(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 16, 2022) — Yesterday wasn’t a great day for Julius Caesar back in the day. It wasn’t all that great for Berkshire County district attorney Andrea Harrington, either.
Seems that THE PLANET‘s friends and colleagues at the Berkshire Eagle and in the courthouse have been triangulating over tea and crumpets.
In case you missed it, PLANET correspondent Rileyed correlated some of the information. We assume the data was assembled not so much for political reasons — oh, there’s always that, of course — but for serious concerns among the local law enforcement and criminal justice communities that the D.A.’s office is a mess. We shouldn’t have to spell out the serious consequences not only for public safety but also for economic development in the Berkshires.
Or do you seriously think that well-managed companies looking to grow, expand, or even take root will give Pittsfield anything but a grade of “F” with so much courthouse chaos out and about, beginning the moment Harrington raised her LEFT hand to take the oath? Nothing against lefties. We’re southpaw ourselves, but the moment Wrong Way’s left hand shot up, didn’t you have a sinking feeling? In hindsight, the criminals, thugs, mugs, and assorted denizens of the deep that have infected our the country’s cities and to some extent towns must have been slapping high-fives.
Sophisticated companies, always on the lookout for opportunities, subscribe to Deep Data assessments on all of the country’s Statistical Metropolitan Areas. That includes Pittsfield as county seat of the Berkshires. THE PLANET‘s recent talk with a regional executive of a Japanese-based manufacturer of office equipment and scientific devices brought up that very fact.
THE PLANET: Does your company’s reports include Pittsfield and Berkshire County?
MR. EXECUTIVE: Yes. Our reports include the city [Pittsfield].
THE PLANET: Can you sum up what the data say? Reader’s Digest version?
MR. EXEC: In a couple of words: “Stay Away.” Bad politics make for bad investments.
He’s talking private capital.
THE PLANET: Does that include area law enforcement?
MR. EXEC: “Oh yes. And the first thing we look at there is District Attorney’s office followed by the leadership team of the local police department.”
THE PLANET: Why is that?
MR. EXEC: Law enforcement is probably the best way to get meaningful short-hand feel for quality of like as it pertains to public safety.
THE PLANET: And what’s the read there, in your reports, for our area?
MR. EXEC: “Again, not a good place where we would want to sink investment capital.”
———- ooo ———-
All of which leads to Rileyed‘s report:
Is the commonwealth ready for trial?
No, it is not.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Minister of Justice Andrea Harrington in action.
Below are just a smattering of examples of assaults on children and disabled citizens, OUIs, kidnapping, assault and and weapons charges, and multiple murders, yes you name it. They are the result of a top-line search of the Berkshire Eagle. I’m sure there are many more that someone could find if it was their actual job. Getting witnesses to testify, ensuring people show up to court, making sure police investigate properly and that trials happen in a timely fashion. This is the JOB of the district attorney.
How many other cased have been dropped entirely from January 2018 to present?
Will we ever know?
The commonwealth is not ready for trial,” said Assistant District Attorney Stephanie Ilberg-Lamm, prompting the dismissal by Judge John Agostini.
Late last week, a judge dismissed four open cases against a former Williamstown man, ruling that the state had failed to provide a justification for lengthy delays in bringing those cases to trial and violated the commonwealth’s speedy-trial provision.
The charges are not the first against a Brookside staffer. A former employee was accused in 2019 of assault and battery against a disabled student. That case was later dismissed for lack of prosecution.
The drunken-driving case brought against a city man nearly five years ago was dismissed Monday, after the prosecution said its witnesses had not been notified about the trial.
Judge Mark Pasquariello issued a written order about his decision to dismiss charges against Raphael Malafronte, 33, who had pleaded not guilty to driving on Route 8 in Hinsdale while under the influence of alcohol the afternoon of Jan. 13, 2017. After multiple delays, including several because of COVID-19, Malafronte’s trial was scheduled to begin in Central Berkshire District Court on Monday. That morning, the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office indicated to the judge that prosecutors were not ready for trial and requested a continuance.
The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office said Friday it will drop the murder case against James Cromartie in connection with the 2016 shooting death of James Dominguez.
Multiple charges, including murder, have been dropped in the case of a city woman indicted in the October 2017 shooting death of Asiyanna Jones.
Bail was set Tuesday for a city man after a murder charge against him was dropped last week by the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office.
An Adams man who had been accused of multiple charges including kidnapping has been released after his accuser declined to cooperate with authorities.
Jonathan Therrien, 30, was sentenced Monday to 16 months of time already served while being held on bail while the case was pending.
During a plea hearing in Berkshire Superior Court, Assistant Berkshire District Attorney Megan Tesoniero said without the cooperation of that witness, the state could not prosecute most of the charges.
———- ooo ———-
THE PLANET wishes it could provide a better report, but, as any good diagnostician, we won’t candy-coat reality. When the patient is critically ill, the most optimistic service a physician can provide is strait talk. Only then can there be hope for recovery.
This year, the office of district attorney is up for grabs. There will be robust competition for this chance at a cure. Right, Andrea Harrington? Right, Bob Sullivan? Right, Tim Shugrue?
“Our knowledge can only be finite, wile our ignorance must necessarily be infinite” — Karl Popper.
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Hello blogger Dan Valenti,
I cannot argue the facts you presented in your ongoing blog postings always criticizing Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s public record, but you, too, cannot argue the facts about Pittsfield Massachusetts’ many years of always being in the top 10 cities for violent crime by population in Massachusetts, according to the yearly reports by the FBI. Andrea Harrington has been in elected office for 3 years, 2 months, and 15 days so far, but Pittsfield’s violent crime-ridden streets have been reported for decades prior to 2019. Your ongoing criticisms of Andrea Harrington are one-sided, which is something you would point out about any other journalist/blogger. I believe that you and some of your blog readers/posters dislike her progressive politics and restorative justice approach to law enforcement. The Berkshire County District Attorney 2022 election will feature lively campaigns and a lot of money, but I doubt that Pittsfield’s ranking of being number 45 in the entire U.S.A. for violent crime will improve from 2023 to 2026, no matter who is elected to the seat. Pittsfield has gone down the tubes. Upscale art galleries and museums in London, NYC, and L.A. have featured exhibits of large photos of Pittsfield Massachusetts as “A City in Decay”. Pittsfield has failing Level 5 public schools. Pittsfield is always shafted on many levels by Boston. Pittsfield politics’ Mayor Linda Tyer and her chief bureaucrat Matt Kerwood’s secretive municipal financial management with Creative Accounting (Cook the Books) has thousands of local people wanting a forensic audit to protect the city taxpayers from alleged financial fraud. You may be right, in part, that Andrea Harrington is failing in her job, but she is only one of many Pittsfield area politicians who have failed the people of Pittsfield/Berkshires for generations. Lastly, given Pittsfield being in the proverbial ditch, does anyone really believe that Andrea Harrington would have been able to lower the city and county’s violent crime rate in only a little over 3 years-time?
Best wishes,
Jon Melle
Unless you have alternative facts please stop your nonsense. “She’s not the only one” and “but what about blah blah blah” are not valid arguments, not even at a high school level and not even if you keep repeating yourself.
You haven’t been in Pittsfield Jon,have you? In the last nine months?
There are a lot of Pittsfields in our country. Pittsfield NH has a hot air balloon festival. It is always Pittsfield politics!
Pittsfield, Ma has a hot air city council. And most of it is coming from their assholes, at least from the center of the panel.
After 3 years, 2 months, and 15 days into her term I would think that is more than enough time for her restorative justice policies to bring about positive change, if they were going to work. No one is saying crime won’t continue, but what they are looking for is, what is happening with the criminals and crimes after committing them on her watch. The results haven’t been good so far and that’s when a change is needed to bring about better results instead of doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. These current policies actually encourage criminals to repeat as they know there is pretty much no
consequences for their actions.
Valid points. Same SHIT different Year, Month, Day….
The crime rate is actually down .That’s thats fact! And cue the but……….
Dan, are you saying Squeaky dropped the ball again in this latest case?
I think he’s referring to the ides of March. Brilliant.
House Judiciary chair: Baker admin ignoring justice law requirements
With Gov. Charlie Baker making a very public push to pressure the Legislature into acting on new criminal justice reforms, the House’s top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee wrote to Public Safety Secretary Terrence Reidy on March 10 questioning the administration’s commitment to implementing laws already on the books.
Rep. Michael Day, a Stoneham Democrat and House chair of the Judiciary Committee, told Reidy that the panel has been reviewing compliance with the 2018 criminal justice law and the 2020 policing reform law as part of its oversight responsibilities.
“This review has, to date, identified what appear to be some disturbing instances of noncompliance with both legal obligations and deadlines as well as outright resistance to clear statutory requirements and policy objectives,” Day wrote in a letter to Reidy.
Day said that while Gov. Charlie Baker’s objections to some aspects of those laws were made clear by the amendments and vetoes he filed, “policy disagreements do not give the Administration leave to ignore the laws actually on the books.”
No good RINO, FCB!!!
If company did locate to Pittsfield where would they get a work force? From the walking dead? The welfare crowd love their life style so they’re not looking to work. What if drug testing was a requirement? Good luck with that. Their is zero chance of any company other than those profiting off of the drug slugs locating to the drug and crime capital of the Berkshires.
….such as Pittsfield’s Pot King….
Andrea Harrington and her “harm reduction” advocates have a plan to bring in drug consumption sites. This will permit our drug dealers to sell people fentanyl. This is not an exaggeration, This is the plan! Next up will be the guaranteed safe supply. I think we all know someone for this job:
“The market is basically everybody. You’ve got people between the ages of 20 and 29 and you’ve got people between the ages of 60 and 69 and even older,” using medical marijuana, said Andrea F. Nuciforo Jr., co-founder of Berkshire Roots of Pittsfield.
I guess it was OK for the GE workers to spend their lunch time at Charlies getting lit up. Or, to have someone else punch them in for third shift while they were out getting all liquored up. But, sure, blame todays generation. Oh, and Get Off my Lawn Rube !
All the drunks, at GE, worked longer and harder than yourself ever thought of.
Harrington’s campaign treasurer is a an anti-drug war activist. Perhaps this explains all of the out of town funding?
Just heard a Senator d say we are not ready for a war”?…..
OBiden’s woke military couldn’t fight a troop of girl scouts.
I feel sorry for the men and women, not the “it’s”, serving under current “leadership”.
This is another very intelligent point of view and a disgusting statement on our military.Dear God our history has fail to educate.Trap needs to get woke.Its forever cloudy where he thinks
We have Mr/Mz/Generally incompentent Millie, of Afghanistan fame that lives in infamy, and Traitor Joseph Stolen “the big guy”. , ON RECORD AS CURRENT LEADERSHIP of the WOKE, military.
Inept, incompetent, and deadly for the troops under whom are serving.
Forget about Traitor Joe’s “good” son forget about crachead traitor Hunter, remember the 13 Joe killed doing a clusterfuk last summer, and thousands he left behind.
If I give You a penny for your thoughts, how much change am I getting back?
Not going to need men and woman ya big bozo. Five minutes of pushing buttons. It may take a week or two for the radiation to kill each and everyone of us but at least we won’t have to hear about your Biden boner anymore. Thank god.
I’ve got a root cellar, food, water……. . Fallout lasts about two weeks.
I’ll be sure to pizz on Your corpse and watch the crows rats and dogs consume
Something tells me you have been living in that cellar for some time now because you do not seem to have a clue as to what is going on in the real world.
Nope, I just ignore MSM propaganda and avoid TV
Yeah, how’s Trump’s “perfect phone call” with Zelensky looking right now?
I’m sure you agree with your dear leader Trump that Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is “genius” and “savvy,’ right, MT?
McDonough, Trump does not believe that at all, and should still be President. Funny how now Hunter’s laptop is real, oh yea hmmmm. Still a lying thief you are.
You are such a small, cruel person.
But I got you pegged
No, you don’t. You are a member of a pathetic cult and all you do is harass people online. A coward, to the last.
Yea McDonough have you pegged 100% certain for a thief and liar
Would drug cartels chip in for woke DA campaigns across the country?
Workforce are those in programs and treatment, §ion 8.
And there is no housing for middle or lower income renters. All this new housing off Tyler is unaffordable to most people. Whose awesome planning was that to give them tax breaks for unaffordable housing?
Dianna and Tyer!!!!
Off Topic – Just a little over two weeks ago there were 50 attendees allowed at Bumblin Biden’s State of the Union address, where he basically addressed absolutely nothing. Just a few minutes ago the President of Ukraine just delivered a very direct and informative speech to a FULL Congress. In my eyes this shows how very weak and pathetic the Biden Administration is. The Biden Administration is also an embarrassment to the rest of the world.
When the IM-POTUS wasn’t bumbling, he was lying
True, just watched him again and he reminded me of the scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz except the scarecrow had more energy. Don’t know if they woke him up from a nap but he was totally out of it. God help the USA,
My wife said it was the last straw. When he glazed into the screen my hand went for the zombie-splattered maori club instinctively. She hid the device – where I don’t know.
But he did surround himself with some pretty capable people. He has a strong team backing him up. Most of the decisions he makes do not come out of his own head but are based on the expertise of some of the best and the brightest which is the way it should be.
Seriously, why do you people obsess over this man so much when there are so many much worse things going on around you every day.
???? Give names please, that statement brought back Enron nightmares!
Well here is a clue. They are NOT Steve Bannon, Mike McCarthy or Sarah Sanders. It is not Don jr or Jared (superman) Kushner or Marjorie Taylor Green. It is not Roger Stone or Rudy Giuliani. And as long as Bidens team does not include any of this reprobate we will be in good shape.
You need to purge the idiots first, morom
Still couldn’t stay focused to the present and list names. Don’t read the Eagle today, they hid an article where it stated 2016-2020 the US was the most educated, wealthiest and happy. Even the liberal hate rag let’s an article slip in occasionally.
He is surrounded by “woke” asshats. He’s the most incompetent POS to ever infest the White House.
There really is not much the senile old pervert can contribute as dementia was established before his run for the fixed election started.
I’m “obsessed” as the creeps handlers, as he’s not even capable of the damage that’s been/being done, effects all Americans and America.
You are such a dildo MT. I hope the next time the White House has a big lawn party you are not invited. By the way, there is a kid on your front lawn, go get em!!! Send the little shit packing.
Ya mean old bastard….
You are a woke tool of Xiden. FYI, woke is a key for moron.
YES,woke mean educated.Its laughable when Trumps say the Fox word woke.Dumbest propaganda media in the west.Putin allow FOX programing on Russian TV….are you woke to that
Are you woke to how bad Xiden is. 38% approval. Oooops.
We’ve got the liberal triggered as the insults are flowing!!!!
You are triggard by Tucker
Here is an example of two of the “capable ” “woke jokes” surrounding the DEMented one:
“Rachel Levein (aka born “Richard”) failed “her” way into the US Department of Health and Human Services as the head of the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.
The elites love to openly mock the masses.
Levine, an obvious transgender, made a name for herself after she issued orgy regulations for Pennsylvania during the pandemic. Rachel Levine told orgy attendees to wear a face covering, avoid kissing, and wash hands often.”
“Rachel” was on the same prep school football team with Biden’s General Millie, the later whom with the DEMented one engineered the Afghanistan debacle last summer, that killed US servicemen needlessly.
Now that there sure is capable of destroying America.
And steering America in the way Your twisted mind thinks is good.
These media outlets covering the war map in Ukraine is frighteningly similar to the Presidential election map. What’s Biden for maricopa county results?
Don’t worry he has a call in to Dominion and Facebook, the results will have Biden win the war with 100 million votes, the map will be blue!
Guaranteed prediction.Biden will not authorize. Just watch.
Seven million dollars from arpa for the Ashley Reservoir dam? Is that the total cost for repair? Or will they have more in contingencies also or does this repair cost more than seven million from the tax receipts? And finally who said the Ashley damn needs reconstruction to begin with? Has any City Councilor looked at this project as well as the new lab?
What a joke. I do know one thing my water report says clean water every year
And stop he doublespeak like…six or seven million from arpa? Explain? Six or seven and Six or seven more? Bottom line I seriously doubt there is anything this exhorborant going on there to begin with. Also this Council President is way out of bounds when he is obviously protecting the mayors ability as well as most of the councilors to have an axiom or ability to tell the truth.
she is going to find all kinds of special projects and make some happy campers out of some special interest folk.
You know it is true Barry.
Councilor Kronick says we’re stable economically. No. When you have to raise taxes 7 percent your never stable. If you don’t replenish free cash your not stable. And if one or two million dollars or so at the bequest of the consultants at these water projects? then you have zero control of why,how, or where the money will amount to. The water project consults are naming there own costs for their profit and in my opinion are over charging with needless spending on these projects to line the proposers own pockets.
Bottom line is that if you are trying to raise children in Pittsfield, Ma. and save for their college you are going to be sorely disappointed. Pittsfield will devour your childrens college education money like a gorilla eats a banana. Thousands of people who can do the math have already left. Those who stay will die with nothing to leave their heirs. Get out now.
Sometimes I joke around but this information is as accurate as it gets and Barry knows it.
Absolutely agree with your comment. Three of my relatives and their family’s have left in the last five years. And they did so on the advice of their money managers who know this stuff inside out.
And if you’re fortunate enough to inherit your parents estate, trust me when I tell you the lawyers will defraud you of that too! Try getting a survey of your property to record and see how it goes. Surveyors work for the machine
The workers at the new future lab were getting sick? Common Man.
Will they sue the city and if so how long is the line they will have to wait in?
“People forget so quickly, with the help of the Fake News, that it was me that got the 20 out of 28 delinquent NATO countries to start paying the money that they owed in order to rebuild a floundering NATO. Nobody knew things would happen so rapidly, but NATO was poor and now it is rich, and all of the Fake News commentators that said Trump was tearing down NATO should be ashamed of themselves for telling lies. Not only was the United States being taken advantage of by the EU on trade, but it was forced to pay the costs of the many delinquent NATO countries. Bush and Obama did nothing but make speeches and talk—I acted, and acted strongly. I said to them, “if you don’t pay up, no protection.” They all paid up, and paid up quickly. It’s a story that’s never reported, but that’s only because we have a corrupt press in our Country!”
-DJT 3/16/2022
Hey, uh, I’ve got a big bag of pyrite, er, I mean gold that you can buy from me for ten bucks MT. You seem like the kind of guy that could use some pyrite, er, I mean gold. Can I put you down for about six bags?
I’ll sell ya a gallon of 87 regular for $10 this week, next week it’s $20.
And, I’ll give a penny for your thoughts, but how will You make change?
Cape buffaloes
“A foremost leader of the Black Lives Matter movement in Boston was taken into custody Tuesday after the woman and her husband were charged in an 18-count federal indictment, according to reports.Monica Cannon-Grant, 41, and her husband, Clark Grant, 38, were charged in connection with three separate schemes, according to the indictment.”….
“The Boston Globe reports the couple allegedly raised more than $1 million in donations and grants for people in need, yet used a significant portion on themselves for personal expenses, such as renting their apartment and buying a vehicle for a relative.”
The cow also worked for Ayanna Pressley -D Ma
Yes. The Herald had great coverage of this, particularly since the Globe had named Cannon-Grant as “Bostonian of the Year.” Pressley has been noticeably quiet about it except to basically deny that C-Grant worked for her. She ran a sham outfit called Violence in Boston, and shook down every woke sucker in the region, according to the federal indictment. I wonder if the Berkshire County D.A. will come out in support of this alleged bunco artist, who has a couple things going for her: She’s black and she’s female. Can play both cards. Unfortunately for C-Grant, So is U.S. attorney Rachel Rollins. The indictment charges Grant with bilking $6 grand our of Rollins when the latter was Suffolk County district attorney. Howie Carr called the irony “comic gold.” A letter writer to the Herald called C-Grant the “grif that keeps on grifting.” THE PLANET will be waiting for the phone NOT to ring for Andrea Harrington’s statement backing Grant, the woman that Rollins has in her sights.
The government legally steals via excessive taxation for excessive spending. Anyone else who steals gets indicted by the government. What about Hunter Biden’s alleged money laundering business that took in many millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine when his father was the Vice President? Is Hunter Biden playing the crack cocaine addict and alcoholic, sex workers’ John sex addict, strippers addict, father a love child with a stripper half of his age addict, my daddy’s the Prez addict, the I loved to screw Chinese and Russian sex trafficked prostitutes addict cards? Monica Cannon-Grant and her husband Clark Grant allegedly stole $1 million dollars from their Violence in Boston organization, but they get to play the race and gender cards? What about HUNTER BIDEN?
Maybe get on topic John? You’re off on something else.
Want to talk about Bidens? Well Biden, Kerry, Pelousey and Romney families got VERY rich under Sotero doing crooked energy deals, with crooked energy companies in Ukraine.
Hunter has vested interest, NOW, in the current bio-warfare labs in Ukraine. MSM, Traitor Joe, his talking heads waffled about this. But there are dirty bio-labs funded by USA all over the world. That’s a fact.
Where is weasel Fauci now? DOJ witness protection? He funded gain of function for the Kung Flu. He used NIH and DOD. There is a tree that needs a little weasel and a short rope. Andy Cuomo next branch.
talk about off topic. You have been on topic about twice in the last three years dude. Your brain is like a Fox news tunnel and nothing objective is allowed in. Watch and repeat, just like Mr Fritz.
The breeze flows freely through/between your ears.
Ass Backwards is starting to remind me of someone
Yes two in the same seems to be or 3, Dan can tell………not sure if terms are against?
Many people compare me to Jesus but that makes me blush. tee hee
Only in the fact they’d be happy to see you crucified, without the reserection
Meaning they’d crucify You…….
Great stuff Dan!
Actually – it was a commenter on the Globe article who penned the grifter. Apparently the Globe shut the comments down after that. Currently – they are debating if the charges qualify for a fresh round of honors.
Add another slimie worm to the “do not resucitate” list.
Eagle interviewed some Williams college student who does not know if Ukraine is going to be the same when she gets home there.
Uh, no it will not be the same. Do you watch the news? Not the same. Never gonna be the same. Hope that clears it up for you.
Give Ukraine back to Poland.
They kept out the Russians and Mongol/Muslims for hundreds of years, saved Europe 1683.
Vivat Jan Sobieski!
Fizze, research Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
“First Republic,” was one of the largest and most populous countries in seventeen century Europe. Its political structure—a semi-federal, semi-confederal aristocraticrepublic—was formed in 1569 by the Union of Lublin, which united the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, lasting in this form until the adoption of the Constitution of May 3, 1791. The Commonwealth covered not only the territories of what is now Poland and Lithuania, but also the entire territory of Belarus and Latvia, large parts of Ukraine and Estonia, and part of present-day western Russia (Smolensk and Kaliningrad oblasts). Originally the official languages of the Commonwealth were Polish and Latin (in the Kingdom of Poland) and Ruthenian and Lithuanian……..”
And Thailand was once Siam. Things change.
1775 we were subjects.
DemocRATS are taking Americans back to being so.
Mayor Tyer thinks we are all her subjects. Head in the air, snorting proclamations and ill thought out policies. Get out if you can. This is not going to turn out well. One out of ten Pittsfield kids who go off to college do not come back and settle here. And there is a very good reason for that.
Maybe she only watches roosky t v
An interesting perspective on what’s going on.
“Ukraine is the center of the deep state. It’s the head of the snake and Vlad’s taking the head off.”
“Ukraine has been the center of the globalists for decades and decades…The CIA has been working in the Ukraine for 70 years.”
“Ignore all the chatter about nuclear war and Russia’s attempts to take over the globe. Completely the opposite.
Do your own research and stop watching the mainstream media.”
Sadly, several of the Eagleton students were incapable of testifying. I think we can all agree that the prize for Failing to Prosecute due to the most pathetic excuse goes to Andrea Harrington “citing the student’s refusal to cooperate with Great Barrington Police.”
No not comparing records at all. Merely pointing out anybody could make a list of lost cases dismissed cases, continued cases which were his office was famous for Acquittals etc.. The GB case seems like alot to go and grab a 17 yeair old in Arkansas or wherever she was in the South drag her back to Berkshire county.The Eagleton cases were dropped because of a political favor wink wink .and more. The Barn case still is the most disgusting miscarriage of Justice in Berkshire county and those that were complicit should be held accountable.
That’s complete BS. You do not want to compare records. Keep Harrington’s records secret. Refuse public records requests. It’s your only hope.
Excuse us, Facts, The Eagleton school was shut down after the DA brought charges. What was the consequence to the Simon’s Rock woman’s hateful actions? Yeah that’s what we thought.
That’s comparing apples and oranges. Eagleton School was shut down because of horrific actions by the staff. It was the action of one student at Simon’s Rock. I believe she was expelled after the incident (although that could be incorrect).
And that student should have been held accountable. Accountability is comparing apples. The excuse not to prosecute according to the DA herself was that the student refused to cooperate with police. Can you imagine that being a valid excuse for anything? There was an opportunity for leadership that was missed because Harrington is terrible at the job.
A non existing person can’t be held accountable the whole story is a lie.
I agree. I think my comment was misconstrued, and my reading of your comment not correct. I read your comment to mean that Simons Rock should have also shut down.
Maybe they are in that school because they are special meaning ADA. Cooperating with this corrupt way of doing criminal court is beyond fucked up, no one follows the Rules, no rational person could jump the hoops, nor comprehend how it works – it’s a scam. They do as they please regardless of any defense
Another Pedo that Capeless and Paul let walk until finally some justice. Much like the camp Pedos that were never changed. Friends? Hmm
Baran the biggest case of misjustice ever in Berkshire county.
Shall I make a list of all the cases the former office lost dropped charges or f up? Because there are many. Well gee how about the list of continued cases which the former was famous for. The list is endless. Business stopped investing here many moons ago do we blame that on the former office? I have showed you the crime rate from 2013 -2018 and it is staggering anybody? If you want facts the crime in Pittsfield has gone down hard to hear I know but fact. I know the DA is soft on crime and petty crap doesn’t get counted …no we are talking Major crime and it is down fact!
What was Capeless 30 years in office and you are comparing to Harrington? Harrington’s actions at Simon’s Rock caused people to mistrust the testimony of Black people in Berkshire County. I hope everyone is teedoff and votes accordingly otherwise they get what they deserve.
Fake nooz
Ya bur that mistrust was the end goal. Creating a vibe of racism to hide the malice in the prosecutors office. How many grants in total?
The attorneys are all DEAD. So is the forensic psychologist.
Do you have any police officer friends that think crime is down in Pittsfield, Ma? I don’t.
Sullivan and Timmy fighting on Facebook just as predicted. Love it!
Tulsi Gabbard and Mitt Romney fighting on social media and cable news networks. Tulsi Gabbard and Hillary Clinton cat fighting for years. Tulsi Gabbard spoke the brutally honest truth about the situation in Ukraine and the neoliberal political establishment hates her for it. I wonder if Tulsi Gabbard will be a future U.S. President? She is taking on the Swamp like Donald Trump did in 2015 & 2016. Joe Biden is in it way over his head. The wealthy sitting Ruling Elites are only about money and power, while Tulsi Gabbard is about the speaking the truth! Go Tulsi!!!!
But John, You voted for H-Beast, and The Demented one too.
I admire the proverbial balls on Tulsi Gabbard for riling the feathers of the neoliberal establishment in the Swamp. Donald Trump also riled their feathers in 2015 & 2016 by upsetting Hillary Clinton’s would be coronation as the Queen of the U.S.A. Tulsi is driving Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, and the like crazier than Putin right now. Tulsi has every right to speak out about the Swamp and foreign affairs. My prediction is that Tulsi will be elected U.S. President in 2024. She is a politician who speaks the TRUTH instead of prepared neoliberal soundbites. I have not witnessed a politician like Tulsi in my lifetime of nearly 47-years (this upcoming Summer of 2022). Instead, I am witnessing elderly politicians in their 70s and early-80s failing the American People with their 1970s views of the world that hasn’t existed for decades. Trump wants to take our country back in time to 100 years ago when Hitler openly admired the U.S.A. during his rise to power in Germany. Tulsi wants to take our country forward into the 21st Century with peace and Human Rights. Go Tulsi!
I think you’ve been hanging out on Dalton Ave inhaling too many Mary Jane cigarettes.
This just in. The umbrella dude is not the father,is not.
Marxist Melle, champion flip-flopper!
Sound phony. I look and no see.
Fake news.
Can one of the city councilors please tell us how to submit an insurance claim for car damage caused by Pittsfield potholes? Thanks in advance.
It’s about time for a class action suit, as the # of claimants covers both residents and people forced to commute, through the Tyer/Morales moonscape.
Now you are on to something. We need to put a freeze on the mayors $40 million before she donates, I mean spends it all.
Can the Covid money that cannot be used for the sewer plant upgrade be used for car damages from mayor Tyers pothole plethora and if so will there be any money left by June 15th?
Good luck
Write it on tissue and flush it to senor Pendejo .
I thought one of the new councilors might be moved to help us out but I guess not.
Oh come on “Facts.” Capeless never lost a murder trial. Wrong Way Harrington lost her first murder case her first year. Listen to the jurors, what an absolute disgrace.
“This is not exactly what we expected,” he told The Eagle in a recent phone interview. “To have somebody on trial and then to present such little evidence.”
In the end, the case never made it to the jury. Johnson’s charges were dismissed after the state failed to establish enough evidence to continue the trial.
From a juror’s perspective, some of the state’s earliest witnesses’ accounts of the incident were questionable.
“You could tell there was very little honesty in what they were saying,” said Ransom, 38.
Off topic but timely:
Just the tip of the ice-berg when that pump track thing opens. Doesn’t anybody in this City realize that there are so-called citizens that do not adhere to the rules? It will get worse, mark my words!
Latest “Bidenism”….
“How many times have you heard – I bet everybody knows somebody somewhere along the line, that in an intimate relationship, what happened was the guy takes a revealing picture of his naked friend, or whatever, in a compromising position and then literally blackmails…that person.. send it out online,”
-J Biden 3/16/2022
Hello Hunter!!!! ROFL!!!!!!
Trump says you can grab em by the pussy and they let you. And that one was one video tape on national tv a thousand times. Of course if FOX news is your only source of information you may have missed it.
TDS stay on topic. Illegitimate is not a qualified leader. He is worse than Gerald Ford was when he was trying to say something. Try to stop drinking the kool aide and open your eyes to se what is really happening, inflation skyrocketing, crime skyrocketing, interest rates skyrocketing and of course no supplies in the store. This has to be the worse first year for any modern day President and it was self inflicted with his 100 executive orders he signed. He doesn’t sound like someone who believes in democracy.
TDS just knows “Orange Man” bad, what spoon fed by MSM…..
Boy oh boy, If something ever happens to Tucker or Hannity and you have to get your news from a real source you are going to flip the hell out man. Stay in that tunnel buddy. Stay in that safe little tunnel where the Hannitys, and Carlsons and Becks can provide you with little blankys and teddy bears.
As long as you stay with all the CNN,MSNBC pedos in jail
St. Joes for sale 2 million.
Was watching the human services advisory council fourteen members none of color?
Bet someone gets it for half that, gets their taxes waived and turns it into make believe affordable housing. But it might make a nice police station.
Biden said he was a top scholar at Syracuse Law, he was 75th out of 86.
And you know 74 was no Einstein.
Sniffin Joe is a Pedo…..
This just in
Trump cannot sue rape accuser to stop her defamation case, U.S. judge rules
Zelensky is extorting quid pro Joe, for USA taxpayer support, as he has all the dirt on: Burisama, Hunter/Bidens, Kerrys, Pelouseys, Romneys, Fauci/USA funded bio-warfare labs,……..
Joe has to comply or his whole installed regime here, is going to crumble around him. As will Zelensky’s in Ukraine, that was installed 2014, by Biden/Sotero. That was to stop investigations into quid pro Joe, “the big guy”, as Hunter calls him, by Ukraine prosecutors.
Wake up Americans, don’t fall for a war, or get sold MSM manure.
And you can….what is your point.
Somebody grab Biden. He’s the biggest pussy.
Pittsfield Health director given kudos for his efforts on Pittsfield Covid. Let us see if he sits back afraid to issue warnings of the next wave coming due in one week or two.
A surge in coronavirus infections in Western Europe has experts and health authorities on alert for another wave of the pandemic in the United States, even as most of the country has done away with restrictions after a sharp decline in cases.
It won’t happen until fall when the democrats will need mail in voting and rigged/controlled voting machines to steal another election.
Break out the fake absentee ballots
Go into hiding. Let the rest of us live our life’s.
I’ll save you the click. Black people can’t be held accountable.
“As for Smollett, he is just another Black man serving time — in a system more perverted than his crime.”
He should have been sent to the place Cool Hand Luke went to.
WHAT is the Republican party advocating for the future to look like in the TRUMP/PUTIN era?…You can see now how democracy is the enemy of both.So few people working so hard to surpress voting that it is turning the unknowing evil……Putting aside small thinkers what really is the issue in the newest technology that does not need gasoline to turn wheels…..Gasoline is money for the very few.Are their any machines inside a building that are not turned by electricity.Why vant you turn wheels outside to get all you blockheads out to get your lottery tickets.
TSC, the cabbage head you voted for has had a year + in office.
Tell us ONE thing he has done good for Americans?
free crack pipes
Now those WILL go big in pITTSfield! JM has one, for degenerate Americans……. !
Gimme crack whores and I don’t care (refrain a few times)……………cause Hunter’s got three two!
Not really good for USA…………
Don’t insult cabbage
With corned beef taters carrots……
You’re right. Those fuckers only want living voters to vote once. Rotten bastards.
Trump made NATO strong and he wants credit….Trump gave Ukraine defensive weapons and he wants credit.Tump put more sections on Russia than anyone and he wants credit…..what a CLOWN
Biden bent down……..
And Ameicans/America are taking it up the keister without grease, thanks to: 1) installed 11/3/2020 “leadership”, 2) liberals/democrats, 3) RINOs, 4) judiciary that won’t follow Constitution
I meant OVER!
In the shower?
Hello Mad Trapper, While I usually agree with your blog posts, when you wrote that Zelensky has dirt on the Bidens and is using it to extort Joe Biden, the cat’s is already out of the bag and the bell has already been rung for years now. Everyone I talk to knows about the Biden Crime Family, especially Hunter Biden who even wrote a book in 2021 telling the world about all of his Bad Boy Behavior. Best wishes, Jon Melle
John I’ll give You a detailed….
YES, MSM knew of crooked Bidens 2016.
But for H-Beast they and DNC had a new mission to destroy Trump.
What the Bidens, and……Pelosey, Kerry, Romney did back then, Ukraine was CRIMINAL.
But they/Sotero DOJ was just as corrupt. They had gun runner Eric Holder and the “Wright” woman as AGs.
Remember “fast n furious”? where Holder ran guns to drug cartels, in an effort to force new laws to infringe upon our rights? He should be in prison, not here but in Mexico.
And Mz “Wright” had that liason with Slick Willie Clinton, on the tarmack, in an airplane? Same time H-beast deleted her emails, and was spinning up the collusion illusion? That was D-narrative Russia for 5-6 years? D-SHIFT-head found nothing……Is it not yet over?
Biden, H-Beast did all that, and need prosecution……well Holder Sotero and the rest too.
But now we have Ukraine to deal with…………..that the new dog and pony show, move on…..forget about that….
You voted the Biden crime family into office! Hypocrite!
Why is the MSM still the shovelers, behind the Biden $#!T spreader?
China has billions of dollars in investments in the MSM. Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and his crime family all made billions of dollars from China. Hunter Biden’s business was an alleged money laundering scheme/operation whereby he took in hundreds of millions of dollars from China. The NBA/professional sports, Big Tech/social media, MSM, and other U.S. Businesses all make billions of dollars from China. Money Talks, Bullshit Walks, and China is where the billions of dollars are for the ELITES. The Swamp loves to criticize China for its authoritarianism and Human Rights violations, but at the end of the day it is all about the MONEY, MONEY, MONEY….
In 2021, Hunter Biden published a book whereby he said he used to smoke crack cocaine every 15 minutes, drowned himself in alcohol, paid sex workers for sex, frequented strip clubs (whereby he impregnated a stripper half of his age and tried to weasel out of paying her child support and still says he has no memory of his sexual partner he had a love child with), and so on. Hunter Biden’s ex-wife (first wife) recently published a book of her own where she wrote of the trauma Hunter Biden caused her and their three children by him using the family’s funds on drugs, sex workers and strippers, while they went without financial security. Hunter Biden’s business in adversarial foreign countries China and Russia, as well as in Ukraine, was an alleged money laundering operation when his father, Joe Biden, was the Vice President under Obama. The Swamp made the Biden Crime Family very wealthy. The non-MSM picture of the Biden Crime Family is the WORST of U.S. politics and Swamp corruption. Joe Biden is all about money and power instead of being a decent family man who cared/cares about his family, including his love granddaughter he doesn’t acknowledge. Joe Biden has been running for U.S. President since 1988, which is 34 years ago now. What ever happened to being a Good Man (or Woman) first where the people in your life are more important than enriching oneself at the public trough and being in the White House?
JM, sometimes You come around……
I don’t want to have to SS for You like Bumbler incoherent Biden……
I agree with many of your posts, too, Mad Trapper!
You two make a good pair.
Like you and a steaming turd
The Biden administration is destroying our country – start the investigation now!
“17 months after the New York Post first flagged the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, the New York Times admits its authenticity in a new report after previously dismissing it as “Russian disinformation” and “unsubstantiated.”
More than enough to impeach “the big guy”
“When are the thousands of people, who were banned from social media platforms for telling the truth about Hunter’s laptop, going to get their accounts back?
– and when are the thousands of people, who’ve been saying the Hunter laptop story was fake, going to be suspended?” -catturd
“The laptop from hell is Russian disinformation” is as true as “2020 was the most secure election in history”
Flashback: Filthy Liar Joe Biden Said Hunter Biden’s Laptop Story was a “Russian Plant” During Presidential Debate (VIDEO)
Joe Biden: “Look, there are 50 former national intelligence folks who said what he’s accusing me of is a Russian plant. The have said, five former heads of the CIA, both parties, say what he’s saying is a bunch of garbage. Nobody believes him except him and his good friend Rudy Giuliani.”
“Joe Biden knew this was a lie. Joe Biden knew Hunter was working for his father cutting deals around the world in million dollar pay-for-play schemes.
Today the fake news New York Times finally admitted the laptop was authentic.
These are really, really bad people.
They lie to you everyday and wake up to do it all again tomorrow”
It was all true about Hunter’s laptop, and the Biden family’s dirty secrets inside.
But MSM sold America this:
“Twenty minutes of the corporate press, U.S. intelligence agencies, and the Biden family telling you that Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation.”
MSM snookered America, fall 2020.
Don’t believe them now, concerning;Covid, gas prices, inflation, Ukraine……whatever the spin of the day/week is.
If you believe MSM, then Putin must have cured Covid, in ~ 2 weeks….
If you want real news from eastern Europe/Ukraine, I suggest SW/Ham radio……comes in better at night.
This is not mine, it’s a quote with with quite a bit of truth.
“For those wondering why I’ll believe Putin before I believe the globalist puppets in the US, let’s look at the timeline:
2016: Trump wins:
-The US gov/media lies about Trump conspiring with Putin to hack the election, pushing anti-trump propaganda 24/7 all throughout his presidency.
2020: C19 “escapes”:
-The US gov/media censors all dissent about C19 on all platforms, lies about the origin, lies about natural occurrence, lies about the NIH creating it, inflates and manipulates case, hospitalization and death counts, implements a medical police state and marital law, fires 50 million people overnight.
2021: “Vaccines” are created:
-US gov/media suppresses/censors any viable treatments for C19 (Ivermectin, HCQ, monoclonal antibodies) to maintain Emergency Use Authorization, lies about efficacy and safety of vaccines, denies reality of herd immunity, denies that the “vaccines” don’t prevent transmission or disease.
2021: Russia accuses US of creating biological weapons near their border: -US gov/media refuse to address these allegations and suppress this news from Western media outlets. Lies via omission.
2022: Russia uses calculated missile strikes to destroy US/NATO military assets and secure US DoD funded biolabs in Ukraine:
-US gov/media push fake Ukrainian war propaganda, fabricate stories, use false video, photos from other wars, accuse Putin of blindly killing civilians without evidence, largely misrepresenting the actual situation in Ukraine, pushing mass disinformation.
CURRENT: Russia accuses US of creating bioweapons AGAIN, after invoking an emergency meeting of UN Security Council:
-US gov/media claims the Russians are pushing disinformation, right after they tried to scrub their records on US DoD funding of biolabs in Ukraine, then admit they are concerned Russia will use the biological weapons they claimed they didn’t make at the biolabs they claimed didn’t exist. All while censoring any speak of these biolabs.
Years of nonstop, crippling propaganda and lies, yet we are expected to trust the US gov/media now? Sorry, I’ll go with the evidence before I go with blind National pride. If you trust a single thing that comes from the TV after what you have seen over the past 6 years, you didn’t learn the lesson.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
“Hunter Biden Met With the Father-In-Law of a Juarez Cartel Boss
Secret service emails confirm Hunter’s meeting with this wealthy Mexican businessman who happens to be building a bi-national community on his 47,000-acres along the New Mexico-Mexico border.
Is this why Joe wants the southern border wide-open?”
Imagine voting for Biden, expecting student loan debt cancelled and end of Covid….
and you get a free crack pipe and WWIII…..
“Now that we’ve given the
Taliban $85 billion
in state of the art
military equipment.
The least they could do is go to the Ukraine and kick
the Russians asses again”
Breaking News :
Putin signs law introducing jail terms for anyone spreading
“fake news” about his army .
1.11pm 3/4/22
Breaking News :
CNN to stop broadcasting in
3.53 pm 3/4/22
When 6 corporations own every
newspaper , radio station and
television channel
It’s all fake news partner
L. lazy
I. ignorant
B. basturd
E. exuding
R. racism
A. and
L. lies
Tom Fittons JD Watch on Ukraine
In case you forgot what was headlining the news right before Russia invaded Ukraine ….
Hillary Clinton caught spying on
President Donald Trump .
The image has 2 people. Only one is named. Jennifer Vrabel ? Who is that woman on the left?
Looks like Mad Trapper is the new Melle. Posts beginning to look and sound alike.
Shell shock.
Trapper knows what he believes and doesn’t waver from it. He’s a patriot.
Marxist Melle is a candle in the wind with no discernment.
Sounds to me like Patrick Fennel dumped him and Melle’s looking for a new pen pal!
Trap is self sufficient also.
Is that TSC of it’s meds again?
“A year and a half ago we were all bitching about the corruption in Ukraine because they were bribing the coke-head son of the Vice President.
Now, far too many so-called conservatives/libertarians are ready to commit to World War 3 to protect the corrupt bastards in Ukraine from the corrupt bastards in Russia…
And the whole thing is based on information coming from a media that we all agree cannot be trusted.”
Since Biden is giving >$14 billion to secure his family’s and liberal’s oil/energy investments, and DOD biowar-labs in Ukraine…..
Is it too much to ask for some tanks A10s stingers and javelins at our Southern Border?
In Florida, Democrats are furious, they won’t be able to talk about sex, to 5-9 year olds, in public schools.
Marjorie Greene
The truth is out on Hunter’s laptop. The “Big Guy” was lying the whole time.
Joe Biden is compromised and it’s exactly why I introduced articles of impeachment on 1/20/21!
-M Greene
Donald J Trump
The New York Times just admitted that it participated in an effort to rig the election for Joe Biden.
Read the article by the New York Post here.

Now that Joe Biden’s president, the Times finally admits: Hunter’s laptop is real
First, The New York Times decides more than a year later that Hunter Biden’s business woes are worthy of a story. Then, deep in the piece, in passing, it notes that…
Luckily the DA’s office has time for important cases.