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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN 28-30, 2022) — Any moment now, the rug may be pulled out from any one of us. As Frank sang, “That’s Life.” When we take this sense of personal entropy and apply it to world events, it can be dizzying.

Part of the mission of THE PLANET is to inform citizens with news they may have missed, share different slants on events of which they are aware, and offer commentary on any and all.

With that in mind, and keeping within the headlights the sense of mortality that accompanies all things human and not, we present this look at the world situation. THE PLANET doesn’t endorse or disagree. We did, however, find this article by colleague Zach Wolfe a good starting point for several geopolitical hot spots, any one of which might flare up into something like the undersea volcano that just wiped out Tonga.

Our commentary on certain point we include in italics.

THE PLANET invites your views as well.

———- ooo ———-




It’s a confusing time for Americans when it comes to world affairs, with the government explaining on the one hand why it was time to pull out of Afghanistan, but on the other why it’s also time to stand up for Ukraine.

It’s a time when Americans want their military less committed abroad. NATO is feeling the heat. Autocracies with an eye on expansion, like Russia and China, are getting bolder and acting like allies.

The era of America the superpower is being tested in new ways across the globe.

THE PLANET: We have commented on this previously. The era of Big Boss America, World Enforcer, is coming to an end. We give it to the end of the decade.


Eastern Europe

Exactly 30 years after the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia is maneuvering to encroach further into Ukraine, one of its former republics. A post-Soviet growth of NATO is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s prey.

The Biden administration has put 8,500 US troops on heightened alert for deployment to Eastern Europe as a deterrent to Russia and assurance to NATO countries.

THE PLANET: Who has the better claim on Ukraine, Vladimir Putin or Joe Biden? NATO or CSTO? What do citizens in the United States, Russia, and Ukraine say? Does anyone up top care? Are citizens just pawns that only come in handy at certain times, that is, on April 15 and the first Tuesday in November? Are we ready to admit that our version of exported democracy isn’t wanted by other parts of the world?

Western Europe

American influence needs buttressing. To unify NATO countries against Russia, the US is also playing the role of energy broker, seeking guarantees of fuel from the Middle East and Asia to blunt Russia’s leverage as a top supplier of natural gas to Germany.

THE PLANET: OPEC vs. Gasprom? Ali vs. Frazier? Sox vs. Yanks? Will energy be the button that sends things flying past fail safe?


China is testing the autonomy of Taiwan, the self-ruled island it has long coveted, with repeated air force missions close to Taiwan. The largest such incursion this year came the day after the US, along with Japan, moved a flotilla of Navy ships into the Philippine Sea as part of a training exercise.

Meanwhile, shut off from the world, North Korea has ramped up its missile testing.

THE PLANET: Who has the better claim on Taiwan? The Chinese mainland, which has controlled the island for most of its thousands and thousands of civilized years, or the Republic of China, which has held court since 1945 and only after the ROC lost a civil war on the mainland and Chain Kai-shek fled to the island and declared martial law, even though no territorial transference had taken place? China for the Chinese. One China. What’s the problem? Xi’s got it right.

Middle East

Blinken rules out pulling back US troops, restricting NATO in Russia talks

Bases housing US troops in Iraq and Syria have been attacked this year. This week, US Patriot missile defenses joined with the United Arab Emirates to intercept missiles fired by Yemen’s Houthis that targeted Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE, which houses US troops.

And then there’s Iran. After the US under then-President Donald Trump blew up the international agreement meant to halt the country’s nuclear escalation, Iran could be marching ever closer to nuclear weapons.

THE PLANET: Winkem Blinken and Nod is only doing what his masters wish, but who is in charge? President Biden, who after one year seems to have lost several mph not off his nonexistent fastball but off his curve, seems not to be.

The American role

All of these situations are years in the making, but the emerging question is what role the US will play going forward.

The standoff over Ukraine suggests US opponents sense weakness and see an opening now.

“The building challenges to US authority come at a moment when there is a widespread perception abroad that Washington is not the power it was for the second half of the 20th century,” writes CNN’s Stephen Collinson (sign up for his Meanwhile in America newsletter).

He adds: “Despite Biden’s assurances that ‘America is Back,’ the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan last year raised questions about US competence and commitment. US adversaries know Americans are exhausted by 20 years of war abroad, a factor that may lead some to calculate that Washington could waver on its strategic obligations for political reasons.”

THE PLANET: “America is Back” makes for a midland slogan. In action, though, the U.S. has projected incompetence, indifference, weakness. Too frequently, in too many places, America is loathed. Has our country’s hubris, mainly a 20th century phenomenon, finally caught up with us? Against the 5G networks of Putin and especially China’s Xi, we look like someone still relying on typewriters and FAX machines.

The Putin factor

Putin is directly or indirectly involved in most of these issues — from Ukraine to Syria to Asia.

I wrote here last week that no one knows for sure what Putin is after. But Fiona Hill, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and former Russia expert at the White House, makes a compelling argument in The New York Times that she knows exactly what he’s after, at least in terms of Ukraine: Putin “wants to evict the United States from Europe.”

She writes, “As he might put it: ‘Goodbye, America. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.’ “

Jill Dougherty, a Russia expert and former CNN Moscow bureau chief, concurred. “They want a replay of the end of the Cold War,” she said Tuesday on “New Day.” And Russia’s state media blitz is helping to shape the public’s attitudes on the ground.

Putin senses American power is ebbing, according to Hill. He “believes that the United States is currently in the same predicament as Russia was after the Soviet collapse: grievously weakened at home and in retreat abroad.”

The Ukraine standoff, she writes, must be met by strength from the US since it will reverberate around the world.

She argues that in addition to challenging NATO, Putin’s aggression in Ukraine would threaten “the entire U.N. system and imperil the arrangements that have guaranteed member states’ sovereignty since World War II — akin to the Iraq invasion of Kuwait in 1990, but on an even bigger scale.”

THE PLANET: Putin senses that his time has come to pounce, only he doesn’t want war. No one wins if it boils down to world war. He’s playing a dangerous game of chicken. Or to use another analogy, he just raised the ante and called, but what’s he got? A full house or a pair of deuces? Thing is, he let Xi peek at his hand. As George Gobel once remarked, “Did you ever get the feeling that the world is a tuxedo and you’re a brown pair of shoes?”

The West is not entirely united on Russia

For all the geopolitical stakes, it is Putin’s economic leverage that has slowed European unity against his actions.

Ivana Kottasová writes for CNN Business from London that the undersea Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia, bypassing Ukraine and into Germany, has become a wedge in the geopolitical crisis.

Germany has not vowed to arm Ukraine like other Western democracies. It has been slow to include the pipeline in conversations about sanctions against Russia.

“Given that Russia’s aim is to split everybody, if they’re seeking to break apart unity in the European Union and in NATO, this pipeline has been a wonderful vessel,” Kristine Berzina, a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, told Kottasová.

THE PLANET: Russia hold the handle on the natural gas spigot that supplies much of Western Europe. Win. Set. Game?

———- ooo ———-

What do you have to say? THE PLANET wants to hear from you.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“If “the butterfly effect” is true, then all of the world’s evil is interconnected — but also all of the good. Only both can provide a full account of “reality,” if what is” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



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Filo Beto
Filo Beto
3 years ago

NWO has been in the progressive making making for awhile. Globalism isn’t a good thing.

Hard telling; not knowing
Hard telling; not knowing
3 years ago

They said I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up – f* lie.

We raise our children ok fine, what is the goal now ?

What’s this life for ? What’s the goal? What’s the goal? I need to know, first or I ain’t playing.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Please reply to my question:

What is the difference between Joe Biden voting for the U.S. Government’s invasion of Iraq after 9/11/2001 and Putin’s threat to invade Ukraine in 2022, as well as China’s threat to invade Taiwan in 2022?

It sounds to me like Joe Biden is saying to Russia and China: Do as I say, but not as I did when I voted for the U.S. Government to invade Iraq nearly 2 decades ago. Of course, Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world next to the U.S. Government’s ally Saudi Arabia’s largest oil reserves in the world. The U.S. Government controls around 85 percent of Iraq’s oil reserves, leaving the rest to the people/government of Iraq. Joe Biden is threatening to destroy Russia’s struggling economy. Joe Biden threatened China with WW3, which the White House had to walk back with China. Oh, how the tables have turned from Joe Biden’s “Yes vote” to invade Iraq to him threatening Russia and China for their respective threats to invade Ukraine and Taiwan. In closing, no one is right when everyone is WRONG, including Joe Biden!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

JM I think you have your history confused, America invaded Afghanistan after 9/11. We went into Iraq after going through the UN and only after Iraq did not follow the peace treaty that they had signed after their invasion into one of our allies.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

We went into Iraq to avenge Saddam Hussain s attempt to kill Daddy Bush and we made up lies to go in.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

In your twisted mind yes but in reality Saddam did not follow the peace treaty because he was losing control of his country

3 years ago

As I read this fine artilce I kept waiting to come to the part about how the U.S. government is blowing itself up. While America has long been losing super power status in the world, it has, in the last few years, been exacerbated by self inflicted and cancerous infighting. I think Putin and his KGB apparatus has radicalized a large portion of our core government and we are now cannibalizing ourselves.

I do feel that the time for America as we know it is short. Our children and their children may have a very rough road ahead of them.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Trumps agenda was to put America on the decline.Bannon recruited Trump to tear down all institutions in America and MAGA…fascism

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Can you please provide a source or citation for that information? Please leads us to the information that allowed you to draw that conclusion and to continually state it. Something demonstrable.
Thanks in advance

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  the 5th Dentist
3 years ago

His inspiration for this post can from his two friends. Johnny Walker and Jack Daniels.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Trump Derangement Syndrome
3 years ago

FOX viewer should try a Google search as FOX is now a pro Russian anti democratic delivery system for the lazy.FOX FEAR for white Karens

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Nice deflection from your statement to FOX news please provide a link an article. I and others I am certain just want to see where and what it is you read, view and hear that provides your typical in-depth and astute observations. We want to be as enlightened as you. Please provide the information don’t withhold it from the masses any longer.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  the 5th Dentist
3 years ago

Research Bannon on his view that America needs to tear down its institutions….easily found.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Found it! Was on the TSC network.

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

please provide links as requested many wish to view them so we can all become as enlightened as you. Since they are easily found post them and we can discuss them. provide some support or reasonable thought behind your posts.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Trump wasn’t good at it but Biden is a pro

3 years ago

Maybe it is time for the US to retreat inside our borders and kick out the UN, maybe put it in Africa where humans began and it100 degrees. I say end the Peace Corps because it has obviously not worked over its lifetime. Put our army on the border, finish the wall and deport all illegal immigrants back to their home country, get their dna before they leave so we know who not to let in. I almost forgot before we deport we must give them the vaccination series because we are a compassionate society.

3 years ago

Who is running our country? I think it’s China and China operatives that have infiltrated our country. Biden, Pelosi, Obama, and other elites are selling out our country to China. We have China run propaganda from our media. Big Tech and other large companies are selling out to China. Pride in America has been destroyed by all of these people to give China power. The Chinese leader Xi is being called “His Excellency” over in Europe. Imagine the worldwide outrage if President Trump had been referred to as “His Excellency”. Xi is not a good guy. He is ambitious and brutal to those who go against him yet the world views him as a world leader?

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Joe’s handlers and most media are offering the public he is running the country, but it is easy to see otherwise that Joe is just pretending to do so.

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

He is having a hard time even pretending to lead the country. So sad for our country and so good for the far left. They couldn’t have chosen a better person to destroy our country.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Republicans are visiting Moscow in record numbers.Wealthy Oligarchs run an enslaved Russia.Trump wants to run an enslaved America powered by rich white men.You must try to get back in touch with the greatest generation that fought fascism

3 years ago

I agree that the alliance being formed between Russia and China is disturbing, but even more disturbing is the alliance being formed between China and Islamist terrorists. If China does become the world leader, their growing closeness with these terrorist groups will make the world an extremely dangerous place. The Afghanistan terrorists who took over that country are using the buzzwords we have all come to know and hate like inclusion and equity. They stopped short of using “Build Back Better”, but it shows their close ties to these European globalists and China who immediately moved into that country to take their airport and rare minerals.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

You would think American democrats and republicans would form an alliance to deal with the big mess. But I guess if that was going to happen it would have happened by now. Probably too late anyway.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  annulgas
3 years ago

Great point A. Sad part is people in their own parties can’t even agree to disagree anymore on issues before them without being labeled or with a threat of a primary because they didn’t go along.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Which is part of the China strategy for power…turn us against each other. United we stand, divided we fall and they know it.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Russias GDP is selling fuel.Shut off the buying and starve Russia a political decision Vlad will have to make.He bet everything on Trump to weaken NATO which he did for his friend.FOX propagandafor Russia is promoting the invasion of the Ukraine. FOX is selling the idea that it’s none of our business.There is a war on democracy all over the globe.We have the republicans meeting in Budapest this year….Domestic terrorist and attacks in America are record highs.Guess Trump and Bannon are the public leaders of the planned chaos.They hate democracy

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

I wish someone would step in and stop the starving of oxygen going to your brain because you aren’t making much sense. Biden is all in on Vlad making a bundle off his fuel lines and won’t push to shut them down like he did our own.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

You sound like the propaganda arm of China. Wake up to who our true enemies really are before it’s too late, if it isn’t already.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

The great corporations of America built China’s economy and got filthy rich doing it.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

So how does Joe Biden being in bed with the corporations help the situation now?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Biden’s got filthy, and filthy rich making backdoor deals with the Chi-Coms. Hunter got drugs and hookers too.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Sophisticated and shrewd, but also evil. Unleashing a virus on the world with no warning to anyone and then trying to cover it up. Making people vanish without a trace if they disagree with him. Concentration camps and even an entire city devoted to the pursuit of biological weapons and creating a superior soldier. China is working on their weaponry like never before and these are not conventional weapons. They are working on targeting just about anyone with them not just military.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

China is 100% fascist

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Trump Derangement Syndrome
3 years ago

“Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” Benito Mussolini’s

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Our true enemies are US. That light you see in the tunnel is a train coming right at you. If Russia and China stayed out of Americas business for three years it would make no difference. America is devouring itself. Why can’t you see that?

Reply to  annulgas
3 years ago

Because China is behind it all. Why don’t you see that? Remember when for 4 years the far left put the country through hell over Russia, Russia, Russia. They worried about that country non-stop. Now you’re telling me that Russia is no big deal? I might agree that compared to China, Russia is relatively less dangerous, but that’s no what your liberals were selling the country for four plus years.

Reply to  annulgas
3 years ago

Annulgas is sooo true, he, fizzle and TSC are the combustible enemy, glad you stated it for everyone

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Hunter, Jim and Joe made a boatload of crooked loot in the Ukraine when the Demented One was vice president. MSM and the left were fine with that. Besides Hunter, Pelousey, Kerry and Twit had sons doing shady energy deals with inside information in Ukraine.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

That was Quid Pro Quo Joe that the media doesn’t care about so I guess our law enforcement doesn’t care either. They have this boy on tape that everyone has seen yet all you hear are crickets

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago
“For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency.
Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals…………”

The FBI had this information for months as they were on possession of Hunter Biden’s “lost laptop”, the same one that had Hunter smoking crack with hookers, but they chose to ignore it as I would have damaged Biden’s campaign for President.

Biden needs to be impeached, and the FBI investigated.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Where are the Republicans calling for impeachment of Biden? This issue with China where he is severely compromised to protect us against one of our biggest competitors and Biden not protecting our country by letting illegals just pour unvetted into the country, crime out of control, the list goes on and on…

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

AP is fake news. How would they know? AP doesn’t do investigative reporting, just copy and paste. So the question is where did they get their information from? And even if true Trump has been a businessman for 50+ years while illegitimate has been a politician

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Uh, look it dude? No need to sidetrack the facts cuz you are too lazy to look it up

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Bidens income is public and Trumps is hidden…just the facts please

3 years ago

The DA had a busy day pandering to the older Jewish voters of the Berkshires.
DA Andrea Harrington
I share my birthday with the day Auschwitz was liberated. We can never forget the horror of the Holocaust and that regular people allowed it to happen. This is a day to recommit to standing against hate and to be vigilant demanding accountability for anti Semitism.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Kinda reminds one of the old Superman comic books where he travels to the Bizzarro planet where everything was backwards.

Due Littule
Due Littule
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Seriously? Arpa funds cannot be used for water sewer previous payments? Why not,this was a pandemic and why isn’t a special case for that reviewed? Why? L A Z Y !!!! Or maybe the city doesn’t it anyway.

Reply to  Due Littule
3 years ago

They don’t want to spend it on the water and sewer projects because they tax for that already. They want to use the funds for their friends! The mayor even admitted she didn’t even know the meaning of the criteria to submit for the funds, sounds like only for my friends

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

The woman is demented. Let’s hope she doesn’t get it into her sick mind to do for the Jews what she’s planning to do for the junkies.

Some years ago, when I was friends with an elderly Jewish gentleman, he invited me on a bus trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. I was conflicted about going because I had previously visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Museum which was an absolute visceral experience. I did go. On the one hand I don’t regret going, and on the other hand, you don’t forget it.

I also want to share this poem of a 23-year-old junkie who didn’t survive her addiction. The grieving parents of Delaney shared their daughter’s poem in her obituary. Harrington, of course, won’t get it.

“Funny, I don’t remember no good dope days. I remember walking for miles in a dope fiend haze. I remember sleeping in houses that had no electric. I remember being called a junkie, but I couldn’t accept it. I remember hanging out in abandos that were empty and dark. I remember shooting up in the bathroom and falling out at the park.
I remember nodding out in front of my sister’s kid. I remember not remembering half of the things that I did. I remember the dope man’s time frame, just ten more minutes. I remember those days being so sick that I just wanted to end it. I remember the birthdays and holiday celebrations. All the things I missed during my incarceration. I remember overdosing on my bedroom floor. I remember my sisters cry and my dad having to break down the door. I remember the look on his face when I opened my eyes, thinking today was the day his baby died. I remember blaming myself when my mom decided to leave. I remember the guilt I felt in my chest making it had to breath. I remember caring so much but not knowing how to show it. and I know to this day that she probably don’t even know it. I remember feeling like I lost all hope. I remember giving up my body for the next bag of dope. I remember only causing pain, destruction and harm. I remember the track marks the needles left on my arm. I remember watching the slow break up of my home. I remember thinking my family would be better off if I just left them alone. I remember looking in the mirror at my sickly complexion. I remember not recognizing myself in my own Damn reflection. I remember constantly obsessing over my next score but what I remember most is getting down on my knees and asking God to save me cuz I don’t want to do this no more!!! – Delaney Ferrell dead 23-year-old junkie.


Last edited 3 years ago by The City I Hate
the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

I did not know the young lady nor of her plight. I am certain those that did will always have a void. After reading her words I sincerely hope those that did know her take solace in the fact that she did in fact leave something of value.
I hope someone in a moment of need could read this and find strength and courage.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Al
3 years ago

There is no need to hire a clown for an appearance at her birthday party because this lady is the clown. Pandering has no bottom to reach with some.

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

luv it

Reply to  Al
3 years ago

What an embarassment. The Auschwitz museum (1.2 million followers) responded to Harrington’s self promotion with tact and taste. Too bad it is in a way she will unfortunuately never understand.
Auschwitz Memorial
@harringtonforda Please consider following @AuschwitzMuseum where every day we commemorate the victims & educate about the tragic human history of #Auschwitz.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Al
3 years ago

Who knows, maybe Tricia Farley Country-Buffet (D) will declare September 11th, “National Get Illegal Immigrants ID day.”

Of course she’ll state the reason this is so needed, is because, you guessed it, “it’s for the children.”

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Yeah they even put the word family in the title of the bill. its called the Work and Family Mobility Act. Also its for a standard state driver’s license, not just an ID. Gov. Baker has said he would veto any bill giving any  Illegals a drivers license every time it has come up since 2016.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Al
3 years ago

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

I believe Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington meant well by writing about her birthday being on the day that commemorates the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The Auschwitz Museum respectfully responded to her tweet by asking her to please consider that they commemorate the victims and educate the world about the tragic history of the Holocaust every day.

Why are you so harsh towards Andrea Harrington? Pittsfield and North Adams were in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for violent crime, according to the FBI’s annual reports, well before Andrea Harrington was elected to the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office. Similar to Mayor Linda Tyer, who inherited a mess in Pittsfield politics in early-2016, Andrea Harrington inherited both the poorest city in Massachusetts – North Adams – and Pittsfield’s decades-long downward spiral with no bottom. I grant you that the lovely ladies have not changed things for the better over their respective tenures, but what else do you expect from a broken and totally predictable provincial state and local one political (Democratic) party corrupt system ran by ruling elites from Pittsfield to Boston who are totally disconnected from the people who live and pay taxes in the community and who live in fear of their retribution practicing Palookaville politicians?

In Great Barrington, the ruling elites there are honoring W.E.B. DuBois, who was a registered Communist who hated the U.S.A. and died in Africa. W.E.B. DuBois praised Communist Dictators – Stalin and Chairman Mao – who each murdered millions of more people and Peoples than Hitler. Stalin’s mass murders total 23 million innocent people and Peoples, but it was probably over 60 million. Chairman Mao mass murders total an estimated 78 million innocent people and Peoples. Hitler’s mass murders and Holocaust murdered an estimated 17 million innocent people and Peoples. Combined, these EVIL dictators mass murders total well over 100 million innocent people and Peoples. How in good conscience can Great Barrington honor W.E.B. DuBois? Human Rights and Civil Rights are for ALL people and Peoples, not just for the black people and Peoples he advocated for, while he praised Communist dictators whose mass murders total well over 100 million innocent people and Peoples.

In 2022, if Joe Biden makes good on his threats to go to war with Russia over Ukraine, as well as to fight WW3 with China over Taiwan, you are looking at the mass deaths of billions of innocent people and Peoples. Joe Biden should not have called Putin a “KILLER” on the world stage last year of 2021. Joe Biden should not have threatened WW3 with China, which his own White House had to walk back with China. Joe Biden’s hostile language and threats against adversarial military superpowers would lead to mass deaths 10 times, 20 times, and even 30 times more than Hitler, Stalin and Mao combined. It is all very scary to ponder. Joe Biden is a scary U.S. President in a scary world!

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Why is the eagle on the mayhem on Worthington st?near there building? Any defunders at the scene. Looked serious.

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Mr. Melle
I do not have a Twitter account so I have no first hand knowledge but was hoping that you might have one and could check. Has the Berkshire County DA posted any support for the slew of fallen Law Enforcement officers in the past few weeks? How about some support of their families during what is the most depressing and harrowing of times for them. These Officers were performing a meaningful function for their communities, their families and for people they will never meet or know. While she was celebrating her Birthday tying it to Auschwitz none the less two of the NYC Officers will NEVER have another birthday. the Houston officers may have another Birthday but I am certain it will be a struggle.
As I said I have no twitter account if the DA posted to speak of the shootings I mentioned could someone please post them? If she has not the only logical assumption is she at some level condones them.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the 5th Dentist
3 years ago

“THOUSANDS of New York City Police Officers lined up outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral to pay their respect to the fallen police officer.
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22-year-old Officer Jason Rivera and 27-year-old Officer Wilbert Mora were shot to death in the line of duty during a raid in Harlem late last week.
On Friday Officer Rivera’s widow Dominique Luzuriaga spoke at his funeral.  She lambasted the dangerous New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg who allows criminals on the streets to terrorize the city.

“Dominique Luzueriaga:  I’m still lost. Today I’m still in this nightmare that I wish I never had, full of rage and anger, hurt, sad, and torn. Although I gained thousands of blue brothers and sisters, I’m the loneliest without you… Although you won’t be here anymore. I want you to live through me. The system continues to fail us. We are not safe anymore, not even the members of the service. I know you were tired of these laws, especially from ones from the new DA. I hope he is watching you speak through me right now. (standing ovation)… I’m sure all of our blue family is tired too, but I promise your death won’t be in vain. We’ll take the watch from here.”

The audience gave her a standing ovation for a full minute.
Alvin Bragg is a dangerous man who wants armed robberies charged as misdemeanors.

RIP Officer Rivera.”

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You freaking BOZO! It is one thing to inherit a mess and another to make it worse than when they inherited it with policies that are detrimental to the whole of things. Forget they have boobs and focus instead on what they are doing for a change.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon, unlike you I won’t repost a post I already made to you.

Why do you support Andrea Harrington so much? Post after post on here has shown her continued ineptitude of the job and no understanding of the law and basic courtroom litigation. Do you skip over those posts or do you not understand them? She has not shown one iota of support for the police in Berkshire County. She’s called them “racist” without a shred of proof. Not to mention, certain people in her office I’m willing to bet were never given a proper law enforcement type background check that they should have. Because of identity politics, Wrong Way has allowed people to have access to safety sensitive information such as, ongoing criminal investigations, law enforcement background checks of people, basically information that could potentially jeopardize public safety.

Answer me this Jon, if Wrong Way learned that the drug task force was going to conduct a drug raid at one of Shirley Edgerton’s family members (again), do you think Wrong Way tips her off or keeps quiet?

If your honest with yourself, you know she blows that investigation or calls it off. She has precedent: Simon Rock College racial hoax. That black female caused public panic and alarm, not to mention thousands of dollars in state tax money wasted, in the state police’s time. Remember JM?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

On the subject of tipping off drug dealers, and/or drug addled city councilors, Pittsfield City Councilor Paul Capitanio arrested for allegedly tipping off drug dealer about police raid – Aug 22,2013-, Pittsfield City Councilor Paul Capitanio indicted on drug charges – Oct.22,2013, Former Pittsfield City Councilor Paul Capitanio gets probation for tipping off dealer – May 14, 2015, and/or their drug dealing/drug addled family members, did convicted dopehead Pittsfield City Councilor Paul Capitanio, father-in-law to a Pittsfield drug task force? cop, ever reveal his source of this sensitive police information that he passed along to his drug kingpin dealer? Who tipped off dopehead Pittsfield City Councilor Paul Capitanio of the impending drug raid involving his DRUG LORD DEALER? Paul Capitanio’s drug dealer was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison? Felony convicted dopehead city councilor Paul Capitanio, father-in-law to a cop, received only probation.

Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

There are those who believe that some DA positions are backed and financially supported, not so much to prosecute criminals, but to make sure connected folk do NOT get prosecuted. I am not going to list them myself but I can think of at least six local connected folk who walked away from bad acts that regular folk would have done time for. DAs can put you in jail or make sure you DON’T go to jail. Supporting a candidate can sometimes be like buying a protection plan.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

In our case if the DA tried to protect someone it would probably backfire because she is a straight up incomp.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Al
3 years ago

It can not be repeated enough as we are in chaos after 1/6/2021 .The war against democracy by Republicans with FOX as the propaganda channel of Russia and that party coming together in Budapest Hungary this year as Hungary is a anti democratic leader hosting the warriors of Republicans fascism

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Dan, I think your question can be answered by this NY Post article. The Xiden’s have been paid over $31,000,000 over the years, by Chinese businessmen linked to high level of Chinese Intelligence.

Barry tried to quietly, overnight, ship pallets which contained billion of dollars to one of our biggest enemies of my and your lifetime, Iran. If you don’t think some of that cash made it back to Barry and Big Mike’s pocketbook, then how do they afford a palatial spread on the Vineyard?

So, Jon and TSC, you seem to be Xiden’s biggest defender, how do you explain this? Remember, Trump got impeached over a phone call to Ukraine. But that’s much worse, right fellas?

Chinese elite have paid some $31M to Hunter and the Bidens (

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I have a neighbor on my street BLM sign for two years now and complains about the officer in a parking lot down the street because he parks there to monitor crime? Hell,I’m glad he is there.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

All good points. Hunter Biden is a DISGRACE, but Joe Biden said he is proud of him. The Biden “Crime” Family have enriched themselves from Hunter’s alleged money laundering business, among other questionable schemes, in China, Russia and Ukraine. Hunter Biden’s paintings are selling for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and then the long line of shadow buyers who seek White House influence. It is CORRUPTION!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Just look at the drug induced Don Jr rants everyday….A1 mess

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Don’t forget all the Chinese, oops I mean California Congress members that have hired Chinese spies to work for them. Some are even on the National security council. But Trump is the issue

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

I know about the one woman who was a spy, and the access she gained, daaaaamn!

3 years ago

I think the biggest issue facing America right now is Bareshelf Biden! What are our leaders doing to make sure the staples of life are getting to the American people? What happened this past year that shelves started to go empty? Why isn’t the press hammering this at every press conference? I only remember this happening one other time in America and it looks like Bumblin is leading us back.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Transportation Sec. Butthead should be fired for not resolving the backlog of cargo ships off the CA ports and the backlog of trucks at the Canadian border. Insane vax policies have also contributed to the problem.
Bare shelves indeed! The Biden admin. SUCKS!

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

He hasn’t a clue of logistics ,he couldn’t even figure out you can’t get any eggs with just having 2 roosters in the hen house.This job he has is a payment for his support in the election and dropping out.

3 years ago

Currently China, Russia, N Korea and Iran among others recognize the US has extremely weak leadership. They are focused on WOKE foolishness and other progressive agenda items. This distracts them from acting in the best interest of our country. The current Administration is clueless about foreign affairs. Our adversaries consider our President a buffoon and nothing more than a puppet for a deranged progressive party that seems hell bent on destroying our country.

3 years ago

This murderer killed the barber and the DA let him plea down to manslaughter. He will probably do 12 years. What if this was your brother, son, husband or a friend? Where is the outrage, man?

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  BrendonK
3 years ago

This DA has once again come out to protect her natural constituency: criminals. How else can you explain her actions?

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

If link doesn’t work let me know I’ll post it. It may be a long one though.

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

The Eagle hates Andrea because she is a woman.

Reply to  RNtoo
3 years ago

A woman who doesn’t pay her taxes. Why does the media have to be so mean to women who don’t pay their taxes?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) never liked Andrea Harrington from 2016 when she ran for the Berkshire-based State Senate seat to 2018 when she challenged Paul Caccaviello for Berkshire County District Attorney. To be clear, the Dirty Bird was always unfavorable to Andrea Harrington for nearly 6 years and counting.

There are so many issues that I disagree with the Dirty Bird about. The so-called cleanup of the Housatonic River from Pittsfield to Sheffield still has no financial commitment from GE, which has serious financial troubles itself. Yet the Dirty Bird supports this farce led by the corrupt EPA. Then there is Governor Charlie Baker never taking responsibility and apologizing for the Holyoke Soldiers Home debacle where around 80 Veterans – including Veterans from New Hampshire – died of coronavirus there. Then there is Elizabeth Warren who says she fights Wall Street and K Street to advocate for Main Street, while she supports Joe Biden who received more money from the financial elites than any other candidate in the 2020 presidential election. Then there is Maryland Ed Markey who promised to save the world from Global Warming with his Green New Deal propaganda, but all he really does is spew HOT AIR from the Swamp. Then there is billionaire John Forbes Kerry, who one year ago in early-2021 had tens of millions of dollars in investments in big oil and other greenhouse gas companies, but now he flies around the world in his private jet promoting the Democrat’s Green New Deal HOT AIR. Then there is PAC Man Richie Neal (D-Insurance Companies) who raises millions of dollars per year from K Street corporate lobbyist firms, which has nothing to do with his large geographical Congressional District in Western Massachusetts. Then there is Chrome Dome Adam Hinds who lives in his $690,000 family home in Amherst, Massachusetts, which is well outside of his Berkshire-based State Senate ship. Then there are the four Berkshire-based State Representatives – Shitty, Trippy Country Buffet, Paul Marxism and the career Mayor – to Beacon Hill who only serve their dictator State House Speaker Ronny Mariano. Then there is Mayor Linda Tyer who lives in a mansion valued at over $800,000 in a Gated Community within a few feet from the Hancock border, while she passes record high municipal budgets in an economically distressed post-industrial city while shutting out the local people and taxpayers from her administration’s spending of over $41 million in Biden Buck$.

I saved the best for last. HUNTER BIDEN! The son of Joe Biden who writes tell all books about all of his Bad Boy Behavior. Hunter Biden said and wrote that he used to smoke crack cocaine every 15 minutes while drowning himself in alcohol. Hunter Biden’s first wife divorced him and she recently published a book about how Hunter Biden spent her family’s income on booze, drugs, strippers and sex workers. Hunter Biden’s wife had to raise her 3 children in an abusive household. Hunter Biden then got a young woman stripper half of his age pregnant, and then he tried to lie to a Judge that he wasn’t the father of the stripper’s baby, but a court-ordered paternity test proved otherwise. Hunter Biden then remarried, and he had his 5th child with his second wife. Hunter Biden’s business dealings with adversarial foreign countries such as China, Russia and Ukraine were allegedly money laundering schemes whereby he allegedly money laundered many millions of dollars. Hunter Biden is selling his paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and then his paintings are bought and sold again by shadow buyers in a probable criminal network that spans the globe. The Biden “Crime” Family are all worth tens of millions of dollars each without any rational or legal explanation(s).

In closing, the Dirty Bird should focus on bigger fish than Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington, but it is always the little fish that gets reeled in – just look at the Ghislaine Maxwell case where the men, including allegedly Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Prince Andrew, go uncharged while only the woman sits behind bars. The Dirty Bird is no different than the rest of them by shitting on the woman named Andrea Harrington, while the men get to play politics!

Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

He doesn’t ready anyone’s else’s posts, otherwise he wouldn’t keep repeating the same stuff we already proved was nonsense.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Most people change their views and opinions when reality proves them wrong. Progressives decide to change reality to fit their views and opinions and stick with those no matter what.

Last edited 3 years ago by Filo Beto
Getta Kluo
Getta Kluo
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Lol true. You mean like the trumpers on here? I’m guilty also,just fun in Dan. But he does tend to rehash and his worse trait is flip flopping. Jon,you voted for Biden !,,,,,,,!!!!!!,,,,,,,,!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Welcome to Planet Melle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Fine. I agree with blogger Dan Valenti. I will try to write shorter blog posts on PLANET VALENTI!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Start your own blog. I’m sick of the hypocrisy!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

He has one. It gets as many views, as Blutarsky’s grade point average: zero point zero.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I went to his blog to see what it was like today and just about every other write up was about NUCIFORO whom he stated was his #1 enemy. Basically his writings were pretty much about what he writes on the planet daily. The repetition is also pretty much the same. What I didn’t understand is how he can come on the Planet and tell the Planet and the posters on here what to write and how to write about other people in their remarks.on here and yet his disparaging remarks made of people on his blog writings are front and center. Going to his sight helped me understand why not many media outlets publish his letters or people don’t answer him back.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I went to his site today to check it out and found out NUCIFORO was his #1 enemy which was stated in pretty much every other write up. I found the same repetitive writings as he does on the Planet. What struck me was how he tells the Planet what he thinks the Planet should write about and how to write about it and this includes posters here in their responses to any given article. He complains about the Planet being hard on certain people along with those who respond also. His blog was filled with disparaging remarks on people he disagrees with. It helped me understand why he complained not many answered his letters back. It’s the writings!

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

“When we speak to someone, they hear. When we speak with them , they listen.”!!


Last edited 3 years ago by Filo Beto
Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

Chinese fortune cookie. White flour.

Found as bookmarker in Dale Carnegie book.

Leer Jet
Leer Jet
Reply to  RNtoo
3 years ago

Eagle owns her.

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

Did the DA pay for or report the trips arranged by Fair and Just Proseuction to learn how to be a “progressive district attorney?” How does a person who can’t pay her taxes afford five star hotels?

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Al
3 years ago

If you are a politician, owing money to the IRS that will never be paid is just part of the perks. Anyone else…..

Last edited 3 years ago by Filo Beto
Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

Cue the letters from stupid people duped by her. Anyone who stands up for Harrington now truly is stupid. Especially Joe Kennedy, the only member of America’s royal family who could manage to lose an election in Massachusetts.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Oh yeah, after the incident involving the DA trying to remove a judge the letters flowed from her friends and supporters showing her love.

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

Point taken. I don’t think Kennedy got the memo because he is showing up for her birthday fundraiser according to her twitter.

3 years ago

Read the #1 bestseller across the country, “The Great Reset, Joe Biden and the Rise of 21st Century Fascism”. The Great Reset is, “A highly influential movement among the world’s elite to “reset” the global economy using banks, government programs, and environmental, social, and governance metrics. If they are successful and the Great Reset is finalized, it would put substantially more economic and social power in the hands of large corporations, international institutions, banks, and government officials, including Joe Biden, the United Nations, and many of the members of the World Economic Forum.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

That sounds scary and would be a dystopian future indeed.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Especially since many on this board are complaining that American companies have given China all their power. The Great Reset would give these companies even more power. This Great Reset which would be activated by the horrible Build Back Better legislation which Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer are continuing to not let go of because they know they need it to start the Great Reset which is exactly why Build Back Better can’t be allowed to pass.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Not to mention the NBA, NFL and MLB. F them all. Good riddance, I can’t afford to go anymore anyway.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Biden said he is going to interact more with the American people in the future, but then he changes his plans to say that he will interact more with American companies, especially large American companies, to convince them of all the power he wants to give them with Build Back Better. Biden doesn’t care about individual Americans. It’s himself and these companies and his rich friends that he is thinking about.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

SHANGHAI (AP) — The Chinese government granted 18 trademarks to companies linked to President Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka Trump over the last two months, Chinese public records show, raising concerns about conflicts of interest in the White House.
In October, China’s Trademark Office granted provisional approval for 16 trademarks to Ivanka Trump Marks LLC, bringing to 34 the total number of marks China has greenlighted this year, according to the office’s online database. The new approvals cover Ivanka-branded fashion gear including sunglasses, handbags, shoes and jewelry, as well as beauty services and voting machines.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Now you’re concerned about Chinese influence after all that Joe and Hunter have been up to with China and Ukraine? IF this story is true, The Trump family is currently not in political office and there is no comparison to Joe and Hunter hauling off millions of dollars while Joe was Vice-President and what is going on now with Joe trying to enrich himself and his rich elite friends by this Great Reset.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

What does your gut tell you? It has questions.

Here’s mine: did the Trumps actually submit trademarks to a chinese agency? Or, did the chinese simply produce them from whole-clothe? Are those ‘trademarks’ also registered with the USPTO (US trademark issuing agency)? What do Ivanka,Donald say in response to the report?

Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

my question is when has China ever announced who they gave trademarks to, sounds very fishy, especially since Trump has started to talk of running in 24 and Biden’s numbers are below the Mendoza line

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fizz, how do you feel about the billions of dollars that the U.S. is awarding to a company in China for the free covid test kits currently being sent to U.S. citizens?

Last edited 3 years ago by acheshirecat
Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

These blue cities will become ghost towns, and the intention is for this to spread across the country. This is the legacy of progressivism, and its real purpose is to open the door for communism by “overloading the current
system” and causing it to implode.

3 years ago

Tom Brady is retiring. Smart move I think. Sure enjoyed watching over all these years.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Too bad he has the Eli/Coughlin blemish on him:(

Getta Kluo
Getta Kluo
Reply to  Milt Plum
3 years ago

To badcElindoesntvhave five more rings. Common Man.

Getta Kluo
Getta Kluo
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

No doubt.Never be any better unless Mahoney can do it. Not.

Getta Kluo
Getta Kluo
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

What’s he plan on doing? G M maybe to start. How about the next Cowboys coach?

3 years ago

Police vs. the DA. The optics on this could not be worse for the Manhattan DA who was sitting in the funeral audience. Dems need to walk away from these phony DA’s.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Dems need to walk away from there party. The Democratic Party has been hi jacked from the progressives. They need to start anew , back to the middle. Just a thought.

Getta Kluo
Getta Kluo
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

What shall we call this new party? The Poor Me?

Reply to  Getta Kluo
3 years ago

If things keep going the tax and spend way. Yes, poor poor me and you too.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Big whup! Another participation trophy handed out. Favorite of the progressives.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

Mayor Linda Tyer is correct that Baker’s budget lowballed local aid during the 40-year-high record inflation plus rising municipal costs during the pandemic. Baker’s lowballed proposed local aid 2.7% increase is really a big cut in local aid when one factors in inflation and rising municipal costs in fiscal year 2023 that begins on July 1, 2022. A true increase in local aid would be an at least 3% increase on top of the 40-year-high inflation and rising municipal costs during the pandemic. Mayor Linda Tyer knows what she is talking about, which shows that she is a good municipal leader. Governor Charlie Baker on the other hand…. thumbs down!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Berkshire Eagle has an Our Opinion column Friday Jan 28. Apparently Governor Charlie Baker wants to give Mass residents some tax breaks. and of course the people at the Eagle, knowing more about state budgeting than the governor, are against it.
The state has tons of extra money much like the city of Pittsfield. So why would this media outlet, the recipient of numberous handouts itself, not want to help citizens with high taxes? They have never stood up for the people of Pittsfield as their taxes have blown up like a balloon in the last 20 years. Why? Why? Why? Why are they always pushing for higher taxes???

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

We know why. They are far left and taxing is what they do and intend to do a lot more of in the future. Baker is leaving office so maybe he can start acting more like a Republican since he has no intention of running for office again in Massachusetts. Maybe he is preparing for a future presidential run.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Not at all the point of my post Pat. My point was that Charlie Baker is talking about giving property tax help for senior citizens and the local newspaper is not sure we are worthy of it.
Was hoping we could discuss that aspect for a couple of minutes instead of tearing off into wacko politics right off the bat.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

We are very worthy of such help especially for senior citizens.

Leer Jet
Leer Jet
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Bird Land etc

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The only thing she knows for sure is if she gets more she will spend more. Oh, and property taxes and other fees will go up no matter how much of an increase she gets. Enough is never enough.

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

Theres never enough of our money for there programs giving free stuff to lay abouts. No matter how much we give there will never be enough. Truly a time for a fiscally responsible candidate to run for Mayor of Pittsfield.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

I agree with you that the federal, state and local government should all practice limited governance with our hard-earned tax dollars.

My point about Mayor Linda Tyer’s comment on Governor Charlie Baker’s 2.7% so-called increase (really a big cut) in local aid in his fiscal year 2023 state budget proposal was that she understood that it was a lowball financial figure, and that if Baker really wanted to increase local aid then he would have factored in the 40-year-high inflation numbers as well as the rising costs municipalities such as Pittsfield are facing during the ongoing pandemic, and then after all of that, Baker’s proposed increase in local aid would have been realistic instead of only a financial shell game. Mayor Linda Tyer is one smart cookie!

I agree with you that the federal government, especially Joe Biden (as well as Donald Trump), is racist as Hell. Our country’s underclass runs counter to the American dream whereby anybody is able to achieve social mobility and a middle class or above life for themselves and their family. Too many minorities and women, as well as white men, have no social mobility due to the systemic greed and racism that the federal government, especially Joe Biden, has done to the American people for generations of growing economic inequality. I still say that in this day and age of technology, voting laws and rights should be a no brainer, but partisan politics is standing in the way of progress. In closing, both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are failures in the Swamp, as well as in Boston and beyond.

Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon Jon no.

Karp apart
Karp apart
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Someone should investigate the phony cat set up in Richmond where supposedly perfectly healthy cats were supposedly abandoned in the road. Common Man. Do you really think people are that stupid. Set up a facebook go fund me now for the cats,right.? I suppose these cats didn’t pose for your camera and stayed in place in the same spot for hours?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon, Dan asked you earlier to stop and you go and post this. Why?

You make it easy to see why your supervisors in the Army were unrelenting on you. You were “that guy” who joined and then questioned why those who outranked you didn’t want to hear you out, didn’t care, nor wanted to hear your opinion on matters. Good lord. Please buddy, stop. No more “Patrick Fennell Letters.”

Listen, I’ll explain to you as easy as I can. Nobody cares on this site for your open letters to Patrick Fennell, Santa Claus, or anybody else. You state the same opinions, time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time and time again. NOBODY CARES

Try and add to the conversation that Dan posts or maybe an article someone else adds to the conversation. And if you can’t add to the conversation, read, learn, or just vote up or down on those who posted.

Is that easy enough for you?

Jon, how many years have you been posting your rants to Patrick Fennell on here? He NEVER once has answered you back. Time to give it up. It comes across as very creepy. Like John Wayne Gacy-type creepy. I hope this helps?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You voted for Biden. You’re part of the problem.

The Democrat Socialist party is rooted in racism; the KKK. You know this.
There are voting laws on the books. Citizens have the constitutional right to vote. Democrats are trying to change the existing laws to favor noncitizen and unverified voting. The key to secure elections is voter ID in ALL states.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

It is amazing certain people try to argue that adults incapable of getting an id or a ballot in the mail on time are competent to vote.

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Mr. Melle,
In an effort to understand your post and where your coming from can you please explain a few things for us.

  1. You clearly state”… our hard earned tax dollars.” can you explain what it is you do and for how many hours a week? what you do, not what Nuciforo, the Army, the Store you had worked for at one time but what you currently do to: Hard earn your tax dollars?
  2. You talk about systematic greed can you please explain that comment in reference to yourself? Please define how you believe that greed or greedy individuals are taking from your ” social mobility”
  3. What prevents you from moving up the socio-economic ladder?

Thanks in advance I hope to get some answers not the poor me I’ve been screwed by everybody on earth.

Kindest regards

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  the 5th Dentist
3 years ago

I am entitled to my earned benefits from my past work and honorably military service. Please don’t make everything about Jon Melle; thank you.

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Mr. Melle,
I am not making anything about Jon Melle you did it is your statement “… our hard earned tax dollars” So they are the hard earned tax dollars of others that you do not wish to see wasted a noble cause just be forth right with your claims.
It simply speaks to your character

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You make every post about Jon Melle. Folks just respond to it with questions.

Karp apart
Karp apart
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Sounds like a progressive platform at the expense of true maimed veterans. And by the way, anyone see Joe Legend today?

3 years ago

Letter: Kudos for editorial raising questions on DA’s behavior
To the editor: I write to commend The Berkshire Eagle for publishing its editorial “Some serious questions for Berkshire DA.” (Eagle, Jan. 29.)
I have resided in Lenox since the end of August 2021, having moved here after living in Baltimore for 36 years. As a lawyer, law professor and longtime Baltimore city resident, I was astounded by District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s tweet supporting Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby and Ms. Mosby’s assertion that the federal criminal charges recently lodged against her stemmed from retaliation about her handling of the 2015 Freddie Gray case, which gained a great deal of national attention.
Ms. Mosby’s argument is an insult to the federal grand jurors who reviewed all the evidence presented to them and to the United States attorneys who brought the case. As she or anyone accused of a crime in this country is entitled, Ms. Mosby will have her day in court, where the burden of proof is on the federal government to prove her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
For the Berkshire County DA to jump on Ms. Mosby’s bandwagon and to proclaim her a victim, however, defies logic and good sense. As a prosecutor herself, Ms. Harrington should have known better and should have gathered all the facts, as we instruct law students, rather than succumbing to Ms. Mosby’s attempts to undermine this country’s legal system, of which both she and Ms. Mosby are a significant part.
Barbara A. Babb, Lenox