ADD TUESDAY 7/19 P.M. — We have this from the Pittsfield Police Department on last night’s shooting:
On Tuesday July 19th 2022 at approximately 12:25 am, members of the Pittsfield Police Department (PPD) responded to the area of Pleasant Street for a ShotSpotter activation indicating multiple rounds. Responding officers arrived on scene and located a victim who had been shot. A home had also been struck by gunfire and officers located additional ballistic evidence on scene.
The victim, a juvenile male who is a resident of Pittsfield, was transported to Berkshire Medical Center (BMC) for treatment. At this time his wounds are not considered to be life threatening.
Anyone who wishes to provide information regarding this incident is asked to contact Detective Murphy at 448-9700 x582. Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).
———- ooo ———-
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JULY 17, 2022) — If THE PLANET‘s city hall sources have been spilling. You know what they say: Where there’s smoke, there’s Charlton Heston.
Cha-cha-cha-changes are on the way. Brace yourself.
In an amazing week in foraging, THE PLANET can confirm three shockers. Bet the house on it:
- Linda Tyer will NOT seek a third term as mayor.
- Police chief Mike Wynn WILL retire at the end of 2023 or thereabout, coinciding with Tyer leaving office.
- Former Ward 6 city councilor John Krol WILL be running for mayor in 2023.
- Council president Pete Marchetti WILL quit politics.
Expect the usual denials, the no comments, then laugh at them. These three items, barring an act of The Great Ju-Ju Who Lives Beneath Silver Lake, WILL occur. We have sources, and we aren’t afraid to follow promising leads, which is just what we’ve been doing.
———- ooo ———–
At the same time, some insiders are claiming there’s “trouble” brewing, claiming there’s a bitter fight raging behind closed doors between the mayor and council president Peter Marchetti.
Don’t buy this inflatable doll. Tyer’s a goner, and so is Marchetti. In Linda’s case, it going to be a quiet resignation, slipping out of town on the midnight train to Georgia (only it’s not Georgia) with as much dignity as she can scrounge and salvage. It’s dawned on her that she’s been duped and used and has wasted four years, a quad annum that set the city back irreparably, perhaps to fatality. In Pete’s case, he’s about to finally do something he should have done a long time ago: Get out of politics, stop trying to please people, and focus on his own well being.
The fable claiming a Tyer-Marchetti feud wants us to believe Marchetti wants to run for mayor, and he’s miffed that Tyer hasn’t declared her intentions for 2023. Story goes that if Tyer admits she’s not running, it clears the decks for Marchetti.
We’re not buying it.
———- ooo ———-
First off, IF that’s true (our information and instincts tell us it’s not), then once again Marchetti is behaving in the reactive, “I’m-running-but-I don’t REALLY-want-to-win mode” that cost him his narrow loss to Dan Bianchi in 2015. By all assumptive indicators, Pete should have won. He had a history of winning citywide office (at-large) as the top vote getter. Against Bianchi, Marchetti suffered from a self-imposed, tortuous dilemma: “Deepest down, I don’t want to run, but I’m afraid to disappoint the one who’s making me do it.”
And who might that be? His husband, the late Jeff Hunt, the driving force of blind ambition that propelled Marchetti into “mayoral mode.” Hunt was Marchetti’s Lady McBeth. That explains how Pete snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. He subconsciously WANTED to lose.
That loss, however, provided him with a great revelation: He doesn’t want the job after all. He doesn’t even want to run for council. What does he want? He wants what we all want — happiness and peace of mind. It took the death of the troubled Hunt on Feb. 18 to give Marchetti a new lease on life–not his political life but his personal life. Hunt’s death gave Peter a freedom he hasn’t known.
Marchetti now has a new boyfriend. The two were spotted the night before the July 4th parade, walking the parade route, and, according to one witness, Pete looked like a guy in the first stages of love. He’s done with politics.
If for some reason he caves to outside pressures again, he will win office again but doom himself. Here’s hoping that Pete finally does the right thing by Pete. We want him to leave the creeps behind into their cesspool and to finally live his life. THE PLANET wishes him all the best. He deserves it.
———- ooo ———-
To conclude:
- Tyer won’t seek re-election.
- Wynn will retire. He has already told his troops.
- Krol will run for mayor.
- Marchetti will quit politics.
There’s also a 5.
Our bookies put the odds at 52-48. We won’t spill it at this moment. Romance is typically not our department.
Strang things happening.
The cow jumped over Handgun Moon, and the dish ran away with the spoon.
Clip these predictions. See how accurate we are on Inauguration Day in early January, 2024.
Twill be here before you can say “Charles Kronick.”
“Just as a general rule, nothing should change midflight, ever” — Trevor Noah.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Anybody but Krol
Krol and Tyer are very close and their politics are very similar.
Krol was Roberto’s water boy back in the day.
I heard pool boy?
Yeah, pocket pool.
(and may still be)
No doubt that Ruberto WILL be the driving force in Krol’s camp and if he wins (let’s hope not please) Ruberto WILL be running Pittsfield again through his puppet Kool
Keep in mind Krol was a big supporter of Crazy Bernie.
That is a plus
Large women look hot in polka dots:))))
She looks bovine, like a Holstein.
Welfare Mothers make better lovers…..
Pittsfield politics was fortunate to have the Lovely Linda Tyer as its Mayor for the following reasons: (a) She is nobody’s fool. She knows what she is doing and what the corrupt big shots in Boston are doing for and against Pittsfield. Unlike all of the past failed Mayors of Pittsfield, the Lovely Linda understands what is going on in terms of state and local public management. (b) She stands for Human Rights and Democracy in a time of extremist politics. I have followed the Lovely Linda’s political career for 2 decades now, and she was always an idealist in government, which is a double edge sword when dealing with all of the weasels out there. (c) She cares about the poor people and distressed neighborhoods that have been neglected by City Hall for generations. (d) She made an effort to stabilize the city’s long troubled municipal finances, despite all of the secrecy in her public spending on substandard city services and Pittsfield’s Level 5 public school district. (e) She believed in Pittsfield at a time when most people threw in the proverbial towel and gave up on the city’s decay that has been exhibited over the years in upscale art galleries and museums in London, U.K., NYC and L.A. (f) She knows all about Pittsfield’s socioeconomic issues and problems, despite her shying away from commenting on them by her saying she is unaware of the situation(s). (g) She bettered herself in her adult life in Pittsfield, which is an almost impossible feat for anyone who doesn’t inherit a large amount of money or win the state lottery jackpot. (h) She knows her time in Pittsfield politics is coming to an end soon, which may be the best thing to ever happen to her in her lifetime. (i) She will receive a near 6-figure public pension plus perks for the rest of her life, which sounds like a wonderful retirement. (j) She will be able to leave Pittsfield behind her in the near future like so many thousands of people and families have done over the past 50 years. Thank you, Lovely Linda Tyer, for your 20-plus year career in Pittsfield politics! Good luck to you in your retirement.
She is an agent for WEF /CCP. She is heading to GITMO. You are a fool.
Yes and enjoy your lifetime health insurance that will be paid by the taxpayers because God knows your millionaire husband can’t afford to pay it. Can you say the 1 percenter’s win again?
Think she’ll qualify for the billionaires tax?
No need to wish her luck it’s us who need it now
And a lot of it!
Start buying lots of lottery tickets. You enrich the state, pay off Tyer’s pensions, and may get lucky.
Hope this is true. Maybe Pete White will run for the corner office and loose. With Pete and rePete gone we might have a decent chance of getting a couple of at large councilors with common sense.
Tyer must have the right numbers to get an acceptable percentage on retirement. Her years as pool secretary count.
she basically has a retired lifestyle already, don’t see her giving up 100k with 8k annual raises, especially since she seems to enjoy stealing and making taxpayers suffer
Marchetti sold out his city including all the women AND CHILDREN. If he finds happiness I hope it is far from Pittsfield.
Wynn will not leave before Tyer appoints a new gob friendly puppet that can be controlled. No room for independent thinking department heads in Pittsfield.
Krol will be Tyer resurrected only more annoying to listen to. One more power happy self serving ego driven politician whose agenda will be set and driven by the hidden power structure, as opposed to the people who may vote for him. And he will have a huge edge on any opponent because he will have huge gob money backing him as well as the unions who vote as instructed. His first campaign promise will be tax control, because he knows it has been crippling to Pittsfield residents, and it will be his first and biggest lie.
I will not miss Tyer, Marchetti or Wynn one bit but I do not see the good old boys allowing anyone with visions of controlling this budget to get elected.
Another candidate that can’t say NO.There are 2 questions to ask every candidate…Do you believe Trumps lie and can you say we only need one High School……If the mayor cut the budget 3% we save 5.5 million dollars.Closing PHS will save 3 million more.
How is Joe Biden doing? and home heating oil prices going to be this winter, TSC?
She works for the school system so she’s not worried about any price increases. They take care of their own in the school system as long as everyone votes Democrat.
Is “she” a proper pronoun?……..
She was a custodian!
Was “it” qualified to clean the toilets, in both restrooms?
Don’t worry THC has plenty of hot air
Joe doesn’t know how he’s doing other than what his handlers tell him.
I think Linda checked out of the corner office months ago. The city is a mess – North St has been destroyed along with Tyler St., crime is rampant and the school system has been sucked into the abyss. The hard-working taxpayer has been forgotten. ARPA money handed out to political allies.
Why is it that people who can’t hold private sector jobs run for political office? Money, perks, prestige, power. Krol is not the answer. He supported both Linda and Andrea. He was a City Council rubber-stamper. Failed husband, liberal spender. He won’t get my vote.
I agree on Krol definitely not the answer. He is the anti-answer. He will be adding gasoline to the fire.
But also, although some roads are being paved over there are many more falling apart that are not on the short list. For every road that will be better there will be five others that are coming apart. They were neglected far too long as apparently no one was paying attention. This mayor has been preoccupied with building shiny new things instead of taking care of essential infrastructure. And now she is bedazzled by the concept of a new stadium. Wonder who put that idea in her head. You can be sure the local paper will be supporting it one hundred percent.
So just how much borrowing has and will take place before she bails town and how much further down the rabbit hole will this debt take the taxpayers? Which banks are holding this borrowing and how much interest do taxpayers pay each year to these banks on this debt? Could Mr Kronick ask Mr Kerwood and get a straight answer?
Excellent post Fizz. The most important things for the citizens were overlooked for the most important things of a select few groups of people.
Did Linda ever really check in? If you go by her campaign (s) promises, I’d say no.
If Kroll runs he’s going to be in for a shock. All those shitty texts he sent to his ex (my dear friend and former running partner) will be disclosed.
Those times he didn’t want to spend with his kids because he was too busy cheating on her with some clown makeup wearing slut, will be exposed.
Johnny please run, all those sexts will be published. iCloud is forever.
And Alan you can back him as much as you want but one day the truth will come out about you banging a 16 year old in the parking lot of the gym.
The old raised parking garage? In plain view of 1/2 of PFD?
Oh Yea, that story has merit and many witnesses.
After he got caught he took a full page add out in the Eagle about how much he “loved” his wife. The guy is a walking valtrex commercial.
Krol has been buttering up Dan so expect some softballs and an endorsement.
That’s how you see it, and there’s nothing for me to say about that. People will believe what they want to believe. As for the ad, I’m not familiar with it. Can you share or direct me to the date and source? Thanks.
John Krol? The man who wrote Andrea Harrington is “what our community deserves in this district attorney’s office?” The guy who said Harrington had “vast experience as a defense attorney” when she had tried a handful of cases and asked for a mistrial based on her own incompetence??? Who is lying still about being a “Death row attorney?” The one who commited the ethical violation of blocking the release of public records and lied about it and got away with it? No really, the Krol who wrote “Andrea is someone who you can look in the eye and trust the words you hear?” Andrea is “someone who we will be proud to call our district attorney?” You just cannot be serious, man.
Those who refuse to acknowledge the past/present/ongoing corruption are doomed to repeat it. Toxic charlatan grifters tyer/scarybarry, john krol, corrupt wynn and his corrupt PPD assassins, harrington, marchetti, white, persip, sherman, conant, biden, warren, kavey, morales, dews, 501 (c) 3 million $$$$$$$$ rope-a-dope pretender edgerton/tyler street Lab and her son jerome, gaming the system, lampiasi, kalinowsky, kirwood, taylor, fatty bovine tricia, obasohan, ruberto, catherine vanbramer, ppschools, pickleball, pump parks, tyler street wall of death round-a-bouts, tyler street Lab, lgbtqai, janis broderick, dcf, 18 degrees, shannon grant hinds youth gang violence, foster homes/group homes, gangs, guns, drugs, thugs, taxpayer funded supervised shooting galleries for junkies brought to the city by Dumb ASS da nipples harrington, Narcan, methadone, habitual offender puki yuki’s METH bar on nothing on north, bums on every corner, POTHOLES on EVERY STREET, scooters, PEDA polluted wasteland, tyer’s pickpocket at-home rip-off scam, et al, all of them are part of the disaster that Pittsfield, and the county is, not part of the solution. Not a single one of these charlatans and their pricy scams have made Pittsfield a better/safer/cleaner place to live.
A veritable work of art!
You are potentially qualified for recruitment to APMRF [stop] global cause we lost members but fight on [stop] Expect signal discreet yet obvious for contact [stop]
Evaluate this this this this and this respond please and thank you [stop] be safe and know what who behind you all times
I hope during the debates, Shugrue brings up the Simon Rock College, Jussie Smollett incident. I would love to watch Tim question DA Wrong Way, why no charges were ever brought against the black female and watch her squirm and then launch into some BS “racial disparity in the CJ field.”
Besides the above example, we all know in Andrea’s world, being black is a free pass to commit crimes and get away with it. Cases in point: JC Chadwell (murder) and LaQuan Johnson (weapons/drugs).
Burning haybales is racist and will not be tolerated!!!
Even putting black-face on a hay bale may be racist
Like Jeanne Trudau?
Yeah he got caught stealing from his employer and attacked the media for covering it. “Old news!!!!” He was Trump first! Why does the scum in Berkshire County always rise to the top?
This post is useless without pictures……….ROFL!!!!
No not a Kroll/Troll fan……….
Go to Krol’s Facebook page. But when he runs I’ll post screenshots of his texts.
Save the screenshots!!!
Thanks for sharing, I smell truth here!
Sounds just like him
After everything our great nation went through for four years with that big dumb orange clown in office and all his scandals, no one is going to care about John Krol’s texts to his except wife.
Smooth talking, skirt chasing Krol running for mayor?
He’s left a wake of destruction behind his boat. I witnessed him at a Ben Downing talk, years ago, schmoozing and cozying up to an attractive woman who was not his wife.
My advice, Johnny, is to spend more time with your kids and less time trying to be something that you are not. And stay away from jobs that require fiscal accountability.
If Wild Eagle isn’t available, who’s the likely next Chief?
Maybe a new Guilini type mayor will hire a Bill Bratton as chief.
Is it to late to save Shitsfield?
Here’s my two cents worth – No, but first of all a potential savior would have to run, and second of all, such person would have to get elected. Good luck with that.
Unless you are twenty years old and going to live to one hundred, it is too late.
Get out before you get sucked down the Pittsfield drain, and I ain’t even joking here. Why do you think barry and co. are putting down roots elsewhere? They know this city is rotting from the head down and is already at the knees. And they have an eagle eyes view with inside info on the gang proliferation, crime escalation, burgeoning city debt and crumbling infrastructure (roads and bridges).
I saw a post on another site saying that there is now a horde of street beggars in the city who are organized. They have a leader who assigns spots and rotates personnel. Not sure if they are local or from the big city but Pittsfield has become a beggars paradise. I do not remember seeing even one before Tyer stomped into office and promised to make the city a destination. She unfortunately did not tell us who her destination was for.
And I hear they are importing illegals en mass into Pittsfield. Roaming all over the place. More mouths on the Pissfield tit.
And if such a savior were elected, in addition to slashing the budget 30 percent or so, he or she would have to appoint a chief with balls of steel and back em.
Even Britton can’t save The Pitts now. Too far gone.
And in other news- If Tim Shugrue doesn’t start campaining like the election is tomorrow (fee advice Dan stated many moons ago), he runs the danger of getting beat like Pauly did in primary, and in this case, that’s it. Paul and Tim are both compassionate, comptetent, law and order nice guys, but Paul should have campainged, and Timmy better, like a bull let loose at the county fair. Come on Tim, we need you. We cannot suffer 4 more years of Hardly Harrington. You need to put the boxing gloves on and take it to her, biggly. Remember, she is a woke female, which autmatically gives her a huge advantage in these parts – most women will vote for her just for that reason alone. Wake up man, and come out swinging. We are rooting for you, but get out of the dugout, and and step up to the plate – Now!!!
I dunno Joe, he’s got lawn signs all over.
He needs to go door to door at this point.
That’s a waste of time and people don’t appreciate it. Much better ways to pound her into next month.
Calling everyone on the phone then by leaving a recorded message of how he is different from Harrington. I think people would like that and, if they don’t, they just hang up.
Phone blasts have a success rate slightly higher than smoke signals. Work best if all phones hit at same time.
Law signs don’t vote
Maybe not, but dead democrats do Shits!
And their pets…
They and all their family members. As LBJ said, something like, ‘everyone in this graveyard would vote for me if they could make it to the polls. Sign them up’
Lawn signs don’t vote. Ask Angelo Stracuzzi (this was before he was exposed as a pedifile) he out signed Anne Wikowski (sp) 3-1 and got beat
My question is why is he running on D ticket? That leaves only the primary which will be half the voters and half the campaign time. Scratching my head on this….
Not convinced. People want a new DA and he could run independently. People also would understand that he wants a November ballot which will not happen if the primary chooses.
Bad move in my opinion. The organized camp has the upper hand in the primary, and Harrington is organized.
How is Harrington organized? Zero funds, no events, no signs or endorsements terrible media. Plenty of arrogance though.
Yes. Where’s the effort? Nowhere to be found. Has she given up? Is she panicking? Does she know a secret something about how the balloting will be counted? Meanwhile, Shugrue, contrary to an earlier comment, is out there hustling like he’s down by a run in the bottom of the ninth.
What is Shugrue’s opinion of the crap sculptures that are inbreeding all over Lenox? Especially the boiled flayed squashed deboned bronze people – the gastral byproducts of a hyena – that impersonate art.
APMRF would be partial to a soft on bad-art reprisal DA.
The people running Lenox, ……..
have made it a total shithole for people who live there. Taxes, school system, None/nada services/businesses for RESIDENTS NONE cater to THE tourists, crazy parking only rivaled by Ricky Rumpis N Street, don’t give a damm about out lying parts of the town,………….
Look to the current and past, mis-Managers. I thought NO ONE, could be worse than , Federspiel………
I agree, Dan, follow Shugrue’s campaign on facebook. He’s not going to be outworked. Meanwhile, will Harrington’s husband be bullying people in West Stockbridge into putting out a campaign sign again?.
Examples please?
I think he’s always been a dem
Nobody remembers what you say three months before an election. Maybe he will come out strong in the three weeks before. That actually makes sense to me.
They hope no one remembers what you say three months after the election.
The election is only about 7 weeks from now. It’s show time.
Just wondering, are ANY , of these dysfunctional, “PUBLIC SERVANTS”, not a Democrat?
Can any of them get elected without taking off their underwear in a car?
Crotch less panties
I hope this group doesn’t include Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal immigrants)?
Them would be some big underwear to get off.
That would make men blind……….
I think it would make anyone or anything blind.
“This, IS, the federal government, our founding fathers warned us about”
If someone links her to the BARNUM property scandal she’ll be out in 22. Drug pushers @ the housing complex.
Ricky Rumpas is looking for a new job. He’s been out interviewing
Interesting. The heat’s getting to him. Either that or he’s getting out before the boom is lowered. If that, it won’t be pretty, especially after so many wasted years in that department.
The enema man was doing a better job.
To quote RICKEY: “With friends like that, you don’t need enemas.”
An enema of my enema is my friend.
We have seen the enema, and they are us.
And that’s the enema of that.
He could design miniature golf courses and then be head caddy.
He’s more than qualified, to rake out the rocks, before seeding new grass.
But flat Tire has illegals imported to do that work…….
Fill up the fuel tanks quick!!!
Traitor Joseph Stolen got laughed at by the Saudis, begging for oil, when America is rich with it. New Green steal………
Going to be a LONG COLD WINTER…….thanks Democrats!!!!!
Dan, who does Tyer think she was duped by?
Was she willing duped & abuse$d ?
If you want to know the true John Krol and his political stance, just remember this photo of Loverboy and Flat Tyer.
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But then again, does it really matter who we vote for? I’m sure Barry Tyer in all of his clumsiness will just get lost in city hall and will just happen to “open the wrong door” to where the ballots are. Just like he did last time.
How’s your lawsuit going against the Mazzeo’s, Mr Barry “PPP” Tyer?
If you look up spineless in the dictionary there is a picture of Smitty Pignatelli. Sad to see him palling around with Harrington this weekend giving implicit support for her campaign. We would have thought he would have some spine but apparenly he is a just a sack. Sad.
Da, you said you could confirm 3 things, then listed 4 -A,B,C,D – then hinted at a 5 th revelation. Which of the 4 are you not confirming?
Make that “Dan”, not “Da”
I am confirming:
1. Tyer not seeking reelection.
2. Wynn retiring from PPD.
3. Krol running for mayor.
4. Marchetti getting out of politics.
As for #5, we’ll sit on that one for the time being.
10-4, thanks.
No. 5 Pittsfield will be getting a new professional quality baseball park for the high school teams to play in
To be used as a money sink.
Solid sleuthing from the Planet!
Hmmm …. check their ankles for ‘bracelets’. Voter Fraud is treason, and forced mandates are Crimes Against Humanity.
Mail-in ballots have begun arriving in the mail today, you know, the same ones that created all the chaos in the 2020 presidential race so that counting ballots went on for days after the election. How many people will be voting twice? How many will be voting for dead people? What is the oversight on this process? Will illegal immigrants end up voting with these mail-in ballots?
It’s part of DEMocrazy! Pat.
Make sure your cats and dogs got ballots pre-marked “D” for all choices…….
Tearing mine up and throwing it in the garbage. I refuse to be a part of this fraudulent voting process. Just throwing out tons of these ballots into the population with no oversight is making a mockery of our voting system.
Liberals want it that way.
mASSachusetts has been so corrupt for decades it’s like “1984”
Trump was trying to solve the fraudulent voting issue by installing himself as a dictator and eliminating voting all together. He was going to hang his vice president to make the point that elections were quite unnecessary in the first place. Like in Russia.
As usual, change the subject to Trump to avoid the issue and conveniently dodge the reality that mail-in ballots for everyone is a dangerous idea.
Trumps own family used mail in ballots. Look it up.
Biden had Jill, help him with the ballot, just like all the senile nursing home residents, that ALL voted D-Rat.
Joe thought it was a coloring book , with only one color……
You are quite delusional.
“Ignoring election fraud because the election is over, is like ignoring a murder because the victim is dead.”
Pence was a bad choice for VP, and a certified RINO POS.
How did in 6 years, of ALL the D-rats investigating Trump, turn out Fizze? Innocent.
Maybe they should have been investigating the crime cartels in place in federal government: Clinton, Biden, Sotero/Obama, AND the BUSH family.
Pence was a bad choice so Trump should hang him on national TV? Keep in mind that Trump picked Pence and Pence licked the sweat off Trumps balls every day for almost four years. Trump would hang his own mother if she refused to give him a Popsicle. Gonna have to look that up, maybe he did.
So YOU still can’t see the steal?
Go to PPS too?
Ditto Pat.
I’m selling mine
Shall substitute names ship to random person in Oregon. See what comes back in the polling stations. Would also be interested in how many come back to be counted printed on cheap chinese xerox paper
DA: Timotei Shoogloo*. D
DA: Dafy Hairbraneton**. DDD (triple rating D. Gold standard for enemies of APMRF)
*Courtesy someone on this board. Thank you – I can’t pry it out my mind.
**weak need suggestions. just a placeholder
And under liberals, “pet’s” will come….. FOOD!!!!
You should address those questions to Pittsfield’s vigilante, Barry Tyer-Clairmont.
When his wife was running the last time in the mayoral race, Barry stopped by city hall and made sure all votes were legit.
How can you not trust a guy who single handedly at 3AM, brought crime and prostitution to a screeching halt at the Cumby’s on First Street?
Did Barry disarm, then bring the hooker, to a sec8 apt, for a “counciling session?”
That would be his modus operandi………where was the Holstein/Flat Tyer during this?
Was his half wit companion with him?
We all should write “Return to Sender – FRAUD” and send them back. What a waste of taxpayers money.
Great idea, and tape a brick on, so they pay postage too.
So what if you get rid of mail in ballots and then a bunch of Venzualeans tamper with the software in all the voting machines? Or what if 70 million really stupid people vote for a cult leader? Whatcha gonna do then?
Already happened. The trick is to anticipate what’s next. Only, it wasn’t 70 mil. It was more like 50
Marchetti might have been trying to please Hunt but he doesn’t care about the taxpayer.
Are Marchetti and tyer still trying to run MR Kronick out of town?
Hard to say. If I had to pick yes or no, I’d go with yes.
Democrazys voted for this queer…
Most queers, not all, are also pedophiles……..
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SICK: Biden’s Transgender Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Levine Says We Need to “Empower” Children to go On Puberty Blockers (VIDEO) By Cristina Laila
Published July 18, 2022 at 1:50pm
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They’re after our children.
Joe Biden’s Assistant Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine said we need to “empower” kids to go on puberty blockers.
Albany News station just stated a shooting on Pleasant Street in Pittsfield,MA.last night. Of course we hear nothing of this from local media. Guess this one slipped by the usual “everything is Dynamic & Vibrant Administration shush up crew”. Taxpayers are not suppose to hear of any crime in Shitsfield.
The area between First, Fenn and Tyler streets used to be decent place to live.
Now it’s a democrat created $#!thole: Drugs, gangs, violence, streetwalkers/hookers, trash/needles, potholes and potheads, still polluted GE site, section 8 feral offspring running amok, ……
But they all got birdie scooters!!!!!
There was a shooting at Pleasure Ave by dairy cone yesterday.

Six cop cars, 4 are up the street, 2 on the corner.
Oh yeah Nipples dropped the ball, again!
Lt. Glen Decker, who retired from the Pittsfield Police Department in 2020, defended the police investigation in an interview with The Eagle. He alleged police arrested the correct man for Henry’s killing, but said the prosecution fell short at trial.
“Why the DA’s office didn’t put us on the stand is beyond me,” said Decker, referring to himself and Lt. David Kirchner, who also investigated the homicide.
Decker said evidence police gathered against Chadwell was “overwhelming,” but said many pieces of the puzzle were not introduced to jurors at trial, for reasons he didn’t understand.
So it’s either incompetence or willful nullification by the DA’s office. Present a case so flawed, on purpose, the guy gets off. Nipples always wants a win for the criminals.
Any chance Shirley could use some of that $1,000,000 ARPA and convince POC from not shooting and killing each other?
She’s been a “cultural proficiency coach” for going on 5 years now. Hasn’t the “indoctrinate white kids experiment” that they are racist, unless they conform to Shirley’s own racist views, proven to not have worked?
Gun violence and murder amongst POC is at record levels in Pittsfield and beyond. How about putting that money to real use. Not some horsesh!t study, that shows Shirley, Warren, and crew, need more taxpayer paid and financed “black everything.”
No Pittsfield media is allowed to print crime stories without a time stamped registered letter from the corner office. They have not even mentioned the last one. But they gots lots of awards (40) for other stuff…just not crime stories.
YOU, are a liar!!!
Dan does!!!
Thanks Dan!!!
What’s great is that you usually hear about the happenings going around here in our county and beyond on this site first.. No wonder The Planet drives these people bonkers as a one man show beating them time and time again!
Sorry about the lengthy post.
Not guilty, but……
From the Berkshire Eagle
Amanda Burke. 7/19/22
Jurors say evidence wasn’t there to convict J.C. Chadwell of murder. A retired Pittsfield police lieutenant says that evidence existed.
PITTSFIELD — Jurors who voted to acquit J.C. Chadwell of murder in late June tell The Berkshire Eagle that prosecutors didn’t produce enough evidence to prove he killed Paul Henry. But a retired police official says prosecutors could have done more to prove what he sees as a solid case.
After initially maintaining he shot Paul Henry in self-defense at a block party July 4, 2017, Chadwell took the stand at his trial late last month, and reversed course.
He said his confession had been false, coerced under duress and motivated by a brotherly urge to protect his sister and by fear of the man he claimed actually pulled the trigger.
The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office did not call any witnesses to rebut Chadwell’s story, incensing one of the lead investigators on the murder case Lt. Glen Decker, who retired from the Pittsfield Police Department in 2020, defended the police investigation in an interview with The Eagle. He alleged police arrested the correct man for Henry’s killing, but said the prosecution fell short at trial.
“Why the DA’s office didn’t put us on the stand is beyond me,” said Decker, referring to himself and Lt. David Kirchner, who also investigated the homicide.
Despite the jury’s verdict June 29, clearing Chadwell of responsibility in Henry’s death, both Decker and the Berkshire DA’s office say they believe he fired the fatal shot. Chadwell claimed another man killed Henry.
“The trial team presented all admissible and credible evidence that the Pittsfield Police Department obtained during its investigation. While we respect the jury’s verdict, this office stands by the case it presented at trial, alleging that J.C. Chadwell murdered Mr. Henry,” a spokesman for the office of Berkshire DA Andrea Harrington said, when asked to comment on Decker’s statements.
“We send our condolences to the Henry family for their loss,” he said.
Decker said the verdict represented a denial of justice to Henry’s family, whose members sat in the courtroom throughout the trial late last month.
“They didn’t get any justice with this case. And it was disgusting,” Decker said of the Henry family.
To Decker, the trial represented a failure of the current DA’s office.
“They should have got a quick conviction,” Decker said. “That’s how much overwhelming evidence they had in this case.”
‘Overwhelming’ evidence
Decker said evidence police gathered against Chadwell was “overwhelming,” but said many pieces of the puzzle were not introduced to jurors at trial, for reasons he didn’t understand.
For example, he said police had a witness to the shooting who would have testified that they saw Chadwell and Henry facing each other, then heard a gunshot, and saw Henry grab his stomach and drop to the ground.
The witness said they saw smoke near Chadwell, who then ran from the scene, Decker said.
According to Decker, police learned that Chadwell’s mother confided to her friend that her son had shot Henry. He said that after the shooting, Chadwell’s sister, Yulanda Chadwell, contacted family in New Hampshire requesting they take Chadwell to that state to “hide him out,” but family refused. “That was never used” at trial, Decker said.
Decker also said Chadwell had a motive to kill Henry. Henry had cut him with a machete five years before the shooting, causing injuries that required staples and stitches. According to Decker, Chadwell had planned to get Henry back.
“This is a no-brainer,” Decker said of the case. “There was motive. You got an eyewitness. You got a confession. You got family telling us try to hide him up in New Hampshire.”Taking the stand in his defense, Chadwell testified that police made promises that prompted him to falsely claim responsibility for a fatal shooting he did not commit.
Chadwell testified he was denied an attorney after asking for one several times, and that police told him he would be out of custody in a few years if he took responsibility for the shooting. Decker said he believes points from Chadwell’s testimony were false. He said that testimony could have been rebutted by a police official, had Special Assistant District Attorney Brett Vottero or Assistant District Attorney Amy Winston called one to the stand.
Jurors’ views
Three jurors contacted by The Berkshire Eagle spoke about their deliberations on the condition they remain anonymous. The names of jurors are a public record. The newspaper obtained the list of jurors from Berkshire Superior Court and contacted them.
One juror, a 58-year-old office supervisor, said that the 12-person jury cared about the fact that there was no evidence that police recovered a gun, saying, “if you have no gun, you can’t kill somebody.”
“What it came down to for us is that there was no presentation that he actually had a gun,” she said in a telephone interview. Chadwell was the only witness presented by his defense team. A portion of the prosecution’s case was based on videotaped interviews of Chadwell speaking with the police on three occasions, once in July 2017, a few weeks after the shooting, and twice in February 2018 following Chadwell’s arrest.
Chadwell initially denied shooting Henry, saying he was in Hudson, N.Y., at the time of the killing. He made a similar denial after his arrest Feb. 8, 2018. But about three days later, he asked to speak with investigators.
So investigators went in to the station to talk to Chadwell, who admitted that he shot Henry, and claimed he did so in self defense.
“He confessed to the murder because he did it,” Decker said.
The 58-year-old juror said the prosecution seemed to base its case on the taped confession. She said it appeared that Chadwell had indeed lied to police at times, making it difficult to decide when he was telling the truth on the stand. But one thing was certain in this juror’s mind: Chadwell cared for his sister, Yulanda. The juror said it was plausible to her that Chadwell would have falsely confessed to murder in order, as the defense theory went, to secure her release from police custody.
“He lied so many times … on the tapes that you know, it’s hard to know what’s truth and not the truth,” the juror said. “I think I do believe that he is very sincere of how close he is with his sister. And I do believe that he would do anything for her, including admit that he did this.”
Chadwell had testified he was told by an officer that his sister had also been arrested for murder. He also testified that an officer said his sister, who had had a cesarean section months earlier, had given police a “hard time, so they had to strap her to a chair.”Decker emphatically denied either of those points in Chadwell’s testimony were true, but said the prosecutor did not call a police witnesses to refute the testimony.
“Yulanda was not under arrest for murder. She was not in a restraint chair; never was in a restraint chair, we could have easily brought in people to say ‘no, [that] never happened,’ “ Decker said.
Another juror, offering thoughts on the evidence and jury deliberations, said he didn’t know for certain whether Chadwell was telling the truth on the stand, saying Chadwell seemed to be a “convincing or well-practiced liar.”
After watching the interview in which Chadwell admitted to shooting Henry, the juror thought was “he’s at least guilty of manslaughter.”
“So we can’t find Mr. Chadwell guilty of illegal possession of a firearm. If we can’t find him guilty of that charge, how can he be found guilty of the shooting? For all we know the shot was fired from a window across the street.”
Juror who deliberated in the murder trial of J.C. Chadwell
“Had the trial ended there, it’s quite possible he would be serving time for something,” the juror said.
But then the juror heard Chadwell testify and explain to the jury he had confessed “to help his sister, to protect his family, to get out [from custody] rather soon.”
He added that Chadwell testified that he had been to the hospital between the second and third interviews with the police, and received an opioid medication during his treatment.
“Did the medication alter his mental state?” the juror asked.
Besides, the juror said, there was no gun, no DNA, and no witness to the actually shooting. “We didn’t even hear what kind of bullet was used,” he said.
“So we can’t find Mr. Chadwell guilty of illegal possession of a firearm. If we can’t find him guilty of that charge, how can he be found guilty of the shooting?” the juror said. “For all we know the shot was fired from a window across the
Since it’s all “OLD News”
What is status with the “birde scooters” Flat Tyer bought for PISSfield?
I missed hitting a few, of those miscreants , last time driving through……..
Apparently this week an assistant to Andrea Harrington asked for a case to be dismissed because the victim did not show up to court. The victim was sitting in the court room. The ADA did not know that because THE ADA HAD NEVER MET THE VICTIM!!!! It’s a sh$tshow to beat all shitShows
Andrea’s running the office and it shows.
Anybody but Alf “No Show” Bumbulunga, Wrong Way Harrington or John “Poon Hound” Krol.
Totally agree…It’s soooo much easier around here to know who not to vote for!
We’re only weeks away from the election for District Attorney so the local media and politicians (one and the same) will keep any shootings out of the paper like the one last night on Tyler Street.
They are not naming the victim, but said it was a juvenile. I’m wondering if it’s a 25 year old juvenile? Harrington and fellow progressive da’s call juveniles up to 25.
Should be raised to 45. Adulthood is 46-55. Geezerhood starts to kick in around then
Geezerhood! Good one.
It will be interesting to see who the Berkshire Eagle endorsements go to and the reasons why in the da’s and sheriffs race’s.
Trump missed Pence by 9 minutes and he had the bomb.Trump is the most disgusting domestic terrorist in history and he is FREE.FOX wanted the insurection to succeed and when it didn’t every on air fascist FOX propagandists told him it was over and his goose was cooked.
Anyone know where the former Millwood School is located??