(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE MONDAY SEPT. 26, 2022) — “The pandemic is over” — President Joe Biden.
“The border is secure” — Vice President Kamala Harris.
“The check is in the mail” — Every swindler, hustler, and con artist.
Both sides do it, especially on the extremes, but no one does it better than the Loon Left Liberals (LLL). [ED. NOTE: The proper usage of (LLL) is ALWAYS in parenthesis because this group is an afterthought to serious discussion]. They are that tiny group of extremists who have hijacked the once-respectable Democrat Party and the POTUS with it, turning it into an asleep enclave of out-of-touch wokesters. They have two goals: (a) Enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else and (b) destroy the United States of America.
Those who have a different point of view than this “diversive, inclusive, and equitable” (DIE) bunch are either “canceled,” branded (“racist and misogynist” among other “ists”) or forced to support them.
Unfortunately, this minuscule horde — an oxymoron is ever there was one — has unleashed a political pandemic, one that has drowned half of America.

Oh, the irony.
The White House and Democrat officials compel Big Tech to censor those who spread “misinformation” online, violating our First Amendment rights to free speech enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. It doesn’t matter if what voters say is truthful or backed by facts; if anything conflicts with the left’s political narrative and far-left ideology, it’s deemed “misinformation” and wiped from view in what’s known as “shadow-banning.”
Poof, gone!
Yet, hypocritically, there’s hardly a day that goes by where Democrats and the Biden regime aren’t lying to our faces spreading misinformation themselves without any correction or accountability from the same social media networks, legacy media or so-called fact-checkers. They all take a nap when it comes to calling out fellow Democrats’ dissemination of lies, half-truths and propaganda that’s in plain view to the rest of us.
For instance, on Sunday, the Biden administration’s underperforming “border czar,” Vice President Kamala Harris, told “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd twice during an interview our country’s borders are “secure.” Did she miss that, to date, there have been over 2 million illegal migrant encounters on her watch since Team Biden set up shop on Pennsylvania Avenue?
“The number of migrant encounters at the southern border has smashed through the two million mark this fiscal year, breaching the already-historic 1.7 million encounters last year — but those numbers by themselves do not state how (many) have been released into the U.S., or account for hundreds of thousands of others who have slipped past Border Patrol,” Fox News reported on Tuesday.
Todd mentioned the staggering statistic but didn’t push back as Biden’s veep danced around the facts delivering her usual “word salad” responses. Then, days later, Fox News cameras captured evidence in Naco, Arizona, of human smugglers and their victims scaling the border wall decked out in camouflage entering the U.S. illegally — not apprehended by U.S. border patrol. Will these young victims be sex-trafficked in our homeland? Will they be abused, enslaved or murdered? One shudders to contemplate their fate, but according to Harris, we shouldn’t worry, because our borders are “secure.”
Yeah, right!
The vice president wants us to ignore what we see with our own eyes, including video surveillance, reports of at least 750 migrant deaths at the U.S.-Mexico border so far this fiscal year and statements made by the administration’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about scores of illegal migrants detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement who weren’t COVID tested by the Biden administration before being released into our communities during the pandemic.
Also no mention of the mammoth number of unvetted and unvaccinated “gotaways” who evaded apprehension by Customs and Border Protection on her watch or the steady flow of deadly narcotics — including fentanyl — pouring into our country on a regular basis.
“Over 440,000 illegal immigrants have gotten away from border patrol agents in the last year, and illegal drugs continue to flow into our communities,” tweeted Ranking Member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., on Tuesday. “The crisis at the border is out of control. We need to secure our border and reinstate the consequences of illegal entry.”
And when it comes to narcotics flowing in the U.S., it’s well known that drug cartels are now targeting American children by making “rainbow fentanyl” pills that look like candy to poison and kill our babies. “Thousands of the colorful pills were seized recently at a port along the U.S. border in what the Drug Enforcement Administration called an ‘alarming emerging trend’ that ‘appears to be a new method used by drug cartels’ to reach young people,” reported the Sun Sentinel this week. “Between Aug. 16 and 17, Customs and Border Patrol Officers confiscated over 265,000 of the colored pills at the Port of Nogales in Arizona, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody wrote in a recent news release. The DEA reported finding rainbow fentanyl in 18 states in the month of August.”
So, no, our borders are not “secure.” Far from it!
But that’s not the only misinformation Democrats spread to advance their agenda. President Joe Biden told us in July there was “zero inflation,” despite the inflation rate being 8.5% at the time — the highest in nearly four decades — and continues to be elevated today, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics latest report.
This is the same administration that told us inflation was “transitory” — a lie — and when appearing on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” in June, the president said, “We have the fastest-growing economy in the world.” Never mind that the U.S. economy shrank the first two quarters of 2022, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average [has] plunged.
Now add the increase in food prices harming Americans. The National Review: “The cost of ‘food-at-home’ was up 13.5 percent year-over-year — the largest increase since March 1979.”
Clearly nothing to brag about, despite the Biden regime’s penchant for gaslighting the masses.
Bottom line: When Democrats accuse others of “misinformation,” tell them to look in the mirror.
Last updated: September 14th, 2022 at 14:09 pm
Copyright (c) 2022 Creators.com Distributed by Creators.com. Used by Permission.
———- ooo ———-
As infuriating as this is, nothing beats having one-party rule at the local level, which we have in Massachusetts with the (LLL). Statewide, Bay Staters are political prisoners. At the county and city level (Berkshire, Pittsfield), it’s reached a point where the damn is ready to burst … or be torn down.
The Kapanskis possess the Tools of Remedy: Nationally, voters have the November mid-terms to send a message. Locally, we have the 2023 municipal elections, a big broom that can sweep the (LLL) out of the corner office, the city council, and the school committee. Voters gave Andrea Harrington the boot. Who’s next?
“Now that I think about it, why DID kamikaze pilots wear helmets?” — Hideki Hockaloogie.
Copyright (c) 2022 By Dan Valenti, PLANET VALENTI and EUROPOLIS MANAGEMENT. All rights reserved. The views and opinions expressed in the comment section or in the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not necessarily endorsed by the operators of this website. PLANET VALENTI assumes no responsibility for such views and opinions, and it reserves the right to remove or edit any comment, including but not limited to those that violate the website’s Rules of Conduct and its editorial policies. Those who leave comments own all the responsibilities that are or can be attached to those comments, be they rhetorical, semantic, or legal. Such commentators remain solely responsible for what they post and shall be and remain solely accountable for their words. PLANET VALENTI shall not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from any posted comment or outside opinion or commentary as provided in, but not limited to, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and this website’s terms of service. We serve as a marketplace of ideas, without prejudice, and available to all. All users of this website — including readers, commentators, contributors, or anyone else making use of its information — hereby agree to these conditions by virtue of this notice and their use of/participation in this website. When PLANET VALENTI ends with the words “The Usual Disclaimer,” that phrase shall be understood to refer to the full text of this disclaimer.
How long before Fizzy and TSC open a bottle of whine and a jar of TDS spice? I’m
I’m voting no confidence, in free and fair elections Nov 2022.
Liberals have America too far down the Highway to Hell.
Yes they are typical of the Looney’s left mantra, complain others only regurgitate talking points when they are actually the ones doing it.They can not think for themselves probably because they would be too afraid if they left the reservation and stopped believing the kool aid they drink daily. Unfortunately they are typical of the Masshole Dems who sold out a show of the Squad in Boston. Talk about poster children for what Dan wrote about today!
The show they sold out was a small theater in Somerville about the size of the Little Cinema. The Squat can only fill tiny spaces. Their days are numbered.
Have you sent in your weekly check to Trump to help pay for his lawyers? His bills keep going up and now his kids are even begging for money to help pay for THEIR lawyers. (and you don’t think think you are being played) Too funny for words
Eggs are $5/dozen.
Biden did that!!!
Butter is $5-6/lb, Biden did that!
Make Diesel $1.69/gal again!!!
Pass the whine
The real reason why voters gave Berkshire County D.A. Andrea Harrington the boot is because she is honest, which means that she was NOT in the pocket of the elitist political establishment, who went all in for Tim Shugrue: the greedy Ambulance chasing and divorce Attorney who controversially thanked retired Judge Dan Ford after he won the election.
Joe Biden ousted Donald Trump in 2020 because the billionaires on Wall Street wanted him to be in their pocket when the Financial Elites gave Joe Biden’s presidential campaign more big money than any other political candidate in U.S. history. They saw Donald Trump as a loose cannon whom they could not control.
Lastly, 2023 is predicted to see one of the worst economic recessions since 2008, 2002 and the Great Depression of the 1930s. The Swamp will still spend tens of trillions in “Biden Buck$”, and the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates until almost all of us declare bankruptcy. But we may not live to see 2023 if Putin takes out his nuclear weapons toy box and blows up the world – he is NOT bluffing.
i dont think you read what you write before you hit send.
This is called attention seeking behavior.
In Jon’s mind any attention is good attention, positive, negative, it’s all the same to him.
What to stop this insanity, just completely ignore him, no up or down votes, no comments. He seeks attention, if you give it to him he’ll keep coming back.
Melle should have hired Tim to handle his divorce case from reality. Maybe things would have been different for himself?
Yeah, and the county dems have gone ultra MAGA semi fascist. So there.
It’s a small radical group of far left Democrats causing all this chaos, but their numbers, especially in the media, are quite large. They own most of the media and dupe Americans on a daily basis. Fentanyl is killing 300 Americans a day and is the number one killer of people between the ages of 18 to 45. Silence from the media on this issue which is unforgiveable.
Fentanyl is killing 300 Americans everyday and is the number one killer of those between the ages of 18 to 45. Silence from the far left media. Only FOX reports it and Newsmax.
Psychiatry: An Industry of Death
Kids in Psychiatry’s Cross Hairs
Millions of children are given psychiatric labels for normal childhood behaviors and prescribed psychiatric drugs that drive them to commit violent acts and suicide.
Twenty million children are prescribed mind-altering psychiatric drugs, even babies under one year old.
Where’s the parents? Do they not possess discernment?
I didn’t know even a handful of crazy kids when I was growing up. There was one kid in my suburban elementary school who would eat the art paste. That’s about as crazy as it got in my middle class suburban elementary school. There was a budding psychopath in the neighborhood, but he was still young enough so as to not be a danger, yet. I still see him around once in a blue moon, much older, but I still wouldn’t trust him. Crosby JR. High was a different story. Crosby was host to a lot of dysfunctional kids from lower-class dysfunctional families. That’s not to say that there weren’t problems in suburban families. But most, if not all suburban households in my neighborhood consisted of two parents, a male daddy and female mommy committed to raising their kids as best they could. Providing a roof over their heads, feeding them at least 3 times a-day, taking them to the doctor and dentist, making sure they started each new school year with a whole new wardrobe and went to school every day in clean clothes, backyard summer picnics, 4th of July and Halloween parades that really were wonderful, family holidays, Drive-in Movies, Christmas’ where you got almost everything you wanted, and sometimes you did, Blue Berry picking, CONFESSION on Saturday, Church every Sunday, Boys Scouts and Girls Scouts, which luckily didn’t involve any molestation by any deviant pillars of the community. There was also alcoholism, infidelity, and even a crime of passion, murder, when I was growing up. But I think the difference is that there was enough normal, including even the dysfunctional normal, to survive childhood without psychotropics when I was growing up.
You went from Grant Avenue School in Mayfield, where the Cleavers attended, to Blackboard Jungle.
Miss Canfield was hot.
Miss Cone would hit your knuckles with the ruler!
Silence from the far left media? So you do listen to it? Do NOT let Tucker Carlson find out about that because you know you were told to stay in line with the MAGA story line.
What did you read/learn in the Berkshire’s Left Winged Parrot today, Fizze?
MAGA whine.
Biden’s policies at the border are killing 300 Americans per day with Fentanyl. He only recently addressed it, conveniently before elections, but it’s too late. Fentanyl is here and it’s a public health crisis.
Drugging Our Children
How Profiteers are Pushing Antipsychotics on Our Youngest,
by Sharna Olfman and Brent Dean Robbins
Antipsychotic drug prescriptions for children are skyrocketing, in spite of the fact that they cause irreparable harm to developing brains and bodies and shorten lifespan when used long term.
Since 2001, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of antipsychotics to treat children for an ever-expanding list of symptoms. The prescription rate for toddlers, preschoolers, and middle-class children has doubled, while the prescribing rate for low-income children covered by Medicare has quadrupled. In the majority of cases, these drugs are neither FDA-approved nor justified by research for children’s conditions.
Source please.
Only opioid addicts are at risk for Fentanyl death. Just like, don’t be a junkie and you’re good. Let’s hope your kids or grandkids aren’t hiding their little activities from you.
Not true. Young kids who are not opioid addicts are dying from Fentanyl.
Get out of the rain it’s soaking your brain.
If you’re dumb enough to use it you deserve what you get…. stop coddling these losers – smash the idiots not the ‘stigma’. It ain’t a f* stigma it a disgrace. Stop taking drugs. Or you’ll die. Finite.
DEA Warns of Brightly-Colored Fentanyl Used to Target Young Americans
Deadly ‘Rainbow Fentanyl’ Looks Like Candy,
Flowers Are Red / Harry Chapin
The little boy went first day of school
He got some crayons and started to draw
He put colours all the paper
For colours was what he saw
And the teacher said.
What you doin’ young man
I’m paintin’ flowers he said
She said…
It’s not time for art young man
And anyway, flowers are green and red
There’s a time for everything young man
And a way it should be done
You’ve got to show concern for everyone else
For you’re not the only one
And she said…
Flowers are red young man
Green leaves are green
There’s no need to see flowers any other way
Than the way they always have been seen
But the little boy said…
There are so many colours in the rainbow
So many colours in the morning sun
So many colours in the flower and I see everyone
Well, the teacher said.
You’re sassy
There’s ways that things should be
And you’ll paint flowers the way they are
So, repeat after me…
And she said…
Flowers are red young man
Green leaves are green
There’s no need to see flowers any other way
Than the way they always have been seen
But the little boy said…
There are so many colours in the rainbow
So many colours in the morning sun
So many colours in the flower and I see every one
The teacher put him in a corner
She said.
It’s for your own good.
And you won’t come out ’til you get it right
And all responding like you should
Well finally he got lonely
Frightened thoughts filled his head
And he went up to the teacher
And this is what he said.
And he said
Flowers are red, green leaves are green
There’s no need to see flowers any other way
Than the way they always have been seen
Time went by like it always does
And they moved to another town
And the little boy went to another school
And this is what he found
The teacher there was smilin’
She said…
Painting should be fun
And there are so many colours in a flower
So, let’s use every one
But that little boy painted flowers
In neat rows of green and red
And when the teacher asked him why
This is what he said.
And he said
Flowers are red, green leaves are green
There’s no need to see flowers any other way
Than the way they always have been seen.
Sounds like Trumpism to me
Flowers are RED, GREEN leaves are GREEN! So, I guess it’s safe to say that you will never live in an Octopus’ Garden, in the shade. Unless you meant MAGA TRUMPISM, in that case, There are some MANY COLOURS in the RAINBOW, and not the rainbow high jacked by the depraved LGBTQQIASSHOLES, so MANY COLOURS in the morning SUN,….
Open the whine hear it fizz
Two registered Voters in my household only one received a Vote by Mail 2022.
Twice now this happened.
Might be party afiliation.
Did the other voter vote last elections?
They never remove people from the voting lists, for inactivity anymore. They might “need” some more votes the day after the polls closed……….
Question is: do mail in ballots for inactive voters go into a different box at the mailroom?
They were supposed to look at that Nov 2020.
The Democrats are playing the long game. They may or may not lose in November, but even if they lose, they have put policies in place to destroy the country that will be difficult to stop. The invasion of immigrants, the flooding with drugs, and the increase in crime and the billions being spent on the green new deal.
I was at a charming country farm yesterday and all the kids were having a ball being given pumpkins to take home. But of course along comes a bunch of libral democrats and they goes to bustin all the kids punkins right in front of them. You could tell they were democrats because they were not wearing red hats. And one of these low life libral democrats even glowered right into the face of a kid with cerebral palsy before rolling his punkin out in front of a semi tractor trailer. Then he sneered when the kid started to bawl. Typical long game democrat I tell ya.
I videoed the whole episode and sent it to Hannity. Prolly be on the TV thing tonight if ya wanna see fer yer own selfs.
Send me a copy.
Do they grow weed there?
Your attempts at satire are lame. It’s more like sadtire.
I think you meant you comment for Pat. (aka Patti Paranoia)
Fizzie was the kid at the farm that they hung pork chops around his neck, so the puppies would pretend to play with him.
and you were the guy that looked like he was stuck on the back of a sheep
fizzle i hear you really REALLY like sheep.
The goat was Your Daddy, and the sheep was Your Moma!!!! ROFL!!!!!!!
Hey GOOGLE… … …
This store is being ransacked in this Democrat city. They are so arrogant that they expected the employees to make sandwiches for them as they ransacked the store. “We’re gonna be here awhile” they told the employee who stormed out of the door.
If I owned a store in a blue led city, I’d only sell work boots and clothing worn for hard labor type jobs, like plumbing or construction. It’d be the only store not looted or pillaged.
Add tobacco products, liquor, and lottery tickets, to you’re store and you’re playing with fire.
That’s the only stuff not looted during the BLM riots, er “peaceful protests”, “the Liberal summer of love ” 2020
Cat’s in the Cradle / Harry Chapin
My child arrived just the other day
He came to the world in the usual way
But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay
He learned to walk while I was away
And he was talking ‘fore I knew it, and as he grew
He’d say “I’m gonna be like you, dad”
“You know I’m gonna be like you”
And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon
Little boy blue and the man in the moon
“When you coming home, dad?” “I don’t know when”
But we’ll get together then
You know we’ll have a good time then
My son turned ten just the other day
He said, thanks for the ball, dad, come
I got a lot to do, he said, that’s okay
And he, he walked away, but his smile never dimmed
It said, I’m gonna be like him, yeah
You know I’m gonna be like him…
Losing it city?
Flowers are GREEN, RED leaves are RED, and ALWAYS IN NEAT ROWS!
Gave you that bicycle for your birthday though.
And the ice skates. Both of which I had to learn to do by myself. I still have the scars to prove it. Especially memorable was the swimming lesson after you tossed me overboard in shark infested Lake Onota. I couldn’t get to shore fast enough. And for those life lessons on the importance of self-reliance, I am eternally grateful. Happy Birthday, to me! To this day every time I see dragonflies in my yard, which is just about every day, I’m reminded of the wonderful trips to Springside Park Zoo to see the beautiful Peacocks and playing near the water’s edge and empty threats that if I didn’t stop whining the bountiful dragonflies/sewing needles would sew up my mouth. I remember SCREAMING when a dragonfly landed on me. I don’t know that I ever looked at a dragonfly without that wonderful childhood memory.
But… did you die!
Follow-up questions are not allowed, always interesting to see Karine Jean Pierre and Peter Doocy as she completely dodges very simple questions for two straight minutes.
She’s a step down from “Little Red Lying Hood”, Psaki.
But TSC and Fizze are entranced by her gobbledygook.
The G man has won the prestigiousAdoladecAward given to a local citizen of a City who exemplifies contribution and excellence to the community.
How does one win such an award? Who is the awarding body?
Don’t expect him to answer your questions – he gives himself awards!
What a joke!
The Gman is a narcissistic bloviator.
Don’t believe his crap!
That is funny Fritz pud Rickles…. G man is full of it but the stooge gets a free pass? No,he gets free stuff from bootlicking. Stooge is on right now bootlicking Adam Hinds. Cant get any lower. Stooge,p? Hinds is a political grifter who’s only mission is to advance his own career you buffoon.
Research Brief
More Work to Do: Analysis of Probation and Parole in the United States, 2017-2018
Kendra Bradner, Vincent Schiraldi, Natasha Mejia, and Evangeline Lopoo1
Eliminate incarceration as a response to non-criminal, technical supervision violations Whether in the form of “holds” while a suspected violation is investigated or revocation of a person’s supervision, incarceration is an outsized and highly disruptive response to behavior that is not criminal. As research on pretrial detention has shown, even short periods of incarceration can be highly disruptive to housing, employment, and family ties (Andersen 2016; Apel 2016; Freudenberg et al. 2005; Kling 2006). Moreover, research suggests that charging and incarceration for technical violations is highly racially disparate (Curry 2016; Grattet et al. 2009; Jannetta et al. 2014; Olson and Lurigio 2000; Steen and Opsal 2007; Steen et al. 2012; Steinmetz and Henderson 2016; Vito et al. 2012). People under community supervision should not be incarcerated, even for short-term holds, unless they are accused of having engaged in criminal activity. In cases where criminal activity is suspected, policymakers should require judicial review before a person is incarcerated, with the same level of due process proceedings that would be expected for a member of the public who is not on probation or parole. Policymakers should also require that revocation proceedings only follow after, not in place of, full criminal proceedings and conviction. This ensures appropriate due process, and avoids unnecessary incarceration. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that even dramatic policy changes in this area are possible. Over twothirds of respondents to a survey administered by the American Probation and Parole Association (2020) indicated that their agency had suspended arrest procedures for technical violations since the pandemic.
Justice Lab
I am not looking for attention for its own sake. I experienced unusual events in my life in Berkshire County when I was a young man during and after my dad, Bob’s, political activism there since the Spring of 1996 when he began his successful campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner that he began when I was only 20 years old back then.
I know all about Pittsfield politics, which I still follow from my perch in Amherst, New Hampshire, as a middle-aged man who is now 47 years old. I still root for Pittsfield and Berkshire County all of these years later, but I believe the corrupt and greedy political establishment there is only about power and the Almighty Dollar for their own gains. I guess it is the same everywhere. I like that blogger Dan Valenti fights for the little guy who he calls the fictional Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski family who proudly lives by the rules in Pittsfield, Massachusetts.
My last name Melle comes from the small commune of Melle, Piedmont, Italy, but I have never visited there, as my great-great grandfather Michael emigrated to Pittsfield in the 1880s; he passed away in Pittsfield in 1937. I am sad that Italy will soon have a neo-fascist government for the first time since the end of WW2. Italy’s national debt is excessively high, and Italy’s bonds are almost worthless to investors. The U.S. and Europe are both predicted to be in a brutal recession in 2023, which will rival 2008 and 2002’s brutal recessions. I hope that history will NOT repeat itself 100 years apart so that democracy, the rule of law, and Human Rights will all stand strong in the 21st century.
It is time for the Financial, Corporate and Ruling Elites to invest in the people and the communities the common people live in again so that political extremism won’t have fertile ground to grow again like the cancer that it has been and continues to be in government both in the U.S.A. and overseas.
Write your own story and stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are response-able for your own life. U make it happen. Be a victor, not a victim.
And if only we had a leader like Italy has elected, we could make America number 1 again.
Hey, Cannibishopper; Find meaning in the midst of the victim mentality, and the path forward will open.
Make a move bruh, do suttin’ outside your comfort zone.
Simultaneously wholly aware (the knowledge, because you know for sure) that you cannot Trust anything….. that’s balls.
Look around you & feel it. Nothing lasts forever. We are all cheated. We are all unsafe. We are all Pawns, whatever word you want to select just not the enn word nor my hairstyle – that is all of us Bruh… Even a 1% still has one lifetime.
Light a candle, build a nest. KEEP A JOURNAL. Just stop f* suffering in front of me okay…. I Love you so much you’re makin me ill with this inability of yours to be resilient. It was a bad idea to enlist… there you go, it’s always easier to endure, when you find a way to blame yourself- that the only control you have is your SELF. So enroll in a course Study of Jurisprudence, file a flurry of Motions with the proper Jurisdiction, learn court procedure, how to oversee attorneys, Ethics, civil, criminal, contract, tort, constitutional…. San Francisco Ranchero/Dairy History…. I mean if you’re just sitting around than don’t talk about it anymore. Nobody on the Planet can file a motion on your behalf – you have to do it.
Oh, and last year court procedure changed, so go back do s’more book learnin….
After 17 years…. you’ll be ready for Love.
Good morning everyone welcome to
You don’t look like you have a brain injury.
1. Determine what you are seeking.
2. Obtain it through focused desire.
The Italians threw out the globalist NWO scumbags, that were running Italy into the ground with no regard to the Italian people.
Much like the current installed regime infesting America’s Capitol, the globalists also supported open borders and uncontrolled immigration of criminal aliens. If you don’t have a border you don’t have a nation.
Unfortunately they elected a Mussolini worshiper. What could possibly go wrong?
So like in America, You oppose supporting God, family, and country.
What’s going right in America, under the Liberals, the last 20 months Fizze? One thing?
No she isn’t. Mussolini was a socialist.
Giorgia Meloni is 100% right: “God, Family and Country first.”
Why do you tell that sad story? Talk about happy times like when you were a professional fluffer and met me.You always said I was a mouthful-lol. Don’t be sad. Be you’re cute self.
small story about the fatal car/bicycle accident….If its a Pittsfield story it gets a small box. (if it gets any at all) Per order of the corner office
Well, it really is terrible considering all the money spent on bike lanes in Pittsfield to ensure bicycling safety while at the same time making the ROADWAYS unsafe for motorists. I recently observed a bicyclist riding on a sidewalk for several feet, only to have him drop off the curb directly in front of my vehicle. I was traveling at a very cautious speed, so I was able to avoid being hit by the idiot bicyclist who flipped me off as he safely passed in front of my stopped vehicle.
Get out & vote in the midterm elections. The country can be won back!
You’ve already thrown out your Soros-sponsored DA – good work!
Vote NO on four – no drivers licenses for illegals!
Great news that these European voters are kicking the globalist bums out. They know their policies are a disaster. Americans need to look at the result of the globalist policies in these countries.
Pat,this should make your day. Stooge just called Adam Hinds Kennedyesque.
He must mean Edgar Kennedy, the comic actor who perfected the “slow burn.”
A very fine character actor.
Milk, Ice & #6 Depot – thaz how we do
Are you two stupid? Massachusetts is a D State.And Jeff has zero chance also.
Too many mASSholes are voting.
You might want to research who they DID elect. And they google Italy’s involvement in WW2 and how it came about.
You voted for the puddin head, how’s that working out?
If you are voting in 2nd Berkshire District I urge a write in ballot as TFB loves criminal aliens and hates US citizens.
Ask yourself if she has accomplished ANYTHING for Citizens, of Berkshire/Franklin counties?
She our Beauty Queen. Just sayin…
Fritz putz the G man will be at the city Council meeting tonight try to keep your property taxes low…the G-man is a doer and he is visible, you are a coward and lurking in the shadows. The G-man wouldn’t waste his time responding to you as he doesn’t deal with horses asses. Show yourself tonight and when you speak be sure you tell everyone that you are a horses ass. Fritz putz is a good name for you and anytime I post in the future you shall be known as Fritz putz horses ass. The G-man will be looking for you tonight. I predict you will be a no-show FPHA.
Narcissistic bloviator.
I don’t live in the Pitt thank goodness. Not my city council.
Grow a brain.
There have been several people from out of town in the last couple meetings that have spoken at the city Council or of attended meetings. Fake comments Fritz
Exactly.And contrary to republicans thinking, crime has gone done in all cities
Dear Diary, it all started when…..
The Mental Crisis population just need a Blog they can rely on, not Brein Center yohan’s.
muzzle off
99 names; none of em’s mine
This is the “Doctor” who determined that my Mother did not need a Section 35 despite her several heroin arrests and being found unconscious several times with 25 year Olds whom had since DIED.
Michael’s is Judge Vrabels Serendipitous friend – a defendant, Mommy bones, was ordered to appear on a given date for two concurrent hearings.
1. Class A Drugs. v. Commonwealth.
2. Section 35 v. Family member.
Both on the same day – Section 35 denied.
Stop saying you’re trying to save people. The NARCAN money goes to your Colleages YES or NO ?
**gobble de gobble**
Objection –
I said YES or NO
(gavel emoji) The judge gavelled for order in the courtroom
The Public ain’t buying it. By “it” I mean NARCAN and the explaination. CLEAR TO SEE IT AINT A SOLUTION. We don’t pay for opiate blockers. We’re trying to buy long lasting & useful things for our children who actually desire to live.
Let the FRAIL go – Finite. It’s a choice.
Bleeding their veins, bleeding their familys, bleeding public monies – put a stop to it.
Put them in the vacant jail pods being they possess 0 discretion.
Anyone who requires NARCAN gets a free pass to jail. Keep them drugged & reap the bennies – don’t care. They can water the plantations.
Anyway belated congratulations to the planet and 2500 quite a milestone…and 99.9% of it wasn’t bullshit unlike the PC TV stooge bootlicker Bill were 99.9 is bullshit
You should be seen immediately for psychopathy, a personality disorder characterized by lack of empathy and callousness. There is cognitive behavior therapy that can help.
Empathy for callous deceitful self-abusing death-defying junkie bullshit is not an endless pit of enabling. NARCAN only prolongs the misery junkies dump on the people unlucky enough to love them, unconditionally!
Withholding empathy at this stage in the game, is a conscious choice er, “the wisdom to know the difference.”
You should pass that along to the mayor. If she has a heart, it is black. If she has a conscientious, it is missing some essential parts. Life is not a game show and someone needs to tell her that.
So when will the DA release the results of the Megan Morohn autopsy? Heard on 810 am that she is being buried later this week.
Is there a murderer on the loose? Why no info?
Who cares. What’s here now will Kenneth one city counselor ask any questions about whether the water plant adages of money spewing our tax dollars out for change orders and another thing you can work on Kenny being a lawyer I don’t believe ARPA funds are set up to give to friends or relatives as a matter fact I’m almost certain I cannot believe this is gone by the boards I don’t care about roads at this time of the year it’s too late to fix them anywayAnd all those fluff about road signs and commemorative signs really Dina you should resign you’re useless do some work for the people please
Another fine graduate of Professor Dan’s English Class…..
I’m voicing it I don’t have time for all this bullshit read between the fucking lines asshole
Not Pittsfield High Scohol?
Taconic. What a prize.
Rumor has it that PPD officer Derby and his comfort pet were on site to supervise the road work that produced the now famous Pittsfield, MA SCOHOL project. City councilor Sherman has not only defended the SCOHOL project but has gone so far as to admonish all the mean people who posted mean things about this Pittsfield fuck-up.
Ramblings of a madman!
It’s your opinion and you’re irrelevant anyway, nobody knows who the hell you are ? Lenny
Lenny Fritz same person, tune in to the city Council meeting tonight and watch how a man with steel balls operates.
What award will the G-Man be up for after this?
Balls of Iron
Champion Narcissistic Bloviator.
Prize? Remedial writing course at Taconic.
Are you fritz mr fritz or fritz putz
Rumor has it the G-man is up for the award of the MOST Electroshock therapy sessions that failed to cure his egomania. And he’ll win as long as J-MELLEMANIAC doesn’t show up and steal it out from under the G-Man. The G’Man’s award entitles him to a straitjacket with the Hoover Dam logo, a project the G-Man also takes full credit for.
If I had the power I would appoint Mr Gaetani mayor. When was the last time Pittsfield had a mayor that was not in it to enrich themselves? You are not alone Craig.
Strange thing – it does make sense. Like James Joyce. Maybe Faulkner, perhaps?
Verbs and subjects are overrated.
No,Lenny fritz, mad trapper, Pat,school committee,fizzlehead et al are all overrated.
They are the same upindividual. Wonder who that could be?