(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 10, 2022) — At his inauguration Joe Biden pledged to stop the “uncivil war” that has divided America. He called on all Americans to come together, turn the page, and move forward in unity. How that’s different than totalitarianism may come down to a matter of semantics, for there are no countries more “unified” than, say, Belarus, Eritrea, or North Korea.
Syracuse Joe wasn’t talking about THAT kind of unity but a kind of homogeny that remains a moving target for this crumbling liberal democracy. E pluribus unum‘s prescription has been turned on its head. Out of one we have many, and they ain’t talking to each other. Can you have both? Far left liberals such as seem to think so, as do those who have adopted “diversity and inclusion” as buzzwords.
Those cliches trip easily off the tongue for the Blue (State) Meanies, but logically and practically, can a nation, a state, a city, even a neighborhood be both diverse AND inclusive? In 1958? Yes. Today? We think not, although THE PLANET shall leave the adjudication to the social critics, you know, the “experts” and “consultants” that Pittsfield regularly calls in at $65K per clip to produce a “study” that tells politicians how smart they be.
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One year after the inauguration, Biden’s call to “Come Together” has changed to “I’m Down.” On the first anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, he got the flamethrower out and began torching the bunkers where the Red (State) Meanies reside. He even had his VP, Giggling Kamala Heartbreak, echo the call. Biden blasted “the former president” for “holding a dagger at the throat of America, at American democracy,” positioning himself as the nation’s defender, its Captain America, in what he called the battle for the country’s soul.
“I will stand in this breach,” he roared. “I will defend this nation.”
The political philosopher in us agrees that American democracy has a dagger at the throat, but we don’t think any one person holds it, let alone Donald Trump. We wonder if it’s not American democracy itself that’s holding the knife against its own throat, like the scene in Blazing Saddles when the new sheriff, Cleavon Little, holds a gun up to his own head.
“A republic, if you can keep it,” Franklin said.
After 245 years, the answer has come in: “We can’t.”
Meanwhile, for practical purposes, COVID rages as does inflation, while Biden’s Build Back Better agenda swims with the fishes. “Success” in America gets measured only in political terms, as Biden’s speech made clear. Actual progress, actual peace, and actual prosperity have fallen prey to party politics, Democrat v. Republican, liberal v. conservative, black v. white, women v. men, Christian v. Muslim, us v. them. What’ya got? Name it, and there will be division, animosity, and hatred.
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Biden’s applause lines had applause lines in what was the president’s best and most fiery moment. He never named Trump by name, but it’s safe to say that when he mentioned “the defeated former president” he wasn’t talking about George Bush the First. Taking on Trump marks a 180 for Biden, who for a year more-or-less kept quiet about his predecessor. Funny how election years change things, though. Democratic strategists have decided on a new “get loud” strategy as we get into 2022 and begin the march toward November.
Will the new plan work? Will confronting Trump cause him to back down, or have they prodded and poked the hornet’s nest? If there’s anything we know about Trump, he won’t retreat. He will bully, bluster, bluff, and battle, no holds barred. Is that what Biden intended? IS that the plan for November?
Enjoy the coming cold snap, because it promises to be a long, hot summer.
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Confronting Trump and what Biden called his “web of lies?” All we can say is that it’s about time. We’ve been fond of heavyweight battles ever since Sonny Liston KO’d Floyd Patterson in 1962. Actually, it was two years earlier, when Patterson and Ingemar Johanssen see-sawed in three fights for the heavyweight crown. Biden’s Jan. 6 speech had what Johanssen said of his right hand. It packed “toonder” — the Swede’s pronunciation of “thunder.”
Biden’s stemwinder also points to the dangerous state of American politics, namely our tolerance for political violence. We have lost the ability to hash out political differences over coffee and dialogue. Social media is the new coffee, burning and looting the new dialogue.
Of course, Republicans won’t sit idly back. They sense blood in the water and will counterattack. They will continue with voting-rights legislation and gerrymandering at the state level while continuing to hound the administration over everything from disaster response to foreign relations, for example, Biden’s poor handling of Russia and China. Rather than acknowledge geopolitical reality, his administration has played right into their hands: Kazakhstan and Ukraine with respect to Russia, the Pacific Rim and trade concerning China.
The smartness in Biden’s attack speech on Trump is that he identified the danger. He would have done better by actually naming “Trump;” nonetheless, it gave a signal that the Democrats do not intend to go quietly into that good night.
“It was essential to be specific about the problem, and the source of the crisis,” said Julian Zelizer, a historian at Princeton University. “Otherwise the vague rhetoric, without agency, that we hear about polarization misses the way in which Trump and the GOP are the source of so much instability.”
Make no mistake. There’s a high-stakes global game going on, one where missteps could prove fatal.
“This has got to be the nicest place in the world to play” — Robert Lamm, keyboard player, Chicago, on playing at Tanglewood July 21, 1970/
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Hello blogger Dan Valenti, I had Sunday brunch with my dad today like you have brunch with Chuck Garivaltis. I asked my father if Joe Biden should have openly called Putin a “KILLER” on the world stage. My dad responded that Joe Biden should not have called Putin a “KILLER” on the world stage and that it won’t help the US’ diplomacy with Russia in Switzerland this week over Russia’ threat to invade Ukraine. My opinion is that Joe Biden should not be humiliating Putin on the international stage. What do you think Putin is going to do? He is going to stand up to Joe Biden, NATO and US foreign policy interests. I remember back in history class that FDR and Stalin, who were allies against Hitler in WW2, had a personal friendship and there were old photos of the two Superpower leaders laughing and smiling together when they met in Europe. What happened to the US and Russia having common interests and treating each other with respect? With China’s threat to invade Taiwan, Joe Biden threatened China with WW3, which the White House had to walk back, if they follow through with their threat to invade Taiwan. In Afghanistan, Joe Biden’s pullout was a complete debacle! The Taliban government is responsible for the deaths of one million children in Afghanistan during this Winter of 2021/2022, as well as an estimated 14 million people and Peoples in Afghanistan during this Winter of 2021/2022. At home, Joe Biden’s largest federal spending bill(s) in US history and our pandemic economy has led to the largest increase in US inflation in 40 years. Joe Biden was not prepared for Covid-19’s current fifth wave that is seeing record infections, hospitals at over capacity, and the world not receiving enough vaccines and medications. Joe Biden’s one year anniversary January 6th political speech attacking Donald Trump for him provoking the Capitol Hill insurrection was spot on, but it was also a big distraction to Joe Biden’s failures in his first year as U.S. President. Lastly, I asked my dad at Sunday brunch if there is a difference between Joe Biden’s vote nearly two decades ago for the US to invade Iraq, which has the world’s second largest oil reserves next to Saudi Arabia where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from, and Russia’s threat to invade Ukraine as well as China’s threat to invade Taiwan. My dad responded to me by saying, No, not really. My dad reminded me that John Kerry and Hillary Clinton also voted for the US to invade Iraq.
Jonathan A. Melle
Props to you for spending time with your dad. Very important .
I his first year, what has Biden done that benefits Americans and America?
I’m stumped coming with a single thing.
I could name numerous things which have hurt Americans.
He is unfavorable, even in bluest blue California.
He has serious problems with dementia and at many times is incoherent, if America had a real crisis we’d be in deep trouble for lack of leadership.
How’d you like to be Chargers fan mad cap. Coach calls a time out that costs them the playoffs.
I stopped watching woke joke sports years ago. nASScar too.
My sports are hunting and fishing with no boob tube. Ice should be safe this week to put out some tipups.
I used to fish and hunt with my dad. Between Jon’s brunch post, and Dan’s Chicago quote I now have nostalgia. Not too shabby, much better than current events rage.
The Chicago concert at Tanglewood on 7/21/70 was one of the best in Berkshire rock history. That and Quick Fox’s live show at the Woodstock-packed Common in May 1971. Also Jethro Tull and The Who at T’wood in ’70.
The Band at Music Inn. Springsteen was good too and the place was 1/2 empty.
If America had a real crisis? That is a joke right?
Biden seems to think poking the bear and dragon in the eyes is O.K. Does he know what he’s saying/doing? I doubt it. A serious shooting war we’d be sunk with Biden’s inept “woke” military leadership. I’m surprised at his China comments as the Chinese already own Hunter and Himself.
Another would be a large scale natural disaster like “the big one” rocking Commiefornia. Only result from that would be a power grab from the Feds/FEMA.
Biden’s numerous current self-inflicted American crises (open borders, rioting BLM/Antifa, hyperinflation, energy policy,……), on His trip for America down the highway to hell, are trivial in comparison.
L A Chargers had zero chance of winning tonight’s game but would have guaranteed a tie which would have given the city and fans a playoff birth. So in all essence the coach cost them a loss instead of a tie. Fire this guy immediately.
No idea where America will be in two years. But my guess is that it will be a VERY bumpy road along the way. Our enemies have succeeded in dividing us, pitting us against each other. It was, is, a brilliant tactical move to have ones enemy destroy itself while you do not lose one soldier along the way. Putin will go down in military history books as a genius.
Oh, but we are losing many soldiers, just not the typical military soldiers of war. In this war, we have lost so many of the elderly of the Greatest Generation. I believe the pandemic is part of the military tactics that our enemies are using to bring on One World Government by weakening the economies of the world. Also taking over the media here in the United States by buying them off so that we are mainly hearing propaganda meant to scare us about the virus and divide us over every issue.
State of union pushed back because they dont want him to speak
That speech is scheduled for March 1, 2022. Stop lying.
He’ll look like a deer in the headlights, staring confused and blankly, into the teleprompter.
He beat Trump.
he did not
Then why the rush to push through legislation that will all but assure cheating and fraud?
Haven’t you told us that there was no cheating in 2020? Xiden won fair and square. I seem to recall you, Jon Melle, TSC, Bare Bare (and his numerous alias’ on here), have repeatedly told us this. Correct?
But allowing ballot harvesting, counting ballots 10 days after the election, no ID laws (call a spade a spade Bleak, this is to allow illegals to vote), will guarantee “fair and honest elections.”
In what world do you live in?
Could you imagine if Trump/Pence had tried this? They could have installed CCTV cameras throughout every blue city in America. Reality TV would be right in front of us. You would see all the “diverse and inclusive” people burning down their cities, while “social justice warriors,” sipped their lattes miles away talking about 1/6.
Everything you typed is a bald faced lie.
There reason that the Republicans are trying to curtail voting rights is because they know they cannot win the popular vote in a national election.
Yes, smart guy, that’s why we have the electoral college. Otherwise cesspools like NYC, LA, SF, Chicago, would rule the country.
Hey, kinda like our “diverse, inclusive, social justice warriors,” believe it should.
The only way a fraud like Trump could win was to rely on Russian propaganda in a few swing states. That and rampant misogyny.
It’s no surprise that you support a cretin like Trump.
Not true. The only way democrats can win is to cheat. Proven fact
Only in your deluded mind.
We see you guys have resumed your Hatfield/McCoy feud. That’s your business, but as far as THE PLANET is concerned, using our forum makes this part of it our business. We are OK with hashing out disagreements and rough commentary, but only up to a point. Our Robot Army is watching. Keep it within allowable limits, and you are OK. Go beyond, and the Robots won’t have it. Fair warning.
I assume you agree that anyone who thinks Biden stole the election from Trump is a moron. Yes?
You know what “they” say about assumptions.
It’s amazing that you cannot say yes to that statement. Biden beat Trump fair and square. The end.
What’s amazing is that no one can actually say yes or no to that statement. In the end, we have a result and a president, same as with Gore v. Bush in 2000.
Unlike Bush, Biden won the popular vote by some 7 million votes. That is an unassailable fact.
And about 20 million were cast illegally. And the popular vote is not the contest
Biden won the electoral college by the same margin Trump did against Hillary. Trump called that a landslide.
Where is the proof of these “20 million illegal votes”?
It’s nowhere. Because it doesn’t exist.
Yup it makes him one Dan
Fact He stole it
Why do you believe such utter b.s.?
Why did you steal from your employer. That’s the real question
This again? I didn’t. Your posts are pathetic and stupid.
It’s sad you are blind to facts
Facts? From where? Facebooj? The Daily Caller? Breitbart?
Non left wing sources clearly.
what about your deluded mind?
Pushed back from normal January date to March. Try harder
Good soldiers are leaving in droves, disgusted with current (lack of real ) leadership.
And most of us don’t really want to hear him.
and lots of them are being kicked out. If you are too much of a pussy to get a shot for covid (along with the other15 shots military personnell get) you probably are not tough enough to serve with Americas armed forces. The military cannot risk one soldier infecting a whole unit rendering them useless. Common sense. Why have a military at all if it can be rendered useless so quickly?
He’s right up there with Fizz, Melle and TSC.
We shouldn’t want the Democratic party to fail like the far left wants the Republican party to fail. I believe in a two party system to keep everybody honest, but what we should all hope and pray is that the extremists in both parties are defeated and mainly the extremists right now are on the far left. They want big government to lord it over us in every area of our lives and that can’t be allowed to happen. One world government would be the next step after this country goes down that path and that will be the end of freedom for the world.
Foul me once shame on me Foul me 4,782 times shame on the Administration, This is America not some woke, equalitarian everyone gets a trophy hell whole. We better get back to the individual and away from the collective, That being said can the Republicans screw this up ? Oh yeah !!
Unfortunately, for the most part the politicians are in it together, for themselves. Both sides of the aisle, playing us for fools. Reminds me when i was a kid watching wrestling. I thought those guys really hated each other. Had no idea behind closed doors they were drinking beer and eating steaks together. RIP Andre The Giant.
Last week the local newspaper reported on a North Adams city councilman who was behind in his taxes for his place of business. They even included his picture.Try to read it and then go to their facebook page to read how the paper was absolutely crucified in the comments section.
No one knows why they did not write a story about the guy who did not pay taxes for decades on the West Pittsfield property as you head to Shaker Village. Put a smile on your face and check this out.
I actually seem to be alone in believing the Eagle had a journalistic obligation to report that story. A public figure who owes back taxes is a story even if the reason is a good one. They even tried to paint it simpathetically. He’s a good guy who thought he was getting government help and sought to take care of his employees over his tax bill. I thought that came across.
Yes, a public figure owing taxes IS a story. No doubt whatsoever.
Dan did you read the comments?
No. Honest answer.
Did the Eagle ever do a story on the taxes Sharpton owes?
But what is the reason they picked him out of the crowd? Is he really the only Berkshire county politician that is behind in their taxes? Could there be, now, or recently, any other high level person that has a story?
Do they have an opinion on whether the Pittsfield taxpayers deserve a forensic audit so that we can see what is happening to OUR taxes? Are there Pittsfield restaurants who can afford to pay their taxes because they get subsidized by other taxpayers?
I think in this day and age of city websites that the monthly accounting ledger should be visible for all to see. If “lovely Linda”(was difficult to write) really is going to follow through with her promise of a transparent government than that would be a cheaper solution.
SOMETHING BIG is dropping tonight at 8PM EASTERN about Fauci from Project Veritas.
Dr. Fauci Card Selling For $5k Proves Everything Is a Collectible11 months ago in DesignWords By Jonathan Sawyer

The popularity of trading cards has exploded over the past year, to the point that it’s not just athlete trading cards or games such as Pokémon that are reselling for exorbitant amounts on the secondary market. Recently, a Dr. Anthony Fauci MLB Topps Now card sold for $4,250 on eBay.
The sale showed that political figures have become icons in every sense of the word. In a world that appreciates a good meme as much as it demands transparency from its leaders, someone like Dr. Fauci has become collectible.
The card that sold for nearly $5,000 was number 16 of 49, making it highly limited and a big reason why it ended up selling for so much. But it’s also Dr. Fauci’s standing in the medical and political world that influenced the card’s market value.
A mint OJ Simpson rookie card going for $4,000 on EBay. Fauci and OJ to killer cards.
Effff Faulk!
It only proves P.T. Barnum right
If Mr Barnum was so damn smart how come over fifty acrobats died on his watch? And how come none of their descendants are receiving compensation? Huh?
Because Barnum wasn’t required to adhere to any health & safety standards.
Seriously? I am going to check into the statues of limitations on this. My great great grandad was an acrobat and was found dead outside a tent at one of his circuses. Nobody knows nuttin.
Haven’t you already wasted enuff time on this.
Because P.T. Barnum was right.
The bamboozle is real.
Shouldn’t have to be a fool for trusting a man’s word. But, ya. I hear that.
Wow! James O’Keefe is a prevaricator and a joke. Of course you swallow his obvious b.s.
He brought down Sotero’s ACORN hard with his first expose.
You’re just upset he’s exposing/exposed all the corrupted liberals. CNN is taking a beating due to Veritas
They just exposed the pedophiles infesting CNN news, is that a joke, or is “old enough to pee old enough for me” Your motto?
Your post is blatantly misleading, just like O’Keefe’s videos.
ACORN was cleared of wrong doing in several investigations.
But you Trumpers are in a perpetual state of war, so go rail against your silly little boogeymen like CRT, immigrants, and voter fraud.
Of course you back a bunch of thieves as stated earlier. Wow.
Of course you hate him. All thieves do
BareShelvesBiden. Enough said
If the 74% of American citizens number is correct about not wanting to focus on Trump and so called 1/6 episode, the attacks from Biden won’t help much. Virginia and some deep blue areas in Texas that were recently flipped in elections are a good indication of what is to come for the midterms. Other than the politicians and the far left hoping to use Bad Trump everything to win future elections, most citizens aren’t buying it.Voters once again are focused on the issues that effect them in their daily life. This administration wouldn’t even have to mention Trump to win elections if the voters were satisfied with what was sold and promised them last election. This administration has to use Trump because they can’t run on the economy, gas prices, inflation Covid etc..and just about anything they have done.
If I were any democrat running for any office I would just casually slip into the conversation that MY PARTY has not participated in any recent insurrections OR pretended that one never happened.
The Democrats started a years long, failed coup summer 2016. Culminating in a hoax impeachment; the collusion illusion.
Remember that fizze?
There was no insurrection.
Why can’t Pittsfield voters vote according to the issues? If they are then I fell asleep a woke up in Special Ed.
Hey Dan, whattdaya think about basing Covid treatments on race and ethnicity? White people go to the back of the line, blacks and hispanics go to the front? Uneffingbelieveable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Better yet, refuse all whiteys Covid treatments. All whites have privileged lives as it is. Whites are immune from problems, struggles, adversity, setbacks, and hangnails. All whites enjoy easy, privileged lives.
According to Helen “Handgun” Moon, that is correct Dan. You, white man, are the reason for all her struggles.
Remember, she was just leaving the Boston Public Library after a night of studying for her future, do-nothing, job at DA’s Wrong Ways Office, when two of Boston’s YTest finest stopped her for no reason. To make it worse, because Helen is an Asian immigrant, these two of Boston’s YTest finest, removed her at gunpoint and began shooting into the ground towards Helen’s feet and made her dance a jig. Because her driving and dancing skills were not up to par, poor Helen was tossed into the clink for a couple of days. No bond, no court, no appearing in front of a clerk magistrate, as required by MA law. Just straight to jail, no collecting $200. Because these two Boston’s YTest finest lost the paperwork, Helen was sprung free.
Helen should have set up a Go Fund me account, like her fellow immigrant, single mom, multiple COVID violator, friend Yuki…..or at least learned a few dance skills from Yuki, for future traffic stops.
Especially Pete.
And that’s why as far back as dozens of years ago blacks and Hispanics were given preferential treatment for college admissions and government jobs. White privilege my ass!
Try 6 decades not dozens of years
I remember, what I believe was Pittsfield’s first negro cop recruited from the ghetto. If he wasn’t a junkie, I’d really be surprised. But then his only required qualification was that he be negro. Which he definitely was. In any case Pittsfield scraped the bottom of the barrel for that recruit. And judging by what qualifies as acceptable to taint the PPD costume, scraping the bottom of the cage/barrel for recruits not only never ended, but has become tradition for the PPD. Maybe Pittsfield paid off its first negro cop to get rid of that mistake. Because I don’t believe he retired on a taxpayer funded pension after a long-tarnished career with the PPD. Pittsfield’s second negro cop was a female. Pittsfield was quickly rid of its first female negro cop shortly after she was accepted by the corrupt shitty council at the time. Luckly for the taxpayers Pittsfield’s first negro female cop and her girlfriend were arrested for stealing televisions from a department store. Thus, ending her illustrious career with the PPD. If only she had got her negro toe securely in the door of the PPD shithole. I don’t doubt for one second that she never would have been arrested. And in fact, she would have a long taxpayer funded tarnished career protected by the corrupt PPD. Rising through the ranks just like Wynn. Which reminds me, Michael Wynn’s cousin was also a PPD cop, until he officially wasn’t, thanks to the Lenox cops.
There is nothing wrong with it, according to the woke left, and is due to systemic racism and history of “societal inequities”. The fact that it is unconstitutional is okay with their ilk.
Vaccinations have been made available to everyone. If you got the virus and were not vaccinated, don’t bother coming to my ER. Get yourself some Ivermectin and stay the hell home. Don’t come crying to overworked medical staff after you refused their expert advice in the beginning.
You really are drinking the kool aide. 99.9 % of healthy people do not need the jabs. They will have mild symptoms. They will not be going to the hospital. 94% of all deaths are people with 4 or more illnesses. Average age of deaths higher than life expectancy. The Covid hospital numbers show that more than 50% are in hospital with Covid not from Covid. 1.8 million people have had adverse effects from the jabs, 25,000+ deaths , well over 100,000 hospitalized. Stick your experimental vaccine up Fauci’s ass.
Let us see if you feel the same way a week from now.
More than half the people dead from Alleged Covid died from other things, like the 4-6 major comorbidities they had. The digureda were dishes big time to get more federal candy cash. And vaccines do t prevent Covid and in fact continual boosters increase your chance for Covid issues
and most of the people who were shot in Chicago died of bullet wounds but I am not sure all of the robins have left to fly south yet
Dan, who was the greatest band you ever did see at Tanglewood?
Tough one! Probably Chicago and Tull. Some great ones at the Music Inn as well.
Now in Canada you have to show proof of vaccine to buy weed or booze. Maybe we should have that here. Just saying.
I’m okay with that as long as the bums and beggars on every corner need a vacc card too, to stay there, and all persons holding elected office.
What about the illegals pouring into our country? Should they need a vacc card too? Joe refuses to test them or pressure them to get a vaccine while Americans lives are being destroyed if they don’t get vaccinated.
They should be deported in middle of night to country of origin instead of flown into our cities and don’t even get me going on All the Afghans here the vast majority of which did not deserve to come here because they were not our helpers in the war. Biden left them behind, and either that reason, or his failure to secure border is reason enough to impeach his butt.
Yeah great. We could also ban obese people from buying junk food at the supermarket and fast food joints. Must show doctors papers that liver and lungs are in good shape to buy booze and tobacco products. Another crazy one, must show ID to vote.
All great ideas, especially ID to vote
I have to give a shout out this morning to ultra far left looney Ruth Bass. She is correct that America needs local papers for investigating their local officials and informing the locals what is happening in their area. Unfortunately she though5 the government should pay for it via tax breaks, etc. I for one would like to find a local paper that doesn’t propagandize everything for one political party. Let’s just focus on the news and not the looney limousine liberal lies they continually spit out.
and unfortunately she is apparently NOT talking about her own paper because they have been almost silent on local government in the last 10 years r more
This pandemic is a pandemic of the untreated. Our own government is holding back treatments that will help people while Joe worries about voting laws to consolidate the power of his far left radicals. Remdesimir is still being given to people in hospitals and doctors are telling people to go home and take care of yourself after people are testing positive for COVID. Nothing is being given to stop the virus from replicating which will kill many people who come down with COVID.
The pandemic persists because of idiots who refuse to get vaccinated and believe nonsense on the internet that a horse dewormer will help them.
You are the reason. Should do a little research before spouting lies. Ivermectin has been used on humans for a very long time, all over the world with great results. Yes, there is a animal version too. Must people will not need to use it because symptoms are so mild. PS, vaccine doesn’t work.
Thank you for proving my point. Fortunately, my doctor didn’t go to Facebook Medical School like yours did.
I assume your doctor stole his medical degree. Birds of a feather
Hess Forest has a better chance of delight than the Gilardis getting anything done in this city.
75% of the people ending up in the hospital are vaccinated.
That’s an outright lie. It’s 15%:
Fail harder.
Left wing site. Not relevant. Pat is right
They tell you drinking plenty of horse hydrater is good for you too.
Wow. Ignorance continues with you. CDC has confirmed vaxxed as well carry and pass on the China virus as easily as in vaxxed
We should know very quickly where the new ward tcouncilors stand. I’ll bet they hit the ground running. The trash issue for one? It’s already been vetted, the taxpayer don’t want it.
Is this Kelly appointee tonight for the preservation board even from Pittsfield? Turns out she has something to do or had with Barrington stage. Dump the preservation tax, and dump army ideas for pay per throw trash.
I imagine she has been vetted to the extent that she will not be a troublemaker. She will love bike lanes, and anything bike related that may or may not happen at Springside
First order of duty for Marchetti he forgets the roll call. You can’t make it up.
The Amateur Hour continues, brought to you by Doan’s Pills, Phillips Milk of Magnesia, and Geritol.
Dan. Bernie Sanders and Peter Graves at sitting in the front row of the Council Meeting tonight.
She lives at 477 Holmes Road, Pitts.
Here is her application letter to the city:
Thank you for your patience. Please consider this my letter of interest, and a copy of my resume is attached. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. If the CPC doesn’t have any vacancies or doesn’t seem like a good match, please consider me for
other opportunities as you see fit.
I would like to apply for a position on the Community Preservation Committee. I relocated to Pittsfield in March 2021. I was warmly welcomed and quickly impressed with the all the city has to offer. I feel my professional and life experience might qualify me to serve.
My career includes both education and arts and culture experience. In my capacity as a development professional, I had ample opportunity to apply for and report on grants. Although not a grant writer myself, my team researched and submitted applications to federal, state, and local governments as well as to private foundations. I have a healthy respect for the time and effort a good request for funding requires, Reporting on grants requires accurate record keeping and an honest assessment of the outcomes. I would like to use this experience on the other side of the table, to help evaluate applications.
As a public school educator I worked with many children and families experiencing homelessness, food insecurity and disability related challenges. Although not an expert by any means, I do have some perspective and sensitivity to these issues. I have also been a tenant, and an owner/manager of rental property. The availability of affordable housing is both a keystone and complicated issue.
Since moving here, I participated in Citizens Academy, getting an informative introduction to City departments and learning about its challenges and successes. I am most impressed by the dedication and experience of the people serving the community.
In an effort to become involved and support community organizations, I am a volunteer at Barrington Stage, and Berkshire Theater Group. I’ve met wonderful people there, engaging with staff and audience members. As an outdoor enthusiast, I walk, hike or run daily, enjoy cross country skiing, snow shoeing and ice skating. I truly value the many open spaces available here. I went on many ofthe local Housatonic Heritage Walks in Pittsfield learning more about local history. I joined a training group at Berkshire Running Center and ran in local races. The Thankful SK was a great community event. I play pickleball with Berkshire Mountain, indoors and outside. I was a regular shopper at the Farmers Market on the Common, and enjoyed the Tanglewood in the City broadcast, and the Shakespeare in the Park. My family and I all strive to shop, eat and live local.
I know have a lot to learn about the unique history of Pittsfield, but despite my brief tenure as a resident, I hope you consider my experience and enthusiasm as a potential asset. I would like to help continue the good work of others to make Pittsfield such a great place to live.
Thank you for your consideration. Kelly Maginnnis
Being a pickleball enthusiast should seal the deal for certain!!
Ron,Most definitely.It is a deal breaker,I’ve used it on my last thirty job applications. Still unemployed. She might be good at spending free cash also.
Without reading the letter I can tell she is a liberal tax and spender. The length of the letter tells ya all ya need to know. The community pick pocket tax as Dan The Man calls it, ought be eliminated.
Sounds like a full blown moonbat.