(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JUNE 28, 2021) — Today THE PLANET presents a guest column by our long-time good friend and professor of economics at Indiana University, teaching courses in equity markets, financial econometrics, and behavioral finance.
We speak of Dr. Charles Trzcinka, who today writes first-hand about how Cancel Culture is helping to destroy freedom of inquiry in academia.
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IU’s Diversity Loyalty Oath: “Equality,” “Equity” Mean Different Things
You may not have noticed but the websites for various programs at Indian University (Bloomington, IN) have had a radical change. Instead of promising “equality,” they now advertise “equity.” The difference is not trivial. “Equality” means equal opportunity for all regardless of how people were born. “Equity” means equal outcomes based on how people are born.
The ratio of various characteristics in IU’s workforce, especially skin color and gender, need to reflect the same ratio in the population for “equity.”
Nobody voted on this change.
Nobody has ever found any evidence that equal opportunity has ever been denied anyone at IU. The goal of “equity” was simply imposed by the administration in conjunction with various faculty and student groups.
How are they enforcing “equity”? A primary tool is to require all new faculty to fill out a “diversity statement.” Candidates for faculty positions are required to describe exactly what they have done in their careers to support the goal of “equity,” especially combined with the undefined words “diversity” and “inclusion.”
Administrators now carefully comb through these statements to determine if a candidate supports the goals of diversity, inclusion, and equity. If they are not sufficiently supportive of or — heaven forbid — opposed to these goals, they will not be interviewed. One wonders what they would do if a black woman candidate said she is opposed to diversity efforts.
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The words “diversity” and “inclusion” are not properly defined anywhere. A verbose IU consultant defines “diversity effort’” as “any activity or program that promotes the active appreciation of all campus members in terms of their backgrounds, identities and experiences, as constituted by gender, socioeconomic class, political perspective, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, regional origin, nationality, occupation and language, among others, as well as any activity or program that brings together any of these aspects.” Note that this consultant explicitly recognizes that a “diversity effort” is political.
Abigail Thompson, chair of University of California Davis’s math department, observed that politics reflect how you believe society should be organized. Her view and mine is that Americans should aspire to treat every person as a unique individual, not as a representative of their gender or their ethnic group. However, IU’s diversity statement represents a loyalty oath to a political view that celebrates identity politics.
Employers who hire on the basis of identity politics are looking for a political perspective. This approach promotes hiring based on characteristics a candidate has never been able to change such as their age, race, ethnicity, disability, gender, regional origin, or nationality. IU’s “diversity statement” makes all of these inherent characteristics relevant for employment and requires new faculty to be loyal to this goal.
IU will be biased against candidates who are not in these categories (e.g. white, Asian, and in most cases, male) and IU will not interview people who stand against bias in recruiting. Units of IU who try to achieve equality of opportunity are denied permission to interview people. There is no room at IU for those who will not sign the oath.
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Loyalty oaths have a long history in US higher education. In 1950 the Regents of the University of California required all UC faculty to sign a statement asserting that “I am not a member of, nor do I support any party or organization that believes in, advocates, or teaches the overthrow of the United States Government, by force or by any illegal or unconstitutional means, that I am not a member of the Communist Party.”
Eventually thirty-one faculty members were fired over their refusal to sign. Among them was David Saxon, an eminent physicist who later became the president of the University of California. Indiana went to the extreme of requiring all professional boxers and wrestlers to sign a similar loyalty oath. These oaths were repeatedly challenged in court and eventually the Supreme Court ruled they violated freedom of speech and freedom of association.
University education should allow a wide range of opinions addressing every issue from all points of view. The political loyalty oaths of 1950 and of 2021, however, are an attempt to discredit certain views and to make universities homogenous. They require bias against those who are defined as “non-diverse.”
These loyalty oaths should be resisted by all who believe that universities are intellectual centers with the freedom to explore all ideas. Taxpayers should never support a public university that requires loyalty oaths, whether these oaths are against communism or for “diversity.”
IU needs to drop the requirement to fill out a diversity statement and should change “equity” to “equality” on all websites. The new IU President can certainly make this happen and move IU forward. Elected officials should make sure she does so.
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THE PLANET thanks Dr. Trzcinka for his timely essay. Like white fish and chardonnay, it pairs nicely with our columns last week on Cancel Culture and Critical Race Theory.
“Forced conformity is the enemy of advancement, which only flourishes with freedom that celebrates individuality” — Sir Donald Turpentine.
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Dr. Charles Trzcinka argues for academic freedom based on equality of opportunity versus academic indoctrination based on equity of outcomes for ALL racial and gender groups. I would ask why is it either one or the other?
Poverty, inequality and inequity are ALL structural violence and social conflict. When a person is living and working in poverty, is at the low end of economic inequality, and works and/or receives income at or below the poverty line, the government has a moral and economic obligation to stop the structural violence and social conflict against said person. It is the same deal with a person who is being abused by verbal assaults and/or physical assaults. It is the same deal when People(s) are persecuted by cultural violence and conflict. It all must be stopped!
ALL Violence and conflict against a person/People(s) has to be stopped by the government. No person should be abused verbally and/or physically. No person should have to live in poverty and work/receive poverty income. No person/People(s) should be persecuted because one culture says they are superior and the persecuted person/People(s) is inferior.
In closing, I believe that equality of opportunity and equity of outcomes for ALL human beings who want to learn in an academic institution should be administered together. I believe that Dr. Charles Trzcinka’s economic ratio thinking needs to transform into human rights thinking to protect ALL human beings from institutional or structural harassment, abuse, social conflict and violence.
Good column Doctor, and Dan. And yes, it pairs nicely, as does Tyer and Harrington, two nincompoops who drank the diversity, equity,and inclusion Kool Aid. God help those of us who haven’t gotta outta Dodge yet!
Thanks, JOE. Say high to your wife, Mary Jane.
I did, and she also appreciates your tireless work on behalf of us Kapanskis.
“Say high”? Is this some sort of code?
It’s the likes of Harrington and Tyer, et al, that would worship at the alter of political correctness, regardless of right or wrong, and it’s fools like them that literally drank the koolaid in Jonestown. Can’t think for themselves, sticking their finger in the air to see which way the political winds blow. And for all you youngins out there in the Planet’s orbit, here’s a link to the Jonestown Massacret, wherein literally hundreds drank the poison koolaid.
They drank it and Buffett ate the whole damn thing……just sayin….
……………………and living in Mom’s basement carries more credence than Mr. Trcinka’s. Whadda tool BAG!!!!
This guy is an idiot. Equity in education is a response to need. It does not mean, in any way, equity in outcome. It does not mean lowering the standards to make sure all have a similar outcome. Clearly the good old doc is clueless. None of what he describes is equity in education, he’s describing identity politics in education and hiring.
Learn the difference when trying to disparage equity in education you old fart.
Examples of equity in education:
IEPs and 504s for students with special needs. You know like getting a kid with dyslexia extra help so he or she can read.
Getting a child with motor skills problems some extra help so they can develop at a more normalized pace.
Putting in auto opening doors and wheelchair ramps to increase accessibility. A lot of the ADA is about equity.
Teaching children English when English may be their second language. (ESL is equity in education)
The free and reduced lunch program is equity in education, making sure that students don’t go hungry and can learn on a full stomach.
You old white men are so adverse to kindness and fairness, you’ll destroy long standing and proven responses to intervention because you are clueless and afraid.
“Response to intervention (RTI) is a process used by educators to help students who are struggling with a skill or lesson; every teacher will use interventions (a set of teaching procedures) with any student to help them succeed in the classroom—it’s not just for children with special needs or a learning disability.”
What a disgusting and fearful bunch of garbage.
Well, it gets back to Dr. Trzcinka’s comment about the lack of a proper definition. You are defining it in a far different way than he is. It’s interesting that your examples of “equity” in academia come almost exclusively from pre-college, K-12, not from college of university, where “equity” and “identity politics” have melded into that “disgusting and fearful bunch of garbage” that Chuck so well identifies in his piece. Left unanswered: What’s your take on using identity politics as a basis for hiring faculty in higher education?
He’s wrong in trying to define it the way he is. Even in higher Ed equity is not identity.
In higher Ed equity is exactly about the same thing. Giving resources to those in need and intervening.
Pell Grants, equity in education. Giving those without the monetary resources, access to money so they can get a higher education.
Free tutoring, often students in underserved communities have huge holes in their education, tutoring helps with that.
Equity in education is about looking at the individual, and tailoring responses to intervention to help them succeed.
Again the problem is a bunch of scared old white men have misdefined equity in education for equity in educational outcome, identity politics in education.
If a university wants a racial quota system as some new version of affirmative action, that isn’t necessarily and immediately equity in education.
If a university makes the standards different for grades, based on race or gender, or religion, sex, creed, etc. That is equity in outcome which is a dangerous place to go. It’s a disservice to those that benefit from it because the bar is lowered for them. THAT is systemic racism! If you lower your expectations based on race, pat the child on the head, and hand them a participation A+, it is the ultimate form of racism.
If you want to make sure all students are competing on a level playing field, given access and resources so they can compete as equals that’s equality.
If you are talking about large groups, that’s equality in education.
If you are talking about individual needs, that’s equity in education.
Neither of which brain dead doc is doing he’s talking about identity politics and hiring practices. He’s purposefully conflating the two ideas and (equity and identity politics) to make equity seem like a bad thing.
Learn the difference before you disparage equity because you are so afraid of POC succeeding. What a bunch of racist pigs that occupy this place.
You make some good points here, particularly with respect to lower standards based on identity. But look at how you go after Dr. Trzcinka’s argument: ” … the problem is a bunch of scared old white men.” Truly? Do you want to based your case on such a statement. More: “[the] brain dead doc” … and “What a bunch of racist pigs …” Honestly, now — Do you actually believe that and want such to be the basic for argument? Do you expect to be taken seriously when you froth in such a way, given the tone of what you’re frothing against?
Are you not old and white? Isn’t Dr. Charles Trzcinka old and white?
Tell me where I was wrong? You are old white men that don’t know your ass from your elbow when it comes to RTI and the differences between equity, equality, and identity politics in education.
You use fear to scare people into thinking equity and equality in education is a bad thing.
I have proven my case
When the accusation is “old and white” we know we won the argument. It is a simple admission that facts and logic don’t matter, what matters to “teacher” is age and skin color.
The definition of “equity” is not mine but IUs
Equally? People of color aren’t the only ones traumatized by all of societies illnesses. Trying to make everything equal actually upsets the balance of things. Give and take balances everything.
The B.S. factor in “equity” and “equality” is that, as practiced by the social-engineer zealots, they are anything but. TEACHER equates helping the handicapped via ramps with providing some with advantages on performance, tests, and jobs denied to others because of identity factors that, as Dr. Trzcinka rightly points out, cannot be changed. Yes, give the person in a wheelchair a ramp and auto doors. No, don’t give the person artificial advantages once their inside the building.
Things are not equal.Education is simply learning about all history.When society is afraid of certain parts of history is the most telling truth in the role fear plays.White guy explains why history is not the answer.The mega wealthy will explain to poor people that money is not the answer and wont be good for the country not to have poor people.Why do white people fight so dam hard to prevent history from being told.The truth changes everything.Lets not solve racism lets just fight racism. Lets not solve poverty lets keep fighting the war on poverty.Everytime somebody tries to go forward there are milkions of white people getting in the way.Blacks understand you fear them.They are tired of thecwasted hate you have for them.Deny all you want but white people are always ready to surpress minorities.They understand what good for you.
If you really are looking for equity and equality with food for all I say make everyone go to military school from pre-K to College. Everyone would get the same education, come out as proper citizens who know and respect the laws and one another. I bet it would be cheaper as well and no country would try to invade us!
We see who the real racist is on this site and it’s not us. You have been so brainwashed by the far left that you can’t think straight.
You have extreme ignorance Pat and it was not taught to you by minorities. Its white fear taught by white people.Trust your fellow American from the southern hemisphere as they have been very very patient with your knowledge of them.
The doctor hit the nail on the head pal. Higher Ed is awash in this garbage. I am glad he is telling it like it is.
I see that on FOX entertainment all the time.
If you watch fox so much why are you still so dumb?
Fox media is the tool of Putin and the enemy of America
Not sure if you wrote a sarcastic diatribe, especially with your last line, but one could argue the USA has been the most generous country towards the poor and oppressed here and abroad
Wow,are you telling him to drop it because our wealthy have done enough
Misleading propaganda.
OK,so explain why hes wrong.
Probably because you believe it
Unfortunately this indoctrination isn’t only happening at IU. You just need to read this blog, work in Berkshire County or talk to individuals from the area to see everyone is “going down this rabbit hole”. It’s sad when the people who are making money off of it are very prejudice and have been on the wrong side of the law. This period of time reminds me of the craziness of the late 60’s early 70’s. Hopefully most make it out in one piece.
The far left is doing a similar thing with companies, both small and large, since they are instituting an ESG score which measure what said companies are doing for the environment, social justice, and corporate governance. High scores means you can buy, sell, and get loans. A low ESG score means just the opposite where you are shut out of being able to do business. It’s all about control and sounds frighteningly like the biblical “Mark of the Beast” which determines who can buy and sell which is mentioned in the end times Book of Revelations. This ESG score is being instituted around the world by the far left and other radical groups.
The far left….(and the far out)
We need the so called far left. They provide us a valuable service
The far left excuses what you support by calling them Marxist kooks
Marxists are dangerous kooks.
Pat wants to stand still in a white mans way of control
Does the number 507 ring a bell?
Fox media propaganda is working and you are proof Pat
Is there any solid proof that there was a real trial held at Holiday Inn regarding youthful assault? Are we certain that the parties are real people & this is real ? Do we know?
Twice, can you tell us in specific terms what you’re talking about? The who what where and when?
The DA said she obtained a conviction against a 17 year old male for the violent rape of a 14 year old female – Andrea said trial was held at Holiday Inn. As of recent, like Friday Junetwentyfifth.
You can find this video announcement on Berkshire DA Facebook, Andrea is delighted, she has a new hero, the brave victim, and she announced that she is celebrating the conviction of a juvenile. Woot. Woot.
Referring to the DA’s announcement dated Junetwentyfourth –
I thought youthful offenders have privacy rights, I guess not in this case.
Does anyone know of this convicted person ?
Twice, overall that’s true about youthful offenders but I believe there may be some exceptions to that.
Thank you for clearing up what you were referrington though going to look at it now
So was the convicted individual 15 at the time and is 17 now, at conviction?
Going by this article anyway it appears that age at time of the events versus age at the time of conviction is a determining factor in releasing a young man’s name. Not because the article says that specifically but because that’s what this article does.
Whoever this guy is we know he is not related to any of the power people in the community. Those guys get a pass and move to New Jersey etc. At the very least their name never sees the light of day (or the light of the Eagle.) This guy was convenient to serve up to the masses at just the right time in politics.
The Marxist Diversity mongers want a violent spasm so they can “reconstruct” society by gutting it of individualism and eliminating anyone that competes with them or with the new government-approved morals and norms.These are not just misguided but well-meaning people working in good faith to solve these issues. These people are trained Marxists. Their goal is to sew division, racial and otherwise, to try and destroy America. It’s that simple.
Folks who want diversity aren’t trained Marxists, that’s overkill. They just think diversity strengthens our nation, so they want to sow unity in the fabric of our nation not sew division in that fabric.
Isn’t that what was always said about America? The melting pot with boundless opportunities for hardworking, law abiding people. I am unsure of what this new group is trying to change America into, so far it looks like riot and grab free stuff
Putin is the leader of white supremacy and white supremacist found a home in the Republican party.Trump is the leader of the white supremacist kkk.This movement is not the American you just decribed.Education is your only hope to get back to the America we believe in.Trump and Putin want the same thing.The Republican party is not the answer to repecting race no matter what you preach.
TDS did you wake up or did your meds wear off. If I am not mistaken Robert Byrd was a High Priest of the KKK. Now you may not remember him but he was a Democrat Senator that was very close to the Clinton’s. I don’t think any of them are Republicans. Now if you have intelligence that can be checked please inform us of who in the Republican Party is in the KKK. From my view, and I am not a Republican, I think there is hate being spewed by a group of government leaders, but they are not Republican. I agree education is important for our future but not the current drivel being taught in the Pitts. One must explore what other areas are doing in education to see what could be accomplished if we had dedicated educators.
Maybe you have not noticed Fox republican talking point are to reverse all accusations agaibst whit wealth and power and accuse democrat of the same……watch how the Trump corporation indictments are not talked about.Watch as this board ignores Trumps Attorneys General said Trumps cheat is all bullshit.Time for you white power people to talk about your guy
Garbage information
Barr said Trumps cheat is pure bullshit….Trump is attacking Barr
Caitlyn Jenner has vowed to fight the implementation of CRT in California schools if elected governor so there’s that anyway lol
She would make an interesting Guv. Major entertainment value anyway.
Good for Caitlyn. More people need to step forward to stop this abomination in our schools and throughout our country including our military.
In case you’re wondering what our DA does. She retweets pro-drug propaganda from the Drug Policy Alliance. They’re the George Soros funded group that wants to stop all drug arrests, legalize drugs and defund drug tasks forces like ours. Among their many “criminal justice” issues is abolishing asset forfeit by drug dealers. Why not ask the DA where she stands on some of these issues?
Andrea Harrington Retweeted

Drug Policy Alliance @DrugPolicyOrg
Our heart is with the family of #GeorgeFloyd as they deliver the victim impact statements during the #DerekChauvinSentencing.
It’s unconscionable that the defense opened the trial arguing that drugs are what killed George Floyd. They didn’t. Chauvin did.
DA also made a post against “revenge porn”, which is not even currently against the law in Massachusetts. Does she understand her role here in the Commonwealth?
We are all really HUMAN BEINGS! I choose LOVE and COMPASSION towards the Human race. I support Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington!!!! Thank goodness there are good people like Andrea Harrington in our otherwise cruel world.
Nut meet Nutso.
Or Justice Nutty.
You don’t seem to have any love or compassion when it comes to the Biden family. Not even giving the man a chance.
Jonathan Please. If you can’t say something nasty, don’t say anything.
I am not an animal
Mr. Love & Compassion, the Marxist who calls Trump “Hitler.”
Legal ,the frustrating piece about this,and I am someone who supports harm reduction approaches, is that we know worldwide, the biggest driver of street drugs use is poverty.
Soros has both the money and the influence to get harm reduction people to address poverty in meaningful and sustainable ways but he chooses not to, and I find that really upsetting.
Now, it could be argued that these first steps that the US is taking in regards harm reduction is Soros et al. teaching us how to bait the hook as the first step in teaching us how to fish but…
But as for beating down the new trend towards harm reduction as the gold standard approach to substance use disorder, I say we have about a hundred years of knowing what doesn’t work;what if this does?
The better question though I think is where can harm reduction take us beyond MAT and safe use practices, and can we extrapolate from the previous and relatively recent harm reduction successes ( seat belts, condoms) what is a reasonable timeline for moving beyond MAT and safe use?
And ffs guaranteed basic income for everybody at the poverty level or below for a limited period— three to four years say—a time frame which allows people to find and enter stable housing, screw it up and try again only better this time, invest in training or furthering their education or even opening that business they’ve always dreamed about but could not risk their limited capital on.
The one thing we are always still hesitant to take a risk on especially here in Pittsfield is our most valuable asset and that’s human capital.
And for people who are really like oh my God outfox’s totally insane, look at how many banks and wealth management joints we have just in Pittsfield alone.
I would propose that along with guaranteed basic income there be a mentorship piece, where our local financial institutions encourage volunteer mentorship from their employees to people who are inexperienced with basic income management.
What if using the Biden bucks, weed tax money, a realistic expectation of a harm reduction timeline, and guaranteesd basic income we could restore the city within three to four years?
What if we couldn’t restore it in three to four years but could set up a solid foundation or continuing growth and restoration by addressing the root cause, poverty?
Think about it before you rule it out!
If by harm reduction you mean services for children of drug addicts and treatment for addicts, yes. If you mean narcan to save a life, yes yes. If you mean prevention programs and providing inmates with treatment for drugs and co-existing disorders, then yes.
But if you mean failing to prosecute drug dealers to the fullest extent of the law (which means giving them about four strikes around here) then take your carpet bag back to Soros land. Consumption sites are not treatment, and we can’t even afford a fraction of the treatment we need. Safe supply, supply checking. All crap. Anything connected to “repairing the harms of the drug war” is unadulterated BS.
No one around here ever thought we should have an enforcement-only or public safety only approach to drugs and crime. For the lifetimes of most people alive in Berkshire County we have had a public health and public safety approach that relies on drug prevention and treatment as well as law enforcement. A lot of people have worked really hard on it. A lot of people have tried to shove their face in a photo op while doing nothing. Anyone saying otherwise is either part of the misinformation campaign that got people like Harrington elected. Or they are full of Soros dogma that has no basis in science or evidence.
From someone who knows more then they should harm reduction doesn’t work for many and it isn’t the gold standard. Yes it is being used but it isn’t working, just see how many individuals needed Narcon this year just so they could still be alive
But it is being presented to us as if it is the gold standard.
One important piece it leaves out other than saying “sustained recovery is the ultimate goal but” that previous modalities included were the benchmarks of progress.
For instance abstinence based 12-step programs have the steps and supposedly as you move through them you are getting increasingly further away from even the desire to use.
And I understand that harm reduction deliberately doesn’t have that but it needs to have something otherwise we are just delaying tragedy.
Professor Trzcinka taught my son in the finer points of economic theory as an MBA at IU, and he’s now doing very well as a supply chain manager at a major multinational e-commerce company, so that gives the professor a good measure of credibility in my view.
Outstanding, Mr. K.
It’s my brother who is the supply chain manager. I’m still toiling away in the Ivory tower…
Attorneys General said Trump cheat is BullShit
Yes he did. But why didn’t he say anything when Trump was his boss. Coward.
Because Barr is also a white supremacist but that doesn’t mean he cant call bullshit on a mentality ill liar.
Gas three bucks. We want T R U M P.
Toilet paper is almost $1.50 a roll. You can get only two of them for the price of a gallon of gas.
Is there an enterprising young person in Pittsfield who can find a cheaper way to wipe an ass and if so would the mayor give this person tax incentives and land on the PEDA property to build out a production facility? Where is Milltown when you really need them?
It would be so appropriate if Pittsfield became famous for reinventing ass wiping 21st century style. Politicians who have taken ass kissing to a whole new level could now apply their talents to the hygienic cheek industry. (and there may be the name for the new company.. HYGIENIC CHEEKS.) Picture the billboards as you enter the city showing various city leaders stooped over demonstrating how to use the city’s new economic engine. And if we could somehow incorporate this idea with the bike lane hysteria it might gain traction much quicker. What are you doing today Nick?
We shut down production because of Trump pandemic.Nobody was driving
False statement
You are under informed
Dan Valenti claims that the following scenario is physically and scientifically impossible.
Place a relatively strong magnet on a FLAT floor, or, a FLAT table. Then, take your compass, and position it close enough to that magnet, so that, the needle is drawn to the magnet, as opposed to being drawn to the actual “North Pole”. Next, begin to physically move the compass eastward, ensuring that as you are moving the compass, you are constantly correcting your eastward heading according to the “North Pole”, or, in this case, the magnet. As you continue to do this, you WILL circle the magnet, and ultimately complete your 360 degree movement, finding yourself right back where you started.
Dan has claimed that traveling east or west, and ultimately finding yourself back where you started is ONLY possible on a ball earth.
Dan, you are wrong. You come up short and you are wrong wrong wrong, and you refuse to acknowledge that you are wrong. The supersonic spinning wet ball is bunk and “planet” Valenti is built on a house of cards, not because we don’t live on a spinning ball, but because of the Valenti factor, the refusal to admit to an obvious false claim which was made out of complete ignorance.
The Valenti Factor. It would made a great title, NUT, for a film based on our exchanges.
Think about the Nut jobs that will want to see it.
Lol, yup
Kudos to you Dan, for posting my most recent post, even as it clearly undermines your claim
We hoisted the cups tonight, toasting our good friends on the Flat Earth Society!
My understanding is that the flat earth society is a honey pot, devised to bait people in and subject them to half truths in an attempt to steer them around with a measure of bad ideas, which serve to ultimately undermine individuals, and the movement as a whole, in the long run. I can’t say for certain though, because it’s just what I’ve heard and I’ve never visited the site myself, probably because I never felt the need to. Additionally, I’m not a “flat earther”. I speculate a great deal about what this place is, and in doing so, it’s beneficial to do what can be done in order to rule out what it’s not, and, it’s not a supersonic spinning wet ball. It helps a great deal to describe the ball earth lie in this way, as a supersonic spinning wet ball, because, that’s essentially what people believe it is, although, they’d never use these sorts of terms in order to describe it, because, such terms are suggestive of the ridiculousness of the entire thing. And I wonder, when the cups were hoisted in order to make a toast to our good friends in the flat earth society, who’s the “we” that were doing the toasting? The ball earther’s?
One thing I do like is your questioning attitude. It’s one of our core principles: Question everything.
Delusional rant.
Which you can’t dispute lol
Uh, actually, NUT, one can dispute ANYthing, which you have so aptly demonstrated in your case for the Flat Earth v. the spinning, orbiting, blue, wet ball.
Ok, I can accept that, but will he? I’d very much welcome it
Can’t dispute your name
We’ve already determined that anyone can dispute anything
Yes, but the true question: Is the disputation credible.
Why try to dispute a nut?
Milt Plum would agree. Milt Plum was no Flat Earther!
My cousin is wise
Mobius band
Well, Nut, as I have pointed out before, there is nothing behind you, or anywhere else, until you look there. It is a gaze contingent display. You cannot provide evidence to disprove that. Go watch The Matrix again.
I know I can’t disprove that, similar to wondering wether or not a tree which falls down in the forest actually makes a sound if nobody is there to actually hear it. If I’m not there to hear it, then I wasn’t there to hear it. If someone could provide me with video footage of a tree making noise as it fell in the forest, I still wasn’t there to hear it fall. When the mystery of human consciousness enters the picture, all bets are off. That’s the same reason why I don’t claim that this place is flat, as opposed to a ball. I tend to think of this place as a realm. At this point I’m ok with claiming what something is not, and this “realm” is not a supersonic spinning wet ball, because, as a conscious observer, I must use my own innate reasoning abilities to sift through all the trash. I’m not about to try to force a round peg into the square peg hole. And you concluded that there was something there, even when you were not looking, because, you did, for whatever reason, and you seem reasonable to me, and you don’t seem to be the sort of individual who would make a claim and then not back it up if challenged, like some people.
As far as The Matrix goes, I’ve watched it about a dozen times. My wife of twenty two years now knows The Matrix as well, for it was the movie we went to see on our first date, 4/16/99. It was at the pittsfield cinemas. We had dinner at Jimmies restaurant and then went to watch it after dinner.
Oh man, 4 thumbs down on this one! Lol At least 4 ball earther’s tried the experiment and when they discovered it was all valid, they got mad, and now they’re lashing out like big crybabies.
I hate to change the topic but can someone please answer why my tax dollars, through the Community Preservation tax, oops Act, pay to fix a building that a private contractor offered to do for his cost? Shouldn’t this be exhibit one for reasons to get rid of the CPA? This is how the connected in Pittsfield steal my and every other taxpayers money
It’s on topic, because every public issue one can mention tracks back to the public treasury, SHIRL.
Are you talking about all the CPA money going to the Country Club near Berkshire Life? One more multi million dollar special interest enterprise feasting on taxpayers hard earned money. But, isn’t this why the CPA fund was set u for in the first place? And was it not the special interest people who brain childed this fund in the first place?
I thought that was the only request that was denied. I just can’t believe the voters in this area voted to be taxed more so the in crowd could spend more of our hard earned money
Not sure but brass balls by whomever even brought it forward. They should be named and outed as one of the parasites feeding off the unprotected Pittsfield taxpayers.
In some citys the mayor watches over the taxpayers so that they are not taken advantage of. And in some citys where the mayor either has been bought off or just does not care enough to honor the oath of office he or she took, the city council stands up and firmly addresses negligent behavior. Pittsfield unfortunately, does not seem to fall into either of these categories.
The lack of care on the part of officials is bad enough, but when you add the nearly complete lack of oversight — the rigorous checks and balances that make of government a somewhat clean, efficient operation — you have a bad situation on your hands for ordinary, hard-working taxpayers. In fact, you have present-day Pittsfield.
It is certainly NOT the government we send our men and woman to fight for. These people are an insult to their own city. And even after highly questionable behavior, some of them, instead of quietly dropping out, are running again. Some people have no shame, and so, go into politics.
Can not trust the vote
I know…no one has told us, even though I have asked, what machines Pittsfield uses for election, how the city confirm the voter rolls before an election and who is in charge of the paper ballots after the election in case a recount is requested. Is Barry the one in charge? That would explain why he was left in the office alone during the election
Hello Patrick Fennell,
Last year of 2020, Ed Markey of Chevy Chase, Maryland ran for reelection for U.S. Senator in Massachusetts where he promised voters that he would save the world from global warming. The large heat dome currently over the U.S.A. has produced record breaking heat temperatures from coast to coast. Was Maryland Markey only blowing hot air to win reelection?
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren tells Massachusetts voters that she is going to Capitol Hill (the Swamp) to save Main Street from Wall Street. Her fight for Main Street is not at all effective. Wall Street is at record highs, while Main Street is at record lows so far in 2021.
Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren like to blow a lot of hot air while global warming and Wall Street are breaking records.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
UH, so you thought Markey was going to be able to single handedly stop global warming? With Trump as president no less?
They said there’s no oversight at the DPPC. What about judicial oversight. Do we have data on judicial oversight. Given the ex parte claim it’s a good concern. Judges oversee themselves I assume.
These support bags can conveniently be carried on the backs of trafficking victims. That is f* genius. Can’t get over it.
Indigent commissary kit from GPod. Is there a radio headset included, that would be mint.
Interesting change of pace-
The timing of this article is out of the can, see !
The police destroyed the interview recording. I consider it a hate crime.
I think IU defended business school Prof Eric Rasmussen’s intentionally provocative tweets as freedom of speech. I think this critique may be off the mark if it issuggesting the Universities’ ‘progressive’ policing.
IU is one of the military intelligence feeder schools too, many GIs getting their masters to then go work at various agencies. I don’t think we are talking a Berkley culture by a long way.
IU attacked Eric Rasmussen’s intentionally provocative tweets as “homophobic, racist and sexist” in November 2019. IU also began a title IX action against him. It is my understanding that nobody has yet to find any action that he took justifying these labels such as grading bias. IU’s evidence was apparently confined to tweets. But none of this is public so maybe IU did find something beyond words.
I guess we better call a Wawa-ambulance for Prof Rasmussen. Button pusher pushes buttons and gets called out can be the headline. IU said his tweets were X though, not him? I don’t know the whole story but he is still employed?
The situation with Rasmussen needs to be vetted. Unless presented evidence to the contrary, the most reasonable explanation for IU’s Lynch-mod mentality against him is exactly the subject of your essay, Dr. T — Critical Race Theory.
There has been absolutely no ‘lynch mob’ mentality against Rasmussen. The University said his stupid comments were his entitled free speech. How is that a ‘lynch mob mentality’? If you get butthurt when someone calls out a dumb remark then who is the fragile snowflake?
The far left is racist. They hate white men, Jewish people (remember Omar with her “Benjamin” statement) and even white women although they try to act a little nicer to them because supposedly they are for all women. The hypocrisy and how they are pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people is stunning. Equity is all about their hatred of white men. Look at how teacher on this blog was calling Dan V. terrible names because he is white and even going after his age. All white men and even women are the same to them…oppressors.
The far left..and the (far out, who obsess over the far left)
Pretty light sentences for the latest drug dealing. No wonder gangs deal dope,they carry very light sentences.
Yes, light sentences + extremely high profits = more dope dealing. If this country actually wanted to win the “War on Drugs,” it would legalize everything, for everyone. Instantly, the black market disappears, gangs lose their major source of income, and those who wish to purchase and use can do so freely and legally. They, of course, would accept the risks that go along with their purchase and use.
Gangs and violence have not so far gone away with marijuana legalization but have flourished. There is lots of data to support this. It will be interesting to see what happens in Mexico. I’m sure all the drug violence will dry right up.
Fun Fact: In Paris there are people in positions of power who get kickbacks from prostitutes and they do not like them sitting idle in a cell somewhere.
Yes, PAT. They have a close mind, an intolerant attitude, despise individualism, hate diversity, and practice exclusion — People like TEACHER embody the very qualities they seethe against. Again, we’re talking about those on the extreme.
Let’s see…
According to Pat, the left:
is racist
hates white men
hates Jews
hates white women
If she truly believes these things, then she has zero credibility.
Why doesn’t the moderate left put down the attacks against white men and women? Against the Jewish people? Why don’t they say that not all white people are racist and all white people shouldn’t be put in the same category? The moderates have zero credibility if they don’t try to bring their own party back to the center of common sense. It makes it seem that all Democrats support this insanity.
Where is the moderation from the Democratic party because if they accept the insanity of the far left spreading the lie that all white people are racist, then the entire Democratic party has no credibility.
If we live on a big ball, I’d absolutely love to view real time footage of the following
A live stream video taken of the ball earth from a location far out, so that, the entire ball earth can be viewed. The high tech ultra expensive NASA camera, with super zoom capability can then begin to zoom in on the jet airliner while it cruises at altitude. From that far out vantage point, the jet should appear, depending upon it’s location, to be flying either sideways, or, upside down, or, we could be viewing the tail or the nose as it either flies away from us or toward us. As the jet gets as close to the camera as it can, we could view the entire top of the thing, but we should never be able to get similar footage of the bottom.
There should be all sorts of amazing high zoom photos of our incredibly beautiful supersonic spinning wet ball lol
I’d love to see some high zoom live stream video footage of something basic, like, high rise buildings as they reach up to the sky, sideways or upside down, and then we could pan down to street level and watch people scramble around in like manner lol
Can you imagine if our big ball earth was see through? We could look right through and see the bottom of someone’s dirty little feet lol…. We could yell to them, hey, what’s it like to be a bottom dweller? And they would respond, you idiot, you’re the bottom dweller. And someone else over on the side could yell, the top is over here because I’m on top of this mountain lol
You really need to give Elon Musk a call. He is actively seeking people with your interests to fly into space on his ships. Yes, there is a price but if you can reserve yourself a spot we might be able to start a GoFundNut and help you defray the expenses.
This is a serious post.
Your posts are tedious.
Let’s face the facts, this forum is a joke and it serves no real purpose, so, aren’t jokes appropriate? This forum is chock full of people who have opinions about everything, and, they all believe we live on a supersonic spinning wet ball lol
These people on this forum are steered around by the provided news topic of the day, and they’ll beat it to death and then move on to the next one. They get steered around by big daddy now, just like they did when they were kids. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and the indoctrination they suffered through had a purpose, which is, to insure that everyone stays in a coma, so, that’s what they’ll do
They asked Morgan Freeman how we could put an end to racism, and he replied, “stop talking about it”.
People aren’t capable of doing this, as simple as it is. They’re like dogs that return to they’re own vomit.
Dan provides this forum so that these sorts of issues can be talked to death, as if all the chatter will do a damn thing to change the madness. People have a deep seated unconscious desire for suffering, and the best way to suffer is to abandon your own conscious mind, and forfeit it over to the hive.
I would say “secured” a conviction; opposed to “oobtained” a conviction.
There’s attorneys e.g., Zlatnik who came from SEC. Because of this type of cross contamination, judicial misconduct will continue.
Just finished trying to read latest and greatest $1.50 an issue Berkshire Beagle. Maybe the Mayor can give some of her secret money stash to the Eagle to fix their presses. Day after day a good part of the Eagle in basically unreadable due to smudged ink all of the pages. How could an owner of a newspaper allow this paper to be sold. Was able though to read the “Pittsfield officials Monday afternoon were discussing POSSIBLY providing a space for residents to cool off” in this brutal heat wave. Really, they are just thinking of this NOW? Amazes me that these elected officials can attend Pride and Transgender gatherings, but once again they have absolutely NO concern for the homeless. Read in the PPD Daily Log that there was an Unattended Death at Deming Park yesterday morning around 9:30 a.m.. Can’t help but wonder if it was a homeless person. Cities all around Pittsfield have been announcing they have opened cooling centers, but of course as usual the Pittsfield Administration is about 10 steps behind. Time to get rid of our Mayorship and get a City Manager that know what they are doing.
Remember? If LOW ever takes out papers for any office vote the other guy,or gal. Cant ever have someone who wanted to raise City Council pay. Speaking of pools and water relief for kids,the best one ever was the Springside Park three foot wading pool,years ago. I wouldn’t bring it back though,the homeless would use it to clean their clothes or something. Mayor should be ashamed. And what about the Dentist taking the Covid bucks,what a loser.
So you don’t think that newspaper gets plenty of Kapanski cash? Ask them. But don’t ask the mayor cuz she ain’t talkin bout who she plays Santa Claus with.
Less race stuff, more lampooning our local elected officials.
The home assessment rises are bullshit Dan. My home currently cannot be sold and has been the market for two years,no sale? Now I’m trying to go below the assessed value for six weeks…No Bites.
I’d like to know who thinks these raises or assume that raises are contrived? think they are. Has anyone been able to not sell their homes? I’d like to know. And I’d like to know Mayor Tyer where’s is the info on this supposed real estate boom? Where does the City get they’re info from?
Here’s an assignment for the investigative scribes of The Berkshire Eagle or anyone with the time to invest. Do a search of historical assessment records and correlate them with actual sales of the properties, plotted by sections of the city, for example, the West Side v. the parkways in Ward 3 or Morningside vs. outer West Street (Muckymuckville). Years ago, I started such an investigation, doing enough to get a pattern but not enough for it to be statistically significant. That was before the correct assessors, when the office was “manned” by one of the most hostile and bitchy public “servants” ever to serve in the Land of Benigno Numine. Result: The wealthy and the insiders got low assessment and high sale prices; the middle class and lower got higher assessments for tax purposes, only to see their value drop, asking price v. sale price. Don’t know what the stats would now show, but it would be an interesting result.
I’ve seen single family homes on the west side (john / linden) sell for over 150k during this crazy market. you just have to give them a spit shine, coat of paint, new floors.
The only ones that take that long to sell are dumps, sorry.
This is the basic lie of Critical Race Theory: some “white” people benefit from the system others struggle with it. Read Coming Apart by Murray for a statistical profile of those who struggle with the “system”. Or JD Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy for a person profile of a group who in no way benefits. Spare me the fog about “proportionate” benefit. The facts are clear to anyone who understands statistics that “white” people (as usually defined) do not necessarily benefit from the “system.
Against all your theory’s Dr. T. Hard work always is the answer to everything not given.
Fake news. No actual quotes.
Is that TSC’s moniker
The white guys simply dont want context about present day racism because they are now in control but did not start racism so feel zero obligation to do anything about because they like it.
116 degrees in Portland Or. today
Drug smuggling rising at the southern board,gasoline over three dollars,debt skyrocketing and now were instigating and flexing our muscle abroad.
Have you gone to any of the fast food or take-out joints? No,that’s the price.
I heard today 180,000 illegal immigrants are crossing the border daily, that’s more than Berkshire County…where are they coming from and how are all these people getting to the border? Imagine if that was happening here? We can’t handle 50 homeless people that are government sent here
That’s almost five cities the size of Pittsfield, each day. All illegals, all causing massive problems on both sides of the border.
Buffet should include a gol damn car along with the licenses she wants for illegals. I saw her once at a ceremony for kids, she actually said,we help you with our tax money and when you start working pay your taxes as a reward for the help you have received.
Jonathan Levine…Love You Man.
Thanks. Indiana State in Terre Haute is not Indiana University in Bloomington but they seem to be infected with the same virus.
While nipples is wasting everyone’s time with low level busts, BB guns, and daily shipments of coke.
Real DA’s are doing real work.
District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni’s SAFE Unit Dismantles Knox Street Posse
Earlier this year, Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni formed the Strategic Action and Focused Enforcement Team, which operates out of his office. The first of its kind unit, is comprised of members of law enforcement from: Massachusetts State Police, U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Homeland Security Investigations, Massachusetts National Guard, Hampden County Sheriff’s Department, and Holyoke, West Springfield, and East Longmeadow Police Departments. The unit focuses on known individuals who are prolific drivers of street level violent crime and gang activity.
For the past several months the SAFE Unit has been operational and focused on investigating the Knox Street Posse operating out of Springfield. The Knox Street Posse is considered the most violent gang currently operating in Western Massachusetts. Based on intelligence gathered by investigators it has been determined the Knox Street Posse is presently engaged in a violent “street war” with rival gangs. The Knox Street Posse is known for its use of violence to protect their business of trafficking firearms, and the distribution of narcotics throughout Western New England, particularly the Hampden County and southern Vermont areas. As a result of the increase in violence and the known illicit distribution of heroin and cocaine by the members of the Knox Street Posse, the SAFE Unit utilized an intelligence based investigation in identifying and arresting key members in an attempt to dismantle this organized criminal enterprise.
The operation resulted in: 15 Arrests of Knox Street Posse members and associates, 20 total firearms recovered, 100,000 bags of heroin, and approximately 2.8 kilograms of cocaine seized, and $70,000 in U.S. currency. Of the 15 arrests made, 11 suspects are currently being held pursuant to the state’s dangerousness statute, one is held on $100,000 cash bail, and one dangerousness hearing has yet to be conducted. This speaks to seriousness of the records and charges associated with these individuals and the arrests.
Hampden District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni stated, “Everyone deserves a safe neighborhood, a quiet street, and a secure home to live and raise a family. The vast majority of people in every neighborhood across this county are law-abiding people who just want safety and peace for themselves and their families. However, the lion’s share of serious street violence in this region is committed at the hands of only a few. There are a small number of individuals who are intent on violence, serious crime, and destruction. We realized that if law enforcement was able to focus on this small population of highly violent offenders, assaults, shootings, and murder would decrease. The Strategic Action & Focused Enforcement Unit (SAFE) is a full-time, permanent unit that works out of the Hampden District Attorney’s Office and includes federal, state, and local law enforcement. SAFE has a singular goal to promote safer streets, safer neighborhoods, and safer communities across Hampden County.
“We are proud to play a part on District Attorney Anthony Gulluni’s Strategic Action and Focused Enforcement (SAFE) Unit and in this operation, we were able to create a significant disruption to gang activity in the City of Springfield. By pairing up our jail-based intelligence with street intelligence from the task force members, we get better results. And when law enforcement agencies work together for the public good, we make our community a safer place, which is what it’s all about” said Hampden County Sheriff Nick Cocchi.
Arrested in connection with this investigation:
Joseph McLeod, 23, currently held on dangerousness and charged with: operating a mv with suspended license, possession with intent to distribute class a (heroin), possession with intent to distribute class b (cocaine), possession with intent to distribute class d (marijuana), carrying a loaded firearm, possession of a firearm without FID card, possession of a large capacity firearm, possession of a firearm in commission of a felony.
Jeremy Garcia, 22, currently held on dangerousness on the following charges: carrying a firearm (subsequent offense), carrying a loaded firearm, possession of a firearm in commission of a felony, firearm violation with 1 prior violent/drug crime, possession of a large capacity firearm, trafficking in cocaine 36-100 grams, trafficking in heroin, operating a motor vehicle with suspended license.
Austin Garcia, 24, currently held on dangerousness on the following charges: carrying a firearm (subsequent offense), carrying a loaded firearm. possession of a firearm in commission of a felony. firearm violation with 1 prior violent/drug crime, possession of a large capacity firearm, trafficking in cocaine 36-100 grams, Hampden Superior Court warrant for firearm violations.
Justin Garcia, 30, currently held on dangerousness on the following charges: carrying a firearm without FID card, carrying a high capacity firearm while in commission of a felony, carrying a loaded firearm, trafficking in class b substance (cocaine) over 200 grams, trafficking in class a substance (heroin) 100-200 grams, possession of a firearm without FID card (six counts), possession of a high capacity feeding device (five counts), possession of ammunition, improper storage of a firearm(s) (children ages 3 and 7 present), receiving stolen property under $1200 (Glock firearm)
Jonathan Martinez, 35, currently held on dangerousness for a federal probation warrant. Additional charges are forthcoming based on his alleged involvement in two recent shootings.
Nathan Mercado, 28, currently held on dangerousness on the following charges: carrying a firearm without a license (two counts), possession of a firearm without an FID card (two counts), receiving stolen property under $250, assault & battery on a police officer, resisting arrest.
Nathaniel Palmer, 30, currently released on $3,000 bail ( the Commonwealth requested $10,000) , his next court date is on August 24, 2021. He was arrested and originally held on a default warrant from an arrest on April 10, 2018, he was charged with: possession of firearm without an FD card, carrying a firearm with ammunition, possession of class d substance
Dwight Clark, 23, currently held on dangerousness on the following charges: carrying a firearm without a license (two counts), possession of a firearm without an fid card (two counts), receiving stolen property under $250 (two counts).
Omar Harris, 38, currently held on dangerousness on the following charges: trafficking in class b substance (over 200 grams), assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon (motor vehicle-2 counts), operating a motor vehicle suspended license, failure to stop for police, operating to endanger.
Justin Crawford, 24, currently held on dangerousness on the following charges: possession/carrying a firearm (three counts), possession of a large capacity weapon or feeding device (two counts), carrying a loaded firearm (three counts), possession of a large capacity firearm while in commission of a felony (two counts), possession of a firearm in commission of a felony, possession of ammunition without FID card (three counts), trafficking in cocaine over 200 grams, trafficking in cocaine 36-100 grams, trafficking in heroin 36-100, receiving stolen property under $1200 (Glock firearm)
Kiernan Perkins, 21, currently held on dangerousness on the following charges: possession/carrying a firearm (three counts), possession of a large capacity weapon or feeding device (two counts), carrying a loaded firearm (three counts), possession of a large capacity firearm while in commission of a felony (two counts), possession of a firearm in commission of a felony, possession of ammunition without FID card (three counts), trafficking in cocaine over 200 grams, trafficking in cocaine 36-100 grams, trafficking in heroin 36-100, receiving stolen property under $1200 (Glock firearm)
Luciano Bigelow, 22, Bail was set at $10,000 after the Commonwealth’s request for dangerousness was denied, his next scheduld court date is on July, 22, 2021. He is charged with: possession/carrying a firearm (three counts), possession of a large capacity weapon or feeding device (two counts), carrying a loaded firearm (three counts), possession of a large cap. firearm while in commission of a felony (two counts), possession of a firearm in commission of a felony, possession of ammunition without fid card (three counts), trafficking in cocaine over 200 grams, trafficking in cocaine 36-100 grams, trafficking in heroin 36-100, receiving stolen property under $1200 (Glock firearm).
Juan Romero, 33, currently held on $100,000 bail on the following charges: trafficking in class b substance-cocaine (over 200 grams), trafficking in class b substance-cocaine (18-36 grams), possession of a high capacity feeding device, carrying a firearm while in commission of a felony, possession of ammunition without FID card, possession class b substance with intent to distribute (oxycodone).
Tyre Shakespeare, 19, currently held on an outstanding warrant for violation of pre-trial probation, he is charged with: home invasion, discharge firearm within 500 feet of building, larceny under $1200, carrying firearm without a license, home invasion, assault to murder, malicious damage motor vehicle, home invasion.
Joshua Santiago, 23, currently held on dangerousness and charged with: carrying a firearm without an fid card, carrying a high capacity firearm while in commission of a felony, carrying a high capacity loaded firearm, possession of a high capacity feeding device. (two counts), possession class a substance with intent to distribute (heroin), possession of ammunition, trafficking in class a (heroin) over 200 grams (two counts).
Massachusetts State Police Hampden County Sheriff’s Department East Longmeadow Police Department Holyoke Police Department West Springfield Police Department Massachusetts National Guard — The Nation’s First Department of Homeland Security
It’s change from ethical, experienced and knowledgeable prosecutors that brings outrage, not discomfort. You really should STFU.
Andrea Harrington
I recognize that change can bring discomfort, tension and conflict. But I am committed to working in good faith with local justice partners to create a more humanizing and fair system in Berkshire County.
So, the first annual Kareem Abdul Jabbar Social Justice Award goes to none other than Camelot dope smoker Anthony. AnAll time great giving this clown the award? I guess dope smoking is in nowadays?
Thank you