(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY AUG. 29, 2022) — “And the days dwindle down to a very precious few.”
You have to know that as we count down the the Sept. 6 election, D.A. Andrea Harrington is feeling like the helpless maiden trapped in Bela Lugosi’s room with the walls slowly closing in. Unlike in the movies, though, Mrs. Harrington won’t enjoy a heroic rescue by the tall, wholesome male lead. She hates white men.
Weep not for her Argentina, Honduras, and any other burg in Berkshire County.
This is the fate she chose for herself after she won office 3.5 years ago and did nothing with the opportunity except campaign for four years. She had to do something, right, since she didn’t know the first thing about lawyering or prosecution. During these awful years for public safety in Berkshire County, the D.A. has ignored victims of crime; coddled criminals; turned her back on the most needy, which would be Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski; and pursued an out-of-touch, racist and sexist agenda that has endangered everyone in the county.
Except the Wokes in Williamstown.
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Mrs. Harrington is feeling the heat. Four times her goons have publicly blasted THE PLANET in various local and social media. Curiously, each has used strikingly similar language. This tells us four things:
- THE PLANET has been right on target.
- The True Believers in “The Experiment” are desperate.
- Those same disingenuous folks have trouble when confronted with the truth.
- We’re pissing-off the right people.
THE PLANET also thanks our critics for driving traffic on this board to record numbers. We’ve always counted on our critics to be our most loyal readers. They can’t NOT look and never fail to disappoint, especially during election years.
In another sure sign of panic in paradise, we cite the massive number of Harrington’s supporters in her first election four years ago who have abandoned the S.S. Andrea OutTheDoria for the Good Ship Shugrue.
Following THE PLANET‘s loosening up the soil, the dirt — once hidden, twice trickling — is now pouring out of 7 North St., the office that Mrs. Harrington has trashed. Our readers are practically writing the column for us.
Allow us to feature three comments submitted and posted by our loyal and insightful following. Of course, THE PLANET makes no claims for viewer comments. See the legalism at the end of each column. We pass this selection along as a public service during Campaign ’22.
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From UH-OH, who posted this on the recurring chatter about traffic stop by the Massachusetts State Police (MSP). Have a look and draw your own conclusions.
I’ve talked to three sources in the MSP, all current employees in Berkshire county. This is what they allege.

A GAG-gle of KARENS listen enthralled as their fairy godsister spins gold. White wine barely visible. Is the date Aug. 18? Anything happen later that day?
A call was placed by a concerned driver. Because of spotty cell service and the driver not knowing the exact name of the streets, thereby confusing Lenox with Stockbridge, the call was forwarded to the MSP and then Lenox PD. A BOLO was issued for a “small Ford SUV.”
After that, there was a call for what amounts to “mutual aid, meet in person” 10-25 to the Lenox PD by the MSP, at which point they went “off air.” That strongly suggests there was confidential information they didn’t want to share over the radio, so they switched to cell phones. One of the sources in the MSP said specifically it was a “professional courtesy” call. That most likely means someone of some authority was given a pass. The only other side-referenced thing anyone would say, MSP sources claim: “This would be the second time she’d lose her license.”
You would need to comb though the dispatch logs and dispatch audio. If the event didn’t lead to an arrest, good luck getting them it could be overwritten in the recorder. You could also try and figure out who was on call and the cellphones used, but you’d need the subpoena powers of a District Attorney. Police know how to cover things up or go off-air, and they’ve they’ve been doing it long before cellphones, using coded names on air and now on private cell phones.
You’ll never find a text. At best the LPD will show the call time and duration. Maybe the person was at a fund raiser and had too much to drink, which would look bad for the person and the people that served her, especially if one was a minor politician and the other was a cop.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: We have been in communication with Lenox Police Chief Stephen O’Brien. THE PLANET shall report on what Chief O’Brien says in response to our own inquiry].
[EDITOR’S NOTE 2} Here is the officials response from Chief O’Brien:
I wouldn’t know anything about a Massachusetts State Police motor vehicle stop, unless they called for an assist from us. The two dates that you mention, the 5th and the 18th, there are, again, no indications in our RMS system that we were involved with this. For information on a MSP stop, please contact them.
Secondly, I reached out to Officer [REDACTED], again, to provide the new information. He states he was not involved with anything that you have mentioned.
If your source wants to provide me specific factual evidence that this actually occurred and involved an officer from our department, I’m happy to look into it further. But, for the second time, there is nothing in our database and there isn’t an officer here that knows anything about this alleged motor vehicle stop.
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This message comes from THE SQUADRON:
This is the most interesting convo on Facebook today. How did we not know the chief in Dalton and her PPD police officer husband had their family’s life threatened and the DA did nothing? Strout made the post after Harrington kicked the hornet’s nest with Pittsfield police. BIG mistake. HUGE. Comments are worth reading.
Wow. This is supposed to be the “chief law enforcement officer” for Berkshire county, but now it’s the police departments fault. I am so disgusted by her conduct. The gloves are now off. Let’s talk about how I was a victim in a case where I was threatened to be murdered, my family was threatened to be shot in their beds, and our house burnt down. We had to buy cameras to protect my family. This person fled out of state and was finally in court 2 weeks ago, and her office asked for no conditions, no bail, no dangerousness hearing. The best part? They never notified me he was back in Massachusetts. Not a single call. Thankful to probation and the judge who realized the seriousness of this situation and notified me. Vote for Timothy Shugrue for district attorney on September 6. She doesn’t deserve to hold this title. |
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Then we have this post, from Police Reporter, who has lined up a bunch of “endorsements” for Mrs. Harrington:
Kristen Lawler Myers
I can 100% say I was very misled by her campaign the first time. I spoke with so many folks that thought she would be a bridge between sensible justice and fair consideration of circumstances. I have not been impressed. I have not seen anything I thought I would. It really is disappointing.
Get in there, D!
Tyler Miller
Another incident would be when i was almost dragged into a parked car by a suspect trying to flee a car stop. Luckily I was not injured but after numerous charges that put the general public at risk her office struck a plea deal. When I asked her office if the victims had all been contacted and agreed to it they said yes. Then when I identified myself as one of those victims and was never contacted, they told me it was too late to have an input as a victim.
John LeClair
When will the information come out about her recent run in with law enforcement and privilege was given to her. FOIA needs to be pressed and questions asked. Your family should not have experienced this.
Marine Jim
I saw this statement a couple hours ago and thought to myself that she is now finger pointing because she has no other recourse. It is obvious the lack of professionalism from her and the fact she is about politics over public safety. We will definitely be voting for #timothyshugrue
Paul Trova
Surely Tim will know which hand to raise while being sworn in. Lawyers hear the phrase recited to witnesses at every appearance in court… “raise your right hand”
Chris Bonnivier
Shame on you Andrea Harrington and your office for passing the blame onto law enforcement. Leadership is described as “The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” Sounds like its time for a wind of change.
Rosanne Frieri
She never did deserve the office, this is what ass kissing gets u, an unqualified candidate! Vote Shugrue, restore law and order…
Mark Pompi
Way out of bounds. I think she just opened Pandora’s box. All the stories will come out now about her incompetence and trust me we all know! She’s being retaliatory because a bunch of police departments endorsed Tim. She is horrible, when I sat in jury duty, she was so extremely condescending it was disgusting! Not to mention what a terrible mess she made of the trial!
She just won all the votes of every police officer in Berkshire County, eh? Oh and how many officers are married or dating nurses or work FD/EMS, so the gap of willing voters to vote for her closes. Ya shouldn’t shit where ya eat! ♀️
PS I need a sign for [ Tim Shugrue] since some asshat stole mine….yep, they’re so threatened they stole a yard sign!
Kristen Lawler Myers, I get it. We tried it. She failed all of us. We can’t afford to have her in office another 4 years.
“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture past them into the impossible” — Arthur C. Clarke.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
Flip them, the first post was pr and the third uh oh. Can’t wait to hear more.
Sarcasm: Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington hates white men. The police and other public safety personnel and their public labor unions all hate Andrea Harrington. Despite decades of systemic violent crime in Berkshire County, D.A. Andrea Harrington’s disregard for law enforcement caused these problems to go from very bad to even worse. When Tim Shugrue is elected to the plum political post that he has sought after for 18 years on September 6th, 2022, the corrupt legal establishment will be back in charge again. White men, the police and other public safety personnel and their public labor unions, and the unsafe streets will all return to the way things were prior to 2019.
This isnt sarcasm: Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington hates white men.
I suspect that the only guys she likes are white.
Your posts are so frequent and with the same terrible facts and BS, that they almost blend into a blur… but they must not be allowed to.
Since when have the public forfeited the right to safety?
The right not to be murdered by career criminals.
The right not to be robbed or raped.
One would think our DA represents violent criminals by her actions
since in office.
When you finally meet up with Harrington, take her on a date over to Dalton Ave to go see your buddy Andy.
Sweep the streets
“THE PLANET‘s loosening up the soil, the dirt …?” I think it’s more like the Planet used a Cat DC 10 Bull Dozer to move the soil /dirt around her 7 North St. office. It exposed enough for all to see why there needs to be a change in the DA’s office.
Dan, thanks you for all you have done to shine a light on the sorry system of justice in The Berkshires. Harrington is a disgrace to the her profession, and the worst DA ever!!!
All this baking maker nonsense with the media. Gutoni predicted the Shugrue landslide months ago on his old show
Your pic is in the Funk & Wagnalls under “narcissist.”
Thanks putz
I still believe in the presumption of innocence but for a moment let’s make the assumption that the opposite is true. It isn’t the defeat of the candidate that should be the goal, it’s the defeat of progressivism and the woke ideology that has to be defeated and beaten down.
Was thinking this too RK: getting rid of Harrington is really driving those that propelled her in the first place, accepted work from her office (not merely hanging on from prior admins), and support her today out of influence.
That means the Tyer crowd and all the other proud boys and gals who rushed to be first off her ship.
Woke Ideology is the new clothing for old raw power and money and will just find a new horse to saddle. The way, the neat thing about the trans-lgbtq identity politics is that it is based on the writings, well funded by mainstreamers, to refer to a permanent minority. (The percentages of homosexuality and trans-sexuality will not increase on account of legislation or college publications.) Therefore, those little flags and rainbows stuck everywhere won’t be reclaimed by the real lgbtq community because those people, completely ignored and disavowed, will always lack the money and numbers claimed by the imposters.
Well stated, RK. I 100% believe in assumptive innocence. It’s not about the DA or anyone personally. It’s ALL about the office. The current DA’s woke ideology is the issue. It simple doesn’t work.
It works for certain people with certain job titles. But agree – ‘woke’ does nothing for 99.999999999%
It is kool to be woke,,,for some, for now. It is the flavor of the day. But the reality is that it is a poison pill, doing more harm than good and laying a foundation for unnecessary conflict. It is a passing bandwagon onto which many a lost soul, crying out for a cause, will jump upon, believing that it will give their lives meaning.
But in the end, does the wokeness become a bigger problem than the ones it portends to address?
Yes. The bigger problem is upon us. And longer it lasts, the more painful the redemption.
WOKE is race awareness.It does work Dan.Im a racist and I work hard to resist the pretaught ignorance and its disrespectful to push back on race awareness.Just say it does not work for you or FOX or MAGA
In typical fashion Harrington has attacked you and this blog as the problem rather than address the many accusations made against her here and elsewhere by police, victims, judges, peers, and even former supporters. The problem is never Andrea. There’s a name for that and it’s called narcissism.
Yes,Mr. G is the only citizen at city council meetings blasting the failures of the inept leadership in the city also.
While Mr G. gets very few points for style, his message is blunt and on target. Personally, I love seeing the council snobs getting a verbal smackdown by someone who cares far more about this city than they ever will. He is the total opposite of the whiny little Pete weiners who seem afraid to talk unless they clear their words with mommy mayor first. Talk about low self esteem.
Oh, so her and Barby Lunga have something in common then.
I would think so as well. As media, she has “blamed the messenger” since she first campaigned for the office.
Being a Narcissistic person is the DA’s natural state and to get her to change would be asking a
You have become a major force to be reckoned with Dan. You have stepped in where other media sources fear or are just unwilling to tread.
My opinion is that Pittsfield would not be anywhere near the mess it is now if local media was not contributing to its demise. It seems to me that a blind eye approach has been taken to the forces that are eating their own and my feeling is that it is more intentional than neglectful.
What parent is looking at Pittsfield, Ma. right now and saying, “I want my children to grow up here.?” Very few. How many are saying, “I would like to get my children out of Pittsfield, Ma. because it seems like a hopeless place to nurture a young child who deserves a better chance than this place seems to offer?”
I’m not one to blame the media. But given all this quite detailed information you would think local media would look into policies and practices around “professional courtesy.” What is the deal between Mass. State Police and elected officials or other law enforcement? What about local police? Are deals cut? Can descretion be used? On what crimes? What about drunken driving? Do departments release information about OUIs as is done with the general public? What is the standard of conduct and what is the law?
Very few crimes carry mandatory arrest provisions. Think restraining order violations and that’s about it. OUI’s have no mandatory arrest provision, and neither does murder by the way. Nor does thumping your old lady. Cops often grant professional courtesy to other cops for things like speeding, but if a cop commits a crime, then it is usually a whole different story, and depends on all kinds of factors, such as seriousness, whether or not it is a “victimless” crime, etc.
What local media SHOULD be doing is screaming at the top of their lungs for the city to hire an independent outside auditor to do a forensic number on the city books. It is like they do not even want to know if there is a better way to do things. While hemorrhaging taxpayer money they have decided to just continue raising taxes instead of looking for potential waste. What fortune 500 CEO would not do that if his business was hemorrhaging money??/
Police have alot of descretion in what they do and handle a traffic stop. The only crime that says you shall arrest is a domestic case or restraining order violation.
Absolutely not true – domestics do not carry mandatory arrest .
That’t right, Dan better watch out. He is liable to get run over “accidentally” of course, by a bike, a scooter, a car, or robbed by a street urchkin, and fatally struck. He has balls of steel and “they” want to take him out.
So the DA hates white people.Well how will Shugrue bring fairness back to white guys.LOL this is right out of FOX /Trump poor white guys getting screwed propaganda the radical right pushes on the shutins watching FOX all day…..drip drip drip drip..repeat…drip drip drip drip…repeat….Harrington will win….
Yawn. You bore me.
Bored but right
Actually 100% wrong all of the time
You are left of Chairman Mao
What is MAGA
Your old man must have worn one big jock strap to support a d!nk like you.
I am excited by your statement.You have a way with words.
How many times, will the cuckoo clock chime today?
Fairness will be restored and brought to everyone, no matter their race when Tim is elected. Harrington ripped the blind fold off lady justice day one. Tim will win because of it.
Harrington is incompetent. The irony is you, just like the die-hard Trumpers, refuse to see what a con Andrea is. She talks reform but actually has made things worse for those living in poverty. Harrington is out and it’s a win for the community. Please read Jeanne Kempthorne’s Opinion piece in the Eagle so you can understand how Harrington is corrupt to the core.
Unfortunately in Berkshire County the voting never takes a logical track. If I was any of the candidates I would be working twice as hard for the next week. Every Bright Blue Bozo will be getting their election day orders so who knows how this election will turn out. Hopefully Berkshire County will elect the best candidates.
You talkin bout Barry now?
The bozos deserted Harrington. That’s why you don’t see any local endorsements. Of course they also don’t have the moral compass to support Shugrue.
MAGA = Trump….What is it?Anyone anyone
The only reason you would vote for Barbalunga or Harrington is because you are:
Mentally ill
Part of their graft and corruption enterprise (patronage jobs)
A Criminal
An Idiot
Consumed with white guilt and have money
PS if Andrea didn’t get a pass on the operating without a license and got special treatment from the State on the restoration of her drivers license, the OUI stuff wouldn’t seem so plausible.
Let me add “ apathetic” to your list!
Also Linda Tyer’s strap on
Barry’s Spanx
OK. The Robots acede to Truth Wins.
I am voting 4 times, maybe 8, since ID not required and I know plenty of people that don’t vote so I could use their name and address and vote again. But every vote for Shugrue is a vote against Harrington, so that’s 2 votes, and a vote for Bowler is a vote against Barbalunga, so that’s 2 more and 2+2 = 4 whether Harrington knows it or not.
I heard Harrington is rallying voters from Pittsfield and St Joe’s cemeteries.
According to progressives, so as not to be “racist” and/or “bigoted”, the dead are getting “woke” too, just like Nov 2020.
We know Trump is rallying the stupids just like he did at the Coup
It’s sad you are allowed outside of your mom’s basement
MAGA..What is it to you.
The faux “coup” will end just like the faux “collusion illusions”, fabricated by liberals and corrupt alphabet agencies, with no justice for the accused from the fabricators.
Poor FOX viewer.
Have another drink
You can in the MAGA states
You could put every lawyers name in the county but Harrington’s , in a hat, and pull one out randomly, and whoever was picked would be a better DA than her.
You could put names of random items in Berkshire county in a hat and pick one and it would be a better DA than Andrea Harrington.
Potted Plant
Round about
Bike lane
Panhandler sign
One Way street sign
Heated movie theater seats
A parking kiosk
Matt Kerwood’s hair plugs
Barry Clairmont’s coffee pot
Linda Tyer’s paper clips
A hypodermic needle
A political yard sign
John Krol’s mixing board
Speaking of protege Krol, has he had his mayoral run signs made up yet? Has he put them out yet? Hear he is itching to try out that corner office chair.
It didn’t say John Krol’s mixing board
It said John Krol’s valtrex perscription
lol herpes
A carylitic converter thief
And same goes for Barbalunga. You could put any police, corrections, or probation officer in county’s name in a hat and pick one and that random pick would bring more integrity and work ethic to the sheriff job that Barbalunga would.
I have heard numerous stories this past week. Alf has intimidated and pressured people into putting signs on their lawns. People don’t feel comfortable saying no to him. He also has support from Cavalier Management who have placed signs at all of their properties. Alf is not a good person. He would destroy the Sheriffs office and this community, much like AH has done. He will fire good employees and bring in political hires that make as much or more than those he complains about now. Please vote Bowler!!!
Lawn signs don’t vote!
They might in Pittsfield!!
Show me a photo of 1 cavalier property with a sign, i dare you.
They cant even manage apartments, or return calls.
Can someone on this website use their brain for just a second?
Everyone knows the cops hate Andrea, right?
Then why would a cop let her off on a OUI charge? They know such a charge would sink her chances of re-election.
There is NO CHANCE this story of her being let off is true.
use your brain just for a second.
Using your brain means challenging your assumptions. That’s work.
1)Andrea has no ‘good’ relations or connections with cops in Lenox.
2) Assuming ‘prof. courtesy’ exists (likely), the officer granting the courtesy will ask for whom it’s rendered. (unlikely – duh!)
3) Hate equates with conviction or professional behavior. (Not necessarily)
4) No one knows if a OUI would sink her chance for re-election in a primary that will see 30% participation. That leads you back to the questions 1-3.
5) “No Chance” assumes certainty. – That’s tough when she has a past behavior of vehicular offense, and pics of her intoxicating herself in public. Doubt prevails.
Officer granting courtesy to another officer whose wife had a sorority party for AH. The Lenox officer comes from a well-respected Lenox family. He could call in that kind of favor based on that alone.
Good thinking, Namaste
Mr. W,
Was she fined for driving the wrong way on a one-way street?
Was she fined for driving with a suspended license?
It’s naive to think cops, regardless of their political views, would not acquiesce to those in power.
Given the plea for consideration above, I’m thinking AH’s sponsors are keeping her in their back pockets.
Maybe, they want her off the DA where she is at a political cliff, but have hopes for salvaging her for a different office. This OUI would sink their investment for sure.
Andrea Harrington, the (father etc) Harrington’s have lived here for decades.
She was at a fundraiser of a gaggle of Karen’s who’s husband is a cop. She knows a number of police personally and who knows is she hasn’t serviced one or two in the process?
So she gets pulled over by some MSP newbie, has no idea what to do and Andrea starts dropping that she just came from a DA fundraiser at the Kirby household.
What if the MSP trooper was some trooper looking to get out of the barracks and into a detective slot at the DA’s office.
What if the facts were slightly wrong and it was two local cops and not the MSP.
Anyone get the name of the cop who drove through the building by Tahiti takeout? Did the four year old in the car end up with the state?
What about the cop that beat and raped his cop wife? He still has a job. The cop who beat his daughter, stalked his ex-girlfriend, used the computers to harass her new boyfriend. MSP Roid gate, there’s still a number of roided up troopers, some with a legacy of family members that worked for the MSP.
Don’t get me wrong I’m pro cop but there are a lot of shorty cops in the Berkshires who took the job motivated by greed and a power trip. Even some of the good ones aren’t that good.
Well, WW did ask someone to use some brains.
WW: how’s this?
The officer that let her off is a supporter. In fact, just look at the Berkshire Eagle photo a couple days ago of the Lenox school board member who hosted a wine party for AH. That host/school board member’s husband is the Lenox cop who let her go. Oh how the plot thickens. Now the wagons are being circled to protect oh so many people. This occurred on August 5th, in the night after she held the Estrella press conference. They let her off because there’s a swamp in Berkshire County also and AH hands out state pension jobs and has influence to get people into state police academy and then into the overtime rich state police detectives unit in her office where troopers make $150K+ every year. What would you do if you were the Lenox cop? Who’s gonna find out?
It didn’t happen the night of the fundraiser on the 18th. It did happen on the 5th. It was MSP in Lenox as I said 2 weeks ago.
There is probably like 1 out of 1,000 cops that would not give a sitting DA a break on an erratic operation call, even if she was a little tipsy, versus say crashing her car while drunk, into another, which is a whole different story.
Not saying it happened but there is a massive amount of wiggle room in the statement the chief gave to Dan. I hate what harrington stands for but I would let her off, unless she was so boxed I had no choice. Then again, i ain’t a cop.
What statement?!
Oh you mean this Sargeant Schultz I know nothing?
I wouldn’t know anything about a Massachusetts State Police motor vehicle stop, unless they called for an assist from us. The two dates that you mention, the 5th and the 18th, there are, again, no indications in our RMS system that we were involved with this. For information on a MSP stop, please contact them.
Secondly, I reached out to Officer [REDACTED], again, to provide the new information. He states he was not involved with anything that you have mentioned.
If your source wants to provide me specific factual evidence that this actually occurred and involved an officer from our department, I’m happy to look into it further. But, for the second time, there is nothing in our database and there isn’t an officer here that knows anything about this alleged motor vehicle stop.
It’s not in RMS because the call was made via cell phones, and was purposefully done in such a way to circumvent the RMS.
Whomever stated this knew exactly how to skirt the truth. If it was in the RMS system, it would come up as an OUI. Instead it doesn’t come up at all, well isn’t that fancy. No records of something designed not to be recorded.
Remember when Wrong Way didn’t get a ticket for driving the wrong way, then didn’t get her car impounded while driving 9 months on a suspended license?
That was, the medias fault, not a big deal, right wing bloggers, the fault of the NYS RMV, the MA RMV, you get PLENTY of notices about that kind of thing.
Remember she didn’t get any special treatment?
There’s a lot of belief this happened without any evidence.
Chief needs to be called on this.
If you know where the traffic stop occurred (location) and an approximate time range, request an FOIA for the GPS coordinates of that officer.
If he was using an in-cruiser computer (MDC), it keeps GPS coordinates. It allows dispatch to find an officer if he/she is in trouble and can’t be contacted by dispatch. Can’t alter or delete the GPS coordinates either.
Not to mention, it also shows how long the officer was at that particular location.
You should have asked the chief if he made an official inquirty from each of his officers to find out what they do know. I mean, if you wanted the truth.
They need the trunk Sargent GPS data to put the cars at an unlisted stop. Something no one will ever get.
OK so the chief law enforcement official is held to a lower standard than the rest of us. Gotcha.
I think he says a lot of people are let off the hook where damage is not done. So, back to WW, is it common courtesy or a professional courtesy?
NFW I don’t believe it’s common at all.
Me neither. I don’t think it’s even possible for it to be a common courtesy given the uncommon driver.
Of Effing course she is. Look what did t happen when she drive the wrong way without a license to operate. A big fat nothing.
If Harrington is considered the top law enforcement officer in Berkshire County (as reported in most media articles and her own admission) wouldn’t she be subject to the Brady Law regarding truthfulness involving police investigations? If so, then foregoing her 5th amendment privilege, if she misled a police officer conducting an OUI investigation, wouldn’t there be probable cause for that crime? If she did mislead an officer or used her power as DA to prohibit and/or circumvent the judicial process, wouldn’t that be a Brady Law violation and all sanctions be applied to her as she has done to police officers in similar circumstances? First and foremost, the officer who let her go will likely be investigated and terminated, as he/she should be. Secondly, it could be said that Harrington used her white privilege to self exonerate herself for a criminal charge. The hypocrisy speaks volumes of who Harrington is as a person and her inability accept responsibility for any of her actions whether it be in the courtroom, as the chief law enforcement officer for the county or as a citizen. Andrea should be held accountable if she mislead a police officer and was allowed to call her husband for a ride when she was suspected of OUI. Did power and race have something to do with this and would a minority member of the community who does not have voice been given the same opportunity? Andrea you must be Brady’d!!!!
Forget Brady’d, she should be arrested!!!
Yes, “Woke Williamstown” where “abhorrent behavior” towards women like this blog doesn’t happen. Where crimes against women don’t happen, except for convincing three dozen young vulnerable college women not to report their rapes to police because that wouldn’t look good for Williamstown. Of all the reasons women don’t report rape who would have thought one of them would be “My college and community convinced me not to.” Who would have though a female District Attorney would come along to validate that and use it to win an election and then try to get her re-elected? Only in woke Williamstown.
Williamstown should secede from Williamstown and let Williams College and its residential properties be a separate town.
fyi……dont get drunk at parties.
Williams/town has been covering up campus sexual assaults by pressuring victims against reporting rapes for decades. From failing to accurately comply with Clery Act reporting to an obsessive concern over male athletes’ statuses, Williams/town has spoken out of both sides of its proverbial mouth on this and has FAILED VICTIMS for years. Meg Bossong, Director of Sexual Assault Response, and Health Education is as culpable as anyone for this abhorrent state of affairs, perpetuating the continued protection of sex offenders while she is supposed to help victims and yet, she serves on the DA DV/SA “taskforce” and was allowed to moderate a DA debate as a mindless supporter of the criminal ninny DA.
A number of catalytic converters were stolen again last night.
Pittsfield, Richmond, West Stockbridge, Stockbridge.
Skinny Bald white male, in his 40’s or 50’s, African American male same age maybe younger seen driving a small green SUV.
Just let the jack down when you see them………walk away.
If they come around my abode, I will defend my property with whatever force necessary.
Did someone say there might be a $5000 reward? If so perhaps this should be more publicized and maybe they will turn in their own people.
Old Forge fire set by employee per Eagle.
Is that worse than setting a bale of hay on fire? They guy spending two years in jail wants to know.
Defeat progressive America.What will you have?You can prosecute the transgender who seem to always appear to ruin radical revolutionaries on the right.We can finally pollute rivers air and land.You can slap kids again.Its going to be great.
No, more like we won’t need to slap kids.
I think you’re slapin’ it
This about sums You up TSC…….
In 1943 the following directive was issued to all party members from Communist Headquarters in the US.
“When certain obstructionists become to irritating, label them after a suitable buildup as fascists or Nazis or anti-Semitics, and use the prestige of anti-fascist tolerant organizations to discredit them, in the public mind associate those who oppose us those names who already have a bad smell, the association will after enough repetitions, become fact in the public mind”
Now THAT is a good find!
Are you drinking transgender vodka?
Olde Forge Restaurant on Sunday morning was intentionally set by an employee, the State Fire Marshal’s office said on Monday.
The employee — an adult male — will be summoned to Pittsfield District Court. His name was not released. (why didn’t they release his name)
He’s an adult.
The fire was reported around 10 a.m., and when crews arrived flames were showing from the rear of the building, located at 125 North Main St., Route 7. Firefighters were able to prevent the blaze from spreading to the rest of the building and had it contained within an hour. They remained at the restaurant until around 1 p.m.
Water main break on fourth street. Here we go.
Dan you are being attacked on iberkshires:
“Both sheriff candidates and Shugrue, alone, participated in debates held by a local blogger who has been criticized for crudely attacking community members and candidates on his website. Harrington refused to participate on principle.”
Check The Eagle for a letter to the editor 8/27. Talk about a Nuclear attack! From some artist from Williamstown. who called Dan every name in the book. I’ll post it if needed.
She likes POC as long as they don’t live too near her and as long as no one questions her screwing up the Town.
Her code word/dog whistle is “those people” and for Jews, “those NY’rs”. Williamstown forever white thanks to Boyd. It’s one of the least inclusive Towns in the Berkshires, but she can lecture us on race from her ivory pottery studio. She’s white guilt personified.
An elected planning board member tells us that voting on the zoning proposals at town meeting will let the Planning Board know how we “feel.” Any zoning changes passed at town meeting will be “forever,” and virtually irreversible. Cite the research that indicates what effect these changes will have.
Perhaps the Planning Board should have spent more time reaching out to all the town’s citizenry long before any town meeting. These articles were approved by the Planning Board long before this unnecessarily delayed town meeting will be held. Better yet, place the items for a vote at the town election, even if as non-binding questions if legally necessary. Why are major decisions being made by a small number of citizens at the broken town meeting?
How do all and any articles affect property evaluations and property taxes, but only for some landowners if some but not articles are passed?
Why is a town master plan being conducted if it is totally meaningless?
Perhaps all items should be voted down, as a group, rather than tabled so the Planning Board can start from scratch and ready their proposals for the 2024 town meeting. All town households should be mailed paper copies of the new proposals well in advance of the 2024 town meeting.
Finally, who serves to benefit the most from passing any or all of these failed proposals???
Ken Swiatek
Williamstown, Mass.
Thanks you for posting. To our readers: The “Boyd” referred to here is Stephanie Boyd, a pottery artist. She was a cosigner of a letter along with Alexander Davis, also of Williamstown, falsely claiming that Dan Valenti is a “racist and a misogynist.” They don’t know me. Everyone who actually does knows that I am the total opposite. When such labels are carelessly, blindly, and defensively thrown at you, it usually means that the person who through them are precisely what they accuse others of being. “White guilt personified.”
She’s a psycho ceramic—-a crackpot .
They are ballot stuffers. They’ll be canvassing people and doubling up on mail-in votes.
When this group is done, Williamstown will have voted double the number of registered voters. The dead will rise and vote twice.
But they were also trying to bolster voter turnout in Florida, where voter suppression efforts had been attempting to do the opposite, according to volunteer
Alexander Davis, a member of the Greylock Together steering committee and a high school teacher at Mount Greylock Regional School.
“On election day, the main goal is pretty much to get out the vote,” Davis said at the time. “We’re trying to do whatever we can in local efforts and give others a boost elsewhere if we can. The Republicans have built a sea wall of oppression and repression, but I think progressive enthusiasm will be enough to carry the day.”
Later, in February, Davis said that is an example of the group’s on-the-ground work that frequently takes place.
“We’re trying to focus on practical things we can do,” he said. “And by doing these things, as hard as the news is every day, you don’t feel quite so hopeless.”
Greylock Together also took part in standouts in Williamstown and Pittsfield after violence in Charlottesville, Va., the mass shooting in Las Vegas and for causes like Black Lives Matter, March for our Lives and the Green New Deal.
“In times like this, you do it for humanity but you also do it for your sanity,” Lynn said. “You do it for your soul, regardless.”
Other issues Greylock Together targets include preventing the Trump border wall, expanding civil rights for LGBTQ people and ending gerrymandering.
“We’re sort of curators of horrors — which horror do we need to try to set straight today,” said Dils, who is one of the organizers of Greylock Together and a member of the steering committee.
Her parents probably spent a bundle putting her through Williams so she could make pretty salad bowls.
At least we know who some of Harrington s lunatic supporters are so we can avoid them.
When The Parrot is not flapping it’s LEFT WING, it puts it’s head deep in the sand.
Williamstown has been the most racist area of Berkshire County for decades. Just ask any minority student who went to Mt. Greylock over the past 50 years
I really dont care what Elf may have 20 years ago. I look at how the person has changed, grown and given back. Alf is 1000% on the money in regards to the budget and the over inflated salaries. How many deputy sups do you need. Really Diane M and Nancy P give me a break thats a joke just a way to up the pay they never should have been promoted. I like the people in roles like this to have advanced degrees it show that they care about themselves and the people they serve. I believe neither one of these people do. It is probably because of what they know and who they can damage. Dan S is lawyer ask why he doesnt practice. Ask why he does not work for the sheriffs department where he lives and commutes every day on our dime. Ask Dan S about the law suit filed by a nurse working its way through the system now. Time for a change people, time to clean the toilet folkes of the bchc and Pudgys Police
Buddy it would be ok if Alf learned his lesson 20 years ago, the point is he hasn’t.
Since Dan edits. Would you want a coked up rapist running the jail?
Would you want someone who stole money via misappropriating funds, running the budget or a bank?
Would you want someone who covered up deeds of a known pedo in charge of prisoners?
Do tell about the funds that the first we have heard that
I know he has done alot of good over the years. Remember the current sheriff had no experience when he won the first time. Alf also said, ” that he would bust up those high paying jobs and put that money into programs and hiring the right people for the job. He will also return the staff that is assigned to the DAs office to the job they were hired for the jail. The deputies do not belong in the DAs office, fbi task forces, invovled on crime scenes, you want a jail job thats where you belong. That would also freeze up overtime with staff doing what they were hired for. You also have xppd officer brought in made Capts making hugh money with state vehicles not even working in the jail. If anyone knows what there job is please let us know, I sure dont big secret. Now we get into the wasted equipment why do they need motor cycles, They Dont, why do they need a command vehicle, They Dont, why do they need that cache of weapons oh you didnt know about that , They Dont, why are some on the srt, They Dont need to be not active law enforcement leave it the professional police not Pudgys Police. Vote Elf he will make sure this crap is corrected. If Bowler wins and we can pretty much guess he will thats a more even in for Pudgys Police to expand even more in the DAs office and other places than the jail. Most of the Sheriffs Dept has also expand its own power and what they do including Hampton County with the same crap pulled and got away with. Where are the law makers shut this abuse down now.
How about changing your handle to “Total Fraud 2”
You dont know crap of what goes on. Work in the system for over 30 years you see and hear alot.
I’d vote for pronoun Pete White before I’d vote for buffoonbalunga
Let’s pretend everything you wrote is true. What is your effing problem with sherif helping enforce the laws?
Massachusetts Sheriffs are not active law enforcement that is per statue. So when they are out running around the jail is less staffed or staffed with overtime. Thats our tax money, vehicles and equipment used costs gas on our dime. It is all about the waste of our tax dollars and how not only has this sheriffs dept as taken advantage of over blown salaries, equipment, horses, motorcycles, got themselves invovled in things other than the jails its all on our tax dollars. Someone needs to pull them back and let them know where the bear shits.
Did ya notice Barby never said he would cut the budget and lay people off???? He just wants to piss it into a different hole.
Yea, he was an executive level, as in 6 figure salary, for a DIE officer
What if this is just some smoke screen BS.
What if it was the Lenox cop’s wife who was OUI?
I’m more worried about this as a distraction from Edgerton using the NAACP to conduct voter fraud.
All ward councilors are being asked to do ward work.Quit if you cant.Ward 3 and 4 need to get to work.Sidewalks, please check you sidewalks.
Taxpayers in Dalton are going to get to vote on whether they want big ticket spending projects. This will never happen in Pittsfield as long as the special interests have such a tight grip on the mayor. If you think Pittsfield government is of and for the people you are sadly mistaken.
3 + 4 councilors are useless democrats
And here is the coverup.
“Gaynor wrote in a report on the Tasers that from the evidence she reviewed — the position of Taser wires, data downloaded from the Tasers themselves and images of a Taser plug on Estrella’s body — that she could conclude that only one of Coffey’s Taser plugs had landed on Estrella.”
If that was true why did the coroner write that there were 4 taser barb marks on his skin?
PPD investigating itself, oh brother.
The g man on. Here indicated were the tasers even calibrated correctly and by whom? The question would did they have enough have enough charging them. I know an animal would be Rey agitated if it survived a gunshot,he would charge like a bear. Who was in charge of the taser calibration.
Who cares?. The dead guy deserved to be shot, plain and simple, and really, for the Eagle to bend over backward for the felons family, instead of the police, we’ll, it shows you this city is a shot.
I had brunch with my dad, Bob, this Monday late-morning. I asked my dad how Tim Shugrue’s 36-year legal career in Berkshire County of mostly representing clients in divorce cases and being a notorious ambulance chaser for the Almighty Dollar qualifies him to be elected Berkshire County District Attorney? My dad (a former Berkshire County Commissioner from 1997 – mid-2000) answered me that it doesn’t, but anyone out there can run for any elected office despite not being qualified for the public post.
In the news article, Tim Shugrue says that we are not Boston, we are Berkshire County. Like the sitting Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington, Tim Shugrue believes in diversion. But Tim Shugrue believes that D.A. Andrea Harrington’s progressive policies are deferring societal problems instead of solving them. Unlike her challenger, D.A. Andrea Harrington looks for alternatives for troubled people who are in need of mental healthcare, public assistance, and addiction treatment before charging them for minor criminal offenses based on their personal problems.
Massachusetts district attorney races and the progressive prosecutor | WBUR News
You sir, have left the reservation
Yeah, Wrongs Way’s programs were so meaningful and near and dear to her heart to help all you mentioned she handed it to people with no experience in the field or expertise. WW had no input. Oh, your father was right that anyone out there can run for any elected office despite not being qualified for the public post, See WW on that part.
Man, you are really rocking the 3 inch pud for Harrington. Save some skin, slow down, or you’ll rub it raw and get an infection.
This is on MSP and Lenox PD. Just so you’ll know who to blame.
Let start with DA she needed to be elected the first time to bust up the dirty, corrupt office that has run for years with many people that never should have been jailed was put there rather on hold because of the person couldnt pay the bail or sentances that did not fit the crime. Any and all of this causes lost employment, lost housing and people have no choice but to continue on the wrong path. Now with that being said as I saw some people put the experiment is over. Your Damn straight Skippy, know one new what a bad, horrible job she would do from her managing of the office, to hiring bozos as asst DAs and people out of favor. The DA either got rid of the good people or her and her staff made them leave. Many past asst DAs are working out of the Springfield court. You can not let shooters, gang bangers, thieves, drug dealers, shoplifters go unpunished rather it be a court order program, job training, etc. The city and state lack mental health places to put people both short and long term. They need to be reopened and some of these people need to be put away long term if not forever. I am not saying like the old Northampton state days but more humaine and with all the programs, schooling and what ever is needed long or short term. Just think of the money wasted every time some is brought to the hospital through the ED and sent to Jones. Like the 3 strike law 3 visit your now there for life. The violent clients are also sent to these 2 units. If your violent or homicidel you go to the jail and held there on a unit, they have the dr, nurses, meds, and staff to deal with this on a whole unused unit. Also most of these people are on ssi or ssdi so when they are in a hospital or jail the money sits in their bank acct till they get out and then spent on drugs, drinks, lottery, etc. The money should be put into the acct of what ever place they are being placed rather it be a mental health hospital or holding or jail. Not very hard for the normal thinking people but to the cry baby oh my god stroke time. Vote Tim Vote Alf
No Alf, Alf is part of the problem.
Shugrue and Bowler, the only smart votes on the ballot.
Oh the irony!
Dan writes a blog based on an anonymous post from some guy on the internet. A post regarding an incident that may or may not have happened, not sure when, not sure where, not sure who.
The entire audience has convicted the suspect (Harrington) of a crime that no proof has yet been brought forward of happening.
Take away her license!
Lock her up!
FOIA all information available!
On the contrary, there is a straightforward statement from Law Enforcement that there is definitely NO evidence of such crime taking place.
Law enforcement – the folks everyone is so worried about the DA screwing over and ruining their ability to do their jobs. Now you don’t believe them either because they don’t fit your guilty until proven innocent theory.
So the court of public interest has convicted Harrington of a crime that didn’t actually happen, ignoring testimony from Law Enforcement that it didn’t happen, and without any evidence that anything did happen.
Wow. And you guys think HARRINGTON is a bad prosecutor! I wouldn’t trust your judgement either.
We dont trust yours
It really does speak to how well the DA has built and established public trust. The DA has had essentially 4 years to work in the public arena and build a solid rapport with the public at large in a meaningful way. I think what your seeing is simply the results of the “experiment” as an epic fail. Rush to judgement? yes based upon previous history and the DA’s own action(s)? yes again.
Thanks, 5th. Good to hear from you.
So Harrington is denying it? I do no see that anywhere.
Nope there is no evidence she is denying it. Predicted feet to the fire response: “I/the campaign does not respond to rumors.”
Wasn’t that her response to the driving suspended incident.
Remember when she said she paid the fine in NY then deleted that because she lied?
The internet remembers.
“What does a couple of hundred dollars to the State of NY and 7 hours on the phone with the MA RMV get you? A story in the Berkshire Eagle, apparently,” she wrote on Facebook following the article’s publication on Tuesday.
Tuesday for the reason and amount of any such expenditures.
And McKeever would not respond to any questions Wednesday, saying in an email that they have “nothing to do with the work the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office is doing on behalf of the county’s citizens.”
It was some citizens that first raised the alarm that the DA might have received special treatment from Pittsfield police.
According to her public driving record obtained by The Eagle, Harrington was cited for speeding June 10, 2019, in the town of Clinton in Dutchess County, N.Y. Her license was suspended on Nov. 24, 2019, for failure to respond to the citation.
Harrington’s license was reinstated on Sept. 4, three days after the Pittsfield traffic stop.
In her Facebook post, Harrington said she had paid the ticket with “a couple hundred dollars to the State of NY,” but did not say when she had paid the fine.
“Rather than contest the ticket at a hearing, I took responsibility and paid my ticket online to the NY RMV,” she wrote. “However, the NY court apparently did not know that which triggered MA suspending my license which I was not aware of. Once I found out, I got the correct paperwork to the MA RMV who restored my license. It did literally take 7 hours on hold with the MA RMV over the course of two days.”
The timing on events surrounding the suspension remains unclear.
Darren Boysen, a spokesman for the New York state Department of Motor Vehicles said Wednesday that the agency does not collect fines for traffic violations; those would be paid to the town where the violation occurred.
“The suspension for failure to answer a summons was cleared in March,” Boysen said, “and subsequently DMV sent a clearance letter to the state of Massachusetts.”
But Harrington’s Massachusetts record shows her license was not reinstated until Sept. 4.
A spokeswoman for the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles on Wednesday was not able to confirm whether the agency sent out a suspension notice, but the RMV website said it typically sends such notices to drivers that allow them 10 days from the date of notification to clear up outstanding issues.
The clerk at the Clinton Justice Court did not respond to requests for information Wednesday about when Harrington paid the fine, and other details of the initial traffic stop.
Verbal advisement
Also unclear is why Harrington was not cited during the Sept. 1 traffic stop and whether the officer allowed Harrington to drive herself away on a suspended license.
Out of 32 motor vehicle stops in Pittsfield that day, 30 drivers received citations. Two drivers, including Harrington, were let off with verbal warnings, according to the Pittsfield Police log.
A police spokesman on Monday said he did not have information about why Harrington wasn’t cited or charged with the moving violation and driving while her license was suspended. He also did not provide information on Wednesday about the details of Harrington’s stop, nor answer to requests to speak to Police Chief Michael Wynn.
Wynn did not return calls seeking explanation or comment.
A spokesperson from the Massachusetts State Ethics Commission said that he could not discuss specific situations, but explained that the “conflict of interest law generally prohibits any public employees from using their position to obtain an unwarranted valuable privilege for themselves or someone else.”
The commission investigates such cases; the state Office of the Attorney General enforces any criminal aspect.
In her Facebook post, Harrington said The Eagle’s story was the result of a “tip” from a “local right-wing blogger and assorted cranks,” and inspired by sexist leanings.
The post set off a cascade of comments from supporters who saw it as a “hit job,” as one put it, and noted that motor vehicle agencies are notorious for making such errors. Others wondered whether police treated her differently because of who she is.
“People with fewer connections than you or more melanin often experience much more severe consequences for the things you made into such a droll anecdote and maybe calling that out isn’t automatically lock-her-up level sexism,” wrote Michael Hitchcock.
Helen Moon, a city councilor and former employee of the District Attorney’s Office, recounted an incident in Boston in which she also was caught driving with a suspended license.
Moon, who said she also was unaware of the suspension, said police pointed a gun at her and threw her in jail. She spent over $1,500 for towing costs, court and registration fees.
“Must be nice to be a white woman and district attorney when encountering the police,” Moon wrote.
Maybe she should consider AA and face her problem before someone gets hurt.
Is this Andrea’s denial then? This is classic legalese, “you have no evidence.” Good try. Does she deny it?
Of course not. It’s true
Here’s a fact: in the (unlikely) event she’s elected this will come out and she’ll be removed from office.
There are people on here who keep changing or muddling the story. These are the details those in the know say have not changed:
Harrington was stopped by MSP
A citizen called in erratic driving
It happened on Friday Aug 5
It happened in Lenox
Lenox PD was most likely involved but did not log the incident
She called her husband for a ride
We KNOW she is an incompetent attorney.
I’ll be happy when she’s indicting ham sandwiches at Dottie’s in January
People we don’t need to chase ghosts, Andrea Harrington’s screwups are numerous and very public
Remember she was voted into office based on the progressive movement rallying to her side, those idiots are still out there.
Andrea’s top ten screwups:
Failed private practice lawyer who admitted in one of her 8 trials she was incompetent. She lost all her cases as a private practice lawyer. Or maybe lost 7 out of 8.
Couldn’t pay her taxes
Couldn’t pay her credit card bills
Was investigated for campaign fraud
Hired friends and campaign staff
Fired competent staff
Disbanded successful school programs and used the money for her personal office use
Spent weeks on political vacations at taxpayer expense.
Tried to buy the silence of her former campaign manager Hellen Moon
Illegally denied public records requests
Failed at every trial she prosecuted
Let a murderer go free
Offered ridiculously low plea deals to friends and supporters family
Tried to remove a sitting judge by illegal means
Bought backpacks which she then gave to friends and family (her kids have those state funded backpacks for school)
Prosecuted innocent people for political gain.
Used her state office and resources to further her campaign
Never prosecuted the Williams College rapes
Worked to release guilty criminals
And just remember, there are still people who will vote for her.
You can add much more because I’m tired of typing how screwed up she is
Good start….But, You forgot the Simon’s Rock racial hoax which was one of the worst things Harrington did. This was a very serious case that used an enormous amount of law enforcement resources. In the end, despite having more than sufficient evidence, DA Harrington decided not to prosecute solely to curry favor with political allies. This was made worse when she went after the hay bale burner solely for political reasons.
What is racial profile, and age, of the worker who set Old Forge on fire? “Poor troubled” < 25 YO?
Will Harrington prosecute this one? Or just do catch and release?
Will burning a buildings punishment/charges, be commensurate, with burning some hay bales in an open field?
Also the name of the 19 year old victim of the aug 16 shooting. We wouldn’t want that to get out.
Wrong Way is profiling prosecuting.
…or entire cities in the name of equality
Didn’t she also threaten a candidate for Pittsfield mayor who was running against Tyer?
And then denied it!
yes, she did
Yes but the candidate in question has offered her a job in January busing tables. No hard feelings.
Berkshire Eagle
Letter: What record in DA’s Office is Harrington running on?
To the editor: Certainly the harshest criticism that District Attorney Andrea Harrington has received during her tenure came from Judge John Agostini. (“Judge faults Berkshire DA’s handling of case involving foster child’s death and dismisses charges against Adams couple,” Eagle, April 16.)
He stated that Harrington’s presentation in an important and tragic case was “not the standard of conduct the court expects from the Commonwealth in grand jury proceedings.”
I was on a grand jury in Agostini’s courtroom, which he ran by the book. He was firm but fair. One of his phrases has stuck with me. At one point, he admonished a shame-faced lawyer that he needed to improve. The lawyer was instructed to “present his case with particularity.” The word may be old-fashioned, but I think it can be applied to the campaign for district attorney.
It is exactly this quality that I find present in attorney Tim Shugrue’s campaign literature and lacking in that of Ms. Harrington’s. She continually portrays herself as the “outsider” who wants to reform the system. Yet she has been an integral part of that system for nearly four years. While Mr. Shugrue’s task is to show that he can improve the dispensation of justice, Ms. Harrington should be reminding us of how that dispensation has improved over the last four years.
For example, she claims to be successfully fighting the systemic racism in our justice system. She’s certainly right about the racism. As a 2020 Harvard Law School study specific to our commonwealth found, Black people received sentences an average of 168 days longer for the same crime than their white counterparts. To her claim that she’s getting results in reducing racism, I ask: How do we know? Has her office achieved sentences for Black people that are fewer than 168 days longer than their white counterparts? Has this particular injustice been reduced by half, to only 84 days longer? What are the results over the last two years? Publication of these records, which must exist, would help voters in their decision on whom to support. She should be arguing her case with particularity.
Robert M. Kelly, Lee
9,125 days. She let a murderer walk on purpose he was spared in upwards of 9,125 days in jail. He was black.
She’s pleaded every case she could to 1/5 the minimum time. Except for that white guy burning hay bales.
It seems to me that the people speaking for the local NAACP and others in the black and brown community are taking WW’s word on she is reducing racism without asking her for the data. Unless I’ve missed it, I don’t recall in any debate or forum results being asked for to support her claim. Why not?
Yes, the D.A. has reduced “racism.” Of course, in Loon Left Newspeak, “reduced” means “increased.” Just as “diverse, inclusion, and equity” (DIE) mean “uniform, exclusion, and injustice.”
Of course WW has reduced racism in the courts. There’s nothing to count, when you let, let’s say, a racial kidnapping hoax at a college, walk scot free.
Or, WW loses a slam dunk gun/drug possession case and the dirt-bag goes and shoots and kills a guy a few days later.
No charges one case. Lose case, second. When you’re batting .000 prosecuting POC, you’ve reduced everything. She did get Lonnie Durfee two years for torching a few Xiden/Harris hale bales. So, she’s batting 1.000 convicting white men of non-violent, petty crimes.
Doesn’t the CERP Team have shields, helmets & all kinds of gear ?
Why shoot a 22 year old dead ? Even if you get stabbed, you dont need to kill to protect yourself.
Death is finite. It was unjust.
The officials had other options.
You are a damn fool, or at least an ignoramus!
“Even if you get stabbed, you dont need to kill to protect yourself.”
You must be a special sort of stupid. A knife is a deadly weapon.
If his girlfriend had shot him, for the same reasons, she would be convicted.
Are police unable to handle 1 man with a knife?
I’m pretty sure that is ridiculous.
Let’s look at other situations that didn’t end in death…
Knock him down & disarm him. 1 man.
Put your dog on him, that is one of the dogs’ jobs.
Raised by wolves, drunk & knives just a regular weekend event. Go to school on Monday & act normal.
You can call me ignorant. I’ve seen Sheriff’s CERP force. They have armor.
& being that there was no clinician available the 25th & police arent clinicians, they should have just brought him to the nearest medical facility seeing, that’s the Policy.
Tear gas, pepper spray….. bright lights, a f* fire hose….. a dog.
Why shoot him? It’s primitive & in that case, there’s no reason for all the equipment they stock if bullets are all they will put to use.
Don’t respond to a call by killing someone, that’s chaos.
They called for protection so that nobody would die.
Police restrain people, they are trained for it.
People have ONE life, it ain’t a rehearsal.
I don’t know him. I just know he was a person having a bad night.
Check on the grant money for mental health & substance abuse treatment.
I’m not cut out for it. I’d die before I’d kill someone.
You are a special kind of stupid!
FACT: Harrington’s social media maven “Kelsea Chesney” likes trashing people using this fake account and name:
Kelsea Ballerini – Half of my hometown (feat. Kenny Chesney …)
So a police officer investigated the taser?
I’m going with the two A’s
They have a meeting in North Adams at 7 PM today
Keep an Open Mind First Congregational Church
134 E Main St
Me to lancet valenti Has convinced me to do it.
Yes. A PPD police officer with 30 hours of training. She’s the training officer that would have instructed the PPD on how to use tasers. So talk about a conflict of interest. “Oh they did everything right because I trained them, it was equipment failure.”
Gaynor also filed complaints against other officers and couldn’t be trusted on the streets so they gave her a promotion and moved her to training section.
“ Gaynor said that, on Jan. 12, 2006, she was going down to her office in the basement of the Police Department when she saw Keyes standing at the top of the stairs to the basement level. When she walked past him, Keyes moved down the stairs with her. As she walked faster, Keyes picked up the pace. Granger’s report states that Lt. Michael Wynn witnessed the incident, but that he “had no recollection” of what had occurred in a report that he filed with the Police Department and stated that Gaynor never mentioned the incident to him.”
I wouldn’t trust her judgement on anything.
WW-I’m not taking Gaynor’s side here, but I will tell you Del Keyes didn’t have the best reputation. Ask any Pittsfield cop who has been on 15+ years. I’ll 100% you will not find one who will back him.
Just ask. Keyes is not a source to use.
Andrea Harrington is bragging on her Facebook page of being recognized by a group called Mpm’s Demand Action. According to influencewatch, the group supported the Disarm Hate Act, first introduced in 2017 and introduced again in 2019. The act sought to prevent individuals convicted of misdemeanor hate crimes from possessing firearms. The legislation, in California for example, would apply to minor “hate crimes,” such as deliberately and repeatedly using a transgender person’s non-preferred pronouns.
The group’s founder is former director at Monsanto with an extensive political background who got caught presenting herself as as a non-political regular person and “stay-at-home” mom moved to action by Sandy Hook, even though she started collecting contributions before the shootings. NPR ran a major correction when the truth was learned.
Just another day in the phony world of DA Harrington.
Berkshire Eagle
Letter: How my experience as a Pittsfield business owner influences my vote for DA
To the editor: I am writing this as a business owner in downtown Pittsfield and a citizen of Berkshire County.
I own a business in the Central Block of downtown Pittsfield. The things that the juveniles are doing to our streets and in our businesses are very sad. I call the police at least three times a week, along with other business owners. Nothing is being done because their hands are tied due to the fact that District Attorney Andrea Harrington lets these people go. Absolutely no consequences for their actions, such as smoking pot and making a mess of our common area.
The management has put in surveillance cameras and have posted signs to no avail to the business owners or the people who visit our businesses.
Business owners of North Street and the management of Central Block had a meeting on Aug. 10 with Andrea Harrington to discuss the problems we were having with the juveniles trying to break into our businesses and harass the people who come and go. Andrea Harrington had no idea what was going on. Really, Andrea, you don’t look at the logs at the police department? Isn’t Linda Tyer a friend of yours? Don’t you talk about what is happening in our city?
It’s time that we take back our city and go forth with building up North Street so we have a safe place to come and enjoy what has been brought to North Street. without people harassing or stealing from our businesses.
I ask that on Sept. 6, you vote for change to downtown Pittsfield. Vote for Tim Shugrue for district attorney and take back our city.
Tracy Wilson, Pittsfield
The writer is owner of Indulgence Hair Salon in
It is a shame what all business’s on North Street have to endure on a daily basis. You say that Andrea and Linda are friends. That is the problem!!! Linda Tyer has shown over and over that she turns a blind eye to any and every issue in the City. After all, we are all suppose to believe that Pittsfield is Dynamic and Vibrant, and you had better not think otherwise!!
Sounds like the friendship isn’t as strong anymore because of lack of endorsement from Linda for the da’s reelection?
A lot of Harrington’s supporters are these upper class suburban women who have no idea what real life is all about. They are protected by their high incomes from dealing with the crime on the streets and they don’t care about the rest of humanity despite their high-minded rhetoric.
And most would be speed dialing for help if they experienced what others experience daily.
True, they own more than one expensive vehicle so they don’t worry about walking the streets or riding public transportation if one of their cars is in the garage or they have their help take care of messy things like car repairs by waiting for or picking up the vehicle. They live in wealthy neighborhoods with little or no crime so crime is NOT a priority for them.
The picture in the media the other day of Harrington and her wealthy looking women supporters having a tea party is so out of touch with what most Americans are experiencing when it comes to crime. Biden coming out today and saying he now supports the police and wants to hire more doesn’t begin to address how Biden and his far left so demoralized the police for the past years. Good luck finding people who want to be a cop after all the ways Biden, the far left, and his Soros backed District Attorneys convinced the country to hate the police.
Harrington’s kid goes to a 70k/yr boarding school.
After Tuesday September 6, Will she still be able to keep the child in boarding school at that $ rate?
Another of Kamala’s and activists of the bailout program in Minneapolis she promoted and herself donated to just committed murder.This guy had a awful prior record. Yeah now these A Holes are all about law enforcement.
The Berkshire Brigades held their debate in the middle of a Tues afternoon workday at “The Mount.” Eyeroll.
The most dangerous animal in the world is a left wing, white woman with time and money to kill.
I am sure the Eagle and police department have no idea so I am going to ask here if anyone has any idea how many catalytic converters have been stolen in Pittsfield in the last month?
Average of 4 to 5 a day. That equals up 120 to 150. Probably a conservative estimtate.
Stop being a putz fritz.We’re all trying to get to the bottom of this tazerv fiasco
Kempthorne’s letter went some way towards explaining why a smart person with good legal skills would support an unqualified candidate. I have never generally understood why the legal community did that, and promoted this direction, and maybe that gives me my malaise over this election.
I generally hope all the hard working civil servants don’t fear for their jobs when whatever change happens happens. Experience is important.
The legal community has all dropped her. Almost every single one them has turned against her. Yet Harrington doubles down on blaming the police. She is an incompetent attorney and a not too smart politician either.
So the Berkshire Brigades holds a Tuesday afternoon debate, in Lenox, at The Mount?
Exactly what inclusivity are they promoting there? Retired, rich, white people of the $1 million to $6 million home demographic?!?!
Andrea never has been accused “sweating the small stuff” from improper attire, letting murderers go, failing to pay taxes, not paying her tickets and driving on a suspended license, not paying her credit card bills, and that lack of “sweating the small stuff” has bled over into every aspect of the incompetent and mortally corrupt DA’s office.
Why didn’t they have the debate at the First Street Commons, you know where the BTG was hassled by thugs and there was a shooting, by a teen, one block away in broad daylight. Andrea would have needed police protection from her Lenox cop friend because not one PPD officer would vote for her.
Andrea loves Lenox, Williamstown, Richmond, West Stockbridge, and sometimes Great Barrington, but she stays far faraway from the working towns.
Crime is down because crime is based on police taking reports and inputting them into the computer system. Wynn has explicitly told police not to take reports, not to input them into the system, locals and business owners don’t even bother calling anymore. When the DA decriminalizes most crimes, of course crime stats are going to drop.
Andrea Harrington is so stupid it’s dangerous.
And I don’t blame one PPD Officer for not taking reports or investigating crimes DA Wrong Way doesn’t prosecute. Why waste your time?
If you spent hours building something and I came over and immediately destroyed it. You built it again, and again I destroyed it. Would you keep building it?
What do you mean, waste their (PPD) time? WTF are we paying cops for if not to document, investigate and arrest the violent destructive criminal crackheads. When cops refuse to arrest the violent destructive criminals, the degenerate cops become complicit in the crimes committed by their fellow crackhead criminals.
Did I see you TDS and Fuzzie Fizzle?? There was a huge Trump, er I mean Alf reprisal of the 1791 Park Square insurrection!! Saw many overweight privileged white people yelling and screaming, I thought they were coming to kill me as I drove by….jail them all in the secret bomb shelter in the cellar at the Police station and throw away the key. Screw the constitution and a speedy trial amongst peers, TDS and Fuzzie know better, let them rot!! How can these privilege do this? They didn’t care at all about the bums working the spot, shameless!!