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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION APRIL 22-4, 2022) — THE PLANET‘s foil, John Q. Public, based his criticism of our coverage of the Tucker Infanticide Case on the major premise that since we didn’t read the 17 pages, we therefore had it wrong. JQP challenged me to read the opinion and then report honestly if we stood by our coverage. If not, he wanted an apology.

  • THE PLANET obtained a copy.
  • We did so read.
  • Not only do we stand by our words but we are morally bound to supplement them in this, The Weekend Edition.
  • Veni, Vidi, Vici, Valenti.

Agostini’s 17 pages contain astounding revelations. They lead THE PLANET to emphatically call for the reintroduction of the case against Cassandra Barlow-Tucker. There must be a trial in this indescribably horrific case where, due to the neglect of all the adults in his life, a helpless infant died a tortuous death.


  • A baby died while in the foster care of Matt Tucker and Cassandra Barlow-Tucker of Adams.
  • Between 2017 and the fostering of Kristoff Zenopolous, 10 months old when he died, the Tuckers fostered 20 children. This is in addition to two biological children of their own and two more foster kids that they legally adopted. Moreover, part of the testimony the judge ruled irrelevant was the finding of investigators that the Tuckers continued to accept “foster care” support money even after the two children were adopted.
    • Judge John Agostini noted that while accepting such money is “not illegal,” it is “not encouraged.” In plain English, moral persons of upright character would not accept the money under such false pretenses. This is a “not illegal” form of cheating the public treasury.
  • In two months of “caring” for baby Kristoff, the Tuckers raked in $3,136.89 from DCF plus $243.53 for a clothing allowance. Moreover, investigators testified that the Tuckers received $1,054.36 “and that they were required to return such overpayments [quoting from Agostini’s ruling]. “In other words, they had defrauded the Commonwealth by intentionally accepting foster payments after the death of Kristoff. Document supporting these claims were also introduced as exhibits.” The judge said introducing such evidence tainted the grand jury. The judge ruled that the financial information irrelevant.
  • THE PLANET strongly disagrees. We contend it is highly relevant, since, combined with the Tuckers’ penchant for serial, addictive fostering, suggests they were in it for the money. THE PLANET supports the Commonwealth’s inclusion of this evidence.
    • This ruling of the judge provides a way forward in pressing the same charges against the Tuckers. With a resubmission of the “relevant evidence” and the exclusion of the material Judge Agostini said polluted the minds of the grand jury, there’s a winnable case for the prosecution not only in securing a trial but one that is winnable.
  • This brings to mind an important question: Did Judge Agostini make his decision primarily out of a dispassionate legal consideration or out of a need to embarrass Harrington? It’s a fair question, given the disregard the bench in general has for Harrington, an animus that achieved orbit after Harrington tried and failed to remove a judge from one of her cases. Judges are human beings. The D.A.’s actions in that case won her no friends on the bench.
  • Agostini’s findings cite precedent in abundance, but precedent, as legal hawks know, is sometimes the technical buttress that supports (justifies, rationalizes) the morally insupportable. In history and in biography, when an earlier researcher publishes a misstatement of actuality, those who come after will usually take it for fact. The error gets repeated again and again, taking on a life and faux “truth” of its own.
    • Precedent can work this way, and both wise and clever jurists know this and use it to great effect. Only Judge Agostini can know for sure if there was any other consideration in his ruling other than a dispassionate consideration based on the legalism’s of the Commonwealth’s case. Agostini wrote that “the Commonwealth’s evidence was intentionally one-sided.” The Commonwealth, in turn, can justifiably ask, if just for its own satisfaction, if “the judge’s ruling was intentionally one-sided?” In other words, just as Harrington can’t know Agostini’s intentions, the judge can’t know hers.
    • The judge said “the well was poisoned” referring to what he said was the Commonwealth’s deliberate intention to mislead the grand jury. But, again, it can be asked was Agostini drinking from his own poisoned well, good water made bad after the D.A.’s failed attempt to remove a judge?
    • Agostini chided Harrington for not including exculpatory evidence while nothing the prosecution is not obliged to do so in grand jury proceedings. That being the case, why would the Commonwealth do it? Prejudice would explain it, though not legally and therefore not definitively.
  • The second element of why Agostini concluded that the Commonwealth unfairly poisoned the grand jury was the introduction by the prosecution of some 70 pages taken from a blog written by Barlow-Tucker highly critical of DCF. In publishing this blog, Barlow Tucker, in a breathtakingly dumb move, violated her contract with DCF, for it was against DCF policy.
    • Most of Judge’ Agostini’s criticisms of Harrington for using the blog as evidence centered around Barlow-Tucker’s entries discussing her, violent foster child referred to as “Big D.” This four-year-old exhibited troubling behavior for which Barlow-Tucker lost patience. She wrote, “[W]hy am I putting up with this bullshit? … Get this little asshole out of my house.” Are these the words of a caring foster mom? Consider: She not only wrote the words, which one might understand if they were entered into a private journal in a moment of exasperation, but she published them. Her blog brought disciplinary action by the DCF. The judge ruled this was intended to embarrass the Tuckers and poison the grand jury.
      • Who does publishes stuff like this? Again, we agree with the Commonwealth. That seems relevant. Nonetheless and again, this finding does the Commonwealth a great favor. Bring new charges again, but this time leave out Barlow-Tucker’s blog.
  • Judge Agostini also made a couple other statements with which THE PLANET disagrees and again where we side with the Commonwealth, that is, Harrington. In saying this, we remind our readers that THE PLANET has great respect for the judge, and we have often said so in the past.
    • He wrote, “This is a not case where the evidence showed the Tuckers failing to provide any medical care at all.” We couldn’t believe this one. No one would dispute that the Tuckers provided some care. They made some doctor appointments (they also skipped one). They administered the prescribed Albuterol. The issue is not that they provided some care but did they provide enough care? Sufficient care? Necessary care? Clearly, they did not. The dead body of a 10-month-old baby illustrates that.
    • Judge Agostini also wrote: “… there was nothing to suggest that Kristoff’s death was the result of a protracted decline of which the Tuckers were aware.”
      • Nothing to suggest?” Nothing? THE PLANET agrees with the Commonwealth. There was a wealth of findings to suggest that very thing and that has every bearing on the case.
      • We can already hear the objection: “You’re not a lawyer, Valenti. You think you have a greater legal mind that Agostini?” True. We are not a lawyer. No. Agostini has it in spades over our legal acumen. We’re not in the same universe. We are not a lawyer — but that is our strength and advantage.
        • It is because I am not a lawyer that permits me my analysis, not in any technical or legal sense but in a sense much more important: the sense of morality and ethics. Sometimes you just KNOW what’s right and what’s wrong. The stench in this case issues a redolent indictment against the Tuckers all its own. Any with sense and senses can smell it. We also remind our critics that we are supporting Harrington on this one, and anyone who reads this blog knows THE PLANET is not her greatest fan. We cite this as our moral imperative here. We support her for the integrity she showed in bring the Commonwealth’s case forward against the Tuckers. Justice demanded that she do it, and she did it.
  • Since being placed in the Tuckers’ care, the child exhibited symptoms of a respiratory illness that, though it waxed and waned, never went away.
  • The illness worsened until the baby died in his crib, alone and unattended.
  • This was a needless and preventable death.

———- ooo ———-

The most interesting section of Judge Agostini’s order is titled “Kristoff’s Death.” It is included in the “Factual” section, not the “Discussion” section.

The baby died sometime between the evening of Feb. 16 and the morning of Feb. 17, 2020. And the Tuckers had it on video. The Tuckers had installed a sound-and-motion-activated camera system in Kristoff’s bedroom, which he shared with other Tucker children. We quote from Agostini’s pages:

  • 6:30 to 7:17 p.m. Feb. 16, 2020, the camera is active. “At that time, Kristoff is shown moving and continually making a coughing, gasping sound, but Mr. Tucker leaves the room without checking up on him.”
    • Can we stop there? The baby has been sick for two months. In his last hours of life, Baby Kristoff exhibits a continual cough and is gasping — GASPING — for air. Tucker is in the room, does nothing, then leaves. Is this the action of a caring, loving parent or someone who doesn’t care about little else than the money? Fair question.
  • 7:29 p.m. same night: “Kristoff is heard gasping and coughing, and is seen rolling partially onto his right side and grabbing one of the spindles of the crib.”
    • The baby’s torture is obviously worsening (“gasping … grabbing one of the spindles of the crib” the way someone mite bite on a piece of wood while having a limb amputated with anesthetic). No intervention by the Tuckers.
  • 12:44 a.m., Feb. 17, 2020: The camera is “activated by one of the Tuckers’ older children getting out of bed. At that time, Kristoff is shown silent and motionless, lying on his back with one arm bent up and the other hanging slightly off the crib, between the spindles.”
    • THE PLANET cannot read these words without heartbreak. The helpless, sinless, spotless, innocent infant is dead.
  • “The camera was activated again at 1:44 a.m., at which time Kristoff was in that same position, still and silent.
  • “This was the position he was discovered in at 8:37 a.m., when Ms. Barlow-Tucker enters the room. … Police were unable to locate any records of Mrs. Barlow-Tucker taking Kristoff to the doctor in February 2020 or of asking Ms. Young or Ms. Miller of DCF to do so.
    • Let that sink in. For all of the 17 days of February, the Tuckers had no records to show they had the common sense, let alone diligent care and compassion one would expect from good parents, to take this sick baby to the ER (which their contract with DCF permitted) or to the attention of qualified medical personnel. There are no words.
    • How can all of this not lead to trial before a jury? How?

In the section titled “Autopsy Report and Expert Medical Testimony,” we have these findings:

  • “In the days leading up to his death, a pediatrician listening to Kristoff’s left lung would have had good breath sounds” but would have heard nothing from the right lung, which was shrunken and collapsed. This would have immediately indicated a serious problem.” The lung was full of pus.
    • But, as we have seen, the Tuckers could produce no records that they brought the baby to a doctor in those critical 17 days.
  • Then there’s this, from the baby’s pediatrician, Dr. Sandeep Kumar, who “watched a portion of the February video from the Tuckers’ home in the presence of the grand jury. … Dr. Kumar opined that Kristoff’s continuous cough, with no breaks, was a sign that his breathing tube was about to be blocked completely. He stated that Kristoff was in very obvious respiratory distress, as demonstrated by his heavy breathing and nodding his head. Finally, he opined that based on the symptoms demonstrated in the video, as well as the symptoms the Tuckers observed in the preceding weeks such as fever, dehydration, and an unproductive cough that turned into a phlegmy cough, Kristoff should have been taken to the emergency room right away.”
    • Once more, words fail. Kumar is saying that the Tuckers observed obvious symptoms of serious trouble that should have triggered an immediate rush to the ER. That’s when a good, caring, loving parent scoops the child up, gets in the car, and floors it to the nearest medical facility.
    • With all due respect to Judge Agostini, how is this not enough to warrant sending this case to trial? Not sending the case to trial on technicalities but one clear evidence of failure of care, a responsibility the Tuckers, by virtue of their agreement with DCF, agreed to provide? On other irrelevant evidence, ignoring the highly damning evidence? On perhaps a dislike or even personal hatred of Andrea Harrington? THE PLANET doesn’t assert this as factually the case, for we cannot possibly know. We can raise the question, however, based on a dispassionate moral reading of the factual evidence.

———- ooo ———-

Based on the entire body of information, including now and especially fortified by Judge John Agostini’s ruling, THE PLANET asserts the following:

  • The Commonwealth must bring new charges against the Tuckers.
  • The Tuckers, on the basis of an untainted indictment of a neutral grand jury, must be brought to trial to determine their legal culpability in the death of 10-month-old Kristoff Zenopolous. The evidence is there. If the Tuckers escape with a “not guilty” verdict in a fair trial, so be it. THE PLANET will accept the affair as being honorably settled.
  • Judge Agostini threw out the case “without prejudice.” This is legalese saying, “Yeah, there may be enough to warrant a trial, but we’re not ruling on that. We’re simply saying that the prosecution’s presentation to the grand jury was flawed.”
    • In other words, there could be (and likely is) sufficient evidence to warrant an indictment.
      • As long as there is even the slightest chance of succeeding in bringing this to trial, the Commonwealth must keep trying.
  • The DCF workers in the case — Danielle Costa, Lauren Miller, Hamila Young, and Sheen Young going up the chain of command — failed the baby. Is there liability there too? Our gut tells us “yes.”
  • Judge Agostini issued his finding “without prejudice,” but did he throw out the case because of prejudice against the prosecution?

One final thought: The prosecutor who has the stones and the indomitable belief in justice to bring charges again and succeeds in bringing the Tuckers to trial will assure a place in the pantheon of local legal history. Bringing this case down to the below-sea-level of politics, whichever among the three candidates for D.A. in this years election — incumbent Andrea Harrington or challengers Tim Shugrue and Bob Sullivan — makes the Tucker Case a dominant campaign issue will win. We base this on the outrage of the general public; 100% of our sampling shows they bleed for the infant.

An enormous injustice was done to a helpless infant. It caused him to die. Nothing can bring him back to life. It’s just that his needless, tortuous death demands redress.

Our we human or not?

Have a great weekend, everybody.

ADD 1, April 22: THE PLANET has three post scripts prompted by this case.

  1. Only a trial, not an indictment or a preliminary hearing, can provide a resolution of the legal aspects of this case. Witnesses will be called. Examination and hard cross-examination will be allowed. All of the testimony will be under oath, subject to charges of perjury. Moreover, a trial result in a VERDICT.
  2. This is the first time THE PLANET has felt that District Attorney Andrea Harrington has acting, on behalf of the Commonwealth and We The People, as our attorney. That is the essence of the job. Representing Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski when someone harms the social and cultural fabric out of which public safety is fashioned.
  3. Judge Agostini’s ruling is brilliant in this sense: In it, he sent the D.A. a loud, visible defeat, which would take care of any personal feelings he had about this. While doing so, he ruled that the case was not closed and could be raised again by prosecutors. In fact, reading between the lines, it’s almost like he’s hoping for a new set of proceedings against the Tuckers, but by a new prosecution team. This is an election season.


“Justice thrown out is justice denied” — Sir Donald Turpentine, Knight of the Bath.

Advice is like snow — the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon and the deeper it sinks into the mind” — Samuel Taylor Coleridge.



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Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

I agree with blogger Dan Valenti’s analysis. There needs to be due process of law. Without justice, there is only tyranny. To let the accused couple off the proverbial hook is an injustice. That being said, the entire system failed the now deceased baby. Social Services agencies are a nightmare. In New Hampshire and Eastern Massachusetts, we are dealing with the missing little girl named Harmony Montgomery, who was also failed by the entire system. Some children never stand a chance in life because the government is part of the problem. Lastly, when I see babies/children, I wish the world was a better place for them.

So Angered
So Angered
2 years ago

Baby needed Hospitalization not foster care. They are not capable of providing care to a sick baby and apparently not liable to recognize emergencies.

Why have cameras? if you refuse to respond to gasping than why bother.

Laying Baby flat on his back unsupervised by an adult was NOT a good plan. Even in jail they check every 15 minutes, higher standard of care incarcerated?

What medication were they taking.

The Baby is not coming back so – This is the last energy I’m giving to those fat fucks.

the school committee
the school committee
2 years ago

The question is would there be a case brought forward without the words of Mrs Tucker?Also what kind of historical medical care did the other children receive?

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
2 years ago

They got to Dan! This is such a misread of the case it’s like this was written by Andrea Harrington herself. Wowie wow wow.
This child deserves justice but not because of evidence that has nothing to do with the death.

So Angered
So Angered
Reply to  Fact Checker
2 years ago

We want ALL of the available evidence. All.

2 years ago

Excellent work Dan. I can remember the days when this type of story would have been covered this thoroughly by the Eagle. Days gone by I suppose. Thanks for bringing actual journalism to us.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

I do agree with Paul. Reading it just pains my heart. I could not imagine any child suffering like that. This is also the reason child offenders are treated like the scum they are in prison. Harming a child (or elderly) is the lowest of the low.

I do agree without seeing or knowing about all of the evidence, both the physical and circumstantial evidence, it’s hard to wrap your head around why DA Wrong Way did what she did?

There is where I’m conflicted. Is it that DA Wrong Way doesn’t know the job well enough that she introduced facts and circumstances to the GJ that didn’t apply and violated the rule of law,? This would taint the case. I’m sure after reading the GJ transcripts and reports submitted by the Tucker’s attorney’s, Judge Agostini knew this case would get overturned in an appellate court down the road. That is a stain against a trial court judge. They don’t like their cases getting overturned, barring extreme circumstances.

Or, was the evidence so weak against the Tucker’s, DA Wrong Way threw everything against the wall in hopes something would stick? In this case, she couldn’t slip it by a highly experienced, professional judge. Remember, the quality of judges and attorney’s in superior court, tend to be better than those lawyers in district court.

I tend to lean with my first thought. DA Wrong Way simply doesn’t have a clue what being a trial attorney is, much less a district attorney.

I’ll give her an A+ for her social media skills though. She might have blown the Tucker’s case, but she tweeted her support for Marilyn Mosby, who scammed working American taxpayers of PPP money. Of course Mosby tossed the old coveted, go-to, “race card,” as to the reasons why she was charged. Luckily a federal judge just tossed this bogus claim out and she will proceed to prison…I mean trial.

Reply to  Paul
2 years ago

Berkshire Eagle is a. Joke. Eventually, One day a week, soon to be no days a week.

the school committee
the school committee
2 years ago

I am asking all FOX/ PUTIN viewing Trump followers to ignore more bad news on your citizen golfer.Ivanka now has 2 billion given to her by the Saudi Prince and Minority raddical lying republican Congressperson McCarthy wanting Trump removed by the twenty-fifth amendment for his Coup attempt and or asking him to resign on the spot……at some point McCarthy changed his mind and started to defend the insurectionist leader….Sounds like McCarthy was offered a deal with a devil….The truth always comes out in time…..The connection to voting Trump is that they know he is the race leader in the war on minorities….you just keep lying to yourself so you can go to church

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  the school committee
2 years ago

Trump derangement syndrome

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  Hated Taxpayer
2 years ago

You love Dons Whisper

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  the school committee
2 years ago

Wow that makes no sense. Stay off the booze

Reply to  the school committee
2 years ago

Nit wit.Please get your next booster, ass hat.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
2 years ago

Helima Young Scipio is an ABOMINABLE social worker! NO PAPERWORK FUCKING? She went from ripping the wings off a beautiful innocent little butterfly, and then passing that beautiful innocent little butterfly off to an Irma Grese clone. Thus, ensuring continued torture of the beautiful little de-winged butterfly, to snuffing out the very breath of a precious innocent baby boy. And the fact that the Tuckers accepted $1,054 blood money AFTER they neglected/killed off baby Kristoff is just as relevant in exposing the greedy side of some of the foster parents DCF deems suitable, as is the fact that Barlow-Tucker delegated the care of Baby Kristoff to another child in the Barlow-Tucker DCF approved HELLHOLE of foster care. DCF paying 900 pounds of gluttony so one can play with his action figures while the other one sits on her ginormous ass blogging nasty shit about the kids they’re neglecting to death.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
2 years ago

Excellent question Dan, Pete Arlos summed it up frequently“Controversy drives the casual voter away.” It’s not like the DA has impeccable credentials or that she is going to be nominated to be a Judgeship on any level.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
2 years ago

I seriously doubt there was any disciplinary action taken by DCF against the 900-pound Barlow-Tuckers. Because DCF does’t give a shit what their certified paid monsters do to the kids they steal from allegedly neglectful birth parents. The only rule DCF has for their foster/kinship captivity pogrom, is, DON”T ADMIT ANYTHING you do to the kids DCF kidnaps. There are no rules for Foster parents when it comes to what they can get away with. DCF certified reptiles and they and the relative reptiles can molest foster/kinship children, rape them, beat them, torture them, starve them, brainwash them, force-feed them psychotropic drugs and even murder the children DCF sends to them, JUST DON”T ADMIT IT! That’s the only rule DCF has for itself and its foster/kinship reptiles. Make no mistake about, DCF violently kidnaps innocent children and sentences them to the custody of malignant narcissists.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
2 years ago

My plan for the day was to go see the baby animals, for Baby Kristoff “bearing Christ”. Something Baby Kristoff never got a chance to do, and never will because of DCF’s Josef Mengele Angels of DEATH. And on the subject of judges, let’s not forget that a family court judge authorized Baby Kristoff’s kidnap, torture and death by suffocation sentence.

Last edited 2 years ago by The City I Hate
Auto Phil
Auto Phil
2 years ago

This is interesting, considering the cigar lounge conversation in the previous post.

Warren Dews is selling a resort that doesn’t exist yet.

I’m thinking of investing. What do we think the ROI will be?

The Downtown Umbrella guy
The Downtown Umbrella guy
Reply to  Auto Phil
2 years ago

He’s got whatever the opposite of “The Midas Touch” is. His wife is the bread-winner so he can go play business man.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Auto Phil
2 years ago

Wow, this guy is really running a racket of accepting “investments” then closing the business or not even opening it at all? Unbelievable, seems very crooked, Wonder if he has to account for how he spends the $700,000 just handed to him by our Dynamic and Vibrant Mayor. Doubt it! Wonder if Mayor VD and Bare Bare will invest?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

So is this $700,000 part of the ARPA funds doled out by the committee, led by your mayor, that meets in secret?
Or is the $700,000 monies approved by the city council?
So much corruption in the Pitt, I’m having trouble following it all.

Sounds like Warren Dews is the original Snake Oil Salesman! Another Pat Muraca!

Kuff My Link
Kuff My Link
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Was it originally a full million with $300,000 taken out for administrative costs? It is Pittsfield after all.

Tootsie Pop
Tootsie Pop
Reply to  Kuff My Link
2 years ago

The world may never know.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Ruffer and Armstrong, gee what could go wrong? Incompetence at the highest level. Follow the money which will be next to impossible due to all the backroom secrecy.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Now we know why they needed to meet in private. Who are these people on this secret handout committee? And what experience do they have in handling public money for the benefit of all citizens? Can we sue them for neglect or something else?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

I hope that others in the black community who want to start a business and would benefit from the done deal of getting this money, watch and speak out if any of them don’t get any that have a reasonable business plan. I have a feeling those hand selected to over see the 700 G’s and family & friends will benefit the most. We shall see!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

If Warren keeps swindling money like he appears to be, he’ll be joining Pat Muraca in a friendly game of handball during rec time.

Warren has set precedent of taking peoples money under the guise of “investments,” only to have the “business” fold prior to it opening. The cigar bar comes to mind.

In his latest project, his partner is a convicted felon who has no business experience and an extensive criminal record to boot….what could possibly go wrong?

But, it is a “black owned business, black female owned business, and 100% reliant of fools to fund their pocke….project.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Isn’t he opening a restaurant in Adams? Is this where Pittsfield’s money is going

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Dews has the inside track on all of the city’s gold brick roads, His wife once introduced herself as the assistant mayor.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Auto Phil
2 years ago

I am not sure most are aware but Dews partner is Harmony Edwards (Persip). She’s dropped the Persip for reasons that should be obvious.
She has rap sheet that’s quit long dating back to her teen years. She’s twice was charged with assault with a deadly weapon (knife and vehicle).
She and Dews are both well known to “start” businesses, take subscriptions or “investments” but the businesses never materialize.
The cigar bar, Barcelona Tapas & Bar, EatonVille Spa. These have never and will never materialize. Quick research indicates that their plans for Sheffield are not allowed under current zoning. The “business plan” is pure fiction. A few other names that will be of significance, Ari Zorn, John Lewis, Shirley Edgerton, and Devin Shea (formerly of BYP).

This is a common grift with these con-men and women.
There are also connections among these people and other parties at teamr3set, FifthFlour, and RiboWiz in NC.

A Pittsfield woman police say intentionally struck a man in crosswalk with her car has been held without bail.

A lawyer for 20-year-old Harmony Edwards-Persip said in court Monday that his client acted in self-defense because the man she struck is a gang member and drug dealer who has been threatening her.

Prosecutors say Edwards-Persip swerved and struck the 24-year-old man at about 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

The Berkshire Eagle reports that the victim, who blacked out, told police Edwards-Persip was grinning. A witness said the man flew into the air from the impact. The victim was treated at the hospital for bruises and soreness, but did not have any fractures.

Edwards-Persip pleaded not guilty to assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and leaving the scene of a personal injury accident.

Saturday February 4, 2012

PITTSFIELD — A Pittsfield teen was arraigned Friday in Central Berkshire District Court on assault and battery charges for allegedly stabbing someone multiple times during a fight at a city residence.

Harmony Edwards-Persip, 17, of Dickinson Avenue appeared in court with attorney William A. Rota and had a plea of not guilty entered for her on a single count of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

She was released on personal recognizance pending her next court appearance March 6. Judge Paul M. Vrabel ordered that she stay away from and refrain from abusing the victim.

At about 9 p.m. Thursday, Pittsfield Police responded to the area of Linden and St. John Streets and found Kayla Fallon, 20, of Pittsfield, lying in the roadway in front of 107 St. John Street.

Her face, arms and hands were covered in blood, according to police.

Fallon was taken to Berkshire Medical Center and treated for lacerations to her arms and chin along with puncture wounds to her stomach and legs.

Fallon has since been discharged from the hospital.

Edwards-Persip also showed up at BMC to have a laceration to her hand treated.

While there she allegedly admitted to police she fought with Fallon at a gathering at 107 St. John Street, pulled a knife and “waved it around,” after two men jumped in and began beating her.

Edwards-Persip allegedly took off and dumped the weapon. It was not clear what led up to the alleged fight.

Edwards-Persip is a former sectional cross country champion from Taconic High School.

She won the Western Massachusetts Girls Division I championship in 2008.

She was also an All-State track and field qualifier.

Dead Link

Reply to  Police Report
2 years ago

Harmony Persip, the BIG BROWN DUMP’s violent criminal sister can use her welfare to buy another death car, and an arsenal of knifes and ghost guns. I’m sure under the rules of reparation welfare for the criminal negros, the acquisition of deadly weapons qualifies as acceptable abuse of this welfare for natural born violent negros.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  MauMausMatter
2 years ago

Do you have proof that she’s on welfare?
That family sounds like a mess.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

I’m referring to the ARPA reparation welfare for devious violent negro offenders.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Police Report
2 years ago

Hold on ….. there seems to be a connection here with North Carolina. Warren’s bio says he is involved with a Greenville paper.
Wasn’t Shirl Edgerton sent to NC to recruit black teachers?
I hope an investigation is underway about Dews, Edgerton, Persips and Pittsfield’s $700,000 giveaway for black startups.
This stinks big time!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Payoff for Miggy?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

This is where we need Charles Kronick and Karen Kalinowski need to start asking questions. And I’m talking 700,000 questions about this ARPA gift just given to Warren, Shirley, and company.

As I stated from my first post, how do you give any amount of money, much less $700,000 to a group that’s not even a business, to start a businesses? Not a single business, but plural, businesses?

Only 20% of the “e-board” have any experience running a successful business. This 20% also includes the hardest part of a business, that’s getting it off the ground and keeping it sustainable. Cigar bars, race-baiting courses, or “happy ending” investment homes, are non-sustainable businesses.

Plus, could you imagine being an investor and wanting your money back? Harmony, one of the CEO’s, would LITERALLY try to run you over, instead of paying back your money.

And I’m willing to place a hefty bet, that Elegant Stitching doesn’t clear $700,000 profit in any given year.

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Kuff My Link
Kuff My Link
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Curios that you did not say Marchetti or White should start asking questions. Is it because you knew they would just laugh hysterically at the very thought of them questioning the mayor?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Kuff My Link
2 years ago

The two Pete’s are as useless to the taxpayers, as a bar of soap is to one of Pete White’s “houseless” pals.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

I goofed……Greenville NEW YORK not NC.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Is that where zig zag manufactures papers?

Reply to  Auto Phil
2 years ago


Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Auto Phil
2 years ago

The banks must have told him to go shit in his hat. They know a stupid idea when they see one.

the school committee
the school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Yes ,that’s why crooked Ivanka and her failed husband needed to do favors for the Prince.The banks would not give stupid Jared any more loans.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  the school committee
2 years ago

Hillary, Sotero, Xiden, and the DNC spied on American citizens for no legitimate purpose. This includes a sitting president.

This doesn’t scare or concern you?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Auto Phil
2 years ago

Of course Warren is Dew-ing this. He just got a $700,000 check from Lazy Linda for black people to open new black owned businesses. Warren just didn’t tell anyone, that HE was going to be opening the business.

Now that Warren dropped the first curtain, I’m waiting for Shirley Edgerton to be next. First she’ll pimp for donations, in addition to a piece of that $700K, to open a “Cultural Proficiency Learning Center.” And when I mean pimp, I’m talking the full gamut: Go Fund Me followed up by race baiting. She has yet to pipe up about Miguel Estrada. This will be her “golden opportunity,” to be heard. She’ll get tax free incentives from Lazy Linda to open a place on Ricky’s Rumpus (aka-North Street).

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

So let me get this straight – $700,000 of ARPA money has been handed over, by the mayor’s hand-selected committee which meets in secret, to a recently formed Berkshire Black Economic Council headed by Warren Dews who is the husband of the mayor’s Assistant. The council is co-run by the sister of Earl the Pearl Persip, a member of the Pittsfield City Council. The sister has a rap sheet involving violent attacks against men in two separate incidents.

Dews has a history of opening and closing various enterprises including a barber shop/cigar lounge. He now wants to open a high-end resort catering to cannabis customers who are black. A Planet contributor states that this resort is currently in the fund-raising phase but will not be allowed to open due to local ordinances.

Why is there not a giant outcry about this story? This should be on the front page of the Eagle! Three quarter of a million bucks being thrown at a rather vague “economic council” run by a snake oil salesman and perp who have been unable to secure bank funding for their ventures. As Dan said, that’s a sure giveaway.

Cronyism is alive in Pittsfield MA!

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Dan, this sure does. I know federal law and the rules for ARPA can be ambiguous in their understanding, but after reading the criteria for the ARPA money to be spent by cities, I’m not seeing how the BBE got the money. I read that it could be used to offset costs to small businesses affected by the pandemic, especially in the lower income areas, but that’s it. This “new” scam, I mean adventure started by Warren Dews and Harmony, materialized after the pandemic. Warren’s cigar bar went up in smoke, prior. I wonder if the suckers who invested in that Titanic got their coin back?

What I don’t see, is handing out friends money, who aren’t in business, to start up a business.

Again, I could be wrong? I’m not claiming to know all the rules and regulations on ARPA disbursement, but Linda Tyer giving out $700,000 to Warren Dews, Shirley Edgerton, and company, not only seems wrong, but possibly illegal.

Go down this article about half way, see if you can find where this “gift” is legal or not. The article is dated 3/22/21 for reference.

Three Things to Consider Before Allocating ARPA Funds to Small Business Grants – Colu

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

I know Fritz, it’s unbelievable.

Needing a lunar space vehicle to safely navigate the moon-like roads of the Vibrant, Dynamic, and Inclusive city, not to mention the bleachers at Wahconah Park needing serious repair, Lazy Linda needs to explain this “award.” This is my tax money, she needs to let her constituents know what the criteria was to be chosen. And being black better not the only qualification needed to win.

Not to sound like JM and repeat myself, but how in the world do you give ANY amount of money, much less $700,000 to an entity that is not a business, which primary purpose is to set up black owned businesses.

It’s almost like you’re watching an old Married with Children episode and listening to Al and Jefferson cook up some scam.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

When in doubt,appoint poc to positions where they can do little of benefit to the citizens they claim to represent but it will make our leaders look like they are addressing the problem. Well done Tyer , you’ve added another hog to the trough.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  J2S
2 years ago

And don’t forget to add, line their pockets in the process.

The million dollar mansions purchased in YT neighborhoods by the crooks, I mean “leaders” of BLM, proves my point.

Kuff My Link
Kuff My Link
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Peter Marchetti, city council president, is sure hoping you are not looking to him for any oversight on this (or any other) matter. He don’t play dat tune cuz he be in cahoots wit da players. Same fer the treasurer.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Kuff My Link
2 years ago

This award appears to have bypassed the city council unless Marchetti sits on the ARPA disbursement committee which meets in secret.

Does this committee not have to follow the open meeting laws since it is disbursing taxpayer money?

The BBEC doesn’t even have a physical office to the best of my knowledge. Who’s monitoring the accounting of this group?

Sounds like a payoff to me.

Poop Deck
Poop Deck
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

$50 bucks says BRIDGE is the fiduciary

Kuff My Link
Kuff My Link
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
2 years ago

Sure hope no one is holding their breath waiting for the Berkshire Eagle to check out this program. Because if you are holding your breath waiting for the Berkshire Eagle to investigate ANYTHING related to this mayors financial dispersions you are going to die with your eyes bulging out of your head in front of your cat and it will be horrified.

Reply to  Kuff My Link
2 years ago

The Lion’s Share.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
2 years ago


This writing is great. It is insightful, courageous, and just plain gutsy. The research involved in putting it out in a timely way is just excellent work. One hopes justice is done in this case. I don’t have hope this will be the case.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

The sad thing is that the deceased baby is only one of thousands of babies/children who were/are failed by the system. NIGHTMARE!

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
2 years ago

I’m not going to thank you Dan, because I meant what I said and I said what I meant [about] Helima Scipio! She shouldn’t be allowed near anyone’s children. She’s toxic to the lives of children. But thanks for posting most of what I meant.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

There’s NOTHING good to say about DCF’s Helima Scipio and no nice way to say it. It’s not my intent to sink your blog into the sewer. But … tAnd you’re right, I’m outraged! Righteously OUTRAGED!

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
2 years ago

And while we’re on the subject of wrongful death, Mark Marauszwski has died after being shot multiple times by a PPD cop whose intent was to murder Mark. Thus, depriving Mark of his life, his liberty and his pursuit of happiness, when he was shot multiple times by the PPD. RIP Mark

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Yeah, the cop should have let him run him over

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Mark didn’t die from the shooting. The paper avoided listing his cause of death in that Pittsfield Police smear job.

Usually City when you don’t read a cause of death (i.e.-long illness, cancer, etc) or it’s not listed, it’s a very high probability it was a drug OD or suicide.

Hope this helps?

Last edited 2 years ago by Markus Aurelius
The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

I didn’t say Mark died from the shooting. I said Mark was shot multiple times by the PPD, and that he has died. Both are true. That unlawful shooting adversely affected Mark’s quality of life, and almost ended his life at the time of the shooting. And, while I don’t know what is reflected on his death certificate, I believe being shot multiple times by the cops contributed to his health issues, and his ultimate death. It certainly contributed to his pain and suffering. The first time I met him after the shooting/attempted murder by cops, he was in rough shape, medically speaking. The last time I saw him, he was not doing well. And I know for a fact that the shooting/attempted murder by the PPD, adversely affected him. RIP Mark

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

I hate to break it to you City, but leading the police on a chase or advancing toward a police officer with an edged weapon, generally doesn’t end well for that person.

I have a question for you, why do you blame the police in Mark’s chase? Wouldn’t it have been easier for him to just pull over? It’s not like he had a first degree murder warrant out for him and he’d potentially never see the light of day again.

The whole “victimization” angle gets really tiring. In case mommy or daddy didn’t teach you growing up, actions have consequences. Plain and simple. Quit blaming others.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Wait/see/if a post is done AND the gunshots are a contributing factor to his death. COVID was a cause of death in people with a plethora of mitigating health problems.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

How do you know his intent? Did you speak with him before he went on shift and hear him say “I’m gonna kill somebody tonight!” Do you believe that when he took the Police exam his motive was to shoot someone that was allegedly trying to run over him with a 2 ton vehicle? ’nuff said?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Ghost Rider
2 years ago

I wouldn’t ask the cops if the sky was blue, because they’d lie. I believe cops go to bed dreaming about killing people and wake up hoping today’s their lucky day. Mark never tried to run over the cops. That was a lie, one of many, the cops told to justify a wrongful shooting. And while we’re on the subject of cops lying, where did 18-year-old Dominque Streit get the loaded handgun she took along with her on her shoplifting crime spree for several bottles of alcohol. After shoplifting several bottles of alcohol, Dominque fled from the cops and led them on a high speed chase, in her 2 ton weapon, through the city, with a loaded handgun in her possession, endangering everyone on the roads that night, and the cops didn’t shoot her. The loaded gun didn’t belong to Dominque Streit, the daughter of PPD officer Marty Streit. I wonder where she got her hands on the loaded gun she took with her on her crime spree.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Ghost Rider
2 years ago

I don’t need to speak with PPD Officer Marty Streit to understand what his intent was when he sent several bullets straight from his fucking gun right into Mark’s body. But if you know where his daughter got her hands on the loaded gun, please, let us all know. Also, if know the identity of the PPD killer cop who shot and killed Miguel Estrella, please feel free to share.

Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

“Several bullets from his f@ gun”

Are you channeling Frank?

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Levitan
2 years ago

I posted Frank’s “love letter” but I guess it was too vulgar.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

As I posted above and you ignored, so I’ll post it again for you.

If Mark had just pulled over, none of this would have happened. Mark caused this, not PPD.

Actions have consequences.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

One of lies PPD Officer Streit fabricated to justify shooting Mark in cold blood was that Mark hit officer Derby with his vehicle as he attempted to free from the cold blooded PPD killers. That was a lie. What were the consequences to the cold-blooded killer cop for lying about why he attempted to murder Mark by shooting him several times in the park that day? And it wasn’t the only lie cops fabricated that day, not unlike any other day they fabricate lies to justify brutalizing, violating and murdering citizens. And did you get a chance ask officer Streit were his daughter got her hands on that loaded handgun she took with her on her crime spree, which included, but was not limited to, shoplifting several bottles of alcohol, fleeing from her crime scene at a high rate of speed through a residential neighborhood, with the cops chasing her, because she wouldn’t pull over and stop, for the cops. Thus, endangering everyone else on the roads that night. She also took her gangbanger boyfriends, as in more than one, along with her on her crime spree.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

His years of drug and alcohol use caught up with him. I never saw him sober and he was a miserable person

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Dan, definitely agree that this horrendous lost of a helpless little boy’s life needs to be processed by the law. All the information I have read so far shows a complete lack of intelligence on the Tucker’s part and also the judicial system. Something is so wrong with this case. One question that I have, is why did Matthew have his own paid for lawyer but Cassandra did not? Must be an outside source paying for Matthew’s defense and not hers. Hoping that a newly elected DA will work to re-process this whole nightmare and justice will be served. A DA that understands Grand Jury indictments!

Felt angry, frustrated and sad at the Berkshire Eagle front page article about this issue. Big picture right under the article of a little boy licking an ice cream cone. Just imagine how good just one little speck of ice cream or even cold water would have felt on poor little Kristoff’s strep throat. To read that this little boy must have been dead for hours, with a camera in his room but the Tuckers were too friggin lazy to check on him. Evidently they have no trouble sleeping at night which means they both are heartless, happy as long as the DSS payments are flowing in.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

It looks like the only reason those two 900-pound DCF paid ghouls get out of bed is to violate the refrigerator several times a night. Certainly not to change Baby Kristoff’s nappies, because they wouldn’t be wet if fluids were restricted to a just few drops of water in his mouth a day. And there wouldn’t be baby poop in his diapers if the gluttons were eating all his food too. Those two ghouls have no trouble sleeping or eating. Not only are they NOT heartbroken, which would require the existence of a heart, those two ghouls have not lost their appetite for subsidized children or fried chicken or tons of cookies, pies, and all things lard. Despite what lies their lying lawyer tells.

Way Tulong
Way Tulong
Reply to  The City I Hate
2 years ago

Exactly. Glutiny will take you over and win out with lazy political types as well as foster parents who don’t get it done, and become state payroll recipients. Locally will someone tell us what the mayors assistants do for that salary?

Reply to  Way Tulong
2 years ago

Covers her ass

Way Tulong
Way Tulong
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

The baby would have settled for a drop of water. And that might have helped.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Money is ALL baby farmers care about. You have wonder when the last time was that the Barlow-Tucker baby farmers actually gave Baby Kristoff his medication. We know it wasn’t between 6:30 pm when a kid put Baby Kristoff in a crib, and 8:37 am when someone found him dead.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

That’s the reason Matt’s religious confusion is relevant.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago
Way Tulong
Way Tulong
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Gif fire on Lincoln st.. Police report 8 – 12 people displaced so far. Let’s all help.

2 years ago

The only thing you got right in this screed is that you are not equipped to second guess Judge Agostini. The crux of this case involves gross negligence and you don’t seem to get that. It is required for proof in a case of manslaughter. Gross negligence, not mere negligence.
Further, your attacks on Judge Agostini are disturbing. He said there was insufficient evidence. You are insisting there is. You have stated the judge understands the law and you do not. You have stated you think the judge’s ruling is personal. This is exactly the kind of baseless attack Harrington made on a sitting judge that you yourself found so despicable.
The standard of proof was not met. The DA threw everything but the kitchen sink because she didn’t have a case. It is part of a pattern with this DA and it is a shame to see you defending such unethical behavior. It’s a real shame to see you attacking a judge who has along with the other judges have for the last 3+ years been one of the only things standing between us and a complete breakdown of the justice system in Bekshire County.

Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

The Eagle agrees with my analysis. Somehow that doesn’t comfort me. If Harrington had something to use in reserve she would have used it. They are never going to have evidence that these people knew this child had a serious condition and then recklessly ingnored it. Brace yourself for a disappointment because it is sad a child has died but this is likely the truth. Children do just die. We don’t always find the cause nor is someone always criminally responsible.
Remember, this is not a trial. The judge is obliged to give full weight to everthing the Commonwealth has. That’s why people say things like you can indict a ham sandwich. Yes, you can but then it will get thrown out.
Again, I have to caution you not to focus on the “hatred” of anyone. The law is not about who people are but what they have done. It is the most significant aspect of this entire story. Reckless disregard for the truth based on personal feelings or agendas is not acceptable.
Last, let me leave you with this. Judge Agostini is a decent very professional person. It would be unavoidable for him to have professional disdain for Harrington and the DA’s office she created in her ineptitude. Now it seems clear she was so determined to demonstate that she is going to stand up for children she abused the grand jury process. Political agenda plus incompetence equals disaster.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
2 years ago

A child in the DCF certified Tucker foster Hellhole of neglect allegedly put Baby Kristoff in a crib at 6:30 pm and no one looked in on him until 8:37 am the next day. That would have been 14 hours and 7 minuets alone for a sick 10-month-old baby. No paid adult in the DCF certified foster Hellhole checked on Baby Kristoff for at least 14 hours and 7 minuets. Baby Kristoff was silent and motionless/dead for at least 7 hours and 53 minuets, and no one noticed. No one comforted him, no one checked to see if his nappy was wet, no one in the DCF certified Barlow-Tucker foster Hellhole of neglect cared that Baby Kristoff was left alone for at least 14 hours and 7 minuets during which time he suffered to death. Did DCF remove the other Barlow-Tucker biological/adopted kids from the Barlow-Tuckers custody? Did DCF force the remaining kids, especially the ones sleeping in the same room with a dead baby for hours, to be force-fed psychotropic drugs and to go into therapy?

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
2 years ago

John Q Public has run away in shame never to be seen again, well at least not under that name.

Victory is yours Dan

2 years ago

The globalists opening admit now that capitalism must end. Notice how they mention a redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor, but that is the exact opposite of what they are planning. The end of capitalism means more money and power for the rich politicians. You will live a much reduced lifestyle while the rich like Obama and Kerry will party on with all the money and power you willingly give them in this climate scam.

2 years ago

The far left globalists like the Obamas are shaming everyone as being racists and homophobes and pushing this sexual indoctrination into our classrooms showing young students these images of extremely young children having sex with each other, many are same sex, with sex toys. The Obamas would never expose their children to this kind of perversity of convincing their daughters that they needed to have gender surgery, but they openly advocate for this type of explicit sexual indoctrination in classrooms across America.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
2 years ago

Since Mayor Linda Tyer has been in office, listed are some of the Vibrant and Dynamic “Things to Do in Pittsfield” that are no longer. Two bowling alleys have closed, a sport that hundreds of residents participated in. Dan Casey causeway is now impassable, residents loved to fish on that causeway. Residents built a beautiful Carousel, she could care less, it stays closed in an empty garbage filled parking lot. Wahconah Park bleachers are now condemned. Wahconah Park could be such a positive tourist draw to this City, but her Administration has neglected it. Softball Complex closed due to the Park’s Departments neglect. Road to Bousquet’s is a total disaster, needs to be closed. Both lakes access is litter filled with needles, brand new dog park is already a mess and unsafe. Whether it be Proprieter’s Lodge or Rusty Anchor the City stops any attempts these businesses try to add entertainment or water events or sports. Clapp Park which use to be a great place for family fun has been ruined by idiotic ideas by this Administration. Wonder is the splash pad is fixed yet as it was broken the whole summer last year. The Common is filled with drunks and addicts, many who use that splash pad as their toilet. Built a new high school but did not plan for proper sports fields. Guess she thinks that panhandlers on EVERY corner is a draw to the City. Between the bike lanes and meter maids on any given day her famous North Street is empty accept for the homeless, another issues she has closed her eyes to. Total embarrassment that a private company sent their employees to clean up the bus stop benches on North Street. Where is our public works department? Guess we all should shut up and be grateful for all the pot shops that bring all the revenue into Vibrant and Dynamic Pittsfield. Money amount that we never are privy to. No wonder she hides in her corner office with her bouncer Roberta standing guard, maybe that is why Roberta’s husband Warren received $700,000, it was a benefit for Roberta keeping taxpayers out of the Mayor’s office.

Kuff My Link
Kuff My Link
Reply to  Merry & Bright
2 years ago

The first question I get from visitors to Pittsfield, Ma. is “why do you have so much garbage all over your streets?” One wonders if it is intentional because there is sooo much and it and it seems to stay until it blows somewhere else. All that money to hand out to people neither need or deserve it but they can’t afford to get the trash off the roads.
And I agree very much…why in the hell would any serious business want to move to Pittsfield? (unless it got so much in tax breaks that it just could not turn it down)

And has anyone lately update the total amount Pittsfield taxpayers are subsidizing these days? I heard it was in the millions AND CLIMBING. Would Mr Kerwoods face turn beet red if someone asked him this question at a council meeting?

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Hello, Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle),

I agree with your editorial that Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington owes a sincere apology to the couple whom she indicted via personal attacks on their character instead of using facts and evidence to substantiate her allegations of negligence in the tragic death of a baby boy in their foster care. I cannot argue with the facts that her critics present against the sitting Berkshire D.A. Andrea Harrington has at times misused her elected office for politics and to attack court officers and defendants alike. The writings against her problematic tenure as the beautiful Berkshires’ top prosecutor are indeed substantiated by facts. To be fair, she has also been the target of personal attacks from day one. The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) should present that part of it too, and the Dirty Bird should also write that Andrea Harrington has every right to practice politics, so long as it has no bearing on her legal work, as we all live in a free country. To be clear, everyone should be treated both fairly and safely in society and life, including in legal proceedings, which is the essence of the Golden Rule that has been and is written in every religion throughout human history. The Golden Rule goes for Andrea Harrington, as well as for her critics, as well as for the Dirty Bird, as well as for me, Jon Melle.

Speaking of which, I, Jon Melle, have been the subject of conspiratorial and mean-spirited personal attacks since I, Jon Melle, was 20 years old in the Spring of 1996 (26 years now) after my dad, Bob Melle, began his campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner way back then, in which he served in elected office from 1997 to mid-2000 (3.5 years). I have written about the unusual events I have unfortunately experienced over the past 26 years, and not one single person who hurt me has ever apologized – sincere or otherwise – to me in all of that time. I have had felt frustration and other emotions with the Dirty Bird when they defended people who were wronged over the years in the beautiful Berkshires, such as the homosexual former Mayor of Holyoke (Hampden County) Alex Morse, who was the subject of a homophobic smear campaign by his own Democratic Party during the Summer of 2020 when he challenged K Street’s PAC Man Richie Neal in the primary election that year, while I have to always pound sand. I guess I don’t count, as the Dirty Bird never publishes any of my many writings.

Jonathan Alan Melle

Rhea Sponcybll
Rhea Sponcybll
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Did we ever find out why Marauszwski e

Was being pulled over for? A slow pursuit? What’s that mean?

Salad Driver
Salad Driver
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Great job by P F D fighting fire YESTERDAY !

Reply to  Salad Driver
2 years ago

They have been awesome. So who owned that building?
And was some Einstein really grilling on the porch? Can there be any charges for a person who might do such a thing?

Tyered And Lazy
Tyered And Lazy
Reply to  Fizzlehead
2 years ago

Well done.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Fizzlehead
2 years ago

That would depend on the race and gender of the offender.

If white male, think Lonnie Durfee, but based on DA Wrong Way’s recent performance, this poor sap could be looking at 30 counts of attempted murder.

If it’s a POC, they were just trying to feed their fam. A lot of harm, but no foul (criminal charges).

Hope this helps? It’s the Social Justice Warriors mantra and creed.

Police Report
Police Report
2 years ago

Evidence mishandling by the DA in a rape case of a 13 year old.
Full report

I want to make it clear on this quote in the paper

“Harrington said that as far as her office knew, key evidence wasn’t just unavailable – which proved not to be the case.”

-The DA’s office was very aware of additional evidence, it was the subject of conversation on Thursday with her office and over the weekend prior to the trial.
This is a false narrative by the DA

“She said the office could not have asked the court for a continuance. “We were scheduled for trial on Monday, and it’s the Commonwealth’s obligation and responsibility to be ready for trial. The officers told us that evidence had been destroyed and it was no longer accessible. We were going on the information that we had at the time.”

-The DA’s office knew on Thursday about certain picture evidence. They were given a copy of the data dump from the phone months prior; they didn’t understand the significance of it and either lost it or destroyed it.
This is a false narrative by the DA.

Harrington said her office wasn’t aware until it received Fennessy’s report that the photo evidence, even of partial value, still existed.
“It wasn’t like anybody went back to the police department and located these images and sent them to us between Saturday and Monday’s trial,” she said. “We would love for there to have been more time. The Commonwealth has an obligation to be ready for trial. We don’t get any breaks on that from judges.”

It’s her job, not the weekend before a trial, to make sure all the evidence is there.
If the DA’s office had looked at the original data dump from the phone months or weeks prior they would have seen the significance of the information.
No one in the department was ever told to suppress or alter or hide evidence and the DA’s office was provided evidence, they just mishandled it or ignored it.
Any changes in the report writing was only due to the Sergeant Buzzella self-editing himself because of his incompetence.

Andrea Harrington was so interested in finding someone to blame she publicly disparaged the former Dalton Chief of Police. The only people to blame for this failure are Andrea Harrington, Megan Tesoniero, and to some extent Buzzella.

The DA’s office consistently mishandles, suppresses, or manufactures in part, evidence.
Evidence that is routinely unfavorable to their case and or favorable to the defense is not made appropriately available. The DA suppressed exculpatory evidence and will even go so far as to illegally deny public information requests.
DA Andrea Harrington is a discredit to her office and a danger to a fair and just legal system.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  Police Report
2 years ago

Put her at the Top of the Brady List!!!!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Good ole 042

Reply to  Police Report
2 years ago

We know the minister of justice is a total fraud. Does the link contain specifics? Most people are not comfortable clicking links so you are going to need to spell it out.

Reply to  laughingstock
2 years ago

The da has the intelligence of Forrest Gump but without any of the accidental successes.

Reply to  J2S
2 years ago

What is her backup plan if she loses? Probably get appointed to some higher level position elsewhere in the state. Her handlers must have a chunk of clout or she would be too embarrassed to even be running.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Fizzlehead
2 years ago

I don’t think so. She is a real liability to any politically connected person.

Ask yourself, if she wasn’t the boss and performed the way she has, do you think she’d still be employed? Fu*% no.

Andrea is as fake as fake gets. If not, how often does she bring her boys to Pitt Park on a Friday or Saturday evening? And I’m not talking about a PR event either.

She is the female version of Joe Xiden. Wasn’t Sotero quoted saying, “you can always count on Joe to fu*# things up.” Or something close to that.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  laughingstock
2 years ago

I will reiterate. It is the full report of evidence mishandling in the Dalton rape case.
It is the case where the DA was forced to withdraw the case due to concerns about a changed report. Andrea Harrington tried to blame the former chief, as it turns out her office had the evidence and ignored or lost it.
Then at the last minute acted as if the former police chief did something to suppress evidence.

“ Dalton taps outside investigator to probe Police Department handling of a rape case”

The below is the full 60 page report.
It exonerates the former chief and puts the blame squarely on the DA’s office and the Sgt in the case.

Evidence mishandling by the DA in a rape case of a 13 year old.
Full report

I offered to send it to Dan directly but he did not respond.

Reply to  Police Report
2 years ago

Ah the “catastrophic miscommunication” that the DA “may take a fresh look at.” This charlatan is running on two commitments:

Championing an end to gender-based violence.Restoring trust & transparency in the local justice system.Wit this case alone she has managed to accomplish the complete opposite. Will anyone report her behavior re evidence to the bar?

Reply to  laughingstock
2 years ago


Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Police Report
2 years ago

DA Wrong Way doesn’t have time to search for evidence in a child sex crime. She has more important tasks, such as tweeting support for Marilyn Mosby or tweeting gushing support of Road Rage Rollins.

Oh, I almost forgot, she went to Portugal to learn about and support government funded dope shooting galleries.

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Harrington is doing a lot of butt licking of Rollins, Healey, Markey etc. tagging them in her mindless posts on twitter. She’s obviously job hunting. Can they not google her? Anywhere but Harrington Anywhere but Here.

Reply to  Police Report
2 years ago

It’s worse than you think. The defense attorney representing the rapist contributed hundreds of dollars to her campaign in 2018.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
2 years ago

A nice story today about Wahconah Park and future great ballplayers who played there on their way to the major league. I don’t think anyone will mind if I add a few names to this list. I believe it was the mid-40s when Al Rosen on his way to Cleveland Indian stardom hit home runs over the left-field lights at Wahconah Park. I know it happened. I saw it. Now, how about Pittsfield’s Art Ditmar? A 10-year major leaguer who pitched in world series games for the Yankees? These were Yankee teams that Mantle, Maris, and Berra were on. Art was captain of a Pittsfield High School baseball team in the mid-40s. Then was Dale Long from Adams. Dale was a long-time major leaguer who set a major league record with 8 home runs in 8 consecutive games. I think he did with the Pirates. He later played with the Yankees. In the 1960s and 1970s along came 2 Pittsfield High greats, Mark Belanger and Tommy Grieve. Mark is a county all-time great. His basketball skills were as superior as his baseball talent but after high school, he chose baseball and went on to greatness as a shortstop with the Baltimore Orioles. Tommy went on to a long career as an outfielder with the Washington Senators. He was a great 3 sport star at Pittsfield High. At the same time, Jeff Reardon from Dalton became a star pitcher in the majors. Jeff was a great one who pitched well in world series games. There was another kid from the Dalton area who did well in the majors but his name escapes me. My point is many area youngsters made it to the top and they were as good as anyone else.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
2 years ago

Sorry to be negative but Belanger’s personality was worse than his batting average.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Dan, I saw that hit. That’s why I remember it. It is possible your dad and I saw the same game. How about that. For sure the ball landed in the river or beyond.

Maddie Alou
Maddie Alou
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
2 years ago

Cigarettes made him irritable.

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
2 years ago

Love reading the baseball history of the Berkshires Chuck. Nicely done.

Is the player from Dalton you couldn’t recall Turk Wendell by chance?

Floppy Graives
Floppy Graives
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Could have vpbeen Turk Hanna

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Marcus, That’s him. Thank you.

2 years ago

Looks like a fire extinguisher will be needed when renting your E Bike. Of course at an additional fee. Our fire department will be busy with them.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  J2S
2 years ago

This is not really a factual representation of what the problems may be with the Bird scooters.
The article talks about ebikes, not scooters. They are talking about personally owned bikes that are modified with aftermarket parts and batteries to increase performance or extend range.
I have no doubt there will be problems with the scooters, them being a fire hazard will be the least of them.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Hello, Honorable New Hampshire State Senator Dr. Tom Sherman,

I, along with my senior citizen parents Bob & Bev, enjoyed meeting with you tonight (Saturday, 23-April-2022) at the Unitarian Church in Milford, New Hampshire to hear your speech about your campaign to oust Governor Chris Sununu by being elected as the next Governor of New Hampshire. My response to your speech is that I agree with you that Governor Chris Sununu is not serving the people and communities of New Hampshire. Public education is underfunded and unequal. Big businesses and the wealthy have received multiple tax breaks. Abortion and women’s health is being politicized by Governor Chris Sununu instead of him treating it all as women’s human right to medical care. I understand that you will sign the pledge that ensures that there will be no income and sales state taxes in New Hampshire. New Hampshire currently has a $300 million state budget surplus. You will try to reduce the burden of property taxes on communities, while Concord is flush with state cash. You will work with Democrats, Republicans and Independents to pass legislation that fits with New Hampshire values. You will appoint and hire racially diverse men and women professionals to serve and work for the state government. I support your commitment to finding the missing little girl named Harmony Montgomery, and I agree with you that Chris Sununu should not have blamed Massachusetts because New Hampshire, including Governor Chris Sununu, also failed Harmony. As a service-connected disabled Veteran, I support your legislative work and commitment to Veterans in New Hampshire. If/when you are the next Governor of New Hampshire, I hope you will speak with U.S. President Joe Biden and tell him to stop proposing cuts to and closing VA clinics in New Hampshire and beyond. Veterans are NOT second-class citizens, and I believe you will treat Veterans like gold. I support your commitment to commuter rail in New Hampshire’s future. I understand that you will vote no on the bill in the New Hampshire State Senate next week because you object to the Republican’s rider that no state general fund dollars will be used for commuter rail in New Hampshire’s future. I like that you and your wife are medical doctors, and that you are committed to supporting medical care and mental healthcare in New Hampshire. If/when you are the next Governor of New Hampshire, I hope that you will hold more public events in Milford so that we can stay in touch with you and hold you to your campaign promises.

My dad, Bob, was a politician in Western Massachusetts decades ago, and I have thought about a political career, but I never put my proverbial hat in the political ring. I enjoy hearing from candidates and politicians, but I also become upset with corrupt career politicians who end up only doing disservices to the people and taxpayers. If I was a would-be politician, I would say the following words: “Those who have no rights – past, present and future – have rights with me. I am in elected office to serve the people and taxpayers, not myself, my fellow corrupt career politicians, my corrupt government leadership and political bosses, and I will never enrich myself at the public trough. I will always speak my good conscience as long as I live. The government is a democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people. We are a nation of laws, not of men. My mission is to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed in life to provide for themselves and their loved ones, and I will use limited public funds to invest in people and the communities they live in. I will fight against poverty, homelessness, the uninsured and under-insured, communities without reasonable access to hospitals and medical clinics, failing public schools, environmentally poisoned communities, crime, violence, and political corruption each and every day that I serve to uphold my oath of office. I will fight for Veterans, even if it means me meeting with the U.S. President and the U.S. Congress. I will fight for liberty and justice for all citizens of the U.S.A. and the world.”

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Fight poverty- get a job

Reply to  12 Gauge
2 years ago

JM is capable of going to these and other gatherings, walking his dog and other functions etc..which requires use of his extremities and mental capabilities to participate etc.. This is why I think the medical community, government and others need to rethink their ideas of what it requires to not having to work in some form. They have allowed every excuse from obesity to I have a hangnail for why people can’t work. Costing billions that would really help those truly disabled.

Last edited 2 years ago by J2S
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

For some reason I got Tom Sherman’s response to you. I tried to post the link, but it won’t cut and paste, so I’ll cliff note it for you JM.

Mr. Melle,

Thank you for reaching out to my office. I attempted to read your letter, but I couldn’t make heads or tails of it and honestly, I don’t really care for a further explanation from you at this point or anytime in the future.

May I suggest you pick up a hobby or a book and quit sending me these letters?

I’ll leave you with this. It’s what my seventh grade gym coach used to tell us, “it’s better to play in a group, than with yourself.” You should heed this advice….PLEASE

Senator Tom Sherman

**I never thought anyone replied to your letters JM. I guess I was wrong.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

At least I take the time to know and meet the politicians who hold public events. I may not be the someone rich and powerful who is important to the rich and powerful Ruling Elites, but I show up and I let them know what I think about their work – except on Beacon Hill whereby Boston’s Golden Dome is the corrupt career politicians’ retirement Country Club – in elected office. NH State Senator Dr. Tom Sherman is taking on a powerful Governor, Chris Sununu, during the 2022 midterms that heavily favor the Republican Party due to U.S. President Joe Biden’s 70-year low approval rating. Dr. Tom Sherman has his work cut out for him, but he is campaigning to represent the people and taxpayers of New Hampshire. Last night, he made very good criticisms of Governor Chris Sununu’s failed tenure in Concord. If I was a woman who lived in New Hampshire, I would agree with Dr. Tom Sherman about Sununu signing a punitive abortion bill that makes no exceptions for rape and incest. Dr. Tom Sherman showed me and my senior citizen parents the utmost respect. In the Town of Amherst, New Hampshire, the people I talk to speak very highly of him. My neighbor Joe told me that Dr. Tom Sherman saved his late-wife’s Carol’s life, and that Dr. Tom Sherman is a good man. We live in a democracy, and I am a proud Citizen/Veteran who participates in our government.

Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Your posts always sound like you “smoked a big thumb buster”before posting them.

Last edited 2 years ago by J2S
Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  J2S
2 years ago

A “big thumb buster,” nice J2S. I’ve heard it called a lot before, but this is a new one.

Let me guess, it was going to be the “smoke of choice,” at Dews and Dontz?” I added the “z” to give it that “urban appeal.”

Tyered And Lazy
Tyered And Lazy
Reply to  J2S
2 years ago

Better yet sounds like We’ve HEARD BEFORE

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just delivering your senators reply back to you.

Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

Maybe from former Pittsfield State Senator Luciforo, but certainly NOT from NH State Senator Doctor Tom Sherman!

Reply to  Markus Aurelius
2 years ago

It’s not even his senator. Wrong district. LOL.

John Q Public
John Q Public
2 years ago

Dan strikes out, Eagle hits a grand slam!

In the editorial on the Andrea Harrington’s misconduct in the handling of the Tucker case, Dan fails the public and the child while the Eagle champions due process and pushes forward for justice for him.

Yes a child died, over 780k children died of pneumonia in 2019.
Pneumonia is the leading cause of death of children under 5 in the USA.

Pneumonia is the single largest infectious cause of death in children worldwide. Pneumonia killed 740 180 children under the age of 5 in 2019, accounting for 14% of all deaths of children under five years old but 22% of all deaths in children aged 1 to 5.

But none of that matters, just as the weight of the Tucker’s doesn’t matter nor do legal payments made to them by DCF.

What should have been an article with a focus on prosecutorial misconduct by Dan turned into a literal witch hunt by Dan to grind his tiny little axe of conspiracy theories. He was too lazy to do actual journalistic work so, like Andrea Harrington, he manufactured evidence and introduced information about the Tuckers that had zero to do with the case at hand. Dan’s obsession with Matt Tucker makes me wonder what really happened between Dan and Matt.

Everyone in Berkshire county should be outraged and terrified of how Andrea Harrington runs her office. Her raw political ambition and staggering incompetence should terrify everyone.

“ Harrington’s office was so eager to obtain indictments against the Tuckers that they abused the power and prerogatives given to prosecutors in grand jury proceedings.

Overreaching to obtain indictments is a dangerous abuse of discretion, but doing so in a case that tries to hold a foster parent criminally responsible for a child’s death is truly reprehensible. Decency requires District Attorney Harrington to offer the Tuckers a sincere apology, and she also owes answers to the entire community as to her priorities. News of the Tuckers’ treatment could produce a chilling effect for DCF’s ongoing attempts to recruit and retain much-needed foster parents.

On at least two previous occasions, this page has urged District Attorney Harrington to focus on her job. She seems more disposed to make pronouncements as a putative local minister of justice than to do the necessary hard work of being the county’s chief prosecutor.

She could begin by trying to square things with the Tuckers with a sincere apology.”

Hated Taxpayer
Hated Taxpayer
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

FYI check his IP address. 20 bucks same as bleak house

The Ghost Of Krol’s Marriage
The Ghost Of Krol’s Marriage
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

comment image

Chesty Puller
Chesty Puller
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Dan you ain’t nothin but a keyboard bully with little man syndrome. Pittsfield Pipsqueak. Please regale us some more with your superior intellect.

News Flash
News Flash
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

No offense Dan but you didn’t take anyone “to the woodshed”.
Although I don’t agree with a lot of the attacks from JQP, he’s right about this case.

The City I Hate
The City I Hate
Reply to  danvalenti
2 years ago

Maybe John Q can blame you for the Barlow-Tucker Baby Farmers continuing to cash foster care payments for the kids they already adopted, making those kids their forever subsidized kids. Well, I guess someone has to pay for all those whoopie pies, tubs of crisco and boloney sandwiches. And while John Q is at it, he can also blame you, Dan, for Baby Farmer Barlow blogging nasty shit about a 4-year-old she’s exploiting.

Uh ohhh
Uh ohhh
2 years ago

DA Andrea Harrington spit roasted by the Eagle and letters to the editor.

Here’s some of the idiots that endorsed her, my guess is they are white and not to bright.

To the editor:

Andrea Harrington has now been endorsed by Senators Warren and Markey, as well as Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey. When has any candidate for district attorney received such stellar endorsements? And here are some of their reasons:

“Andrea has the right priorities for Massachusetts,” said Senator Ed Markey.

“Andrea has the vision and passion to lead Berkshire County forward — keeping residents safe, expanding treatment to fight the opioid epidemic and supporting our communities,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren.

“I know that Andrea is going to support the kinds of important criminal justice reforms that I have supported as attorney general,” said Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey

It is clear that Andrea Harrington is the right choice for district attorney.

Carole Ireland,


To the editor:

When I saw the Nov. 7 editorial, I was elated to see the opening line: “The people have spoken:
Berkshire County has a new district attorney.” I expected that what would follow would be a reminder of what Andrea Harrington promised on the campaign trail: reforms to county’s approach to criminal justice, evidence based policy change and transparency.

Instead, what The Eagle’s editors chose to do was undermine her ability to manage effectively. They continue to criticize her supposed lack of experience. To state that her choice, more than any other new DAs, of first assistant carries “outsize importance” is unnecessary and false. Even the comments that seem to be supportive come across as misogynistic and spiteful.

Of course, any new office holder needs to earn the respect of their staff, but it is also incumbent upon that staff (and perhaps the press) to offer their respect and assistance. There is no reason to imply that Harrington is going to have a harder time than any other, unless of course, misogynistic attitudes like those expressed in this editorial resist female leadership.

Childishly, the editors felt it necessary to point out that a reporter was “snubbed.” Really? Perhaps Harrington thought it more important to thank and talk to the people who have worked with her during this unnecessarily long campaign than to give more fodder to The Eagle to undermine her achievements.

If there is evidence of “intransigence,” it is clearly on the shoulders of The Eagle, which refuses to change its biased view of this remarkable woman. I hope the editors’ behaviors are “merely a product of the heat of the moment rather than a harbinger of future relations.” I am positive that Andrea will continue to be open, dedicated and visionary as she steps into her new role.

Stephanie Boyd,


Jonathan A. Melle
Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Hello blogger Dan Valenti,

You wrote and posted on your awesome blog that you have been Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s most consistent critic. You replied to my recent posting that you are just one man, and that you do not have the resources and time to cover all of the other failed corrupt career politicians in Berkshire County and beyond. Believe me, there a lot of problems with the whole lot of them. A few illustrations include Chrome Dome Adam Hinds living in Amherst, Massachusetts, which is represented in the State Senate by Jo Comerford; Trippy Country Buffet having zero accomplishments in Boston after a little over one decade representing Pittsfield there; Shitty Pigpen and others like him supporting GE putting it leaky toxic waste dump inside of a watershed in the Housatonic River; Mayor Linda Tyer living in a mansion in an elitist Gated Community and being totally disconnected from the people and taxpayers of Pittsfield; PAC Man Richie Neal always filling his campaign coffers with millions of dollars from K Street corporate lobbyist firms that have nothing to do with his mostly rural C.D.; Ed Markey of Chevy Chase Maryland always telling Massachusetts voters he is going to save the world with his Green New Deal propaganda; Elizabeth Warren telling the nation she is fighting for Main Street when she supported Joe Biden for U.S. President, who took in more money from Wall Street than any other political candidate in 2020. Never mind all of the problems with Joe Biden’s troubled middle-aged son Hunter Biden, who is being investigated for money laundering, tax fraud, and other alleged crimes that involve adversarial foreign countries such as China and Russia. In closing, D.A. Andrea Harrington is the proverbial smallest hill among mountains of political malfeasance.

Best wishes,

Jonathan A. Melle

Name o Game
Name o Game
Reply to  Jonathan A. Melle
2 years ago

Big attended meeting this coming Tuesday at City Clowncil. Be there.n

the school committee
the school committee
2 years ago

I wonder why Trump does not show his taxes ? His failed overthrow has no punishment.That insurection left 5 dead….Hes coming back and he will never leave office again.