(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 28, 2022) — Back in the day, THE PLANET was quite familiar with the 200 block of Onota Street. Our beloved Uncle Fred, Aunt Dolores, and cousin David lived at 286, having moved there in 1963 to build a home.
A home it was: A small, comfortable two-bedroom cape with a back yard, fit for family gatherings, of which there were many over the years. Our parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in that back yard and when THE PLANET graduated from PHS in 1969, the June fete found us there with family and friends. Over the years, we had many a sleep-over there.
The 200 block of Onota Street was clean, safe, and family-friendly. Indeed, the Valenti family made friends with several of the neighboring households, particularly the Monroes and the Martins. Many a summer day and evening were spent with the four families in day-long barbecues.
Sadly, the 200-block of Onota Street made the news with the shooting death of a 22-year-old man at the hands of the Pittsfield Police in front of 279 Onota.
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The PPD press release stated that on Friday at 9:46 PM, patrol units were dispatched to the 200 block of Onota Street “for an initial report that an adult male party had injured himself with a cutting injury and was outside of his residence. Initial responding patrol units located a 22-year-old male with an apparently self-inflicted laceration to his face. Officers requested emergency medical services to treat the injury. At approximately 10:06 PM, the subject refused medical attention. The subject was left in the care of his girlfriend, who agreed to remain with him for the night.” The man was Miguel Estrella.
Let us stop there with a comment and some questions.
- Who made the initial call to the police? Multiple 911 calls were received.
- What was said?
- In other words, how serious did the situation seem to be?
- The release said “patrol units” plural. Did more than one arrive? What was their evaluation of the gravity of the scene?
- County Ambulance did not transport Estrella to BMC after the man refused to go. Was he fit to make that judgment? Do police has the power to override such a decision if, in their judgment, the person is a threat to self and others? He had already cut his own face with a knife.
- Was there any indication from the time officers arrived until the time they left that the “subject” would turn violent?
- What role did the girlfriend play in the evening’s incident? What caused Estrella to become agitated?
The PPD release continues:
“Shortly thereafter, at approximately 10:10 PM, Patrol Units were dispatched back to the original location for the male party causing a disturbance again. Upon arrival, units immediately observed that same male party, armed with a knife. The initial responding units requested additional units and equipment. When the armed subject advanced on the officers, they attempted 2 TASER deployments on the armed subject. When neither TASER deployment was successful in incapacitating the armed subject, 1 officer fired their duty sidearm, striking the subject and stopping the subject’s advance.”
THE PLANET comments:
- The phrasing reads that subject was “causing a disturbance again.” What was the nature of that disturbance?
- The release implies more than one patrol can responded. Further information suggests only one did. Which is it?
- How could the 22-year-old not become incapacitated by two TASER “successful” shots?
- Was the reaction of “1 officer,” the one that fired the fatal shots, proportionate to the threat from the victim?
- Did any of the other officers draw their service weapons?
- How many other officers were present? What did they see?
- Was Crisis Intervention experts called?
- How were at least two armed and equipped police officers not able to subdue Estrella without shooting him?
There may be perfectly good answers to these questions, indicating the police handled the situation well. The point is, we don’t know that yet. And expect this situation to assert itself front-and-center in the continuing debate about public safety (or lack of it) in Pittsfield, especially in what promises to be a contentious race for district attorney. Ironically, today (Monday) Pittsfield barrister Robert Sullivan formally announces his bid 11 a.m. at a press conference in Park Square.
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If ever Pittsfield needed their law-enforcement leaders to make themselves transparent and available to the press, it’s now. Now more hiding behind press releases.
Mayor Linda Tyer, Police Chief Mike Wynn, and D.A. Andrea Harrington owe it to a jittery public to submit to open questioning.
- For Tyer, the incident refutes in a fatal way her repeated and ridiculous claims of a “vibrant and dynamic” Pittsfield. She has to (a) admit the city has fallen prey to a rot from within and (b) outline a specific plan to deal with an ever-worsening public safety crisis.
- Chief Wynn needs to account for the actions of his force and to explain fully what happened and why. Was the police response appropriate and justified, and how does that reflect on the PPD’s command structure?
- For Harrington, the case provides perhaps her last chance to establish a competency that she has heretofore not demonstrated. The stakes are high
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The PPD press release concludes:
“The initial responding officers immediately attempted to render lifesaving aid and called for emergency medical services. Additional Pittsfield Police Department Patrol Units and Investigative Units, as well as Massachusetts State Police Units responded to contain the scene.
The subject was transported to Berkshire Medical Center. While taking control of the scene, the Pittsfield Police Department requested assistance from the Berkshire State Police Detective Unit assigned to the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office. At approximately 11:20 PM, the Pittsfield Police Department was notified by Berkshire Medical Center that the subject had succumbed to his injuries and was deceased.
The involved officers’ names are being withheld pending completion of the preliminary investigation.
The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office was notified and took jurisdiction over the case. The case is currently under investigation by the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office, the Berkshire State Police Detective Unit, the Pittsfield Police Department, Massachusetts State Police Crime Lab, and Massachusetts State Police Ballistics Section, with assistance by the Berkshire Law Enforcement Task Force.”
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This fatal shooting demonstrates once again the falsity of the “Sunnybrook Farms” fiction portrayed by the city’s political leadership. Mayor Tyer along with the city council must demand accountability not only from Chief Wynn but also for their own lack of management. Each should ask themselves: “How much of Estrella’s death can be attributed to me?”
“She’s the dumbest person ever elected vice president” — former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, on VP Kamala Harris.
(c) 2021 By PLANET VALENTI & EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All right reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all rights to those comments. They remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
First thing to the Family of Miguel Estrella my sincere condolences.One thing is for sure. If the victim was known to be a threat to himself or anyone else and the p p d knew of this or the dispatcher at the station didn’t relay this information,and this should be on record,then….OUCH.
Let me nut shell this for you and your readers Dan – a person came at the cops armed with a deadly weapon. The only acceptable response is to shoot to stop the threat. Period, Use of fatal force is justified all day long.
That case can certainly be made in this case.
The case for deadly force could have also been made in the crossbow standoff on Thursday night but wasnt.
Why not?
From what we’re reading in the press, both of these incidents involved a person approaching law enforcement with deadly weapons.
It’s fair to ask why the de-escalation approaches and outcomes are so radically different.
Was the crossbow cocked and loaded? If their wasn’t an arrow loaded in the crossbow, your comparison is apples and oranges.
An unloaded crossbow is not a deadly weapon. It could be, but unloaded, it’s not. A knife is a deadly weapon.
If the Eagle ever went to the courts and read the police reports, a lot of the questions could be answered.
That’s also a good question.
I’ve no idea how LE safety protocols work but I’ve always been taught that when you see a weapon like a gun assume that it’s loaded.
Very true.
I’m sure during the criminal investigation, that question will be asked. “How good of a look at the crossbow did you get?” And I’m sure a familiarity question with knowledge of crossbow for the officer.
I’ll grant you a BB gun or pellet gun in the dark, you pull that on a cop, it’ll be possibly your worst and last mistake.
Markus, even a shod foot, when used aggressively or when it appears like it will be used aggressively towards another person in the near future, is considered a deadly weapon.
People almost never see the police on the best day of their life right? The nature of the job is that they are reactive, showing up on scenes that are already escalated.
Basically any object could be considered a deadly weapon.
What’s going to be the outcome if a woman answers her door to the police holding her can of hairspray in one hand and her lighter in the other?
Couple years back I did ask one of our officers like how do they know when to draw their weapons, when to pull the trigger, and they told me that the police are constantly in something called Ooda loop, my very rudii understanding of this and it is both a physical and mental state that seems like our cops are constantly in a heightened state of PTSD.
So for the police in Cheshireto overcome that loop and spend hours the escalating the situation and taking the man into custody, from where I sit looks like pretty amazing policing.
That said, I am trained by the media, as well as by my own biases, to believe that our cops are alwaysgoing to go for their weapon as their first choice, and that what happened in Cheshire is not the norm.
Oh my! How can this happen in the land of vibrant and dynamic leaders?
It can’t because Tyer wasn’t going to tolerate it, remember Joe?
Time for another press conference to add a million more to fight criminal behavior,and will be subsequently followed by another state of the city event which was preceded by an absence at her absence at the water rate and viet nam vets ceremony, which she didn’t attend the other day (well after all its not an election year) but like our failing school department,an increase always solves the current problems that we have.
You mean in the land of Tax and Spend Lions, fairy tales and rainbows and unicorns???? It can’t because we’re vibrant and dynamic and diverse and inclusive and all the rest of that bull shit, right Linda????
Ask TSC, Fizzle and Anulgas, it’s all Trumps fault! He ruined the vibrant and dynamic city that Lovely Linda and her ilk created
I’m just not into dynamic white man power and ignorance.You can continue
Was the deceased on any legal or illegal drug at the time of the shooting? Toxicology report should be available along with autopsy result.
Your question should be what, if any, illegal/illicit drugs, including steroids, the killer cop had in his/her system when he/she shot and killed Estrella. Wynn’s hands are stained with the blood of the deceased, and the lives of many others his corrupt power trip has directly harmed.
Rather than being appointed to a commission on police reform and conduct standards, Wynn should be the subject of an investigation. Wynn should lose his chief of police position, a position he never deserved in the first place.
Yeah the officer should have shot the point off the tip of the knife. Unfortunate justified incident.
Now you have crossed the line Mr. City. Let me set the record straight for you, and for Dan and his readers. Pay attention now.I have had all I can stand, and I can’t stand it no more, as Popeye said. Here are the answers to your questions Dan. Let me start by saying that you have right to ask all of them, and to expect answers to all of them, although formal answers will take some time.
Who made the initial call to the police? Multiple 911 calls were received.
What was said? In other words, how serious did the situation seem to be?
I don’t know but all calls are recorded and will be made part of the investigative file. The question is what was relayed to the officers en route? All the radio transmissions are recorded and will be part of the investigation too.
The release said “patrol units” plural. Did more than one arrive?
What was their evaluation of the gravity of the scene?
Don’t know.
County Ambulance did not transport Estrella to BMC after the man refused to go. Was he fit to make that judgment?
People refuse all the time, and they are asked to sign a form acknowledging refusal and many times refuse to even sign the refusal form. Yes he was fit to make that judgment. Had he been passed out bleeding for example, they would have just taken him.
Do police has the power to override such a decision if, in their judgment, the person is a threat to self and others? He had already cut his own face with a knife.
Yes, for mental health treatment, not or physical treatment. Google section 12 law. Cops would have offered a free ride to BMC for psych eval if indicated, but perhaps it wasn’t – I have no idea, or inside knowledge, on what cops at scene were presented with – perhaps it was said it was accidental, or what not, I don’t know. Bottom line is, cops have discretion to take a person against their will to BMC for psych eval. It is a custodial situation, as in the person gets handcuffed and taken there if he doesn’t go voluntarily, but it is not mandatory – “In an emergency situation, if a physician, qualified psychologist, qualified advanced practice registered nurse or licensed independent clinical social worker is not available, a police officer who believes that failure to hospitalize a person would create a likelihood of serious harm by reason of mental illness may restrain such person and apply for the hospitalization of such person for a 3-day period at a public facility or a private facility authorized for such purpose by the department.”
Was there any indication from the time officers arrived until the time they left that the “subject” would turn violent?
Probably not, or they would have section 12’d him.
What role did the girlfriend play in the evening’s incident? What caused Estrella to become agitated?
Don’t know
The phrasing reads that subject was “causing a disturbance again.” What was the nature of that disturbance?
I don’t know but people don’t report what happened by using that word, which is dispatcher speak, and would drive me bug fuck when I would be dispatched for “a disturbance”. The cops needed to be told what the caller actually said. Again, this was recorded, but the larger question is what were the cops told by dispatch?
The release implies more than one patrol can responded. Further information suggests only one did. Which is it?
Cops never are sent solo to calls like that.
How could the 22-year-old not become incapacitated by two TASER “successful” shots?
In a word, drugs. Also, could be extreme mental or physical strength, agitation, even genetics could play a role, and weight, and where he was hit.
Was the reaction of “1 officer,” the one that fired the fatal shots, proportionate to the threat from the victim?
Based on the eye witness quoted in today’s Eagle, absolutely justified use of force.
Did any of the other officers draw their service weapons?
Don’t know. Normally, they are trained not to all draw. For example, one would draw gun, one Tazer, one would have rifle, one would have handgun, one would have bean bag gun maybe – lots of potential tools to use, if time.
How many other officers were present? What did they see?
Don’t know but all persons present, civilian and police, and EMS will give statements and the investigation will show this. Additionally, the neighborhood will be canvassed because there may be other eye or ear witnesses from nearby homes, or cars, and there may even be video of some of this.
Was Crisis Intervention experts called?
Probably not, unless person wanted that during first go around. You don’t bring a social worker to a scene of a man assaulting others with a knife. It’s a recipe for death of social workers.
How were at least two armed and equipped police officers not able to subdue Estrella without shooting him?
They tried. They Tazed him, twice. He continued to advance. It’s called escalation of force, and the next level up if cop didn’t have a non-lethal bean bag round at the ready, which is not standard issue, is the handgun. You don’t tackle a person with a knife. That is a good way to get yourself and others killed.
Was the police response appropriate and justified, and how does that reflect on the PPD’s command structure?
It appears totally appropriate and justified, and if it wasn’t the investigation will reflect that. I expect the investigation will reflect highly on the command structure.
Mayor Tyer along with the city council must demand accountability not only from Chief Wynn but also for their own lack of management.
If you are suggesting Dan, that the city council, and mayor, must demand accountability from the chief, they will get that, in the end, if they want it, but the chief reports to the mayor, not the council, who are as useless as you know what. As to the councilors “own lack of management”, it’s self-evident, as the city has fallen down around The Kapanski’s for decades, despite all the different councilors and mayors at the helm. As we say in policing, same shit, different day. The sad reality is lone wolf councilor can’t make much of a difference, but a mayor can. And don’t even get me going on the useless police advisory committee.
Each should ask themselves: “How much of Estrella’s death can be attributed to me?”
The short answer Dan, is none. None of Estrella’s death should be attributed to Tyer, or the councilors, or the chief. I am no fan of the mayor, and I think she has been a failure of a mayor, on many levels, especially crime, despite her lovely nature, and all the money she threw at the problem but then again, as a lady friend once told me, opinions are like assholes, everybody’s got one, and so that’s just my opinion. However, the decedent brought this on himself, therefore his death is attributable to him and him alone.
As to “City” disparaging the chief of police, the chief is a use of force expert, and understands these investigations well and the investigations will be handled with the utmost professionalism. For “City” to question what drugs the cop that shot the person was on, is totally uncalled for, and out of bounds, and the reason I opened this can of spinach in the first place, along with his disparagement of the chief, who bears zero responsibility, for this death. For “City” to call for the chief to be investigated is total bull shit, and finally, yes, he deserved to be appointed chief and is a duly appointed civil service chief of police.
And by the way, there will be 2 investigations. One administrative, or internal as they are called, by the Pittsfield Police, which is to determine if the policies and procedures that govern this type of call were violated, or not, and the other, more pressing one, which is the homicide investigation, which is being conducted by the state police assigned to the Berkshire District Attorney’s office.
The decedent brought this on himself. It is he, and he alone who bears sole responsibility for his decision to charge a cop with a knife. If his blood was on any cops hands, it was only because they tried to save his life. So shame on you “City”, and all the damn fools in the Eagle article, blaming the police instead of Estrella. Our thoughts and prayers should be with the police who handled this call, and especially the one who stopped the threat, and who will now be investigated every which way, simply for doing his or her job, and doing it well, despite the war on cops, and a largely apathetic and unappreciative public.
Very well said and to the point. Hopefully people will take the time to read it.
Thanks Joe. If I had more time, I could have made it shorter, but I’ve got a job to go to.
Good info! Usually a self inflicted wound you automatically are sent to the e r. My point has been all this time they should have the info on the man at the initial call or investigation at the first call no matter who called But more importantly did he have a pryor mental health and/or criminal record.Seems he had both. Police dropped the ball here it’s clear. Not arguing the rest of protocol and although this factors in the mans death a body cam would have been a good idea especially in these volatile incidents. Maybe Tim Could represent the victim at trial. He is the best.
I am in agreement with this post.
Veteran PPD Officer Jeffrey Coco, convicted of larceny and identity theft, embezzled more than $250,000 from the PPD, right out from under the trained noses of the entire rank and file of the PPD. And then there was that federal probe of the illicit steroid dealer/abuser in the PPD, which was probably more of a coverup than an actual legitimate investigation to expose the extent of that corruption.
And those cases have zero to do with this one unless the cop that shot the guy was one of those men.
Blue, I’ll back you and the blue 100 percent of the time, but I have to take issue with one thing you said.
Estrella being released back into the custody of his 19 y/o GF, after cutting himself, is malfeasance on the officers part. I get Estrella refused medical treatment, but he cut himself. Doesn’t that fall under the Section 12 statue of “self harm?” Aren’t police officers allowed to make an involuntary commitment, based on a non-emergency medical refusal? Not to mention, if he was impaired, ouch. The use of a weapon by Estrella is known. He proved it. He cut himself.
The police left the scene and then had to return when Estrella caused another commotion. The police CREATED the exigency (or emergency situation), by not bringing him to the ER, under a section 12 regardless of an ambulance refusal. And I think we both know, Pittsfield ambulances would transport a dead body to the hospital, if the possibility of billing the dead guys insurance existed.
Had they brought Estrella originally, the shooting never occurs.
Now, I’ll agree it was a justified shooting. For those suggesting “tackling” a man with a butcher knife, google “Tueller Drill.” It’s the “21 foot rule,” some have posted here.
I believe criminally the officer is safe, or should be. But it is election time and DA Wrong Way makes the charging decisions. This would gain her “street cred” like her pal Marilyn Mosby, who also wrongfully charged cops in the Freddie Gray case. All NG’s too.
Blue, I think the city is going to end up paying a big check to Estrella’s family.
Civil trials are preponderance (50.1%) of evidence.
I find PPD civilly liable. The initial officer(s) had a duty to act and failed. You can agree to disagree, but I’m a civilian who would sit on that jury. If your a cop, you can’t.
I agree that IF the police were derelict in their duties there are grounds for a civil suit but there are lots of unknowns at this point. Thanks for backing the blue.
If he were couldn’t the police have determined that at the initial confrontation. We’re the police under any drugs?
Most likely. It’s shitsfield, after all.
I live in southern New Hampshire (for 18 years now), and there are similar police uses of deadly force against distraught and mentally ill people that happen here, too, just like what recently happened in our native hometown of Pittsfield Massachusetts, blogger Dan Valenti (of upper-class Stockbridge Massachusetts). I have attended mental health groups and NAMI groups, and I know that the police are supposed to be trained to respond to these kinds of mental health crises. The police are supposed to call the paramedics, ambulance and have a Social Worker on staff to assist them with these kinds of mental health crises. As a person who is a disabled Veteran who suffers from mental illness, it is important for me to openly write that a majority of people who suffer from mental illness are not violent, but we are more often the victims of violence, including by the (untrained) police. As for blogger Dan Valenti’s criticisms of the women Pittsfield politicians – Mayor Linda Tyer and Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington – Pittsfield was always in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for violent crime, according to the FBI’s annual reports, for many years prior to 2016 and 2019, respectively. I am not writing that there isn’t merit to blogger Dan Valenti’s critical posts about the public records of the current Mayor and D.A., but I ask that he please put it in the context of Pittsfield’s long history of violent crime and “Ring of Poverty” neighborhoods that surround dangerous downtown Pittsfield’s North Street’s so-called “Social Services Alley”.
When will hear a statement from Michael Obasohan?
Like Shirley Sharpton Edgerton, Michael Obasohan is just another bad and useless excuse to piss away good money. Taxpayers are being swindled by these charlatans.
Ah, the perfect place for racists to come forward…behind a pseudo name.
“City I hate”
Etc etc
Why are you hiding?
Asking for the DEI to provide our community with a response of some sort in the next few days, asking that he do the job for which we hired him, is not racist.
THIS is why we hired him.
In the iberkshires profile on him one of the areas and what he said he would work on our behalf was around relations between the police and POC.
Keeping in mind that he’s only been in the job for a few weeks and that Miguel’s death just happened, combined with how City leadership even when they are able to be it’s not the most forthcoming and transparent, I am keeping my expectations low, but I feel like we should all be asking
Michael Obasohan to let us know what the DEI office is thinking about doing in terms of police / POC relations moving forward.
My hope for Michael and for us as a community, is that he is not viewed as an adversary by PPD.
I am also curious about if all DEI folks not just ours, if and how much they choose to expose themselves to real time policing, things like doing regular ride alongs in order to have a fuller understanding of just what does happen out there for our officers.
Like her or hate her, we do have to give props to our DA for doing Ride alongs.
I am one of the people who based on the information we have so far, believes that Miguel should still be alive, and am incredibly upset and concerned about the difference in police response to the white man with a weapon the night before and the POC man the next night.
Yes they were two different police departments, and it is stunning to think there is such radical differences in policy among departments around the use of lethal force.
And I think that word Force is important here. When we don’t refer to them as a department, we call the police a force.
That word is a really scary and aggressive starting point when it comes to Citizens interacting with police, including whether or not we call them.
That we have created a country in which my friends and neighbors of color view our police as assassins is our national shame.
Bullshit. All this POC crap is total bullshit. I’m sick and tired of blacks and POCs playing the victim card. The fact is cops use serious force less often not more, as a percentage of interactions, on blacks and POCs. Read Heather McDonalds book called The War on Cops, if you can handle the truth. By the way, that raciss Obama started the war.
Yeah o b step up. Already there are witnesses that say he wasn’t a real threat to police.
Pittsfield fell pray to the General Electric corporation.It remove itself from the City and left in polluted and sucked the economy out from under it.What is amazing is that we survived at all.Never trust companies to do anything less than using people to exploit them and in this case a legacy of illness.
GE pulled out because it could no longer be competitive in power transformers, plastics, or defense. Many causes, a chief one of which was union demands and the protection of “workers” who didn’t work but literally slept on the job or had their cards punched in and out in a set-up system. GE left the ground, air, and sky worse off, true, but it was allowed to do so by the EPA and mainly by the legal incompetence of the city of Pittsfield, particularly Gerry Doyle and Tom Hickey. We had them at the table, and we let them overwhelm us with legalisms.
Stooge says g e is coming back
GE transformer went to Shreveport Louisiana because you could pollute there.Look up the Hudson River Ge cleanup and you will see they did not do a cleanup there either.They were the largest corporation in the world going up against the EPA whose budget dwarfs GE s legal department.Doyle and Hickey had no bearing on the outcome.Conte sent huge contracts to GE missile guidance systems and tank turret systems for full employment.We also know that Union wages sent thousands of union members kids to university.We sure did great under unions here.When he died they left.I believe and fall on the side of union labor that made many a business owner rich.Great parks and great schools are cities are about great businesses and great wages…..In the 70s Umass was about 2k.Bcc was about 500 a year.Corporations prefer Russias Oligarchy system but you see that it removes freedom by controlling the lie and calling it the truth……Do you believe the lie Dan?
No GE = no unions = no money = no funny
We expect to much from our law enforcement officers. We expect them to be family counselors, mental health experts, medics, lawyers and other things that should not really be in their job description. They can’t be experts in all these fields. Most of the time they have only seconds to make a decision while their critics spend hours, days and weeks second guessing their choices.
Totally agree. It can be a very unrewarding job. Incredible stress levels.
Death by suicide among police is a quiet epidemic. It needs to be acknowledged
By Petula Dvorak
August 9, 2021 at 6:19 p.m. EDT
Wasn’t she a fullback at phs?
Well that’s an administrative and leadership problem starting with the mayor isn’t it?
Please explain as your comment makes to sense.
Hats e a. Start doing the work.
Lotsa that going around. The good news is that these high winds are blowing a lot of the mayors garbage off the roads and off into the bushes and rivers. She will probably take credit now for the trash being gone.
They should have called Pete White who’s a social worker. He would have saved the day.
He is dumber than a box of rocks. Unfortunately the vice president on our city council. Palookaville where the bottom of the barrel rose to the top ,including the mayor and little mikey.
Public Safety
Agree with you wholeheartedly Paul. Don’t you think it’s time to make a plan during this type of incident? I believe we are understaffed at ppd and have been for a long time? Who’s fault is that? Time to get off your butts administration and stop talking and start the mission.
I don’t think anyone should rush in to make a judgment on this sad incident. It is unfortunate that in today’s society there is so much pain and suffering. I am constantly wondering why society is not getting better but seems to be digressing to the cave person(?) days
We agree, SHIRL. No rush to judgment. That said, the only reasonable judgment possible is if the facts of the case, the true facts, come forward.
I agree. I just saw video from a Florida Walmart where a man started raping a woman in the store with people walking all around the store. The boldness was unbelievable. Did he think he could get away with it in this lenient atmosphere for crime?
Florida huh? Was it anyone we know who actually has rape charges against him?
Nobody we know gets rape charges, ya understand!
It’s Florida
Don’t say gay in Florida
Wonder how many gay people in Florida will be voting in the next election.
Bring your kindergartners over to my place SC. We can discuss the finer points of molding their penis into a vagina and anal intercourse.
Which is what the bill forbids. You. Can say gay all day long.
There is no don’t say gay law in fla
He was RUSHED to the hospital and given EXPERT trauma services. Right?
If the victim truly was tasered twice with no effect, then I would guess that he was on some heavy duty drugs. Does the victim have a criminal background? Is he an illegal alien? Was the home searched for drugs? Thank God none of the officers were hurt. Sorry he’s dead but he was armed with a knife and was not cooperating with the police.
Ironic that Sullivan is announcing his run for D.A.? I’d say timely. Good luck Mr. Sullivan, Pittsfield needs a non-SJW ASAP!
Facts will come forward. To bad these cops didn’t have body cams like the G Man proposed years ago,for free no less.
There are no kickbacks with free stuff or they probably would have gotten those cameras. . But usually in these circumstances there are about six neighbors and friends filming with their phones so someone is bound to have it on video.
There’s video on Facebook that shows the girlfriend BEGGING with police to take her boyfriend in. The “protect him, protect him PLEASE”. It’s heartbreaking.
There’s also video of the cop double tapping him center mass in the chest. The guy isn’t running at him, he’s slowly walking and yelling at the cop and others. The single shot clearly puts the guy back on his heels, the second shot kills him. It’s obvious he’s DOA as he hits the ground.
The taser shots, miss because the attach to the clothes and don’t both attach to his skin. You can’t get tased if the barbs/probes don’t contact the skin.
That was murder (homicide) pure and simple.
That cop belongs in jail or better yet, with a lethal injection in their arm.
Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
Maybe a taser also
Great job by our Dementia patient in chief this weekend. Time to go sleepy job you are an embarrassment.
Yes,I saw what you saw on FOX/ Russia
And every other network.
It is apparent that steam isn’t enough –
Last week I came upon the tail end of the program Reel to Reel out of Springfield. The guest was our Dynamic and Vibrant Mikey Wynn. He was speaking on police dealings with mental health. Wish I had caught the whole interview. Just the little I saw, first thing that came to mind was Mikey’s appearance. Most Police Chiefs when being interviewed wear their uniform with their stars, I would think because they are proud, not Mikey, he was wearing a sweatshirt and looked disheveled sitting with a huge coffee mug. Shame on him for representing Pittsfield like that! Is he bored with his job? Why do we never hear any comments from him, or the Mayor after terrible events? Are they being told by DA Andrea to shut their mouths and if so why are they so afraid of her? I would think it would be a part of their jobs to speak for the City. Why is it either a Lieutenant from PPD or Vibrant and/or Dynamic Roberta McCullough Dews always are the spoke person? Is Mikey Wynn the reason for the bad morale at the PPD? Is it Mikey Wynn and Linda Tyer’s complete lack of leadership skills the reason no one want to join the PPD and if they do, they end of leaving within a year? Hate to inform Mikey & LInda, a new police station is not the answer to these issues. If they don’t want to do their jobs then they should both step down, her to Colorado and him to run his combat website full time (which he probably already does). If they worked in the private sector they would have been let go a long time ago.
And mikey protected the officer dale who took down a 88 year old women when he went to the wrong address. dale was put on paid administrative leave and the pics from the big y is the only reason mikey had to to do this. this officer of color now has a nice pension and he is only 46 years of age. he was a violent officer it must be nice to be protected because of color. Those were not his first violence against innocent citizens of Pittsfield.
PPD officers Eason and Brueckmann perpetrated an illegal home invasion on an innocent 88-year-old woman and then assaulted and arrested her. When Brueckmann and Eason illegally invaded the woman’s home, her sanctuary, the elderly woman was in the process of peeling apples, with a paring knife, for an apple pie she was making. So, to justify their brutality on an 88-year-old woman, in her own home, the corrupt armed and dangerous PPD home invaded included in their narrative that the 88-year-old apple pie maker was armed with a knife.
I would have sworn the officer involved would have been Mike McHugh but I believe he is done beating people up.
Knowing that his professional scritching would be televised, and regurgitated, I’m surprised Wynn didn’t dress up in his official bluelivesmatter fur and loathing uniform.
Miguel Estrella had an open (?) firearms case and according to this report was going to be held as dangerous. Wonder what could have gone the Wrong Way this time?
Two Pittsfield men were held without bond Monday when they were arraigned on weapons charges in Northern Berkshire District Court.David Moody, 28, and Miguel Estrella, 20, are both facing charges related to a loaded 9 mm Taurus semiautomatic pistol police say they found during a midnight traffic stop in Adams on Sunday.They were arrested on charges of carrying a firearm without a license, carrying a firearm with a defaced serial number and carrying ammunition without a firearms identification card
So that report was from 2-4-20. Miguel was a known criminal. Moody has quite the rap sheet as well.
Wasn’t it an older gentleman who offered an idea for free body cameras and was shot down. ( no pun )at silly council and ignored). I know where the mayor hasn’t been? Tamarac road.
Cases from 2020 are being tried now, what’s your point? Mine is, where is that case?
My point is….he had a history of criminality.
he believes Estrella was “done wrong.”
“And so was the community. Because we lost such a great, great person that was going places. And what a shame.”
If didn’t have a driver’s license in 2020 maybe he was getting a ride & the gun wasn’t his. Why ride with a OUI if you’re sober, unless you do not behold a driver’s license.
Yeah but the weapon was a knife in this case?
If Squeaky had this guy behind bars he’d still be alive.
This is a very salient point, HT. Andrea Harrington is following an entirely different playbook.
From the Fair and Just Prosecution, sponsor of Andrea Harrington:
Were these weapons charges dropped? What was the status of these cases against Estrella and Moody prior to this latest turn of events and after unprecedented gun violence in Pittsfield?
Looks like the blood might be on Squeaky’s hands
Harrington is NOT in law enforcement. She is a bad public defender masquerading as a prosecutor.
“I send my deep condolences to the friends and family of Mr. Estrella for their loss,” District Attorney Andrea Harrington said in a statement.
Yup. What about her conoldeces to the cops who were put in this situation, resulting in one having to take a life because of the actions of Estrella. And now he is being painted as a saint, alter boy, whatever, by the puff piece in the Eagle. I hope the cop that shot this POC is either female or black, or a POC, because if it’s a white male, who knows what Hardly Harrington will do, even though this is an open and shut case of totally justified use of force, because an eye witness is quoted in the Eagle saying the POC charged the cops with a big knife after tazers didn’t faze him. And we all know the old saying that anyone can indict a ham sandwhich.
ABA. Anybody but Andrea could, that is.
I wonder if this will put a damper on Wednesday Night Date Night??
Sounds like Police acted more than appropriately Obviously this guy was under the influence of something to withstand 2 tasings Since the girlfriend couldn’t deal with his mental or substance problems they become the Cops problem. The cop is heard repeatedly telling this guy to stop. He didn’t as in most of these cases. Compliance leads to de-escalation. Cops had nothing to do with this guys mental state. They obviously did not want this situation to end like it did. Many more lives affected now. These people blaming the Police should never call them in serious situations because by their words they could have handled it better
All of this and a stolen vehicle this mornind very early,guess where? You got it Cumbies area.
But he was a good boy who was turning his life around.
First off, deadly force is only justified in escalation of force model if other options have failed. The fact that the police HAD HIM IN CUSTODY two hours prior and chose to release him puts all of the responsibility on the police department. The proximate cause of his death was the police releasing him from custody. It would be the same if they let a drunk driver go or if they let the DA drive the wrong way down a street, on a suspended license, and she killed a child with her government leased car. The police would be responsible due to dereliction of duty. The police are not legally responsible to protect all of us all of the time BUT when they do interact with a citizen their duty of care and legal responsibility is pretty high.
Secondly, considering he was 22 (only a year older that DA Wrongway’s age of responsibility) you can imagine $1 million a year for 60 years of remaining life. If I were the family I’d sue for $100 million and work my way down.
Your story is missing the facts.
You sure are full of shit!
No, there are two police log entries a contact at just before 10pm. Police responded to a call by a woman about a distraught male threatening to harm himself. Male was in custody under police control, he had a self inflicted knife wound to his face. They were holding him and called for an ambulance but released him into his girlfriend’s custody because the ambulance was delayed or refused (three different reports have three different statements).
This is the SAME man and address they responded to just under two hours later who was shot, with a knife.
How the police had this man under their care, with a clearly self-inflicted KNIFE wound, and let him go is the travesty of this case and will end up getting people fired from the PPD, and will bring a huge civil payout to the family of this young man.
They should test the police involved for illegal drugs and alcohol. They should look into a dispatcher trying to edit the 911 logs.
Do you know of any evidence that a dispatcher has tried to edit the 911 logs? Moreover, do you know of any evidence that initial reports of this incidents, contemporaneous logs, calls, and other info, has been subject to attempted editing? If you wish to reply in confidence, send to my email address.
Yeah sectioning a person of the protected race wouldn’t have gotten the officers in trouble. Where is personal responsibility? If he was depressed did he take his medication? Why didn’t the tasers stop him? There are many questions that need to be looked at, stop stating things that are unknown. Personally I think the police could sue the person for putting them in the dangerous situation.
So are we calling the Will Smith/Chris Rock incident black on black crime or nah
Definitely not a good look for anyone, especially POC. We would not even notice except that for the ultra left in Hollywood, everything is about race.
Rock got the Fresh Prints Of Bel Air.
I’m still stuck on Rich Dohoney friended a defendant. Does that make him a defrendant?
Attempted to friend; looks like it wasn’t accepted
Dick has been sticking his Dohoney in a lot of places lately.
1 1 1
Okay everyone – did Miguel Estrella have a fair trial and get convicted or not?
Because y’all are possibly presuming GUILT.
If Miguel Estrella did not have a trial as of yet than he is not what you say he is.
There has not yet been a trial on the charges he was facing ! I’m not speaking of the knife toward Officer, I’m speaking of the gun charge from 2020 – he has not been convicted right ?
This web-link is dedicated to my friend Mr. Fritz.
Prosecutors gathering evidence about Hunter Biden’s foreign income: report | TheHill
Cops shoot and kill a kid on Friday.
Monday morning a discovery is made that the Pittsfield District Court has been broken into and evidence stolen.
Are we looking a link here?
Is it strange that the name of the officer who killed the kid is not being named?
This whole thing stinks. Bad.
Grow a brain Phil. Of course there is no link.
Can every cop in the PPD account for their whereabouts when the Pittsfield District Court was broken into, and evidence went missing? As for Wynn protecting the identity of the unnamed killer cop, you can file that under Wynn’s dedication to his lack of professionalism, integrity, accountability, transparency and all the other lies that POS spews.
Kid? He was a 22 year old perp.
By the way, in this tragedy, we shouldn’t lose sight that this man was a human being. His life had meaning and impact for those who loved him. It is incredibly sad to know this man needed mental help and instead was gunned down. This is a tragedy.
Well somebody should have known this.THATS the POINT.Where’s Reverend Sharpton?
I was wondering the same thi, guess the Pitts don’t rate with him either
Okay Phil, why don’t you make a big donation.
Hey kids, what no discussion on Sully’s coming out party in Park square? Dan, do you have a headline for that epic disaster? My God that was so bad. Having a press. Conference in 20 degree weather with the wind blowing sideways what what did you say…….And since you boys always like to talk about fashion did you happen to get a look at Sullys tie? Dude picked it up at the 50% off rack at Marshalls Seriously Bro who dressed you today. I’ll be nice and won’t talk about the Matel podium for kids he stood in front of. Seriously that was pathetic at best.
That fact that he is not Harrington, gets my vote. He could have been wearing a space suit.
What Joe says. Did Atty Sullivan deny public records requests and lie about it or verbally attack a sitting judge or federal prosecutor? Anyone but Andrea.
Sullivan is an ABA back up player just in case. At least he’s not lying about his resume.
You were hoping for some nipples ?
You have to admit that was the most pathetic announcement for a political candidate ever! And the tie? Looks like a Bull dog even a mother Bull dog wouldn’t like. I told you Sully is a train wreck.
Did Squeaky wear her falsies with the Pointer Sisters showing today?
Why don’t you tell us about all the cases Harrington has won.
You sound like a junior high girl.
And the balding chubby men above sound like what?
They don’t sound like a juvenile witch with daddy issues like you.
WAMC’s Josh Landes whining on twitter that officials won’t hand him interviews and the other side of the shooting story on a platter. Tweeting anti police rhetoric and sob story of the poor victim. Incompetent journalist.
So, whatever story the cops fabricate is ok with you, and BLUELIESSUCK.
You suck.
Landes is a bigger shill for the left than McKeever was. Neither one of them qualify as having any journalistic integrity.
He openly tried to discredit Sullivan by asking who he voted for 2 years ago, because THATS the priority not prosecuting crime
Crawl back into your hole josh and take a shower first.
The break-in at the court house was about evidence for two trials. It was about replacing stolen evidence.
Illegal entry and evidence tampering, well now I’m even more convinced that the cops are not just the Usual Suspects, but the only suspects.
On the premature, and probably unnecessary killed by cops’ death of 22-year-old Miquel, his girlfriend stated that he was struggling with painful memories of his childhood trauma. Initially I was going to suggest that the PPD killer cop, instead of shooting and killing the traumatized victim, should have summoned officer Derby and his comfort pet to the scene of the PPD crime. Perhaps Derby’s taxpayer supported comfort pet could have de-escalated the inevitable outcome. I’m now more inclined to file Miquel’s death under just another victim of those DCF angles of death, in the business of protecting children, to death. Miquel, just another traumatized 5-year-old trapped in the dead body of a 22-year-old, killed by cops, DCF’s partners in crime. All children deserve to be nurtured, loved and protected, not preyed on and devoured by monsters.
There are trials in District Court?
(Please forgive my naïveté)
This past weekend, Joe Biden’s hostile words inferring regime change to oust Putin in Russia, as well as calling Putin a “BUTCHER”, only served to escalate Putin’s ongoing invasion/war in Ukraine. Why would Joe Biden escalate his conflict/crisis with Putin? The only answer I can come up with is that Biden knows that Wall Street and the military industrial complex are making a financial killing off of wars, conflicts/crises, and arms sales, and right now it is on proverbial steroids right with Putin’s ongoing invasion/war in Ukraine. Career Politicians are only about the Almighty Dollar and POWER. They don’t give a shit about the people and the world, especially when the ELITES get richer and richer, while the rest of us don’t. If there was a Nobel HOSTILITY Prize, I would nominate Joe Biden for it.
I read about Joe Biden’s $5.8 trillion federal budget proposal for fiscal year 2023, which will begin on October 1, 2022. His budget proposal won’t pass because the U.S. Senate needs 60 yes votes to pass it, but there are only 50 Democratic U.S. Senators. Joe Biden wants to raise federal taxes on the very wealthy families, as well as increase the corporate tax rate, to keep federal spending revenue neutral, while he forecasts diminishing federal budget deficits over the next decade. 10 years from now, Joe Biden will be either 89 years old or a (bad) memory. Why would Joe Biden propose his second federal budget of his presidential administration knowing that none of his tax and spending proposals will pass the U.S. Senate? Is he just trying to waste everyone’s limited time?
Lastly, I find it contradictory that Joe Biden and the Democrats in the U.S. Congress recently passed the largest federal spending bill(s) in U.S. history without budget offsets, but today, Joe Biden’s administration is saying that his budget proposal will reduce the recurring trillion dollar plus federal budget deficits. The prior Trump administration passed the single largest federal tax cut in U.S. history without budget offsets. 2 + 2 = 5 in the Swamp!
You voted for the Biden Crime Family. You’ve also supported & admired other con-men like John Kerry and the fake Indian. Having buyer’s remorse? Stop yer whining because you’re part of the problem!
Biden is trying to coverup his involvement in illegal bioweapons labs in Ukraine, the corrupt country which has also been the center of Democrat money laundering activities as well as the activities of the Nazi Azov Battalion.
Trump kept us out of new foreign entanglements for four years! Even North Korea respected him! You backed the wrong horse, sucker!
Biden went into Putins back yard and called him out. That took huge brass balls buddy. You are talking about Melle whining??? Go back and read your last fifty posts dude. Whining at its highest level.
I don’t expect police to be all things,I don’t act like an idiot so I don’t need them ever for anything, period. The incident/killing recently had a basic initial response that wasn’t met. A person with a self inflicted wound needed to be in protective custody based on his past,criminal or his own mental health.That criteria wasn’t met.
Demented Joe has a brass brain.
“Back with a Bang”
“By partnering with our community partners to form the Pittsfield HUB table we’ve been able to form a multidisciplinary team that can come together to develop collaborative solutions quickly and efficiently. We’re confident that we can work together to deliver better outcomes for our most vulnerable residents.
“I’m proud of the team that we’ve assembled to participate in this project and grateful for the support and collaboration that we’ve received from our partners.”
The initiative was created by the city in collaboration with about 20 other service providers and government agencies — including the PPD — and is being led by the Police Department.
Participants cover the whole range of services that the county has to offer. These include the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office, the Berkshire County Sheriff’s Department, Berkshire Health Systems, the Brien Center, ServiceNet, the state Department of Children and Families, and Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority.
“I thank the City of Pittsfield and the Pittsfield Police Department for bringing this highly successful model to Berkshire County,” District Attorney Andrea Harrington said.
I love how the Trump lie has led an entire cult speechless about Trumps current problems.If you ignore it it won’t be real…..Just point and ignorantly say F Brandon…which means he’s GUILTY
We say, “Let’s Go Brandon” such a filthy, incorrect mouth you have
Yes! Let’s go Brandon! Keep on going until you reach the door and then some.
You all know by now what he conspired to do and you should never speak of it again…lol
Still haven’t figured out who Ray Epps is and how he is connected to Pelosi? Keep searching and maybe you will leave the dark and get into the light.
Just the latest in a long string of democrat hoaxes that this nitwit fell for.
Berkshire citizens deserve an explaination for this statement:
Harrington, whose first term ends at the end of this year, ran in 2018 on a reformer’s platform. Her office often declines to prosecute crimes such as shoplifting, some motor vehicle offenses and possession of “personal use” amounts of drugs.
Does Harrington drop shoplifting charges? Where? When? How many?
Does Harrington drop drug such as fentanyl charges? Who? When? Where? How many?
What motor vehicle offenses have been dropped?
What other charges have been dismissed and why?
Please spare us the inflammatory claim that the entire criminal justice system is systemically racist. Where is the promised “transparency” on this information?
You call me a dog, well, that’s fair enough
‘Cause it ain’t no use to pretend you’re wrong
And you call me out, I can’t hide anymore
I have no disguise you can’t see through
You say it’s bad luck to have fallen for me
What can I do to make it good for you?
You wore me out like an old winter coat
Trying to be safe from the cold
Oh, when it’s my time
To throw the next stone
I’ll call you beautiful
If I call at all, ooh
You call me a dog
And you tell me I’m low ’cause I’ve slept on the floor
And out in the woods with the badgers and wolves
You threw me out ’cause I went digging for gold
And I came home with a handful of coal
But when it’s my time
To throw the next stone
I’ll call you beautiful
If I call at all
And when it’s my time
To call your bluff
I’ll call you beautiful or leave it alone, yeah
You call me a dog
And that’s fair enough
It doesn’t bother me as long as you know
The bad luck will follow you
If you keep me on a leash and you drag me along
And when it’s my time
To throw the next stone
I’ll call you beautiful
If I call at all
And when it’s my time
To call your bluff, ooh
I’ll call you beautiful
I’ll leave it alone, yeah, yeah
You call me dog
Source: LyricFind
You so f* beautiful my Darl
Nuff sed
The Redsox will take down giant BLM sign on the pike because they didn’t know they would have to distance themselves from a grifter funded by Rachel Rollins. Rollins is here in the ‘shire tomorrow to stump for fellow “progressive fair and just minister of justice” Andrea Harrington under the guise of “internet safety.”
Never could the Redsox have expected some of their fans to turn on them so quickly as the organization was flooded with negative phone calls from folks who didn’t like the sign
Bekah Salwasser, the Sox’ executive vice president of social impact told the Herald. She is….wait for it…Rachel Rollins’ sister, the only other sibling without a criminal past. The Sox have hired exactly zero black people since their pledge to diversify the front office.
How many people have progressive prosecutors gotten killed in the black community? Jeric Black might be allive if his murderer hadn’t been kid gloved by the DA on a prior violent attack.
Heavily invested in Red Sox
Chuck Taylor on Trombone
Trying hard now
It’s so hard now
Trying hard now
Oh, he’s ready
Gonna make a move, yeah
Oh, he’s ready
And makin’ moves, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Getting strong now
Won’t be long now
Getting strong now
Gonna fly now
Flying high now
Gonna fly, fly
Is that you Barry?
Ya got me kid. Can not get shit past you Fizz
It’s not 3 AM
Take that as a reverse compliment
Sorry, the way I was raised we don’t know if trombone is an instrument or a bad word
Miguel wasn’t turning the corner he turned it. All for not and be blown away.
Has the police advisory board disbanded? The latest incident is right up they’re alley.
The victim here is Miguel Estrella and his family. He is not a thug or a perp. The community is not going to stand for his senseless killing. He was well known, well loved, and deserved a chance at a normal, healthy life.
@pittsfieldfarmersmarket on Facebook has a nice tribute and condolence post dedicated to Miguel Estrella on their Facebook page. I would post it here if I knew how to post pics.
Miguel was a hard-working and much appreciated volunteer at the Pittsfield farmers market.
He was not a thug. He was not a perp. He didn’t deserve to die.
Caption contest
“While standing there, I reached up and grabbed her by the pu$$y”
Kufflink’s cooks the books for the Lovely Linda.
Pittsfield Shows Higher Chapter 70 Funding, Rebounding Local Receipts / iBerkshires.com – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.
Mayor Tyer needs to pull herself together and think only about the 1400 dollar Social Security check people retired on.Inflation up 7.5% this year.She raised taxes 10% and next year inflation will be another 7 %.She is also getting 8 million in extra revenue on top of higher taxes and has 42 million on top of that.She can’t cut taxes because she does not know how.Our city council minus 3 people are very unwoke as to what is going on.Do these people really make so much money they can blow million they are responsible for.How will they justify blowing our cash.
Trump is still pro Putin.So is Fox and so is this Fox/Russia loving blog
Breaking News:
Guilty on most all charges!!!! How does that crow taste???????? Duh ah duh babble… Enjoy that bird
Not guilty on the most serious and the other fellow was found not guilty on most charges. It’s a loser of a case.
You’re probably one who thought Trump won.