(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION APRIL 30-MAY 2, 2021) — If at-large councilors Peter Marchetti, Peter White, and Earl Persip have ganged up on the fourth at large member to discourage her from running for re-election, they have failed. Methuselah’s Bar and Lounge owner and councilor-at-large Yuki Cohen is running again. Cohen made the declaration in an exclusive to THE PLANET.
For the record, Persip denied any such plan. Inside sources claim such a conspiracy is under way.
As part of our recent, ongoing dialogue, Yuki sent us a remarkable political declaration. Her decision to re-up didn’t come easy for the North Street tavern owner.
We present the statement in full.
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As to your question regarding running for re-election, and if so, why, here are my thoughts (most of it coherent, I believe, but what do I know). When this question popped up earlier in the year, and with the very limited amount of free time I have, I wondered what would be the best use of my time? What would bring me the most peace, success, growth, a sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, and growth. I have spent so much of my life living to please others, I wanted to really focus on what is best for my two daughters and for myself. Politics is something so out of my element. It’s a place where I don’t always feel comfortable or even welcome. It has been a tremendous exercise in reigning in the part of me that loves to feel important, that part that is constantly looking for approval and that sense, that yes, I am finally somebody worthy (of what I am not sure, but it’s something that comes up often, that sense of worthiness). What I learned in this first term, is that there is something really seductive about politics, that feeling of being in a position of power (whether real or not) that comes with people calling me Councilor Cohen. Even all the negative attention is still attention. I think someone said that the worst attention is no attention.
Once that initial phase of self-important narcissism passed, (mostly), I was and still am very intrigued in the mechanics of the actual process of governing and decision making (the proper language, protocols, process, resource allocation, etc.). There is so much yet to learn. So the long answer is yes, I am running for re-election, because I feel that I can and want to make an impactful positive difference. I want to represent and inspire more people to step into the unknown. Maybe it is akin to jumping off a cliff without a parachute, but this is where we can all participate in building a parachute on the way down for a safe landing. I represent women, a minority racial group, a single mom, an immigrant, a business owner, and a divorcee entering menopause. I know I am different, and with that comes some fear. I am not here to fight, but to try and make lives better, to try and elevate, encourage and support. I am not quite sure yet what that looks like in the city council, but the first step I feel is with intent and in trying, in participating. I am in a fortunate line of business where I talk to and listen to people everyday. There is so much intelligence and vibrancy in all who I come across, and I know that together, as a community, we can come up with answers, solutions, and inspirations to move things towards all that I yearn for myself and my family. Through meaningful conversations and engagement, the “different” becomes familiar. In that state of ease and acceptance, new ideas and inspirations spring. I am and have always been a bit of a dreamer, but I do believe that everything starts with a thought. And a spark. And then action and execution. So what started out as my thinking of what is the best of my time/talents I feel can be magnified to include thoughts about what is the best use of city resources/talents.
As to what transpired at Methuselah and the recent violations. I have done a deep dive during the week I closed the bar. I spoke to trusted friends, people who are able to give me different and honest perspectives. People who won’t sugar coat things. Spoke to my kids, because no one is more honest than kids for sure. As I mentioned in an earlier email to you, I am deeply regretful, remorseful, and so not proud. Not one of my best moments. But I looked into what leads to poor decision making, I am not making excuses, but trying to figure out what led to my poor decision making so that it will have less of a chance of it happening in the future. I hope you and the readers can understand that exhaustion and stress leads to the rational brain shutting off at times and going on auto pilot, where bad habits and insecurities come to the forefront. When young beautiful women ask you to join them, that primal need to want to belong to a tribe (a beautiful and cool tribe) is enticing, showing off my cool moves (in my mind anyway after lots of tik tok rehearsals) even better — especially after a long stressful week of not feeling well after COVID vaccine, single handedly taking care of two daughters, add a sick ex-husband to take care of, running and working a business. This isn’t for sympathy or to excuse my behavior, but more for my own mental note to not get to that point of exhaustion and to ask for help. I am grateful that no one got sick from this lapse of judgment, grateful that the complaints are not coming from customers or employees, but from anonymous sources. My guess is that these are people who have not been to bar. I invite everyone to spend some time with us, give us feedback, ways to make things better as opposed to what feels like “catching on the act and punishment.” I am not saying that these do not have value, just that we explore other possible options and alternatives.
I have heard and read the rhetoric and the perception that I break rules all the time without any ramifications. That I do not feel is true, as I have been shut down several times, and I have also voluntarily shut the business down. I do not feel I get special treatment (well, not the beneficial kind). The perception that the Mayor and I are friends is not true. I definitely do not feel part of the inner circle. I do feel strongly about the prior violations not having validity, so i have filed appeals with my narrative and a chance for my view to be heard. I am grateful that we have an appeals process. And the question of political motives, I know how I feel, but I leave that to the parties involved to decide and look honestly and decide for themselves. But hypothetically, if there is political targeting by a colleague or candidates, an attempt to knock off what appears as low hanging fruit, I ask, at what cost? Is the cost worth the prize? Do the ends justify the means, no matter how detrimental to another human being? If this is indeed what is going on and if this is how politics are played, it saddens me to see how far we have become separate from one another. How detached we have become from one another, in that they cannot see others as they see themselves and their families. Maybe it has been an unusually stressful time, collective, for all of us. Perhaps this city is still healing from the echoes of the significant trauma of GE pulling out and decimating a city. Perhaps we are all suffering from momentary lapses of judgment due to stress, running on auto-pilot. I am hopeful in that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, that a sense of normalcy returns by August, if not sooner! I so look forward to having conversations face to face as I know from face to face (even masked) conversations at the bar, that this brings us closer to seeing more of our similarities than our differences. And once we can do that, we can all look out for one another and elevate one person at a time until it reaches critical mass.
Thank you for this opportunity and time.
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THE PLANET thanks Yuki for this commentary. As always, we welcome your thoughts and views.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“As you get older, you don’t get wiser. You get irritable” — Writer Doris Leasing.
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Sara Bernhardt couldn’t have said it better
I agree with Yuki. We all make mistakes and we are all human. Seeing life through a political lens is selfish and puts too much emphasis on money and power. Yuki is a politician, too, and she needs to realize that she is a target of political people who are not always her friends.
I believe the real problems Pittsfield faces are the dozens of coronavirus-related deaths in Pittsfield’s nursing homes, a 39-year-old man who was recently shot dead in broad daylight on North Street, Pittsfield’s level 5 (or failing) inner city public schools, Pittsfield’s huge economic inequality ratio because there are little to no living wage jobs for the average Pittsfield worker, Pittsfield’s insider Good Old Boys (& Girls) political club, Pittsfield’s low voter turnout and lack of citizen participation, Pittsfield’s PCBs industrial chemicals and the failed PEDA entity with huge unfunded liabilities, Pittsfield’s high municipal taxes, fees, debts and other unknown liabilities and Matt Kerwood’s creative accounting schemes and excessive slush fund (or reserve) accounts that are estimated between $10 million to $15 million, Pittsfield’s shrinking tax base and reliance on regressive taxation schemes from predatory industries like the state lottery, marijuana, alcohol, tobacco products, and the like, the ring of poverty around North Street – which is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley”, Pittsfield rubber stamp City Council and the out-of-touch and unreachable Mayor also known as the Lovely Linda Tyer – who lives in a wealthy gated community with her millionaire Accountant husband Barry Clairmont, and Pittsfield’s daily rag that is sarcastically called “The Dirty Bird” (Berkshire Eagle) who doesn’t cover the real issues facing local residents, but instead writes and publishes puff pieces that are nothing more than propaganda.
– Jonathan Melle
Jonathan,do you know of 1 city that does not have politically connected people.Look at Sherman as he can walk in and out of elected office.He automatic to get what he want and hes in with the in crowd.Hes well liked and will be elected then run for mayor…..Yuki is well connected and will get what she wants.I am amazed Campoli let her of the hook.He bar needs a police well being check every night at 10pm……You know politics as well as DV and you both are surprised that we have a terrible drug problem in the Berkshires as South Berkshires have some very sick people attacking cows with darts.That is sick,whats next in South County with no jobs down there….Wake up ,all the connected people are doing great except Trump connected pols.Pittsfield has a School Department Money Crisis that Social Security recipients bail out every year…..Money raised by realestate taxes is the problem……The school department is the worst run in the state of Ma.The people there are not qualified or proffessional as they are all there to line their pockets….Court jobs are connected,Sherrifs jobs are connected…you know this.
Sarcasm: I thought the in crowd that runs Pittsfield politics did it all for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. (Funny $tuff)!
Should put party affiliations after names on the ballots so you can see the Democrats control Pittsfield and look where we are!! JM was smart and went to a state and city that believe in debates on issues so the politicians are more accountable to their constituents
Connected? Do you actually pay attention to the details – the 2 city hall staff VERY MUCH wanted Yuki’s head at the near totally emotional driven show cause hearing this past week. I guess they didn’t get the Mayor’s memo some of ya’ll think exists.
Because as anyone with an IQ above nine on a warm day knows repeating the same types of mistakes over and over again, isn’t a mistake anymore.
So much to unpack with that intriguing thought process. Kudos that she opened up publically.
One of the many things that jumped out to me was, “I spoke to my kids because no one is more honest than kids.” Really? Most kids I know excel in deception and lying to their parents is second nature. But if her kids are honest they did not get it from her.
She might want to get out of politics and into writing Harry Potter like novels as her talents seem to lean to the very imaginative mindset of a child. And definitely NOT to bettering a community of constituents who need serious attention to their daily issues.
I don’t really mean to be harsh, but representing the city is not some game one plays for personal entertainment and fullfillment. It is not suppose to be about YOU.
Reading her statement was like listening to Charlie Browns teacher.
The real question is what has she accomplished as counselor so far?
She has had a liquor license since about 2017 and in that time she has had about 7 violations. She can’t even run one simple business legally. Perfect for Pittsfield leadership. Henceforth the problem with Pittsfield politics.
Paul I agree the voters really should do a “forensic audit” on all the candidates. The voters should be able to look over a detailed a lengthy resume so the voters can make an informed decision. I think the voters would be shocked if they saw the backgrounds on all our leaders. Yuk I thanks for sharing and I wish you the best but I don’t think running a bar is the right fit for you.
You point to the single most important issue facing the city: the budget. City spending is out of control. The tax base is still shrinking. Homeowners and small businesses have been taxed into oblivion. All this spells the urgent need for TAX RELIEF. If Yuki were to refashion her image as a councilor and begin to champion the cause of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, she could become a force for good in this community.
How can the pigs reap more oats without more taxes ?
Those pigs connected to the city pig through.
Maybe those swine should be outed and let the public know?
And if unicorns were real………….
What in the hell did she just say? That was the most incoherent rambling I’ve ever heard. And of course, dragging in the sex card, the race card, the immigrant card and now the menopause card. Holy shat!
Read the Eagle and it sounds like Meth Lab is the modern day Del gallo’s where the elite meet to carry on politics. Now Bart Simpson Kavey hangs out there eating almonds. This stuff is made for movies. And of course Lampiasi runs to her defense.
Enough already. If this city’s citizens elect her again then they deserve what we get. Whoever visits her lounge, lab, dance bar deserves to catch whatever the catch.
I don’t think you’d see Remo dancing on his bar. Is it me or is this Meth Pepi’s North? I know one thing,you give a bar owner this many chances, don’t even try to go after the violators, bars or businesses.
In the wise words of a great principle. “What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
Lampiasi is a complete conflict of interest on every level. VOTE HER OUT!
Councilor ,I dont believe you should get another chance to own a drinking bar.I appreciate the letter and think its from the heart.Here is what I will advise you to do, You should represent Seniors as a cause.You should promote realestate taxes being frozen on house value up to 250k when the homeowner turns 66 years old.If you promote this one issue I assure you that you will win your at large seat.I will vote for the first candidate who does this.You cant win if you dont.Pittsfield has never had a politician try to cut taxes.Also you should promote the Audit of the School Department for the last 10 years at any cost.If you do this you just might become a mayor of a growing small great city that is on the verge of great things.
Wonder what people would say if my zoom computer showed a white fist on my monitor?
Thank you. I will look into the taxes for sure. And you are right in that I need to do much better. I invite you to dine at the bar, what transpired was reckless, but methuselah has survived this long because of hard work by my staff and myself. We pivoted harder towards food, that has gained traction and will emphasize it more. Dan is right, I do need to send a strong message of a respectable establishment. I am grateful for the opportunity to try again, even if undeserving.
THE PLANET appreciates your honesty in addressing these issues. Resolve that is trustworthy can certainly provide the impetus for resurrecting your business to new life. As we have discussed privately, North Street needs an establishment like the one that your place can be — a destination that is welcoming, safe, with a reputation for class, that is, a place where adults can go for a sophisticated gathering spot. It needs to be inviting to a much wider range of people, folks who aren’t looking for anything more than an evening of enjoyment, fun, and pleasant company. The “partiers” shouldn’t be welcome. These days, that crowd means too much baggage, only some of which is legal.
Honesty?!? Who can tell it’s a fever dream of garbage.
I would like to help but I cannot afford to eat there fixed income you see
We are all now fully aware that your bar has survived this long because of favoritism and political connections. Dina proved this at the meeting this time and last. You are a city counselor and should/will be held to a higher standard.
You are fooling no one. Your fake humbleness is hogwash and I hope the voters see right through you. Your letter was nothing less than excuses and a pity party.
I strongly stand with the other food establishments in their disdain and disgust with you and your bar.
Here is another mission you might take on. One with honest rewards.
Find out if the Pittsfield school curriculum teaches municiple government. (I am pretty sure they do not but if they do it is a quick breeze over) My guess is that if you interviewed 1000 ramdom people in the lower income areas of Pittsfield, and asked them what a city councilor is, 90 percent of them would not know. I also believe that keeping its citizenry dumb about how their city governemnt works is crucial to how the powers that be hold on to that power.
Get a hold of Joe Curtis and even some school committe folk (if they will even bother to listen to you) and insist that Pittsfield city government is a required course at the high school level.
Most of the city elections (as you well know) are won because of block voting by special interest unions whom vote pretty much by directive from above.
Seems like no one should be against such a thing right? Just wait till you run it by the mayor. haaa haa
They got rid of Civics a long time ago even before Bouton wrote his book about trying to work with the city of Pittsfield. That is an excellent insight on how badly run our city government is and has been
“This isn’t for sympathy or to excuse my behavior, but more for my own mental note to not get to that point of exhaustion and to ask for help.” That is some manipulation right there. Why mention it if is just for yourself? Listen, we all have challenges in our personal lives. We don’t all break the rules. Further, Ms. Cohen is in a position to MAKE the rules. That is what is unacceptable here. She is not suited to be a city councilor. I also think it’s within the rights of the other restaurant owners to tell employees if they want to drink after work at a place that repeatedly does not follow the rules they should find other employment.
You are absolutely right. I need to and want to do better.
Words say one thing and actions show another where the truth can be found.
By Mayor, we mean GOBSIG. It is a vast network of “Community Development” people, sex sells. They ain’t confused.
Balls the size of Texas.
Are we not to say maybe these young adults might have been drinking also? Where were the cops? Ever hear of drunk driving? Again,she’ll eventually mess up again,then it’s on the License Board.
apparently one of the cops was there trying to woo patrick kavey!
MENOPAUSE, the latest excuse! Unfrigginbelievable! How many Pittsfield hardworking taxpaying women have continued holding very technical jobs, (including myself) and survived menopause? Should that be the next question folks ask doctors, lawyers, nurses, police officers, etc. if they are speaking with them, Are you in menopause? Think in her time off Yukie might want to take a stroll down Vibrant, Innovative and Dynamic North Street to Social Service Blvd, and get some mental disease help. If menopause is affecting her that much then she should resign from the Clownsil. If she is that confused, she can follow the unused bike lanes if she has trouble finding her way due to her menopause. So the Mayor is around the menopause age, is that why the City is such a mess? You couldn’t make it up if you tried. In watching the Licensing Board yesterday, I could not figure out if Yukie was really that dumb, (not even knowing the capacity of her business) or if it was an act to have people feel sorry for her. When Amuso asked her if her order slips were chronological she looked like a deer in headlights. To think she lists herself as a Financial Advisor! Also, wonder how much she charges for her meals of a bowl of olives, does she put ketchup on them, is their a dipping sauce for a bag of almonds for Patrick Kavey? Does she really think that hanging with her “friends” that are 25 to 30 years younger than her is going to help her menopause? How long is the Licensing Board going to play into Yukie’s dumb as a box of rocks behavior? Guess they all are(except Amuso) the rest are still buffaloed by her sheepish behavior. Not cute or funny anymore. Yukie grow up and act your age and be a role model for your daughters. Also, thanks Yukie for giving truly hard working woman a bad name. Voters beware, check to make sure a female candidate is not suffering from menopause before voting. You also might want to check to see if male candidates are suffering from MANOPAUSE. Maybe they are all suffering already and that is why they can’t leave their basements and attics.
I am on the floor laughing! Thanks for that one M B ….made my week.
Yuki,you’ll never be unemployed. Barrington stage is looking for actors.
I doubt that running for the city council was Yukis orginal idea. Like about 7-9 others on this council she was most likey mentored and shepparded along with promises of upward climbing opportunites if she could provide appropriately requested votes from above.
And could we please amend the city charter to eliminate the Oath of Office for these people (and the mayor of course) as it is quite an insult to the people to watch what they really do after making promisies to the voters. Some of these council meetings and the assininity that results, could have been written by the SNL production people.
TSC has that problem
There isn’t a good reason to re-elect any at large councilor.
There is no good reason to have four at large councilors. So why do we?
Regardless of my opinion of events that happened at Meth, I thank Yuki for not only her complete and well thought out response to Dan, but to actually responding to posters on this blog, when she knows many are not fans. A city official standing up before their critics is a rarity and very refreshing. That’s what leaders do! And should be a lesson to all of the current turtles that want to keep their heads in their shell and still call themselves representatives of the people
Wow! So all the hypocritical people that have vacationing in Florida at the Bars the beach etc it’s ok ..But god forbid someone takes a picture of you in the republic of Pittsfield for not having a mask on … Life is happening people! Judy Knight is absolutely the worst lawyer around well besides Ed st John watching that hearing made my skin crawl. Psst Yuki stop with the band-aid tour.
I don’t know how any person can honestly defend Yuki. This wasn’t a one time mistake. She has a history of thumbing her nose at authority and getting away with it.
Is this the caliber of person we want on any council or board? I think not!
I believe in three strikes and you are out. Your lawyer Yuki wasn’t very professional either. I got a bad feeling about that bar. History always repeats itself.
And Yuki never over serve,that always ends up in disaster. They will be watching you.
Let’s ask Dina. She clearly was trying to defend her friend and colleague during the licensing board meeting. Got iffy when other restaurants pointed out what a circus the whole situation is
Or how about Kavey complaining that he was brought into the mess. Clearly he was violating COVID protocols just by being there and ordering his almonds. Too bad sugar, suck it up. If you ordered those appetizers they would have been on the receipt. Don’t forget you had a 90 minute window and admitted to staying for over 2 hours.
And for the love of God someone do something about Lampiasi’s blatant bias and conflicts of interest. Being a scissor sister and a democrat doesn’t award her special protection
Lampiasi’s double duty is exhibit A how the good old boys have stacked the deck in Pittsfield. They use to try to operate in the shadows but now that they control pretty much every aspect of the city they have no fear of retrilbution. They are basically sayin “screw you people” to the voters whom they have made complete fools of.
You point at something that people don’t talk about or see, how the GOB keeps control by stacking the boards with GOBs and then let them stay for decades. Should either start with term limits or amend the charter saying every new Mayor can start fresh, fire and put different people on the boards
Classic definition of a stacked deck.
I feel you Spider until I saw that lawyer hired by The restaurant mafia looks like the GOB straight up hate her so I’m gonna support her
All of these goings on is cover for the current failed administration. Yuki’s small potatoes and don’t be fooled.
Mafia? No you didn’t. Meanwhile, Dina Limpiasi sure has a lot of nerve calling the group political. This from the woman with zero resume who brings nothing to the DA’s office other than being a political campaign supporter for a lawyer with zero resume What has she done either to benefit Berkshire county or the city of Pittsfield? She’s toxic and useless. Another one that’s got to go.
We need the G Man in ward six. If he doesn’t run, then somebody must. Lampylousy is not working.
If I wasn’t listening clearly then I am the idiot. But did Biden say today on the news, traveling on a Amtrak train at 400 miles an hour in the future? And did I hear him say he’s traveled going back and forth from Washington to De. 1,700,000 miles in his lifetime?
Check out the bullet trains in China. China is so far ahead of America in technology and infrastructure that we look primiative by comparison.
Was this before, during or after his ride on Air Force one to celebrate the trains of Amtrak that he always rides….talk about snow material which you will never see but still hilarious
Was he saying this as he was flying on Air Force one on his way to celebrate Amtrak? Typical limousine looney left liberal, common folk squeeze in and get groped on the train while I pollute on my private jet
Boo hoo! you should run? but let me guess you can’t because…….all talk!!
Tell us what you have done?
Not suck on the public tit?
Please. get a dictionary
She did get rid of the school program that was a total sham! 100,000 a year to the taxpayers. Glad you asked they did during the summer? Nothing but they did get paid by us the taxpayers. If anyone looked into it your head would spin.
How much would a business save if they were on a city family insurance plan?
How much would a business save if the mayor was giving themlucrative tax breaks that nev er seem to end? Ka Ching!!!!!
Depending on which options they took, $25k to about $55k
What a joke this County is.
According to Iberkshire Yuki “ Cohen has been in front of the Licensing Board for seven separate violations since Methuselah’s opening and the liquor license issuing in 2014.“
Thanks for sharing, RK. Of course, iBerkshires doesn’t mention that THE PLANET broke the story. Leads one to wonder, as one commentator put it, if “the story would have never surfaced if not for THE PLANET.”
So? She’s beyond reproach.
I read The Berkshire Eagle’s Editorial about Beacon Hill being exempt from public access to the people’s business. I agree with the Eagle’s Editors on this issue. Local government in Massachusetts is not exempt from the Open Meeting Law, which is a double standard for the secretive Boston-based state government. For nearly 2 decades, Lenox State Representative has openly supported behind closed doors, top-down state government. Smitty Pignatelli also wrote and published op-eds in favor of the secretive settlement between the EPA and GE to cleanup the polluted Housatonic River over a would be 15 year period of time without a financial commitment from GE for a probable $1 billion project. I remember when I was gathering signatures to run for State Senate in early-2004, Smitty Pignatelli declined to sign my nomination papers. I read on the blogs that if one is a powerful official, then Smitty Pignatelli is a humble public servant, but if one is a commoner, then Smitty Pignatelli acts like an arrogant buffoon. Beacon Hill is an insider’s game where career politicians and greedy lobbyists operate in secret to do disservices to the people and taxpayers of Massachusetts. Maybe they should rename the Boston Statehouse “The Pig Pen” after Smitty Pignatelli where all of the career political insiders and greedy lobbyists feast on our hard earned tax dollars in total secrecy?
I find it incredibly ironic that the number of daily deaths in America right now was, at one point in time, considered apalling. Now however, those same numbers are considered good reason to open everything up and get back to “normal.”
Please do not ever try to understand the human mind. Can’t be done.
Ms. Cohen has had not one but many violations against her bar. If she was truly repentant she would resign her seat on the City Council. Why would anyone vote for a person to serve at the highest levels of city government who constantly violates city rules & regulations?
Same goes for Earl Persip who was caught stealing & disposing of political lawn signs.
If you are foolish enough to vote for these people, then shame on you.
She may have signed a contract with the goold old boys and cannot legally resign.
America’s largest manufacturers are moving out of the U.S. to escape Obama-Biden’s corporate tax increases! Shame on you if you voted for the “America Last” administration.
Are we still “in this political climate,” or have the libtards stopped saying that?
Must be OK now, because Don Giuseppe’s going to spend your tax dollars to pay back his supporters.
Be sure to prop up that stock market, too, with free money for Richie Rich.
Do YOU, approve of the mess that is parking on North st?
It’s dangerous and a menace. City will be sued soon.
Look at all of the deep holes in the roads and not just side roads, but main roads. Motorcycle riders are really taking extreme chances driving on these roads especially at night. I don’t think the city is worried at all about being sued for anything.
I drive an old truck, and learned to drive on a farm. Yes azz hat politicians in the mASShole should fix the roads, too busy lineing their wallets, or bellys (TFB)
I drove dirt bikes back when you could go to Vermont, without no stinking permits or stickers.
When history reflects back on mayor Tyer it will speak of atrocious roads lined with garbage. If she runs for reelection her billboards should have pictures of her standing in the middle of a potholed road with a pile of trash swirling around her feet. And of course she needs to have that shit eating grin on her face that silently says, “screw you people.”
I was in a local supermarket yesterday and everyone is being herded into the do-it-yourself check outs and I asked where are all the workers. The clerk said they are finding it impossible to hire people because everyone wants to collect their $1,100 dollars per week in unemployment which is far more than they would earn actually working. More of President Biden and the far left trying to kill the work ethic in this country. Who will do all of the work that needs to be done in this country if so many are living off government and/or spending too much time in local pot shops?
Pat, the unemployment bonus is a deterrent for lower paid worked for sure, but no one who was a clerk at Big Y is collecting $1,100.
Biden said in his address to the country that China is our enemy. Something most of us already knew, but many on the far left still see China as their heroes. So what is this all about? Biden only admitted this because he said to compete with China we must get rid of freedom in this country by giving away all of our power to the government. So he wants to use China’s rise in power to take away our power and turn it over to big government. Something is so wrong with what he is proposing and it makes no sense except that it would give the far left more power in this country and make China happy to see us lose our freedoms.
Hunter gets his whores and drugs from from China. Joe and family have no morals or scruples
Hunter is simply a pig of a human being trap.
Runs in the family.
Don’t denigrate pigs, Bidens are more filthy, and Libeals too
Whole family and Soteros too
But he does not traffic minors like Trumps buddies Matt Gaetz or Jeff Epstein.
So Pat, are you agreeing with Biden that China is our enemy or what? Not sure what your point is.
Biden is now catering to the anti-ice groups. He told them to give him 5 more days and he would solve the problem of ice border agents. The border is a disaster area and this insane president wants to get rid of our border agents who are barely able to keep control of the border now. We have gangs coming in and terrorists now to complete the transformation of America begun during Obama/Biden.
Biden physically is deteriorating daily don’t listen to him.
ready for the Ho/Whore to be President?
You worthless idiot.
According to the local rag, Tyer will be opening up her wealth redistribution program a.k.a. “At Home in Pittsfield” program this week. That’s right – money given to people who “can’t afford” to keep up their homes. Homeowners who make under $106,000 (!!! excuse me but that’s a GOOD income) are eligible for the cash giveaway, up to $25,000. Shame on the City Council for approving this! I will not vote for any of them in the upcoming election cycle.
This woman has been a complete disaster. Where are all the cops she promised to hire?
Will there be exemptions from the income cap? They are also asking for expense information. So let’s say, as an example, a city councilors friend had income over the limit but listed high expenses or debts, could that lucky individual qualify? Will the eventual forensic audit look through the paperwork on this later in the year?
The Boston Statehouse gives away $17.8 billion per year in tax breaks to the politically connected special interests.
Source: “As Beacon Hill begins budget debate, tax breaks come under scrutiny”, By Emma Platoff and Matt Stout, Boston Globe Staff, April 12, 2021
Daniel Bosley served as a North Adams State Representative for 24 years. Daniel Bosley is infamously known for trying to pass “The Bosley Amendment” as a rider to a bill on Beacon Hill many years ago now. “The Bosley Amendment” would have given big business in Massachusetts billions of dollars in tax breaks that would have upended the Massachusetts state budget. “The Bosley Amendment” rider was introduced within one business day and would have had no public hearings or public input of any kind. The Boston Globe reported that “The Bosley Amendment” even surprised the secretive and top-down leaders on Beacon Hill. “The Bosley Amendment” was defeated.
What do you think Daniel Bosley does now? First, Daniel Bosley collects at least one taxpayer-funded state pension – possibly a second one from MCLA (formerly called North Adams State College) after he lavished the college with pork barrel dollars. Second, Daniel Bosley is a registered Beacon Hill lobbyist where he earns a 6-figure salary to give the politically connected special interests $17.8 billion per year in tax breaks, while the hard hit working class pay their hard earned tax dollars to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
I believe that Beacon Hill should change the law so that Massachusetts taxpayers make their tax payments directly to Daniel Bosley instead of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It would be more efficient for everyone, while paying our respects to Massachusetts top shakedown artist of state taxpayer dollars.
This is exactly why they don’t want the people to know about
Beacon Hill business you alluded to in an earlier post.Mass being the only state in the country with an exemption from allowing public access to the people’s business. They don’t want documentation or just very little on how they conduct business to see the light of day. They are using privacy issues as a crutch.
Are you buying the sign dumpster councilors bit about turning you in on behalf of one of his constituents? In my opinion,I think he did it on his own and will have someone step up to take the blame if necessary. If you happen to lose some re-election signs….
May 1, 2021
When John Forbes Kerry was a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, he was always ranked as the wealthiest Member of U.S. Congress. When John Kerry ran for U.S. President in 2004, he used to brag that he married up into the Heinz Ketchup family fortune. The old joke about presidential candidate John Kerry had 57 flip flops a day. Now, the old billionaire flip flopper John Kerry is at it once again. John Kerry invested millions of dollars in oil and gas companies before joining the Biden White House. Am I surprised by this? No, I am not surprised because the USA is the number 2 polluter (behind China) of global warming greenhouse gasses in the World, and John Kerry saw it as a profitable industry to invest in.
I remember back in 2004 that U.S. President George W. Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney were known as the oil men from Texas, while John Kerry was a Wall Street man from the old wealth financial industry in the northeastern U.S.A. If Bush and Cheney won, big oil would win, while if John Kerry won, then the financial companies would win. By 2008, Wall Street collapsed, while the U.S. government had control of the World’s 2nd largest oil fields in Iraq under Bush and Cheney. Bush then Obama had to bail out Wall Street with trillions of U.S. taxpayer dollars – even foreign banks that did business on Wall Street received hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars in federal government bailouts. Fast forwarded to 2021, and we are now in a K-shaped economic recovery where Wall Street is at record highs, while Main Street is at record lows. Joe Biden wants U.S. Congress to spend trillions of dollars in the name of the Green New Deal to fight climate change. John Kerry is President Biden’s salesman. Now we all know what John Kerry is selling: More hot air!
Jonathan A. Melle
When all is said and done about the Yuki thing keep in mind that only drunken idiots put incriminating videos on social media. Don’t be a nincompoop. Think before you post.
Just wondering why the NYT and our local hate rag aren’t all over Biden for being racist by stopping flights from India. Especially how one of the hate rags writers tried to say local papers kept the extremism out of reporting so people would be more moderate, hee,hee I can’t remember when the Eagle was ever unbiased, it would be very difficult to make this stuff up, I feel like there are alternate universes going simultaneously
Not sure but could have something to do with the raging virus in India. Didja see that there are so many people dying there that families are burning their love ones bodies in public parks because there is no room to bury them in cememtaries? Remember when Trump bragged about stopping flights from China?
We KNOW it’s not racist to stop flights from areas with COVID, but the far left lunatics did just that when President Trump stopped travel from China, but the same crazies are silent when Biden stops travel from India and they don’t crucify him for being a racist because they are guilty of such hypocrisy and telling lies to the American public. That’s the first smart thing that Biden has done to stop travel from India.
Nice article in the hate rag/ biased rag on our single payer insurance, aka Obama/Romney care…seems the state hasn’t increased their rates in over a decade! How is a business supposed to survive with inflation? Is the state trying to take the independent business out of the equation? This makes me feel better!
There will be a new
School Committee person chosen this Wednesday and I will bet you that individual has NO ties to the Good Old Boys and will have a completely independant view of how things should operate. Will not be somebody in the pocket of the mayor who will do and say as told.
Tee Hee
Maybe Dina or Yukie can serve on that committee too. Mayor feels they are both irreplaceable. They both do such a GREAT job on the other City committees they serve on.
Good one, OMG.
Hello CommonWealth Magazine,
I have explained my point of view many times over about how two municipalities border themselves on a map, but are very economically unequal. I grew up in Pittsfield (Massachusetts), which is an old working class city near Albany, NY that has been on a decades long downward spiral with low income workers, a growing underclass, among the worst rated inner city public schools in the state, violent crime, drugs, gangs, and a downtown that is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley”.
I went to graduate school at UMass Amherst in the late-1990s. In my studies of communities and public administration, I came to understand that distressed communities don’t want to gentrify with real economic development and living wage jobs. There are always well meaning people who go into the poorest communities in Massachusetts and try to bring economic opportunity to the economically disadvantaged, but the ruling elites who run these communities turn them away.
Of course, one would ask why? To answer the question of why distressed communities in Massachusetts only go in one direction – downward – I used a term from economics called “Perverse Incentives”. In my native city, Pittsfield (Massachusetts), GE left the city decades ago, but the ruling elites in Pittsfield did nothing in terms of positive outcomes to bring back living wage jobs to Pittsfield. I believe that Pittsfield’s ruling elites found it more profitable to fill their municipal and school district coffers with federally funded and state administered social service and public education dollars than invest in real economic development.
To illustrate my point of view, I use the Massachusetts State Lottery’s inequitable and predatory targeting of distressed communities to make a majority of its regressive revenue. People who are financially literate and understand economics know that the state lottery is really a regressive tax on the working poor and financially illiterate. The working poor and financially illiterate live in distressed cities such as Pittsfield (Massachusetts). The disadvantaged people who pour their hard earned or limited income into the lottery do not understand that it is a financial scheme to tax the low to moderate income people so that the high income people and big business get to pay less in state and local taxes – along with the $17.8 billion per year that the politically connected big businesses in Massachusetts receive in state tax breaks from Beacon Hill lawmakers.
Many years ago now, North Adams State Representative Daniel Bosley opposed casino gambling in Massachusetts because he felt it would cut into the state lottery’s multi-billion-dollar revenues. Of course, this was the same Daniel Bosley who unsuccessfully tried to give big business in Massachusetts billions of dollars in state tax breaks with his same day rider to state legislation without any public input, studies or hearings. The irony of it all is that Daniel Bosley represented the poorest community in all of Massachusetts, but he was fighting for the state lottery’s financial interests that exploits the very people who live in distressed cities such as North Adams. Now, Daniel Bosley is a greedy registered lobbyist on Beacon Hill pulling down a 6-figure salary representing big business, which is on top of his state pension(s) and perks.
When I was a graduate student at UMass Amherst over 2 decades ago, I asked one of my professors why distressed communities in Massachusetts don’t want real economic development and living wage jobs for the people who live there. My professor answered me that the inequitable public policies of distressed communities are by the design of the ruling elites in Massachusetts.
In closing, when I think of the politics of poverty, I see it through the lens of corrupt politicians turned greedy lobbyists such as Daniel Bosley who wanted the state lottery to make billions of dollars in regressive revenues so the wealthy and big businesses don’t have to pay as much in state and local taxes – along with the $17.8 billion per year that the politically connected big businesses in Massachusetts receive in state tax breaks. It is all an inequitable and predatory set of financial schemes by the ruling elites who run Massachusetts! I wish we could be able to vote in new politicians who would invest in all of the people who live in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but it I know it will never happen.
In Truth!
Jonathan Melle
Well done, Yuki!
Don’t back down.
( To be clear, this is not sarcasm )
Horrible parents using kids as props for fake illnesses.

This woman deserves to lose her kids.