Now on Sale! Dan Valenti’s new book, Third Person Singular. This collaboration with Jerri Chaplin and Paul Kocak, two of the nation’s finest contemporary poets, offers three books in one, a trinity of outstanding new literature sure to please. Makes a great “Buy Berkshire” gift. Published by Planet Media Books, available on $15. Free shipping with Amazon prime! Third Person Singular Cover
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 11-13, 2022) — Cleaning out the mailbag and other debris that clutters a writer’s desk:
SIX FIGURES — This quote from Jamie Gass, education and research director of the Boston-based Pioneer Institute, came across THE PLANET‘s desk: “The problem is that when teachers have excessively high salaries and gold-plated pensions, while [districts are] defined by chronic underperformance, [public education] looks more like a massive employment system designed to benefit adults than an organization focused on the education of schoolchildren.” Boston has 2,905 teachers with salaries topping $100,000-plus-bennies. Wonder how many Pittsfield has? Care to comment, Jumpin’ Joe Curtis? Nah, didn’t think so. Neither did the Boston teachers union. Pittsfield’s Level 5 schools, combined with overcompensated teachers and admin, remains the third rail NO politician has the stones to touch. The fix is in … as if you didn’t know.
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GRAVY TRAIN ROLLS ON –A recent audit found that nearly 60% of people who filed for pandemic unemployment benefits or payroll protection relief in Massachusetts hauled in $2.3 billion more than they should have received. The Feds want it back. The “gimme-groups” want to keep it. The giveaway of “free” Kapanski Kash, they think, is their entitlement. THE PLANET is sure the deadbeats in Pittsfield would agree. Don’t think the Kapanskis are cool with it, but who gives two squirts for what hardworking, taxpayers feel?
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ARPA? ARF, ARF — And what’s all this about Mayor Tyer’s hoarding of tens of millions in ARPA money for God knows what to benefit Gollum knows who? Ward 2 city councilor Charles Kronick dared to ask why some of the money won’t be allocated to moderate the outrageous hikes in Pittsfield water and sewer. At the most recent city council meeting, in a series of identical, rubber-stamped 6-4 votes, the council stuck it to the Kapanskis. We should say Sherman, Conant, Lampiasi, Marchetti, White, and Persip plunged the knife into the Little Guy’s heart, good little soldiers following Tyer’s orders. Maffuccio, Warren, and Kalinowski joined Kronick in trying to help taxpayers. And we got the story behind Kavey’s non-attendance at this key meeting. When we spill, you’re going to be shocked. THE PLANET has our Z-agents investigating. Stay tuned.
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WAR IS OVER IF YOU WANT IT — Nobody cares to mention it, but Russia’s attack on Ukraine would stop in 10 seconds if the latter would agree to the former’s demands: (1) declare itself a neutral country (2) stay out of NATO and (3) and accept Russian-speaking, Russian cultured Crimea and the two most eastern provinces independent (actually, part of Russia). Just a question: Isn’t agreeing to those terms better than risking World War III?
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WHO CAN YOU TRUST? — We refer to the (un)reliability of the wildly disparate media accounts of the Russia-Ukraine war by East and West. In the West, Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky wears the white hat and flosses twice a day, while Vladimir Putin is the new Adolph Hitler who chews Red Man. One’s a saint, the other’s a sinner. One’s Christ, the other’s Lucifer. But what accounts are accurate? The U.S.-led Western coalition and the Russian government are both producing voluminous propaganda. Be careful who and what you trust.
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VLAD THE INHALER — Speaking of Vlad the Inhaler, did you ever attempt to see things through Russian eyes? Start by looking at a map. Up and down its eastern border, it sees threats. Now add a history lesson. Enduring many invasions over the centuries, leaving it to suffer inconceivable losses, has carved a deep paranoia into its national soul. Putin, an empirical ruler who typically doesn’t act out of emotion, attacked Ukraine as a preemptive strike. He called Biden’s bluff. Food for thought. Where have you gone, Mikhail Gorbachev? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
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BIDEN DELIVERS; SO DOES SHELL — Speaking of Syracuse Joe, Biden reluctantly issued a ban on Russian oil imports. This will add to the pain at the pump, but, as the president put it, “We will not be part of subsidizing Putin’s war.” Shell Oil Co. followed suit, saying it will stop the purchase of Russian natural gas and oil. The economic squeeze has caused the ruble to fell to .07 cents to the U.S. dollar — less than a penny.
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THE ONLY ‘JUST’ WAR? — Lest we forget, Putin’s onslaught in Ukraine has forced two million innocent elderly, women, and children to flee from their homeland. Each of these persons impacts countless others in the most direct, human manner, at whose core we find the depths of numbing grief, sadness, and heartache. All for what? For the idiocy of geopolitics, that always-fatal mixture of money + power. No matter what level of government, as the current state of Pittsfield politics illustrates, when you combine these two elements, almost no humans remain immune. They fall for it, abandoning conscience, principle, ethics, morality, justifying it by an inner circle of “yes” people. Maybe the only way to end the human experiment is for the Russian-Ukraine situation to jump the rails, leading to all-out nuclear war. Might that be the only “just” war in human history? The one we inflict upon ourselves?
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IF AT FIRST … — THE PLANET has queries into Pittsfield attorney Tim Shugrue regarding his plan to run for district attorney. So far, no reply. Shugrue will join attorney Bob Sullivan and, presumably, the incumbent D.A., in the race. You may recall that much earlier, Shugrue ran against David Capeless and lost. This time around, he would be up against an incumbent who has, on the merits, failed not just the office but the cause of public safety in the Berkshires.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Without optimism, we have already failed” — George Takei.
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I am happy that MLB will PLAY BALL after a 100-day long lockout by the owners. I wish professional sports were NOT about the Almighty Dollar. I wish that the average family could afford to go to Fenway Park without spending $500.00-plus. I love watching baseball, but I don’t love the Almighty Dollar being more important than the game.
JM, I’m glad that you are glad! Now, “back in the box!”
(Señor Wences)
2022 MLB season will begin on April 7th, 2022, with opening day featuring Red Sox playing the Yankees.
P.S. Please don’t blame Andrea Harrington for the lockout, too.
I thought it was Trump’s fault?
When Red Sux and Stankees got “woke”, I quit watching……..
You can’t have both baseball and arts ?
I recall when the first MLB player was given a one million dollar contract and all the fans were going to boycott the games. Much more ridiculous now and they fill the stadiums. Not me. Once in a while I will watch one on TV but for the price of one baseball stadium visit I can go to a casino twice.
$130 million
Sources: New York Mets, Max Scherzer agree to three-year, $130 million contract. Star right-hander Max Scherzer and the New York Mets have agreed to a three-year, $130 million contract, sources familiar with the situation told ESPN’s Jeff Passan.Nov 29, 2021
Not positive, but I think Steinbrenner (Yankees) gave Cat Fish Hunter a pitcher the first million contract. Boy,was Charles Finley upset the Oakland A’s lost him.
Baseball is drab.
So are olives
I had one once and the goddamn pimento had fallen out of it. I was rip shit!
Why did your baseball have a pimento in the first place?
don’t they all?
But not on the Common!
MLB camps open Sunday, March 13th, 2022!
Red Sox news
Boston Red Sox 2022 schedule: With MLB lockout lifted, Alex Cora’s team will open in New York on April 7 –
Baseball sucks. Arts are where it’s at sic.
Tim Shugrue was, despite Boring Broadsheet’s reporting to the contrary, an ADA in Berkshire DA office and he handled major league cases, He is the person that can knock Harrington into next month. The question is, will he? The answer depends on money, effort, organization, what party he is enrolled in (better be independent), luck, and whether or not Harrington pisses her panties and runs for something like AG, knowing she is done as a DA.
While she is absolutely egotistical enough to run for AG, the rest of the state wont buy it and the top D’s would never allow it.
As for overpaid school employees, you are SPOT ON Dan… Most of the teachers complain because they don’t know how to live within their means. MY spouse and I are teachers and have been for over 20 years. Pittsfield is a joke. And you are correct, it’s more about employment. When we started teaching no one wanted the job because of pay, now EVERYONE wants summers off, crazy union benefits and the ability to screw up and not get fired ever… the schmoes caught on
Well said Blue. And will local dem pols own up their colossal mistake or “stay out of it?” Let’s see if anyone has a backbone.
Harrington pulled papers long ago this is public information. She has 19,000 in the campaign chest. She will outwit, Outplay and Outlast both. Shugrue has a chance but will fizzle with the negativity coming from the Mazzeo camp. Sullivan being a Republican wanna be doesn’t stand a chance. Harrington may have lost some votes along the way but 33,000 in the general election was a landslide against the Cacca campaign again run by Mazzeo. And please don’t tell me this is not his campaign manager
I won’t lie, you’re probably right. I absolutely have faith in the uninformed stupidity of 33k local residents
I hope she wears the falsies with the pointies.
She’s toast!
19k is chump change nowadays for a job paying 150k she ought to pony up at least 30k, and she is a one hit wonder who won’t outplay or outlast anyone. She has a record to run on now, and it’s a piss poor one. Mark my words. I’m voting ABA.
Will Andrea get a campaign HQ for below market rate again or is she just using 7 North Street?
She gets free staff and access to media a 7 North.
Don’t know about her outwitting anyone herself, but maybe her handlers might.
Also depends on who else runs. Why aren’t people coming out of the woodwork to run si ce Harrington has done such a pooper job?
Dirty politics. Boston is a worse cesspool than Chicago.
I don’t buy the theory that Russia felt threatened any country that borders them. This seems to be pure aggression by Putin. He saw weakness and took advantage of the situation. Don’t forget that Putin was and probably still is the leader of the KBG. Reading and watching how this illegal war is being waged you can see how Putin had spies in the right places in Ukraine. He must have been planning this for quite some time. Ukraine screwed up because they always sensed this invasion and they should have had people in Moscow who could have brought the war to Putin
Ukraine is almost as corrupt as the implaced Biden regime.
Watch out for the latest – drilling holes in gas tanks and stealing all your gas, leaving you with a big repair bill and the thief gets off because ABA (Harrington) won’t prosecute non violent crimes.
Is this happening in Pittsfield?
Don’t know but it’s happening elsewhere so it will be happening here.
In the old days before locked gas filler lids, kids just used a garden hose…………..lots of inexperienced kids got sick Fri/Sat nights from a mixture of beer and gasoline……..
How exactly did they get the gas to flow downward?
Suck on the hose and establish a siphon. As long as the receiving can is below the level in the tank you can drain it dry.
If you were not careful you’d get a mouthful.
MT: it was worse than a mouthful. The unlucky ones got gas in the lungs. 3 weeks of slow death in a hospital bed as the lungs fail. No treatment for it in the ’70’s. Sad demise. Can we agree that these sorts of deaths are also a consequence of inhumane economic policy?
“Can we agree that these sorts of deaths are also a consequence of inhumane economic policy?”
Biden’s policy, I sure can! People won’t be able to afford means to heat their homes, ways to get to markets and work, and goods will become too expensive to obtain.
It’s estimated a person will need to spend 2K more/year just on gasoline. Public transportation, what little there is in the Bizerkshires, will also have to bear the cost.
I’ve witnessed people getting a mouthful, but not a lungful of gasoline. Not pretty but not fatal.
Just steel a cordless drill from one of the hardware stores, Harrington won’t prosecute if you actually get caught anyway.
The only drilling in the United States that democrats approve of.
The democrat politicians drill their younger staff and underlings all the time.
Just ask Andrew, Barney, Slick Willie………….
Let’s hope they try drilling through one of the old metal tanks…sparks and gas can toast a gas thief like a marsh mellow (and the DA does not get to let him off the hook)
Dan, you’re way off base on Putin and Ukraine and we better grow some balls and get some fighter jets in there now. Let’s give them some A-10’s and F16’s
No way Putin is a good guy. WTF?
We need to stay out of this conflict that the neocons, globalists have been baiting us into for years. Russia can have Ukraine – both governments are corrupt. Let them fight it out. If anything, we should, and will be providing humanitarian aid to the Ukrainians fleeing their country.
The globalists would love to see two superpowers, the US and Russia, destroy themselves to help usher in one-world government. Can’t have one world government with superpowers in existence. Our own leaders would be happy to see the US destroyed – hence the invasion of illegals, inflation, DEBT, and all the other pressing issues that the O’Biden regime has caused.
Way to tell it like it is WarHawk. Are we gonna sit idle while Putin slaughters millions of innocents? As a minimum the UN needs to send in a force of thousands and secure the skies!
The Bidens, John Kerry’s stepson and Fauci’s Ecohealth funded the biowarfare labs in Ukraine. Tied to covid as well!
Will we hear anything about this on today’s news?!
It is unamerican and irresponsible to push this biolab bullshit. Would they be shelling recklessly if they thought they might blow up and release bio weapons?// Stop listening to Tucker Carlson as he is a bona fide Russian agent with personal ties to the Kremlin.
I challenge your use of ‘bona fide’. Russian only hire russian speakers as agents – they don’t even trust their own translators. Should change to bono-fido agent.
I will compromise and change it to bozo-fide. Although Benedict Arnold would work just as well.
Benedict Arnold sold the Brits Westpoint fortress because he didn’t get a station and successfully splatted across the Hudson. Wound up teaching journalism at Oxford and hosting sherry tasting workshops for the wives of House of Lords. His wife got an Oscar for tricking Gen’s Hamilton and Washington and got to wear fancy dresses she couldn’t afford.
Grant Tucker nom benedict-egghead, and we’re good.
Make this a limerick and I’ll give you a thumb.
Ukraine is run by crooks in cahoots with the worst American criminals:Bidens, Kerrys,Pelouseys, Romneys
And China didn’t have a lab leak that unleashed Frankenstein.
They were/are working on the same stuff in Ukraine, funded by USA government.
Still waiting for the law suits against China and Wuhan. It will be the way to get rid of our loans/debts, maybe even get extra for some rainy day fund the legislatures can drool over and never use.
I’m waiting for Fauci to be up on treason and murder charges, and he finds himself under a tall tree wearing a short rope.
Link to live broadcast of U.N. Security Council meeting can be found on gateway pundit website. Meeting already underway at 12 pm (now)
If it’s happening at the UN International Money Laundering and Parking Violations convention, I hope the gendarmes are on top of it. Arrest the lot of them and all crime would be solved.
Were Cicero speaking there today, he’d get chopped up into pieces before his 45th paragraph.
The UN? What do you mean UN?? There is no UN!! Time to boot the UN to the Middle East!
Putin would like to thank you very much for helping him with his disinformation campaign. When all is said an done you can pat yourself on the back for helping him bring America to its knees.
This will lead back to Faucci
Biden is doing fine on his own, he don’t really need Putin’s and Xi’s help.
Heating oil 3/11/2022, is now ~$5/gal, two years ago ~$2/gal
Let’s go Brandon!!! Let’s go Brandon!!! Hope March Madness participants know the cheer!
USA DOD was in on the funding too, just like Wuhan and Kung Flu.
Rumors those labs were working on “the virus” too….
There is also a rumor that Gipetto made Pinocchio out of plastic, not wood as earlier reported. But to date no one has been able to verify it. Most of Pinocchios kids were wooden but DNA tests also showed some plastic residue. It is all very complicated as you can see.
After the SOTU speech, Biden’s nose would have been like a drunken soldier’s “willie” on shore leave, if Gipetto made him.
We don’t have to pay these high gas prices, which will get even higher, just to publicly support the people of Ukraine. That expression of “Pump your high price gas and know you are supporting the people of Ukraine” is so stupid. Just start up our oil production and make us energy independent as we were under President Trump, and we have low prices again, and we can support Ukraine as we are doing with money and military equipment. The massive amounts of money going to Ukraine needs to be watched over carefully, and not by Kamala.
Yes. Anyone who disagrees is a communist and thief
Annoucment i’ll be made today for the new Taconic logo mascot whatever any late entries Dan?
The Taconic Morons? The Taconic Pussyhats? The Taconic Wokes? The Taconic Titmice? The Taconic Tantrum? The Taconic ARPAs. The Taconic Tyers? The Taconic T-Balls?
I’m going with Taconic Scrote Coats
Let’s Go Braves! How do we overturn this bullspit Dan?
Taconic Tyerants
Pittsfield potholes
Taconic Warriors, Taconic Voc. Divisions, Taconic Appeasers, Taconic Tesla’s.
Call them whatever you want but about 2 percent of them will be staying in Pittsfield after they graduate. They may or may not be the best and the brightest but they won’t be stupid enough to stay in what is left of Tyers left over city. And that is if they can get their cars out of town without destroying them in the potholes.
Mayor Tyer has been and is taking much more out of your pocket than Kamala ever will. And she is laughing in our faces while doing it.
They’re both dumb.
But Kamala will suck you dry!
Ask Willie Brown……..
Imagine how much more people could give to the Ukraine people if they didn’t have to pay the amount we are now paying at the pumps? It would increase for sure.
Investigation Uniform Crime Reports that indicate an uptick in violent crime over the past several years.
“Both Pittsfield and North Adams have woefully understaffed police departments for communities of their populations,” said Capeless. “That’s part of it. Those communities — North Adams, unfortunately, has such a poor tax base that it would be very difficult for them to try to ever achieve that. Pittsfield has repeatedly denied the request to expand it to where it absolutely should be, and that’s something that they should be doing about. If your communities aren’t responding, what is a DA to do?
David Capless October 29, 2018
Things that make you go hmmm
Harrington is incompetent. She can’t win a simple case. She never should have taken the job. Any way but Wrong Way.
ABA – Anybody But Andrea
She did have considerable experience at the food court at Cross gates mall
There is actually a lot the DA can do and Andrea Harrington has done none if it. Please don’t embarass yourself by comparing Harington to Capeless. She is an unmitigated disaster.
Andrea will face a preliminary and a general. She’ll be very, very exposed. She can work at the ptomaine deli as her next job.
You tell them
Judy,Paul and Melissa
There’s a moon out tonight
Out? As opposed to what may I ask.
Dohoney, is throwing his weight behind Andrea. After he picks up a few sandwiches. Is Dohoney still a big republican?
Anyone But Andrea say buh bye to the fake flake wrong way DA
How many potential votes does she have lined up from criminal types who benefited from her “hands off the law” policies? I know if I got caught with a trunk full of narcotics and some small artillery, and I walked away, i would not want her to go anywhere.
Isn’t it more business for lawyers when their clients get convicted? More money versus more fun getting clients off because the prosecutors forget to file charges or confuse court dates? Hard choice.
Squeak, squeak.
(apologizing for verbosity. no time to edit)
Disagree with your Putin assessment, Dan. Ukraine is not seeking NATO intervention- just hardware. And what’s wrong with that? I have no problem with our founding predecessors accepting gear and money from the French. Also, I doubt NATO would even accept Ukraine – they are too chicken. We committed the Ukraine reinforcement when we destroyed their nuclear arsenal. We do not need to be hawks to deflate this Soviet military, and Putin holds a very weak hand. The tragedy is the death and destruction today and the starvation that may follow in the fall.
Next, consider Putin’s rise since 1994. When USSR broke, state owned industry (all industry was state owned) was ‘privatized’ by the Duma (Russian parliamentary body). What happened? Duma reps divvied up the industries and bought them for themselves. They ran them like shell companies and thieved. Putin sat in the back watching like a cat, waiting and gaining power under yeltsin. He advised the sick old man, dying of heart failure and having just narrowly won a tank war with the Duma, on tax laws needed to keep things straight, actually building weapons of personal destruction and acquisition. He swatted those corrupt mice with reporters taking pictures. Tax laws changed spontaneously and constantly, and those changes were applied retroactively.* (My knowledge is sparse as to exactly what Putin did and what Yeltsin actually did and their relationship.) What was legal last week became declared illegal and heavy fines levied. With these powers, Putin began knocking out crooks, gaining popularity, and instilling fear. When he seized power, he moved on from persecuting grafters to rivals, most famously Yukos’ Khodorkovsky whose court trial televised him in a cage. To do business in Russia, Putin demanded a chunk of cash like a mafia boss. Those who attempted to reveal his crimes wound up smashed dead in KGB torture cells, the likes of which is described in graphic detail today’s Berk Eagle letters.
Russia is not a country today, at least not one with a government. It’s worse than Brazil during the Petrobas era, it’s a land run by criminals. Crimea is not Russian – it was gifted to Ukraine after WWII. the Russians living there were a result of ethnic cleansing under Stalin; it is historically Tatar. Currently, Russia is seizing Odessa. What is at stake? If Putin steals Ukraine, he will destabilize and seize Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and may even sieze the Baltic Islands. The wars will produce a cruel and hardened people – people raised as orphans. Eastern Europe will likely suffer the spread of corruption, and the rise of military states may resume. Compare the Russian map today to that of the 20th and 19th century and you will understand what it will look like next year if Ukraine falls. Try to Finland in the 1905 map.
*USA laws are slow to craft, deliberate and enact. And they do not reach back in time to hit at enemies.
Russia: 2022

The crooks in DC today, just pASSED a 3000 page spending bill, without reading what’s in it.
Is that slow and deliberate?
Cut me a break. It’s hard to get it completely wright in one draft. And give Zelensky a break too. He hasn’t sold his country for his life, unlike Karzai.
He sold out to the Biden crime family. The Bidens should ALL be in the crowbar hotel.
And how did Soterocare work out?
You got a problem with millions for Diversity, Equity and Exclusion of the white
The DC crooks, slipped in a 21% pay raise into the bill. Did They deserve that, after getting paid and not having to show up for work most of last two years?
Crooked MSM mention that part?
Mr Melle should be all over that part……..
Johnny M. Should be all over that raise! He usually has the data when needed.
And their bs example about reading is fundamental to the kids in schools is horse shit.
What happened to read across America day? I am glad I visited Springfield to enjoy Dr. Suess day. Theodore was a very clever writer that helped my kids love reading time!
Replaced with indoctrate and brainwash the children schools.
Also been replaced with sexual garbage they want kids to read K-5.
Good stuff. I enjoyed it.
Andrea Harrington is not qualified to work in her own office even as a volunteer.
The truth hurts. You elected a deli clerk with a half dozen court appearance who never made a living as an attorney. Three years later she still has no relevant experience.
Harrington has aliented the treatment, courts and law enforcement communities and run competetent staff off. Her politics put victimizers before victims and public safety last. Time to say goodbye to this failure and get back to supporting law abiding tax paying productive members of Berkshire County.
Lol Jeff! Original but not helpful to your emotional state. Gonna be more years
I imagine whoever her outside the county backers are they are well aware of her ineptitude and don’t really give a shit. Whatever it is she is doing for them is why they are hell bent to get her reelected. Expose that and the picture clears up a bit.
Hint…when was the last time any local connected person did any time for a legal boo boo?
LeBron James make 7 million a month. It will take m thirty years with overtime ((
(not guaranteed) to make one Eighth of that.
You can train a seal to do what LeBron does.
but can you get someone to pay him to do it?
Yup. Paid with sardines in the circus.
I bet you know a lot about circuses dude.
(and clowns)
Sorry to hear your still out of work.
You are…..
Consider this—–
Ukraine has biological research facilities, and the United States is concerned that they could come under the control of the Russian forces, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland said Tuesday as the Russian forces make further advances into Ukraine ahead of their ceasefire.
“Ukraine has biological research facilities, which, in fact, we are now quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of,” Nuland said during a Senate hearing.
According to the Under Secretary, Washington is working with Kiev on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces “should they approach”.
Data on biological laboratories found in Ukraine does not help the case of the US against claims regarding its compliance with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said Tuesday.
On Sunday Russian defense ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov announced that Russia would provide an analysis of documents on a program for the creation of biological weapons components in Ukraine.
Putin actually used bio weapons in Syria and that is documented. I would be much more worried about being poisoned by Putin than Ukrainians but that is just me.
Pfizer, Moderna, and J + J has poisoned most Americans.
and that Ex-lax you take every day is not good for you either
Pfizer was forced to come up with the 14,000 pages of their fraud. You read any of that yet? Where is Fauci hiding now?
Or the latest of poisoning the children in NYC? A month after the jab, it’s only 12% effective. After that, the unvaccinated children have better immunity.
Off Topic: The weakass patch work that was performed on Tamarack Road last fall was a complete failure. Road conditions are awful – drive at your own risk. What an absolute embarrassment.
Apologies to City Councilor Tony MAFFUCCIO FOR THE BEHAVIOR of THE MAYOR AND LAMPY-lousy yelling from the rafters while little Tone had Ricky Rhodes on the ropes. Circumventing is one accusation, but when you add on construction which is highly questionable to a contract your basically putting free money in the consultants pockets, unabridged.
Just get in? Every road sucks. Vinny has sore elbows. Evidently Former plow-genius King Barrett’s patch box got decommissioned .
Tyer had to get free utilities to her corrupt friends at Bosquet (sp?)
and she has promised to fix Tamarack for them. It will be one of the first on this years pave list. But if your own road is even worse do not bother asking. You are not Milltown, even though your taxes may be invested in their investment.
My road has been touched in the 40 years I have been here. I have seen and heard of others that have been paved twice in that time. When councilors are approached our street is “on the list “ when asked where is this list so I can see and follow I get the shrugged shoulders and eye roll. West st has been patched more in the last 2 months than my street has the whole time I have been here!
I think you mean in the first sentence that your road “has NOT” been touched. Good points. And fair. Why are the streets in Dalton and Stockbridge, say, so well maintained and, during snow, so clean. Must be that Pittsfield gets a different type of snow, one that baffles such geniuses as Ricardo “Ricky Rumpass” Morales and his superiors.
The mayor does not like to plow any more than necessary because plowing takes even more asphalt from what is left of HER roads. She considers not plowing a form of road maintenance because it tears them up less.
It is a bit of a twisted thought process but quite typical of 2022 corner office policy.
Yes I did skip the “not” in my statement. I didn’t add in there are pieces of wood pushing up through what pavement exists on the street. Many spots are down to sand and rock. Oh well I always wanted to see what it was like to live in the woods and roughing it! Just wished I owned a Jeep!
“Watching CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, the New York Times, and the Washington Post calling Russian news “propaganda” is some ironically funny shit.”
Once again, Putin thanks you for your support.
Ready to take the Biden bumper sticker off , yet?
Let me try not to speak in code. I might require an interpreter.
Here’s one for ya, the chix from the homeless shelter work at BR.
Think it over.
Berkshire Roots
The ones that help run the Pittown Farmers Market?
No farms, no farm girls.
Better than living with/supporting, a drug dealing rat from NYC
Kind of a sad commentary on today’s society. Today a saw Rockwell’s 4 Freedoms, what is sad is I believe these freedoms do not exist in today’s society. You are not free to speak your mind, follow your faith, be free from want and fear. How did our society evolve or disintegrate to where it is now….so sad
And there she goes again, Andrea Harrington just can’t shut her stupid piehole and is going to win Tim Shugrue’s job for him.
Harrington stood by and did nothing while a priveledged race bater incited hatred in our community. Now she’s defending rogue prosecutor Kim Foxx over Jessie Smollet. Just like she did the criminal Marilyn Mosby.Harrington is so arrogant she’s digging her own hole. Good.
DA Andrea Harrington @harringtonforda
When @SAKimFoxx speaks, I listen. While the government spent a small fortune prosecuting this, the families of more than 50 Black women murdered in Chicago over the last 20 years await justice. In Jussie Smollett case, our justice system failed.…
She’s hitting a new level of stupid never seen before. Wow. I bet she thinks Bill Cosby is a pillar of ethics and morality too
Hate crimes are real and are on the rise in Massachusetts and everywhere. Lying about a crime is illegal. Harrington and her friends don;t want to prosecute because the politics of the defendant match theirs.There is something wrong with this woman.
Andrea please tell us the total fortune amount spent for the race hoax for the Simon’s investigation right here in BC? The cost and resources could have been used towards other investigations going on. Since you are talking about justice failure’s I thought maybe look in your own backyard first.
There is an actual un-prosecuted rape. All the evidence is in the police report. Andrea said she dropped case because lack of witnesses.
The accused has admitted to the allegations in the police report. This incident was not @ Simon’s. Simon’s is private they probably do not adhere to the same laws as a public school. If prosecute the school would lose out. So the lie might be, it wasn’t Simon’s & the other school does not need to report to the Board a Edumacation.
Just a hunch I have not researched this. But i do have the PR.
Are the campaign contributors tradesmen ? Union?
Looks like Harrington’s rogue prosecutor pal Foxx is getting the recall she deserves due to “a crisis of confidence in the Cook County judicial system.” #ABA
Fixing flawed deli sammies since 1982.
PAC Man Richie Neal (D – K Street Insurance Companies) is being criticized for his retirement planning gimmick legislation. To read more, please visit:
Congress Is Set to Make the Rich Richer—Again – Mother Jones
PAC Man Richie Neal’s efforts to bring back surprise medical billing
Brooks Ballenger: Dismayed at Neal’s efforts to bring back surprise medical billing (
Good ole choo choo, always looking for a good buck
I found an online news article that explains that the increase in violent crime in Pittsfield Massachusetts rose about three times higher than the national increase from 2019 to 2020; the overall violent crime rate in Pittsfield is higher than the national rate. Pittsfield rank #45 out of 50 in the nation for its year-to-year increase in violent crime.
Violent Crime Rose in the Pittsfield, MA Area in 2020 | State |
The local news media is totally unaware of such things but if they were they still would not be. If it makes a mayor look bad you may not read about it. If it might hurt tourism you might not hear about it. Putin is not the only one who can shut down information. Just sayin
Gasoline more than doubled in price under Biden in less than a year, so MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS………….blames it on a war that started a couple weeks ago.
P.S. gasoline was $1.89/gal 11/6/2020……..
Food for thought.
Board members of Exon/Mobil make ~$330,000/year.
Burisma paid Hunter the crackhead, who has no experience in petroleum or energy, $600,000/year.
Quid Pro Joe!
Moscow on the Beach
Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings
A Reuters review found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida.
Trumps entire family worked for him at the white house…wake up
Hunter worked for the Chinese and crooked Ukrainians, and the Biden family was paid well by both.
Jon, thanks for posting this article. An article like this should be front page news on the BB, but I am sure the Mayor would not allow it! The lack of silence especially from our Chief of Police is pathetically strange. Have noticed during this Administration when a violent crime occurs we have NO statements from the Mayor or the Chief. Wonder where the two of them are hiding? Don’t forget they both promised more police officers and we now have less than when Tyer was campaigning on crime stoppage. With all the wasted money she spends on consultants, maybe she should hire one to see why no one wants to be a police officer in her Vibrant Dynamic City
Fair points about lack of response from mayor of police chief in wake of BAD, BAD THINGS. All is “vibrant and dynamic.”
Thanks for sharing, JM.
Android driving the wrong way down a one way is a euph for ‘fixing’ flawed convictions.
When gas hits $5/gal next week, might want to take the Biden/Harris stickers off your POS car.
So true. People in Berkshire County are so buttoned up about what is happening in our country. People refusing to talk about it. Maybe they think the problems will just go away if they ignore them and just pay their $300.00 extra per week for gas, groceries, and everything else. What about people getting ready to retire? Can they confidently do that knowing they will then be on a fixed income while prices soar to fulfill the Green Energy fantasies of the far left?
“The entire Biden Presidency:
1. Cause a problem
2. Deny there’s a problem
3. Finally admit there’s a problem, but blame someone else.
Rinse and repeat”
This Biden administration is the worst. During the Trump presidency when the economy was booming for people willing to work, anyone who said that they were doing well was looked at as “How dare you say you are doing well under this terrible President Trump”. Now it’s just the opposite, we are expected to rally behind a horrible president who is destroying the country with getting rid of fossil fuels while we sit on a goldmine of natural resources and pushing us toward globalist government in which none of us will have a say in how we are governed since it won’t be local, but someone in Europe (the lead globalist) will be telling us how to live our lives.
I agree with you about PAC Man Richie Neal and his close ties to K Street corporate lobbyist firms, especially the insurance industry. He does DISSERVICES to the people and taxpayers who live in his large geographical Western Massachusetts Congressional District. He only represents the wealthy special interests so he can fill his campaign coffers with millions of corporate PAC dollars every year. PAC Man Richie Neal stands for everything I dislike about the Swamp!
The Washington Post published a news article today: “Lobbying broke all-time mark in 2021 amid flurry of government spending – Industry topped $3.7 billion for first time, as 3,700 new companies and organizations hired lobbyists since start of the pandemic” By By Jonathan O’Connell and Anu Narayanswamy, March 12, 2022.
“The lobbying industry had a record year in 2021, taking in $3.7 billion in revenue as companies, associations and other organizations pressed Congress and the Biden administration over trillions of dollars in new pandemic spending and rules affecting health care, travel, tourism and other industries…. The jump in 2021, when lobbying spending was about 6 percent higher than 2020, came as the government’s pandemic interventions and record expenditure took center stage, including an additional $1.9 trillion in pandemic relief and a $1.2 trillion infrastructure package.”
Joe Biden took in more money from Wall Street and K Street than any other candidate in the 2020 presidential election year. Yet, total hypocrites Elizabeth Warren and Ed “Maryland” Markey both support him, despite saying that they support Main Street and the phony Green New Deal. Don’t you see that Joe Biden is the leader of the Corporate Democratic Party, and the winners are Wall Street, K Street, and the Ruling Elites, especially in the Swamp? The losers are the rest of us who are paying 40-year high U.S. inflation prices, while continuing to pound sand about corrupt career politicians such as PAC Man Richie Neal.
Jonathan A. Melle
You voted for him!!
How about an ABA sticker???
Anybody But Harrington (ABA)
How many should I order?
Add one more “B” and you have “Dancing Queen.”
you talkin bout Yuki?
Have you seen the “I did that” stickers on the gas pumps featuring Biden pointing his finger at the price? Seen them on the meat counters at the supermarkets too……..
100 Pack Joe Biden “I DID That” Sticker Decal
can find them on Ebay……
Dan you have made a great case supporting Putins invasion of the Ukraine.What are some othe countries he should demand control over.Its clear just like Trump you like a strongman yourself.Tucker and FOX news lol on on your side.There is a war on democracy and you are officially anti democratic …..this is how fascism takes over.The same map says your strongman could keep wanting things
You see it as “making Putin’s case.” I see it as “the other side of the story.”
Tucker Carlson sees it as the other side of the story as well
Yes you did Dan.Yes you did.There is a case to be made that democracy is the enemy of fascist
Not at all, TSC. I made the case that in any contentious issue, BY DEFINITION, there are two sides (at least) and that the only way to grasp and understand the entire picture was to know both as best as information and circumstance allow. The Russian side raises legitimate points. Only an ideologue refuses to learn, know, and understand “the other side,” as you do in the Red-Blue divide in U.S. politics, which spills over, apparently, at least in your world view, to global issues.
The war on democracy has two sides.There are two sides to fascism and the two sides to slavery and human trafficing.
That is true.
That is disgusting Dan
“A Russian priest says the sanctions on Russia are a blessing as they are freeing his people from the poisonous degeneracy pushed by Western Liberal democracies.”
“We lived among the Satanic chimera, you didn’t know that?……..I never want to see women with moustaches, or men with breasts again-never not even in a dream or in passing on a billboard….it’s a world about profit lies and bloodshed”
Calling that thing that walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck, … a duck.
There are alternate truths Dan and why won’t Vlad tell his side of the story to his own people.You believe he’s the peacekeeper so you must wonder why he won’t make that case to his people.
You keep putting words in my mouth, TSC. I never called Vlad “the peacekeeper.” Show me where and I shall eat the words. There are indeed alternate “truths.” Putin controls state media, which publishes stories that favor the government. It’s one of the four theories of the press, the Authoritarian model. It’s just as “valid” as any other model, depending on one’s objectives. He won’t make the case to his people? I don’t know if that is or is not true. Let’s assume it is, and likely, it is. He feels he doesn’t have to make the case, that the case has already been made — by history, by contemporary geopolitics, by alliances (NATO v. Warsaw Pact, for example). That being the case, why SHOULD President Putin have to “make his case?” What would that gain him?
alternate truths…
Trap is full of BS or has a uncanny ability to be dealing with sex change people at an alarming rate.How do moral God fearing people find so much sexual chaos in their everyday life.
The UN wants the USA funded Ukraine biolabs investigated SC
“Russia, China, Brazil, India Call for Investigation Into US Biolabs in Ukraine Representing About Half of the World’s Population”
“We heard on Tuesday from the US State Department that there were US Biolabs in Ukraine. Then on Wednesday, the Biden regime backtracked and insisted there were no US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine, claiming it was all Russian propaganda.
Why the sudden confusing messaging from the Biden regime? Especially when there are documents that prove the US was funding several of the Biolabs they set up in Ukraine to study potentially dangerous pathogens.
On Thursday, the Gateway Pundit confirmed that there were biolabs in Ukraine, and Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca invested in the firms building these labs.
The World Health Organization (WHO) admitted to Reuters on Thursday that they had advised Ukraine to destroy their high-threat pathogens stored in the country’s health laboratories to prevent the spread of any disease.
On Thursday, the Gateway Pundit confirmed that there were biolabs in Ukraine, and Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca invested in the firms building these labs.
The World Health Organization (WHO) admitted to Reuters on Thursday that they had advised Ukraine to destroy their high-threat pathogens stored in the country’s health laboratories to prevent the spread of any disease.
Russian Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya accused the United States of testing viral agents in Ukraine during Security Council testimony on Friday.
Nebenzya accused the US was testing coronavirus in Ukrainian bats…………..
US Representative to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield denied allegations on Friday regarding the alleged US-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine……………………..
Sadly, Ambassador Greenfield’s testimony did not move the other members on the Security Council.
During the hearing Russia, China, India and Brazil called for an investigation into the US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine.”
Men have a penis, girls have a vagina.
The progressive left’s motto: Go forth in the world and commit unnatural acts.
While Russia Distracts the World, Pfizer Documents Reveal DISASTER for Vaccinated Population
no snow today…fake news…more bio labs than snow…maybe…nothing is real any more…put that snow shovel back in the garage ya big bozo….why do they keep making up stories about snow…try to drive the ski business but the roads are too bumpy…..ever play hop scotch using potholes…you could twist an ankle if yer that stupit…or get hit by a freakin bus….don’t do it…an stay outtta Youcrane taday…too many flyin projectiles
Hunter Biden has impounded all the “snow”, and is slowly “disposing of it” with the help of some girls from CHINA….
So if the US finally does step in to “defend Ukraine” what will have caused it to happen? certainly not the killing of woman and children because that has been happening all along. Must be something new. It has seemed like a foregone conclusion that Ukraine will fall but the media is portraying them as fierce fighters who will fight to the death. That is probably true but it feels to me at least that the thinking is eventually Russia will destroy the entire country and take over at the expense of many lives. This is happening but if the US steps in to stop it and risk a major escalation, what would give the motivation to do this?
Wonder if Freddie Rutberg ever reads the newspaper he owns? He keeps raising the prices, supposedly for a new press. Since this new press was installed the BB is all blurry, black smudges and less and less news in it, When the news is finally printed, most of us have already either seen the issue on Springfield or Albany news channels or read it in IBerkshires days ago, for free. So what is the reason for this total disaster of a newspaper, is it lack of training on the new press, lack of help, the purchase of a sub-par machine, lack of supervision to make them do it correct or better yet maybe it is a way for us to not know the truth about the City if we can’t read about it through the blurred pages. Big waste of money.
First, yes, Judge Fred DOES read his own newspaper. And as he has learned more about the newspaper business, is actually running a much better ship these days. As for the quality issues, I can’t say since I don’t see the physical paper. And think about this. Before you read it anywhere else, chances are you saw it first not on the Springfield or Albany media, not on iBerkshires, but on THE PLANET, as in the case of us breaking the news about Tim Shugrue running for D.A., to use a minor example. We got in first on the fake “racist” incident that shut down Bard’s College. We got in first on countless others … and we aren’t even trying. The Eagle is investing in its job printing capabilities, and my guess is that they are still getting the bugs out of the new press.
The Eagle prints all the fake news that’s fit to print. Don’t forget about Clarence s riveting weather stories. A big plus.
The biggest stories are the ones they do NOT print. Like what are the real reasons the city of Pittsfield will not do a forensic audit when they have a mammoth ever increasing budget and a dwindling tax base. You would think they would want to see if there were any ways to trim the budget either by cutting waste or duplicity of expenditures. What is everyone so afraid of?
Doing the NYT dance
NYT is getting spanked in the courts, for slandering Project Veritas.
Don’t forget the bASSholes leftist drivel.
Do any local media get tax breaks from the city of Pittsfield? Did any get covid relief money from either the city, state or federal govt? Or all three? Would any local media outlets openly talk about such things if they were true?
Besides Dan and THE PLANET, journalism left town with the Miller family.
The Left Winged Parrot is not fit to line a kitty box.
I have tried to make sense of how the Planet can scoop the BE on so many stories with the BE having such an advantage with manpower etc.. The scoops aren’t here and there either.
I read the article in the Berkshire Eagle today about Timothy Shugrue running for District Attorney. I would vote for him over Harrington, but he lost me somewhat when he said that he is “proud of his party”. How could he possibly be proud of the current Democratic party and what they are doing to this country? How can he say that without adding that he finds their extremist views unacceptable? He has a lot more experience than Harrington, but would we continue to hear more of the far left buzzwords like “Equity” and “Justice Reform” from him? I’m sick of voting for the lesser of two evils in this county. What about a qualified District Attorney candidate from the Independent party to run against the Democratic ticket? It seems to me that the position of District Attorney can’t just be framed as Harrington vs. anybody else. It has to also be about just what justice reform means and do we think it’s working for this country as we see crime skyrocket?
A District Attorney can only do so much about crime? Let’s start by having one who can do the actual job. Berkshire County citizens are counting the days until the new DA arrives to uphold his sworn duties and not use the office to advance their own social justice agenda. Can’t wait.
I hope that’s true, but Timothy Shugrue was just saying in the Eagle that he loves the Democrats and is proud to be a Democrat with no mention of the current extremism in the Democratic party. That could mean that he is also a justice warrior and will be following the far left agenda, but will be better qualified to do it than Harrington. This election should also be about the far left agenda and not just Harrington being unfit for the job, or we end up with a very qualified District Attorney who will pursue the far left agenda of going easy on certain crimes and other far left craziness and crime will continue to spin out of control.
Wondering if Shugrue isn’t one of them bail reformers,will see.
We had 5 Democrat DA’s prior to our current useless one who weren’t.
He’s not.
Capital punishment! For burning hay bales….
Millions in rate hikes last c clowncil meeting and white says he rather be at a bar watching a band and drinking a beer. Maffuccio got shut down by interference from the back and lumpy-lousy and Kronick was getting kooky looks and head shaking. Marchetti was in wrap it up mode and good ol boy tolerance but Maffuccio got shut down.
THE PLANET was “there.” We shall be sharing our first-hand report, with key input from our Z-agents, on Monday’s edition. All you say is true. Not a good look for the mayor and the Sestet of Marchetti, White, Persip, Lampiasi, Conant, or Sherman. Great look for Kronick and Maffuccio, especially, but also Warren and Kalinowsky. Kal got off the line of the night when she responded to White’s ingenuous claim that in voting for more punishing rate hikes, he and the other six was “making the hard decisions.” Karen nailed him: “You guys are not making the ‘hard decisions.’ You’re making the EASY decisions,” she told White. “Let’s find a way NOT to raise the rates.” Great moment for Kal and the four. Maffuccio, as did Kronick earlier, got shut down by the chair for questioning Ricardo Morales and the Mayor too forthrightly. Monday, THE PLANET spills verse and chapter.
I can hardly wait!
That’s what Kuffkinks does on most appropriations. Wait.
Awesome Dan. Rake some coals. Expose some phony city reps for the self serving lazy mayoral ass kissers they are. These phony councilors are taking there pay and free health insurance and then crapping on the hard working and elderly of their own city. That is trailer trash stuff if you ask me.
Imagine a BLM ciity council member getting disrespected. Maffuccio represents the taxpayers and if he needs questions answered from department heads or the mayor then wait your turn until he’s done. Isn’t that the procedure.
thats the procedure
I think you can relax and let that one go, Pat. Shugrue is like most of us in the county, sensible and just want to do our jobs, take care of our families and neighbors, and have normal non-polarizing attitudes towards social issues. Far left Democrats are as bad as far right Republicans. If regular people get out and vote these extreme elements will be marginalized. Tell your friends and neighbors to vote.
Dan. Where was Kavey?
We have the story on Monday!
Having his hair styled?
Being politically correct.
Problem with voting is that you do not know who or what you are voting for. Many of these people can lie through their teeth and will pat you on the back at the same time. You sure as hell cannot vote based on what they say or promise.
Fair questions
Berkshire Eagle dripping about gas emissions in 2035. If progressives take control there won’t be a USA in 2026.. Why would any sane person buy that one way rag. They used to be great, may the Miller family Rest In Peace, unfortunately the south county woke crowd ruined there legacy.
Look what the Green New Deal has done. It got America to think of oil and gas as “evil,” and things such as wind and solar as “good.” Nonsense. Oil and gas are every bit the product of nature’s brilliance as wind and solar, the product of millions of years of organic materials left alone to do their thing. The Green New Dealers, though, got into Biden’s head via Kerry and Kamala, and next thing you know, we shut down the Keystone pipeline, we become more energy dependent on other countries (including Russia), and gasoline is $4.37 a gallon and rising.
Way overrated storm
Agreed! We wouldn’t have gotten such PANIC IN THE STREETS! forecasts from Howard Tupper of channel 6 or Bob Gordon of channel 10.
FACTS: The U.S.A. is the #2 polluter of greenhouse gas emissions in the World. China (#1) and the U.S.A. together account for nearly 50% of the World’s global warming pollution. The Pentagon emits more greenhouse gases than 140 countries combined. China and the U.S.A. both have the largest military industrial complexes in the World, which is the real reason why the two countries are the worst culprits in causing so-called Climate Change. OPINION: The Green New Deal is nonsense because the U.S. Government’s lucrative military industrial complex is the real problem, and the Swamp knows damn well that billionaire John Kerry lecturing the world about reducing greenhouse gas emission is a public relations stunt that furthers the Democratic Party’s propaganda to win support for their phony causes. FACT: Billionaire John Forbes Kerry had tens of millions of dollars in personal investments in the oil and gas industry one year ago in 2021 prior to President Biden naming him as his Climate Czar. OPINION: Career Politicians LIE for a living, which is on top of their huge fortunes from their decades of corruption in the Swamp!
China has the biggest carbon foot print, John Kerry second.
According to the U.N. cow farts are causing the climate to change.
Good point Cows are going where the rainforests are being combusted. Maybe USA should demand responsible environmental law from those shining examples first.
Also, ethanol for gas is bad agriculture. Did the UN study its impact too?
Shut down all private jets! Go tell them, I am sure John Kerry will stop flying for the good of the earth. I am still trying to figure out this so called shortage. For 2 years everything stopped, weren’t we stockpiling for when the economy kicked in again?
You get the award for being the biggest flip-flopper ever – you’ve been a big fan of Kerry and now we’re supposed to believe you don’t support him??
What a flake!
They were able to get into Joe’s head and take up space because there isn’t nothing else in there of his own.
Pelousey blew in his ear yesterday, Joe is not empty anymore he’s refilled!
What happens to the earth when all lthe gas and oil are removed? Does the permafrost keep it from collasping or does it collapse inward like a punctured soccer ball?
I really thought Bernie was the GND & that’s why I voted otherwise.
Dan,the oil companies have tremendous capacity right now to expand production.They choose to gouge you.
Nope, the Democrats did!
Biden did that!!!!
YOU are lying for FOX/PUTIN media.Oil companies will not renew production.They are gouging crazy money out of you
Biden gets his cut
Chump change compared to the democRATS thievery.
DemocRATS are worse than hookers; Hookers will stop screwing you when your out of money.
Short-Term Rentals ordinance is being crafted for Pittsfield.
Pittsfield Ordinance & Rules Tackles Process for Short-Term Rentals / – The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.
Will the Airbnb revenue help city taxpayers, or will the Airbnb revenue go towards the Lovely Linda & Kufflink’s secretive $lu$h Fund$?
airbnb pittsfield ma – Google Search
The squeeze of the shoe and the jingle of the keys.
*Women’s Pod was maximum security not minimum.
*Squeak of the shoe
The Russian onslaught continues big time Dan, and now we have dead Americans and if you you think Putin would pull out if Zelinskly agreed to not join NATO , etc., then Let’s Go Linda has some PEDA land to sell you. WWIII is on and the sooner we get involved the less slaughter there will be. Send in the A-10’s and F16’s and F22’s and F35’s. Let’s Go Biden show some balls!
Cant do that Putin will create a nuclear war. But then again he might anyway. I’m agreeing with you in real time. You made me change my mind!
No way, keep our boys out of the war, for many reasons;
1) Ukraine is corrupt
2) Ukraine is not a member of NATO
3) It’s not our fight
4) We aren’t defending our OWN border
5) US is broke
6) Politicians using war as distraction from domestic issues
Trump gave us peace for four years!
Madison Cawthorn, not afraid to speak the truth….
And in addition, WarHawk, the US pentagon has been funding bioweapons labs not only in Ukraine but also in different countries surrounding Russia, most likely violating the Biological Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. This may explain why the US is provoking war with Russia, in order to coverup the bioweapons program.
Do your research!
USA/Fauci has the bio-weapon labs distributed all around the world.
The next pandemic will be just in time to ensure mail-in voting for next fall elections……..
It is a brand new democracy that was very corrupt before Zellenskyy. The attack on the right to vote is everywhere including this board.
We have the ability and the capacity to help. Where is your humanity????
That bimbo you voted for, Kamala, made a bigger fool of herself last week. She stated Ukraine IS PART OF NATO.
I can post a link for You, if you’ll believe Your eyes and ears.
I wouldn’t vote for that “see you next Tuesday” if my life depended on it.
This just in – now Biden administration is now sanctioning the payment of 600 gift cards to addicts that pass their series of piss tests, with your freaking tax dollars. This in addition to the 30 million for the smoking kits with the crack pipes. Is Andrea ok with this bullshit in the name of harm reduction????
You have to admit these Ukraine’s are a tough bunch. No fly a Joe. Yesterday !
She’s all for it no doubt!
Anyone can use their own illegal drugs in the land of harm reduction activists and the Andrea Harrington school of law regime. The next step is giving addicts “safe” cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth.In Vancouver the The Drug User Liberation Front is already distributing free heroin.They want to “make all drugs like cannabis” and they are already placing editorials saying if you support marijuana you should support all drugs. If you are okay with these fringe freaks deciding, stay home from the polls this year.
Pretty soon growing opium poppies will be legal too…….
OK with it? She is prescribing it for Berkshire County! Harrington is fully decriminalizing possession of all drugs including fentanyl, cocaine, fentanyl-laced cocaine, you name it. And the reason is purely political. It’s right here on her campaign website. The is Harrington’s strategy for “promoting public health” and “reducing overcriminalization.”
– Dismissed over 50% of charges for low-level offenses such as drug possession, prostitution, operating with a suspended license, shoplifting, loitering, and trespassing.
What about the other 50%, were they black?
Nope. But you will never see that “data” despite our supposedly racist police according to Harrington’s last campaign.
Truth be told, prostitution could be one hell of an economic engine for Pittsfield and given what the city has been allowed to become it would not be the worse thing. They could turn the so far useless PEDA site into a red light district and tax the hell out it. And rather than use the extra money to fix up the city they could dole it out to special interests since that policy already has deep roots.
Gambling use to be outlawed in the state of Mass. but is now welcomed with open arms as are drugs which some politicians actually have vested interest in. You can legally purchase marijuana products or get the heavier stuff free at the clinics. So prostitution might as well blend in with the rest of the city degradation. Does anyone really give a shit at this point? Aren’t we already pretty close to the bottom anyway?
It’s already legal, the biggest whores in mASSachusetts work at Beacon Hill.
I hope you stay as far away as possible from any decisions involving the public. Prostitution is dangerous and desperate. Slapping a legal label on it changes nothing.
Will Hunter choose the free pipe or the $600?
The free pipe. He can always get more cash selling his artwork but clean crack pipes are a tough find.
Come on man! ThIs sounds like fake news
Trumpers now are seeing two sides to Putins now attacking civilians,journalist and the dead babies and moms of democracy.The latest hero of democracy is Brent Renauld who gave his life telling the world the truth of Putins lie in the Ukraine.We have very mentally ill people living in America now.They deliver the lie of fascism.
“We have very mentally ill people living in America now.They deliver the lie of fascism.”
Thanks for reminding, giving us, and being, a shining example!!!
So Biden voters tell me if this is good foreign policy?
Russia IS negotiating with Iran on our behalf.
See the Mullahs in Iran won’t even talk to Biden, that’s how much of an azzhole they think he is.
Even though, Biden has removed the trade restrictions with Iran too! Johnatolla Kerry and Traitor Joe love Iran…….
The Mullahs thanked us by giving the terrorists in the Mideast, a batch of new shiny rockets, that they shot at our remaining troops in Iraq last week. Brilliant foreign policy move by Biden, not matched since the Afghanistan debacle last summer.
Now Trump, he was a little different dealing with Russia, Iran, and terrorists in general.
Remember Quasem Soleimani? That nice Iranian general who ordered the murder of American troops in Iraq.
In January 2020 Trump turned Soleimani into a pile of salami. The liberals like Omar and Tlaib in Congress, called it an assassination…….Mz Omar remembers 9/11 as ” someone did something”…….
You fell for scumbag president dopey Don trump.Lying sack of shit.He called Putins mass murdering a genius plan to take the Ukraines wealth.Trumpers are now advocating Putins murderous ways.Seems like the conservative right has no moral code.Let me change that by saying Republucans never had a moral code.
Planed parenthood and their democrat friends have killed more babies than Putin ever could. And they sell the dismembered baby bodies.
Apparently the PPSD is offering yet another year of virtual learning. Is this costing taxpayers more money to support this alternate academy because the schools can’t or won’t handle discipline issues at the schools?
Pittsfield schools will be working from home until Biden is no longer in office just like they just got big raises to cover the high gas and food prices. They were Biden’s big supporters and a big reason why he is in office so they want all the freebies. They don’t care that he is incompetent. It’s all about the goodies they get from being loyal enablers. Pittsfield was one of the first cities in the country to go down the far left extremist rabbit hole especially in the school department.
I agree with Lindsay Graham who said today that Biden is using Putin as his climate buddy to get the Green New Deal in this country. The war drives up gas prices and Biden can use it as an excuse to tell poor and middle class people to buy a $60,000.00 electric car or pay high gas prices. Graham said why would Biden want this war to end when he and his globalist friends can use it to push their green agenda.
I agree with Graham calling for Putin to get a bullet to his head.
Speaking of Brady,he’s been throwing them for decades and heeeeeez baaaaaaaack,
Dear Berkshire Eagle,
Can I have a job?
Berkshire County’s top law enforcement official again took to twitter over the weekend, this time to stand up for yet another fellow prosecutor, Cook County Chicago District Attorney Kim Foxx. Foxx penned an op/ed last week complaining that Jussie Smollett received a guilty verdict after falsely claiming he had been the victim of a racist and attack because of a “kangaroo court.” Foxx had inexplicaly dismissed the charges againt the black actor but a special prosecutor tried the and found Smollet guilty of 6 counts of lying to the police. At the end of the trial Judge James B. Linn said Smollett’s conduct had undermined other victims of hate crimes at a sensitive time, as America was trying to climb out of its painful history of racism.
The latest tweet from Harrington’s campaign twitter account occur while Harrington herself faces condemnation and competition in the upcoming Berkshire County election for failing to prosecute a racial hoax in Great Barrington and for firing her public records officer, Jeanne Kempthorne who accused Harrington of violating public records laws over the Great Barrington racial hoax. Kempthorne last year received the 2021 Antonia Orfield Citizenship Award from New England First Amendment Coalition given to those “from one of the six New England states who has fought for information crucial to the public’s understanding of its community or what its government is doing — or not doing — on its behalf.”
Recently, Harrington attacked federal prosecutorsover twitter and voiced her support for a state’s attorney in Baltimore, who has been indicted by a federal grand jury for two counts of perjury and two counts of making false statements on loan applications in order to purchase two Florida vacation homes and for lying on a loan application to receive Covid relief funds. Harrington has since deleted the tweet .
DA Andrea Harrington @harringtonforda
When @SAKimFoxx speaks, I listen. While the government spent a small fortune prosecuting this, the families of more than 50 Black women murdered in Chicago over the last 20 years await justice. In Jussie Smollett case, our justice system failed.…
James Casey
This is the chief law enforcement officer in my former county (Berkshire) when I was a cop in @PittsfieldPD How did the justice system fail @harringtonforda He was found guilty. Would sending innocent men to prison, which he would have done, righted the “wrong?”
Pathetic. J. Smollett got convicted because he lied in the most egregious way. All I can say if, I hope they have soap-on-a-rope where he’s going for a few days.
Public Service Announcement;
If you are a conservative and have children in public schools and are concerned about government brainwashing of young minds – may I recommend a one-day showing of the movie “Whose Children Are They” by Fathom Events, at the Pittsfield Beacon Theater, Monday March 14th. Tickets available online.
I felt like adding to your paragraph on teachers and their salaries, while working for underperforming schools. This is a topic that needs volumes written and is unjust to give a blip to, but I felt the need. Many studies have been written saying schools should be close to a year round schedule. After summer break the first month is reteaching what the students forgot over the summer. This is a biology issue not a student issue. The teachers are paid well and get a pension. I could show them professionals with higher education making less without the benefits nor pension. Teachers state the community isn’t supporting them(?) when they are some of the highest paid public employees. I say they are not supporting the community when they are causing Pittsfield to have a very high tax rate as well as a poor outcome from our students. If the teachers and school administration are going to continually have high incomes than there should be less of them, especially when the student population is declining.