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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 7, 2022) — Sharing some thoughts while we watch the Christmas decorations head into storage:


Those who suffered through yet another dreadful State of the City speech sat through enough wood to build Noah’s Ark 10 times over, with sufficient lumber left over to timber North Street’s bike lanes. About all we heard was how “diverse and inclusive” have joined “vibrant and dynamic” as the mantras for 2022. It is now a municipal offense punishable with free drinks at Methuselah for anyone to mention Pittsfield without including “vibrant, inclusive, diverse, and dynamic” (VIDD) cited. Yes, all four words of VIDD now form a litmus test of loyalty. Remember that. It just may save your life at one of the checkpoints. They are your “papers.”


No, we’re not referring to Pittsfield city government. The phrase is what one writer called Kamala’s remarks on the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill riot. The VP likened the riot to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. It’s astounding that someone as historically illiterate as she could as(de)scened to the office of Vice President of the Divided States. Equally slow-witted and obtuse was the “pussyhat” demonstration at Park Square mark the one year since the January 2021 riot … as if the energies of these Pittsfield “patriots” couldn’t be put to better use in a city rotting from City Hall down. Ah, but they know better than the Kapanskis.


THE PLANET sent kudos to Heather Bellows, investigating scribe of The Berkshire Eagle, for her piece on the dismal nursing home situation in Pittsfield. The criminal rehab-and-recovery racket charges a fortune to warehouse helpless people and leave them to die in helplessness. Bellow’s series is the kind of newspapering that has a direct impact on people’s lives.

THE PLANET knows of two families that got fed up enough to get their loved ones out of the nightmare. They just went in, packed, and left. Bing bang boom. No paperwork, no nothing. I’m sure that came later, along with some hassle. In each case, the nursing home backed off when the victims — finally, a proper use of that word — and families wouldn’t back down. If we had someone locked into a nursing-home nightmare, we’d do the same thing, and make a lot of noise doing it.


Speaking of the Eagle, THE PLANET has been quick to serve as unpaid ombudsman owing to our love of that dying industry, newspapering. That said we do extend thanks to our Stockbridge neighbor, publisher Fred Rutberg, for buying the paper and restoring local ownership. Keeping it local can’t help but extend the roots that outside chain ownership, in all its rapaciousness, almost destroyed. Nothing would serve the community better than the health of the lone local daily.


When a jury found Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes guilty on four counts of investor fraud, it brought flashbacks to Patrick Muraca and Nuclea, who came to Pittsfield promising the cure cancer, square the circle, stem the tides, and outdrink and out-eat the two Peters, Marchetti and White, combined. All he needed was a barrel full of Kapanski Kash. The city couldn’t give it to him fast enough.

Holmes’ company promised hundreds of sophisticated tests from one drop of blood. Right. As with Nuclea, which promised to find cancer biomarkers, you’d do better with your home Gilbert Chemistry set experimenting on chicken hearts. Muraca charmed investors out of $1.2 million and used it on personal expenses, mortgages, and to fund his girlfriend’s restaurant. A federal court sentenced him to 27 months in the clink. Holmes is awaiting sentencing. Moral of the story: “If it’s too good to be true …”


In a year-end speech, Xi Jinping, THE PLANET‘s and the planet’s greatest politician and world leader, said China had achieved its aim of building a “moderately prosperous” society. It’s interesting to note that with China’s unstoppable track record of growth, Xi didn’t do what any American politician would do. He didn’t brag, bloat, or bluster.

“Moderately prosperous” sent the perfect message: “We had a good year, but there’s more to be done.” Xi called 2021 a milestone year on China’s road to becoming the global leader in 2049, the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Talk about having a vision. “We must always keep a long-term perspective, remain mindful of potential risks, maintain strategic focus and determination, and attain the broad and great while addressing the delicate and minute,” Xi said in a televised speech. We’re wondering how much it would take for Xi to move to America and run for president in 2024.


“Mask-shot-and-booster “champion Alexandra Occasional-Corteaser took a break from the Hill and headed with her boyfriend to sunny Florida, the maskless state. The press caught  AOC in “free” Florida — maskless. Boyfriend, too, eschewed the Lone Ranger look.

When called her out for her hypocrisy, Ocasio-Cortez responded by retweeting the photo and writing, “If Republicans are mad they can’t date me they can just say that instead of projecting their sexual frustrations onto [me]. Ya creepy weirdos.” Right. Every legit criticism this girl receives is about her hot-to-trot sexuality — at least if you listen to her.

THE PLANET to AOC: “Honey, not everyone thinks you’re hot. Some think you’re a young bimbo with a loud mouth and an inflated sense of entitlement.” No. We can’t take her seriously.

Gov. Ron DeSantis scored the coup de grace with he Tweeted to the Congressgirl: “Welcome to Florida, AOC! We hope you’re enjoying a taste of freedom here in the Sunshine State.”

Touche turtle.


Rightwing Rocker Ted Nugent on the Rock ‘n Roll’s Hall of Fame, of which he is not a member:

”I’m not angry that I’m not in there because I’m having so much fun that it’s stupid. Why isn’t a band like Triumph in there, but Grandmaster Flash is? That’s just dishonest! Why are Patti Smith, ABBA and Madonna in the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, but not Styx? Are you kidding me?! You can only explain that is that the people who made those decisions are just plain rotten people! The Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame should genuflect to Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Howlin’ Wolf, Muddy Waters [and] the Funk Brothers. How dare you put Grandmaster Flash, ABBA and Madonna in that?”

THE PLANET adds to Teddy’s list Run D.M.C.; Green Day; Nine Inch Nails; The Notorious B.I.G.; Hall and Oates; Depeche Mode; and the Beastie Boys. Yes, and we would unanimously install Nugent.


There were others on the Boston Celtics dynasty who got more attention and were perhaps better players (Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, Tommy Heinson, K.C. Jones, John Havlicek, Larry Bird), but none were as important to the team as Sam Jones, who died recently at the age of 88. Jones’ sharpshooting, especially with the game on the line, became the stuff of legend. THE PLANET might get some barroom debates going on this, but we have him as the greatest pure shooter in Celtics history. If we’re down by 1 with one second left in the game, we want Sam taking the shot, even over Larry or D.J.

Jones won 10 world championships with Boston, second most in league history trailing only teammate Russell. The five-time All-Star and Hall of Famer had a career shooting percentage of .456 and was probably as big a thorn in Wilt Chamberlain’s side as Russell. Jones had a way of getting under Wilt’s skin, taking him out of his game.

Off the court, Jones proved a man, a mensch: great family man, loyal friend, community ambassador. THE PLANET had the chance to meet him when we did radio reports from the C’s training camp at Hellenic College back in the late 1980s. He was always kind, hospitable, and unassuming, with a great sense of humor. He once introduced me to Kevin McHale as Reggie Lewis’ agent in Lewis’ rookie year. That became a running joke. What a thrill.

The NBA doesn’t make this caliber of men today. Sam Jones shall be missed.


“The Pittsfield City Council is to good government what Don Rickles is to Emily Post — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



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To Mehinzson
To Mehinzson
3 years ago

Sam Jones was a great shooter,but rather have a last shot over Larry Bird? I don’t know man. Great pieces here Dan,why doesn’t the dumb eagle hire you for these writings,subscriptions would go way up.

To Mehinzson
To Mehinzson
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

McHale also.

Common Cavs
Common Cavs
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

One player in all n b a to take my shot. LeBron,Kareem,Michael,Larry, Magic,Ray Allen,

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Common Cavs
3 years ago

LeBron is an idiot.

Reply to  To Mehinzson
3 years ago

Eagle has had some good reporters in the past. But if your work is red-lined either by city hall or one of their in house plants you may never move forward with your career.

Would be nice to see all these new Berkshire County citizens from New York and other metropolitan areas find out about Dan’s Planet. They really need to find about what they have gotten themselves into having moved to the Pittsfield area and I would love to hear their views once they find out.
So how can we reach out to them?

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

I hope they are not here fleeing their new PROGRESSIVE DA who just instructed prosecutors not to do their jobs. Armed robbery without injury will not get jail time. Welcome to NY, sanctuary city for criminals.

“In a Monday memo, Mr. Bragg announced a dramatic curtailing of the office’s prosecutorial agenda. Prosecutors will “make incarceration a matter of last resort,” with a strong presumption against jail or prison for offenses other than murder, armed violent felonies that cause serious injury, domestic violence, sex crimes, public corruption, racketeering and white-collar crimes. For anything else, most arrestees will likely be released, many on their own recognizance. Even for the most serious crimes, outside “exceptional circumstances,” prison time will be capped at 20 years—no life without parole for terrorists or cop killers.”

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

If there is no jail time for armed robbery without injury that sounds like open carry is allowed.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

But a year without charges for citizens touring the Capital after the police opened the doors for them

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Wil they be cutting that DA’s budget since he is doing less? What about our DA? Harrington is a big fan of the ny DA. She finds him quite reasonable. SMH Berkshire County, wtf did you vote for?

DA Andrea Harrington

·Jan 5

How can any reasonable person argue with this common sense approach to prosecution?

Alvin Bragg @ManhattanDA
· Jan 5
I was elected to deliver safety and justice for all. I’ve seen every side of the criminal justice system and one thing is clear – what we are doing now is NOT working. I released a plan to fix it, and here are some things I want New Yorkers to know:
Show this thread

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  To Mehinzson
3 years ago

Only Larry

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I thought the Vigil for Democracy on Park Square in Pittsfield Massachusetts on Thursday, 1/6/2022, from 5 pm to 6 pm was something positive for a change in Pittsfield politics. Who could possibly argue that Democracy is not important? I am very disappointed with blogger Dan Valenti for criticizing the right for people to stand against the fascism that Donald Trump and his violent followers stand for. Rather, I am on Mayor Linda Tyer’s side on this issue. I support the Lovely Linda’s commitments to Democracy and Human Rights.

Despite what Mr. Fritz and others write about me, I respect their right to support Donald Trump in politics, but it is something I will never do myself. Furthermore, I am NOT a Marxist because I know that there is no economic system that has ever worked in human history. Marxism means that the workers are also the owners of the farms and factories, but the flaw is that no one would work without an authoritarian state forcing people to work. Socialism means that the state profits from the means of production through high taxes on the wealthy who still get to own the farms and factories but for a large price. The flaw is that Socialist states are always robbing Peter to pay Paul. Capitalism means that the owners of the farms and factories are regulated by the limited laws of the state, but the owners get to keep most of the profits through limited government. Each economic system is flawed, especially capitalism because the social safety net incentivizes our country’s huge underclass to be dependent on the state, which means systemic severe economic inequality. My solution is to combine the Socialist and Capitalist contradictory economic systems so that everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve a rewarding life for themselves and their families, but that would only work in theory. The reality is that the Financial Elites, the Ruling Elites, and the Corporate Elites in every economic system have most to all of the money and power, while the rest of us hope to survive.

All I know for sure is that the Government mostly does DISSERVICES to the people the Elites are supposed to represent and serve. No matter what happens, the Elites always win while the rest of us have to pound sand.

Jonathan A. Melle

P.S. Peter Marchetti’s radio interview: Pittsfield city councilor president says new term will “dig deep” on homelessness, ARPA funds, long-awaited trash talk | WAMC

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

“Trash Talk” means the city is about to shove it up our asses with the garbage collection. Mayor feels like she has the rubber stampers lined up to force pay as you throw. The Petes will do everything they can to facilitate her wishes as they work for her and not the people of the city. The oath they took (with their fingers crossed behind their backs) means NOTHING to them. Right Petes?

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You voted for Biden.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

Trump swore to uphold the constitution and you voted for Trump

Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Yeah, people like you preach about upholding the Constitution and the rule of law when they can pick and choose which laws they want to uphold.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Dirty Harry
3 years ago

For over 50 years we have been one of the most conservative countries in the world.The people of America want Public education,National Healthcare , the right to vote,the wealthy to pay their taxes and a women’s right to decide.Americans want democracy not fascism.Poverty wages are not acceptable.The economy is at full employment under Biden and democrats.Putin no longer has influence in our elections.Oil companies are trying to strangle America and wheels will turn with electricity.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

The installed Biden puppet regime has America on the highway to hell.

Inflation and consumer prices are out of control. Price of gasoline and some foods have nearly doubled.

The foreign policy makes America untrustworthy and a laughing stock; they laugh at incoherent bumbling Biden.

The “withdrawal” from Afghanistan was a true debacle.

Criminal aliens are treated better than US citizens and are imported and distributed throughout the country.

We have went from energy independence under Trump, to cozying up to Iran and importing oil which the USA has a glut of.

The military is more concerned with being “woke” , catering to various perversions, and being PC, than being able to fight a war.

Our schools are no longer about learning, but rather indoctrination of our youth.

That’s what YOU voted for TSC

Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Wow! That must have been one big hit off the bong before you posted that one.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

You voted for him!!!

Biden after touring wildfire damage in Colorado that destroyed more than 1,000 homes: “We’re gonna have windmills, you’re gonna see that have 100-yard wingspans, each, each propeller on that on that windmill, 100 yards long. So there’s so much that’s going to be able to be done.”

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

TSC…wrong again and all in your own comments. If America has been conservative for 50 years they don’t want national healthcare, our system before was working a lot better than what we have now. Conservatives do not want the killing of babies, Conservatives want everyone to earn their keep and pay taxes, if you don’t have skin in the game you shouldn’t be in the game. Public schools have been on a downward spiral since at least the seventies, conservatives want to get back to the basics of education. So look at the mess the liberals have made since the late sixties and own it!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Dam Straight!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

“A true patriot will defend his country from it’s government.”

  • T. Jefferson
Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Trump did uphold it. From communists like you

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Can you point out two times he didn’t uphold the Constitution?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Sonny
3 years ago

O1/6/2021 and then a few days earlier on his call to demand the Secratary of State of Georgia find enough votes for him to win that state…..Thats 2…Boom

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Boom boom, please explain how the constitution wasn’t upheld.

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  Herb Pease
3 years ago

TSC is a nitwit. He won’t explain.because he can’t.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

There are enough crooks involved in the 2020 Georgia SELection to fill a prison.

That includes the RINO Governor.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Have you been following the election in Georgia? Video evidence of voter fraud in the Presidential election and a person came forward to say he got $10 for every vote. Please keep up and stop drinking the kool aid. While you are at it why has Chinese spies been known associates the the Democrats from CA? Even the guy sitting on the National Security Council, does it make sense to you TSC?

Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I’m sure the mayor would love to hear from you on your support for her commitment to democracy here in Pittsfield. Let us know her response after you contact her.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Marchetti is making people lose the house.Banker

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

He is numb to their pain…sitting pretty his own self though

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Who raises taxes 10%

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Councilors who do not do their jobs. Councilors who never intended to represent the people who elected them. Councilors interested in what is in it for them and then finding out that if they do as told the sun will shine brighter for them. These are people you better hope to hell you never wind up in a foxhole next to. They will abandon you in a heartbeat. Just watch them each Tuesday.

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fizz, in real life are you Barry’s half wit sidekick?

Last edited 3 years ago by Ole Schmidt
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fuzzy fizzle you just had to say Democrats

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Remember JM ask not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for your government. I hope you leave the comfort of upper middle class Amherst and drive to the VA in Manchester to volunteer. You can help vets write resumes or cover letters. Teach them to write their Congressmen and fill out their VA paperwork

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

I have, indeed, volunteered at the VAMC Manchester, NH. I have, indeed, given my personal money to charity, even when I was honorably serving in the U.S. Army. I have, indeed, helped out my family and friends when they needed my help and to help them to get ahead in life. I have, indeed, written to my elected officials to both praise and criticize them. I do, indeed, care about people, my fellow Veterans, and society. I feel peace of mind living in my so-called upper middle-class Town of Amherst, New Hampshire, unlike when I lived in inner-city Manchester, NH, for 4 years of my then young adult life from early-2005 to early-2009. It would be one of my worst nightmares in my life if I had to live in “The Ring of Poverty” that surrounds inner-city Pittsfield Massachusetts, which I long feared that I would end up being stuck there as an adult. I don’t understand how inner-city Pittsfield hit rock bottom with poverty, blight, violent crime, Level 5 public schools, political corruption, decades of population loss and so many lost living-wage jobs, excessively high municipal finances with a shrinking tax base, severe economic inequality with the Mayor, Linda Tyer, living in a mansion in a millionaires-only gated community within a few feet of the Hancock border, and so on. Lastly, my wish is for everyone to be able to have peace of mind by having a rewarding, happy and healthy life for themselves and their loved ones.
Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Glad you are helping out and understand how nice it is in a Republican run state. Please understand the policies you are promoting and supporting will destroy the very life your are enjoying

3 years ago

Sadly, Kamala Harris is the future of the country. Only slightly educated despite her list of degrees, but qualified because she’s a woman. Those are the only credentials that are required which is why our country continues its journey to the bottom. Kamala also bailed our violent rioters, one of whom went on to kill somebody. At least she didn’t have a giggle fit and that is a step in the right direction for her. Her seriousness, however, seemed forced as it does every time she tries to act serious.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Asmart happy black woman is not qualified Dan.The obese dummy was President…white males are smart

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

She’s part Indian, not negro/African. Her white ancestors were slavers

The only African DNA she has had in her she swallowed.

He Who Hesitates is Lost
He Who Hesitates is Lost
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Interesting when women politicians are critiqued that they are characterized as whites, whereas male politician get a pass.

Donald Trump was Mr. Philander as he cheated on each of his wives multiple times, even paying for sex from porn stars. Did that Make America Great? Unlikely.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

Well Slick Willie’s perversions make Trump appear angelic.

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Not even close. Slick Willy wishes he had as much tail as Trump. Remember his one words damm him per the Hollywood Access tapes. Trump initially admitted he did say it, but didn’t mean it. Then he had a senior moment and said it wasn’t him. The 30 women that came forward about Trump’s aggressive tactics stand fact to that.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Trump didn’t force the women, like Willie.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Trapper TDS never lets facts get in the way

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

During their professional careers, who took more balls to the chin?

Babe Ruth

Micky Mantle

or……Kamala Harris

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Good one!

3 years ago

Nursing homes are not meant for the comfort of the elderly in many cases. I kept a close eye on my mother’s situation in the nursing home and she wasn’t bedridden, but I wanted to move her to another nursing home many times and prospective nursing homes would check the case notes of patients and if they found anything they didn’t like, the would reject your relative and they would be stuck in one nursing home. It’s really a bad situation all around. I would have loved to take my mother out of all nursing homes, but she needed around the clock care and did not want to be alone while I had to work so there were no easy answers.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

You did your best. It’s okay. There are no easy answers.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Sidney Poitier has passed away. Helluva an actor and really nice guy

To Mehinzson
To Mehinzson
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

To Sir,with Love.

To Mehinzson
To Mehinzson
Reply to  To Mehinzson
3 years ago

They call me…Mr. Tibbs, The Defiant Ones.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  To Mehinzson
3 years ago

I watched Duel at Diablo w/James Garner last weekend; Sidney was outstanding.

Reply to  To Mehinzson
3 years ago

Oh, I loved his acting so much and he seemed like a great person in real life.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Cuomo had the cure, fill the nursing homes with Covid patients, opens up lots of new beds. SOB should be in prison for that.

Killing Grannies and grabbing fannies, Cuomo is above the law.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

but once again, he never incited his fellow countrymen to attack their own government because he lost an election. It was another fanny grabber guy from New York that did that

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Who incited an attack on their own government? And what were the exact words?

Reply to  Fake News
3 years ago

Watch Trumps speech before the insurrection. (don’t let Hannity catch you watching it though) He be mad at ya

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

If was an insurrection, they should have brought plenty of tar and feathers. and coated the whole of Congress.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

I’ve watched it and read the transcript but I’d like you to quote the exact lines.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Fake News
3 years ago

Defend America from enemies foriegn and domestic….Navaro already admitted to the conspiracy…Boom

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

The enemies are all in DC. When Trump was elected they were running about like roaches that had the lights turned on.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago


Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

What conspiracy?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Stolen not lost.

They installed an idiot with the brain of a turnip, and a harlot as vice IM-POTUS

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

So what is the real reason the Russian did not help Trump this time? They carried him on their shoulders during his first election and he thanked them dearly by ignoring them when they shit on America.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Still fixated on the collusion illusion Fizzy? What did Shiffhead come up with?

It’s proven this hoax was a DNC/Hildebeast concoction , with a little help from a corrupt FBI.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Trumps cure was to lie about the deadly virus sending America into a deep fall….It has turned around.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Trump and his family got all the shots then turned around and pretty much told his supporters not to. Now many unvaccinated MAGA folk have died and are continuing to die from Covid. Only a guy who would look straight in to the sun during an eclipse would kill off his own supporters. The guy is just brilliant huh? He has pretty much wrote the jokes for late night comics for five years so I thank him for that little unintentional contribution.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

99.9% of unjabbed people recover fully from Covid, even liberals.

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

When did trump tell people not to get the jab?

Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

I believe it was in February

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Where’s the article or clip where he tells people not to get the vaccine he fast tracked? I think you’re lying again.

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Total garbage article. I was hoping you were smarter.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

Fizz is a habitual liar.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

For many months he would not tell people to get it.Its called Omission in the Catholic church

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

You lie

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

The conspiracy involve him calling in the guard to kill the demonstrators

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

What drugs you on today TSC?

That one there is the wopper of woppers! What “guard” and which “demonstrators?

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Have you gone shopping lately? There are bare shelves everywhere, not just in Pittsfield. When Trump was in office the economy was running and the minority population was doing great. Now not so much. Unemployment is only because 2 million people left the workforce not because jobs have been created

3 years ago

Kamala stopped giggling long enough yesterday to make her speech about the events of January 6th, but left out how she bailed out violent rioters during the Summer of Love so just more hypocrisy from Kamala.

Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

The progressives and media treated the summer of love riots like they were just a tailgate party for the democrats before 2020 elections. You know just having some fun.

3 years ago

The pussyhat patriots are indeed a “slow witted and obtuse” group. These local communists have succeeded in putting duds like Linda Tyer, TFB and Andrea Harrington into office. Hopefully some common sense candidates will emerge in the next election cycle.

Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

Don’t hold your breath, it’s all about the (D) next to the candidate. After reading a I-Berkshire article, where a MA. fire department is warning people that it’s dangerous to smoke while hooked up to Oxygen I realized things are not going to change.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

what if you are vaccinated? I heard oxygen will not ignite if you are vaccinated

Flat Albert
Flat Albert
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

What if you’re constipated?

Reply to  Flat Albert
3 years ago

Holy shit

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Flat Albert
3 years ago

Farts will ignite.

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Swallwel is in trouble

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

CNN is a den of pedophilia. Not hearing much from MSM reporting on their friends at CNN.

Reply to  Flat Albert
3 years ago

No statistics on that. Not much to work with during the autopsies I am told

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Yes, and I heard “the science” proves that your 13th booster shot cures opioid addiction.

Reply to  Two Cents
3 years ago

The Vaccine does give immunity! Unfortunately, it’s only for the manufacturer. Darn, I hate it when that happens.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

So you are not vaccinated.Don wants you to get it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Two Cents
3 years ago

Is that political science?

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Give it a try. Let me know it turns out.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Remember it’s not who votes but who counts the votes…Joe biden

He Who Hesitates is Lost
He Who Hesitates is Lost
Reply to  Lenny
3 years ago

How are they communists? Do you even know what communism means?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

We are fast approaching the day that Communist and Democrat will be synonyms.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Again what does it mean? The wealthy have wealth and power not seen since the Middle Ages. That is not communism. Communism takes down the wealthy, not building them up.

Further, Communism means there are no more governments, no more status in society. Everyone lives for the good of everyone. You take only what you need. Everyone is equal.

What does communism mean to you to other than throwing around the equivalent of a political “four letter” word like socialist, leftist, etc; when you want to insult someone you debate or you want to alarm people.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

You’d be quite happy living under Chairman Mao or Joe Stalin, lost one.

That’s communism, and it has failed the people every place it has been instituted.

Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Look at your buddy Putin and his rich Russian buddies who run everything. Aren’t they the ones that helped Hunter with his hotties? Seems this is what the Democrat party is all about

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

You must be a very wealthy man

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

I have a wealth of knowledge.

The democrats get rich by spending everyone else’s money.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
3 years ago

In Kazakhstan leaders have ordered violent protesters shot on sight. Good thing Trump did not try to overthrow that government. They pussyfoot around in other countries.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

What do you think, it’s like a game of capture the flag. If you get in the Capital and grab the flag your in charge of the Country. They looked like a group of tourists wandering around taking pictures. Democracy was never close to being threatened no one was even armed. Silly, you must also think Biden is at full brain capacity

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

The should have shot all the feral beasts roaming the cities, “shopping” and practicing making campfires………….. summer of 2020

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

How about the Capital 1/6/2021

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

That was peaceful compared to what the liberals endorsed throughout America, in the summer of 2020. Burn Loot Murder. Giggling Hyena Kamala even bailed out the thugs.

In fact the worst of the Capital events were fermented by FBI plants and Antifa.

He Who Hesitates is Lost
He Who Hesitates is Lost
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

FBI plants and Antifa? Wow! That’s great fiction.

Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

Dear Hesitates, Give up on trying to educate Trapper as to FACTS. We’re doomed as a country when people REFUSE to accept the facts as reported by investigating bodies into the insurrection.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Merguez
3 years ago

You get facts from CNN, stay tuned, they’ll be back with more as soon as they make some up.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Actually, No. I do not get my facts from CNN. I watch the News Hour on PBS, read the NYT, and sometimes read the Wall Street Journal.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Merguez
3 years ago

The NYT has went the way of our local Left Winged Parrot. How many retractions in the last year?

PBS is no longer an objective news source.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

Sorry the truth hurts you so much. It’s a fact FBI had plants striring up agitation. There were many Antifa involved, one had a pipe bomb, they were caught on film, the MSM narrative ignores this. Strangely, none were arrested and sent to the DNC gulag.

It’s been nearly a year now the Americans in the gulag have been detained, without due process. That’s liberal “justice”.

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Proof? Or is it alternative facts which are not facts. What is your evidence?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

The truth is out there, You just can’t see it, and the MSM won’t cover it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Qanon is interesting to read as I do and like FOX propaganda is interesting to watch to study brainwashing techniques you have to be unwoke or unaware of the reality of real life to believe nonsense Russian planted ideas….this board is stuck in the quicksand of angry hateful average white males…Hannity is the clown behind the clown…they pay him 80 million to tell you you’re getting screwed by the powerless.They told all you boys to look down not up

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Time for another cold one

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Agent 86
3 years ago

I will wait

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Deflect Trump takeover attemp after he lost.Dont talk about the takeover

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

He didn’t loose the fixed Selection.

We are now lower than a banana republic.

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

The day the democrats murdered Ashli Babbit.

Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

She was an insurrectionist attempting to enter a barricaded area where legislators were being protected. She gave the cop no choice.

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  Merguez
3 years ago

Yeah, she was going to get in the chamber and do some ninja shit and kung fu everybody’s ass.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Ole Schmidt
3 years ago

The DC police murdered another woman, it was caught on tape. She was crushed by the DC police stampede and refused help.

He Who Hesitates is Lost
He Who Hesitates is Lost
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Naw. That doesn’t count. Even those that championed Blue Lives Matter became awfully quiet. I guess when white people attack/hurt police it doesn’t count as violence against police. It’s loyal Americans expressing their rights as described in THE Constitution. Hey wait a minute…..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

Summer of 2020, enough said.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

FOX deflection about attack on democracy….FOX viewers are easy

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Have you figured out who Mr. Epps is yet. You may think differently…. I doubt it…but may

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

if you loot someones business you get what you get. I have no problem with that

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

I got a 50 inch TV

No dogs allowed
No dogs allowed
Reply to  12 Gauge
3 years ago

I got a rock.

Akbar Fukwad
Akbar Fukwad
Reply to  No dogs allowed
3 years ago

I got Iran

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

and I meant if you get shot or you fall into a punji ditch

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

A woman was gunned down in the Capitol…funny how the fake news talks more about Kazakhstan

He Who Hesitates is Lost
He Who Hesitates is Lost
Reply to  Wilson
3 years ago

Gunned down as in trying to break into a federal building shouting acts of violence as part of a angry mob? She tried to break into an office that was barricaded in a governmental building. She went in intending harm upon those in the building. Moral of the story: do not break into a governmental building as part of an angry mob.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

She was unarmed and did not pose a threat.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Those on the other side of the barricade could not assume she was unarmed, for God’s sake.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Merguez
3 years ago

Shoot first, to see if she had a weapon.

Kind of like “we must pass the bill to see what’s in it”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

And if you did that, to an unarmed person breaking into your home, you’d be up on murder charges.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

No evidence to support anything you said. It’s obvious that you didn’t watch the footage.

Reply to  Wilson
3 years ago

One of Trumps people took a shit in a hallway of the Capitol. Tells you all you need to know about the maga crowd.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

What’s one more turd when the Capitol is full of shit?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Are you talking about Trump Jr?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Trump Jr is not in Congress

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

When Hank Johnson herd about the turd he was afraid that Guam would capsize.

3 years ago

The article on Nursing Homes was good for a freshman in college, which for the hate rag is way over the intelligence of the owner and editor. It would have been nice if they dug into the Medicaid reimbursement being $25-30 a day short. From my understanding since Obamacare there hasn’t been an increase in what nursing homes get from the government. There have also been a litany of unfounded mandates. Not hard to see how the recipe will turn out. I question the profits that were talked about because from my research 1/3 of nursing homes in the state have closed, would love to know why, like I said a good start but more in depth reporting would have been nice.

How Did it Happen
How Did it Happen
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

The employees of nursing homes are mandated reporters

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
3 years ago

Saw Hall and Oates this summer at SPAC. Phenomenal show, they absolutely deserve to be in the Hall of Fame; just maybe not before a few others. NIN falls into this category too. Best live rock show I’ve ever attended.

Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
3 years ago

Willie Nelson is still selling out his engagements at 88 years old. Has his own pot brand WILLIES RESERVE. If I were a Pittsfield city council president I would contact him and offer to cut him a deal on the PEDA site for whatever purpose he may like.

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Maybe he’ll take Tyre on the road again.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
3 years ago

I agree Joe, saw H&O in Albany a while back, it was a great show. Prolific songwriters.
Hall is an innovator with his “Live at Daryl’s House” series.

Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
3 years ago

Well, uh, they are not a rock band my friend

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
3 years ago

I guess You never saw shows at the Music Inn

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Americas Frontline Doctors files an amicus brief with the SCOTUS opposing the Jab mandates and tyranny.

“It is the consensus of the medical community that the currently available Covid-19 vaccine injections do not prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Relevant federal agencies have repeatedly acknowledged this consensus. Therefore, there is no scientific or legal justification for OSHA to segregate injected and un-injected people. Indeed, since the Covid-19 injections do not confer immunity upon the recipients, but are claimed to merely reduce the symptoms of the disease, they do not fall within the long-established definition of a vaccine at all. They are instead treatments and must be analyzed as such under the law.

Even if OSHA possessed the statutory and constitutional authority to issue the ETS now challenged before the Court, which it does not, the substantive due process clause of the Fifth Amendment would require the federal government to establish that the OSHA ETS is narrowly tailored to meet a compelling state interest. This is a standard it cannot meet.”

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

They are doctors in name, not training. Their conclusions are not peer reviewed. They are the equivalent of the Flat Earthers that use “logical” arguments that contain ZERO empirical evidence.

They are the favorites of entertainment “news” outlets such as Fox and OAN.

Last edited 3 years ago by He Who Hesitates is lost
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

ROFL!!!! Sorry the truth hurts you liberals so much.

“Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Ivermectin, and other COVID-19 medications can be obtained by prescription in the USA in almost every state. AFLDS-trained and licensed physicians are available via telemedicine for a short consultation. Our physicians know that HCQ and Zinc are effective both prophylactically and when used early. The telemedicine physician will review your history. Almost all patients can safely take these medications.”

He Who Hesitates is Lost
He Who Hesitates is Lost
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Liberal? I forgot that is one of the new four letter words that people use.

So using eviscerating and scientifically proven facts makes one a liberal? Ignorance is bliss.

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I am not a liberal. I vote for who I think is best which sometimes means the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately, this is happening more and more.

Liberal politically means bringing about change. Usually those that do not like change constitute white, male, and self proclaimed Christian (not truly practicing).

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Wow, that there is pretty racist and bigoted, liberal.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

You use POLITICAL Science, and get your “facts” from the MSM talking heads. You sure are blissful!!!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Early treatment will save life’s. It will not make Hospitals and big Pharma. money though.

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Please let us know where you heard that the AFLDS are not Drs. Please see their web site. Not all maybe MDs but many sure are. Home | America’s Frontline Doctors ( You may not agree with them and they are certainly right leaning no question but their questions and goals are fascinating, far reaching and timely . In the Amicus they ask some great questions. Some of the questions will have lasting impacts and ramifications and COULD lead to broader reach by the Federal Government.
The PEER research or lack thereof that you mention is a straight reading from reports, conclusions and other material from the CDC, WHO, etc. and many others are you saying that is not peer reviewed before release?
AFLDS Amicus Brief 4 | PDF | Fourteenth Amendment To The United States Constitution | Due Process Clause (

please read the above link respond with thoughts not dog whistles like flat earthers etc. that does not advance the discussion or the understanding of quite possibly one of the greatest questions / balancing acts of our generation. if you have not read the link posted above by the Mad Trapper or reposted here by me please do. If OSHA can mandate a treatment to each individual can say the EPA force a sterilization treatment upon us after one child to stop the climate change pandemic? or HHS impose one that says we each must take a daily multivitamin to stave of the growing pandemic being caused by poor nutrition? just asking? are these thoughts far fetched and far flung? I for one am thankful for the groups like AFLDS who use the resources at their disposal to thoughtfully ask the pertinent questions.
Hoping to discuss in a meaningful manner

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  the 5th Dentist
3 years ago

Well put 5th dentist.

I’d like to add that another person smeared by the MSM and fauci/FDA/CDC is Dr Zelenko. The person who actually developed treatments which help people who have Covid. A course of treatment costs ~ $50

Fauci/FDA/CDC banned his use of cheap safe readily available drugs. They are responsible for ~500,000 deaths in America for denying treatment. This estimate comes from Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

A team in Houston has been trying to get the government on board with a vaccine that they had developed for H1N1, the original SARS virus. They worked on it and got it to work against COVID-19, problem is it is inexpensive. Our government won’t talk to them but poorer countries are using this vaccine

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

You are not alone Trap as 38% are afraid to get a shot.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Not afraid. I just won’t have experimental substances, of dubious value, which are harmful, injected into my body.

It is NOT a “vaccine” as it does not confer immunity, even after 3 to 4 “boosters”. CDC/FDA tried to change the definition of the word vaccine, as the Jab is not a vaccine. If this substance is “safe”, why do the drug companies have immunity from prosecution for harm it causes?

That seems to be the ONLY immunity involved here, is immunity for Pfizer and Moderna.

This is for a disease, that 99.9% of people infected, recover fully and have natural immunity, that is more robust and longer lasting than being jabbed.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

It is a fact. Studies show that all those commercials and news feeds on the television putting needles into peoples arms is scaring the shit out of some people. The concept just freaks some people out and I kind of understand that. I blame all those tv videos for scaring many people away from getting shots. STOP IT!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

What scares me is healthy young people, many athletes, dropping dead or having heart attacks due to the jab. The damage the jab does to a heart is permanent. These athletes were world class in many cases, will never be able to compete again. This is for a virus 99.9% would have recovered from without any complications.

Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry
3 years ago

This whole 1/6 thing now has become strictly a elections ploy. that is agenda driven.The left said this past election was fraud free and yet every speech given by a democrat ends with one sentence: “That’s why we have to implement the voter act”.That is possible the biggest red flag of their intentions.
Make no mistake Democrats were going to attempt to federalize
elections regardless of the protest. It comes as no surprise to me that the FIRST bills to hit the House and Senate (HR1 & SR1) dealt not with pandemic problems, not taxes, not the economy. No! They went straight to election reform! This would allow them to make certain of future outcomes of elections.

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  Dirty Harry
3 years ago

I disagree. The reason for the Voter Act is that states that possess large numbers of minority voting democrats are setting up difficult voter restriction laws.

Utah has one of the most liberal, flexible voting laws in the US. Voters only need a bill with their address to vote, the states mails out ballots to everyone, and a person can register to vote on the day of the election. Yet, there are no bills looking to change these “leftist” allowances. Why? State is 89% white with a population of 1% that is black. Where is the outrage for these laws? By the way the laws were made this way to get more people to vote. What a noble concept!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

I scolded my father and mother for almost a 1/2 hour after I found out the voted for Biden.

Then I left the cemetary

He Who Hesitates is Lost
He Who Hesitates is Lost
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Where is the so called proof for the illegal voting? Sorry that provides for valid evidence that supports your claim. The only evidence of illegal voting were Republicans in the state of PA. Interesting the so-called audits found no impropriety in any state, but this unproven accustation will allow Republican controlled legislatures to determine the winner.

It’s interesting how people bemoan that Pittsfield and Massachusetts politicians are corrupt, but support these new voting laws that blatantly curtail the voting rights of people. Is it because they of color or is because they are Democrats?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

The crooks were caught on video tape on Georgia, but the fix was in. Running same ballots through numerous times, from boxes stashed under furniture.

Numerous other cases of fraud and ballots dumped after the election closed.

I have no faith in fair and free elections, we are worse than a banana republic.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

The KEEP CORRUPT POLITICIAN IN OFFICE ACT is the destruction of honest elections as the democrats attempt to:
UNCONSTITUTIONALLY, steal elections from the states and DISENFRANCHISE the American voters.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

and when you left you missed hearing them laughing like hell at you

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

They’ll be laughing in hell, at You

Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Show up with your free ID. Vote. You make minority’s seem like there to stupid to vote.

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Where are the free IDs? They are not free in states I know. It is expansive and time consuming. Berkshire County DMV is slow on a good day. Imagine living in a city and having to go the DMV today even before Covid?

Utah allows people to vote on the day of an election needing only something such as a bill with their address as ID. They also mail out ballots to all voting citizens. Utah is one of the most conservative states in the union. Could it be there is no outrage because only 1% of the population is black as compared to 89% are white? They did this so more people could vote. How communist/socialist/liberal of them!

These bills are about people having greater access to voting locations and more time to vote. Many have jobs where they cannot take off or work long hours so they cannot make it to the voting locations. The Berkshires are a small place. If you have to wait at red light for a 2nd turn it is irritating. People in Pittsfield do not like driving 10 minute out of town. Ever live in a big city? Everything takes time. It is more than just IDs.

Last edited 3 years ago by He Who Hesitates is lost
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Dirty Harry
3 years ago

Right you are, Dirty.
IDs are needed for everything else in this country. Voter IDs should be required in every state!

3 years ago

I know. It is boorrriinnngg. But for those of you keeping track, 2270 people died of covid YESTERDAY in the USA. 46 of them in Mass.
If you are not vaccinated and are not being extra careful, the grim reaper is hovering over your head. Thems the facts mamn. Do with it as you may. I don’t really care anymore.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Jan 2021 – vaccines have an efficacy of 90% against infection and are 100% safe

Mar 2021- vaccines are 65% efficient but they prevent hospitalization

May 2021- Jabs are 50% efficient, you may end up in the hospital but you won’t die

July 2021- Vaccines are 30% effective, and causes death in some cases

Aug 2021- Vaccines don’t work at all and you need a booster every 4 months

He Who Hesitates is Lost
He Who Hesitates is Lost
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

You left out that individuals that the most ill are unvaccinated taking up valuable space in the ICU. If vaccinated people experience a break through there is almost a zero percent chance they are hospitalized. Plus, the unvaccinated are perpetuating the disease allowing it to mutate. Fortunately, these mutations seem to be less intense.

Vaccines are not designed to provide immunity, they are designed to protect people from severe impacts of the disease and keep them alive.

Last, it is interesting that you do not believe the science and numbers around Covid unless it proves your point that the vaccine appears ineffective.

Again, the empirical evidence clearly demonstrates that the unvaccinated are the ones perpetuating and succumbing to Covid, not the vaccinated.

Last edited 3 years ago by He Who Hesitates is Lost
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

Vaccines are designed to PREVENT disease!
The covid jabs are shots, not vaccines. You are seeking to redefine the word “vaccine.”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

So how did the smallpox vaccine work and why am I not still needing “boosters”?

The “vaccine” is not effective. In fact it is not a vaccine at all. The “vaccinated” still contract, spread, and get ill from the disease.

Instead early treatment should have been employed over a year ago with readily available, cheap, and safe, drugs.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago

Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccines, has stated the breakthrough/mutants are perpetuated by the jab.

He is against the jab.

“Now, I have always been taught and believed that vaccines must be developed in conjunction with life saving treatments for an emerging infectious disease or a pandemic. I am a vaccinologist. I invented the core mRNA vaccine technology platform. I have spent much of my career working on vaccine development. I have also had extensive experience in drug repurposing for infectious disease outbreaks. I am not an antivaxxer in any way, shape or form. But I do believe that the short cuts that the USG have taken in bringing the mRNA and the adenovirus vaccines to market for this pandemic have been detrimental and contrary to globally accepted standards for developing and regulating safe and effective licensed products.”

“I used to believe that the FDA, NIH, and CDC were working for the people, not big pharma. I thought that if we could just re-purpose already known, safe drugs for emerging infectious diseases, we could quickly find ways to reduce the death rate. I thought that drug and vaccine development were regulated by the Federal government for the common good. What I have learned over the last two years is that regulatory capture of the federal government has warped and shaped the work of Congress and Federal agencies to such an extent that they no longer represent what is in the best interests of the nation, the world, and humanity. The more I have expressed data-based concerns about what is happening with the vaccines, the US Federal and WHO responses, the more I have been censored, defamed, and subjected to various forms of character assassination by big tech and legacy media.”

“My mission is to ensure vaccine safety, make sure that children are protected, stop and/or limit the vaccine mandates, to identify and teach about lifesaving treatments for COVID-19 and other pandemics. My goal is to save lives. “

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is Lost
3 years ago
International Journal of Antimicrobial AgentsVolume 56, Issue 6, December 2020, 106214
“Highlights First COVID-19 outpatient study based on risk stratification and early antiviral treatment at the beginning of the disease.

Low-dose hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and azithromycin was an effective therapeutic approach against COVID-19.

Significantly reduced hospitalisation rates in the treatment group.

Reduced mortality rates in the treatment group.”

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Great post, Trapper.
I’d like to see Fauci get prison time – he profits financially from his stake in the patents for these failed vaccines.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Fauci is lower than the belly of a snake. He lied to Congress about his involvement with the origin of the disease. He should be in prison just for that.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Faucis pension will be 350k annually

Common Cavs
Common Cavs
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

You can apply interest rates,taxes,and inflation on that scale.

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

Ma. is one of the most vaccinated states in the Country. 91% have at least one shot. 74% have 2 shots. Unfortunately the vaccine doesn’t work. We do know majority of deaths are people with 3-4 other illnesses, and people over 80. Also know that unless you have a N95 mask or respirator , your face diaper is not effective. So please if your health is compromised stay home or not, it’s your choice. This is America after all.

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

The vaccine does work. Those that are vaccinated are needing to be hospitalized. A vaccine doesn’t create immunity. It lessens the life threatening risks of the disease. This is critical because right now the unvaccinated are filling hospital beds needlessly as they are the ones that are getting impacted by the disease. You can vote me down, but those are the facts.

Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Wow, you like your fake news. That simply is not true. The numbers prove it. But if they let people get treated the moment they get a positive test they would not end up in the hospital.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

From the CDC, why the change in vaccine definition here?

He highlights the definition of terms on August 26, 2021.

Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.

Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but can also be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.

Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.

That had been their definition since at least May 16, 2018

But then, come September 1, suddenly there was a big change.

Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is often used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

JUST IN – New York state reports 90,132 new COVID cases, the highest one-day increase on record.

Good thing they’re 80% vaccinated.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

Almost 5000 Americans have died of Covid in the last 2 1/2 days. TWO AND ONE HALF DAYS. 856,000 since it started. And every day tens of thousands of the unvaccinated are clogging up ambulances, ICUs and health care workers around the country that could otherwise be helping people having heart attacks, automobile accidents or other necessary surgeries. THAT my friend is your America today.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Most of those that died could have been saved if they were not denied effective treatments by fauci/FDA/CDC

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

The 3 main liberal SC justices (Breyer, Kagan & Sotomayor) are tragically ill-informed on latest covid data. Don’t these 3 justices do their homework in prep for this big case? Or does it all come down to politics vs. constitutionality? Have deals been made involving Biden admin. and the outcomes of the vaccine mandates and Roe vs. Wade court cases?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

And if the SC upholds the Biden vaccine mandates – brace yourself for extreme supply shortages and rapid inflation……

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Breitbart is not legit news source.

Ole Schmidt
Ole Schmidt
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Yeah, they don’t report the fake news that the msm reports

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

It is apparent Roberts has been compromised for quite some time now.

Sotomayor stuck her foot in her mouth and proved she is an idiot/moron.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

This woman don’t belong on the SOTUS

“During oral arguments on Friday, Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor falsely claimed that over 100,000 children are in serious condition because of Covid.

“Many are on ventilators,” Sotomayor said.” This was a lie.

“More than four in 100,000 children aged 4 years or younger admitted to hospitals were infected with the coronavirus as of Jan. 1 — double the rate reported a month ago, and about three times the rate this time last year.

Children infected with the variant are still at much less risk of becoming severely ill than adults, and even young children seem less likely to need ventilators than those admitted during previous surges, experts said.

“We have not yet seen a signal that there is any increased severity in this age demographic,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the C.D.C.’s director, told reporters at a news briefing on Friday. She noted that similar worries about the Delta variant had proved to be unfounded.”

“The Supreme Court should quickly issue a public correction to this incorrect information.” Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said.”

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Kagan and Sotomayor are obese idiots like half of Americans. Our ancestors did not have a gym on every corner or home excercise equipment or expert medical care and the only obese people were in the circus! And it’s the obese that are at highest risk of death from Covid. Americans are eating themselves to death.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

You are a fearmongering idiot.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Something tells me he is looking especially close at you sir. He is trying to rid the world of stupit folk.

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

2270 May have died with Covid, but that doesn’t mean they died because of it.

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  Shittsfield
3 years ago


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

“However, more than half of the ‘Covid hospitalizations’ reported in New York are not due to Covid.

New York state finally released it’s first breakdown of what share of people are hospitalized FOR Covid vs. how many people are hospitalized WITH Covid.

In NYC, 49% of people hospitalized were admitted for COVID, everyone else just happened to test positive.”

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Zerohedge is so right leaning it is left. It makes CNN look like a right leaning news source.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

And You liberals seem to be a little left of Mao and Stalin

3 years ago

Strange times indeed

3 years ago

Hate rag does it again. I think it’s time for a new paper or blog for Pittsfield to write objectively instead of prejudicially

Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

On top of that, Eagle published Global warming (propaganda) article, now it’s cold as F out. Thanks Eagle.

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

It’s global warming….it’s climate change. Our climate has changed in the past, much more slowly. Overall the planet’s temp is rising. It doesn’t mean that there will not be cold days.

Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Agree, there will and always has been climate change, well before we were here. What we do on Earth has little bearing on that. That being said, we should limit our pollution. Just not to the point of the radicals using Climate as a excuse. Electric cars , Solar panels and wind are not as green as you might think. Although there is a lot of green going into peoples pockets and out of the tax payers.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

I wonder if any oil company executives ever had green going into their pockets. Coulda happened

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

You mean like Al Gorebot?

3 years ago

Here we go again. Just days after taking office, this far left District Attorney wants to only prosecute certain crimes. Stealing is good, destroying property is fine, and turning the city into a Red Light District is just great. The quality of life will quickly deteriorate for the people living in this area especially for the poor while the rich will easily beef up their security. These far left Soros backed District Attorneys are so bad.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

It is a recipe for disaster. Armed robberies will be charged as larcenies. Every arrest will be a brawl. Drug traffickers will only be charged with a felony if caught actually delivering the drugs????? Andrea Harrington is on her twitter saying this is terrific. Why is no one in our local media calling her on it???????
This is a must-read article from a highly respected former DA.

Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

Because too many people in this area are far left and think like Harrington does. Meaning, they don’t think or care about the consequences of these dangerous policies. They are just playing politics with the lives of the poor since they are the ones who will inevitably pay the price with their lives or the lives of their family and friends when crime escalates in these far left cities.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Hello Pat, I think that the District Attorneys try to get low level offenders help before throwing the proverbial book at them. If someone shoplifts or destroys property within limits, the D.A. may have the low-level offender get mental health help. If someone has a substance abuse addiction, the D.A. may have the offender get professional help with their alcoholism and/or drug use. I don’t believe that D.A.s are allowing low level offenders to walk free, but rather, they are trying to get them help. Have you ever tried to help a teenager or young adult recover from their mental illness and/or alcoholism and/or drug use? As a 46-year-old man, I have witnessed it many times. Young men are immature, angry, and don’t have the financial means to support themselves and their addictions. Young men look at middle aged and old men like we are their parents or a person of authority, but rather, we are trying to help young men (and young women) make good and healthy choices so they will learn from their mistakes and recover from their mental illness and addictions. I understand that 20 to 30 years ago, I was a young man who then middle aged and old men tried to help. Back then, I didn’t understand what it is like to be someone who is now my age or older who is trying to help a young man or a young woman get help so they can live a good life beyond their youthful years. But now I do understand it. Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington is my age. She graduated from Taconic High School in 1993, which is the same year I graduated from Pittsfield High School. I understand what Andrea Harrington is trying to do for someone who was like me back in the mid-1990s, but now it is someone else who is living now in the early-2020s. Andrea Harrington’s heart is in the right place. She is caring and compassionate, and I understand that she is trying to help young men and young women do well in their lives. Best wishes, Jonathan

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Did you know Andrea Harrington advocated for release of inmates that later od’d and died? She’s a f*cking idiot.

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

You know Sheriff release violent rapist addicts back into their family’s lives (no housing) repeatedly no matter how many times recidivism happens. My uncle, the criminal who never owned s* in his life is released back into the family again. Overdosed within a week. Now we support him by giving him a place to reside – it’s just a matter of time until he hurts people whom I love. Call the police for protection right ? Ahaaaahah a aa whaaa waah aww f this life. My folks don’t want him around but if ya reject him ? Ya know ? What’s he gonna do in retaliation! Released inmates need a place to live that will not involve exploitation of disabled elderly persons. Get him an apartment Tom.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You are shockingly naive for a person of 46. There is nothing new about treating crimes such as shoplifting, property destruction, possession etc with a slap on the wrist. That has always been the case under every DA before this one. By not treating drug dealers seriously Andrea Harrington has broken the model of starting with street-level drug dealers and working up the chain to more powerful players. It’s just another thing she has destroyed that will takes years to repair.

Frank Abagnale Jr.
Frank Abagnale Jr.
Reply to  Wakeupcandvote
3 years ago

Obviously the ponzi scheme IS the heroin.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The goal of Marxism is to feed social unrest and chaos, undermine traditional morality and push socialist policies. It’s aim is to set the West on a demonic path, bringing about the destruction of mankind. Antifa was created by young Democratic Marxists/Socialists to help bring about this chaos, a group Melle expressed support for in earlier postings. And this is why Marxist Melle has been in love with social “justice” warriors Tyer and Harrington.

Harrington’s pussyhat policies are bringing chaos to Berkshire County. When criminals are not held accountable for their actions, the law-abiding citizens are the ones who pay the price.

Hopefully Berkshire voters will throw her and her progressive policies out the door in the next election.

Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Well said Fritz! Marxist designed take down of our country.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Destroying our country will prepare the way for one world government that is being pushed over in Europe and Joe Biden keeps meeting with the leaders of this movement, most recently in Scotland, and we are seeing the groundwork being laid for it and Biden, Obama, Kerry, Pelosi all are pushing for one world government using the Marxists to weaken the country to make way for it. A strong America would want no part of a one world government. We would want to retain our autonomy and stay clear of such an oppressive idea. The world has never seen one world government although many power mad people have attempted it.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Traitor Joseph Stolen was pretty incoherent in Scotland, got laughed at a lot, got lost, Jill was the border collie for him……..

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Got laughed at a lot? Didja see the big helium Trump balloon? The Scots thought that was absolutely hilarious. (so did I)

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

“US President Joe Biden was seen wandering around a cafe in Cornwall, England, before his wife stepped in and led him away. Conservatives, who have long questioned Biden’s mental acuity, called the video “painful to watch.” ”

“OMG! Lost Joe Biden Nearly Pushed Off the Stage in Today’s G20 Rome Official Photo – Caught Talking to Himself”
“Australian media says Joe Biden “needs a retirement home and a warm bowl of soup“.

“Biden’s gaffe at G-7 summit sparks laughter from world leaders”

“We can work together with Russia – for example, in Libya. We should be opening up the passage to be able to go through, provide food assistance, and economic… I mean, vital assistance to a population that’s in real trouble,” Biden said, confusing Libya with Syria. Biden confused Libya for Syria on two more occasions in his meandering diatribe.”

“Also during the presser, Biden said, “I’m sorry, I’m going to get in trouble with staff if I don’t do this the right way,” before selecting Bloomberg to ask him a question. At a prior press conference at the White House, Biden was using a “cheat sheet” to determine which reporters to call on.

When asked a question by the press, Biden responded in a strange whispering voice, “120 days, gimme a break. I need time.”

“There was another awkward moment during the G7 conference when Biden was walking through a section and was asked a random and easy question, “How are your meetings going in Cornwall, Mr. President?”
Jill Biden quickly interrupted the impromptu question, and frantically said, “Joe, c’mon,” as she waved her hands for him to come with her, which elicited laughter from the people nearby. She then grabbed his hand and lead him away.”

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

True, these people are pulling us into something that is so dangerous and not in the best interests of our country or the world. As Vice-President, Joe used his office to enrich himself and his family with Ukraine and China. Now, is he being paid off by the globalists? What about Nancy, Kerry, and Obama? What are they getting in pushing our country toward globalism?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Traitor Joseph Stolen, Johnatollah Kerry, Pelousey and Twit Rommney, all have kids doing shady deals with Ukraine energy companies.

Imagine that!

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Dirty Harry
Dirty Harry
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

It is a key pillar of the progressives philosophy to present criminals as the victim, and to blame all their personal failures on someone ,or something else. The refusal to have people take personal responsibility for their actions is the primary reason for the erosion of our culture.

He Who Hesitates is lost
He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

The Do Nothings are what I brand people of today that will post complaints, but do little else. This is what is wrong with the US today. People that post on social media passionately with 100% “accuracy” (after events and facts take place), but go no further except taking pleasure in making snarky remarks.

I would love to see some of the contributors on this site drink a cup of courage by throwing their hat in the political ring. After all, it is clear that their superior knowledge and insight would allow them to rid the area governments of corruption and make things better. However, chances are they won’t. It is far easier (and safer) to simply comment/critique on what others due simply because they do not have the stones to try it themselves. The Do Nothings. That is how America (and the Berkshires) roll.

Good luck all! It’s been fun.

Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Maybe the people on here already do a job serving the public or are retired. Ever think of that? If a teacher, cop or nurse did a job so poorly as some of our elected officials it would be hell to pay. Sorry pal but if you are a politican and you are ambitious and unprincipled or mediocre and self serving or just plain suck you’re getting called out on here. We have our eyes on you. Fail in your duty and we will nail you. Lie to us and you are history.

Last edited 3 years ago by LegalEagle
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

We can’t even get our candidates that we want on the school committee. Do you really think we could win a general election when they activate all the far leftists who usually don’t bother to vote during smaller elections? Bottom line is that too many far leftists live in this area and they keep pouring them in to dominate every election cycle. The Pittsfield school system is massive and they are mainly all far leftists. Hearts and minds have to change so we can have sensible leadership in this area.

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  He Who Hesitates is lost
3 years ago

Yes the do nothings who have to pay for everything.
We need not desire safe streets for our children just shut up and pay for them. we will gladly inform you what is safe and what is not.
We need not desire and want a decent education based upon how to think not what to think. Just shut up and pay for it we will tell you what your children need to learn
We need not desire to see that those that ask us for our trust and our most sacred instrument in this or any democracy our vote be held to account. I mean hell there are those with “privilege” that must be compensated you know the movers and shakers. Just shut up and pay.
We the People have a birth rite and an absolute moral obligation to pay attention to our Government and offer either praise and or criticism as we each see fit.
You my friend are dangerous not only to yourself but to each citizen of this country what you stated above is No one except elected and appointed politicians are entitled to any thoughts regarding their own freedom, and control over said freedoms just shut up and pay. You want to see less criticisms? Demand that they extract less revenue from each of us and do a better job managing what they do take.
Stones you say? It takes stones to invest every penny and minute of time to create a company a business or some similar vehicle that contributes in a meaningful way to the democracy. I am going to ask you a serious question lets see if you have the “Stones” to reply. What is it that you see as the duties of a citizen ( or as you see them funding source) of a Berkshire County Citizen?

3 years ago

This Manhattan District Attorney, Soros backed like our own DA here in Berkshire County, doesn’t get the connection between turning your back on many crimes and the escalation of violence. Apparently he was never taught that in the liberal college he attended. He said he has had a knife to his neck and a gun to his head so he knows crime. He sounds real tough, but not smart enough to get the connection between allowing drug dealing that will lead to violence. His policies sound like he wants to just go after gun violence which he knows will get out of hand if he allows all of these other crimes to get out of control, so maybe he isn’t stupid after all, he has a far left agenda.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Harrington is not Soros backed because she is a flea on a fly on a wart on a frog on a bump on a log in the the hole in the bottom of the sea.

What's this life for
What's this life for
3 years ago

Administration informed the family that Loved One would need to stay admitted for 90 days in order to qualify for transition back to in-home nursing care.

Trust me when I tell you NOBODY CAN WITHSTAND IT FOR 90 DAYS.


The 90 day requirement is the problem.

No one gets out. One slip & fall and you’re dead. People actually die per neglect & isolation. People go insane. Do your best keep Papa at home.

What a nightmare

This applies not only to elderly folk it applies also to the person injured in need of physical rehabilitation /speech therapy.

Jail/Nursing Home – at least in jail you weren’t expecting careful comfort.

Nomi Milone
Nomi Milone
3 years ago

You know you look out the window at DEP / MCAD you’re looking at the entrance to a strip club. Think it through what it means.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I am an American Citizen. I am a Veteran. I am a registered Democrat. I am NOT a Marxist. I am NOT a member of Antifa. I am NOT a Communist, Socialist and/or Capitalist. In fact, I believe that in every political and economic system throughout Human History, the Elites are the ones with most to all of the power. I learned about “The Iron Rule of Oligarchy” long ago. It is when the Elites are the proverbial Wolves, while the rest of us are the proverbial Sheep. In our country, the USA, the Wolves/Elites are from the Wall Street/Financial, Corporate and Ruling classes. What does that mean? It means that no matter what happens in our country, the USA, the Wolves/Elites always win, while the Sheep/the rest of us either cut even and maybe save a few Biden Bucks or we lose. I think of it as a rectangle whereby the Federal Reserve sends trillions of Biden Bucks to Capitol Hill who sends most of its Biden Bucks to Wall Street via K Street Corporate Lobbyist Firms who sends part of it to foreign banks in Europe and Asia. What does that mean? It means that if you are not part of the Elites, you have little to no power in the political and economic system. In closing, when the Oligarchy has most to all of the political and economic power, our American Democracy is reduced to the proverbial Jon Melle always pounding sand.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The US will meet with Russia in Switzerland on Monday, 10-January-2022 over Russia’s threat to invade Ukraine. I am hoping for a peaceful resolution through diplomacy. Similar to China threatening to invade Taiwan, Russia’s threat to invade Ukraine parallels Joe Biden’s vote nearly 2 decades ago for the Bush 2 big oil administration to invade Iraq, which has the world’s second largest oil reserves next to Saudi Arabia. But now the proverbial tables have turned, and it is Joe Biden who is threatening to destroy Russia’s already struggling economy if Russia doesn’t back off its threat to invade Ukraine. I also don’t think it helped matters when Joe Biden called the President for life of Russia, Putin, a “KILLER” to the world. Joe Biden humiliated Putin on the international stage, and now Joe Biden is threatening to destroy the already Russian economy if Putin continues to threaten Ukraine with military invasion. Joe Biden also threatened China with World War 3 if China invades Taiwan. Last year, Joe Biden oversaw a total debacle in Afghanistan where one million innocent children over there are predicted to die of preventable causes such as mass starvation and disease during this Winter of 2021/2022. Moreover, an estimated 14 million Afghanistan People and Peoples are expected to die of preventable causes during this Winter of 2021/2022. If Joe Biden’s foreign policy debacles and economic and military threats all come to pass, we are talking about the deaths of billions of People and Peoples around the world.  Joe Biden will have more blood on his hands than Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao combined multiplied by 10 or 20 or even 30 times. I hope that Joe Biden stops calling Putin a “KILLER” and thereby humiliating the President for life of Russia on the international change. I hope that Joe Biden stops threatening China with World War 3. I hope that Joe Biden will hold up a proverbial mirror to himself and reflect on his vote to invade oil rich Iraq nearly 2 decades ago. I hope Joe Biden will grow a heart and finally begin to help the millions of innocent people and Peoples who are dying of preventable causes in Afghanistan after he pulled out of there last year. I believe that Joe Biden should be impeached and convicted and removed from the Office of U.S. President. I believe that Joe Biden should resign the Office of U.S. President. Joe Biden is a FAILURE!

P Utahn
P Utahn
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Obama did nothing with Ukraine and neither will sleepy Joe.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  P Utahn
3 years ago

Joe sent in Hunter for Quid Pro Quo loot, while VP under Sotero. Hunter and Joe belong in prison for that.

There is footage of Joe bragging about that.

Where is the MSM outrage? Where is Mr Schiffhead and his cabal of DC criminals seeking blood?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Stop yer whinin’
you voted for Biden!

”God is great,
beer is good,
and people are crazy!” – Billy Currington

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Biden will be using checkers against Putin’s chess set.

3 years ago

In Afghanistan people are being arrested for speaking out against the government. In our country, people are being cancelled. Both want any criticism of government to be silenced. Both have the goal of giving total control to government. The terrorist group that has taken over Afghanistan had been using words like “inclusive” and “equity” to show their solidarity with the far left. That has been silenced because the strange bedfellows that are forming in Europe right now don’t want anyone to know about these alliances.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

The compete lack of checks and balances has failed the City of Shittsfield AGAIN! About a week ago, Bike Lane Morales frosted the City streets with salt for a rain shower! Forecasters have been talking about this freezing rain for days yet there was absolutely no pre-treatment of the city streets. Just watched a PFD truck slide sideways down a small hill on my street. The firemen finally had to park the truck on Dalton Avenue and walk to the medical emergency call. Dalton Avenue neighborhood is NOT rural. NO excuse for this lack of service. This past Friday, the Pittsfield sander went up and down my small street 18 times, salting completely bare pavement. Can’t help but wonder if sanders were not sent out yesterday as today most likely is a double time day for workers. Us taxpayers have to keep paying for the over budget of this department year after year. Why are the City Councillors not asking for an explanation from Tyer and Morales when these instances happen? Taxpayers have endured a money free-for-all for City workers for six years now, only two more years to go. There is absolutely NO MANAGEMENT from Morales or the corner office!!! Stay home today or if you have to venture out, be careful!

P Utahn
P Utahn
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Be careful out there am car accidents several spots.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Right on man!

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

That fleshy porky John Brinkley-Muraca cigar sucking crook was sentenced to 27 months. But did Romulus Muraca ever do a day of that sentence? Huckster Muraca’s mother and his girlfriend should have been charged with receiving for benefitting from the thefts of Pittsfield’s goat testicle huckster Muraca while he was exploiting children with cancer, cancer/cancer patients. Romulus Muraca is still out there buying his pricey cigars and booze for his sickening casino lobster meat girlfriend.

Cancer Research Chair Named for Pittsfield’s Paul Dowd iBerkshires – December 17, 2012. Doyle, Ruberto, Bianchi, Downing, Larkin, Dowd, Loda, Gerry Lee, Kevin Sherman, et al. It looked like a Who’s Who list for satisfied goat testicle transplant recipients.

3 years ago

Biden said we will have a great 2020 (his words) if everybody just gets the jabs while he limits the therapeutics including the new Pfizer drug because all the money is in the jabs. He will limit the lifesaving antibodies and pills and do so in the name of equity. Non-white people will be given first priority in Joe’s America because the globalists and Marxists need to keep us fighting against each other at all times for their totalitarian plans to become reality and to keep the money flowing in the direction they want it to flow.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

The new Pfizer drug is just a way for them to make more loot.

It’s been proven cheap generic safe drugs hydroxychloroquin and ivermectrin save lives. Pfizer can’t make money on these cheap safe drugs. Fauci and the CDC/FDA are complicit in many deaths for blocking their use.

Although not as effective, several natural flavonoid products act the same way: quercetin and epigallocatechin-3 gallate. Some foods are high in these flavonoids. An edible weed, dock is high in quercetin, and green tea is high in epigallocatechin-3 gallate. It is not clear if these foods contain enough of these compounds to act therapeutically.

These compounds act as zinc ionophores. Used in conjunction with zinc they allow the zinc to pass through cell membranes where the zinc is used to fight the virus. The therapy is used in conjunction with vitamins C and D.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I agree. They all have blood on their hands. Even in late 2020 there were drugs that worked against COVID, but they were kept from the dying for political reasons.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

The two Pee Pees, rotund muttonhead pee-pee marchetti and wee-wee simpleton gimpy white, two more satisfied goat testicle transplant recipients. And the taxpayers have to pay for this.

Reply to  The City I Hate
3 years ago

There ain’t a set of steel balls between the two of em.

Sander Unsanded
Sander Unsanded
Reply to  ComeOnMan!
3 years ago

My street still has ice,no treatment. Why do we use so much sand when we don’t need it and don’t use it at all when we do?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
3 years ago

linda’s got six pairs of them, a pair for every year she’s been screwing the taxpayers. Proof positive that goat testicle transplants really work. Scary barry loves them. Rumor has it that when linda gets a full rack of 8 pairs, scary barry is going to give up his 3am prowling at cummby’s. Of course, I don’t believe him. Dina squeal got hers a long long time ago and swears by them. Ruffer’s got herself several pairs of goat testicles, and no one’s surprised. Bowtie kerwood also has several pairs of goat testicles. Just how many, Bowtie claims he doesn’t know, he’ll have to get back to us with that. Pussy hat Patrick Kavey decided on bunny ovary transplants, and handgun helen personally harvested the virginal bunny ovaries herself for Pat. Not surprisingly, none of the bunnies survived.