(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MAY 28-30, 2021) — Allow THE PLANET to paraphrase the late, great Tip O’Neill: All news is local. John Donne told us no man is an island. The great Buddhist monk Thich Nat Hahn shared his notion of Interbeing, which refers to the interrelationship of everything to everything else.
But all this came before the little snowflakes invented gender-neutral offending (GNO). GNO allows a person to be offended by anything, at anytime, anywhere. It also confers the tremendous power of shut-down to single individuals, especially in politics and on campuses, irrespective of what the overwhelming majority want or wish. It is the coming of age of uber-leftist (aka progressive) politics (the loonlibs), the shallow veneer of an unhealthy, political egocentrism. In Pittsfield, they have this form of fascism down to a black art.
Two recent stories have a lot to say to and about each of us, whether you are a he, a she, or a they. They relate to the perilous nature of free speech in America.
When pressed on what exactly he meant, Lohmeier decried the New York Times 1619 Project, a historical look at how slavery formed America’s institutions, as “anti-American.”
“It teaches intensive teaching that I heard at my base — that at the time the country ratified the United States Constitution, it codified White supremacy as the law of the land,” Lohmeier said. “If you want to disagree with that, then you start (being) labeled all manner of things including racist.”
Lohmeier did not immediately respond to CNN‘s request for comment.
“Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, Space Operations Command commander, relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier of command of the 11th Space Warning Squadron, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, May 14, due to loss of trust and confidence in his ability to lead,” a Defense Department official told CNN. “This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast. Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation (CDI) on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”
Another defense official said the investigation would also look at all elements of rules and policy by which the book was published. It is not clear whether Lohmeier consulted his chain of command before publishing. A blurb about the book on Amazon described it as a “timely and bold contribution from an active-duty Space Force lieutenant colonel who sees the impact of a new-Marxist agenda at the ground level within our armed forces.”
———- ooo ———-
(The Washington Examiner) — A professor was reportedly fired after quoting author Mark Twain’s use of the N-word in an anti-slavery novel that was being read aloud during class.
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“Mark Twain was one of the first American writers to use actual dialect,” the St. John’s University professor, Hannah Berliner Fischthal, explained to the class before the use of the slur. “His use of the ‘N-word’ is used only in dialogues as it could have actually been spoken in the South before the Civil War when the story takes place.”
But Fischthal’s explanation wasn’t enough for one student, who emailed the professor the next day to inform her that she had to “abruptly” leave the online class because of Fischthal’s “inappropriate slur.”
“It was unnecessary and very painful to hear,” the student wrote to the professor.
Fischthal said she replied to the student’s email and apologized, then set up a private online discussion with the class titled “Insensitive Language.”
“I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable in the class by using a slur when quoting from and discussing the text,” Fischthal wrote to students. “Please do share your thoughts.”
Six students, including the original complainant, joined the discussion. While two defended Fischthal’s use of the word, the other four argued the slur should not have been used. The professor then set up a similar discussion for her next class, noting that the N-word was never used during the discussions.
At issue was Twain’s Pudd’nhead Wilson novel, an anti-slavery book that features a light-skinned slave named Roxy who switches her newborn baby boy with her master’s baby shortly after birth in an attempt to give her son the best chance at a good life.
But Roxy’s biological son turns out to be a monster, later being accused of murder. Meanwhile, the master’s son turns into an upstanding citizen.
“It satirizes the entire evil institution of slavery,” Fischthal said of the novel. “The point of this novel was that there is no inherent difference between blacks and whites. Clothes and education are what distinguishes people. Both the boys in the story look exactly the same, even though one is by law a slave, and the other one is a privileged white boy.”
The professor was eventually called into a meeting with the school’s human resources department to discuss the use of the slur, where she was also confronted about a previous incident in which she was accused of making an inappropriate comment about a black student’s hair. Fischthal insists her comment was about the student’s head being wrapped up during the class, not specifically about the student’s hair. The professor said students had also complained about the professor referencing her family’s experience during the Holocaust during class.
Two days later, Fischthal was suspended while the school investigated whether or not she violated its policy against bias, with the decision to fire her coming on April 29.
Fischthal’s case was picked up by attorneys for FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), who sent Rev. Brian J. Shanley, SJU president, a letter demanding he reinstate the professor.
“Quoting (Mark Twain’s) work in a class on satire falls squarely within the protection afforded by academic freedom, which gives faculty members the breathing room to determine whether — and how — to discuss material students might find offensive,” the letter read.
In a statement, a spokesperson for the school said, “If your assertion is that she was fired for reading aloud from a Mark Twain novel, that is incorrect,” though the statement did not elaborate on any other reasons the professor was fired, citing a university policy against commenting on personnel matters.
But Fischthal insists she had always received good performance reviews from both bosses and students and didn’t think the trend of professors getting fired for offending students would ever come for her.
“I never thought that would happen to me,” Fischthal said. “I’m one of the last people who should be accused of racism. I know where it leads, and I know where it ends. In every class, I teach the evils of stereotyping.”
“I just know I’ll miss my students and classes,” she added. “I love teaching.”
———- ooo ———-
Can you imagine what the young scholars are being taught in the loon-woke Pittsfield Public School system? THE PLANET shudders to think about it. The irony is that Pittsfield is still at heart a blue-collar, meat-and-potato city. A tiny handful of incompetent officials and la-de-dahs, however, are still trying to “transform” Shire City in the hip, So-Ho, urban enclave — you know, one that is “vibrant and dynamic” for the spandex-and-latte know-it-alls. They’ve only been doing it for 20+ years with nothing to show for it but a mountain of debt, a destroyed downtown, a missing economy, punishing taxes, and failing schools.
The vast majority of citizens think the direction being taken by our local “leaders” is wrong. The problem is this: They have been so abused, so shut out, and so intimidated by the elite loonlibs that they do not vote of participate in government. Such a state will continue in perpetuity until that candidate comes along who will electrify the grass roots and scare the spit out of the stars quo and its defenders.
Is such a figure of destiny out there in Pittsfield’s future?
Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski prays that there is such a person.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Nothing ages so quickly as yesterday’s vision of the future” — Film critic Richard Corliss.
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The political establishment uses discrimination and sexual harassment to scare off the little people – the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family – from questioning their power and authority in government. When Anita Hill alleged she was sexually harassed by Clarence Thomas, the political establishment went nuts about it. When Paula Jones claimed she was sexually harassed by Bill Clinton – who was ultimately convicted of 2 felonies and impeached (but not convicted on impeachment) – the political establishment made him into a celebrity with high polling numbers. It is all a game to the political establishment.
Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist during the Democratic Party debates, but now she is proud to serve him as Vice President. Donald Trump called out Joe Biden’s decades-long history of racism in Swamp politics during their debates, but the political establishment only focused in on Donald Trump’s overt and dog whistle racist language. Four years earlier, Donald Trump called out Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy of defending her husband Bill Clinton during his sexual harassment scandals, and Donald Trump also called out Hillary Clinton’s use of the word “Super-Predator” – which really meant the N-word – in the mid-1990s crime bill that Joe Biden helped write in the U.S. Senate, but the political establishment favored Hillary Clinton for U.S. President.
The irony of it all is that the real socioeconomic injustice is that our country’s growing underclass and working class is at the bottom of the K-shaped recession, while the ruling elites and top 1 percent are at the top of the K-shaped recovery. Our country’s biggest injustice is classism and class warfare. Racism, sexism and other injustices are real, but when they are politicized by the political establishment they are used for nefarious agendas. The slogan from Animal Farm comes to mind: “All Animals are created equal, but some Animals are more equal than others”. To put it another way, “Who is doing what to whom?”
As for Pittsfield (Massachusetts), it is one of the most economically unequal areas of the state and nation because there are little to no living wage jobs there for the average working class family who lives there. Pittsfield’s inner-city public schools are rated Level 5 – the worst rating possible – by the state government in Boston. Pittsfield politics’ budget always increases its municipal spending by 5% per fiscal year, and its taxes and fees cause severe financial pain to the city’s shrinking working and middle class tax base. The Mayor of Pittsfield – the Lovely Linda – lives in a near million dollar mansion in a wealthy gated community with her millionaire Accountant husband Barry Clairmont near the Pittsfield/Hancock border, while dangerous downtown Pittsfield is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” instead of a bustling business district like it was in the 1950s and 1960s. Pittsfield – or Palookaville – gets away with politicizing discrimination and sexual harassment – similar to the political establishment in the Swamp – because the local people who live there know all to well that they will face retribution if they sound off about all of the injustices that the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski face by the state and local one political party establishment.
Gender correct pronouns.
If it’s not a he or she, it’s an it.
Xiden buyer remorse.
“Democrats are continuing to remind us that the costs of illegal immigration far exceed the costs of preventing it.
Just four months into the Biden presidency we’ve seen a surge in illegal migration on the U.S. border, and the health care costs alone associated with that are on track to nearly equal what Trump spent on the border wall by year-end………….
As you know Dan the approach Fox media and white Supremacist and Trumper billionaire white power are using is to take all the tags democrats exposed in the white power movement and turn it back on the democratic labor and justice party and try to make it stick.The ignorant are repackaging …..
The truth wont change….ex prez Trump ordered McCarthy and McConnell to shut down the investigation into the attempted overthrow of the America as your Mom and Dad saw it and lived it.Their generation gave the gift of public education to this generation and it is the greatest tool against fascism one could give.The billionaires have the gift of propaganda to control the well educated by a simple brainwash..The billionaires got so many to fight their war they lost track of mom and dads history of their fleeing fascist takeovers for America. …Without the investigation fascism is winning.The lie continues and the end of truth is close …..What do fascist really want.
Education has been replaced with indoctrination. Critical thinkers are now punished, even at the college level, if their thoughts do not bend to the attitude, values, and beliefs of the “educator/brain washer”
We have a lot of educated people who can’t make decisions nor do they have problem solving skills. Education is mostly ideology driven with no focus on realism or practicality.
Mad, American public schools have always been about indoctrination; that’s why they were started in the first place.
TSC here is something that you can think about over this Memorial Weekend beside how many white soldiers fought and died for our freedoms for all colors, what do Bezos, Buffet, Jobs and Gates have in common, white, filthy rich and Democrat
Mic Drop!!
Time to take your meds
How much you wanna bet your rants are an attempt at reverse psychology. You secretly masturbate to Tucker Carlson and sticky white wash the tv during the commercial breaks
Speaking of ignorance and repackaging, read JM’s post above about how some democrats weren’t immune from the white supremacy tag you speak of. I know, I know all of them including Robert Byrd evolved from racism and White Supremacy thoughts and actions they once displayed. Talk about repackaged !
I can’t decide if you’re an imbecile or a moron. You have no understanding of history and you have no idea what fascism is.
You never answered my question TSC from the other day. Keep in mind, I’m talking current events, not something that happened 4+ months ago and counting.
My question, how do you feel about the fact that the young men and women who volunteered to serve this great country were sleeping in parking garages while they protected the capitol, but yet Xiden is spending $87,000,000 to put illegal immigrants in hotels across the country? Do they really need votes this bad?
BTW-notice you don’t hear Tricia Farley-Country-Buffet (D) volunteering to take in an illegal immigrant family or two? She championed getting them driver’s licenses when the rest of us had to pass driver’s ed, etc. Why not put your money where your mouth is Trish? I’m sure she’d gladly do it, if Xiden tossed a few hundred thousand her way in the form of a ‘donation.’
C’mon Trish, step up. At a time when your party has created an absolute disaster at the border, show your true leadership skills and house these people. Lord knows you make enough money to be able to.
But calling anybody with white skin a RACIST!!!, is the new norm (ask TSC).
TSCs long lost sister?
“Brandeis University Assistant Dean Kate Slater, who is white, lashed out at white people and told them to “shut up right now.” Slater, who is a champion of anti-racism ideology and critical race theory, was skewered online for her recent remarks, including that “all white people are racist.”………
Notice these types never give up the good paying positions and pay to a minority though? I mean they could go to HR and explain they are sick of having the positions they hold because of their white privilege and advocate for some diversity justice take place by giving up the position to someone of color, even if they aren’t qualified for the position on top of it.
That’s the catch right there. All these “woke” whitey’s never seem to give up their lucrative jobs to people of color. They never seemed to mind when they were taking full advantage of their ‘whiteness.”
When I grew up, it was called self responsibility and hard work. And no, I didn’t grow up in a politically connected family, or a family with money. Just a regular working-class family.
I did the unthinkable in today’s standards: work hard and graduated high school and college, served in the military, and have no regrets working in the career field I chose. It certainly wasn’t my “whiteness,” that got me any of this. Nor did I ask for a handout. I had to much pride.
While on the subject of whiteness, has Helen Moon posted the case number to her arrest at gunpoint by Boston PD? Or was it New Hampshire? Gotham City?
To our knowledge, she has not posted evidence of her “arrest at gunpoint” claim.
How about white as a new pair of BVDs, Lieawatha Warren? Fake Indian to get positions/jobs.
If she ran around an Indian reservation, all night naked, she still wouldn’t have any Indian DNA in her!
MT – You are crude, dude.
“He who dares to not offend, cannot be honest”
— Thomas Paine
Thanks so much for your service from the bottom of my heart and from a family that has many members who served proudly. One who earned both a Silver and Bronze star. Who would have ever thought today’s standards would be so sought after?
I should clarify that I was being sarcastic about today’s standards being so sought after.
Marxism infiltrating our military is only evitable since the Marxist philosophy has worked its way into every part of our society. The military will not be able to function properly against our enemies, and isn’t that the point, if they are worrying about offending people. It would be racist to defend our country from our attackers if our enemies are not white. The con job on this country by the far left woke progressives is becoming more and more dangerous everyday. It’s meant to weaken and eventually destroy our country.
Pat, the US military of my experience is about the least marxist organization I know of. it is more right-wing than left, and more conservative than liberal.
(a woke military feels) ‘It would be racist to defend our country from our attackers if our enemies are not white.’
That’s just nonsense. You should limit your comments to what makes sense.
‘woke progressives’ do not want to weaken and destroy this country. Not at all. We want a strong, independent and viable USA.
Slick Willie and Sotero started dismantling our military from the top down by installing liberal yes men in positions of high authority.
The military isn’t supposed to be political at all. By introducing Critical Race Theory into the military, that is an attempt to make the military into a politically run organization. The military needs to defend our country if we are being attacked. We don’t need to indoctrinate them into thinking that white people are bad and every other race is a victim of white people. How does this serve morale in the military? It doesn’t. In fact, it will create lots of tensions and have negative consequences such as those I mentioned like soldiers refusing to fight an enemy if they believe it might be racist for them to do so due to guilt over their so-called white supremacy.
Because you exaggerate, your argument is hard to buy. ‘White people are bad’ is not their message, and neither is ‘every other race is a victim of white people’. Why do you insist that these are the messages being pushed? Your exaggeration does not help.
I think you had better educate yourself on what they are teaching because that is their message. This teacher is threatening firing any teacher who can’t prove that they are anti-racist. Prove by her personal opinion obviously since she sounds like a real fanatic. Teachers are NOT supposed to be political. They are supposed to teach math, science, and history. Teaching anything else is indoctrination which we know the radical teachers have been doing. They are the ones who should be fired.
Just because you want that, doesn’t mean your actions are helping reach that goal
it’s almost as ironic as “anti-fascists” who beat, steal and intimidate the opposition for being fascists
Everyone I talk to in the city states they think the current city government stinks and they all should be replaced. This seems to happen all the time, the same individuals get voted in and the city keeps sinking. I ponder how is it that the people who vote in the city continual vote for incompetence? I then realize I still haven’t received an answer on our electronic devices that the city uses during election, who checks to make sure the election roles are up to date and accurate, how are the paper ballot kept safe, how are mail in votes counted and audited and why MA doesn’t mandate voter identification? There are lots of areas that fraud can take place. There are many more stories out there but I am sure there are others on this board who can add to the discussion
Director of the BoH has the key to the voting machine. She unlocked it when my ballot got jammed. She is the same person who lied about sanitary code compliance for the Community Development cronies. It’s rigged.
The problem is that they are all far left progressives. The faces change, but the insane agenda remains the same. Pittsfield needs people desperately who are not far leftists to run for office. That’s the ONLY way this city will change for the better. The downward slide will continue if this isn’t done.
Banner at Yankee Stadium last night
That’s awesome!
His approval rating averaged in the mid 40’s over four years. Why is it so unbelievable that he lost the election?
“His approval rating averaged in the mid 40’s over four years. Why is it so unbelievable that he lost the election?”
Rigged voting machines, fake ballots, democrat poll workers caught on tape counting same ballots over and over, failure to investigate the fraud……
If he had a 70% approval rating and then mysteriously lost the election you might want to question that result. But that wasn’t the case, Trap.
Everything about, and results of the last election. stank of fraud perpetrated by Democrats and abetted by RINOs who hated Trump. The swing in votes from late Nov 3rd to Nov 4th was only possible by massive fraud.
I have ZERO faith in fair elections for the future.
Or was that swing made possible by mail-in ballots that everyone knows were mostly used Democrats? Again, the polls predicted trouble for Trump months before the election. Go back and look.
truck loads of fake mail-in ballots, after deadlines, trucked into PA from NJ. Driver testified to it.
Heresay, Trap. I suppose all those polls were fraud as well?
Audits underway in several states are revealing the fraud, and Democrats are fighting each one tooth and nail. Big problems still in AZ, PA, and GA.
What will happen if several States do flip and we have an imposter elected?
I’ll have ZERO FAITH of fair voting until all are investigated and “Dominion” machines are fully examined, then these type of computers removed from use in any future elections.
If these “computers” can’t count the votes in several weeks, there is no reason no to go back to paper ballots.Mail-in ballots should be limited to absentee and everyone should have to show proof of residence/citizenship.
Democrat MSM polls had The H-beast winning 2016
They even screwed with the military ballots.
You think people in the services voted for Xiden?
Trap: The President said —- three weeks before the election — that if he lost, the election was fraudulent. Why on earth would any candidate say that? To state that ‘if I don’t win, the results are fake’ is what is done in banana republics, not in our US of A.
Democrats did that from 2015-to present.
You sir, are a devotee of lamestream news.
I would like to have a nickel for every time I have heard or read the word “Fraud” since the January Inauguration (so-called) I wouldn’t have to work another day of my life.
How about IM-POTUS?
Uneffinbelieveable – now Tyer and Curtis want to spend millions per year having a virtual academy, in perpetuity, to educate this kids that don’t want to go to class. Will somebody in a position of authority please grow a brain in this God forsaken city before it’s too late?
They can’t retain teachers or students as it is. What’s a better incentive then sit at home in your pajamas
Nobody in power in Pittsfield is going to grow a brain while the city is flush with taxpayer cash to distribute for make work jobs and special interest dispensation. Is anyone pushing for the forensic audit? I thought Marchetti was going to get the ball rolling. Has he backed off it already? How about Yuki? Doesn’t she owe the taxpayers a little thank you? How about Helen Moon? She should know that if she gets the ball rolling on a forensic audit the grateful taxpayers will elect her to any office she may want to run for. AND put a statue of her in Park Square. Please Helen, do it. And forget all about the other bullshit stuff.
Every school district in Massachusetts is required to be back fully in-person for the 21-22 school year except for very limited virtual learning scenarios that were in place prior to the pandemic.
The announcement was made Thursday.
Helen is not going to disrupt the apple cart. I making the prediction right here, right now:
Helen Moon will be the manager/director of the DEI. She fits the bill to a T: Asian woman, hates white men, posts racist rants on social media about white men, even posted a bulls*it story (lied) about her “arrest,” hates the police, and **has the goods on DA Andrea Wrong Way Harrington.
I’m sure Tricia Farley-Country-Buffet will help Linda make this hire. She’ll remind Linda of the great photo-ops this would provide, plus keep the progressive money flowing in. Like they say, sewage in, sewage out.
Moon is hostile and nasty. She should have been removed from the schitty clowncil after her fake arrest story. But then again she only has to measure up to repeat offender puki, the BIG DUMP-ster persip, and the pee pee twins. So it wouldn’t surprise me if tyer does hand this fake taxpayer funded position to Moon. Apparently tyer would view nasty Moon’s attempt to shakedown wrongway for $150,000 as an admirable trait. So for someone of such contemptible characteristics Moon is more than qualified for this taxpayer funded fake racist do nothing position. Well, nothing except get paid off with taxpayer $$$$$$$$$$$$$, and cause trouble. On a side note one has to wonder if providers of health care would be concerned about having someone like moon interacting with patients.
Is this a joke?? Is this the dark sarcasm in the classroom? GawDAMN that teacher’s union has some brass ones.
And the school song will be ” I believe the children are the future teach them well and let them lead”.
Have we not just spent the past year talking about or hearing about how bad it is for the children’s mental health and social adjustment to go to school online?
Who’s covid bingo card had hey when it’s over let’s find a way to keep making MORE maladjusted children?
We will never run Servicenet out of town at this rate.
It’s time we say screw the teacher’s union. The children didn’t create, and worse, perpetuate, Level 5 schools.
Stop giving into them. Let ’em strike.
Won’t even have to cross a picket line to keep teaching the children in person because the one thing we were all schooled in this year was that just as the church is not the building it’s the people, so it is for schools. Classes can be held anywhere. Just sayin’.
Hey kids, come to my school where you’ll learn things like:
How are rock and roll and John Donne and Shakespeare similar?
Ring ring goes the bell, for whom the bell tolls is the teacher’s union
All’s well that ends well but children, all in all?
You’re just another brick in the wall.
This permanent home school option that they are discussing is nuts!! If they are taking 4-500 kids out of the schools and using 6.9 million dollars to educate them at home then I would guess the dollars would balance and we could take that amount off the regular school budget? I doubt it. This is ridiculous, we have schools built and maintained to health standards for a reason. This would lead to a duplication of positions and tons of waste. I am not in favor of this unless they try it with the current budget and modify the class so that the existing teachers can teach the class and the home school child at the same time. Big no from me.
Curtis was a bad choice for supt.
Tyer is a weak, SJW mayor.
Everybody back to school. Pandemic is over.
Contact each & every member of your school dept. and voice your desire to eliminate virtual learning,
Demand a forensic audit of the PPSD books. Where are all the chromebooks that were handed out? Why are the taxpayers footing the bill for wifi in low-income homes? Needs to end!
SJ W from the outskirts of town in a mansion to boot. Just the one I want on my side to advance my social
Why are taxpayers footing the bill for wifi in low-income homes? My guess is so the Pittsfield School Department can ensure that there will be more gun wielding 15 & 16-year-old cannibals dealing drugs in the violent ghettos of Pittsfield. I can’t began to tell you how happy I was to see the positive impact the Westside Riverway Project has had on the ghetto gangbangers. Maybe the PPD can give those two fine young cannibals their ammunition, feeding devices, and large capacity firearms so they can murder a few people before Pittsfield’s dignitaries celebrate their ribbon cutting on Monday. Also, vibrant and dynamic Dewey Ave. makes the Police log almost daily, sometimes the cops are called to this vibrant and dyanmic area several times a-day. No doubt tyer, Edgerton, wrongway, buffet, pukie and gookie will be providing entertainment in the form of booty bumping twerking.
How long before shots are fired in dis new park?
And so if they do this how many schools will they be closing?
And a girl can be a boy and a boy can be girl and you can be called a they. And if you don’t go along with the liberal lie, we will fire you.
I’m going to identify as Michael Jackson. My new pronouns are Hee/Hee. my vagina be damned
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls.
It’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, except for Lola.
I heard Ray sing that at The Music Inn
Is it true The Boss played at music inn in early 70’s, or was it Tanglewood?
I saw Springsteen at The Music Inn. 7/23/1975. I think tickets were $5
Spirit in the Night
10th Ave Freeze-Out
Growin Up
Hard to Be a Saint
E-Street Shuffle
She’s the One
Gimmie That Wine
Born to Run
Thunder Road
Paradise by the C
Kitty’s Back
4th of July/Asbury Park
Love So Fine/Shout
Baby it’s You
Quarter to 3
About nobody knew who Springsteen was and the place was not close to full. Was a really good show
Hot Tuna 7/26/1975 and Joan Baez 7/19/1975 drew bigger crowds. Other good shows that summer were Bromberg, Bonnie Rait, and The New Riders
Besides Dan’s brother (Quarry, opened for Roy Buchanan another great show) 1974 , other notables were The Eagles 1974 and The Band (twice Last Waltz tour) 1976.
Eagles lineup was one of the best, pre-Joe Walsh
Thanks much Mad Trap. Before my time, but wish I was there.
Before my time the Music Inn had Louie Armstrong, Woody Guthrie, and Bob Dylan among other greats. Nobody knew who Dylan was, Joan Baez brought him there early 60s
Dylan was in Stockbridge/Red Lion Inn when The Band played Music Inn. Word is he was too tipsy to play.
Dylan and Joan Baez visited “Mama’s Dream Away Lodge” . Heard the story from Mama’s daughter, Terry: “little Bobby Dylan……”. Pictures framed on the wall of that visit.
That’s another lost gem in the Berkshires……….
Great memory, TRAP. And as you or someone else mentioned earlier, my brother Mick and his band played there several times. Great days. Great fun.
The Kinks “One for the Road” live album liner/poster was taken at The Music Inn
May 28, 2021
Hello Pat,
When we file our state and federal taxes, we should be able to check the box for “Our state or federal lawmaker wanted to pinch the pretty lady’s fanny slush fund”. Maybe K Street’s corporate lobbyist firms can set up a “Members of U.S. Congress wanted to pinch the pretty lady’s fanny PAC”? Let us all reward our state and federal lawmakers who wanted to pinch the pretty lady’s fanny! New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, who is 63, asks his 25 year old pretty lady staff members if they like to play strip poker, and if they like to be in romantic relationships with older men. We should reward Andrew Cuomo with millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded “I want to pinch the pretty lady’s fanny” slush fund, too. I wonder if I was a big wheel on Beacon Hill, Capitol Hill, or in the White House if I would want to pinch the pretty lady’s fanny, too? If I did that, would I want the taxpayers to pay into Lawmaker or President Jonathan Melle’s I want to pinch the pretty lady’s fanny slush fund? What is about pretty lady’s fanny’s that powerful men want to put their hands on them anyways? Whatever it is, the taxpayers pay for the lawmakers who give in to their desire to pinch the pretty lady’s fanny.
Best wishes,
I added this as a comment but it will probably get buried.
Massachusetts has declared that all school districts must attend fully in-person for the upcoming 21-22 school year. Virtual
Learning scenarios that were in place in very limited circumstances prior to the pandemic will be allowed.
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
Pittsfield politics is finishing up its public hearings and review of the Lovely Linda’s fiscal year 2022 municipal budget next week, and it plans to vote for the record setting nearly $180 million operating budget on Tuesday, June 8th, 2021.
I have Pittsfield politics’ financial questions that I hope you may have answers to on your awesome blog.
1) Please explain to me what exactly “FREE CASH” means?
2) How much money does Matt Kerwood have in his slush funds or reserve accounts as of June 1, 2021?
3) What is happening with the $41.7 million in Biden Buck$ that the Lovely Linda will receive in direct aid over the next two years?
4) Why does Pittsfield politics always increase its operating budget spending by 5% per fiscal year?
5) How much municipal debt and other liabilities does Pittsfield politics have as of June 1st, 2021?
6) How do municipalities such as Pittsfield put together their operating budgets without the state government passing their budget first?
7) How much money does Pittsfield politics receive from state aid?
8) What is the average tax and fee liability for residential families in Pittsfield?
9) What is the average tax and fee liability for commercial businesses in Pittsfield?
10) How do the average residential and business tax and fee liability compare to other municipalities similar in size to Pittsfield?
11) How many millions of tax dollars does Matt Kerwood shuffle around various city accounts?
12) Was there ever a forensic audit of Pittsfield politics’ municipal finances? If not, why not? If so, when was it?
13) Why does Matt Kerwood always use the same auditor year in and year out for Pittsfield politics’ municipal finances?
14) How much taxpayer dollars does the city’s Big 3 (School, Police and Fire) Unions receive for their public workers each fiscal year?
15) Why aren’t Pittsfield public school teachers paid as much as neighboring public school districts?
I like to learn, and I have always been interested in public financial management schemes, especially in Pittsfield politics. Thank you for considering my request for your possible future blog posting on the fiscal year 2022 Pittsfield politics’ municipal budget.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
Overtaxed money from underspent accounts.
Under sound financial policies, a community strives to generate free cash in an amount equal to three to five percent of its annual budget.
Perhaps this explains why Pittsfield politics always raises its municipal operating budget spending by 5% per fiscal year – so that the Lovely Linda and Matt Kerwood are able to generate free cash in amount equal to 5% of Pittsfield politics’ annual budget.
Please correct me if I am wrong about this; thank you.
If the end game is to have a good bond rating free? Cash is needed to the highest levels usually five mil is sufficient for the coffers.
BOOMteenth: the old familiar Pittsfield pastime of “is it fireworks or is it gunshots?”
Days and dates vary.
Could be cops having a “turkey shoot”
Did NOT have save the wildlife, defund the police on my bingo card!
No,now it’s water bottles.
They finally shutdown the illegal shooting range the PPD had set up next to Holmes Road sewer treatment plant. Used to sound like Vietnam/Iraq all day, from > 1 mile away
Not shutdown!
merely moved to Dalton, to old General Sand and Stone site.
GSS was shut down due to noise violations between 7am and 5PM. , now the neighborhood has 24 hour 7 day a week gunfire-by every police force in Massachusetts.
Now disgraced Dalton police department and former da needed to throw thier colleagues a bone to cover up rapes and murders perpetrated by local law enforcement.
On the subject of cover up of rapes, murder, and other depraved atrocities perpetrated by law enforcement there’s this:
Union Pushes Boston Police to Put Cop Accused of Sexual Assault Back on the Beat. A scandalous story that not only involved the cops, but also DCF. Patrick Rose president of Boston Police Patrolman’s Association, another cop who kept his pension.
DCF sued in connection with Patrick Rose case.
Former Boston police leaders express ‘deep disappointment’ with city’s release of documents from Patrick Rose case.
Ex-Boston Officer Patrick Rose Stayed ON Force Despite Abuse Allegations.
The Planet may want to read justice Thomas’ opinion in Trump/ Biden v Knight First amendment institute. Bezos banning his book (My grandfather’s son) from Amazon during Black History month- will prove a fatal mistake for big tech. They slipped the noose only temporarily. Thomas will find another vehicle to bring this subject under his purview, and it may even begin right here in Berkshire county.
Has the planet kept apprised of Dr Shiva’s lawsuit against Massachusetts and Twitter, for election fraud?
Self-Dealing within the Berkshire Bar Association / Realtors Association. Watch your estate, don’t trust your lawyer.
Good advice
You forgot to include law enforcement, District attorneys office & pittsfield District court.
Mass outrage ( Attorney Gregory Hession) website very informative about the iron triangle of probate courts.
Look for another much worse episode of Netflix “Dirty money” expose on criminal conduct in Massachusetts probate courts.
DCF is under federal investigation for child trafficking, more of erin devaney ( fallen 7 registry hack) criminal activity in her prior position as DCF administrator.
Devaney is a serial killer exceeded only by Tony Fuaci..
And before dcf’s erin devaney there was olga roche, and before that was angelo mcclain. What they all have in common are dead babies and sex trafficked foster children. Shockingly Children’s Rights lost their class-action lawsuit alleging neglect of children dispite the number of dead, raped, molested, neglected, trafficked, missing children being exploited in the corrupt foster care system. I’m still waiting for harrington to indict the dcf for placing baby Kristoff in the clutches of 600 pounds of neglectful gluttony.
The tragedy of Kristof , lies with DCF.
They failed to respond to the foster parents pleas, to provide medical information and order allowing them to seak medical care.
That poor defenseless baby was another victim of the covid vacation plan of the commonwealth.
The caregivers could not get a court order, due to courts being deemed nonessential by Faker.
Yet liquor stores were deemed essential?
Let that ruminate a few minutes!
Paperwork, allowing 600 pounds of gluttony to seek medical care for a sick baby, be damned! I assure you, paperwork/court order to snatch babies is not a priority of corrupt DCF. So it’s not a surprise that DCF ignores requests for medical care for sick babies. I’ve seen someone with a collapsed lung. Baby Kristoff had to be showing signs of distress. DCF’s glowing choice of 600 pounds of gluttony should have called 911 or rushed baby Kristoff to the emergency room, EVEN WITHOUT DCF PAPERWORK. The hospital wasn’t going to turn baby Kristoff away. The hospital would have done everything possible to save his life. If the 600 pounds of glowing gluttony lost their certification to foster babies snatched by DCF because they didn’t sit around waiting on paperwork, well, then, that would have been significantly less of a loss than the tortuous death of an innocent baby.
DCF, the same agency that places innocent life with their egregious choices of “glowing”(DCF describing their choice) of substitutes. Including DCF placing the innocent with their egregious “glowing” choices, even those with a convicted sex offender family member guilty of multiple counts of oral and anal rape of a child with force. DCF’s Preferred choice of “glowing” guardian.
DCF is a joke. I know a lot of people that work there and/or are social workers.
Most of them are more screwed up than the clientele they claim to save the kids from. I haven’t met a single DCF worker that isn’t either a drunk, drug addict of on some sort of anti-anxiety/anti-depression medication.
The Blind leading the blind. Plus how many of those pigs are single/childless. Honestly, A lot of people decide not to have kids, which is fine… but, if you are going to tell people how to parent you should be one yourself. Never trust a skinny chef!
If you’ve ever lived in Northampton, you know that Rule #1 is DONT date the students at Smith School of Social Work. Ever. They’re too loony.
Given the emergency covid order to address the extreme infectious potential in jails & prisons- don’t you think it is insane, to even have such a place ? Test the water !
Exposure to covid, in addition to human rights violations in the county jail.
Free speech is being shut down in schools unless you speak their far left lingo of white people are all white supremacists. This father is now being banned from attending the graduation of his daughter after saying he was insulted by a letter received from the school after George Floyd’s death that said all white people are white supremacists.
‘This father … received a letter from the school … that said all white people are white supremacists.’
Can you imagine a school actually sending out a letter that says this?
No school district would ever send out a letter with such a ridiculous statement.
mASSachsetts has the worst “indoctrination” in public primary schools.
Remember “fistgate?”
“Students as young as 12 given graphic instruction in bizarre homosexual sex acts by state employees (and we were there to record it for the world).”
“Fisting [forcing one’s entire hand into another person’s rectum or vagina] often gets a bad rap….[It’s] an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with…[and] to put you into an exploratory mode.”
The above quotation comes from Massachusetts Department of Education employees……..”
“……….These included: homosexual oral sex techniques, inserting one’s entire hand in someone else’s rectum, sado-masochism techniques, girls using “dildos” and rubbing their sex organs together, and more………”
Well kltpzyxm
refute “fistgate”, 20 years ago in mASSachusetts public schools, it has not improved!!!!
Now we have trannys (in full garb) giving lectures to youngsters.
Why if you are white , you MUST be a racist.
Revisionist “history/1619”.
Math, yes math, is racist. 2 + 2 = ?
There is MORE than 2 genders,…….
I’ll say JUST 2 genders, and 31 types of queers.
No wonder mASSachsetts kids in public schools are nuts/crazy……
Trap, the only reason there is an alsphsbet soup of 31 types of queers is because the heteros won’t take responsibility for the human beings they produce.
I propose that straight people take at least half of the B’s,half the Q’s and half the T’ for a new alphabet soup if H(etero) BQT.
Time for the H’s to take on some of the responsibility for producing 31 types of queers.
Trap, have you been listening to Ani DiFranco again? “32 Flavors”
You, who are on the road
Must have a code
That you can live by
And so
Become yourself
Because the past
Is just a good-bye
Teach your children well
Your father’s hell did slowly go by
And feed them on your dreams
The one they picks
The one you’ll know by
Don’t you ever ask them why
If they told you, you would cry
So just look at them and sigh
And know they love you.
w/Jerry playing steel slide to close
Teach your parents well
Their children’s hell will slowly go by
“The Child is Father of the Man” — William Wordsworth
The issue with “diversity” training is it is not reciprocal.
A keen insight, J2S.
BERKSHIRE COUNTY — The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office purchased and assembled 50 Hope bags filled with necessities for victims of human trafficking.
On Friday, BDAO staff filled the backpacks with clothing, first aid kits, hygiene products, hand sanitizer, wipes, snacks, reusable water bottles, referrals for social services, and more. The members of the Berkshire Domestic and Sexual Violence Task Force will identify individuals and coordinate the distribution of the bags throughout Berkshire County as needed.
“These bags tell victims that the community cares about them and is ready and able to help. This DSV Task Force project is particularly powerful because the victims do not need to be involved in the criminal justice system to receive help. This is street-level, immediate care to victims in a vulnerable place and truly meeting them where they are at,” District Attorney Andrea Harrington said.
The District Attorney’s Office previously won a $15,000 from the Massachusetts Office of Victims Assistance and used a portion of that to purchase the necessities and bags.
Nobody will even notice their person is carrying a care package & wonder what they are up to. You have NO CLUE how it is to be controlled. Where’d the bag come from? The DA’s office svu…… yaaaaa! What do you say to a woman w/ 2 black eyes ? ….nothing, you already told her twice ! Who you callin? Lemme find the f* out!
What a big effing waste of our money!
Harrington thinks she is running a social services agency. First aid kits? WTF?! We really need to ditch this nitwit.
Hopefully included in these joke bags for aged out foster kids being trafficted by their certified foster pimps are condoms and birth control implants so dcf monsters will have fewer babies to exploit to death.
Rumor has it another highlight of Monday’s riverside festivities will be a reenactment by mammy tyer of her famous May 2016 minstrel titled: Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer to gangbangers: ‘I am not going to stand down while you terrorize our neighborhoods’ accompanied by a background of negro spirituals performed by Pittsfield’s own bootylicious twerkers pukie, gookie, Hinsdale roberta, wrongway, edgerton, officer dorr and her pig, and buffet.
I’m certain no one will want to miss mammy tyer reciting this famous line from her minstrel
“We must honestly acknowledge the challenges facing our city: Gang and gun violence is real,” and this gem: “To all who threaten our city, I am not going to stand down while you terrorize our neighborhoods,” “We are going to make it very uncomfortable for you to engage in criminal behavior. If you endanger a child or interfere with Pittsfield’s youth, we will intervene.”
Taxpayers will be required to pay for special bodyguards(armed and dangerous 15 & 16 year-olds drug dealing endangered cannibals have been recruited for this OT detail) to protect mammy tyer during this ghetto event. Another highlight not to be missed will be mammy tyer throwing more money $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ at acting chief wynn to increase personnel. As if staffing shortage due to the loss of cops such as Miles Barber, Brett Wallace, Jeff Coco, Nicholas and Lucia Cabral, Darren Cowell, Martin Streit, Christopher Colleo is somehow the fault of the taxpayers/citizens.
Police Department budget time. No doubt wynn will be dressed up in his official blue furry pig uniform for his expected taxpayer $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ so he can add more cops like Miles Barber/Thomass Barber, Brett Wallace, Jeff Coco, Nicholas & Lucia Cabral, Darren Cowell, Martin Streit, Mark Lenihan, Christopher Collelo, Dale Eason, Jennifer Brueckmann, Traversa, both Kirchners, Michael Winston, John Mullin, Shaun Reagan, etc. etc. etc..
From commonwealth magazine news article
Berkshire DA under fire for dangerousness hearings
Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington.
Berkshire DA under fire for dangerousness hearings
Rise in hearings comes after Harrington’s pledge on cash bail
BRUCE MOHL May 20, 2021
TWO YEARS AGO, shortly after she was elected district attorney in Berkshire County, Andrea Harrington said she was going to sharply curtail the use of cash bail.
“A cash bail system is basically un-American,” she said on WGBY-TV’s Connecting Point. “It’s discriminatory against people who are impoverished. Two people accused of the same crime with the same kind of evidence – if one person can come up with $500 to be released pre-trial and the other person cannot because of their financial circumstances, to me that’s clearly inequitable and it’s not fair and it really doesn’t keep our community safe.”
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In that same interview, Harrington also made clear that if her office felt a defendant was a danger to the community or to someone in the community it would present evidence of that danger to a judge and seek to hold the person that way.
“That way we’re able to distinguish between people who should be behind bars because they’re dangerous and people who are innocent until proven guilty,” she said.
Harrington appears to have followed through on her pledge. Defendants today are rarely being held on bail, but now advocates and defense attorneys are accusing her of using dangerousness hearings to lock their clients up prior to a trial.
In separate reports by New England Public Media and the Berkshire Eagle, the defense attorneys and advocates suggest Harrington has substituted one discriminatory practice for another. While bail hearings are way down, the number of dangerousness hearings has increased dramatically – tripling in District Court and rising fivefold in Superior Court, according to the reports.
“It doesn’t get much more of an infringement on civil liberties,” defense attorney Michael Hinkley told New England Public Media. “That is, people are being held by the government. They haven’t been found guilty, they haven’t been adjudicated guilty and — in some cases — they’ve been held longer than the law allows given the pandemic.”
If a defendant is declared dangerous, he or she can be held for 120 days in District Court cases and 180 days in Superior Court cases – and even longer during COVID.
Meet the Author
Bruce Mohl
Editor, CommonWealth
Bio » Latest Stories » It’s quite possible that dangerousness hearings went up in Berkshire County when bail hearings went down because prosecutors – and judges – were implementing bail improperly previously. In a 2017 decision on a bail issue, the Supreme Judicial Court was critical of prosecutors for incorporating claims about the defendant’s dangerousness into a request for bail.
“Using unattainable bail to detain a defendant because he is dangerous is improper,” the court held. “If the Commonwealth wishes to have a defendant held pretrial because he poses a danger to another person or the community, it must proceed under the [statute dealing with dangerousness.]”
Sourced from commonwealth magazine
More reason to recall Harrington
These pledges are great for progressives to make in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Los Angeles, because they are large urban areas. The progressive DA’s know the majority of crime is in the black community. They created the police as the “bogey man,” to take away from the real issue: black on black crime.
Berkshire County does not have that issue. DA Wrong Way really has nowhere to put these people, other than Pittsfield. The problem, there are plenty of welfare rats and drug addicts willing to let these violent criminals borrow their cars for drugs or to pay a drug debt off. This means they are mobile, thus getting into Lenox, Lee, Great Barrington, the places that won’t tolerate it.
Most of Harrington’s base is South County. Most are liberally “woke,” until that wokeness ends up in their backyards. Then the NIMBY comes out and the whitey’s who want to “defund the police,” are calling the police expecting the police to arrive yesterday.
I’m not really sure if Harrington grasps this? She seems kinda like Xiden. Just give them a script and pray they don’t veer off of it. Harrington’s handlers do know this and steer Wrong Way correctly, no pun intended.
So, to keep with her pledge of no cash bail, Wrong Way’s office used a loop hole, a dangerousness hearing. A lawyer using a loop hole? Color me shocked? Harrington, like other progressives have a tough time with their political statements, because those they champion, are the exact people causing the chaos and destruction.
But, to keep her base frothing at the mouth, she used the dangerousness hearing to hold a man who burned a few bales of hay. Never was a person or property in danger. Nope, Durfee burned a few bales of hay that supported Xiden/Xarris. But Durfee was perfect: a white man who supported Trump. That was it. When they state police did a search warrant, Durfee had nothing to warrant holding him at all. And if he messed up on bail (drinking, etc), then he had only himself to blame, not a politically motivated DA.
The only problem, there are only so many Lonnie Durfee’s in Berkshire County for DA Andrea Wrong Way Harrington to prey on.
The Defund the Police stupidity is now being “rethought” in all of these far left Progressive states after their crime rates are skyrocketing. So many people were trying to tell them that’s what would happen, but these social engineering organizers think they have all of the answers. Now they have a real problem on their as homicides and all other crimes are out of control in their states. Cynthia Nixon, former candidate for governor for the far left, came forward yesterday to say that shoplifting crimes should not be prosecuted. Some people will never learn.
DFP is part of growth industry for the far progressive left. None of it helps civilization. It just tears it down so a new industry can be created to fix the mess they created.
Wrong Way Harrington routinely has her staff perjure themselves in court proceedings, to facilitate dangerous holds. It hinders defendants ability to defend themselves.
Hef use of dangerousness holds (falsified I ad,) is to extort pleas from. Defendants. Public pretenders fail to advise judges, as to prosecutors perjury as the commonwealth employs both. Resulting in an obvious conflict of interest- leaving defendants defenseless.
Wrong way chooses not to prosecute welfare rats and addicts; because the federal government reimbursement is greater than imprisonment.The politically connected are given jobs in “nonprofits ” to assist them and they pillage the funding , laundering it back as bribes disguised as political donations.
The homeless company, Barc & United way are main offenders in western Massachusetts. Stealing from those less fortunate than themselves, while putting on a facade of caring.
Her promise was to prosecute exactly who she is, a grifter who licks her finger and goes with the favorable wind. Leaving those who voted for her worse off.
But she was a change, and will be easy to defeat in 2022.
Which prosecutor is most likely to stab her in the back? Or will it be an Attorney from Berkshires?
Her career dissipation click is running double time, with ever growing civil rights violation lawsuits.
Think about it for a minute will you ! What person. In ANY situation. Ever NEEDED a band-aid and a water bottle ? Are you serious right now. Do you know those items are readily * available at ANY SINGLE LOCATION ON THE Cuvilized Earth. Do you know NONE OF THOSE THINGS * Matter to a trafficking victim. You are so HUGELY confused. Clothing? So many nude people everywhere. Have you noticed all the * ways & means to put clothes on your back ?
Already in place! None of what you said is going to be what a trafficking victim needs – whose idea was it to spend $15k on * band-aids & BACKPACKS ? How about RIDE VOUCHERS ? HOW ABOUT PEPPER SPRAY. A * WHISTLE I mean gotdamn it waTer & bandaid a…… I’m laughing at the ridiculous attempt to explain where the money went – you’re lying.
If you search junior league and human trafficking you will see where Wrong Way got the idea from as an example:
In this particular place, where we live, many, many agencies have this basic stuff covered it is redundant & lacks any kind of progress.
Another liberal racist, Amy Brentano, cutting off access to a family who’s been barely scraping by for years.
“For more than 20 years, Truc patrons have used this road to reach the restaurant, since Truc is “essentially landlocked” by private property, said Truc Nguyen, whose family has owned the Vietnamese restaurant for 42 years.
Enter a shaky post-COVID reopening season. Though it technically will be legal Saturday, when COVID restrictions are lifted, Brentano is choosing to hold weekend performances outside, on that road, until patrons grow more comfortable with a return to the indoor venue, she said.
“It’s all very tenuous right now,” she added.
But, Brentano’s plans to close the road from 5 to 9 p.m. will cut into access to Truc on Friday and Saturday evenings, since Brentano fears the mix of moving cars and Foundry audiences.
This scrambles Truc’s plans during its busy hours, as it is about to begin a takeout service while preparing for a full reopening, Nguyen said.”
I’d suggest cars and people park nearby in the public parking area and play their music loud enough to force Racist Amy back into her building.
“Longtime theater educator.” She had children fleeing from the theater programs at at least two schools.Toxic Amy.
I don’t understand why no reporting on the Berkshire Arc. That situation summarizes every public fund fleece and cronyism job placement that the Pitts is famous for … why no story here?
Bernie Madoff would have approved of the nearly $800k in misappropriated funds by the management of Berkshire Arc!
Remember the Bossidy bucks,the pontoosac lake fence re-do,what about a forensic audit on the beaCon? The owners bought chairs seats from his own company? Weren’t there also private offices and apartments built also? Three that come to mind for flushing dollars down the toilet. There are others,many many others,believe me. Who did the Coin count back in the day,from meters?
We remember the Bossidy Bux well.
Who was their account?
If you look up the Omega board of directors you will find David Cianflone and a bunch of Florida raisins padding out the director spots. DC should have known that Omega can’t spend on capital improvements. Why is this point not raised in any article? Rug sweeping … look the other way folks … DC is a lawyer who runs Omega, and Omega exists to support ArC. How can they not know this conflict? Also, that law firm is involved with so many other charities. That auditor had some moxy as this is a huge lift the lid on Berkshire Corruptionz. Boys and girls club audit next?
What we know is there was a lot of public money used inappropriately. The public comment in the Eagle is shockingly light – the ARC CEO hired his wife and son for what look like do nothing jobs, in addition to the Berkshire Omega framework (widely used in Berkshire County) to graft non profits for local gain.
Social services alley has some perverse incentives and the Fox is running the hen house to be sure.
No more reporting until BA and connected ones give media the script on how it was all a misunderstanding and paid back in full. I’m sure BA and connected were given a heads up on what was going to be released anyway.
Look up the board of directors
It’s a who’s who of the Good Ole Boy racketeering influenced criminal organization, of Berkshire county.
Former mayoral candidates husband, prominent local attorney……
Who’s going to prosecute them?
Surely not whom they provide campaign donations-aka bribes for pay to play.
It appears the DA has a mistaken perception that victims of violence are broke & homeless people without access to the most basic of supplies and medical care. Oh my God.
Purchased from her family store? Or no?
There are 107 cases of human trafficking in all of Massachusetts, one of the lowest states. There are 1.5 cases per 100,000 people. There are 124,000 people in Berkshire County. These stats are a bit old but indicate we need two backpacks. Please ask the District Attorney is she knows of any victims. And don’t they already give all this stuff out at the Elizabeth Freeman Center? Could someone please do a real story on this?
Thank you!
Geez what’s being done about arresting and prosecuting all these traffickers?
I know one trafficker is an official government inspector, important to Community Development & the DA told the victim it was past the statute of limitations, DA dropped the case. Which is a lie. There is no statute of limitations with child trafficking. Furthermore, the inspector did not get placed on leave during the 5 year investigation. Is this normal? So now the federal government is involved because there is also a conflict of interest, w/ the child’s address being ADA’s late honorable father’s #10 Manville Street apartment. The victim is with Jesus Christ & stands for all the oppressed. Helen knows the story. And did a RRstreet youth get pregnant by her mentor ? Helen?
Joe Biden laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, then thanked him for his vote.
Awesome, you answered a question I had about the election, how we went from a country that usually has under 50% voting participation to over 70%
Every vote a liberal cast counted, some several times.
I read the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle’s) news article this weekend (end of the month of May of 2021) about the corrupt EPA and the grassroots opponents of the so-called cleanup of the polluted Housatonic River submitting their respective lengthy legal briefs where the two sides stood by their respective positions on the horrible settlement between the corrupt EPA and the heavily indebted GE with no financial commitment from GE for the future 15 year long project that would put a toxic waste dump in Lee (Massachusetts), which is very close to Lenoxdale. After the public comment period, the corrupt EPA did NOT affirm even one of the many public comments about their horrible settlement with GE. The local property owners’ homes would plummet in value if GE gets its way and puts a toxic waste dump in Lee. By the time 15 years goes by after the would be so-called cleanup project begins sometime in the future, it will be around the year 2040, and most to all of today’s politicians, bureaucrats and GE executives will be long gone or retired. The local residents of Lee and Lenoxdale know all to well about Pittsfield’s PCBs and all of the health problems in Pittsfield where many thousands of local residents suffered from and/or died of cancer over the years/decades. I know it first hand because my mother has had cancer 3 times now. My mom told me that she will always have cancer, but through medication and medical screening every 3 months, she will be able to live on. My mother was born, raised and spent most of her life in Pittsfield (Massachusetts), which means that GE’s cancer causing industrial chemicals will always be in her body until her last day of life on Earth. The corrupt EPA and GE should have to settle with people like my mother who have had to suffer from having cancer for over 30 years of her life now, instead of spending millions in litigation to put the people who live (or lived) in Berkshire County at risk of cancer with GE’s leaky landfills, pseudo-cleanup projects, and unfunded billion dollar settlements.
Sounds like your mother is a fighter who won’t stop fighting the fight with this terrible situation. It also sounds like a strong family around her to help. Bless all in these difficult days and may you enjoy each and every moment you have to add to memories that never can be taken away!
Why repeat it publicly 7x, 1x in red? Don’t you realize you are the perpetrator of your own complaint.
You just said it seven times once really loud. Nobody want it, it’s in your head. Everyone gets picked on not just you. It’s called life.
This is what Mayor DeBlasio and far left politicians are doing to New York City. A famous park, Washington Square Park, is now a giant drug den full of people openly shooting up drugs and prostitutes openly pushing their services, most of whom are also on drugs. DeBlasio walks by and watches people walk through a cloud of drugs in the park and acts like it’s totally normal. Even many liberals are now saying this has gone too far. Why? Because it’s bothering their personal lifestyle. Loud drug parties at all hours of the night are bothering the once tolerant liberals in that area.
The liberals want to force “The Green New Deal” on us to clean up the envirionment.
The liberals, can’t even clean off the human feces strewn on the sidewalks, of the cities they run.
God bless our fallen Veterans who died for Americans freedoms.
Thank you to those who severved and are serving, to preserve those liberties.
Did you see where the current VP tweets out” Enjoy the long weekend” without mentioning why we are celebrating the long weekend? After some brought up the reason, her accounts was updated later to mention it, Unreal.
I did. I’m waiting for the tweet about suckers and losers, not being captured and how it’s raining…
I second that notion!
From part of an article from the B.E.:
This should be interesting when all is said and done.
The springtime season of budget hearings has passed the mid-way mark, with councilors Tuesday set to take up Mayor Linda Tyer’s $11,721,231 spending proposal for the Pittsfield Police Department. Her plan for next fiscal year allocates $397,002 additional dollars to PPD, a figure likely to raise concerns among the counselors who last year voted to
trim police spending.
Helen “Handgun” Moon and Earl “Dumpster Diver” Persip, were the leading advocates for defund PPD. It sure would be nice if the paper asked them why? It certainly can’t be because PPD are over funded. I’d look towards the school department for that. That is one bloated budget.
We all know Helen hates the police because she was “arrested,” in Boston, then New Hampshire, then Kingdom Come, so her hatred is understandable.
Earl knows he’s safe while he hangs out with the elite at Pittsfield Country Club all summer.
“From part of an article from the B.E.:…….”
For a while, after the Millers left town, the B E was good kitty box liner. These days That/The Left Winged Parrot is not even good for that; my cat would go outside first.
Another Dean in our school system goes off on long rants against whiteness. If you can hang in there long enough to read the entire article, your head will be spinning from her thought process and it’s clear that she is making herself neurotic from all of her indoctrination from Critical Race Theory.
“Indoctrination” — n., what used to be called “teaching” in America.
They need someone like they have at PHS for a Dean of Students.
He can relate to the 15 year olds because he acts and dresses like one.