(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY AUG. 24, 2022) — In case you missed it, here is the most important piece written about the current district attorney.
It comes from:
- Someone who worked in a high-level position in the D.A.’s office
- Who signed on based on promises the D.A. made during the campaign.
- Who is one of the state’s most respected litigators
- Who, with extensive professional experience and specific know of the culture of Mrs. Harrington’s workplace, carries the maximum level of gravitas and knowledge.
LAUGHINGSTOCK, one of THE PLANET‘s many astute contributors, first reproduced Jeanne Kempthorne’s editorial here, as published in the Berkshire Eagle. LAUGH gave it a brilliant title: “Coffin, Meet Nail.”
Here is the text of Kempthorne letter, which spells D-O-O-M for the D.A, eagerly and gleefully presented by THE PLANET.
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I worked with Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington. Here are the 7 biggest reasons I’m not voting for her
In 2018, I supported Andrea Harrington for Berkshire district attorney. In January 2019, she hired me as her chief of appeals. One year later, I quit in protest. I’m supporting Tim Shugrue for district attorney, and I want Berkshire County voters to know why.
I’m a progressive Democrat. I have worked with Progressive Democrats of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Alliance and the Justice for MA Coalition. I have worked as a prosecutor and a defense lawyer in state and federal court. I accepted Andrea Harrington’s invitation to work for her because I believed she would pursue the progressive values she espoused and that I share. I was wrong.
Before Harrington took office, many experienced prosecutors, deemed insufficiently loyal, were told to leave. Others quit. Among leadership, only the first assistant district attorney and I had experience in government service as prosecutors. Harrington herself had minimal trial experience, no prosecutorial experience and no experience managing a government office.
Instead of hiring experienced, competent people to fill those gaps, Harrington appointed unqualified, inexperienced campaign supporters and friends to fill key positions and relied on “special” assistants from other counties to carry the workload.
On inauguration day in January 2019, Harrington’s immediate tasks were clear: Triage the emergencies and glue herself to the chair to learn the job; right the foundering ship; provide leadership and improve morale; hire and train assistant prosecutors; build a team committed to a new vision of criminal justice; implement the no-cash-bail policy; begin work on juvenile and adult diversion policies and programs.
That is not what happened. Rather than immerse herself in the nitty-gritty of her new job, she went on vacation and then on a boondoggle to tour Portugal’s drug-treatment program. Leadership meetings focused as much on enemies and the press as on the difficult challenges the office faced in accomplishing its mission. Huge amounts of energy were spent figuring out how to keep her patronage hires out of trouble.
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Berkshire district attorney tried to unseat a judge she called a public safety ‘threat.’ Her bid failed.
Several of Harrington’s more appalling acts of unprofessionalism and lack of judgment have been reported, such as her indictment of two foster parents for manslaughter and her preposterous attempt to have Judge Jennifer Tyne removed from hearing criminal cases in Berkshire County. Less well known are her failures to implement the kinds of criminal justice reforms she touts and her mistreatment of staff:
• In July 2019, the American Civil Liberties Union urged her to support a moratorium on the use of facial recognition software while more research was done to determine its impact on racial profiling. (By 2018, reported data had shown that the software misidentifies Black female faces 35 percent of the time.) After consulting with the State Police, Harrington refused.
• When Harrington unveiled to great fanfare a juvenile diversion program on the steps of the Boys & Girls Club of the Berkshires in 2019, the program was far from ready. For months, Harrington had delegated the program design to her former campaign manager who had no skills, training or experience in juvenile justice. (A draft provision calling for restitution from juveniles was laughable.) Months were spent reworking it. Harrington herself provided little guidance. From the outset, the program was seriously understaffed: one part-time employee, still in school and with minimal professional experience. Urgent complaints from community program providers and the juvenile court probation office were frequent. Within months, overwhelmed, the staffer left.
• Harrington delegated the development and leadership of the domestic violence fatality task force to her former campaign manager, who had no legal qualifications for such a post.
• After Judge Tyne struck the testimony of a “drug recognition expert” in an operating-under-the-influence case, Harrington did not issue a clear policy against the use of DRE evidence, despite its lack of scientific foundation.
• While Harrington did indeed adopt and implement a no-cash-bail policy, the use of dangerousness hearings to hold defendants pretrial has gone up dramatically.
• Harrington has not only favored political associates and personal friends over experienced professionals, she has treated many employees, particularly women over the age of 50, very badly, firing or demoting people without warning or performance improvement plans.
• In 2020, WGBH in Boston awarded Harrington one of its sarcastic “Muzzle Awards” for her ignoble actions undermining free speech by instructing the office’s records officer — me — not to produce required public records to The Berkshire Eagle. In protest, I resigned. Within days, I was approached by the Suffolk DA’s Office, headed by the progressive Rachael Rollins, and eventually served in that office’s new integrity review bureau, reviewing past murder convictions for miscarriages of justice.
Unlike larger counties, the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office is too small to support a neophyte DA who cannot competently try a felony criminal case and is unwilling to roll up her sleeves to implement major policy changes effectively. The citizens of Berkshire County cannot afford to indulge the extravagant delusions of a careerist. Harrington simply does not have the necessary skills and experience for the job and she has demonstrated little, if any, interest in acquiring them.
Experience, competence and integrity matter. Tim Shugrue understands how the criminal justice system works — and how it fails. He is someone the staff can turn to for advice and leadership without fear of retribution. He has the confidence of his colleagues in the legal community and the courts. He has the best interests of the people of Berkshire County at heart — not his own. He deserves your vote.
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Well said, by one would, above all other parties, KNOW.
THE PLANET knows, and thanks to Jeanne Kempthorne’s integrity, so does all of Berkshire County and beyond.
“It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it” — George Carlin.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Sour grapes sound-bite.
Yup. Another lefty lawyer would couldn’t tolerate Harrington’s incompetenece. I give her credit for telliing it like it is. Anybody besides immediate family who votes or Harington is a damn fool. And same goes for Tyer is she has the gall to run again. And same goes for Barby Lunga for that matter.
And Guhwheel
‘Tis all true as hell, Tell, but the election is around the corner and I wound not put it past Barby to hit Bowler below the belt again. Bowler better finish strong. He has the GOBSIGS against him and the woke A Holes, just as Shugrue does. You can take nothing for granted and these jobs pay bukoo bucks. Well worth fighting like cats and dogs to get.
And well worth each of them spending at least 100 grand campaigning, for a job that pays what, north of 150 and 80 percent of best 3 years for pension, for life??? Plus most of it is not their own money. They can even loan money to their campaign, and get it back later.
There are so many corrupt career politicians out there from Pittsfield politics to BeaCON Hill to the Swamp and beyond, but the smallest fish named Andrea Harrington is the scapegoat for decades of failed leadership that put Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch; it is almost like the corrupt vested interests tanked Pittsfield’s distressed economy for their own selfish financial gains. Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington has only been in elected office for 3 years, 7 months, and 23 days. Pittsfield has been in the top 10 cities in Massachusetts for violent crime, according to the FBI’s annual reports, for a long time prior to 2019. Over 1,000 gang members now live in inner-city Pittsfield. Mayor Linda Tyer called the daily shootings in inner-city Pittsfield “an immediate crisis”. North Street is sarcastically called “Social Services Alley” and the impoverished neighborhoods that surround dangerous downtown Pittsfield are sarcastically called “The Ring of Poverty”. North Adams is the poorest city in Massachusetts.
Thank God you can’t vote in MA!
No discernment!
Any chance JM you could add some of your “proverbial” facts to the “plumb” job that DA Wrong Way is doing to make the Berkshires safer in your opinion? Instead of rewording her talking points day after day.
Like I said a few blog posts ago, your batting with an 0-2 count.
You whiffed on your first love of the Berkshires, Tricia Farley-Country Buffet.
You whiffed again with your second dream girl, the “lovely” Linda “Flat” Tyer.
Both times you wrote about their “beauty” and progressive ways, as only you can JM. Both times, you got sent packing.
My advice to you, after DA Wrong Way loses the election and before she blocks you like your other two loves did, visit the Berkshires and stop by her deli. You can tell her your tales of woe with “Luciforo.” Or how the US Army drill sergeants were really mean to you in basic training. Maybe she will even tell you about all the death row defendants she helped get off death row? All this, while enjoying a sandwich, chips, and a soda.
Best of luck.
“She was not reversing death penalty cases in Florida,” said Knight. “She had an entry [level] — she tried to sort of buff it up so it looked like she had experience, but when you really looked at it, it really wasn’t there. To begin, she worked there for about a year and a half, this place in Florida. She had an entry level position. She worked on a couple of briefs along with other attorneys — she was never the lead attorney.”
a resume provided to WAMC by Harrington overstated her time at the office by a year
Judy called that one!!!
““It would be very scary if she (Andrea Harrington) were to get into office and then just start running the next campaign…,” said Knight.“
I’m really surprised she hasn’t “updated” her resume, to show her as lead counsel in trying to reverse Ted Bundy or Danny Rolling’s (The Gainesville Ripper) final trip to meet ‘Ole Sparky.’
Give it time.
Give her credit. She got Melle off.
That’s a good one right there!
Not only did she not reverse a single death penalty case, but she also just fried Andy Dufresne, an innocent man. She can’t get anything right. And for that Andrea should be condemned to crawl through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness for eternity.
Any truth to the former DA’ s kid getting a oui on Lenox mountain rd!? Friend of mine a State trooper said the driver swore called them all kinds of derogatory names etc. Heard he also had a really bad alchlolic personality and a good right hook.
Are you talking about the current DA’s husband? If he threw in the n-word I’d believe it
Which DA?
So was the young man taken to the station house? Or is this just another rumor?
Your only for 3 years, 7 months, and 23 days bs may feel like a short time for you, but for those who live here and are experiencing the results of her progressive reform policies it feels like a lifetime. You claim there are 1000 gangbangers here now. How many do you think moved in the last 3 years, 7 months, and 23 days and how many more will move in because they know they can pretty much do what they want without consequences? You shouldn’t wait to deal with a cancer that you know you have by waiting any longer for it to spread further.
Did you read the letter?
Did you ever see the movie Animal House?
If so, remember the part in the movie when the Delta Fraternity was destroying the city? During all of the ciaos, a woman dressed up in a bunny costume got launched into a kids bedroom. The kid happened to be drooling over a Playboy magazine at that exact moment. The kid immediately looked to the sky and said excitedly, “Thank you God.”
That kid is JM. The playboy magazine is JM’s electronic device. He only sees the image of the woman and not her message. The more skin revealed, the deeper the fantasy grow.
Of course JM didn’t read the letter from someone who experienced the inner workings showing and telling about the incompetence that existed while there first hand with WW. If the letter was a glowing endorsement he would have put in his scrap book with the pictures of WW he has in it.
3 years and 7 months. The amount of time you have been obsessed with Harrington.
His obsession is definitely not with her law enforcement acumen!
Sir Melle, come back to Shittsfield for a day, and I will show you around, and we will have some hot dogs at Teo’s, if I can afford it after getting raped by Tyer and Biden, and then I can show you where to beg for money, so you can get your head examined.
Where are you getting your information? A quick search of poorest city in Massachusetts comes back with either Springfield or Brockton as the poorest. I live and work in the downtown area and I’ve never heard it referred to as “social services alley” You’re the only one I’ve ever heard refer to the neighborhoods surrounding downtown as “The Ring of Poverty”
Does Pittsfield have some serious issues? Yes it does. But your constant negative repetitiveness of a place you haven’t lived in for years is getting old & tiresome.
Ms Harrington has not done the job she was elected to do 3 years, 7 months & 23 days ago. Anyone else would have been terminated. in less time, if they were not doing the job they were expected to do.
Do you read the paper?
Not 1 person I asked is afraid to go to North Street…not 1
Brilliant and awesomely written exposure.
Makes me wonder what stories the Berkshire Eagle could tell about other local incompetence if it so desired.
Another thirty five catalytic converters stolen in under seven days, in Pittsfield alone.
Anyone with information please contact the PPD.
You may also be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.
Thank you
If you catch them let the jack down and walk away………
Do I have to bring in the whole body or will parts suffice?
Just the arm and hand grasping the converter will be just fine.
(although the rest of the body could be used for donor parts if the junkie has anything left of him that works anymore)
Good for Kempthorne for exposing the Soros witch!
In other news, enough signatures have been collected to put the question of drivers licenses for illegals on the ballot! A big FU to Trisha FB! 75,000 signatures collected. There is indeed hope for MA!
Blah blah blah.
I can hear the fans at the old Shea Stadium: Dar-cie, Dar-cie, Dar-cie….your name is written on this post.
While we’re at it Darcie, any chance Dennis is going to issue a public apology to Officer Sondrini? Asking for a friend.
Dennis is going to be busy that day. thank you for your understanding.
So many questions for today: Do you think the families of the children killed by drug traffickers running rampant in the Berkshires over the last four years think Andrea Harrington’s reform efforts have “enhanced the court system with kindness and compassion?” What ahout the friends and famiies of the young mother choked and nearly killed by her boyfriend whose case Andrea Harrington abandoned because the prosecutor didn’t know how to do forward? You think they feel the kindness of Harrington? This question has been asked an unanswered for 4 years: How many domestic violence cases were brought to the DA’s office and never pursued by Andrea Harrington because her staff does not have the leadership to do the job? How many drug dealers were given a pass to keep selling fentanyl because inexperienced ADA’s aren’t equipped to try these cases? Where is Harrington’s promised transparency on this important data? These obviously canned letters use the same bs like “evidence based” when there is no evidence she is doing the most basic aspects of the prosecutors job. Bragging about creating bureaucratic “Sections” and “Policies” or training are just a cover up for the chaos and the tragic failures in the courts because of Andrea Harrington. Will voters, like this clearly uninformed letter writer, actually fall for it again?????
“Evidence-based” like this guy who got to live with his sister?
A Springfield man was facing 12 years in prison on trafficking charges. A plea deal will significantly reduce that sentence
PITTSFIELD — A man who was at the center of a large wiretap investigation into drug trafficking in the Berkshires is facing more than three years in prison as part of a plea deal.
Raekwan Jackson, of Springfield, has admitted to trafficking cocaine and heroin and conspiracy to violate drug laws. As part of an agreement with the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office, he pleaded guilty in Berkshire Superior Court on Thursday to a reduced charge of trafficking between 18 and 36 grams of heroin.
Jackson was initially charged with trafficking over 200 grams of heroin, a charge that carries a sentence of at least 12 years in prison. The lesser charge carries a maximum sentence of at least 3 1/2 years in prison.
He was ordered to reside with his sister in Springfield until his sentencing hearing scheduled for Sept. 29.
Yes, “evidence” like this homicide that went unpunished and another that followed it. It’s what happens when there is no trial leadership in the DA’s office that Andrea Harrington dismantled and destroyed. What about Laquan Johnson, Andrea? What about his victims? Their names are Anthony Gamache and Stephan Curley. All they got from you was condolences.
The Berkshire Eagle
Published: 10/2/2019 11:23:36 AM
PITTSFIELD — A Berkshire Superior Court judge has dismissed the five-year-old murder case against Laquan Johnson, who was accused of shooting and causing the death of a Goshen man in Pittsfield.
After the prosecution rested its case Tuesday morning, Johnson’s defense attorneys Calvin Carr and Merritt Schnipper moved for a finding of not guilty by Judge Michael Callan. The judge granted the defense motion without objection from Assistant Berkshire District Attorney Joseph Yorlano, according to court officials; two key prosecution witnesses in the case never presented their testimony.
Johnson, 24, was immediately released after the judge’s ruling.
Schnipper said it was a “no-brainer” to ask for a directed verdict without ever presenting a defense.
“They had no testimony connecting Mr. Johnson to the shooting,” the defense lawyer said. “There was no evidence (Johnson) was involved in the physical act or he knew that a robbery was about to occur.”
Johnson had pleaded not guilty to accusations that he shot Anthony Gamache, 29, in the leg during an anticipated marijuana sale in Pittsfield in 2014, which turned into a robbery
No one ever explained to Harrington what she was supposed to do and she never cared to ask. How about having the kindness to win a victim’s case for them?
EFC can only say, “the system has failed”, and the victim has no one else to turn to.
Can you imagine being Liz Warren waking up today to the news that the guy she endorsed for Suffolk DA Ricardo Arroyo was twice investigated for sexual assaults? To make matters worse (think nail/coffin) he told the Globe he only learned of the accusations and investigations when he was questioned by them. Funny because his lawyer who represented him is also interviewed. This dude is running for District Attorney!! Imagine thinking that as the chief law enforcement officer the law does not apply to you.
As is so often the case and as we know well from our own pending version of this story, it is not the crime but the coverup that gets them. Every. Time. He could have said, yes I was investigated it was completely false and nothing ever came of it. Instead, he said he knew nothing about it. Who does that sound like?
Rich, as proud a moment as Maura Healey saying, “Yes, America is burning, but that’s how forests grow.”
Did she speak to the part where sometimes a whole lot of houses burn down with the forest?
Yes, the Maura dose. How does the Bay State end up with this?
The Mob.
States run by mafia’s like IL are high crime, expensive, and poor quality.
In Dan’s column the words that stood out most in
JEANNE KEMPTHORNE’s letter posted was:
The citizens of Berkshire County cannot afford to indulge the extravagant delusions of a careerist. (Harrington)
A professional who follows a career.
A person who pursues the advancement of his or her career at the expense of other values.
A professional who is intent on furthering his or her career by any possible means and often at the expense of their own integrity.
Anyone who has really paid attention from the beginning of Harrington’s tenure as DA has seen this definition fit her to a tee.
This site is nothing but an anti progressive Trump site with Valenti’s name attached to it.I agree with Ozzie if you come in and under a pseudonym you should only be able to post once
Does that rule about one time for pseudonyms apply to you. Let me know, honestly, so we can start weeding out multiples.
You’re one of the worst offenders Cret – using multiple ridiculous pseudonyms.
Two idiots on this blog bring up Trump almost everyday. TSC and Fizzy, and they hate him.
But here you are!
Caption This Photo
Alf on a Shalf doesn’t understand why he gives everyone the willies.
The “Pittsfield Salute” a well-known motion meaning “I haven’t a frickin clue!”
I don’t know what a sheriff actually does.
Empty suit.
who is the woman ?
What, Me Worry?
What are you waiting for? You can applause now.
“A friend should always underestimate your virtues and an enemy overestimate your faults.” (Don Vito Corleone)
“Wasn’t me”
I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse!
OOPS, forgot my name.
With Harrington, it’s more like ‘nail – meet coffin.’
Flat as a board, easy to screw.
Imagine owning an old bar (pepe’s on wahconah). Then an off duty cop slams into it with his truck after doing burnouts, and a few weeks later the city pulls the liquor license.
Devil’s advocate here: he was just sitting on it for 4 years, but what timing.
What was the cops name? While we’re at it was DCF involved due to the injury of the unsecured 4 year old who was injured?
Did he get arrested for OUI?
If a Pittsfield cop had a 4-year-old child in his vehicle when he was driving recklessly and crashed into a building, PUT HIS FUCKING NAME ON HERE. Why are you protecting him if he’s endangering the LIFE of a 4-year-old child?
Hey dipshit I DON’T KNOW HIS NAME!
I’m asking what his name is BECAUSE the paper won’t publish it.
I thought Harmony Persip or a group she was affiliated with held the liquor license?
Not to mention, would you really want to open a bar in that area of Pittsfield? It was dangerous years ago. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like today. The Spot Shotter would sound like a mosquito buzzing near your ear. It would be going off so much.
Shot spotter?…Shot spotter can’t get out of it own way lately. Now it’s a fart not a fire cracker.
Looks like fritz gave himself a thumbs up 15 times. What a putz.
What a fraud you are. Did you really graduate from Taconic?
But a great location if you wanted to deal opiates out the back door…location, location, location
An old bar. How about a dead bar riddled with tons of complaints and shootings over the years. They’ve had their chance.
(and the mayor just happens to be looking to expand Waconah park) Wunner if someone will get startup money for a business that will feed off the new “Waconah Park” theme that will be a milltown type venue, privately owned publicly funded.
Idiot DPW worker, driving this down the road, tools were falling off, half the brush guard flew off and hit a car. I didn’t get a picture of the sparks but the other half of the metal brush guard was digging into the road and making sparks.
That’s job security, dig gouges in the road every time it gets paved.
A driver was trying to tell him his tools and part of his tractor had fallen off, he just kept driving.
Looks like Marchetti from the back
No, the guy in this picture is Mr. Universe compared to Marchetti.
The city could save money and lay off a DPW worker by putting a plate of goulash and buttered rolls on the tractor’s seat.
That would attract the man known as “Pittsfield’s food critic.” The one, (hopefully) the only, the “houseless champion,” Pete White.
Yah, I was referring to the sitting on his ass going nowhere visual.
Good point
-Harrington will win by 300 to 400 votes
-Sullivan will announce a write in
I haven’t been wrong yet kids.
If she wins then Shugrue better mount a write in and really take it to her. He has been too laid back and so has bowler. These guys don’t get it.
I have to agree with you Joe. I wished Tim turned up the heat on WW.
Jeanne laid the foundation for the Simon’s Rock scandal. Tim should be front and center getting her to answer . Or let her remain quiet and continue to hammer her with her blunders.
I have no reason to doubt INSURANCE GUY s saying there were 35 catalytic converters stolen in Pittsfield recently. What is the average cost to replace one of these things and does insurance cover it?
Also, has the mayor, police chief or the Berkshire Eagle addressed this issue at least to the point of warning the public to take extra precautions??/ If not why not?
Where are the thieves cashing in the parts? Are the cops checking scrap yards within 60 miles? Or are scrap yards not where the parts are going?
Each catalytic converter costs $600-$1,200 depending on the type of car. Thieves get $50-400 per converter. Some cars have two converters, the hybrid converters come with a premium. Average price for a converter is running $900. The typical deductible in Pittsfield and surrounding areas is $750.
Most people who experience the theft end up spending about $2,300 for the repair because the criminals rip out the harness and bead sensors.
The sensors and harnesses aren’t particularly expensive but the labor to install the harness can be very expensive.
One Pittsfield resident had nearly a $9,000 bill for replacement, it was a late model BMW he just took it off comprehensive and moved to liability only. His inspection is due next month so he’s got to find $9,000 in a month to do the repair.
The PPD has been less than helpful in getting the word out and assisting in investigations. They’ve been told by the command staff it’s an “insurance issue” and there won’t be any prosecutions so don’t waste time on it.
The most they’ve done is circulate a memo in their shift briefings.
This why it’s become such a problem in the Berkshires. The groups move where they know they won’t get punished. Other cities are much more aggressive. They know out here they won’t get caught and if they do, they will walk.
I read an article that said a Catalytic Converter factory was in the works, locally.
Are you referring to the BIC enterprise?
So the cops aren’t bothering to investigate? Why aren’t they doing their job? Is it because the DA isn’t doing hers? Citizens of Pittsfield should be alarmed at this situation.
Just put it on the list of things to be alarmed about in Pittsfield, Ma.
Gangs, suicides, overwhelming section 12 issues, bad roads, bad schools, teenage gun slingers, taxes without any foreseeable ceiling, apathetic and self serving political cadre, ad nauseum….
But the kids all got backpacks so let us focus on that
Andrea Harrington
$169k a year x 4 (average) $676k
$66k a year x 4 in benefits (shes on the family plan) $264k
$677.57 per month for a leased Ford Edge (that she lets her son drive) x 48 $32,523.36
That’s $972k (almost a million dollars) in four years.
She’s never won a case. She’s let murderers go free, rapists, child molesters, and all those Williams rapists go too.
What a value! She’s freaking out because she has no thriving law practice to fall back on, she has a cooling off period for most of the NFP charlatans she’s hired, every other DA’s office, politician, consulting company, and politician knows she’s incompetent. The day she found out that Rollins hired Jeanne she was dumbfounded.
Since she’s been in the news, any search will expose how horrible she is. She’s internationally tainted.
Which means Healey will hire her.
It’s been asked and answered, Healey barely gave her an endorsement.
Or Tricia Farley-Country Buffet (D-illegal immigrants) could take Wrong Way as some type of “legal consultant.”
Or maybe the Black Berkshires Economic Council (BBEC) could hire her as their legal representation? It’s not like they are actually contributing to the business community, so WW would be a great fit too.
Plus, I’m sure some of Shirley’s fam will need criminal defense when Tim Shugrue starts holding POC accountable for their violent crimes. It’s a win/win Shirley.
When Shirley’s drug dealing family needed legal representation, they hired Judy Knight.
Good choice.
Shirley certainly has the (ARPA) money to afford Judy’s retainer fees.
So in essence, we not only paid for Shirley’s Africa trip, we will also be paying for her family’s legal defense. Nice.
Race baiting and grifting have really benefited her well.
Race baiting and grifting Is the fastest growing good paying business (s) around. Of coarse with tax exempt status which doesn’t help the US treasury.
And give WW a raise and call it a promotion.
Yeah thanks for implementing no cash bail so the abuser can get out and hit her again and you can drop the case. What planet do these women live on?
Linda Baxter the OBGYN ?
Shugrue is old school and I’m sure he would have prosecuted Trump as an insurectionist. Also he would prosecute him for espionage. He would prosecute Trump for his obstruction of justice and his blackmail of Ukraines Zelenskyy……Harrington would also prosecute……What do you think Trumpers who must believe Trumps lie…….Shugrue would never believe Trumps lie base in the fact there is no evidence.
It’s too bad bar rooms have internet.
TSC, rumor has it there are “ultra MAGA, ultra-secret” nuclear codes in a trunk at the bottom of Silver Lake.
You should do your patriotic duty and save democracy by swimming to the bottom and getting that trunk.
Make sure to eat a big meal before swimming in Silver Lake. It helps. Plus, you’ll want to drink up many mouthfuls of the lake’s water too. It will help you with your bodies water weight distribution. Plus, swimming late at night will keep the mission quiet. Remember, shhh!
Best of luck.
Actually, now even common FBI brass knuckles and grunts know the most terrifying and dangerous national secrets having broken into the Office of the President and stolen safes of documents without clearance. Having gone through the papers, read them all, highlighted interesting things, even the copy clerks and NYT gossipers now have highest clearance to state business.
With that raid, all those boxes are now certainly ‘declassified.’
All except the Crossfire Hurricane docs.
Remember that TSC? Barry, Xiden. Hillary, and the DNC, were illegally spying on American citizens, to include a sitting president.
They don’t want those public. That’s the type of things that went on in the Soviet Union during the cold-war era.
Still goes on. Here too now. Remove the veil of political party and there would be still greater universal revulsion. Per USSR – plenty today still revere the State and even Stalin. We suffer too many of those types here at home.
When they broke into Trump’s safe, all they found were pictures of Hunter, smoking crack with hookers ROFL!!!
The FBI already had those 2 years ago……….
Is Epstein still hiding in the tunnel under Mara Largo? Trump was going to pardon him until the fake death caper.
He’s alive on an Island in Greece, along with Elvis, Marilyn, JFK, Hess, Hitler, Franco, and Marshall Tito.
Epstein is hanging out with the rest of Hillary’s ex-partners.
Where ever they went, they are far away and it is absolutely impossible to bring them back.
The codes are there. They are in Al Gore’s Lock Box.
Taconic cost 130million and the entire track is falling apart.The fences are rusted bent over.No trees,no lights and I’m embarrassed to have a Mayor and city council that did this…..Loud and Clear to both.None of you know what you are doing.The school administration is incompetent and not one of you knows that .You are all egotistical politicians…..Ward councilors Don’t do ward work.Donna,Deborah, Dan,Darlene All need side walks…..Do your job.The resident at Williams and Gravesliegh parks backhoes,dumptruck,Boats ,Trailers in the street…..it is illegal…..Ward 4 councilor do you job or quit.Same for Ward 3 ….sidewalks are child safety ….do Ward work.
Eh?, Democrats them all TSC!!!
I think her letter hits a lot of inside points which are valid. Bottom line, Andrea sucks, is in over her head and needs to go. But, at the same time, what kind of experienced litigator fell for her BS.
Also, Dan, you seem like quite the Barbalunga supporter and have seen his disciplinary records that were spoken about during the first staged “discussion” by handgun Helen. Alf promised for more of that to come out this summer but has failed to deliver on that, he promised that he couldn’t speak of it at the time but on leave he could, where are the records, where are is the additional information he promised, smoke in mirrors or just hoping it would go away.
If the Bridge lady holding the next debate were a white male she’d be indicted not holding a debate.
Where’s the info on the supposed DUI, put up or shut up. Whoever spread that needs to leek the real scoop. Like I said, I hate Andrea with the rest of them but to spread that lie is disgusting. You say it’s MSP (the best coverup agency in the universe) except, all their road troopers have cameras now, produce the evidence. Or redact your statement, one or the other.
How has no reporter asked Andrea about her Williams college cases? While they’re at it, ask about Simons Rock.
Political appointees mentioned by Jeanne, does she mean anyone outside Dahoney (never spent a day in criminal court before being appointed Chief) and Moon? Where’s the non disclosure agreement or why aren’t you coming out with more than moderating Helen?
What ever happened to Andrea’s credit card debt served by the Sheriffs Department or her failure to pay property tax?
Hey Alf, did you have probationers working on your car while a P.O in North Adams. That’s above and beyond the questions of no show Barbalunga. How many times did you bring women outside your wife to the Heritage and other Lenox establishments. There are promised jobs out there, just look close. I really wish Tom wasn’t so squared away and would hit below the belt too!
Alf’s promised clinicians, where will you find them. PPD was funded for them like three years ago and still can’t fill the spot, just one spot too. And who will the sheriffs clinician be associated with, who will they refer to, and BMC cuts every 12 loose anyways.
Can Alf point to one job he has gotten that uncle Carm or Daddy didn’t make happy. Remember how angry uncle was when you went for the school board. You lasted real long at that position.
Hey Andrea, Laquon Jackson – answer that one question, how tf did that happen!!
Thanks HANK. Lots here. Let me respond to a few:
— “Seem” like an Alf supporter. As Wallace Stevens said, let “be” be the finale of “seem.”
— Correct about Bridge Lady.
— The “supposed” DUI, you call it a “lie.” No necessarily so. It could be but then maybe it isn’t.
— Andrea’s credit card debt? Who knows?
— Laquan and more: We gave Mrs. Harrington the opportunity to face tough questions on the hot seat in the PLANET VALENTI VIDEO debate. She chickened out. Cowardly in every phase of her response.
If the DUI is a lie she will deny it. Has anyone asked?
After all of the horrible things you, blogger Dan Valenti, said about her, I don’t blame Andrea Harrington for avoiding your debate. She knew that you would rough her up to tank her reelection campaign. You are the DISGRACE this time around!
You’re really choking up on that bat tonight, huh JM?
Remember, you’ve got an 0-2 count. Don’t strike out big guy.
Think about my earlier suggestion. After DA Wrong Way is beaten by Tim, stop by her deli, eat and share stories with her.
Maybe you two could even order a banana split, two spoons, and “meet in the middle?”
The Harrington love fest continues….
If she were just running for Mr Valenti it would make sense but, she’s not. She’s running for all of Berkshire County. She needs to put on her big girl panties and deal with the tougher questions. The people of Berkshire County should have a DA who knows what they’re doing and don’t get flustered by difficult questions.
Tanking her re-election? She started tanking it from the time she took office all by herself with her performance as DA for the last 3 years 7 months and 24 days.
JM: Disgrace is what happens to those with the imposter syndrome. Harrington disgraced herself beyond repair.
Best I can do for her is this: She was right to avoid the debate on account of her vulnerabilities that are a direct fault of her own. No debate now, at the end of her term, will fix that.
I’m pretty sure they said the politician was in GB and stopped by GB police who still do not have cameras.
Stop was by Lenox cops. Not certain of location or jurisdiction. Date: Aug 5. All allegedly, of course.
We’ll than lenox stops are logged by the sheriffs department, ask for log notes of that date.
Why are police officers records out lic under POST but probation can sign an NDA?
I’ll guarantee you those call logs have been laundered.
The stop was handled by MSP not Lenox. A citizen reported an erratic driver. Too bad they don’t come forward and say what they saw.
MSP has cameras
This is your doing? Plant some Total BS story about a Oui on Harrington? I expected more from you I was almost positive this was a Mazzeo mafia move. Wow
Nope. And where did you see such a “Total BS Story?” If it’s there, I missed it.
To what does “This” refer? If it’s “some Total BS story about an OUI on Harrington,” then nope. If such a story is out there, we haven’t seen it. Have you? If so, feel free to share.
Anyone know this officers name and if he’s a Sgt?
Dave Hallas
That cop isn’t wearing sergeant stripes. These are the names of the sergeants in the PPD as of 2020,
Sgt. Jacob Barbour
Sgt. Gary Belknap
Sgt. Nicholas DeSantis
Sgt. John Gray
Sgt. Gary Herland
Sgt. Matthew Hill
Sgt. Marc Maddalena
Sgt. John Mazzeo
Sgt. John P. Murphy
Sgt. James Parise
Sgt. James Roccabruna
Sgt. Marc Strout
Sgt. Ryan Williams
These are the names of the sergeants as of 2019,
Sgt. Gary Belnap
Sgt. Nicholas DeSantis
Sgt. Gary Herland
Sgt. Matthew Hill
Sgt. Marc Maddalena
Sgt. John Mazzeo
Sgt. John P. Murphy
Sgt. James Parise
Sgt. James Roccabruna
Sgt. Marc Strout
Sgt. Ryan Williams
Mug shots of every cop in the PPD should be posted online, on the walls of the post office and on Billboards all over the city. No one should have to sign onto a PPD site to identify every suspect cop in the PPD.
What are the names of the troopers in the Lee MSP?
Up tours buddy
Soon To be unemployed! Scum bag dirty cop.
Pepe’s is owned by Wahconah Street LLC, of which Suzanne Chung (of Jae Chung, Jae’s Spice fame) is a member.
They probably pulled the liquor license because it would appear that Chung and/or her business entities are also sitting on the unused liquor license at 7 Winter St (7 Winter Grill, former Mazzeos).
A blast from the past, Jae’s Spice.
They served the freshest catch Onota Lake had to offer.
Any catch from Onota isn’t necessarily fresh these days. More cat converts at Firestone today removed. This is getting out of hand.
The mayor would like to ask you to kindly not speak of catylitic converter thefts in her bucolic little city. As you can see, everybody except one is keeping their big mouths shut as requested/ordered by the mayor.
Did not happen. Could not happen under her watch. No such thing a a catalytic converter.
You got it right. Why, according to the mayor, cat cons haven’t been invented yet. More “vibrant and dynamic.”
Idiot Andrea Harrington,
District attorney’s office fights dismissal of foster care manslaughter case. ‘I’m appealing and I’m going to win!’, DA says.
“The appeal is being handled by Jennifer K. Zalnasky of Harrington’s office.”
This woman is dangerously delusional.
Jen is not excited or really interested in winning this case, it’s a stinker and she knows it.
Andrea has done zero work on this case, but she’s “going to win!”
It just shows how much she reads this blog, her win loss record really bothers her.
California is planning to ban all gas powered vehicles by 2023. The rest of the country will not be far behind if the radicals stay in charge. Most people are intended to be on public transportation because $55,000 is the charge of the electric vehicles not to mention the charging stations you will need for your home. Poor and middle class will be locked out of this game while the wealthy will be doing well with their EV to make them feel so superior. How will the elderly carry in their groceries from a bus stop in bad weather? With crime out of control, everyone will be in danger on public transportation, but the elites don’t care about these issues or the freedom they will be taking from Americans. What the wealthy Democrat elites are doing to Americans is cruel.
Did you know Massachusetts has already passed a similar law with the deadline of 2035?
In far leftist Massachusetts, no I’m not shocked.
Everyone wants us to switch to electric vehicles but where are the charging stations? Pittsfield received grants over 10 years ago to install some with plans to put them near the reconstructed parking garage. How can we pull our carts without the horse?
Where are the stations. Few and far between. The Loon Greens are hopelessly out of touch.
“I’ll paint any car, any color, $199.95!”
“Crazy Eddie, because his prices are INSANEEEEEE!”
Is that a Rolex?
A Mickey Mouse watch would be more him
Or a Rolodex?
Dan, you keep blocking posts showing pictures of Alfred E Bungleboy with Meridith Nilan and the screen shots of their little sexting adventure. Why?
You haven’t published his discipline record that you say you have, why?
The pictures aren’t relevant to this campaign. The records were given as background and not for publication, since they contain personal information not relevant to performance. There’s no “there” there. Not in the information I examined. The photograph that you include here, so what? That’s 11 years ago. We’ve all moved on from that. The important thing to keep in mind about this race: Who’s the best man to be sheriff. That’s it. Everything you bring up doesn’t inform that question in any meaningful way.
So he hasn’t given you the full record then?
The report called for his firing due to complaints of sexual harassment.
If you don’t think that Alf at an under thirty event when he wasn’t under thirty and he’s with his bosses daughter isn’t relevant to the character of a man running for sheriff or the sexts between Alf and Meredith uncovered during the investigation isn’t important to the character of the man, you’re touched in the head.
So if things that happened 11 years ago do matter, why does anything with Gwendolyn matter that was 2002-2004?
Your bias and racism is showing through little man.
When I receive information with the promise of confidentiality, it stays that way. I’ve never violated a promise like this and don’t intend to start now. As for the difference with Gwen, diddling a MINOR is in a whole other league than any relationship between consenting adults. Good heavens, man. You don’t see that? And yes, I am a little guy, but in the words of my Jamaican friend PK, “Him bite big!”
Wait was Gwendolyn arrested for “diddling a minor” no age of consent was 16, she was never charged with a crime because there was no crime.
What crimes has Edgerton been accused of? You’re all about innuendo when it comes to your Napoleonic hit list but you’re still terrified of Nilan and are desperately protecting Alfred.
What did Alfie give you? His attendance certificates and a turn with his side chick?
My, you are a persistent one. I’ll give you that! OK, then, to be more accurate, not “a minor.” You OK with “a child?” I’m simply going by news reports from all those years ago. Don’t forget, the D.A. tells us anyone 25 and under is still brain-forming and cannot be held to adult standards. Shirley? She hasn’t been accused of any crimes, not that I know of, and have never said that. Finally, it sounds like you’re the one who’s “terrified” about … what, I don’t know. My serious advice is to take a stress pill and try to enjoy this good weather, mate.
Alfie, did you even read the next to last sentence you wrote? And please tell me you don’t mean that?
Alf and Meredith, were consenting adults who did whatever two consenting adults do. Who cares?
Gwendolyn (Hampton) Van Zant sexually assaulted a child that was under her care. She was the boys teacher. That’s a position of trust. On top of that, Gwendolyn had a child from this student. Or as Gwendolyn would say, “I’m just raising an activist on YT’s dime.”
Gwendolyn VanSant
The above should be listed as a sex offender. Keep all young male POC out of her clutches.
The age of consent was 16. She was never charged with a crime, show me the charges please. He continued the relationship well past being an adult 18. He had two kids with her and “fathered” one abortion.
So he was concerning, there was no rape or crime.
Keep this same passion if an evil YT male teacher fondles a 18 year-old intellectually challenged black female. Ok? Even if they have a child and “continue the relationship.”
Darcie, may I suggest you read about human traffickers and the tactics they use, like power and control to abuse their victims. It’s akin to a bad domestic violence situation. You know, those crimes DA Wrong Way professes to handle with the full weight of the law.
With that I ask, is a teacher in a position of trust? Can they have a direct/indirect impact on that students progress? Would you feel this way if a 25 year-old male teacher had a child with your 16 y/o daughter and the “relationship continued?”
Can’t have it both ways cookie. Black skin does not get a free pass in my book to abuse people under your care and/or control. That’s called a crime. And the scales of justice are blind in my book, unlike yours.
An Andy Jackson in my pocket thinks you’d be singin’ a dif tune if it were a YT male and 16 y/o POC. But call me crazy..
The abortion must be TSC
Has Peter Moore Moved on ?
Some of what he brings up, patronage jobs, job performance and covering up crimes is very relevant to one’s character. Sexting however is irrelevant in my eyes.
Didn’t Alf himself bring up stuff that was not relevant?
Dan’s desperately protecting Alf, he has been since the beginning. I posted part of the discipline report with all names except Alf’s redacted.
Two women filed complaints
They were going to fire him and refer the case to the DA. then they didn’t.
He was banned from a probation conference for sending out dick pics.
This guy is a mess.
I have not seen such a report, and I’m also no “desperately protecting” anyone. For that matter, I’m not just ordinarily “protecting” anyone. That’s not what I do, man.
So then when you said you received the report, but did so confidentially, you didn’t receive his discipline or investigation report (which was implied)
So you have nothing of substance so it doesn’t matter.
Push him to release those discipline reports.
Don’t chase criticism!
Yes! I give this advice all the time. Got it from the Aging Greek God himself, straight from Olympus. Thanks, CV. I needed that (as they use to say in the old after-shave commercials!).
Harrington is doubling down on her vicious targeting of foster partents despite lack of evidence because “baby’s don’t pneumonia and “we’re moms.” according to today’s eagle. Is she a lawyer or does she just play one on TV?
Anyone with access to google could get this information and include it in a story. Imagine how it would go in court.
“In the US, pneumonia is less often fatal for children, but it is still a big problem. Pneumonia is the #1 most common reason for US children to be hospitalized. ”
“The death rate from pneumonia in the US has had little improvement since antibiotics became widespread more than half a century ago. We are not yet winning the battle against pneumonia.”
Facts don’t matter to wrongway. She wants to win.
“She wants to win”
A welcome change of tactics, but as usual, wrong way, wrong time.,
Eagle front page says TOP STORY is about colorful crosswalks in North Adams that are not going to happen. Sounds like they put the A team on this one.
Five words no murder victim’s family wants to hear:
“Harrington is prosecuting the case.”
This is a district attorney who has repeatedly deflected the criticism that not having any trial experience is not an issue because she has people to do that. Then she decides to try a murder case herself. I’m not sure why she keeps reminding us what an idiot she is, but there you go.
She won’t be around to prosecute the case.
There is nothing in the news, at all, about the crime wave running through Berkshire county.
14 catalytic converters stolen in one night, last night, from a rental place and a dealership.
I have 11 car break-ins to go out to in 2 days. Six residential break-ins in three days.
If you live in Pittsfield, forget about the police. Best Towns in the county for police response, Williamstown, Great Barrington (house response is good, car response is crap) and Stockbridge.
If you rely on the State Police, it’s sort of hit or miss.
Just amazing numbers. Official response: “Nothing to see here, folks. Everything is vibrant, dynamic, and all the rest of the laurels.”
and the mayor is silent….all is calm out on Pheasant Way
and that is all that matters
Rich white Karen’s can afford to be progressive when crime isn’t happening to them.
If these aren’t women that are out of touch with reality, I don’t know who is.
Notice one trick wrong way with her single hand gesture about coming together and “coalescing”.
At a recent house party in Lenox, hosted by Lenox School Committee member Meghan Kirby, Harrington spoke in the falling summer twilight with a small group of dedicated supporters about how she’d worked to reform the office and bring about a sea change in the way law enforcement and the community think about some of the county’s biggest issues.
“ Writ large, we are changing the trajectory of this county…”.
Yes you are rapidly flushing this country down the toilet.
You are going the “wrong way” Andrea.
I’m curious why DA Wrong Way didn’t invite the male side of the Edgerton family to this party? I’m sure Dennis could round up a few POC lads to get this party jumpin’.
It just needs a few black guys from the Westside, a DJ cranking out loud hip-hop music, 40oz beers, blunts, and of course what get together isn’t complete without your firearm. Now that’s what’d I’ll call a wild par-tay!! I’m sure the fellas could show these snowflakes a thang or too….
White privileged Karen party. Those you mentioned were never going to be included. They better wake up as WW talk’s a good game.
As I posted a couple of years ago, take a look at how many times DA Wrong Way was photographed with a POC, prior to her launching her DA campaign.
It’s as many times Barry “vigilante” Tyer has walked Cumby’s on First Street, at 3AM, again. Especially if Charles Bronson-Tyer had to pull his “guardian angels” duty any weekend late night/early morning there.
I heard even though it is toned down that the Miggy crowd and others are furious with Harrington. over in the West Side. Don’t know if it matters as far as voting goes though.
Great point! Missing in action from the west side after she was elected.
They came later I’ve seen that video on pornhub.
Nothing But A House Party!
J Geil’s. Whammer Jammer!
It looks like a sorority lunch. Not good optics. Not good at all.
The wine is twenty bucks
Kappa Karen Delta
Poor Olive Oyl looks bored out of her skull.
She is talking about how she wants to get her hands around Dans neck.
This is classic, the fat Olive Oil chick looks like she’s taking a dump in the first picture, bored to tears in the second!!!
These pictures capture her 3.75 years in office perfectly!!!!!
The woman in the black suit was trying to teach Andrea which side her right hand is on, as usual Andrea was not paying attention.
That was a really good one right there!
The pics say it all! RWKs: Rich, White Karens.
Who has babies. Can I hold your baby. I just wanna squeeze babies. Can you take my pic with a baby.
Rich Karens for sure in all whitey white Lenox. Very disappointed in Meagan Kirby who is married to a Lenox police officer. Do these people pay attention to the news in the local newspaper of record, the Eagle? AH cares only about herself, not the citizens of Berkshire County. Here’s an appetizer for the Karens: Criminal Justice Reform is not AH’s gift to the county as she would have you believe – it came with state legislation in 2018 – it’s the law that must be followed by any DA. Stop getting mani/pedis and pay attention.
Spot-on observations, wise advice, NAM!
Maura Healy lost my vote not that she needs it
The NAACP grifters are at it again.
They specifically chose dates that they knew were booked for Bowler and Shugrue, then when they tried to book another day they couldn’t choose a day that would inconvenience Wrong Way or Alfie, so who do they blame? Bowler and Shugrue.
“It speaks volumes” that they did this and are trying to use it for political gain for two candidates.
They should just stop the bs and state they already endorsed their picks for the offices the candidates are seeking and stop trying to look as a nonpartisan group.
Eagle endorsing Bowler and Shugrue