(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JUNE 4-6) — Not counting Pocket Pool, invented in Pittsfield during the Year of Our Lord 1791, Pittsfield’s favorite sport is political nepotism. Scratch many public employees or contractors, and you get “someone who knows someone.”
After the usual nationwide search, these outliers miraculously end up with a gig courtesy of taxpayers. Many times, the work is for a fake, no-show position, for example, the city’s three Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion positions. Other jobs are for some dumb project done with infamous grant money, which usually has fine print that contributes to the destruction of the city (the influx of the “denizens of the deep” you see downtown).
THE PLANET shares a case especially egregious, not only for the money involved but how the money was spent.
Here’s a question that would have Immanuel Kant saying he couldn’t: How much should taxpayers pay for an inexperienced but connected young man to turn the city’s most important stretch of road into a Danger Alley? We speak, of course, of North Street from the Pop Corner to Maplewood Avenue, turned into no-man’s land by a bike-riding lad who thinks that because he likes to pretend he’s Lance Armstrong, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski should fund his millennial whims.
C’mon down, Nick Russo, 2011 PHS graduate and “candidate” for Ward 2. Insiders and wise guys will probably know why the word has quotes.
Russo is the son of the late Glen Russo, long-time city employee and deputy director of the Office of Community Development under Gerry Doyle, Sara Hathaway, and Jimmy Ruberto. Could that possibly be why young master Nick got the job?
Another of those Pittsfield Coincidences, perchance?
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET obtained a copy of the contract signed Sept. 21, 2020 by mayor Linda Tyer and a-then-and-still-unemployed Russo for services rendered with respect to the North Street fiasco, officially called the Shared Street and Spaces project. Here’s the contract in full.
Nick Russo personal services agreement with Nicholas Russo
Our favorite is Clause 3, “Compensation and Method of Payment.” The contract, which expired Nov. 30, 2020, paid Russo $28 an hour “at an estimated maximum of 200 hours a week.”
Let’s get out the long math. Two hundred hours a week times six weeks at $28/hr works out to $33,600.
That’s a nice piece of chump change for the bright-eyed lad with the winning smile, though it is rather steep for of a botched job that looks like it was designed by one of the children on a telethon.
THE PLANET especially loves where North Street (heading North near Melville Street) turns from a two-lane highway into a one-lane cow path with no signage, lights, or other kind of warning to motorists.
And try going down Melville. You go left, then right, then left, then right dodging outcropped “parklets,” which Russo claims help “service-based businesses” and “makes it safer and easier for people to get to work.” Left-right-left … sounds either like a Marine Corps platoon marching on the grinder, the combination to Al Capone’s safe, or Don Dunphy’s play-by-play of Ali v. Ernie Terrell in February 1966. We’re sure of one thing. It’s no way to get safely from here to there, unless it’s from here to eternity.
———- ooo ———-
When asked about his priorities in Ward 2, Russo doesn’t mention particular issues. He talks about “sustainability” and the need to implement “community organizing empowerment.” He calls Tyler Street the “Tyler Street Corridor.”
Beware of anyone who calls Tyler Street “the Tyler Street Corridor.”
Russo looks to succeed Kevin Morandi, who’s not seeking re-election. Ward 2 typically has the lowest turn out of the city’s seven wards. That plays into the hands of The Suits, who will push hard for the lad.
Unless, that is, a dark horse emerges in 2. That person has one path to victory: Hammer away relentlessly at the Shared Street and Spaces fiasco authored by a well-meaning but in–over-his-head youngster.
Nick Russo is probably as fine a lad as you would wish to meet on a May morning, but he’s not suitable for the council.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them” — Poet Joseph Brodsky.
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North St. fiasco, indeed! I especially love the block of DIAGONAL parking factored into the mix of 2 block long bike lanes, parallel parking in what used to be a traffic lane and crosswalks which make for a deadly downtown excursion. It’s a total disaster. Surely there’s a better ward 2 candidate than this jughead Russo!
Three cheers for the ruberto regime vote in ward 2
Rubber stamp Russo come on down
Nick Russo got a little Kapanksi Ka$h for himself for downtown Pittsfield bike lanes and the like, while Matt Kerwood is sitting on his huge slush fund that is estimated at between $10 million to $15 million dollars. The Lovely Linda will receive $41.7 million in Biden Buck$ direct aid over the next 2 years. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski will pay for Pittsfield politics’ predictable 5% per fiscal year increase in operational budget spending starting next month on July 1st, 2021, while the Mayor and Matt Kerwood has tens of millions of extra public dollars sitting in city coffers.
Beacon Hill lawmakers and Governor Charlie Baker are sitting on billions of federal stimulus dollars, too. Yet, Chrome Dome (Adam Hinds) and Trippy Country Buffet (Tricia Farley Bouvier) are openly supporting raising state taxes, especially on the wealthy.
I understand that I do NOT understand financial management beyond the household or personal finance level, while financially astute people in my life try to explain big government and big business finance to me to no avail. But, I really am beyond confused about why Pittsfield politics (and other local governments) and Beacon Hill are sitting on so much public money – slush funds and stimulus funds – while still raising taxes on the people who are at the bottom of the 2020 and 2021 K-shaped economic recession.
In 2008, U.S. Congress and the White House spent trillions of taxpayer dollars bailing out Wall Street banks – and hundreds of billions of dollars bailing out foreign banks who do business on Wall Street – after the big banks brought the global economy to near collapse. Now in 2021, the U.S. Government and foreign governments are all in record debt territory.
I am reading that increasing inflation may cause the economy to tank later this year or next year. 2008 was the worst recession, and 2002 was the second worst recession, since the Great Depression in the 1930s. Economists are saying that the bottom 98% of Americans are currently in a K-shaped economic recession, while the top 2% of Americans are in a K-shaped economic recovery. I have never seen anything like this in my lifetime of nearly 46-years.
Dan very Reminesent of Adam Hinds
From iberkshire
PITTSFIELD, Mass. — Shelburne Falls native Adam Hinds has been chosen to serve as the program coordinator for the Shannon Grant the city was recently awarded.
The Charles E. Shannon Grant is a state-funded program that focuses on comprehensive gang prevention and management. In January the city was awarded $100,000 after submitting a competitive grant request to the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. This was an increase over last year’s initial award of $60,000.
Mayor Dan Bianchi said he is looking forward to Hinds expanding upon the efforts that were begun in 2013 and providing the basis for improving the quality of life and opportunities available for our youth.
“Adam Hinds will bring significant experience and perspective in the area of conflict resolution and youth development initiatives,” he said.
Hinds has a background in diplomacy, conflict resolution and community mobilization. He worked for the United Nations for the past 10 years, most recently in the Department of Political Affairs at UN headquarters as a political affairs officer working on Syria to eliminate that country’s chemical weapons program.
He also advised former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan during the effort to secure a ceasefire in Syria in 2012.
Abstract failure and proof Democrats are trying to ruin America.
His America last mentor and corrupacrat.
This guy has all the earmarks of a special interest rubber stamping puppet. Working 200 hours a week does not leave much time for sleep. And that may explain the mess. Reminds me of the artists who just throw paint at the wall and call the results a masterpiece.
How many condos in the high buildings on North street? Serious question. And does the North street parking clusterfuckation realignemt have anything to do with creating on street parking for these condo owners, some of whom may have connections at city hall?
Especially since there’s only 168 hours in a week. Where are the additional 32 hours/week coming from?
stretch marks
skid maeks
Chief wynn!
In April 2009 little Rambo posed for an unforgettable photo op dressed up in his crime fighting costume. At this time he s announced that police had arrested Pittsfield’s gang leader/major cocaine trafficker/ drug lord, and seized one inoperable gun, thus successfully eradicating crime from the mean streets of Pittsfield. Fast forward to 2021, shootings in Pittsfield are becoming a daily event. With wynn’s mission successfully accomplished he was able to mothball his crime fighting costume so as to get down to the real hard work of posing for photo ops dressed up in his official blue furry acting chief uniform. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Pittsfield’s celebrated Riverway Park also located on the west side of Dewey Ave. where shots rang out last evening? Perhaps this was just a multiple shots fired salute in honor to tyer and wynn eradicating violent crime in this vibrant and dynamic metropolis of a schitt-hole.
Now onto the issue of the peace negotiator from Syria, Adam Hines, who washed up in this conflict area, for the sole purpose of brokering a ceasefire in Pittsfield, the Shannon Grant should be demanding a full refund. Also disturbing is his statement that even though he and his south of border wife have bought a home far from the violent streets of Pittsfield, outside the district he allegedly represents, he vows to that he, his lovely wife and sweet newborn son Rafa Fernando will continue to spend most of their time in Pittsfield. Forgive me, but that sounds like unforgivable reckless endangerment of a child.
Not if you live at Woodmont type gated home.
Pittsfield Covid dashboard says there are 488 households under quarantine at this time. Is this accurate and if so sounds like maybe we should not be in the “green” zone. Is this the dashboard the mayor takes care of?
Everything she does ain’t beautiful.
Racism is alive and well in W. Stockbridge.
A white woman illegally blocking a road and the Town siding with her against an Asian family.
One of the only Public Markets using the n-word against little kids.
West Stockbridge when you are a liberal racist, that the place to live.
As long as you’re not a white woman blocked in by a negro male who spews fiflh at you, stalks you and then states he’s going to blow your f***ing brains out. Because then you can count on officials in this corrupt schitt-hole to be on the wrong side.
Get the marbles out of your mouth.
Is Amy Brentano up to her old tricks again? Milking the schools for money at a Amy Galenis rate?
$5,600 a week! for a well connected, inexperienced putz
That’s disgusting and he has no business running for city council.
He got it the old fashioned way…
If Black Lives Matter then black members of the community need to step up and start talking.
I love how they blame the crime rate on police, how it’s the polices fault for the meteoric rise in crime.
No folks, if you cry racism and loot and riot with every black man or woman getting shot, it has a chilling effect.
When you promote a culture of “snitches get stitches” and don’t cooperate, there’s nothing for the police to do.
It’s sadly ironic that these same people, the family of this girl, were out in the street screaming defund the police and I can’t breathe.
They are now calling for the ATF and FBI and state police to be involved in a simple homicide. They already know what happened. Her “friend” knows the shooter.
North St is just two-laned cowpath anyway. With drugies on one side, pothols in the middle, drunks on the other, who wants to send time in the black hole of dwntown PITT? russo is NO HELP. Mevill St can only be like the old days of boys club after PRESIDENT gets reenstated AND rescuse us law-abidng citizins.
So Russo is a liar as well as a failure.
He was on Facebook telling people he wasn’t paid for doing the work, said he was a volunteer.
You might also look into the consulting company that was hired.
If there are 24 hours in a day and 7 days a week, that’s 168 hours in a week. How is it possible to work 200 hours?
Was he insured to do the work? Was he unionized? What was the bidding for this contract? There had to be a bid put out, was prevailing wage paid?
Also that cool they left in the ssn of the guy.
With his name and address.
Was he also arrested by Boston police at gunpoint and dragged off to jail? Because if so he sounds like the perfect replacement for Helen moon. 200 hours a-week @ $28 an hour proves he’s a better shakedown artist than Moon.
“at an estimated maximum of 200 hours a week.” There are only 168 hours in a week.
I had to assume they meant more than one payee on that?
Oh of course, a team…
Lighten up. Do we know for sure that this guy does not have two heads and four arms doing twice the work of some reglar fella?
Typical politicians speak out both sides of mouth. So technically Russo could be eligible for 336 hours of compensation.
Seems Hinds replacement Is being paid by the commonwealth, to assist his quest to fleece the residents at thier own expense.
Same old same old
Guess we can cite the figures (which, unlike politicians, don’t lie) as proof of what a hard-working lad he is.
he put in for overtime
Took a walk down North St yesterday morning. Here are my vibrant observations:
Sound “vibrant and dynamic.”
I don’t shop north st anymore.
I’ll park and hike to get to: Maria’s, George’s shoes, Carr’s still has parking without meter whores
Story in the local rag about Hinds buying a home in Amherst and speculation that he will run for a state-wide office. Brendan Phair a conservative will be running for his senate seat. Good riddance to Hinds.
Nothing new
Paul Mark’s house in peru has never been his residence. Purchased by the union ( Verizon) to facilitate having a friend in government.
Ed Markey entered politics the old fashioned way, he married into the Blumenthal family criminal organization.
Danang dick followed swift boat John’ ketchup Kerry’s path to success.
False valor cowards, who would be unemployed if they failed to marry money.
These politicians rarely live in the sqauller they created for thier constituents.
Perhaps voters will finally learn a lesson from the liars that say anything to get elected, then pander to whomever has the most cash to give them.
Term limits.
Have any of these local politicians ever stood up for the people in this county being called “evil racists”? No, because they are the ones promoting this dangerous idea and Hinds is just one more of these insane politicians. Good riddance, but he gets even more power to lord it over us if he gets a higher position.
I knew something was up when he ditched his Pittsfield office….Spending most of my time in Pittsfield, my ass!
Look at his crummy jacket and the stooge- like whiskers,no class. Conflict resoluter my ass.
The old democrat bassturd that took Silvio’s house seat, is about to croak, he’s useless utterly useless
Pittsfield needs an audit.After that audit it will need an explanation of how money is spent.Those on the school committee need to explain to the taxpayers that they have never really understood how money was spent as they all pretend to understand it.Cameron understands it but would never come out against it.The city pays double time to water plants on North Street on Sunday…..Acity administrator on the east end of the state said the stimulus money is great for cities all over this country but the problem will be to present a plan on how to be transparent in the spending to taxpayers and to spend every penny for great reasons and not spend one nickle that looks like a payoff to a supporter.Tyer is known for her apathetic attitude to taxpayers.Sh we simply cant add.Most councilors do not do their own bill paying……lets get the Audit on schools.I think people will be shocked like at BARC
That’s to much work for your Mayor. Term limits must be reinstated,otherwise you’ll be treading water every four years. And what is the deal with potholes on North Street?
A backpack for every hooker and a pothole on every street!
I thought North St was just a bicycle path, with abandoned buildings.
Nope, still a queer bank where England Bros used to be. Withdraw from Berk bank
I would love to see an forensic audit of the Pittsfield tax and spend, spend spend process. And film the whole goddamn thing and make it into a movie. It could be the sequel to MONEY HEIST.
(if you have not seen the series MONEY HEIST on Netflix you are missing some great entertainment)
At a cost of $238,826, what has become of the three pandemic safe greenhouse dining pods? Have they been relegated to the island of Pittsfield’s misfit projects along with the big red pothole machine that was going to save Pittsfield, if not the world. Or are they safely tucked away adorned with French garden café lighting in the manicured backyards of private citizens, for their own private use.
The Big Red Pothole Machine!Yes, that was another quarter of a million well spent. Good question on the safe-dining pods.
For $33,000 PITTSfield got a cluster …….what Clint said
The Clowncilors seem to support this.
I know Patti Kavey does
I like Patti, he has a nice coif
Russia and China are now lecturing us for being evil racists. This whole movement which includes Critical Race Theory is just being used to undermine our moral authority in the world. The Marxists behind this movement of saying our country has systemic racism have the goal of making China, Russia, and the radical Islamists the major powers in the world with the United States playing a much lesser role. So many Americans are buying into this racism guilt that is being used to make America sink down into the gutter. They are trying to humiliate us out of power with their lies.
Can’t buy the Bidens, Chi- Coms own them all!!!!!
The USA not playing a smaler role, we are the still the major playr. That race thoerey knows that USA is winning the criticel race. The PRESIDENT will take it back from the theifs.
Sure he will. The race theory knows the USA is winning critical race? What? If you think the Marxists are trying to set us up as some kind of example of our country overcoming racism for the rest of the world, you are very mistaken. Other countries like Russia, China, and Iran are just using it to put us down and destroy our moral authority so the power goes to them. I’d say try again and better luck next time if this crazy theory wasn’t destroying our country.
I ment PRESIDENT TRUMP will take care of it once he takes it back from the theifs and is reenstated. The USA is fuhrthest ahead by far in the race, and the marxests are far behind, not even on the map.
This Russo document is total verification of what I was stating in my comment yesterday. It proves that Sneaky Linda does give incentives to her hand picked puppets. Wonder who created this document, was it Rainbow Michael Joseph or Kufflinks Kerwood? Whomever it was, they evidently were schooled in the Pittsfield Public Schools and evidently were not taught their multiplication tables. Pretty sad that they can’t figure out how many hours are in a week. Luckily have read that Puppet Russo has some competition in the race. William Phillips and Charles Kronick have both taken out papers to replace Kevin Morandi. Looking forward to hearing more from these two guys, as there is absolutely no way I can vote for Russo after the mess he created on North Street. It is proof that he will bend over and do anything Sneaky Linda wants him to do. Majority of voters are totally against these bike lanes and their voices were ignored, but Russo did as Sneaky Linda demanded him to do. We need more Councilors that can stand UP for the taxpayers and vote AGAINST Sneaky Linda.
During city council budget on defund police night I was perplexed by a couple of statements. One was Chris Connell on ammunition debate saying it’s expensive and he’s for it?
On The other side,defender Moon was trying to distinguish real ammo from non real ammo. I was curious on that one? Wash she saying the bullets are lethal or did she even know the ammo in question is for training purposes (non lethal) Let’s hope that’s is what she meant.
When they say “training ammo” it means bulk ammo for training. It comes in big bags inside of boxes.

It’s ball ammo and shoots close enough to carry ammo. It’s mostly 115 grain (service grade) ammo.
Mr. Russo should do a mia culpa,and tell the voters he messed up. All he did was create a traffic and…. S A F E T Y nightmare,pure and simple.
That would go a long way in restoring his credibility. Otherwise, anyone running against him in Ward 2 just needs to keep pounding the botched Shared Streets and Spaces fiasco. Absolutely hammer it.
But $#!t for brains a democrat. Dementos will vote for him…….
Another shooting in Pittsfield last night. No injuries reported.
Three shootings in 3 days, one at a car with kids in it. And it’s not even hot yet.
Yes, let’s defund the Pittsfield police…Because that will make us all safer…WTF is wrong with these people?
They don’t like mr clean on new motorcycles maybe?
Mr. & Mrs. Mayor state the City is safe, so these shootings and injuries are just a figment of the Pittsfield Police Department’s imagination. Mrs. Mayor’s claim to fame is saying the City is Vibrant and Dynamic. Vibrant with gunfire and Dynamic with the sound of gunfire. Albany, NY and Springfield, MA Mayors at least address the taxpayers concerning the out of control gunfire in their cities, our Mayor goes and hides behind ZOOM calls or in her gated community. Oh, wait a minute, she did come out of hiding to raise the Pride Flag and did dance for us many months ago, guess we should not complain, that is why she gets a big raise each year.
273 people have been shot in the city of Albany, so much for trips to the Olive Garden. Aside,Tireds City-has made the news also,AGAIN. 8 shootings in the month of May.
Probably used illegal guns
Got the guns from Sotero and Holder, gun runners extrordinare!!!
She did do a Dance.What moves. Reminded me of Mitzi Gaynor.
Adam Hinds finest work.
His statement
” pittsfield residents should sleep with heads toward interior walls. To prevent fatal head and upper chest wounds.
He is fleeing the Berkshires, for much safer Amherst ( were gullunis goon squad limits the rape and assault complaints- perpetrated by law enforcement) as his ” primary residence ”
His business in Berkshire county is complete, being it is now ranked in top 100 dangerous in America.
Congratulations ms Hinds
Good luck in your campaign to Be lt governor.
Face interior walls? We do that anyway, in the hood.
6/3/2021 Incident
On Thursday 6/3/2021 shortly after 11:00pm, members of the Pittsfield Police Department (PPD) responded to a ShotSpotter activation in the area of 266 Francis Avenue. Upon their arrival, officers observed a motor vehicle that had been struck by gunfire. The vehicle was occupied by three individuals, including two small children. No injuries were reported. A second vehicle which was unoccupied was also struck by bullets.
Anyone who wishes to provide information regarding this case is asked to contact Detective Matos at 413-448-9700 x576. Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).
Rash of City Shootings
Within the past two weeks, members of the Pittsfield Police Department have responded to at least five confirmed shooting incidents within the city of Pittsfield. Those incidents include one instance of a man sustaining multiple gunshot wounds, and another incident where a vehicle containing two small children was struck by gunfire. Police responded to confirmed shooting incidents on June 1, June 2, and June 3. There were eight confirmed shootings during the month of May and a shooting homicide in April on the city’s main thoroughfare.
Members of the PPD are working diligently to both investigate these shootings and prevent further instances of gunfire. We cannot do it alone and we need the public’s help. The PPD does not and will not tolerate indiscriminate gunfire, especially when our youngest and most vulnerable citizens are present. Within our community is a resident or residents who know who these shooters are. They knew yesterday that one or more shooters was in the community, armed, with the intention of committing a crime. Had they shared that information, this, and the prior incidents may have been prevented. We urge anyone with information to come forward, even anonymously through the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706 or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).
That can’t be because Tyer claimed years ago she would not stand for such gunplay in this vibrant and dynamic shitty.
She did say that. And promptly move to a gated community to avoid it.
As a close consort of the police chief she knows better than anyone how bad things are in her city of Pittsfield, Ma. The disgusting part of her personna is that she downplays the danger to the citizenry which actually adds to their endangerment because they may let their guard down. And you have to have a hard heart to do that.
The Vibrant and Dynamic season of “is it gunfire or fireworks” has started early this year!!!
The one bonus to Hinds moving out of town and giving up his office, Wrong Way might move on and get the job she always wanted.
You can’t file a homestead on a second home. Well you can but it’s not legal.
I wonder if Hinds plans on pulling a “Bump” and claiming both homes as primary homes.
He should put the Amherst one in his wife’s name and the Pittsfield one in his, or do what Bump did and create a trust.
See where Bump is calling it quits as well.
Another shooting tonight,west side near Dewey. Close your windows.
Now, that’s pretty scary – makes me wonder who she crossed. So similar to a resignation.
Why would the far left celebrate the day of the birth of a country that they think is systemically racist? Instead they use fireworks as weapons to ruin the day for everyone. No pretty colors to see folks. Just what sounds like bombs going off in their backyards.
I’ll donate 100 bucks to Harrington if she runs for anything but DA, and I can’t stand her progressive ways.
Harrington is not running for anything other than DA. Why would she cut her pay in half? She has never made more than $20k as a lawyer and couldn’t pay her taxes until the Kapanskis started paying her to do nothing.
She gets away with everything.
So did Trump so far.
Wonder what it would take to get senior citizens who have paid taxes in Pittsfield all their lives, designated as a minority, needy worthwhile sub group? We could make our own flag, (maybe a guy pushing a walker with a backpak full of medications) whine about how neglected and mistreated we are, and perhaps the mayor or some other attention seeking politician might adopt us and give us stuff.
Anyone want to take the lead on this one?
Trump mental illness is a cult.I find Trumps to be very stupid and are informed by Fox fascist.
The Trump messege is not a cult, is is a gosple. His word’s are right and need to be herd over and over, just like Rushes continueing messege.
Listening to the scanner Moon may be on to something. People don’t need to be arrested they need to grow up. Nonsense these cops put up with.
And you need to spell…..Check?
The medium is the messege. We need to pay attention to the continueing messege.
More mayhem on Dewey tonight.Isn’t it time for a press conference Mayor. Common Man?
Definitely. Better than wishing we knew what is going on.
Don’t worry the new park is going to fix everything, the mayor just hasn’t had the time for an official opening
Is Lampylousy the ward six councilor?
They def didn’t spend a dime removing or concealing the old yelliw/white lines- negligence at 100%.
I find it interested that Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer and her millionaire Accountant husband Barry Clairmont live in a near $1 million home in a gated community that is very close to the Pittsfield/Hancock border, which is far away from the local residents of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. I find it interesting that then Mayor Jimmy Ruberto moved into his mother’s Pittsfield home and then served 8 years in the corner office in Pittsfield City Hall without investing one cent in owning a Pittsfield home. Now, Jimmy Ruberto signs his letters to the editor of the Berkshire Eagle as a resident of Naples, Florida, while he also owns a $490,000 Summer Condo in upscale Lenox. Now, Adam Hinds invested $690,000 in a family home in Amherst, Massachusetts, which is NOT in his Berkshire based state senate legislative district. Pittsfield State Representative Tricia Farley Bouvier owns a beautiful home in Pittsfield near the Lenox border, and she sent her children to Lenox public schools. I believe that the politicians who serve Pittsfield politics in state and local government do NOT represent the local people who live in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
– Jonathan Melle
Pretty sure the Tyler street roadway is going to look a lot like North street. They must be getting close to tearing that whole roadway up for the redesign. Gonna have a . roundabout at the Woodlawn intersection. Have you ever gone through a roundabout with bike lanes? Not sure if they are going to repave the whole thing or pave around the potholes. Pittsfield seems to be proud of its potholes.
Friday 6/4/2021 the North Street that is scary to the Planets readers and bloggers was packed from South Street to North Street.Lenox was packed and Lee was packed.Thanks to the leadership of President of the United States of America. Joe has us hitting 70% vaccinated in a few weeks.While Trumpers wait on Dons return to office in 55 days the rest of us return to normal…..Trump brings fear to everything at FOX FAKE FEAR tv.
Joe don’t know what year it is and is owned by the chi-coms, who made a virus to take over America.
Gasoline and propane 50% more expensive, Xiden now importing terrorist oil from Iran, shut down Keystone and 50,00 American jobs. Better get the woodpile stocked up for winter.
Hordes of criminals crossing the border. Xiden solution is to re-import those already deported (yes that is true). Criminals already deported will get a free pass/entry
Xiden next going after Americans 401K and retirement, as he can’t fund his socialist mandates. Yes Americans, you’ll lose it all.
50,000 American jobs
Don’t waste your time on TSC it is unable to connect the dots. Very curious though how Ferret Fauci our infectious leader since Ebola in Africa didn’t back Trump when he said shut down all travel. Instead he sided with Chuckie and Pelosi who was telling everyone to celebrate the Chinese New Year and Mardi Gras, wonder if they had a plan all along
Sad situation in Worcester where a Police Officer died while trying to save a teen from a pond,the teen died also. Mayor and Chief need to address these latest shootings immediately.
The news is reporting it (shootings) regionally,and there are zero comments from officials like nothing has happened. This shit has to end.
Start giving traffic citations and start arresting these repeat idiot show trouble makers and send them to the county jail, and let the emotional trouble minded have psychologists treat them there.
If you asked our mayor about the shootings in Pitttsfield she might well reply, “What shootings? Have there been shootings?”
I think they did have a plan all along because Fauci and the CDC did NOTHING to protect our elderly and they could have been protected and saved from COVID. The lockdowns did more harm than good for our elderly and they wouldn’t even explore any medicines that might help once somebody had COVD. They were totally unprepared for the 2nd wave of the virus which happened around election time and the life saving antibodies weren’t even available to treat our elderly. Something is so wrong about this picture.
Cuomo murdered the elderly.
It’s more than just Cuomo. Seems like the CDC and Fauci are also implicated.
“dr” Falsey has been neck deep in chi-com “science” for MANY years. He helped fund them both at USA colleges here and Wuhan. One chi-com spy/student escaped Boston before the feds could grab her.
President Trump was spot on with the kung flu causes/sources.
Cuomo belongs in prison, not just for murdering elderly in nursing homes.
Fauci and the CDC too were up to no good.
And kissed the living.
We need to research what happened to the real property of the all the elderly who died. Who took it.
tell them Mario sent You!
Think of all the money they are saving, seems the virus attacked the weak and elderly
>The Daily Mail reported on Friday night that the Pentagon funneled almost $39 million to EcoHealth Alliance, a group led by controversial researcher Dr. Peter Daszak,
As The Gateway Pundit reported back in May, Devin Nunes alleged Dr. Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance had taken around $100 million from federal agencies.
And we discovered earlier this week that Dr. Daszak thanked Dr. Tony Fauci in an email in 2020 for insisting the coronavirus was naturally occurring when both men knew it was a product of their research funding.
Biden’s America Last Policies on Video: String of Chinese Cargo Ships Are Lined Up and Anchored Outside of Long Beach Port
“…I thought that the US was limiting imports from China? I thought that the tariffs were still in place and that there was very little importation from the Communist Chinese. He explained to me why freight transportation is so expensive… He said supply and demand. He said they are running 24/7 freight from China. What has the Biden administration done to cause this? Why are we destroying American manufacturing and jobs with a flood of China goods? I imagine that your readers would be interested to know the details……”
Government offering free stuff to get vaccinated.
There is free cheese in a mousetrap too.
Not sure what you were smoking but I was on North street on Friday night and it was not busy. I do like how you like to live in a different universe though
Government offering free stuff to get vaccinated.
There is free cheese in a mousetrap too.
Post it one more time, stupid.
Did that, You ate the bait
???are You a Sotero rat or mouse?
Updated May 27, 2021
Maxi’s in the hope bag? You think ahead. You really do. You innately understand what human beings struggle with. PERIODS!!! Dang rascals. Haha. Yup. Compassion at it’s best right there. Welcome to the table, justice is SERVED BABY ! Maxi pads for the men & the women. if they can wear the shoes, they can wear the pad for a mile. There’s a lot of things we can’t obtain Andrea/w – none of which is coincidentally a maxi pad. Nor any of that other ridiculous attempt at fulfilling an actual duty. Oh my God. Well, the bags are geared toward women, of mature age – what about the rest – males, the youts. Can they substitute a fucking hearing in a court of law for the maxi’s ? They can’t use em. They want something else – A HEARING.
Harrington,Tired,and Guiel-Lampiasi should be doing a press conference….A year ago!
They are handy to stop bleeding when you get shot, by the felons Andrea let out of jail….
Better would be tampons. Sterile and you can plug the bullet holes
The bags don’t have both? And some betadine?
The majority of individuals trafficked for sex are women and girls. Men and boys make up a lower percentage. Not sure how they decided what should go into the backpacks or how they’re distributing them. Five of the six New England states have low numbers nationwide for sex trafficking. New Hampshire has the lowest nationwide. Massachusetts comes in sixth behind them. Nevada has the highest number.
Human Trafficking Statistics By State 2021 (
Why not spend the money on the opioid problem? Oh right, she wants “harm reduction” shooting galleries because that’s her answer even though they have not solved anything. She’s fighting against those who want to put away drug dealers and giving out “basic healthcare” to addicts. So very helpful to our community.
Berkshire District Attorney’s Office
Feb 24
Harm reduction saves lives. The punitive War on Drugs did not make our community safer. We treat people with dignity, meet them where they are at, and assist them in addressing their basic health care needs.
The numbers are low because the traffickers are politically connected,
Angelo Stracuzzi, Nilan and Masmiano trafficking young boys was well known.
Much like Hunter Biden, Epstein or the Kennedy criminal enterprise, they provide horizontal refreshment to the politicians, police and press.
Andy Mckever and WrongWay have been sending out campaign emails to a select few from their work accounts. Isn’t that illegal?
Like someone suggested. That office may be there mainly to sheild special interests from the law.
OMG- Hits the nail,right on the thumb!
Nothing changes because the federal prosecutors ( formerly Paul Smyth- whom Devil Patrick awarded a pittsfield district court judgeship) -are bribed by the kingpins of crime with children, money and career advancement, to look the other way.
Spuranzo,Kelly and Byrne earned thier magistrates positions by hiding the criminal behavior of the elitists of western Massachusetts.
For those with short memories Byrne was the corruptocrat, whom attempted to Fix Merrydeath Nilsn hit and run. Brother of newly minted Bishop William Byrne- who with Daniel Ford was attempting to mitigate the Diocese sexual assault scandal.
Look for racketeering charges brought about by class action lawsuit by victims against whom a fraud is being perpetrated.
That’s why Pope Francis is also selling out to the Chinese, Christianity is under assault not just in Israel- like president Reagan stated ” if fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism ”
Like abortion its self inflicted harm, instituted by elitists ( Matgret Sangef of planned parenthood- was a true white supremacist bigot- using abortion as self inflicted genocide upon the minority communities)
The present discord our country is mired in is another manufactured crisis to increase governmental power.
Our elitist overlords are eliminating the eternal hope that faith provides, as it challenges thier authority.
How about filing a complaint with the office of political finance then. No one does nothing, nothing happens.
Someone disliking this pretty much says it all. “The fundamental purpose of the Massachusetts campaign finance law is to assist in maintaining the integrity of the Commonwealth’s electoral system.” Except for Andrea Harrington. She can block the release of public records and nothing happens. The head of ethics can produce a statement of her refusal to perform her public duties. Nothing happens. Accusations of emails from the office, meetings at the office, general running of a “campaign culture” in the office. Multiple employee accusations and they are all “disgruntled.”
Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
Please explain why Pittsfield politics has $5.3 million in FREE CASH, and why the Lovely Linda and City Council unanimously voted and agreed to double the use of FREE CASH from $750,000 to $1,500,000 to lower the municipal tax hike on local residents.
Pittsfield politics is always totally predictable when it comes to its fiscal year municipal budget. For decades now, the Mayor and City Council always increase municipal spending by 5% per fiscal year. Matt Kerwood has made things worse by building his huge multimillion dollar slush funds on the backs of the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family. Over the next two years, the Lovely Linda will receive $41.7 million in Biden Buck$ direct aid.
I hope you will make financial sense of all of this for your blog readers. It sure as hell makes no financial sense to me!
Also, please note that Pittsfield City Councilor Helen Moon scolded fellow Pittsfield City Councilor Chris Connell on his cliché, and then Connell’s apology.
Best wishes,
Jonathan Melle
—–News Article—–
“Council boosts use of free cash in $179.2 million budget, easing impact on taxpayers”
By Amanda Burke, The Berkshire Eagle, June 5, 2021
PITTSFIELD — The City Council has given a preliminary green light to a $179.2 million spending plan for the next fiscal year, including an agreement from Mayor Linda Tyer to double the amount of free cash that will be used to offset the tax rate.
The issue of how much free cash the city should apply to the budget, reducing the taxpayer’s share of the burden, butted up against a Tyer Administration policy not to use more than $1 million on a given year.
The more free cash that city officials choose to use, the lower the city’s property tax rate. Meantime, Finance Director Matt Kerwood said the money powers the city’s reserves, a topic of interest to bond rating agencies judging the city’s financial health.
“It’s really an issue of fiscal prudence in terms of how you want to best not only preserve but also build your reserves,” he said.
The exact impact of the additional use of free cash was not clear; the city sets the tax rate in November.
This year, Tyer proposed using $750,000 from the city’s $5.3 million free cash reserve to reduce the tax burden — the same amount she proposed last year but less than what was applied in 2019.
In the background this year is a hot local housing market sending home valuations up. Councilor Chris Connell pointed to unspent funds returning to city coffers, and suggested doubling the mayor’s free cash request for an allocation amounting to $1.5 million.
“We have over $3 million in turnbacks from last year,” he said. “Every little bit of reduction of the tax rate by use of free cash helps the taxpayers.”
Also during the meeting, Connell apologized for using the phrase “too many chiefs, not enough Indians” earlier when describing his belief that the public services department needs more workers in the field rather than more administrators. The expression sparked a heated exchange with Councilor Helen Moon, who lamented the “racially charged statement.”
Tyer’s free cash order failed by a vote of 6-4, with councilors Nicholas Caccamo, Yuki Cohen, Earl Persip III and Pete White in favor, sending the order back to the mayor. But toward the tail end of the meeting, Tyer told the council she was amenable to the $1.5 million figure.
“I’m agreeable to this amendment,” Tyer said. “You can make this change.”
The council took a procedural vote to reconsider the free cash request, then unanimously amended the free cash order to $1.5 million and gave it an initial stamp of approval. Tyer returned a new order to the council for consideration at the panel’s next regular meeting onTuesday.
Also at that meeting next week, councilors will be asked to take a final vote on the budget they approved on Wednesday. Councilors also gave preliminarily approval to a $6,992,000 capital budget for things like a new fire department pumper truck and stormwater improvements.
The budget should be reduced by at least 15% from last years budget and the clowncilors should refuse to set the budget if tyer doesn’t agree to use the $3 million in turn backs to offset the new taxes. AND, this city needs a real honest to Allah audit.
What an absurd contract. Is Nick Russo a time traveler? A shape shifter? Does his Schwinn ride faster than the speed of light allowing him to work more hours in a week than Earthly possible?
This contract is embarrassing. One, for the obvious. Two, for the results.
Pittsfield is such a jerk.
I’ll admit I’m not the most politically savvy person in the room. I watched Tuesday’s & Wednesday’s budget meetings. What purpose did it serve to have people who don’t live in Pittsfield call in and tell the city council to cut the budget? Am I missing something?
That’s why it should have been live and local
It validates the idiots. You can bet anybody that doesn’t have the same opinion doesn’t get time.
Pittsfield (or should I write Amherst) Massachusetts State Senator Adam Hinds will soon release a Beacon Hill public policy report this upcoming Summer of 2021 on his proposals to raise state taxes on the people/taxpayers who live in Massachusetts, especially on the wealthy, in the near future. Adam Hinds wants the state government to “bring in additional tax dollars”. Adam Hinds is waiting to release his state tax hike proposal report until after Beacon Hill lawmakers pass the fiscal year 2022 Massachusetts state budget, which begins on July 1, 2021. On top of Adam Hinds’ plans to raise state taxes, Beacon Hill and Governor Charlie Baker will receive nearly $5.3 billion in Biden Buck$ direct aid over the next two fiscal years. The federal stimulus windfall is not being used in the fiscal year 2022 Massachusetts state budget.
In response to Adam Hinds state tax hike proposal report that he will release to the public this Summer of 2021, I believe that Adam Hinds – and the rest of his Beacon Hill career politicians – should (all) cut his/their public pay and perks by at least 50 percent first before raising state taxes. It is very hypocritical for Beacon Hill lawmakers to enrich themselves with lucrative public pay and perks, and then soon release a report proposing to raise state taxes on the people and taxpayers they serve in Massachusetts state government. One of Adams Hinds’ revenue raising group is to be FAIR in increasing the state government tax burden on Massachusetts taxpayers. What an oxymoron!
– Jonathan Melle
It shouldn’t surprise you that government is looking for ways to raise taxes or hidden taxes such as raising fees.In order to pay for all the programs they intend to promote and fund with taxpayers money. That supposed $15 dollar living wage per hour they are pushing won’t be what they advertised.
What is the impact on the paying taxpayers in Pittsfield if Milltowns enormous new holdings are given huge tax breaks? Just how much of this 5% increase for the rest of us is because of Milltowns tax breaks? How many of these properties that were paying full taxes two or three years ago are now paying reduced rates?
This is reason number 492 why Pittsfield needs and deserves a forensic audit? And why is the mayor fighting this so hard?
she and barry are criminals, hide and slide…..
Milltown just bought the 26 unit Yankee Suites on West Housie St. for a couple million. Set up for long term stays.
Remember the leaders that stated they are in favor of an audit, but not actually calling for one? This is where that audit is going. Looks and sounds good in campaign season only.
Maybe the next time some of our leaders happen to be over at the Milltown owners home or other places he owns for personal reasons they can figure this out together, and let everyone know the figures?
Yeah, Russo should call the Tyler St. corridor what it really is! Milltown corridor.
How do these characters that are only known for being the “Willie Mosconi’s” of Pocket Pool always landing these gigs in Pittsfield? Is only playing pocket pool the resume enhancer needed to
The more I learn of Russo, the more I hope Ward 2 residents will not vote for him. Calling Tyler St. “corridor” is one more crazy suggestion he has come up with.
The kids filed into class Monday morning. They were all very excited. Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on salesmanship. Little Sally led off. “I sold Girl Scout cookies and I made $30” she said proudly, “My sales approach was to appeal to the customer’s civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious success.” “Very good”, said the teacher.
Little Debbie was next. “I sold magazines” she said, “I made $45 and I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them up on current events.” “Very good, Debbie”, said the teacher.
Eventually, it was Little Johnny’s turn. The teacher held her breath. Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped a box full of cash on the teacher’s desk. “$2,467”, he said. “$2,467!” cried the teacher, “What in the world were you selling?” Toothbrushes”, said Little Johnny. “Toothbrushes”, echoed the teacher, “How could you possibly sell enough tooth brushes to make that much money?”
“I found the busiest corner in town,” said Little Johnny, “I set up a Dip & Chip stand and I gave everybody who walked by a free sample.” They all said the same thing, “Hey, this tastes like dog poop!” Then I would say, “It is dog poop. Wanna buy a toothbrush”? I used the President Biden method of giving you some crap, dressing it up so it looks good, telling you it’s free and then making you pay to get the bad taste out of your mouth.”
Little Johnny got five stars for his
assignment. Bless his heart.
I’m still sorting out how Hinds came to power and is in the midst of a mind boggling war chest. Who is this clown kidding? Like someone said hiss first vote as a legislator was to give himself a raise.
Special interest donors covering their bases have loaded his war chest. A drop in the bucket for them which will in turn will be big profits from a small investment now.
How about the mayor making a compromise while we wait for the forensic audit. What say she makes the Finance Director available at a city hall council meeting and let the public ask any and all questions regarding the city finances they may be curious about. Make it a four hour meeting.
One of my questions would be related to who are the business s in Pittsfield getting reduced taxes for any and all reasons. And what are the names of the owners? How much does their reduction amount to, how many years will it last and what is the exact amount of money for each business that the other real tax payers have to chip in to make up for what they are not paying out of their own pocket?
I am thinking that over time the people running the city who are suppose to work for the taxpayers have turned things 180 degrees and have the taxpayers working for them. And I feel like half the tax revenue amounts to chartible funding going to the connected folk.
One more. Matt, how much money does the city spend on flowers, planters and other botanical adornments this year? Who are the vendors getting rich as a result?
What the hell is the plan for fixing the roads if one does actually exist? Alfred Ave off Williams street has quarter million dollar and up homes but the street is right out of the Applachian mountains. Ward four is it? Anybody in charge over there? They are paying megabucks for taxes and that road has been shit for years. At least one city worker lives on that street so they damn well are aware of it. It is freaking embarrassing to be from Pittsfield if you ask me.
I hope people aren’t to down on our own Harold with his purple crayon! Maybe this is a lesson for all what seems to be good for the individual, be it a person or group, may not be good for the collective or society as a whole
June 6, 2021
Hello Patrick Fennell,
We the People are supposed to be the government, which means that our parasites/politicians should work to invest in ALL of the people they represent in government. However, U.S. Senator Ed Markey, who really lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland, is a career Swamp politician who says lofty things that he knows full well will never get done by the Swamp’s corrupt parasites/politicians. Peter Larkin lives in a Worcester suburb with his medical doctor wife and their children. Peter Larkin is a greedy Beacon Hill lobbyist like Dan Bosley and Stan Rosenberg, who all collect taxpayer-funded state pensions and public perks on top of their respective 6-figure lobbyist salaries. PAC Man Richie Neal only represents K Street corporate lobbyist firms that donate millions of special interest dollars per year into his campaign coffers so he can serve 1,000 years in the Swamp. Adam Hinds bought a $690,000 home with his wife in Amherst, Massachusetts, which means like Peter Larkin and other past and current Pittsfield politicians, he does NOT want to invest in a Pittsfield property for his family to live in. Adam Hinds votes himself and accepts huge legislative pay raises, while he will soon release a Beacon Hill report that proposes raising state taxes on the very people and taxpayers who pay for his public pay and perks.
Like I recently wrote to blogger Dan Valenti, I really do NOT understand how state and local governments such as Beacon Hill and Pittsfield politics have billions and millions of dollars in Biden Buck$ direct aid respectively, and they are all still raising state and local taxes on the working class taxpayers who are at the bottom of the K-shaped economic recession. Do state and local politicians such as Adam Hinds and the Lovely Linda Tyer have a clue how difficult it is to stay financially afloat when a working class household earns or receives a low to moderate income? Beacon Hill has an over $1 billion slush fund, while Pittsfield politics’ Matt Kerwood has multimillion dollar slush funds, which is on top of their Biden Buck@ stimulus funds, but they all want more tax dollars from the working class taxpayers.
I am frustrated because Adam Hinds is looking to raise state taxes to pay for social programs in the name of low to moderate income families, but most working class families he supposedly represents could not purchase a $690,000 home in Amherst, Massachusetts, while also renting an apartment in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. The Lovely Linda and her millionaire Accountant husband Barry Clairmont live in a near $1 million home in a gated community close to the Pittsfield/Hancock border, while Pittsfield’s shrinking working class families will soon be paying for Pittsfield politics’ near $180 million record setting municipal budget that begins on July 1, 2021 – or in 25 days from now. The state and local political salons don’t understand that their tax increasing government budgets are hurting the very people they say they want to help because they do not walk in the shoes of the working class families. It must be nice for those fortunate few who get to live charmed lives on the backs of the many low to moderate income people and taxpayers who pay for their taxpayer-funded excesses. I wish the ruling elites would understand what I am writing about.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
Harrington resignation has been called for. Ethics complaint has been filed. Legal community has had enough of her bulls@*. I hope you are on this one, Dan.
Let me tell you my newborn grandchild could have done better, unfortunately we are not the connected ones, btw I offered an easy fix awhile ago