A young, six-point buck in Springside Park. He is seen in the same area the bike yahoos tore up with their Tuesday blowout. Read on to learn about the latest outrage perpetrated by the Bike Mafia. (Photo by Dan Miraglia)
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JULY 16-8, 2021) — Did the city of Pittsfield deliberately set up the paperwork for the soon-to-be-desecrated — oops, we mean “dedicated” — bike pump track in such a way that it could perform an end-around on state open bidding laws?
THE PLANET‘s investigation has uncovered documents that indicate such. The paper trail shows city purchasing agent — IN EARLY DECEMBER — already getting extremely nervous about what Jim McGrath of Deanna Ruffer’s Community Development Department is asking her to do.
In November 2020, the city put posted a mysterious notice for a Dec. 5 public meeting conducted by the Parks Commission. What’s odd about it is that it doesn’t mention the purpose of the meeting. THE PLANET didn’t understand that at the time. Now we do. The “agenda” wasn’t posted because that’s the day Alison McGee lured the commission to Springside Park to tell them all about the “economic engine” to be had by placing a dangerous pump track on some of the most biologically valuable public land the city owns.
Pump tracks are frequented by young, jejune thrill seekers who are so bored with their lives otherwise that they have to risk broken necks and death to get their kicks. The one who manage to do their extreme tricks then feel free to rampage at will through hiking trails meant for foot traffic only.
The deliberately vague public notice is the first bullet point below, after which we take you through the city’s sleazy process, step by step, revealed by the documents. THE PLANET‘s comments follow in brackets and italics.
We traced the venality back to the Office of Community Development, run by Boss Deanna Ruffer, who has the parks directly under her dull claws in the form of Jim McGrath, who again seems to have folded after a beating by the Boss.
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- In early December, presumably after the secret Dec. 5 meeting, McGrath contacts Boss Ruffer, directing her attention to an iBerkshires article “that lays out the [bike] proposal.” [Has the city stooped that low as to take a regurgitated puff piece published by a lame house organ as the basis of an outside proposal?? When it’s on the level, officials get the information first-hand from the outside company itself. By inference from what follows, it appears Ruffer wants her grubby mitts all over this and directs McGrath to “get ‘er dun.”
- On Dec. 8, “Green Light” McGrath emails purchasing agent Coleen Hunter-Mullet at 10:11 a.m.: “The park [sic] commission was approached about a project to install a bike skills ‘pump track’ at Springside Park.” [Note the use of the passive voice: “… was approached by …” hiding the identity of the approacher, i.e., McGee]. “Concerning how this project could be procured, I am looking to you for advice.” [McGrath working hard to cover his ass].
- Mullett responds Dec. 13, 2020 at 9:43 a.m.: “Jim, I’m out of the office on Monday, so it’ll have to wait until Tuesday.”
- McGrath to Mullet two days earlier, Dec. 11, 2020 at 12:45 p.m.: “Colleen, I’m out of the office but will plan to check in with you Monday about this project …” [Two observations: (1) Are city officials ever “in the office?” (2) McGee and Mullet are having trouble communicating.]
- On that same day at 12:42 p.m., Mullet to McGrath: “Jim, My recommendation would be to have the City bid the project. … This all seems a bit ‘too good to be true,’ if you know what I mean, so I have some reservations and just want to make sure I have all my bases covered.” [Wow. Smoking gun time. Mullett, clearly uneasy and suspicious, provides evidence that she suspects this project was fishy from the start.]
- On Dec. 15, 2020, Mullet exchanges emails with Deborah Anderson, state assistant attorney general, Construction Bid Unit. The two discuss state bidding laws. Anderson tells Mullet, “It sounds like the City would actually [have to] bid the construction piece, which is good since you avoid dealing with the tricky public/private issues that sometimes arise.” [Here we have the state expressing deep concern over “the tricky issue.” The builder is a private, for-profit company. The state is advising, “Stick to the law, kid.”]
- As for the final project, on the same day, Mullett tells Anderson she will recommend to McGrath that he can accept the donation of $20,000 in design work “[but] then we bid the construction ourselves for the exact reasons you listed. … It’s just a bit tricky and not a practice that’s encouraged because, for me, it gives the impression that we’re trying to avoid bid laws.” [Again, Mullet, is conveying her night-sweats to the asst. AG about this murky project. Notice again the word “tricky.”]
MULLET TO McGRATH: “It all seems too good to be true, if you know what I mean. …[I]t gives the impression that we’re trying to avoid bid laws.”
That’s exactly what THE PLANET is hearing now, seven months later, that builder New Hampshire-based Powder Horn has the job to pocket at least $400,000 without needing to worry about competition since the job will not be put out to bid. North Korea has Kim Jung Un. Pittsfield has Deanna Ruffer.
Mullett comes off having acted honorably. Can’t say as much for McGrath or his Boss. And where’s the mayor in all this?
Word to the wise: Keep tabs on all “stuffed, unmarked envelopes.”
———- ooo ———-
Think THE PLANET has them scrambling like Frank Tarkenton and running scared like Nick “200 Hours” Russo when he backed out of a council bid?
Tim | Well Dan you got the Bike Mafia all up in arms on multiple fronts! I’ve gotten prolly 15 or 20 emails in the last 25 hours about sending letters to the editor, doing two bike show ups, one on north street tonight and one on Tuesday at the “illegal” track in Springside. They want as many people and “especially new riders and POC” to show up at both events. “Push back against the lies” “This is our chance to get what we want” |
Yes, and that has been our intention from the start. Their call to arms supplies us with proof that they’re getting extremely nervous. Oh, we have no misconceptions that in the end, they will have all key city “representatives” and officials stuck in their spokes, making cool “motorcycle” noises like we kids did back in the day when we clothes-pinned Tony Kubek, Minnie Minoso, and Don Buddin to the spokes of our Murrays and Schwinns.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday, not long after THE PLANET joined Mark Miller, Elizabeth Kulas, and Dan Miraglia of The Best Friends of Springfield for a recon field trip through Springside Park, a horde of mountain bikers invaded the park for a skills clinic organized by …
… Alison McGee. Another of those Pittsfield coincidences.
They were rattled by THE PLANET‘s presence and decided they needed a show of force to show yours truly, the “one-man mob scene” and voice crying out in the wilderness.
———- ooo ———-
About 200 bikers, probably the same number of vehicles (SUVs, trucks, cars), and 400-500 people descended on Springside like the Goths destroying Western Civilization. You didn’t know about that, did you?
Under McGee’s direction, they built tracks (driving stakes, rolling tape, and spray-painting the grass orange) from the playground area down to the hiking trails where you find the animal habitats. They brought in portapotties, tents, and vendors. They illegally turned the entire wetland grass — spongy soft because of all the rain — into a parking lot, causing untold damage to grass and trails. Cars and trucks were seen driving over the baseball field near a lovely stand of oak trees.
Young adults used playground equipment as obstacles, like something you’d see out of TV’s Jackass. Sure enough, some kid shattered his arm. An ambulance and firetruck showed up. Here’s the best part of all: First responders couldn’t get in because of all the yahoos and their illegally parked vehicles.
McGee calls these invasions “clinics,” implying teaching. Actually, she’s right. The “clinics” (actually races) teach young adults how to destroy trails and terrain with jackass racing maneuvers. They’re also being taught how to fragment natural habitats, threaten animal and plant life, and drive away other park visitors.There’s nothing learns about nature except to destroy it.
Great advertisement for this “healthy family activity.”
THE PLANET also heard from sources that in June the Parks Commission approved a series of six similar events by the same group that just literally invaded and took over the park. They are going to be held every Tuesday using different trails.
So here’s what you’ve got, Pittsfield citizens: At the same time the commission is deliberating on whether to award the group the use of park land for a permanent complex, they have already gave them a permit for the use of the same location.
“This is criminal,” Miraglia told THE PLANET. “The Parks Commission members should resign for ethic violations, failure to do their jobs.”
THE PLANET‘s Secret Squadron was on the scene for the McGee-McGraft bike bacchanalia. Here are some photos.

Fire fighters are trying to figure out how they can get the truck inside to treat an injured biker. They were blocked by hundreds of illegally parked vehicles.

An ambulance boxed in and backing out, trying to wedge through the obstacle course set up by yahoos who parked their vehicles any old place, doing untold damage to wetland grass.

Vendors, hucksters, and countless parked vehicles crowd, cramp, and crush the vernal areas near the center of the park.

Careless, clueless bikers head down a woodland trail, deep into the heart of the park where wildlife have their refuge. In foreground, a genius carves a deep path into the soft grass.

As P.T. Barnum observed, there’s one born every minute. Here, bikers wait in line for the start of a race that will end up doing untold damage. More great, “harmless, vibrant, dynamic” fun.
———- ooo ———-
How much longer, citizens, are you going to allow this type of irresponsibility by your elected and appointed officials?
You better rise up on this one, of it will be too late.
“On a scale of North Korea to the City of Pittsfield, how free are you tonight?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
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thanks for this insightful article, dan. it proves that truth is more powerful than ‘sound and fury, signifying nothing,’ relating to the orchestrated mountain bike races and demonstrations, giving a pretense of public support and noise making for (com)pliant city officials. all to degrade springside park and its natural essence. self-centered adventure for the few, or reverence for all?
No wonder Tyer’s gone MIA.
This is a huge scandal.
Were any citations issued for the illegally parked vehicles?
Don’t permits have to be pulled for an event this size?
The Berkshire Eagle newspaper wrote that you can send them an email letter to with your ideas on how the Lovely Linda should spend the $20.85 million in Biden Buck$ direct aid she is sitting on until sometime this Fall of 2021 by putting “Pittsfield ARPA funds” in the subject line of your email with a submission deadline of Thursday, July 22nd, 2021.
I disagree with the Berkshire Eagle Editors that Mayor Linda Tyer should sit on tens of millions of federal stimulus funds for over 2 months while she surveys the community. The reason for my disagreement is that Pittsfield, Massachusetts has immediate needs now, such as the long-term homelessness crisis and the lack of a permanent homeless shelter in Pittsfield. The federal stimulus dollars are meant to provide immediate help to people, agencies and businesses that were impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Why can’t the Lovely Linda do both: target immediate needs now, and also survey the community on her 5 year plan to spend the sum total of $41.7 million in Biden Buck$ through the end of 2026?
On Springside Park, City Hall and the City’s Park Commission, I believe the State’s Ethics Commission – Massachusetts State Ethics Commission – needs to look into the proposed bike project. It ALL looks and smells CORRUPT!
It does seem like a shit show lol
What we are seeing is a government gone rogue under Tyer. Is it really government at all anymore? She seems to have perpetrated a behind the scenes insurrection and pulled in and converted what were once good people. Shame on them..
Get out if you can because this suggests much more is going on and there is probably nothing you can do.
( a minor audit by Scanlon has found weird stuff going on in Sandisfield) Will Scanlon even want to touch Pittsfield with a ten foot pole if his credibility is on the line?
100k for the firestation roof is corrupt.She give away 100k like they are tipping the guy for building 4 apartments…..250k to bousquet for drainage and all our sewar covers are blocked with leaves and grass…..all main streets need regular sweeping…..hire parks and highway.Stop school spending with consolidation and hire maintenance people…..sewars are blocked in neighborhoods all over town
This recent article from Yankee Magazine explains a lot about the mountain biking craze and how people flock to an area that has these trails to bike. Kingdom Trails in Vermont is a major mountain biking area and it has caused lots of problems for people in that area. The organizer of the mountain bikers even admits that there is a balance between the privacy of homeowners and the influx of mountain bikers that they have to do better to address. Is this why Tyer is behind this and other local politicians too? To get mountain bikers to move to this area, but not letting locals know what is going on until it’s a done deal.
VERY interesting article Pat. Tnx for sharing!
This just goes to show you that citizens can’t rely on their government, be it local, state or national. The Kapanski’s who just want to live a good clean life, enjoy their surroundings and be able to save some of their hard earned money, get the shaft everytime! Years ago I know the park’s committee turned down soccer fields at Springside to preserve the natural environment that is unique in an inner city. I can tell you more people and taxpayers play soccer than this bike crap. Why has everyone gone so looney. If it was sad and true it’s like we are living in a cartoon!
If I did not know better this board supported a Trump presidency that wanted to weaken or abolish the EPA.Im guessing protecting the environment at Springside Park is just a political oppositional use about caring about these 3 acres
The Trumps gave a large amount of land to NY state for a park. So I guess Trumpsters and ones afflicted with TDS or Trump(ets) envy, should back a nature preserve. It is needed as a filter for all the pollution coming from the left
Trumper are threatning all future elections….Putin pick Don Trump because he was mentally ill.Putin is destroying America with Trump.
Crack done ruint your mind
Actually trying to fix it after all the fraud that is being discovered. Still haven’t been told what machines we use, are they connected to the internet and how are the voting rolls reviewed for correctness or accuracy in the Pitts!
The cheating the democrats did in Arizona was exposed and explained yesterday at the State Senate hearing concerning the audit.
Over 74,000 absentee ballots were never mailed out, but got counted. The POTUS only “lost” AZ by ~ 10,000 votes. Do the math TSC.
There is momentum growing to do the same complete audits in PA and GA.
MSM media ignored reporting the details of the hearing in AZ.
Billionaires are backing private ninja audits in Arizona….These audits are looking for china bamboo on Arizona issued ballots
D-rats are getting real scared the other swing states will also do audits and elucidate/expose the very similar frauds that ocured in those states.
The MSM will keep their heads in the sand, just like You TSC.
The real crisis will happen when it shows Biden never won 270 electoral votes. Get ready for SHTF then.
The Gateway Pundit? What a joke.
It seems to have worked on you. Are you going to Cuba to help the Commies?
Liberal capitalist dont do Trump fascist communism.
“Liberal capitalist”, are into Chinese style fascism/communism, just ask Hunter and Joe
OK,Trump is pro environment lol…im not a FOX NEWS viewer in good standing
You’re a fake newser in good standing.
The park is called Cuomo cop a feel democrat park.
Trump PAID 2 MILLION for 400 acres for speculation of building a golf course which became a failed attempt.The land miles off a highway was then donated to NY after it was considered worthless to everyone but Trump who claimed it was worth a 26,000,000 dollars…….More crimes.
Do you ever feel embarrassed for being such a dishonest hypocrite?
EPA is more about politics than the environment.
Biden want’s an eco terrorist to head BLM.
Sure….big business would have rescued our harbors and rivers.They would clean the air on their own
Just like Slick Willie’s EPA, GE, and the democrats at local, state and federal levels, did fo the Housatonic river valley. And continue to do, ask Smitty
The EPA ain’t what it was when Dick Nixon started it.
That’s the problem right there, you don’t know better.
The Burbanks and Millers gave much of the land at Springside 240 acres.It has over the years been a huge dumping site because of its isolation.During the 1960s vandalism was the parks greatest problem.Bringing the public to the site will often make the park cleaner and safer.Cleanup days by volunteers would pull 10 tons of dumped trash……The 240 acres are not able to be policed.Lets change this isolated unofficial dump into a public use recreational 3 acres that will most likely be able to make it a nicer asset than it is now.
The largest violator of the dumping, the City of Pittsfield
Yes. The DPW uses a section of Springside Park to the left of the playgroup as a dump. You’ll see piles of dirt, gravel, sawdust. Great example, City!
That is called illegal dumping and Springside has had this problem most of its existence
When a bum craps in the park, is that illegal dumping TSC?
It is.
Where does this waste come from?
How smokes Dan! I think this is just about as good as the watergate tapes. Where the hell are our elected representatives? How can the ward councilor stand for this tomfoolery???
Thanks. The duplicity is notable, even by Pittsfield’s low standards.
I totally agree, Prof Planet!
This is a superb series; it just confirms why I hate Pittsfield. The people are great, the lakes and trails beautiful, and the city kept me well-employed.
I worked there for almost 30 years.
It’s full of grifters and sneaky, arrogant toads.
There is a school built on a GE chemical swamp and thats the number 1 problem in ….
Who the hell is the ward councilor?
Crazy Helen Moonbeam!
She hasn’t had anything to say about any of this
After two and a half years. Andrea Harrington is providing “unprecedented access to information.” She’s going to look into the mechanics of plea deals. How about looking into the judgement of letting a white collar criminal go free over a $30k theft. You completely lack judgement Andrea. We don’t need a study for that.
Jackasses, good name for the proponents of this debacle. It almost beats the motorcyclist standing on his motorcycle doing a wheeling going down Tyler St. corridor yesterday.
This motorcycle jackass has been putting this show on for months now, Tyler and Dalton Avenues. God help you if you get in his way. Has been reported to the PPD on numerous occasions by numerous taxpayers. It is a constant all day and evening occurrence, yet not one PPD officer ever seems to notice him?
When was the last time you saw police pull over a truck or motorcycle for speeding?Does not happen.They paid police overtime on Sunday mornings at 7am to do traffic stops .Double time while everyone is sleeping except some people buying newspapers.
Actually I just witnessed the PPD pull over a speeding 4×4, driven by a teenager heading north on First St. I would assume he was headed for Springside. Blew thru 2 redlights, could’ve gotten himself killed.
Police should remove Biden sign that nitwit still has on William street. Sank you out.
We have a Trump sign on dodge. Stay away.
I think that’s hoe Evil Kneval started.
Throw a few hand fulls of marbles out in the street next time he comes by.
Get his license tags and report him,driving to endanger for starters. No cameras on that street?
TSC lost his marbles long ago
Harrington is going to be under a lot of pressure not to charge the ARC people for embezzlement. Look who starts throwing her big 1k and more donations.
This park situation shows more the racketing of DP Inc. Is the State AG helping the COP commit fraud by avoiding bidding?
Who was their accountant?
There’s a reason a money management company is her biggest contributor. It’s a get out of jail free card or when the Feds come in they’ll get the heads up.
That guy already paid a $2 million fine ordered by Judge Ford for bad business practices. Harrington’s biggest contributor. You can’t make this stuff up.
Embezzlement of the cash grants donations intended for programs and treatment… you know, the money is misappropriated & people suffer.
Everyone knows where this is going. She’s cutting deals left and right with POC, putting the bad old white men in jail, and cutting deals with white women criminals that’s so easy, even judges are stopping the deal.
Why? She only cares about establishing a progressive record.
Same shit, different day
Using descretion to help certain people and go after certain people is a Nazi nighmare scenario.
Her version of discretion is raw, naked, political ambition.
The fact that Chief Wynn does not stand up to Harrington or stand up and support our police and the rule of law is evidence he is complicit and or a patsy. We need responsible law enforcement leadership. If you can’t provide it step aside.
Meanwhile, in the background, preparations are being made in case schools and restaurants need to be closed down for another year. And you can thank the vaccinated folk for this though they will whine the loudest. Brought it upon themselves. Brought it upon us all.
Unvaccinated dummy…you meant to say unvaccinated.
Yes, more dying of Faucci’s jab than the Kung Flu now
Freudian slip?
There are none so blind as those who will not see. Proverb
Make sure your paperwork is in order so that your family does not have a huge probate mess to deal with.
Did Freud wear a slip? Didn’t he invent Freud chicken?
No study is needed for the impact on what this project might do to the area because it’s a small parcel? Well, some species of plants and flowers are actually protected by law because of scarcity. The Northern Pitcher Plant one of many of the rarest ones have disappeared in the wild according to the National Audubon Society and Massachusetts law protects this plant. Not saying it’s in the area where the bike plan is going to be, but what is there in the area and surrounding area’s that also might be impacted from anything related to this proposal? Maybe a review is in need to find out?
I’m curious as to the results of the survey which was mentioned in a local media outlet on January 8/21
McGee has drafted a survey for residents of the Morningside neighborhood and the two school communities that Springside Park surrounds. She also wants to make sure the larger community has voiced their thoughts on the
I wonder how the survey was distributed. I’m in Morningside and I never saw one.
The article states it was drafted, but doesn’t state when it was going to be distributed. Maybe others who are from the areas mentioned in the supposed draft could post here if they received one?
A pre-survey suggested a real survey would not give the desired results so the real survey was canned.
The biker horde was suppose to send the desired message. GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR WAY!!!
Where was this ‘clinic’ advertised? Was it through teacher union channels?
Sounds about right.
Sometime ago I bought a nice little book [Images of America Pittsfield] for myself but only recently got around to looking at it. I thought it appropriate to share this little tidbit on the birth of Pittsfield. The motivation for the birth of this schitthole called Pittsfield was because the City of Boston complained that its tax burden was unfair. So in 1726, to generate revenue for Boston, Boston sold what would become this corrupt crime infested schitthole. To further insure that Pittsfield would be the corrupt crime infested schitthole that it is today, Pittsfield had to fight Lenox for the title of County Seat. A condition placed on Pittsfield in order to secure this prize title of County Seat was that Pittsfield had to provide a courthouse and a jail. Thus the birth of the Halls of Injustice was born and the Second Street Gulag was built. Just think of it, Pittsfield could have been Apple Squeeze Lenox, and Lenox could have been the ghetto slum crime infested schitthole. Lenox would have owned the rights to the grisly triple murders and Luger Lugo would be shooting up Tanglewood, Kripalu, Ventford Hall and the Sculpture Yard from the hood of an vehicle recklessly operated by an unnamed uncooperative female/gun moll. And Lenox chief wynn would be in jail. AND, Pittsfield wouldn’t be burdened with mayor tyer
After traversing North street this afternoon the street is totally absurd with these green squares and accommodating lines and directions for bikes?… it is worse than I could ever imagine? It is ruined. One other thing I did notice,I didn’t see one bike?
Kinda reminds me of tangle up yarn, the more you try to untangle the worse it gets. Damn road llooks like a road map of the Tour De France.
Just think, after this administration is gone someone else will INHERIT this mess.
Exactly j s…leave them hanging
With all the festive green, I thought maybe the City had decided to decorate for Christmas early. Seriously, what a pathetic mess they have created. Hope the Mayor is really proud of her boy toy Morales.
It’s the Buffonorama .
THE PLANET will have a juicy little item about the neglect and mismanagement downtown. It’s not about the insane new traffic pattern on North Street (we need more time to digest the pure inanity of the confusing lanes). It’s about something much simpler but no less indicative of how little the city officials care about the city that has been entrusted to them.
They care to the extent that any “improvements” (sane or otherwise) can channel taxpayer monies
Barry takes his bike out for a cruise at 3am and brings the half wit dentist with him.
Does Kewood keep a running tally on how much cash splash the dentist is raking in?
Home invasion in Pittsfield.
Woman cheats on boyfriend, boyfriend goes over to beat up the woman and her side guy.
PPD treat it like a home invasion and call in 15 cops and pay overtime.
On 07/16/2021 at approximately 6:30 PM, Pittsfield Police responded to 18 Broad Street for a report for a Home Invasion involving two masked armed individuals. Members of the Patrol Division arrived in under one minute and observed one of the possible suspects run back into the residence. The tenant of the apartment was able to get out of the residence and alerted police that two other persons were in the home prior to the armed suspects entering. Attempts to contact or locate those individuals were unsuccessful resulting in authorities having to consider this incident a potential hostage situation. Berkshire County Special Response Team Commander John Murphy was notified, responded to the scene and activated the SRT team. Broad St was shut down in the immediate area and a perimeter was set up around the residence.
At approximately 8:00 PM, two men exited the residence and were taken into custody by police for questioning. Another individual believed to be in the home at the time of the incident was treated by EMS for a facial injury.
At the time of the press release members of the patrol division, detective bureau, drug unit and crime scene services were still in the process of identifying those involved and the roles they played in this incident. This was not a random incident and there is no threat to the public. The Detective Bureau continues to speak with witnesses and review area video surveillance.
The majority of the Pittsfield Police Department’s resources were committed to this incident. As a result, the department requested mutual aid from neighboring towns. Members of the Dalton Police Department, Lanesborough Police Department and Massachusetts State Police assisted with the response to police calls for service within the city during this time. We thank them for their assistance.
Wins hereos
I still say that the Lovely Linda inherited a mess when she became Mayor of Pittsfield in early-2016. I wish she would use Matt Kerwood’s multimillion-dollar slush funds and the tens of millions of dollars in Biden Buck$ direct aid to help the homeless and other people in need. Lastly, the people who live in Lee and Lenox do not want to be GE’s dump like Pittsfield. GE’s dumps should be named Mount Doyle, Mount Larkin, and Mount Smitty.
Jon – You have stated over and over and over that your Lovely Linda inherited a mess. Maybe you can explain to us RESIDENTS, why after almost 6 years in office your Lovely Linda has done ABSOLUTELY nothing but ignore the taxpayers wishes, is completely transparent and has totally screwed up the City further?
Exactly it’s s like finger painting. She’s created a bigger mess.
Jon do you know what the word “responsibility” means?
Each one of us is responsible for choices made during our brief time on this earth.
Tyer was elected mayor and has been the leader of the city for 6 years. You backed the wrong horse in this race, just as you backed the wrong horse in the race for president.
Hard to say whether she is closer to a horse or an ass. Maybe both.
If that old record wasn’t broken it would be worth more,
BLM heaps praise on the Cuban Communist dictatorship and blames the United States for the problems of a lack of freedom in Cuba. It’s not a brutal Marxist regime that silences voices and uses violence against anyone who criticizes the government that’s a problem, it is, of course, the United States that is the problem. The protesters, however, are carrying American flags and begging our country for help from the brutal Marxist/Communist regime. While most countries in the world are currently running in terror from Marxism, the far left in America wants Marxism to replace capitalism in our country.
The Trump failed coup of 1/6/2021 is still out there waiting for another opportunity to strike as Conservative Republican leaders have yet to acknowledge what to place.The most violence ever on our Capital has never been discussed by the Conservative Capitalist business people of that political party.Within weeks of that historical event 12 Conservative states passed laws to surpress minority voting.Never has America had a political party worked this hard to institute obstacles to minority voting…..Im hoping the journalist in the planet finds that this history of Trump deserves to be acknowleged.The hearing start in 10 days…..Trumps return is in 14 days according to ALL REPUBLICANS who wont say Biden is President of the United States of America
Hey TSC, it’s in response to MASSIVE voter fraud by the democrats Nov 2020.
And the capital building, was evacuated due to a bomb threats in nearby buildings in DC.
You have been promoting the lie spread by the MSM for 7 months now.
It sounds coordinated like somebody intentionally planted the bombs to take away police resources from the White House so the situation could get out of hand there. So many suspicious things about January 6th not the least of which was many of these people being let into the White House by somebody within the White House whose identity is being hidden.
Link to testimony before Congress that disputes your lies the last 7 months TSC
Try.posting when sober
Even Haley’s comet comes around once in a while.
I completely agree with the points contained in your expose, Dan. Great job investigating this issue.
Ms. McGee should resign due to conflict of interest.
The Park Commissioners should resign for neglecting their duties in protecting the public parks.
Ms. Ruffer & the Purchasing Agent should be put under the microscope for their role in this takeover of a public park.
Who is the ward rep for Springside on the CC?
And where the hell is Mayor Tired?
Springside Park is in Ward 1. Councilor is Helen Moon.
That figures,leaves a mess.
Apparently absolutely no one is guarding the henhouse in Pittsfield. These people have free rein to do as they please and this parade at the site in question is them giving the middle finger to Johnny Citizen. They are begging people to mess with them because they know they are untouchable.
Oh the foxes are guarding the hen house and they are dressed as chickens
We need to know Mayor? You know?
Another Tyer Mo’ money give away gone south.
$562,000 given to a company that immediately sold the property, took the profits, and left the new owners with a laundry list of needed upgrades that were supposed to be done with the $562k. How much you want to bet that they’ll ask for a handout or just sell off assets and close? They leave Pittsfield with the cleanup bill.
“PITTSFIELD — The owner of Pittsfield’s aging waste-to-energy plant on Hubbard Avenue recently filed for bankruptcy, but Community Eco Power still is planning to operate the facility for the foreseeable future.
Mayor Linda Tyer and a lawyer who represents Community Eco Power in its Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection filing said the company plans to continue operating the 40-year-old facility through the current legal proceedings and beyond.”
“In summer 2016, Covanta announced that it planned to close Pittsfield’s plant by March 2017 because the facility’s size and high operating costs made it difficult to operate profitably. But, the city and Covanta later reached a deal to keep the plant open for four more years. The city agreed to appropriate $562,000 in Pittsfield Economic Development Authority money to upgrade the facility to state and environmental standards so that it could remain profitable.
Pittsfield’s waste-to-energy facility was built by Vicon Corp. in 1981. It was sold to Energy Answers in 1994, then came under Covanta’s ownership in 2007, when that company purchased Energy Answers.
According to Eagle files, Pittsfield’s waste-to-energy facility is one of the oldest such plants in the country.“
Of course they did! As will Powder Horn.
More PETA money pissed away.
Most armored vehicles like the Brinks show up to gather the cash from businesses unlike the COP’s that shows to businesses and unloads the cash.
Can’t get the picture I found to post. Darn it
Three of the Texas Democrats who dramatically fled Texas thinking they are big heroes to protect no voter ID laws, have now tested positive for COVID-19. They were bragging about not having to wear masks on the plane when they fled Texas and loaded the plane up with lots of booze. Such phonies. Now they have to quarantine for 14 days.
While he was president Trump got the virus and was hospitalized. But he forced his security staff to take him for an ego trip around the block in his limo. It was a sealed environment and everyone inside became infected as a result of his totally selfish desire to get his face on camera. And you are right…FOX news said nothing about it.
These people are not following their highly touted science protocol even now. The whole plane should be quarantined because who knows how many of them have it. It doesn’t show up in everyone at the same time. None of them should continue to meet with lots of people which they have been doing for days to spread their phony message of no voter ID and mail-in ballots work great.
They were not wearing masks on a plane. Yes, it was a private jet (climate polluter, but do they ever follow their own rules), but planes still require masks the last I checked.
Fake News
Andrea Harrington continues to shove sanctioned heroin down the throats of the Kapanskis. Giving away free drugs against federal law and without any scientific evidence is criminal. #RECALLDAHARRINGTON
DA Andrea Harrington
Supervised consumption sites legislative briefing. “It should not be a family’s job to provide emergency medical care to a loved one.” Cara Moser, mom & harm reduction advocate. This is wrenching and urgent.
“Supervised consumption.” Don’t you just love the euphemisms used for supplying free H paid for by the Kapanskis?
Treatment through enablement paid for by the Kapanskis. Will no one stop Harrington’s lobbying? Will no one demand she defend it with science and facts rather than ideology?
Safe injection sites have an extremely poor record of moving drug users into treatment and recovery, with some referral rates as low as 1%. Canadians are voting with their feet. It’s been a lightening rod for empowering conservative political parties.
But our DA has gone from “it’s an idea that maybe could work” to shoving it down our throats.
Voe her out. Just ask Canadians.
“The county’s top law enforcement official, District Attorney Andrea Harrington, says bringing supervised drug consumption services to Berkshire County is a conversation worth having because it’s “an idea that maybe would work.”
she is pathetic and with little to no experience.
With DISTRICT ATTORNEY Harrington’s endorsement for state funded, ILLEGAL HEROIN supply and injection sites, can Democratic Pot King Andy be far behind. Is Tyer secretly conspiring with Pot King Andy to diversify his POT KINGDOM into his Turkish POPPY FIELD KINGDOM? Are the city’s illustrious deviants secretly plotting to turn over Springside Park to be transformed into POT KING Andy’s Turkish POPPY FIELDS, TAX FREE, and supplemented with CPA funds. Was this the real reason for that specious visit to the illegal Springside Park encampment of the unwashed houseless by Harrington, Hinds, congressman Kennedy, Puki, pee pee, Dino dina, handgun Moon, Luger Lugo and the axe wielding kidnapped/hostage from Broad St.
And parents, please remember to lock up your prescription narcotics because everyone knows this is how your kids get hooked on illicit drugs in the first place.
It fits the progressive playbook except it doesn’t work. Factor in the increased threat to public safety and it’s DOA. We need more programs that focus on recovery.
This injection site will double as re-election campaign headquarters funded with taxpayers money.
She’s got the junkie vote. Right there that probably gives her a majority. Not that we’re saying the city had a drug problem, you understand.
Dan — please would you write an article on the No Dump sign removal situation in Lee? Tim Gray is such a person of character and what the towns are doing regarding the settlement is a disgrace.
Wonderful Lee with their decent and self supporting downtown, good schools, and robust and respected police department are going to be dragged down to COP greed and corruption with this money. Please contact Tim Gray and write an article.
Sunday, July 18th, 2021
Dear blogger Dan Valenti and Planet Valenti blog readers and/or blog posters,
The Berkshire Eagle’s Pittsfield politics reporter wrote yesterday that former Mayor Sara Hathaway submitted nomination papers to run for Pittsfield School Committee. How would her position as a Pittsfield public school teacher limit her votes on the Pittsfield School Committee? Would this be a conflict of interest?
I have a blog page about Sara Hathaway. Prior to the November city election in 2009, she wrote a letter to the editor of the Berkshire Eagle against then Mayor Jimmy Ruberto in favor of Dan Bianchi. I agreed with her letter where she pointed out that Jimmy Ruberto never looked at a city budget prior to 2004 when he became Mayor, his promises of bringing in hundreds of jobs via his so-called “Rolodex” and recruitment efforts turned out to be a joke, and that all of his 2003 campaign promises were “hallow” and he sold Pittsfield voters “a bill of goods”.
In mid-May of 2011, an Arbitrator ruled that Sara Hathaway (and several other middle-aged women English Arts Department Pittsfield teachers) had to be reinstated with back pay after she (and others) were unduly fired after the 2008 – 2009 school year. The rationale was the use of improper evaluations by Pittsfield public school Administrators. However, the Arbitrator agreed with the Administrators’ findings of deficiencies in her (and the others) classroom teaching performance. Sara Hathaway (and the others, who were all middle-aged women Pittsfield public school teachers) made complaints of discrimination to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, which upheld discrimination based on age, but rejected the gender-based allegation by mid-May of 2015. The city had confidentiality agreements and the MCAD-based claims against the City of Pittsfield were paid by the city’s insurance policy during the tenure of then Pittsfield Mayor Dan Bianchi. Sara Hathaway could not be reached for comment in mid-May 2015 after her age discrimination claim against the City of Pittsfield was settled.
In April of 2018, Sara Hathaway signed onto an open letter, along with over 300 people, to Save the Berkshire Museum/Save the Art, arguing that public trust would be lost by the sales of tens of millions of dollars of historic artwork. Her 2003 opponent for Mayor of Pittsfield, Jimmy Ruberto, led the campaign to sell the historic artwork.
My personal feelings about Sara Hathaway are double-edged. On the one hand, she warned us about Snake Oil Salesman Jimmy Ruberto in 2003, and her warnings were totally accurate that Jimmy Ruberto would screw over Pittsfield with all of his false promises. On the other hand, she came to power in 2001 on the blessing of a then Pittsfield State Senator and current politically-connected Marijuana Attorney (whom I am not allowed to say his name on Dan Valenti’s awesome blog), which meant that Sara Hathaway was nothing more than a political hack back in 2001 – 2003. When the aforementioned then Pittsfield State Senator had to step down from Beacon Hill in 2006 because he was in bed with Boston’s big banks and insurance companies, he strong-armed Sara Hathaway and another woman candidate named Sharon Henault out of the 2006 state “election” for Pittsfield Registrar of Deeds, which was criticized by both The Berkshire Eagle and The Boston Globe newspapers.
In closing, I admire Sara Hathway for her accurate warnings about Jimmy Ruberto in 2003 and her various stands against Jimmy Ruberto through 2018. But, she started off as a political hack, which makes her a hypocrite in Pittsfield politics over the past 20 years.
In Truth!,
Jonathan A. Melle
She cannot be any worse than the crew they have now. They are simply taking seats away from people who might actually care about the Pittsfield school system. I am willing to roll the dice on this one.
Having said that, If I had to live in Pittsfield, and had school age children, there is no way they would be going to school in that system. Despite its gargantuan and ever growing budget it is amoung the worse school systems in the state and no one seems to be able to lift it up.
Pittsfield schools are the most politicized in the country and the indoctrination started years ago here, but this same thing will now spread across the country with Biden and the far leftists in charge. Soon nobody will be able to escape the political indoctrination of their children. A New York prep school is now openly advertising for only woke liberal teachers to join their school. So many liberal colleges in Massachusetts are just cranking out these woke teachers of the future whose indoctrination into leftist values of Marxism and Communism is complete and their main goal is to do the same to children across the country. If parents can’t remove their children from these schools, they need to prepare them for what is going to be thrown at them in these schools because taxpayers are paying these teachers to turn their children into good little Marxists who take their orders from the state.
How can you say such ridiculous, inane things?
‘Far leftists in charge.’ What a joke.
The only Marxists there are around here are the ones that occupy Pat’s deepest fears.
Are you really that ignorant or are you pretending?
Violent Antifa attacking police officers in Los Angeles. Antifa is a far left mob and the far left media covers for their violence. Nance Pelosi was out doing ribbon cuttings yesterday and scurried back to her mansion without any mention of the violence in her state. ‘
Donald Trump scurried back to the safety of the White House after inciting a mob to attack the legislative body and hang Mike Pence. He watched it all live on TV just like he watched the Viet Nam war from the comfort of his couch while others suffered and died.
What did he say to incite the “mob”?
Just the truth.
Nance Pelosi is a human wrecking ball for this country just as her good buddy Joe Biden is the same. This dynamic duo is intentionally destroying our country. We can’t sustain the illegal immigrants they are purposely bringing into this country to be far left voters just as they are telling the Cuban people to go away because they know they would vote Republican. Biden, Nance Pelosi, and the far left put party over country and this is why this country is going downhill on a daily basis.
Pat would have us believe that Biden and Pelosi want to destroy our country.
What a load of poppycock. Pat’s ridiculous statements stem from her paranoia.
Read American Marxism.
Won’t do any good.kltpzyxm and his pot head ilk are paranoid true believers.
They are running the bus on the highway to hell
Thank you. Fizzlehead is correct.
Have any of the current city councilors or residents trying to run for office commented on this “rape of our natural resources “ going on in Springside Park? How about the mayor selling on the cheap a building on Tyler street to a partner instead of to someone she didn’t like? She then handed this partner $100,000 with more promised to create a 4 unit apartment! Why not just tear the building down? It would have been much cheaper! How come everything is soooo quiet? Makes me think the fix is in. I think all citizens should be invited to city hall to review the voting rolls so an investigation can proceed with questionable residents!
she won all 7 Wards and all 14 precincts. she was the appointed city clerk by Ruberto. The city clerk is in charge of the voting machines. Isn’t that correct bare bare.
Maybe the republicans should hire some tech types to take these voting machines out into the wilderness and check them for fraud.
Her significant other was also found to be where he shouldn’t have been
Not a peep, except for Chris Connell. It’s in Moon’s ward, but nothing from her. As usual. A big zero. Wake up Ward 1 voters.
Moon is dealing with another major issue on her Facebook. She is complaining about people using one ply toilet paper. Priorities, priorities priorities!
4-ply might be better for the Pittsfield politicians shit show
What is going on with our councilors? You are so right. You described what is going on at Springside Park correctly. It is a “rape of our natural resources” and no one seems to care.
In 2014 a specious nonprofit of greedy parasites that profits off the misery of children was plotting a takeover of this mothballed ignored dilapidated death trap of an eyesore for one of its children’s program.
“The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants.” Albert Camus
Wondering if Fred Rutberg ever takes the time to read the newspaper he owns!? Just picked up this weekends edition to the tune of $2.50. Most of the ink is smudged so bad the paper is unreadable. Not the first time this has happened to me and other folks I know. Especially feel sorry for the love ones that paid big bucks to place an obituary. They pay Rutberg this very high price and the obituary is totally unreadable. Pathetic way to run a business. One more crappy item to deal with in Schittsfield.
Just figured out what that nonsense is all about on North Street. It’s the Yellow Brick Road from The Wizard Movie. I knew I seen that somewhere.. Oh My.
Stockbridge has angle parking,then the bike path and one single lane for traffic……Work perfect on a extremely busy street…….So complicated on North street…..Mayor and her friend when in the city should take a 20 min drive to the Red Lion Inn town and take a photo….Angle parking is what works and is what everyone wants.
We can endorse first-hand you comment here, TSC. It shows the difference between intelligent and insane public policy while highlighting the differences between government that cares for ordinary citizens and those that don’t.
There are 10 cars at the innovation center in Pittsfield and that cost 15,000,000.
The “innovators” are all riding bicycles now. Get ready for bike mafia to screw up East St after they are through desacrating Springside Park.
Maybe they will be able to get it paved!!
The city let Milltown use a section as their base of operations, they were formerly renting space in the shared work space nonsense on north. They sure love buying houses just to knock them down, “improving the housing stock” with a wrecking ball.
CHOO CHOO all aboard the gentrification train.
The city should give out free compasses for drivers on North st. I could have sworn I heard the bicycle master planner say different lanes for different bike speeds? His presentation thus far is very confusing. Wait Until Grandma goes North St.
I guarantee anyone that if this ridiculous thing stays as is,there will be accidents and disruption like you’ve never seen. One other thing that will happen,no one will want to take this route. One other prediction,do not drive down Hancock Rd, if you can,another nightmare accident waiting to happen.
See, the landlord is a criminal & that’s the problem Smitty.
Dan,any idea wha the green blocks on North st. are. Thanks.
This blog post, like most of your material, is so far off base it is quite funny. Thanks for the entertainment value.