(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY APRIL 25, 2022) — THE PLANET knew going in that the story of 10-month-old Kristoff Zanopoulas while in the foster control (we won’t say “care”) of Cassanda Barlow-Tucker and Matt Tucker would hit an ethical nerve, a judicial cranial, and a political funny bone.
The 3,000-word column in The Weekend Edition especially stirred outrage and gratitude, callousness and compassion, ire and gratitude, with almost universal — what shall we call it? — shock, awe, frustration.? Whatever the word is, you can find it under “e” for emotional. We owe this heavily-trafficked-to-the-point-of-gridlock traffic to the way we dealt with the fact and evidence the Commonwealth presented to the grand jury. In fact, THE PLANET had so much traffic, that at one point Saturday, the site wouldn’t load. Our IT guru fixed the problem.
It’s telling, don’t you think, that not one person condoned the actions of the Tuckers. This includes PCTV, where he last worked and likely still does. They’ve taken down the bios of its board of directors. They’ve taken down the staff listing, which, if up and active, would have included Tucker. Our guess is that they don’t want to do that. Indictment for manslaughter and reckless endangerment of an infant — a case that was not permitted to go to trial with guilt or non-guilt decided and therefore unresolved — isn’t the kind of thing companies typically want to advertise.
Come to think of it, THE PLANET can’t recall ever seeing celebrity endorsements from the likes of Richard Speck, Charles Whitman, John Wayne Gacy, or the Boston Strangler. Of course, we realize we will be chastised by John Q. Public for bring up non-sequiturs. In this specific instance, we would have to agree.
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Reactions to our coverage has been passionate and heartfelt, visceral and voluminous. This gratifies us. Because of technicalities and legalisms of precedent, justice has been temporarily denied for a seriously ill, choking, helpless infant left to die alone in his crib. THE PLANET says temporarily. Why we say this we shall have to keep to ourselves for the time being. Morally, however, rest assured the karmic payback has just begun for the guilty in this case. They know who they are. They are reminded every time they’re in the bathroom, preparing for bed, and having to look at their bestial, uncultured craws in the mirror.
Fortunately, in the unalterable metaphysics of the universe, Karmic law in such an unimpeachable court gets meted out by supra-legal ethicists. The road to redemption of the truly guilty in this case won’t be easy for the poor bastards who bear guilt. We’re just glad it’s not us or the district attorney. We’re not saying who it is. We are here on earth, still earthbound in this veil of tears, hence, we shall leave that to the criminal justice system. Again, the system has not yet had the chance to clears the Tuckers or to hang them.
Speaking of Andrea Harrington, we privately have stated that, at least in this case, we felt as if she were acting as OUR attorney. That is the highest fulfillment of office a district attorney or prosecutor can bring to the table that sits beyond the rail and one of the most resounding endorsements any prosecutor can receive. We applaud Harrington, and THE PLANET knows that we will take our lumps for it. Bring it on, we say.
Unlike those who bear an irrational, ideological hate of not the office but Harrington herself, the person, THE PLANET is not only capable of judging cases on their individual merits but morally and professionally duty bound to “call ’em as we see ’em.” We hav street cred for our previous, sometimes blistering coverage of the D.A.’s office. Past won’t ever influence present at this address, not to the extent that is humanly possible.
Readers’ commentary of our coverage has tended to primarily laud THE PLANET for our investigative work, diligence, reportage, and analysis. The other side also was well represented. We were accused of having sold out. To whom we know not. We also heard “They got to you.” Who “they” are escapes us. The Mssrs. Anonymous who believe and charge us with that won’t say “who” bought us or for how much? There’s a simple reason: that it’s fake news.
Actually, one person “got to us.” His name is Kristoff Zenopolous, the dead infant, spotless in total innocence. THE PLANET, the harpies said, wrote out of a personal vendetta against the Tuckers. Not true; we have nothing but love in our heart for them and all of humankind. They also criticized THE PLANET for “attacking” Judge John Agostini. Laughable. First, we were dealing with the judge’s ruling, not the judge’s person. Second, we have repeatedly emphasized our respect for the judge in his professional capacities. He’s a first-rate jurist and the county court is fortunate to have him.
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THE PLANET found (and finds) the testimony introduced to the grand jury clearly pointing to the Tuckers’ culpability. So did the grand jury, lest you forget. Three items particularly stand out for us as egregious parental failings that demand justice:
- The Husband. No monitoring. Matt Tucker enters the room where Baby Kristoff is fighting for his life, “gasping” [for air] and coughing-with-plegmmy-pus nonstop. Tucker nonetheless eaves the room sometime between 6:35 and 7:17. He exits WITHOUT CHECKING ON THE BABY. Who does that?? Let it sink in: He walks away from an infant with the undeveloped immune system of all 10-months old, one who’s been sick for two months and who is now in a near-terminal phase.
- The Wife. Cassandra Barlow-Tucker’s blog. Judge Agostini cited the inclusion of these 70 pages by the Commonwealth in its presentation to the grand jury as prejudicial and the prosecution’s biggest mistake. We understand the logic. There is, however, one blog item that won’t go away, one that should have been heard by the grand jury. THE PLANET refers to the woman’s entry on another of their foster kids — one of 20 she and hubby have had in four+ years, suggesting the possibility that they were in it for the money. The subject of the wife’s venom was a four-year-old boy, three years below what the Catholic Church considers the “age of reason.” She writes: “GET THIS LITTLE ASSHOLE OUT OF OUR HOUSE” [our italics and capitals]. Think about that. Moms might think such things in moments when kids make them crazy, but what kind of mom WRITES and then PUBLISHES it? THE PLANET wonders. So do you, probably. So do the overwhelmingly vast majority of good, decent people. If Barlow-Tucker was comfortable publishing that kind of hateful sentence, what kind of language did she use with the helpless little boy when alone with him? How did she treat him physically? We shudder at the thought. Child abuse, in effect and in a de-facto manner endorsed by DCF? We don’t know. We only ask.
- Husband and Wife. At 7:29, the bedroom camera activates again. From Judge Agostini’s report: “Kristoff is heard gasping and coughing, and is seen rolling partially onto his right side and grabbing one of the spindles of the crib.” In short, he’s wracked with agony. In the 12 minutes from 7:17 to 7:29, the baby’s torture intensifies dramatically. No one is there, still, to check on him. In fact, neither of this Ward-and-June-Cleaver couple thinks to check in on the boy until 8:37 the next morning. Unchecked for 12-13 hours. Too late. He’s dead. You might be okay living with that without a trial, but THE PLANET isn’t.
Much has been made of Barlow-Tucker’s alleged maternal instincts kicking in by her CPR attempt after finding the baby dead in the crib. It’s possible, but we’re not buying it. The video shows her doing CPR, alright. That’s not in dispute. Ah, but WHY did she do it? The more plausible answer isn’t her “Donna Reed” instincts being activated. More likely, she does CPR either strictly for show or with the camera running or from panic, something along the lines of “Oh shit. He died. Our racket is up now. We’re finished. No more DCF checks.” Obviously, we can’t know. It’s speculation. So why do we raise this possibility?
- The child has obviously been dead for a number of hours, likely somewhere near 12 hours.
- Rigor mortis has set in.
- No one attempts CPR on a corpse that exhibits lividity, a blueish-purple coloring of the skin after rigor mortis, as the medical examiner testified.
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There has been a murderous wrong committed.
The Commonwealth agreed. A grand jury agreed. Public opinion seems to agree.
In the name of all that is right and good, the Commonwealth must re-introduce this case back into the criminal justice system. We have reason to believe it will happen.
We believe sufficient evidence is there to produce an indictment, one that will hold up and from there proceed to trial.
Let the Tuckers receive that fair trial. We The People will accept a jury’s verdict, up or down, and consider the affair honorably settled.
If your actions do not live up to your words, you have said nothing. — DeShane Stokes.
(c) 2021 By PLANET VALENTI & EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All right reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all rights to those comments. They remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
I admire blogger Dan Valenti’s compassionate journalism, but I criticize his myopic journalistic failure(s) to put facts and events into broader context, his redundant and at times banal criticisms of Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington (who is progressive politician), and his sin(s) of omission by not covering all of the other corrupt career politicians who are far worse in their political malfeasance than little middle-aged Andrea Harrington, who has been if elected office for only 3 years, 3 months, and 24 days so far. Please understand that Pittsfield and socioeconomically distressed communities like Pittsfield in the beautiful Berkshires (and beyond) have high rates of violent crime, broken homes, welfare and social services caseloads, and so on. Blogger Dan Valenti lives in an upper-class estate in wealthy Stockbridge, Massachusetts, which is a Norman Rockwell, Tanglewood and so on destination that is famously known throughout the world and visited by thousands of foreign tourists every year, sans the Covid-19 lockdown(s). Blogger Dan Valenti sits, writes and blogs in an Ivory Tower, which is similar to Gated Community Mayor Linda Tyer’s disconnected leadership in Pittsfield. I believe that blogger Dan Valenti loves Pittsfield/Berkshires, and that he is sincerely fighting for the voiceless, forgotten and beaten down little guys named the proverbial/fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, but my opposing opinion is that D.A. Andrea Harrington is the least of Pittsfield/Berkshires’ problems!
Jon, Do you sit and wait for DV to publish his opinions then pounce upon them? Seems like you are the first person to comment when Dan opines a missive.
Sounds to me like a guy who pleasures himself until your opinion is published and grabs a napkin!
Cockwomble :
A person, usually prone to making outrageously stupid statements and generally having a very high opinion of their own wisdom and importance.
A completely useless person that spouts constant bullshit
That is how I viewed Kerwood when he was on the city council. He is still a tool but is able to even more damage.
Little Eddy Munster.
Love It!
It is not a wealthy town Jon
Maybe DCF should be looked into as well as the Tucker’s in the death of this poor child. It is such a tragedy and it seems like it could have been avoided. If the Tucker’s have too many foster kids are they burnt out? By what you stated Mrs. Tucker posted it would seem she is past the burnt out stage of caring for children, did DCF notice these signs? There needs to be a serious investigation into this matter. The state needs to come up with a better solution to raising foster kids. It seems like every year a foster child ends up dying in a foster home, very, very sad.
They definitely got to Dan. I don’t know if he was threatened, coerced, bribed but his endorsement of Andrea Harrington’s behavior in court is cray cray!
“ Speaking of Andrea Harrington, we privately have stated that, at least in this case, we felt as if she were acting as OUR attorney.”
That’s not good! She’s not my attorney, or the peoples’ attorney. The judge says she abused her power, it’s nothing that she hasn’t done before, and if you think that’s ok, it makes me think you’re not ok.
What do they have on you Dan? Blink twice if you need help. If you really think DA Harrington did a good job in this case and was acting for the people and not for the politics or optics, get a cognitive check, it might be Dementia Dan.
Maybe get some electrolytes because that a delusional article.
I don’t think people really were looking at the coverage but more how far off the mark you are.
I’m honestly dumbfound how wrong you’ve come out on this. Fell better, get better, none of this was to your normal standard. Something is amiss.
Thank you for your care and concern. I assure you, though, that nobody “got” to me. Still unbought. Still unbossed. It’s just that I have the ability and the moral conscience to judge stories on their merits.
Liar, Liar Pants on fire.
Anybody catch the shenanigans this weekend on barker road?
Filling potholes on the weekend in the evening and at night?!? Then line painting at night on the weekend? That’s got to be $100 an hour of a job.
It was very well done, this morning the potholes were back in many places and they painted the lines into the potholes.
What’s going to be the pinger color for May? The white ones are gone, most of the orange ones are gone, any bets? I think gold would really smarten up the place.
Bitch if ya do, Bitch if ya don’t. Sounds like you are fixated with John Krol. Stalking his ex wife or current GF Much. Come on up out of the basement, it’s a nice spring day, get some fresh air Rube.
How do we know their was murder in the hearts of the Tuckers.I know of many people who adopted fostered children and am amazed at their compassion to care for them.They also deserve financial support to help with that compassionet choice….I admire the selfless act as something of God…..My question stands as what is the history of medical care of all the other children who have been through the Tucker home.Is it not possible that it was a compete tragedy and nothing sinister.
No one knows what in anyone’s hearts. I too have known many people who have fostered children, some for a lifetime, and provided A-1 parental care, guidance, and love. Yes, they need financial support. Yes, it is a selfless act. Then there are the cases where there is not this ideal situation, and people, usually helpless children, suffer. Good question at the end.
This is totally a civil case. In the tens with a good lawyer. Is Shugrue available or Libbos? The Miggy might be more for the family and girlfriend. So tonight will the BLM and advisory Nintendo’s show up on the previously arrested, officer candidate? Isn’t that what these groups are about? Renaldo we don’t care about nips and plastic bottles. Body Cams and hiring of arrested police candidates, yes !
There is only one explaination for this utterly stupid post I can think of. I wonder if she will fall for it.
You might be right! Flattery is a quick way to her ego. Dan is looking for an exclusive interview.
Only stooge gets the interviews. And he’s been all over the world.
“Stooge…All over the world.” HEHEHEHEHE quote the Cone Heads
Beldar and Primat certainly knew what they were laughing about.
Dan? Any opinion on the lame duck appointments tommorrow night for p p d ? I hear Renny is going to give a police camera presentation at open Mike and he’s bringing people with him. Keep up the great work Dan and don’t let us be fooled that your not one hundred percent perfect on here. But your damn close.
Thanks, GLOBE. Appreciate the info and the support.
Trump in 24. Wait for it
Twitter has been set free. Elon Musk will detoxify Twitter and bring back free speech to our country.
Amen Pat You’re back!\ Trump in 24 Wait!
Great news for Free Speech.
I’m hoping that Mele gets on twitter
What about his sidekick, Pat Fennell?
Fennel belongs in sausage.
NH billionaire, Elon Melle just offered Dan Valenti 41 billion dollars for his blog. Developing story.
Dan will not sell. Elon could up it to 50 billion and Dan would hold strong.
As a bored member I vote for less Melle and more Dan.
I hold the record for negative points on the PlanetValenti blog. I also have been called insulting names such as Marxist Melle, as well as been insulted for masturbation, among other mudslinging comments. The thing that some people don’t understand is that the Ruling Elites are smugly mocking us and economically distressed cities such as Pittsfield and enriching themselves at the public trough via K Street corporate lobbyist firms and other greedy lobbyists and their politically connected firms. Trump’s MAGA tagline and Biden’s Green New Deal propaganda are false marketing campaigns only meant to fool us. Pittsfield always gets systemically shafted by the Swamp and Beacon Hill alike with underfunded state/federal aid, while the state lottery, alcohol, tobacco, pot, and other regressive taxation schemes target distressed cities such as Pittsfield so that the upper class/big business always receives tens of billions of dollars per fiscal year in state tax breaks from Beacon Hill lawmakers. Meanwhile, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is said to be a billionaire, the Biden “Crime” Family are worth tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars, K Street corporate lobbyist firms reported record earnings in 2021, and Wall Street and the U.S. Military Industrial Complex are making a financial killing off of Putin’s led Russia unprovoked war in Ukraine. But keep on giving me 30 to 40 thumbs down and keep insulting me, despite the fact that I am trying to defend you all from the corrupt career politicians from Pittsfield politics to Beacon Hill to the Swamp, but some of you are unable to comprehend what is going on in the corrupt Corridors of Power.
Mayor Linda Tyer and the PPD have NO COMMENT to Rinaldo Del Gallo III’s petition for Pittsfield Police body and dash cameras. What will the City Councilors say and do about Rinaldo’s petition?
Mixed reaction to petition for Pittsfield Police body and dash cameras | WWLP
Del Gallo needs dad cams, not dash cams.
For when adult children beat up their parents.
Dash cams are not supposed to change how police react, just record it. The expectation being that it will catch the bad cops and protect the good cops.
Genius, if you know you are being watched you will change your behavior. Hopefully the thugs are just beaten when the cam has an issue.
Considering how many cops get caught by their own dash and body cams doing illegal things, you are wrong about that.
Its a very very small amount
USA TODAY – June 11, 2020
We found 85,000 cops who’ve been investigated for misconduct. Now you can read their records.
At least 85,000 law enforcement officers across the USA have been investigated or disciplined for misconduct over the past decade,
They’ve lied, stolen, dealt drugs, driven drunk and abused their spouses.
Obtained from thousands of state agencies, prosecutors, police departments and sheriffs, the records detail at least 200,000 incidents of alleged misconduct.
The police misconduct includes allegations of rape, child molestation and other sexual misconduct, and domestic violence.
Less than 10% of officers ever even get investigated. There are police officers with a 100 or more allegations against them, and yet they their badges for years.
In theory it works like that. But when the media and “progressives” or “social justice warriors” want to change or redirect or the outcome, they will try. Remember this JQP?
I watched a video of a black female (Ma’Khia Bryant) attacking and trying to kill two other black females with a knife. When the YT police officer arrived on scene and shot and killed the knife wielding suspect before she caused further harm to the either female, the media TURNED it on the YT cop and tried to make him the bad guy.
I believe this was the case that Xi Xiden even questioned why the police don’t just “shoot people in the leg.”
So, like I said, in theory body worn cameras (BWC) can help. It just depends on the narrative.
In theory, yes, body cameras would at least allow the public a choice to believe what they are seeing with their own lying eyes, or the version fabricated by corrupt cops of their police brutality/illegal home invasions and/or murdered by cops’ events. Another of the problems with body cameras is that cops are going to manipulate their body cameras. In the events in which cops forget to intentionally turn off their body cameras before they brutalize, violate and/or murder someone, thus, recording incriminating evidence against the cops, something will accidentally destroy the recordings while the cops are securing the evidence. I remember an incident of police brutality at the GB police department that was caught on tape. I think I may still have it saved. If memory serves, it involved a young/adult male who was subjected to humiliating abuse in the police lock-up. In that case it was determined that police had erased, or somehow destroyed the videotape that captured the alleged police brutality. As it turned out, police destroying incriminating evidence is only a misdemeanor, whereas intact videotaped evidence of police brutality may have established grounds for felony charges against the cops. The PPD has had its own incidences where arrestees needed serious medical attention, including needing emergency surgery, after the cops got through arresting and booking the alleged suspects. Pittsfield Police have also lost booking evidence which incriminates cops. And it’s funny that you reference narratives, because the PPD has also lost police narratives created by police officers which incriminates police officers.
City, I’m not debating whether PPD needs body cameras. I feel all police departments should.
Here are things you need to consider with them. I’m sure Renny hasn’t bothered to look. The biggest is cost. You have to store that video somewhere. Multiple cops wearing BWC’s 24/7/365 needs a he!! of a lot of storage space. Then the cost to implement and keep on up the wear and tear. Believe it or not, the almighty BWC isn’t 100% fail proof. They’ll need an IT department. And as you noted, PPD is notorious for being pound wise and penny foolish.
Years ago, under Tony Riello, PPD got a digitized finger print machine. It was high tech back then.Tony figured he didn’t need the warranty on it, so he didn’t purchase it.
From reading your postings and hatred towards PPD, I’d safe it’s safe to assume you’ve visited PPD’s booking room in the past. During the summer months, it can be like an oven in there. I’m sure you remember City?
Guess what happened to that finger print machine? It broke less than a year after the warranty expired. I’m sure Tony spent the warranty money on DARE.
The body worn camera money has been spent on a “much needed” things like the DIE Office and a $700,000 gift to Warren, Shirley, and company.
You need to refocus your attention on where the real misappropriations are: Lazy Linda’s Office.
Please don’t think for one second that I approved of pissing away tax dollars on taxpayer funded welfare payoffs to charlatans like the DIE Officer and Shirley Sharpton Edgerton. I also don’t approve of funding warlord wynn so he can add to his amassed arsenal of militarized weapons for his militarized gang of killers. Taxpayers are being ripped off with cost of ShotSpotter which has done nothing to stop the gun fire and murder in the streets of Pittsfield. And COPS are going to manipulate their taxpayer funded body cameras to favor themselves because body cameras are only as honest as the cops wearing them, and cops are not honest.
In response to your comment the other day on cause of death, or the omission of a cause of death in obituaries, and your suggestion that when there isn’t a cause of death listed in an obituary, the deceased may have died from drugs or suicide, or succumbed to some other unsavory form of death, I’ve read obituaries where “In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made in the memory of the deceased to the American Cancer Society” suggesting that the deceased may have died from cancer. When in truth contributions to the American Association of Suicidology would have been more appropriate.
Hydrant flushing has begun in Pittsfield. Are they going to flush every one or just the one at the beginning of each street?
Also Those sweepers blow more debris into the road than clean anything.
They only flush the ones that work.
Baby Kristoff is a reminder that there is a war against our children, our future;
May God have mercy on us.
Downtown UpSTREET Nothing on North Pittsfield MA has its own prostitution ring, and some of the young girls were the pimp’s foster children. Leader of Large Human Trafficking Case in Pittsfield MA convicted – Dec. 17, 2019
Pittsfield man Pleads Guilty in Sex Trafficking Ring in Downtown Pittsfield Ma – Jan. 24, 2020
New York Couple Accused of Running Sex Trafficking Ring, Victims Include At Least 2 Foster Children – CBS News Feb. 9, 2022
The Foster Care to Human Trafficking Pipeline: Why Children and Teens in Foster Care are more Likely to be Trafficked – SOS
Child Sex Trafficking – Children’s Rights
Sex traffickers target children in foster care and group homes.
Texas Foster Care Facility Refuge Ranch Accused of Sex Trafficking Children Mar. 11, 2022
Husband and Wife Arrested for Pimping young woman in Foster System in NYC Sex Trafficking Bust – NY Daily News – Feb. 9, 2022
25 Investigates: Cops say sex traffickers sell foster kids on the weekends – Boston 25 News
The Disturbing Connection Between Foster Care and Domestic Child Sex Trafficking
Sex Offender, Foster mother charged with prostituting young girls – ABC7 New York
What You Need to Know About Foster Care and Human Trafficking –
According to the National Foster Youth Institute, it’s estimated that 60 percent of Child Sex Trafficking victims have a history in the Child Welfare System
The Foster-Care-To-Homelessness Pipeline – Sept. 2, 2021
The Link Between Foster care, Homelessness, And Criminalization – Mar 31, 2021
And you have to wonder how many assholes DCF passed the 4-year-old boy around to before he ended up at the DCF certified Barlow-Tucker Baby Farm/Death Camp where he wasn’t welcomed.
Delusional Dan is out of the game! Unrivaled coverage comes across as unhinged covered.
Dan schooled you again, but that doesn’t take much.
Missed the discussion.J Q. Could we have the condensed version of what you disagree with him on? Aside. Well the social injustice counselors like Maffuccio Persip and Guile be having any questions or one of the or all three police candidates tonight they do have to vote on it don’t they.Well the new director of diversity inclusion social injustice economic equality also be there to say anything while Black Lives Matter be there with a police advisory committee be there with Dennis Paul I’ll be there to say anything will anybody be there
Maybe Shaun will try to take a cop’s gun away from him/her at tonight’s welcoming to the PPD Gang celebration for Shaun. Shaun can wrestle, ground stabilize, his fellow officers to the ground and take their guns from them. Show the PPD GANG he’s one of them. After gaining control of his fellow officer’s weapon, Shaun can shoot them for resisting. That sounds like fun. And anyway, Tyer and Wynn have already agreed Shaun deserves to be one of them. That sounds like fun! I wouldn’t go anywhere near there. Not that you’re safe anywhere in Pittsfield, from the cops, not even in your home.
Delusional Dan’s piss poor “coverage” of the Tucker case. It’s unrivaled in its use of lies, innuendo, and personal axe grinding.
He was too lazy to even get the report himself and only read the report after making absurd claims about the case.
DAN will answer your insistence when THE PLANET posts the Wednesday edition. We know we can count on you as one of are most faithful, diligent readers! Meantime, please acknowledge any “lies” in any of our columns on The Tucker Case. We shall be glad to correct any misstatement of fact. Seriously. Our aim is for 100% factual accuracy to the extent humanly possible. And thanks for your continued feedback. Again meant seriously!
Don’t expect actual factual reports from him. Not in his nature. Also 100 dollars says he is against Musk buying twitter
Free speech means being able to say what you believe whether people agree with it or not. It creates debate and can create lots of new ideas. People on either side of the political aisle shouldn’t always agree with their own side. That is healthy.
Actually, free speech means that the government cannot punish an individual for speech that is protected. It is not an absolute right as some speech is prohibited and other speech will subject the speaker to civil liability.
But yes, as long as both parties speak the truth, there is a benefit to engaging in debate with those who may disagree with the other’s position.
Yeah but your peers can scold you.
Clearly evident is the mechanism and make up of Pittsfield politics. One,it doesn’t serve the taxpayer. It’s like every four years favorites get to be leaders and don’t deserve to. Tonight’s meeting at C C has three items of note, one is hiring a lawyer to fight Verizon? Lawsuit. Two,is body cams on cops and three is appointments. All three could go either way. On the Verizon issue. The City Council and Mayor already approved for Verizon. Lawsuit. On the Body Cams,the Mayor and Chief have said no. Lawsuit. And the hiring of a former criminal to be an Officer in your Police Department. Lawsuit. And I’m wondering if the City Council can be liable in a lawsuit down the road if this hot head does something stupid.
I just like watching Marchetti. He is like Winston Churchhill up there legislating and maneuvering and stuff. He may be a poison pill for the taxpayer but he sure can help sink a city and smirk about it at the same time. He calls it multi-tasking. His legacy will be much like Doyles, stained and not pretty to look at. Not much we can do at this point.
I think it’s safe to say that non of the currents administrative leaders and many workers are not well liked in your city of Pittsfield.
Renaldo isn’t playing games with this one. He’s bringing in the big dogs to speak tonight. Has Mad Trapper left us?
Diminutive Dan’ DA Deceives The Court…Again
DA Andrea Harrington, or one of her ADAs secured an arrest warrant against Jamel Nicholson based on a highly flawed, prejudicial, probable cause report while excluding or hiding evidence that would have kept Jamel Nicholson from being indicted.
It is important for people to understand that judges and grand juries add a special credence and weight to the testimony of DAs, police, and experts. It is presumed that they will be truthful in their presentation of facts and evidence. They are legally required to provide all evidence, favorable and unfavorable, to their case and certainly not bring charges when they know the evidence doesn’t support it.
Jamel Nicholson‘s charges are a fabrication by Andrea Harrington’s office. She is up to her old tricks and the 47 page “probable cause report” is in large part a fabrication. It draws conclusions where a prudent person wouldn’t, it relies on grainy video that not only can’t help identify people, it can’t even identify car sized objects.
Andrea Harrington is single-handedly destroying any credibility her office had with the community by withholding exculpatory evidence and fabricating or exaggerating evidence.
Tucker, Dalton rape case, Delacruz-Batista’s murder.
The only thing probable about Andrea Harrington, is that she’ll probably lie to get her way.
These two names will be important in Pittsfield as a few legal cases run their way though the court system.
Devon Fitts
Kaitlyn Rathbun
Anybody see valentine road?

marchetti lives here! It was probably done on orders from PEEPEE PETE. He wants the entire city bent and crooked just like him.
You can’t spell Valentine Road or anything Valentine with spelling Valenti. Remember this!
Shots fired injuries in the Pitt.
Mayhem near there about ten minutes ago. Accident shooting near cemetery entrance at pecks rd. Cancel city councupil meeting until Cortney can investigate.
Bet there is more like this in the Berkshires.
It’s a win for Minister of Justice Harrington’s puppetmaster, promoting their agenda, pulling her strings and laughing in the face of Berkshire losers who have to live here.
Fair and Just Prosecution @fjp_org
.@CountyBerkshire @harringtonforda recently helped overturn the conviction of Barry Jacobson, who was found guilty of arson in 1983 despite antisemitic remarks from a juror that violated his right to a trial before an impartial jury.…
I know FOX does not report on 1/6/2021 but I feel it’s important for me to keep you Trump-humpers informed.Your time is at hand The crazy coup by republican clowns is going public with the most dangerous story ever told in American history and the lies of humpers will be on display…..I know this board won’t go on record about that day but you fellas are sitting to see which way the truth goes like FOX and Putin….
Hillary, Sotero, Xiden, and the DNC were illegally spying on American citizens long before 1/6/21.
In fact, they were spying on a sitting president. That doesn’t scare or concern you?
People trespassing at the Capitol concerns you more.