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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 17, 2022) — How are you celebrating Martin Luther King Day? THE PLANET will be watching one of Malcolm X’s last speeches, not long before he, too, was assassinated. Check it out on YouTube, Malcolm X at the Audubon Ballroom (42:15). Brilliant and hard hitting. A must see.

Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington (D-Wrong Way) will honor King by praising the gorgeous Marilyn Monroe Mosby, indicted district attorney of Baltimore. Birds of a feather crock together.

Supporters think Mosby deserves support because she black, female, and so progressive that she makes Bernie Sanders look like Col. Sanders. Reason enough these days. Innocent until proven white.

Evidently, to use a lawyerly-like term, Wrong Way thinks a federal grand jury is being racist and sexist in accusing Mosby of perjury with respect to charges that she lied on loan applications for her two, not one but two, vacation properties in Florida. Authorities also accused Mosby of ducking responsibility for $45,022 in unpaid taxes. Has a familiar ring, doesn’t it?

Also thrown in the accusatory salad is a charge of lying about her finances — false assertions Mosby made that COVID caused her “financial hardship,” allowing her to access retirement funds without penalty. She withdrew almost $100,000, officials say.

What kind of “financial hardships” did she undergo? THE PLANET doesn’t know, but we do know that she made $238,772.04 in 2019 and $247,955.58 in 2020. Records indicate she was paid her full salary each year. Where’s the hardship?

Oh yeah, and don’t forget her two vacation properties in Florida. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski should have it so rough. A few years earlier, Baltimore’s inspector general found that in two years from the beginning of her term (2015), Mosby was out of town on events 20% of the time, during which the city endured 120 homicides, nearly one murder a day. Mosby dodged the charges.

Of course, Mosby automatically blamed the right wing media with racism and sexism, saying they have been out to get her. She also blamed Donald Trump. Through some convoluted illogic impossible to follow, she hinted that the indictment was a part of an Orange Man conspiracy.

Mosby’s black and female. Also young and pretty. That equals “above the law” in certain parts of the country, including Baltimore and Berkshire counties.

You know, “Cain’t touch dis.”

If convicted, Mosby faces up to 30 years in prison. She denies all the charges.

———- ooo ———-

Meanwhile, PLANETeers expressed their frustration over Harrington’s tone-deaf statement regarding Mosby and MLK Day.

“Not a good weekend on twitter for @andreaharringtonforDA who seems to be spectacularly good at demonstrating how stupid she is.”

DA Andrea Harrington
@MarilynMosbyEsq is on the right side of history.

The New Normal @DieInTheGulch
Replying to @harringtonforda @MarilynMosbyEsq and 8 others
She’s about to be on the wrong side of prison bars but go off queen!!!

Replying to @harringtonforda
Perhaps you’re used to special treatment and feeling that the law doesn’t apply to you? For example, you were driving with a suspended license but the officer didn’t cite or arrest you as he was supposed to when you were pulled over. Why?

Deebo’sBike @DeeboBike
Replying to @harringtonforda @MarilynMosbyEsq
Your profile says it all, “advocate for victims of violent crime.” You’re a prosecutor, you should be an advocate for victims of ALL crime.

Replying to @harringtonforda
and @MarilynMosbyEsq
Tell me how it’s courageous and shows great leadership to use Covid hardship to get money for vacation homes.

Chapo Guzman @ChapoGuzman1212
Replying to @harringtonforda @MarilynMosbyEsq
It’s odd because MLK would be against everything she, and you, stand for

·Jan 15
Replying to @harringtonforda
Those indictments speak for themselves. One would think you would understand that as a lawyer yourself

Replying to @harringtonforda
and @MarilynMosbyEsq
Tell me you didn’t read the indictment without telling me you didn’t read the indictment.

Sean Winkler
·Jan 14
Replying to @harringtonforda
and @MarilynMosbyEsq
Hope you’re later ashamed of this tweet. Absolutely joke narrative for an attorney in the public trust.

Replying to @harringtonforda @Nick_Mosby and 9 others

Resign. Seems an appropriate word for more than one D.A.


“The world is treating me bad. Misery”The Beatles.



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Acute Angina
Acute Angina
3 years ago

No doubt about Andrea Harrington is a clown.

Reply to  Acute Angina
3 years ago


Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I don’t remember the Massachusetts State Police Union showing their support on social media for former disgraced Pittsfield Police Officer Jeff Coco, when he embezzled $200k from the Pittsfield Police Union.

Only in Wrong Way Harrington’s world.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Officer Coco did wrong but admitted it, plead guilty and did time and is sorry for what he did and has said so publicly and privately. What did Hardly Harrington do about her cases in NY and MA?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  BlueLivesMatter
3 years ago

PPD Officer Coco’s ongoing thefts took place over several years. Was he sorry the first time, whenever that was, when he didn’t get caught? Was drug addled thief Officer Coco sorry the second year, when he still didn’t get caught. How about the third year, or the fourth, or the fifth, or the sixth, was Coco sorry when he kept getting away with his ongoing thefts and drug abuse? Was officer Coco sorry when he was buying and using opioid drugs while he was wearing his PPD uniform, and he didn’t get caught. Was Officer Coco sorry when he was stealing money to pay for his second marriage and his honeymoon, or his mortgage, or his groceries, or spending sprees at Home Depot, was PPD Officer Coco sorry yet? Did PPD Officer Coco ever admit he was doing wrong, before he got caught. Was Officer Coco’s wife sorry when she was cashing checks Officer Coco wrote out to her?

Last edited 3 years ago by The City I Hate
The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  BlueLivesMatter
3 years ago

PPD Officer Jeffrey Coco 2015 – $112,109

This salary is 138 percent higher than average and 154 percent higher than the median salary in City of Pittsfield.

PPD Officer Coco was fired in 2015.
Ex-Pittsfield Police Officer Jeffrey Coco gets 20 months in jail for stealing $228k from police union fund. An 18-year veteran of the PPD convicted of larceny and identity theft!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

He took 350k of union money

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

And was prosecuted and convicted without a judge having to intervene.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The Shit-fest continues. Let us all shit on Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington because (sarcasm) she is the only politician out there who is misguided. The truth is that big league politicians have to raise millions of dollars every year to earn a couple hundred thousand dollars per year. K Street Corporate Lobbyists are able to legally bribe Members of U.S. Congress. Billionaires on the left and the right are able to flood the two Parties, campaigns and media with hundreds of millions of dollars in dark money. Some of the wealthiest American Citizens are serving in the U.S. Congress. Joe Biden is a career Swamp politician going back nearly 50 years to the early-1970s, yet he and his wealthy family are somehow all worth tens of millions of dollars each without a legal explanation for their loot. Hunter Biden is an alleged money launderer of many millions of dollars from adversarial countries including Russia and China. If we are going to shit on Andrea Harrington for her misguided ways, then let us also shit on the rest of the politicians, too! I still believe that the most outrageous politician in Western Massachusetts is PAC Man Richie Neal (D-Insurance Companies) who really only represents K Street Corporate Lobbyists who have NOTHING to do with the people who live in his large geographical Congressional District. Andrea Harrington is just a pebble among boulders of misguided and corrupt politicians.
Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Nancy’s sitting on a half billion no comment Jon?

Reply to  Ploosey
3 years ago

Pelosi is also moving to a big mansion in Florida to escape all the crime that her party is responsible for in California. She puts down Florida constantly, but now doesn’t feel safe in California.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

DeSantis should require her to wear a paper bag on her head

Buford T Justice
Buford T Justice
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

I hope she leaves her progressive bs back in San Fran, Way to many progressive’s leave the area that is destroyed by their political doings and move on to flock up areas doing much better ,

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Then why does pctv morning show say he’s the greatest? Aren’t you in tune with the great things Congressman Neal has done here. Who’s hippocritical here?

Buford T Justice
Buford T Justice
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Your Shit~ Fest episodes attacking certain people are ok and yet don’t attack anyone you think shouldn’t be ? And you whine about getting attacked when you were a child all of the time

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Buford T Justice
3 years ago

I agree Jon. It’s OK for you to blather on about everyone who’s wronged you throughout your life, but stuck out to me. I believe you posted it yesterday or Saturday. I didn’t have time to respond, so I will now.

You wrote that they were “mean” to you in the Army? As a wounded veteran, I’m curious by what your definition of “mean” was? Did the DI’s pick on you because you were your units Gomer Pyle? How were they mean? I look forward to your reply.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Sleep deprivation with an inordinate amount of 24-hour duty shifts in the field in freezing mid-January 2001 Germany with me, Jon Melle, receiving and having to disobey very similar illegal orders that could have resulted in innocent civilian deaths one month after a sleep deprived Soldier drove a 5-ton U.S. Army truck that jackknifed and killed a German mother driving her son to an elementary school in Germany where I was honorably serving after a fellow Soldier threatened my life by holding a steel bar to my head, but when I complained to my immediate Chain of Command, my black Sergeant and black Staff Sergeant told me that only I, Jon Melle, was going to be written up for the incident because I told my fellow Soldier to Go To Hell while he was threatening to maim and/or kill me, then me going to JAG and the 2 Star U.S. Army-Europe General’s Inspector General’s Office with my written documentation of the abuse I was enduring, and then me receiving retribution from my Unit for months-on-end. My mental and physical health needed constant attention with me going to the psychiatric unit and various hospitals in Germany where even the German Doctors fought with my U.S. Army Command about my physical and mental health. The White House sending me a letter stating that the U.S. President sends me his regards and the then President, Bush 2, ordering me a hearing during the Summer of 2004 at the VA Central Office that is very close to the White House in Washington, D.C. Me, Jon Melle, being a 100% service-connected disabled Veteran. When I receive a medical bill, the hospital statement reads that our grateful country is happy to serve you [Jon Melle]. Is that good enough for you? Lastly, I wish to thank you for your military service.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You were abused Jon and that’s all you need to explain.You served and they owned you and they were responsible for your safety.

We The People
We The People
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Jon, Since it’s all settled and you prevailed and are duly compensated it’s almost like you can heal anytime you decide. Make new memories. Stop reading the news.

Buford T Justice
Buford T Justice
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

It is a fact you were 100% disconnected before joining,

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Buford T Justice
3 years ago

The radical right fascist CRY CRY and CRY about washing hands,masking and vaccinations and we have the chaos continue.The weak have their gun and that gun will defend the rich because they own your thinking.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Washing hands, good and effective. So is cleanliness and basic hygiene. Avoid touching mouth/eyes/nose with unwashed hands. Grade school children were taught this years ago.

Masks, most of them ineffective, CDC admits so. You need N95 or KN95 masks to be effective or a respirator. Got a boxfull of N95 masks TSC?

The shot is not a vaccine. It does not confer immunity, does not prevent contracting spreading or getting ill from Covid. One shot didn’t work, nor does two or three.

Natural immunity from contracting Covid is stronger and longer lasting than any protection from the shots. Recovered Covid patients should be exempt from any shot mandates.

The CDC/FDA/Fauci oppose any effective treatments for Covid. Their “treatment” is stay home in isolation two weeks. I’ll agree if you are sick, with any communicable illness stay home until recovered. But do not deprive the sick of treatments.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Where’s my violin….

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Harrington borrowed it for her campaign….

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Is she running

Reply to  Mike
3 years ago

Doesn’t matter. Sullivan will win.

Mi Teem
Mi Teem
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Sounds like a certain city Clowncilors made up story for that phony arrest. Show us the signed affidavit from the Army?

Oh stahp
Oh stahp
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Good thing you’re not a dad we lose sleep relentless amounts of it.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I would not encourage melle, he’s a mental case. I don’t doubt for one second that his very obvious psychiatric condition predated his alleged honorable service to this country. Whoever deemed him eligible for service in the first place should have had his own head examined for mental deficiencies. If obnoxious melle was allegedly abused any more than anyone else who signs up for the military which allegedly makes men out of boys and trains them be killers for their country, mental case melle brought the additional abuse on himself. And his whiny mentally unfit ass should have been dishonorably discharged.

Mi Teem
Mi Teem
Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

Isn’t there a middle ground? Instead of100 percent,give him 25% and re-educate his ass and give him his medical benefits. That’s reasonable.but 100%. Common Man!

Reply to  Mi Teem
3 years ago

Let him go. He is not like you.

Buford T Justice
Buford T Justice
Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

The City,

Hit the nail on the head, I know someone who signed up and was BI~Polar with other issues and they gladly took him. During basic he had a few episodes and was quickly sent home. I have no idea how this young man’s mental state was over looked. Melle made it long enough before his mental state was noticeable.He only got the benefits after fighting for them. Notice his 100% service connected crap.

No Wafy
No Wafy
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

We do not accept a misguided DA

We The People
We The People
3 years ago

A day to remember MLK. Peace.

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
3 years ago

Two things that anyone who has spent any actual time in the criminal justice system would know – one, not every bit of evidence is released to the public, most is held back in the interest of the integrity of the case, and they are often aware of a lot more wrongdoing than what is actually contained in the indictment. The second, if this case (and it most likely was) was conferred with the US Attorneys Office prior to indictment, they never take a case on unless its an almost guaranteed win.

Prosecutors are supposed to be extremely unbiased and only look at provable facts. The fact that we have a DA that is jumping to conclusions off of an article is scary in itself. If she feels that law enforcement and prosecutors are going after people because of their race, gender, political standpoint or prior prosecutions; how would she explain her verbal warning for driving on a bad license? How would she describe the fact that a lot of her office wouldn’t pass a traditional background check but she has no problem dragging a police officers name through the mud because they were simply investigated for something. Would she ever disclose if anyone else in her senior staff was caught driving on a bad license? Or is she simply sympathetic because she also had issue with taxes and creditors?

Bottom line, she is in over her head, and the most scary part of all is she shoots from the hip without collecting all of the facts. Seriously wrong position for someone like that to be in.

And just out of curiosity, how many Williams College prosecutions is she up to? Is it more or less the number of campaign finance violations she had? And, how much of her money is coming from interest groups outside of the area?

Reply to  Juan Alvarez
3 years ago

About that money coming from outside interest groups…..WHY is it coming from outside and from whom?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Liberals good friend, the enemy of Americans/America, SOROS.

We The People
We The People
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Please explain what outside source means for us ?

The kidd
The kidd
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
3 years ago

As Stone Cold Steve Austin would say” Oh Hell Yeah!”

3 years ago

Dan You’re right about one thing, police feel betrayed especialy this one from North Adams.
John LeClair @JLeClair853
Replying to @harringtonforda @MarilynMosbyEsq
Thank you for pointing out to the world what so many thought and have said for a long time. I just never thought it would come from a democrat to so blatantly call President Biden, AG Merrick Garland and US Attorney-Maryland Erek Barron racist and misogynistic.

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

Replying to @harringtonforda @MarilynMosbyEsq
STOP….. a federal grand jury heard the evidence and indicted her. THEY ACTUALLY HEARD ALL THE EVIDENCE… these were not bogus charges brought by one party… with no checks and balances.

It all started with Elijah
It all started with Elijah
3 years ago

Andrea said contact her office so I did. That was over a year ago.

3 years ago

Marilyn Mosby says God is on her side. God help the Kapanskis.

‘We need your prayers’: Baltimore DA asks for God’s help as she addresses congregation after indictment over false mortgage applications for Florida summer homes which her lawyer claims is ‘racist witch hunt’

  • Maryland attorney Marilyn Mosby, 41, joined a prayer circle and asked for God’s help during a Sunday service at a church in Baltimore
  • Mosby was brought up to the front of the church by Reverend Robert Turner alongside her husband Baltimore City Council President, Nick
  • Reverend Robert Turner delivered a sermon entitled ‘He dropped the charges’ and sung his praises of Mosby throughout the church service
  • Mosby was indicted on charges of perjury and making false mortgage applications in the purchase of two Florida homes
  • Mosby allegedly falsely claimed she was facing COVID-related financial troubles to use her city retirement fund to help her buy the properties
  • She also allegedly lied on two mortgage loan applications by hiding that she had several unpaid federal taxes from over the years
  • The top city prosecutor was also accused of claiming one of her homes in Kissimmee was a second residence in order to get a lower interest rate

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

This is a person who either does not know right from wrong or doesn’t care. This is not some clerical technicality but a legal document Mosby attested to and it’s the Biden DOJ holding her accountable.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

What about Hunter Biden’s alleged money laundering of many millions of dollars from adversarial foreign countries such as Russia & China? Why isn’t Hunter Biden facing Federal Indictments, too? Is it because Hunter Biden is the son of Syracuse Joe Biden? Is it because Hunter Biden is a wealthy white man? Animal Farm: All Animals are Equal, but some Animals are MORE EQUAL than Others!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Why should you care, hypocrite? You voted the Biden clan into office!
No discernment!

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

What about John Wilkes Booth? Can you prove to me right now that this cold blooded killer was not laundering money both before and after his visit to the movie theater?

Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

When they start involving God and religion, that tells ya all ya need to know.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

She has God and Lucifer mixed up

Buford T Justice
Buford T Justice
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Yup, Flip used to say “The church don’t have enough money” or in Marilyn Mosby’s case she need money.

Buford T Justice
Buford T Justice
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Loved that skit from Flip Wilson.

Just clownin
Just clownin
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

What about the separation agreement church/statey’s?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

If the people of Berkshire County are stupid enough to vote for her, they deserve her. Just like PITTSfield deserves Tyer.

On another topic, the CDC finally admits what people have known for two years:

“The CDC has revised its guidelines on masks, admitting that cloth masks do virtually nothing to stop the spread of COVID.

The move prompted Senator Rand Paul to comment, reminding social media users that YouTube previously suspended him for saying the same thing.”

The CDC announced that “loosely woven cloth products provide the least protection.”

Who would have known?

That’s only been common knowledge since the very beginning of the pandemic.

“Does this mean snot-nosed censors at YouTube will come to my office and kiss my … and admit I was right?” Paul tweeted.”

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Trap. Come on, man.
You are completely missing the point of the cloth masks, which was to keep white women SJWs occupied making them and virtue signalling to another about what great good they were doing for their local disadvantaged folks. Kept them busy so other people could lay the groundwork for getting real work done, without them mucking it up.
It was STRATEGY, and it was brilliant.
It used WWSJWs biggest flaw against them — they only hear the loudest voice in the room, and never do their due diligence.
RaPaul is the fly in the ointment here.

Last edited 3 years ago by Outfox
Judicial Review
Judicial Review
Reply to  Outfox
3 years ago

Social Justice Warrior

3 years ago

This kind of hypocrisy is what made Donald Trump our President in 2016. People got so sick of politicians and their corrupt games so they voted in a person who is not a politician and wanted to clean up the corruption, but the media and the far left (one and the same) destroyed him on a daily basis because they want the corruption to continue because it gives them power.

3 years ago

Happy MLK day. The good doctor would be discussed with the discrimination taking place against white folk in jobs, and medical care and college admission.

Don't be a fool
Don't be a fool
3 years ago
3 years ago

Zero coverage in the Eagle about Harrington’s tweeted support of Mosby. Surprised? Harrington is nothing but a craven opportunist hoping her support of Mosby will burnish her progressive bona fides. To any thinking person, it’s just more evidence of her failure to understand/ do her job. I have learned that non- citizens are being allowed to vote in NYC. This is a very stupid idea. I fully expect Harrington, TFB, Tyer to give it two thumbs up! The progressives are killing the D party.

Reply to  Merguez
3 years ago

It’s pretty much the biggest Berkshire county trending story on twitter ever. a danger to our community and no one even knows about it.

Sean C. McCloskey @TheRL_McCloskey
Replying to @harringtonforda @MarilynMosbyEsq
IDK… Seeing a D.A. weigh in, before the case even begins suggest this DA operates by formulating opinions b4 getting all facts and evidence presented to her. Unless she is officially part of Mosby’s defense team and saw all the prosecutions evidence during discovery? #DoubtIt

Reply to  Merguez
3 years ago

The Eagle has read your post. Sometimes, when boxed in, they will cover something they were told not to. But it is rare.
No coverage of the badly needed forensic audit the mayor is fighting.

Judicial Review
Judicial Review
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago
Last edited 3 years ago by Judicial Review
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Webster, a longtime Boston campaign strategist, said with a completely straight face that DA Harrington will continue focusing on her job as District Attorney and let her record speak for itself.

Please go away
Please go away
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Why the campaign manager & not Andy? Strange, or no?

Case Closé
Case Closé
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Ya but why not a rep from her current office instead of a campaign manager…. she has the job already she won an election/ someone please let her know that she IS the Berkshire County district head of law ENFORCEMENT.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Jon Melle had the courage to serve his country.Some people dont have the ability to write the truth of an insurection.

Judicial Review
Judicial Review
3 years ago

Part of the reason slavery evolved differently in New England than in the middle and southern colonies was the culture of indentured servitude. … These indentured servants were people voluntarily working off debts, usually signing a contract to perform slave-level labor for four to seven years.


There’s no freedom in owing your life to pay for a freedom suit.

Listen, if one can not afford an attorney they are TODAY a slave in Berkshire County. Slavery looks different – it is still happening.

I’m not going into a court to ask the same judge that fraudulently convicted me, to review my case. That is insanity.

I want to be freed from these chains of oppression. I emailed the DA again today about my wrongful conviction. She failed my children worst of all. We are a broken family.

Thank you Planeteers, I know you can hear me. That is all I wanted. I know I’m insignificant but, I gotta live through it. Dayum, it’s not easy. Defamation hurts.

Basic daily needs for f* sake.

Last edited 3 years ago by Judicial Review
Judicial Review
Judicial Review
Reply to  Judicial Review
3 years ago

The thumbs down lets me know you’re there.

Reply to  Judicial Review
3 years ago

The whole country is a broken family right now. And as far as I know, Humpty Dumpty, who was viciously shoved off a thirty foot wall sometime during the Newark riots, and got all busted up and such, was never reconstructed in a recognizable manner. Sadly, that is Americas’ future as all the Crazy glue and Gorilla tape in the world ain’t gonna fix this mess.
That is a tough pill to swallow but I have not heard anyone saying anything different.

Judicial Review
Judicial Review
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Speaking of HD. I have a suspicion that klukluxKlan is a portmanteau & if anyone knows please elaborate, it’s a mystery I’ve been contemplating over the years.

Judicial Review
Judicial Review
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Unwilling to stand by me without hearing the discovery packet? I know I’m not the only one. I’m here without you. That’s why there’s no hope. No balls.

Judicial Review
Judicial Review
3 years ago

Part of the reason slavery evolved differently in New England than in the middle and southern colonies was the culture of indentured servitude. … These indentured servants were people voluntarily working off debts, usually signing a contract to perform slave-level labor for four to seven years.

If you need an attorney in Berkshire County then you are a slave.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  We The People
3 years ago

Markey is a synonym for Malarkey.

How many years has it been since they closed 1/2 of the railroad bridge on Holmes Rd.?

Juan Alvarez
Juan Alvarez
3 years ago

She needs to give it a rest and stop trying to screw numbers to make her look good. The homeless need more milk and donuts Andrea, that was about the only productive thing you’ve done!

Reply to  Juan Alvarez
3 years ago

The Berkshire Edge is a complete joke. It’s whole purpose is to make whites feel woke. Lovin’ the Rhyme, Don’t drop the dime

Last edited 3 years ago by Merguez
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
3 years ago

Harrington likes to trot out numbers from a 8 year old report by the Sentencing project. That’s a group that advocates for prisoners and is funded by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. I see she’s not bothering to cite it. Even the leftist democrats are starting to hate Soros.

Nuff Sed
Nuff Sed
Reply to  Juan Alvarez
3 years ago

1 person was wrongfully convicted.

We The People
We The People
3 years ago
The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

I saw a video of Capeless when he held a press conference to announce his retirement. Capeless kept shape shifting between his creepy public persona into the real Capeless, the Devil himself. Wrong way Nipples harrington is a f***ing idiot, unethical and dangerous. The public should have no illusions about who harrington is.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

On this Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, would MLK affirm or DENOUNCE Joe Biden’s horrible public record on Civil Rights in the USA?

Joe Biden was a staunch opponent of “forced busing” in the 1970s, and he was a leading crusader for mass incarceration throughout the ‘80s and ‘90s that targeted black men. Joe Biden has described African-American felons as “predators” too sociopathic to rehabilitate — and white supremacist senators as his friends.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

“Joe Biden Omits His Close Friendships with KKK Kleagle robert Byrd and George Wallace and His Racist 1993 Crime Bill Speech in Today’s MLK Jr. Address”
“And don’t forget about Joe Biden’s famous 1993 speech when he called blacks “predators.” ”

“Joe Biden slurred his way through his Martin Luther King, Jr. address today. It was another rough outing for Joe.
Less than 1,000 people tuned in to hear this crazy old man on Monday.”

Verbal Diarrhea
Verbal Diarrhea
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I’ve got Joe Biden on video tipping over my trash can last night. I am not going to report it because I think he may have just slipped and fell. But I am curious what he was doing in my back yard.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

“He’s Getting Worse – Joe Biden’s MLK Jr. Speech was Delivered from Fake White House Set and It Was Prerecorded”
“Joe Biden gave his MLK Jr speech from the fake White House set with no reporters present. His speech was again divisive while his senility appears to be getting worse. We’ve reported on the fake White House set that Biden has been using since he stepped into the White House. This has been really weird to watch.

Biden uses this set often and he even started putting fake pictures in the windows of the White House set. How bizarre.”

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Then why did you vote for him?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Yea but he was arrested at least twice in support of civil rights.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

I have a great idea for DA Wrong Way Harrington. Instead of pledging her full support to a soon to be convicted felon in Marilyn Mosby, how about you “celebrate” MLK Jr Day on something worthy of celebrating.

That something could be the swearing in of Virginia Lt Gov Winsome Sears.

Sears is the first black woman to be sworn in as Lt Gov in Virginia’s history. Sears came to the USA from Jamaica with $1.75 to her name. Through dedication and hard work, Sears is where she is today. She never has and doesn’t subscribe to the theory of “victimhood in the black community.” Sears also served four years honorably in the US Marine Corps.

Instead of honoring a liar and a fraud on MLK Day, how about someone young women, in particular young black women, can look up to and strive for. Huh Andrea? I saw your tweet about the Girl Scouts. You can’t honestly tell those girls to look up to Marilyn Mosby versus Winsome Sears. And if you can, you are morally bankrupt and a first class POS.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Arizona has a Trump donation rally and the lunatics were kissing the 78 year olds ass about how Trump got cheated.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

The 78 year old is living rent free in your head. Come on man.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

I’m selling MAGA hats for 28 bucks.Do you want another one?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

I’ve got LGBFJB!!! shirts TSC.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

The Trump rally had more people in line for the rest rooms, than Biden can get at a speech.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I would probably head to the rest room after being at one of his rallies too.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Biden just lets it loose, pants still on.

3 years ago

Well,how about that – the Beagle has a front page article about Harrington’s support for the indicted DA! I will be voting for the professional prosecutor in our DA’s race, Robert Sullivan.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

They should call the local cable channel…. progressive communities t v

Mi Teem
Mi Teem
Reply to  Ploosey
3 years ago

Stooge nonsense today on radio

Dumb Pelowsy
Dumb Pelowsy
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Zoomi is unwatchable and confusing at best. Back to live everything.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

I applaud the Eagle for the attention given to this important matter, however, much more is required.
District Attorney Harrington defended and celebrated (her words) on MLK day a person who, if convicted, could face a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison and 30 years on each of the charges of making false loan applications. Did DA Harrington read the indictments before proclaiming her support? There are strict rules and laws about withdrawing funds from official retirement accounts prematurely. You must claim and defend extenuating circumstances, which Mosby did – by lying several times. She did not disclose a tax lien on her properties in which she owed more than $45k so that she could obtain a lower interest rate on her mortgage. Despite earning more than $250k, she made the withdrawals based on trying to enrich herself by claiming she faced adverse financial consequences from the Coronavirus. 
From a local perspective, what Mosby did is not nearly as important as what Harrington has done – over and over again. Obviously Harrington did not read the indictment before using her position as our district attorney to assail a federal prosecutor. If she did, surely she would never have let such a tweet fly. Clearly Harrington has no problem with scamming relief funds. Evidently, paying taxes is optional as we know Harrington also has a history of tax liens due to non-payment. Of course, that information was not covered and never has been.
Most important of all, there is no evidence anywhere that AG Merrick Garland, US Attorney Erek Barron and a federal grand jury are all racist and misogynistic in their pursuit of Mosby. Just as there is no evidence Berkshire County police have been arresting people and DA’s prosecuting them based on racial bias. Once again, Harrington has used her platform to persuade in this defendant’s favor in an attack on other prosecutors and she did it without reviewing the evidence and by making claims of racism. Just like she did not review the evidence before demanding the removal of a local judge. Just like she failed to prosecutor a racial hoax in Great Barrington where someone pointed their finger at a community in an attempt to thwart justice while our district attorney – the leader in law enforcement – did nothing. We deserve a DA who does not ally themselves with criminals and baselessly attack judges and prosecutors and will enforce the law.  Most of all we need a leader who does not fuel claims of racial bias in the Berkshire County justice system without evidence to back up those claims. 

Reply to  EricaG
3 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to intelligently respond to the latest in AH’s self-promoting escapades. Dare we hope that the folks who supported her now see what a sham she is?

Reply to  EricaG
3 years ago

If someone tells you who they are….BELIEVE THEM.

Verbal Diarrhea
Verbal Diarrhea
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

and they will be getting a rather angry call from the DAs office this morning. Someone will be fired.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

Oh brother. Must be a really slow news day, and not a lot of crime out there to fight.

Mosey claimed hardship due to covid to make a withdrawal OF HER OWN MONEY.

She didn’t steal, she didn’t lie and receive any of the billions of public funding available to Americans during the pandemic. She took out her own money.

This is absolutely a witch hunt and it will be interesting to know what spurred it.

The powers that be made 2020/2021seem like the country was constantly two steps away from utter collapse, from unimaginable death at every turn, a complete descent into the end of times. That was the message. I would have taken my money out too.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

WTF, Phil.
Misrepresentation on a federal form
gaming the system with the claim of a pandemic-related hardship
claiming loss of business with a side hustle that wasn’t operational
hardship with a quarter million dollar publicly funded salary

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Her money? Why would she have to go through all that paperwork if she was entitled to her own money? Not stealing? She lied to get a free loan. She should be held to a higher standard anyways.

Judicial Review
Judicial Review
Reply to  gotcha22
3 years ago

It’s a thing called ERISA. There is strict protocol, reason being, pension investing it is to benefit all & if one takes a hardship it affects the value for all. The investment = as a group.

Last edited 3 years ago by Judicial Review
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

An you’d be brought up bc it is illegal. She read her full salary. 0 hardship to demonstrate.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

I love how the white power party won’t vote for a right to vote bill but will say how much they love all those civil rights leaders.So fake and so immoral but truly in line with a party that is running on the fantasy of truth is what they say it is.If God is truth then the lie is the devil.We have a war brought on by the lie.How do we know that.Donald Trump knows if you repeat his lie often enough people believe it.Facts mean nothing to the programmed brain…..Imagine believing Trump lie when he is out of power.What happens to his lies next time.If Trump says kill his supporters will kill.That is the truth.His supporters are unable to discern anything.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

The Psyops the MSM and government been feeding you, are working well TSC

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

As has been asked numerous times by me and others TSChapman, who was discriminated against in the last election?

Why the need to get rid of ID requirement to vote TSC? And finally, why are these always “discriminatory” towards the black community and Helen “Handgun” Moon, but never the other communities? The Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern, Indian (India) communities?

Mi Teem
Mi Teem
3 years ago

Stooge show unwatchable and way to tedious. Like my friend fritz says,don’t turn on the radio.

The Downtown Umbrella Guy
The Downtown Umbrella Guy
3 years ago

What an honor to have All these folks take my petition from last July and run with it.
I even got mentioned in the eagle.

comment image

Mi Teem
Mi Teem
Reply to  The Downtown Umbrella Guy
3 years ago

Who’s going to follow a fruitcake twirling an unbrellah. Now theirs one for yuh.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mi Teem
3 years ago

Versus a white chump who goes to Cumbies at 3AM, looking for trouble?

Gee…..not sure Bare?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The Downtown Umbrella Guy
3 years ago

There seems to be a good build up of ice in the toilet plunger lane. The bikers got studded snows?

Wait until we get a real snowstorm, real is 15-20″.

3 years ago

Cracking the case of the woke prosecutor. They missed one: political opportunism regardless of ethical principles.

Judicial Review
Judicial Review
3 years ago

20k a month, how will I get by.

Perspective Pie Eye
Perspective Pie Eye
3 years ago

Mum bett was indentured to Sedgwick for a freedom suit
I say
Fuck that

Who is more valuable a lawyer or a midwife. She was indentured regardless of her worth.

How many babies did Sedgwick have.

What’s it worth ?

Ignorant is what you are if you ain’t studied some book learnin’ bout that there what is called court procedure

Tell your kids to become ATTORNEY’S

I'm outta here
I'm outta here
3 years ago

That’s it a dog was killed

Mi Teem
Mi Teem
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Imagine white folk like Harrington and Jon stealing the thunder on here on M L K remembered weekend. Common Man.

Mi Teem
Mi Teem
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

If Coco had Any brains he would have blamed his inexcusable behavior on his failed marriage and subsequent addictions. Common Coco.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Mi Teem
3 years ago

In 2013 a federal court ruled that it was legal to bar smart people from becoming cops. Jordan v. The City of New London, Policing, Hiring and IQ:

Without a doubt the Pittsfield PD has benefitted from this ruling. If intelligence, integrity and ethics were an actual requirement Pittsfield would not have a police department. Your suggestion that PPD Officer Coco blame his drug abuse and criminal conduct on someone else is not unreasonable, and actually fits right in with the egregious narcissistic personality of some cops. PPD Officer Coco was able to steal in excess of $250,000 from the cops, right out from under their cop noses, without ever arousing the suspicion of even one of his fellow officers. Not a single cop in the entire PPD caught on to Officer Coco’s years of criminal behavior or his drug addiction for which he needed serious help with to allegedly get clean.

Krash and Burns
Krash and Burns
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Guaranteed that Ricardo will be told to eliminate the pattern at the west hous right turn right onto Center St.Why? Two words. Lawsuit.

F* the DA
F* the DA
3 years ago

They stretched out the neck-hole to my sweater !

Case Closé
Case Closé
3 years ago

The only question is did Mosby receive her full salary.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The Lovely Linda’s comments on her mayoral administration’s spending of over $41 million in Biden Buck$.

CommonWealth Magazine

3 years ago

I’m never gonna hurt like this again.