(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION APRIL 15-7, 2022) — THE PLANET begins The Weekend Edition with news from Grand Rapids, MI. A white cop killed a black man.
Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.
Patrick Lyoya, 26, a native of Congo, was shot by an officer following a struggle outside a house in Grand Rapids after he was pulled over for a faulty license plate, according to police.
- The license plate was not the right one for the vehicle Lyoya was driving, suggesting either the plate, the car, or both were hot.
- Lyoya got out of his car immediately after being pulled over and refused the officer’s orders to get back inside.
- Lyoya would not produce his driver’s license.
- As the officer approached, Lyoya began walking away.
- As the officer attempted to stop the man, Lyoya started running away.
- The officer pursued and wrestled him to the ground.
- In the scuffle, Lyoya grabbed the officer’s taser with the intention of jolting and volting the cop.
- The officer reached for his pistol, pulled it from the holster, and gave Lyoya a bullet to the head.
From wire reports:
The footage shows the white officer, whose name has not yet been released, struggling with Lyoya, eventually forcing him to the ground and shouting “stop resisting,” “let go” and “drop the Taser,” before shooting Lyoya in the head.
The city’s new police chief, Eric Winstrom, released four videos of the incident Wednesday amid pressure from the community. These include a dashcam video, body camera video, a cell phone video and surveillance video from a neighbor.
Three points here:
- The Grand Rapids police chief called a press conference the same day to share information on the incident.
- The chief also released not one, not two, not three, but four videos of the scene.
- The chief did so after “community pressure.”
Folks, THAT’S transparency.
Compare the Grand Rapids response to Pittsfield’s after the recent shooting death by cop in “vibrant, dynamic” Shire City.
- Not a peep from chief Wynn.
- Not a single frame of video released.
- Not a word from mayor Tyer.
- Not a word of address from the council, especially president Marchetti.
- Not a bit of community pressure.
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On Wednesday, a correspondent wondered to THE PLANET about the municipal audit and Pittsfield’s recent financial report. THE PLANET investigated. Once again, THE PLANET delivers.
A few notes first:
- The financial overview was presented at 6 p.m. March 28 at a joint meeting of city council and the school committee.
- From the official reporting: “In accordance with MGL Chapter 30A, Section 20, City Council President Marchetti notified those present that the proceedings were being audio and video recorded. The microphone was then open to the public. No one appeared to speak on the manner put forward.”
- Do you see the relationship between the two points? Of course no one spoke. Almost no one was there. And why was that? Because how many Kapanskis will rush home from work, change, and then schlep it to a 6 p.m. hearing? Also, do you think the lack of publicity had anything to do with it? The city chooses times and dates that will be the most inconvenient for citizens and that will assure their public hatchet job can be done quietly.
- All school committee members attended. Nine councilors showed. The missing? Patrick “Kave-in” Kavey and Dina “Walking Conflict of Interest” Lampiasi, who incidentally also failed to show at the council’s April 12 regular meeting. Kavey ducked the previous one. Great work, there, two councilors who can’t be bothered. Representing the city: Another Tyer bag man, this one the biggest. We speak of our good friend Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood and Tom “How Can We Miss Ya When You Won’t Say Goodbye” Scanlon. Kerwood & Scanlon? The one-two punch of those comic vaudevillians speaks volumes.
Now, on to the pain.
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Herr Scanlon of Scanlon & Associates, who have been auditing the city since Demosthenes tutored Peter Arlos in politics, said the city’s finances are great. You’re shocked. Shocked!
Sleep easy, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski and forget about why, in light of $40,109,779 ARPA kiss from Syracuse Joe, your taxes are up, your fees are up, and your services are down. From the official notes:
“Mr. Scanlon had no concerns with all the testing that is done through the treasures [sic] and accounting offices. He feels the city’s financial reporting is very sound.”
“He feels …”
How reassuring.
Scanlon’s confession of confidence in the city’s finances were prompted by a “set up” question from our Right Honorable Good Friend, councilor Persip, who said he wanted the Kapanskis to hear reassurances from Scanlon himself. Dumpster Earl asked Scanlon if he “had any concerns” about how the city is spending the Kapanski’s money, adding that the “perception” that the city is not being on the level with its serfs … er … its citizens. He asked if the city was handling “things correctly.” Dumpster said “he wanted people to hear from Mr. Scanlon that all the funds were sound, stable, and having great policies.”
First, funds don’t have policies. The people administering those funds have the policies. Second, having set up Scanlon with this underhand softball, the auditor responded like a trained parrot: He went all Ethel Merman on us. Everything’s coming up roses.
Is there an economist in the house? Adam Smith? Milton Friedman? Charles Trzcinka?
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THE PLANET won’t take you through all the obfuscation and B.S. of this annual farce. It’s about as exciting as two bags of aluminum sulfate but as devastating to the honest citizen as a Bowie knife in the gut.
Here’s our favorite example of how Kufflinks, armed with Scanlon’s numbers, speaks uh, out of, uh, both, uh uh, sides of his, uh, yakker.
The city’s in a huge amount of debt (more on that later), and it barely rates a footnote. But when Kufflinks — as loyal apparatchik of the Tyer Regime — needs to play woe is us, it’s different. For example, Scanlon said the city’s revenue for FY22 amounted to $11,697,657, four million short of the Regime’s exaggerated and unrealistic estimate. The city calls this a “$4 million deficit.” This is how the Regime justifies tax and rates hikes. They call a “projection” a “deficit.” All politicians are pond scum.
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Now, the matter of actual debt to which THE PLANET referred earlier.
Kufflinks put the OPEB debt at $404,000,000 and the city’s liability for pensioners’ health insurance at $125,000,000. That produces a total of $529,000,000, more than half way to a billion, every cent of which is bucks the city have promised to steal from the Kapanskis. If you had attended the meeting and blinked, you would have missed this part of the meeting.
A deficit of more than half a billion, for which the city has no adequate plan. Think about it.
THE PLANET laughs. We were the ones who put OPEN and health-insurance debt on the front burner in the mid-2000s on “The Dan Valenti Show” on radio and in our columns for the Eagle and the Gazette (may it rest in peace). We had determined through a dogged search of the state’s database that Pittsfield had an OPEB liability of about $324,000,000. The Kapanskis were alarmed. City officials dismissed the number as a fabrication: “Valenti’s not a journalist. He’s in show business. The OPEB numbers are fake, meant solely to draw listeners and readers.”
Once again, we were right. They were lying.
“V” is not only for “Valenti” but also for “Vindicated.”
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“You’ve got to live somewhere you aren’t afraid to die” –Poet Serhly Zhaden.
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I will explain how Pittsfield politics manages its municipal finances. Matt Kerwood cooks the books (Creative Accounting) by shuffling Pittsfield’s various sources of revenue – including state administered federal funds – around his various municipal accounts. Kufflinks then takes the excess tax dollars and builds his secretive multimillion dollar Slush Funds that Mayor Tyer will not allow the public to see, along with her administration’s secretive management of Pittsfield’s tens of millions of dollars in Biden Bucks. Kufflinks also plays financial shell games with Pittsfield’s public debts by placing most of Pittsfield’s liabilities decades into the future, which means they will never be paid off in our lifetimes. Going back to the mid-1980s, predictable Pittsfield politics always increase annual municipal spending by 5 percent per year. Compounded municipal tax hikes over the past 37 years greatly outpaced Pittsfield’s diminishing median income, which is further compounded by decades of population loss and the decades of loss of living wage jobs. Pittsfield taxpayers always pay higher municipal taxes for substandard public services and Level 5 failing public schools. Mayor Linda Tyer has proposed and passed the highest municipal budgets in the sad history of Pittsfield politics. Peter Marchetti is always on the municipal finance committee, and he works at a Pittsfield bank, but Pittsfield’s public debts total in the hundreds of millions of dollars. If Peter Marchetti ran a business or bank like he runs Pittsfield politics, he would probably be fired for financial mismanagement. Mayor Linda Tyer’s millionaire husband Barry Clairmont is a Certified Public Accountant, and he would probably tell you that Pittsfield politics Creative Accounting practices are dishonest, but we already know that Matt Kerwood’s cooked books are bad news for the proverbial Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.
Show the money,reveal the ideas and who is proposing them.Pittsfield is already in deep financial trouble and it should not add any new responsibilities to the poor and elderly of this city until we paint street lines and sweep streets ever 3 weeks.We can’t take care of what we have so please do not add 1 more thing to the list…..We spent 125,000,000.00 at Taconic to house 600 students.We were lied to about this.
Glad you found the “The.” Glad, also, to fully agree with your take in city affairs, especially the THS boondoggle. On national and international fronts, we are polar opposites, but I like to think we provide, in however crude and imperfect a fashion, a model of how relationships can continue despite certain political and ideological differences.
Yes,I need to continue to liberate you.LOL
Liberate me from freedom, you mean? All seriousness aside, as Steve Allen used to say, good to keep the human part of relationships out of the political fire. That includes humor!
Freedom is another lip service repeat word FOX/PUTIN/ Trump viewers use to trigger a vote for “Dopey” Don “the traitor” Trump…..I watch FOX all day and listened to drive time Limbaugh.
Hillary and the DNC spied on a sitting president. This after the fake “Russian hoax.” Isn’t that espionage TSC?
Pittsfield government is awash in money these days. Money from the federal govt., state govt., exorbitant city taxes, fees, fines and penaltys. Literally tens of millions of dollars, much of it windfall money. And this money is being handed out, passed out and gifted for all kinds of feel good projects. Is ANY of it being used to cut the ridiculous tax rate?
These ever escalating taxes are permanent. They will NEVER be going down and they will ALWAYS be going up. That astronomical debt number assures that.
And as any LEGITIMATE financial advisors will tell you, if you are middle income, trying to raise a family and own a home in Pittsfield, Ma. your future is bleak. If you can make it at all, you will be stuck paddling upstream against a very strong current. Putting money away for a child’s college education will be painfully difficult. Paying off a mortgage or even a car loan will be a stressful and worrisome challenge. Heaven forbid you have medical bills or need major home repairs. And this inflation, while everywhere is not going away anytime soon.
If your financial advisor tells you this is not true then he is leaving out parts of the equation and you should definitely get a second opinion because Pittsfield has a puffed up PR campaign that suggests otherwise. Don’t fall for it. Do not get into the Pittsfield rabbit hole so deep that you can’t provide for your children as they deserve.
Middle income home, trying to raise a family, trying to buy or pay off a home, hoping to pay for children college? You need to crunch the numbers, ALL THE NUMBERS. ADD in that Pittsfield management track record is dismal and has been getting progressively worse without exception. So there will NO help there.
Get out if you can. Get out, not just for yourself but mostly for your children. Some of us elderly have no choice but to stay here until we die. We are boxed in. But if you are not, explore your options and good luck. Just keep in mind that the longer you stay, the deeper into the Pittsfield mud your feet become stuck. I know too many who have made that mistake and wish they could turn the clock back.
Brilliantly said. linda ‘s pockets are so lined she is bending over backwards. she and hubby #3 live in a million dollar house in a Gated Community on outer West St. and one in Colorado. the millionaire incompetent linda. mayor? she is disgusting.
But she is so vibrant and dynamic!
I promise you she doesn’t bend over backwards so much as get on her knees and scab them
Pittsfield Mud. Well put. That is a great catch phrase for Shitsfield’s lack of transparency.
Dan maybe you were the training ground for the modern one sided propaganda media. Tell the lies of the Democrats as long as you can, calling the people and alternative media outlets crackpots for telling the truth, then when the truth comes out you bury it in the middle somewhere in one line. Just look at all that has happened since 2000, just plain lies and fairytales being spoken on TV or in the hate rag. Then they wonder why their numbers are in the toilet and heading down the drain. Why every item in the city’s budget can’t be on the city website with explanations. There is so much this city can do but they are stuck in their sleazy politics and search for power.
Important….This city is going to build a homeless shelter and it needs to be built in a very good place.That place is on the grounds of Berkshire Community College.This will provide a great place to possibly change your life and be safe in a wonderful environment…….Any other place will be a huge mistake like building a Taconic 125 million dollar state of the art structure for 650 kids…..Extremely expensive with 250,000 square feet of brick and mortar only to find out they plan to send hundreds more over to the crumbling 250,000 square feet of PHS to throw more money at this dump that we can’t control the environment in.Lies lies lies and more lies from the worst school department administration in Massachusetts. ……BCC and the homeless is the only way to go.Ex Superintendent of Pittsfield Eberwien who started Pittsfield down the road of DATA and CASH to buy statistical success with colorful mini grafting on PowerPoint costing us 10s of millions and his trained seal Curtis is now talking about consolidation to save money in South Berkshire…..Amazing turnaround….that man was born to sell Bull sh..Pittsfield is paying for 500,000 square feet of buildings to teach 1500 students…..absolutely a ridiculous expense.
I’m not confortable putting a homeless shelter at BCC unless the city provides vehicles to the homeless. And not scooters. Owning a safe working vehicle is a right!
Why not have Milltown convert Koussivtisky Hall into apartments for the homeless and us taxpayers can subsidize the cost? Cuz that is what we do, we subsidize.
It is right on a bus route and there is plenty of land out back for camping ,doping and contracting syphilis. Awesome U shaped thru-driveway for optimal pan handling. And it is only a short scooter ride to the Kardashians, I mean the mayors house, in case they need anything they don’t already have.
remind me which amendment in the constitution guarantees this so called right. Having a vehicle is a privilege
Preferably a new Mercedes Benz please
Claim Transparency whilst employing PR Firm(s).
And what do both shootings by the cops have in common Dan? Absolute and total proper use of force, all day long!
If an unarmed person tries to take a cops gun, tazer, knife, Billy club, or what not, the cop is totally justified in shooting to stop the threat. The cop doesn’t need to have his or her weapon taken first, once the person goes for the holster, the cop should get to the weapon first and shoot to stop. Another so called victim who brought it on himself.
If I were a parent or even a friend of a young man or woman I would casually tell them that 99% of all people shot by cops would probably still be healthy today IF THEY DID NOT ESCALATE THE SITUATION. This includes running your mouth, running away like a guilty person and or physically resisting the officer.
But these people who have been shot by police seem to have been unaware that THEY were making their own situation worse by being little assholes. So perhaps there could be a government program to tell parents to tell their kids that these simple little tricks could work for them. Cuz MAMA apparently is not passing this info along.
Greg Kelly, Newsmax 7-8pm on 222, showed the Grand Rapids video & analyzed each step taken by the police officer and the illegal alien. Totally justified shooting!
Illegal immigrant crime is skyrocketing due to the open southern border and progressive DAs.
Where is the press conference in Pittsfield by the mayor, police chief and DA?
On another note, I read in today’s Beagle that “reparations” are being sought to “bring justice” for years of high housing costs in Pittsfield – what a pile of BS and I hope every city citizen will be up in arms over this issue!
Thats why the BBEC or whatever got 3/4 of a million dollars to “establish and organization”
this city is run by bleeding heart liberal loons who wouldn’t give a dime of their own money to support these causes.
“Reparations”? The only ones I support are for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, middle class POW (People of Whiteness) who have been mistreated and scammed now by Pittsfield government since GE left, especially since the current regime took power.
Fizz, Some germane Pitts. history: What happened if you ” ran your mouth”. on North St. in Billy Mickle’s or Frank Carlin’s beat ?… Simply outdated old time policing which Mike Wynn disparages.
Well today Billy Mickle would be getting his ass sued off, lose his job, go to jail and become a pariah in his own community or all of the above. Times sure have changed.
The video and the early factual evidence support what you say, FIZZ.
How about it? Try cooperating and not throwing a big childish hissy fit and you may live to participate in another car jacking or cap popping event with the guys the very next day.
George Floyd cooperated.
Not in the beginning he didn’t.
There may be exceptions as with everything…
Not at all he struggled and he even knew the cop, worked with him
If you want transparency Dan, don’t live in Pittsfield. Transgender is a whole other story, but Tyer is the the least transparent mayor, ever.
Transgender is a Republican idea.Republicans always blame weak and powerless for people problems….its idiotic to sell this stuff to the vulnerable conservative voter who gets scared watching FOX
By the looks of it she’s definitely transgender
The more money being paid to our Pittsfield Mayor, the more the city goes downhill. A higher salary just attracts people who are interested in money and not public service.
Florida is a good place to live, but if this far left agenda continues, no place will be desirable to live because their goal is to get rid of the middle class and just have a dependent class of people and the government elites. It will be like a slave situation where nobody dares bite the hand that feeds them so the already wealthy will take on more and more power and money while the people of this country sink into government dependency to survive.
Did you ever have a Union wage Pat?You know the wage that sent 4 kids to college and bought a 2nd car and negotiated healthcare and retirements.The right to work laws were put into law by anti union corporation bribing law makers.The wealthy have always used the poor to go against unions.The Covid money was given out to keep the Republican economy alive and it has.If there was no covid funding you would not be looking at inflation at 7.9 % last month as you would be looking at 50,000,000 million people unemployed and 1000s of businesses closed….Get Woke Pat
Nancy Pelosi, Schumer and Biden wanted go give more money to people even though it wasn’t needed because companies were looking for workers not closing their doors. More stimulus would have meant even more inflation as with the Build Back Better bill they wanted to pass that was thankfully stopped by one smart Democrat. Yes, some money was good to give to people, but NOT as much as Pelosi and friends were giving and wanted to keep giving.
Pat goes BOOM on TSC’s woke head! Good job Pat.
You cant boom repeating FOX loop talking points to shutins and those retired FOX/PUTIN watchers
Nor CNN/MSNBC/NPR/NYT/The Globe/Washington Post….hope you get the drift and know that you are a classic example of someone who is either brainwashed or just likes to instigate by saying bizarre illogical things
union buffoons gave pittsfield GE workers a seven day weekend
And all the workers with moral good families left with the jobs. Pittsfield’s response is to bring in the Social Service population. Massachusetts is known to the homeless as the place to go for the benefits. So who is melting in the Pittsfield pot?
Republicans are against union wages and clean environments.If I have to explain why people support low wages and poison in your land air and water then you deserve your republican government
The solution to the problem of people not following the law and engaging with police after being stopped? We will stop stopping them. Specifically, we will stop stopping Black people because they can’t follow the law. They are stopped twice as often because they are Black and don’t follow the law. What an insult this is to POC everywhere. This is really happening. In LA, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh; Seattle; Berkeley, Calif.; Lansing, Mich.; Brooklyn Center, Minn.; and the State of Virginia police no longer stop Black people on traffic violations because they will not follow the law and will have to be shot. Guess who has the vision for this?
Harrington’s # 1 priority is reducing overcriminalization. It says so right on her campaign site. Number one: reduce overcriminalization by ending cash bail. Do we have an overcriminalizatoin problem in Mass. or Berkshire County? No, we do not. The Massachusetts DOC jurisdiction population continued to decline for the ninth (9th) consecutive year, a decrease of 42% since the trend’s peak on January 1, 2012. Then again, I guess if you consider any prison population overincarceration you can see where she is coming from.
And how does ending cash bail help with the mission? How does that work exactly?
If you end cash bail they never show up for court so you don’t have to prosectute them? Got it?
Since the iseption of bail reform committing new crimes is epidemic.
So from just scanning through the key points of that liberal garbage, it seems 99.9% is focused on how to retrain the police to adhere to “progressive views” and punish those officers who don’t get in line.
Nowhere did I read about the POC community being held accountable for turning their neighborhoods into gun ranges and using people as target practice. Nope, it’s all the polices fault and of course YT’s.
“Racially biased policing,” is even a buzz word in this garbage. And “social justice warriors” need the make sure it stops.
I seem to recall DA Wrong Way running on a platform of bringing “racially biased policing” to an end in the Berkshires.
It’s been over three years Andrea, where are those stats to back up your bull$h!t? Or like everything else about your progressive platform, it’s just bull$h!t?
Boston under Blue Blue Michelle Wu wants a new police chief with no policing background. It’s all about DIE. Of course, that’s why big Blue cities in America are going into the latrine. Unchecked, this will destroy America. One ray of hope: the midterm elections this year and the 2024 for POTUS.
Dan, why stop at the police? Why not a fire chief with no fire fighting experience? Why not hire a person who oversees and maintains the roads and highways with no experience?
Wait, I believe Pittsfield did this. Ricky’s Rumpus comes to mind.
Remember Michelle Wu-han knows “white problems,” speaking as a POC, that she is.
As I’ve said about Lazy Linda, DA Wrong Way, Helen “Handgun” Moon, Michelle Wu-han, and all these other progressive nimrods, it would be funny to do a true background check on each of them and see how many true friends of color each one had, prior to being “woke?” And by friend, I mean someone who came to your house, you went out with, etc, prior to entering politics or becoming “woke?”
Vibrant, Dynamic, and Inclusive City betting odds:
0 friends: 1/1 (even money)
1 or more: 1,000,000 to 1
You must be kidding,Trump fascist right wing that just attempted a Coup is the enemy of America and you believe prison and court reform are….I keep holding out hope for you Dan
Hillary and the DNC were spying on a sitting president. Isn’t that espionage TSC?
Hillary is a FOX trigger word but about that Trump overthrow…Say Fake News and it will go away
All of the liberal toilet paper rolls, I mean liberal media, have already acknowledged it happened moron.
Up to 30 FBI employees in the crowd agitating, hence the charges are minuscule. For a year I have been letting you know it was a set up, most likely by Pelosi but you just stay within your small TDS mindset. Check out what happened in the Whitmer case and who ended up in Washington just before 1/6.
and why not? they clearly have a mayor with no expertise in her role. She got the job the same way Tyer and Harrington did, with their vaginas riding the tail end of the Trump Derangement Syndrome wave
Why doesn’t Wynn stand up to her? It’s pathetic.
It has been rumored for years that she and Wynn were a number somewhere between her 3 marriages and his two. Maybe she has something on him so that is why he is afraid of her.
Actually Scanlon made clear the financial management is NOT fine. OpEB too high and he stated we need to reduce hiring. I believe you are referring to a councilor’s question (been a while correct me if I’m wrong) if we need a forensic audit. His response was structurally the reporting is comprehensive and consistent. Further, Scanlon methodology is to compare city reporting to state recordd.
Scanlon’s message to the councilors is clear: pittsfield is underwater. If we keep adding to payroll, we will need to further increase taxes.
OPEB: Other post employment benefits (pensions, continued health benefits) The auditor stated that they are currently unsustainable. He added caution for future hiring stating we need to consider that salary expense also increases the benefit expenses and the OPEB liability. His recommendation is twofold: 1) slow hiring. 2) Raise taxes to cover the OPEB accounts.
This message is not rosy, and it should generate anxiety for the executive and the council.
Right you are, CHAZ. This has been a disaster in the making for a generation now. All those contracts that the city signed with the unions, ESPECIALLY teachers, have come back to haunt the city. Pittsfield gave away the store in those alleged “negotiations,” giving the unions everything they wanted for one simple reason: Get support of school department employees, their families, and their friends come Election Day. They didn’t care about agreeing to the health insurance (for so long it was 90% pickup, now a still overly generous 85% of cost to taxpayers) and OPEB, because the bills for those would simply not come due for years. Now those years are arriving. That half-a-BILLION+ is an actual, legal obligation, and the Kapanskis are on the hook. There are only three options: Pay in full, renegotiate ALL benefits, or default. THE PLANET recommends the second. Ah, but find the politicians who are strong, steadfast, and honest enough to fight The Special Interests to get it done? Fat chance, as you are fully realizing as a city councilor. Thanks for your strong early performance on behalf of the Kapanskis, and thanks for your participation on this board.
Two married downtown administrators are taking almost 200 k and just bought a house out of the city.The most incompetent safety person ever hired but he was a very close friend of Curtis.He should have been fired so they had to promote him.That building is a clique of incompetence
Names please, SC.
and which Tony town do they live in?
Pittsfield Schools Administration building
Both together are pulling down about 200k and then bought a house outside Pittsfield
Exactly Dan,Negotiations with the unions are all about getting the biggest voting bloc to get into office and stay in office. The leadership is negotiating votes when it comes to these union contracts.
The politically connected public unions, the ruling elites, the vested and special interests, and the Suits all do well by Pittsfield politics. The rest of the people and struggling working families pound sand.
Unfortunately the Berkshires are a Blue County. What worries me as it seems we’re shifting to a Progressive County, full of Moon bat idealism. Do nothing, double title jobs. Tran, Bi,Equity ,Inclusive, Undocumented, Director of fill in the blank$$$$$. The sucking sound is your tax dollars going down the drain.
I’m not so sure it is a Blue County. The politcians are “bluer than blue,” for sure, but the elections are fraudulent in this sense: Turnout is artificially kept low, especially in the county seat, weighting the Special Interest vote. There hasn’t been a mandate since attendance at Wahconah Park in 1965 for the inaugural campaign of the Pittsfield Red Sox, a championship season. We led the Double A Eastern League in attendance.
Double A Sox in the swamp called Wahconah. A time where admission was low, expandations were high.The players were studs, the town were duds. Still the Stars we’re here, unfortunately most didn’t care.
and the focus was baseball. Now Waconah Park has baseball infested with all kinds of childish distractions which totally ruin the game for me. Do not go there anymore. Not about baseball anymore. The actual game of baseball is secondary to the sideshow. If you are a real baseball fan Waconah Park is not for you.
THE PLANET is in complete agreement. So called “baseball” at Wahconah Park is a glorified McDonald’s Playland. Intolerable for a true fan, welcome for parents looking for daycare and drunks looking to hang out for three hours and drink tons of beer. (Remind you of anyone we know??!!)
Orange man bad got 5,000 votes in Pittsfield…..where are these voters in every other election?
We grew up in a union city and Republicans need to explain why unions are bad for working people….they never do.
Excellent and this should be the message to Marchetti but he has heard this forever and as a banker he should be ashamed.My realestate taxes went up 10% top that off with the water and sewar tax increase…..The school department needs to consolidate the High Schools….they are trying gentrification to push the working poor out of town.Taxes are cheaper in Lenox…Dalton is awlful to live in and taxes there are off the charts.
Peter Marchetti would NOT run the Pittsfield bank he works for like he runs Pittsfield politics public finances! If he did, he would probably be wearing an orange suit with matching orange slippers.
If I owned that bank I would order a forensic audit right away.
If I owned the Pittsfield bank that Peter Marchetti works at, I would tell him NOT to use Matt Kerwood’s financial management practices in Pittsfield politics so I would stay in business.
Great blog today Dan. Thank You.
THE PLANET appreciates the nod, MVB.
Many dislike him.
and it is all because he is not doing the job people elected him to do. He has decided to attach himself to the special interest people while taking up a position which is suppose to represent the people of the city. So not only is he not doing his job he is blocking someone else from legitimately representing the people. And that is just low…very low Pete. Does it not bother you at all to be like that? Because it hurts a lot of people including children.
Conversely, they could unload about 25 nepotismal hires for make work jobs. Get rid of the duplication and those walking around with their thumbs up their asses and hire for departments that actually need people. Like PUBLIC WORKS.
Which reminds me, is the mayor waiting for the roadside grass and brush to grow high enough to hide the trash or does she have a real plan like real cities?
I know, stupit question……
Go to Clapp park regularly. They dump the trash cans with a mechanical arm attached to the truck, putting ruts in the track to get to the cans. Takes 2 guys for some reason, Saturday’s included. Never ever see them actually pick up any trash on the ground, requires bending.
How come he didn’t recommend closing some schools and reducing the workforce, especially the assistant superintendents and assistant to the assistant superintendent,etc.? All an auditor is supposed to do is state if the books are following the law and they are correct, nothing else.
Yes. Scanlon does a numerical audit, the easiest kind to do and, for the client, the easiest kind to dodge with voodoo bookkeeping. A management audit would look at areas of redundancy, waste, and areas for cost-out. It would, of course, do numbers but with an eye on checking for graft, corruption, bribery, kickbacks — you know, what is too often the “cost of doing business” in government, especially where politicians are not held accountable for their actions. An example of such an audit, if memory serves, was the Cresap Report commissioned by the city in the early 80s (1982). Cresap came in, found a lot of waste, and recommended how to fix. Insiders and “The Suits” got scared, made sure they buried the report, and outright dumped most of the copies, except the ones used as doorstops and the copy that the Berkshire Athenaeum had (and probably still does). Councilor Kronick might find it helpful to go to the library and ask the reference department for help in getting a copy of the Cresap Report.
Instead we have to settle for the Crap report from Kufflinks. Or the Creosote report. Or the Crumbling City report disguised as a shining star report.
Once again, The Berkshire Eagle could do a deep dive on Pittsfield fiances much like the awesome job it did the Berkshire Museum. (if they were so inclined)
And speaking of the Berkshire Museum…did I hear that they are getting a another quarter million of ARPA monies? Did they not just sell all the people Rockwell art for 50 million big ones and now they are again begging like a homeless pan handler? And someone is actually giving them money? Is Jimmy Ruberto still on the board of directors?
ALL 799 of them!
Add the SPED compliance people as well. Decent SPED teachers don’t need an idiot administrator breathing down their neck, they adhere to the laws
Also anxiety if you are a middle class resident of Pittsfield, Ma. If you stay, the cities debt owns you and your kids future. Get out ASAP. It will NOT get better because Pittsfield is SET UP TO FAIL!! Linda and Barry know it. The Petes know it and Mr Persip knows it. But no one knows it better than Mr Kufflinks cuz he stares it in the face every day.
It is your choice whether to go down with their ship or not. All the life boats are already reserved for special interests so you middle class folk are shit out of luck.
A ticking time bomb. Just a matter of when not if. The only possible remedy is Jesus coming into the temple, overturning the tables, and sweeping all the greedy bums out. … in other words, and entire political cleansing. Could it happen? Yes. THE PLANET, in fact, holds the blueprints. Will it happen? Ah, there’s the rub. It will take an unprecedented case of The Kapanskis pulling a Howard Beale. They already mad as hell. They just need a spark (or firestorm) that will ignite the powder keg. Also a Q: Are there any courageous people with leadership qualities who want to step in the breach, take over, piss off all the right people, and reclaim city government in The Name of the People? As we say, we do have the theoretical blueprints.
The problem Dan, is that if you could sweep all the bums out of Pittsfield politics today, the porcine debt is NOT going to go away in any of our lifetimes. But those who stay in Pittsfield and own a home and DO NOT GET TAX ABATEMENT S, will be paying ever increasing amounts from their own paychecks to address this debt. A debt they themselves had little say in accruing. And all the money that the abused middle class pays towards special interest debt, is money they cannot put towards their children’s college, their own personal vacations or perhaps even a decent vehicle to get around in. They will wear this debt around their neck like an ox wears a yoke and it will wear them down. And one day they will rue the day that they did not pack up their shit and cut their losses to find a better life elsewhere when they had the chance.
Pittsfield is indeed the land of little hope and all the public relations bullshit you read in the complicit media are just words in the wind, meant for the ignorant and the uneducated.
People of Pittsfield did have a say forever but somehow the GOBSIGs always ruled the day. Isn’t it funny how everyone complains but no one questions how the votes went the way they did and the little guy didn’t get a say. People choose to vote, go to city meetings and let their voice be heard or not. These are choices that have far reaching consequences. Today we should start the process of cutting the overhead and start paying down the debt. Even if it’s a little at a time at least we can start the ball rolling in the right direction.
Seriously? Your “solution” assumes that the people running Pittsfield government are going to stop the processes that have put it in a failing situation. And since there is and has not been, any oversight, locally, from the state or ANYBODY ELSE things are not going to change. The quite reliable tea leaves strongly suggest that the Pittsfield financial situation will get worse, not better. One has a better chance of beating a lsot machine than coming out ahead in Pittsfield, Ma. unless you can plug yourself into the political gravy train.
How does this play out for the Pittsfield Police, if the city keeps hiring? It doesn’t seem they can keep officers. The city hires them, pays to train them, and then they leave for greener pastures. Is it the salary? Poor leadership? Both?
What about looking at the over inflated school department? I think a few assistant superintendents could be axed and their jobs consolidated. Plus, with the hiring of OB for the DIE Office, what is the need for Shirley Edgerton’s position?
I’ll go one further, MARK. Get rid of Edgerton, a race baiter, and the DIE office, unneeded. Then take a REAL, honest look at the Kingdom By the Sea, a.k.a. The Pittsfield School Department. All told, the PSD east about 75% of every taxpayer dollar. At least 25% is fat and bad (for taxpayers) contracts. Cut cut cut instead of hike, hike, hike. One could justify the spending if the PSD was producing an absolutely first-rank product. However, it rates an F- for out-of-control classes, an absent and disinterested “leadership,” a lame and neutered school committee, policies that straightjacket teachers, and the influx of drugs and violence (bullying).
She got away with failing to report sexual assault on a disabled woman. Ever since she has thought she was invincible.
Close 2 Elementary Schools. 8 is way too many for a shrinking school population. That would get the others up to capacity. School bus riders should have free passes. Must be applied for at beginning of school year. If they do not ride the bus they are charged. Get a handle on the 40+ Buses. Have them parked at the Schools in the section that they serve. No more driving empty buses to the bee hive on Merrill road. Close and sell Mercer and Hibbard and move those Egg heads and toilet paper in one of the closed elementary schools. Many more cost saving measures out there. Unfortunately, they are growth, and it’s all for the children.
I fully agree with you. All of these unneeded positions, Tzar of Race Indoctrination, Shirley Edgerton, and the DIE Office headed up by OB, are absolutely not needed.
It’s just a feel good thing to do for YT, to make them feel better about something that occurred over 150 years ago. It simply makes no sense.
I would like to ask all POC who feel “victimized” in todays day and age, how?
Why can’t you achieve your dreams? A black president, VP, and both male/female SC Justices, proves you can.
On a side note, I’m curious if the two biggest race baiters in Pittsfield, Shirley and Denny Powell, will have their hands in the $700k the black business enterprise just got from Lazy Linda? $700k to help foster businesses for black people. It’s not even a company, but an easy way to wash money…..I didn’t mean to say that out loud Linda, sorry.
Thats the exact issues I’ve been trying to point out. It’s not even an established organization. Let’s wait and see (I’m sure only Dan will be reporting it) how much these connected racebaiters will be pulling in yearly. I’m guess minimally $80k
Also, I love how the Beagle cut comments to the article on social media. They knew what was “coming”
probably Linda while they pleasure her ego
$700, G’s Check out who is involved. M.A. you called who might be involved.
Take a look at the five bios of the leaders of this group. Only 1 has business experience: Alfred Enchill, who owns Elegant Stitching.
The rest of them: Shirley Edgerton, Warren Dews, AJ Enchill, and Auric Enchill, have ZERO experience setting up a business, running a business, or anything else related to business experience.
What an absolute joke. I’m betting this “business” never takes off. Not one black business will emerge, but the five will have a nice Christmas bonus, thanks to the American tax payer.
Shirley is a city employee and I believe Warren’s wife is also. Conflict of interest laws have no bearing in this award?
It will be interesting to hear from the black community down the road about how much help they received from this entity and how many new businesses started because of this money.if any. Also are these people getting a financial benefit for running it? How much $ if so?
Why does the Mayor need two assistants/bouncers in her office? How about double dipping Gina Armstrong and Deanna Ruffer basically getting two salaries!
The nearly 24-year-old heavily indebted, very polluted, and mostly vacant PEDA debacle has millions of dollars and growing liabilities, while the Lovely Linda gets to play Santa Claus.
Nearly $6M to be distributed in first Pittsfield ARPA awards | WAMC
It’s good to be a gobsig hack in Linda’s Pittsfield.
The more assistants the more time you can spend at home chilling around the fireplace. Just ask any school principle.
Peter Marchetti, we know you want to run for mayor. But you best put some distance between you and Linda. The last thing you need is to be covered in her stink when you run. One other thing. Cut out the texts between you and Linda. The room has a thousand eyes.
The late Gerry Doyle & Jimmy Ruberto & Linda Tyer….& Peter Marchetti?
The late Anne Everest Wojtkowski (Nuciforo’s Aunt) & Sara Hathaway (Nuciforo’s legislative aide) & Dan Bianchi….& unknown?
Pete run for mayor? I don’t think Pete could run outside, if his house was on fire. Pete run for mayor….thanks for the laugh.
Not an endorsement but he will
and would he then move to a gated community far away from the city he helps to push into the abyss?
Pittsfield disperses ARPA money to community organizations | WWLP
Madam Mayor, declares Winners and Losers. System sucks, and will eventually lead to corruption.
linda makes Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall look like saints. she was in charge of the voting machines and winning all 7 wards and 14 precincts. “Coincidence, I don’t think so.” she needed to step down from the city clerk, position, which ruberto appointed her to, before the election. Corruption.
How many deaccessioned Rockwells does it take for a museum to need a $200,000 grant from the city ARPA fund?
Are the potholes allowed to stay and our streets and roads allowed to fall into disrepair in order to attract internationally known photographers here to profit off of our post industrial political impoverishment?
Would you consider those photographs to be art, or evidence?
In this town? Probably evidence, that can be used to get disaster relief funds that we will never see used to provide real relief.
What’s Pittsfield’s percentage of those ruin porn photos anyway? Oh wait… that percentage was negotiated in the Doyle School style of negotiation, shhhh.
The quiet part out loud: Is Pittsfield welcoming the Bird scooters here specifically to take the loss, on the books, co- authored by Kreative Kufflinks and his sidekick It’s 3:00 a.m. And I’m Lonely?
How does one go about getting this city put into receivership?
Asking for all the caged birds with FREEBIRD!!!! hearts.
As a hat tip to the poster who keeps reminding those of us who can still get out to do so, here’s a couple of lines from America’s greatest living poet:
Oh baby this town will rip the bones from your back,
it’s a deathtrap, a suicide rap
We’ve got to get out while we’re young… —Bruce Springsteen, “Born to Run”
“Would you consider those photographs to be art, or evidence?”
If you are Jacob Riis, it’s art, to be paid in royalties for the evidence.
In ref: How The Other Half Lives, Jacob Riis.
My question, especially after reading the hate rag this morning, is the people who register as being black make up 4% of the Pittsfield pop, why are they receiving most of the ARPA funds? The logical, I know in Pittsfield nothing goes by logic, would be to use the ARPA money on the water/sewer project to save taxpayers money. Instead the city is helping to increase inflationary pressure which will cost us all more in the long run.
Everyone’s boat rises and sinks with rational use of public money (that is, ARPA is taxpayer’s money.) Bad use of these funds will in short order cause economic harm to all.
Today’s inflation tops 8%. You may thank the overheated printing engines at Crane for that. What’s another ARPA 1.9 trillion dollars to be fed to large mouths such as Berkshire Museum and other non-generating wealth engines nationwide going to cost us and our grandchildrent?
Chrome Dome Adam Hinds wants you to drive an electric car by voting for a $250 million climate pork bill in Boston.
Sen. Adam Hinds: Driving electric vehicle growth in Mass (
Adam Hinds was never anything more than a political social climber. He’s as useless as his skull would be donating to St. Baldricks
PITTSFIELD — A judge has dismissed the manslaughter case brought against two local foster parents in connection with the death of an infant in their care.
In a 17-page ruling Monday, Superior Court Judge John Agostini called the evidence against Matthew Tucker and Cassandra Barlow-Tucker “circumstantial and not particularly strong,” and found the office of Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington failed to present to the grand jury sufficient evidence to support the indictments.
Agostini said prosecutors downplayed statements favorable to the Tuckers and attacked the couple’s character, leaving grand jurors with a “hopelessly slanted” view of the Tuckers.
The judge chastised the DA’s office for introducing evidence to grand jurors he said had little, or nothing, do with the Tuckers’ alleged culpability in the infant’s death, but was instead “intended simply to portray them as angry and inept foster parents.”
“This is not the standard of conduct the court expects from the Commonwealth in grand jury proceedings,” Agostini wrote.
“I’m hoping … there will be an apology from the District Attorney’s office for all of this that’s happening to this family.”
Calling it an emotional case, Agostini wrote that prosecutors presented evidence that invited the grand jury to indict not because the Tuckers acted wantonly or recklessly, but because they were made to be perceived as greedy and “despicably neglectful, irresponsible and uncaring foster parents” who had it out for DCF.
Further, the Tuckers’ DCF family resource social worker, Kim Simon, told state police that the couple was among the most “conscientious, engaging and forthcoming” foster parents she’d worked with. However, Agostini said her statements were on “a disk that was submitted but not played to the grand jury.”
Coughing and wheezing at 7 p.m., did they need approval from the AGENCY to go pick the baby up & hold him. Fuck this story.
When DCF is in charge you can’t even fart without one of those useless baboons claiming you are traumatizing the kids…
Yes, SO ANGERED. It’s a lot to take in. There’s much here we’re being asked to swallow.
The REAL CULPRIT are the useless, overpaid DCF workers (who are probably not parents and raging alcoholics like most of them) who neglected paperwork, doctors visit follow ups, etc
Quoth Astro and Scooby Do.
Latest mess up by the DA’s office is a crime. Charges dropped on death of a helpless baby. The second crime she has committed in two weeks. The office screwed up cases on Laquan Johnson twice, if they had done their job correctly Stephan Curley would still be alive, not murdered. A murder we have heard absolutely nothing about. Was Mr. Curley white and killed by black so his death does not matter? Now they screwed up the case of the foster care death of a helpless baby that was blatantly neglected by the foster parents. Harrington should be charged for her neglect. May I remind her that All Lives Matter!
Picture yesterday on the front page of the Eagle of crooked smiling Tyer made me sick. As she squanders all her/our millions away, meanwhile the filthy dirty City is riddled with crime, roads are neglected, businesses are closing left and right. PPD is down about 30 police officers and now she tables the three new applicants. Why were they tabled? Is it because of Courtney’s past legal issues, then why did it get this far, Wynn and Tyer did not realize it was an issue? What about the other two appointments? Are they working? Why are the taxpayers not be told why this was tabled? Wondering if all three are white and they were afraid to announce the appointments because of “Miggy”. As usual there is a stink coming from the corner office. Linda you really have nothing to smile about, the City you are suppose to be leading is a total disaster and at the point of no return.
Both woman completely lack any morsel of a conscious. Ego is what rules their lives while they are totally oblivious to other’s. They both would have been fired along time ago if they worked in the private sector.
I completely agree Merry!
Anyone But Andrea. She needs to leave on the next train to anywhere but here.
Holy sh*t in an Easter basket.
Harrington prosecuted the case herself.
“This is not the standard of conduct the court expects from the Commonwealth in grand jury proceedings,” Agostini wrote.
They are calling for Harrington’s resignation on Facebook. Shugru is as good as elected.
There’s a lot of stupid in Berkshire county, read the comments, some blamed the judge.
So much stupid. My favorite was when Carnevale’s attackers were found not guilty of intent to murder and the comment was “Can we appeal it?”
Judge John Agostini is held in high regard.
What I want to know is where is Linda Tyer, Barry Tyer- oh sorry Barry Clairmont, Tricia Farley Bouvier and so on??? Where are all the people who got her voted in???
All I hear from them now is crickets!
You elect a clown expect a circus! And that’s what you got! A joke and a disgrace. She’s probably not a bad person, she just simply has no business being DA.
We had a great DA in Paul Cacciovello, and he is now working for the people of Springfield in that County’s DA office.
So what do you have to comments Linda, Barry, Tricia? Where are you now???
They were wrong. They better do right.
This is the kind of egregious behavior Harrington and her high horse progressive friends have gone after other prosecutors for. This really shows what a fraud she is. She had done nothing to clean anything up, in fact the opposite.
You must leave, now take what you need
You think will last
But whatever you wish to keep
You better grab it fast
As THE PLANET said to another correspondent, there’s a lot to unpack here, not the least of which is the ineptness of DA (or is it DUH) Andrea Harrington. She blew another one.
She’s blown quite a few
blow j…
No this is not about inadequacy. This is about using the power of the district attorney to get a case to trump her policies for political purposes. It is so outrageous. She ran on standing against over prosecution. Agonstini saved her from becoming a poster child of the Innocence Project. It would be funny if it were not so horrifying.
We shall be commenting on this awful, sad case on Monday’s PLANET.
Is anyone else upset by today’s article in the Beagle suggesting that reparations are in order due to the high price of housing over the years in Pittsfield?
This is outrageous!
If Tyer could and arpa money would be available what a gift that could be.
She’s already doing it. look at who is getting some of the absurd amounts of money… organizations that don’t exist yet
R and R. Reparations and Redact. This Parks Commission should be looked at with these hacks being appointed the same year after year. Send Gilbert Godfried and Doris Day and Elton John down the road.
The reappointment of Same-ol-Same-ol typfifies an unimaginative, depressed, rote “leadership,” one that doesn’t actually care about the community.
Should have term limits on boards. This way more people will be able to get involved with the city
It’s an absolute joke. Things that were occurring 80+ years ago, have no bearing on any of their lives.
Why are some groups of POC so against working hard and achieving self success? I get sitting on your a$$ and collecting a government check is easier, but don’t any of these people have an ounce of self pride?
You ask a legitimate question, not at all rhetorical.
We have reached the ultimate stage of absurdity where some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, while other people are not held responsible for what they
themselves are doing today?
Get out if you can. Pack up what you have left and don’t look back. They want every last freaking dime you have and they do not have to ask you for it. They can just take it and THEY WILL!
If you know what needs to be done, stay and fight. The grass isn’t greener in yonder fields.
We have reparations. It’s called jail.
The judge is saying the DA went out of her way to present information to the grand jury that never should have been presented. That goes beyond being inept. It is corrupt. We have a DA who is doing a poor job going after the people she should. Either she is dropping or losing cases where people are running with guns and drugs. Meanwhile, she goes out of her way to improperly influence a grand jury to prosecute people she apparently had insufficient evidence to prosecute. It is disgraceful. Unfortunately, it was predicted here.
This is corruption, she is corrupt. She’s done this before with the public information requests and by not handing over evidence to the defense.
In this case she hid the evidence and brought up things not related to the case.
There is just so much to unpack here. Justice was denied to the child first and foremost. Then to each of us in the community as well on so many levels. It stinks of hypocrisy and a political agenda. Who are the Tuckers? Where is DCF in all this? would they, the process and the Commonwealth’s capability not at least been examined if not exposed? we the community through the DCF placed that child in the care of the Tuckers it went badly wrong. How will we know what to correct? how to correct or do we blindly keep supporting the DCF? Just questions I would love to hear from Penny Lane or any other supporters to discuss this in a meaningful way this is a hugely significant on many levels but chief amongst them we the community have to know and have faith in the fact that the most vulnerable amongst us will be tenaciously advocated for and protected by those who ask to do it and are given that privilege.
Giving them the Bird, literally. Pittsfield will be in store for a guano-load of this when Ricky Rumpus’s e-scooters hit the bricks.
Gotta keep it fresh!! New and exciting!! BTW on East St today and a biker cut across lanes at a red light and rode on the wrong side of the road. So again tell me why we are creating bike lanes? And when are they getting rid of the hazard on Elm St between George’s and Greylock?
Answers to your two Qs: 1. At the whim of The Special Interests, including the brittle, bribable biker, Alison McGee. 2.) Not until a solid mayor takes office, one with gravitas. No more light weights, please.
They are waiting for a scooter operator to get killed.
dont worry, no one will be breaking into that gated community!
Dan , who is worst Shitsfield mayor of your lifetime?
All of them!
Great answer.
April 16, 2022
Hello Erin Leahy at Act on Mass, and Patrick Fennell, respectively,
First to Erin Leahy: My response to your weekly political email about Beacon Hill politics is that the $50 billion state budget proposal by the Massachusetts State House of Representatives’ Ways and Means Committee is yet another pork barrel bill that will give the vested and special interests everything they want, while the common people and struggling working class families will continue to pound sand. The Massachusetts State Senate’s Climate bill is really a $250 million pork barrel bill that won’t make a dent in rising temperatures and sea levels. The average working-class family is unable to purchase Hybrid and/or electric-powered vehicles, while used and new gas fueled cars are at the most expensive price levels in the history of the automobile. The Bos-Wash corridor mainly benefits the financial and ruling elites, which means that if you are not already wealthy and politically connected, Beacon Hill lawmakers and the Swamp lawmakers only do DISSERVICES to common people such as you me. Please know that these corrupt career politicians say and write lofty words, but at the end of the day, their words are only more hot air!
Second to Patrick Fennell: Chrome Dome Adam Hinds married a high society woman who is a college Professor at the prestigious Amherst College, which is a sister college to the prestigious Williams College. After Chrome Dome Adam Hinds got married, he and his wealthy wife bought a $690,000 home in Amherst, Massachusetts, which is represented by Jo Comerford in the State Senate in Boston. Chrome Dome Adam Hinds’ lofty op-ed in the Daily Hampshire Gazette about his vote in favor of the State Senate Climate bill and providing government tax incentives for working class families to purchase electric cars was both disingenuous and elitist. The climate bill(s) on Beacon Hill are really pork barrel bills. The cost of Hybrid and electric-powered cars are much higher than gas fueled cars, which are at their highest price levels in U.S. history. Chrome Dome Adam Hinds is now a millionaire, John Kerry is a billionaire, Joe Biden is worth tens of millions of dollars (probably hundreds of millions of dollars), which means they are all DISCONNECTED from the economic and financial realities of common people such as you and me.
Best wishes,
Jonathan A. Melle
Keep in mind that was his SECOND HOME
Doesn’t matter how the baby died. The Tuckers didn’t give the child to a doctor for examination. It’s called neglect judge”
The Tuckers took the baby for an exam on Dec. 10, 2019. The doctor wanted to see the infant on Dec. 18. The office made the appointment. When the 18th came, the Tuckers decided to skip the appointment. From that, we can each draw our own conclusions.
Irrelevant. She messed up the case by breaking the law. That is the whole point.
Where’s her Culpa? or is this what she wants a showdown confrontation and debate on social injustice and restorative justice?
Then get to the emergency room.
Maybe those Fuckers should have delegated the task of taking the BABY’S vitals/check for FEVER to their other child like PUTTING A VERY SICK BABY ALONE TO SLEEP – and OBVIOUSLY they knew he was DEHYDRATED because they …. they put water on his lips….. the CAREGIVERS were the TUCKERS. They can be the only ones held accountable. NOBODY NEEDS PERMISSION TO GET EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE. DEHYDRATION IS A F EMERGENCY IN & OF ITSELF.
“the CAREGIVERS were the TUCKERS. They can be the only ones held accountable. NOBODY NEEDS PERMISSION TO GET EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE. DEHYDRATION IS A F EMERGENCY IN & OF ITSELF.” So well put, SA. We shall explore this tragic, infuriating case tomorrow in our Monday column.
Tyler street LUXURY APARTMENTS did taxpayers subsidize this investment???
Told ya, again, a fool is born.
$1,350 / month to live in a drafty old church on Tyler street.
I guess you get the luxury of knowing you were scammed.
Don Trump wont debate Biden because he tried to overthrow our democracy.
Take your meds
Biden just lost a debate to a pigeon
And then tried to shake hands with Elvis after it was over.
Happy Easter and Pleasant belated Passover everyone
Right back at ya, SHIRL!
Passover still going strong.
Happy Easter to all my friends on the Planet!
Why not a retrial? How can a judge 100 pages sic have this much power?
This could be the last nail in the political career for the d a. This is more criminal than the Miggy shooting because the child died and suffered to boot. Anyone with a brain knows if a child has symptoms of illness you see a doctor at whatever cost or peril. Especially this child who had previous medical issues. These two cases will reap a substantial civil judgement,both were handled poorly and administratively poorly.
Hard to see Harrington going anywhere in public life unless it is an appointed position from some “connected” Liberal Loon big shot who wants to repay her for being a loyal apostle and evangelist of “Social Justice.”
Road Rage Rollins and Wrong Way Harrington are made for each other. You read it here.
I’m sure even Road Rage knows DA Wrong Way is a liability. Andrea will be making sandwiches soon.
They cover eachh overr. Rachel & Ang. Springfield/Berkshire = Besties. Dirty Dancing Nipple Exposing District [you decide]’s.
Why accept a foster child, baby – if your HOUSEHOLD IS ALREADY ILL !!!
Happy Easter!
Same to you, PAT, and all PLANETEERS.
Same to you and yours, LEN.
DA wrong ways latest with her state vehicle, she jumped the curb at Market 32 and had to be towed out in broad daylight.
Give her a chance, she just got her license!
Thanks, JUAN. THE PLANET got a tip stating the same thing. Story seems to be confirmed. Wrong Way has jumped the curb now literally. It goes along nicely with her long-ago literal jumpings.
Keep going on the stooge show eventually everyone will believe you dumb politicians.
Twenty million for Miguel’s family, Twenty for the little baby and throw in ten for the little girl on Plunkett St. Most of this is state side inept employee disfunction.
The Plunkett Street case was another horror story that makes Hitchcock’s “Psycho” look like Shirley Temple’s “Good Ship Lollipop.” City officials, including and especially school department administrators, chose to sweep it under the rug. The rotting, maggot ridden corpse of a helpless little girl, shoved underneath a bed, never happened.
All of which you see as retread,scaled down, administrators and the results thereoff, have one thing in common. They never would have made it in the private sector.
You mean “The DREADED Private Sector?” You got it right, Zee. They couldn’t hack it there.
Why is she using her government leased car for personal business? Isn’t it for official business only? I don’t think there’s a case for her to say “she might be needed at a moments notice”. Does her family ride in that car too? What if she gets in an accident while running personal errands? Does she have her own POV? or is she using the state car as her POV?
Was she brethalyzed at the Market 32?
They took her to Lenox
She blew into something
Jared and Ivanka Trump recieved 2 billion from the Saudi Prince …..Jared was having a 600,000,000 million loan from Russian Oligarchs called in….wow
Sounds like a chain of command issue misuse of information in all of these latest cases. Tucker baby,Miguel and the little girl on Plunkett.
Barrington Stage getting big bucks. Somebody will be in a new vehicle,free.
Blah, blah
TDS, stop switching Trump for Biden, or haven’t you been privy to Hunter’s laptop big man…c’mon Brandon
2 billion to Ivanka and hubby from the murderous Saudi.Amazing stuff.Biggest payoff in history to a sitting 1st family.
Bike lane consequences. Corner of North Street and Columbus. Car was driving in the lane, other car was driving in the lane that changes to a bike lane, bicyclist was driving by the median going towards traffic on the wrong side of the road, going north in the southbound lanes, swerved to make a left against the light and traffic. He cut off the cars heading south in the southbound lanes, they tried to avoid him. All mayhem ensued. Guy on the bike didn’t even stop. You can see the car plowed into the Persip Park, the other car got it’s door ripped off.
This is what happens when you give bikes a lane in traffic.
Amazing. Our Z-Agents once again, everywhere, bringing you the City Follies first and often exclusively. Thanks, NF. Keep up the good work.
This picture sums up Ricky’s Rumpus.
Was that the DA out biking today?
Dan can you find out who was driving Andrea Harrington’s leased car when it went over the curb, please? Some are saying it was not her but a teenager.
Didn’t hear that but we’ll snoop around. Z-Agents alerted.
Million faces / Rocked em all
Mass shooting suspect. Yes he is black, yes most of the victims were black, yes this is a drug and gang thing.
Another mass shooting in South Carolina at a place called Cara’s Lounge.

I wonder what happened?!?
Liquor, strippers, and firearms, a true gangsta party.
I know, “ghost guns” are the issue, right Xi Xiden? Not black on black violence?
I wonder what these Bitches take in order to sleep through the night.