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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY NOV. 22, 2021) — Fifty-eight years ago today, 12:31 p.m. Central time, Dallas, Texas … THE PLANET need not say another word. Those who were old enough to remember can never forget.

We take a moment.

———- ooo ———-

Since THE PLANET previous post on The Weekend Edition, we have

Since The Weekend Edition, THE PLANET has met with, heard from, spoken to, and communicated with several members of the Richmond Consolidated School community. This included staff, parents, administration, students, and “interested others.” While confirming certain aspects of the previously reported incidents at the school, our sources, all of whom spoke on condition of anonymity, have provided a far different account of the allegations thus far made. THE PLANET has found their testimony consistent and credible.

THE PLANET has compiled various comments from our sources, who say that have decided to speak out to correct what they say is a “false impression” of what’s going on in the school. Here they are.

“Richmond school has been a unique and wonderful school for many years. Parents choosing to send their children to RCS from other districts is simply that, a choice. Parents have different reasons for choicing out of other districts. More often than not, it is due to the fact that Richmond is smaller, community-based, and has smaller class sizes.  I also feel like people’s assumption within Berkshire County has always been that the RCS students’ experience resembles that of a private school type of education rather than a public. However, RCS is very much a public school and follows state guidelines. It is my opinion that parents often forget this and will often exert their power and set expectations that don’t always fall in line with the law and what the state sets forth as law within the confines of public education in Massachusetts. Therefore, instead of seeking true justice by working with the school staff and leaders, and understanding that there are always two and sometimes three sides to every story, they become ‘pitchfork parents’ who believe every rumor and embellishment they hear and set out to get their pound of flesh. In this case, it appears that rational thinking has been replaced with falsehoods and tales of horror, when in fact, RCS has been and continues to be a very happy, positive, community-building place for students, staff, and administrators each and every day. [The school is] a place where students become well-educated, confident leaders who go on to do great things in life. I personally know many former graduates of RCS.”
———- ooo ———-
“It has been my experience that, due to beligerent parents, it is often difficult to keep good leaders at RCS. The school has had three different principals in roughly a five- or six-year period. RCS now has a brand new leader [Dan Weston], trying to build a firm foundation focusing on great things for the school. This would be a perfect opportunity for parents to meet with him, have productive conversations and express concerns and work together to revamp systems, and protocols that promote positive change.”
 ———- ooo ———-
“If parents want a private school experience, they can pay to send their children to a private school. RCS is a public school. Students from other districts make up a large portion of the RCS population and they are wonderful children and families. Some of the best around. Districts such as Pittsfield, as it was stated in one of the comments on the recent PLANET VALENTI post, are not a cancer on other districts. The parents who consistently serve no other purpose but to complain and judge and ridicule and bully are the real cancer within these school districts.”
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“If we want true justice, our approach must be different. The lynch mobs will not bring justice. They will only perpetuate bullying and counter bullying by parents and children who are involved directly or indirectly in specific incidents.
“At the end of the day, we have to remember the real issue. The real issue is the children. How can we work together to hear all sides and make responsible, ethical, and lawful decisions moving forward?
“Can we achieve justice by bashing faculty, staff, and administrators? Absolutely not. Can we achieve justice by bashing children and ostracizing families from other districts? Absolutely not.”
———- ooo ———-
“RCS offers a unique experience for both students and staff to learn and grow, one that promotes a great sense of community, and pride in that community. Educators, support staff, administrators, and the school nurse have worked extremely hard at keeping the entire community safe and in-school learning, during this very difficult pandemic. The physical and mental well-being of our students due to COVID has been under attack since March of 2020, and continues to be a concern. There are several educational gaps to fill and behaviors to address as kids and staff were forced to adapt to a great deal of change: In-person learning, hybrid learning, and remote learning on and off, all while being fearful of contracting a potentially fatal illness. All of this created new challenges for our entire community. We have to learn how to service our children and families in different ways and this takes time. We have to have empathy, compassion and remember, WE ARE DEALING WITH CHILDREN.”
———- ooo ———-
“My hope is that when issues arise, such as the recent incident involving children and staff, parents take control of their personal views, and keep their emotions in check, remind their children to remain respectful, and that counter bullying and disrespect should never be used as a measure to gain control. This type of behavior will never yield a positive outcome.”
———- ooo ———-
“There is no doubt there are concerns about recent incidents at RSC. Those incidents are real and are being handled privately as that is the law. Instead of showing up as a mob and making demands on the school, the response needs to be: How can we work together to make this better for our children? Having empathy, compassion, being honest, taking responsibility, and working toward identifying issues, and collectively creating a plan, parents, staff, and administrators together, will ultimately be way more productive than judgment, lies, criticism, and bullying/counter bullying.”
———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET thanks those who got in touch with us. As always, we remain open to all credible information on this and any other topic of community interest.


“Education is the process of making one a thinker” – Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



(c) 2021 By PLANET VALENTI & EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All right reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.


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Rottenhouse So
Rottenhouse So
3 years ago

Planet Alert. Goings on in Wisconsin today.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
3 years ago

Interesting, someone has briefed them what to say – either the town/school lawyer or someone else. I say that because of the similarity and reuse of ‘unique’ in the answers. Also, not sure how RCS is so ‘unique’. Its just a public school, but apparently one who wants to remind you that its number twos do not stink.

I am pretty sure the principal Monica quit because she fired the lunch lady and the super reinstated the lunch lady. She quit because her authority wasn’t respected not because of ‘belligerent parents.’ But then again maybe the parents became belligerent when their concerns were ignored.

But I guess if they are saying ‘we have drama because we have a horrible school community of parents and children’ – the subtext of these statements – that is not really persuasive to want to put your kid in that ‘learning’ environment.


Last edited 3 years ago by Kermit Frog
Reply to  Kermit Frog
3 years ago

Monica led with effective leadership in her early years but it fell apart. She left because it fell apart. The tipping point was absolutely the lunch lady situation. The town spoke, they wanted the baked goods. There were many problems prior to that debacle under her dictatorship. Kids ran amuck, no accountability, nor any real plan of action. I hear her COVID-19 plan has fallen apart and Morningside has a sweeping in-school outbreak. She frequently is seen not wearing a mask and has threatened the safety of everyone in her building. Monkey see, monkey do. Joe could make some headway here if he intervenes and helps this sinking ship. Can we get the former principal back? She was stellar.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Columbo
3 years ago

None of them seem very good. I think a lot the teachers were glad when Monica left. I think the parents were mixed. I lost track. The food was great but not worth a sexual assault or getting punched in the face, to be sure.

Reply to  Columbo
3 years ago

What former principal? What school are you referring to, Mornigside or Richmond?

Reply to  Kermit Frog
3 years ago

Kermit for the Orbit.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  LegalEagle
3 years ago

Thanks man. I generally try to avoid attention. For the people who wonder what the parents of Pittsfield kids would face if they tried to organize — I think we have some idea and its not pretty.

3 years ago

Dan, thank you so much for sharing these responses from your investigative efforts. It sure seems like “the pitchfork parents”, were quite vociferous on your weekend edtion, and the mob mentality was alive and well. Much of it was suppostion, innuendo, and conjecture. Now the Richmond Rabble Rousers can start up again, but as somebody pointed out on the weekend edition, just becuase a bunch of people say somerthing, that doesn’t make it true.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

“The pitchfork parents” are Craig Swinson and Kathy Nagy Lloyd. They have used other platforms (FB) to tarnish those at Richmond. To both of you, enough with the non-stop harassment towards the school. You both have made this class community awful for all involved.

Reply to  WhatGoesAroundComesAround
3 years ago

Thank you.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  WhatGoesAroundComesAround
3 years ago

Is that the Lloyd who had a food truck in Pittsfield?

Reply to  Ham Anex
3 years ago

Craig Swinson has a personal vendetta against anything Richmond since he was fired from the town. Cindy Bartlett is quintessentially a pillar of the Richmond community so it’s only fitting of Swinson to go after her with venom and lies.

3 years ago

Not really accurate to call them public schools. Government schools is more accurate.

It’s telling that one of the respondent called parents who show up at meetings a mob.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

Don’t forget Gob, Brandon Xiden and the spineless Merrick Garland, weaponized the DOJ and FBI to go after these “parent mobs.”

There was a scantly covered topic about how the FBI has been “tagging” parents or tracking them, according to a whistleblower within the FBI. The FBI previously “tagged” known or suspected terrorists. So, it’s easy to see that connection.

Garland’s son in-law, makes big money peddling the racist CRT that the Obama’s want every white child to be made to feel ashamed, simply for being YT (right Helen). But that’s not racist, it’s just “social justice.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

CRT is not taught in public school.CRT might be taught in some colleges.CRT is a way to understand slavery and its economic history in America…..scary history for a FOX nervous white shut in.Attorneys general is encouraged to investigate anyone who intimidates or threatens to kill Public officials who might be for masks in schools… Again this is not scary unless you freak out as a white shutin watching FOX scare tactics all day.So many FOX viewers are a mess by the end of the night.The chemical change in your brain is why you are all depressed and agry.If you continue to watch FOX you will never be happy again….turn it off.Look at poor Pat thinking the commies are coming down the pike….The John Birchers were alway scared and unhappy

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

You don’t even come close to knowing what crt is. You’re pathetic.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

Please inform the board.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

This article would be a good starting point.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

1/6/2021…..The rest of the country is very interest in what went on in the days before the Presidential attack on America

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

The FBI was involved in the plot to abduct Gretchen Whitmer. They played a key roll in encouraging the trespassing at the capitol as well , but many of the trespassers were welcomed in by the capitol police.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

11/3/2020 the day your vote will never count again, and our Republic died.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Illegitimate Joe didn’t start the attack on America until the end of the month, c’mon Brandon

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gobsig
3 years ago

When you threaten the school committee members with death what should people call you?When you threaten their family with death what polite term would your intimidation be describes as? Idiots are the majority.FOX fascism is scaring it cult

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Who exactly made those threats?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I was hoping blogger Dan Valenti would have written about Pittsfield politics’ City Council meeting on Tuesday evening, November 23rd, 2021. Matt Kerwood via Mayor Linda Tyer are being asked to use a couple of million of dollars in “Free Cash” to offset the predictable 5% tax rate increase, but the administration disagrees with it. No matter which figure is used, city taxpayers will be paying higher taxes than last year. Happy Holidays from Matt Kerwood and Mayor Linda Tyer: Raise municipal taxes while the administration is sitting on many millions of Slush Fund and Biden Bucks dollars. What are city taxpayers actually paying for? Answer: Level 5 inner city public schools with an excessive amount of ineffective school administrators, a dangerous downtown that is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley”, a 23-year-old polluted and mostly vacant PEDA “business” park, diminished public services, and so on. In closing, it is a heartless start of the holiday season by Pittsfield politics to take more hard-earned Kapanski Ka$h from Pittsfield’s struggling families and small businesses for lousy city and failing public school results!

3 years ago

I notice at least three of your commenters use the term “counter bullying”. Are you sure these three are not just one person? I never heard that term before.

Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

It’s a very common term in these situations. Your handle suits you.

Reply to  Klaus
3 years ago

It is very common in these situations where the same person is writing all the letters? Probably so now that I think about it.

Terr Kay
Terr Kay
Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

Maybe it’s Mike banicle.

Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

Could be the stooge,he repeats everything at infinitum.

Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

It does have that unmistakable smell. I think it is called astro-turfing. 1. Is anyone denying any of the facts claimed by the parents because they don’t seem to be addressed by these posts. 2. What is “consolidated” about a school that serves one bedroom community? Or maybe it refers to these combined posts

3 years ago

Just wondering if these “professionals” that have responded to the “pitchfork parents “ have ever had a child who was sexually exploited or threatened to be raped? How nice and canned their responses can be when they are sitting at home drinking their tea. I don’t think the kids think about the virus as deadly seeing how it doesn’t kill children. I hope this isn’t the excuse they are using to help enable the atrocious behavior. If the “professionals” know there are behavior issues at the school which seems to be focused in 2 grades, why not bring the parents in to discuss it and find a way to work through it! These replies have me thinking home schooling is the best option right now.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Imagine you run a car dealership and you get loads of complaints on Google reviews for your service dept. If I owned that business I would answer the complaints directly – give out my direct line or my secretary’s line and take every complaint. That is a neutral example but what we see instead is hostility and insults of the unhappy ‘customers’.

We can’t have leaders, just ‘heads’.

Do the parents have unreasonable expectations? I don’t really thinks so from what I have heard. I doubt the teacher punched herself in the face so not sure why people think it’s made up.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
3 years ago

Everything stated so far by the “pro Richmond” crowd doesn’t address the accusations it just blames the parents of victims. Parents do get upset when their kids are getting hurt. If jumping joe can give looooooong suspensions for filming a fight why can’t Richmond give looooong suspensions for assaults or students or teachers?

If it takes 18 months to stop sexual assaults in schools that’s too long, Covid or not. A teacher got assaulted, is that true or not?
Are 11 year olds just collectively lying?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  WhyWhyWhy
3 years ago

There seems to be something very broken with how they are handling disagreement. It seems like there is no respect for one side – whatever the non admin side is.

Reply to  WhyWhyWhy
3 years ago

Yes. As I have been calling for, just the facts ma’am. Until then it’s all just talk.

Facts Please
Facts Please
3 years ago

We need the facts not scripted responses from school staff who maybe covering for their own. Mandated reporters that fail to file or that try and stop victims from filing reports can get fined and can go to jail. These responses all seem to say they are doing what’s legal at the school, some parents are saying otherwise.
Why did parents retain a lawyer? That’s not the first option for most parents.
Was there a conference with lawyers and administration at the school?
Was there a zoom meeting with the school and was it recorded?
Why would it take over a year to address problems?
Was a teacher hurt, did she go to the doctor for her injuries?
If a teacher was hurt, was that student expelled?
Emails from the principal that go from last year to this year talking about school discipline problems. Is it one class, a group of bullies, one student?
If students were sexually assaulted was the student(s) that did that expelled? If not why?
Did the school file reports with the police?
Someone mentioned kiddie porn? Was that investigated?
Did a staff member put victims with their alleged abuser without asking parents first? Isn’t that abuse?
Pittsfield is vibrant and dynamic, Richmond is unique. Neither one sounds good to me.

Reply to  Facts Please
3 years ago

One thing Richmond seems to have that Pittsfield does not, is people, parents getting worked up enough to speak up about a situation. In Pittsfield you have top down authority and if you work for this system you toe the line and keep your mouth shut. And like most of the Mercer folk and teacher folk you send your kids away from the mess you are helping to keep alive. In Pittsfield when you are selected to take a higher level position or department head stuff you agree up front to go along to get along because you can be replaced if you decide to act out on your own. And not just in the school system.

Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

Yea. What’s Pittsfield school budget? What is Richmonds? How many employees for each? Get the focus back on Pittsfield where the real problems are.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Richmond’s has some of the highest teacher to student ratios in the state and has a higher per student cost than most other schools in Berkshire County and most of the state. Money isn’t the problem.
Richmond $19,158.70
Pittsfield $16,750.77

Reply to  WhyWhyWhy
3 years ago

If that’s your cost per pupil it makes perfect sense. Richmond is a small school with small classrooms. I’m talking the macro view, not micro.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Mass murder in Wisconsin by a BLM type felon who decided to run down a Christmas parade.

MSM is holding back on who he is but other outlets have done their job and covered the news.

Alleged Waukesha Suspect Was Recently Released on Bond – Rapped about ‘F**k Donald Trump and F**k Pigs’ – Lived in Milwaukee, Launched Attack in Conservative Waukesha
“The alleged Waukesha car attack suspect Darrell E. Brooks currently has two open criminal cases against him. He posted bond for two felonies and three misdemeanors two days ago He also posted bond for three felonies last March.”

Waukesha Suspect Darrell Brooks Posted a Rap Video in 2019 that included His Ford SUV Used in Sunday’s Deadly Attack (VIDEO)

”The suspect Darrell Brooks is a sex offender. He has a long record.
The alleged Waukesha car attack suspect Darrell E. Brooks currently has two open criminal cases against him. He posted bond for two felonies and three misdemeanors two days ago He also posted bond for three felonies last March.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

It’s sad Wisconsin don’t have the death penalty, it’s going to cost a lot to lock him up until he dies.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Criminals Justice.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Maybe Greylock will give them some more money

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Bannon stole money from a scam to build a wall with private donation is a Huge Trump advocate

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Is today free venting day, because I’d like to vent. All summer long, through out the fall season, right up to chilly today, I have been subjected to an unsightly spectacle at the corner of West and South Onota St.. NO, I’m not referring to the appropriate FUCK BIDEN FLAG, I have no objection to that. I’m referring to the state contracted ill repute dump site for minors recued from their dysfunctional parents . Not once I have been stuck at the RED LIGHT in front of this place, that I haven’t witnessed this young, inappropriately dressed MauMau, obviously auditioning for the role of streetwalker. Today’s role had this Maumau shaking her booty dressed in an inappropriate peek-a-boo backless halter top costume. I’m sure she’ll get the part, if she already doesn’t have it.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Some news outlets are holding back because they made a mess of the Rittenhouse case. But also because they never disrespect BLM in any way shape or form. One side does not say enough and the other side says too much.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

I’ve heard enough MSM BS concerning all the BLM/Antifa riots, er….. “peaceful protests” in cities all across the USA.

The terrorist , and yes Darrel Brooks is a domestic terrorist, is a real nut case and felon. Let’s see if the Liberal DA who set him free two days before the carnage, has the spine to charge him with a hate crime in addition to 1st degree murder.

And the MSM does it’s job and reports truthfully to what an evil creature Mr Brooks is.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Where’s Kyle when we need him?

Auntee Blem
Auntee Blem
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

Kyle for Congress. The stand your ground party.

Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

Yea. He coulda taken out the driver with his rifle and the MSN woulda hollered racism

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Another dirt bag felon out of jail, with charges pending. Just how Hardly Harrington likes it.

3 years ago

Where did Monica and Jill go to work? Will they talk?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

Lewinsky and Biden?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Oval Office?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

The former principals, Mad Trap. Both better looking than the presidents women.

Word Salad
Word Salad
3 years ago

Coordinated word salad. This has got the stench of Loudoun VA all over it

“To my knowledge, we don’t have any records of assaults occurring in our restrooms,” Superintendent Scott Ziegler said.

The superintendent told that to the board less than a month after the first attack.

“His false statement on June 22 and his failure to keep an alleged assailant out of school are far worse and merit immediate termination,” said Ian Prior of Fight for Schools.

Auntee Blem
Auntee Blem
Reply to  Word Salad
3 years ago

I can’t believe this bike crap is going for at the locations. Almost mowed down a pedestrian going down north, all the maze and plungers wth,you don’t notice the cross walks and signs. It’s nuts. Aside. Important city hall meeting tommorow night. Don’t let Scanlon and Kufflinks fool you. Lower the rates for property taxes and business.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Auntee Blem
3 years ago

Please ask about how many millions of dollars are in Matt Kerwood’s Slush Funds tomorrow night!

Reply to  Auntee Blem
3 years ago

And what is going on by the old Harry’s on Elm St? I was almost sideswiped by a car because the city pushed barrels out halfway into the street for construction! What are they wrecking now and why?

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Apparently this is one more incredibly not well thought out shit show. There has to be a key person working for the city road projects that has no effing idea what he or she is doing. The city is not hiring based on skill level but rather on how loyal and puppet like that employee will be. Buckle up cuz it is going to be along winter.

3 years ago

I see Dapper Dan posted some new photos after weekend comments on his being handsome, including new Tux shot. Nice pics Handsome Dan.

Legal Expert
Legal Expert
3 years ago

Off topic: The man arrested over the deadly Christmas parade attack in Wisconsin should have been behind bars following an arrest earlier this month, but was released on an “inappropriately low” bond days before the attack, the district attorney admitted Monday.

Berkshire County is next. Low or no bail or the overuse of dangerousness hearings.

Reply to  Legal Expert
3 years ago

It’s these far left District Attorneys. They are causing deadly results like in Wisconsin by not keeping these people in jail. He intentionally hit his wife with a car just 3 weeks before this happened. That is violence. Why was he set free?

Litul Joe
Litul Joe
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

He’ll end up with a couple months then will be the driving instructor for that town. Oh,thought this was **the City I h.**

Reply to  Legal Expert
3 years ago

There’s no difference between dangerous and corrupt Nipples harrington and the violent dangerous sex offender MAUMAU felon from Wisconsin. Nipples is using her corrupt position to plow down innocent lives. Even an innocent 5-mouth-old baby, almost murdered by it’s lowlife mother, can’t get any justice from Nipples harrington.

Your Antietam
Your Antietam
Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

I thought it was the foster parents and d c f counter punching on who’s at fault? Interesting whom will be charged?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Legal Expert
3 years ago

He should not of got bond, as he never showed up for the charges he got in March, and skipped bail on that.

His criminal record goes back decades and he’s also a sex offender. Raping a child in Nevada, he bragged about saying ” I was pimping her out”

MSM/alphabet news has totally ignored this.

And this just in……………

“The Chisholm attorneys let the Christmas parade killer back on the street last week.
And now we know that Darrel Brooks was released back on the street with a VERY LOW BAIL after he purposely RAN OVER A WOMAN with his car following a fight.
That woman was his baby’s mother.”

“Earlier today the media ran defense for this monster saying he was actually fleeing some sort of knife fight. We now know this was also a media lie.
Authorities charged Darrell Brooks with five counts of homicide on Monday afternoon.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Deriving Mekrazee
Deriving Mekrazee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

His brain wasn’t fully developed. He’s completely innocent.

Reply to  Legal Expert
3 years ago

Harrington believes hardly anyone should be in jail. Therefore, I call her Hardly Harrington. With a belief like that, she should never be the DA.

Teacha Teacha
Teacha Teacha
3 years ago

School are experts at hiding things and stopping students from reporting.
Property values, choice money, extra funding, reputation all play into it.
Richmond was a school that Kufflinks Kerwood planned on closing. It’s built for 240 students but only teaches about 175. Almost half of those students come from Pittsfield and Hancock.
Money is on the line people kids don’t matter.
If they can hide it, they will.

Former student of Babylon Junior-Senior HS claims she was harassed by peers, ignored by principal
By: News 12 Staff
Nov 19, 2021, 4:20am
Updated on: Nov 22, 2021

Another alumni of Babylon Union Free School District is coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment, this time by older students.Katherine Crawford says her time at Babylon Junior-Senior High School was a living nightmare.5 employees at Babylon Union Free School District reassigned following allegations of sexual abuse’No one can turn a blind eye anymore.’ Former Babylon school board president says culture of abuse within district has been going on for yearsWhen she was 15, she claims she was harassed and cyberbullied by a group of 18-year-old students who sent her sexually explicit messages.Crawford claims that when she went to the principal’s office for help, she was blamed for her abusers’ behavior.

“The principal would constantly tell me it was my fault,” Crawford says. “I shouldn’t look the way I do, I shouldn’t dress the way I do. I’m a beautiful girl and this is what happens.”She says a teacher noticed she was being bullied and faced her in front of a mirror, put his hands on her shoulders and started playing with her hair. Crawford says the teacher did this while having her recite affirmations to herself like “I am beautiful, I am worthy.”Crawford wound up being homeschooled and graduated a year early to escape the district. She was inspired to tell her story after dozens of other alumni spoke out at a school board meeting earlier this week.That school board meeting led to a student walk-out and five employees of the district being reassigned to home duty. Crawford says more need to be done.”I don’t think the town and the community is being heard enough,” Crawford says.

3 years ago

Nice new pictures on this site.

3 years ago

Ripped from the headlines: After a pornographic Zoom bombing rattles a Berkshire Hills school meeting, Stockbridge Police say they’re investigating. And they’ve got some leads…

oh, and the cigar photo looks like the overcompensating of an egomaniac

Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

Are you a JealousJim? I smell cigar envy!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Off Topic – Seems that Bike Lane Morales has now totally screwed up Elm Street with his latest idiotic road scheme. His latest disaster is located on the curve by the Clip Shop, which is already an accident prone area due to cars trying to pull out of Greylock Credit Union, he has now made it ten times worse! He has taken away a turning lane into Deming Street, now backing up traffic to almost Sacred Heart Church during busy hours when schools are letting out. Where in the hell does this guy get his ideas? Why is he allowed to make these changes without any input from the public? Does he even do a traffic study before ripping up the roads? Does he discuss these changes with the PPD, PFD and ambulance companies? It also seems that he never finishes any projects he starts causing walking issues especially for handicap folks, there is not an intersection in the City that is not a mess. Basically he has ruined business on North Street, in the process of ruining business on Tyler Street and now is doing it to businesses on Elm Street! Does the Mayor even know what the heck is going on, why are these constant screw ups being allowed. There are still huge potholes out there all over the City some going on two years, lines are still not painted, street signs are missing for years now. Evidently these changing are very Innovative and Dynamic but most taxpayers are not comprehending them?! Pittsfield taxpayers had just better shut up and behave especially since if we do try to voice our concerns to City Hall they just fall on DEAF EARS.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

They should call him Morones.

How they going to plow North St with the toilet plungers?

The rotary at the end of Tyler St is another Jethro Bodine idea.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

I don’t think this guy does ANYTHING without the mayors approval. I would give HER one hundred percent of the blame for Elm st, North street and ALL other debacles in the city. She demands to be in charge and she needs to take the blame when it goes wrong. Regardless of what the local medai may say she is in no way competant to handle her position. The whole city has suffered and it seems to be getting exponentially worse.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Here are your answers- 1. Linda Tired. 2. Linda Tired. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. Linda Tired

Next question.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
3 years ago

Just 32 looting days until Xmas

Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

Black Friday came a few days ago in Chicago. They went on a big stealing spree. That’s what happenes when prosecutors don’t do their job.

Litul Joe
Litul Joe
Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
3 years ago

This is how they shop at Xmas in Chicago. Common Man.

Litul Joe
Litul Joe
Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
3 years ago

Liberals in the U S.Crime without punishment.

Your Antietam
Your Antietam
Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
3 years ago

Won’t be long when we see a full blown cultural war.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  BlackLiesMatter
3 years ago

Nikes beer and booze, hit the drug store too.

No work boots taken at all.

Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

MauMaus got in some early Kwanzaa grab & run looting in Chicago and Kwanzaa Smash & Grab in San Francisco, which emptied out the SF Louis Vuitton store. Those MauMaus really know how to celebrate the holidayz. Its too bad Louis Vuitton doesn’t stock 40’s of Hennessy, Night Train, Cisco/liquid crack, Mad Dog, and Thunderbird. Well, now that Louis Vuitton knows how popular they are with the Maumaus, they’ll put in a supply for when the Maumaus come looting, again!

Dynamic Vibrator
Dynamic Vibrator
Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

It’s beginning to loot a lot like Christmas

Reply to  Dynamic Vibrator
3 years ago

Nothing is too luxurious for these looters. A pack of uncivilized savages also robbed a jewelry store, ransacked a Nordstrom, looted Yves Saint Laurent, Burberry and Bloomingdale’s. The looters arrived in over two dozen cars. I’m only shocked the savages weren’t chauffeured in limousines to their heists.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Maumausmatter
3 years ago

Why do you come here with your racist blather? You’re more concerned with shoplifting than the murder of Heather Heyer.

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

What is raciss about what he said???

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

Nothing at all

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

Well, for starters the term “mau mau” is a racist slur as it refers to the Mau Mau revolution where black Kenyans rose up against white colonists.

And, calling black people “savages” has long been a racist trope.

Calling this clown out for his racist rhetoric isn’t to condone this obvious criminal behavior – they should all be prosecuted and thrown in jail – it nevertheless reminds us that there are still racists in the Berkshires.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

You could not be more wrong. He is pointing out accurate information.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

We can all read the reports of the smash and grab crimes in California. His racist b.s. is stupid and all too typical of the Trumpers that festoon this blog with their inane comments.

Why do you bounce back and forth between “Hated Taxpayer” and “Sean Sullivan”?

You never read the text of the actual legislation that Congress passes. You just barf up idiotic hot takes you come across from Fox, on Facebook, and the RWNJ sties you frequent.

Your posts are ignorant and useless.

Last edited 3 years ago by Bleak House
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

November 23, 2021

Hello Boston Herald Editors,

Russia and China did not show up to the COP26 summit because they know that most of the greenhouse gas pollution that causes global warming is caused by the world’s military superpowers, especially the Pentagon – which is one of the world’s BIGGEST polluters, churning out more greenhouse gas emissions than 140 countries combined, according to Win Without War. If one combined Russia, China and the USA, they would find that well over 50 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas pollution is from these three countries’ respective military industrial complexes. To Russia and China, the US Government’s Green New Deal is meaningless to them because they want to rival our country’s military might, which means more greenhouse gas pollution with a lot of hot air from western world billionaires such as John Kerry.

Jonathan A. Melle

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

The stench of fascist hate and crazy has reached every town in the bershires.You can’t hide from drugs or hate by moving 10 miles out of Pittsfield.These small towns have alot of problems that don’t recognize town lines.They are better at the coverup.Racism had made a huge comeback and white people love how popular it is to show it .

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Define fascism.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Whatever the far left accuses you of doing is what they are guilty of doing. Fascism is what they want to spread and that means total control over the people of this country and ultimately the entire world. That is fascism and not what they accuse everyone else of doing. Drugs are fascism, if by that you mean that the far left is allowing dangerous drugs into our country to create chaos which gives the far left more control so the far left is guilty of fascism.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
3 years ago

May I suggest a moment of silence in remembrance of the two neighborhood turkeys savagely murdered by chief michael wynn. wynn, not content with a quick death of the pet birds who were a welcome sight as they roamed backyards in the neighborhood and visited school children, took pleasure in terrorizing the birds when he shot and stomped them to death.

3 years ago

Fake DA strikes again. This time it’s a gangster from Boston and the plea from the people’s lawyer is the mandatory min 18 months. Judge says hell no, two and half years. The irony is, our judges have always been called lenient.

Man sentenced to jail for unlicensed, loaded handgun
Smyth said Brennan, given his history, the nature of the incident and the offenses to which he pleaded guilty, deserved a sentence greater than the minimum mandatory

…Brennan pleaded guilty to carrying a firearm without a license, possessing ammunition without a firearm identification card and improper storage of a firearm.

The Berkshire District Attorney’s office dismissed a charge possessing a large-capacity feeding device. 
Weissman and defense attorney Joseph Zlatnik jointly recommended to Judge Paul Smyth that Brennan serve the minimum mandatory sentence of 18 months in the House of Correction.

Smyth noted Brennan’s criminal record, which he said included a 2018 admission by Brennan to sufficient facts for a finding of guilty on a charge of felony daytime breaking and entering.
He sentenced Brennan to 2 1/2 years in jail followed by three years probation…

Reply to  LegalEagle
3 years ago

Harrington is not the people’s lawyer she is the criminal’s lawyer and I use the term lawyer loosely.

We’ve Haddit
We’ve Haddit
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

I for one do not want to hear the two sitting City Councilors who have fought hard for taxpayers to no avail these last many years.I would not like City Councilors Morandi or Connell to say a word tonight.

Please keep silent. Go out with you’re head high.The last ten years you’ve fought the good fight. Show us with your silence what these amateurs are all about. I don’t want to hear the rhetoric from Kufflinks,White,King,Scanlon Persip. Everyone knows what the vote will be.

Chris Connell
Chris Connell
Reply to  We’ve Haddit
3 years ago

Sorry but I had to keep fighting for what is right for the city of Pittsfield.

Reply to  LegalEagle
3 years ago

I don’t know how anyone responsible for the headline Baby Killer Walks Free can get re-elected, Do you?

Two Cents
Two Cents
3 years ago

On Tuesday, the Joint Committee on Judiciary held a hearing on H.1561 An Act to amend the civil rights law, in relation to reporting a non-emergency incident involving a member of a protected class filed by Representative Tricia Farley-Bouvier (D-Pittsfield). This bill was filed by Representative Farley-Bouvier in collaboration with her constituent, Roberta McCulloch-Dews, based on Ms. McCulloch-Dews extensive research in the area. H.1561 would create civil penalties for individuals who report non-emergent incidents to the police involving members of protected classes. Protected classes cover race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person….But calling the cops needlessly on the straight white guy next door is perfectly fine!

Reply to  Two Cents
3 years ago


Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

Off topic – but who’s stupid bloody idea was it to narrow the westbound lane at Elm Street and Deming St. to one lane?

Someone who enjoys gridlock on Elm St during rush hours?

Someone who said, “Hey- coming and going from GFCU isn’t dangerous enough, let’s make it 100x worse!”

Someone who said, “Anyone who wants to turn left from Deming onto Elm can go F themselves. Right turn only.”

This city has officially been overrun by idiots.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

The city was officially overrun by idiots about 30 years ago. Been circling the drain since.

We’ve Haddit
We’ve Haddit
Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

Nice pick of you and your sweetie.! Love the Dan Man. Get to the restaurant or to the bar an order that new drink. A chaser followed by three shots. Its called a Rittenhouse.

Weet Humphs
Weet Humphs
Reply to  We’ve Haddit
3 years ago

Rod and Kufflinks are gaining weight. Usually a sign of bordumb and failure. Kevin you didn’t get it done with Hess .

Reply to  We’ve Haddit
3 years ago

They don’t call him Handsome Dan for nothing!

Raze Yortaxes
Raze Yortaxes
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

They used to say Jonathan was a handsome man. But not in Dans Category.

Weet Humphs
Weet Humphs
Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

Everyone quiet. The Golden Fleece is speaking about Hess.

Raze Yortaxes
Raze Yortaxes
Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

Well,whenever you see the assessor there at city hall, Count on your taxes being raised. And why all the sour looks and rushing off from the city’s administrators? Common Man.

Weet Humphs
Weet Humphs
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

So a couple of councilors are spanking the city on the beleaguered Hess Gas station? Yet a few my years ago, no one cared but for the sake of one citizen to save tens of millions on the water plants. Are you fing kidding? This is what the two lame duck councilors are hanging their hat on,a property that has been desolate for decades.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Perhaps the mayor can come before the council and explain the reasoning for this? If she knows? If she cares????

Now if people stop using that credit union that might ruffle some feathers cuz those folk gots clout in this berg. specially if they transfer their money to a different bank. Do it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Tell them Angelo sent you!

No MowLow
No MowLow
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Say .a rosary next year during city council meetings. Giving a brewery money for equipment? On school at north St.? Why? Their from Brooklyn n y. Great.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

Nipples harrington held a town hall event, to a crowd of FIVE, on such issues as prosecuting alleged crimes of domestic violence, even when the alleged crimes are fabricated or especially when the allegations are complete fabrications, treatment, including Nipples’ free supervised shooting gallery, instead of prosecution for the multitude of serious crimes perpetrated by the unwashed houseless, houseless, except when they’re breaking and entering yours, crackwhore junkies and other filthy degenerates, the crime of Strangulation, except of course when you’re strangled/suffocated by a cop, because then it’s not really a crime, child abuse, again, except when Nipples drops all the felony charges against child abusers despite allegations that the monster almost murdered her own baby. And YET, the MOST SERIOUS ISSUE of Nipples’ absurd town hall event was the complaint from a noticeably UPSET Hancock immigrant woman who has been struggling with the town because they refuse to snowplow her driveway. Did I mention the complainer is an IMMIGRANT female. Nipples, of course, did apologize to the Hancock immigrant complainer for not being able to provide aid to the immigrant and her most serious plight of snow falling on her driveway.

3 years ago

Those statements all seemed like they were holding a party line and were told what to say.
Maybe, maybe not but it sounds that way to me.

Help Wanted
Help Wanted
3 years ago

GREAT BARRINGTON — It’s something Superintendent Peter Dillon never has done before.
His Job?

There’s probably a good reason why people don’t want to work down there.