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(Ed Note: This column was written prior to the council meeting to meet deadline.)

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 12, 2022) — The temptation to stay with national and world news notwithstanding, today THE PLANET turns it’s focus closer to home, what with Pittsfield’s “new” city council having met last night.

By deadline time, a nebulous concept in the 27/7 blogosphere, our Right Honorable Good Friends were still hashing through an agenda with several interesting items. Last night provided clues to what we might expect going forward this year. Might, we say.

Council president Pete Marchetti announced subcommittee assignments, something about as exciting as scraping glazed ice off a frozen windshield in a howling gale.

With that, we offer these initial council comments.


Ward 1 councilor Ken Warren had the most impressive debut, filing several timely petitions. Going in as the successor to Helen “Handgun” Moon, Ward 1 had already been a beneficiary. After Warren’s first meeting, Handgun’s non-presence felt like summer breeze and anyone short of the Gillette Carnival sideshow would have seemed like Winston Churchill.

One of Warren’s petitions requested that a membership and function audit be conducted of all city boards and commissions (B&C). This has been long overdue. Go to the city’s website and check out the number of B&C vacancies. The crowded emptiness of missing names partially explains why Pittsfield has been in such a generational downward spiral. Look at any successful city — Syracuse, NY; Richmond VA; Newburyport, MA, Palm Springs; for example — and you’ll find B&C’s playing a vital role.

In Pittsfield, many commissions are inactive — the consumer advisory commission, civic center commission, affirmative action advisory commission, capital outlay commission, cable TV charter review commission. Useless, all. As Warren points out, many B&Cs are not in compliance with the law. The real question behind Warren’s initiative asks “Why?” Why do people bother to “serve” on these on-paper fictions? Do wannabes simply want their name listed on a B or C to pad their resumes? THE PLANET will be curious what, if anything, happens to this requested audit.

Speaking of audits, when will the ongoing bunco scam with respect to “nonprofit” or “not for profit” businesses and organizations take place. How much in lost revenue does Pittsfield give up in the volunteer Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) program. You can be sure that if 501C groups go with PILOT, it’s not anywhere near the going taxation rate. Just an educated guess, but there’s probably millions of dollars to be had.

Warren also submitted other petitions, including a request to examine the legality of the charter review study commission. You might recall those thrilling days of yesterday, when the city rewrote the charter with almost no public input, achieving among other notable rusty anchos the establishment of a four-year mayoral term.

Not a bad beginning.


Another item the council considered was a $162,400 request from city airport manager Dan Shearer to pay a consultant to remove trees. Seriously.

Officials deemed Mother Nature’s free and living air purifiers “safety hazards” for the “busy” facility, and they have to come down. Problem is that the trunks and branches are rooted on private land, requiring easements, hence, the “need” for a consultant. So they say.

No problem, Shearer says. The city will only be on the hook for 5% of the cost. You know what they say about something that sounds too good to be true.

Shearer says the Feds will pick up 90% and the state 5%. All well and good, but in the fine print, unlike other federally reimbursed work at the airport, this time the city has to pay for the work 100% up front — in short, the Kapanskis get stuck again fronting the cash. THE PLANET would also question the need to take these trees. Just because the FAA says so? Even if all the funding proceeds as planned, taxpayers will still be out $8,210.

What, you ask? Why wasn’t this work considered in time for the mayor’s budget for FY’22, the one rubber stamped by the council? Great question, along with why didn’t Shearer think to forward this at budget time. On the surface, it appears to be another “miscommunication” between the corner office and a department head, with the council dead and dumb as usual.

Because neither Tyer nor Shearer asked for the money at budget time, the $162.4K will have to come from elsewhere.

No problem, Tyer says. We’ll simply dip into “free” cash to cover the costs. “Free” cash, as Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski know too well, consists of the money Pittsfield took from their pockets at tax time but didn’t spend. God forbid that the mayor and council would consider returning that money to their rightful owners.


Four other new members who took their place on the council: Ward 2 Charles Kronick, Ward 3 Kevin Sherman, Ward 4 Jim Conant, and at-large Karen Kalinowsky. THE PLANET starts with a blank slate concerning them, all previous encounters erased save for Sherman, who was a member of the jury of which we served as foreman these 15 years ago. THE PLANET won’t let go of that experience, not even for a Cracker Jack prize.

THE PLANET wonders if there will be enough political conscience among the newbies to offer intelligent and loyal opposition to corner office wishes. We have this silly notion that representative government works best when the executive and legislative branches check each other into the boards of good policy, perhaps even honesty. In any case, we wish them all well.

We shall look forward to reports from our spies on the content of the actual first meeting last night.

Wonder how many of them it takes to screw in a light bulb. Takes just one to screw the public.


“I guess that’s the way it is. I would not change a thing — Poet Robert Creeley 



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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

My dad told me that Kenny Warren was a Berkshire County Commissioner (like my dad was) and a former Ward 1 City Councilor. Kenny Warren is a good man and he will be an independent voice in Pittsfield politics. I followed Charles Kronick’s campaign for Ward 2. Like Kenny Warren, Charles Kronick will be a common-sense City Councilor who is looking out for the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family. Ward 3 Kevin Sherman cares about Pittsfield, and his maternal side of the family is from the Del Gallo clan. He is a former President of the Pittsfield City Council, and he will bring institutional knowledge to city government. I don’t know much about Ward 4 Jim Conant, but I hope he will be an independent voice who advocates for city residents and taxpayers like his 2021 Orbit winning predecessor Chris Connell. At Large City Councilor Karen Kalinowsky has spoken out about Mayor Linda Tyer’s administration, including when she ran for Mayor of Pittsfield against her back in 2019. Karen is a retired Pittsfield Police Officer who will advocate for the people and taxpayers instead of only the vested and special interests who always line their bottomless pockets with Kapanski Ka$h. The big TEST for the new and returning Pittsfield politicians will be when the Lovely Linda proposes her predictable record high fiscal year 2023 municipal budget that always increases municipal spending by 5 percent every fiscal year since the mid-1980s when MVP Larry Bird was winning NBA championships for the Boston Celtics. Will Kenny Warren, Charles Kronick, Kevin Sherman, Jim Conant and Karen Kalinowsky go along with “Business as usual in Pittsfield politics” or will the new and returning City Councilors say enough is enough to the sitting Mayor who lives in a mansion in her millionaires-only Gated Community within a few feet of the Hancock border where she parks her Lexus luxury car at night? If I had the good fortune of being a new Pittsfield City Councilor I would ask Mayor Linda Tyer about the tens of millions of dollars in cash she is sitting on, and then ask her if predictable Pittsfield politics is even rational anymore when it comes to its “Business as usual” record high municipal budgets and spending, huge municipal debts and other liabilities that total in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and the state and local ruling elite being so out-of-touch with the actual people who live and pay taxes for Pittsfield’s Level 5 public schools, unsafe streets full of violent crime, a dangerous downtown sarcastically called “Social Services Alley”, the PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in growing liabilities, a decades-long distressed local economy with severe economic inequality, 50 years of population loss and the loss of thousands of living wage jobs, and so on? I hope that my native hometown of Pittsfield Massachusetts will change for the better someday, but I am not holding my breath for it to happen in my lifetime.
Jonathan A. Melle

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

When has the public only been screwed by just one allegedly elected parasite? Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. So, taxpayers should prepare to be gang raped by this “new” seedy gang. A truly honest to Allah NEW city council would have consisted of 11 never before been elected fed-up sick of it all disgruntled overtaxed taxpayers. It’s only the 1st meeting of this seedy gang, and already the taxpaying public was excluded.

3 years ago

Unfortunately I was busy last night and was unable to attend….I mean watch this wonderful event. I wish all good health and a good dose of common sense. I hope they all have the Kapanski’s in mind instead of the leaches of society who are always lapping at the city’s purse strings. I hope they focus on the essentials of city government safety, roads and water. Time will tell but from history I am expecting nothing will change. For the issue of the trees, weren’t they there when it was redone with millions of Kapanski’s cash? If they were an issue it should have been dealt with then, and if it was missed go after the consultants and contractors who didn’t think they were an issue.

3 years ago

And how much do they get paid not to go to meetings and what benefits do they get?

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

The airport is a massive economic engine and if you don’t see that, just ask Linda to explain it to ya.

Pharm Animal
Pharm Animal
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

How easy it is to import/export.

3 years ago

I am withdrawing my major award of cash to Handgun Moon for producing her arrest report documenting her removal at gunpoint from a motor vehicle because she is a woman of color, since she is no longer on the public tit.

However, shall she produce such a phantom document from the Boston Police, I shall present her with a new major award – A custom made handgun lamp!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

And I will even kick in for a light that’s styled in the shape of Earth-in honor of Planet Valenti.

Only those in the know will understand it. And it will allow Helen to spin another elaborate tale on how as an Asian immigrant, growing up in the middle class, she prevailed over the evil YT’s.

Joke Ovitch
Joke Ovitch
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Cool Hand Dan

Joke Ovitch
Joke Ovitch
Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

O j has a better chance of producing the real murderer.

Verbal diarrhea
Verbal diarrhea
3 years ago

Large Pete better reign in this Kenny fella right now. Pretty sure that council handbook states right on page four, “no councilor will think independently or put citizen concerns before the mayors wishes”. Kenny may be in for some “O’Connell” treatment. Shunned and bad mouthed.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Verbal diarrhea
3 years ago

If you’ve ever had a discussion with Kenny, he’s not going to be easily reigned in. Just ask around the courthouse.

Kenny might be a dark horse in the running?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Kenny is no pushover and no one’s patsy. Worked with him for years in court. A dogged PIA, but he will not tow the gobsigs line.

Joke Ovitch
Joke Ovitch
Reply to  MrsMiaWallace
3 years ago

See if he can do anything with the trash talk nonsense which citizen do not want.Period !

3 years ago

There was some talk a few years ago about making the airport self-sufficient through fees. Of course that was only talk, and the burden on taxpayers to support jet-setters has only increased

3 years ago

Dan, as you know Warren and Sherman have warmed their seats before. What were their signature accomplishments when they held office before? Besides raising taxes, I mean. Please enlighten us

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

By warmed their seats, do you mean, soiled? Will delusional kenny, who believes he’s god’s gift to women, rip the doors off the hinges if he doesn’t get what he demands?

Fed Touchdon
Fed Touchdon
Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

City? What was the flowers deal years ago with some woman.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

Sherm is not going to cut 1 penny of spending and thats a lock.If he fixes sidewalks in his ward he will be a hero.The last guy was there to only promote green.Ward councilors need to go back to basics.

Verbal diarrhea
Verbal diarrhea
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

I hope whomever is ward four councilor will get to stepping on fixing some roads in his ward. He has some of the worst roads even though the homes are paying 5 and six thousand bucks plus es per annum. Start with Alfred…horror show whole road bed is sinking into the swamp beneath it. Good place for some of the mayors free cash.

Joke Ovitch
Joke Ovitch
Reply to  Verbal diarrhea
3 years ago

Hasn’t Alfred been a bad road for decades?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Verbal diarrhea
3 years ago

Verbal D, you’ve been complaining about Alfred Drive for the last several years under different aliases.
Call Conant & request that it gets fixed!

Verbal Diarrhea
Verbal Diarrhea
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Don’t need to. This blog is now on his first thing in the morning reading list. The whole sewer line is shot as well so they need to do that as well. I mowed a lawn over there for years and there has to be some hidden reason the city does not want to talk about why they won’t fix it. I hope Mr Conant will address it asap. He has inside power and can make it happen if he wants to. This spring.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

I would like to know what Good Old Kenny & Kevin accomplished many years ago in Pittsfield politics, too. But like I said before, Mayor Linda Tyer’s upcoming fiscal year 2023 municipal budget proposal will be their big TEST. After all, she is sitting on a financial windfall of tens of millions of dollars, so she has NO business raising municipal taxes and fees once again. Pittsfield politics is NOT rational anymore!

Verbal diarrhea
Verbal diarrhea
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Your talking my language now Dan. These people have had a free ride for too long. Everybody is pissed off these days and city hall is a most deserving place to aim our advice.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

All well and good. Except that the decades long sordid history of the Pittsfield schitty council has proving over and over again that the past just keeps on repeating itself. Rotating the same inept dum-dum fools in and out over and over again. Garbage out, same dummy garbage in!

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

City government is what peyronie’s is to the penis, a painful unnatural diseased bunch of bent dicks. Perpetually in the wrong direction of right!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago


That there is satire at it’s best!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Hello blogger Dan Valenti, I respect you and your blog about Pittsfield politics and beyond. I agree with you writing for the benefit of the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski who are a decent family that systemically gets shafted by City Hall, Beacon Hill and the Swamp year in and year out. I agree with you that Pittsfield politics is way over the top expensive with the WORST results: Level 5 public schools, always being in the FBI’s top 10 cities for violent crime in Massachusetts, the PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in growing liabilities, severe economic inequality with a lot of poverty around “Social Services Alley”, and so on. Here is where we have differences of opinion about Pittsfield politics: (a) Mayor Linda Tyer inherited all of it, but unfortunately she has continued with “Business as usual”, which is NOT rational but very bureaucratic; (b) The state and local ruling elite only does DISSERVICES to the people and taxpayers while they live in their upper middle-class homes (or in the Lovely Linda’s case her Gated Community mansion) and make 6-figure-plus incomes with public bennies; (c) the Berkshire state legislative delegation are useless backbenchers whose votes in Boston are mostly for the top-down legislative dictators there so that Shitty, Marx, Trippy, the career Mayor, and Chrome Dome all enrich themselves at the public trough; and finally (d) Pittsfield politics is ALWAYS totally predictable with the way the city government operates going back generations, and hoping the new Pittsfield City Council will change things for the better in “the Pitts” is similar to me hoping that I will win the Powerball and Mega Millions lottery jackpots. Best wishes, Jon Melle

3 years ago

And what exactly is a councilors job description?

Verbal diarrhea
Verbal diarrhea
Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

A mayoral fool tool. The Petes could tell ya better. Do they get to go to the barbecues out on Pheasant way? uhhhhh But don’t let that Oath of Office thingy fool ya cuz it don’t be applying in Pittsfield. Not with this motley crew. Not with Pete or his ducklings.

Joke Ovitch
Joke Ovitch
Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

Bobble head is at top of list.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

Fix issues in the ward.Atlarge is nothing more than checking out their viability to run for mayor.A city manager should replace the Mayor.Mayors have little ideas about budgets.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

If you are a non transparent Mayor and council you are incompetent or irresponsible or stealing cash.

3 years ago

120 more Covid deaths in Mass. yesterday. No need to worry Joe, you are good on this.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

People die every day, Fizz.
Did your number of 120 die BECAUSE of covid or WITH covid?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

So where did you get your information that people die every day? I find that hard to believe given the medical miracles available today.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

UK reporting that 75 percent of covid deaths were vaccinated individuals, Fizz.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Over 1000 of Massachusetts Covid fatalities were among those fully vaccinated, according to the latest figures from DPH. Over 40 percent of those currently hospitalized in Mass are fully vaccinated. It’s not the vaccine but other health factors that determine how sick you get. That Really is science.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Roughly 7-8,000 people die every day. No one will get out alive. Live life to the fullest, everyday is truly a present.

Thus Greekgawd
Thus Greekgawd
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

The G A W M Awards have been nominated. These are the candidates….
Peter White
Yukie Cohen
Earl Persip
Dina Guiel Lampiasi
Helen Moon
Mayor Tyer
Peter Marchetti.

Please vote on here for this Prestigeuos Award.Just put down GWAM nomination and vote.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

But you covered your ass by getting the vax right Dan?

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Kavey got all excited when he asked Cambi about a vaccine passport. Pittsfield soon to become north korea.

Ral Rhodesia
Ral Rhodesia
Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

Yes,but isn’t Kavey better than LOW

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Absolutely. Just don’t bring your problems to the ER when your lungs fill up with puss. You don’t need no stinkin medical community.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Relax Fiz, your going to end up clogging up the ER with all your worrying. Don’t worry be happy. As far as I go, I have dragon blood and already got the Chinese Virus.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Your asinine response is ignorant. It’s like saying that if you’re a cop hater, don’t call the cops when a crime is committed against you. When a sick or injured person shows up at the ER, Doctors, nurses, medical professionals have a moral obligation to provide medical care to the sick and injured even if the sick and injured hate doctors, nurses and the long waits in the ER.

Ral Rhodesia
Ral Rhodesia
Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

Or an opposite analogy when the government starts telling those receiving any benefits that shots will be required or else.

Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

Which is it? Asinine or ignorant? It cannot be both.
As far as moral obligation I think the rules change when people are being assholes. Hypothetical of course, but if I worked in an intensive care unit, and some anti vaxxer comes in foaming at the mouth, I am going to treat the kid with a dog bite before I go to them. Also, the hypochondriac with a mild headache.
But that’s just me

Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

They call it triage what you said is common practice. The kid is priority.

Reply to  Betty
3 years ago

I call it triage when I wheel the mouth foamer into the dark cold storage area of the basement and then go get myself a coffee and box of donuts

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Hot coffee though?
Saving an asshole more than once is insanity.

Last edited 3 years ago by Betty
Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

Unless your white then you go to end of
Line for Covid therapeutics. Blacks and Hispanics go first.

We The People
We The People
Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

Unless they don’t like you, then they don’t.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Treatment Fizzie.

If you can’t get hydroxychloroquin and/or ivermectrin (due to Fauci FDA/CDC) as a zinc ionophore, use quercetin.

Queretin, zinc, Vits C and D, this or the above cost ~$50 for a course of treatment.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Veritas Documents Reveal DC Bureaucrats Had Evidence Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Were Effective in Treating COVID — BUT HID THIS FROM PUBLIC

Project Veritas has obtained startling never-before-seen documents regarding the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government’s effort to conceal all of this.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

BTW, Fizzie, the jab can cause your blood vessels to fill up with spike proteins:heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis…….

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

So are all preventive medical procedures bad? Should I not get a colonoscopy because my bowel may get punctured? And what about all the medications doctors prescribe for people? EVERY one of them has potentially negative side effects including death? Even that Cialis you take can kill you in the blink of an eye.

Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

Viagra cures Covid and prevents Alzheimer’s

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

I think you need both a colonoscopy AND a prostate exam I can tell you’ve already had a lobotomy.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

It makes me uncomfortable that you are thinking about my, uh, my stuff down there. Please stop.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

How do You breathe with your head down/up there?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

Last colonoscopy You had they were successful in removing/extracting your head. Time for another…..

“How Bad is my Batch”The story of my vaccine injury”- Dr R W Malone MD

Inventor of mRNA vaccines

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Excellent website!

Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

Yes please stay away from the hospital and the doctors thank you, maybe my insurance and taxes will go down. Eat healthy, exercise, get fresh air and stay off the computer and your life will be healthier. If you have the money become a farmer and be self sufficient, don’t use automobiles, do everything by hand so you don’t pollute the air for everyone else!

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

How many more people died last year or the year before, than an average year? That may give a more accurate picture of true Covid deaths

Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

True, but because of the lock downs, Murders, Suicides and Drug overdoses are all up.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  JoeKapanski
3 years ago

More Covid dead 2021 with ~70% jabbed, than 2020 with no jabs.

And this is after the 2020 wave took out many of the at risk.

Fauci CDC/FDA still will not approve effective, safe, low cost, TREATMENTS.

Fauci pushed redmisivir (sp?) , that in 8 days poisons your kidneys. He has financial interests in that drug.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

We shut down.We opened up

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

Keep one thing in mind when consultants are involved. Consultants are legalized grifters. There have few in the past in city government who have understood this. I hope there are a few new councilors who understand this.

Thus Greekgawd
Thus Greekgawd
Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

Does it matter.? The city blew its wad on the water and high school projects.

Verbal diarrhea
Verbal diarrhea
Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

Do consultants ever kick back any of their fees to the people who gave them the work? I heard this happened in Pakistan during the 1960s.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Have a question about the City Council, maybe someone on this blog can answer it. For years I have watched taxpayers bring an issue to the open mike session of the Pittsfield City Council meetings, never once have I ever seen the City Council have any questions, respond in any way or even offer assistance to these taxpayers. I watch as these elected officials, including the Mayor just sit looking totally bored and expressionless. Last year there was a young mother who cried while asking about assistance for her handicapped child and there was absolutely no response to her. Really angered me. Are the councilors not allowed to even ask a taxpayer for their phone number so they could contact them and possibly help them? Is there some rule or law that these officials can’t or won’t interact with these taxpayers at the mike? Does this lack of response happen in other cities or is this a Pittsfield rule? In watching local Selectboard meetings I have noticed that the elected selectmen converse with the taxpayer. What good is this open mike if there is no response? The only conversation from the Council is PeePee Petie telling them they are out of time! Fine it very strange, yet almost everything in Pittsfield is now strange!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Offer Pee Pee a cheeseburger if you wish to get his attention!

Ral Rhodesia
Ral Rhodesia
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I understand what your saying and believe this. But the practice has always been to call the Councilor in your ward? no?

Reply to  Ral Rhodesia
3 years ago

Yes but the counselors practice has always been not to respond to your calls

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Those two Pee Pees don’t change their underwear unless the mayor tells them too. TERRIBLE!

Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

Do they change it it or exchange it?

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Look, your anonymous whining does absolutely nothing to change anything. If you do live in Pittsfield, then go to these meetings and complain. We live in a republic, not a direct democracy. Your representatives speak for you.

I can assure you that not one post on Valenti’s blog has moved the needle even a millimeter when it comes to votes.

We The People
We The People
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Speaking into the mic at meetings is obviously is futile as well.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  We The People
3 years ago

Some people are in favor of dictators. BH is one of them. It’s sad.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

I’m not a Trump supporter. You know, the autocrat whose boots you lick with glee.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

But you are a thief

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
3 years ago

Ask Ramona about thievery.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

whose Ramona……?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

How will SCOTUS rule on Biden’s vaccine mandates when 3 of the liberal justices don’t know the facts about covid??

Ruling to be announced on Thursday?

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Are you vaccinated?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Are you a eunuch?

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

I believe he is

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

I’m not a Trump supporter, so no.

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

All thieves are eunuchs

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Medical records are confidential by law.

They are trying to change that, “SHOW US YOUR PAPERS!!!!”

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

So, you oppose kids getting vaccinated to go to school? Better have that MMR vaccine taken out of your system, “Doctor.”

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

The mmr vaccine works. The China virus vaccine is not a vaccine

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Facts don’t matter to the Liberals. It’s all about the narrative, just ask Fizz.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Yup. FACT: the symptom suppression shot is not a vaccine. FACT: the symptom suppression does not prevent you from getting or passing on the wuhan virus.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Republicans are backing the domestic terror attack on the Capital even as the proud boys have been indicted and charged with sedition….you guys still on board with attacking America because you fell in love with your Trump

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

FBI orchestrated it TSC.

You know who Ray Epps is? FBI does but pretends they don’t. He was an organizer, caught on film, but no charges. Why is that? Epps and “the guy in the tower” egging the crowd on inside. FBI knows about tower man too.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago
Verbal diarrhea
Verbal diarrhea
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Looks like Pete has some city buildings in mind he wants to convert to housing. I wonder if he knows anyone who does that sort of work. And is that public buildings committee stacked with rubber stampers or what? Are there more old fire stations that could be turned into (affordable condos) and if so who in the world might be interested in doing such work? I sure don’t know anybody duhhhh

Reply to  Verbal diarrhea
3 years ago

Dude is Mayor’s relative. CT Property management employs him. Just bought Cove too.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Verbal diarrhea
3 years ago

Pee Pee is Chair of the Finance Committee, along with Earl Persip, Karen Kalinowsky, James Conant and Charles Kronick. The Finance Committee is useless because Pittsfield politics’ municipal finances are totally predictable with yearly 5% increases in city spending going back decades. Also, Pittsfield politics’ municipal debts and other liabilities run in the hundreds of millions of dollars, and the city’s red ink will never be paid back in our lifetimes. Just get it over with and sign your financial lives over to Mayor Linda Tyer if you live in Pittsfield Massachusetts.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Bidenflation just reported 40 year high at 7 percent. Therefore budget will be rising at least that much.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Marchetti is the last person who should be on the fiance committee. He has not saved the taxpayers a dime in the last ten years. And does not look like he has any interest in doing so.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

In the past during CC meetings when ever there is an issue with finance PeePee Petie has to excuse himself and leaves the room due to a conflict, so why the hell is he on the Finance Committee? Does not make any sense at all.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Linda Tyer has failed at bringing stability to the taxpayer in Her lying is becoming epic.She loves spending 80 year old residents SS checks.I hope this council starts every meeting with that pledge.How can I best serve my city by starting with the SS check as their guide.That check is on average 1300 dollars.The average tax bill is 3000….councilor need to be budget WOKE

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Average tax bill has to be much more than 3000.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Probably is

3 years ago

Had a nice evening with some friends and family until the talk turned to work and the vaccine. It seems an email went out yesterday at Berkshire Health System about workers can get an incentive check if they get the booster and the percentage of employees with the booster is over 75%. The booster must be taken by this weekend. It seemed strange to me why the quick response needed to make the decision but then I realized the Supreme Court is possibly ruling on the legalities of mandating people to take the COVID-19 symptoms syrup seeing how it is not eradicating the Chinese made virus. It seems everyone is basing decisions on fear and not on science. Healthcare workers for the most part are covered head to toe so it is very difficult for them to spread the disease. If the government really wanted it to get out of the hospitals and nursing homes they should stop visitors from coming in the building and giving visitors full PPE garments with face shields. The government should also increase the vaccines they use to include cheaper better options as well as more medicines that have worked in other countries.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

Hospitals in other states, have started letting Covid + workers work, if they are jabbed. Now that there makes a lot of sense, NOT!!!

This is because they have fired all those that refuse the experimental jab, natural immunity or not.

Connecticut, has started warehousing Covid+ patients in nursing homes. A la Cuomo the killer

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I’d rather have a unvaccinated person without COVID caring for me medically than a vaccinated person with COVID. It’s insane. Vaccinated people who do get COVID also have a much higher viral load so you are MORE likely to catch it from them.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

After Firing Unvaxxed Healthcare Workers, California Tells Covid-Positive Medical Workers to Stay on the Job.
“To be clear, unvaxxed medical workers with natural immunity cannot work, but vaxxed, Covid-positive healthcare employees can show up to work, because science.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

They are allowed to work with covib positive patient if they are asymptomatic

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

They are definitely super spreaders if they are vaccinated without symptoms, these are the workers that think they have a cold but have the CCP flu

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

If they are Covid+, and shedding a MUCH HIGHER viral load than unvaxxed Covid+. They should be self quarantined , AT HOME, until well.

They have no business being in a hospital, or out in public until well.

We even knew to stay home if sick back in grade school.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Hurray for the 60,000 doctors who signed on to the Great Barrington Declaration!
They were right!

3 years ago

Andrea Harrinton doesn’t understand her job and is a danger to the public. She isn’t even even progressive, just incompetent.

We The People
We The People
Reply to  LegalEagle
3 years ago

Listen, remember the tale about when Mum Bett overheard the edumacated attorneys Ashley & Sedgwick discussing All Men Are Born Free & Equal & then she moved the court for her release from the CHAINS OF INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE …..okay, now FF to the current events 2022 – ANDREA HARRINGTON IS UPSET BECAUSE WE BECAME EDUCATED ABOUT OUR RIGHT TO RECEIVE PUBLIC INFORMATION.


25 Or 6 TO 4

Last edited 3 years ago by We The People
Reply to  LegalEagle
3 years ago

Yeah Andrea when you let the attempted murderer of a baby go free because of your incompetence people tend to want to know what the hell is going on in the DA’s office. They tend to not be satisfisfied with law enforcement when you drop murder charges because of your failure. Little stuff like that.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

People want the H-beast to run, straight into a wood chipper

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I recall a case many years ago in Connecticut- an airline pilots wife went missing. Eventually cops closed the case and charged hubby with homicide. Found a smidgen of her in his wood chipper.

Fed Touchdon
Fed Touchdon
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

She’d be better than Biden. Still going with Trump

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Bill is also foaming at the mouth. He can’t wait to get his hands on some interns. Lubing his cigars as we speak.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Until the southern border is secured, it’s hard to take Biden’s covid plan seriously.
Migrants are bringing in covid and other diseases. Fauci won’t comment about or deal with the diseases flowing across the unsecured border.
Fire Fauci! Impeach Biden!

Quasi Thase
Quasi Thase
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Biden is already number two worst behind Fillmore.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Fauci and Biden don’t care if they infect Americans, in red states (Texas).

But then again, they get free buses all over America……

How did AOCs maskless romp go in a free state (Florida)? I guess the jabs didn’t help her much……….

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

The first responsibility of government is to protect the people. Biden isn’t doing that with his open border policy. During a pandemic we have open borders. It boggles the mind.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Trump is going to jail if you guys don’t save his sorry ass.Your poor fathers who fought WW2.

Perpetual Mind Fuck
Perpetual Mind Fuck
3 years ago

BHS is a fraud & need to cut the lies. My loved one had this HORRIFIC experience at Fairview Commons and it was before we ever heard of COVID-19!


Way to show a picture from Williamstown

644 in sector 7
644 in sector 7
3 years ago

A hostage situation at the nursing home

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

Vax mandate blocked as it should be.

BHS - Get Vax
BHS - Get Vax
3 years ago

Verabel diarrhea

Dupe Process
Dupe Process
3 years ago

“We have a mammoth in the room. We can kind of see it, but we can’t see every part of it,” says Mr. Sabelli. Having more data, he adds, “will help us understand more the nature of the beast.”

**held on dangerousness for failure to appear – I was in the fucking intensive care unit.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago


SCOTUS 6-3 blocks Bidens unconstitutional mandates

Quasi Thase
Quasi Thase
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

The second annual nuisance awards for most police calls and or disturbances nominees are….Cumberland Farms store First.stree
Wal Mart
All Town
Meth Bar
Berkshire Peak
Dower Square

If you have a no,I we send it in before the Patriots kick the Bills ass game Saturday.The Winner will be announced on here before the game.

Muhtresa Mareeza
Muhtresa Mareeza
Reply to  Quasi Thase
3 years ago

Cumbies. Easily.

Reply to  Quasi Thase
3 years ago

Big Y

3 years ago

Just wondering if TDS feels illegitimate is acting like a fascist? He is asking for censorship, setting up an agency to search citizens expressing dissent to his administration…what is going on? Why do the liberals support this dictator! Is everyone that brainwashed? Isn’t time for impeachment?