ADD 1 — This just in from the Pittsfield Police.
Juvenile firearms Offenses 06-30-21
First of Two Parts
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JUNE 30, 2021) — It’s hard enough to say good bye to June, and THE PLANET doesn’t mean June Osborn, who should have been on the wall in the first season of TV’s The Handmaid’s Tale.
That said, we never want to be forced into saying goodbye to our wetlands and woodlands in Berkshire County. These rural enchantments are the Berkshires, not development and not needless projects that cater to a tiny minority.
Cut to the chase: Tomorrow night there’s an informational walk-through-then meeting concerning Springside Park and the proposed mountain bike track that threatens to rip the heart out of this serene and unperturbed sanctuary. Make no mistake and don’t be fooled by the Bike Mafia’s slick presentations as they try to bamboozle elected officials and, once more, screw Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.
The Bike Mafia, led by “200 Hours Russo,” has already wrecked downtown North Street. Don’t let them do the same at Springside Park.

State Sen. Chrome Dome walks with loser candidate Joe Kennedy in Springside Park. They are feeding the “houseless” sour milk. Behind, D.A. “Wrong Way” Harrington (behind, yellow top) shows, too, that she “cares.”
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WHO: Friends of Springside Park
WHAT: Walk-through at Springside Park followed by meeting.
WHEN/WHERE: Walk-through 5:30 p.m. … Meeting 7 p.m., Pittsfield Library … Thursday July 1 (tomorrow).
WHY: To preserve both natural beauty and civic sanity.
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Here is a message sent out by the founders of the Friends of Springside Park, Royal Hartigan and Elizabeth Kulas:
We are looking for people who will support our efforts to save Springside Park, a beautiful, unique, 237-acre park that has a diversity of flora, fauna, and terrain, unusual for a park of its size, especially in the midst of our city of Pittsfield, Mass.
There has been a concerted effort by the bike industry, bike associations (IMBA and NEMBA), some local officials, and local bike advocates to invade the park with trails and pump tracks and make it “mountain bike central” for the northeastern u.s. and even the entire country.
The current issue is about springside park and its gift to us as a natural place for all people for over a century. The issue is not about mountain biking, which is legitimate in an appropriate setting, but not at Springside. Despite statements to the contrary, we believe that the mountain biking goal is to take over the entire park.
Please consider coming to the walk-through at the park this Thursday, July 1, 2021 at 5:30 pm, and the commission meeting at 7 pm at the library. You are encouraged to voice your support for keeping Springside a natural open space for all people, and not for a restricted single interest few.
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Here are two informational packets on Springside Park.
Parks Commission Sub 7-1-21 E Kulas 4.
Parks Commission Sub 7-1-21 E Kulas 3
Each contains some fabulous information on the park, most of which will be news to many of our readers.
As you may recall, THE PLANET first got on this story in our May 19 edition. The saga has legs, as they say in the business. We certainly hope it doesn’t have wheels.
The bike lobbyists are trying to cower cowardly politicians into producing a triumph for their outside lobby, one that will continue the destruction of the city gem that once was, still partially is, and can fully again be an oasis from the myths and madness occurring daily in the city we love. Now more than ever, we need the sanity provided by places such as Ice Glen, Canoe Meadows, and Springside Park.
The Bike Mafia has raised thousands of dollars to build a hiphop trick-track for a new breed of bikers. These pedalers want to show off their pointless skills with ramps and obstacles. Apparently, judging by their proposal, they have little concern for what and who they destroy in the process of their indulgent, “look at me!” satisfaction.
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By far the most important aspect of the Friends of Springside Park’s message above is the warning on the ultimate plans of the bikers.
Read it again: “Despite statements to the contrary, we believe that the mountain biking goal is to take over the entire park.”
If there is even the remotest possibility of this happening, then the current plan of NEMBA (New England Mountain Bike Association) needs to be squashed. Actually, from what we gather, that possibility is not remote. More like a probability if nothing is done to stop it. As Deputy Barney Fife used to say, “Ange, ya gotta nip it in the bud!”
NEMBA intends to raise $400,000 for phase one of this installation and is actively hitting up for donations. They have even announced the company that will build the facility, Powder Horn from Colorado.
What’s actually going on here? And who, if anyone, will secretly profit from a needless project that will destroy so much of the park? These points require a full vetting, given the fact that the NEMBA’s Berkshire Chapter has nine, count ’em, nine mountain bike tracks in its jurisdiction. That’s plenty of space to pedal one’s ass.
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Powder Horn has this on its website:
Powder Horn Trail Co., in association with @progressivebikeramps and @velosolutions has been commissioned to create New England’s newest and largest municipal bike park!! This 3-acre facility at Springside Park in Pittsfield, MA would contain a world-champs eligible pump track, multiple skills courses, flow zone, and dual slalom training course!!
This project is currently under review by the City of Pittsfield Parks Commission, and there are some members of the public who have voiced their opposition. We need YOU to step up, spread the word, and voice your support by emailing the Parks and Rec. clerk at
With your help, we can make this dream MTB facility a free and amazing reality for all!!!! ⚡️
Yeah, and this is also Powder Horn and what they did to a mountainside in Killington, VT:
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Already, we have discrepancies.
- Discrepancy 1 — Local advocates favoring this desecration of Springside call it a one-acre park. Power Horn says three. Which is it?
- Discrepancy 2 — Notice that on the NEMBA website, Alison McGee, president of the Berkshire Chapter, calls Springside Park “the approved location.” THE PLANET to McGee: Nothing has been approved. You are either misinformed, or you are lying. We don’t see a third possibility. If there is one, we’d love to hear it.
- Discrepancy 3 — Power Horn calls this future monstrosity “New England’s … largest municipal bike park.” McGee calls it “medium -scale.” Size matters.
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Here’s McGee’s propaganda from her website:
This project is to construct the first professionally built bike skills park in the Western Massachusetts area. The 1+ acre park will include a paved pump track, youth area, jump line, cross country trail, and possibly a dual slalom in order to creatively enhance outdoor recreation in the region.
Springside Park, the approved location, is the city of Pittsfield’s largest park. Although it has beautiful woods and some trails, the park is currently in disrepair and underused. There is a history of negative activity/crime within it and it abuts one of the city’s low-income neighborhoods (walking distance from both a middle school and elementary school). Enhancing the park would open up healthy, safe possibilities for the residents–and youth in particular–of these neighborhoods as it is accessible without car, of high interest, and would be safe and well-constructed. With the addition of the bike park, local bike advocacy groups and programs will be able to increase their events and activities to bring positive recreation events to the community.
Springside Park is already the location of a free weekly mountain bike race series, a girls mountain bike summer camp program (Little Bellas), a practice location for the local NEHSCA youth mountain bike team, and has potential for much more activities linked with the schools and community, especially with more infrastructure in place such as the bike skills park and access enhancements (road and parking, which are proposed to be addressed as part of this project).
There is a very strong community of bike riders in the area and many people visit from surrounding states to ride trails and local downhill park options. The Bike Skills Park will add an additional attraction for people who are familiar with the area and will help bring even more recreation economy support to the region.
In the News:
11/20/2020 iBerkshires- Park Commission Approval
12/4/2020 – Berkshire Eagle – More Pump Track Details
1/8/2021 – iBerkshires – Commission OKs Location
Project Contact: Alison McGee, President of Berkshire NEMBA Chapter
Berkshire Bike Skills Park Facebook Page
Project Overview:
A medium-scale bike skills park, spanning approximately 1 acre and including a pump track and other features designed to grow bike handling skills of riders of all ages. This park would be of a size to draw visiting riders from a wide radius as well as secure and enhance the riding community that already exists in the Berkshires. It would provide an extremely fun, yet safe, recreation option for everyone from toddlers on strider bikes, to BMX riders, to mountain, cyclocross, and road riders, to pro and expert bikers. Materials would be a mix of natural dirt, constructed obstacles, and paved tracks, all integrated with the style and environment of the surrounding park. This is being organized by Berkshire NEMBA, Berkshire Mountain Bike
Did you get her reference to “more recreation economy to support the region.” There you have it: Another dreaded “economic engine.” Every time Pittsfield gets another one touted by The Suits, taxpayers lose money and private interests benefit.
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Finally, you can bet the advocates will have their shills attending the Friends’ walk-through and meeting. THE PLANET asks that anyone who wishes to preserve Springside Park from further destruction and humiliation (home for the “houseless,” anyone?) to attend.
Finally, to Alison McGee: The next time you go to hop on your bike, may the seat is missing.
“What is a man to do who has tasted how sweet is philosophy and known the folly of the multitude?” — Plato, The Republic.
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great dan, thanks for supporting springside park as a majestic natural treasure.
You folks talk about the park like it’s not full of houseless folks and their waste.
Those are the jumps. It’s called Jump a Bum park!
OR how ’bout the more musical Bum Jump Park. It could be the double bill with Hess Forest as a drawing card for tourists and rich out-of-towners.
June 30, 2021
Put the bike project in Barry and the Lovely Linda’s wealthy gated community near the Pittsfield/Hancock border instead of in Springside Park. While you’re at it, put the “houseless” families in Barry and the Lovely Linda’s wealthy gated community, too. While you’re at it, put GE’s proposed toxic waste dump planned for Lee (Massachusetts) in Barry and the Lovely Linda’s wealthy gated community, too. Hell, why not put everything that is wrong with Pittsfield and Berkshire County in Barry and the Lovely Linda’s wealthy gated community?
– Jonathan Melle
Post Script: I wrote Smitty Pignatelli an open letter. I hope to share it with Planet Valenti’s blog readers. Smitty didn’t respond, of course.
June 29, 2021
Hello Lenox State Representative Smitty Pignatelli,
You have been in the Boston State House for nearly 20 years now. You have a college business degree in Finance. You used to work at Lee Bank prior to being a decades-long career politician in Boston. You know a lot about state government and finance. I was wondering if you can answer the Boston Herald letter writer’s question about all of the money grabs by Beacon Hill lawmakers on Massachusetts taxpayers with lousy results. I, too, wonder where does the money go? Perhaps you can vote yourself another 40 percent pay raise, and collect 3 additional legislative pay raises this year of 2021, while voting to raise state taxes on Massachusetts taxpayers. Or maybe you can vote for another two Speakers of the State House of Representatives who end up being convicted Felons. Keep up your work in Boston enriching yourself and your Beacon Hill colleagues on the backs of the taxpayers you do so many disservices against. I hope that you started out your political career decades ago with ideals, but now it is clear that you are part of the corruption in government. When you retire from Beacon Hill with your 6-figure state pension and perks, are you going to follow in Peter Larkin, Dan Bosley and Stan Rosenberg’s footsteps and become yet another highly paid Beacon Hill lobbyist? I hope that the Boston Statehouse will have a Hall of Shame full of pictures of corrupt career politicians and/or greedy lobbyists. They could put a picture of you in the center of the exhibit of all of Beacon Hill’s corrupt politicians screwing over the people and taxpayers of Massachusetts. It should be called “Shitty’s Pig Pen”!
In Truth!
Jonathan Melle
Where does the money go?
What do you get when the Democratically controlled State is in charge? Urban interstate and bridge decay among the highest in the U.S. You also get one of the highest per mile cost of highway maintenance in the country. So, where does all the money go to when hard working individuals are taxed? Now, the millionaires tax is being floated to grab more money. The money from lottery sales, marijuana sales, income tax, sales tax and the whole gambit of assaults on our pocketbooks continues.
— Don Houghton,
Powder Horn, Colorado? Are these folk friends of the mayor? Was this a bid project?
Fair questions.
35 Fletcher Ct. Breckenridge, CO is a long way from Powder Horn..
What is the significance of this address, just to be clear?
Hyatt Tree Co. from Sheffield, MA also resides in Colorado. The old PCB clean-up contract.
3 Pheasant Way
Pittsfield MA 01201
Past Addresses: Homes, Rental Properties, businesses, apartments, condos and/or other real estate associated with Barry Clairmont in Pittsfield, MA.35 Pearl St
Pittsfield MA 01201
67 Federal St, Unit 3D
Pittsfield MA 01201
35 Fletcher Ct
Breckenridge CO 80424
Po Box 5615
Breckenridge CO 80424
2210 NE 24th Ave
Cape Coral FL 33909
12 Lillybrook Rd
Pittsfield MA 01201
That help?
Yes. Just confirming. Thanks.
And Powder Horn is a long way from Pittsfield but apparently they are the only ones who can do the job?
Powder Horn Trail Company, who is reportedly on deck for this project, is in New Hampshire.
The Powder Horn Trail Company – Trail Building, Machine Operation
I don’t think there needs to be any “bamboozling of elected officials” in Pittsfield. While most councilors were elected to represent the taxpayers they have shown an unbending willingness to do what the mayor demands of them. Right Yuki? Right Pete? Right Lampiasi?
My guess is these “elected officials” were brought on board some time ago and have neither the courage or integrity to express an original thought. This thing is probably a done deal regardless of any uproar. But I am all for the uproar as I enjoy seeing these pussy politicians get bitch slapped once in a while.
Pete White likes raising taxes.Pete White will never cut taxes.Our councilors are lazy uninteresred in finding out how the budget works,they just say yes.Pete does not know the average SS check is a disgusting 1,300 bucks.That is shameful.Pete will take all of it.The gentrification of Pittsfield has begun and the democrats on the council are forcing poor people to sell their homes and leave town.Ward 3 and 4 run Pittsfield.All alarge councilors positions should be abolished
Springside Park is close to lots of neighborhoods and the noise from making it a motorized bike park will be deafening to all of the houses near the park. Not to mention the fuel smell and the destruction of the peace and quiet of the park. If there was ever a time that the public needed a local park to be calm and serene to soothe our frazzled nerves, this is that time. We go to the park to hear bird song and the other soothing sounds of nature, but not the revving of engines. You can be sure that the wealthy politicians wouldn’t want all of that noise in their neighborhood. Many of them intentionally live near peaceful hiking trails so they can walk out their door and quietly enjoy the great outdoors.
Not motorized, it’s for kids on mountain bikes. Remember to read.
Yes, officially. But wait and see after it’s built. All the yahoos on dirt bikes will be there, plus ATVs. Pittsfield can’t police a facility like that.
I agree Dan. True, I should have read it all, but I was on my way to work. Aren’t they noisy though?
A mountain bike is a pedal bicycle with wider tires than a street bicycle & suspension – not usually motorized.
The answer to everything on this board is to do nothing and cut corporate taxes and surpress minority voting…….That been America for 40 years.Even democrats got into the act for 30 of those 40 years… got richer and the bottom of the economic pyramid got wider.Fox media became the church of the rich.
Nope. Bike skills parks are built in a way that makes them unusable for motorized vehicles.
OH, so only kids can use it huh? That is a little better.
From the description posted, it doesn’t sound like it’s just for kids. They plan on an area for kids but if their goal is to boost a “recreational economy”, they’re looking for adults to come here.
Learn to read. Mountain bikes dumbass.
I think Pat makes a good point. It will be commotion noise and traffic and probably lights like at bosquet for evening bike riding. On addition to all the noise and disruption for construction.
The political class doesn’t give a hoot about the quality of life for normal people in the COP or Berkshire Co in general.
The Berkshires are trying to become a recreational destination. Glendale has the Rockwell museum and Pittsfield is building for a healthy family destination vacation spot building for fun and healthy living.It is so easy to be against everthing white men dont think is cool.Example is the skate park that out of town naysayers thought was a disaster.Our kids absolutely love the skateboard park…..Old white male Trumpers want corporate poison dumped in rivers just like when they were kids.For gods sake please open your mind to healthy things Pittsfield is doing…..Im shocked at how short sighted and close minded my over 60 crowd is.
Healthy things are no drugs anywhere, stop the racism of calling people “old white men”, noise control in our cities because excessive noise raises blood pressure and stress levels like with the abuse of fireworks around the 4th of July usually in the poorer neighborhoods since the wealthy neighborhoods don’t want their peaceful holiday barbeques to be spoiled by people setting off bombs in their backyards to supposedly celebrate the 4th of July, and motorized bikes in parks that should be for relaxation to lower blood pressure and promote good health.
Moron? From someone who by the sounds of things spent 3 years of your life in 5th grade…
That post was directed at TSC’ s post calling you a moron which is now gone.
Yes. The robots got that comment and tore it to shreds. THE PLANET’s robot army will not tolerate that kind of ignorant hit-and-run. If a person wants to disagree, then use reason and logic, use an argument, be as stinging and forceful desired — but the type of “comment” that says “You’re a ——-” will be history, the sender will be on probation (as this one is), and if it happens again, gone … goodbye … see ya’ later.
TSC loves fireworks. Reminds him of his acid trips.
False information from a fool.
Your are not a fool
Chap 507 is this you?
…not uncommon – Colorado based
Interesting, The Colorado Connection. It’s reportedly a favorite play spot for the mayor and hubby, it’s where the parent company of Spacely Space Sprockets is based, and now a Colorado company for the bike paths. Coincidence or not?
The Innovation Center has 11 cars parked outside the 15 million dollar building in the middle of the work day.
Probably a taxpayer funded catered lunch
Looks like a trailer house on stilts. Cheap looking building.
Agreed. It also clashes horribly with the Mountain One building, whose design I love.
Both buildings are ugly.Just a nice brick rectangle would be enough.I figure maybe 12 people work in the 15,000,000.00 dollar building.
They should have used that for the drug rehab. Or at least part of it.
Or a collection of shipping containers – that is my impression. And of course they innovate something? Uggh it would be funny but is not. Also, the signs around Silver Lake are kinda scary.
Allison McGee, isn’t she a current member of the school committee?
On one hand a small bike track wouldnt kill the park’s natural beauty.
On the other, a business based on soliciting donations is shady. Kind of sounds like a non-profit
I love the new bike park by PHS, the graffiti just calls out the beauty of the city.
Will hypodermic needles puncture mountain bike tires?
Attorney Sullivan/who called for Andrea Harrington’s resignation knows the DA’s office from previous admin.
We’ll get Nipples out of there and get someone competent in there like this guy.
Can not trust anyone who worked under previous prosecutor. No.
Wait we are talking about the drunk Bobby Sullivan? Rumor has it he is non stop calling the DA her office and other colleagues then drunk challenging her to a nightly 2 am Facebook debates. Ahh no thanks !
You lied your way into the job. Stop lying andrea.
Here we go with the mudslinging accusations.
There’s no reason for this and it goes against the prior master plan for the parks.
This is again a very narrow special interest group with deep pockets trying to leverage grant money into a payday. There’s about a BILLION other places that make more sense.
Also why didn’t they paint over the dotted lines on north street. The old lanes are still there.
You beat me to it, isn’t there legislature, or bylaws, or something that stipulates it is illegal to build this? Someone please pass along the proper info. I’m not against bikes, I too bike. But, I a, against hipsters ruining things for personal agendas.
Caccamos bike lanes on Elm St are a safety hazard. Everyone parks in them and I almost saw a poor kid get hit from behind rounding the corner across from the babershop today because everyone drives in it too.
Kudos on the photo and caption, you had me ROFL, Dan!
Stay safe with today’s heat. Check on elderly neighbors. If your neighbor is a gang banger…..let em sweat……just sayin…
Good advice.
If your neighbor is a gang banger there is probably a nice air conditioned room with big screen TVs and snacks at the DAs office. And they may come pick you up and bring you home later.
And give you a nice backpack party favor.
Thanks, JAMES.
Off topic. There is a Legal Notice – Invitation for Bid from the Mayor’s office today asking for $250,000 to renovate the inside of 21 Eleanor Road. A few months ago there was another bid for $200,000 to renovate the outside. Does anyone know what is so special about this house? When the average cost of homes in that neighbor is just short of $200,000, why is the City investing close to a half a million on this house? Where is this money coming from? Is it a Grant? Or, is it taxpayer’s money? Is the Mayor planning on doing these expensive renovations on the Kapinsk’s house? How about taking this close to a half a million and repair the roads, or clean up the parks? The secret doings of this Administration blow my mind!
This is going to be a placement facility for drug rehab patients. A group home secretly secreted in a neighborhood. Up to 4 junkies with 6 supervisors, 24/7.
Why is the city getting involved, isn’t this usually run by the Brien Center? I don’t think the city should be involved in such an endeavor
The Brien Center isn’t the only agency in the city running recovery homes. Vertava Health (formerly Swift River) and ALC/Alternative Living Center have recovery homes in Pittsfield
Do we know who owns that house?
M Sciola
Excellent questions, M&B.
City of Pittsfield. This is a DA/City junkie diversion program.
House is worth $150k, they dump $500k into it to rehab it into a junkie group home.
I’m not buying on Eleanor rd. That’s for Dickinson.
Wait and see crack baby
Were not grants procured for such, specific for addressing the need in Massachusetts for Rehabilitation?
$500k in grants for a $150k property is absurd.
How much would it have cost to build new? Follow the money on this one kids. Zero oversight in Pittsfield but “it is the best city in the state to raise your kids”. BARFFF
And he said it is a victory for the black community. UH OH!!
Who is “he?” Isn’t that a “racist” comment, given how PC the radical left is in this town?
I saw one news report that said Cosby said that. Now other stations are saying he said nothing.
Hey, hey, hey.
He got off on a technicality. He’s still 100% guilty and admitted, with immunity, that he drugged women. Bravo black community. Win win indeed
Has our DA commented on this? Is she happy with his release?
Regardless of what Andrea Harrington says about “believing women” or any victims, the DA is running a social media campaign that quite clearly shows she is in favor of prison abolition. This week, she is tweeting from prison They are part of a network that supports prison abolition pure and simple.
DA Andrea Harrington
Jun 30
As Pride comes to a close, a critical read on what LGBTQ+ people experience in our justice system. A good reminder that our work continues.
A really simple solution would be to not commit crimes. If you don’t commit crimes, you don’t go to prison.
What a noble idea, huh Wrong Way?
I will read it.Education is the only way out of the ignorant bully system.
Wondering – what is there to DO in/at Springside Park?
The only thing we ever did as kids there was drink liquor before the Reid dances.
I remember one old-fashioned playground in the back (closer to the school) and the newer, colorful one on Springside.
What else is there besides trees and homeless people?
Although I don’t care for the 200 hours dude after the North Street disaster, I don’t see using a portion of the park for recreational BMX riding as a bad thing.
This is a BIG DRAW (way more than Spacey Sprockets will ever be able to boast in tourist and spectator impact).
Am I unaware of some other magical draw that Springside holds?
Hiking in the park is the magical draw.
Well put. Hiking, getting into nature, slowing down — that’s what natural refuges are for, and not the kind of activity that will cut down trees, destroy the land, and attract noise. As one other responder put it, there’s already an unpriced problem in the park with those hideous ATV’s and motor bikes. This will only add to it. Or perhaps the mayor and council will magically see to it that the wood nymphs will protect and police the park, and all will be “vibrant and dynamic.”
Many nature refuges, natural areas and urban wildernesses have mountain biking trail access in them nationally. That is because the trail standards were unified in 2007. These places have managed to preserve their lands and, in many cases, increase the wildness of those lands.
Thanks, JOSH.
Springside is magical in the sense that it magically launders money without quarters OR detergent. Not all parks can do that.
Trying to figure out what is next for Springside Park. You have the house that has been constantly renovated for 20+ years, the homeless campground and now the bike extravaganza. How can I forget the softball fields in the corner and the baseball field. With what has happened in Pittsfield recently with donations such as the park and museum why would anyone donate anything!!
The amount of drugs out of that house by city interns is mind blowing.
One of the interns that now works full time for the city, had her boyfriend living there and supposedly they would deal ecstasy, heroin, and coke.
It was like a god damn pharmacy.
She and her boyfriend allegedly still deal drugs, they just live someplace else now and she’s a full time employee of the city, right Linda? You did a great job hiring her.
a great piece Dan, I drove by the freshly painted skate board park a couple of weeks ago. The city was repainting and resurfacing the whole area. It didn’t take long to graffiti the hell out of it. Pickle ball, bike lanes on North Street and now Mountain Bike trails on Springside. Hopefully we can see a huge turn over in the city council to common sense candidates that can put a halt to this insanity.
Many thanks. You can be sure if the Special Interests prevail on the bike course at Springside Park, it will go the way of the other “improvements” — graffiti, improper use, little maintenance, and all the rest of it. You are correct about the council. Unless there is an overhaul of the council and school committee along the lines of pragmatism and common sense, the insanity will continue. So will the crime, shootings, violence, stabbings, muggins, and violence. It’s all “vibrant and dynamic.”
Oh Dan you forgot “inclusive.” Remember, Pittsfield is now, “vibrant, dynamic, and inclusive.” You don’t want to leave out the black male, transsexual, who identifies as a Chihuahua, do you?
Good catch.
Vibrant. Dynamic. Inclusive. That’s how you spell “Pittsfield.” We want to include everyone, including the teen who identifies as an electric hand mixer and wants to be plugged in even when there’s nothing to be mixed.
Hello Patrick Fennell,
Beacon Hill lawmakers predictably didn’t pass a state budget by the July 1st, 2021 deadline. Are you surprised by this?
Governor Charlie Baker and Beacon Hill lawmakers are sitting on between over $6 billion to $7 billion in slush fund and stimulus fund dollars. Are you surprised by this?
The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) published an editorial supporting Beacon Hill State House of Representatives rules reforms that all four Berkshire based State Representatives voted against earlier this year of 2021 for their joint rules with the State Senate. The vote on ending secrecy in Boston’s State House of Representatives will happen sometime in the first two weeks of July of 2021. Do you think that Smitty Pignatelli, Tricia Farley Bouvier, Paul Mark, and John Barrett III will change their vote this time around?
I remember reading about rules reform proposals in Smitty’s first term in Boston back in 2003, and even back then Smitty opposed ending secrecy in the Massachusetts State House of Representatives. Smitty’s first vote that year of 2003 was a vote for Tom Finneran for Speaker. Tom Finneran is now a convicted Felon. Smitty Pignatelli wrote an op-ed in the Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) about the large number of population and job loss over the decades in Berkshire County without taking into account his decades in Boston. Smitty Pignatelli wrote an op-ed supporting GE’s proposal to put a toxic waste dump in Lee (Massachusetts). Smitty Pignatelli voted himself a 40 percent pay raise in early-2017, and he accepted 3 legislative pay raises in the beginning of 2021. Are you surprised by Smitty’s horrible public record of enriching himself while screwing over the taxpayers who pay for his public salary and perks?
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
What is the pay of the state reps
It depends of the State Reps level of corruption. The more corrupt they are, the more they get in public pay and perks. State Reps on Beacon Hill not only receive 6-figure public pay and generous perks, but then they retire and use their corrupt political connections to make even more money are registered lobbyists on Beacon Hill, which is on top of their taxpayer-funded state pensions and perks. In conclusion, if a State Rep is super corrupt, they can make millions of dollars in public pay and lobbyist salaries over the course of their political careers. I like to write to Beacon Hill State Reps and registered lobbyists about all of their taxpayer-funded pay and perks, and lobbyists salaries they take home over their decades of corrupt public DISSERVICE, but for some reason, none of them respond to my email letters. The political system rewards political corruption and lobbyists’ greed.
SARCASM: I think they should vote themselves more 40 percent legislative pay raises, and I think greedy lobbyists on Beacon Hill should make even more money by screwing over the people and taxpayers of Massachusetts. I think that Beacon Hill lobbyist Dan Bosley should collect another 2 state pensions, and write 1,000 more op-eds in Western Massachusetts newspapers praising K Street’s PAC Man Richie Neal for raking in millions of special interest corporate lobbyist donations per year. I think the retired Beacon Hill Salons should open more marijuana dispensaries and stink up more working class neighborhoods like the one behind Dalton Avenue in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. If I lived in the Allendale neighborhood in good old Pittsfield, I would look forward to waking up to stinky pot growing smells, sending my children to Allendale Elementary School that abuts 2 of GE’s toxic waste sites full in industrial chemicals, and paying excessive state and local taxes to pay for it all.
It seems odd that suddenly people are worried about Springside Park. For many years motorcycles and ATV’s have been tearing up the park. Just like they do a St Joe’s Cemetery and so many other areas in Pittsfield. Law enforcement doesn’t bother to do anything about these trespassers. Now bikes without motors are the scurge that has people’s panties in a twist. Classic Pittsfield.
How about it.These guys dont leave their house.
It’s that they are going to spend a solid million to do this, then not take care of it. It’s lipstick on a pig.
They are on version what? Three of the skate park, needles, drug dealing, trash, graffiti, and a shooting. All at a “safe space”.
We don’t need that kind of safe space.
Obstacle courses of human waste and sleeping houseless, how lovely. Also, how many manbuns will then get city employment to run this money leech? The city cant afford it, but that won’t stop this admin.
Btw, Trump Org folks indicted in NY for circumstances similar to Berkshire Arc malfeasance. As usual, the ‘Homorable’ Maura Healey asleep at the switch.
Breckinridge’s at least a coincidence Dan? Get the spies out on this one.And what is that mess on upper north going into Wahconah?…….
That’s a great idea. Why not use the “houseless” as obstacles for the bike track? Kill two birds with one pebble.
Is the new megabuck dog park up at Onota lake finished yet? I have been telling my Great Dane about this place and he is anxious to get up their and take the first shit.
Fizzle, make sure you buy him some boots so he doesn’t step on any used needles. Last time I was there I ended up having to pick up my dog and carry her back to the car due to so many used needles all over the place.
Donald Trump at the border yesterday was asking a good question. Are the Democrats incompetent in their handling of the border or do they intentionally want open borders? I think it’s both. They are incompetent, but they do want millions flooding into the country.
My niece is a judge in summit county where Breckinridge is. Does that mean she knows the dough boy,no,and neither do I. Maybe this outfit is nationally known for this type of design? I believe one of the dough boys neighbors is from n h where the powder outfit is from? That doesn’t mean he’s remotely involved does it.
Your niece living there and not knowing the parties, but that doesn’t necessarily apply to all others who live there. PAT raises a fair question.
It is a very very narrow coincidence. This dough boy could have leaked the info by just conversation. This seems like more of a coincidence…..NOT
Dan,the A Team needs to be brought in on this one?!
Not to say too much, but it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s someone snooping around, kicking the tires, as we speak. The wagons are circled, which may be a clue. Then again, with things as they are in Pittsfield politics, it’s hard to recall a time when the wagons were NOT circled — to keep out not only investigative reporters but, more egregiously, We The People … yeah, citizens, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, who merely happen to OWN the government that’s screwing them.
Another fake outrage letter.
So these people claim they received a letter because they put up a Black Lives Matter flag and a Pride flag.
There are tens of thousands of those flags, signs, posters, all over berkshire county and beyond. Have we heard this before?
In one of the most liberal towns in Berkshire County, out of all the people in Berkshire County, these are the people who get an anonymous letter?
It’s interesting the police can’t find anything because there’s no return address, yeah unless the alleged criminal tells the cops where they live, the police can’t find them.
All that tells me, the cops aren’t interested because they already know what we know. It’s a hoax.
I can’t wait to hear that they have a go fund me page, a book to sell, a consulting gig to sell, or something like that.
I like how they throw the locals under the bus, for added flavor.
The Eagle could not wait to fan the racist flames. If they can find a spark they will try to stir up the crazies.
They are just taking cue from Xiden/Harris and Barry Sotero. They are ruining the country and have only the “evil, racist, white male, cops,” to fall back on.
The problem, people who didn’t obey the law before, certainly do not now. Want proof: Chicago, Oakland, Detroit, San Fran, Los Angeles…..etc.
What’s the common denominator amongst all?
But, did you die ? If this didn’t happen 3x or lead to death/serious bodily injury, how is it even news ? It ain’t even a crime.
They didn’t sign the letter Paul?
Who are these couples colleagues.
Probably sent the letters to themselves. Attention seeking liberal hoaxers.
The Eagle is looking for more handouts from the government and that seems like a very dangerous thing.
The fourth estate is supposed to be independent, it’s supposed to lack bias, it’s supposed to be truthful. Now we all know the Berkshire Eagle is none of those things but doling out tax payer money to for profit news agencies seems like a very very slippery slope to full on government run news agencies and propaganda.
We’ve seen it with big tech wielding it’s power and acting as a censorship arm of the DNC and Biden administration. We watched the quash all the bad press about Biden’s financial dealings with his son Hunter. We watched MSM and big tech kill stories about the wuhan virus, anyone that claimed that the virus came from a lab was labeled a racist, xenophobe, or a crackpot.
So what’s the solution? Does it seem like giving money to news organization via the whim of the party in charge is a good idea?
No. Just look at what that’s done to NPR, an ultra left wing propaganda machine.
All that giving news orgs taxpayer money would do is make those news orgs more susceptible to printing propaganda.
Maybe a better idea, let them figure out how to survive on their own. If they can’t adapt to the changing markets, maybe they need to fail.
Like the Eagle. They don’t know yet that anyone can read their online version for free, at any time. Years on it’s still free access all the time if you know how and it’s nothing complicated. It’s a simple trick.
Super important for ANY media source to remain independent. That’s why THE PLANET accepts no donations, takes no fee, and takes care that all our ads are not local. We have been, are, and will be UNBOUGHT AND UNBOSSED.
I once gave you a stick of gum.
What is the connection between Gwen Hampton-VanSant and Simon’s Rock & This school – does she teach at both ?
She’s the Shirley Edgerton, I mean Al Sharpton, I mean Alan Chartock, of south county nfp scams.
So, in other words, give or take a few years, this will be in-debt, shuttered, and financially mismanaged?
The clock has begun……
And you get a backpack, and you get a backpack!!!
Juvenile arrested in Pittsfield parking garage with loaded gun
PITTSFIELD — A juvenile arrested with a loaded firearm at the McKay Street parking garage Tuesday is being held without bail, pending a dangerousness hearing, according to police.
Pittsfield Police said in a statement that an officer responding to a noise complaint at the garage at 5:25 a.m. encountered three juvenile males “loitering” on the top-level parking deck.
The officer received “limited cooperation” from one of the juveniles who was inside a vehicle, then saw something that made him think one of the youths might possess a weapon, according to a statement Wednesday afternoon from Lt. Gary Traversa.
After a backup officer arrived, police found a firearm in the juvenile’s waistband, Traversa said.
Common man,it was only a loaded hand gun. Shot Spotter would have eventually picked up on it.
Gun possession not a violent crime. Harrington will let em skate
There was also heroin thrown but PPD figures why bother charging them.
So since when is throwing heroin a criminal offense?
The fact that you possessed it, in order to throw it, is the crime
Given the poor education level in Pittsfield perhaps the kid thought he was in Texas and perfectly legal.
Especiall6 with the latest heat- wave…..just sayin…
Was it a bolt action 22 with a scope?
I’m wondering if an environmental impact study was done for the area they want the track to go? I mean the EPA has made sure tunnels under highways were built so turtles could use them. Many projects big and small across the country are held up or not allowed for possible endangerment of nature.
Hope you’re sitting down. No such study was done, plus — you ready — the backers of this in city government claim the project doesn’t need a review by the Conservation Commission.
If the opposing group (s) called in state and federal agencies to see if the local commission was correct ,it might be helpful. Also there are many environmental activists out there who might bring more attention to the project so one might get done. Personally I think it’s a done deal.
Per the NEPA and the MEPA, there is minimum size required to trigger reviews for projects. This project is well under them.
Also, though Dan Valenti fudges a lot on this and tries to claim is hard to understand, the total size of the impact area is less than standard baseball diamond or soccer field. Its about 1 acre of active use impacts (in a currently active use area) and about 2 acres of secondary impacts, all passive use in nature (in a currently passive use area). Somehow I doubt anyone would be throwing a fit about a baseball diamond or soccer field, which means this isn’t about impacts.
Again, we appreciate the counter claims. Our reply: 1. NEPA and MEPA are not the Pittsfield Conservation Committee or, for that matter, the environmental resources council. Local control and home rule should prevail in instances such as this. 2. Your comparison to a baseball diamond or a soccer pitch is disingenuous and inapplicable to the proposed bike track. 3. You’re talking about three acres and try to minimize with phrases such as “active use impact” v. “secondary impact.” 4. Would you please address the evidence and stone indications that this 3-acre project is the foothold for a much larger facility, one that could destroy the park as we know it?
Yuki still looking for signatures on her nomination papers. Will she make it or make it fake it?
She could probably get a few from the folk on the licensing board.
Hold a dance a thon on the bar,that’ll bring em out.
So the most recent Cosby verdict is the correct one.
A deal was stuck with a prosecutor, a judge signed off on that deal.
Part of that deal gave immunity for testimony that was used in a civil suit.
Without that deal in place, Cosby would have walked back then. He also would have won any civil suit, because the only real evidence presented at trial was the deposition he provided under the immunity deal.
If you’re given a deal, and the prosecutor and/or a judge signs off on it. That’s the deal.
The fact that the most recent prosecutor used a sealed deposition to convict Cosby was wrong. It undermines the judicial system if deals made can be undone by the next prosecutor.
Does Cosby belong in jail? Absolutely. She they have prosecuted him using the sealed depo? No. Now Cosby is going to walk, as he should, and more than likely he’s going to win millions in a civil suit, and the DA that did went to trial will probably face censure and possibly disbarment. He may also face criminal charges as he abused the authority of his office. He may also be personally liable for damages as he violated the civil rights of Dr. Cosby.
In legal circles around here we would call that a Harrington Maneuver. Doing something do stupid it violates the laws and ethics of your office.
Thank you.
Hey, hey, hey.