


“Those ignorant of history are the very ones who dare to revise it” — Philosopher Sir Donald Turpentine.



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4 years ago

All DA’s along with the Judges are the ring leaders in this so called justice system. They push legalese onto an unsuspecting population and legalese is, witchcraft. Nobody is liable for it, and the jails and prisons are filled with individuals who have been victimized by them. It all comes full circle though

Polly Pocket
Polly Pocket
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

Full circle, I’d like to hear more about that.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I love to write about all of the slush funds that politicians have, including their well-funded campaign coffers, the lovely Linda and Matt Kerwood’s +$10 million slush fund, D.A. Andrea Harrington’s alleged slush fund, Governor Baker and state Legislature’s +$1 billion slush fund, and the like. I thought that taxpayers are supposed to be able to keep their own money in their own pockets, but with all of the politicians’ respective slush funds, it is obvious that Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski are being overtaxed in each level of government. If you want to build a slush fund, please do it on your own dime instead of using excess taxpayers’ dollars to help your politically-connected friends or pay off your political enemies to keep their mouths shut for damage control. The entire Berkshire delegation – except John Barrett III because he was not there at the time – voted themselves a 40% legislative pay raise over 4 years ago (in early-2017), and over 2 months ago, they all accepted and received up to 3 legislative pay raises for their do nothing disservices on Beacon Hill. PAC Man Richie Neal fills his campaign coffers with millions of K Street corporate lobbyists’ special interest dollars every year for decades. The Biden alleged crime family are all worth tens of millions of dollars without reasonable explanation, and Hunter Biden is under federal investigations for his corrupt business dealings with adversarial foreign countries such as China and Russia, as well as his alleged money laundering. Millions of Americans are struggling during the Covid-19 pandemic and “K-shaped” recovery/recession, but the ruling elites are still all building their slush funds and collecting lucrative taxpayer-funded salaries and generous public perks. Guess who is paying for it all? The family headed by Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Melle go get a slushie at the corner store and get back in moms basement

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Flogging Molly
4 years ago

Mele translates into Apple in Italy. Maybe I will buy an Apple $lu$hie?

Mi Ownson
Mi Ownson
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Your not in Italy. In America Mele is nonsense.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

While you’re reminding everyone that politicians do bad things, I illustrate the underlying mechanism which makes it all go round.

The mind control starts from the moment we’re born into this world. We learn the language of our culture from those around us who impart it to us as they were taught and understand it. The words we learn, which are strung into sentences, and ultimately, ideas, they severely limit our capacity to evolve into free thinking humans, by design.

When it comes to language, we mere mortals are taught to speak, English. Wether it be at home or school, we learn English in order to communicate with others on a basic level. Running in tandem with English, and indeed appearing to be English, is, Legalese.

Legalese is not English, and despite the states ample opportunity to teach Legalese to the “citizens”, it decides not to.

Instead, the state makes the determination that legalese should be kept a guarded language and one in which only qualified individuals (state representatives) can interpret. In this way any citizen seeking to defend themselves or seek justice, must defer the matter to a body of individuals who decided that you shouldn’t be able to defend yourself.

Since the state decided that citizens should not defend themselves, they have gone out of their way to insure that doing so is difficult. Even when the court yields to an insistent citizen, that citizen is handicapped from the start because he or she usually unknowingly enter the courts jurisdiction which revolves around that specialized language, which they are not allowed to interpret, and that language lends itself handily to shady individuals who operate the court and who can use that language and interpret it any way they see fit. One false move, and that so called court system will use its obviously illegitimate power to crush anyone it wants.

Anyone who challenges the de facto jurisdiction of the court, and hence, the ability of the court to force them into a situation where the deck is decidedly stacked against them is met with open hostility, threats of imprisonment, and intimidation tactics. Essentially, if the so called citizen understands the game, and decides not to play, the fear mongering begins almost immediately. At that point, anyone still determined to push for a fair and unbiased proceeding does so at their own risk.

When it comes to the DA, he or she is one of the chief orchestrators in the manipulative set up, either knowingly, or, unknowingly. If it’s unknowingly, it’s only sheer ignorance and/or naivety which compels them to do what they mistakenly believe is in the name of justice, namely, prosecuting individuals who are severely disadvantaged.

Ultimately, the end result is the same (societal failure) when any society is governed by a specialized language which the average citizen is essentially barred from gaining access to in the pursuit of justice. This situation amounts to a grave injustice, and it should be no surprise when the alarming situation comes to the surface and people begin to challenge it, and in doing so, those who choose to believe that it’s not a problem.

On the grounds that most reasonable people can agree that there exists “good” and “evil” in the world, it can be argued that legalese amounts to witchcraft, based on the manner in which the conscious mind of the ordinary citizen is decidedly subverted, manipulated, and run over. Legalese amounts to trickery, treachery, tomfoolery. Adding insult to injury is the fact that “taxpayers” are forced to labor in order to sustain the very system which undermines them and their pursuit of a sustainable just and equitable society.

The system needs a good thorough dismantling. The way to do this is to shake up the court system by way of lawful inquiry. One must secure the foundational claims/s of the court, then press them for the evidence.

Do your laws and statutes apply to me? When they say, yes, request the evidence they used in order to make that determination. Statements are bad, questions are good. If you refuse to yield, you’ll likely find yourself in contempt, which incidentally is already where we all are, in contempt, but only according to them, and they are on their way out.

Never, ever, allow yourself to be judged by the least among us.

4 years ago

So many of these far left Progressive George Soros backed district attorneys are in trouble across the country. From Rachael Rollins in Suffolk County to the California district attorney to our own here in Berkshire County.

Insider Scoop
Insider Scoop
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Go on? Because they Rollins is being considered for a place as US Attorney.

4 years ago

Harrington’s war chest has $14k, $6k that she loaned from her personal account. Maybe an IPO? I’ m guessing the Kapanskis who got burned already will not be buying shares.

Reply to  LegalEagle
4 years ago

Huh? can you provide clarity i didn’t find that to be true

Reply to  Mary
4 years ago

An initial public offering (IPO) is the first time that the stock of a private company is offered. (DA trading)

Last edited 4 years ago by J2S
Liar Slayer
Liar Slayer
4 years ago

Question: There was a News Flash pop up on my phone yesterday stating that DA Harrington was being investigated for both state ethics and campaign violations. Did anyone else see this? If true, why hasn’t any local media picked this up?

Reply to  Liar Slayer
4 years ago


Insider Scoop
Insider Scoop
Reply to  Liar Slayer
4 years ago

It’s not true. What app gave you that “news flash?”

4 years ago

Heard about these Covid shot brokers who are taking the names of teachers and school personell to get them an advantage over Joe Smuck in getting their shot first tomorrow. People in Pittsfield bragging about how they could sit back and let others sign up lists of people one right after another. So if you are having trouble this may be why.

Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Most people understand that there’s no threat now that was never there before. Who thinks that they are going to escape death? Who thinks that they truly have control over such things? By pointing out that others may be skipping the line to get the jab, is this supposed to increase people’s desire to get it? Most people don’t want that poison in their bodies. Why would they? Who can honestly say that they trust the government and their corporate affiliates? What’s it got to do with the thread topic anyway? Weak

Sum Ellarhat
Sum Ellarhat
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

Quite frankly what did Moon do to earn a 60g plus salary? Special projects? What the hell is that position? She’d be making more as a Nurse,something she knows how to do.

Reply to  Sum Ellarhat
4 years ago

Special projects = Campaigning and activism.

Valentines Heroes
Valentines Heroes
Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

Science that’s why. Congrats to the checks vote today. You might get them next week.Back to the studio stooge!

Reply to  Valentines Heroes
4 years ago

I think what you mean is, they’re going to give me back some of what they stole from me. And with regards to science, you sound like my crazy uncle, when he said to me, I believe in the science and that’s why I wear a mask. I had to point out to him that he wasn’t a scientist, and what he really meant to say was, I believe the people who are telling me that science mandates the wearing of masks. See the difference there?

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

I was going to have a turkey sandwhich for lunch but upon realizing I had no turkey I decided against it. Truth be told, I never considered having turkey in a sanswhich or otherwise. And you can take that to the bank big fella.

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

I have been adamantly against lockdowns and feel like the control measures went way to far, but over 500K people in the U.S alone have died as a result of COVID.

The desire to get vaccinated comes from an overwhelming majority of people knowing someone that died as a result of infection along with the want to get the cases down to a level that society can return to some sense of normalcy.

Most people don’t want that poison in their bodies

Wait, what? Data points to about 70% of Americans willing to get vaccinated, this will only continue to grow.

Last edited 4 years ago by Hendrix
Reply to  Hendrix
4 years ago

Everyone individual is entitled to feed into the fear mongering, if that’s what they choose to do. Get your jab, if that’s what you want to do. The mind war is real, and by believing the statistics that are spoon fed to you by people who have nothing but disdain for you, you lose. Anyone at this late stage that does not see, was born to be blind and obedient

Reply to  Hendrix
4 years ago

Thanks to President Trump we have the COVID vaccines. Some Berkshire County people who are so happy to get that vaccine will NEVER give credit to the man responsible for speeding up the production of these vaccines. The far left never would have given these vaccines a priority. They wanted to keep the death count very high which is why they held back the monoclonal antibodies for so long. Instead locals turn to childish name calling and continue to spread the lies of the far left while they get their lifesaving vaccine.

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

I suppose you’re also one of these guys who believes that the evil ones hate Trump? I had that conversation with someone who believed in that nonsense and gave him several examples of how the evil ones could have ruined Trump, put him right out of the picture, if that’s what they wanted to do. There’s this belief (faith) that Trump has this divine protection, the sort of divine protection that JFK didn’t have, for whatever reason. And this divine protection that Trump has, he has it because god wants to insure that big Pharma gets out the vaccines, because, god can’t protect everybody from viruses the way that big pharma can. Thank god, I mean Trump, for the vaccines

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Scientists Pat…was Trump considering doing no vaccine?Only you would consider it a decision.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

“It’s only 15 people, it will be like a miracle and disappear one day and we’re rounding the curve.”

29.3M, 530K and counting…

Reply to  Hendrix
4 years ago

The authoritarianism that has come in and set up shop has only been possible because there are far too many people who are afraid of their own shadow. These people respond immediately to the tyrants fear based mind assaults and they are a drag on everyone else. This nation has become soft and weak. When it happens that people begin to say no more tyranny, it’s these cowards that will get upset and point their finger and cry, and say, “its you conspiracy theorists who are to blame, you science deniers, you trouble makers”. They’ll also say, “if people would just do what they’re told, things would be fine”. These cowards in their infinite wisdom are also the ones who will get vaccinated and then claim that those who are not vaccinated are a threat to them. They don’t seem to realize that if the vaccine does it’s job, then they’ve got nothing to worry about. You’d think they would encourage the naysayers to not get vaccinated so that they would catch the virus and die and go away, but no, they just wanna complain and stand idly by as the walls close in on everyone because they’re stupid and they don’t have a backbone.

Reply to  Nut
4 years ago

There there children, no need to cry. Your government loves you, and would never lie to you. Wear the mask, take the shot, and soon enough, everything will be back to normal. Feel better now? No need to fear, daddy’s got you

4 years ago

So the govenor came out with new and very important information about the Covid vaccination today and the Eagle has it. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, they are blocking it from anyone who does not purchase their paper. Much like their obituary rip off they are feeding on the unfortunate once again. When they tell you who they are…BELIEVE THEM!

Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

Late breaking news about the scam, listen up people, red alert lol

4 years ago

Will this bout between these two lightweight contenders end in a draw, technical knockout ,knockout or will one withdraw with a injury?It looks like negotiating a payoff for a dive couldn’t be reached. Sounds like the difference offered and the counter was too wide to overcome.

Re Leafcheck
Re Leafcheck
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Looks like hanky panky.

4 years ago

Will this fight between 2 Democrat politicians amount to anything? From what I have seen through the years is as long as the Democrats back you nothing you do will take your position or power away…until you’re out of office

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

It has to amount to something. I believe one will definitely be sunk politically. I think it will be Moon. Remember, Tricia Country-Buffet called Judith Knight and politically “strong armed” her to quit the DA race. This gave a clear path to the highly unqualified candidate, Andrea Harrington. But consider the source: Country-Buffet. Do you think she fights hard for the citizens she represents? Nope. She uses her political clout to try and help illegal immigrants get drivers license’s. What about insurance Country-Buffet? Shouldn’t you require they show proof of insurance first? You know, make them accountable for something? Especially when they are at-fault for an accident and have no insurance, but they do have that DL you got them. Even though she has ZERO way of truly identifying who they are.

Country-Buffet’s support is with Harrington. They are both state employees. Moon, is a political lightweight. Her entire platform is defund the police. Take a look at how that’s going in Portland or Minneapolis. Isn’t Pittsfield dangerous enough? Moon wants to decimate them further? How does that help Ward 1 or the other citizens in Pittsfield? Country-Buffet and Harrington will get a pawn to run against Moon and quiet her for good.

Not to mention, Moon is a proven liar. Harrington was a known idiot. Moon will go first. By next DA election, Wrong Way will join her. Then, hopefully they will both fade into the wind like former Ward 1 councilor, Rob Tuttle. Remember him?

Last edited 4 years ago by Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

What are the odds Bouvier attended any campaign sessions at the DA’s office?

Reply to  LegalEagle
4 years ago

100% a long with a list of the usual suspects.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
3 years ago

Rob “throw her from the truck” Tuttle…Now that brings back some classic city council hijinks. But you know, despite his questionable personal decisions, Tuttle actually cared about the people he represented; whether it was fighting tooth and nail for a street repair or personally volunteering to remove bags of leaves from the homes of his senior constituents, when that became an issue. Compared to what we have today, he could’ve been councilor of the year.

Breaking News
Breaking News
4 years ago

Two special investigators from an out of state law firm flew into Pittsfield tonight.
Two or three more are on their way.
Allegedly they have been hired to interview and collect information for an investigation into DA Andrea Harrington’s office and campaign.

In other news one of the reports on Cuomo was leaked, he “groped and fondled” “over the blouse and under the blouse and bra” the breasts of an assistant while at the Governor’s mansion. She was in his office under the pretense of helping him with his phone.
She alleges “that he pinched her nipples and said, “Does that make you wet.”.”

I mention this only because the same firm is doing the investigation.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
Reply to  Breaking News
4 years ago

Do we know who they were hired by, the DA – to say they looked into her and found nothing or an actual ethics check up?

Breaking News
Breaking News
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
4 years ago

Outside investigators hired by the State, or so they said. She might not even know they are coming.
It looks like the meetings are with a few staff members first, some former staff members, three or four people from the public who have had dealings with her office, victims of domestic abuse, who have had their cases bungled by the DA. I think a couple cases include misfilings or procedural defects that got cases tossed.
I think this will be an ethics and legal proctology exam.

Reply to  Breaking News
4 years ago

How about the families of the addicts who she got released from jail without any plan that overdosed and died? Will they be interviewed?

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Breaking News
4 years ago

This would be good, but why would MA hire out of state consultants? This sounds like a Harrington move. MA has the AG’s office and state troopers designated to investigate political corruption.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

Federal racketeering!
Most cases start as private complaints
Former federal prosecutor Andrew Lelling ( who secured an indictment against sitting judge) is with an international firm.
Only way to get to truth is without investors who are compromised, by familiarity, relationships or fear of reprisals. 3/11@10:15

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  Thomas Betit
4 years ago

Makes perfect sense. Thank you

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

Great question!
Glad your paying attention
Care to divulge your source?
Privately of course.

Cuomo is gonna go
Cuomo is gonna go
Reply to  Thomas Betit
4 years ago
Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

They can’t be trusted.

Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

The AG and many other groups higher outside firms that specialize in these type of investigations.
It is a way to politically shield oneself from claims of cronyism as well as to insulate from an outcome.
The term is “independent or special counsel”.

“…Independent, legal experts who have decades of experience conducting investigations and fighting to uphold the rule of law.”
They know what to look for and know how to present the evidence for a report.

Markus Aureluis
Markus Aureluis
Reply to  BreakingNews
4 years ago

Thank you.

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
Reply to  BreakingNews
4 years ago

Attorney General is focus of investigation. Notice how many attorney general’s who harassed Trump are now convicted felons.

Last edited 4 years ago by Thomas Betit
West Elm
West Elm
Reply to  Markus Aureluis
4 years ago

She can’t be investigated by the AG because Healy is her pal. If you check, Healy asked for donations for the Harrington birthday fundraiser on Twitter.

Reply to  Breaking News
4 years ago

This sounds like fiction.

Reply to  LegalEagle
4 years ago

So does this

ALBANY, N.Y. — The New York State attorney general has named Joon H. Kim, a former acting U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Anne L. Clark, an employment discrimination lawyer, to lead the investigation into sexual harassment accusations made against Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo.

The selection of the lawyers, who will be armed with subpoena power, clears the way for investigators to begin looking into Mr. Cuomo, a third-term Democrat who has seen his political fortunes hammered in the wake of allegations of sexual harassment and other questionable behavior toward young women

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  Breaking News
4 years ago

Whose nipples did Andrea pinch?

Reply to  Flogging Molly
4 years ago

Maybe her own? The for hired has decades of experience in investigating hostile work environments, fraud in the workplace, those kinds of issues.
The comment about “short skirts” is evidently just the tip of that iceberg. One of the allegations is that a senior litigator consistently harassed some of the women in the office, made sexually and racially charged comments, it was reported to Harrington and her response was “that’s just (redacted) being (redacted), just ignore him.”
In another instance in narrative from a complainant, they took pictures of campaign material in the office and recorded a list of her campaign team, including two local politicians and a local city and BCC employee coming and going and doing campaign work on site.
One staff member indicated they were told to give (name redacted) and (name redacted) help because “everyone wants to keep their jobs”. This alluding to, if Harrington loses, the new hires will be gone. Also it was clear that if the help wasn’t provided, she would fire the person she was talking to.

Reply to  BreakingNews
4 years ago

The firm

Reply to  Breaking News
4 years ago

Definitely not on the environmental green team, they should have taken the train to our beautiful train station which is just down the road from the DA’s office

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I am upset that politicians receive so much of lobbyists’ special interest campaign money, sell books that serve as political propaganda, build slush funds that should belong in the working class’ pockets, vote themselves large taxpayer-funded pay raises, receive up to 3 legislative pay raises at once on Beacon Hill, and the like. I am upset that the Biden alleged crime family are all worth tens of millions of dollars each without reasonable explanation, while Hunter Biden is under federal investigations for his foreign business dealings with adversarial countries such as China and Russia, along with his alleged money laundering operation. Who do all of these corrupt politicians represent? Certainly not the working people who live in their districts, states, or the nation. PAC Man Richie Neal is Exhibit A in NOT representing the working people who live in his Western Massachusetts Congressional District. PAC Man Richie Neal really represents K Street’s corporate lobbyist firms, as he is described as the most corporate-friendly Congressman on Capitol Hill. When K Street wants something, they know who to go to: PAC Man Richie Neal! I find it interesting that when politicians run for elected office, the first thing they say is that they will bring jobs to the working people they campaign to represent, but when they become Incumbents, they only do disservices against the very same working families who have fallen way behind during the Covid-19’s “K-shaped” economic recovery/recession. Then there is Dan Bosley, who pretends to care about working people, but his public record and work as a Beacon Hill Statehouse registered GREEDY lobbyist shows him to be in the pocket of big business. I cannot believe that Western Massachusetts’ news media outlets publish Daniel Bosley’s disingenuous op-eds where he always praises PAC Man Richie Neal without the Editors explaining who the real Daniel E. Bosley is to their readers. The Dan Bosley disclaimer should state: Dan Bosley is a greedy lobbyist who has done decades of disservices against the working people of Massachusetts in favor of big business to fill his coffers with special interest dollars. In New Hampshire, the two women U.S. Senators Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen proved themselves to be corporate shills in the pocket of K Street by voting against the $15 per hour by 2025 minimum wage bill. Maggie Hassan is up for reelection next year, and she needs all of the K Street lobbyist donations she can get her hands on to run a viable campaign against her Republican Party challenger. It goes on and on, and it all upsets me!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I’m upset that the voters keep these same politicians in elected positions year after year. After the first or second term they know what they are going to get from the elected officials. They all talk jobs jobs and more jobs and what they aren’t telling you is, it is all a snow job. These same politicians do away with these same jobs they are promising to create. Shipping them overseas for the big corporations who fill their pockets.

4 years ago

I don’t understand exactly what you mean by “running the office like a campaign”. Is that like, an accused person has an option to donate a sum to the coffers in lieu of being held accountable? Could someone tell me what it means ?

Reply to  101
4 years ago

It’s pretty straight forward. Andrea Harrington uses the state resources of her office to act as a campaign office, which is illegal and and ethics and campaign violation.

She uses her staff to do campaign work, she uses the computers, phones, copiers, internet, and work space of the DA’s office to further her political career directly. An example would be having campaign meetings in the DA’s conference room, making photo copies, making staff pick up campaign materials.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Looks like Harrington/Moon are taking a page out of Gov. Whitmer’s playbook. Hush money is in!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Breitbart is a white power news source.But thats your go to feed.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Fox media is doing nice coverage on Potatoe Head story.They are really digging in on this amazing decision.If you guys missed it im pretty sure Fox will get you up to speed as racism has taken over the Republican party KKK

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Great petition by Craig Gaetani concerning resuming city hall meetings and a petition on the water fiasco with the high water rates asking Aecom to give an update on current status.Both were read and shot down,I believe Connell Morandi and Helen Moon objected on the filing while The Mayors puppets shot it down.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You seem to be the only racist on the planet TDS

Hell'n Moon
Hell'n Moon
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Would you be willing to meet in person? I want to put a face to the name so I know when to steer clear of crazy while in public

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago


Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Anyone know why Pee Pee Petie’s neck is in a brace? Noticed during the latest and greatest Dysfunctional ZOOM Clownsil meeting that he was sporting a HUGE white collar. Just wondered if when he was following the Mayor too close saying Yes Mayor, Yes Mayor, Yes Mayor, if she stopped quick and he got whiplash.

Ice Teeah
Ice Teeah
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

We might be able to find that answer on his t v show?

Uhnder Thetable
Uhnder Thetable
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

We know it isn’t the stooge following her around, he’d be in a body cast.

4 years ago

There are still apparently many people over the age of 65 struggling to get covid shots in mayor Tyers city. I think she should make a determined effort to find out who they are and get them on a short list before all the school personnell. She has to have names and birthdates and telephone numbers she can call to check. It is nice that the low income housing projects are being taken care of but what about the over sixty-five that pay taxes on their own homes? Please mayor, make an effort for these folks.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

My mom is in phase 2….I have been trying since 2 started with no luck at all. What a complete cluster f!

Reply to  Joe Blow
4 years ago

Sorry to hear about your episode with the malfunctioning powers who are supposed to be helping of trying to take care of the most vulnerable, your mom.

G Daymait
G Daymait
Reply to  J2S
4 years ago

Joe Curtis has earned the next job. Superintendent of Schools.

Life Aswell
Life Aswell
Reply to  G Daymait
4 years ago

I agree. Curtis got us through this pandemic also. I doubt many Superintendents could have equaled his effort.

Uhnder Thetable
Uhnder Thetable
Reply to  OhMyGod
4 years ago

She’s evidently not to concerned.

4 years ago

Was just riding up Route 23 in Egremont and a sign said World Peace Closed… my question is was it ever opened

Trump it is
Trump it is
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

D O W today record close and Russell 5. This could be the step for Joes Recovery. That, with the vaccination increase this could catapult us to greater economic recovery ever. The problem I have is all these good things that Trump put in place our going to be for not,especially worrying about everything and everyone else.

ASIDE…Resign Cuomo. Your a Pig.

Trump it is
Trump it is
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

Are going sorry. But Cuomo had lapsed into the ever popular phenomenon of the Little Head thinking for the big head.

Trump it is
Trump it is
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

How can anyone believe anything that Ted Cruz says anymore? On Hannity last night he stated that Biden will get through his four years and that he’s slowed down just a bit mentally, and age wise? From what I’ve seen lately, Biden is deteriorating at a fast clip. How can Cruz even make that statement? Ted? We are in real time here!

Mi Ownson
Mi Ownson
Reply to  ShirlYNuts
4 years ago

It’s time to give a local in the trenches a shot at the top job P S S Joe Curtis has always been there whenever any questions or problems were involved in my family. I like the guy, he is a hard worker and would be a great fit for the city as Superintendent of our schools. Send him in!