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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKED EDITION FEB. 4-6, 2022) — Some of the studies say yes and some say no. Does failing to prosecute so-called “minor crimes” result in greater public safety? The studies, usually commissioned and conducted in such a manner to give a desired result, can’t be counted on for truth, unless it’s political verity you’re after. In sum, you can convincingly argue both sides of the case.

One reliable indicator, that rarely fails, however, is something that most people possess — except, to an odd and troubling degree in Massachusetts our political representatives. THE PLANET speaks of common sense. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski have it in spades. People like Berkshire County district attorney Andrea Harrington and state rep Tricia Farley-Bouvier, not so much. Of course, we could be wrong about. All we have to go on is our observations and their actions.


Ever wonder why Harrington flits around the country and world (L.A., Portugal) and spends so much time on political personalities and issues that have little to do with criminal justice in Berkshire County? Bearing down closer to the core, ever wonder where the money comes from for Wrong Way’s quixotic odysseys?

THE PLANET presents some findings of the Secret Sqaudron, sent by one of our Z-Agents, “Rodney Danger.” While we haven’t independently verified all of the info, we think it’s a point of view worth sharing:

 I believe it is vital to the public interest that we know who is influencing our elected officials.
Watch the news video below. Note our DA left in white. It’s just one of the trips DA Harrington took funded by the group Fair and Just Prosecution, most recently to LA in Dec. I do not know if she reported these trips or what our law is about them.
The group is a project of the Tides Foundation known as the 800-pound gorilla of radical activist funding. It controls BLM. Tides biggest donor is George Soros under the Open Society Foundation. Soros transferred $18 billion of his fortune to the Open Society Foundations in 2017, making it the second-largest private charitable foundation by resources in the United States after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Think of Tides as a middleman funder for liberal donors of causes like, say, drug injection sites as “harm reduction.”
Then peruse these documents and you will understand how our DA is beholden to the progressive prosecutor movement from which she accepted multiple trips and now owes favors to and is essentially an activist spokesperson for. Included below are scripted briefs for newly elected prosecutors and a petition to the Supreme Court to set up drug injection sites.
Now you know why Harrington is, as just one example, promoting a shooting gallery in Pittsfield and decriminalization of drugs such as heroin and meth. You can spend all day on the Tides Foundation but know this. If a funder wants to pour money into a specific agenda for which no activist group exists, Tides will start one from scratch. This is not a grassroots movement in Berkshire County. As a “fiscally-sponsored project” of the Tides Center, FJP does not file an independent tax return, and the Tides Center does not provide separate financial disclosure for its fiscally sponsored projects. We can not know who is funding FJP’s injection sites project and likely never will. The “Tides” foundation “washes away the money trail.” But this: overdose prevention centers is probably the most important initiative at present for the Sorus funded Drug Policy Alliance.
DA Harrington’s ridiculous defense of the indicted Baltimore DA is the result of their both being beholden to this group and its stated agenda. They regularly sign advocacy letters on issues important to its shadow activists. Harrington’s funding also likely comes from this network but will be tedious to trace.
There is a lot here that could be part one of a follow the money series. Thank you for your consideration.
———- ooo ———-
Right from Day 1, Harrington hasexceedingly political, tone deaf to the real issues plaguing crime in the county, especially Pittsfield, and cringe-worth in many of her public statements. Her appearances seem well controlled, and she won’t make herself available to the press in anything but a scripted sideshow. To date, she has refused all of our requests for comment or meetings, on or off the record. THE PLANET respects Harrington’s right to conduct media relations in a manner that we see fit. From our perspective and those of colleagues with whom we’ve compared notes, her recalcitrance sends a red flag on the operations of her office.
Harrington posted this on Tuesday:
Starting at six tonight, we’ll celebrate Andrea’s birthday and have important conversations around voter suppression, the fight for justice reform, the role of elected law enforcement leaders in advancing democracy and equity in Massachusetts and nationally.
We’re thrilled to have our guest of honor, District of Columbia Attorney General, Karl Racine, and our guests, the honorable Joe Kennedy III and former Massachusetts Attorney General Scott Harshbarger join us.
See you all tonight! If you haven’t been able to register yet, there’s still time!
Do we have to draw you a map?
———- ooo ———-


Pittsfield’s state “rep,” a back bencher good for little more than toadying to the Leadership wishes, has the hots for giving illegals free drivers’ licenses. Why does THE PLANET think this idea did not originate from our Right Honorable Good Friend, the state legislator?

Why is TFB pushing this measure. Do you think it has anything to do with voting? Do you think Tom Brady had anything to do with football?

Look at Harrington’s statement that “The bill is alive!” She sounds like Colin Clive as Dr. Frankenstein as Boris Karloff moves a finger after getting zapped by a lightning storm in the 1931 James Whale.

Recently, another of THE PLANET‘s Secret Squadron filed this as a comment:

In between insulting the Jewish community and awaiting her friend DA Mosby’s indictment, Andrea Harrington is busy advocating for the pet project of her supporter TFB on the rights of undocumenteds to have a driver’s license. How do you document someone and give them a passport to a lot of things in America based on who they say they are? How do we know they’re not wanted for crimes around the world? Let’s make our own laws about entering the country. Wrong Way, “We got this,” once again, unable to have an independent thought, playing politics and just incapable of staying in her own lane.

DA Andrea Harrington  @harringtonforda
We got this #mapoli!

Driving Families Forward Coalition @DrivingMA4ward

The bill is alive! It’s doing well! It’s moving (& driving!) forward with an extension!

We have some good news to share: an extension order was filed today & the WFMA has until March 4th to be reported favorably out of Committee. Take action×72/2935.png #DrivingMAForward #mapoli

Issuing driving licenses to illegals — oops, “undocumenteds” — testifies to the utter failure of government at all levels to effectively deal with the problem of immigration.

As Z-Agent Manning put it:

Use all of our law enforcement resources to identify those who do not have valid IDs and work permits, haul them in, charge them with violation of our laws, fingerprint them, photograph them, and turn them over to the INS for out-processing.
(The no-beds excuse is a sham: we can refit old army bases as temporary shelters until most are sent home. Remember that we housed, fed, gave medical support, transported all over the world, and clothed over 10 million servicemen in WWII, which lasted 4 or so years. Spend money!)

Second offenders go to jail and are deported after that. Build jails or other facilities to house them.

Within a few years of using this approach, we would have solved much of the problem. Border controls, fences, and enough personnel on the borders would solve most of the influx problem.

Meanwhile, a migrant worker program with strict controls should be instituted, and should directly involve local law enforcement.

Legal immigration limits should be raised where it is in the interest of the nation.

But, there should be no driver’s licenses for Illegals!

———- ooo ———-

Ladies and gentleman, the people of the Commonwealth are getting hosed by our “representatives.” In Berkshire County and Pittsfield, no one is getting it worse than Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.

THE PLANET can only play Paul Revere. We can get on Mr. Ed or Francis the talking Mule, for that matter, gallop through the streets and tell everyone “The British are Coming!”

We can do that.

We can’t, however, rouse We The People to action. We can only assume that if the madness continues, it’s only because the Kapanskis have been so oppressed that revolutionary action seems impossible.

On the other hand …

On that bright note, let THE PLANET wish you, one and all, a GREAT weekend!


“”Rita Mae Brown.

“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken” — Oscar Wilde



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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

The common people and families in Pittsfield & Berkshire County have been systemically beaten down for generations by the state and local ruling elites. Pittsfield politics is run by an incestuous-like group of multigenerational insider families that are sarcastically called the Good Old Boys club/the 4 families that run Pittsfield. When someone like “Jon Melle” speaks out about it or writes to Mayor Linda Tyer, Chrome Dome Adam Hinds, Trippy Country Buffet (- she blocks all of my political emails), Shitty PIG-pen, Paul Marxism, and the career Mayor John Barrett III, there is never a reply. The Dirty Bird (The Berkshire Eagle) never publishes my political letters because I am not part of their provincial agenda. I am invisible to the ruling elites in Pittsfield politics and beyond. When I lived in the beautiful Berkshires many years ago, I experienced retribution when I participated in state and local politics. It is ALWAYS Business as usual with no exceptions!

Prior to Andrea Harrington being elected to the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office in the 2018 election, Pittsfield and North Adams were still always in the 10 ten cities in Massachusetts for violent crime, according to the FBI’s annual reports. There were still shootings, over 1,000 local gang members, drugs, prostitution, the ring of poverty around North Street’s Social Services Alley, homelessness, Level 5 inner-city public schools, and so on. Andrea Harrington has been in the D.A.’s Office three years, one month and 4 days, and Pittsfield is still a distressed and crime-ridden city with failing public schools, while North Adams is still the poorest city in Massachusetts. Her progressive politics has no correlation to Pittsfield’s downward spiral with no bottom.

Trippy Country Buffet has been a Pittsfield State Representative for a little over one decade, and the criticism of her tenure in Boston is that she accomplishes nothing year after year. She literally does nothing at all except being out to lunch. Like Shitty PIG-pen, Paul Marxism and Chrome Dome, Trippy Country Buffet voted for her own 40% state legislative pay raise in early-2017 and happily accepted countless other pay raises and perks over the years. Not leading by example by asking state taxpayers to pay higher state taxes while voting for her own public pay raises and perks, Trippy Country Buffet has published op-eds from Pittsfield to Boston arguing for state tax increases on families and small businesses. In 2018, Trippy Country Buffet led the political push for the Berkshire Museum to sell off its two paintings donated by Norman Rockwell, along with other historic pieces of donated art, for tens of millions of dollars over the protests of a majority of the people in Pittsfield and Berkshire County. Of course, there is much more to write about her, but I will cut it short for now.

Lastly, why is it that the women are always the ones who are criticized, while the men who are no different in politics and society are rarely held accountable for their actions? What about U.S. President Joe Biden and his troubled middle-aged son Hunter Biden, along with former U.S. President Bill Clinton 26 flight logs on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet to pedo-island, Governor Charlie Baker, Maryland Ed Markey, PAC Man Richie Neal, Chrome Dome Adam Hinds, Shitty PIG-pen, Paul Marxism, the career Mayor John Barrett III, Godfather Jimmy Ruberto pulling the strings in Pittsfield politics from Naples, Florida, and the rest of the buffoons who screw over the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski?

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Does Brady like to deflate his balls?

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

…..scrolling down to next comment

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

I agree. Soooo many words :’(

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Guess he is trying to out write Dan once again, He is totally ignoring
Dan’s many requests to shorten his comments. I also scroll on to the next comment.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Where is Dan’s “Bot” when we need it?
MarxistMelle’s comments – same crap, different day.

Drew Pushedoff
Drew Pushedoff
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Same crap Every Day !

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Melle’s posts sound like they are from a Stacey Abrams’s romance novel.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

As I said to him a few posts back, he now makes it crystal clear why he didn’t make it in the Army.

He was “that guy” who joined the military and questioned his superiors orders, got mad and vengeful when they didn’t want, nor care to hear from him, and disciplined for doing such.

After awhile, his supervisors probably got so mad and frustrated with him and his unwillingness to learn and heed advice, they began taking it out on his fellow soldiers. Of course, those soldiers are going to hate him and isolate him. Can you blame them? Think “Gomer Pyle” in the movie Full Metal Jacket. There’s JM in a nutshell.

In JM’s mind everyone was out to “get him.”

Jon, I can tell you, I was in the military and was one of those who got punished for someone like you’s repeated mistakes. I despised guys like you. You joined the god$#@n US Army. Did you think it was going to be the Cub Scouts? You’re born 30 years to late. Today, you get participation trophies. Not back then.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Fizzlehead
3 years ago

It takes forever to scroll past his posts though.

Reply to  Filo Beto
3 years ago

Really? It takes me one quarter of a second. Review your methodology.

Pittsfield Pride
Pittsfield Pride
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Where are you getting your crime statics from? Crime is down in Pittsfield. Just because you don’t like these “elites” or whatever dissociating name you call people because you don’t actually have the courage to speak up not behind a computer, doesn’t mean what you say is fact. Making up something to serve your agenda is called lying. My gut is telling me this is how you live your life though.

3 years ago

FAH. FTFB. FLT. FJB. And F any fool dumb enough to vote for any of them.

Reply to  SallySays
3 years ago

Glad free speech is alive and well on the Planet Sal.

Reply to  SallySays
3 years ago

And F Fauci, and the horse he rode in on. Id like to fire his ass.

3 years ago

Unfortunately the Kapanski’s are screwed but it is one they supposedly voted for because they continually elect the same people. This leads me to believe the Kapanski’s may like the screwing they are getting or there is some back room shenanigans going on in the Pitts. If all the Kapanski’s just decided to vote for the other candidates for a couple of voting cycles they may be able to nudge this sinking ship to safety. BTW where did that sinking Allendale ship disappear to?

3 years ago

I have no problem with changing the laws to
Make Some things legal that are currently illegal. I do have a problem against choosing which laws to enforce and which to not. It weakens the entire system. Get rid of the law first and then there is no grey area. To randomly choose to not enforce a law or prosecute someone who broke it will leave the door Open to a discrimination defense as to why one gets prosecuted for a crime and another did not for The same crime. Nothing is simple in our government and politics and money flows will determine our futures as a society but this is corruption rubbed in our faces from the top office of what we all Believed was an institution created to protect us. A there is a law. B. There is a penalty created for someone breaking the law. C. Anyone caught breaking the law must be prosecuted and if convicted then assigned a predetermined minimum punishment that is in black and white. D No wiggle room on above rules. Make the law more like Fight club rules. Simple. Everyone knows the rules and what will happen if they are broken. Make the rules and laws and penalties meaningful and appropriate for public safety. Please add to this your thoughts.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

The ironic part of the supervised drug centers and decriminalization of heroin is the fact that this is the ONE drug that actually kills people.

People don’t use cocaine and die. The science behind the campaign to save the “crack babies” in the 80s and 90s has largely been debunked. It’s not good for your health, or subsequent livelihood, but it’s not going to kill you.

We are a country full of vices – cigarettes, liquor, illicit drugs used to self-medicate, and every one of them are not healthy. But heroin kills. More importantly, heroin disproportionately kills white people.

The campaign to legalize consumption of opioids is a continued effort to focus on the prosecution and mass incarceration of minorities while saving the white race. Kind of hard to buy the equality bullshit when it’s excessively clear who is favored and who is dispensable.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

If they legalize opioids who do you think will be selling them? Politically connected folk who instead of getting a cut from the gang bangers for covering for them will get it all.

Corruption Junction
Corruption Junction
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Who do you think IS selling them

Reply to  Corruption Junction
3 years ago

Ollie North

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Just like the politicos did with weed and booze.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Not exactly Phil. While about 100k people died from fatal ODs last year, and about 70k of them were from opioids, the rest were other drugs including cocaine which you can die from. Black people as a percentage of the population are dying at an increasingly high rate from opioid ODs.. As Yogi said, you can look it up. But here’s some starter articles and oh btw, Fauci has supported the killing of Beagles in name of drug research to prevent cocaine overdoses.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

Why does the mayor of Pittsfield never discuss drugs, gangs, or overdose deaths in her own city? Does she care about things like that? Does not look like it even though the gang bangers are the ones who use her North st bike lanes the most.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

The answers are -She has no solutions and doesn’t really care.

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Because that would fuck up her “Vibrant “& “Dynamic” narrative she claims Pittsfield is.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
3 years ago

The reason why people die of cocaine involved overdoses is primarily because of the involvement of an opioid.

Any OD resulting in death from pure and exclusive cocaine use is not common.

“Among all groups, increases in cocaine-involved overdose rates were largely driven by opioid co-involvement, particularly after 2013.”

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Then why is the government funds the drugging of beagle dog by making them wear cocaine vests and then killing them in the name of cocaine overdose prevention? Fauci ought to be fired.

Bull Durham
Bull Durham
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Well, yeah, aside from the 16,000 Americans who died from cocaine overdoses in 2019, according to the CDC.

Corruption Junction
Corruption Junction
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

That, and ironic as well is whom owns them. Same people who own Meth bar.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

I forget who the poster was who claimed Harrington was too small of a fish to be funded by Soros. That was obviously not true!

TFB needs to be booted out of office for dereliction of duty – she’s continually working against the best interests of taxpayers.

Great column, Dan. Hopefully it will encourage some citizens with sound minds and common sense to run against these two nitwits!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

True. A lot on this site said there was no connection between Harrington and Soros. Soros is behind all of the far left district attorneys who have been spread across the country to create chaos especially in the large cities like New York where they are stirring up so much violence, but even in small cities like Pittsfield where crime is increasing due to this so-called far left justice reform. Their idea of justice reform is to coddle criminals and forget about the victims and turn our cities into crime ridden Gotham cities.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Soros is behind a lot of the demise of America, and a primary source of funding the cancer that has metastasized throughout our three branches of government.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

The guy is like 90 years old, but still going strong to push the agenda of one world government and pushing the far left agenda, but first you have to remove all weaponry from the people and what better excuse to do it than to turn our cities into violence ridden places. This will give big government total control which is what old George and his globalist buddies are pushing to have happen.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Ridiculous and uninformed.Soros is the enemy of fascism and a friend of democracy.BOOM

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

That is so uninformed and/or stupid, even for You TSC, it made me laugh.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I have begged all of you to stop viewing FOX so that you don’t fight each other over who the smartest among you guys are.Somebody is going to get hurt.You are all in this blog together and it is breaking my heart reading FOX loop response talking points.SOROS is an all time top 5

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Top 5 enemy of America. He’s funding the foolishness that is Andrea Harrington.

You happy with the CJS in Berkshire county and the liberal cities throughout America TSC? It shouldn’t be like fishing where there is catch and release, in this case of dangerous felons.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Yes, you are correct Pat. I was unaware this Fair and Just Prosecution is the connection between Harrington and Soros. They are funded by Soros and she speaks directly from their playbooks.

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

The Soros appointed District Attorney in San Francisco California is not budging on changing his tactics even though he sees the violence erupting in that state. Why? Because his agenda isn’t about a decrease in crime, it’s about creating chaos so the federal government has a big excuse to take all weapons and move into these areas with a federal police unit loyal to not you, but to big government.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

The Soros group is against drug courts. What does that mean for ours? Is that why we never hear about them anymore? The DA sure was pushing them in her campaign.

Why It’s Time to Abandon Drug CourtsFor the last 30 years, the primary way in which the criminal justice system has attempted to connect people with substance use disorders to healthcare is via drug courts. However, research shows that people who use drugs need community-based harm reduction and treatment services, not the threat of criminal sanction. In this op-ed in The Crime Report, FJP Executive Director Miriam Krinsky and Northeastern University Professor of Law and Health Sciences and Faculty Director of the Health in Justice Action Lab Leo Beletsky share why we must look beyond drug courts and bring new thinking to drug policy.

“If we want to move beyond the discredited War on Drugs and save lives, we must abandon the fixation on drug courts, invest in proven solutions, and let healthcare professionals ― not lawyers and judges ― guide treatment.”

Reply to  Newsbreak
3 years ago

What is happening in big cities like San Francisco and New York is they are giving drugs to the people with substance abuse problems. It seems they have no interest in curing them anymore. It’s really sad since they are just feeding their addictions. What they are doing now gets rid of the lawyer, judges, and healthcare professionals, but it’s inhumane in my opinion.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

There is still federal law on the books that makes aiding and abetting criminal aliens (and that is well defined in the law) a federal felony.

Jail those people, and deport the criminal aliens.

Squeaky and TFB could room together in the crowbar hotel.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Well this certainly explains to this week’s Eagle letter writer why the DA jumped on an indicted DA’s bandwagon against all sense and logic. It doesn’t make sense to a sensible person but it makes sense to a shameless politician. Thanks for posting, Dan.

Letter: Kudos for editorial raising questions on DA’s behavior
To the editor: I write to commend The Berkshire Eagle for publishing its editorial “Some serious questions for Berkshire DA.” (Eagle, Jan. 29.)
I have resided in Lenox since the end of August 2021, having moved here after living in Baltimore for 36 years. As a lawyer, law professor and longtime Baltimore city resident, I was astounded by District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s tweet supporting Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby and Ms. Mosby’s assertion that the federal criminal charges recently lodged against her stemmed from retaliation about her handling of the 2015 Freddie Gray case, which gained a great deal of national attention.
Ms. Mosby’s argument is an insult to the federal grand jurors who reviewed all the evidence presented to them and to the United States attorneys who brought the case. As she or anyone accused of a crime in this country is entitled, Ms. Mosby will have her day in court, where the burden of proof is on the federal government to prove her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
For the Berkshire County DA to jump on Ms. Mosby’s bandwagon and to proclaim her a victim, however, defies logic and good sense. As a prosecutor herself, Ms. Harrington should have known better and should have gathered all the facts, as we instruct law students, rather than succumbing to Ms. Mosby’s attempts to undermine this country’s legal system, of which both she and Ms. Mosby are a significant part.
Barbara A. Babb, Lenox

Reply to  RNtoo
3 years ago

Totally agree with your assessment RNtoo, of this Shameless politician. AND LETS WELCOME Barbara Babb to the Berkshires!

However AH was never a prosecutor and still isn’t. In fact she has deactivated her entire staff of ADA’S by directing them not to prosecute. We are all taking note! The implications are quite apparent.

Reply to  Jim
3 years ago

You are correct, sir! Never prosecuted a case in her life. She is no prosecutor.
Why were the murderers of Mr Cataldo allowed to plead to manslaughter and murder 2? The crime was on tape! She’s afraid to let her ADAs try cases they might lose. She made a campaign promise to never plead murder cases out! All show, no go

She’s a disgrace and she knows it. All that matters to AH is identity politics and virtue signaling.

Reply to  MrsMiaWallace
3 years ago

Who would ever make a blanket promise to never plead murder cases out? Only someone who watches a lot of television. Harrington isn’t a DA. She plays one on TV.

Corruption Junction
Corruption Junction
3 years ago

It’s more like KKK Street

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

There are currently two unsolved murders in Pittsfield. There are zero updates from DA Wrong Way’s Office. The DA’s office handles all homicide investigation press releases, so Lazy Linda and PPD are off the hook.

What is the status of these cases? Is the public in jeopardy? Are there multiple offenders? Should the public be looking out for certain people, vehicles, etc? Any information is helpful, not to mention in the best interest of public safety.

Instead of criminal updates on serious cases, instead Wrong Way is more concerned with Tricia Farley-Coutry Buffet’s (D) push to get illegal aliens drivers licenses to vote…..I mean drive.

Can anyone name any legislation the rotund one has authored to help her constituents? I searched and cannot find any. But she’ll help non-citizens. Did Berkshire County voters really vote for that type of representation?

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

The mayor figures if she does not talk about all the drug activity or murders in the city she watches over then they must not have happened. PPd may be OK with that.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Hey the DA is super heads down busy on the 47 year old cold case.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello Patrick Fennell,

Trippy Country Buffet has been in Boston for a little over one decade now and she has accomplished nothing there. She hypocritically writes op-eds in newspapers across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts arguing for state tax hikes while she votes herself huge state legislative pay raises and perks. In Pittsfield, she is part of the incestuous-like Good Old Boys and Girls club that rules by fear by dishing out retribution against anyone who speaks out about their 60 years of failed state and local leadership. She is one of the WORST State Representatives in the over 400-year history of Massachusetts politics!

I am upset when I read about Berkshire County’s long history of violent crime, economic inequality and one (Democratic) party politics. District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s progressive politics has nothing to do with it all because it was that way prior to her being the county’s chief prosecutor in 2019.

There are many regions of our country called “The Rust Belt” where there are little to no living wage jobs for the working-class families to be able to support themselves. If one moves to or near a city such as Boston, NYC or Washington, D.C., purchasing a home in a safe neighborhood will cost them around one million dollars and higher. The Rust Belt swing states hate the limousine liberals on the east and west coasts, so they voted for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in 2016. Hillary Clinton snubbed the rust belt swing states and called the people who lived there “Deplorables”, while Joe Biden pretended like he was the boy from hard scrabble Scranton, Pennsylvania when he really took in more campaign cash from Wall Street and K Street than any other candidate running for federal office in 2020. The rust belt has fallen behind during Biden’s presidency, and the Republicans know that the 2022 midterms are going to be a red wave.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Lets go Brandon!!!

Crude oil has topped $90/barrel for the first time since 2014 when Barry was President.

By summer gas prices will be higher than Hunter!

One year later……

Nothing is built

Nothing is back

and Nothing is better

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

May 12, 2015
Trump: ‘I know how to build’“The only one to fix the infrastructure of our country is me — roads, airports, bridges,” Donald Trump tweets a month before launching his campaign. “I know how to build, pols only know how to talk!”

Yup, he was the only one who knew how to build but then built absolutely NOTHING!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

The RINO herd, and both Paul RyNO then speaker of the house and cocaine Mitch McMconnell of the senate, nixed any progress Trump could achieve when both houses of congress “supported” him.

They are all part of the uniparty, who hate Americans

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Feb 2nd 2022

He emerged from his basement, dazed and confused.
He saw his shadow, and with Jill’s help, he stumbled back in.
At least six more months of chaos for America

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Good one!

3 years ago

President Biden just speaking now and he is still pushing Build Back Better which is the fuse they need to light to set off the Great Reset, but he doesn’t tell you that. Instead he waxes poetic on the beauties of free childcare just as good old Nance Pelosi kept doing by constantly saying, “Did I mention there’s free childcare?” in the Build Back Better bill. Biden now is suddenly understanding how difficult the inflation is on lower income people and they will work on that, but they need Build Back Better to pass. You won’t pay a cent he says. The high taxation will all be on large income earners which we know is a lie because the wealthy will get huge tax breaks if they buy electric cars, while we the people are stuck with high gas prices and more inflation from Build Back Better.

Last edited 3 years ago by Pat
Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Free childcare for all of his grandchildren fathered by his crackhead son Hunter Biden and his multiple women sex partners!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hunter is still skipping out on child support to the stripper, he impregnated while involved with his dead brother’s wife.

Joe and Jill had Christmas stockings displayed at the WH for the grandchildren, until someone did a count on the stockings, it was one stocking short. All the stockings disapered shortly after. Biden “family values”………

Where did all that money the Bidens got from the Ukraine and the Chi-Coms go to? Not any to one of their kids/grandkids

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Stop ! Stop ! Dude f* Stop !

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

With everything going on in America: rising inflation, rising gas/heating oil prices, southern border crisis, flying illegal aliens all over the country under the cover of darkness, record setting homicide and violent crime rates in all “Progressive DA” led jurisdictions, Afghanistan debacle, Russia/China on the brink of wars, who really cares about “free childcare?”

The Teachers Union does. That’s who.

With many opting out of failing public schools and choosing school choice or charter schools instead, the public schools, teachers union fear losing jobs. Who keeps them employed? Illegal alien children, that’s who.

This is why “early child care” is so important on Build Back Bankrupt. It keeps the public schools awash in federal money, by guaranteeing attendance goals are met in those failing, progressive, indoctrination, sh!twholes.

Trisha Farley-Country Buffet (D) was smart enough to realize this. She made sure her children went to school in Lenox. Not exactly a district known for its diversity. But yet, Trish champions for the illegal aliens. White guilt Trish, or marching orders?

Last edited 3 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

That’s it I’m outta here.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
3 years ago

Americans have a economy that is on fire.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Biden’s just about burnt it out for good.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

You are correct for once TSC, the American economy is a dumpster fire under Joe Xiden, Barry Sotero, Pelosi, Schumer, etc…

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Oh. My. God. This is starting to make a lot of sense. I see from the website that the Soros group is against DA associations.This explains why DA Harrington will not allow her office to attend the 2022 Massachusetts DA’s Association annual meeting for the first time in over 20 years. Harrington will not attend or allow prosecutors to attend much needed training. If ever there was a DA’s office that needs training….. How is this the will of Berkshire voters to have a DA’s office that is inexperienced, poorly supervised and untrained???? 

IT’S TIME FOR DA ASSOCIATIONS TO STOP STANDING IN THE WAY OF REFORMProsecutor associations have been tethered to past “tough on crime” thinking and have acted as powerful obstructionists of justice reform efforts. In this Orange County Register op-ed, FJP Executive Director Miriam Krinsky and Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy Associate Director Tyler Yeargain delineate concerns with these organizations and the importance of not allowing them to derail criminal justice reforms being advanced by reform-minded prosecutors around the nation.

“It’s time for prosecutors’ associations to respect the decision of voters and accept the evidence — failed punitive approaches are not the path to justice, and these groups must stop undermining voters’ desire for reform.”

Reply to  Al A. Bye
3 years ago

Remember when Harrington struck a deal with the museum embezzler who stole $30,000 from her employer and treated it like first offense shoplifting? Then when the judge slammed her to mark it up for trial she threw her employee under the bus. Harrington doesn’t give two shites about her staff.

The school committee
The school committee
3 years ago

Trumps conspiracy was widespread.It all began when the numbers said back in June he was losing big in 2020.Trump then planted the seeds that if he lost Joe stole the election and with that repeated all day everyday his cult believed the Messiah would never lie to them.Trump owns Trumpers and here we are with journalist ignoring what is happening before their eyes. Tyrants use a playbook because it 100% works.This blog is evidence of the tactics success.Most of you what FOX and listened to drivetime talk radio of Beck Limbaugh Hannity on your way home to the 5 at 5….you are victims.You are unavailable forever in a state of FOX loop messaging.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

TSC, Trump must be a prophet, the election was stolen.

Your selected leader is a senile incompetent bumbling disgrace.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

Trump told you the election was stole.Nobody that matters told you that.TDS is your bible

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

I saw the election was stole when Trump was way ahead Tues 6th PM, then there was a spike in votes, all for Biden, then more votes just kept on coming in for days………….

Then there was the video tapes in Atlanta, Michigan,………….

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

Cuckoo and stoned

Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago


Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

It is truly sad to see how many minds FOX news and its preachers have stolen right out of the heads of their followers. It is a form of dementia in that they really cannot recognize the reality of the world around them. I have a close family member who was radicalized by FOX news and it preachers so I have seen it up close.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago
Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Stop watching the View

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

Fair and balanced Fizz. Try Fox Nation for an eye opener on 6 Jan and another eye opener on Hunter Biden. His ole man ought be impeached!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

You must be sad Whoopie got suspended.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

I see worse things than she said on here almost every day. Most of it by your friends.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

That’s just because You can’t see the truth, and it don’t fit your NWO/Liberal views and agendas.

The MSM is far-left biased, ………and I’ll include Fox too, as not reporting, ignoring, putting a spin on, and/or censoring lots of important news.

I doubt you know any of my friends at all.

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

You can’t handle the truth!

3 years ago

First and foremost, great article exposing DA Harrington’s many flaws. Anyone but Harrington! That said, how much longer will our local radio stations keep pontificating Covid (altered) stats. Enough is a enough,Although I love that Covid diddy they play. If they are so concerned about our health, how about have ads telling everyone the death tolls daily from obesity, substance abuse and suicides. I guess there’s no money in that.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Off Topic – Have noticed for a few years now that every Pittsfield Public School you go by early in the morning and mid afternoon five days a week both sides of the street in front of the schools are filled with parents dropping off and picking up their children. This bottleneck of cars is a serious traffic issue for other cars and emergency vehicles. Allendale School on Connecticut Avenue and Taconic High School are particularly dangerous. Why are these students not taking a tax paid for school bus? Most school buses I see are practically empty. Has any one of the highly paid school department employees ever queried as to how many students are riding these buses and also why so many children are choosing not to. Are they unsafe, are kids being bullied, there has to be some reason. This query definitely should be performed before tax payers are hit with another tax hike to purchase new school buses. Also, maybe the Mayor or Chief Wynn could explain why is there no traffic enforcement by these schools by the PPD.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
3 years ago

Not sure of all the reasons but busses are in fact a place where bullies feel empowered and their victims feel trapped. Even some of the bus drivers do not feel safe.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Hello “Markus Aurelius”,

Once again, I wish to thank you for your military service. Your post was very hurtful. I wish to write again that I was ordered to perform several consecutive 24-hour duty shifts in mid-January 2001 in the freezing field in Germany, a fellow Soldier who was abusing/bullying me threatened my life by him holding a steel bar to my head and I told him to “Go to Hell” and when the incident was over, I reported it directly to my (black) Sergeant and (black) Staff Sergeant, and they both said to me that only I was to be punished for disrespecting a fellow Soldier, and then in my sleep deprived condition, they (illegally) ordered me to drive a 5-ton U.S. Army truck over civilian roads in Germany where one month prior a U.S. Army- serving in Germany, Europe – Soldier fell asleep behind the wheel of a U.S. Army 5-ton truck and jackknifed a German mother driving her child to an elementary school in Germany. That Soldier was court-martialed and sent to military prison. I had a mental health breakdown. I became sick and I was sent to the U.S. Army psychiatric unit, as well as the German Hospitals whereby the medical staff fought wish my U.S. Army Command about my condition. I received an Honorable Discharge, and a couple years later I received a letter from the White House saying that the U.S. President, George W. Bush, sends me his regards and that he ordered me a hearing at the VA Central Office that is close to the White House in Washington, D.C. during the Summer of 2004. I am a 100% service-connected disabled Veteran. When I go to the Hospital my statement reads that a grateful country is happy to serve me. I am a respected Veteran. Lastly, despite your remarks, I see you as a brother Veteran and I am thankful for your service.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Alan Melle

Drew Pushedoff
Drew Pushedoff
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

My father was in Normandy under constant fire for over two years in Europe was shot from behind when he got home raised a family and ended a thirty five year career as a worker here in Berkshire County. Never complained once. He was disabled from that wound also. I have friends that told me horror story’s about Viet Nam Stop complaining.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

I thank all of you and/or your family members for your military service. I don’t wish to complain. I thought I did the right thing by our country by protecting innocent human lives after a sleepy Soldier killed a mother who was driving her son to an elementary school in Germany with a U.S. Army 5-ton truck when I was given a similar order one month later in mid-January of 2001. I am sorry that I couldn’t handle all of the abuse I endured during my honorable military service in Germany, Europe. I have endured unusual event in my then young adult life. My dad was a Berkshire County Commissioner when I was 21.5 years old to nearly 25 years old from January 1st, 1997 – June 30, 2000. Nuciforo and his conspiratorial network bullied my dad and I for many years back then. I had a mental health breakdown in the U.S. Army around the time when the U.S. presidency transitioned from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush in mid-January 2001 when I was just about 25.5 years old. I understand that all of it happened in my life a long time ago now, as it is now early-February of 2022. I am not delusional. Everything I “complain” about really did happen to me (and my political activist dad back then). I understand that Soldiers have lost their lives and suffered worse traumatic events than myself, and I am grateful for their sacrifices for God and Country. I am also grateful for the VA and all of the services I receive from the VA. I love our country, and I wish to let everyone know how blessed I am to be a fellow brother Veteran to all of my brothers and sisters who served honorably in the United States Armed Services. I believe in Human Rights and Civil Rights for All under Democracy and the rule of law. I will always support politicians who are good men and women who will stand for our country’s best ideals so that we may all live with Liberty and Justice for All Peoples and people of our country and the world.
Jonathan Alan Melle

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago


Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

Please STOP making this blog about “Jon Melle”; thank you.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

UH, Jonathon, it is YOU who keeps making it all about Jon Melle. Go back and read how many posts you have about Jon Melle. No one else is starting any posts about you. I think we all care about you and wish you well.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
3 years ago

We need to move on from COVID. It’s time to get back to regular programming.

Although one can argue that covid was never an exceptionally deadly disease for the general public, the numbers are in and it’s been proven.

Death rate compared to reported numbers of infections:

0.99% CA
1.38 % NY
1.37% MA
1.18% FL
1.27% TX

We (collectively) have spent two years in masks, in small groups, holed up in our homes and bedroom offices connected to the world only through digital communication. More importantly, we have spent the last two years in our heads, scared to death to venture into public because of a campaign of mass hysteria supported by the government and propagated by the media.

Remember the arrows in the grocery stores?

Remember when every two sinks in a public bathroom were taped off so you didn’t wash your hands within six feet of another human being?

Remember the rolls of plastic bags at gas pumps you were advised to cover your hands with before you touched the gas pump?

Mass hysteria. Mass confusion. And an abundance of brainwashing in the name of a goal that still isn’t broadly clear.

Massachusetts reports that the average age of a person deceased from covid is 76 years old. Massachusetts now reports that only about 50% of people hospitalized with covid are actually being treated for covid, the other half required hospital care for other reasons and wound up with a positive covid test at the same time.

We can make two pretty accurate assumptions from these reports. One, Massachusetts isn’t some outlier. We can assume this is the case across the country in terms of who mostly dies from covid (people already at the end of their natural lives) and how many people are really being treated for covid in our hospitals.

Two, we can assume that of all of the covid deaths over the past two years – 900,000 now, allegedly – a significant percentage were of people who died of other causes while simultaneously having tested positive for sars-cov2.

It’s time to stop the hysteria.

Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Right on Phil. How many more people died than in an average year? It was all a bunch of bill spit from the start.

If the American population was a 100 dollar bill we shut the country down and ruined years of kids lives to save a nickel.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Spot on Phil!

And look what the lib teachers are doing to students in CA, its disgusting!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago
The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Auto Phil
3 years ago

Next stop 1,000,000 dead from Covid as we lead the world.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
3 years ago

More Covid under Biden with the jab than Trump without TSC

3 years ago

Dan, Did Harrington report the trips funded by the Soros group?

Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

OCPF – Search Report Items

Type Harrington in filer field

Reply to  levitan
3 years ago

No, it would not be reported as a campaign contribution. It is covered under conflict of interest laws and exemptions related to gifts and gratuities. This needs to be examined. The law is you have to be fully transparent by proper reporting. So I ask again, did Harrington report the trips supposedly spent working in the public’s interest? The law is the law and the public has a right to know.

Reply to  Rileyed
3 years ago

You must be new here. The law is not the law under this DA.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

Very true. With the Berkshire DA, paying her property taxes and having a valid driver’s license, is also optional for her too.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

If you like Harrington & her politics, you’ll love love love Maura Healey, one of three far-left radical liberal progressive women running for Guv in November. According to the Feb. 3rd Boston Herald, Healey vowed “to use historic levels of aid pouring into the state, as well as historic tax revenue surpluses to put my aggressive agenda into action.” Tyrannical!

Support and vote for Geoff Diehl for Guv in November!

Last edited 3 years ago by Mr. Fritz
Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

That dude is Trump’s former campaign chair so he does not have a snowball’s chance in hell. Healey endorsed Harrington without a moment’s thought. That’s how much she cares about us.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

Maura Healey also wanted the 2020 rioters to keep on rioting.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

and trump wanted the Jan 6th insurrectionists to keep on resurrecting. What is your point?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

1/6/2021 was a peaceful protest of a fraudulent election.

The “insurrection” was staged by left operatives who goaded people into the capital building. There is video of these operatives and none have been put into the DC gulag, why is that?

One of these people is Ray Epps, whom the FBI won’t even acknowledge exists. There is hours of video footage of Epps and associates conspiring to breach security. If you doubt this Fizzled, do some research of your own.

For more than a year, other Americans invited inside the capitol, are being held without due process, lawyers, bail, or trials. In the DC gulag.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mad Trapper
Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

From Instagram:
”US Bobsled team renames their sled ‘Biden’ because nothing has taken America downhill faster.”

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

freakin hilarious…got any more gems like that one?

Filo Beto
Filo Beto
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
3 years ago

That is hilarious! Thanks Fritz.

3 years ago

Mayor Tyer is showcasing her potholes again this year. It promises to be the BEST ever. If you are in the business of repairing front ends, tires, do wheel alignments or if you just sell replacement hub caps your customer base is about to grow big time.
I know, I know, you feel like since your taxes keep escalating much more than your income in Pittsfield that your roads should be drivable. Well then I guess you just don’t know mayor Tyer very well then do ya? (and don’t call Marchetti about it either. He could give a shit less about your problems.)

Reply to  fizzlehead
3 years ago

If Dan gives out a coveted award, maybe The Craters Award, to worst street, I shall nominate Euclid Avenue.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

How about a section where we could post pictures? The only way this mayor does anything to fix the roads is when she is shamed into it. We need to associate it with bike lanes and tourism to get her attention.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
3 years ago

Barker Road ain’t far behind!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

I hope that Mayor Linda Tyer will look into this for the City of Pittsfield:

Lawmakers press bill on funding police alternatives (

I support alternatives to policing for mental health calls to 911. Mental Illness is NOT a crime!

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
3 years ago

So YOU, Mr Milqtoast with alleged PTSD, would walk in front of a mental case, holding a firearm, a knife or other deadly weapon, threatening to harm himself or anyone who comes close, then breaks the 21 approach rule and lunges at you with a dangerous weapon?
“Oh please don’t hurt me. I’m on a military disability because of something I heard happened and it’s Jimmy Ruberto’s fault because my Daddy was in Politics……exit, stage left!”
Whadda tool!!!!

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Ghost Rider
3 years ago

My dad was actually friends with Jimmy Ruberto. But I think he was the absolute WORST Mayor of Pittsfield politics. Sara Hathway was right about him 2 decades ago, but not enough people listened to her back then. Pittsfield has a lot of mental health cases, including Veterans. Please STOP making it about Jon Melle. I want to help people, including my fellow Veterans, who are on the road to recovery in our wonderful lives. Linda Tyer is a good and decent person whom I admire for her compassionate leadership in Pittsfield.

the 5th Dentist
the 5th Dentist
Reply to  Ghost Rider
3 years ago

In Short no he will not face any of the situations that he advocates for or against. He will not have to face or attempt to defuse a single situation, be it someone in a mental health crisis, someone with a drug issue, a robbery, a hostage situation, or a high speed car chase. He will however sit in his apartment ( Taxpayer funded) hurl derogatory remarks and insults towards anyone who does. Then when he gets any push back he will be certain to point out that Nuciforo and others had this giant conspiracy to ruin his life. The reach went so far as the people on his base in the military and so on. When anyone has any opinion counter to his they will be mean and out comes the copy and paste whoa is me tale
John, spare the I am mean rant

Jon Melle
Jon Melle
Reply to  the 5th Dentist
3 years ago

Nuciforo did conspiratorially hurt my dad & me for years many years ago. He SHITS!!!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jon Melle
3 years ago

Stop dragging up the PAST!

3 years ago

The purpose of spreading all of these far left Soros backed District Attorneys across the country is to create chaos. They say it’s about justice reform because they have to say something to explain their extremist positions of allowing car jackings, stealing, property damage, just no violence especially gun violence. Their goal is to take all guns from citizens eventually and to have a federal police force. BLM is saying that we have to break the view that people have of police of being “heroes”. Why would they say that? Obviously because in their plans for the future of our country, the police will not be our heroes, they will be protecting big government from us because of the total control they want over everyone.

Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

Pat, in a frightening way, you may not be far off. Here is one of the Soros group documents on how DA’s like Harrington can get tax payer funded drug injection sites accepted in a community. It cites sources including the anti jail group Vera Institute of Justice, the Soros group Drug Policy Alliance,and the anti government group Cato Institute founded by Charles Koch.

Reply to  laughingstock
3 years ago

They are saying in that article that all drug taking isn’t bad and they don’t have to cure them of their addiction. Keep feeding the addiction is their answer. I think it’s a bad answer. Think of how many people would still be taking drugs if they weren’t cured of their addiction. I think that a social stigma against drug use is very useful.

Al A. Bye
Al A. Bye
Reply to  Pat
3 years ago

The libertarians come all the around from the right and join up with the left. What a clusterf*$K.

3 years ago

Today I am feeling better about the next generation.

Letter: A student’s take on Southern Berkshire school district merger talksFeb 5, 2022 

To the editor: After years of seeing “merger” on the fringe of Eagle pages, the eight-town district is getting serious. (“Would the school community support a merger of Berkshire Hills and Southern Berkshire? A new survey says they are open to it,” Eagle, Jan. 28.)
After reading this article and the committee’s report, I would say that learning about the possibilities and supporting them are very different. I’m glad I got the chance to take the survey and participate in a focus group. I learned more myself. However, I think most people were somewhat confused by ambiguous options and unclear futures. So sure, we’re open to learning more, but don’t take it as a thumbs up.
The pressing questions on people’s minds are yet to be answerable: What would the school’s name be? Where would it be built? Whose administration and staff get picked? What happens to school traditions? The irony is not lost on me that the shared four out of five top things liked about each school are characteristics of a small school — knowing everyone, staff who care, clubs open to all, close relationships between students. And we can’t forget the elephant, or rather building, in the room. Were it not for Great Barrington’s high tax rates, would the quality of SBRSD education even be questioned?
I could go on about the dim intricacies of this possible merge, but I know nostalgia and small-town identity will (not unjustly) lose out to financial factors, so let’s look at that. In this case, students seem to be money, but combining the schools doesn’t fix the 50 percent drop in enrollment — it’s just a Band-Aid. What happens in 2030? Do we combine with Lee?
I do appreciate the redistricting group’s efforts. Community input is the way to go, but I think there’s a larger issue that needs to be addressed, and it affects more than just the schools. How do we get people invested in our communities year-round? That doesn’t mean coming up with a spring alternative to leaf-peeping and skiing. It doesn’t mean pushing second-home owners out (productivity is productivity) and it doesn’t mean handing over our economy to recreational drugs. For the sake of my own hope of a future in this area, I know there must be a way to move forward that isn’t accepting our dismal “fate.”
I’ve already seen my kindergarten, my church and my general store close. The Berkshire population decline is a harsh reality that we have the opportunity now to try and fix, not just mitigate its effects. Don’t give up on our schools yet.
Nadia Makuc, Monterey
The writer is a senior at Mount Everett Regional School.

Dissert Us
Dissert Us
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Doesn’t Russia invasion threat- reality sound a lot like the North Korea threat that occurred?

3 years ago

After attending my religious service this week I decided to I was in a calm enough state to attempt to read the awful hate rag that is distributed to the poor souls and minds of Berkshire County. These sheep have to continually be subjected to continual lies and hate administered by whom ever is running this garbage. Anyways I did want to respond to one of the letters written to be placed in the hate rag. In response I agree our voting laws have to be changed but back to the original style. One person one vote, in person and easily identified. The count should immediately be shown so at the end all that would be needed is a simple audit, no shenanigans. If someone is unable to go in person at least two people from the voting committee, one from each party, should go in person to confirm the person’s I’d and allow them to vote. As for gerrymandering just look to the Democrats in NY, yes I can give you an exact example instead a generalization which are usually incorrect or a lie.

Sure thing
Sure thing
3 years ago

Here is a few Facts weather they matter to you or not. We still believe in facts correct?
Harrington has never been given a dime from Soros Berkshires is just to small fact!
Since you seem to be referencing crime it has actually gone down since 2018 that should not be connected to the DA’s office However you brought it up. It has stariting to skyrocket in 2014 under Capeless and crew fact!

You really should look into the DA’s office school program that was cut by Harrington. That was costing you the tax payers big big big $ guess what all those advocates did when school was not in session ? Let’s just say pool time was in full effect all summer long. Fact!

As a employee over the many years I have seen it all the office affairs, the countless motions for continuances still a huge backlog of cases from 2014-2018, The Boss at the Tennis court most days. I could go on and on. The office currently has never been better once Moon was gone . The employees are actually happy fact!

It takes a lot of money to run a county wide campaign Paul found out this the hard way. You also need a good team not these same bitter retreads that tell you everything but keep the hands in the pocket and stay on the sidelines and maybe host a pasta dinner. Like it or not you have to campaign at least part of the time. Fact!

With Healy Hinds and others on the ballot I’m guessing Harrington will again be in office with a large margin even with the old senile judge at the Eagle trying to detail her.

Sure thing
Sure thing
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago


-Campaign contributions can be found on OCPF reports you know this. This spooky dark money you speak of is just good blog material.To run a county wide campaign you squeeze money out from where ever you can get it anyone willing to donate It’s its tough to raise money in the Berkshires.

– Ok yes Major crime is down the office apparently is not prosecuting people stealing gum correct Drug trafficking is in correct

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

Gosh, but you are illiterate. What grade did you complete?

Sure thing
Sure thing
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

With you no. I hope that changes.

The Eagle well I believe Rutberg hates Harrington , still pissed about the election loss of his former flame so he is on a revenge tour with a big bottle of ink and has his minions writing whatever he thinks will stick.

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

Have you had a big bottle of something today?

Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Dan, Dan, Dan. Journalists hold public officials accountable. Talking to a reputable media outlet will reveal that Harrington is a fake. She can’t conduct a coherent conversation let alone withstand an interview. Listen to her blather on the radio. Heavy is the head that’s full of Sh!t.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
3 years ago

Soros funnels “dark money” through shady organizations to fund radical leftist DAs.

He is doing the same to defund police.

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

Maybe Dan can give you some free English lessons. You’re writing skills are on par with the high school students being graduated from Baltimore.

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

How much less is the office budget since Hardly Harrington took over? By the way, since she is hardly prosecuting anyone, it should have been cut by a good 20 percent.

Reply to  Sure thing
3 years ago

You seem to think you have first hand knowledge of so much, yet refer to programs and people inaccurately. What did you know about the School programs that were working to Prevent Bullying and Substance abuse amongst our counties youth?
The people you refer to as “Advocates” were called Youth Education and Prevention Specialists and worked for the DA’s Office, doing programming in the schools. They were part of the Community Outreach and Education Department, that was eliminated, but then AH hired one person to replace four-with his only to responsibility to attend community meetings and not do any real education.
Oh and the staff were seasoned employee’s of the DA’s Office with vacation time, which was not able to be used during the school year because of the programming, so it is noted that they used their vacation time in the summer (Oh the Horror!). Did you also know that they used the summer office days to write numerous Federal grants to bring more FREE programming to the schools? You do know that Federal Grants are not part of the DA’s operating budget. Speaking of grants, I wonder when that audit is coming? Dohoney authorizing the spending (against IT advice) of money for gaming laptops for the ADA’s…Hmmm, was this part of the budget or a grant…either way its an blatant misuse of funds.

These staff also attended meetings, such as the BOAPC (Berkshire Overdose Addiction Prevention Collaborative) working to implement local policy, practice, systems, and/or environmental changes to prevent the misuse of opioids and to prevent and reduce deaths and poisonings associated with opioids.

But yeah, they spent the entire summer at the pool! (LONG SLOW EYEROLL)

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
3 years ago

If you think 6 more weeks of winter will be bad………

Think of 36 more months of Biden : (

Reply to  Mad Trapper
3 years ago

How many more months of Hardly Harrington?

3 years ago

Saying DA Harrington didn’t take Soros money is just silly. Here is a Baltimore story on how the group Fair and Just Prosecution compromised their district attorney. Too bad we don’t have fox news. Even if there are no direct contributions the DA is no longer a free agent to do the will of the people. hey are instead in the thrall of someone else and that is why public servants can’t take cash gifts and trips. It compromises their ethical ability to do their job.

Reply to  Teedoff
3 years ago

Recent transactions of deposits listed on the OCPF page from AH are from Houston, Texas from an Artist and TV Producer, have us scratching our heads:

2/7/2022Glodt, David
2121 Inwood Drive
HoustonTX77019TV Producer David Glodt$500.00Harrington, Andrea
2/7/22 Deposit Report
2/7/2022Glodt, Marita
2121 Inwood Dr.
HoustonTx77019Artist Marita Glodt$500.00Harrington, Andrea
2/7/22 Deposit Report

Reply to  Teedoff
3 years ago

And this one too:
2/1/2022crosby, stephen
64 pond st
jamaica plain MA02130 chairmass gaming commission$250.00Harrington, Andrea
2/1/22 Deposit Report

What does one chair of the MA Gaming Commission want to fund a Berkshire County DA campaign for?

Reply to  Teedoff
3 years ago

Oh my, I could keep going…the Mayor of Somerville?

12/27/2021Curtatone, Joseph
130 Ten Hills Rd
SomervilleMA02145MayorCity of Somerville$200.00Harrington, Andrea
12/27/21 Deposit Report

Reply to  Teedoff
3 years ago

When you look at her list of donors and see more out of Berkshire County money than in…

Chair of MA Gaming Commission is a recurring donor, along with US Atty Barbara Costa (Who looks to have signed up for a donation monthly subscription). What’s the draw to donate to a DA campaign in Berkshire County, I ask again?

12/27/2021Rosenthal, John
11 Wiley St
GloucesterMA01930 Real Estate Development Meredith Management$1,000.00Harrington, Andrea
12/27/21 Deposit Report
12/23/2021Ash Jr, Robert “jay”
498 Locust St
DanversMA01923 CEO/Lobbyist MACP $200.00Harrington, Andrea
12/23/21 Deposit Report
12/23/2021Bachrach, George
39 Merrill Rd
WatertownMA02472 AttorneyGeorge Bachrach $200.00Harrington, Andrea
12/23/21 Deposit Report
12/23/2021Tolman, Carolyn
30 Stoneleigh Cir
WatertownMA02472 NurseJohn Siliski MD $200.00Harrington, Andrea
12/23/21 Deposit Report
12/20/2021Cooper, Howard
276 Pope Road
ConcordMA01742 AttorneyTodd & Weld Llp$500.00Harrington, Andrea
12/20/21 Deposit Report
12/20/2021Davis, Stephen
97 Warren Avenue
BostonMA02116 Real Estate Developer The Davis Companies$500.00Harrington, Andrea
12/20/21 Deposit Report
12/20/2021Jackson, Ira
9 West Broadway, Unit 306
South BostonMA02127 Not EmployedNot Employed$250.00Harrington, Andrea
12/20/21 Deposit Report
12/20/2021Motley, Keith
22 Palisades Circle
StoughtonMA02072 Chancellor Emeritus Distinguished Professor Umass Boston$125.00Harrington, Andrea
12/20/21 Deposit Report
12/20/2021Passacantilli, Daniel
328 Pond St.
BostonMA02130 PresidentBlue Front Technology $1,000.00Harrington, Andrea
12/20/21 Deposit Report
12/20/2021Stern, Max
4 Zamora St
Jamaica PlainMA02130 AttorneyTodd & Weld Llp $100.00Harrington, Andrea
12/20/21 Deposit Report
12/14/2021Costa, Barbara
4463 Raleigh ST
DenverCO80212 AttorneyUS Government $20.00Harrington, Andrea
12/14/21 Deposit Report
12/14/2021Curran, Sean
470 Carew
SpringfieldMA01104 Attorney Sean Curran$50.00Harrington, Andrea
12/14/21 Deposit Report
12/14/2021DeVillars, John
67 Chestnut Street
BostonMA02108 Chairman BlueWave LLC$150.00Harrington, Andrea
12/14/21 Deposit Report
12/14/2021Johnston, Philip
2 Heritage Drive Suite 302
QuincyMA02171 Consulting Philip Johnston$200.00Harrington, Andrea
12/14/21 Deposit Report
12/14/2021Winship, Christopher
29 Garden St. Unit 306 Unit 3
CambridgeMA02138 Professor Harvard$250.00Harrington, Andrea
12/14/21 Deposit Report
12/14/2021Wolf, Daniel
94 Nathan Walker Rd.
HarwichMA02645 CEO Hyannis Air Service d/b/a Cape Air$500.00Harrington, Andrea
12/14/21 Deposit Report
12/11/2021Phelan, Kevin
85 Grove St Unit 201
WellesleyMA02482 Co-Chairman Colliers International$200.00Harrington, Andrea
12/11/21 Deposit Report
12/8/2021Crosby, Stephen
64 Pond St
Jamaica PlainMA02130 Chair Mass Gaming Commission$1,000.00Harrington, Andrea
12/8/21 Deposit Report
11/29/2021MA & Northern NE Laborers’ District Council Pol Action Comm
7 Laborers Way
HopkintonMA01748$500.00Harrington, Andrea
11/29/21 Deposit Report

11/29/2021Wong, Lisa
89 Cubles Drive
BrimfieldMA01010Town AdministratorTown of South Hadley$500.00Harrington, Andrea
11/29/21 Deposit Report
11/17/2021Costa, Barbara
4463 Raleigh St.
DenverCO80212AttorneyUs Government$20.00Harrington, Andrea
11/17/21 Deposit Report
10/13/2021Costa, Barbara
4463 Raleigh St.
DenverCO80212AttorneyUs Government$20.00Harrington, Andrea
9/23/2021Costa, Barbara
4463 Raleigh St.
DenverCO80212AttorneyUs Government$20.00Harrington, Andrea
9/23/21 Deposit Report
9/13/2021Costa, Barbara
4463 Raleigh St.
DenverCO80212AttorneyUs Government$20.00Harrington, Andrea
9/13/21 Deposit Report
8/17/2021Koss, Natalie
903 Helena Dr
Silver SpringMD20901LawyerPotomac Legal Group$500.00Harrington, Andrea
8/17/21 Deposit Report
8/10/2021Costa, Barbara
4463 Raleigh St.
DenverCO80212AttorneyUs Government$20.00Harrington, Andrea
8/10/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Connor, John
84 Ridge Rd.
East LongmeadowMA01028AttorneyConnor & Morneau$500.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Donohue, Mathew
8 Steiger Rd.
HolyokeMA01040AttorneyConnor & Morneau$500.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Fialky, Jeffrey
23 Clairmont St
LongmeadowMA01106AttorneyBacon Wilson, P.C.$250.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Freyman, Ellen
56 Terry Dr
LongmeadowMA01106$75.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Harty, Joseph
70 Severn St
LongmeadowMA01106$100.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Kennedy, T Patrick
1425 Northampton St
HolyokeMA01040OwnerAlternative Recycling System$500.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Morneau, Jeff
73 State St. Ste. 310
SpringfieldMA01103AttorneyConnor & Morneau$500.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Pacella, Joseph
18 Severn St.
LongmeadowMA01106AttorneyLaw Offices of Joseph Pacella$250.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Ramos, Orlando
13 Woodrow St
SpringfieldMA01119$50.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
8/5/2021Sullivan-pacella, Aileen
18 Severn St
LongmeadowMA01106School PsychologistSpringfield Public Schools$250.00Harrington, Andrea
8/5/21 Deposit Report
7/27/2021DiTusa, Robert
1550 Main Street
SpringfieldMA01103AttorneyAlekman DiTusa LLC$1,000.00Harrington, Andrea
7/27/21 Deposit Report
7/27/2021Mangini, Laura
55 New Braintree rd
North BrookfieldMA01535AttorneyAlekman DiTusa$250.00Harrington, Andrea
7/27/21 Deposit Report
7/27/2021Mann, Jackie
10 Old Road lane
Mt KiscoNY10549Not EmployedNot Employed$100.00Harrington, Andrea
7/27/21 Deposit Report
7/27/2021McKenna, Stephen
44 Terry Drive
LongmeadowMA01106OrthodontistMcKenna and CABAN Family Orthodontics$125.00Harrington, Andrea
7/27/21 Deposit Report
7/27/2021Olberding, Mary
272 Aldrich Street
BelchertownMA01007Register of DeedsCommonwealth of MA$250.00Harrington, Andrea
7/27/21 Deposit Report
7/27/2021Pacella, Katharine
102 Pinewood Drive
LongmeadowMA01106AttorneyKatharine Pacella$125.00Harrington, Andrea
7/27/21 Deposit Report
7/27/2021Powe, Maurice
1350 Main Street #302
SpringfieldMA01103LawyerLaw Office of Maurice Powe$100.00Harrington, Andrea
7/27/21 Deposit Report
7/21/2021Dupere, Russell
134 Ashford Rd
LongmeadowMA01106AttorneyDupere Law Offices$50.00Harrington, Andrea
7/21/21 Deposit Report
6/14/2021Costa, Barbara
4463 Raleigh ST
DenverCO80212AttorneyUS Government$20.00Harrington, Andrea
6/14/21 Deposit Report

3 years ago

It drives me crazy that they want to make it even easier to do heroin and such while there are so many hoops and hurdles to jump through for those of us who need legitimate medicine on the “controlled substance” list. Living with a person with dementia is bad enough, every month I have to panic about whether we’ll actually get the meds we need. No words can express how much I despise these politicians.