(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY APRIL 11, 2022) — First, in our effort to keep you informed on the most important race to take place this year in Berkshire County, we present this statement sent to THE PLANET by Bob Sullivan, independent candidate for district attorney:
We are at an important point in the DA’s race. The community has been very clear that they have had enough of Andrea Harrington. It has resulted in an “anybody but Andrea” culture. However, that can be a dangerous road to take. It can’t be anybody. And I am here now to tell you that it cannot be Tim Shugrue. He is late to the game, is only involved because people offered money, and is entirely driven by his ego. I’ve watched his recent speech and another recent interview and can only come to one conclusion: as usual, it’s all about him. The county needs a selfless, humble public servant that is dedicated to public safety and public service. Tim can’t do that because he can’t stop thinking about Tim. I believe in democracy and the people’s ability to choose their elected official. The more options the better. But these aren’t options. The current DA with no experience, infatuated with politics and can’t get out of her own way? No thanks. An attorney who has been in private practice for three decades, has no experience with modern day prosecutions, spends half his time on vacation and only gets in because the donations are right? No thanks again.
Where will Andrea be when the 2am homicide phone call comes in? In some other state campaigning for another Fair and Justice (aka we don’t prosecute) DA?
Where will Tim be when the 2am homicide phone call comes in? In the Caymans? On another 3-week cruise? At Gillette Stadium eight long weekends every fall? It’s just a career apex or capstone after all, someone else can handle it, right?
I’ll be here, younger but experienced, engaging and working hard-working, ready to meet the challenges that face public safety in our community. And I am willing do so for a very long time. I won’t engage in politics and I won’t be looking for a retirement piece.
No more politics, no more egos. Berkshire County deserves better.
Note to the three campaigns in this vital race: THE PLANET remains open to each of you. We shall do our best to publish material as we received it.
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To satisfy those who lust us out for thinking we are perfect, we offer you this gift, a column all about “Dan Valenti,” The Great One, the All-Seeing Seer, Sage, Mystic, Guru, and former towel boy at the YWCA.
For The Weekend Edition, THE PLANET did one of our occasional series of character sketches. These are penciled in with words using broad strokes with little nuance. Judging by the numbers, this type of column every so often generates higher than normal traffic. The numbers on the number of hits tells us so.
It’s also true that when we go this route, it exposes raw nerves in some of the targets and supporters of same. Fact is, when we get objections of this sort, we can pull a “W” and say “Mission Accomplished.” The intention of sharing these broad cartoons is seven-fold:
- First, it brings the Barney Fifes of politics down a peg.
- Second, it reveals thin skins; they’re in the wrong business if they can’t take roasting.
- Third, it allows people a laugh at the expense of the “leadership,” particularly the fakes who make six-figure incomes at the public’s expense.
- Four, as such, it allows Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski to blow off steam.
- Fifth, this in turn keep the pressure cooker of public life from blowing.
- Sixth, it helps educate the public about office holders, their names and tendencies.
- Seventh, it elevates if just by a bosun the ability of people to participate in government.
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We heard from several who saw the need to needle THE PLANET, which we accept and don’t except as fair game. In fact, we heard the challenge: “Why didn’t you include yourself? Or are you perfect?”
Good point, which we herewith correct:
DAN VALENTI: One-man mob scene who is, like everyone, a Kristofersonian “walking contradiction: partly truth, partly fiction.” Foes say he’s a bully, a nasty backdoor man pulling strings. Friends see him as samurai fighting for the Kapanskis, pursuing justice. He’s concurrently both and neither. Jungian.
We also are “a failed blogger” … “a bad poet”… “a word-slinging bully.”. We are also the go-to guy for everything wrong with public life, the scribe with sources and spies everywhere who, fearlessly, will get the story. A sinner, brawler, blusterer, and tyrant. A saint, peacemaker, humble, and the best friend you’ve always wanted. Sick with Napoleon Complex. Healthy with a Giant Heart. Again, we are both and neither. All of it and none of it. Eye of the beholder, which is all you ever can get from the outside. Inside, we know who we are. We love it and live with it.
Of course, those who can see even a micron beneath the surface know that for the 30 years of being a “public figure,” we have been playing a character. He’s called “Dan Valenti.” No, not the guy from the the TV show “Those Seventies,” but the guy who has been breaking stories, scalding public hypocrisies, offering news and views, and who has been entertaining, infuriating, pleasing, amusing, outraging, frolicking, informing, educating, enlightening, blinding, diverting, focusing, and regaling the pubic in word and speech. Dan Valenti plays “Dan Valenti” the way Stephen Colbert plays “Stephen Colbert.” D’ya get it, now? No, didn’t think so!
All of us — every single person reading this, every single person on earth — play a character when we step in public. We dare not step out as ourselves, for the ensuing misunderstanding would be too painful. It’s just that public figures have to do it do a greater, manufactured extent — as one reader put it, “our brand.” If all you know of “Dan Valenti” is what you have heard read in print or online, heard on the radio, or seen on TV, we can say with confidence: You don’t know us. You know the brand. Never mistake the two.
The currency of exchange on this board is (1) content and (2) traffic (# of hits, # of readers). We are the most read and trafficked board in Western Massachusetts. Pro or con, up or down, like of lambaste, it’s all the same to us. In fact, we thank our critics most of all for (a) telling me what’s wrong with every column and (b) being our most loyal and faithful readers!
One final thought: We never offer a view without attaching our real name to it. Can our critics say the same? Hmmm??
“Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else” — Eleanor Roosevelt.
(c) 2021 By PLANET VALENTI & EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All right reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all rights to those comments. They remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Tell the truth and stand your ground/ don’t let the bastards get you down.
—Kris Kristofferson—
Challenger Robert Sullivan is running on a traditional platform of being tough on crime. Incumbent Andrea Harrington is running for reelection on a modern platform of restorative justice, progressive politics, and working for all of the people who live in Berkshire County. Tim Shugrue is running on a platform of his legal experience to be the Berkshires’ top prosecutor. The criticisms of Andrea Harrington’s 3 years, 3 months, and 10 days as the sitting Berkshire County D.A. are that she lacks legal experience, she is political and progressive, and her restorative justice style is making violent crime worse in the impoverished areas of Pittsfield and North Adams. It was very bad prior to 2019, of course, and it has been decades of false promises from state and local career politicians to reduce violent crime in the Berkshires. If anyone believes Robert Sullivan’s campaign that he will be an apolitical prosecutor that will restore law and order in the Berkshires, then please understand that there have been many career politicians before him who have said the same/similar thing for decades without making so much as a small dent. The unholy trinity of violent crime are mentally ill, financially illiterate and/or uneducated people using alcohol/drugs, paying strippers/sex workers, and compulsively gambling to feed their addictions. Instead of using broad brush strokes, career politicians should stop being about the Almighty Dollar and power and start investing in the people they serve in government. But career politicians only care about themselves, while people/voters believe their false promises to reduce violent crime in the impoverished areas of Pittsfield and North Adams, Massachusetts.
Name one thing Andrea Harrington has accomplished.
Rest In Peace Miggy. N J NvP
Just remember the old proverb my Uncle Mitch Cumsteen used to tell me, “Don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.”
She’s made the DA’s Office a laughingstock of MA DA’s offices. Worst closure rate of any office in the Commonwealth
ruining John Krol’s marriage?
I guess it’s the Andrea blowup doll tonight
That’s a great fundraising idea for her campaign. An air head doll!
With DDs, which she desperately needs.
Mental patient alert! I guess it’s a double edged sword. Mental patient Melle is annoying but he gets people typing and clicking so Danny won’t limit him because it’s good money.
Where the strippers at?
Years ago someone wanted to put it titty bar way out on West Housatonic, and the city didn’t allow it.
Maybe if his name was Nucifero it would be there now and getting tax breaks and a new sewer line.
TIFs for tits!
It would make Andrea jealous
If she was working for all the people, she would uphold the laws equally for everyone and not just some.
Dan, did you, with your ace language expertise and command of The Kings’ English, misspell, or misuse a word, in your self flagellation essay, or twas it part of your plan to play with us mere mortals, to see if we waz paying attention??? – “like of lambaste”,
One never knows about these things, TELL!
The gloves are off.
Wow. Sullivan gets the Steel Balls award for sure.
Steel balls are what our current D.A., Mayor and Police Chief lack.
Still no press conference about the Miggy shooting. Everyone’s afraid to speak the truth.
The truth should have been spoken before yesterday’s “march” for, of all things, universal pay for low-income residents which has nothing to do with the Miggy shooting. These race-baiting hucksters can only be fully exposed by the truth. When will we hear it?
Sullivan’s got my vote!
In regards to Miggy, today’s iberkshires article seems to imply that he was an illegal alien from the Dominican Republic. He should have been deported under current immigration law.
What about the laser nipples award? You’ll shoot your eye out kid.
Who’s out of town the most?
Tim, Linda, Harrington, should I list more names???? The difference with Tim is, he is a private citizen, therefore he isn’t on the taxpayer tit,
I’m not voting for any Democrat – they are destroying the country.
Harrington’s pro-criminal policies are destroying your county. All politics is local. Get out and vote.
Tim better get off Facebook and get campaigning or Bobby Sullivan is going to eat his lunch.
Sully will be out by May..
Well, well, now that the so called no justice, no peace protesters got their 15 minutes of shame, maybe they can go back to being layabouts living a life if lies.
By the looks of the front marchers they are not amoung the victims suffering from food insecurity.
But what does, “no justice, no peace” mean? Will our city get looted and burned down if certain people are not made happy? What does that phrase mean to the people bellowing it over and over on the megaphone? Should I pack up my family and get out of town?
I was hoping Al Sharpton would show up.
I am sure he has gotten the videos and is putting the whole thing on his review itinerary.
He has his financial accountants going over the data to see what kind of $ return he will get for showing up .
Just read and then saw on the news this so called walk on Palm Sunday for “Miggy “ or income equality? My question goes to shutting down the main thoroughfare in the city, who gave permission? The early reports said it was going to be on Onota, the news showed Fenn St, City Hall and Park Square. I want to set up a March for Easter for Pro Life, do you think the city will give me the permits to shut down North St? BTW when I was on North yesterday a bike came flying off the sidewalk I think the city should use the CPA money on bike courses for all citizens so everyone knows the rules.
I will say this… you don’t see many POC out protesting when the white cop allegedly murders a POC It’s always the white and woke.
I remember when the police shot a white man coming at them with a knife about a decade ago, the man passed away from the injuries sustained from his actions. I don’t remember a march or call for justice. The only thing that was said was what a tragedy. Why is our population so depressed and mentally ill? Is this a byproduct of the Democratic agenda for Pittsfield? Maybe if our leaders focused on getting companies into the area the citizens that are produced will be more stable.
So a small group (about 20) started on Onota and walked south from the crime scene to Columbus and met up with another small group at Pitt park. All the way down Columbus they were met with the bulk of protesters at the park by the bus station. This is where the photo ops start when in reality 90% of these ‘Marchers’ could only be bothered to walk less than a block.
Were the ones loitering at the bus station, bussed into Pittsfield for this protest? Because I think they were. And where were all cops hiding when the pistoleros came to town.
Josh Landes will never lose an opportunity to race bait this city. He’s useless and I’d love to say it to his face. He caters to the yahoos and fringe left, no journalistic integrity
He sure is not interested in asking city leaders about any forensic audits that is for sure. Has he uncovered or even investigated even one possible impropriety with the city of Pittsfield??? I keep reading about all these other nefarious goings on in other Berkshire towns. But Pittsfield? Place is as pure as the driven snow. Just ask anybody at the local news outlets. They looked and could not find a thing.
“Uh, so you would like to work here aye sonny? Uh, great, please sign this Non Disclosure Agreement and we will get you right over to the copy desk.”
Don’t split the vote and please step down so Tim can beat Andrea. You cannot win and will only guarantee Andrea another term which will result in more criminals being let free and more disarray in our law enforcement. Sorry this is what will happen if you stay. Support Tim Shugrue and let’s move on from this incompetent current DA.
Genius, Harrington and Shugrue will face each other in a democrat primary. The winner will face Sullivan the independent in November.
So is the D.A.’s race non-partisan? If so, the September prelim eliminates one of them. If not, Harrington v. Shugrue in September with the winner facing Sullivan in November. Or is this race different? Anyone know the answer?
Remember when Caccaviello (sp?) lost the primary and came back and ran as an independent in the main election. He was fully aware of what would happen with Harrington and tried to save us twice.
Yes, the Sept. primary eliminates Harrington unless she resigns before then.
Sullivan doesn’t have a primary. The two democrats will square off. Bye, bye to one of them.
Yes, OK. Thought so. Therefore it means that Shugrue will not be splitting the vote. Now if another Democrat decides to join the race, then you will have reason to suspect the fix is in. Word from the inside has it that Wrong Way is frightened of Tim S.’s candidacy, and that she has already decided to duck any debates with him. If that is the position she takes, Tim, Sullivan, Judge Crater, the Man in the Moon, and every county voter should howl. She must not be allowed to get away with such a cowardly position.
We call that “Doing the Biden “ Hide in the cellar and don’t say anything. The fixers will take care of it
He debated. Sort of. Like, everything to do with Biden was off-limits, but he debated and did very well for a formaldehyded zombie so I was impressed with the artistry.
Let Shugrue debate her empty suit then
Mr. Sullivan is running as an independent and will be on the ballot in November. DA Harrington and Mr. Shugrue are both running as Democrats so one will be eliminated in a primary election. Thus Sullivan will face Harrington OR Shugrue. I think this is so but if not I apologize.
Sorry I see others have already posted this information.
Thanks CV! We trust the Man from Mensa is well. THE PLANET sends our best regards!
Ok I’m going to be nice here. Several thoughts but just a I told you so moment. 1. Sully is officially off the rails as predicted but it’s only April. It has to be the Bud light talking right? His Bros wouldn’t really let him write that right?
2. The late night calls to the DA challenging her to 2am debates true? ( Lots more on that later)
3. The frat boy privelged white dude from Boston ain’t gonna fly here.
4. He will never see a debate stage with the winner of the Dem primary. Why would they. He is on a island
5. His first day off the leash and he attends a Republican meet and greet. Bro Big Big Rookie mistake. You are who you are.
6. Sully is furious with the Mazzeos he apparently thought he was the top meatball until tired Timmy came along and they gave him all the parm cheese.
7. Sorry Bro but you’re caught square in the middle of the Hatfield and Mccoys politics in Pittsfield.
8. Please tell me you didn’t hire Brian Marquis as your campaign manager cause this has him written all over it
9. The campaign coming out speech was a epic disaster. Bro 35 mph winds bad tie,a broken fountain cold as the artic
10. Bro next time you and the Bro club meet for Bud lights look at each one of your boys in the room and ask yourself……. Until the next train wreck
Tell everyone about the time Andrea Harrington got on her first call with all the other district attorneys after she was elected and asked if there was a book they could recommend on how to be a district attorney. True story. Facts.
Or the time Andrea Harrington put on a red dress and asked “does this dress make my boobs look small?” And Andy said, “no sweetheart but you do have it on backwards.”
Come on Dan clean this crap up!! Shall we start talking about small D ? Enough really… Making this blog look really bad
True,we know Stormy Daniels said Trumps d was extremely little
Yeah true story and what you were cleaning the urinal when you heard this .. janitor tells all
Everyone knows about it. Just like everyone knows Harrington won’t be sending any prosecutors from the Berkshires to the annual DA’s conference. The new thinking prosecutors movement does not want ADAs trained in law and order. They want them trained virtually by their movement in how to drop charges, promote legal heroin and throw the book at cops. Cue the official response:”We want to save the budget for more important initiatives.”
If the Berkshire County D.A.’s office sends no one to the conference, it can be taken as a sign of Wrong Way’s lack of confidence in herself. It seems as if she’s morbidly afraid of anyone in the office knowing more than she does. Funny thing is, considering the amount she knows about the D.A.’s position, everyone in the office, including the janitor, knows more than she does.
But she can indict the hell out of a ham sandwich at Tim’s deli counter.
Jonathan Melle is claiming someone else is off the rails… thanks for ruining my shirt with coffee stains. I could’t contain my laughter
You sound like you’re afraid Harrington hack……and desperate.
Look that post had to many brews written all over it .
We should all be afraid of her, having an incompetent person running the DA’s office is a public safety issue on all levels. Not only are criminals getting a slap on the wrist, if that, but people are getting put away for victimless crimes like burning hay bales
When the phone rings it won’t be Tricia Farley Bouvier calling to attempt to influence the outcome of this election.
No, she has important work trying to get illegals DL’s under the name of “public safety.” Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D) even has the backing of Chief Wynn. That sold it for me.
Don’t worry Trish, we won’t tell people it’s really about making sure illegals have ID’s so they can vote in the future. We’ll stick with “public safety” option. You could even make a Greylock Credit Union themed commercial, ending it with “Chief Wynn even said it’s about public safety.”
While your at it Trish, any chance you can work some legislation to help ease the tax burden for your constituents? You voted no to suspend the gas tax. That sure didn’t help.
correction TFB has the backing of his wife Christina, whom he is loyal to
She’s just ordering pizza.
“ One final thought: We never offer a view without attaching our real name to it. Can our critics say the same? Hmmm??”
This is a really dumb thing to say Dan.
You know why many of us don’t give our names, do you really want Z agents to be uncovered? You yourself had said the anonymity helps protect people from retribution and allows them to tell the public things that ultimate serve the public good.
So you can’t call people out for not using their real names as a way to make you look better.
Fair point. I did not mean to put down anonymity. I agree with you. It is a vital part of this board. My comment, perhaps not expressed clearly enough, goes to critics who to your face play lovey-dovey but hide behind anonymity to express the opposite. As to your last sentence, I agree. Thanks for the pushback.
Anyone know about the psychic reader on the corner of west housatonic and south street.
Never seems to be any business except late at night or real early in the morning, 3am early, you know the time fatman Barry is out roaming the streets looking for a little action.
‘Will the real dan valenti please stand up.’ Well, I guess the jokes on them, because you are standing up, all 4 feet 11 inches of you. I know you corrected the record to reflect that you claim to be 5 feet 3 inches, but every knows men lie about these things. However, women know the truth. Years ago, Ava Gardner was asked why she married Frank Sinatra, the “one-hundred-twenty-pound runt.” I’ve read that he was really only 110 pounds. But it really doesn’t matter what the weight of the overall package, as much as how it was packed. I’m sure you’re no Frank Sinatra, but that doesn’t mean you have to be ashamed of being a runt. Now I’m through with that.
But I AM standing! And “you read” that Sinatra was “really only 110.” And of course you believe everything you read!
He’s used to it city,no sweat. But Sinatra has nothing on him as a journalist.
Yup. Ain’t nothing new to this warhorse, mate!
If you read my comment as an insult, apparently, you didn’t get the joke. It’s not if I believe Sinatra was only 110 pounds or not. And it was Ava Gardner who said Frank was only 110 pounds.
No, not at all. I got the joke. All in good fun. As for Sinatra, Ave would know.
Now you know why Sinatra wasn’t chairman of the smorgasbord like say Barry.
Please be aware that Ricardo has declared this week as POT HOLY WEEK. Please drive carefully.
Wasn’t the officer to be tommorrow night the parking officer that was arrested years ago? At the Home Plate?
Score another aggressive meathead for the PPD. Once the meathead is officially part of the PPD gang, maybe he’ll finish what he started with PPD Whitney, his first official beatdown, I’ll pray for it.
Wild wild wild pitts.
Our Buddy Courtney up for police officer assignment tommorrow night? Remember him? Just what we need another loose cannon on the ppd…protestors should be fuming.
Drunk and disorderly, impersonating a dispatcher, LYING to the cops, threatening violence, trespassing and propositioning the booking room gimp cop with kisses. You can call him “Mike” or you can him “Robert” he does, even if that isn’t his name. Did the criminally drunk meathead meter maid drive a city owned meter maid vehicle to bar? And then there’s this from Baloney Dohoney “Employees have privacy rights that we have to protect”
No doubt about it, this one scored high on PPD psycho-illogical exam.
A goood friend will be a police nominated officer tommorrow night,please refrain from watching. Dan has already eliminated posts, must be a friend.
A “young man” who isn’t responsible for his actions beat and sexually assaulted a teacher. He was here illegally in the US and his family was (and still is) getting paychecks and free housing from the Biden administration.
He’s been in the USA since January.
Jail records identified the teenager accused of beating and sexually assaulting a Clark County School District teacher last week.
Jonathan Eluterio Martinez Garcia, 16, was arrested Friday and booked on six felony counts: sexual assault, three counts of attempted murder, robbery and battery with intent to commit sex assault, according to jail records.
Let’s hope Dennis speaks at city hall appointments for ppd officer tommorrow night.
The thing about the incredibly incompetent Andrea Harrington is that she writes her own material.
We make fun of her looks and voice because she lacks any real substance. If she were just a bad DA, the would be one thing, but she’s not even qualified to be a DA she’s so god awful.
Yes she was elected, holds the office, and gets paid but it’s like voting a goldfish into that office, not really qualified but holds the position. In fact I think you could vote a goldfish into that office and it would do a better job!
Yes we make jest of her shrill voice, her continued lack of appropriate clothes choices, her utter lack of self awareness. The fact her employees and office mates let her bungle her way through all of this is telling about what they think of her.
Didn’t anyone care enough or think enough of Andrea Harrington to tell her her nipples were cutting through her dress? Apparently not.
Didn’t anyone help her rehearse her swearing in ceremony and tell her which hand goes on the Bible? Nope
Wasn’t anyone ever going to tell her she shouldn’t bring food products like donuts to a murder scene? No.
The reasons are obvious, no one cares or respects her enough to tell her.
Yeah expect the Iandslide if voters .. hey let’s talk about a woman and her clothes this is what fat bald do. Seriously go back to your miserable life watching law and order then playing lawyer on valenti.
If she did anything noteworthy we’d have things of substance to actually talk about.
Right now, her claim of incompetent representation rings true for her time in private practice as well as being DA, so we are unfortunately left with what she gives us, her superficial antics. Her professional bonafides as being incompetent has been very well established, so there’s not much to say. Any case she touches, she ruins.
If they write as articulately as you, I’m assuming a 3rd grade reading level and as you said… a landslide of ill informed voters who love the D blindly
This is the most accurate comment I’ve seen on here. Anyone involved in public service can confirm Harrington is radioactive. It’s pretty much a give to stay far away from her. We’ll see what happens when it’s endorsement time.
Andrea Harrington is a con woman. She lied about her qualifications and comptency and then she did nothing to cultivate skills or collaborate with other more more knowledgable people. You can’t pretend to be competent in the law if you can barely stand up in court. Her entire persona is based on what she saw on LA Law. Her fake it til you make it plan has backfired. That is why she gets no sympathy.
Why no marches for POC killed by POC?
Doesn’t fit the narrative. Our very own NAACP Commandant Dennis Powell, said so.
Black on black violence is out of control in Pittsfield, NYC, Chicago, LA…..and on and on. Not a peep out of Dennis.
What about you Shirley Edgerton? You seem to do well telling white children they are racist and trying to indoctrinate them. Seems you’re not quite reaching YOUR target audience about not shooting and killing each other. Maybe it’s time to switch your focus and quit chasing the “YT Boogyman.” Or is LaQuan Johnson, some type of cult hero in the POC community? He has shot and killed multiple people. Just keepin’ it gangsta I suppose?
Too much work, they’d be marching three and four times a day.
That might be a good question for Mr. Powell. I have wondered about that my own self but I am sure there is a reasonable explanation right?
I couldn’t believe this would come from this site, but here it is ! Good read . A long time coming for some truth about the hustlers.
BLM, another black-on-black con job.
Bilking Losers Money.
The Republican do nothing for people party is a con job on the American citizen. Republican party is a pro corporate racist party of anti democratic bribed politicians…..NATO sees the future and it requires taking care of each other.Trump was going to let Putin slaughter the Ukrainians with his blessing.Everyone knows what Trump and Putin are doing and it requires a Authoritarian government….Trump/ Putin must go
You can’t be THAT naive, can you? Painting with this sort of all-inclusive brush? You know what’s “authoritarian?” Refusing to be open to opposing points of view, TSC.
You can pick the alternate truth Dan but for the rest of us we see clearly what the weakening of NATO was about.In order.I have no doubt that 10s of millions in America do not want a melting pot America.The German people were told they needed to fear others.It was that fear and hate that hot Hitler elected…..The theory of alternate truth sells only to those that invented this weak lip service to explain a wrong.The Republican party supports Trump with the broadest brush.Thats Authoritarian power.
Thanks for your active participation on this board. The “weakening” of NATO led to NATO’s expansion five times after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990-91. Since that time, 13 countries, most of them from the Warsaw Pact, joined NATO, setting up a wall of opposition on Russia’s western flank. Some “weakening.” As for Adolph, he got elected by a ravaged economy and a country left defenseless by the excessively harsh terms of the Versailles Treaty. Hitler promised economic reform and to redress the treaty. He did both. With all due respect, I suggest that you take a more objective look at the “How” of your polemical strategy. Beginning from a major premise that’s 100% ideological produces the inevitable flaws in your logic. A rigorous course in argumentation plus one in formal logical would help you immensely.
Feeling really disgusted with some of the comments from posters on other sites that marched in the “Miggy parade” yesterday. One in particular really angered me. She feels that they should paint over the mural on the side of the Police Station honoring Officer Terry Donnolly who died after a very long hard battle with cancer. The poster was angry because he was white!!! Enough is enough for these wackos! Imagine how her comment could hurt Terry’s loved ones, like his children! Like to inform these wackos that most people were not racist until they started up all this crap. Their constant complaining is bringing more racism into this world, guess they can’t think beyond their own selfish minds. Suggestion, the PPD is looking for help, so if they think they can do better than they should apply, yet I doubt they would survive one day of training.
Totally identify with this post. There are race baiters making things much worse.
By the way, Putin would love to see racial disharmony in America. The more the better. Anything that destabilizes our country is good for him. He wants chaos on every corner and so much of American dysfunction in politics can be traced back to him. He might even be fueling the racial animosity from behind the scenes.
agreed, every one of those protestors should not only apply with the PPD, their first training should be to stop a knife wielding maniac with their bare hands in 1 on 1 combat. Apparently it’s easy to do when you have ZERO training and understanding of weapons
Your post is a perfect example of the stupidity of posters on this site.
None of these incidents are yes or no, black or white. Calls for changes on how the police operate isn’t a call for the end of policing nor is everyone that has an opinion different from yours needed to sign up for the police department.
This man was not a knife wielding maniac. He was a person who was in mental crisis. He was a person who had surrendered a knife earlier to the first officers on scene, when he was doing the same thing. He was self-harming, the first police interaction should have ended with him in protective custody. But god forbid the police do their job near the end of a shift change.
The first time, after taking the knife away, they should have brought him to BMC. The police didn’t. That’s negligence and might be grounds for negligent homicide.
The second time the police showed up, they were clearly not interested in deescalation, and made things much worse. They were looking for a fight, got one, and got to kill someone.
Pittsfield police are poorly trained, poorly led, and too many on the force have been allowed to get away with any number of crimes for far too long. This will end up being a crime on the part of the PPD. I’ve seen the videos, the police officer that fired did so with a deliberate pause. The first shot was enough to immediately stop the action, it was obvious, the second shot was both unnecessary and what killed him.
Asking for the incompetence, brutality and criminality of the PPD to change is not a bad thing.
PPD officer molested a young girl, he’s still on the job.
PPD officer left his gun out, daughter shot herself with it.
PPD officer(s) along with local State Police caught dealing and doing PEDs
PPD officer beat up an old lady at the wrong address. She too had a knife.
PPD officer beat up a shoplifter lied about it and why he removed her from the car.
PPD officer stalked and harassed his former girlfriend, was sleeping at her house while on duty, was drunk and high on duty, left his service weapon at her house, ran plates of her new boyfriend and harassed him. When she filed complaints, they magically disappeared.
PPD officers drove drunk and beat up a severely beat up civilian.
There’s plenty more, there’s probably 200 or more internal reprimands and disciplinary actions against 1/3 or more of the department in the last 5 years.The PPD is corrupt and it’s leader, Chief Mike Wynn is to blame.
Well stated rebuttal, I actually agree with you on most points. The only point I disagree with is the deescalation. I work with a group of LEO, BEA and Veterans who run a self-defense, weapons workshops. The one thing that is constant is RUN AWAY FROM A KNIFE. While there should have been less than lethal ammo available, and every deescalation strategy exhausted before shooting the people on social media claiming they should have taken him down with 1 to 1 combat are fools. You get up close and personal with a blade, no matter what armor you have on, you will go to the hospital.
Maybe knife wielding maniac went too far, I’ll retract, but I know from PERSONAL experience that if you DO NOT ADVANCE ON THE POLICE they are unlikely to shoot you. I’ve literally seen someone have a SWAT surround them while holding what appeared to be a firearm. As soon as they were aware of the police presence they shut up, stopped moving and complied slowly. Had they advanced in any way they’d be dead.
Also.. It’s funny how Miles Barber got a CWOF and probation for an unlocked firearm in which is daughter shot herself with. I’ve seen people get more time for lesser charges. Plus what happened to mandatory sentences for gun crimes?
Thank You very much for all this truth.
Didn’t Terry Donnelly end up smoking crack in the end to ease his pain?
I don’t offer that as a disrespect, I just remember hearing from dealers in the 90’s who served him.
My point being, drugs are medicine – legal
or not. As unhappy as everyone is with Andrea Harrington, her wishes to decriminalize drug use isn’t as evil as everyone on this blog thinks.
Her job isn’t to decriminalize. Her job is to follow the law and prosecute. If she wants to decriminalize drugs, run for office as a senator or rep or congressperson.
Your comment IS disrespectful! You have to bring a comment on line that happened almost 30 years ago. Hope your never in pain!
Disrespectful on this blog say it ain’t so. Please
Phil, that is total bullshit and you ought to be ashamed for writing it.
Phil, Terry was my partner in the drug unit and you sir are full of shit. He never even took pain meds when he was out of the hospital and he spent his career locking up drug dealers. Just because you heard something doesn’t make it true.
All the people in the March photo were too obese to run around the block let alone chase a bad guy.
If the PPD is looking for help, they must have fished tonight’s piece of shit out of the toilet.
Merry, the post I read did not ask or suggest that the mural be painted over.
Another post by that person pointed out that the state seal is racist and should go, not the mural.
I was bored and checked out the Pittsfield HR website and the job openings.
It seems they are looking to hire an “Administrative Coordinator,” at $24-31/hour or $49,920 to $64,480 a year, plus bennies, for the DIE Office. OB is so busy, he already needs an assistant? I thought Lazy Linda couldn’t even give Kronick a firm definition of OB’s job a few weeks ago.
So if my math is correct, for an office (DIE) that has no job description, doesn’t differentiate what DIE does that Human Resources wasn’t doing, an all but tells straight, white men, need not apply, OB’s office is at minimum costing the taxpayers $150,000 a year, not including benefits. For TWO unneeded positions.
At least OB deals with adults, no matter if they identify as an overgrown nose hair.
The Tsar of Race, Shirley Edgerton, indoctrinates children that they are born racist or are racist if they don’t adhere to her beliefs.
I’m waiting for OB, Shirley, Dennis Powell, to address violent crimes in Pittsfield being committed by an overwhelming majority of young black males-like every other democRAT led city.
I’m still waiting for Sweet Pete White to announce his plan for the “houseless.” It’s been almost 3 years now Pete.
City Council Meeting Tuesday – 4/22. I give a snapshot of my positions here:
I welcome your questions. Let the battering and bashing begin! (Just kidding….)
I will be interested to read your (Charles Ivar Kronick’s) thoughts after Mayor Linda Tyer proposes the fiscal year 2023 municipal operating budget later this Spring. The public school district is asking for a 7.5% increase in spending. The thing that gets me is that the Linda Tyer administration is sitting on tens of millions of dollars in city cash, while Beacon Hill is sitting on billions of dollars in state cash. Like Linda, Beacon Hill lawmakers will present their fiscal year 2023 state budget proposal(s) later this Spring of 2022. With all of the surplus state and local cash, why are the career politicians from Pittsfield to Boston raising taxes, fees, debts/other liabilities, such as the double-digit retroactive water and sewer fees on Pittsfield’s residents and small businesses? The other thing that gets me is that Pittsfield charges taxpayers top dollar for Level 5 public schools, dangerous downtown streets with violent crime, the nearly 24-year-old PEDA debacle with millions of dollars in growing liabilities, poorly maintained roads, and so on. Lastly, Mayor Linda Tyer’s unequal distribution of the state’s Chapter 90 funds for city roads will make matters worse for drivers hitting potholes in Pittsfield.
and I will be interested to hear Mr Kerwood get up and announce that since the city had an almost record LOW snowfall the public works budget saved a half million dollars, but that they somehow went over budget by a million dollars anyway.
Now Tyer is hiring thugs for the ppd. How does this kid even get into the academy?
I saw a farm truck delivering a big load of bullshit to city hall this morning
JM – You mention how the Pitts. School Dept. is asking for a 7.5% increase this year. Find this amazing. There is a Paraprofessional in my neighborhood that has yet to work a full week all school year. Does he get paid for his time off? Considering that the teachers and paraprofessionals get half a year off, extra long holidays off, three major vacation breaks, just wondering how many sick days and personal days they are given? Love to see these folks work in the private sector where you have to earn your vacation time, sometimes having to work over 5 years to get a second week. Many companies only give 5 sick days and that sometimes includes any personal time off. Does anyone at our top heavy School Administration building take attendance of the teachers and paraprofessionals? Do these taxpayer funded employees ever get reviewed and spoken to for their absences? Most likely just another typical City of Pittsfield employee free for all!
Paraprofessionals get paid hourly and are shafted big time when everything is added up…
teachers are 100% paid well enough to shut up and stop whining.
That seems like an ambitious agenda (for Pittsfield). Should I be surprised that the puppet section of the council does not seem to have the energy or will to submit petitions to do anything at all? NO, I should not, and they are going to be bored to death having to listen to the ones that took the council petitions for the right reasons.
How about a petition for term limits on the parks Commision. Too many embedded cronys in a department that oversees millions of dollars of questionable expenditures.
thank you Charles
Not to mention all the signs that promote somebody’s book. I want to put up Ann Coulter signs around the park
Good idea.
Charles. Can you ask the city attorney about liability of the city,the personnel director and any councilors who vote on appointments for a Police Officer candidate who has been arrested,booked and charged a few years sgo? This guy will be watched like a fox and a barn chicken his entire career. One civil mistep and it’s millions in lawsuits isn’t it. After the shooting weeks ago is this the direction this city wants to go in?
Great minds think alike.
Sorry I just read this but the Parks Commission should be all new people, the ones that are there are the ones that allowed Springside to be destroyed
Trump brand is the public face of our experiment xxxprez who lied to America at a such a immoral pace you can’t keep pace and it become acceptable.When most Americans see his face or name and watched his attempt to attack our Capital during the certification of America’s most watched and verified Presidential election our stomach turns at his racist rants and his disgusting criminal elite family of criminal strongmen…..Trump was a shithole President.Who thinks Trump if given another chance as the most powerful human on our planet would ever give that power up again….Evil man and Putin wants him back and everyone knows the lemming love and support Putin.Imagine how Don thinks at night alone ….who is he.He described himself as the most honest man God ever made….Trumps fall weak kneed to this bizzar soul
Very fake information
Yes,the Capital riots that had 5 dead and 130 police officer injured are fake only to Trumphumpers.
Quick, someone do a FOIA for the highway dept and see how much it cost the city for sunday’s miggy memorial.
Catastrophic. Could there be a more appropriate word? Kudos to the Eagle on this one. There was catastrophic communications between the PD and DA’s office because there is catastrophic leadership in both places. Where were her supervisors in this? Essentially there is no leadership and this ADA and officer were left to twist on their own. The result is no justice for a rape victim. Imagine being the one to tell her that. Catastrophic.
Buzzella said he later regretted telling Tesoniero he’d been asked to “change” a report. “When I use the word ‘change,’ I don’t mean ‘alter,’ [because] I mean [I] changed my process of what I would write in a narrative.”
“I think there was a huge miscommunication on a weekend when they were going to trial [Monday] morning,” Buzzella told Fennessy. “And it was just bad timing with that, because had they waited 12 to 14 hours, the information that I couldn’t access could have been sent to them .…”
Fennessy said that if the call between the officers and Tesoniero had gone differently Nov. 13, the DA’s office might not have had to drop its prosecution.
Now you all know what happens to rape cases in Berkshire County.
When the DA is too busy doing everything else except her job. Strike that she’s too stupid to do the job.
A rape of a minor should be handled by the DA. It is a case requires the gravitas of the DA herself. Unfortunately the sitting DA is an air headed bimbo, who on her best day, couldn’t litigate using notes prepared for her by John Marshall.
She’d even have to google who he is she’s such an idiot.
a linda clone both incompetent .GIRLS but no threat to the ole boys.
Judicial Review
Get that drunk guy Sully to change things. More Bud lights I say crack some heads around here. His ugly tie, Cheap suits, Big truck, Manscaped mug that will do it
Drink less.
The Case of the Cops and the DA who couldn’t coordinate their lies.
Stick to the script
Bustin has had it out for Coe since the beginning. He allowed his personal feelings to alter the progression of a case in the interest of discrediting his former boss. The only one with integrity issues in this case seems to be the alleged whistle-blower!
“CLARKSBURG — A man who police say ran into the woods after crashing his pickup truck on Friday was rescued by Massachusetts State Police troopers, who used a helicopter and K-9 dog to locate him. “
Rescued?!? The guy fled the scene of an accident he was “apprehended”.
Apparently he was carrying a bag of McDonalds take out and a bear was chasing him. Turns out it was just Yogi wanting to tell him not to litter. Cops thought the bear might kick his ass so they rescued him. Yogi however, was darted and carried from the scene.
No good deed goes unpunished. Remember that.
U S inflation forty year high. Pittsfield wants to hire a former parking meter guy that was arrested and booked before tonight.
Hey boo boo!
Seems a/the key piece is; what was the missing Teacher’s “emotional stress” in regards to.
This is exactly what’s going to happen here again. Krasner had a lot more haters then AH.
I would think City Councilor Kalinowsky would have some serious questions concerning the appointment with one these police officers tonight.
We’ll have to see if she can’t make it to tonight’s shitty meeting because she’s lost in the woods somewhere far away.
PITTSFIELD — The Pittsfield parking enforcement officer who refused to leave a city tavern over the weekend, telling the bar’s owner that he’s on a Civil Service list to become a police officer, has another criminal case looming over him, according to court records.
Shaun Courtney’s other pending criminal case stems from an Oct. 10, 2010, hit-and-run incident at the corner of Pecks Road and Robert Street. The 24-year-old, who lives on Robert Street, admitted to police that he struck a parked vehicle while turning onto Robert from Pecks, according to court papers filed in Central Berkshire District Court.
That case and his more recent charges of trespassing and disorderly conduct, which stem from an incident Sunday at the Home Plate on East Street, will be the subject of a Feb. 24 pretrial hearing in District Court.
Attorney Mark T. Brennan is representing Courtney on both matters
“It’s all just a big misunderstanding,” Brennan said of Sunday’s incident.
The alleged victim of the October 2010 incident, 61-year-old Josephine M. Rotti, told police that someone struck her sport utility vehicle then fled the scene. About a week later, Rotti called police after spotting a 2005 Subaru Impreza STI with a damaged front end on Robert Street. A piece of bumper from the Subaru was left at the scene of the crash, police said.
When Officer Michael McHugh confronted Courtney about his damaged STI, Courtney admitted to hitting Rotti’s car, according to court papers.
Sunday night, two city police officers responded to a 2 a.m. report of a man, later identified as Courtney, refusing to leave after the Home Plate had closed for the night. After Courtney allegedly made remarks about one officer’s gun and challenged the other to a fight, police took him into custody. Authorities said Courtney continued to act up during the booking process at police headquarters.
Leading up to the incident, Courtney allegedly told Francis Mangiardi, the bar’s owner, that his name is on the Civil Service waiting list to become an officer.
City officials say confidentiality rules prevent them from disclosing personnel matters, including whether Courtney is facing disciplinary action. Similar confidentiality rules prohibit the Police Department from revealing whether Courtney is on the Civil Service list to become a police officer.
City solicitor Richard M. Dohoney confirmed Monday that Courtney is still employed as a parking control officer.
Well, there you have it. Proof of the PPDs sense of humor, replacing unscrupulous convicted PPD Officer Michael McHugh with a drunk violent unscrupulous meathead.
Brothers from another mother!
You can’t make this up!
That horrible voice. “Make it a priority. Now!!!
Call me and let me know what happens, I’ll be at yoga.”
Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington said Tuesday she has asked that the ongoing investigation into the fatal use of force by Pittsfield police be made a priority by the people conducting it, many of whom are overseen by her office.
Does anyone have faith in Andrea Harrington’s “investigators” investigating local police? Not me.
April 8, 2021
Pittsfield Police Chief Wynn Brings ‘Unique’ Background to State Policing Commission
Massachusetts law enforcement leaders have been asking for these tools for years, Wynn said, because there’s a nationally available database of other states where police departments can find out if an officer was terminated or disciplined for misconduct but nothing in the commonwealth.
“So, I could have a candidate that’s a potential hire that we could check out if they’ve had any issues with other departments, but I can’t find out if they had an issue with another department two counties away,” Wynn said.
He, Wynn, explained that around 2015 the state began proactively changing training topics that are included in the police reform bill, such as de-escalation.
“We had already identified a national model from the police executive research forum called ‘integrated communications assessment and tactics,” Wynn said.
“That’s been an in-service topic for several years, we had already incorporated specialized training, dealing with people in crisis and mental illness. And again, you know, that’s a topic that’s been repeated for several years.” So said PITTSFIELD POLICE CHIEF WYNN!
I had a chance to speak to a few people that witnessed the shooting of Estrella two of whom showed me very good phone video of the shooting.
It’s tremendously damaging against the officers in question. These people will not cooperate with the police, in fact one is known by the State Police to be a witness and that person has already said they aren’t going to help.
They think this will not get a fair review by local cops and it will be covered up.
They want the FBI to investigate the shooting not the local “corrupt DA and police”. They are going to wait for the report and then release the video.
Andrea Harrington is “leading” the investigation along with Bell. Bell allegedly mentioned to a staffer that Harrington needs to “get out of the way and shut up”.
At least the DA is consistent. It’s all about the campaign.
“My priority is that all interested parties have confidence in my office’s determination of the facts surrounding the tragic shooting of Mr. Estrella by the Pittsfield Police Department,” she said.
Kronick is our only representative.
Ask the under age rape victim and her family if they have confidence in your office. Also ask the Carnevale family and the family of Anthony Gamache. Why would anyone start having confidence now?
Ha! Please don’t speak for the Carnavale family. The Bull dog face you hope becomes the next DA is nothing but a 2am late night frat boy drunk dialing and making drunk statements get a leash on your boy Stat it’s embarrassing.
Sorry to break it to you. They spoke for themselves. They posed for pics with Shugrue at his fundraiser.
Council Grades
Maffuccio F
Persip C
Kavey F-
Guiel L
Sherman L
Conant D –
Marchetti D-
White F
Kronick A
Kalinowsky D-
Warren F
Pete White Z-
The DA really has got herself between a rock and a hardplace. She’s hoist on her own pitard as they say. Even the lefty loons who voted for her are comig for her.
Josh Landes @JoshLandesWAMC
A group describing themselves as a coalition of Berkshire leftist groups- one person has a sickle and hammer pin on their beanie- have put up signs outside of the Berkshire District Attorney’s office in Pittsfield, MA in protest of the police killing of Miguel Estrella.
If Harrington hadn’t inserted herself inappropriately into the Megan Marohn press conference she would not be receiving twitter posts like this one, copied to the governor, senator, etc. She put herself needelessly into this because of her incompetence.
Daisy Paglia @DaisyPaglia
@LeeMAPD @MassStatePolice @harringtonforda
We are overdue for another press conference. #FindMeghanMarohn

Beautiful World @4beautifulworld
.@harringtonforda What is the status of missing teacher, Meghan Marohn? Time for an update don’t you think? Over 2 weeks missing from Lee, MA. Need answers! @ewarren @LeeMAPD @AyannaPressley @EdMarkey @CharlieBakerMA
Ma @faerieclever