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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, FEB. 14, 2022) — Welcome to Valentine’s Day, lovers. Remember, you can’t spell “Valentine” with “Valenti.” THE PLANET hopes you have that “special someone” with whom to share the day’s amore.

We start with an upcoming event you may want to attend, especially if you do not enjoy hegemony and one-party rule — you know, what elsewhere they label authoritarianism. The only thing that prevents it from being totalitarian is lack of a military.

Of what does THE PLANET speak?

We refer to the nascent signs of life shown by the Berkshire County Republican Party. Long thought to be extinct, the local GOP has adopted a “Silent No More” attitude. Makes a great slogan, but, as we examined last week in our two-parter on the power of words, the declaration must produce action for it to mean anything. Otherwise, it’s just another version of Gerry Doyle’s banner proclamation: “It’s Happening!” Of course, in Doyle’s case, when barroom politics held sway and Tom Hickey served primarily as fixer to Gerry and his merry band of alcoholics, the words turned out to be true.

“It Happened,” all right. He and his beer-soaked cronies ran the city into receivership, a three-card-monty for which no one in government had to pay a price or offer restitution. That was left to Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, that wonderful couple who in the quarter-century have become adept in sweeping up the piles of shit left by the elephants in the circus known as city government.

THE PLANET shares this announcement from Kathy Mickle:

———- ooo ———-

We are excited to invite you to the annual “Lincoln”celebration. However, this year we are”moving” it to George Washington’s birthday: February 22!

We will be hosting a meet and greet for our 2022 candidates as of today. The signature sheets needed to qualify will be available after February 15, so we moved our event to help gather signatures and support. We will have our Birthday Bash celebrating George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan values and policies by meeting candidates who embody the same!

 Mazzeo’s Ristorante
1015 South Street

February 22, 2022
5:30PM to 8:30PM
Cost $30.00 per person
(which is quite a bit less than past years thanks to
Tony Mazzeo and his wonderful staff).
We encourage donations to candidate(s) of your choice).

Come; enjoy delicious & simple h’dourves/food.
(Their homemade pasta, salad, and appetizers)
Cash Bar available.

Featured Guests:
Geoff Diehl for Governor campaign
Rayla Campbell for Secretary of the Commonwealth
Brendan Phair for MA State Representative
Robert Sullivan for Berkshire County District Attorney

Hoping to have our friend “Barbara from Harlem” and Bebe too.

Meet and listen, sign signature sheets, volunteer & donate:
celebrate with friends!! Let’s get a great start on our 2022 election season.

RSVP by FEBRUARY 18 by responding to this email or call 413-822-0440.
Checks can be made out to BCRA.
Send to our PO Box by February 19  or pay at the door.

Remember we still NEED to be forming town and ward committees. We are hoping to form committees or reregistering current committees beginning the first quarter of 2022.  There is no cost. We need three people (or more) to organize each committee. The purpose is to have a network of interested people to share information during this election cycle.  INTERESTED? Let us know. Dave Bubriski is our contact person. It is VERY easy.  Respond to this email or

We need to give a count to Mazzeo’s by February 18
Also I would love to have help preparing the room & cleanup too.
Please respond to Kathy Mickle, event planner, at this email or to

———- ooo ———-

Don’t mistake this as an endorsement of any political party or candidate. Do take it as THE PLANET‘s pushback to one-party rue. We’d do the same if the Republicans were in Stalinistic control.

Examine who represents the Berkshires in the General Court. A five-spot, all white, who have but one purpose: Play fetch, deliver the newspaper, obey the Masters’ wishes, and remain on the leash of the Bosses in Boston. For their ideological loyalty, these back-benchers get a no-show job, a free-parking space, six-figure compensation, and full-bennies.

THE PLANET urges you to attend the Feb. 22 event, if for nothing else than to enjoy the great food. Who knows? Maybe you might want to catch a spark from the glowing political embers.


“Two TVs”Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.



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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I listen to all sides in politics and government within reason, such as me always denouncing Communists or Nazis. I believe the Republican Party has a lot of merit, such as limited government, law and order, national defense, pro-business free market economics, and so on. I believe the Democratic Party also has a lot of merit, such as progressive taxation (sans K Street’s PAC Man Richie Neal, D-Insurance Companies), supporting public education and social service and social insurance programs, standing for inclusivity in politics and government, and so on.

I agree with blogger Dan Valenti that Massachusetts is a one political (Dem.) Party state, and Pittsfield/Berkshire County shows it in spades to the detriment of the people and taxpayers who live in Western Massachusetts. The one whopper missing is that some politicians say they are Democrats to get elected and stay with the in-crowd, but they are nothing of the kind, such as former Pittsfield State Representative and current longtime greedy registered lobbyist Peter Larkin’s pro-GE and socially conservative public record. Living in the 2 political party state of New Hampshire, I see the opposite side of it with some Republican Party politicians who do the same because they want to be where the money and power is in Concord, NH, and beyond. My friend and Republican politician Joe Kelly Levasseur once told me that some Republican politicians in NH started by working for Democrats on Beacon Hill.

Lastly, the thing that bothers me the most about Pittsfield politics is that Mayor Linda Tyer and Kufflink$ Kerwood are raising municipal taxes (and fees and debts/liabilities) to record high levels on the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family, who are receiving substandard public services in return for their hard-earned municipal tax dollars. Pittsfield = Level 5 inner city public schools, always being in the 10 ten cities in Massachusetts for violent crime every year for decades, a dangerous downtown with dozens of empty storefronts called “Social Services Alley” and the distressed neighborhoods that surround North Street called “The Ring of Poverty”, severe economic inequality with Linda Tyer and CPA Barry Clairmont living in a mansion valued at over $800,000 in a Gated Community within a few feet of the Hancock border, a polluted and heavily indebted nearly 24-year-old PEDA debacle, and a corrupt state and local government derided by the people and taxpayers as always being “Business as usual”.

Jonathan A. Melle

3 years ago

I will happily vote for a republican Pittsfield mayor whose first objective is to perform a forensic audit. Must promise to start it within the first two months of office. Process must include checking of all city toilets for shredded documents.

Mr. X
Mr. X
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Right on The Fiz

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

(anyone named Kerwood need not apply)

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Trump took top secret documents because that information is extremely valuable.Trump Republicans support his criminal acts at every turn.What happened to the republican party?Dan how long can you ignore the Trump story as it is easily the biggest news story in your lifetime.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Funny you don’t discuss the Durham report and the current revelations. It looks like Hillary learned a lot from Nixon and Watergate, except she went all steroids on it! Seems Hillary’s campaign, the CIA and the FBI were all in cahoots to spy on an American citizen and then the President of the USA. They even lied and made stories up, attempted to plant information and did a whole lot more than what happened at Watergate. That TDS is the biggest story of this generation which for some reason the press isn’t reporting….wait they were also in on it!!

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

He doesn’t speak of that story of a lifetime because he seems to be stuck on a one way street.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

I agree about the fisa warrant being both unconstitutional and prob what lead to a complete breakdown of trust in government ling before Jan 6.

Way to go for Mazzeo on this gop whatever it it is. They are organizing something that strikes fear into the heart of the one party goons. Berkshire Co gets tolerated for their local goons because they deliver votes. If they don’t deliver the votes they don’t get mothership support. Great strategy.

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

This is local pols we are discussing. No TDS

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Was he able to get the right documents that Putin wanted? Cuz Putin be mad if he got the wrong ones.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

“Lila Morris’s body cam footage of herself beating an unconscious Rosanne Boyland over the head with a baton has been released and it is going viral on the internet.”

Rosanne is dead, Lila is one of Pelousey’s Capital Thug force. MSM? silent

MORE EVIDENCE: Capitol Police Release New Video of Officer Lila Morris Beating Already Unconscious Rosanne Boyland with Stick on Jan. 6 — But Video Is Super Pixilated to Protect Morris
Activist Philip Anderson spoke with The Gateway Pundit about the Jan. 6 protests at the US Capitol and how the Capitol police murdered Rosanne Boyland and nearly took his life too.

The January 6 Commission will NEVER call in Philip Anderson to testify. It would blow up their narrative. 

** We have reported on the tragic death of Rosanne Boyland several times now.
This was an amazing eyewitness report that has been ignored by the fake news media because it does not fit their narrative. A black Trump supporter was gassed with clouds of pepper spray, pushed down, and then nearly trampled to death as police officers continued to push Trump supporters on top of a pile of people outside the US Capitol.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Hooray, it’s about time the Republican Party steps up to the plate!
You made my morning, Dan, with this announcement!
Gives me hope that we, the people, can change this train to hell being run by the DemocRATS!

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
3 years ago

Anyone watch the Super Bowl half time show ? Wow ! Is the NFL woke. Their DEI office was in stride. ( albeit wasn’t diverse. Somewhat one sided) They ain’t got nuffen on our Mayor though.

Reply to  Sojourner Truth
3 years ago

What was worse, half time show or commercials?

Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

‘Tis a toss up! Both sucked

Reply to  Johnny99
3 years ago

I wouldn’t know – I watched golf during half time.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Sojourner Truth
3 years ago

I didn’t watch, I don’t care. I don’t even know who one the toilet bowl.

I don’t watch MSM fake news either.

There is rumblings of what transpired since I went on the internet today. Something about a vile POS who did the half-time show…..

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Sojourner Truth
3 years ago

Why did you choose the name of a slave as your handle only to then ridiculously mock efforts to foster diversity?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Biden’s “plan to foster diversity” for blacks and minorities, is the build crack better plan.

A cool 30 million for free pipes to smoke drugs in.

And an open border to the south to facilitate the poor disadvantaged criminal aliens, er drug mules human summglers terrorists…………come to America!

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

White people don’t smoke crack? Your lies and racism continue unabated.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Majority are blacks, especially if you take out Hunter Biden

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Thanks for bringing the conversation back to the Bidens. I’m giving you (your only) upvote for defusing this obnoxious conversation.

Last edited 3 years ago by levitan
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Don’t like Biden’s plan, is it racist? It’s all demented Joe’s proposal of “a plan to foster diversity”. Yup, free crack pipes BH!

Joe’s #1 son is the poster boy for white crackheads. Remember all the stuff on Hunter’s laptop, that the FBI/MSM sat on all of 2020? Besides the perverted videos of him smoking crack with hookers, there were details of the Biden crime family dealings with foreign governments especially the Chi-Coms.

The Biden’s open and porous southern border is the major route drugs are coming into America. Ole Joe wants to keep the free crackpipes filled and addicts in misery.

3 years ago

Not exactly a robust list of candidates.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

I think Geoff Diehl would make a great Guv.
Sullivan is hands down an improvement over Harrington.
Hoping the Republicans can front a common sense, proAmerica candidate to replace TFB who wants to give all kinds of privileges to illegals.

3 years ago

Dan, will you be there, or just your spies, gumshoes, and Z Agents?

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Okay sir, I understand you are a busy man. Thanks for the reply.

Fido Beto
Fido Beto
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Dan , I’m curious as to what specific qualifications/guidelines you have for the Z- Agents to be included in your circle of trust ?

Reply to  Fido Beto
3 years ago

The selection process, like the process for the Orbit Award, is a secret.

3 years ago

Is Hardly Harrington going to run for higher office (please, pretty please, so we can be done with her)?

3 years ago

The real question is why aren’t the heavyweights coming out of the woodwork to knock Harrington into next month? What do your spies, gum shoes, and Z Agents know about thatDan?

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  JoePesci
3 years ago

They would rather sit on the sidelines and complain on Social media and most have very delicate egos

Reply to  JoePesci
3 years ago

Is the fix in already?

Sure thing
Sure thing
3 years ago

Sullivan Mr I’m not into politics is a Republican. Geez at least have the stones to embrace it.

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

Any way but Wrong Way.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

This sounds like Andy who is Hammer and Sickle Harrington’s toy puppy.

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

Actually, he’s unenrolled.

Just the facts
Just the facts
Reply to  MrsMiaWallace
3 years ago

Not anymore he’s not

Truth Speaker
Truth Speaker
Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

“Sure Thing”
One who is an Independent and has been openly invited to discuss their views of how they would be as District Attorney at an event regardless of what party invited them would be a fool not to accept and attend. Just because an independent candidate attends an event does not mean that they are in that party. I am sure that when the Democratic Committees throughout the county call, he will accept those invitations too. Will you call him a Democrat then? What I find ironic is in a time when our country is so polarized and people want someone who is independent and willing to work with everyone regardless of political affiliation and for what’s best for ALL of their constituents, their neighbors, and they’re attacked. In the words of President Biden “Come on Man!”

3 years ago

Republicans need to start talking about all the things that we know are going on in this country. Expose everything to the light of day. Too much of the plans of the globalists and the far left has been hidden from the public while they keep us fighting about racism and getting rid of the police. Telling us that the Build Back Better Plan is mainly about free childcare while not telling the public about everything else in that bill. Kevin McCarthy did a great job in his 12 hour speech telling the country about the nefarious plans of the far left for the country. Now all Republicans need to follow the lead of Kevin McCarthy and also bring into the conversation what the globalists are trying to do to our country.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Seriously Pat? Can you name me one republican that would like to talk to the real press and expose everything to the light of day? Everything? Most of them are literally running from reporters these days.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

They aren’t hiding like the Democrats are doing, like Biden is doing since he can’t talk legibly. The Democrats are so unpopular because their policies are terrible. More women are dying from out of control crime due to the justice reform of these Soros appointment district attorneys, the defunding of police, go easy on criminals policies of the far left. They are supposed to be the champions of women, according to them, but the media is silent on all of the women being stabbed to death or sexually assaulted in these big cities by criminals who should have been in jail and would have been, if it weren’t for this so-called justice reform.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

You could not name one. Not even one. Just changed the subject.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

FOX news is doing a good job of exposing Hillary Clinton and her spying on President Trump and creating the false narrative that he was in collusion with Russia. Republicans are on FOX news saying there is no way she should run for president again because of her illegal activities and that is a great start to facing reality and shining a light on the nefarious actions of the far left.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Poor Hilary will be in jail.

Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

Lock her up!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Hillary Clinton should not run for any public office again because she is a total “feminist” hypocrite with her absolute loyalty to her sexually deviant and bald faced liar husband Bill Clinton, who is a twice over Convicted Felon (for Perjury and Suborning Perjury), a sexual harasser of women, he is the Prez who turned the Oval Office into the Oral Orifice (where Monica Lewinsky gave him blow jobs after he put his cigar in her vagina and then puffed away on it while Monica was puffing away on him under the resolute desk), who has 26 flight logs on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, who allegedly had sex with sex trafficked girls as young as 14 years old on Jeffrey Epstein’s pedo-island and possibly elsewhere, and so on. Hillary Clinton is fake! Bill Clinton is a Perv! They are a pair for the ages! No more Bill & Hillary Clinton, please; thank you. Just retire already and go far away from the Swamp!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

You voted for Hilary, hypocrite!

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

and what about Woodrow Wilson??? This guy is hiding things we don’t even know about and Hillary might be assisting him to do it to us. For all we know Soros could be helping Woodrow Wilson to take America down behind our backs and unbeknownst to us and we never find out about it.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Wilson didn’t need help screwing the USA up.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

If you really think senile Biden is running the country…….think again!
This is Obama’s third term.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Obama meeting with members of Congress? He just happens to be one of the people pushing for the elite globalists to rule over the world because he is one of the elite globalists along with Kerry, Prince Charles, and all of the super rich who want even more money and power. Obama can do what he wants behind the scenes to promote this globalist agenda. As an ex-president, he shouldn’t be allowed to formally meet with current members of Congress to influence policy.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

You think Obama wasn’t born in Hawaii, don’t you?

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

I don’t care where he was born, he doesn’t want the best for this country. Neither does Kerry, Obama, or Hillary.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Pat there is a story in today’s paper about local nursing homes you might want to read. There has to be a better way to take care of our aging population because nursing homes are not working at all.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Use the Andrew Cuomo plan, place Covid infected criminal inmates into nursing homes with the at risk eldery.

“Grabbing fannies and killing grannies”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Barry was born to a white trash woman and a black genocidal communist

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

A match made in heaven

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

and yet he got to be president of the United States. How about you? McDonald’s manager?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Selected, not elected.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Well then congratulations. I hear managers get ten percent off their burgers so you must be happy about that.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

I don’t visit nor eat, the foul spoor at your favorite drive-in, McDogballs.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

The big guy gets 10%

Rule 5
Rule 5
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Of course he was. I saw him wearing a grass skirt and his coconuts were hanging out

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

He wasn’t. He stated as much in his first book.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Oh please. Birtherism is racism. The end.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago


Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Donald Trump is meeting with Putin and helping with the invasion of Ukraine. He is training soldiers and KGB agent at Mara Largo using tax payer monies. It is all true and not really a nice thing to do if you ask me.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Addicts will pay big $$$ for what you are on.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

uh, so how much are you offering?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Putin just made fools of the Biden crime cartel.

Biden has another sleazy deal in the works for Ukraine. Bribes to cover up his last deal for which he/Hunter/Jim should have been prosecuted.

“Biden Gang Reportedly Working on Billion Dollar Deal in Ukraine – Eerily Reminiscent of Last Biden Billion Dollar Deal in Ukraine”

Biden’s NSA advisor, Jake Sullivan is involved, he’s up to his eyeballs in revelations of the Durham investigation.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Hannity loves to find empty heads to fill with fairy tales. And it looks like you still have a little space left.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fizzled , have you heard what’s coming out in the Durham report? Your favorite news, The View, and ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN have been silent

The crooks in DC are scurrying around like roaches with the lights turned on, and Schiffing their pants!

Gary Wood
Gary Wood
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Did you hear that on the View or MSLSD?

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

You been sniffin’ the skunk pot Bubba?

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

He uses the free crack pipe he got from sleepy Joe.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

You must be a close friend of crooked Hilary.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Nobody thinks Biden is running the country

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  SallySays
3 years ago

But he does get the runs

Thomas Betit
Thomas Betit
3 years ago

The profound amateurism of local Republican party, in repeatedly backing poor candidates- caccaviello last election ( William’s rape crisis) and low integrity Sullivan now( his October surprise worse).

Congratulations you’ve
Just exposed good candidates to being smeared by association, when the facts of subpar Sullivans flaws become evident.

Kathy Mickle
Insanity is doing same thing repeatedly, hoping for different outcome.
Sometimes it’s best to do nothing!

Ms Harrington appreciates your contribution to her election. Again!

Reply to  Thomas Betit
3 years ago

Totally agree!! Clueless fools

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Thomas Betit
3 years ago

Squeaky is zero integrity. She’s bimfoon. A combo of a bimbo and buffoon.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Thomas Betit
3 years ago

I do agree with you to a point Thomas. Sullivan better have his ducks in a row and be prepared for a knock down, drag out, type campaign.

Wrong Way Harrington, has the progressive money sources and people ready to dig down and dirty on him, under the guise of “social justice.”

My name is Earl
My name is Earl
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

The entire campaign against him will be focus on his lack of a vagina. That’s essentially how Nips won last time

Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

Can Andreas assistant void the election results if it does not turn out right?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Maybe? Or she could hire a tech firm to spy on Sullivan and then create a fake dossier against him. Say maybe, child porn or racist material. That would sink him.

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

So, why isn’t Durham charging anyone with illegal surveillance? Hmmm? Goodness, the Fox News dotards are like moths to the flame.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

hmmm clearly he isnt done yet and people are now singing. No wonder you never made partner.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Sean Sullivan
3 years ago

What people? Hillary is not going to get charged.

You Trumpistas are hilarious in your delusions.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Sullivan loves the booze a little to much lots of that a little later. Apparently he likes to Drunk dial the DA and challenge her to 3:00 am debates. Then goes on social media like a scorned teenager claiming she blocked me. He is getting the same old advice from the same old bitter old boys club which will be the same result.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Louie
3 years ago


Reply to  Louie
3 years ago

Surprised you haven’t followed the news regarding libel cases. Malicious slander (stuff you know is false or misleading) is a (costly) tort, and they are not too hard to try for a private citizen when the defendant is sloppy. You know, posting ribald slanders publicly in writing using proper names and the like. Too bad hiding behind a pen name doesn’t actually protect you. Please tell me you do not work for the DA’s office!

Not that Sullivan would care. In fact, I suspect he welcomes your evidence that he is on the right track.

Last edited 3 years ago by levitan
Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

She won because she worked harder and had more money. Paul was a good guy who had a bunch of complete fools running his campaign.

Reply to  Ok..
3 years ago

Squeaky won because the women of woke couldn’t detect a total joke. Squeaky has become a punch line much like Yuki. I think even the woke women of the Berkshires are on to her.

Reply to  Gadfly
3 years ago

She received 63% percent of the male vote. Psst somebody needs you at the drive thru

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  O
3 years ago

ReSLUT of protruding nips on idy bidys.

Reply to  Ok..
3 years ago

Wasn’t his problem not being on the ballot? Did well for a write in in my unexamined opinion.

Last edited 3 years ago by levitan
Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

But Andy has a mangina

Reply to  My name is Earl
3 years ago

He does have nipples though!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Awww Bleak, disappointed that your hero Hillary just got caught red-handed?
Crying “Russia” about everything is getting old!

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

It takes a thief (bleak) to know thief (Shillary)

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Except she didn’t. Unlike you, I don’t get my news from the Kremlin.

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Good irony, BH!

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

Anyone who reads TGP and Zerohedge is a moron.

Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Not the only place to get news though.

Bleak House
Bleak House
Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

That’s just it. Those “places” contain no news.

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Except they do. try harder

Sean Sullivan
Sean Sullivan
Reply to  Bleak House
3 years ago

Anyone who steals from Sherwood Guernsey is a moron

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Skip the trial. Just jail er ass

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  SallySays
3 years ago

Trail for treason then a rope and tree, it would be bigger than the toilet bowl!

Imagine the $$$ for the commercial time.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

The Ruling Elites are all totally DISCONNECTED from the people and taxpayers they are supposed to be serving in all levels of government. They are only concerned about money and power so they will be reelected in non-competitive so-called “elections” which are really fixes. The only real political party is the Incumbent party. Smitty Pignatelli gets to pull his nomination papers for his 11th term (2023 – 2024) in Boston tomorrow, February 15th, 2022. He is in his 20th year on Beacon Hill, and his public record is him serving his political masters there so he can vote for and/or accept all of the countless public pay raises and perks he has happily taken since 2003. In the Swamp, Joe Biden is spending well over $10 trillion federal dollars per year, and hardly any of it is helping the people who are paying for 40-year high U.S. inflation, which is worse than any federal tax out there. Where does all of the Biden Buck$ go to? K Street top corporate lobbyist firms reported record earnings in 2021. Wall Street had record numbers, too. Joe Biden took in more campaign donations from K Street and Wall Street than any other candidate for elected office in 2020. The picture is clear to me, and it is called ECONOMIC INEQUALITY, while the Financial, Corporate and Ruling Elites are earning and spending trillions of U.S. Dollars during the Biden Administration!

Jonathan A. Melle

Lindsay Newman
Lindsay Newman
3 years ago

Well, I am keen on reading such articles and I always compare with other top authors. Strange as it may seem, but you’ll find a really extraordinary opinion on this point on I don’t know which one is true. Read it yourself and make up your mind which side to take.

3 years ago

Not seeing a lot of actual republican enthusiasm here. Are there any serious candidates or are the Tyer/Barry crowd going to be running the show forever and ever?

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

No city elections this year Bubba.

Reply to  Hoyt Clagwell
3 years ago

So you are saying that they are out there but just keeping their powder dry? I just want something to get my hopes up in case I am still around.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Bubba, let’s just hope reasonable voters of all persuasions vote Harrington out before we get more of a crime epidemic.

3 years ago

Just read the local hate rag and RBass still has her Uber far left head up her #$$!! Seems she doesn’t understand the liberal witch hunt that has been going on for a year, waiting until election time to spew their lies about what happened on 1/6. But I digress, this myopic hate writer loves to tell us how we should live, be environmentally friendly create a small carbon foot print, when for years she lived well away from her employment, speeding to work and flying all over the globe and reporting about her vacations which she and her husband undoubtedly wrote off as a business expense. How much environmental damage have you done in your lifetime is what I would like to know. I would also like to know how much damage she has done to the Berkshires with her nonstop brainwashing to the far,far left agenda

3 years ago

The Becket neighbors are well advised to fight to the death against pot growers in their backyard. It stinks and bad. Just ask the West Stockbridge folks who live near the pot farm. It smells horrible all summer and fall and there’s nothing they can do about it now. The same WS potheads are now fighting against the return of the WilliamsvillecInn after nimbying away a treatment house.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

At least the Becket neighbors have a chance to fight it and they should. As a resident of the Allendale neighborhood in the City of Potsfield, we were never given the chance to fight against the grow factory and soon to be expanded on Dalton Avenue. We were not given the chance to fight against the methadone clinic either. What use to be a nice quiet family orientated neighborhood has turned into a irate rude stoned driver racetrack with no police presence. At least Becket will only have to endure the stench all summer and fall, Allendale hard working taxpayers have to endure the stench year round. Our lack luster absent Mayor just wants the revenues and she has yet to tell the taxpayers how much she has taken or swindled in. Of course not one City Councilor has asked for an update on how much and where this money is? The puppets must have been told to be quiet!

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

But isn’t all that gravy train pot money keeping our taxes low? Just like the lottery money? And all the new growth in Pittsfield?
How about all the money they saved on the mild winter last year? Or this year? Or the money they saved by streamlining the city health plan?

Or is that just all part of the Tyer/Barry/Kerwood mirage?

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

Every farm has a stench come growing season…But instead of skunk…It’s often the smell of S–T… Agriculture is not odorless

Reply to  Two Cents
3 years ago

I love the smell of farming. I hate the smell of recreational drugs hijacking the health of our neighbors.

Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

If they can shut down a cell tower they should be able to shut down a pot farm

Reply to  Annulgas
3 years ago

The verdict is not in on the cell tower. Not sure Pittsfield has the power to shut down the tower, they approved.

Reply to  Two Cents
3 years ago

True that. I grow up next to Burgners Farm, holy shit did it stink.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  joetaxpayer
3 years ago

I worked farms as a youngster, cows, pigs, chickens, horses, sheep………

I imagine turkey poop is right up there with chickens.

Tony B
Tony B
3 years ago

Interesting that Robert Sullivan doesn’t think that the DA’s office should be political and is allegedly running “unenrolled”, yet he’s on the list to partake in a GOP event?

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  Tony B
3 years ago

Andrea Harrington is welcome to drop by and speak to those in attendance.

Reply to  Dave Bubriski
3 years ago

Good luck with that. Harrington doesn’t speak unscripted or show up in court. She’s a phony without moral compass. How does Harrington sleep at night knowing what a fraud she is?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Tony B
3 years ago

My guess is that he’ll be speaking to many diverse groups of voters in an effort to earn their votes.

Reply to  Agent 86
3 years ago

30% voted red in Pittsfield. Some most should agree that 30% represents a legitimate interest. Plus, Large body of independents. That is a mix of those who want party choice in primaries, and those who don’t see a reason to identify as a party animal. And Sullivan is right: a DA should not apply party politics to the Law. Doesn’t mean a DA doesn’t work within party structures which would be ideal.

Harrington stated during her campaign that is important to have Democrats in the DA office. I wouldn’t fault her for campaigning in Democrat venues, but her distinguishing between Republican versus Democrat legal theory is kind of disturbing.

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Democrats win when when they make it about the Party (ie big national concept.) They lose when the voter thinks about the local. I wouldn’t want to encourage any politician to identify with the national party. Bad habit, causes dental decay too.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

“When Russia doesn’t invade Ukraine tomorrow – the Biden regime will say they stopped it.”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

“Tulsi Gabbard: “The Durham investigation makes clear that Hillary Clinton and the power elite spied on the Trump campaign and White House, undermining our democracy, launching us into a new Cold War, endangering America and the world. Clinton and her warmongers must be held accountable.”

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

President Trump was right. He was being spied on. Lesley Stahl berating him during an interview saying, “There is no evidence” she said repeatedly. She knew full well he was being spied on since all of the media was in on this. All of the wealthy elites, big tech, and many in the public especially school unions knew all about the spying. It is so disgusting.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Here is the interview of Lesley Stahl treating Trump like he is as mentally messed up as Biden is right now. She talks so condescending and doubling down on the lies of the media. Where is Lesley now? In her mansion with all the money she earned from lying to the public. They were even giving each other prizes in the media for reporting on Trump and Russia collusion which they knew was based on a pack of lies.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

“Tell me lies,, tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies”

3 years ago

Talking about the huge increase in water and sewer, everyone should ask why the ARPA money wasn’t all designated towards water and sewer. Call your councilors and demand answers. With the $40 million available they rates could have stayed stable, not sure what Kenwood was mumbling about. I still think it was illegal when they separated water and sewer from the property taxes to circumvent 2 1/2.

River Runsthroughit
River Runsthroughit
Reply to  Shirleyknutz
3 years ago

They had a chance to accept Gaetani proposal and ran and hid. Taxpayers deserve the increase for letting these clowns run ruff shod with that over- sight. And blame Donna Todd Rivers for her vote to at least explore that.

Pittsfield Pride
Pittsfield Pride
3 years ago

So Sullivan says he’s running without a political designation and isn’t a politician, doesn’t want to have politics in the office but is having his first political event run and sponsored by the Berkshire County Republican Association and a guest at an event with Geoff Diehl (who will never figure out which party he really belongs to)

Sullivan wants to associate himself with Trumpers who think the intersection wasn’t anti-American, fine. But he’s treating voters like idiots if he says he’s not political, then is part of a political fundraiser.

He should own up to who he is and what he stands for. Everyone will see this anyways.