(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JUNE 22, 2022) — For all who inquired and all who noticed how some comments were put into moderation and not moderated in timely fashion, an explanation is due.
It’s actually good news in one sense. The recent uptick in traffic has required a security systems upgrade and the internals backstage to be modified, meaning that we have had to manage growth once again. That plus the increasing speeds by which the internet streams data led to the tuneups that suddenly became overdue. The choice was simple. Put if off and eventually see a more sluggish response or bit the bullet, sacrifice a day, and “get ‘er done.” THE PLANET chose the latter.
Consequently, because our systems were only operating at partial capacity Tuesday as our IT people went to work, we shall have to put off to The Weekend Edition what we intended for today, which was part two of THE PLANET‘s series on the race for county sheriff. At least, that’s the plan now. No new story today, but we shall be fully open for your comments.
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You’ll be pleased to know that THE PLANET‘s “Robot Army” has been re-conscripted and promoted so that we can keep real time feedback in tact, with stronger security and safeguards in place.
We shall skip the technical jazz and boil it down for you. In a continuing effort to make this the best site around, we have souped things up so that we can keep up with a continually growing traffic load. Our ad agency will not doubt be pleased, so will we, actually, because at their advice we have upped the rate card, not that monetization of this board has ever been the priority. That said, the “pretty polly” is there to fall into your lap, you don’t refuse!
Rest assured our policy remains: THE PLANET shall take NO LOCAL ADS. That is the only way we can in good conscience remain unbought and unbossed. We will NEVER be for sale. We will NEVER sell out.
As barrister Jimmy McGill would say, “It’s all good, man.”
The Comment Line is now open.
“A poem begins with a lump in the throat” — Robert Frost.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Along the lines from the song line “I like New York in June. How about you?”: “I like the Red Sox in June? How about you?” I hope they play ball like they are this month in July, August, September, possibly in October, and possibly in early-November! My dad & I have tickets to Fenway Park to see the Blue Jays versus the Red Sox on my 47th birthday next month. My dad & I have watched the Pittsfield Suns versus the Nashua Silver Knights at historic Holman Stadium. They will play against each other at historic Wahconah Park this Thursday evening. My dad saw Chuck Garivaltis, his 1962 PHS classmate the late-Mark Belanger, Tom Grieve, and other legendary Pittsfield baseball players play ball back in the old days. Pittsfield only had one high school back then, along with St. Joseph High School, which closed a couple of years ago. My dad’s 60-year PHS will be held online this year of 2022. I only went to my 10-year PHS class reunion back in 2003 before I moved to Southern New Hampshire the next year. Next year of 2023, it will be 30 years since I graduated from PHS. I still have my 1993 Pittsfield High School diploma, which I like to look at now and then.
Enjoy the game, Jon. Nothing better than baseball with dad. Give him my best.
I remember seeing some of the 67 Sox at Wahconah Park. Scott Smith, and Lyle, ……..later Fisk and “Spaceman”.
It’s a shame what the PITT has let it become.
Ah, yes. I remember it well.
George Scott 1965 Pittsfield Red Sox. He was playing pool at the pool hall that was on North St. often.
Hi Cue?
The Boomah! Trple Crown winner for the ’65 Eastern League champs.
Give Bob my best regards.
Thanks your lucky stars you had the brains to get outta Shitsfield, sir. People can say what they may about you here but you had the sense to leave it all behind, at least literally!
Kudos to all who have left to make a better life for their families. Wish we would hear from more of them who left Pittsfield though most of them probably just want to forget about the place and move on.
They only need one public high school now too, but instead we paid for a second one, twice!
Why is it okay to leave Scooters all over the city? They are becoming a hazard while parked even, as well as an eyesore. It’s starting to burn my ass as much as the bums on every corner. I feel bad for the good kids growing up in this shithole of a city. Yesterday I saw about 20 all over the place, How would you like them in front of your house, Useless Linda?????
Saw one lying down with its rear wheel hanging over the curb into the road on Tyler. I think I am being more honest than rude when I say that Pittsfield, Ma. has some incredibly stupid people. Not sure how many but it is more than 25.
Two days ago while at the Coltsville intersection my light turns green and I begin to move forward when a huge construction flatbed with a Drott on the back comes barreling through from the Cheshire road side. Never let off the gas. My mind was picturing the mess that could have resulted in and the number of med-evac copters flying in and out of BMC.
Later same day a Mini B Bus comes whipping by me on Dalton Ave and swerves quickly into another lane. Not sure if there was a bee inside the bus or he was in a hurry to take a piss somewhere.
And when that Coltville intersection was being paved recently it was an absolute showcase of totally ignorant self serving road warriors just making the traffic jam worse for themselves and every body else blocking and choking nearby exits.
I am picturing the day some caveman invented the wheel and a bunch of others standing around trying to figure out what it was. And I am wondering how much of that DNA has trickled down into Pittsfield. Cuz I cannot cross town without witnessing at least one more dumbfounding stunt by one of the local zombies.
Incredibly stupid,Trump,Texas,Florida.It was said Ron DeSantis can’t look any man in the eyes.He is Incredibly anti people.Still looks like Texas wins stupid over Florida and Alabama.Trump is the head stupid of the 3 dumbest states.Trump is jealous of DeSantis because he is stealing his fascism politics
You really need to seek help.
Thorazine might help
He’s got his mental health care team taking meds after having to deal with him.
Biden says he’s doing ‘fine’ after bike fall
Biden toppled off of his two-wheeler in front of reporters on Saturday.
A motorized trike would be a better fit for Dementia Joe!
He will not attempt to overthrow America
He’s throwing it in the trash
He already did with the proven big steal! See the movie, read of issues in Georgia, WI, MI and Minn. Issues all over with illegal votes. What does Mass do in response, they continue the COVID voting changes, this will keep TFB in office. BTW how is the VP taking care of her responsibilities? The border is a complete mess, energy prices are out of orbit and inflation is catching up! What a duo!
Neither did Trump
He can’t even attempt to ride a two wheeler!!!!!
Joe is now saying he’s had worse falls during the Tour de France race he competed in and beat Lance Armstrong right before he decided against going to the Naval Academy after graduating at the top of his class in college. I think that’s around the same time he took Corn Pop on also.
Was that before or after he scaled the cliffs at Normandy, and planted the flag on Iwo Jima?
I can’t keep up with his adventure lies and when he did them any longer. The newest one is,it was him and not Neil Armstrong who first walked on the moon.
He told us how FDR went on TV when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.
No kidding! I thought it was Fiji.
You are truly the high cockalorum of this blog.
It’s like some form of mass insanity has taken over public life.
Because Lying Linda doesn’t care about us Kapanskis, that’s why.
Thanks for letting us know and for keeping the planet in shape to face the future! I have a thought for the day, 2 cities passed budgets recently, one city of 20,000 had a budget of $44 million, the other city of 40,000 has a budget of $200 million….is there something wrong with this picture?
Thanks, SHIRL. As to those dueling city budgets, there sure is something fatally wrong with that picture. The $200 million city budget for a city this small reeks of excess and, corruption.
The January 6th hearings aren’t doing the damage to Republicans that the far left is hoping to inflict. The main target is Trump right now, but will quickly shift to DeSantis and all Republicans when the time is right for the far left. This sham trial with nobody to push back against what they are saying is a disgrace.
It’s looking more and more that this whole farce was pre-planed by the left.
I got this link from Tom Fitton/Judicial Watch.
“While there is growing speculation that federal agents and Capitol Police were involved in instigating acts of violence during the Jan. 6, 2021 protests and recording responses for the purposes of entrapment, evidence now proves that “plainclothes” members of a special Electronic Surveillance Unit (ESU) were embedded among the protesters for the purposes of conducting video surveillance. Evidence also points to a day of security deficiencies and police provocation for the purpose of entrapment.
According to a report—First Amendment Demonstrations, issued Jan. 3, 2021, by Chief of Police Robert Contee of the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Homeland Security Bureau, Special Operations Division, obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times—the MPD began to activate Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU) platoons on Jan. 4, 2021. Full activation of 28 platoons was scheduled to occur on the following two days………..”
“On a Dec. 7, 2021, episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, the attorney for several Jan. 6 prisoners, Joseph McBride, identified a man tagged on the internet by so-called “Sedition Hunters” as “Red-Faced 45.” The man, dressed in red from head to toe—with even his face painted red—appears in a video engaging in continuous dialogue with uniformed personnel and others whom McBride insists are agents embedded in the crowd. McBride said the man is “clearly a law enforcement officer.”
The Epoch Times reported on Jan. 1 that senior federal law enforcement officials refused to answer questions about an Arizona man named Ray Epps, captured on video the day before the rally wearing a Trump hat repeatedly encouraging protesters to “go into the Capitol” the next day. Many were suspicious of him. Chants of “fed, fed, fed” drown him out. On Jan. 6, he is seen telling the crowd “we are going to the Capitol, where all of our problems are.”
Ray Epps encourages protesters to go into the Capitol the night before the breach on Jan. 6, 2021. (Villain Report/Screenshot via The Epoch Times)
As I posted up above, Pittsfield has some incredibly stupid people. Mad Trapper makes the case for me in spades. And even with all the new advances in medicine and technology they have yet to figure out how to fix stupid. Can’t be done. We just have to live with and hope for the best.
PPS schools product < 1990.
You voted for Biden, enough said.
What is price of petrol? Heating oil? Food? Intrerest rates? Automoblies?
Crime? You vote for Wrong Way too? Criminal aliens: open border/free drivers licenses/free health/housing/medical.
Guns? Try Democrat Chicago: “tough gun laws” law abiding can’t get one……. …..have look at Mayor Beetlejuciey….Former Rahm/Sotero enclave.
Barry just put in 3 2500-gal propane tanks on his island estate, he’s not green as Kermit is he?
Republicans and capitalism = Price gouging or legal theft from American consumers
Biden did that!!!
The real price gouging is the amount of tax theft taken from the productive people / businesses and given to the non productive legal and non legal consumers residing in America getting a free ride. That is the progressives definition of capitalism.
Wrong, if your profits are on the backs of legal slave labor that are not allowed to participate in your great capitalism only means the wealthy need billions to survive because they are helpless.I assure you that you are incapable of imagining a billion of anything
If you don’t like capitalism I hear you can illegally get in to China and enjoy all their benefits, I am sure people on this blog will help fund your move
Unregulated capitalism eats its own consumer because it’s end is greed a drug and the basis of evil.It must be controlled from the bottom up not the top down
Why were they only stealing $1.86 a gallon on Election Day 2020 and now they’re stealing $5.00 a gallon?
Corporations are making record profits on record demand in a 8% inflation red hot economy with 3% unemployment…..oil is gouging a democratic President.Oil and corporations WANT TRUMP FASCISM where money is king
I have no comment better than this. This lady said it all.
To the editor: I am extremely upset by the recent spate of gun violence in Pittsfield. (“Pittsfield residents describe what’s it’s like to live in a city with 13 shootings in four months,” Eagle, May 26.)
There have been 13 shootings in Pittsfield since January, leaving people in the affected neighborhoods extremely rattled and afraid to leave their homes. The fault for this outrage can be laid squarely at the feet of our current district attorney, who seems to care more about the rights of the defendants than those of the victims and more about politics and publicity than being an effective prosecutor and an advocate for victims.
Her discredited policies have resulted in a revolving door approach to criminal justice in Berkshire County, whereby dangerous criminals arrested by the police are cavalierly freed by the District Attorney’s Office a few days or weeks later to prey upon more victims. As far as I can see, DA Andrea Harrington has done absolutely nothing to stem the tide, and it is only getting worse.
Berkshire County is in trouble as a result of Harrington’s bizarre approach to law enforcement, and if the trend continues, some neighborhoods may become unlivable.
I am enthusiastically supporting Timothy Shugrue in his campaign to unseat this inept and unqualified district attorney, and I urge my fellow voters to do the same in the Sept. 6 Democratic Primary.
Ava Desjardins, Pittsfield
Concerning gun violence. Chicago.
June to Date
Shot & Killed: 46
Shot & Wounded: 209
Total Shot: 255
Total Homicides: 49
2022 Chicago Shot Clock
Wow. Shootings are way down this year, compared to last few.
Actually, bang bang city/gun control Chicago, is ~76% of last two years total gun homicides and total shootings (similar numbers), as of today.
Still > 1/2 year to go and you know those “peaceful people” in the summer.
New record should be set, before Labor Day.
I don’t have solid numbers for THE PITT. But summer and 3rd Thursdays are coming.
This DA has 14 pending murder cases. There weren’t 14 pending murder cases in the last 25 or 30 years. Weak law enforcement equals drugs equals guns and violence equals murder. Many people foretold this inconvenient truth.
Yup. Under-charging, weak plea bargains, no cash bail/no-shows and or light sentences and repeat offenders. Speaking of which where is that liquor theft gang case at? The one where they hit several stores in December? Did they show up for court? Oh wait, here he is! Arrested again in PA for robbing 10k at an ulta and assaulting police.
Harrington is also costing loss of tax revenue by allowing businesses to suffer from loss of traffic due to it not being safe downtown for people to shop at these businesses pretty much anytime. And when you dare shop, she is responsible for higher costs of products to consumers because of theft criminals are getting away with, which is passed on to paying customers. Businesses may have insurance for the thefts, but insurance rates go up which also passed on. She is costing the citizens in many ways with.
You can’t have a better bail candidate that this one. He stole from CT, and PA after Berkshire County and PA locked him up on 25K bail. This is organized crime. They were not locked up here becasue Andrea Harrington thinks she has a mandate from voters (that’s you, Kapanskis). She wants to continue this “progress” for four more years.
Brags from Andrea Harrington campaign site:
I guess the “wealth” of the liquor store owners doesn’t count. So, where are these cases? Did you know you can’t even look them up because they are “protected?” Where do we draw the line, when these smash and grab criminals turn violent? Who is protecting our retailers? Why has no one been held accountable? The People deserve answers.
In Texas
running out of fireworks while celebrating Juneteenth
(“Gameboy” received the Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal for “Calmness”)
605 replies
Can’t believe what I’m reading – hold on
Check the co-defendant okay. Lemme kno
Dan, thanks for the update on your site. Noticed the long delay on a few of my comments lately and was wondering if I had said something wrong, Glad to see the growth in your site, of course then again your site is the only way we can get news, and the truth. Thanks for all your hard work.
Have a question that possibly you or another poster can answer. Are the members of the PPD & PFD periodically and randomly tested for drug use? Or are they protected by their Unions?
When fire fighters or officers are hired, they are told they will be tested at random for drug use. In actuality, this does not happen. It’s like the Pittsfield Public Schools. They have long-winded policies about technology, bullying, behavior, dress codes, and so forth, but no enforcement. In Pittsfield, just having the policy is enough. Officials then do as they wish. Zero accountability. That begins with the mayor’s office, then down to department heads. Great question.
Thanks for the information Dan, think it is time to start testing some members of these departments. In my job in the private sector, drug testing is done on a daily basis, names pulled out basically from a hat. Many of times an employee has tested positive, was first given the option of getting clean, which the Company supports and will hold their job or they can refuse but will be terminated. Most employees take the option of getting clean yet there have been a few repeat offenders that got fired. This should be how the City should be run. Dream on folks, it never will be.
Why do you think some dept. heads duck me. They fear being asked such questions as “Do you follow your department’s policy on [FILL IN BLANK]. They stutter, mutter, and can’t defend themselves.
Most would test positive for preparation H . They sit around on their hemorrhoids all day.
Stop hiring terrible leaders of our school system….What the hell are they doing to Taconic?School is 2/3 full.
That’s what happens when democrats are in charge
Dear Dan, I did wonder about the lack of posts, but you’ve got keep the IT upkeep on the site in order.
I am just happy to have a place to get news, uncensored, and a place to freely voice differing opinions.
Thank You so much good Sir!
Anyone who dresses like this, especially the shoes, has problems.
My Platform – Timothy J. Shugrue For District Attorney (
Bahahaha. We cannot vote based upon a persons fashion taste can we? The shoes are pretty rocking though!! He has my vote over AH.
How about a wifebeater and sandals for an anti-police rally? Does that outfit blow your skirt up?
Still confused about undergarments
It’s the current DA’s fault for those shoes! That’s all he could find that was left at the shoe store that has been robbed 4 times because of criminals being allowed to be running rampant in Pittsfield because of the current DA.
That’s a good one right there!
Ya know what’s an ugly look? When an attempted killer of a baby goes free because the DA failed to get a case together.
Yup. Give me ugly shoes any day of the week.
Never saw a wingtip I didn’t like
Love it!
Our choice in September…Wing tip or Wing nut
You’re just disappointed that you can’t see his nipples
Hey, I think he looks sharp as a tack, and by the way, even if he wore faggy flip flops to work, I’m voting for him. ABA all day long pal.
Gee thanks for link man. Where do I get a pair???
Take that to the Parade
Can’t tell his wife no I guess
Enjoyed the opening statement from Jonathon Mele. Jonathon mentions great Pittsfield athletes Mark Belanger and Tommy Grieve, These two were not only baseball players but football and basketball, too. They didn’t come any better. They were great in their respective sports. Do you remember them, Pittsfield fans? These two are Pittsfield legends. I’m not sure Pittsfield turns out athletes like this anymore. It doesn’t look like it. Why not? The answer is something we should concern ourselves with.
I am more concerned about the leaders being produced by this city than athletes. Would like to see the city improve the level of education, first & foremost – as our public schools are a disaster.
The only way they could name a Pittsfield school after Belanger is if his batting average was was considered.
Yeah, PS .228
Baseball in Pittsfield is of very high quality.Basketball is of very high quality.Hockey Football,Soccer is not high quality.We are at 40,000 and Westfield is bigger than Pittsfield now
Remember that the Republicans started the destruction of public schools by helping urban schools choice students out.Dumbest move ever.School choice must go.If you live in Pittsfield your kids should school here or move.
Agree, CHUCK. It used to be that the city was a sports hotbed. You and I know why this is a vital and relevant observation. When a city produces greatness on its fields and courts of play, it inevitably is a sign of stability and sane investment in resources and people. Grieve was several years ahead of me, but I watched him in the Deming sandlots many time. Prodigious.
Right on target, Dan. Pittsfield’s glory days as an economic powerhouse mirrored its glory days as a national sports mecca.
Here is one reason Pittsfield is less of a sports mecca Dan. You go to Waconah park to watch what you were told was going to be a baseball game and find out that it is more of a child care event. Kids spinning around in circles making themselves dizzy on the pitchers mound. All sorts of infantile games on the field between innings. Fireworks every couple of weeks. A baseball game is wedged in between children’s games for effect. This pablum is why I do not go to Waconah Park any more. Wonder how many other true baseball fans stay away because the baseball game has become an afterthought to the nursery antics.
G-R-E-A-T comment. THE PLANET agrees 100,000%. What passes for a baseball game at once-beloved Wahconah Park is, as you say, day care, with nights thrown in as well. That’s why we haven’t seen each other at the park this year. We don’t and won’t go. Another big, vibrant, and dynamic win for the city.
Dan, in the Jun 15 Bird Bath, Section A8 Opinion page, a guy writes an interesting letter to the editor on this subject. Walter, wants to know why the Pittsfield Public school system sent 2 busloads of kids from Herberg school to see a Pittsfield Suns game..IN WESTFIELD! He seems to be concerned with both the logic and where our tax money is going.
Good luck getting an explanation on that. Coulda gone to a game in Pittsfield but why not bus (2 busses) using taxpayer funded $5 a gallon gas forty miles? We brag about historic Waconah park for why?? These are the kind of things a school system does when they know for a fact that there is ZERO oversight and no forensic audit coming their way.
Get out if you can.
You have to admit that Pete White’s hotdog reviews are a highlight.
Send a link
Has he mastered swallowing a kielbasa in one gulp yet? I’m sure that’d be a hit with the fellas.
Yes, turning out jocks is more important than let’s say, Astronauts, scientists, business owners who create jobs. This jobs suck.
Not sure I can follow your last sentence. Doubt anyone else can. Care to rephrase?
What in the world? My comments are about sports and athletes. That is all.
How many street beggars, shop lifters and gang bangers has Pittsfield turned out in proportion to astronauts and scientists in the last five years? Like since this last excuse for a mayor came into power. The trending is not all that positive. Probably not going to see too many Stephanie Wilsons coming out of Pittsfield going forward but she was and is pretty awesome.
Great point about those ratios. Don’t think MR. W will attempt a refutation.
I remember when Mark Belanger worked in the sporting goods department at a local store on North Street (Mikes Berkshire Hills or Besse Clark??) in the off season (the days before mega contracts). He had his Gold Gloves on display behind the counter (if he could only have hit his weight he would be in the HOF). He also was kind enough to come to one our baseball practices while I was playing for St. Joe. He taught us about the “phantom tag” at second base where you would simply swipe at the runner sliding into second without really worrying about actually tagging the runner. Unfortunately, he must have smoked ten cigarettes while there and I think that they eventually caught up to him sadly.
He worked at Besse-Clarke. In 1965, I bought a baseball glove there. Mark recommended a Rawling’s PG-38 “Clete Boyer” model. Cost $39, a fortune back then. Served me well through countless innings. I still have it, and it’s my go-to defensive tool to this day.
When you look at the “data” around drug injection “harm reduction” sites that DA Andrea Harrington is pushing for the Berkshires it is not good news:
Shoot em up!!! Needles not lead!!!
We need to reduce the harm that Andrea Harrington had done to Berkshire County. Calling for a sitting judge to be removed from their post based on a decision she disagreed with was that last straw.
Safe injection sites are akin to taking a gunshot victim into the emergency room and shooting another bullet into him. Neither solution is really going to help the person with his problem. But the people involved with the safe injection sites are getting wealthy which is probably the real reason they exists in the first place.
Contact ‘Harrington”, @ Pain Management Clinic.
Safe injection sites are akin to sending someone else to jail/rehab for your crime whilst you continue getting high.
The public hearings of the Trump attempt to demand a Presidency is now being deluged with brand new facts about his threats and his intimation tactics against the American people.The conspiracy is falling apart.I know FOX Giant News corporation won’t let you guys watch so I will keep you in the know.
Psssttt TSC, it’s all a liberal hoax, just like the Russian collusion made up by H-Beast and the DNC, then promoted by the FBI/Pelousey/Shiffhead. That is ALL facts now.They are ALL LIARS, got that?
The 1/6/21 hoax is unraveling too. The leftists planed this in advance, had plants in place to stage their narrative.
read em and weep
Many on the 1/6 committee are the same ones involved with the Russia/Trump hoax. If they didn’t fool Americans with their first hoax, they are trying again with this one. The main requirement for being on the 1/6 committee is that you have to hate Trump. Pelosi wouldn’t allow anyone on the committee who doesn’t hate Trump. This kangaroo court isn’t handing out any results that Americans can trust.
Problem is FBI and DOJ are involved and they sure won’t prosecute/investigate themselves.
As long as people like MT are locked into Putins propaganda programming they cannot even see what is in front of their faces. The programming is so absolute that is shuts down all cognitive rationalization. It is a form of mass hypnotism and quite effective as we can see. America is dissolving itself like a body in a barrel of acid. And Putin will not have had to fire one bullet. For this reason he is a true genius.
You have no proof
The Russia/Putin/collusion illusion was made up by the H-Beast and the DNC. Barry helped too, by spying on Trump.
DOJ/FBI isn’t going to investigate/prosecute themselves.
You are a liberal tool.
What is gasoline/gal this week fizzie?
Don’t worry about Russians, China owns FJB and ALL the people/criminals who installed him
Haha Fizzlehead has been fully indoctrinated by the radical left. Who needs facts? He just repeats the totally bogus Putin narrative that he’s been fed.
Remember when WHEN (women helping empower neighborhoods) came on the scene of Pittsfield politics? Sick and tired of the Pittsfield “good ole boy,” (GOB) politics, when nothing got done, WHEN was going to shake things up with their progressive politics.
It produced political heavyweights like Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D) and Linda “Flat” Tyer.
Based on their political acumen and results: grant money, Ricky’s Rumpus, DL’s for illegals, gun violence, DIE, etc., and in keeping with its tradition, I will keep the name WHEN. Instead, the acronym will now stand for: Women Helping Endanger Neighborhoods.
I would like to add Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington to the reincarnated version of WHEN.
If anyone has endangered neighborhoods, it’s Wrong Way and her soft on crime policies.
I’ll offer anyone $20 to show me a more worthless trio than the three mentioned here. The clock starts now…..
Yep, it’s a trifecta of trouble. All three have failed to produce positive results!
FJB Pelousey and Schumer.
Donate the Jackson to the Planet.
The Dirty Bird (Berkshire Eagle) published 2 negative letters: one attacking Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington for violent crime, and the other attacking Ward 2 Pittsfield City Councilor Charles Ivar Kronick for objecting to Mayor Linda Tyer’s somewhere around $200 million proposed fiscal year 2023 municipal operating budget. Firstly, the issue/problem of violent crime in Pittsfield (and North Adams) long preceded 2019 when Andrea Harrington became the sitting D.A. nearly 3.5 years ago. Pittsfield now has over 1,000 gang members living in its inner city, which is the real reason for the rise in violent crime. D.A. Andrea Harrington is being scapegoated for the rise in violent crime instead of the focus being on the gangs living in Pittsfield. Secondly, the issues/problems with Mayor Linda Tyer’s many record setting excessive municipal budgets and spending are many, including but not limited to, her excessive multimillion-dollar Slush Funds, her administration’s absolute secrecy in PUBLIC financial management, Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood’s Creative Accounting (“Cook the Books”) practices, the city’s longtime shrinking tax base with 50 years of losses in living wage jobs and population, the city’s severe economic inequality with the sitting Mayor living in a mansion in Pittsfield’s only elitist Gated Community within a few feet of the Hancock border, fixed income Senior Citizen and similar low to moderate income residents who are unable to afford “Pittsfield politics” always giving away millions of dollars to wealthy special interests, and so on. Charles Ivar Kronick’s objection to the sitting Mayor’s budget proposal spoke for the thousands of financially constrained city taxpayers, families and small businesses. Thank you once again, Charles Kronick, for your brave stand against Mayor Linda Tyer’s “Business as usual” failed leadership.
Andrea Harrington is the spawn of Marxist/communist George Soros and his globalist cohorts who are trying to destroy our country in order to usher in one world government. No wonder you support Harrington. Birds of a feather…
John is up under Squeaky’s skirt now, instead of Flats.
She made national news for her Soros sponsored trip, while she neglected work here.
Crime may have been an issue before she was elected to office but it has only worsened in the 3.5 years that she has been in the DA’s office because of her criminal friendly policies. The gangs and other criminal activity have grown in numbers because they know Pittsfield is where they can do their thing with little to no consequences from our current DA. Don’t focus on her, focus on her policies Danielson ! Rub on -Rub one off.
It’s hard to exaggerate the low regard others in law enforcement county wide have for Harrington. She is not just the “first female DA in Berkshire County.” She is the first to bring politics into policing and the courts with a leftist agenda to serve one party. The first to have a disregard for the rule of law. First to fire experienced prosecutors because of their politics and replace them with inexperienced lawyers. This includes individuals that previous DAs have let go because they couldn’t handle the work. Harrington is the first DA in Berkshire County to fail to recognize that some criminals must be prevented from being able to commit more crime. First to accuse police of arresting citizens because of their race. She is the first to be unable to try and win a single case in court. The first to let whole categories of crime go unaddressed and let out of town offenders go without bail. First to launch unsubstantiated claims against a judge and attempt to have them removed from the bench. First to have a revolving door of employees or be accused of multiple ethics violations by her own hires. First to collect most of her campaign contributions from outside the county. I could go on.
That’s a pretty “unimpressive list” DA Andrea “Wrong Way” Harrington has racked up there.
I still believe her “Hail Mary” to save her DA job, will be to criminally charge PPD Officer Nicholas Sondrini with murder/manslaughter, in the shooting death of Miggy Estrella.
This will stir up the POC (Helen “Handgun” Moon, Earl “Dumpster Diver” Persip), the race baiters (Shirley, Dennis, OB), and the liberal left loons with “white guilt” (Barry and Flat Tyer, Trisha Farley-Country Buffet, and their ilk), to vote against the “evil white man,” and also give a big FU to the hated police officers.
I am on board with your statement on doing just that to save her job. I also believe it will rile up her base, but I don’t think her small base will be able to overcome the majority who will consider her overall performance these last 3.5 years versus the 1 Miggy issue.
Wondering if the Berkshires would be eligible for disaster relief funds ? It is truly a disaster that she has left for all .
Just read the misinformation hate rag again and wonder how our National department designed to stop misinformation haven’t closed them down yet. Anyways the reason for this post isn’t about a paper that lies but about government waistline our hard earned tax dollars on a useless choo choo. Why is the government spending $250 million on a feasibility study? I can tell them right now trains worked well 150 years ago but are a money pit. Just look at all the transit agencies and name one that is profitable? Heck just read the article about this great NYC flyer that is in the same paper, millions being spent so 750 people can enjoy round trip passage to and from NYC. I ask how is that profitable? I am not sure who is behind this money grab but my thoughts lead to Springfield and the Chinese train building manufacturing plant. Is Richie “choo choo” Neal on the take for the Chinese? Or is it ou4 own Smitty that has his hand in the till? Wish there was an investigative paper around to figure out why our dollars are going to an ancient form of travel
Personally, I love train travel but Amtrak is called scam track for a reason, and this is a total waste of money, and it might help some more bums get into town.
Photo contest showcasing the beauty of downtown Pittsfield. I suggest a pitcture of Stockbridge.
Bums a begging at the intersections?
Excrement nips and needles on the sidewalks?
Closed storefronts?
Parking kiosks?
The “bike lanes”?
What a great idea…Let’s all submit photos to the contest of the ugliness of downtown and its scary denizens like an expose of the destruction of a once beautiful and great city. Letting them know that we are not falling for their delusions and bulls&^$!
Send em here
Slum photo challenge
Downtown Pittsfield is having its roads painted for the next week…Do not even ask how much this is costing the taxpayers. Meanwhile, crosswalks almost everywhere else have no or faded paint and are a huge safety issue. this is how we operate. Assbackwards and towards the money funnel.
City trucks all over North Street today digging up all flower beds that were planted a few years ago. Why? What are they up to now? Does the Mayor and Morales realize that are other streets in the Pits besides North and Tyler Street? Since every street in the Pits has potholes and PITTSMART doesn’t seem to work, are they threw filling potholes for the year?
Facade for parade day.
There needs to be FJB and FLT signs lining the streets 7/4/22
“In this excerpt from the just-published “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words” by Michael Pack and Mark Paoletta, the Supreme Court justice reflects on changes in his hometown, Savannah, Ga. The book is based on more than 30 hours of interviews Pack conducted with Thomas and his wife, Ginni, for the film of the same name; 95% of the book’s material is new, including this excerpt.”
Are you having a technical issue with the Tyler eFiling website?
You must contact Tyler using the number provided if there are any technical issues within the Tyler website. To contact Tyler: 1-800-297-5377. All procedural questions can still be directed to the court.
I just knew that marchetti, that pompous pugnacious nasty rude very offensive council prez, and that equally very offensive nasty tyer would come up with a nasty underhanded and deceitful plot regarding Kronick’s charter objection, which threw a Monkeywrench into their very offensive taxpayer rip-off bloated pickleball budget. I don’t trust marchetti or tyer, both of them have done nothing good for the taxpayers. Kronic isn’t the one that needs to be recalled. tyer and all of her asswipe mongrels, marchetti, persip, white, lampiasi, conant, sherman, kavey, warren, pagnotta, the DIE ripoff, kerwood, ruffer, morralass, wynn, harrington are the TOOLS who should be recalled, impeached, terminated and eliminated for the good of the taxpayers, the city and citizens. Horrible offensive people, all of them! Kronick is the only one with honor.
Yea, Arch Manning, senior high school QB phenom who’s predicted to be the next great Manning football player. We’ll see soon enough if this is true. He’s decided to attend the Univ. of Texas. Good football school, for sure. We’ll
see if he’s as good as they say he is or will become. For the kid’s sake, I hope he makes it. Much pressure has already been put on him. And he’s just a high school senior. And how about this? Colgate University’s opening football game is against Standford University. Don’t count them out. Colgate always surprises.In my playing days for the Colgate baseball team in the college world series, Colgate beat So. California. That’s the Trojans, folks. Larry Bossidy was our ace pitcher. We lost 1 – 0 to eventual champion Wake Forest. Larry pitched the full nine innings. Unfortunately, we could not get him a run.
Archie, the dad, played for some bad New Orleans Saints teams. He had a lifetime W-L record as a starter of 35-101. In his last six years, he won 4 and lost 41. 125 career TDs to 173 Ints. QB rating of 67.1. Little Archie, as you say, CHUCK, has to prove it. It’s ridiculous, though, that so much hype, publicity (pressure, as you say) is put on the kid even before he throws his first college pass. I see a major flopperoo ahead.
Brady 042
Eli. 242
I hope you won a bet
You talkin’ bout Tom “7 Rings & Still Counting” Brady? Who led the NFL in just about every passing category in 2021? That Tom? Though so.
Biden showed everybody his “cheat sheet” today about everything he needs to do to get through a meeting. If President Trump had one of these, the impeachment hearings would be in full swing. Joe seems childlike and proud of his “cheat sheet”. He knows the media will cover it all up and pretend this is all normal.
Biden used his cheat sheet today and was very proud of it.
A baby nearly picked up a folded dollar bill filled with Fentanyl. He would have died instantly if he had, but his quick thinking mom saved him. This is what is coming across our open borders on a daily basis.
Trumps goose is cooked,sorry planet as it was the lie.Its time to admit he lost .
Does Rinaldo’s petition to ban nips have anything to do with Harrington?