First of a Two-Part Series
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY AUG. 2, 2021) — THE PLANET begins today’s column with these two nuggets :
The first is from the website
Deanna Ruffer’s birthday is 07/27/1954 and is 67 years old. Previous to Deanna’s current city of Pittsfield, MA, Deanna Ruffer lived in Chatham MA. Deanna also answers to Deanna L Zartman, Deanna L Ruffer and Deanne L Ruffer, and perhaps a couple of other names.
The second is taken from
Deanna L. Ruffer, Inc. Overview
Deanna L. Ruffer, Inc. filed as a Foreign for Profit Corporation in the State of Florida and is no longer active. This corporate entity was filed approximately seventeen years ago on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 , according to public records filed with Florida Department of State. It is important to note that this is a foreign filing. A foreign filing is when an existing corporate entity files in a state other than the one they originally filed in. This does not necessarily mean that they are from outside the United States.
———- ooo ———-
“Deanna answers to … perhaps a couple other names.”
Doesn’t everybody?
Pretty intriguing.
THE PLANET remains confident that one of those names is not “John Evan” of Jethro Tull despite any possible resemblance real or imagined.
“Other names?”
Puddentane? Greta Garbo? We would ask her except she has stopped replying to our requests. You know what they say. When the phone doesn’t ring, we know it’s Deanna not getting back to us.
That’s fine because we grant our subjects the freedom to cooperate or not, as they wish. When tedious carpetbag politicians such as Ruffer clam up, it just means we go to our other sources in the “vicinity,” who are often most eager to spill. The tireless Z-Agents of THE PLANET‘s Secret Squadron are everywhere and in every office. And when we get it from them, we the truth.
———- ooo ———-

Deanna Ruffer. The flip chart are the original plans for the Tower of Babel, the world’s first public-private partnership. (Photo by iBerkshires)
You’ll recall when THE PLANET recently dug up embarrassing emails between Ruffer and her chief factotum and whipping boy Jim McGrath regarding the self-seeking bike project that will kill Springside Park as a nature refuge. Both refused to answer our fair and legitimate questions. Did it stop our expose’?
Not a chance. It just opened up alternative avenues of exploration.
That’s what such tin-star Big Shots don’t realize. Refuse to talk to us and we’ll find others who will — and not always in the most flattering terms. People who occupy positions of public trust make enemies, especially when they treat colleagues and citizens so shabbily.
What’s that? You say they are paid well over six figures by Mark Jane and Joe Kapanski, which makes them public servants who have a legal responsibility to respond to press inquiries? Technically true but for residents of Tyertown — home of the bike-lane laced Nothing on North — public officials operate secretly. They don’t want the Kapanskis butting in. All they want for them is to pay their ever-rising taxes and keep their mouths shut.
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET finds the second entry on Ruffer even more tasty. She filed 17 years ago as a Foreign for Profit Corporation in Florida. Seventeen years ago, Ruffer was on her first shake-down cruise as director of Community Development in Pittsfield, a post she began in September 2004.
Examine the time-line.
- (i) In June 2004, she files as an out-of-state Foreign For-Profit Company?
- (ii) Three months later, she becomes OCD director in Pittsfield.
Just another of those “Pittsfield coincidences,” we are sure.
After Ruffer left Pittsfield in 2012, she bounced around more than a Super Ball thrown by Rocky Colavito against a brick wall.
- 2012 — Signs with community development in Chatham, Mass.
- 2017 — Vagabonds her way for a part-time gig in Truro, the Cape hamlet where Spielberg shot Jaws. At the time, she said she wanted part-time to lessen her work load.
- 2017-18 (?) — A very short time after, however, she lessens her workload substantially when she quits Truro (or does Truro quit her? Truro officials won’t say. It’s a “personnel matter”). No sweat!
- 2018(?) — The mayor of Tyertown brings her back to fat salary and benny package.
Ruffer, how on earth can we miss you if you won’t stay left for good?
———- ooo ———-
Look, we get it.
Bad pennies keep coming back.
Tom Brady keeps coming back.
The tides keep coming back. All those we can handle.
Not so much for a feckless “public servant” who rules rather than serves.
On Wednesday, Part Two
“How many light bulbs does it take to screw in a Deanna Ruffer?” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.
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And retreads keep coming and coming and coming back.
I looks like Deanna Ruffer started in Pittsfield politics in the latter part of the first year of the Jimmy Ruberto administration in September of 2004, left Pittsfield politics during the first year of the Dan Bianchi administration in 2012, and came back to Pittsfield politics during the third year of the Linda Tyer administration in 2018, and she has been in Pittsfield politics ever since (Summer of 2021). It all means that she is part of the Godfather’s political faction that is now led by Mayor Linda Tyer. If the Dan Bianchi political faction wins back the corner office in the 2023 municipal election, then it would only be logical to deduce that Deanna Ruffer would either put in for her public pension and perks, or seek work in another community.
My thoughts about Godfather Jimmy Ruberto’s legacy in Pittsfield politics are mostly negative. He bet it all on the “Ruberto renaissance” of arts and culture in downtown Pittsfield. After nearly one decade of post-Ruberto administration Pittsfield politics, Jimmy’s bet lost big time. The arts and cultural push in Pittsfield did NOT revitalize Pittsfield’s decades-long distressed economy, but in fact, Pittsfield’s population and living wage jobs continued to diminish, while municipal taxes, fees, debts/liabilities skyrocketed higher. Pittsfield politics is in a vicious cycle of economic loss and inequality that has been a reality for at least the past 3 decades and counting. Jimmy Ruberto sold only snake oil to the proverbial Kapanski family, and the biggest irony of it all is that Jimmy Ruberto is too good to live and invest his money in Pittsfield. Jimmy Ruberto’s full time residence is in Naples, Florida, and his Summer or part time residence is in upscale Lenox.
Deanna Ruffer and Mayor Linda Tyer are part of Jimmy Ruberto’s failed leadership of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. IT DID NOT WORK!!!!
“TOKYO — Simone Biles is returning to competition in Tokyo.
The 2016 Olympic champion will compete in the balance beam finals on Tuesday, a little over a week after stepping away from the meet to focus on her mental health.”
All about the individual gold.
The other girl did so well, now Biles wants to get back in and get a medal.
She failed her team for personal glory.
“Canada stunned the USWNT in the Olympic semifinal match on Monday morning, winning 1-0 after a decisive penalty kick goal by Jessie Fleming in the 75th minute.”
The best they can do is bronze and here is to hoping they don’t get that. You don’t love America, GTFO. FU USWNT.
I always thought it was strange that Pittsfield brought her back. I am unaware of any positive development that she can lay claim to, just another connected. She may have dirt on the public servants of Pittsfield and this is how they keep it quiet. Unfortunately for us regular Kapanski’s of Pittsfield the D vote keeps happening so there won’t be change any time soon. Hopefully with your blog and other venues the real story of what is going on and who is responsible for destroying this once great city will find the light of day….keep up the good work!
Thanks, SHIRL.
Not sure about now but back in the day Kerwood was a republican. And he is the guy watching over the city’s money and doing as instructed by his democratic boss. Is he a republican in name only? Who knows these days with so many playing both sides of the aisle depending on how it benefits them personally on any given day.
But would’nt it be greatif he turned on them and showed the citys books to all the taxpayers and then said he thought a forensic audit was critical?
All the politicians are in name only. Go to some towns in western upstate New York (Buffalo Billions) and they spent billions on projects not needed or really even wanted (except maybe by the construction companies), and they probably wont even be maintained projects. These are largely Rep communities. And the money gets laundered into friendly hands and through friendly banks. I think the illustrious quiet owner of the beagle could tell a thing or two about that. And property taxes are the highest in the country and all companies are leaving to go to North Carolina. Its corruption and too much spending because of corruption.
24 months from now whatever spring side bike park they build will be an abandoned eye sore.
and what you say if pretty much reinforced by what has happened here in the last 15 years. They know most people are not watching or have no idea how government is supposed to work (having never seen that). So by publishing all the wonderful things they are supposedly doing they are able to blow smoke up most of the largely unaware asses. And you can realistically fight this and they know it. Only logically thing to do is cut your losses and bail out of here if you can.
Think I read that the Beacon theater owner is getting something like $600,000 Covid money from somewhere. Do they even make this much money in a year?
Excellent points: (a) Too many people have no idea on how government is supposed to work. They don’t teach civics any more. (b) Too many of those who do know aren’t paying attention. This is how stuff like the Beacon happens. Or the bike cement to destroy Springside Park.
August and Trump was not put back in as President.LOL to all the religious Qanons…FOX news is making fun of the capital police defending democracy during the Trump attack on the peoples house certification of Biden.
You love the Barney Fife quarte.
Their words were written by Pelosi s hacks. What good is someone who’s Pelosi s puppet?
Trumpers make Fun of the capital police officers.Trump the COWARD called them Pu….trumpers support him. Many Trumpers here.
Trump still lives rent free in your thick skull.
A wonder anyone can actually get into that skull.
“TOKYO — American gymnast Jade Carey has won the gold medal on floor exercise.
The 21-year-old from Arizona bounced back from a frightening stumble during the vault final on Sunday to claim the top spot on floor with a score of 14.366. The medal is the fifth claimed by the U.S. women’s gymnastics team in Tokyo.”
Imagine that an Olympic athlete who faced adversity and instead of quitting she fought on to win gold.
Excellent retort b m. It was fantastic the young lady won the gold. That girl has heart.
In the 1964 Olympics Buster Mathis said he got hurt and Joe Frazier took his place and won the gold. At some point in his life Buster grew old and died furthering the belief of some that he was a quitter.
2021 Summer games
An Olympic athlete’s handlebars came off his bike mid-race.
Australia’s Alexander Porter crashed during the men’s track cycling team pursuit qualifying event.
He was traveling over 45 MPH when he crashed face first onto the track.
He got back up again, but had a scuffed face, a chipped tooth, and a broken finger. Officials allowed the race to restart.
The Australians beat the world record for the time trial.
(Not a quitter)
Smokin’ Joe, my favorite boxer, took full advantage.
Best actor athlete..Sonny Liston
Clay’s “phantom punch.”
Tyson was a wrecking machine before Cus died, Don King got a hold of him.
So true. Cus looked out for him. King messed Mike up for decades. King was a bloodsucker with a huge entourage. Wiped Mike out.
Lewiston Me
Yup. Odd venue for a fight that big. Word had it that the Mob set it up there for numerous reasons, including the fix for the phantom punch. Sonny took a dive because he was given an offer he couldn’t refuse. I think all things on the level, he would have beaten Clay. Sonny had the hardest right probably ever, better even than Johansen’s.
Tell em Angelo sent it up there
He never had a grill
Rules for you versus rules for the elite. “Former President Barack Obama will reportedly have nearly 700 people at his celeb-packed 60th birthday bash in Martha’s Vineyard — even as officials warn of the dangers of large gatherings during the ongoing pandemic.
The 44th commander in chief will have at least 200 staff on hand at his Massachusetts home this weekend to cater to the 475 invited guests, including Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney and Steven Spielberg.”
“ Pearl Jam will perform, with a local hairdresser retained to style the hair of an unidentified member of the band, Axios reported.
“It’s going to be big,” one source told The Hill of the bash for Obama, whose birthday is Wednesday.
The party will be outdoors at Obama’s $12 million, 30-acre waterfront property, the reports said.”
“ The party comes just days after health officials on the tiny island issued a mask advisory even for vaccinated people while in indoor public spaces because of rising cases of the highly contagious Delta variant, The Vineyard Gazette noted.
Martha’s Vineyard is also close to Provincetown, Massachusetts, where a spread among vaccinated people over July 4th prompted controversial new mask guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”
Wait, how is Michelle able to cope? I thought she was upset about all the “racism” and “white flight,” that took place on the Vineyard when she and Barry bought the $12M, 30 acre waterfront spread?
Why don’t they house a few hundred illegals there? They’ve certainly got the space and money.
Ah, the Beautiful People!
Donald (I am coming back in August) Trump has been having parties and rallies all summer long and that did not seem to bother ya all. Imagine that.
They have been spreading the virus since day 1.Trump wants these Covid numbers up.
Every rally he holds spreads the virus among his own followers. Nobody has an exact count as to how many have died as a result of getting Covid at one of his rally’s but as long as they buy one of his expensive hats or flags he could give a shit less.
He’s a real estate guy. He’s rent free in your head too.
Is he going to O’Bama’s birthday party?
Maybe. I heard they were having an orange haired clown to do balloon tricks.
Kamala will blow up the balloons
Off Topic…Andrea Harrington announced her re-election website on LinkedIn over the weekend:
I was just thinking. “What is that idiot going to do next”
I love how she has a wedding picture to a man she belittles daily in the office. Cuckold is the term.
“Changing the culture of law enforcement.” Harrington is an epic imposter. “You can do what the F#$% you want” is more accurate. Recidivism is the biggest problem in criminal justice according to all studies everywhere. Harrington is enabling recidivism iand increasing crimes against the Kapanskis. And bragging about it.
Dismissed over 50% of charges for low-level offenses such as drug possession, prostitution, operating with a suspended license, shoplifting, loitering, and trespassing
“Changing the culture of law enforcement.” Harrington is an epic imposter.
“You can do what the F#$% you want” is more accurate. Recidivism is the biggest problem in criminal justice according to all studies everywhere. Harrington is enabling recidivism iand increasing crimes against the Kapanskis. And bragging about it.
What did any of this do – getting rid of cash bail for example, what did this achieve? Did it keep poor people out of jail? Who? What race? How many out of town drug dealers never showed up for court?. Reducing overcriminalization? Where are the statistics showing that any of this worked?
Dan, these claims need professional examinination. Almost all of them are founded on a narrative of a problem that does not exist. Will you open the window?
Dismissed over 50% of charges for low-level offenses such as drug possession, prostitution, operating with a suspended license, shoplifting, loitering, and trespassing
Ended cash bail in Berkshire County, abolishing a wealth-based system of justice that unfairly targeted low income people and created racial inequity.
Apologies for the duplicate. Implementing policies does not equate with achieving goals. For example, as was reported, Harrington’s overuse of dangerousness hearings contributes to incarceration. Similarly, declining to prosecure minor offenses won’t end mass encarceration when most inmates are there for violent crimes. Where is the racial disparity in Berkshire County? Harrington relies on voter ignorance. Please do not let this politican slip past the public again.
Excellent point, LEGAL. Same with creating new laws. You can create all the policies and news you want, but unless they work, it’s just more job security for bureaucrats and policy wonks.
I agree, LEGAL. It would make interesting work for some dogged researcher to to a content analysis of effectiveness or ineffectiveness. ‘Would make asolid, investigative piece for sure.
Certain subpopulations are ecstatic, we’re sure.
If you ever get a hold of this girl ask her opinion on a deep thrust forensic audit for Pittsfield, Ma. Who knows, she may be all for it or then again she might slam the phone down in your ear. For some reason this administration, with bankers on the council and CPAs in the family are not exactly banging down the doors to see if they can find improvements in the city’s finance methodology.
You want a super modern skateboard park? Got it! You want a dog walking park fit for a new York City Chiwawa? Coming up!! Parks for baseball or mountain biking? No problemo! Would you like your main thoroughfare through the middle of town redesigned six times in ten years and then redesigned again so that it is no longer automobile friendly? On the way!
Would you like to see how much money we take in from taxes, grants or whatever or how and what we spend it on? WHY IN THE HELL WOULD WE DO THAT? WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU THINKING LIKE AT?
Excellent observations.
I believe filing in Florida may have been for lowering a tax responsibility on income generated. No income tax in Florida. Sounds like it is legal to do so because our government allows these loopholes legally. Do business in higher taxed areas and get the benefits of paying less by setting up shop as home based in tax friendly states.
Yes. Many corporations, especially financial institutions, file in Delaware.
It’s the same reason Kerry registered his boat in Rhode Island. He saved $590k a year in MA taxes.
It’s the same reason Bump claimed two homes as primary homes and claims a vacation home in Maine as a primary home, she skips paying second home owner taxes.
It’s why Obama has two primary residences, both owned by a trust.
Another option is to form a real estate trust or have property held by a Corp. You can legally transfer ownership without paying taxes or getting a new deed. All you do is change the officers of the Corp or switch out the trustees and beneficiary of the trust.
It’s a transfer not a sale.
Makes sen$e.
The Literacy Network of South Berkshire
(LitNet) has launched Berkshire County’s fi rst
scholarship program to support immigrants in their
pursuit of U.S. citizenship, thanks to a grant from
the Matthew and Hannah Keator Family Founda-
tion. Applicants for the Matthew and Hannah
Keator Family Scholarship for New Americans
will be able to seek fi nancial support in obtaining
legal services during the screening and application
process, as well as direct support to defray the cost
of the federal naturalization application. Scholar-
ship recipients will also be assigned a trained tutor
from LitNet, who will work one-on-one with the
applicant to prepare for the culmination of the natu-
ralization process, the civics and literacy exams.
The scholarship will support approximately six
new citizens annually. Jennifer Vrabel, executive
director of LitNet, noted that the new scholarship is
just one component of the Keator Family Founda-
tion’s support. This past fall, LitNet enhanced its
website with comprehensive citizenship resources,
purchased new books and materials dedicated
to naturalization, and worked together with the
Berkshire Immigrant Center in Pittsfi eld to host
citizenship training for volunteer tutors to support
the Berkshire immigrant community.
Speaking of Brady his new jersey # is 042
His jersey number is 12, which is probably the number of rings he’s going to end up winning. His next Super Bowl appearance will equal that number!! Love you, MILT. The museum on Fourth Street is still in its glorious works. Had a COVID setback, natch, but plans still progressing nicely.
It’s where Colovito bounced that super ball
Correct! With The Rock’s arm, that ball went so high it got captured by the moon’s gravitational orbit. It floats around the moon to this day. When Mike Collins in Apollo 11’s command module orbited while Armstrong and Aldrin were on the surface having the fun, he snapped a picture of that ball. It proved that Stanley Kubrick DID NOT film and fake the moon landing for NASA.
Thank god no church windows were damaged
This is an answer on Jeopardy some time in the future:
Answer: 242.
Winning question: How many Super Bowls did Tom Brady end up winning as an active player?
None against the G men
Tommy got his team the lead in both games. First one Samuel misses a sure interception through his mitts on Lints final drive. Second one, again, late 4th Q lead that D couldn’t hold. Credit to Eli, though, for making the big plays.
If Kufflinks is involved it could take years.
31 of the 35 infected were vaccinated . Good to see people are getting vaccinated.
What idiot thought bike lanes brings any people to North st. I avoid it like the plague. Crossing a bike lane to park? That is asking for a lawsuit when you hit the guy on the bike. I now go Merrill road. Just another waste of time and taxpayer money in my opinion. Wonder if you agree?
Completely agree!
Designing and painting bike lanes brings money to a few people. But the redesign also creates parking for the condo owners who until now had no place to park. They knew there was no parking when they started retrofitting buildings for condos. Something desperate needed to be done in order to sell the condos. Buyers wanted parking. Now they have it.
The condo owners may have it, but what about the entire rest of the city and all the traffic that flows through it? Right-ee-o! as Felix the Cat used to say. City officials don’t care about downtown merchants or the Kapanskis.
Judicial Review
The best-known power of the Supreme Court is judicial review, or the ability of the Court to declare a Legislative or Executive act in violation of the Constitution, is not found within the text of the Constitution itself. The Court established this doctrine in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803).
In this case, the Court had to decide whether an Act of Congress or the Constitution was the supreme law of the land. The Judiciary Act of 1789 gave the Supreme Court original jurisdiction to issue writs of mandamus (legal orders compelling government officials to act in accordance with the law). A suit was brought under this Act, but the Supreme Court noted that the Constitution did not permit the Court to have original jurisdiction in this matter. Since Article VI of the Constitution establishes the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land, the Court held that an Act of Congress that is contrary to the Constitution could not stand. In subsequent cases, the Court also established its authority to strike down state laws found to be in violation of the Constitution.
Before the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment (1869), the provisions of the Bill of Rights were only applicable to the federal government. After the Amendment’s passage, the Supreme Court began ruling that most of its provisions were applicable to the states as well. Therefore, the Court has the final say over when a right is protected by the Constitution or when a Constitutional right is violated.
The Supreme Court plays a very important role in our constitutional system of government. First, as the highest court in the land, it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. Second, due to its power of judicial review, it plays an essential role in ensuring that each branch of government recognizes the limits of its own power. Third, it protects civil rights and liberties by striking down laws that violate the Constitution. Finally, it sets appropriate limits on democratic government by ensuring that popular majorities cannot pass laws that harm and/or take undue advantage of unpopular minorities. In essence, it serves to ensure that the changing views of a majority do not undermine the fundamental values common to all Americans, i.e., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and due process of law.
Another thing that has been bothering me in this city lately (just add it to the very long list) is how the main door to city hall remains locked, forcing people to use the ramp access door to the south. Day after day I drive by and see people walking up the steps trying the door and many times leaving in frustration not seeing the sign saying to use the side door. The Mayor claims that it’s for security reasons but that’s BS. How is forcing people to enter 20 feet from the Mayor’s office, more secure that leading them to a lobby that can be monitored by cameras? It sends a message to taxpayers that you are not welcome here, but if you want to pay unto Caesar use the servant’s entrance. If in politics perception is reality, then the reality is that government in Pittsfield is no longer for and by the people.
Did she elaborate on why this extreme measure was taken? Are all city halls across America locking their main doors? I had to drive all around to find a parking space and then walk around to the other side. Held the door for a semi disabled lady who was not enjoying the extra hike either.
There are so many ways Pittsfield government seems to be set up to serve itself and not the people it was originally designed to help. This cabal is very powerful and has a tight grip on everything that goes on in the city. It gets worse every year as they tighten their grip and I am under no illusions that things can be changed. But people should be aware that their say in how things operate in their own city is negligible. Use this information when any opportunity to move away presents itself because it is NOT going to get better. Neither are the schools or roads or the ever present trash. You decide what is best for your own family as you look ahead for your future.
I can’t speak for city halls across America, but Syracuse, with a population of 700,000, leaves its main city hall doors open to the public. The cabal of which you speak is there, its powerful, and it runs things so that they are rewarded. They go out of their way to make downtown as much of a hassle as possible. The question is: Why? Answer: Follow the money.
Follow the money because nothing else would make any sense. Why would you make it harder for the elderly to get to the Collectors office to pay their taxes? Well, you just don’t care because you know you can threaten them with high interest if they don’t get their elderly asses there one way or the other.
They can not wait for people to fall into arrears. Banks, & Eagle is in bed with land surveyors. Record your parcel because you’re encroaching upon the gobsig
Mayor Linda Tyer’s radio interview:
Pittsfield Mayor Discusses Mask, Vaccine Mandates Amid COVID Uptick | WAMC
How do the bike lanes affect handicap parking?
Great question.
Here is what Democrats are up to with their border crisis which is really not chaos at all to them, it’s planned. They need the illegal immigrants for votes and also so their big business friends will be able to pay low wages to the illegal immigrants and this is why they want to change voter laws so that the illegal immigrants will be able to vote for them.
Wohrles paid over $6000 to the Eagle to run that fluff piece.
Holy Crud!
Curious how you know that?
Invoice that just went across my desk
Interesting. I ask because they normally label paid content as “sponsored content”
You “think” they do. They don’t.
Any number of the “news” articles that are not labeled as sponsored content are still paid for, it’s actually more extensive.
When you see an “executive highlight” it’s mostly done as “bundled deal” for ad revenue. Buy x dollars in adverts, we will run puff pieces.
The Suns
Berkshire Money Management
Berkshire Bank
Pretty much any business you see highlighted is paid or bundled content.
If you contract for 13/26/52 weeks you’ll get “highlight” articles for a bundled price.
Did they pay them in wieners?
Several other business s doing ads that look like random interviews.
As someone who works in marketing, I know the faux new stories are part of an advertising “package” offered by the Eagle and other struggling newspapers.
Yes. It’s a shameless way of takin what is in essence paid advertising and presenting as legit news.
They do. The reason they never report the negative on Berkshire Money Management, they have a contract Alan can bang 20 somethings, steal money, they’ll never report it.
He can get a girl pregnant, force her to get an abortion, then take out an ad for Valentine’s Day. Not that there’s much of a story there except if the girl was underaged.
The jig is up.
Nearly 1/3 of the residents of North Adams Commons have tested positive for Covid after being fully vaccinated.
“Vaccines don’t work 100% of the time.” Well sure looks that way doesn’t it. Meanwhile every other vaccine out there works just about 100% of the time, save for the flu vaccine which is always just a best guess on which yearly strain will dominate.
No one wants to admit that the Covid vaccine was/is an experiment. As time goes on, we just collect more data via the test subjects. In the Provincetown outbreak, the percentage of hospitalized positive cases was higher among the vaccinated than the unvaxxed. (4 out of 346 vs. 1 out of 123)
The experiment rages on. China’s lab-created chimera versus the US’s completely clueless response.
Boosters are probably needed, sooner than hoped but not yet approved for EUA by the FDA. Current vaccines are not formally approved because there is not enough data available on their actual safety. All the while, the government is threatening to force its citizens to take an experimental medicine.
What a time to be alive.
and yet their are at least 600,000 people who died of Covid who would probably like to go back in time and get a vaccination if one was available to them
(unless they were Trump supporters willing to die for the cause)(not sure what cause)
Your 600,000 figure is not close to being accurate, is wildly overblown as the govt.’s criteria for classifying “covid” deaths kept changing through the pandemic. For example, a man who died in a FL motorcycle accident was classified as a “covid” death despite the fact that he died from his injuries but just happened to test positive for covid.
I read that he did have Covid and was having a hard time breathing and was trying to get himself to the ICU and a ventilator. He crashed his bike because he could not breathe anymore.
Do you ever post anything remotely tied to factual information?
Educate yourself Fizz.
Yes, I thought only a few people in any group would get COVID if they were vaccinated, but the North Adams Commons outbreak proves that that isn’t true. They are now using Monoclonal Antibody treatment on these elderly to save their lives because vaccinated elderly can still die from this virus as well as anyone with a weakened immune system even if they were vaccinated.
Those who died and their friends and relatives would have loved to have access to the monoclonal antibodies which were available well before the vaccines and, without doubt, do save lives, but the far left Democrat CDC intentionally held this treatment back from the public until after the presidential election.
Things were going so well when Donald was in charge. Maybe they should make him the head of the CDC so he could save countless lives like he was doing before the insurrection.
Pat, has any democrat or Independent (non Trumper) EVER, since the dawn of man, done ANYTHING that you would approve of? ANYTHING, that you could not find fault with?
The last I heard, only a small percentage of those vaccinated would get the virus. This is certainly more than a small percentage. They are now giving these North Adams Commons patients the monoclonal antibodies which, before the vaccines, were one of the only things that saved people because the really elderly, even those vaccinated, can still die from COVID. Vaccinated people are coming down with it more than the unvaccinated because they are letting down their guard too soon it seems by socializing a lot, not taking precautions, etc. In Nursing Homes, those in charge maybe stopped following protocol against the virus since most of the patients were vaccinated, but this virus isn’t defeated yet.
I read Nicholas Russo’s letter to the Editor of the Berkshire Eagle online about how wonderful downtown Pittsfield is for the people to walk, bicycle, eat out, go to the movies, watch plays, listen to music, and so on. What did he leave out of his glowing letter? Daily shootings, violent crimes, gangs and drugs, the homeless and social services, the juvenile courthouse, empty storefronts, the ring of poverty around North Street.
There seems to be a magnified effort through any and all Pittsfield media outlet that can be found to promote Pittsfield and all its scar tissue. Kinda reminds me of an old Bonanza episode on TV where vultures would be circling in the sky suggesting that something had died in the wasteland below and it provoked within you a ghoulish desire to want to go see what it was.
In the hastily formed basement gatherings of city benefactors a discussion is being held to ascertain just how many 55 gallon drums of lipstick it is going to take to make this decomposing old pig pretty. But in reality they may be just embalming it for the inevitable funeral.
Not one person should pay to park downtown. Free parking is a must.Another 1.000.000 wasted by carpetbagger Tyer…..The city council can not do budgets.Why wont these people cut budgets by 1%
Social justice warriors LOSE at the Olympics.
Hopefully we won’t have to endure any more TV time with Rapinoe and her anti-American rhetoric!
Gwen Berry, another SJW, failed to medal at the Olympics.
Good riddance!
That was satisfying. And “Look at me It’s all about me” Biles could only win a bronze in individual competition. In doing so, she got more coverage than a bunch who won gold.
Obama having a giant party to celebrate his birthday is typical of the far left wealthy. They are not very fearful since they will have a COVID czar on site to monitor the proceedings and they will have access to the truly best therapeutics against the virus, should anyone succumb to COVID from the party. The same lifesaving therapeutics that were held back from the public before the presidential election are available to the very wealthy at a moment’s notice. The Monoclonal Antibodies are even better than the vaccines at stopping the virus as long as they are started soon after a person comes down with COVID. Don’t wait too long as the virus will dangerously replicate itself.
Who’s providing security?
Lots of private security will be there, no doubt, but I’m not sure who their COVID czar will be.
Are you saying that an ex president is not entitled to have a goddamn birthday party? Sounds like Pat/Carlson is envious. I wonder why Obama did not initiate an insurrection when his time was up.
Not with a huge increase in the virus in our country….No. Not when it’s in large part being spread by their open border policies. Obama celebrating his 3rd term while America is once again in crisis thanks to the far left policies of Biden/Harris/Obama.
So, uh, what about Trump rallies?
(watch how she sidesteps this one folks)
He probably can’t get an insurrection with his wife.
Spread the Covid and burn the co2 producing jet fuel that will bring his 500 phony friends to MV.
And they will blame Anyone else under the sun for doing so and media will help spin it that way .
So PCTV has started a for profit business using tax payer money. They aren’t even pretending they aren’t diverting funds anymore. They don’t care one bit.
Is Tuck back yet?
Remember his PCTV show “Geeks with Issues”? Boy, there’s was a lot of truth in that name!
Anyone connected is untouchable. There is no oversight. Zero, either in the city or the state. This adminstrations has the steamroller out and is rolling all over us now.
This boy just wont stop trying to screw up traffic.

So thankful that he dropped out of the run for City Councilor. We don’t need any more useless politicians on the Council. Anyone else notice that any time there is an important vote pertaining to the City, Pee Pee Petie reuses himself from the vote. If his banking position is causing him to not be able to vote on so many issues, I suggest he step down. The current City Council has been useless this whole term. Willing to bet by the time they go back into session in the fall they will be back to the ZOOM meetings again due to the latest outbreak of COVID. That will mean they only held one public meeting in a year and a half, almost their whole term. Another City Councilor that lives in my neighborhood, his front lawn has an accumulation of a broken door, computer monitor, printer and microwaves that have been sitting there for most of the summer. You wonder why Tyertown has turned into a garbage pit, what ever happened to leading my example. Guess if a paid City official can leave garbage all over the place, the rest of the residents can do the same.
PeePee Petie recuses himself from the vote.
Most of the councilors and other officials LOVED Zoom because it shuts the Kapanskis out of the process as well as lots of “stakeholders,” for example, downtown merchants.
Crooked elections in :PA, Ga, Mi,AZ and Wi, Don’t have anything over mASSachusetts!!!!
Link is quite a long read.
“Dr. Shiva Discovers Existence of the Secretive Long Fuse Report — Exposes Twitter-Government Collusion — As Momentous Discovery as Pentagon Papers”
“Previously we reported on Dr. Shiva Ayyarurai was able to uncover Twitter’s “partner support portal.”
Dr. Shiva discovered that Twitter built a special portal offered to certain governmental entities so that government officials can flag and delete content they dislike for any reason, as part of what they call their “Twitter Partner Status.”
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Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the man who invented email, ran for US Senate in Massachusetts as a Republican and made allegations of voter fraud on Twitter. These tweets were then deleted by the far-left tech giant. Later it was discovered that they were deleted at the direction of government employees of the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s office. “
The good news is that there was no corruption in any of the states Trump won. Only the ones Biden won.
tee hee
One police officer dead
Cuomo ain’t no homo but he sure likes sexually assaulting women.
Oh the irony!
Impeach the granny slayer/womanizer!
Cuomo to be charged.
Good Day D Rat Cuomo
You do know that by beating up on Cumo there will be comparisons to all of Trumps sexual assault issues? But we can go there if you like and Cumo looks like a boy scout next to the Donald as far as severity of charges.
Let’s talk about dementia joe, his fingers and Tara Read’s cooter.
Can’t stop thinking about 45?
Slick Willie at Epstein’s sex slave island TSC!!!
How about that Governor Guido, of whom I’ve spoken in the past.
Seems he was handling everything BUT the crisis.
Guido act. Great.
“Public servants who have a legal responsibility to respond to press inquiries”
I wish this were true, Dan. Andrea Harrington does not respond to any media inquiry that does not guarantee a puff piece.That limits her to community radio and something called Business West in Springfield. She quotes these regularly but never our local media. The fact is, Harrington doesn’t even have to go into work if she doesn’t want to. She reports to no one. If she wants to go to Florida for a year she can do so and collect $170K plus on the Kapanaskis and drive herself to campaign events in her state-paid vehicle. Given her contribution to the Berkshires, she may has well be in Florida. The Kapanskis only recourse is to vote her out. Sadly, I fear they don’t even know who the DA is.
I wish there was accountability hanging over the heads of our public “servants” so they would respect the law, live up to their oaths, and govern wisely. Pittsfield however is in free fall, a spin from which it may never recover. The ground is a hard way to break a fall.
They have a legal responsibility to respond to public information requests, but we know how Nipples feels about those.